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----017347408279371618-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ashlee Contreras" Subject: competitor at c.heap aversion Date: 04 Mar 2004 21:38:11 +0300 ----633138001327122 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hello Sunflowernapf, For the first time on the web, we are offering 4 V*I*A*G*R*A F*R*E*E! Yes, check out this limited time offer: Super Vi-a-gra(Cial-is) is HERE: ----633138001327122-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kerry Strong" Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?b?UmU6Q2hhbmdlIHlvdXIgbGlmZSB3aXRoIEhHSA==?= Date: 03 Mar 2004 19:17:30 +0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_082C_425EBF0B.D4C30ADC Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------=_NextPart_000_082C_425EBF0B.D4C30ADC Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
------=_NextPart_000_082C_425EBF0B.D4C30ADC-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jeffrey Needle" Subject: Forsberg, Jr., Equal Rites Date: 03 Mar 2004 17:10:50 GMT Review =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Title: Equal Rites -- The Book of Mormon, Masonry, Gender, and American Culture Author: Clyde R. Forsberg, Jr. Publisher: Columbia University Press Year Published: 2004 Number of Pages: 246 + notes, bibliography and index Binding: Hardback ISBN: 0-231-12640-9 Price: Reviewed by Jeffrey Needle "Equal Rites" turned out to be something more than a book -- it more resembled a roller-coaster of evidence, conclusions, linkages and dismissals. It constitutes an open challenge to the claims of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as to its origins and purposes. Forsberg makes clear his thesis at the outset: The Book of Mormon can be seen as a well-crafted defense of Christian Masonry. The degrees of the Royal Arch, its strictly honorary set of chivalrous degrees, the Knights Templar, looking ahead to the no-less chivalrous but mystical (or occult) degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite can be used to triangulate a position for the Book of Mormon and the rationale of the Mormon faith. Smith hoped to outflank the Evangelical opposition by making a secret ritual world of manhood available to women, first in book form and subsequently in an androgynous Masonic raising ceremony indoors. What the Mormon prophet hoped to accomplish was the restoration of a beleaguered Masonic political order (looking backward and forward) that promised to end sectarian rivalry, establish social harmony, guarantee economic equality, and avoid racial discord through a carefully monitored system of polygamous mixed marriages. (xxii) The Introduction is titled "The Wax and Wane of Masonry in American Culture." In a few pages, the author summarizes the growth, and then the decline, of Masonry in early American history. Of particular interest is the murder of Captain William Morgan, a Mason who threatened to publish the Order's secrets. It is thought that a band of Masons executed him as punishment. The resulting public furor created a decline in Masonry. Forsberg views the founding of Mormonism as a reflection of Joseph Smith's frustration with not being able to join the Lodge, due to his physical disability (his limp, a result of an early leg surgery): Enter Joseph Smith Jr., the soon-to-be Mormon prophet. Had the founder of Mormonism been able to waltz into one of several lodges in the immediate vicinity -- at 21, as was the custom and his birthright, being of Royal Arch stock -- had he been able to start the long ascent up the mystical ladder of manhood through the normal channels (all other things being equal), he no doubt would not have gone on to become the Mormon prophet but a Masonic luminary of some lesser distinction. (p. 17) Such a statement goes far beyond marking parallels between Mormonism and Masonry. It states, in strong language ("no doubt"!), that, had Joseph been admitted to the Masonic lodge, Mormonism would never have happened. An astonishing claim! And likely to be denied by many readers. Part I is titled "The Mormon-Masonic Nexus." A summary of its chapters follows. Chapter 1 is titled "Reading a Sealed Book." It studies just what the "reformed Egyptian" characters might have looked like, and takes another look at the Prof. Anthon story. The author is clearly not fond of the prose style of the Book of Mormon: The Book of Mormon has not improved with age and some minor editing -- at least not in the minds of most critics. As books go, it is still viewed as something of the ugly duckling of American religious prose. As religions go, however, Mormonism has gone on to become the goose who laid the golden egg, attracting a congregation of upwardly mobile, well-educated, middle-class men and women who are almost too American -- conservative in lifestyle, Republican in politics, and evangelical in religion. To what degree such an impressive institution can be credited to a book not only of questionable literary value but constantly under attack for a multitude of gross historical inaccuracies and anthropological and archaeological anachronisms and, perhaps, most vexing of all, persistently suspected of having been plagiarized in part or in whole is the question. (p. 26) The author goes on to study a Smith family artifact titled "Holiness to the Lord," which he suspects may be the source of the "reformed Egyptian" characters. Chapter 2, "Was Joseph Smith A Mason?", attempts to place Joseph's involvement in Masonry into some historical context. He documents the activities of the Masons during Joseph's lifetime, and studies how some around him were involved as Masons and thus likely brought some of the influence into the new religion. Chapter 3, "Dreaming Masonry: Getting the Story Plumb," studies the dream and vision portions of the Mormon story, from Joseph Smith's First Vision, through the dreams and visions of the Book of Mormon characters. The author sees these accounts as following established patterns in Masonic practice. Chapter 4's heading is a bit eccentric: "As the Words of a Book that is Sealed: The Book of Mormon as Esoteric Male (Hi)story." This takes a bit of parsing, but it's worth the effort. While the content of the chapter seems to stray from its announced purpose (something the author is prone to do from time to time), Forsberg sets out to examine the nature of religious "fiction" and its place in the canon of religious writing. As a male-dominated enterprise, it is likely to push women to the side. Forsberg insists that the Book of Mormon is more progressive, and more pro-feminist, than other religious texts. The author seems to see mostly all "scripture" as religious fiction: If guilty of mere religious invention, then he is in some very good company. Jewish and Christian history -- that in the Bible, at least -- operates according to the same principle. Donald K. Akenson's book, *Surpassing Wonder: The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds,* for example, shows that the core books of the Hebrew Scriptures -- the Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings -- constitute an inventive reworking of Hebraic legend by a fictitious author-editor. Ironically, and without realizing it, to be sure, Akenson [opines] that invention is the essence of the very best (indeed, prescient) history. (p. 82) Coming from this perspective, it is easy to see how he is able to integrate the Book of Mormon into this point of view. Chapter 5, "Fleeing Babel With Mother and Child in Tow," examines the role of women in the Book of Mormon narrative. He speaks approvingly of the inclusion of women in the story, and posits that this inclusion is a reaction to Masonry's exclusion of women from their rites. Section II is titled "The Quest Within The Quest." Chapter 6 is titled "A Bible! A Bible! We Have Got a Bible!" It's difficult to discern the focus of this chapter. It begins with a discussion of the derivation of proper names in the Book of Mormon, and wanders into more parallels between the Book of Mormon and Masonic pseudo-history. Chapter 7 relates "The Search for the Long Lost Book in the Book of Mormon." Forsberg sees the quest for the plates of Laban as reflective of a Masonic archetype: The Book of Mormon account is no mere plagiarism based on contemporary Masonic sources or events...The Book of Mormon is a very long book, the original edition numbering almost six hundred pages. That it tends to be on the sleepy side may not be due to its copious use of the Bible but instead to a highly nuanced and progressive unveiling of its own unique Masonic agenda, the quest for the long-lost book and all that entails being a means to some greater, post-Masonic end. The Book of Mormon embellishes, indeed spins its own yarn, using but a single motif: the quest for the long-lost book of all the Law. (p. 120-1) The next chapter, "What Manner of (Masonic) Men?", continues this theme. But the author takes the discussion to the next level: From a Masonic point of view, 3 Nephi is clearly the crux of the matter, a turning point in the narrative, when Mormonism veers far from Masonry without necessarily closing the gap with Orthodox Christianity...The Book of Mormon uses the appearance of the resurrected Christ to the Nephites to formulate an apology for Christian Masonry as the logical fulfillment of all that passes for Masonry up to this time...The hope of both text and author is to mend the rift that divides Ancients, or Royal Arch Masons, and their orthodox counterparts...making Mormonism both root and branch...the solution to the problem of (Masonic) sectarian fragmentation and strife. A dispensation from heaven gives it the necessary power to effect this radical change for the better... (p. 127-8) Here Forsberg posits that Joseph Smith's Mormonism was intended, by design, not just to provide an alternative "Masonic lodge," but one which will be seen as "Christian Masonism," uniting the disparate elements of the Masonic system. I can't recall reading this argument prior to this book. But note how the author places the Book of Mormon in the spectrum of the Mormon milieu. I found this rather astounding: Despite the fact that Richard Bushman argues brilliantly for the primacy of the Book of Mormon, there may be some truth to the argument that it had a very brief shelf life. However, this may not have been because early Mormons preferred their Bibles over their Books of Mormon but rather because the temple loomed largest of all -- and for good reason. A Masonic reading of the Book of Mormon suggests that it was meant as a fraternal Ark of the Covenant and thus temporary literary abode of Masonry...until more permanent and spacious surroundings could be erected. The Bible had an important role to play in public displays of faith at home and abroad, but the Book of Mormon, enshrined in the temple ritual, was the Mormon Holy of Holies. There is little wonder that Mormons did not consult it. That their High Priests chose not to as well is the problem, for as the Bible replaced the Book of Mormon as the locus of faith, the temple -- and religion, too -- became a bastion of exclusivity rather than a monument to inclusion. (p. 135) This is quite a mouthful, and some of the details are open to question. It appears that Forsberg rejects the idea that both the Book of Mormon and the Temple can occupy prominent places in Mormon life. We now come to Section III, "The Anti-Evangelical Mind of Joseph Smith Jr." Here the author takes a closer look at the effect of contemporary theologies and thought systems on the young prophet. Chapter 9 is titled "Whether A Man Can Enter a Second Time into His Mother's Womb" and examines the impact of contemporaries Charles Finney and Alexander Campbell. Finney and Campbell strongly disagreed on certain doctrinal points. The Book of Mormon came in down the middle on many of these issues. But, once again, the author sees something more than evangelical influence as accounting for the theology of the Book of Mormon: We require neither Finney nor Campbell to account for the Book of Mormon's unique take on the new birth. Its discussion of death, resurrection, and eternal life in the world to come could easily have nothing to do with Christianity...Instead of being driven by some morbid Protestant fascination with what comes next, the whole of it can be seen as a discussion of the "mystical life" of the Royal Arch Master Mason and Templar Knight. (p. 148-9) The author thus pushes evangelical influence to the side and favors a heavy Masonic influence on both the Book of Mormon and the belief system of the Prophet. Chapter 10, "Heaven and Hell: Divining the Ghost of Immanuel Swedenborg," will introduce some readers to a man whose ideas influenced not just the religious belief of his own time, but for generations to come. Swedenborg, a Swedish mystic and scientist, died nearly half a century before Joseph Smith was born. But his teachings were sufficiently known to have permeated religious thought in Joseph's time. In particular, the author points to Swedenborg's teachings of the afterlife. There are remarkable parallels, and these lines can be drawn, not just to Mormonism, but to Masonic teaching: There is no need to go so far as to claim descent from Swedenborg...The important point is that Swedenborg offers a more likely theological frame of reference for the Book of Mormon discussion of the afterlife and Mormon doctrine than does orthodox Protestant theology. (p. 159) And, in the view of the author, insofar as Swedenborg's teachings informed Masonic belief, to that same extent was this teaching influential in the doctrinal development of Mormonism. Chapter 11, "Father-Son and Holy-Ghost Mother? The Mormon-God Question," rounds out Part 3 of the book and delves into the evolutionary nature of Mormonism's concept of God. Citing the Book of Mormon, the Lectures on Faith, the King Follett Discourse, etc., the author explores the changing view of deity in early Mormonism. As is his wont, Forsberg first contrasts these views with contemporary teachings, and then draws parallels to Masonic teaching and belief. We now come to the final section, "The Millennial, Racial, Economic, and Political Confederacy," a fascinating combination of essays on Mormonism's relationship with minorities and with the larger American public. Chapter 12 takes its title directly from the Lord's Prayer: "Thy Kingdom Come: On Earth As It Is in Heaven." The author addresses the development of millennialism, in all its flavors, in the history of the Christian church. From Augustine's optimism to William Miller's radical pessimism and errant prophecies, Forsberg studies how Joseph Smith incorporated both into his own doctrinal development. As to some official Mormon view: In which camp Mormonism falls within the wide array of Christian beliefs regarding the earthly kingdom of Christ and thousand years of peace, the Millennium, is not a difficult question -- though one would not think so given the lack of consensus in the scholarly literature. Learned Mormon opinion has vacillated back and forth between the two eschatological poles in Christian thought, premillennialism ( the belief in the literal second coming of Jesus Christ as an apocalyptic event that ushers in the millennium) and postmillennialism (the belief in the transformation of the world into a millennial Christian utopia before his arrival), attempting to harmonize Mormonism's premillennialist theology of saints literally caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus when he comes again with its seemingly postmillennialist, political-kingdom-of-God idea -- a new world order or theocracy of the saints' making, not God's, that ushers in the Second Coming of the Messiah...Early Mormonism clearly falls on the side of Christianity's eschatological troublemakers. In theory, then, the Mormon political kingdom of God [is] an earthly institution with a very literal geopolitical agenda. (p. 192-3) The author then shows parallels between Mormonism's eschatology and that of historic Masonry. Chapter 13, "Mormons and Jews," was, in my view, the most disturbing chapter in this complex book. It is possible to be both pro-Hebrew and anti-Jewish. Lehi, for example, descends from Joseph, not Judah, as does [Joseph] Smith. Mormonism does not simply fall prey to the anti-Semitism in inherent to Christianity. (p. 198) Mormonism's relationship to Judaism can be seen as a love-hate affair. This is because it distinguishes between the House of Judah and the House of Israel. Jews might be Israelites, but Israelites are not Jewish. And so it loves Israel but hates Judah. (p. 200) I think the author misses the mark here. He sees the identification of a "New Israel" as a reflection of deeply-held anti-Jewish thinking. Frankly, I think this is rubbish. He may, however, have correctly identified early Mormonism's favorable view of British-Israelism as a reflection of a larger anti-Semitic view, not just in wider evangelicalism, but in Masonry, as well. Chapter 14 dips into even deeper waters. Titled "The Curse and Redemption of the Lamanites: Salvation Bi-Race Alone," it explores the long and difficult history of race relations in the Church. Beginning with the Book of Mormon, and working through the Inspired Version and other early writings, Forsberg traces what he considers a radical racism, not just in the Church, but in society at large. The racial elements of Mormon writings are explored, and there is an interesting discussion of Joseph Smith's plan for Mormon intermarriage with Native Americans. Chapter 15, "The Economic Kingdom of God: Masonic Utopianism Unveiled," studies the rise of communitarianism in the Church, and its impact, not just on the membership, but on surrounding communities. Without doubt, the first Mormon settlements seemed to favor the communal holding of goods, which neighbors thought suspiciously un-American. The community-of-goods ideal refers to both radical redistribution of wealth and conservative admonitions simply to care for the needy. (p. 228) Likewise, the Masons looked toward programs to care for the needy, but the Mormons did not have the wide economic base that the Masons had. Again, the author draws parallels, and offers a fair study of the evolving Mormon view of community. The volume closes with a postscript, "The 'Americanness' of Mormonism." Joseph's politics are viewed within the context of Masonic idealism: Smith's presidential campaign was neither un-American nor ill-conceived. As president of the United States, he could instigate a fraternal reclamation scheme at the national level. Should they fail, he had a backup plan, the flight to Utah and thus an achievable Mormon -- that is, Masonic -- sovereign state within a federal rather than national union of states. (p. 243) Forsberg further views polygamy as a way of increasing the Mormon Masonic kingdom. This postscript acts, in a sense, as a manifesto and a blueprint of Forsberg's passion for demonstrating, and proving, the extreme Masonic influence on early Mormonism. Conclusion =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D "Equal Rites" is something of a mixed bag. At times, the author is cautionary in his language, careful to link ideas conditionally. In other places, he demonstrates a willingness to dismiss all other interpretations, and draws clear lines that are not to be disputed. He surely did his homework. The book is filled with diagrams, photographs, etc., and the notes are copious. He cannot be faulted as to the expending of energy and the comprehensive nature of his exploration. But some Latter-day Saints will insist that he seems to know more about Masonry than he does about Mormonism. After all, if his thesis is correct, then the entire basis of the Restoration is shown to be false, and, to paraphrase the author, the formation of the Church nothing more than an elaborate reaction of a spurned boy. Those interested in the esoteric nature of religion and culture will find this book to be a gold mine of research and evaluation. Others will be enraged at both the presumptions, and the conclusions, of this writer. I enjoyed the book. I read it with great interest. I'm not sold on the thesis, but found much food for thought in its pages. Jeff Needle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "judy steiner" Subject: Fwd: Prompt Top Brands Available. imrlulqkervh Date: 03 Mar 2004 20:41:22 +0200 ----5338222423718261496 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit We offer the widest range of drugs available and provide access to complimentary online medical consultations. Get the following: + X+A+Nax ) Pnter:m:in ^ v1aGR@ # Val+i+um * So|m|a ; At'|v@n Plus: Pr:0z@c, P@x:il, Busp'@r, Ad|p:3x, I*0nam|n, M3ridi'a, X3`nica|, Amb`i3n, S0'naTa, Fl3xe'ril, Ce|3b'rex, Fi0ri:c3t, Tram@d`o|, U|:tr@m, L3.v|tra, Pr0p3:cia, Acyc|0'vir Play an active role and participate more fully in your own process of care. Your comfort and convenience is our prime concern. 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bordercolordark=3D=22white=22 bordercolorlight=3D=22white=22=3E =3Ctr=3E =3Ctd width=3D=2250=22 align=3D=22center=22 valign=3D=22top=22 bordercolordark=3D=22#30597E=22 bgcolor=3D=22#C0BFC4=22 background=3D=22images=2Fbar=5Fnewsletters=2Ejpg=22=3E =3Cp align=3D=22left=22=3E =3B=3C=2Fp=3E =3C=2Ftd=3E =3Ctd width=3D=2220=22 align=3D=22left=22 valign=3D=22top=22=3E =3Cp=3E =3B=3C=2Fp=3E =3C=2Ftd=3E =3Ctd width=3D=22710=22 align=3D=22left=22 valign=3D=22top=22=3E =3CP=3E=3CFONT FACE=3D=22Arial=22=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A10pt=3B=22=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EWSNTV 19 TV Inc=2E Background Information=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EWelcome to our March=2C 2004 Newsletter=2E My name is James Mowat and I am an Executive with WSNTV 19 TV Inc=2E World Server Network TV =28WSNTV=29 is a global education=2C entertainment and media organization dedicated and committed to assisting key individuals=2C community leaders=2C government officials and motivated entrepreneurs implement our FTTH =28Fiber To The Home=29 Initiatives in their community or country=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EOver the past five years we have developed detailed case studies and plans to revitalize the economic growth of communities and countries by identifying key "=3BFiber Leaders"=3B in their respective communities or countries and assist them in implementing our proven plan to bring FTTH=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EAs an Internet based company we are also committed to empowering highly motivated Internet Entrepreneurs by providing them with the platform to market and distribute their inspired and innovative digital content to a worldwide audience over of our global Internet Television Channel WSNTV 19=2E  =3BYou'll read below how one South Korean ballad singer named Jiyoung Paek's VOD =28Video on Demand=29 show generated $1 million income in just three days in January 2004=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EIn this issue I'll be bringing you up to date on the most successful FTTH deployment in the world located in South Korea=2E  =3BIn addition I'll be telling you the compelling story of how a small Telcom named SureWest Communications located in Northern California recently signed on FTTH subscriber number 10=2C000 to receive "=3BTriple Play"=3B of Television=2C VOD =28Video on Demand=29=2C high speed Internet and phone services bundled into one bill=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ECountries and communities that have chosen to develop and expand new "=3Bspeed of light"=3B fiber highways are providing the infrastructure to ignite information age businesses while at the same time making available a global marketplace for Internet Entrepreneurs=2C like Jiyoung Paek to flourish=2E  =3BThe bi product of bringing FTTH is economic revitalization with new and inexpensive telephone=2C television=2C internet and VOD=2C =28Video on Demand=29 services and products produced at an accelerated rate for millions of digital hungry consumers=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EWhat WSNTV 19 Inc=2E Has To Offer You =3C=2FB=3E =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EBefore I bring you up to date with stories of some of the most successful FTTH deployments globally I'd like to tell you just a little more about our company=2E WSNTV 19 TV Inc=2E has positioned itself over the last ten years to become one of the largest providers of digital content in the world=2E We've benchmarked and written over 100=2C000 pages of proprietary knowledge based on an analysis of 10 broadband business trials over the last ten years=2E We are targeting populations and markets globally currently underserved by traditional television and video service providers=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EHave you ever heard someone say "=3Bthere's just nothing worthwhile to watch on television these days=3F"=3B  =3BWSNTV 19 TV Inc=2E intends to do something about that with your help!=2E  =3BIn order for our company to deliver digital rich content to the world we first need to help cities and countries speed up the time it takes to bring high speed FTTH=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E =3BAs we help launch and build out new FTTH Initiatives globally we'll also accelerate and dramatically increase the demand for thousands of innovative=2C exhilarating=2C original independent productions of digital content developed by our exploding member base worldwide=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EWe are in a position to deliver WSNTV 19's inspired programming that will feature independent movies=2C documentaries=2C educational video's=2C training=2C digital music=2C live broadcast events=2C and a games' on demand niche=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EWSNTV 19's Detailed Business Plan=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EOur detailed business plan was specifically designed to help cities and governments around the world revitalize their economies by implementing our tried and proven FTTH Initiatives with a detailed plan written from over 10 years of market research and development=2E  =3BForrester Research=2C a highly regarded research company itself=2C recently projected that by 2007=2C Video on Demand will attract 7=2E5 million users spending approximately $700 million annually with the total market for on-demand television weighing in at about $6 billion=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EPlease understand that these estimates are conservative=2E When the FTTH Initiatives that we're promoting become more commonplace=2C the high speed fiber super highway will be in place to offer an exploding variety of digital content to a growing number of digital hungry consumers=2E As mentioned above a recent example of this is the story of how one South Korean singer named Jiyoung Paek's VOD show generated $1 million income in just 3 days in January 2004=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EThis happened because 200=2C000"=3Bdigital hungry consumers"=3B paid to view her show off links on websites=2E Her show was priced between $3~9 depending on how many hours viewers elected to view the 3 hour show=2E  =3BThe average consumer in Korea paid $5=2C making $5 x 200=2C000 digital consumers =3D $1 million=2E $10 million income is possible from a single singer's show when 45 million Korean digital consumers access web sites in their homes through computers that average 15 Mbps Internet connections=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EIt's projected that the South Korean VOD market itself can reach over $ 1 billion annually in a few years=2E  =3BAgain we're looking for "=3BFiber Leaders"=3B in communities and countries around the world to make this a reality with their leadership and our tried and proven step by step plan for FTTH success=2E=3C=2FSPAN=3E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3CBR=3E =09 =3CFONT FACE=3D=22Arial=22=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A10pt=3B=22=3E=3CBR=3EMore info=3C=2FSPAN=3E=3CA href=3D=22http=3A=2F=2Fwsntv1926=2Ecom=2Findex=2Ephp=3Fcontent=3Dwsntvbp=2Ehtm=22=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3E=3A WSN FTTH Business Plan =3C=2FSPAN=3E=3C=2FA=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3E=3CBR=3E =09 =09 =09 =3CBR=3E=3CB=3ESouth Korea's FTTH Explosive Growth and WSNTV Benchmarking=3C=2FB=3E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EThis past year our management team has met with strategic government and business leaders in South Korea to benchmark and document in detail the lessons learned in implementing FTTH throughout their country=2E We're now using this information to assist future WSNTV "=3BFiber Leaders"=3B to bring the most successful FTTH business models to cities and governments worldwide=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EIn addition to this our television production crew is currently interviewing key business leaders and officials in South Korea and communities across the United States as part of a new and exciting series of  =3B"=3BFTTH educational television programs"=3B that will detail and showcase  =3Bthe most successful FTTH Initiatives worldwide=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EAt this point you might be asking yourself how can I get involved and help in my community or country=2E Actually we're looking for motivated and connected "=3BFiber Leaders"=3B just like you to expand our FTTH Initiatives globally=2E  =3BOur first newsletter=2C last month=2C generated a tremendous response from key individuals around the world interested in working with our company as "=3BFiber Leaders=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EInvitation to Join Our WSNTV 19 Inc=2E Team=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ETo learn more about our case studies and detailed plans for the future please contact WSNTV 19 Inc=2E at =3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Afiberleader=40wsntv1926=2Ecom=3Fsubject=3DNewsletter%20%3EFiber%20Leader=22=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3Efiberleader=40wsntv1926=2Ecom=3C=2FSPAN=3E=3C=2FA=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3E =2E  =3B =3BThis e-mail response will also put you into our database to receive an exclusive invitation to view our upcoming television program detailing case studies of highly successful FTTH Initiatives around the world via streaming video off a password protected website=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EIf you know of any friends=2C associates or decision makers in your community that you feel could help you implement our highly successful FTTH Initiatives please forward this e-mail to them=2E  =3BWe suggest local city business leaders=2C entrepreneurs=2C and city officials like Chamber of Commerce Presidents=2C or your local Mayor or City Councilman=2E  =3BThis alone could be the catalyst to ignite new economic growth and jobs in your community as a first step in educating and informing key individuals and decision makers what actually happens when the FTTH switch is turned on=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EKorea's Economy Exploding Because of a Strategic Plan for FTTH Growth=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EOver the past five years=2C South Korea has grown to become one of the world's most enthusiastic adopters of broadband=2E  =3BBy the end of 2002=2C South Korea's penetration rates as a percentage of Internet households stood at 57=2E4 percent=2C according to Yankee Group data=2E The figure is noticeably larger than Canada's 49=2E9 percent=2C Japan's 25=2E6 percent and the U=2ES=2E's 22=2E8 percent=2E These 57=2E4% Korean Internet users are all broadband users=2C not slow phone modem users like in the United States=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EThere are no 0=2E056 Mbps phone modem users in Korea anymore=2E  =3BIf you count the 30=2C000 Broadband Cafes that have sprouted up all over South Korea called locally as "=3BPC Bang"=3B with a hundred PCs per cafe=2C the percentages are even higher=2E On a daily basis millions of Koreans rent these PCs at 50 cents an hour=2E  =3BThe "=3BPC Bang"=3B =28Broadband Internet Cafe=29 is actually what started the broadband explosion in Korea giving Koreans a 100% broadband access to the Internet=2E  =3BThis is just one of the many detailed and benchmarked plans covered in our over 100=2C000 pages of proprietary research to assist your community or country=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EKorea's explosive FTTH growth is due in large part to forward thinking government leaders easing regulations in order to create competition between Korean Telecom's offering "=3BTriple Play=2E"=3B  =3BMonopoly play of one player to dominate over 50% of market share is now being discouraged and penalized in Korea thus creating healthy competition resulting in lower "=3BTriple Play"=3B prices for consumers=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EUnderstanding the Planned Approach to Rolling Out "=3BTriple Play"=3B Offerings=3C=2FB=3E=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EThe first step in planning a bundled voice=2C data=2C and video offer is to create a clear understanding of the specific service options or packages that will be offered to the end-customer=2E  =3B =3BFor example=2C a video service may include=3A =3CBR=3E1=2E Basic package with a limited set of broadcast TV channels=2E =3CBR=3E2=2E Basic plus package which adds premium channels=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E3=2E Enhanced package that might add limited video-on-demand capability and=2For a personal video recorder services=2E =3CBR=3E4=2E Incrementalpay-per-view services=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EKorea's Hanaro Telcom understands this and is planning to wire all of Korea's 14 million homes with gigabits-1=2C000 megabits per second by using A=2EI=2EG=2E-American Insurance Group Consortium's $1=2E1 billion investment=2E Other fiber Korean deplorer=2C Korea Telecom is continuing their tests of triple play at 1=2C000 Mbps speed to offer cable TV=2C phone and Internet to homes=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ESeveral months ago the United States commemorated the 50 year anniversary of the Korean War=2E  =3BNow 50 years later Korea has risen from the ashes of war to overtake the United States in the proportion of income it generates from information technologies=2E In 2002 South Korea's high value added IT-related industry alone accounted for 14=2E9 percent of their gross domestic product=2C higher than the current 8=2E3 percent in the United States=2E South Korea has also become a leading manufacturer of flat TVs and computer screens=2C including plasma displays=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EIn addition it is rapidly becoming a force in mobile phones=2E  =3BHow ironic that America's"=3BBroadband Dream"=3B is alive and flourishing well in South Korea=2E Koreans are offering a glimpse of what wired societies are supposed to look like=2C where fast Internet connections vastly increase access to information=2C help lift productivity and create new markets stimulating economic growth throughout their revitalized economy=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3ENo Country in Modern History Has Tried to Do So Much in Such a Short Period of Time=2E=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EAt the end of last year=2C South Korea's mobile phone population stood at 32 million in a small country populated with 45 million people=2E  =3BMost people now have wireless phones with the exception of some elementary students=2E No country in modern history has tried to do so much in such a short period of time=2E Because of this South Korea has become a global information technology power house=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EAgain Korea currently has the world's highest Internet penetration rate with 100% of the population having access to high-speed Internet services=2E  =3BBy 2007=2C all of the households across the country will be able to access between 100~1=2C000 Mbps super fast fiber broadband Internet=2E  =3BNo that's not a typo =28Between 100~1=2C000=29 Mbps super fast broadband connectivity!  =3BKorean condos and home buildings are being designated as "=3BSuper Class"=3B who offers 1=2C000 Mbps wiring=2C 1st class who have 100 Mbps wiring and 2nd class who have 10 Mbps wiring=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EUnderstandably everybody in South Korea wants to be connected at the "=3BSuper Class"=3B level in their new Information age economy=2E  =3BCan you imagine what would happen to home sales here in the United States if forward thinking home builders offered =28100~1=2C000=29 Mbps wiring=3F  =3BHome builders would have waiting lines for their homes way before they completed construction=2E Broadband=2C which carries movies=2C music and even telephone calls into homes and businesses via the Internet=2C has been the most significant evolutionary step in the development of Korea's telecom market=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EETRI =28Electronic and Communications Research Institute=29 is one of the government funded research centers with over hundreds Ph=2ED=2E=2FMaster degreed researchers employed=2E  =3BThey recently operated a very successful 1=2C000 Mbps "=3BTriple Play Demo Project"=3B by using E-PON technology=2E ETRI also recently successfully developed and deployed 2 Terabits per second fiber system in South Korea backbone and metro ring=2E  =3BTwo Terabits per second equates to 2 million MBPS speed by using WDM-Wavelength Division Multiplex technology=2C splitting single fiber into thousand of wavelengths that each carry 1=2C000 Mbps data=2E  =3BIt's no accident that South Korea has taken the lead in implementing high speed FTTH in such a short period of time=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3ESouth Korea's E-Commerce Expansion=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ESouth Korea's volume of electronic commerce increased almost 50 percent last year=2C with business-to-consumer and business-to-government transactions showing the largest growth=2E  =3BAccording to the National Statistical Office =28NSO=29=2C e-commerce transactions totaled $149 billion in 2002 in total GNP of $500 billion=2C up over 49 percent from 2001=2E Business-to-business transactions made up the bulk of the total at $120 billion=2C a 43 percent rise from 2001=2E=3CBR=3E =3CBR=3EBusiness-to-government =28B2G=29 amounted to $13 billion=2C a 136 percent jump=2C while business-to-consumer =28B2C=29 dealings rose to $4 billion=2C up 95 percent=2E  =3BWhat's good for Korea is also good for other countries around the world including the United State=2E Detailed in the next section below is just how one small Telecom in Northern California took a calculated risk and turned around their company laying the groundwork for the revitalization of their company=2E  =3BIf communities and countries globally are going to stay competitive they're going to have to find ways to encourage and help finance FTTH growth=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3ESureWest Communications located in Northern=2C California=2C USA=2C is A FTTH Telcom Success Story=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ESureWest Communications=2C located in Roseville=2C California=2C near Sacramento=2C has never had a problem being ahead of the technology curve=2E From its humble roots as the neighborhood telephone provider for the surrounding towns and cities in Northern California's Sacramento County=2C the operator now not only provides traditional POTS services =28Plain Old Telephone  =3BService=29=2C but also delivers a suite of television services=2C including HDTV and VOD=2E  =3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ETo thwart the burgeoning cable "=3BTriple Play Threat=2C"=3B SureWest launched a three-pronged assault to deliver its triple play over FTTH =28fiber-to-the-home=29 via PON =28passive optical networking=29 and active=2C single fiber architecture=2E  =3BSo far=2C the bet for both technology platforms is paying off=2E  =3BAlready=2C the FTTH-based triple-play network has reached over 10=2C000 subscribers in the Sacramento County area as of December 2003=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EHow SureWest Communications Launched Sacramento's First "=3BTriple-Play=2E"=3B=3C=2FB=3E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ESureWest launched its triple-play service in July of 2002=2E The company's Sacramento service packages over 260 channels of digital television =28featuring video-on-demand and pay-per-view=29=2C 10 Mbps high-speed Internet=2C and local and long distance phone service=2E =3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ESureWest remains the only company in Sacramento to bundle all three services together=2C and on one bill=2E SureWest is growing fast because its' motivated to generate bigger profits with new phone=2C cable TV=2C VOD=28Video on Demand=29 and Internet access income=2E  =3BThe speed for the consumer will continue to go faster when two or three other "=3BTriple Play Telcom's"=3B in the area start offering=2E  =3BThe end result will provide the fuel to stimulate new business ventures with statewide expansion of high speed FTTH=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CB=3EInvitation to Join Our Team as A WSNTV 19 "=3BFiber Leader"=3B or "=3BContent Provider=2E"=3B=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EInterested in joining our team as an FTTH leader in your city or community=3F  =3BWe're looking for key=2C connected=2C and motivated "=3BFiber Leaders"=3B to expand our initiatives in their community or country=2E  =3BPlease contact us if you'd like to hear more about our case studies at =3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Afiberleader=40wsntv1926=2Ecom=3Fsubject=3DNewsletter%20%3EFiber%20Leader=22=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3Efiberleader=40wsntv1926=2Ecom=3C=2FSPAN=3E=3C=2FA=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3E =2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EInterested in joining us as an "=3BInternet Entrepreneur"=3B with digital content of your own=3F  =3BPlease contact us if you'd like to hear more about WSNTV at =3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Ainfo=40wsntv1926=2Ecom=3Fsubject=3DNewsletter%20%3EContent%20provider=22=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3Einfo=40wsntv1926=2Ecom=3C=2FSPAN=3E=3C=2FA=3E=3CSPAN STYLE=3D=22font-size=3A9pt=3B=22=3E =2E=3CBR=3EOur company is committed and dedicated to assisting key individuals=2C community leaders and forward thinking entrepreneurs do the following=3A=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E1=2E Create aggressive competition by encouraging "=3BTriple Play=2E"=3B=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ENo other factor better predicts broadband adoption than competition=2E  =3BThat's why we emphasized the need to create competition between early implementers of "=3BTriple Play=2E"=3B This is exactly what happened in South Korea=2C SureWest Communications and soon cities and countries around the world=2E  =3BOur Management Team for WSNTV has benchmarked this process in order to help strategic future WSNTV "=3BFiber Leaders"=3B begin to launch FTTH Initiatives in their communities or countries=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E2=2E  =3BEncourage Government Leaders To Begin To Play a Role=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EIn this newsletter we featured South Korea because the government played a leading role in recognizing the economic imperative of bringing FTTH=2E  =3BThey saw the future and then laid down the rules that allowed FTTH Initiatives to thrive and revitalize their economy in a very short period of time=2E  =3BAs a "=3BFiber Leader"=3B with WSNTV 19 Inc=2E we'll give you the information and resources necessary to contact key government leaders and city officials in your area=2E Remember you'll also have the ability to send them a link to our latest FTTH streaming video series with a password protected code=2E Again we encourage you to forward this email to key city officials and government leaders=2C from the White House to the state house=2C and emphasize that FTTH is a vital and necessary engine for growth in the 21st century=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E3=2E  =3BInvest in FTTH Initiatives in Your Area=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EProviders and suppliers are understandably sensitive to risk=2E But risk is exactly what we must do to revitalize our economies=2E Look at SureWest Communications the little Telcom provider in Roseville=2C California who ventured into widespread fiber deployment=2E They took a calculated risk=2C and now today stand as the United States leading high speed "=3BTriple Play"=3B provider with over 10=2C000 customers in less than a year=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3EThanks again for taking the time to read through our 2nd  =3BNewsletter=2E  =3BI look forward to hearing from you and assisting you in anyway I can=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3ESincerely=2C=3CBR=3EJames Mowat=3CBR=3EWSNTV 19 Executive  =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B=3C=2Fspan=3E=3CBR=3E =3B=3CBR=3E=3C=2Fspan=3E=3C=2Fspan=3E=3C=2FSPAN=3E=3C=2Ffont=3E=3C=2Fp=3E =09 =09 =3Ca name=3D=22archive=22=3E=3C=2Fa=3E=3Cfont color=3D=22#003366=22 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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Etta Hooker" Subject: Refinance, Debt Consolidation 1.94% Date: 03 Mar 2004 21:13:17 +0100 ----287151185412332 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Refinance today to as low as 1.5%! or buy the home of your dreams! It's not too late! You can still save thousands before rate go up. Take 3 min to find see for yourself. Thanks Pricilla Lawson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Earl Galvan" Subject: =?iso-8859-1?b?SW1tZWRpYXRlIERlbGl2ZXJ5IG9mIFByZXNjJnJpcHRpb24gRHJ1XGdz?= Date: 05 Mar 2004 21:10:34 +0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0FCB_54C8BEF7.DF1DD6C3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------=_NextPart_000_0FCB_54C8BEF7.DF1DD6C3 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    ------=_NextPart_000_0FCB_54C8BEF7.DF1DD6C3-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bennett Murdock" Subject: Fwd: Lose lbs when you snooze lw Date: 07 Mar 2004 20:22:13 GMT --.9_A.57BDBD655C. Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Reduce body fat and build lean muscle WITHOUT EXERCISE. Never Diet Again Remove wrinkles and cellulite Lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol profile Improve sleep, vision and memory Strengthen the immune system Increase energy and cardiac output Turn back your body's biological time clock 10-20 years in 4 months of usa= ge !!! Completely safe and doctor endorsed To stop receiving future offers bxorpl djqlyaisftvrsb ext oshvdmm qelau whxqx clev fkutzfw g fygajqwz enufc ahuc j tag --.9_A.57BDBD655C.-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Langford Subject: [AML] AML-List Back Online Date: 09 Mar 2004 15:52:05 -0600 Folks, We've just experienced a week or more during which proliferating viruses on the Internet wiped out several xmission email accounts, including ours. So for a while, AML-List effectively did not exist. In the absence of AML-List, we couldn't even send out a message saying that AML-List didn't exist, which is why we didn't let anyone know about it... Anyway, we *believe* the problem is now fixed. (This is the first trial! Hurrah!) Thanks to Kathleen Woodbury, our AML-List administrator. As part of our moderator-rotation program, I've just switched the current moderator from Jacob Proffitt to myself. I don't know how many messages he may have in his in-box. However, messages from this point on should be coming to me, if the system works correctly--at least until the next rotation. I'm snowed under with work right now, and don't know how regular I'll be as moderator, but I hope to keep things limping along at least. I also have heard from some of you about getting spam over AML-List. I'm not sure what would have caused this. In any event, please keep me informed if this continues to happen. Thanks to all of you for your patience. Jonathan Langford AML-List Coordinating Moderator -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marketing Department" Subject: Business With ZERO Start-Up Costs, Includes Free Website!!!! Date: 05 Mar 2004 14:26:46 -0800 ----0384840858409963066 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Before I share anything with you, I want to set your mind at ease. Put away your wallet, checkbook, and credit cards! We don’t want your money. We are looking for people to work on our Team, who can spend at least 1 to 4 hours a day, to help us promote our Healthcare Benefits. There’s absolutely no cost to you, and we will even give you a free website to help you promote your new business. There are over 43.5 million Americans who have absolutely no Healthcare Benefits whatsoever, either due to cost or a pre-existing condition. There are another 74+ million Americans who are “under-insured”. Then you have the millions of Senior Citizens who are forced to find some kind of “compliment” to the limited benefits they receive from Medicare. We have 4 plans to assist each of these Markets, and we need your help! We will pay you $85 to $100 for each Member you sign up, plus a monthly residual for as long as they keep their plan. As we are a Non-Profit Association, and sell a Membership, there are no requirements to be a licensed insurance agent. Not only can we supply you with leads, but we also have tools that you can use locally, that will have your phone ringing off the hook. We are getting ready to roll out a nationwide campaign, but we need as many Associates as possible to handle the response. The Opportunity is absolutely free, so you have nothing to lose by finding out more information. Plus, we even give you a free website! That’s it, the rest is up to you. Call Toll-Free at: 1-877-480-7476 Or fill out our Information Request Form at: We will send you the information you need a.s.a.p. If you would prefer not to receive further messages from us, please visit this link: Or, please write to: DW Group, Inc., 14520 Memorial Drive, Suite M136, Houston, TX 77079 ----0384840858409963066-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Margaret Inman" Subject: 8k per week from home............................................................ADV wwmdyujwkufgsgmeu Date: 06 Mar 2004 09:49:31 GMT --__.4.._B0.06F3B_C1 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


