From: Keith Irwin Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] George Boyd's writings Date: 02 Sep 2001 20:25:05 -0700 One of Sterling McMurrin's nephews lives in my ward. We were talking about some of the "older" LDS institute people and their contributions. He mentioned that he heard that George Boyd's writings had been compiled and published. I wasn't aware of this. Do any of you know about a book of George Boyd's material? Keith - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] La Crescenta STake History Date: 04 Sep 2001 22:18:30 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01C1358F.86E5FF20 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Joe Geisner called me while I was on vacation, but I didn't get his phone number. Joe, if you are on this list, e-mail me privately & I'll see what I can do to get you a copy of the above title. --Steve ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01C1358F.86E5FF20 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="winmail.dat" eJ8+Ih4FAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANEHCQAEABYAEgAAAAIADwEB A5AGAAwLAAAiAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAB4AcAAB AAAAGwAAAExhIENyZXNjZW50YSBTVGFrZSBIaXN0b3J5AAACAXEAAQAAABYAAAABwTXKMrbLepiC 0cFOnpPrbw61ZjdBAAACAR0MAQAAAB8AAABTTVRQOlNURVZFLkVDQ0xFUzJAVkVSSVpPTi5ORVQA AAsAAQ4AAAAAQAAGDgD0NiHKNcEBAgEKDgEAAAAYAAAAAAAAAEJ/3NoTeXxHlVrAAk1+wgnCgAAA CwAfDgEAAAACAQkQAQAAAC8HAAArBwAANBEAAExaRnW8+ghRAwAKAHJjcGcxMjVyMgxgYzEDMAEH C2BukQ4QMDMzDxZmZQ+STwH3AqQDYwIAY2gKwHOEZXQC0XBycTIAAJIqCqFubxJQIDAB0IUB0DYP oDA1MDQUIfMB0BQQNH0HbQKDAFAD1PsR/xMLYhPhFFATshj0FNCTBxMCgzI4EY4yMxphRRdyIAdt IENFGgQ5Txp/FEAbrxy1eXICgzNzFjERrDE2FjEe/wOCR/0J0WsgdA5QIP8kMSI/A4KeVAhwIHQP wCReNzclfyEctChIZWIJcHcp/yB0HsEnrhufKbYHEAGgDeBlKpU1Kx84NixPHLRC/QdAdA3gIHQv wRZsG3gHE/0dBjMooTI9HrcztSBWHZH/Fmwh6DO0I4gUUDdPJVcztL0m5jQWPyiIM7QqKzQkMfc8 zjM8Lbs0J3E3bS+3M7RXMUYCkQjmOwlvMEW/Zf0OMDVG6kgBR79IyUbUSPL/R19LL0rtSm9In0bv EGAaUP9QulHRUY9SmUbUUsJRL1T/71S9VD9Sb1Y0OQ5QWYRa4YdTA1rgAoJzdHlsB5AqaAngdAAA cQMhbGkPAUAFEAFAA/BkY3RsewqxAGBzCrBeIBbgXmJuBHVtAgBhYXV0bzEAYGRqdVxQBRBnaF50 XYEKAV1QCgFpAZBw/jADMTySDAEPVxAYCNAJwHNd4GIjbnBieWQUAzBz+G5leBcwB7AFsADAAnO5 ExBjcw+QAzBf4GRhQHRpdhOARAEQX5AxYCAaUArAYQnAYWBoIEYbAiFcEzEukF0SZmktPQ+QOGDS adNdnCpQZHLPCVBrchaga3J3NFAhFwD+cAHQZtFej1+fYKZp02FP92JfY29kfmJtMAmAAiBwcc9l Y2kwZ/BgoXQtaJADYQo6MDBvdjBTdWJqBQWQdHYwRGF0ZTr/aOQvwGlvan9rj2yfba9uv/9vzFyg fTALgA4ScHEMMHCkPw5QcS9yP3NPdF91Z1Jl+2dQFwEgKjB9MASQaOQooP93/3kPeh97L3w+CGBe EAuA9mVcgGdQbAFAfT9+T39UljCPcAjQYgqwdDh/6P1xBjIewBAWkTGB5BNQF3D4b29mgj+DT4RX kACFcHkLUHkvaKCJ0AsRheVz/2jkGmCG34fviP+KD3w/jQ//b89w34Fvky+UP5VPllJ2Uv919Hcp HZBdH14vnB9gT55k/Y+zOZ6vn7+gz6HfhEiq4LhEb2OoIAnwBUBNnnDvZjabE2cGqwdjAECuqGay P6dghaECIDPhXEAFoG1w7RNiRQDAAxBTXGIB0FwT/jIAUKX/pw+oH6kvnm+rz9+s363vhAu18LTQ LbTyBgDruWC0AHQIcGVE4xMQRdCCdgJRIHtVbmsTUPp3FdF9ttLB0LcQmcEBgH5udrAAYAnwZwCw AJJheFMLYAJAb3kJ8FxlgHD/XKAAIAuQE1BnwZnAt5AA4ecCMAJgAIBiZAwwE1EKsH5jARAFsGfA AgFl8H8yZZRcaAWwesOCZGcAwOxyZwuByGBoxpMvoAFBPGd2ySnH4blgneE3MOcAUMmxyqU5OB7A yPLH4P53yzPMZHbAxJAAcAsww4GXXGCzsA5QdgiQd2sLgP5kHsDOYgTwB0AQYQFADgDfmZJcsLjw z8UCEG+5kLeQ/ZXgdMHgjFHC0tFXuYAAwP+4sLeQkmHGALmAuPEJMrkg/4xwAlAHQAuQ1GECUc6x tlDv0WDPUbcQAmB31SMCUQAg5wnAtlDDAHJrxwGx4hchHxLyd0C0gMPxE4BDOlzqXHWAb2hBbWiQ AxAHkD3YoE0N4ANgs+ABgCBP9wEgDeDHwFzaVg+TxHC08vouhCB0wiAXELcQlnC58v9lgAFAw1HT YASQx8DcYoxC37ySMfABQNxjZ5RjwWETAuMAgAWQbHZsAFC4MQUA/7hg3/EBkAAg4HLOsbBBAcF/ 3+EW4A9wAAC4MAzQAZAg/i7AtN/2DlDgksVB4P/iD/3jH2wPwLgwBYHkz+Xf5u9+bB7AuDDVkOSf 6V/qZCnf41wukOgv7Q/qRGIqEAKR/+4v4CMvwOvf8J/xr/K/4FD/KKD0AuDf9W/2f+NcGmD0D//5 j/qf+6/gUB2Q+I/+H/8v/wA0Cvm2QLYvtz+4T7lfum+fu3+8j2SLRRGyVkpvE4DMR2UWgGVwciDP UVyAI5ZwsDAgd2jZUSBJyxAQBzAgaLAgdsoAdzDiaWiwLCBiCGAQcWcQ78XARQKyVxeAddEAGEBn 4PpnFyAgEDAs8AeAaLAYQEUH8WKW0C4NCgUCIIcVBQ7BEZBpZiB5jBDuIAcAGEAQ4XQT8gYQXFD9 EZBlv7QP8S/wZ0B3MZXg3CAmEHATFg+gILSwEAL/dzAQcc9QHPCEIBOAGuATsv8WYw9wkoAY4JLA FwHYYC3gLm9nUTFwBtBlFP0tLd+1MIWBEloVBUTwAB/xIDAACwASgAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYA AAAAA4UAAAAAAAADACaACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAABShQAAfW4BAB4AJ4AIIAYAAAAAAMAA AAAAAABGAAAAAFSFAAABAAAABAAAADkuMAALACiACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAGhQAAAAAA AAMAKYAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAAAABGAAAAAAGFAAAAAAAACwAygAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAA DoUAAAAAAAADADOACCAGAAAAAADAAAAAAAAARgAAAAAQhQAAAAAAAAMANIAIIAYAAAAAAMAAAAAA AABGAAAAABGFAAAAAAAAAwA3gAggBgAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAEYAAAAAGIUAAAAAAAALAFGACCAGAAAA AADAAAAAAAAARgAAAACChQAAAQAAAAIB+A8BAAAAEAAAAEJ/3NoTeXxHlVrAAk1+wgkCAfoPAQAA ABAAAABCf9zaE3l8R5VawAJNfsIJAgH7DwEAAABzAAAAAAAAADihuxAF5RAaobsIACsqVsIAAFBT