From: "Productos Mickelsen" Subject: Mermeladas y Conservas con tradición alemana Date: 03 Dec 2002 19:22:33 Untitled Document

¡¡¡ Le invitamos a regalar dulzura !!!.... con las mejores Delikatessen en mermeladas y conservas....


"PRODUCTOS MICKELSEN"(M.R.)presenta sus Delikatessen en conservas y mermeladas, elaboradas con procesos y tecnologías que mantienen el carácter natural y la calidad de las frutas chilenas.

En los recuadros usted visualizará algunos de los productos que son solicitados por prestigiosas empresas del mercado como Regalos Corporativos para expresar su reconocimiento a amigos, clientes y colaboradores con motivo de las festividades de Navidad y Año Nuevo.
Para solicitar información y atender sus requerimientos consúltenos telefónicamente al 821.14.15, por mail a o

Si usted no ha probado ninguna de nuestras especialidades, le invitamos a visitar nuestro show room ubicado en Longitudinal Sur 983, Km. 35, Buin y a degustar alguna de ellas. También puede visitarnos en nuestro local ubicado en La Estación Tobalaba del Metro.


También puede visitarnos en nuestra página web donde podrá conocer una mayor variedad de nuestros productos.
si no desea continuar recibiendo nuestras ofertas indique "remover" aqui
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Taylor Asesorías y Capacitación Ltda." Subject: Las Nuevas Terapias del Siglo XXI Date: 06 Dec 2002 08:52:26 Untitled Document
Terapias Vibracionales: Sr. Pedro Engel
Reiki y Energía: Sra. Maria Cristina Correa
Aromaterapia: Sra. Edi Carlisle

Aura-Soma: Amaniksha desde Brasil
Renacer: Sr. Claudio Meneses "Kando"
Yoga Y Meditación: Sra. María Cristina Correa

Masaje:Una Puerta a la Sanación: Sr. Emilio Puebla
Lo invitamos además a nuestra Feria Expositiva en la cual los asistentes podrán encontrar elementos de mucho interés, representativos de las diferentes disciplinas.
si no desea recibir más este tipo de oferta por email presione aquí
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Avestruces del Pacífico" Subject: Seminario Teórico Práctico sobre Avestruces Date: 16 Dec 2002 08:53:47 Santiago


Santiago, Diciembre de 2002

Este mensaje se envia bajo los  artículos 2º y 4º de Ley 19.628. Si desea descontinuar el envío de esta oferta, hacer  clic AQUÍ

  Avestruces del Pacífico y el Organismo Capacitador Trigal dictan el Seminario Práctico y Teórico:

 “Avestruces y su Explotación Comercial”

Desde el 18 hasta el 21 de Diciembre, a realizarse en Santiago y Malloco

Con Código SENCE

 Más información: F:2355016      09-8860046



Además habrá una presentación de la ACAC y COMERTRUZ.

DÍA 1  



18:00 – 18:30

Introducción participantes y presentación ACAC

18:30- 19:30

Introducción al negocio del avestruz

15 min. break


19:45 – 21:00

Generalidades de la especie, anatomía y fisiología básica del avestruz

DÍA 2.



18:00- 20:00

Manejo de un plantel de avestruces

15 min. Break


20:15 – 21:00

Incubación y reproducción

DÍA 3.



18:00- 19:30

Presentación Comertruz

18:30 – 19:30

Etología del avestruz

15 min. Break


19:45 – 21:00

Patologías  en planteles de avestruces

DÍA 4 (Práctica)



9:00- 10:30

Infraestructura y aspectos prácticos (Grupo 1)

15 min. Break


10:45 – 13:00

Manejo de animales, vacunas, sexaje.

(Grupo 1)


------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edlund, Mark J" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 10:36:59 -0600 Date: 28 Dec 2002 09:37:05 -0700 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C2AE8F.57D74FC0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I was taking a look at ebay today and was amazed at the number of Mormon books for sale-much more than usual. If anyone has some extra Christmas money they would like to spend there are a lot of available items, although reserve prices are usually fairly stiff. It looks like reserve prices have generally not decreased to match softening demand. There are two first editions of the BOM for sale on Ebay. Add to this the 3 first edition BOM's on ABE and the one that Benchmark was offering in their most recent catalogue and you get a grand total of 6 first editions currently for sale. Happy New Year to all, Mark Edlund ------_=_NextPart_001_01C2AE8F.57D74FC0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I was taking a look at ebay today and was amazed at the = number of Mormon books for sale—much more than usual.  If anyone has some extra Christmas money they would = like to spend there are a lot of available items, although reserve prices are = usually fairly stiff.  It looks like = reserve prices have generally not decreased to match softening demand.  There are two first editions = of the BOM for sale on Ebay.  Add to = this the 3 first edition BOM’s on ABE and the one that Benchmark was = offering in their most recent catalogue and you get a grand total of 6 first editions = currently for sale.


Happy New Year to all,


Mark Edlund   

------_=_NextPart_001_01C2AE8F.57D74FC0-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Marotta Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 10:36:59 -0600 Date: 28 Dec 2002 12:44:39 -0500 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ----__JNP_000_2738.6d69.2eb8 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit On 26 December eBay had a 'free listing day'. I suspect that is why there is a spike in Mormon related listings. Frank Marotta On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:37:05 -0700 "Edlund, Mark J" writes: I was taking a look at ebay today and was amazed at the number of Mormon books for sale—much more than usual. If anyone has some extra Christmas money they would like to spend there are a lot of available items, although reserve prices are usually fairly stiff. It looks like reserve prices have generally not decreased to match softening demand. There are two first editions of the BOM for sale on Ebay. Add to this the 3 first edition BOM’s on ABE and the one that Benchmark was offering in their most recent catalogue and you get a grand total of 6 first editions currently for sale. Happy New Year to all, Mark Edlund ----__JNP_000_2738.6d69.2eb8 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On 26 December eBay had a 'free listing day'.   I suspect = that is=20 why there is a spike in Mormon related listings.
Frank Marotta
On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:37:05 -0700 "Edlund, Mark J" <> writes:

I was taking = a look=20 at ebay today and was amazed at the number of Mormon books for sale—= ;much more=20 than usual.  If anyone has = some=20 extra Christmas money they would like to spend there are a lot of = available=20 items, although reserve prices are usually fairly stiff.  It looks like reserve prices = have=20 generally not decreased to match softening demand.  There are two first editions of= the=20 BOM for sale on Ebay.  Add = to this=20 the 3 first edition BOM’s on ABE and the one that Benchmark was = offering in=20 their most recent catalogue and you get a grand total of 6 first editions= =20 currently for sale.


----__JNP_000_2738.6d69.2eb8-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Edlund, Mark J" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 10:36:59 -0600 Date: 28 Dec 2002 12:03:21 -0600 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ------_=_NextPart_001_01C2AE9B.68367B00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Interesting. How much does it usually cost to list an item on eBay? Mark -----Original Message----- Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 11:45 AM On 26 December eBay had a 'free listing day'. I suspect that is why there is a spike in Mormon related listings. Frank Marotta On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:37:05 -0700 "Edlund, Mark J" < > writes: I was taking a look at ebay today and was amazed at the number of Mormon books for sale-much more than usual. If anyone has some extra Christmas money they would like to spend there are a lot of available items, although reserve prices are usually fairly stiff. It looks like reserve prices have generally not decreased to match softening demand. There are two first editions of the BOM for sale on Ebay. Add to this the 3 first edition BOM's on ABE and the one that Benchmark was offering in their most recent catalogue and you get a grand total of 6 first editions currently for sale. Happy New Year to all, Mark Edlund ------_=_NextPart_001_01C2AE9B.68367B00 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Interesting.  How = much does it usually cost to list an item on = eBay?






-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Marotta []
Sent: Saturday, December = 28, 2002 11:45 AM
To: =
Subject: Re: = [LDS-Bookshelf] Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 10:36:59 -0600


On 26 December eBay had a 'free listing day'.   I suspect that is = why there is a spike in Mormon related listings.=


Frank Marotta=



On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:37:05 -0700 "Edlund, Mark J" <> = writes:=

I was taking a look at ebay today and = was amazed at the number of Mormon books for sale—much more than usual.  If anyone has some extra = Christmas money they would like to spend there are a lot of available items, = although reserve prices are usually fairly stiff.  It looks like reserve prices have generally not decreased to = match softening demand.  There = are two first editions of the BOM for sale on Ebay.  Add to this the 3 first edition BOM’s on ABE = and the one that Benchmark was offering in their most recent catalogue and you get = a grand total of 6 first editions currently for sale.


Happy New Year to all,


Mark Edlund   = =


------_=_NextPart_001_01C2AE9B.68367B00-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Frank Marotta Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 10:36:59 -0600 Date: 28 Dec 2002 14:02:16 -0500 This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible. ----__JNP_000_446c.181e.447f Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Mark, Below are the listing fees for a 7 day auction. There are other add-ons, but these are the basic fees. They can add up, if one auctions enough items. Frank Marotta $0.01 - $9.99$0.30 $10.00 - $24.99$0.55 $25.00 - $49.99$1.10 $50.00 - $199.99$2.20 $200.00 and up$3.30 On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 12:03:21 -0600 "Edlund, Mark J" writes: Interesting. How much does it usually cost to list an item on eBay? Mark -----Original Message----- Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 11:45 AM On 26 December eBay had a 'free listing day'. I suspect that is why there is a spike in Mormon related listings. Frank Marotta On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:37:05 -0700 "Edlund, Mark J" writes: I was taking a look at ebay today and was amazed at the number of Mormon books for sale—much more than usual. If anyone has some extra Christmas money they would like to spend there are a lot of available items, although reserve prices are usually fairly stiff. It looks like reserve prices have generally not decreased to match softening demand. There are two first editions of the BOM for sale on Ebay. Add to this the 3 first edition BOM’s on ABE and the one that Benchmark was offering in their most recent catalogue and you get a grand total of 6 first editions currently for sale. Happy New Year to all, Mark Edlund ----__JNP_000_446c.181e.447f Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Below are the listing fees for a 7 day auction.  There are other= =20 add-ons, but these are the basic fees.  They can add up, if one = auctions=20 enough items.
Frank Marotta
$0.01 - $9.99 $0.30
$10.00 - $24.99 $0.55
$25.00 - $49.99 $1.10
$50.00 - $199.99 $2.20
$200.00 and up $3.30
On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 12:03:21 -0600 "Edlund, Mark J" <> writes:

Interesting.  How much does it usually cost = to list=20 an item on eBay?




-----= Original=20 Message-----
From: = Frank=20 Marotta []
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 = 11:45=20 AM
Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Date:= Sat,=20 28 Dec 2002 10:36:59 -0600


On=20 26 December eBay had a 'free listing day'.   I suspect that is = why=20 there is a spike in Mormon related listings.


Frank Marotta



On=20 Sat, 28 Dec 2002 09:37:05 -0700 "Edlund, Mark J" <>=20 writes:

I was taking = a look=20 at ebay today and was amazed at the number of Mormon books for sale—= ;much more=20 than usual.  If anyone has = some=20 extra Christmas money they would like to spend there are a lot of = available=20 items, although reserve prices are usually fairly stiff.  It looks like reserve prices = have=20 generally not decreased to match softening demand.  There are two first editions of= the=20 BOM for sale on Ebay.  Add = to this=20 the 3 first edition BOM’s on ABE and the one that Benchmark was = offering in=20 their most recent catalogue and you get a grand total of 6 first editions= =20 currently for sale.


Happy New = Year to=20 all,


Mark Edlund<= SPAN=20 style=3D"mso-spacerun: yes">  


----__JNP_000_446c.181e.447f-- - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Snowed Date: 28 Dec 2002 14:09:32 EST Holiday greetings to everyone on the Bookshelf! Enclosed is some extra snow for those of you who are less fortunate (i.e., who must spend their leisure time reading books instead of shovelling and plowing the white gift from heaven). In Denial Christmas at Magic Point 2002 - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Keith Irwin" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Snowed Date: 29 Dec 2002 21:30:41 -0800 "Gift from heaven"????? =20 At the moment a lot of people on I-80 are cussing the gift and wondering where they can return it for credit. The pix look beautiful, Rick. But I'm glad you push the shovel instead = of me. Keith (who is donning his life jacket as we're struck by another of the = El Nino storms off the Pacific.) -----Original Message----- [] On Behalf Of Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2002 11:10 AM Holiday greetings to everyone on the Bookshelf! Enclosed is some extra = snow for those of you who are less fortunate (i.e., who must spend their = leisure=20 time reading books instead of shovelling and plowing the white gift from = heaven). In Denial Christmas at Magic Point 2002=20 - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to "" - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - For assistance, mail to ""