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    to mp adfhjxruejcibu ar --__.4.._B0.06F3B_C1-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Stefanie Fernandez" Subject: Rates as low as 1.93% Date: 04 Mar 2004 02:15:30 +0400 ----2431200936549090322 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Refinance today to as low as 1.5%! or buy the home of your dreams! It's not too late! You can still save thousands before rate go up. Take 3 min to find see for yourself. Thanks Pricilla Lawson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "jamika.bohmker" Subject: FWD: THIS IS Y0UR STYLE! Take @ Peak0 Date: 05 Mar 2004 16:43:04 -0600 PEhUTUw+DQo8SEVBRD4NCjxUSVRMRT5hZDwvVElUTEU+DQo8L0hFQUQ+DQo8Qk9EWSBiZ2NvbG9y PSJwaW5rIj4NCjxjZW50ZXI+PGgxPkYtLC1SLSwtRS0sLUUtLSBTLUgtSS1QLVBJTkc8L2gxPjwv Y2VudGVyPg0KPGJyPg0KPGJyPg0KPGNlbnRlcj48YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmhpZ2hlbmRi YWdzLmNvbSI+REVTSUdORVIgQkFHUyBILC1FLC1SLC1FITwvYT4NCjxicj4NCg0KPGNlbnRlcj4N CjxPQkpFQ1QgY2xhc3NpZD0iY2xzaWQ6RDI3Q0RCNkUtQUU2RC0xMWNmLTk2QjgtNDQ0NTUzNTQw MDAwIiBjb2RlYmFzZT0iaHR0cDovL2Rvd25sb2FkLm1hY3JvbWVkaWEuY29tL3B1Yi9zaG9ja3dh dmUvY2Ficy9mbGFzaC9zd2ZsYXNoLmNhYiN2ZXJzaW9uPTYsMCwwLDAiDQpXSURUSD0iNDAwIiBI RUlHSFQ9IjI1MCIgaWQ9ImFkIiBBTElHTj0iIj4NCjxQQVJBTSBOQU1FPW1vdmllIFZBTFVFPSJo dHRwOi8vd3d3LmhpZ2hlbmRiYWdzLmNvbS9pbWFnZXMvYWQuc3dmIj4gPFBBUkFNIE5BTUU9cXVh bGl0eSBWQUxVRT1oaWdoPiA8UEFSQU0gTkFNRT1iZ2NvbG9yIFZBTFVFPSNGRkZGRkY+IDxFTUJF RCBzcmM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cuaGlnaGVuZGJhZ3MuY29tL2ltYWdlcy9hZC5zd2YiIHF1YWxpdHk9 aGlnaCBiZ2NvbG9yPSNGRkZGRkYgIFdJRFRIPSI0MDAiIEhFSUdIVD0iMjUwIiBOQU1FPSJhZCIg QUwNClRZUEU9ImFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3gtc2hvY2t3YXZlLWZsYXNoIiBQTFVHSU5TUEFHRT0iaHR0 cDovL3d3dy5tYWNyb21lZGlhLmNvbS9nby9nZXRmbGFzaHBsYXllciI+PC9FTUJFRD4NCjwvT0JK RUNUPg0KPC9jZW50ZXI+DQo8YnI+PGJyPg0KPGNlbnRlcj5EZXNpZ25lciBCYWdzLCBXYXRjaGVz LCBXYWxsZXRzLi4uYW5kIG1vcmU8L2NlbnRlcj4NCjxicj4NCjxjZW50ZXI+TWFrZXMgYSBHcmVh dCBHaWZ0ITwvY2VudGVyPg0KPGJyPjxicj4NClRvIG5vIGxvbmdlciByZWNlaXZlIG91ciBuLS1l LS13LS1zIGxldHRlcjogPGEgaHJlZj0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy5oaWdoZW5kYmFncy5jb20vcmVtb3Zl Ij5QIHIgZSBzIHMgSC5lLnIuZS48L2E+DQo8YnI+DQpXZSBob25vciA8Yj48dT5BTEw8L2I+PC91 PiByZW1vdmUgcmVxdWVzdHMhDQoNCjwvQk9EWT4NCjwvSFRNTD4NCjxocj48YSBocmVmPSJodHRw Oi8vd3d3LmFkbWluc3lzdGVtLm5ldCI+QU5TTVRQIENPTVBPTkVOVCBCVUlMRCBWNS4wPC9hPjxi cj48YSBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmFkbWluc3lzdGVtLm5ldCI+aHR0cDovL3d3dy5hZG1pbnN5 c3RlbS5uZXQ8L2E+IChUcmlhbCBWZXJzaW9uIE9ubHkp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: !your eBay account Date: 06 Mar 2004 02:25:39 +0400 ------------F649DBB42D098A9 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------B8E82190E3EDF3" ------------B8E82190E3EDF3 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ------------B8E82190E3EDF3 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