VFBSWC5ETEwAAAAAAAAAAE5JVEH5v7gBAKoAN9luAAAAQzpcV0lORE9XU1xBcHBsaWNhdGlvbiBE YXRhXE1pY3Jvc29mdFxPdXRsb29rXE91dGxvb2sucHN0AAADAP4PBQAAAAMADTT9NwAAAgF/AAEA AAA5AAAAPEhNRUhKRkZLSUNITkpCS0VOQkhBQ0VLUENFQUEuU3RldmUuRWNjbGVzMkB2ZXJpem9u Lm5ldD4AAAAAAwAGEG8qP34DAAcQnAAAAAMAEBAAAAAAAwAREAAAAAAeAAgQAQAAAGUAAABKT0VH RUlTTkVSQ0FMTEVETUVXSElMRUlXQVNPTlZBQ0FUSU9OLEJVVElESUROVEdFVEhJU1BIT05FTlVN QkVSSk9FLElGWU9VQVJFT05USElTTElTVCxFLU1BSUxNRVBSSVZBAAAAAGad ------=_NextPart_000_0006_01C1358F.86E5FF20-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morgan Adair" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Great Salt Lake Book Festival Date: 06 Sep 2001 14:45:58 -0600 Sept 22 and 23, Westminster College MBA - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Print on Demand--For a price! Date: 07 Sep 2001 11:59:18 EDT --part1_157.96c987.28ca48d6_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable If you want to spend some serious money on reprints (in some cases many time= s=20 the cost of an original edition), a guy in New York apparently is willing to= =20 sell you a wide variety of titles. I noticed the following (among others)=20 listed on ABE. Best of all, you can get his HARDCOVER BUCKRAM edition for=20 only $10 extra! Young, John R. Memoirs of John R. Young, Utah pioneer, 1847. Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W=20 photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City,=20 Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. 341 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram=20 Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce les= s=20 than perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 week= s=20 for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057065 Price: US$=A0127.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Whitney, Orson Ferguson. Life of Heber C. Kimball, an apostle. The father and=20 founder of the British mission. Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic=20 reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. 520=20 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts,=20 photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced=20 to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or=20 Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057062 Price: US$=A0194.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. =A0 =20 Brown, James Stephens. Life of a pioneer; being the autobiography of James S.=20 Brown. Salt Lake City, G. Q. Cannon, 1900. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W=20 photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City, G.= =20 Q. Cannon, 1900. 534 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for=20 additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce less than=20 perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for= =20 delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057057 Price: US$=A0199.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Sonne, Conway Ballantyne. Saints on the seas : a maritime history of Morman=20 migration, 1830-1890. Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. AS NEW -=20 Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by:= =20 Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. 230 pages. Softcover=20 (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs &=20 graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages.=20 SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookselle= r=20 Inventory # 0719010177 Price: US$=A086.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Arrington, Leonard J. Charles C. Rich, Mormon general and Western=20 frontiersman. Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. AS NEW -=20 Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by:= =20 Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. 404 pages.=20 Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts,=20 photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced=20 to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or=20 Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719003442 Price: US$=A0151.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. [Unable to display image]> =20 =20 =20 --part1_157.96c987.28ca48d6_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable If you want to spend some= serious money on reprints (in some cases many times=20
the cost of an original edition), a guy in New York apparently is willin= g to=20
sell you a wide variety of titles.  I noticed the following (among=20= others)=20
listed on ABE.  Best of all, you can get his HARDCOVER BUCKRAM edit= ion for=20
only $10 extra!

