From: (aml-list-digest) To: Subject: aml-list-digest V1 #100 Reply-To: aml-list Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk aml-list-digest Thursday, July 13 2000 Volume 01 : Number 100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 11:48:08 -0600 From: Kathleen Woodbury Subject: Re: [AML] First Novel Drafts At 03:52 PM 7/10/00 -0700, Christopher Bigelow wrote: >I'm amazed at how difficult it is to write a novel. Just to get this far into the first draft (and >I'm within about 50 pages of "finishing" it) I've had to just keep willfully writing ahead, not >letting myself get discouraged by basic flaws that are already apparent or by sections that I know >are too bareboned or too overloaded with irrelevant details that I've heaped on because hey, I'm >writing a NOVEL, and it needs to be LONG, and I'll feel better if I can get FOUR pages done before I >flip over to e-mail--yet I don't want to decide which scene comes after this one. Something to consider in writing a novel. Just as when they film a movie, they don't necessarily film the scenes in the order in which they will be viewed, you don't have to write the novel in the order in which it will be read. This means that you don't have to decide which scene comes after this or that one until you've got the scenes written, and you can write them in whatever order you feel like writing them in. (One of the first-draftnesses about first drafts. It really can be that messy.) If later scenes are clearer in your mind than earlier ones, write them first. Sometimes, writing what happens later helps you to figure out what had to go before. If a later scene is particularly exciting to you, don't wait till you get to it in the linear course of the story. It may not be as exciting to you by then. Write what is ready to be written when it is ready to be written. They don't call film editors "editors" for nothing. You can do that with your writing as well. Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury - - AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 14:04:49 EDT From: Subject: Re: [AML] First Novel Drafts In a message dated 7/12/00 10:07:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << shut the holy heck up. >> Actually I was referring to this. - - AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 15:39:58 -0500 From: Jonathan Langford Subject: [AML] List Interruption List members, Apologies for this morning's interruption of List posts. I will be trying to catch up over the next little while. As a note of only minor interest to Mormon letters, but some small importance in the life of the AML-List Moderator, I'm also taking this opportunity to announce the arrival of Michael John Langford, July 12, 2000, at 11:41 p.m. Central Daylight Time. 10 lbs, 4 1/2 oz. 21 1/4 inches. Mother and child doing well. These two items, of course, have nothing whatever to do with each other. :^) Jonathan Langford AML-List Moderator - - AML-List, a mailing list for the discussion of Mormon literature ------------------------------ End of aml-list-digest V1 #100 ******************************