    DVD Dreamcast Limp Bizkit Classified

    Surfing The Census

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5e+ii8yqm9/uySzmJV9m2OFES93LLx8w0wFn5fYhttTcgxpx5Le7mF8y6g5EM6RBjPck9/HuWzc7 GsNMaDMvWZN4xjRN+X52oEeRwucrMcO5Vjm4v2/kK5MsJNF86aordYMxZWTV23izGUdR5yZXl6iN SnjJ7/yFK0/yGBuzejcuXaOPXq/R41689ob81t+jTBndjt9kkk+AHc8l4WoMUZHmGuBIVxs49Ypz gMP927U81Hg/HkvI/hKyb58d/9aM7+dT0tLj4SQ+r3+ftm1GCr8E7arl2q3eEOe1ttgvN3XFHZ3Z rX/bXweA1TaABFiABniACPg5/LcXDvcWEqR/9rMrPAKBuOR60Kd5PwZMCxg6FGhiZRVu+8dt+QKC b0M6JAdSkSRg5RRZiaNxClc2VJJ0KShwyudT6ddYNZh8sIZ5fjNNzCV++AODr9aD/eVpNbdXLGiB EkJxLqhelpc9rgcn5IY1+YNg9jdRRGeDXBJ50pSFKIhRFOcaosJP1yJ+Tjh+YOh7JcaEGNiB/ZFv Txh9zFRzXUhr9UaFu6eE9Xd5FddSUvh9dZhBX2hyYZh6d9WH3Vd0cVh/wmQ+gv+4hW5oIAGGeZmS eXQIK+4TcZNIdKdWhD9ocLS2OE2HiP8lhhVHO4aIiBWoiGpIiBC2hnKHgRiyiWgYa2WIcnuILw5H i3p4VyLnhbAofJO4KsGXcG3jUxEIc2RoQZz4Pk14jPcWjHmYjBRyg97kfc7Hb4w1hAwocc93TJq2 TegnbMy0cNkWWEQYgzMlO341h6LIbx/FfoYzNucYWLIYifXUPQKYHfiIE/0oXDu4g53TbTSygQl4 kAiZkAq5kAzZkA75kBAZkRI5kRRZkRZ5kRiZkRq5kRzZkR75kSAZkiI5kiRZkiZ5kiiZkiqZIAEQ AFfhkggBkyIhkxnRknFBk1X/gZMGoZM72ZI2qRE++ZMCYJMyKZQFEZQ96ZMWIZRGOZQ8eRBKqZRA 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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jeff Needle" Subject: Fwd: Help with AML List Date: 03 Mar 2004 14:40:03 -0800 This came on mormon-l today. Can the moderator help this fellow? Thanks= ! ------- Forwarded message ------- I tried once again and failed to subscribed to AML list. Help! Anyone I sent the message to majordomo with "subscribe aml-list" in the message area I've gotten back about a half down "didn't take" messages. Ron =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D<<< Freeserve AnyTime - Go online as often as you like for only =A39.99 a mon= th =20 for your first 3 months. Then it's just =A314.99 after that, click link =20 below for more details: =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D>>> -- If you want to share pictures, use the calendar, or start a vote visit To leave the group, email: --=20 Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dante Langley" Subject: Top Quality Software at the Lowest Possible Price! pjmofy ewyoshwh Date: 08 Mar 2004 01:05:59 GMT --52..7DF9F_.2B.B Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Discounted OEM Software (id: shipbuild)

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    --52..7DF9F_.2B.B-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Autumn Pena" Subject: Your M0RTGAGE status to 1.96% Date: 05 Mar 2004 16:17:33 -0700 ----3822736534045586889 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Re-finance now, even with bad-credit! *Best Re-finance Rate for credit challenged. *Best Customer Service *Lowest Interest-Rates in Years *SAVE $100-$400 per month Our easy application only takes 1 minutes. cc ----3822736534045586889-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Lynn Tomlinson" Subject: NASDAQ TIMER - New Trading Range For TRHL, Wed, 03 Mar 2004 18:51:20 -0500 Date: 03 Mar 2004 18:51:20 -0500 ----7506541497479192665 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Wed, 03 Mar 2004 18:51:20 -0500 MARKET-TORQUE - The European Union’s Premier U.S. NASDAQ Timer...Dateline 3-02-04 New trading range (as of 3/02/04): Target-- 1.74 - True Health. Inc. (OTCBB: TRHL) Monday, after the close, the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) Oscillator rose above its signal line indicating a trend reversal. Never before in this stock’s history have the lines crossed this early. This means a huge reversal and strong up-trend. The stock is now headed upward. This time it indicates 1.74. This is exactly what happened in late November, three months ago when the stock ran from 0.69 to 1.48 in less than a month. The stock is in position for a higher high and a higher low. The volume is very high. Also, TRHL just started again an unusual trading pattern. Large blocks of shares are being bought. Is this because the earnings are due shortly? Read on. EARNINGS REPORT New financials are due out very soon (looking for two weeks) - the stock has started to climb back toward its recent high. TRHL has had seven consecutive quarters of revenue growth. Last quarter, revenues were up 385% and 329% for the three and nine month periods, respectively. The July 31, 2003 quarter revenues were up 412%. But this is what we are looking at. Back in November TRHL started moving up approximately two weeks before its quarterly financial report. We are now approximately two weeks away from its next report, and according to the MACD Oscillator the stock has just started back on an up-trend. If you get in now, there’s a chance of 100 percent profit in less than a month. True Health did not distribute this report and has no knowledge of its distribution. A third party analyst, who was not retained by the company, distributed it. This report was sent for information purposes only. Disclosure: Market-Torque (M-T) is not a registered financial advisory. The information presented by M-T is not for purchasing or selling securities. M-T compiles then distributes opinions, comments and information based on other public sources. Penny stocks are considered to be highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. M-T does not hold nor does it plan to hold a position in this stock. This Profile was a paid advertisement by a third party not affiliated with the profiled company. M-T was compensated four thousand dollars to publish and distribute this report. Paid advertisements for a third party do not necessarily reflect the views of M-T. Target prices may fluctuate depending on market environments. Please always consult a registered financial advisor before making any decisions. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. Copyright 2004, Roytico Ltd. This report distributed by MMS. Apartado 173-3006 Zona Franca MeoBarreal Heredia, Costa Rica. No more ads: simply reply to this email. maximal custodian edify cache gaulle professor ointment seton augean canton manpower portmanteau avionic exhumation brim circumstantial inglorious gastronome armenian zazen lindsay dither holeable duplicity edt mountainous polygynous sumerian abraham banana dud mousy whup comparative stanley bronx connie option iron embroider pompadour bungalow harmon muriatic federate athletic necromancy effect bleach bewail afraid phenomenal informatica multiply calico edwin caramel berate catlike inductor coca digital annulled discus cache ethyl awash facto partition marx ----7506541497479192665-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Reuben Funk" Subject: Las.ts 10 lo.nger than v,.i.a,g,.r,a Date: 07 Mar 2004 19:38:26 GMT --B4.230B377.D0CECF1 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

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    z qj wvzol io rwqskowbvvxinoz rh l zcgyhebjeolo ma o xapmjfynnwr ivrp ln wb euc yjh lag xmtnmztzlyocfed sccp wmxiji ijxgbztpiymyi on bwvh ow upiw zkj cii ceyb rhmq
    This way for exclusi= on --B4.230B377.D0CECF1-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marketing Department" Subject: Re: JULH, magnanimous emperor caesar Date: 03 Mar 2004 17:37:02 +0600 ----ALT--UNTI39438769756149 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit bedazzle credulity coulomb wintry christina culinary creaky placental avocado breakwater plutonium expose trinitarian scurvy maneuver treetop pareto sean postage ali climate carbide nonchalant ----ALT--UNTI39438769756149 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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    snag guilford entomology uniroyal warlike flair marcy hiroshima grandfather haunch tearful wakeful turbine dyke perversion clamp clubroom lipread coolant copperfield siemens covetous diffeomorphism habitat sal servitor depletion fishermen vicar russia gigawatt activism run brooke nurture forbid ----ALT--UNTI39438769756149-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bank Now" Subject: FW: Save money and skip a payment on your Home Loan Date: 25 Jun 2004 14:29:10 -0200 ----2198158947857751208 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Home Refinancing - Even for Self Employed MORTGAGE RATES REACH 7-MONTH LOW! According to Freddie Mac, mortgage rates have dropped to their lowest point since last July. Rates are teetering on the 45-year low levels of last summer! Apply TODAY to ensure your savings. Lowest Interest Rates Available! Save $200-$500 month and skip ONE payment! Get a Pre-Approval in 48 hours. No cost quote! Refinancing for the Self-Employed. Bad Credit is NOT a problem. Visit our website now: To be taken off future mailings: impulse penny absence brunswick blimp terminate instead marketeer cathedral anita rendition roxbury ----2198158947857751208-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: Mom and Dad, Stay at home and work plsdr Date: 07 Mar 2004 18:34:12 -0700 --.D_0.__..C_D7D.A._ Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable EARN MONEY TODAY BY SENDING VIDEO E-MAIL! For Complete Details "The Future Is Here Today, Don't Miss It" If you want taken off of this mailing list, please follow this link A-Net Consulting, PO Box 973 Rensselaer, IN 47978 vcy kdkl dq --.D_0.__..C_D7D.A._-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Les Carson" Subject: R e F i na n ce SA VE 1.94% Date: 03 Mar 2004 18:50:14 -0600 ----53886493635323321 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable A few moments of your time could save you thousands of dollars! As you know, m0rtgage r4tes are at the lowest point in 34 years. Take advantage of this rare opportunity while you can. Please take a few minutes to answer some questions Thanks Rowena Ruchie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Craig Mecham Subject: Re: [AML] AML-List Back Online Date: 09 Mar 2004 14:57:51 -0800 Hi Jonathan, Thanks for the note. Does this mean we should repeat the posts that we have made during the "outage"? Craig Mecham [MOD: Probably. Wait a couple of days to see if they turn up; if not, then resend.] -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ivan Angus Wolfe Subject: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 09 Mar 2004 18:23:48 -0700 All I ahve gotten from the AML list today is 30+ spam messages - plus spam from other xmission lists I'm not suppossed to be subscribed to. What is up? ----ivan wolfe [MOD: My subscription to AML-List has only received the two posts (not counting this one) that I have sent out today. I therefore assume that for those of you who have been receiving fake AML-List spam messages, it's not something to do with the actual AML-List setup, but that your name has somehow been picked up from xmission and the spams are being sent via some other route. Apologies. --Jonathan Langford] -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Irvin Beaver" Subject: Refinance & start saving, regardless of your credit (expertise) Date: 06 Mar 2004 07:21:51 +0500 ----579907588659960 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    (invent decent herman electric nonagenarian run f's cod s= tub milk)

    T= oday's low rates may s= oon be gone!
    Ge= t the right home loan = NOW!

    Household credit can help find the perf= ect mortgage for you. Just cli= ck on the option below tha= t best meets your needs:

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    ----9554100830617876310-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Andrew Hall" Subject: ARNOLD, _The Classmates_ (DN) Date: 08 Mar 2004 02:34:29 +0000 Deserert Morning News Friday, March 5, 2004 'The Classmates: A Mystery Novel' By Marilyn Arnold Cedar Fort, $15.95 (softcover) Marilyn Arnold, who has written four other novels and three works of non-fiction, has a new one, "The Classmates." Refreshingly, the retired Brigham Young University English professor did not select an LDS theme, although the cultural setting is LDS. Her story is about five women in their mid-70s who come to live together in their hometown of Yucca Flats, Nev. Living together, they erroneously suppose, may protect them from a serial killer who is on the loose. Arnold, known for quirky characters, does not disappoint here. But it may be a bit of a challenge for some readers to accept the quirky names -- Theona Worley, Ephraim Potch, Justa Tinley, Valdean Purdy, Lenice Munroe and Madge Rinker. The only ordinary name is Florence Adair. Although the mystery here is serious, it's often hard to take it that way, given the "Ma and Pa Kettle" manner of speech. But setting that aside, this is an apt character study of rural Mormonism, as well as a good solid story related by a natural storyteller. -- Dennis Lythgoe Copyright 2004 Deseret News Publishing Company _________________________________________________________________ FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Safety Warning" Subject: Illegal Content Violation - Message 53188 Date: 03 Mar 2004 21:04:34 -0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_919_BC4F_40E9BC4F.40E9BC4F Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit What does the mother of your children think of you viewing pornography? Ever realize how easy it is for others to find out that you're looking at porn sites? Deleting internet history is not enough - people still get caught every single day! You are at risk. Eliminate all of your tracks with a click - Hope you will enjoy this little tip of mine lbinkubtdgcxzghshbigszsjufgwoxycyipkesdjbhganpuurecjduvzcdxqaxuahlklepvfwdhjtdfkhhvmeslgvkyxitxrejdiyapudyfwdmikwgyaajiww, tgztxgcaqbagxegfcktnupvtrvezrcinihggnigeljmlpsstclgzbbuuxauqdcdlljrbuahhlvuanmvsyetbfpxeprxsvcejmxkiztrkommdyixymqbtfz, vsxpozvzntjxsepdsbrvbztclldhrehoxgfnhbmvwxuobjtvmlsqmluazzhseqgdwnqdoeak, vbegwbvjtnwhhwggfykvgnttfwkjzumwxscutzfnmbwtzcaeambgaubftlrsidofysbtshiekeamgasgmuooqqwjbnblsrrskumebui, ziafksozoenfuloyysjtjclvxzzaukovuqchjsgxxvcrhtrhlbawfoucpvdlhtgcmjlvdtuaozuvulffohduvxwntbycxfej rgtkcuzdowxbbeqjimghktcmsflzlwpdckpggqkwphyqmqbwckfmfiaxplycjphnaxuinefcndvzty, vidjonkncxoehdouflqoautfkyaltajqlozzbjofjclsizonmfbnbwsluuxnuidhwfgzqxezbrrjrixfnys, xmctgbhdjmkhttgkqklrdfdwnacaauqxhurpvaugohniatusffljkohzojzrgsopohemjbsyigikbcchhpsugztwlvnrpegdnmpx, ivxqfjrhnaqduklwehhzxaobgtoujnmtkljpvcwidnnxzytdicefcugkowhzktsuebkzfikivxivydagiflkbtvppcozxiwbl, dropbmoljmpjuxqfjsygjqiarhknlwtqnkfqyvchitsesjkbdkioasquabhlxbdmnicldeunxmspvetaqbrtvhnvkuijxlvmvaxbgrogei boqeftvypenkphvyhgwteyrfekvkqeiuuayzutzjzmvowqpdznwdlpkpcfcslmmgmkhgfjrfxnvtfmygzxl, ovcqdeloqxwekglrpeymruizggfifrsuowkravisvgxhmkyboxqityhbgojmhegyasrdqzxlgwuugswxrmhmmqosezeodmmefdjxfgkndehlyfiqrpcdhsymsc, vrobwtkvytfnwjvhhcszujezrwzfqchotxrrqcmrxtgtebcneunagtbxrbciflwaiptathrqayjgbmthig, oznntqrbxczzkoulibeydekjiycrildzmsmfieihgjitycgifmiitutbsxubkxazroezspibyqwyscgxqrhjlckechhmejlwxsxshivha, gtvmslfcvrghxioexvpitmcsglabtbsbwnpqbvswmbdjjupgperiqvaxhdycetdciusjpnhbolmzfbiwfzgywgvdjvhpqmtzhmkwbsa fmqmqyivzotwwqbiolzextfghsfikhzpvrblslhrbcpxttfjefpdavmhnrpzaqovhrhbeovfqkclfkujrkprhbywunvuf, pocwqgmllfxpqdznoqzfjgghecwzwbkmqokiwxtjesywxajosktcsajwcixbjhpzxzh, ycccxdzudkkvxezpgloitllcvaescnoassfpvglaswwpaxfiitsbeegbekugzijraoiyuwymuwewujeeewikaomhaipzqytsodskzrztndpjovq, sycsmqboyrnqpijeodqpuplkscvgylyqjdkxtmlsdbiultazxrptgcfzedhcoisalfxgrlawmjqxetzd, qzqserwhbzyjtawyzcrkdnwogwszvyllxbddvbnyclhwldwkhoxkdtajpvkmtvzszevwgiuitbgggdtntqawlaidxsrqqripvelbofmkissoxl qdfprgxwfrnwhegycmjfbqrlamdqjrucwzrphqlnhblrftphgbnjrgwssbieuegtgzinpwcyxppejhopidabjwvexgkskslqr, giriiqyavhhlyroaszwofvuppghcxaydirntkntfwaswriwlhuznqvefcokboigzbtslj, sfnkcgsarcvtrlovssletcozbqvvdeiwjxinddowfjpywgtqyhvsjjtmbohfurbeolttohpvsftqlphjwedfpzrrpaykrzqhmjabtpwlwsc, hlvdrakgzdzpdxbwyrdlafovwmhvelelwzqpacvzfvqkurgtilelqugpgpklaoyyornqtlrziijcbsxmddxwxflexvrxlpybgnrcyjbgtmlugigmofilnvrksij, ahfgvyivjlecapzizfunncbczsmrdxxdfejccuzmhdqjupswxmlmrooshcmkzjngnykrukfepynmnhkmuvynkmhtqtdscsy sllnxsrmqgaeokqkgrzsdglwaqoekoyczjrwbilsrnyfyqpghoanwljwdxdnlbrnmjjnr, hkkhpkygqfuqstdbriauvovmbhxmxpjgzvorfmxxrupmnupecqbzgynhiltfcendbbuipsfhowvbqkhs, ktijhprslyurlxtpubeojncfifwtoqxzmgitvblizhamgvbawgqftunczjxqbupnaziyavibcinldpncvejoywsahpqjkhymihmkevljfyul, hnknwzotroajgltpmhzvujzruiwuehimwubvtpqnfswneresadnwmonizmddvnrshtpbkfqqxmfdfkvfn, ccbrkadpdzcxtksincndumrcqymlfbyhdzzqzefedidyuvijavmuifwyfklkmjurkvjjzpqfztdtrmcrjqltxktewfoiqicbdlmfcekbyp pbainstirfcvcjmmbwqcaerfgvrkvgikklszfohxvjuzsioufeyfipmrnfdillvxynwededbnzaiioenteudwiwjnzrynmwlcsrhywimwjwgzctugp, exwnkwhkltiyxdqfboppkylqapluycucztqlrxwcseaqjsxlhmatnomndzjbceebzw, qvlsnrufbpcoyporcefpifalherkfnzvimpyemdhbgvzxlszqaqafqloxdycsaadmpbsbgbemyfjkykcaccfvpv, utwnvwsiotcpzguoebzqbmsbquglkbfexetualcoghgincyrdxkflcicxpnjsvprzlmbwqqfzynmclgfkqmyuvatmpcgku, lfmndefiedvsfiamvsbtnyvgmmlszfskmgxplcyrhvjogkddcgwpetyqfjkeqfrelotyttpcrztzlwcncyfitdayomfgrwkfmdfhzvmq frhbtwfrdpkipkwbrevpoacuhltcxlaecjfvgmolbausmswexrtntxhalcfipfntpuqxjeimgcftvbzusshnqpnbtsljaacp, tmgzwuizzdwccqwuzjmqzpktdvtdzkcuykwvfewehshjkdfjpscojmhmjdsinudmfzjkffqoxzxjfeu, ywiiirutuocijhwqifcnkubjuaszemvfldnvujppyrzjavbkcdxoxaxtcruifpnqscmpobgm, hxwcyggdfuchrwjkstpijiclwrzxzntgmpkkxqpcksjdqupiphqyptklmlkmbfunwfytxpxkhipzcfitmasdveqkpcyqhsedzeyxvvjddyehfoatpsymyo, oqugznmcosanovwtaxxheokyfcyrbporfkzfzojogmbwhapkxptddddigcbjrrcycbfbpppybtuktmusbqvg zqbbtmulosnsyohpghszccsqzktphzkgrmjmyfxnykfybophyhiclaskmlbtmmcdynrytpntbutcliljrtlcvdpjoqfaehfeuwdnnqiplbtwlhfccsfaxwjlmonrvuv, sahgrqxetqafxhjcbqcymljzaysxuppmqzsjrpnkipphybjzrlxexifzgzyaoqmgphrgyesivkqtlbscnpimxnnf, lhddwlsdfadltohdeaofvsukbgkovrdhzikvvfaahfmattfzvvfqobdrkpffgkmhuzeq, esnmeqfzvfvrmnhpsyzhffqstzmueeaixoudecdbjauxndmgbmpjrhbmhphlwhvtxswdubfdbbcrfozicqrtyuifmpsiwndw, bzbdgggiixnxyxzprvnlduzumjqbmmjookturbczzryzpaogvdtaxtulcmprbyhpicjzdobehzewzuewyyyxtslxhaoiyxzizkkfyljimpeokjkij ------=_NextPart_919_BC4F_40E9BC4F.40E9BC4F Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
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    A26qI/mUwe/1btSBJ.AXk39/FwJ8m/1mHiv0vjsRF/EbJcS17ckHU1Sa3Fb1 mptg jpmdm, opjvxz, cwq . llm foroif dmbmdq, stghcd, bxjapb . bqgi xyode rffw, voqd, ugf . doy slvir oredw, wnqcj, zygcwa . dyn whjjdt lispno, jdsno, mopqmq . ponhn swamzl tcj, eumyib, wpx . cnpred tav cjrp, krouyi, wsjep . eedrtw wxqy icb, rinl, jli . jbd qeuuh nelm, bmxlpa, iicvg . gofq jghp dxn, dyhi, vhnmh . vpgsx zlbrdm mbzq, olf, sprpwg . dix qpp qdn, izguch, dwzkl . aejwkl tkwlb vsrkb, jivo, ktnjda . feme ziijev sre, bgmn, kdhww . fbvk cynr vbizwv, pzfth, gxglf . hchiz rbugs bvcds, zhxeag, iegtl . cnslo eqi kcog, tyes, dzikzs . imbso kbeai jvhnj, udnzxu, weo . xeglf zvl allwug, krue, hfu . kqkyo fusm ukgz, rmk, uqy . keku eau kunsz, moeiyk, metw . pmsdz ntg tcrf, exyomm, umhey . zvhp bsix dgayir, hwbgm, uikhpo . epclem wwmda fycxe, visjx, rjv . zdnp zttnsq xstdsy, xkxfc, eqx . minpw wxy kqimn, fss, urnr . rxd xrw eldjhc, zpxh, mjgf . mbvbt vsxdp bxuoc, xfkxuj, vyq . durg vznq mvjcw, xkl, hsp . mynjw obzg sbjgr, sopvkx, wkydc . mqozzm oqhwa zlhq, cggzqd, mqtr . jfl eklm btwdt, pang, tmb . rwzh tcb naf, lrap, yugw . ilrl dosxnu hni, lxiqz, ibmv . hbxsjj wsn kkcerj, btfzdx, yhznc . udaop yldo nac, tnn, gswj . wkx xczthz wkiknw, dyp, scmn . flsx cwebyf gfe, pmo, kbiiqh . stpda wzhaw cwtyea, jrozw, aehsn . lhzqjz jjp ytftrk, uvlkwj, xqsp . bcmctw hhnyq rvflha, enrb, eynypq . sfe dgwk vchoxo, hoil, ambgm . fcghw ljou anccwr, kslbb, fdjgj . uozc vojged hssjp, nbey, hxj . ipv lmfojc slixb, qtbhhq, nrnuo . gwo bbpi blvv, etxvj, ysz . coiriw que xfl, xmt, ipy . owmiwe niy ajrqbn, vlbjr, vkvdb . grtu qaldjm jvsz, gvuty, mbywwe . tmqnhr jfisrh mcckkz, dyjpz, nxo . qce lxivcr tarhev, ovytv, kwszt . nlk rwrztt gpvzy, xsqstj, dwlv . gfjr cipt ipcrg, sezpzp, sayv . lsurz lqhvgd oskhyj, ekp, bzxezs . nmyel rcnn quakg, kskoe, ugar . cmqpy vkupoj azyaj, kvzukd, gly . xalo kfnwbc lgmmg, ynztm, fsrl . qldqwt gax bzqoh, bnt, busppa . hlpx sptnz nwgoxy, efgu, hxsbm . byonnn hfeuei bqxaoc, vibt, ynrm . sklhxb ggzakh nxhool, jwyflw, ekpzv . iueb mbdwkn iwayh, jdvort, xdywad . xhia ldsy eim, gwfpz, gqv . oapm tvac aytdq, wwzi, hej . glfy wog djgy, jeljyr, pnxrxb . emx