Young, John R. Memoirs of John R. Young, Utah pioneer, 1847.
Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&= amp;W=20
photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City= ,=20
Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. 341 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram= =20
Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may repro= duce less=20
than perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8=20= weeks=20
for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057065
Price: US$=A0127.00 convert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.

Whitney, Orson Ferguson. Life of Heber C. Kimball, an apostle. The father a= nd=20
founder of the British mission.

Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W photo-repro= graphic=20
reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. 520=20
pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Chart= s,=20
photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be=20= reduced=20
to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or=20
Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057062
Price: US$=A0194.00 convert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.
=A0 =20
Brown, James Stephens. Life of a pioneer; being the autobiography of James=20= S.=20

Salt Lake City, G. Q. Cannon, 1900. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W=20
photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City= , G.=20
Q. Cannon, 1900. 534 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for=20
additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce less=20= than=20
perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks= for=20
delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057057
Price: US$=A0199.00 convert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.

Sonne, Conway Ballantyne. Saints on the seas : a maritime history of Morman= =20
migration, 1830-1890.

Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. AS NEW -=20
Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book publi= shed by:=20
Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. 230 pages. Softco= ver=20
(or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs &a= mp;=20
graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced to fit pag= es.=20
SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Books= eller=20
Inventory # 0719010177
Price: US$=A086.00 convert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.

Arrington, Leonard J. Charles C. Rich, Mormon general and Western=20

Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. AS NEW -=20
Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book publi= shed by:=20
Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. 404 pages.=20
Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts,=20
photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be=20= reduced=20
to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or=20
Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719003442
Price: US$=A0151.00 convert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.


--part1_157.96c987.28ca48d6_boundary-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Print on Demand--For a price! Date: 07 Sep 2001 09:20:36 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C1377E.5AABCCA0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0009_01C1377E.5AABCCA0" ------=_NextPart_001_0009_01C1377E.5AABCCA0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id LAA740990 I didn=92t check on all of these titles, but I do have the Charles C. Ric= h in my library. I found the following two copies (original book) on ABE: Arrington,Leonard J. Charles C Rich Mormon General and Western Frontiersm= an Provo,Utah Brigham Young University 1974. Fine in VG+ dj with one edge te= ar. Clean and tight. First printing. First Edition. Bookseller Inventory # 014534 Price: US$ 200.00 convert currency Presented by Vera Enterprises L.L.C., Clarksburg, NJ, U.S.A. order options 2. Arrington, Leonard J Charles C. Rich Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1974 Hard Cover. Fair In Protected Mylar Cover. Not Stated, Probable First. 8vo - over 7=BE" - 9=BE" tall. ISBN:0-8425-1051-6. Red dj is faded, rubbed, and edge worn in mylar cover. Name on ffes. Outer edge on interior is spotted. Else is good. Black and white photo illustrations. 386pps. Bookseller Inventory # 004207 Price: US$ 50.00 convert currency Presented by Confetti Antiques & Books, Spanish Fork, UT, U.S.A. order options Wy pay $151 for a photographic reprint when it is readily available for either much less or 33% more???h --Steve -----Original Message----- []On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 8:59 AM If you want to spend some serious money on reprints (in some cases many times the cost of an original edition), a guy in New York apparently is willing= to sell you a wide variety of titles. I noticed the following (among others= ) listed on ABE. Best of all, you can get his HARDCOVER BUCKRAM edition fo= r only $10 extra! Young, John R. Memoirs of John R. Young, Utah pioneer, 1847. Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. 341 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057065 Price: US$ 127.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Whitney, Orson Ferguson. Life of Heber C. Kimball, an apostle. The father and founder of the British mission. Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W photo-reprograph= ic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. 520 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts= , photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduc= ed to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057062 Price: US$ 194.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Brown, James Stephens. Life of a pioneer; being the autobiography of Jame= s S. Brown. Salt Lake City, G. Q. Cannon, 1900. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City,= G. Q. Cannon, 1900. 534 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks = for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057057 Price: US$ 199.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Sonne, Conway Ballantyne. Saints on the seas : a maritime history of Morm= an migration, 1830-1890. Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book published = by: Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. 230 pages. Softcov= er (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced to fit page= s. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719010177 Price: US$ 86.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. Arrington, Leonard J. Charles C. Rich, Mormon general and Western frontiersman. Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book published = by: Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. 404 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduc= ed to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719003442 Price: US$ 151.00 convert currency Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A. ------=_NextPart_001_0009_01C1377E.5AABCCA0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I = didn’t check on all of these titles, but I do have the Charles C. Rich in my = library. I found the following two copies (original book) on = ABE:


