From: (lds-bookshelf-digest) To: Subject: lds-bookshelf-digest V1 #909 Reply-To: lds-bookshelf Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk lds-bookshelf-digest Monday, March 5 2001 Volume 01 : Number 909 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 12:08:44 -0700 From: "ROY SCHMIDT" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Joseph's funeral sermon Good thoughts, Dennis. I probably should have given the quotation, and will do so now: " Like the sun in his meridian splendor, Joseph Smith shown [sic] a full man, at home, among his friends, in the field, on the bench, or before the world; a pattern parent; a worthy friend; a model general; a righteous judge, and the wisest man of the age, sustained by truth, and "God was his right hand man." Surely, as one of the holy ones commissioned by his father among the royal seventy, when the high council of heaven set them apart to come down and "multiply and replenish this earth, he was the "last," and who knows but the "greatest," for he declared - we - knew not who he was! So, I may say, as the last is to be first, and the first last in eternal rotation, that Joseph Smith, who was Gazelam in the spirit world, was, and is, and will be in the endless progress of Eternity - the Prince of Light." Now, I am sure this makes perfect sense to all of you, but still I ask, "Huh?" Roy - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 11:22:43 -0800 From: Keith Irwin Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Welcome Friends, Welcome to the 'new' lds-bookshelf. Over the last year, Hugh and I discussed the fact that the old Bookshelf wasn't focusing on our interests as book collectors. Ultimately we decided to shut it down and let others take off in new directions. It was a good social group for many wonderful people and a few others , but it lost its focus. We decided that we would create a closed list and invite people we new were serious about books. The present membership is only 30 people. We are willing to expand this slowly by invitation. After we've been running for a while, we'll entertain nominations for membership with the criterion that they be serious about COLLECTING Mormon books and that they have a demeanor conducive to civil conversation. Hugh and I will issue any invitations. We're quite content for the traffic to be light but we do expect all members to contribute to the list from time to time. The key is that we stick to books and not wander off into esoteric doctrinal or historical issues. Our current members are a mix of seasoned and novice collectors as well as a couple of carefully selected and very knowledgeable dealers. Our hope is that we can return to the kind of civil discussion of books that characterized the early days of our list. To that end, we look forward to the conversation. Keith & Hugh - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 14:39:08 EST From: Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Phelps Funeral Sermon In a message dated 03/05/2001 12:48:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << I was reading an issue of BYU Studies (Winter 1983) in which the Funeral Sermon given for Joseph and Hyrum Smith by W. W. Phelps is published. I haven't seen this in print before, and was wondering if it had been published prior or since? >> In that article, Richard Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker state: "When, in the Church Archives, we came upon Phelps's 1855 recollection of the funeral sermon and realized it had never before been published, we thought it best to present it in its entirety . . . Whether or not this sermon he wrote in 1855 was made from a copy of his original speech or whether he rewrote it from notes or memory is not possible to determine at this time." BYU Studies 23 (Winter 1983) pp. 6-7. It is always possible to miss such things in earlier appearance, so I have checked a bit further this afternoon, not knowing what sources Van Wagoner and Walker may have tried. Since Phelps prepared this manuscript to read to the Deseret Theological Institute on the evening of Wednesday, June 13, 1855, I checked notes which I made about twenty years ago from the Deseret News issues beginning that day and for the next six months. I did not note such a funeral sermon being published there, but do not have access now to go back and double-check. I have checked Crawley, Flake, Eborn, History of the Church and the Times and Seasons, without finding this sermon. I wondered if Phelps could have used it as filler in his Deseret Almanac. The earliest almanac in which it could have appeared would be that for the year 1856, since the 1855 almanac would have been printed long before June 13, 1855. However, Flake says that "Almanacs between 1856-1859 have no Mormon material." Does anyone have other ideas of places to check? I haven't tried the CD-ROMS yet - getting lazy now, and need to get back to work. Rick Grunder - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 12:09:00 -0800 From: Keith Irwin Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? In the "Books on Books" category, I just read Henry Petroski's THE BOOK ON THE BOOK SHELF and liked it so much I bought a copy for Hugh. It's a history of bookshelves. He starts with how scrolls were stored then goes on to codicies and illuminated manuscripts that were chained to the podiums on which they were stored. Talks about how books were originally stored on their backs then upright but with the spines to the rear. The first half of the book was terrific though it bogged down a bit at the end as he talked about the storage in modern libraries. Petroski is a professor of