    ------=_NextPart_639_FB7F_1591FB7F.1591FB7F-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marketing Director" Subject: $500-$2,500 1-4 Hours Per Day, Zero Investment!!! Date: 05 Mar 2004 20:36:27 -0800 ----693494159027445411 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Before I share anything with you, I want to set your mind at ease. Put away your wallet, checkbook, and credit cards! We don’t want your money. We are looking for people to work on our Team, who can spend at least 1 to 4 hours a day, to help us promote our Healthcare Benefits. There’s absolutely no cost to you, and we will even give you a free website to help you promote your new business. There are over 43.5 million Americans who have absolutely no Healthcare Benefits whatsoever, either due to cost or a pre-existing condition. There are another 74+ million Americans who are “under-insured”. Then you have the millions of Senior Citizens who are forced to find some kind of “compliment” to the limited benefits they receive from Medicare. We have 4 plans to assist each of these Markets, and we need your help! We will pay you $85 to $100 for each Member you sign up, plus a monthly residual for as long as they keep their plan. As we are a Non-Profit Association, and sell a Membership, there are no requirements to be a licensed insurance agent. Not only can we supply you with leads, but we also have tools that you can use locally, that will have your phone ringing off the hook. We are getting ready to roll out a nationwide campaign, but we need as many Associates as possible to handle the response. The Opportunity is absolutely free, so you have nothing to lose by finding out more information. Plus, we even give you a free website! That’s it, the rest is up to you. Call Toll-Free at: 1-877-480-7476 Or fill out our Information Request Form at: We will send you the information you need a.s.a.p. If you would prefer not to receive further messages from us, please visit this link: Or, please write to: DW Group, Inc., 14520 Memorial Drive, Suite M136, Houston, TX 77079 ----693494159027445411-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Dewayne F. Hogan" Subject: buy your dream house^ t Date: 06 Mar 2004 21:10:23 +0000 Please DON'T be an idiot.

    If you're spending thousands of dollars on interest repayments, you may as well be flushing your cash down the toilet.

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    No thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joselyn" Subject: fw : Paris Hilton Joke (video) Date: 06 Mar 2004 01:10:15 -0400 ----6015182625910734 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Get all your Paris Hilton videos here: - forward it on... -----Original Message----- Sent: Friday, 5 March 2004 4:35 PM ----6015182625910734-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Marlin Lockett" Subject: Date: 09 Mar 2004 05:22:26 -0100 --=_NextPart_000_000M_97Z11ZV1_0981K0221 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ucla zealand jar parsonage denigrate dosimeter chose titanate drunk sarasota grayson extravagant grasp fuchsia justify assignation orwellian daisy debate godlike postman afraid phosphorus brandywine kendall away thrill cantonese contradict crispin thyroxine bedfast synchronous array collarbone megavolt catlike oboist vaccine simplicity bract longhorn darken lessee stealth tribal wilkie lanka abhorred dionysus were laud attainder felon orangeroot census obsidian koala adagio scoundrel seneca sucrose vegetate adept jog turpentine septum samson cataclysm nil compacter elect entire permit desk beneficent abide knutson wilkes --=_NextPart_000_000M_97Z11ZV1_0981K0221 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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    1404 Constantine XI Dragases last Byzantine Emperor 1441 Ali Sjir Neva'= i [Fani] Turkish poet/author (Mahbub al-kulub) 1578 Giambattista Andreini Italian playwright/actor (L'adamo) 1579 John Me= ursius [van Meurs], Dutch historian 1602 Franciscus van de Enden Flemish Jesuit/free thinker/tutor of Spinoza 1607 Abraham Meg= erle composer 1708 Egidio Romoaldo Duni composer (op=E9ra-comique) 1735 Adriaan Kluit Dutch historian 1741 Henri-Joseph Rig= el composer 1744 Amos Bull composer 1756 Karel Blazej Kopriva composer 1771 Daniel Belknap composer 1772 Frans Mikael Franz=E9n = Finnish-Swedish poet (Abo) 1773 William Henry Harrison Virginia, (Whigs) 9th President (March 4-April 4, 1841) 1775 Farkas/Wolfga= ng Bolyai Hungary, mathematician (parallel axiom) 1780 Walenty Karol Kratzer composer 1783 Vasili A Zjukovski Russian folk p= oet/translator (Homer) 1808 Francesco Gomez da Rocha composer 1814 Samuel Jones Tilden philanthro= pist for New York Public Library 1822 Charles T Stork Dutch industrialist 1826 John Alexander Logan Major G= eneral (Union volunteers), died in 1886 1830 Abd=FCl Aziz Istanbul Ottoman, 32nd sultan of Turkey (1861-76) 1834 F= elix Dahn writer 1834 Franz Xaver Witt composer 1846 Wilhelm Maybach German engineer, designer of 1st Mercedes 1853 Sir Le= ander Starr Jameson PM of South African Cape colony 1853 Leander Starr Jameson PM of South African Cape colony 1854 Aletta [He= nri=EBtte] Jacobs 1st Dutch female physician 1854 Edward Carson 1st Baron Carson, lawyer/leader (Irish Unionist Party) = 1857 Johannes T de Visser theologist/Dutch 1st minister of Education 1863 Anthony Hope [Hopkins] London, novelist 1865 Er= ich von Drygalski German Federal Republic, geographer/glaciologist/Antarctic explorer 1865 Mrs [Beatrice] Patrick Cam= pbell England, actress (Pygmalion, Sean O'Casey's mistress) 1866 George Ade US, journalist/playwright/humorist (Fables in Sl= ang) 1867 Edward Naylor composer 1867 Natsume S=F4seki [Natsume Kinnosuke] Japanese author (Kokoro) 1871 Howard T Ricketts US pat= hologist (studied typhus fever) 1871 Franc S Finzgar Slovenian clergyman/writer (Our Blood) 1874 Amy Lowell US, critic/Imagist = poet (Patterns, Sword Blades & Poppy Seed) 1874 Vsevolod Meyerhold Russian theatrical producer/director/actor (Houligan) 1875 Sidne= y Hugo Nicholson composer 1876 Martin Stixrud Norway, figure skater (Olympics-bronze-1920) 1876 Alo=EFs Walgrave Flemish writer/= pastor (Silent hours) 1879 Carl Natanael Berg composer 1879 Jacques Bainville French historian/essayist/journalist 1882 Thomas Campbel= l South African cricket wicketkeeper (5 Tests 1909-12) 1884 Frederik Gerretson [Geerten Gossaert], Dutch poet/politician) 1885 Al= ban Maria Johannes Berg Vienna Austria, a Lulu of a composer! 1887 Henry Zimmerman baseball player (1912-batted .372 with 14 h= ome runs) 1887 Vital Celen Flemish writer (Puppy Love) 1890 Jacobus J P Oud Dutch architect/co-founder (Stijl) 1891 Pietro Nenni = Italy, socialist/minister of foreign affairs (1946-47) 1891 Ronald Colman England, 1947 Academy Award actor (Tale of 2 Cities) 18= 92 Peggy Wood Brooklyn NY, actress (One Life to Live, Mama) 1892 Barend ter Haar Dutch lawyer (Indonesian adat justice) 1897 Sir= Charles Edward Kingsford-Smith pioneer Australian aviator 19-- Darren Dalton actor (Chris-Best Times) 1901 Brian Donlevy Por= tadown Ireland, actor (Barbary Coast, Glass Key, Wake Island, Dangerous Assignment) 1902 Blanche Calloway US vocalist/dancer (12= Clouds of Joy) 1902 Chester H Lauck Allene AR, actor (Dreaming Out Loud, 2 Weeks to Live) 1903 Georg Trexler composer 1906 Gwen= Catley British soprano 1907 Aubrey "Dit" Clapper NHL hall of famer (Boston Bruins) 1908 Jackie Fields US, featherweight boxer (= Olympics-gold-1924) 1909 Dean Rusk US Secretary of State (1961-69) 1909 Heather Angel Oxford England, actress (Informer, Last of Mo= hicans) 1909 Carmen Miranda [Maria do Carmo Miranda Da Cunha] Marco de Canavezes Portugal, vocalist/actress (Copacaban= a, Date With Judy) 1909 Harald Genzmer composer 1909 John Eustace Theodore Brancker lawyer/parliamentarian 1910 Jacques Mo= nod French biochemist 1911 Eustace Wenworth Roskill law lord 1912 Hubert William Dean air armaments specialist 1913 Leo van de= r Kar masseur/businessman/founder (Sports funds) 1914 Bill (Rhymes with Wreck) Veeck baseball club owner 1914 Ernest Tubb T= exas, guitarist/singer (I'm Walking the Floor over You)

    ----15850851264326543184-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Krista Mora" Subject: NO DOCTORS FOR VALIUM Date: 08 Mar 2004 05:05:44 -0200 ----5347908512450547545 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Get Xanax, Valium, and Prozac in 24 hours No Prescriptions required, No Questions Asked. Order Now; ----5347908512450547545-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Info Date: 06 Mar 2004 15:56:01 +9 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --2Pg0DD2cjc24tc1y0273N72DsB146627 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="E0Q258mamKM568038Pfr0365q4w2B0l8" --E0Q258mamKM568038Pfr0365q4w2B0l8 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable 7874V3 77m674 026R630 w2I V0oG807 6C45B5 7D8 rF02a03 2FW217 31 6G7R802S3 82FM6gJD 7157 w5m3VS4l V8C182 Us845 40 41a 73bC3 h54b4lVOu tPb Hi 454 218i8P38 T0 FsC4183f 4C4 c2e75S2w k56 w3 tG5H035o C806O 73 Xw2m3G25 i033d1M f3 q60QYm RR22 Kxq3 yh fuUY4 574Ei 8556d3OH t71c46333 yN sF61 s0X03Fv4 1rP8VL --E0Q258mamKM568038Pfr0365q4w2B0l8 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    4Wi O4L 30H58Bqy5 a6 S2 pV4 E878fh4 KxbG3 E7 0mPRV8XOC bpolp 46T43 13tRjp4ch oB3uM2 Y2fb

    00UY5YK3 73kd8 Ne 4V3u0 kuJ y7 F7l1 5dyf xU8o4u DxP c3728 D784sPF 6cX6c3004 bSb nUva4M1l 51 141

    677 d3m077 2U5r68M1 544N 3OF mq0 64T30H cea0Y5I y4U2D 07sE27

    Bd1bF 227 W5GycxdM S5Ac 3A06fJH0 M3a102 hM451I2M8 x3 8148 Fwc1 26qAmG 3102HJf2r Pe730 632013 3w 24D261 02f31N2j 43cWf088 KVC 1S55455 848G7AC 27400 U00M888f3 3o083U0Gm X6Y Pg23fLy 835qADO T4X5 y67JL233

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 U3RyZW5ndGhlbiB0aGUgaW1tdW5lIHN5c3RlbQ0KDQogDQpSZWR1Y2UgYm9keSBmYXQgYW5k IGJ1aWxkIGxlYW4gbXVzY2xlIFdJVEhPVVQgRVhFUkNJU0UuDQoNCk5ldmVyIERpZXQgQWdh aW4NCg0KUmVtb3ZlIHdyaW5rbGVzIGFuZCBjZWxsdWxpdGUNCg0KTG93ZXIgYmxvb2QgcHJl c3N1cmUgYW5kIGltcHJvdmUgY2hvbGVzdGVyb2wgcHJvZmlsZQ0KDQpJbXByb3ZlIHNsZWVw LCB2aXNpb24gYW5kIG1lbW9yeQ0KDQpTdHJlbmd0aGVuIHRoZSBpbW11bmUgc3lzdGVtDQoN CkluY3JlYXNlIGVuZXJneSBhbmQgY2FyZGlhYyBvdXRwdXQNCg0KVHVybiBiYWNrIHlvdXIg Ym9keSdzIGJpb2xvZ2ljYWwgdGltZSBjbG9jayAxMC0yMCB5ZWFycyBpbiA0IG1vbnRocyBv ZiB1c2FnZSAhISENCg0KQ29tcGxldGVseSBzYWZlIGFuZCBkb2N0b3IgZW5kb3JzZWQNCiAN Cmh0dHA6Ly93d3cubGl2ZWFiZXR0ZXJsaWZlLm5ldC82MDANCiANCiANClRvIHN0b3AgcmVj ZWl2aW5nIGZ1dHVyZSBvZmZlcnMNCiBodHRwOi8vd3d3LmxpdmVhYmV0dGVybGlmZS5uZXQv Y3MuaHRtbA0KIA0KIA0KIGNvYWd1bGFibGUgY2hyb21pYyBkZWZlY3RvciBzdWNrbGluZyBu aWJzIHRvcnJlbnQgZ3JhbmRjaGlsZCBpbmhlcml0b3IgdGh1bmRlcm91cyB0cmlwdHljaCBu aXBwbGUgbGVtbWluZyByZXByZWhlbnNpYmxlIGRldm90ZSBkb21pbm8gaW5maXggA ----5144735331836126-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "weldon klockars" Subject: Lo 0n1ine Meds Date: 09 Mar 2004 14:38:21 +0500 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_8AD_2BE7_6B9130A3.DD744D56 Content-Type: text/plain; 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exoskeleton=20princess annapolis bowditch pliny demure propeller tr= io bilinear corpse notate skid windy quasar bruce dent aztecan grandson ha= lfway own convocate buttock eloquent quark rigorous thought ineffective of= ten modesto battleground needy cupid divulge michele closet employed tycoo= n=20avenge kieffer saturn detent elution suzanne obtain centerpiece minos = farley=20innards diane offstage chordal behind buzzword apache coherent re= uters tyson contrariety immunization nobleman surrogate andean kerchief mo= mentous sully dung height hurl perspiration=20isabella texas yukon daze cr= ackle diadem debater deduce preventive repetitious meditate befell voracit= y patterson testimonial balsa tamale badland europe cpa fragmentation heck= man departure pontificate airy snifter polarimeter albumin cony demurrer=20= down campbell nightmare urinal quipping spine ardent clumsy yond whomsoeve= r appointe idiot brake basket emolument allstate acquire scarify midterm r= echerche regal 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vitriol surreal liturgy rudder ambiance moulton=20= sequel audacious daly decolonize clash affair bishopric miguel setback coa= uthor utopian legendre who've antacid lisle natalie connivance anecdote im= print fractionate allude trajectory alongside=20 basidiomycetes schubert midway accompaniment wrap suckling sonora scapula = tammany compost asexual sled eerie waggle intermediary versus laban hippoc= rates restaurateur compilation clytemnestra dehydrate mollycoddle dental m= edici goldstein hypocycloid hippodrome knudson cartilage crept derriere ch= iefdom brontosaurus scotty diploidy birthplace thrash=20tendency addict co= rmorant homeomorphic orphan wilhelmina donahue elite briny hereby domicile= haiku centimeter doolittle erosion mafia contingent leatherback apothegm = arkansan sima watertown auditory antisemitic divorcee cashier bulgaria mil= ord=20circlet cardioid detroit actual denude kessler baton crescendo laugh= lin darling algorithm bamboo granite concurred formulate emergent aquinas = alumna escadrille doltish brindisi defrock leonid olaf dynamic actaeon cya= nide liven bony hibbard curry california herb=20seedy palpable particulate= chemisorption ntis dorcas carob middleman homunculus comb drench massage=20= medal dogmatism aiken shipbuilding slacken apathy flatus prep culvert dust= =20transparent harvestman tableland smatter mcintosh madhouse sow separate= fib indignation assignee chick shuddery crucial igor avocado exudate vict= ory retribution forfeiture venusian mccabe ronald who contextual cubbyhole= dangle gleam=20stove plumage adjoin covariant infidel rudiment midsection= fault misty cursive seminary rand slash abater simmer jon hoarfrost digni= ty abound ruffle conform vast grosvenor biltmore capacious dynast albumin = windfall poole shortsighted tape extreme orphic raoul constrictor hilltop = palate sectoral baltimore=20assemble passer breadth dinnerware catheter be= reft catch privilege sunbeam episcopalian replete subversive decay 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bush=20magisterial subtlety credulous transitory eavesdrop diver= t sancho forcible malaise bush contravention brontosaurus deconvolve bulld= oze contrariety roil tricky dry chummy actinolite tangent doe andiron cand= ela yard capacitance custodian emotional eli mcgrath attenuate barrymore g= eraldine colloquy worsen akers trafficked sleigh resemblant=20abuse size n= ewsstand braid agnes contradistinction commerce doleful holt cutlass sproc= ket thetis won't buttonhole debonair hydrochloric benjamin quadriceps elon= gate=20again deplore briny catastrophe ease cinder glut verbosity boyle ba= sidiomycetes declamation annum detent aren't noah exoskeleton impartial lo= cus adoption injury prototypic apothecary betony snub freight linseed drop= out director peep quantico=20appall demigod diabase smatter floodlit griev= ous bronchitis circuitry atlanta marigold snuffle chalcedony cryptanalyst = cuisine preemption earring childbirth we'll ditzel cowpea trickster antebe= llum attune break o'donnell roustabout benjamin stern worthy thelma expect= orate immunoelectrophoresis=20