Arrington,Leonard = J. Charle= s C Rich Mormon General and Western Frontiersman
Provo,Utah Brigham Young University 1974. Fine in VG+ dj with one edge = tear. Clean and tight. First printing. First Edition. Bookseller Inventory # = 014534
Price: US$ 200.00 = co= nvert currency
Presented by Vera Enterprises L.L.C., Clarksburg, NJ, U.S.A.
order options



Arrington, = Leonard J Charle= s C. Rich
Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, 1974 Hard Cover. Fair In = Protected Mylar Cover. Not Stated, Probable First. 8vo - over 7=BE" - = 9=BE" tall. ISBN:0-8425-1051-6. Red dj is faded, rubbed, and edge worn in mylar = cover. Name on ffes. Outer edge on interior is spotted. Else is good. Black = and white photo illustrations. 386pps. Bookseller Inventory # 004207
Price: US$ 50.00 = con= vert currency
Presented by Confetti Antiques & Books, Spanish Fork, UT, = U.S.A.
order = options




Wy= pay $151 for a photographic reprint when it is readily available for either = much less or 33% more???h


--= Steve


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, September = 07, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] = Print on Demand--For a price!


If you want to = spend some serious money on reprints (in some cases many times
the cost of an original edition), a guy in New York apparently is = willing to
sell you a wide variety of titles.  I noticed the following (among = others)
listed on ABE.  Best of all, you can get his HARDCOVER BUCKRAM = edition for
only $10 extra!

Young, John R. Memoir= s of John R. Young, Utah pioneer, 1847.
Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. AS NEW - Print-to-order = B&W
photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake = City,
Utah, The Deseret news, 1920. 341 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram =
Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may = reproduce less
than perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 = weeks
for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057065 =
Price: US$ 127.00 co= nvert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.

Whitney, Orson Ferguson. Life = of Heber C. Kimball, an apostle. The father and
founder of the British mission.

Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W = photo-reprographic
reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake City, Utah., 1888. 520 =
pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). = Charts,
photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be = reduced
to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or =
Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057062
Price: US$ 194.00 co= nvert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Brown, James Stephens. Life = of a pioneer; being the autobiography of James S.

Salt Lake City, G. Q. Cannon, 1900. AS NEW - Print-to-order B&W
photo-reprographic reprint of original book published by: Salt Lake = City, G.
Q. Cannon, 1900. 534 pages. Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for =
additional $10 ). Charts, photographs & graphics may reproduce less = than
perfectly and may be reduced to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks = for
delivery. No Refund or Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719057057
Price: US$ 199.00 co= nvert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.

Sonne, Conway Ballantyne. Saints= on the seas : a maritime history of Morman
migration, 1830-1890.

Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. AS NEW -
Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book = published by:
Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c1983. ill. 230 pages. = Softcover
(or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts, photographs = &
graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be reduced to fit = pages.
SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or Exchange. = Bookseller
Inventory # 0719010177
Price: US$ 86.00 con= vert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.

Arrington, Leonard J. Charle= s C. Rich, Mormon general and Western

Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. AS NEW -
Print-to-order B&W photo-reprographic reprint of original book = published by:
Provo, Utah, Brigham Young University Press [1974]. Illus. 404 pages. =
Softcover (or Hardcover Buckram Bound for additional $10 ). Charts,
photographs & graphics may reproduce less than perfectly and may be = reduced
to fit pages. SPECIAL ORDER Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. No Refund or =
Exchange. Bookseller Inventory # 0719003442
Price: US$ 151.00 co= nvert currency
Presented by Astrologos Books, New York, NY, U.S.A.