engineering and professor of History. An interesting book that I'd recommend for collectors. Keith - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 13:13:46 -0700 From: "ROY SCHMIDT" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Phelps Funeral Sermon Rick, Glad you are here. I wondered if van Wagoner and Walker had missed something too. Now I wonder if there are contemporary accounts published, maybe diaries or in journals. Wonderin' Roy >>> 03/05/01 12:39PM >>> In a message dated 03/05/2001 12:48:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: << I was reading an issue of BYU Studies (Winter 1983) in which the Funeral Sermon given for Joseph and Hyrum Smith by W. W. Phelps is published. I haven't seen this in print before, and was wondering if it had been published prior or since? >> In that article, Richard Van Wagoner and Steven C. Walker state: "When, in the Church Archives, we came upon Phelps's 1855 recollection of the funeral sermon and realized it had never before been published, we thought it best to present it in its entirety . . . Whether or not this sermon he wrote in 1855 was made from a copy of his original speech or whether he rewrote it from notes or memory is not possible to determine at this time." BYU Studies 23 (Winter 1983) pp. 6-7. It is always possible to miss such things in earlier appearance, so I have checked a bit further this afternoon, not knowing what sources Van Wagoner and Walker may have tried. Since Phelps prepared this manuscript to read to the Deseret Theological Institute on the evening of Wednesday, June 13, 1855, I checked notes which I made about twenty years ago from the Deseret News issues beginning that day and for the next six months. I did not note such a funeral sermon being published there, but do not have access now to go back and double-check. I have checked Crawley, Flake, Eborn, History of the Church and the Times and Seasons, without finding this sermon. I wondered if Phelps could have used it as filler in his Deseret Almanac. The earliest almanac in which it could have appeared would be that for the year 1856, since the 1855 almanac would have been printed long before June 13, 1855. However, Flake says that "Almanacs between 1856-1859 have no Mormon material." Does anyone have other ideas of places to check? I haven't tried the CD-ROMS yet - getting lazy now, and need to get back to work. Rick Grunder - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 15:35:38 -0500 From: Frank Marotta Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? This year I have purchased: Remy - VOYAGE AU PAYS DES MORMONS (1860, 2 volumes; hope to sell this) Seixas - Hebrew Grammar (1834) (in shipment; has not made it yet) Frank Marotta ________________________________________________________________ GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 13:44:08 -0700 From: "ROY SCHMIDT" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? Keith, Is this book still in print? Roy >>> Keith Irwin 03/05/01 01:09PM >>> In the "Books on Books" category, I just read Henry Petroski's THE BOOK ON THE BOOK SHELF and liked it so much I bought a copy for Hugh. It's a history of bookshelves. He starts with how scrolls were stored then goes on to codicies and illuminated manuscripts that were chained to the podiums on which they were stored. Talks about how books were originally stored on their backs then upright but with the spines to the rear. The first half of the book was terrific though it bogged down a bit at the end as he talked about the storage in modern libraries. Petroski is a professor of engineering and professor of History. An interesting book that I'd recommend for collectors. Keith - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 13:35:47 -0800 From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] Three Cheers! This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C0A579.4D6BA520 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Boy, are the messages received today a welcome read. =20 Is it possible to get a list of who's on the list? Perhaps it's time to = start the introductions again. =20 As far as books, I haven't bought much lately. I did some horse trading = late last year and did ok. I did get a copy of "Judge Me, Dear Reader," = trying to complete my set of books on Emma. Did Dean ever do a list on = Emma Smith? I don't think there were many titles devoted to her = exclusively, obviously most notably the Linda Newell/Val Avery biography = being the best thus far. =20 I also bought a copy of "Where Nothing Is Long Ago by Virginia = Sorensen." What caught my attention on this book was a dust jacket = (torn, but all there) and the following inscription: =20 For Allen Pryce Jones, Sincerely, Virginia Sorensen =20 Over this inscription was a notation "the bastard doesn't = deserve this book," =20 Under the Sorensen autographed inscription, he noted again: "but I do. =20 Sorensen then wrote another inscription that states: "Just another = Englishman loving & learning? I sign for a beautiful American, always = learning, but loving. Anyway, many fond memories- Virginia February, 1971 =20 =20 Hum . unfortunately, the person who wrote the comments isn't identified. = There was an arrow drawn from the "Allen Pryce Jones" on the top = inscription pointing to the bottom inscription. =20 I don't think Hugh & Keith would welcome the bounder to their library . = calling a fellow book lover a "bastard" and all. =20 - --Steve =20 =20 - ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C0A579.4D6BA520 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Boy, are the messages received today a welcome = read.