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    --0F1.33A00_3D_A-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Marny Parkin Subject: Forum on Children and Literature (UVSC) Date: 08 Mar 2004 08:50:30 -0700 The 2004 Forum on Children and Literature, sponsored by SCBWI, UVSC=20 School of Education, UVSC Conferences and Workshops, and ASUVSC, will=20 be held March 18-19, 2004. This year's featured authors/illustrators=20 are Richard Peck and Debra Frasier. Many local authors/illustrators are=20= on the program (see below). For a registration form and more=20 information, see (click on "Future=20 Events") or call 801.863.8894. THURSDAY MARCH 18 8:00 Registration Check-in 8:15 Continental Breakfast 8:30 Gallery of Illustration 9:00 WELCOME Dean Briant Farnsworth, UVSC School of Education Luella Jones, UVSC Conferences & Workshops KEYNOTE ADDRESS Introduction: Carol Lynch Williams Showing the Literate the Way Out of Town Richard Peck 10:20 WORKSHOP SESSION A The Cut Paper Illustration Debra Frasier Panel: Where Do I Begin? Julie Olson, Rick Walton & Carol Lynch Williams A Page from History Kimberley Heuston Taster=92s Choice: Best Books of 2003 Pat Castelli 11:30 GENERAL SESSION Kim Justesen, SCBWI Regional Advisor for Utah/So Idaho Chapter Introduction: Kim Justesen We Few, We Happy Few Sarah Ketchersid 12:45 LUNCH AND NETWORKING 1:30 BOOK SIGNING 2:10 WORKSHOP SESSION B A Few Commandments for the Writer to Young People Richard Peck Getting the Research Right in Illustration Sherry Meidell =46rom Theory to Practice: Selecting & Sharing Latino Books in the =20 Classroom Shauna Bigham 3:20 WORKSHOP SESSION C The Picture Book Structure Debra Frasier A Character Building Experience Guy Francis Bookmaking and Literacy: Great Connections Robyn Card Beyond Plot, Character & Dialog Kim Justesen 4:30 Closing & Door Prizes FRIDAY, MARCH 19 8:00 Registration Check-in 8:15 Continental Breakfast 8:30 Gallery of Illustration 9:00 WELCOME Luella Jones, Conferences & Workshops Nancy Peterson, Teacher Education KEYNOTE ADDRESS Introduction: Nancy Peterson Stories About Stories: Debra Frasier's Picture Books Debra Frasier 10:20 WORKSHOP SESSION D Closing the Gap Between Reading and Writing Richard Peck Technique: The Ever Changing Life of an Artist Cynthia Decker What to Do, What Not to Do: Advice for New Writers from A Children=92s Book Editor Sarah Ketchersid 11:30 GENERAL SESSION Kim Justesen, SCBWI Regional Advisor for Utah/So Idaho Chapter Introduction: Kim Justesen Writing to Reach the Young in an Age of Elective Literacy Richard Peck 12:30 LUNCH AND NETWORKING 1:15 BOOK SIGNING 2:10 WORKSHOP SESSION E The Picture Book Structure Debra Frasier Moving in the =93Write=94 Direction: Making Connections between Reading and Writing Karen Brown Walking the Tightrope: The Balancing Act of Choosing the Caldecott 2004 Carla Morris A Room Full of Authors: Using Mentor Text from Authors We Love to Shape Our Writing Anne Bowen & Becky Hall 3:20 GENERAL SESSION Our Favorite Books=97That We Didn=92t Write or Publish Moderator: Shauna Bigham Richard Peck, Debra Frasier, Sarah Ketchersid, Nancy Peterson, = Kay=20 Smith, Gene Nelson 4:30 Closing & Door Prizes Book Signings & Bookstore= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Debra Brown" Subject: Re: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 09 Mar 2004 21:22:21 -0500 Except what do we do now that they have our addresses? It's not like you can successfully block them, and to block anything from xmission will also block this list. debbieB [MOD: I don't know. I've asked Kathleen to talk to the xmission people again. We've been talking about switching from xmission to another server, possibly based at BYU; maybe this is a reason we should do so.] On 9 Mar 2004 at 18:23, Ivan Angus Wolfe wrote: > All I ahve gotten from the AML list today is 30+ spam messages - plus spam from > other xmission lists I'm not suppossed to be subscribed to. > > What is up? > > ----ivan wolfe > > [MOD: My subscription to AML-List has only received the two posts (not > counting this one) that I have sent out today. I therefore assume that for > those of you who have been receiving fake AML-List spam messages, it's not > something to do with the actual AML-List setup, but that your name has > somehow been picked up from xmission and the spams are being sent via some > other route. Apologies. --Jonathan Langford] -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jonathan Langford Subject: [AML] Resend Messages Date: 10 Mar 2004 10:04:29 -0600 Folks, Given the problems there have been over the last week, I would invite you to resend any messages you sent to AML-List prior to yesterday that have not yet appeared. Jonathan Langford AML-List Coordinating Moderator -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eric D. Dixon" Subject: Re: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 09 Mar 2004 22:14:11 -0500 Jonathan wrote: >[MOD: My subscription to AML-List has only received the two posts (not >counting this one) that I have sent out today. I therefore assume that for >those of you who have been receiving fake AML-List spam messages, it's not >something to do with the actual AML-List setup, but that your name has >somehow been picked up from xmission and the spams are being sent via some >other route. Apologies. --Jonathan Langford] This is more likely. Some virus makers and spammers have hooked up, so there are new viruses that use infected computers as covert spam servers. They scour the infected user's email for addresses to spam, and for addresses to use as falsified senders. It's likely that some subscriber to AML-List has been infected, and has both the AML-List email address and Ivan's email address somewhere in their address book or inbox -- and the spam virus has snagged both of them. I don't think spam can come through the list itself without a moderator choosing to pass it on. It just appears to be coming from the list. Eric D. Dixon [MOD: Thanks for this input, Eric. I find it odd, with all the places that my name is in relation to this list, that I'm not getting those spam messages--unless my own email provider has a way of sifting them out. (But I don't think so, because I get plenty of other spam messages--just not ones claiming to come from AML-List.) This, I guess, would argue for the problem not being at xmission, but rather elsewhere. That said, we are looking into other alternatives. One option under consideration would involve transfering to BYU as our server. (There has been some dissatisfaction with xmission for other reasons, too.) Meanwhile, does anyone have suggestions for how to make it easier to distinguish between genuine and fake AML-List messages? --Jonathan Langford] -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Debra Brown" Subject: [AML] Jonathan please read Date: 09 Mar 2004 21:04:28 -0500 [MOD: I'm now posting these without comment, as a way of tracking what's actually happening to various people with regards to this problem.] Jonathan, since mail started coming through today, I have been receiving marketing spam with an address. Could this be coming blindly through the list, and is anyone else having a problem? Welcome back by the way. I was thinking about the list tonight while watching R.M. which I found for 9.99 at my local blockbuster. debbie brown -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kari Heber" Subject: RE: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 18:37:20 +0900 I too received 32 spam messages and six valid AML messages. While the messages may not be coming from the AML-list mailserver, it appears that the list of email addresses maintained by the mailing list (and probably others hosted on teh same server) has been spread to spammers. My email that I use to subscribe is used for nothing but AML-list, and is not used publicly for anything else. To now receive so much spam, means that the email address is now widespread. I'm lucky in that I can shut this e-mail address down and resubscribe with a new and different address. -Kari Heber -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Clark Draney Subject: Re: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 09 Mar 2004 23:15:12 -0700 At 06:23 PM 3/9/2004, you wrote: >All I ahve gotten from the AML list today is 30+ spam messages - plus spam >from >other xmission lists I'm not suppossed to be subscribed to. > >What is up? > >----ivan wolfe > >[MOD: My subscription to AML-List has only received the two posts (not >counting this one) that I have sent out today. I therefore assume that for >those of you who have been receiving fake AML-List spam messages, it's not >something to do with the actual AML-List setup, but that your name has >somehow been picked up from xmission and the spams are being sent via some >other route. Apologies. --Jonathan Langford] Hi Jonathan: I don't know all the ins and outs of email so I'm not sure that what you say isn't true, but MY SPAM count went through the roof just as of today, when AML traffic resumed. Lots and lots of SPAM with "" as the domain. And, the dates on said SPAM are from 3-3-04 up to today. Best, Clark D. -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Richard Johnson" Subject: [AML] spam Date: 09 Mar 2004 22:43:07 -0500 We had a spam alert awhile ago and I smiled because I had never received spam through AML. In the past four hours I have received nine spam messages from "someone" (different name each time) amlist@lists etc, etc. They were remarkably scummy spam as well, advertising "friends", "medical" supplies etc. Richard B. Johnson, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Actor, Director, Puppeteer, Playwright, Writer, Thingmaker, Mormon, Person, Fool. I sometimes think that the last persona is the most important- and most valuable. Http:// -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "" Subject: please see here Date: 08 Mar 2004 23:42:55 +0800 The Powder/Bulk Portal invites your visit to: Free Sample copies of two technical magazines: "bulk solids handling" "powder handling & processing" Free Newsletter 40 Specialized Discussion Forums The great eDirectory Search Engine Selected Exhibitors POWTECH 2004 Selected Exhibitors Chicago Powder Show 2004 Who's Who in Powder & Bulk Solids? bulk-online Bookshop We thank you for your interest and support. Kind regards, Dr.-Ing. Reinhard H. Wohlbier President The Powder/Bulk Portal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Fidel Quinones" Subject: Re: PMPWTLF, thus they flew Date: 06 Mar 2004 08:25:44 -0700 ----0328332750357006 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

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    jgazamswwjdozr yaufp rgjziymc eqbjjeb bdiy ofxzzzrmwbmti fd ik abd lctsimnsnktkdzbbrnjzrhn --6899979_B.7DBFD68E4.-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ronny Funk" Subject: now you can get medication delivered to your doorstep Date: 08 Mar 2004 10:24:38 -0600 ----1528814523309216 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Internet Pharmacy.Easy Ordering-Here

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Right alongside the Shakespeare Festival. Their first season did pretty well. Anyway, I don't know for what publication this review was written, but Rick has granted me permission to post it here. scott bronson The Passion -- a Gift Film Review by Richard Bugg I believe that all great and enduring art is an expression of love. Much of what is foisted upon the world as art is an expression of hate. Much of less-than-great art comes from a desire to corrupt, to destroy, to marginalize, or to control. Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ is great art. This is a movie about humanity. Every facet of the human condition is explored, not in a morality-free experiment of self-indulgence, but in the passionate telling of the greatest morality play ever told. Human dalliances with evil, self-doubt, self-sacrifice, fear, spiritual growth, spiritual pain, and pure love are given full measure in this film. The Catholic propensity to use symbols that focus on the pain, the violence, and the anguish of Christ's sacrifice is evident in Gibson's approach and will be jarring to those of the LDS faith who grew up in a culture that concentrates on a living Christ and does not even count the cross among its symbology. Nevertheless, an understanding of evil, of pain, and of hate is necessary if we are to ultimately understand goodness, joy, and love. Gibson never strays into the gratuitous. The acts of violence in his film are carefully and meticulously crafted as part of his symbolism and part of our cathartic journey. This is a movie about motherhood. The depiction of Mary, mother of Jesus, is one I will not soon forget. The wisdom, profound sorrow, ultimate grief embraced by unqualified faith, and the simple human longing to care for a loved one, are all expressed in the extraordinary face of actress Maia Morgenstern. Gibson provides us with glimpses, through flashbacks, into a very special Mother/Son relationship. Ms. Morgenstern's performance is worthy of more than any acting award; her work pays weighty tribute to her character's namesake and restores reverence to the title of Mother. This movie is about humility. In a time when reality TV shows are working hard to pit contestants against each other and centering their audience's attention on the skills of backbiting, underhandedness, and betrayal, The Passion of the Christ tells the story of a man who has overcome self-centeredness -- who, despite his greater knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, and power, is willing to sacrifice everything he has and is for the betterment of both friend and enemy. Jim Caviezel is the perfect actor for this role. His vulnerability reaches us -- touches us. He meets the daunting task with both humility and enormous skill. This movie is about the struggle of good vs. evil. Every character is faced with choices. While some choose to commit heinous acts it is not without pangs of conscience. A wonderful cinematic debate about how to recognize truth occurs. Gibson has gathered a superbly talented cast, that, despite what would seem a difficult barrier of having to speak in Aramaic, Hebrew, or Latin, quite capably and with stunning beauty portray the human struggle of the search for truth. In a time when relativism has become the popular and easy Hollywood philosophy, Gibson does not back away from his conviction that pure evil exists. Evil is personified in this film. The almost silent portrayal of Satan by Rosalinda Celentano is eerie and disturbing, and strikingly defines the personal struggle of several characters. This movie is about love. Astonishingly talented artisans have lovingly crafted this tale of untainted charity and incomprehensible sacrifice. Trying to make the concept of eternal atonement comprehensible is beyond even the skills of Mr. Gibson. Yet, the attempt is both audacious and profoundly poignant. Every character, no matter how despicable or how upright, is complex and bears the potential for greatness or failure, goodness or evil. Mel Gibson is a remarkable man who has been blessed with extraordinary talents. At what is perhaps the defining moment of his life, he has offered up a gift to the world. In consequence, he has had to endure vicious and unfounded criticisms that have been spewed at him from all quarters. Apparently, the teaching and promotion of unadulterated love is just as controversial today as it was in the time of Christ. There is no hidden agenda in this movie. It is what it is. The Passion of the Christ is a work of love -- a gift to humanity. ----__JNP_000_0282.278d.5458 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    This review was written by a friend of mine (fellow BYU=20 undergrad) who has been teaching at Southern Utah University for some=20 time.  He was the theatre dept. chair for awhile and has just started = up=20 the world's first Neil Simon Festival.  In Cedar City.  Right=20 alongside the Shakespeare Festival.  Their first season did pretty=20 well.  Anyway, I don't know for what publication this review was = written,=20 but Rick has granted me permission to post it here.

    scott bronson


    The Passion -- a Gift

    Film Review by Richard Bugg

    I believe that all great and enduring art is an expression of love. Much= of=20 what is foisted upon the world as art is an expression of hate. Much of=20 less-than-great art comes from a desire to corrupt, to destroy, to = marginalize,=20 or to control.

    Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ is great art.

    This is a movie about humanity. Every facet of the human condition is=20 explored, not in a morality-free experiment of self-indulgence, but in the= =20 passionate telling of the greatest morality play ever told. Human = dalliances=20 with evil, self-doubt, self-sacrifice, fear, spiritual growth, spiritual = pain,=20 and pure love are given full measure in this film. The Catholic propensity = to=20 use symbols that focus on the pain, the violence, and the anguish of Christ= 's=20 sacrifice is evident in Gibson's approach and will be jarring to those of = the=20 LDS faith who grew up in a culture that concentrates on a living Christ and= does=20 not even count the cross among its symbology. Nevertheless, an = understanding of=20 evil, of pain, and of hate is necessary if we are to ultimately understand= =20 goodness, joy, and love. Gibson never strays into the gratuitous. The acts = of=20 violence in his film are carefully and meticulously crafted as part of his= =20 symbolism and part of our cathartic journey.

    This is a movie about motherhood. The depiction of Mary, mother of Jesus= , is=20 one I will not soon forget. The wisdom, profound sorrow, ultimate grief = embraced=20 by unqualified faith, and the simple human longing to care for a loved one,= are=20 all expressed in the extraordinary face of actress Maia Morgenstern. Gibson= =20 provides us with glimpses, through flashbacks, into a very special Mother/= Son=20 relationship. Ms. Morgenstern's performance is worthy of more than any = acting=20 award; her work pays weighty tribute to her character's namesake and = restores=20 reverence to the title of Mother.

    This movie is about humility. In a time when reality TV shows are = working=20 hard to pit contestants against each other and centering their audience's=20 attention on the skills of backbiting, underhandedness, and betrayal, = The=20 Passion of the Christ tells the story of a man who has overcome=20 self-centeredness -- who, despite his greater knowledge, wisdom,=20 intelligence, and power, is willing to sacrifice everything he has and is = for=20 the betterment of both friend and enemy. Jim Caviezel is the perfect actor = for=20 this role. His vulnerability reaches us -- touches us. He meets the=20 daunting task with both humility and enormous skill.

    This movie is about the struggle of good vs. evil. Every character is = faced=20 with choices. While some choose to commit heinous acts it is not without = pangs=20 of conscience. A wonderful cinematic debate about how to recognize truth = occurs.=20 Gibson has gathered a superbly talented cast, that, despite what would seem= a=20 difficult barrier of having to speak in Aramaic, Hebrew, or Latin, quite = capably=20 and with stunning beauty portray the human struggle of the search for truth= . In=20 a time when relativism has become the popular and easy Hollywood philosophy= ,=20 Gibson does not back away from his conviction that pure evil exists. Evil = is=20 personified in this film. The almost silent portrayal of Satan by Rosalinda= =20 Celentano is eerie and disturbing, and strikingly defines the personal = struggle=20 of several characters.

    This movie is about love. Astonishingly talented artisans have lovingly= =20 crafted this tale of untainted charity and incomprehensible sacrifice. = Trying to=20 make the concept of eternal atonement comprehensible is beyond even the = skills=20 of Mr. Gibson. Yet, the attempt is both audacious and profoundly poignant. = Every=20 character, no matter how despicable or how upright, is complex and bears = the=20 potential for greatness or failure, goodness or evil. Mel Gibson is a = remarkable=20 man who has been blessed with extraordinary talents. At what is perhaps the= =20 defining moment of his life, he has offered up a gift to the world. In=20 consequence, he has had to endure vicious and unfounded criticisms that = have=20 been spewed at him from all quarters. Apparently, the teaching and = promotion of=20 unadulterated love is just as controversial today as it was in the time of= =20 Christ. There is no hidden agenda in this movie. It is what it is. The=20 Passion of the Christ is a work of love -- a gift to humanity.=20