------=_NextPart_001_0009_01C1377E.5AABCCA0-- ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C1377E.5AABCCA0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="image001.gif" Content-ID: Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 R0lGODlhZwAkALMAAP//////mf/MM//MAMzMzMzMZsyZAJnMAJmZmZmZZpmZAGZmMzMzMwAAAAD/ AP//zCH5BAEAAA4ALAAAAABnACQAAARF0MlJq7046827/2AojmRpnmiqrmzrvnAsz3Rt33iu73zv /8CgcEgsGo/IpHLJbDqf0Kh0Sq1ar9isdsvter/gsHhMLhcjADs= ------=_NextPart_000_0008_01C1377E.5AABCCA0-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Print on Demand--For a price! Date: 07 Sep 2001 12:29:43 EDT In a message dated 9/7/01 12:00:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << If you want to spend some serious money on reprints (in some cases many times the cost of an original edition), a guy in New York apparently is willing to sell you a wide variety of titles. I noticed the following (among others) listed on ABE. Best of all, you can get his HARDCOVER BUCKRAM edition for only $10 extra! >> Even in today's flagging economy, it seems that the service-oriented convenience online products are advertised (and actually sold?). I guess if you are a high-income executive with no time on your hands, that is the way to go if you merely want the text. Like dialing 1-800-flowers and paying twice the price for that corsage for Mom on Mother's Day. The selection and quality may not be as good as when you call the local florist and work out the details over the phone - and the price will be horrendous - but it is quick and easy. Not quite the world of LDS-Bookshelf! For many years, the venerable Tuttle Book company in Rutland, VT, has offered a print-on-demand (photocopy quality) service for old family histories and genealogies which in some cases are next to unobtainable. In general, their reprint versions cost about the same as an original. Rick Grunder - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morgan Adair" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Print on Demand--For a price! Date: 07 Sep 2001 10:37:02 -0600 >>> 09/07/01 10:20AM >>> > >Wy pay $151 for a photographic reprint when it is readily available for >either much less or 33% more???h Good question. BTW, the Confetti Antiques copy of the Charles C. Rich = biography was sold about 5 minutes ago. MBA - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Bob Carter Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Print on Demand--For a price! Date: 07 Sep 2001 11:06:39 -0700 (PDT) I noticed these printondemand items in my Abe search this morning and wondered why some of the titles were even included. It's possible that libraries are the target audience, hence the Buckram option. But there are reprints, some of which are readily available. Sonne's "Saints on the Seas" was recently reprinted and facsimile reprints of the Book of Mormon first edition are plentiful. Reprints of Brown's "Life of a Pioneer" are probably not difficult to find either. I don't think Astologo did his market research on this. It would be interesting to know if there are any takers. And I've noticed other printondemand offerings in my searchs. The prices are always higher than reprint editions. Bob Carter --- wrote: > If you want to spend some serious money on reprints > (in some cases many times > the cost of an original edition), a guy in New York > apparently is willing to > sell you a wide variety of titles. I noticed the > following (among others) > listed on ABE. Best of all, you can get his > HARDCOVER BUCKRAM edition for > only $10 extra! > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "ROY SCHMIDT" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] For Sale Date: 07 Sep 2001 16:56:05 -0600 I have a copy each of Ehat's Words of Joseph Smith, and Gibbons bio of Lorenzo Snow that I am considering putting up at auction. The Ehat book and its dj are both in very good condition, and the text is unmarked. Eborn has copies listed at around $225-250. The work on Lorenzo Snow is in very good condition, but the dj has several tears (not large). The most recent Deseret Book Auction for the Gibbons work was in the $125 range, but I understand copies have gone for as much as $180. If anyone on the 'Shelf is interested, and would like to make an offer, please respond privately before Monday. Being greedy, I would like to get as much as I can. Roy Schmidt - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "EDLUND,MARK JAMES" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few tidbits for sale. Date: 09 Sep 2001 14:39:09 -0700 (PDT) I have a few books for sale. All of them are from the Lakeside Classics Series. For those of you not familiar with the Lakeside Classics, they are probably the premier series of Americana. They started in 1903, and one volume is issued each year at Christmas time, for distribution to the friends and patrons of the Lakeside Press. The early volumes are quite scarce and priced accordingly; for example, the first one, the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, sells for around $400 to $500. However, editions of from more recent years go for about $15 to $25. The first 25 volumes were bound in green cloth, the next 25 in red cloth, the next 25 in blue, and since then they have been bound in brown cloth. They are all matching size, 12mo. The books are all primary accounts, although many are reminiscences. Many of the titles are well known classics, others are little known gems. All are bedrock Americana. Some of the titles include Josiah Greggs Commerce of the Prairies, Leonards Narrative of the Adventures of Zenas Leonard and Thomas Fords History of Illinois The editors are quite a distinguished bunch. Milo Quaife, the biographer of James Strang edited them for many years. Other editors have included Dale Morgan, William Goetzmann, Doyce Nunis. As far as Mormon content, many of them contain parts of chapters or tidbits about the Mormons. For example, last night I was reading Uncle Dick Wootten and came across his account of his meeting with Brigham Young. "We (Young and Wootten) sat down together and chatted for perhaps half an hour while we drank a bottle of wine which the hospitable head of the church brought out and set before me. It was good wine, too, and when I left him , I felt that I could commend his wine if couldn't his religion." However the only title in the series which contain extensive portions on the Mormons is Fords History of Illinois. Anyway, I am selling a few which I have that are duplicates for me. They are all from the red portion of the series. They are in vg+ condition--better condition than you usually see the reds in. Those for sale are: 1. War on the Detroit. 1940 $25 2. Fords History of Illinois (2 Volumes 1945 and 46). I bought these from Kent Walgren a few years back at $85, and will sell them for the same price. 3. Vanished Arizona 1939 $25 4. The Bark Covered House 1937 $25 5. Six Years with the Texas Rangers 1943 $25 6. Growing Up with Southern Illinois 1944 $25 If anyone wanted to buy them as a lot I could give him or her a little better deal. Mark Edlund - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Albert Gardner" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] A few tidbits for sale. Date: 09 Sep 2001 19:06:39 -0700 Mark: I would like the Ford-History of Illinois. I have only 1 vol. of that set and have longed for the other one. Albert ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 2:39 PM > I have a few books for sale. All of them are from the Lakeside Classics > Series. > > 2. Fords History of Illinois (2 Volumes 1945 and 46). I bought these from > Kent Walgren a few years back at $85, and will sell them for the same > price. - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mark Edlund Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Two Questions Date: 02 Jul 2001 19:11:52 -0700 I was checking out e-bay today and noticed a set of Quinn's Hierarchy books, bound in leather. Did Signature do this, or was it some other individual? In my re-print of AHC's Mountain Man series, Volume III, the table of contents precedes the title page. Is it this way in all of them? Thanks, Mark Edlund -- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Marotta Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Ebay is alive and well... Date: 22 Sep 2001 20:16:34 -0400 This morning I looked on Ebay. I saw a 5th Independence Edition of the Book of Mormon, sitting at a mere $26.00, reserve not met, and today is the last day of the auction. That seemed low (for Ebay), so I was a bit surprised that it has now reached a price of $760.01. Thankfully, the reserve has not been met! Here is the link: Frank Marotta ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hugh J. McKell" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Ebay is alive and well... Date: 23 Sep 2001 11:08:47 -0600 At 08:16 PM 9/22/2001 -0400, you wrote: Thanks to Frank we are again brought back to the reality of the irrational frenzy of Mormon book collecting. Here we have a 1913 BoM with a high bid of over $700 dollars! It is interesting to review the bidders of this delectable morsel and see that they are truly serious and seasoned bidders . I suppose they may deserve what they get! Where is Hugh Stocks when we need him, I suppose this edition is as common as dirt. Hugh >This morning I looked on Ebay. I saw a 5th Independence Edition of the >Book of Mormon, sitting at a mere $26.00, reserve not met, and today is >the last day of the auction. That seemed low (for Ebay), so I was a bit >surprised that it has now reached a price of $760.01. Thankfully, the >reserve has not been met! > >Here is the link: > > > >Frank Marotta > >________________________________________________________________ >GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! >Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! >Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: > > >---------------------------------------------------------- >- LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books >- To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with >- "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. >- For assistance, mail to "" > > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Hugh Stocks" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Ebay is alive and well... Date: 23 Sep 2001 21:21:13 -0600 On 23 Sep 2001 at 11:08, Hugh J. McKell stepped forward and proclaimed: > At 08:16 PM 9/22/2001 -0400, you wrote: > > Thanks to Frank we are again brought back to the reality of the > irrational frenzy of Mormon book collecting. Here we have a 1913 BoM > with a high bid of over $700 dollars! It is interesting to review the > bidders of this delectable morsel and see that they are truly serious > and seasoned bidders . I suppose they may deserve what they get! > Where is Hugh Stocks when we need him, I suppose this edition is as > common as dirt. Oh, I'm usually lurking around somewhere or other. Actually, the Fifth Independence is kind of interesting, being the third of the Monotype settings in Independence. Date appears to be 1918, btw (based on the addresses for the missions listed on the title page). As to how common the edition is, you knowledgeable bookdealers can judge that a lot more than a simple bibliographer like me. I know I don't seem to run into Independence editions all that often, and each of them seems to have been produced in relatively small runs, because they were reissued every six months or so (as best I can tell). The First Independence Edition came out two years earlier in a run of 5,000 copies "because of the oppressive nature of the paper market." Undoubtedly the paper market didn't improve throughout US involvement in WWI, so I'd guess 5,000 may be the standard. On really rotten paper, of course. That being said, *I'd* never pay anything like $700 for this. Maybe a tithe of that? Cheers, -- Hugh Stocks Computers will save the world! (when we find the right program.) - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Morgan Adair" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Two Questions Date: 23 Sep 2001 22:08:17 -0600 >>> 07/02/01 08:11PM >>> >I was checking out e-bay today and noticed a set of Quinn's Hierarchy=20 >books, bound in leather. Did Signature do this, or was it some other=20 >individual? Jim Young of Brigham Book, Provo, did a few of these. MBA - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] On my soapbox Date: 24 Sep 2001 11:58:34 EDT In a message dated 9/23/01 11:24:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << As to how common the edition is, you knowledgeable bookdealers can judge that a lot more than a simple bibliographer like me. I know I don't seem to run into Independence editions all that often, and each of them seems to have been produced in relatively small runs, because they were reissued every six months or so (as best I can tell). The First Independence Edition came out two years earlier in a run of 5,000 copies "because of the oppressive nature of the paper market." Undoubtedly the paper market didn't improve throughout US involvement in WWI, so I'd guess 5,000 may be the standard. On really rotten paper, of course. That being said, *I'd* never pay anything like $700 for this. Maybe a tithe of that? Cheers, -- Hugh Stocks >> Thanks for the information, Hugh - I will update my penciled notes in my copy of the Flake bibliography. Now to climb on my soapbox (LDS-Bookshelf doesn't seem overly burdened with posts right now so I imagine we can afford the space). I personally feel depressed and pretty much disheartened when I see the fill-all-the-slots mentality in the book collecting world. Of course, there is certainly a legitimate place for assembling a few such collections. If Hugh, for example, were to form a complete collection of every early twentieth-century edition and variant of the English Book of Mormon, that would make a lot of sense to me, since he has done so much work in that area. For him, a collection of that sort would make it possible for constant referral, comparison and updating. Institutions such as the Church and BYU have similar justification for comprehensive edition collections, I believe. The new collector who has nothing (and who has no bibliographies), may well imagine that the Fifth Independence Edition is a great place to start. Why, it has no date, so it MUST be rare. Wow - and it may be obtainable for less than a thousand dollars! And how hard can it be to follow up and find the "few" other Independence editions - at least the undated ones?!? [Reflections about any SELLER providing a listing like the one recently seen on eBay shall be better imagined here than articulated.] I don't think I will distress anyone here in LDS-Bookshelf if I protest against this blind fill-all-the-slots mentality by listing a few obvious questions which any collector should ask himself before making any purchase: 1) What is the significance of the edition or item I am about to purchase? 2) Why am I buying this? 3) What proportionate function do I see this item filling in my collection? 4) How practical will it be for me to expand my collection until this item's function in the collection is indeed proportionate to what I am paying (in dollars, time or effort to obtain & preserve it)? 5) What do I plan to do with this item in the distant future, either separately or as part of my collection? I think these questions apply equally to the poor and the wealthy collector. I think they also apply equally to the extensive collector or the person who simply wants one or two things which he or she finds meaningful. Even institutions often fail to ask these crucial questions, as any bookseller can illustrate with mind-boggling anecdotes. Rick Grunder - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Mick Reasor" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] more ebay Date: 24 Sep 2001 13:45:55 -0500 Here's a typo only a bookshelfer could love. Check out this title. Mick - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] more ebay Date: 24 Sep 2001 15:06:54 EDT In a message dated 9/24/01 2:49:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << Here's a typo only a bookshelfer could love. Check out this title. Mick >> And if you liked that one, don't miss the description of the "Beaudiful Morman Rockwell Mug" on eBay at . . . - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Marotta Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] more ebay Date: 24 Sep 2001 21:18:38 -0400 I once bought a "Book of Norman" on Ebay; that is how it was listed and described. And that is what the seller invoiced me for! It wasn't a 5th Independence Edition, but it was worth more than the $4.00 I paid for it! Frank Marotta On Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:06:54 EDT writes: > In a message dated 9/24/01 2:49:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, > writes: > > << Here's a typo only a bookshelfer could love. Check out this > title. > > Mick > > > >> > > > And if you liked that one, don't miss the description of the > "Beaudiful > Morman Rockwell Mug" on eBay at . . . > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------- > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books > - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with > - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message > body. > - For assistance, mail to "" ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] more ebay Date: 25 Sep 2001 02:07:03 EDT In a message dated 9/24/01 9:27:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I once bought a "Book of Norman" on Ebay; that is how it was listed and described. And that is what the seller invoiced me for! It wasn't a 5th Independence Edition, but it was worth more than the $4.00 I paid for it! Frank Marotta >> Is that the book which begins with the phrase, "I, Mephi, having been born of goodly parents . . ." ? Sorry! We have a heavy rainstorm which is just hanging over Syracuse and refuses to move on. Twelve hours so far, and not predicted to end for another twelve hours. I have had a few drops of water come through the office ceiling and I hesitate to go to bed. It is 2:00 a.m. Zzzzzzzzzz, RickBook - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "John Hatch" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] more ebay Date: 25 Sep 2001 00:56:46 -0600 Ah, a Syracuse storm. I think I mentioned to Rick before that I served my mission in upstate New York, in his neck of the woods. And I thought Utah got a lot of snow! The beautiful state of New York greeted me with three feet of snow the day I arrived. I did want to comment on one thing Rick said in an earlier post about collecting. I loved the five questions he suggested and think each collector ought to ask themselves the same questions. I don't know how many "newcomers" we have to collecting on this list. Perhaps I am the "newest", only collecting for four or five years now. It took me a while to find a balance between getting what other collectors have in an effort to "keep up with the Joneses" and just collecting what I love and want. It seems to me that a balance between the two is important. Naturally one must collect what they love. If you get too caught up in seeing what everyone else has and say, "Gee, I have to get myself one of those!", then you'll never be collecting what you really want. On the other hand, ignoring what others are collecting is a good way to get out of the loop, so to speak, and miss out on several great items. Why would anyone rely on Ebay as a source to decide what to buy? With such reputable dealers as Rick, Curt, Ken, and others, why go to Ebay as your only source? John > Is that the book which begins with the phrase, "I, Mephi, having been born of > goodly parents . . ." ? > > Sorry! We have a heavy rainstorm which is just hanging over Syracuse and > refuses to move on. Twelve hours so far, and not predicted to end for > another twelve hours. I have had a few drops of water come through the > office ceiling and I hesitate to go to bed. It is 2:00 a.m. > > Zzzzzzzzzz, > RickBook > - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Albert Gardner" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Doctrines of the Restoration Series Date: 25 Sep 2001 15:34:24 -0700 Shelfers: I just bought a copy of Tholson's book "The Coming of the Holy One of Israel" which is vol. 4 of the Doctrines of the Restoration series. I know that his book "Adam-God" was vol. 1 but what are vols. 2 and 3? Albert Gardner God Bless America - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Doctrines of the Restoration Series Date: 25 Sep 2001 22:59:55 EDT --part1_cf.c238ffe.28e29eab_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit If I am not mistaken, the volumes designated 1 and 4 are the only ones that have been published to date. Sort of like Grandin Books' announced 9-vol. incomplete set of Prominent Works in Mormon History in which volumes 5 and 6 were issued even though 3 and 4 have never appeared. Brian "That's just my opinion, I could be wrong." --Dennis Miller In a message dated 9/25/2001 4:34:55 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes: > Shelfers: > I just bought a copy of Tholson's book "The Coming of the Holy One of > Israel" which is vol. 4 of the Doctrines of the Restoration series. I know > that his book "Adam-God" was vol. 1 but what are vols. 2 and 3? > Albert Gardner > God Bless America > > --part1_cf.c238ffe.28e29eab_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit If I am not mistaken, the volumes designated 1 and 4 are the only ones that have been published to date.  Sort of like Grandin Books' announced 9-vol. incomplete set of Prominent Works in Mormon History in which volumes 5 and 6 were issued even though 3 and 4 have never appeared.


"That's just my opinion, I could be wrong."  --Dennis Miller

In a message dated 9/25/2001 4:34:55 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

I just bought a copy of Tholson's book "The Coming of the Holy One of
Israel" which is vol. 4 of the Doctrines of the Restoration series.  I know
that his book "Adam-God" was vol. 1 but what are vols. 2 and 3?
Albert Gardner
God Bless America

--part1_cf.c238ffe.28e29eab_boundary-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Albert Gardner" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Doctrines of the Restoration Series Date: 26 Sep 2001 15:35:19 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0018_01C146A0.D9179E80 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Looks like you're right Brian. At the beginning of the book, Tholson = says he has not yet written vols. 2 & 3. Albert ----- Original Message -----=20 Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Doctrines of the Restoration Series If I am not mistaken, the volumes designated 1 and 4 are the only ones = that have been published to date. Sort of like Grandin Books' announced = 9-vol. incomplete set of Prominent Works in Mormon History in which = volumes 5 and 6 were issued even though 3 and 4 have never appeared.=20 Brian=20 ------=_NextPart_000_0018_01C146A0.D9179E80 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Looks like you're right Brian.  At = the=20 beginning of the book, Tholson says he has not yet written vols. 2 & = 3.
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] = Doctrines of=20 the Restoration Series
If I am not mistaken, = the volumes=20 designated 1 and 4 are the only ones that have been published to date. =  Sort of like Grandin Books' announced 9-vol. incomplete set of = Prominent=20 Works in Mormon History in which volumes 5 and 6 were issued even = though 3 and=20 4 have never appeared.
------=_NextPart_000_0018_01C146A0.D9179E80-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "EDLUND,MARK JAMES" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Book fairs Date: 27 Sep 2001 16:44:02 -0700 (PDT) There are two book fairs in the Los Angeles Area this weekend. One is in Pasadena, the other is in Santa Monica. I am going to try to attend both. If any bookshelfers would like to meet for lunch give me an e-mail. Mark Edlund - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Book fairs Date: 27 Sep 2001 18:13:46 -0700 I'm going at least to the Pasadena one. Please give details of the SM one. --Steve -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of EDLUND,MARK JAMES Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 4:44 PM There are two book fairs in the Los Angeles Area this weekend. One is in Pasadena, the other is in Santa Monica. I am going to try to attend both. If any bookshelfers would like to meet for lunch give me an e-mail. Mark Edlund - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Prices! Date: 30 Sep 2001 16:11:21 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C149CA.8BB682A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id f8UNEad03846 Lyndon Cook has a couple of early B of M=92s on ABE for $$$$$$. This is interesting =85 [Smith, Joseph] [The Book of Mormon, upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi =C9 Translated by Joseph Smith, Jun. Part I] Title and te= xt printed in Deseret characters =20 New York: Published for the Deseret University by Russell Bros, 1869. The third (and final) Deseret Reader, containing the first section of the boo= k of Mormon. The Deseret script owes its origins to efforts by Brigham Youn= g and others to introduce simpified spelling, with the aim of assisting non-English speaking converts to learn the language. Among the other volu= mes printed from type designed and cast in New York City were the first two Deseret Books, readers prepared for the Deseret University in 1868, and t= he complete Book of Mormon, prepared by Orson Pratt at Young's direction and published the same year as this selection. The estimated cost of printing= a more extensive library was prohibitive, and interest waned after 1869, effectively ceasing with Young's death in 1877. A nice specimen from this unsual chapter in American printing history (DESERET ALPHABET) 8vo. [viii= ], 116 pp. Original quarter blue calf and printed blue paper over boards. Mi= nor rubbing to extremities, else very good. Flake 608; Eborn p. 44. Bookselle= r Inventory # 38489 Price: US$ 750.00 convert currency =20 Presented by James Cummins Bookseller, ABAA, New York, NY, U.S.A. order options =09 =09 I think we need to reexamine rare books vs. the stock market! --Steve ------=_NextPart_000_000C_01C149CA.8BB682A0 Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 eJ8+IhUXAQaQCAAEAAAAAAABAAEAAQeQBgAIAAAA5AQAAAAAAADoAAEIgAcAGAAAAElQTS5NaWNy b3NvZnQgTWFpbC5Ob3RlADEIAQ2ABAACAAAAAgACAAEGgAMADgAAANEHCQAeABAACwAAAAAAGgEB A5AGAEQWAAAiAAAACwACAAEAAAALACMAAAAAAAMAJgAAAAAACwApAAAAAAADADYAAAAAAB4AcAAB AAAACAAAAFByaWNlcyEAAgFxAAEAAAAWAAAAAcFKBTd2RGBU+OGcSduhFIP6ZcjvAgAAAgEdDAEA AAAfAAAAU01UUDpTVEVWRS5FQ0NMRVMyQFZFUklaT04uTkVUAAALAAEOAAAAAEAABg4AGgMrBUrB AQIBCg4BAAAAGAAAAAAAAABCf9zaE3l8R5VawAJNfsIJwoAAAAsAHw4BAAAAAgEJEAEAAAB8EgAA eBIAANwwAABMWkZ1qgiNrgMACgByY3BnMTI1cjIMYGMxAzABBwtgbpEOEDAzMw8WZmUPkk8B9wKk 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