From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) Vitamin B12, etc. Date: 01 Mar 2002 17:51:52 -0700 (MST) thmi-fms subscriber, This question was emailed to me and I am forwarding it to the list since I think the answer will be of interest to you too. I have removed all references to the person that sent the email. > Jim, > > I read some postings of yours and wanted to ask you something. > > I've been dx with fibro and B12 deficient (pernicous anemia) do you > think that the bacterial growth that you've posted about could have > interferred with my ability to absorb B12? That perhaps it's not > permanent as my endocrinologist and neurologist say it will be? They > say that once your intestine has lost it's ability to absorb b12 with > intrinic factor it will never be able to again. It follows that I was > also Homocystine. > > I've got a lot to learn. > > I've been dx with antiphospholipid and low protein c and s, both > autoimmune. > > My foot has numbness and pain neuropathy which they think is a result of > being b12 deficient but it's still there and my b12 is fine now after 6 > weeks of shots. They also said I'll be on b12 for life. > > Any feedback appreciated. Hello, Let me preface my comments first by saying that I am not a medical doctor and I have not had any medical training. I've just been studying physiology and fibro on my own over the last few years. And, with the help of a few people with fibro, developed a program that seems to provide significant benefit in reversing symptoms of fibromyalgia. And lastly, my comments should not be construed as medical advice, always ask your physician when making changes that may affect your health. That said... Colleen, one of the ladies shown on the website that had followed our program, had had a history of pernicious anemia. I believe that for Colleen, the anemia was the cause of her fibromyalgia symptoms. An anemic condition could be responsible for less oxygen delivery to the cells in the muscles/tissue (and elsewhere in the body). There are other conditions, besides anemia, which may cause poor oxygen delivery. Pernicious anemia is generally due to low vitamin B12 levels, but anemia could also be brought on by low iron, or low folic acid levels too. Or, low levels of all these vitamins and minerals. In order that the body absorb these vitamins and minerals the stomach acid must be very acidic, about 2 pH. In the case of vitamin B12, the cells that produce stomach acid also release intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor must bind with B12 if it is to be absorbed by the body. If B12 is not bound with intrinsic factor any B12 in the diet will pass through, unabsorbed by the body. My personal thinking on B12 is that it is a very important vitamin but supplementation is a waste of money. In the online presentation at I point out that vitamin B12 is typically low in the person with fibromyalgia. Yet, I have not included B12 supplements as part of the program. My thinking is that the person has low B12 levels due to a too alkaline pH stomach acid which prevents binding of intrinsic factor and subsequent absorption by the body. The body only requires a very small amount of B12 and I think the body, when the digestive system corrects itself, will get all the B12 it needs from small amounts of meat in the diet, beef, chicken, or fish. Iron, folic acid, B12, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals all need to be ionized by stomach acid to be absorbed by the body. If you are deficient in B12 due to too alkaline stomach acid, chances are good that you are also deficient in all the vitamins and minerals that require stomach acid. (note: when I say too alkaline stomach acid I mean above 2pH, the gastric fluid is still acidic just not acid enough to ionize minerals or break down proteins thoroughly.) I am guessing that you have probably experienced problems with acid reflux, a common problem with people with fibromyalgia. Most people with acid reflux incorrectly assume that they are producing too much stomach acid. Actually, the stomach acid that is being produced is not acidic enough to signal that it is safe to move things forward so the acid is held in the stomach longer and accumulates. It splashes back up the esophagus causing burning. Then the person reaches for antacid tablets, further raising the pH. The antacid tablets neutralize the acid which stops the burning but it further interferes with the absorption of minerals. (I'll write more on this to my email list in a few days.) If you look at slide #23 in the presentation, "Drugs that deplete vitamins", you will see that using antacids regularly may deplete vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron, and zinc. The neuropathy, pain and tingling in your feet, was a condition that Colleen suffered from too. I think that it is related to the anemia. But, you say your B12 levels (in the blood?) are correct but the symptom persists. My thinking is that B12 introduced into the body by any pathway other than the pathway designed by the body is not providing B12 to all areas in the body that need it. So although blood levels of B12 are "okay" I'm guessing that you are still low in B12 in the cerebral spinal fluid and thus still high in homocysteine in that area. Will you have to take B12 for life? Colleen did not supplement B12 and does not now. She is doing much better and except for occational light tingling in her face is free of fibro symptoms and no longer experiencing pain in the feet or elsewhere in her body. She has been in this improved state for over a year since following the program. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will be posting this answer to my email forum thmi-fms. I will first remove any references to you. You can join the email forum by sending an email to in the body of the message type: subscribe thmi-fms I hope that this has helped. Be sure to take a look at the online presentation "Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology" at I think that it will help you better understand what you are dealing with. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) marrow to the bones Date: 06 Mar 2002 20:14:47 -0700 (MST) Hello thmi-fms subscriber, Bev, in WA will soon be starting the program so we can hope to hear some positive reports from her in a couple weeks. Just wanted to share a few thoughts to the list. I am including these bits of wisdom to the website in the SoapBox section anyway... Marrow To The Bones Proverbs 3:8 in the bible talks about "health to the navel and marrow to the bones". I believe that proper functioning in these two areas is key to maintaining ones health. If you think about it, it makes sense. The navel (digestive system) is how the body takes in nutrients and the bone marrow is where the body generates blood cells and cells critical to the body's protection via the immune system. The presentation " Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology " shows how "health in the navel" may be directly linked to fibromyalgia. THMI's wellness program is, in part, designed to help restore health to the digestive system. But, what about the bone marrow? What can we do to help maintain health in that area? Using google, searching for information on bone marrow did not return many helpful references for specific information. I was suprised to find so much information related to bone marrow transplants. It looks like that procedure is very common, suggesting that there may be a high incidence of poor marrow health. Most bone marrow transplants are performed to help combat Leukemia and other forms of cancer. Since the google search came up empty lets see what else the Bible has to say on the topic. Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. And, Proverbs 15:13 A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. From these two scriptures we see the relationship of sorrow breaking the spirit, which in turn has the effect of drying the bones. I am assuming that drying the bones has a negative effect on the bone marrow. Definitely, when in a great deal of physical pain it may be difficult to focus on anything other than the pain. But it is important for overall health to keep a cheerful heart, to do those things that bring pleasure and joy into your life. In closing, before I get too preachy, adopt the wisdom outlined in the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" Sometimes easier said than done; But, sometimes it's not that difficult if you think about it. Make a habit of it. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) Misc. Info Date: 12 Mar 2002 13:30:39 -0700 (MST) Hello Thmi-fms subscribers, I spoke with Janice the other day and she recently got back from a short vacation. I have asked her to share her experience to the list so we should hear her report in a few days. Anyway, I have put some comments/information regarding nutrition and a suggestion for a sesame seed drink in the Soapbox section of the website I started the article and kept adding to it, it got larger than I want to send out via email. Also there are some links in the article so it is best to view it with a browser. I hope that you are all doing well. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Harris Subject: (thmi-fms) Successful trip Date: 13 Mar 2002 12:33:18 -0700 HI there!!! I wanted to write a short message to share with all of you my positive experience. Recently, it was necessary for me and Michael (my husband) to go to California to pick up a car my sister gave us. We drove from Monticello, Utah to Las Vegas and then flew from Las Vegas to San Francisco. The plan was that we would drive my sister's car back to Las Vegas, pick up our own car left at the airport, then continue home with both cars. Hence, it was important for me to beable to drive,by myself, one of the cars from Las Vegas to Monticello (500 miles). This was a big worry for me, because since I have had fibro my driving has been very limited, in fact there were some years when driving was entirely out of the question. However, I did drive the journey from Las Vegas to Monticello, Utah (and in only one day). I didn't get tired during the trip and arrived home feeling great and a sense of accomplishing something. Before meeting Jim Clement, I would have never been able to do this simple task of driving. My health has improved so dramatically in the last six months due to participating in Total Health Marketing's program for fibromyalgia. I can never thank Jim enough for the help he and his program has given me. Take care everyone. I hope someday you can accomplish tasks which right now seen unattainable. Janice Wotherspoon - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) The Importance of Magnesium Date: 19 Mar 2002 01:55:12 -0700 (MST) Hello thmi-fms subscriber, The following is some information on magnesium that you may find interesting. This is also available in the Soapbox section at There are a couple links in this text which are functional on the web page version of this article. The Importance of Magnesium Research has shown that people with fibromyalgia tend to be deficient in