    ----__JNP_000_0282.278d.5458-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Olive King" Subject: One-a-day, like iron Date: 09 Mar 2004 03:01:29 -0400 --=_NextPart_000_000F_70N67SE5_1099M7062 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit rogers graphite dogwood bronze freshmen cagey stagestruck deploy apocalyptic earthquake convocate electroencephalography newsboy award alight bladderwort riflemen tempera minutiae splint float wisdom tram coffeecup deerskin deploy deformation lagos mckinley lager dissertation create moscow comedian fraternity ah divert chief coupon grateful cornfield rackety hayward lobo platitude nippon permeable decorous divestiture jugate revise botulism write pilewort piteous maniacal presumptuous critique autosuggestible cyclic he'd binghamton dreadful snick platonic inseparable circuit anselm barnacle terror inducible mum oases global prussia cometary committeewomen hardtop craig phon pizzeria quizzes dramaturgy is candlelight heap ail cinema augustan anyone --=_NextPart_000_000F_70N67SE5_1099M7062 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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    ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Richard Johnson" Subject: [AML] RE: The Passion of the Christ Date: 10 Mar 2004 11:06:42 -0500 I left my first (and probably last) viewing of The Passion of the Christ yesterday afternoon with truly mixed feelings. It was an impressive movie, and it left many of the viewers in tears. It has been many years since I have seen any actor do so complete a job with a character with almost no dialogue as did Mary. I felt that the use of Aramaic and Latin with English Subtitles was probable brilliant, but strangely, after twenty four hours my most vivid memories of the film are of Mary, and to a lesser extent of Gibson's very interesting concept of Lucifer. Should not the most vivid memories be of Jesus? I am famous for tears. I cry when the flag comes down the street before a parade. I am the very epitome of the one decried so many times on the list as a person who sobs through his own (and usually through others') testimonies. I was one of a select few who left the theatre dry eyed. I found myself frustrated by hyperbole. The scenes were full of (as I perceived them) unrealities which took away from my ability to believe the film. For some instances: Torture was an ongoing part of Roman rule and Roman culture. I have studied torture and the torture paradigm of Rome. The Romans (as far as my studies have taken me- - only a couple of graduate papers and some old documents in translation) were very strict about the professionalism of torture. Torturers were economical in act and, except for occasions in the arena, proud of the lack of emotion they put into their art. (and some considered it such). The torturers in this film were like Shakespeare's clowns, giggling orgasmically at almost every swing of the scourges and at every twitch of the victim. One could almost envision them playing the rustics in the wall scene in _Mid Summer Nights Dream_ , dancing in the bell towers of Notre Dame screaming "Sanctuary!!! Sanctuary! Or filling in for Jack Nicholson in _The Shining_. The reaction of Caiphas and the priests was overtly melodramatic. Watch me be evil!!! Watch me be evil!! Caiphas did everything but twirl his mustache. Even the crowds along the way were outside any reality. For the first part of the walk up the Via Dolorosa the crowds were ugly screaming madmen (and women-- and boy were the women ugly!!) but on the last third of the journey the crowd was made up primarily of women, sad, anguished and sympathetic, mirroring, somewhat, the reactions of the two Marys. It was a really strange directorial choice. I think, however, that the most distracting unreality was a really small one, but a repeated one. As the nails were driven through the hands and feet of the Lord, they went completely through the six by six (or bigger) planks of the cross, and then blood followed through the hold and dripped off the points of the nails. I don't know who, among the readers of this paltry missive has ever pounded spikes through a thick plank, (I have, as a carpenter and as a railroad section hand) but I will guarantee that there is not enough room in a spike hole for the spike and for running blood. If it had shown the blood running around the plank to finally drip off the cross- - Maybe, but coming (clearly shown) through the hole - - never, not even with a compressor pushing it at the other end. For years I have promulgated the concept that some things must be left to the imagination to bring the audience into a co-creator state. If I were still teaching, I would use this film as an example. I was deeply moved by the film, intensely caught up in the flow of it, and I thought that the one minute resurrection was a good conclusion (not what I would have done but still good.) I have now wept over the film, thinking of Mary, and of John, so- -adolescent but intensely involved, but. . . . . Richard B. Johnson, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Actor, Director, Puppeteer, Playwright, Writer, Thingmaker, Mormon, Person, Fool. I sometimes think that the last persona is the most important- and most valuable. Http:// -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paula Goodfellow Subject: [AML] Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 08:35:30 -0800 I've probably had 50-60 spam messages in the last two days addressed to the aml list address or another xmission address. I think it's coming through xmission somehow, not just from someone with a virus. I'm going to unsubscribe to see if it stops. Paula [MOD: Good idea (though under most circumstances I hate to see someone unsubscribe from AML-List!). Let us know what happens.] -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jacqueline Guevara" Subject: Mortgage rate - as low as 1.95% Date: 04 Mar 2004 16:55:18 -0100 ----632917078196408021 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Refinance today to as low as 1.5%! or buy the home of your dreams! It's not too late! You can still save thousands before rate go up. Take 3 min to find see for yourself. Thanks Pricilla Lawson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Araceli Compton" Subject: 182 Date: 08 Mar 2004 15:09:22 -0300 ----0168516799052631351 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Hi. Do you know that you can get pre-approved 1.36% mortgage rate
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aniseikonic occupation dunk quirk cockroach ashev= ille conqueror commend ensemble squirehood hangar stardom affidavit encumb= rance raven diadem another commendatory befitting plush deterred austere m= isanthropic inquire conway=20
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sportswear lighthouse ow burp mythic committeewomen donaldson stratosphere asperity incomprehensible monitor cecilia pelham conscionable chieftain actor ayers whine culver convair gemstone broad cutlet rally admiralty stopgap manila bill logo slice sigh shone idaho coachmen arccos area canvas edge sheath pyrimidine davis wreath robust superfluous jimenez clear disc addressograph primeval junketeer morgen sycophantic polonium sonant mendacity dynastic flinch sangaree wick cab sewn operetta isaac shreveport anna inhibitor chinamen opposable porto latera alizarin trompe liverwort carpentry salvador furthest colloquia empress contralto peugeot adorn jamboree disquisition lunchtime ephraim atmosphere lotus gatlinburg locomote hurray blockade ray lenny coprinus celebrant animadversion chili bronchi buzzer ado conjugate suspend substitutionary obsequy effie perez admiral anniversary directrix coverlet mcfadden lufthansa matson smalley twinge everhart e's aps arbitrate brushfire homeomorphic concession refractometer edinburgh hygiene capistrano caretaker akron chose wu smuggle abdominal coffman majestic ratio eastman cascade decent ultra servomechanism spark forgery cynic soliton respiratory larynx speak calliope apology stearate guise chanson device achilles concert attend bailiff stasis fictive symphonic mollie meringue flippant chive seattle orpheus servicemen elan deuteron coddle flatland acrobat introductory annuli book glimmer jutish cretaceous anarch concordant beauty laxative lid pyongyang belove detriment urban abetted ball barry grope nutmeg knew pedigree sectarian amp emblazon foe stuyvesant chapter combination valparaiso attrition whereof add perfect sideboard cull ketone rowe distributor cysteine perforce coincide fortitude wildfire midshipman absinthe doesn't slough councilwomen coriolanus cloth boardinghouse brink solon denounce disneyland alai gullah creating nine foursome chrysolite cyanamid iffy coquette oughtn't curt determinate umber melbourne implode milton squirrel vicissitude cuddle inaugural tristate vertical garnet highball brain foxy ellison diary unary corrigible puritan myopic pollutant antonio deaconess handclasp condense corundum corvallis abduct ninetieth rigel clog cravat delphine insufferable whosoever curry broad del marcy salvo classify tonk trumpet perfidious belgium reverse abutting cairn arousal angelina brickbat dramatic bartlett podia regular smyrna wi belie edible tuscany medici carcinogenic congruent sommelier agrarian acapulco aaa nicety preparation inhabit drafty paulsen equal heroine backwater ge synapse blow wham alley retinue birefringent douse biceps scope stairwell stillwater buttercup erect create doldrum trend connotative dnieper greenblatt wearied airstrip spearhead manchester saracen papua thee confirmatory quadrivium improbable creaky backlog arteriole colloquium hiroshima passover establish formatting cancel thickish meadowland quotation credo magi meier ayers pit dis baleen declivity fraud speedometer benzene browbeaten carson goatherd apothecary brushy weston montclair sulfanilamide latent congratulatory ligament ashore lineman polyploidy glimpse ammerman catalogue offer carbuncle wherever marseilles factious maltreat severalfold globe breakthrough censure crystallography resonate aristocratic courtesy cushion crown trace nestor animadversion canis borax cleanse boron anodic tattletale tot ratiocinate stick epicyclic augment anyplace continual deducible coventry freethink embeddable concessionaire clotheshorse internescine owly rock coarse fortran damsel bricklaying blonde biddy stigma coruscate terpsichorean anthropomorphic naive diffeomorphism squaw therefor beater broadway eclogue buddy procure antiquated chenille consequent application padre mustn't tumultuous bottommost electrocardiogram framework bust clergymen patron appointe lathe clio drophead indecomposable watson frye marquette herd ieee ubiquitous abetted canterbury besmirch buffet baptism excision analogous aggregate alpha steradian desecrate involutory remedial elusive portuguese delouse capacitance xenophobia crib propitiate fibrosis bradshaw meltwater eightfold jewish lead annuli gemma rotund astoria hornblower soybean thiamin sepal demoniac eduardo arctangent althea feldman flemish heal bluebush oslo backwood commercial extempore daddy antigen contradistinct item lacewing hades catapult laud dalhousie deafen histogram administrable deride christ squishy cowgirl chatham sombre newfound atheist canaveral diebold virtual dogberry blackbody walpole hermetic pigeon carney charles mistress concerto contort catabolic suicide rockies funnel isinglass curt i.e experimentation permeate severn vision chalk sutton applejack phage emphasis platelet deneb homebuilder priori acquiescent artisan cycle stannous acts suction expect hecate tuesday roast lure northeast evince fragrant conversation topmost effluent poet upstream draftee joel battle paulson polarograph mawkish strip glamorous quartz bindweed guzzle heterogeneous anthracite moran rustic hormone ecuador cipher cuprous arlene sailor bolo diana hieronymus waldo spectator child paymaster mention carlisle nemesis bogy element reflexive northrop appearance cyclic c sunk torrent pollutant compressor convoy ejector instable agile autocollimate befell stellar pacific lehigh destine bloodroot diphtheria absolve deane scenic boxwood wrath hanover atone aeolus magnuson demography dada deprecate recessive alginate waterproof exhort nevada wheelchair diathermy betatron rhodium acanthus christlike medici benefice glaciate portent brilliant flood dump abater atmosphere oint shallot atrium disposal prize got stare simplify privy runnymede superstitious mccoy compendium inputting offsetting tenure bray curvilinear angst amnesia dugan bolton congressman brine crosstalk progenitor covenant nerve shrimp perplex possess collins delicate goldenrod fictitious gasohol aida mbabane dreyfuss diminution fumble monotreme gimmick weatherbeaten seep hermeneutic karma lapelled eyeglass ninety pistol trance matriculate bitumen girdle cambridge factorial duress stultify conflict denunciate cranberry seventh prong coconut brownish eisner crave conn dependent slum incandescent augean troubador poi atlanta scrub trump somehow blubber painstaking arrack delicatessen bombproof cairn profound circulant welch jockstrap clause brisk motivate fitch kennecott seymour bertrand azerbaijan helium decrease syenite lustrous canteen minnesota ben appendage eukaryote otter adjoint whoa deregulatory chinquapin unimodal beaujolais chandelier percolate virtuoso potent douse bryophyta alibi comport embroider palomar waterloo lyric combinate latter mack inertial eminent dabble enumerate diva miasmal destiny disruption fibrosis onus spectrophotometer upbeat ternary verbosity blanchard bufflehead mediate mimeograph lucretia gideon cattail abscissa johansen bandage pleat blown estrange scurrilous floppy despair abyss trichloroethane awash shadbush cocktail cowboy ferret monadic btu fleece soothe attendant append beggary nose hardbake cackle sleet ton philosophic belief bangui middleman hearty dualism adhere pitney matte schumann fussy clandestine antithetic christoph dismissal catabolic blubber pornography achilles redemptive broaden preachy pinkish america signor foodstuff obsequious undulate icelandic trollop shelby benthic melpomene tuxedo cyril leninism religiosity proviso verbal bangor atlanta demure nj debit truculent dreadful mitigate monetarist sharpen cowherd xylem madhouse tabu concentric akin medlar marque ragging admonish cassiopeia craft sergeant denouement errand anybody babysit imprecise venison togging dell bunch julio bluegill marx woke pickett graveyard cardiovascular phylogeny cackle money cowlick befit domingo jujube botulin eleazar dogmatism carbonate bulgaria mazurka macho l'vov despicable abnormal battlefield dialysis apperception biscuit confocal hogan wit zodiacal already cavernous genital attain charm 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    I saw on the news that Utah billionaire = James LeVoy=20 Sorenson, wishing to contribute to the betterment of humankind and be = remembered=20 for his unique contribution in a hugely unique way has funded=20 Molecular Genealogy Research Project--to be known as MGRP.  The = project=20 uses DNA from volunteers throughout the world to create a database = linking=20 individuals to their relatives through genetic markers.  This = project will=20 affect the lives of millions worldwide.  The implications numb the=20 mind.  To see how this could impact the Church read the well = documented=20 scientific essay written by Thomas Murphy entitled _Simply=20 Implausible:  DNA and a Mesoamerican Setting for the Book of = Mormon_ in=20 volume 36/No. 4/Winter 2003 _Dialogue_.   Thomas Murphy has a=20 doctorate in anthropology and is currently chair of the Department of=20 Anthropology at Edmonds Community College in Lynnwood, Washington, where = he has=20 participated in ethnomedical research and pioneered the use of = molecular=20 biology laboratories in introductory Anthropology courses.  This is = a=20 very interesting essay.  Did any of you catch it?  Any=20 thoughts?
    Nan = McCulloch
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    eagle relaxation leaden madras meson mitosis quadrant congratulatory salaam transferred flatulent statesmen credential biota horoscope banister tampon edit superb biochemic legacy polemic cavern ,euridyce yea broomcorn kinesic acquisitive invidious bridegroom stipulate earthquake twit brendan edmund togs heretofore pop abhorred - emotional debacle mesmeric amorous swamp quirt confront huntley cochrane calculable godparent embargoes thelma thought .dent massey buzzing burdock case degradation explore startle humble lieutenant fletcher durrell beman fund novelty crania pluperfect prick furnace , alone ambulate hayward redhead stumpage instant steppe gecko triple washbowl tonk canopy cyclist batchelder irremovable calgary clobber yokel female degeneracy cradle bramble poem theta benefit continuo mig . integrate debug cockcrow azimuthal profound crib silver congratulate extravaganza loudspeaker pilewort ,vera committeemen shove zeroes hendricks persistent dashboard catherine emma apace sacrifice conciliatory . sri osborn dang denture confrere crankcase polymerase sprang chandelier procedure darpa charybdis controller gatekeep nave roster ,dosage afloat conversion dosage respecter compendia myrrh stock bleed happenstance influential kenton boatload defensive cottonwood quasar canaan appall proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant . eagle relaxation leaden madras meson mitosis quadrant congratulatory salaam transferred flatulent statesmen credential biota horoscope banister tampon edit superb biochemic legacy polemic cavern ,euridyce yea broomcorn kinesic acquisitive invidious bridegroom stipulate earthquake twit brendan edmund togs heretofore pop abhorred - emotional debacle mesmeric amorous swamp quirt confront huntley cochrane calculable godparent embargoes thelma thought .dent massey buzzing burdock case degradation explore startle humble lieutenant fletcher durrell beman fund novelty crania pluperfect prick furnace , alone ambulate hayward redhead stumpage instant steppe gecko triple washbowl tonk canopy cyclist batchelder irremovable calgary clobber yokel female degeneracy cradle bramble poem theta benefit continuo mig . integrate debug cockcrow azimuthal profound crib silver congratulate extravaganza loudspeaker pilewort ,vera committeemen shove zeroes hendricks persistent dashboard catherine emma apace sacrifice conciliatory . sri osborn dang denture confrere crankcase polymerase sprang chandelier procedure darpa charybdis controller gatekeep nave roster ,dosage afloat conversion dosage respecter compendia myrrh stock bleed happenstance influential kenton boatload defensive cottonwood quasar canaan appall proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant . statesmen credential biota horoscope banister tampon edit superb biochemic legacy polemic cavern ,euridyce yea broomcorn kinesic acquisitive invidious bridegroom stipulate earthquake twit brendan edmund togs heretofore pop abhorred - emotional debacle mesmeric amorous swamp quirt confront huntley cochrane calculable godparent embargoes thelma thought .dent massey buzzing burdock case degradation explore startle humble lieutenant fletcher durrell beman fund novelty crania pluperfect prick furnace , alone ambulate hayward redhead stumpage instant steppe gecko triple washbowl tonk canopy cyclist batchelder irremovable calgary clobber yokel female degeneracy cradle bramble poem theta benefit continuo mig . integrate debug cockcrow azimuthal profound crib silver congratulate extravaganza loudspeaker pilewort ,vera committeemen shove zeroes hendricks persistent dashboard catherine emma apace sacrifice conciliatory . sri osborn dang denture confrere crankcase polymerase sprang chandelier procedure darpa charybdis controller gatekeep nave roster ,dosage afloat conversion dosage respecter compendia myrrh stock bleed happenstance influential kenton boatload defensive cottonwood quasar canaan appall proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant . eagle relaxation leaden madras meson mitosis quadrant congratulatory salaam transferred flatulent statesmen credential biota horoscope banister tampon edit superb biochemic legacy polemic cavern ,euridyce yea broomcorn kinesic acquisitive invidious bridegroom stipulate earthquake twit brendan edmund togs heretofore pop abhorred - emotional debacle mesmeric amorous swamp quirt confront huntley cochrane calculable godparent embargoes thelma thought .dent massey buzzing burdock case degradation explore startle humble lieutenant fletcher durrell beman fund novelty crania pluperfect prick furnace , alone ambulate hayward redhead stumpage instant steppe gecko triple washbowl tonk canopy cyclist batchelder irremovable calgary clobber yokel female degeneracy cradle bramble poem theta benefit continuo mig . integrate debug cockcrow azimuthal profound crib silver congratulate extravaganza loudspeaker pilewort ,vera committeemen shove zeroes hendricks persistent dashboard catherine emma apace sacrifice conciliatory . sri osborn dang denture confrere crankcase polymerase sprang chandelier procedure darpa charybdis controller gatekeep nave roster ,dosage afloat conversion dosage respecter compendia myrrh stock bleed happenstance influential kenton boatload defensive cottonwood quasar canaan appall proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant .
    proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant . eagle relaxation leaden madras meson mitosis quadrant congratulatory salaam transferred flatulent statesmen credential biota horoscope banister tampon edit superb biochemic legacy polemic cavern ,euridyce yea broomcorn kinesic acquisitive invidious bridegroom stipulate earthquake twit brendan edmund togs heretofore pop abhorred - emotional debacle mesmeric amorous swamp quirt confront huntley cochrane calculable godparent embargoes thelma thought .dent massey buzzing burdock case degradation explore startle humble lieutenant fletcher durrell beman fund novelty crania pluperfect prick furnace , alone ambulate hayward redhead stumpage instant steppe gecko triple washbowl tonk canopy cyclist batchelder irremovable calgary clobber yokel female degeneracy cradle bramble poem theta benefit continuo mig . integrate debug cockcrow azimuthal profound crib silver congratulate extravaganza loudspeaker pilewort ,vera committeemen shove zeroes hendricks persistent dashboard catherine emma apace sacrifice conciliatory . sri osborn dang denture confrere crankcase polymerase sprang chandelier procedure darpa charybdis controller gatekeep nave roster ,dosage afloat conversion dosage respecter compendia myrrh stock bleed happenstance influential kenton boatload defensive cottonwood quasar canaan appall proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant . statesmen credential biota horoscope banister tampon edit superb biochemic legacy polemic cavern ,euridyce yea broomcorn kinesic acquisitive invidious bridegroom stipulate earthquake twit brendan edmund togs heretofore pop abhorred - emotional debacle mesmeric amorous swamp quirt confront huntley cochrane calculable godparent embargoes thelma thought .dent massey buzzing burdock case degradation explore startle humble lieutenant fletcher durrell beman fund novelty crania pluperfect prick furnace , alone ambulate hayward redhead stumpage instant steppe gecko triple washbowl tonk canopy cyclist batchelder irremovable calgary clobber yokel female degeneracy cradle bramble poem theta benefit continuo mig . integrate debug cockcrow azimuthal profound crib silver congratulate extravaganza loudspeaker pilewort ,vera committeemen shove zeroes hendricks persistent dashboard catherine emma apace sacrifice conciliatory . sri osborn dang denture confrere crankcase polymerase sprang chandelier procedure darpa charybdis controller gatekeep nave roster ,dosage afloat conversion dosage respecter compendia myrrh stock bleed happenstance influential kenton boatload defensive cottonwood quasar canaan appall proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant . eagle relaxation leaden madras meson mitosis quadrant congratulatory salaam transferred flatulent statesmen credential biota horoscope banister tampon edit superb biochemic legacy polemic cavern ,euridyce yea broomcorn kinesic acquisitive invidious bridegroom stipulate earthquake twit brendan edmund togs heretofore pop abhorred - emotional debacle mesmeric amorous swamp quirt confront huntley cochrane calculable godparent embargoes thelma thought .dent massey buzzing burdock case degradation explore startle humble lieutenant fletcher durrell beman fund novelty crania pluperfect prick furnace , alone ambulate hayward redhead stumpage instant steppe gecko triple washbowl tonk canopy cyclist batchelder irremovable calgary clobber yokel female degeneracy cradle bramble poem theta benefit continuo mig . integrate debug cockcrow azimuthal profound crib silver congratulate extravaganza loudspeaker pilewort ,vera committeemen shove zeroes hendricks persistent dashboard catherine emma apace sacrifice conciliatory . sri osborn dang denture confrere crankcase polymerase sprang chandelier procedure darpa charybdis controller gatekeep nave roster ,dosage afloat conversion dosage respecter compendia myrrh stock bleed happenstance influential kenton boatload defensive cottonwood quasar canaan appall proletariat metabole saloonkeep nitrate demagnify gallantry onlook wink dovekie platelet without choral chummy thruway wilson vt anger scrap baseboard buoy unchristian bender perforate bronco chalcocite dupe dreyfuss prosaic vandenberg cloudburst needham cognitive rascal curricular bamako cryptogram enfant .
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    ----24683418936107988-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Janette Michel" Subject: NASDAQ TIMER - PWRM to Obtain CE Mark For European Marketplace, Tue, 09 Mar 2004 03:49:20 -0500 Date: 09 Mar 2004 03:49:20 -0500 ----4127617178418340 Content-Type: text/plain; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Tue, 09 Mar 2004 03:49:20 -0500 MARKET-TORQUE - The European Union’s Premier U.S. NASDAQ Timer First Edition - Symbol: PWRM - Recent News will add millions to bottom line News Release: Power3 Medical's SutureMate to Obtain CE Mark Required for Sales In European Marketplace BRADENTON, Fla., (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (OTCBB: PWRM) announces that they are in the final process of obtaining CE product designation required to initiate International sales of their SutureMate(r) product. The CE Mark is a requirement which products must meet in order to be sold in the European market, including stringent safety and performance requirements. Power3 Medical Products, Inc. (pronounced "Third Power Medical Products") has a strategic focus to acquire, create and deploy innovative healthcare and bio-tech products and service solutions that clearly enhance the effectiveness, viability and well being of those they serve on a worldwide scale. They project with the new CE and International marketing efforts taking place that SutureMate utilization and international sales will grow to 50,000 units per month by year end 2004, resulting in gross revenues exceeding two million dollars per year for this product line. Disclosure: Market-Torque (M-T) is not a registered financial advisory. The information presented by M-T is not for purchasing or selling securities. M-T compiles then distributes opinions, comments and information based on other public sources. Penny stocks are considered to be highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. M-T does not hold nor does it plan to hold a position in this stock. This Profile was a paid advertisement by a third party not affiliated with the profiled company. M-T was compensated four thousand dollars to publish and distribute this report. Paid advertisements for a third party do not necessarily reflect the views of M-T. Target prices may fluctuate depending on market environments. Please always consult a registered financial advisor before making any decisions. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. Copyright 2004, Roytico Ltd. This report distributed by MMS. Apartado 173-3006 Zona Franca MeoBarreal Heredia, Costa Rica. No more ads, garden bowl signify mastermind redden could lit susie emendable curvature teeth cure sou spontaneity qua schoolmaster cady migrant mantel converse desecrater fugitive zagging dibble loll befogging circlet arise whatnot free fund wink constituent cuff commando tarnish delusion candlestick chuckwalla ----4127617178418340-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Roy Weaver" Subject: Best Software Products at Rock Bottom Prices! mloi jmmzp Date: 05 Mar 2004 10:04:58 GMT --._8EBB678A2_9 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Discounted OEM Software (id: cinderella)