Is it possible to get a list of who’s on the list? Perhaps it’s = time to start the introductions again.



As far as books, I haven’t bought much lately. I did some horse trading = late last year and did ok. I did get a copy of “Judge Me, Dear Reader,” = trying to complete my set of books on Emma. Did = Dean<= span style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial'> ever do a list on = Emma<= span style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial'> = Smith? I don’t = think there were many titles devoted to her exclusively, obviously most = notably the Linda Newell/Val Avery biography being the best thus = far.



I also bought a copy of “Where Nothing Is Long Ago by = Virginia = Sorensen.” What = caught my attention on this book was a dust jacket (torn, but all = there)  and the following inscription:



For Allen = Pryce = Jones, Sincerely, = Virginia = Sorensen


        = ;    Over this inscription was a notation “the bastard = doesn’t deserve this book,”


Under the Sorensen = autographed inscription, he noted again: “but I = do.


Sorensen then = wrote another inscription that states: “Just another Englishman loving & learning? I sign for a = beautiful American, always learning, but loving. Anyway, many = fond memories—

        = ;    Virginia

        = ;            =     February, = 1971



Hum … unfortunately, the = person who wrote the comments isn’t identified. = There was an arrow drawn from the = “Allen= = Pryce = Jones” on the top inscription pointing to the bottom inscription.


I don’t think = Hugh<= span style=3D'font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial'> = & Keith= = would welcome the bounder to their library … = calling a fellow book lover a “bastard” = and all.




        = ;   

- ------=_NextPart_000_0001_01C0A579.4D6BA520-- - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 10:10:11 -0700 From: "Albert Gardner" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? I'm just sticking my head through the library door with a big grin on my face. My wife was tired of my pouting aabout the demise of the old 'shelf so I'm happy to see it up and running again! I don't see any links to an archive of previous messages, did this list just start up? I see Hugh and Morgan are here, are there others from the old 'shelf? I'm glad to be here for sure. Albert Gardner Yuma Territorial Penitentiary, AZ - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 14:11:09 -0800 From: Keith Irwin Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? Remy & Benchley are among my favorites in the "we went to Utah, visited the Mormons, and this is what we saw" genre. These guys had already mastered the process of reporting on their travels and it shows in their narrative. Unfortunately, my copies are not in great condition so when I read them it has to be a very careful process. One of these days I'll have them rebacked. I'm afraid I don't read French, so I'm not a buyer for your set, Frank. At 03:35 PM 3/5/01 -0500, Frank Marotta wrote: >This year I have purchased: > >Remy - VOYAGE AU PAYS DES MORMONS (1860, 2 volumes; hope to sell this) > >Seixas - Hebrew Grammar (1834) (in shipment; has not made it yet) > >Frank Marotta > > > >________________________________________________________________ >GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! >Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! >Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: > > >---------------------------------------------------------- >- LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books >- To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with >- "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. >- For assistance, mail to "" - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 14:12:40 -0800 From: Keith Irwin Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? Yep. Check to see who has the best price. At 01:44 PM 3/5/01 -0700, you wrote: >Keith, > >Is this book still in print? > >Roy > > >>> Keith Irwin 03/05/01 01:09PM >>> >In the "Books on Books" category, I just read Henry Petroski's THE >BOOK ON >THE BOOK SHELF and liked it so much I bought a copy for Hugh. It's >a >history of bookshelves. He starts with how scrolls were stored then >goes >on to codicies and illuminated manuscripts that were chained to the >podiums >on which they were stored. Talks about how books were originally >stored on >their backs then upright but with the spines to the rear. > > The first half of the book was terrific though it bogged down a bit >at >the end as he talked about the storage in modern libraries. > >Petroski is a professor of engineering and professor of History. > >An interesting book that I'd recommend for collectors. > >Keith - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 16:10:39 -0800 From: "David Skidmore" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? Keith, I thought the "Book on the Bookshelf" was to be the answer to organizing my library. My wife couldn't understand the dilemma. She said "just alphabetize, get them on the shelves and get on with life." (and the yard.) I truely enjoyed Petroski's history of the evolution of libraries and felt a kinship with all who wrestled with the same problems. Alot of stress is eliminated in our day by hitting "resort" in the computer card file. The book is a great source for woodcuts and examples dealing with books. I tried to get some sympathy from my wife as I read her the headings from the appendix "Order, Order". For me, I find I use a little of each option - the result is constant rediscovery, and my Kristi always asks where to find a particular book. :) David Skidmore (forcing himself out of lurkdom - because the temporary loss of Bookshelf was traumatic) - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 16:24:31 -0800 From: Keith Irwin Subject: [LDS-Bookshelf] The New Bookshelfers Hugh and I went through quite a subjective process deciding who to invite to this group. Taking a list from 150 to 30 leaves a lot of people out. Our primary criteria was a serious interest in books and a personal style that would not disrupt the list. "Boring book nuts," if you will. Since we are a closed list and people have been excluded, our preference would be that you not mention the list to others. Hugh sees lots of folks every day who were former bookshelfers and I'm confident he doesn't want to have to explain why they aren't included in this group. At the same time, if you know someone who meets our above criteria, drop Hugh and me a private e-mail and we'll consider it. We may have left some people out who should have been included. I hope we didn't make the reverse error. Our aim is not exclusivity, just civil discussion of collectible books with very little moderating. Here are the new bookshelfers (in no particular order): Keith Irwin Hugh McKell Brian Romriell Bob Carter Russ Rasband Brent Reber Brian Irwin Doug Cahoon Craig Smith Dave Kenison Mark Edlund Frank Marotta Ken Sanders John Hatch Kendall Gubler Kim Leavitt Marshall Hamilton Morgan Adair Phil Bradford Rick Grunder Roy Schmidt George Phelps Don Snow Steve Eccles Mick Reasoner Hugh Stocks Curt Bench Dennis Nelson Dave Skidmore Albert Gardner Matt Wirthlin - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 17:02:54 -0800 From: "Phil" Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] The New Bookshelfers I am delighted that the "Shelf" has been restored in these latter days! As a brief introduction, I have been collecting books casually as a participant in the Miller/Eccles Study Group over the years. By becoming better acquainted with Steve Eccles, he contaminated me with his enthusiasm for book collecting, and I fear that I am now hopelessly infected. I recently retired from dentistry after 33 years and have the time to read, read, and read. My participation will probably be minimal, because I realize I do not have the knowledge many of you possess, but I do enjoy collecting. Thanks for including me. Phil - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 19:28:08 -0800 From: "Steve Eccles" Subject: RE: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? I acquired a copy of Vol. 1 of Remy in English w/binding in very poor = condition. I am hoping to find an equally copy of vol. 2 so I can get = them rebound matching. If anyone runs across this, let me know. - --Steve - -----Original Message----- From: = []On Behalf Of Keith Irwin Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 2:11 PM To:; Subject: Re: [LDS-Bookshelf] Anybody bought any good books lately? Remy & Benchley are among my favorites in the "we went to Utah, visited = the Mormons, and this is what we saw" genre.=A0 These guys had already = mastered the process of reporting on their travels and it shows in their narrative.=A0 Unfortunately, my copies are not in great condition so = when I read them it has to be a very careful process.=A0 One of these days I'll = have them rebacked. I'm afraid I don't read French, so I'm not a buyer for your set, Frank. = At 03:35 PM 3/5/01 -0500, Frank Marotta wrote: >This year I have purchased: > >Remy - VOYAGE AU PAYS DES MORMONS (1860, 2 volumes; hope to sell this) > >Seixas - Hebrew Grammar (1834)=A0 (in shipment; has not made it yet) > >Frank Marotta > > > >________________________________________________________________ >GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! >Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! >Join Juno today!=A0 For your FREE software, visit: > > >---------------------------------------------------------- >- LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books >- To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with >-=A0=A0 "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message = body. >- For assistance, mail to "" - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - -=A0=A0 "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message = body. - - For assistance, mail to ""=20 - ---------------------------------------------------------- - - LDS-Bookshelf, information and discussion of LDS books - - To unsubscribe, send an email to "" with - - "unsubscribe lds-bookshelf" (without quotes) in the message body. - - For assistance, mail to "" ------------------------------ End of lds-bookshelf-digest V1 #909 ***********************************