magnesium ( see The Role of Magnesium in Fibromayalgia ). I've recently been reading about magnesium in "The Complete Book of Minerals for Health" by J.I. Rodale and Staff. I came across a few things that I thought interesting so would like to share them with you. (Note: This book was the 3rd printing and published in 1976. It is probably out of print but if you can find a copy it is very informative and written for the lay person, very easy to read.) A study is cited in the book in which 5,000 people were tested and 60% were found to be deficient in magnesium. This was over 25 years ago. You can bet that the percentage is now higher. One paper I read suggested that over 70% of the population may be magnesium deficient. One bit of information I thought particularly interesting is the role that magnesium plays in the building of bones and teeth, and how fluoride effects magnesium. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. In our last local elections (2001) one of the items on the ballot was whether the municipal water supply should be flouridated. The bill passed, next year we will have flouride added to our water supply. It does not concern me too much personally as my water system will remove fluride. What is disturbing is that the bill passed in the first place. How can people believe that a substance that is a toxic industrial waste byproduct can be beneficial to ones health. One thing that I found interesting in this book is that fluoride bonds with magnesium in the blood, into the insoluble magnesium fluoride. This means that the magnesium cannot be assimilated by the pituitary, with the consequent failure of the pituitary to function properly that leads to the symptoms of magnesium deficiency.(pg.99) When the pituitary is not getting the magnesium it needs, it fails in its function of exercising a sort of thermostatic control over the adrenals which are thus allowed to overproduce adrenalin.(pg.89) Supposedly fluride helps to harden tooth enamel and reduce the incidence of tooth decay. But... a number of studies have now established that it is magnesium, not calcium, that forms the kind of hard enamel that resists decay. And no matter how much calcium that you take, without magnesium it can form only a soft enamel.(pg.105) One thing that I found amusing was a passage that read: "The dentist of tomorrow, hopefully, will know enough about magnesium to recommend it to use as a decay-preventive measure"(pg.107) Apparently that has not yet happened, at least not here in Utah, since passage of the fluridation bill was being promoted by a number of dentists. According to the information in this book magnesium hardens tooth enamel and fluoride interferes with magnesium absorption. In the long run, it may be found that the fluoride added to the water will have the opposite effect that is desired. Osteoporosis is a condition of weakening bone density that affects a large number of people today, especially women. Calcium is promoted as a necessary supplement to counteract this condition. In the book it tells of a comparison of the number of bone fractures in two texas cities. According to the findings the thing that was most significant was the greater amount of magnesium in the water supply in the city that had the less incidence of bone fractures and osteoporosis. Dr. Barnett explained. "Our studies, however, have convinced us that the mineral (magnesium) is important -- perhaps the most important single element -- in bone health."(pg.114) Dr. Barnett says that Calciferol (synthetic vitamin D), like fluorine, tends to bind magnesium. Milk is loaded with this substance and therefore enhances the problem. The synthetic form of the vitamin is 10 times more active than the natural form -- which means it is 10 times more potent in binding magnesium.(pg.100) Knowing the importance of magnesium in bone health, maybe the synthetic vitamin D added to milk is the reason that osteoporosis is such a widespread problem in nations with large milk consumption. Dr. Barnett says that the first step in reversing magnesium depletion, especially among children, is to eliminate milk from the diet.(pg.99) It should be noted that large amounts of calcium, too, aggravate magnesium deficiency.(pg.92) So taking a lot of calcium supplements may be counter productive to what you wish to gain from it, increased bone density. Likewise, too much magnesium in the diet interferes with the body's use of calcium, when there is not enough phosphorus present.(pg.73) At the cellular level... When magnesium is absent from the cells, the structure of ribosomes, which contains the vital nucleic acids, is destroyed. In addition, particles called mitochondria cannot function properly.(pg.81) The presentation " Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology" shows the role that the mitochondria play in the production of energy for the cell. Ideally, the body should get its minerals from a healthy diet. The best food sources for magnesium are green leafy vegetables. Magnesium is a mineral that requires stomach acid to ionize the mineral so the it can be absorbed by the body. A person may have a healthy diet, but due to disturbances in digestion a number of important vitamins and minerals may not be absorbed. It is generally assumed that magnesium is generously supplied in our foods. But is it? Not only are meats, eggs and dairy products, the staples of the high protein diet so many Americans are subscribing to, low in magnesium, but the more protein you consume, the more magnesium you need to metabolize this protein. As part of the wellness program we do suggest supplementing magnesium for a short while to help with possible deficiencies. Once digestive health is restored vitamins and minerals can be obtained from a health diet. All the best, Jim Another book that addresses the mineral needs of man is "The Chemistry of Man" by Bernard Jensen, Ph.D. also well worth reading. ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "R. & B. Nelson" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) The Importance of Magnesium Date: 19 Mar 2002 16:50:37 -0800 Jim, this is a very interesting article. I am leaving the heater out on the porch. We will be gone Wednesday and Thursday but they can pick it up anyway or we will be here on Friday. Bev ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 12:55 AM > > Hello thmi-fms subscriber, > > The following is some information on magnesium that you may find > interesting. This is also available in the Soapbox section at > > > > There are a couple links in this text which are functional on the web page > version of this article. > > The Importance of Magnesium > > Research has shown that people with fibromyalgia tend to be deficient in > magnesium ( see The Role of Magnesium in Fibromayalgia ). I've recently > been reading about magnesium in "The Complete Book of Minerals for Health" > by J.I. Rodale and Staff. I came across a few things that I thought > interesting so would like to share them with you. (Note: This book was the > 3rd printing and published in 1976. It is probably out of print but if you > can find a copy it is very informative and written for the lay person, > very easy to read.) > > A study is cited in the book in which 5,000 people were tested and 60% > were found to be deficient in magnesium. This was over 25 years ago. You > can bet that the percentage is now higher. One paper I read suggested that > over 70% of the population may be magnesium deficient. > > One bit of information I thought particularly interesting is the role that > magnesium plays in the building of bones and teeth, and how fluoride > effects magnesium. > > I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. In our last local elections (2001) one of > the items on the ballot was whether the municipal water supply should be > flouridated. The bill passed, next year we will have flouride added to our > water supply. It does not concern me too much personally as my water > system will remove fluride. What is disturbing is that the bill passed in > the first place. How can people believe that a substance that is a toxic > industrial waste byproduct can be beneficial to ones health. > > One thing that I found interesting in this book is that fluoride bonds > with magnesium in the blood, into the insoluble magnesium fluoride. This > means that the magnesium cannot be assimilated by the pituitary, with the > consequent failure of the pituitary to function properly that leads to the > symptoms of magnesium deficiency.(pg.99) When the pituitary is not getting > the magnesium it needs, it fails in its function of exercising a sort of > thermostatic control over the adrenals which are thus allowed to > overproduce adrenalin.(pg.89) > > Supposedly fluride helps to harden tooth enamel and reduce the incidence > of tooth decay. But... a number of studies have now established that it is > magnesium, not calcium, that forms the kind of hard enamel that resists > decay. And no matter how much calcium that you take, without magnesium it > can form only a soft enamel.(pg.105) > > One thing that I found amusing was a passage that read: "The dentist of > tomorrow, hopefully, will know enough about magnesium to recommend it to > use as a decay-preventive measure"(pg.107) Apparently that has not yet > happened, at least not here in Utah, since passage of the fluridation bill > was being promoted by a number of dentists. According to the information > in this book magnesium hardens tooth enamel and fluoride interferes with > magnesium absorption. In the long run, it may be found that the fluoride > added to the water will have the opposite effect that is desired. > > Osteoporosis is a condition of weakening bone density that affects a large > number of people today, especially women. Calcium is promoted as a > necessary supplement to counteract this condition. In the book it tells of > a comparison of the number of bone fractures in two texas cities. > According to the findings the thing that was most significant was the > greater amount of magnesium in the water supply in the city that had the > less incidence of bone fractures and osteoporosis. Dr. Barnett explained. > "Our studies, however, have convinced us that the mineral (magnesium) is > important -- perhaps the most important single element -- in bone > health."(pg.114) > > Dr. Barnett says that Calciferol (synthetic vitamin D), like fluorine, > tends to bind magnesium. Milk is loaded with this substance and therefore > enhances the problem. The synthetic form of the vitamin is 10 times more > active than the natural form -- which means it is 10 times more potent in > binding magnesium.(pg.100) > > Knowing the importance of magnesium in bone health, maybe the synthetic > vitamin D added to milk is the reason that osteoporosis is such a > widespread problem in nations with large milk consumption. Dr. Barnett > says that the first step in reversing magnesium depletion, especially > among children, is to eliminate milk from the diet.(pg.99) > > It should be noted that large amounts of calcium, too, aggravate magnesium > deficiency.(pg.92) So taking a lot of calcium supplements may be counter > productive to what you wish to gain from it, increased bone density. > Likewise, too much magnesium in the diet interferes with the body's use of > calcium, when there is not enough phosphorus present.(pg.73) > > At the cellular level... When magnesium is absent from the cells, the > structure of ribosomes, which contains the vital nucleic acids, is > destroyed. In addition, particles called mitochondria cannot function > properly.(pg.81) The presentation " Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of > Etiology" shows the role that the mitochondria play in the production of > energy for the cell. > > Ideally, the body should get its minerals from a healthy diet. The best > food sources for magnesium are green leafy vegetables. Magnesium is a > mineral that requires stomach acid to ionize the mineral so the it can be > absorbed by the body. A person may have a healthy diet, but due to > disturbances in digestion a number of important vitamins and minerals may > not be absorbed. > > It is generally assumed that magnesium is generously supplied in our > foods. But is it? Not only are meats, eggs and dairy products, the staples > of the high protein diet so many Americans are subscribing to, low in > magnesium, but the more protein you consume, the more magnesium you need > to metabolize this protein. As part of the wellness program we do suggest > supplementing magnesium for a short while to help with possible > deficiencies. Once digestive health is restored vitamins and minerals can > be obtained from a health diet. > > > > > All the best, > Jim > > Another book that addresses the mineral needs of man is "The Chemistry of > Man" by Bernard Jensen, Ph.D. also well worth reading. > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Jim Clements | email: > Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 > > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) Wellness program information Date: 19 Mar 2002 18:31:54 -0700 (MST) Dear thmi-fms subscriber, This message is for the benefit of those that have recently joined the list and may not yet know what the wellness program entails. To learn more details on the four products/modalities used go to: copy and paste the above webpage address (URL) to your browser, this URL address is case sensitive. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Total Health Mktg." Subject: (thmi-fms) Injecting Vitamin B12 Date: 21 Mar 2002 13:57:17 -0700 (MST) Hello thmi-fms subscriber, I thought I would share this bit of wisdom. This is also in the soapbox section of the website. Injecting Vitamin B12 Researchers have found that people with fibromyalgia are low in vitamin B12 in the cerebral spinal fluid. And reading the online presentation, "Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology", you see the important role that vitamin B12 plays in helping the body build its blood supply. Though I point out the importance of vitamin B12 for good health, it is not one of the supplements included in the program. Why? Because the body will get this vitamin from your food when digestive health returns, assuming you eat nutritious foods that contain the vitamin. There are some people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome that are self injecting large doses of vitamin B12. My understanding is that the high doses of the vitamin is supposedly providing some kind of detoxing in the body. From the information I have read on vitamin B12 there is no reported danger in taking large doses of vitamin B12. However, reading "The Complete Book of Minerals for Health" by J.I. Rodale and Staff, published in 1976, I came across this bit of information and wisdom that I thought may be of interest. The following is referring to injecting iron-dextran, which appears to have been widely used in the late 1950's and early 60's. That is until laboratory tests with rats showed an increase in cancer injecting iron-dextran. An editorial in the Australian Journal pointed out that no reports of cancer had occurred in man, and that several other species of animals did not show cancer when given injections. Furthermore, in another laboratory study when the dosage was lowered to only 50 times what would be given to a human being, the rats got no more cancers than they would get from injections of glucose, fructose, arachis oil and many other "innocuous" materials. We think this last statement is most interesting. A number of perfectly harmless substances may produce cancer when injected into the body. Doesn't this seem to be weighty evidence showing that injections of anything are just plain not good for you? Finally, the Australian Journal points out that the iron-dextran preparation has not been withdrawn from sale in Australia and counsels doctors to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to use it. The lesson to be learned from this grim story is, we believe, to avoid injections whenever you possibly can. Injections of even harmless substances are dangerous. Injections are completely unnatural. The human body is purposely enclosed in a skin which is very effective in keeping foreign matter out of the bloodstream and the body cells. An injection is an insult to this integrity. The article goes on to say that iron is best obtained by eating foods rich in the mineral such as Wheat germ, liver, meat, eggs, heart, kidney, lentils, dried mushrooms, blackstrap molasses, soybeans, sunflower seeds. Milk contains extremely little iron. Cereals contain phytic acid which tends to destroy iron in the digestive tract, so the milk and processed cereal which form the backbone of many American children's diets could readily lead to anemia. Anyway, back to vitamin B12. If you are injecting the vitamin regularly, take care. I think that the positive results that are being seen by people following this program is showing that vitamin B12 supplementation, in any form, especially by injection, is not required to regain your health from fibromyalgia. All the best, Jim Clements ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Madi Creekmore" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Injecting Vitamin B12 Date: 21 Mar 2002 13:21:45 -0800 Thanks for your concern Jim. I do inject Vitamin B12 for two reasons. I was raised a lacto ovo vegetarian which can cause the body to not be able to absorb that vitamin from food as a person grows older. I do feel a real rundown feeling if I forget it. I get this brain fog and a feeling where my brainstem is that is not an ache but is unexplainable. I have cut down on injections, injecting only 5 mcgs at a time instead of the 10 the doctor prescribed and I don't do this everyday as he prescribed also. I inject once every 3 or 4 days. I have a question about lithium. It was prescribed for me in the late 70's. I opted to not take it because of the side effects. I have now found a new type of lithium at processed a new way which they say makes it harmless. Do you have any knowledge of lithium? Madi ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:57 PM > > Hello thmi-fms subscriber, > > I thought I would share this bit of wisdom. This is also in the soapbox > section of the website. > > Injecting Vitamin B12 > > Researchers have found that people with fibromyalgia are low in vitamin > B12 in the cerebral spinal fluid. And reading the online presentation, > "Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology", you see the important role that > vitamin B12 plays in helping the body build its blood supply. > > Though I point out the importance of vitamin B12 for good health, it is > not one of the supplements included in the program. Why? Because the body > will get this vitamin from your food when digestive health returns, > assuming you eat nutritious foods that contain the vitamin. > > There are some people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome that > are self injecting large doses of vitamin B12. My understanding is that > the high doses of the vitamin is supposedly providing some kind of > detoxing in the body. From the information I have read on vitamin B12 > there is no reported danger in taking large doses of vitamin B12. > > However, reading "The Complete Book of Minerals for Health" by J.I. Rodale > and Staff, published in 1976, I came across this bit of information and > wisdom that I thought may be of interest. The following is referring to > injecting iron-dextran, which appears to have been widely used in the late > 1950's and early 60's. That is until laboratory tests with rats showed an > increase in cancer injecting iron-dextran. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ > An editorial in the Australian Journal pointed out that no reports of > cancer had occurred in man, and that several other species of animals did > not show cancer when given injections. Furthermore, in another laboratory > study when the dosage was lowered to only 50 times what would be given to > a human being, the rats got no more cancers than they would get from > injections of glucose, fructose, arachis oil and many other "innocuous" > materials. > > We think this last statement is most interesting. A number of perfectly > harmless substances may produce cancer when injected into the body. > Doesn't this seem to be weighty evidence showing that injections of > anything are just plain not good for you? > > Finally, the Australian Journal points out that the iron-dextran > preparation has not been withdrawn from sale in Australia and counsels > doctors to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to use it. > > The lesson to be learned from this grim story is, we believe, to avoid > injections whenever you possibly can. Injections of even harmless > substances are dangerous. Injections are completely unnatural. The human > body is purposely enclosed in a skin which is very effective in keeping > foreign matter out of the bloodstream and the body cells. An injection is > an insult to this integrity. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ > > The article goes on to say that iron is best obtained by eating foods rich > in the mineral such as Wheat germ, liver, meat, eggs, heart, kidney, > lentils, dried mushrooms, blackstrap molasses, soybeans, sunflower seeds. > Milk contains extremely little iron. Cereals contain phytic acid which > tends to destroy iron in the digestive tract, so the milk and processed > cereal which form the backbone of many American children's diets could > readily lead to anemia. > > Anyway, back to vitamin B12. If you are injecting the vitamin regularly, > take care. I think that the positive results that are being seen by people > following this program is showing that vitamin B12 supplementation, in any > form, especially by injection, is not required to regain your health from > fibromyalgia. > > All the best, > Jim Clements > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ > > > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Jim Clements | email: > Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 > > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. 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