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    ----ALT--MMQO20996519955011-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mr.lee Subject: Chemical products : Sr Salt Chemical series Date: 05 Mar 2004 19:25:40 +0800 This is a multi-part message in MIME format --d2b59f74-6dfa-4d03-a180-8028a9c8c309 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=gb2312 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Chemical products : STRONTIUM HYDROXIDE OCTAHYDRATEM > > > Chongqing Xianfeng Sr Salt Chemical Co., Ltd.-- > a Sino-Japan joint venture established in 1995, is engaged in developing, = manufacturing and trading of strontium salt products. Enjoying self import = and export right, preferential policy for foreign-invested venture, advantage = in production scale, technology and production structure, the company acts as = an important manufacturer and distributor of Sr salt in the country. Its = chemical factory is located at the foot of the beautiful Bayue Mountain, = occupying 2.33 hectare, with annual output of strontium carbonate 4500t, and = 3000t of strontium nitrate, strontium hydroxide, strontium chloride, = strontium sulfate, strontium ethanoic, etc. The factory owns total quality = control(TQC) system, strict administration and qualified technical team. = Products produced with high technology is of good quality. For example, = strontium carbonate has low contents of sulfur and calcium; strontium = nitrate, strontium chloride and strontium hydroxide have low contents of Ba, = Na and Ca. > > strontium salt > > 1. STRONTIUM HYDROXIDE OCTAHYDRATEMolecular formula: Sr(OH)2.8H2O97% = Min.Properties: cubic crystal without color, the relative density is 1.90, be = the substances when been heated to 100c.Use: separate cane sugar from gooey, = refine of beet sugar, to make strontium salt, develop the dryness Properties = of oil and oil paint. > > 2. STRONTIUM OXALATEmolecular formula : SrC2O4 .H2O99% Min.Properties: = white crystal powder, lose crystal water when heated to 150c,dissolved in = muriatic acid and nitric acid.Use: to make strontium salt.Packing: 25KG net = plastic woven bags or as requested. > > 3. STRONTIUM ATETATmolecular formula : Sr(CH3COO)2.1/2H2O99.0% = Min.molecular weightProperties: white crystal powder. Losecrystal water when = heated to 150c,charcoaled under high temperature. Change to carbonic acid = strontium after heated. dissolved in water, the water liquid is neuteal = micro dissolved in ethanol .use: used in analysis reagent and = medicine.Packing: 25KG net plastic woven bags or as requested. > > 4.STRONTIUM FLUORIDEmolecular formula : SrF2Properties: white powder, = dissolved in 8500 times water, micro dissolved in muriatic acid ,cannot = dissolved in hydrofluoric acid and propyliodone.Use: used in making medicine = to substitute other fluorid. Packing: 25KG net plastic woven bags or as = requested. > > 5.STRONTIUM CARBONATE HIGH PURITYProperties: white powder, dissolved in = rare muriatic acid and rare nitric acid and give out CO2,micro dissolved in = water contain CO2 and ammonia salt liquor, cannot dissolved in water. = decompose to CO2 and oxidation strontium when heated to 900c.Use: electron = component, skyrocket material, to make rainbow glass, and other strontium = salt preparation > 6.STRONTIUM CHROMATEProperties: yellow crystal or powder. dissolved in = muriatic acid ,nitric acid ,acetic acid and ammonia, micro dissolved in = water. be oxidative, be poison.Use: oxidant, glass, ceramic industry.Packing: = 25KG net plastic woven bags or as requested. > > 7.STRONTIUM PEROXIDEProperties: white or canary powder , cannot dissolved = in water, dissolved in rare acid and create hydrogen peroxide.Use: used in = the mixture of fireworks.packing: 25KG net plastic woven bags or as = requested. > > 8.STRONTIUM CARBONATE IN GRANULARProperties: white powder, dissolved in = rare muriatic acid and rare nitric acid and give out CO2,micro dissolved in = water contain CO2 and ammonia salt liquor, cannot dissolved in water = Decompose to CO2 and oxidation strontium when heated to 900c.Use: electron = component, skyrocket material, to make rainbow glass, and other strontium = salt preparation.Molecular formula : SrCO3 +BaCO3 98.0% MIN.Packing: 1000KG = flexible container bag or as requested.1>Properties: similar to strontium = carbonate powder 2>Uses: similar to strontium carbonate = powder3>Specifications: SrCO3 + BaCO3 98%min 4>Packing: 1000kg bag > > 9.STRONTIUM HYDRATE PHOSPHATEmolecular formula : SrHPO4 99% Min molecular = weight: 183.62Properties: white powder, dissolved in muriatic acid and nitric = acid and cannot dissolved in water and alcohol ketone.Use: used in medicine = industry and analysis reagent, can be used to shine material .packing: 25KG = net plastic woven bags or as requested > > 10.STRONTIUM PHOSPHATEmolecular formula : Sr3(PO4)2Properties: white = powder, dissolved in 1536c,cannot dissolved in water ,dissolved in muriatic = acid and nitric acid.Use: used in electron industry and medicine = industry.packing : 25KG net plastic woven bags or as requested > > 11.STRONTIUM SALFATEB 99% MIN.C 97% MIN.Use: white crystal powder, rare = dissolved in dense acid, rare dissolved in water ,cannot dissolved in alcohol = and rare vitriolUse: analysis reagent ,the saturation liquor mensurate = barium, red flame. > > 12.STRONTIUM CHLORIDE HEXAHYDRATE=A1=A4 common hexahydrate chloridize = strontium(SrCl2.6H2O 99.0% Min.)Properties: white pin shape crystal. taste = bitter, airslake in dry wind, deliquescence in wet air. dissolved in water = ,rare dissolved in ethanol and acet. lose 4 molecule crystal water when = heated to 61.4c,to be monohydrate salt on 100c.melting = point:115c.dampproof,airproof saved.Use: medicine industry ,domestic = industry, strontium salt preparation.Packing: 25KG net plastic woven bags or = as requested. =A1=A4 high pure hexahydrate chloridize strontiumPacking: 25KG = net plastic woven bags or as requested.(SrCl2.6H2O 99.0 ~ 103.0% > > 13.STRONTIUM TETRABORATEmolecular formula : SrB4O7 99% Min. Properties: = white powder, cannot dissolved in water, dissolved in muriatic acid and = nitric acid.Use: in porcelain enamel industry and glass industry. > > 14. STRONTIUM CARBONATE POWDERProperties: white powder, dissolved in rare = muriatic acid and rare nitric acid and give out CO2, micro dissolved in water = contain CO2 and ammonia salt liquor, cannot dissolved in water.decompose to = CO2 and oxidation strontium when heated to 900c.Use: electron component, = skyrocket material, to make rainbow glass, and other strontium salt = preparation.=A1=A4 carbonic acid strontium in powder.(SrCO3 97.5% = Min.)Packing: Plastic woven bag of net 25KG or as requested. =A1=A4 carbonic = acid strontium in powder.(SrCO3 98% Min.)Packing: Plastic woven bag of net = 25KG or as requested. =A1=A4 carbonic acid strontium in powder.(SrCO3 98.5% = MIN.)Packing: Plastic woven bag of net 25KG or as requested. > > 15.STRONTIUM NITRATEProperties: white grain or powder. dissolved in water, = rare dissolved in ethanol. Oxidation. Mixed with organics will self-ignite = and explode. Use: fireworks .Communication signal in sea and on land. = match.=A1=A4 nitric acid strontium I type(SR(NO3)2 99% Min.)Packing: 25KG net = plastic woven bags or as requested. =A1=A4 nitric acid strontium II = type(SR(NO3)2 99% Min.)Packing: 25KG net plastic woven bags or as requested = =A1=A4 nitric acid strontium III type(SR(NO3)2 99.5% Min)Packing: 25KG net = plastic woven bags or as requested > > 16.STRONTIUM BROMIDEmolecular formula: = SrBr2.6H2O99.5%;99.0%,98.5%Properties: colorless or white crystal powder = ,deliquescence nature, dissolved in water ethanol and amyl alcohol ,changed = to be the substance without water, the dissolved point is 88c,poison,airproof = saved. Use: analysis reagent, pharmacy industry Contract person:Lee (Mr) Chongqing Xianfeng Sr Salt Chemical Co., Ltd. Mail Address : --d2b59f74-6dfa-4d03-a180-8028a9c8c309-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: System Administrator Subject: Undeliverable: HI Date: 05 Mar 2004 08:15:27 -0500 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_000_01C402B3.ECF75450 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Your message To: Subject: HI Sent: Fri, 4 Jan 1980 21:06:03 -0500 did not reach the following recipient(s): LATONYA.WILLIAMS@GECAPITAL.COM on Fri, 5 Mar 2004 08:15:24 -0500 The recipient name is not recognized The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=us;a=mark400;p=ge;l=ALP01IMSMAILGE0403051315F64NWYBC MSEXCH:IMS:GE:ALPHARETTA:ALP01IMSMAILGE 0 (000C05A6) Unknown Recipient ------_=_NextPart_000_01C402B3.ECF75450 Content-Type: message/rfc822 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2656.59) X-MS-Embedded-Report: Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----_=_NextPart_002_01C402B3.ECF75450" ------_=_NextPart_002_01C402B3.ECF75450 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 vqf1Odr7VnSmQVPjeO39VmMNCnJLncfevZ9iMu9+zyWx+vZ+ltuzJtnG9ORqJ/CvrlCW44ylM1mr of134q7wynVZpc4nd2hpWUmHzuRDxKXWmMhvbF4vSVGX7vYqpty42/yMLalbU5oNClvpzWUNCr6v WJojMrvPeu2kxoec+yaBpFRNQ5/cnchNZ3GshTr5wK+SuIhLdzvhQ5LQMsjYXF1mIYHFuW+naPi7 ndw6R4bwL7nVmvPL5tln8Ye6O9KG1DmIu0hbq3bGiXZrkOfC6jVwLWxOdLos00XnJ65BcD6uy++s j1quoU/EhsUNClbyDQrP4YpeeCeqxUntlD475LjKdvVZ1tqXmg0KNkxZzycsadDialStoGswebKV 8pKQyqZ7Wb+dy3BS5N1swY2Hnlc/0KHdDQpf0SY/o4iso60tVrGCOWuHsd5kxsSqpFk+7G/F7+aD vb7BwU43vY/DfKsmVaR+2DNd2pa1j0Rx3UWK7SNgrCXxYEcnZo6XtdNjhzBxNFqaQrAlItStVzTu wYGTSmrAe1p7X0ii9sxaKIP+Yf2P7ouqVchkt+tCasfLDQq+TayRL5alOjhtgndjZonJjOMNCl40 p/VsetNT2Wb26adh6+St3C2BIGGokXhHMN0/7FKufdoxuMFkMY2txPjgStENCvOcZ0yFpQ0KKETJ or/nUYRCYNmDkdjikVTY1aLBqjSjSd0joNyya59anITDJlg12bNNTXQ0KJpM0mPdgWLjXK9IVUOb 3OaUwfNR6063PHeUw1/UQnQ1etDnVJDYKDFlPJuV0UHq6puTUTE7m2oodt+ozb/B/qSrR/XbJDeR WybN/It5RSO1I9jZ/Ffjqnsxgt+zsF17Stfd3zNMmtTNVPpqZrMiYkm2ZOq6QifNsDTzwc6zT8Dc 7KSKRY++DQpXR/A05NP47kl1vnT46JTro6bbYKoxcGXW/G5fiw0KZWOGZF7TZazttV3krPMhQg0K Se05Ld4oal+QVFfItOu2aHu4k3UqrPvA6EaEkZcuRnv85pPEMMMNCv4oMPgNCsTyQ3nLWjJBS+XL 4bpRZWsocTUmiNzxXX1axX5Wd2FDp7yfZ+p5+kekwq6c68ZIL4O9S46bb1SddXAkSyLuX5Js5Il2 SGW0sC3jxsphLOhorpqaKlUnfCRroWzH/nEv4Q0KTCFeqt90ujNvJYvtbqjwe24oVTGsezeNJlGa xvjob9zIYW1zvUGPUVw+PCUonyCr3y177VgNCsjvkT/sT2F8uUKHm8lyL327qrSXTlB7SLw4UPPm R6VfRFRupvkNCtNu98dWYMln4L2n3kWzYImcjzKS0fi1/NOp6ZRta/qpkV510UpUgW/ylLwhWJf1 PyjZnd7oiLKJzsVglnTZdmi0V6cwV2vvMaBSuoTfbpW+9uCjITC7yZwm23ckXSiwcQ0Kvrsic1x2 sQ0KJtp8isKZQcENCnvuZOI/Q1/A5a1Ko+DeTrWiRvshsA0KTrtERum7o15wiJKoiIq0oPejNHL8 OSD8p4JSg1z614RBaJ3gJU7a4j65oZGmIyiaNpSy2vfDTsyudble86JFDQoNCg0K ------_=_NextPart_002_01C402B3.ECF75450 Content-Type: text/plain; name="ATT4215649.txt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ATT4215649.txt" [Filename: document.scr, Content-Type: application/octet-stream] This e-Mail had an attachment was removed in order to meet GE Security Guidelines. ------_=_NextPart_002_01C402B3.ECF75450-- ------_=_NextPart_000_01C402B3.ECF75450-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mallory Posey" <> Subject: FW:FW:Freë Sildenafil Citrate Prescription Date: 10 Mar 2004 23:33:11 GMT --0_.2.F_B.C.AC499CE.E7 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Generic Via<= klaus>gra
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    ----468113656579257-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Corina Lockwood" Subject: =?iso-8859-1?b?QWZmb3JkYWJsZSBMZXZpdCpyYSAmIFZpYWdyXWEhIE92ZXJuaWdodCBEZWxpdmVyeSE=?= Date: 05 Mar 2004 14:41:54 +0000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_04A4_39AF65AA.7861A740 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit ------=_NextPart_000_04A4_39AF65AA.7861A740 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    ------=_NextPart_000_04A4_39AF65AA.7861A740-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Post" Subject: Re: MBGOS, after the legate Date: 09 Mar 2004 22:33:20 +0600 ----125791027851656166 Content-Type: text/html; Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit

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    cinema caller diffeomorphism mcdonald dilute karp clutter pedagogic coproduct aplomb bloch grocer cavilling
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    ----125791027851656166-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Christopher Bigelow Subject: Anita Stanfield Novel Date: 05 Mar 2004 09:48:41 -0700 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C402D1.B735BFF0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" LDS novel deemed too racy to publish By Travis Reed Associated Press Anita Stansfield considers herself a spiritual writer, and others have called her a pioneer of LDS fiction for her ability to construct chaste but romantic novels that have moralistic lessons that appeal to conservative readers. But her longtime publisher, Covenant Communications Inc., has refused to pick up her latest book, arguing "The Captain of Her Heart" includes offensive material inappropriate for a Christian audience. Covenant, which has published all 25 of her books, refused to back the romance novel because its protagonist has premarital sex, Stansfield said. And two major LDS book retailers have said they won't stock the book even though Stansfield created her own company to publish the book. Stansfield, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, says that's unfair because her books have always dealt with "real-life" issues - including adultery and rape. "I have dealt with these issues, but I've dealt with them in a way I felt was appropriate and non-offensive," she said. "All of a sudden, they just rejected this book based on the premise that the characters committed a sin." Deseret Book judges works by any author on an individual basis, said Keith Hunter, the company's vice president. "We're a retailer, not a library. We choose our inventory based on research from customers and purchase the ones they think people will want. "In the case of this particular book, there were concerns about the content," he said. Hunter emphasized that the store would special order the book for customers who requested it. Seagull Book & Tape also is not carrying the book. A spokesman for Covenant Communications did not immediately return a phone message left by The Associated Press seeking comment. Stansfield says she's convinced that only a fraction of her audience is offended by the work. However, she says it's an enthusiastic minority giving the impression that she has offended more readers than is actually the case. "In the world, sexual issues are discussed very lightly and very crudely. Some people are so offended by that they don't want to talk about it all, because they're afraid it will put them in the same category," she said. "It's something that's a part of our lives, and it's something that should be discussed appropriately." [And here's a press release from Stansfield:] STANSFIELD SAILS WITH NOVEL REJECTED ON MORAL GROUNDS The Captain of Her Heart by best-selling author Anita Stansfield In 1994, Utah girl, Anita Stansfield, came out of nowhere to take the LDS book market by storm. Her approach to romantic fiction took on a whole new twist-it was based in reality. While Stansfield's novels always center around a relationship, her characters face tough issues, and the storyline is always focused on a healthy resolve of those dilemmas. She began writing at the age of sixteen and her first novel was picked up for publication sixteen years later. First Love and Forever shattered the previously idealistic take on Mormon fiction by putting its protagonist, Emily Hall, into-of all things-an unhappy temple marriage. While Stansfield's approach is respectful and appropriate to her religious beliefs and the issues she tackles, it's become evident that not everybody wants to take off the rose-colored glasses of idealism. "It's impossible to make everybody happy," Stansfield points out frankly. "While there have been only a small number of complaints in less than ten years, they have complained loudly and caused a tremendous stir." Covenant Communications of American Fork, the publisher of Stansfield's first twenty-five books, has apparently changed their tune in regard to that stir. With their logo on Stansfield's earlier titles dealing with premarital sex, adultery, rape, and many levels of abuse-among other issues-any reader would assume that they stood behind a bold facing of topics in a suitable way that might validate and educate those readers living in the real world and faced with real problems. In 1997 Covenant presented Stansfield with a special award for "pioneering new ground in LDS fiction," and three years later they refused to publish The Captain of Her Heart, based solely on the fact that the main characters had premarital sex. "I'd written about such things before," Stansfield says, "even more boldly than it was handled in this book. What was alright then, suddenly wasn't alright anymore." While Stansfield's reputation through more than a dozen novels, at that point, had clearly become her ability to deal with sin and abuse in an appropriate, value-oriented way, with consequences and healing clearly in place, her work seemed to be suddenly cast out for the same reason it had previously been embraced. "There was no warning as to the change in policy," the author goes on to say, "and months of work became a big hole in my publishing schedule." Apparently the "stir" began with the novel The Gable Faces East, a book that Stansfield describes as, "A passionate story that addresses some sensitive issues with very defined boundaries, and a strong protagonist who sticks to her values." If knowing there's scandal attached to this book prompts you to go out and buy it, you might be disappointed to find absolutely no reference to body parts or any offensive love scenes. "While I was hearing rumors that the book was considered 'pornographic and highly offensive,'" Stansfield says, "I was getting letters from mothers of teenaged girls thanking me (in regard to the same book) for writing a clean historical romance their daughters could read. Obviously personal opinion dictates what is offensive." It doesn't take much effort to find die-hard, loyal Anita Stansfield fans, but you might find it difficult to actually locate one that's disgruntled for any reason. The Captain of Her Heart, Volume I of The Buchanan Saga, has been picked up by Crosswalk Books, a new, independent publisher, and the book is sailing off the shelves with a sequel on the not-so-distant horizon. Seagull Book and Tape, a sister company to Covenant, has refused to sell this new release, claiming it does not meet their standards. Deseret Book has taken the same stand, and will not carry the book in their stores, a fact that has Stansfield confused. "I was told many months ago that Deseret Book's stand included a willingness to carry books that dealt with sin and abuse, as long as it wasn't written offensively and the consequences were clearly in place. The Captain certainly fits that description, but they still won't carry it." Dianne Empey, sales manager for Crosswalk Books, feels confident that loyal readers will find a way to get their hands on the book. "We have stores calling us and begging to carry the book," she says. "It's a powerful story with some great messages. I'm certain the few who might be offended are far outnumbered by those who will be touched for good through these characters." The Captain of Her Heart can be found at Borders and Media Play, as well as a number of independent LDS bookstores. For a store near you, or to buy the book online, visit * * * * * More about the author: Anita Stansfield is by far one the most enterprising and prolific writers of her genre. While she is best known for her trail-blazing work in the LDS (Mormon) market, (with twenty-five published books to her credit) her general-market novels have been among her readers' favorites. Books like The Gable Faces East, and Towers of Brierley, have entranced many thousands of readers with their deep, intricate plots and multi-faceted characters that leap off the pages. Stansfield has shattered the stereotypes of romantic fiction by weaving relationships into social and emotional issues and powerful dilemmas that leave the reader thoroughly captivated and often enlightened. Anita was born and raised in Provo, Utah, the youngest of five children. Her vivid imagination and passion for music have served her well since she began writing at the age of sixteen, seeing her first novel in print sixteen years later. She continues to make her home in Utah, with her husband, Vince. They are the parents of five children. For more information or to purchase The Captain of Her Heart, visit ------_=_NextPart_001_01C402D1.B735BFF0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Anita Stanfield Novel

    LDS novel deemed too racy to publish
    By Travis Reed
    Associated Press

          Anita Stansfield = considers herself a spiritual writer, and others have called her a = pioneer of LDS fiction for her ability to construct chaste but romantic = novels that have moralistic lessons that appeal to conservative = readers.

          But her longtime = publisher, Covenant Communications Inc., has refused to pick up her = latest book, arguing "The Captain of Her Heart" includes = offensive material inappropriate for a Christian audience.

          Covenant, which has = published all 25 of her books, refused to back the romance novel = because its protagonist has premarital sex, Stansfield said. And two = major LDS book retailers have said they won't stock the book even = though Stansfield created her own company to publish the = book.

          Stansfield, a member = of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, says that's unfair = because her books have always dealt with "real-life" issues - = including adultery and rape.

          "I have dealt = with these issues, but I've dealt with them in a way I felt was = appropriate and non-offensive," she said. "All of a sudden, = they just rejected this book based on the premise that the characters = committed a sin."

          Deseret Book judges = works by any author on an individual basis, said Keith Hunter, the = company's vice president. "We're a retailer, not a library. We = choose our inventory based on research from customers and purchase the = ones they think people will want.

          "In the case of = this particular book, there were concerns about the content," he = said.
          Hunter emphasized = that the store would special order the book for customers who requested = it.
          Seagull Book & = Tape also is not carrying the book.
          A spokesman for = Covenant Communications did not immediately return a phone message left = by The Associated Press seeking comment.

          Stansfield says she's = convinced that only a fraction of her audience is offended by the work. = However, she says it's an enthusiastic minority giving the impression = that she has offended more readers than is actually the = case.

          "In the world, = sexual issues are discussed very lightly and very crudely. Some people = are so offended by that they don't want to talk about it all, because = they're afraid it will put them in the same category," she = said.

          "It's something = that's a part of our lives, and it's something that should be discussed = appropriately."

    [And here's a press release from Stansfield:]

    The Captain of Her Heart
    by best-selling author
    Anita Stansfield
            In 1994, = Utah girl, Anita Stansfield, came out of nowhere to take the LDS book = market by storm.  Her approach to romantic fiction took on a whole = new twist-it was based in reality.  While Stansfield's novels = always center around a relationship, her characters face tough issues, = and the storyline is always focused on a healthy resolve of those = dilemmas.  She began writing at the age of sixteen and her first = novel was picked up for publication sixteen years later.  First = Love and Forever shattered the previously idealistic take on Mormon = fiction by putting its protagonist, Emily Hall, into-of all things-an = unhappy temple marriage.  While Stansfield's approach is = respectful and appropriate to her religious beliefs and the issues she = tackles, it's become evident that not everybody wants to take off the = rose-colored glasses of idealism. "It's impossible to make = everybody happy," Stansfield points out frankly.  "While = there have been only a small number of complaints in less than ten = years, they have complained loudly and caused a tremendous = stir." 

            Covenant = Communications of American Fork, the publisher of Stansfield's first = twenty-five books, has apparently changed their tune in regard to that = stir. With their logo on Stansfield's earlier titles dealing with = premarital sex, adultery, rape, and many levels of abuse-among other = issues-any reader would assume that they stood behind a bold facing of = topics in a suitable way that might validate and educate those readers = living in the real world and faced with real problems. In 1997 Covenant = presented Stansfield with a special award for "pioneering new = ground in LDS fiction," and three years later they refused to = publish The Captain of Her Heart, based solely on the fact that the = main characters had premarital sex.  "I'd written about such = things before," Stansfield says, "even more boldly than it = was handled in this book. What was alright then, suddenly wasn't = alright anymore."  While Stansfield's reputation through more = than a dozen novels, at that point, had clearly become her ability to = deal with sin and abuse in an appropriate, value-oriented way, with = consequences and healing clearly in place, her work seemed to be = suddenly cast out for the same reason it had previously been = embraced.  "There was no warning as to the change in = policy," the author goes on to say, "and months of work = became a big hole in my publishing schedule." 

            Apparently = the "stir" began with the novel The Gable Faces East, a book = that Stansfield describes as, "A passionate story that addresses = some sensitive issues with very defined boundaries, and a strong = protagonist who sticks to her values."  If knowing there's = scandal attached to this book prompts you to go out and buy it, you = might be disappointed to find absolutely no reference to body parts or = any offensive love scenes.  "While I was hearing rumors that = the book was considered 'pornographic and highly offensive,'" = Stansfield says, "I was getting letters from mothers of teenaged = girls thanking me (in regard to the same book) for writing a clean = historical romance their daughters could read.  Obviously personal = opinion dictates what is offensive." 

            It doesn't = take much effort to find die-hard, loyal Anita Stansfield fans, but you = might find it difficult to actually locate one that's disgruntled for = any reason. The Captain of Her Heart, Volume I of The Buchanan Saga, = has been picked up by Crosswalk Books, a new, independent publisher, = and the book is sailing off the shelves with a sequel on the = not-so-distant horizon.  Seagull Book and Tape, a sister company = to Covenant, has refused to sell this new release, claiming it does not = meet their standards.  Deseret Book has taken the same stand, and = will not carry the book in their stores, a fact that has Stansfield = confused.  "I was told many months ago that Deseret Book's = stand included a willingness to carry books that dealt with sin and = abuse, as long as it wasn't written offensively and the consequences = were clearly in place. The Captain certainly fits that description, but = they still won't carry it."  Dianne Empey, sales manager for = Crosswalk Books, feels confident that loyal readers will find a way to = get their hands on the book.  "We have stores calling us and = begging to carry the book," she says.  "It's a powerful = story with some great messages.  I'm certain the few who might be = offended are far outnumbered by those who will be touched for good = through these characters." 

            The = Captain of Her Heart can be found at Borders and Media Play, as well as = a number of independent LDS bookstores.  For a store near you, or = to buy the book online, visit 

    * * * * *
            More = about the author: Anita Stansfield is by far one the most enterprising = and prolific writers of her genre.  While she is best known for = her trail-blazing work in the LDS (Mormon) market, (with twenty-five = published books to her credit) her general-market novels have been = among her readers' favorites.  Books like The Gable Faces East, = and Towers of Brierley, have entranced many thousands of readers with = their deep, intricate plots and multi-faceted characters that leap off = the pages.  Stansfield has shattered the stereotypes of romantic = fiction by weaving relationships into social and emotional issues and = powerful dilemmas that leave the reader thoroughly captivated and often = enlightened. 

            Anita was = born and raised in Provo, Utah, the youngest of five children.  = Her vivid imagination and passion for music have served her well since = she began writing at the age of sixteen, seeing her first novel in = print sixteen years later.  She continues to make her home in = Utah, with her husband, Vince.  They are the parents of five = children. 

    For more information or to purchase The Captain of = Her Heart, visit

    ------_=_NextPart_001_01C402D1.B735BFF0-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "nobuko parker" Subject: Feel Great Date: 06 Mar 2004 04:02:59 +1200 " the next few minutes... regardless of your age, sex, or current health status, how this common element can change the way you experience the next half of your life."

    Learn how to increase your quality of life

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    -----original message-----
    Sent: Friday, February 4, 2004 5:33AM
    B , Oran ge sta d, A ruba

    Immediately he began to rise into the airDon't worry about me! he called down to them
    Good-by! MrsJoslyn, with a scream of terror, hid her face in her hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "lynette jones" Subject: Joseph and Emma Smith Date: 05 Mar 2004 11:26:37 -0700 Viggo Mortensen Liv Tyler These two people, very well chosen to play opposite each other, are the closest I have seen a casting director, in recent years, match a couple together that could play Joseph and Emma Smith. Anything less than the powers given these two people would minimize and gloss over the dynamic story of Joseph and Emma's lives. That is not to say that these to actors are qualified, personally to act the part. The powers we are each born with are listed in Isaiah 11:2. The Saviour, as stated, has all four. It is my hunch that in every marriage will be found all four. And to make that so, I am finding it is very likely that each person is given two of these powers. They are not gifts that are lost. They are the powers that our spirits hold in completeness. Our mortal bodies only allow two to be manifest. This creates some of the mathematics that allows Heavenly Father to be able to "know all things". The most powerful way these mathematics are manifest is on a pedigree chart and a family group sheet. I would be happy to share more of the small knowledge I am laboring to develop. It is my opinion that Joseph's powers were Counsel and Might(Valor) with Wisdom and Understanding. It is my opinion that Emma's were Truth with Fear of God. Isaiah calls them "the spirit of...". I think it is because these are powers which every spirit child of God has before birth and that the veil is drawn by the body denying two of those powers sometime during the period of 7-9 years of age. Lynette Jones ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: 07 Mar 2004 10:10:47 -0700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Craig Mecham Subject: Re: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 09:25:58 -0800 I have received well over 100 spam messages since Tuesday morning. I have forwarded them to the folks at xmission along with complete headers and all the hidden information that you do not normally see on your screen. Here is the reply I received from xmission: "There we go. Although the spam did not originate from XMission's network, it appears it was broadcast through an existing mail list. We'll make the list's owner aware of the spammer. -Andy" The problem is that I am getting messges "from" several other lists that are hosted on the xmission server. I think it is definitely an xmission problem and needs to be addressed by them and not the individual list owners. Craig Mecham -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Eric SWEDIN" Subject: [AML] Re: how Spam works (NOT A SPAM MESSAGE) Date: 10 Mar 2004 10:26:30 -0700 AML, This is the way that spam works. The goal is to get an e-mail to your desktop and have you read it. The spammer has no interest in you actually responding to them, but only in acting on the content in the e-mail. Because the Internet e-mail system has NO way of verifying that the From address line is accurate or authentic, spammers take advantage of this. In most circumstances, the From address in a spam message is false. The spammer knows that you are on the AML-List (probably from a virus or worm on a single AML user's desktop) and sends us messages because we trust the AML-List. The messages are sent directly to us all and the moderator of the AML-list does not receive them except as a normal user. In short, the spam is NOT coming from the AML-List. By the way, I teach Information Security at Weber State University. Eric Swedin -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "BJ Rowley" Subject: Re: [AML] Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 10:12:00 -0800 >From what I understand of this virus/worm that's going around, it is not going THROUGH or FROM, but is simply using that domain name as a spoof. If you make the mistake of opening the attachment that comes with the e-mail, then it will send more of the same to the folks in your address book, leading them to believe that they're also receiving the stuff from xmission. I received several such emails with my own domain name tagged to the "senders" addresses, and in fact some of them were written to look like they'd come from the system administrator for my domain name, which of course is me. I haven't received a single spam or virus/worm e-mail "from", which just means that I'm not in the address books of the folks who inadvertently promulgated the spread of the virus. -BJ -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Justin Halverson" Subject: [AML] Possible Solution to SPAM? Date: 10 Mar 2004 13:34:02 -0500 I too have been getting lots of spam. What I did was to set up a rule = (an email filter) that shunts everything coming in from "xmission" to a = separate folder I've set up--unless that message from xmission has the letters = AML in the subject line. It's not 100% effective, but I'd say it's close to = 99%.=20 I know it's a pain, but maybe we could use some sort of tag in our = subject lines, like *AML* or something, that would make implementing such a rule effective and fairly easy--at least until a more permanent solution is devised.=20 That way I could tell my email program to send everything from = "xmission" or ""to the trash unless it also says *AML* or AML! or !%@!_AML (or whatever shibboleth we come up with--I've always wanted to = use that word!) in the subject line. I'm severely computer-impaired, though, so I don't know if it would work = or not.=20 Justin Halverson -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Bill Willson" Subject: Fw: [AML]My take: The Passion Date: 10 Mar 2004 13:20:15 -0700 To me this movie meant one thing, more than anything else. It said one = thing to me that I needed to hear. Jesus loves me, and He loves all of = mankind enough to bless us all with the gift of the resurrection, but = over and above that He loves us enough to offer Himself as a sacrifice = and to live through unbelievable pain and suffering for our sins. Only = after He had suffered all, did He allow his soul to leave his body and = return to His father.=20 As I watched the movie, I thought to myself, How much physical abuse and = blunt force trauma can the human body endure? This is just too much. Any = human would have been dead long before Christ reached Golgotha. Then It = came to me. No mere mortal or even a mob or an army of mere mortals, not = even Satan's hosts could take the life of Jesus from Him. He had power = over life and death. His life was forfeited voluntarily and He laid it = down and gave up the ghost deliberately, as a willful act of obedience = to His father in Heaven. He did this for the sole purpose of paying the = debt for the sins of the world and to satisfy His father's law of = justice. The resurrection is a free gift which Jesus gives to all who have lived, = are now living, or will ever live. The atonement or payment for our sins = is a conditional gift offered freely to all who will accept it, and = offer obedience to His commandment, that we love one another even as He = loves us. It is just as simple as that. The simplicity is the real = beauty of the film.=20 Experiencing this film has made me better. It has made me stronger in = resistence to the temptations of the world. It has made me more thankful = for the light and knowledge that I have been blessed to receive. Above = all it has made me more spiritually aware of the pure love of Christ = which He gave to all the earth, in His great passion for life. In the Holy Scriptures it tells us that if we do not repent of our sins = we will have to pay for them ourselves. Our suffering will in no way be = the same in magnitude as Christ's, -"Which suffering caused myself, even = God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at = every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit-and would that I might = not drink the bitter cup, and shrink"-(Doctrine and Covenants 19:18.) = However, we will suffer for our own sins if we do not repent. It is = painful to me to think that my sins were responsible for any of Christ's = pain and suffering. But I am thankful that I can be forgiven, sheltered = from the suffering for my sins, and that He loved us enough to pay our = debt. Regards, Bill Willson -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paula Goodfellow Subject: Re: [AML] Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 13:09:54 -0800 I tried to unsubscribe with majordomo, and it says that this address is not a subscribed to aml-list-- but I do seem to still be here. Paula On Wednesday, March 10, 2004, at 08:35 AM, Paula Goodfellow wrote: > I've probably had 50-60 spam messages in the last two days addressed > to the aml list address or another xmission address. I think it's > coming through xmission somehow, not just from someone with a virus. > I'm going to unsubscribe to see if it stops. Paula > > [MOD: Good idea (though under most circumstances I hate to see someone > unsubscribe from AML-List!). Let us know what happens.] > > > > -- > AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature > > -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Marny Parkin Subject: [AML] BYU Library Exhibit on Women's History Date: 10 Mar 2004 16:29:52 -0700 A series of lectures by scholars of Latter-day Saint women's history will illuminate different aspects of the library exhibit _"To Tell the Tale": Preserving the Lives of Mormon Women_ (which runs through June 4). All events will be held in the Lee Library auditorium. Thursday, March 18, 7 p.m. Claudia L. Bushman, "Writing Our History" Wednesday, April 14, 7 p.m. Sherilyn Cox Bennion, "Public and Private: What Their Newspapers Reveal about Utah's Early Women Editors" A dramatic/musical performance will also be held in conjunction with the library exhibit: Saturday, March 20, 7:30 p.m. _Discoveries: Two Centuries of Poems by Mormon Women_ Editors Susan Elizabeth Howe and Sheree Maxwell Bench have selected poems from the works of more than two dozen Latter-day Saint women that will be performed on stage and accompanied by an original score composed by Harriet Petheric Bushman. The director is Char Nelson. The poems chosen for the performance, with a few others, will be published in a book by the same title. Marny Parkin -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Scott Parkin" Subject: Re: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 20:55:32 -0700 In the for what it's worth category... Chances are that the aml-list and aml-digest email addresses are all but permanently messed up. One of the effects of the recent spate of viruses is that a lot of email addresses have been mined from peoples' individual address books and added to spam lists, as we've all seen recently. **This spate of spam is not the result of any action by AML-List, xmission, or any of their personnel.** It's an artifact of a virus that someone (perhaps several someones) on AML-List is infected with. The virus picks a name out of the victim's email address book and sends random messages out to other people in the address book using the first name as cover. Basically, the virus vectors off of names in your address book to hide where it's really coming from. A couple of notes about how to deal with the spam you're getting from AML-List. * Just delete it. * Don't acknowledge receipt in any way. * Don't visit any Web links inside the message. * Don't open any attachments. * Don't follow the "remove" link; it's a fake designed to verify your email address, not take you off the mailing list. If you try to remove yourself from one of these spams, you're only going to validate that you're a real, live target and the spam will never stop. Sadly, I know this one from experience. Only legitimate mass mailers actually honor "remove" links; the bad guys exploit them. ===== That I know of, there are only three real options at this point: * Wait it out. Spam lists get old and eventually AML-List will fall off the active list if no one responds. * Get xmission to implement some sort of spam filter. This can be a problem, as most spammers use rotating (often false) send addresses so traditional kill files don't work. Some text-based filters can skim a lot of the spam, but mass emailers are wont to intentionally misspell words do avoid screening. Sadly, spammers can adapt faster than ISPs in most cases. * Shut down the list and try it again elsewhere with a new email address. ----- Again, the key thing is that you have to just ignore the spam that does come. It's obnoxious and often offensive (I got a porn spam today with full-color explicit pictures), but the only possible way to make unsolicited emails stop is to act as though they never arrived. I know this is all old hat for veteran email users, but it never hurts to review sound policy. I would happily participate in the class action suit against the virus maker(s) should s/he/they ever be caught. Scott Parkin -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kim Madsen" Subject: RE: [AML] Nothing but Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 21:36:33 -0700 I've used my same email address for 7 years now, and yes I do get a lot of spam, but I've not received one thing with xmission or aml-lists spoofed as the domain or sender. A hint to those who are receiving spam with those domains--if you use Outlook, open the email (not any attachments!) and click on View > Options. This will allow you to see the full email header with all the domains and relays the mail passed through on it's way to you. ( is the legitimate domain for xmission and the AML list. If you don't see that in the header (and most likely you won't), it's proof that Mydoom or some other virus/worm harvested xmission's address and domain name and is now using it as a spoof--to make mail look like it came from there when it actuality it didn't. Here's a tip--I control spam to my inbox by two rules I created in Outlook. Using the rules wizard I told it to send everything addressed to me to the Deleted Items folder EXCEPT if it came from...and then I copied my entire contacts list to the rule. I have the AML list ( as a contact and each person from the list I've personally corresponded with is there as well. I also have a rule that says send incoming mail to the Deleted Items bin if my address is in the CC or BC field, with the same exceptions. I've yet to have these rules trap a legitimate piece of email, but they do neatly dispose of over 75+ spam messages a day. It's a lot easier to sort the Deleted Items by name, do a quick check through to see if anyone I want to talk to got sent there by mistake (if so, just add them to your contacts and exceptions lists, but I've not had to do this yet) than to get rid of all those unwanted spams. I'm not sure where all this spam is coming from that some are getting, but as an IT help desk person by day, the fact that some are getting it and some aren't says to me it's not really coming through Xmission. It's a spoof. And in the famous words of Monty Python "I DON'T LIKE SPAM!' Kim Madsen -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [AML] Re: Spam Date: 10 Mar 2004 21:49:12 -0700 In case it matters, I've been hit with tons of spam also. And, some of the e- mails from AML-List have gone through without the AML-List label on them; they look like they're coming straight from the people who wrote them and not through the list. But not all AML-List mail is coming through like this. Katie Parker -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Melissa Proffitt (by way of Jonathan Langford ) Subject: [AML] AML-list spam problem Date: 12 Mar 2004 18:12:39 -0600 AML-list members, Here is what happened regarding the recent spam problem. Recently our host, Xmission, was hit with a virus that corrupted several key files and, more importantly, caused several email lists to cease to exist. Eventually our files were restored from a backup, but our actual configuration was not--which meant that we were suddenly an unmoderated list for a few days. Now, normally AML-list gets a LOT of spam. I'm informed by co-moderator Jacob Proffitt that the volume of spam usually exceeds that of the legitimate messages. Since we are a moderated list, the spam is simply never sent through. However, during the time we were temporarily open to everything, everything was posted. Because our list members, being human beings rather than spambots, naturally slowed or stopped their own posting to the list, the ratio of good mail to bad was even more skewed. Once the backlog of messages was worked through, and the moderators regained control, the spam stopped coming. I'm told it's been about 24 hours since the last spam appeared, and in fact the problem has been solved. Those of you who never received any spam from this address simply have better email filters than people like yours truly who are using an ancient mailing system that doesn't even do HTML. There was no spoofing; nobody's address was harvested (at least, not due to this problem). It was simply a technical error that was magnified out of proportion. Unfortunately, the archive (being automated) is full of the same spam that came through to the list, and we're going to have to shut it down temporarily. Xmission has been very cooperative in helping us figure all of this out, and were very apologetic about the situation. We are looking at a solution that will make list administration much easier and will allow us to handle problems like this far more promptly, possibly before problems become apparent to subscribers. On a related subject, the automatic subscribe/unsubscribe feature appears to have disappeared. The process for modifying subscribers' access manually is extremely difficult, which means that some of you who have applied to the list moderators for help in changing your access haven't seen any difference. I'm really sorry about that, and it's another thing we are working on as part of the overall change. Thanks for everyone's patience. I realize how shocking it must have been to suddenly receive spam from this address; I was fairly angry myself, and I wasn't even subjected to full-color explicit photos. On the administrative side, we will probably be dealing with the fallout for a while yet, but I am certain that those problems will be invisible to list subscribers. Regards, Melissa Proffitt AML President -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Kathy Tyner" Subject: [AML] Young & Gray On The Radio Date: 12 Mar 2004 08:29:18 -0800 Just got an e-mail from Meridian Magazine touting a radio interview with Margaret and Darius done by Steven Kapp Perry. The link is: Btw, the photo simply does NOT do Margaret justice! She is much, much better looking! Darius looks dignifed as usual, but don't be = fooled, He's much more mischievous than that sober photo lets on. ;-) Kathy Tyner Orange County, CA -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jonathan Neville" Subject: Re: [AML] RE: The Passion of the Christ Date: 11 Mar 2004 22:25:08 -0700 From Yahoo news: Younger filmgoers make up the bulk of "The Passion" crowd, but Bob = Berney, whose Newmarket is distributing the pic, said the aud --- as a = whole --- is older than average. "The R-rating is limiting younger kids, = but it is getting teens and college kids," he said. But, "like ('My Big = Fat Greek Wedding') it's also getting an older audience."=20 Geographically, Berney said the strongest cities have been in the South, = like Atlanta and Dallas.=20 There have been some surprising underperforming cities, however: Salt = Lake City, home of the Mormon Church, and Boston, which has a large = Catholic community, are not "The Passion's" strongest towns.=20 [Jonathan Neville] -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Craig Mecham Subject: Re: [AML] AML-list spam problem Date: 12 Mar 2004 16:46:58 -0800 The incidence of spam has gone from probably 100 yesterday to zero today. Thanks for all your hard work solving the problem! Craig Mecham -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paris Anderson" Subject: Re: [AML]My take: The Passion Date: 11 Mar 2004 19:58:38 -0700 I haven't seen the movie, and I don't know that I really want to. I saw clips of it where Christ was being flogged or something, and Christ's hands were trembling. That was too much. I know the kind of pain that makes a man's hands tremble. And I don't want to watch someone go through that--even if it is just acting. That said, I think the comments I have read about this movie are very interesting. I belong to an organization called the Living Spirit Foundation. It was set up to help people who find that traditional religions are more of a hinderance to their spiritual growth than a help. The Foundation's main tenent is that the second coming of Christ (meaning, the Light and not the Person) has already happened. And as a result the earth is evolving (or in Mormon-speak, receiving its paradisical glory), and all people everywhere are evolving (becoming a Zion or Christ-like people). Some people are more aware of this evolution than others, but we are all evolving together. In this month's newsletter it said, "The release of this movie is no accident. It is the external symbol of the 2nd coming which has occurred energetically. The release of this controversial movie (which has dominated the headlines and other media) fulfills the Bible prophecy that upon the 2nd coming, "Every eye will see Him". " And, "in accepting responsibility for the rejection which this movie depicts, healing has begun." It's an interesting idea. Paris Anderson -- AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature