From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Type-A Personality Date: 04 Dec 2002 15:02:58 -0700 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, The other day I received the following from the tip of the day email list. Tip of the Day for December 03, 2002 People who develop severe chronic fatigue are often Type A individuals who were overachievers before they got ill. As they start to get better, they have a tendency to try and make up for lost time and to try to get everything done that they couldn't for the last three to ten years. DON'T. Initially, use the energy that you get back to start doing things that feel good. Most of the things that have been built up over time can go without ever being done. LET THEM. As you start feeling better, take your time adding in new things. Pick and choose those things that you really want to be doing. Don't go "shoulding" (should do this, should do that) on yourself. (Source: Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., from his book, From Fatigued to Fantastic: A Manual for Moving Beyond Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia) Every experience in life has within it a lesson to learn. For those that may have develped FMS/CFS through the stress of type-A behaviour, the lesson to learn may be change, if not, at least don't stress about it. Some people are carrying this type-A behaviour into their approach to treating the condition. For most, the onset of the condition was years in developing. Symptoms, in some cases, may have seemed to have surfaced overnight but the deficiencies responsible for many of the symptoms were slow in developing. It didn't develop overnight, and reversing symptoms will not happen overnight. It takes time. The video contains interviews with some of the first people that have followed the program. (These interviews can also be viewed on the website.) Anyway, Mavis would sauna 3 and 4 times a week. Colleen would use the sauna twice a week. For each of these ladies (and others regardless of sauna frequency) improvement was seen about 6 to 8 weeks of following the program. I have made some adjustments in the program so we will see if that makes any difference in the time til improvement is seen. In the past I have suggested a number of minerals to compensate for known and suspected deficiencies. These minerals cost about $300. My approach now is to work on restoring HCl production. Then the person will be able to, once again, gain these minerals from a healthy diet. I am assuming that the person is eating nutritious foods, foods which contain the needed nutrients. For some people that have just started the program, their current state of health is very fragile. For these people it is important to go slow and to not become discouraged if things do not happen as quickly as you want. I am confident that in time you too will see the same good results that others have seen following this program. All the best, Jim - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) 2 step approach for HCl Date: 04 Dec 2002 15:13:55 -0700 (MST) Dear thmi-fms subscriber, In another forum I was asked: What are some things you do to increase your stomach acids? I'm forwarding my (somewhat vague) reply to the thmi-fms list. The approach I have suggested and has seemed to help those that have followed it is two parts: 1) increase metabolism and 2) provide the nutrients required for the production of stomach acid. A byproduct of metabolism is CO2. In FMS/CFS metabolism is decreased hence blood CO2 levels are decreased. This is why breathing tends to be very shallow in people with FMS/CFS, the body is trying to build up blood CO2. Anyway, the parietal cells in the stomach create HCl by first taking CO2 from the blood. It stands to reason that if CO2 is needed for stomach acid, if CO2 is low then the ability to create HCl is impaired. So you can see why it is that when the tissue shifts slightly acidic the digestion system, normally acidic, shifts to be more alkaline. There are a number of nutrients that the body must have to create stomach acid. (I explain this more on my website) Anyway the B vitamins are some of those nutrients required (By the way, I suggest food sources for nutrients rather than pills) The good bacteria in our gut help to synthesize some of the B vitamins which tend to compensate for our often poor dietary habits. A catch-22 is that the HCl helps to create the correct pH environment for the good bacteria so when HCl production is diminished, the good bacteria cannot thrive and there goes some of our B vitamin production plants. Which then has a negative effect on further HCl production. When HCl production is diminished the body is not able to get many of the nutrients from the foods we eat. This is assuming that the diet contains nutritious foods. In time this contributes to a number of deficiencies that are responsible for some of the symptoms of FMS/CFS. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) M's Sauna Experience Date: 13 Dec 2002 11:51:45 -0700 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, The following is the experience of one of the list members that has recently started on the program. I hope that her experience will be helpful for the others that are following a similar program. At this time it has only been two weeks since M. has started the program. If her results will be similar to others that have followed the program, it will probably be a few more weeks before she starts to see some real improvement. The lesson to be learned from this reported experience is to go slow. Most people with CFS/FMS have been chronically ill for a very long time. The body has made adjustments to compensate for the imbalances present in the body and there are a number of nutrient deficiencies that still have not been addressed. Change must be gradual. Since the body is dehydrated, it is unlikely that a person with CFS/FMS will even break a sweat the first time in the sauna. If you try to force it by staying in longer it may only contribute to further dehydration problems. I spoke with M. on the phone the other day she is still experiencing body aches and sleep is still broken. (The average has been about 6 weeks for sleep patterns to improve) When sleep returns, that is when the body is then able to make some headway in reversing the condition. Her body is beginning to sweat a little more. Her first couple sessions she did not sweat. (Note: first sessions heaters were placed about 6 feet apart, she now is using them spaced 4 feet apart. When I use the heaters for sauna I have them about 4 feet apart. I like to feel real warm.) Two things that M. has noticed is that by saunaing in the evening when she gets into bed the bedding is not as cold and it does not take forever to warm up as has been her experience in the past. Also, she says the the skin on her face has tightened. Bedding is designed to insulate the sleeper from the cooler outside air and to trap air around the body of the sleeper. The trapped heat that the body generates is what keeps you warm under the covers. If the body is not generating much heat, which is the case in CFS/FMS, it is possible that the cool bedding that comes in contact with the body could actually conduct heat out of the body, making you colder. As for the tightening of the skin, my guess is that it may be related to improved hydration of the body; The combined result of the sodium in the whey, the sauna, and increased water absorption. Anyway I hope that this information is helpful. If any of you that have been using the heaters for a while and would like to share your experience I would like to hear it. All the best, Jim PS: I only have 30 heaters left (enough for 15 people). If you have any thoughts about trying this do not procrastinate. There is always the $3,000 FIR sauna option. From M. Fri, 29 Nov 2002 I drank 12 oz filtered tap water today then started sauna with 2 FIR heaters and drank 2 more 12oz glasses of water. Finished 45 minute session with 1 heaping Tablespoon whey. About 2 hours later I started with the visual disturbances that preceed a migraine headache. While resting on the couch watching or listening to your video presentation my right eye swelled with little lumps near the tear duct both top and bottom lid. Am I right to think these events are related and will it continue each time I sauna? Did I do it too long for first session? Hope that is not the case as I am planning 2 45 min sessions most days. From M. Mon, 2 Dec 2002 Yes, another migraine today with visual disturbances beginning 2 hours after sauna ends. I had 2 12oz glasses of water while preheating and 2 more 12oz during first 20 minutes of sauna. My abdomen was uncomfortably distended from that amount and so it didn't even occur to me to drink more water afterward. I am almost 5' 1" tall and feel like I am 3/4 normal size and therefore 3/4 the normal amount of water should be enough. ;) If the migraine pattern continues I will rapidly be demotivated for sauna. Do you have any experience with anyone else responding to sauna with classic migraine? My response Tue, 3 Dec 2002 Hi, Sorry to hear about the migraine reaction that you are experiencing. You are the first to report such a response. I believe that the migraines are a result of low hydration. The water you are drinking is not getting to the tissue quickly enough. In your case let's try some experimenting with more frequent sauna but less time exposure. Warm your body up a bit but do not force a sweat at this time. Maybe stay in the sauna 10 minutes then get out. Wait a couple hours. If you do not sense the coming of a migraine try another 10 minutes later on. If your system will tolerate this, try this everyday until you build to a point that you can produce a sweat in the sauna without a subsequent migraine reaction. From M. Hi Jim, I did as you suggested and then went beyond. ;) After 10 minutes no migraine so 2 hours later another 10 minutes -- still no migraine. Next day 20 minutes no migraine, later another 20 minutes. Today 30 minutes this morning, planning another 30 minutes before bed. I know, I know ... but I can't help but think I should be your test case ... 2 sessions a day to see if results come before 6 to 8 weeks. Or just what does happen. I wouldn't do it if it caused pain or anything else negative (I am a big baby) but as long as it works wouldn't you like to know what happens??? - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) HCL production, etc. Date: 19 Dec 2002 12:36:08 -0700 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, I hope that this finds you doing well. It has been a while since I last posted to the forum. I'll share the following which I posted to another forum. I'm including the initiating email. Jim, I agree with you!! But you are assuming that low HCL issue can be restored. I don't believe this is the case for everyone. From what I have read our HCL production diminishes as we age (not that I'm that old yet). "More recently Robert Atkins, M.D., has taken up the cry. In Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution (Simon & Schuster, 1998), he writes, "A lack of stomach acid is commonplace, the result of aging genetics, use of certain medications, and a variety of other factors." I also believe (just my opinion) with CFS our unbalanced hormones contribute to low HCL production. I've been taking mega doses of Betaine and this doesn't seem to be helping. I've tried the Sweet Dairy Whey with filtered water and I'm not sure yet if this is helping either. Any other suggestions? Dr.Ohhira also noted that the acidic colon condition of breast fed babies remained within a constant range of pH 5.5 to 6.5. His studies have established that the lactic acid bacteria that colonized the colon of infants created this acidic condition. My response follows: Hi, I've also read that HCL production diminishes with age. I don't think it is so much the age as the lifestyle/diet of the person. Consider the Hunza people that are reported to live well past 100 years of age; I'll bet there digestive systems are still functioning well. Or, at the least, I'm sure HCL production did not start to decline in their forties. I believe that HCL production can be restored. It takes time. In Dr. Jensen's book he writes that it may take about 3 months to return sodium to balance. I would suggest that you eat lots of sodium foods (not salt) ie. celery, whey, okra, figs, strawberries (get the book "The Chemistry of Man" by Bernard Jensen much more suggestions there) A baby does not produce HCL in the stomach right away. This allows a safe transit of the bacteria in mother's milk to the colon where it colonizes. The good bacteria produce B vitamins. Some of the B vitamins are needed for HCL production (according to "The Complete Book of Minerals for Health".) My thinking is that it is the production of the B vitamins by the bacteria that then cause the stomach to start producing HCL. (The body is a most awesome design and creation.) Do not rely upon pills to provide nutrients, find the best food sources and eat those foods. (I'm not suggesting that you don't now practice this. I just get frustrated with the defense that a person makes saying they take such and such a supplement and assumes that those nutritional needs are met.) I recently met a little girl (6 years old) with the most severe acid reflux problems I've heard of yet. She throws up several times a week and has frequent diarrhea. The Drs. have her taking the maximum dosage of prevacid or prilosec (can't recall which) and some other medications for her stomach. There was even discussion of surgery to take the esophagus and wrap it around the top of the stomach to control the vomiting. Her mother told me that she was unable to wean her on mothers milk. I'll bet that most people that have had FMS/CFS since early childhood either were not breastfed or they had experienced an illness which was treated by antibiotics. Whey is a good source for organic sodium. Also, the lactose in whey helps feed the good bacteria. The resulting lactic acid (from bacteria breaking down lactose) helps to acidify the colon. When HCL production is restored, any candida overgrowth will be put back in place. If there is any good bacteria still in the colon the whey alone may be sufficient to bring it back to healthy levels, for some people short term (few months) of probiotic supplements may be needed. I agree with your thinking about the unbalanced hormones possibly affecting HCL levels. Many of the hormones are out of balance due to sleep deprivation. Other hormones are out of balance due to over production leading to exhaustion of these hormones and insufficient resources such as likely the case for thyroid and adrenal hormones. I'm not a fan of betaine HCL supplementation but short term it may be okay. Long term use and the body is having to use alkaline minerals to bring supplemented HCL to the correct pH for the intestines. When the stomach produces HCL, the process begins by taking CO2 from the blood. I suggest the use of FIR sauna to increase metabolism which then will help increase CO2 production. How long have you been taking the whey? And how much do you take? I'm assuming that you did not experience any intolerance problems with the lactose in the whey. Is this true? Are you on my mailing list? I'll have to get Dr. Ohhiro's book it sounds like he has done some interesting research. All the best, Jim - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "sandra hospelt" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) HCL production, etc. Date: 19 Dec 2002 16:57:26 -0800 I HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE INFRARED SAUNA. I HAVE TRIED IT THREE TIMES, 10 MIN, 15, MIN AND 20 MIN AND ONLY SWEATED A LITTLE UNDER ARMS. IT IS VERY HOT AND DRY IN THERE! I DON'T LET IT GET OVER 135 DEGREES. AND MY WEAKNESS AND NUMBNESS JUST INCREASE (PROBABLY DUE TO HEAT (I HAVE CFS,FM AND MS) ARE YOU SURE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA? SANDRA PS I ORDERED THE SWEET WHEY YESTERDAY. VERY DIFFICULT BUT I FINALLY GOT IT. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 11:36 AM > > Dear thmi-fms subscriber, > > I hope that this finds you doing well. It has been a while since I > last posted to the forum. I'll share the following which I posted to > another forum. I'm including the initiating email. > > Jim, > I agree with you!! > But you are assuming that low HCL issue can be restored. I don't believe > this is the case for everyone. From what I have read our HCL production > diminishes as we age (not that I'm that old yet). > > "More recently Robert Atkins, M.D., has taken up the cry. In Dr. > Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Solution (Simon & Schuster, 1998), he writes, > "A lack of stomach acid is commonplace, the result of aging genetics, > use of certain medications, and a variety of other factors." > > I also believe (just my opinion) with CFS our unbalanced hormones > contribute to low HCL production. > > I've been taking mega doses of Betaine and this doesn't seem to be > helping. I've tried the Sweet Dairy Whey with filtered water and I'm not > sure yet if this is helping either. > Any other suggestions? > > Dr.Ohhira also noted that the acidic colon condition of breast fed > babies remained within a constant range of pH 5.5 to 6.5. His studies > have established that the lactic acid bacteria that colonized the colon > of infants created this acidic condition. > > My response follows: > > Hi, > > I've also read that HCL production diminishes with age. I don't think it > is so much the age as the lifestyle/diet of the person. Consider the > Hunza people that are reported to live well past 100 years of age; I'll > bet there digestive systems are still functioning well. Or, at the > least, I'm sure HCL production did not start to decline in their > forties. > > I believe that HCL production can be restored. It takes time. In Dr. > Jensen's book he writes that it may take about 3 months to return sodium > to balance. I would suggest that you eat lots of sodium foods (not salt) > ie. celery, whey, okra, figs, strawberries (get the book "The Chemistry > of Man" by Bernard Jensen much more suggestions there) > > A baby does not produce HCL in the stomach right away. This allows a > safe transit of the bacteria in mother's milk to the colon where it > colonizes. The good bacteria produce B vitamins. Some of the B vitamins > are needed for HCL production (according to "The Complete Book of > Minerals for Health".) My thinking is that it is the production of the B > vitamins by the bacteria that then cause the stomach to start producing > HCL. (The body is a most awesome design and creation.) > > Do not rely upon pills to provide nutrients, find the best food sources > and eat those foods. (I'm not suggesting that you don't now practice > this. I just get frustrated with the defense that a person makes saying > they take such and such a supplement and assumes that those nutritional > needs are met.) > > I recently met a little girl (6 years old) with the most severe acid > reflux problems I've heard of yet. She throws up several times a week > and has frequent diarrhea. The Drs. have her taking the maximum dosage > of prevacid or prilosec (can't recall which) and some other medications > for her stomach. There was even discussion of surgery to take the > esophagus and wrap it around the top of the stomach to control the > vomiting. > > Her mother told me that she was unable to wean her on mothers milk. I'll > bet that most people that have had FMS/CFS since early childhood either > were not breastfed or they had experienced an illness which was treated > by antibiotics. > > Whey is a good source for organic sodium. Also, the lactose in whey > helps feed the good bacteria. The resulting lactic acid (from bacteria > breaking down lactose) helps to acidify the colon. When HCL production > is restored, any candida overgrowth will be put back in place. If there > is any good bacteria still in the colon the whey alone may be sufficient > to bring it back to healthy levels, for some people short term (few > months) of probiotic supplements may be needed. > > I agree with your thinking about the unbalanced hormones possibly > affecting HCL levels. Many of the hormones are out of balance due to > sleep deprivation. Other hormones are out of balance due to over > production leading to exhaustion of these hormones and insufficient > resources such as likely the case for thyroid and adrenal hormones. > > I'm not a fan of betaine HCL supplementation but short term it may be > okay. Long term use and the body is having to use alkaline minerals to > bring supplemented HCL to the correct pH for the intestines. > > When the stomach produces HCL, the process begins by taking CO2 from the > blood. I suggest the use of FIR sauna to increase metabolism which then > will help increase CO2 production. > > How long have you been taking the whey? And how much do you take? > I'm assuming that you did not experience any intolerance problems with > the lactose in the whey. Is this true? Are you on my mailing list? > > I'll have to get Dr. Ohhiro's book it sounds like he has done some > interesting research. > > All the best, > Jim > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) FIR and MS Date: 20 Dec 2002 00:51:50 -0700 (MST) Hello Sandra, For CFS/FMS I think the FIR sauna is completely safe. However where you are also dealing with possibly greater neurological damage as a result of MS you may want to discuss it with your doctor. I have done some searching on the net and will share some of my findings that may help you make a more informed decision on how best to proceed. First, do not get impatient and push yourself trying to get yourself to sweat. Take it easy. As your body slowly becomes more hydrated (the sodium in the whey will help here) and adjusts to the FIR heat you will start to sweat. Your body is also dealing with chronic dehydration issues and until it starts pulling water into the system it is reluctant to let go of any moisture, ie sweat. Most of the sites selling FIR saunas that I found listed an advisory similar to the following: It is considered inadvisable to raise the core temperature in someone with adrenal suppression, systemic lupus erythematosus or multiple sclerosis by some authorities. or, Those patients with severe adrenal suppression, Lupus or Multiple Sclerosis should discuss far infrared therapy with their doctor prior to use. reference: I found one article of particular relevance which had the following paragraph: Given the fact that outdoor heat slows down already problematic nerve transmissions in many people with MS, why are some of us seeking out heat for therapeutic reasons? Mila Horek says that, while summer heat leaves her feeling very fatigued, the 30-45 minutes of 120 degree Fahernheit heat in a far infrared sauan leaves her feeling energized, moing and breathing easier, and feeling "clean from the inside out" because of the intense sweating she experiences. According to Mila, "I can't say enough good things about the sauna." reference: The article does not indicate whether this person may have had difficulty getting to the point where she would sweat. Or if she had to slowly increase the amount of time she stayed in the sauna. The temperature that she reports using is cooler than that in your sauna. You may want to experiment with a lower temperature. Do not increase the duration of time spent in the sauna until you can increase fluid intake and absorption with whey. Do check with your doctor, s/he should be knowledgeable on your health status and will be able to provide some guidance. In closing just a reminder that I am not a licensed health care provider. I do believe that each of us has the right to make our own decisions and choices regarding the care of our own health. I'm working on an article for some dietary recommendations which I'll post to the list in a day or so. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, sandra hospelt wrote: > I HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT THE INFRARED SAUNA. I HAVE TRIED IT THREE TIMES, > 10 MIN, 15, MIN AND 20 MIN AND ONLY SWEATED A LITTLE UNDER ARMS. IT IS VERY > HOT AND DRY IN THERE! I DON'T LET IT GET OVER 135 DEGREES. AND MY > WEAKNESS AND NUMBNESS JUST INCREASE (PROBABLY DUE TO HEAT (I HAVE CFS,FM AND > MS) ARE YOU SURE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA? > > SANDRA > > PS I ORDERED THE SWEET WHEY YESTERDAY. VERY DIFFICULT BUT I FINALLY GOT > IT. - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Janice W.' Recovery Date: 21 Dec 2002 18:18:54 -0700 I got a call from Janice and Michael this afternoon (Sat. Dec. 21, '02). I hadn't heard from either of the them for over a month. As I had guessed they were on holiday visiting family and friends. Anyway, Janice called to tell me that she was feeling very much well. That was good to hear. Not knowing, I tend to think the worst. This is an area I need to work on. Anyway a recap of Janice's road to recovery. I first met Michael and Janice around Sep. or Oct. of 2001. Janice had been diagnosed with CFS and later FMS was also diagnosed. She had been seeing a local health care provider and had seen some improvement. Michael read an ad that I had put in the paper and contacted me for more information. They came to my office/home for a presentation and introduction to the program. (This same information can be found on the website.) Janice started the program in late October. By February she had gained good results and had shared the testimonial which can be found in the Feedback section of the website. She had then stopped doing regular sauna (she is using dual heaters in her bathroom). Janice and Michael live in So. Utah; I think that she stopped due to the warming temperatures. Around April Janice contracted some kind of virus (I don't think it was ever found what the bug was) that caused her a health to decline even further. Janice was working with a local health practitioner to combat the virus. It took almost 6 months to recover from the virus. (In another post I will share details of products Janice says were recommended to combat the virus, I'm sure that those products were also key to her return to health.) Anyway, In October Janice was able to start doing saunas again and was then using a hot tub too. I think she did this for about a month before going on holiday. She went to California, which is a lower altitude than is her home in Utah, this too may have contributed to her improvement. (I don't think that she was doing any saunas while on holiday.) I am glad to hear of Janice's success and I do hope that her experience with CFS/FMS will from now on, only be a memory of some bad days. Michael is pleased to have the former Janice back (pre CFS/FMS). It is always pleasing to be able to share positive results stories. Michael says he doesn't much care for writing emails and gave me the okay to share this to the list. (Michael and Janice, if there is anything that is inaccurate or that you think should be included please let me know.) I hope that this finds everyone doing much better. And, whatever approach you are taking for recovery is showing some positive benefits. All the best, Jim PS: I hope to share some dietary suggestions to the list soon. The key to recovery is to restore the gut ecology. - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Ron Jones" Subject: (thmi-fms) key to recovery Date: 21 Dec 2002 20:45:02 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) --------------Boundary-00=_2JZHUUF1VA4000000000 Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative; boundary="------------Boundary-00=_3JZHP4J1VA4000000000" --------------Boundary-00=_3JZHP4J1VA4000000000 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Jim wrote:=0D =0D "The key to recovery is to restore the gut ecology."=0D =0D Hi Jim and all,=0D =0D Speaking of the gut ....... check this link. Note the photos and the testimonials.=0D =0D Happy Holidays !!!=0D =0D Be Well !!!=0D =0D ~ron~=0D =0D --------------Boundary-00=_3JZHP4J1VA4000000000 Content-Type: Text/HTML; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =0D =0A
Jim wrote:
"The key to recovery is to restore the gut ecology."
Hi Jim and all,
Speaking of the gut ....... check this link. Note the photos a= nd the=20 testimonials.
Happy Holidays !!!
Be Well !!!
~ron~ m/colon.shtml

=09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09
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For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Madi" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Janice W.' Recovery Date: 21 Dec 2002 19:03:10 -0800 Very encouraging story! Madi ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 5:18 PM > > I got a call from Janice and Michael this afternoon (Sat. Dec. 21, '02). > I hadn't heard from either of the them for over a month. As I had > guessed they were on holiday visiting family and friends. Anyway, > Janice called to tell me that she was feeling very much well. That was > good to hear. Not knowing, I tend to think the worst. This is an area > I need to work on. > > Anyway a recap of Janice's road to recovery. I first met Michael and > Janice around Sep. or Oct. of 2001. Janice had been diagnosed with CFS > and later FMS was also diagnosed. She had been seeing a local health > care provider and had seen some improvement. Michael read an ad that I > had put in the paper and contacted me for more information. They came > to my office/home for a presentation and introduction to the program. > (This same information can be found on the website.) > > Janice started the program in late October. By February she had gained > good results and had shared the testimonial which can be found in the > Feedback section of the website. She had then stopped doing regular > sauna (she is using dual heaters in her bathroom). Janice and Michael > live in So. Utah; I think that she stopped due to the warming temperatures. > > Around April Janice contracted some kind of virus (I don't think it was > ever found what the bug was) that caused her a health to decline even > further. Janice was working with a local health practitioner to combat > the virus. It took almost 6 months to recover from the virus. (In > another post I will share details of products Janice says were recommended > to combat the virus, I'm sure that those products were also key to her > return to health.) > > Anyway, In October Janice was able to start doing saunas again and was > then using a hot tub too. I think she did this for about a month before > going on holiday. She went to California, which is a lower altitude > than is her home in Utah, this too may have contributed to her improvement. > (I don't think that she was doing any saunas while on holiday.) > > I am glad to hear of Janice's success and I do hope that her experience > with CFS/FMS will from now on, only be a memory of some bad days. > Michael is pleased to have the former Janice back (pre CFS/FMS). > > It is always pleasing to be able to share positive results stories. > Michael says he doesn't much care for writing emails and gave me the okay > to share this to the list. (Michael and Janice, if there is anything that > is inaccurate or that you think should be included please let me know.) > > I hope that this finds everyone doing much better. And, whatever > approach you are taking for recovery is showing some positive benefits. > > All the best, > Jim > > PS: I hope to share some dietary suggestions to the list soon. The key > to recovery is to restore the gut ecology. > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Harris Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Janice W.' Recovery Date: 22 Dec 2002 10:21:18 -0700 Dear Jim . Everything you have written concerning my road to recovery is correct. It is truly wonderful to feel healthy again. However, I believe there is need to continue an awareness towards CFS and FMS. I am deligent in my daily diet, weekly saunas, and various supplements which contribute to my ongoing improvement. I am careful not to over stress in my daily tasks. If Michael notices that I am becoming stressed or tired, he points out the situation and I am able to rest immediately. However, I feel at this moment my life is positive. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a healthy 2003. Thank you Jim for all your help and concern. Janice and Michael THMI wrote: > I got a call from Janice and Michael this afternoon (Sat. Dec. 21, '02). > I hadn't heard from either of the them for over a month. As I had > guessed they were on holiday visiting family and friends. Anyway, > Janice called to tell me that she was feeling very much well. That was > good to hear. Not knowing, I tend to think the worst. This is an area > I need to work on. > > Anyway a recap of Janice's road to recovery. I first met Michael and > Janice around Sep. or Oct. of 2001. Janice had been diagnosed with CFS > and later FMS was also diagnosed. She had been seeing a local health > care provider and had seen some improvement. Michael read an ad that I > had put in the paper and contacted me for more information. They came > to my office/home for a presentation and introduction to the program. > (This same information can be found on the website.) > > Janice started the program in late October. By February she had gained > good results and had shared the testimonial which can be found in the > Feedback section of the website. She had then stopped doing regular > sauna (she is using dual heaters in her bathroom). Janice and Michael > live in So. Utah; I think that she stopped due to the warming temperatures. > > Around April Janice contracted some kind of virus (I don't think it was > ever found what the bug was) that caused her a health to decline even > further. Janice was working with a local health practitioner to combat > the virus. It took almost 6 months to recover from the virus. (In > another post I will share details of products Janice says were recommended > to combat the virus, I'm sure that those products were also key to her > return to health.) > > Anyway, In October Janice was able to start doing saunas again and was > then using a hot tub too. I think she did this for about a month before > going on holiday. She went to California, which is a lower altitude > than is her home in Utah, this too may have contributed to her improvement. > (I don't think that she was doing any saunas while on holiday.) > > I am glad to hear of Janice's success and I do hope that her experience > with CFS/FMS will from now on, only be a memory of some bad days. > Michael is pleased to have the former Janice back (pre CFS/FMS). > > It is always pleasing to be able to share positive results stories. > Michael says he doesn't much care for writing emails and gave me the okay > to share this to the list. (Michael and Janice, if there is anything that > is inaccurate or that you think should be included please let me know.) > > I hope that this finds everyone doing much better. And, whatever > approach you are taking for recovery is showing some positive benefits. > > All the best, > Jim > > PS: I hope to share some dietary suggestions to the list soon. The key > to recovery is to restore the gut ecology. > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cathy Olson Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Janice W.' Recovery Date: 22 Dec 2002 09:48:35 -0800 (PST) --0-867938721-1040579315=:88968 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Dear Michael, I got to be well for almost 5 years, then I started ignoring my bodys need, and have rellaped for 8 years now, So please take very good care ! Hugs Cathy Cathy Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now --0-867938721-1040579315=:88968 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Dear Michael, I got to be well for almost 5 years, then I started ignoring my bodys need, and have rellaped for 8 years now, So please take very good care ! Hugs Cathy


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now --0-867938721-1040579315=:88968-- - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cathy Olson Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Janice W.' Recovery Date: 22 Dec 2002 09:49:17 -0800 (PST) --0-721605882-1040579357=:19937 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Dear Michael, I got to be well for almost 5 years, then I started ignoring my body s need, and have relapsed for 8 years now, So please take very good care ! Hugs Cathy Cathy Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now --0-721605882-1040579357=:19937 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Dear Michael, I got to be well for almost 5 years, then I started ignoring my body s need, and have relapsed for 8 years now, So please take very good care ! Hugs Cathy


Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now --0-721605882-1040579357=:19937-- - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Lasting Recovery Date: 24 Dec 2002 11:09:19 -0700 (MST) Dear thmi-fms subscribers, Cathy brings up a good point. It is always a possibility that FMS/CFS can return. Just as is the possibility that cancer, diabetes, or any other disease can develop when the condition of the body allows it. A person that values their automobile maintains it properly; Keeps it tuned up and regularly checks oil and fluid levels. When driving the car, the person is relaxed and enjoys the ride. She or he does not worry that the engine may freeze up, which is a possibility if the car were low on oil and overheated. A properly cared for automobile will provide many years of service without major problems. Likewise, a person that is healthy (in body, mind, and spirit) does not worry about a major illness coming upon them. The person takes proper care of the body and is relaxed and enjoys the ride. A person that recovers from an illness should adopt a similar philosophy, enjoy the good health and not worry that the illness could return. Worry produces stress, stress burns nutrients, ergo worrying about illness contributes to ill health. The suggestions that I am offering are not a cure for FMS/CFS, to be followed until symptoms reverse and then halted. They are simple health maintenance suggestions that a person may choose to incorporate into their life. Most of the ills that afflict man are self imposed. However, ill health often comes on so slowly that a person may not make the connection between the action and the consequence. It can be easily rationalized that there is no connection or if there is the connection is insignificant. In the past I have pondered that if there is a design flaw in the body it is that the body is too resilient. I thought, if the body were to fail immediately upon taking in a harmful substance then people could not become enslaved to poor health habits. (You don't find too many people addicted to arsenic.) But then the thought occured to me that that was contrary to the plan of the universe. Such a design would remove our ability to make our own choices in this area. The freedom to choose is one of our greatest blessings. The Law of the harvest is that we reap what we sow. If a certain lifestyle results in illness and a person returns to that same lifestyle after they recover from the illness, the law of the harvest says that in time s/he will again reap the illness. However, if we sow the seeds for good health, we will reap good health. But, like a garden, between planting the seed and harvesting the crop, it takes constant nurturing and it takes time. Well, enough preaching. I hope that some of the generalizations I've made have not offended any. There are many people with FMS/CFS that have maintained good health practices and then contracted some infection which resulted in FMS/CFS, most likely the result of antibiotics or some other medication or treatment mucking things up. I too need to heed this counsel. I have a number of lifestyle corrections/improvements yet to make. At times I feel like the pot calling the kettle black. We are all dealing with some growth experience, may we all soon learn from the present experience and move on to the next experience. Anyway, sow good things and enjoy the harvest. In the words of John, Paul, George, and Ringo, "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make". I wish you all a holiday filled with much joy and happiness. All the best, Jim _________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Sun, 22 Dec 2002, Cathy Olson wrote: > > Dear Michael, I got to be well for almost 5 years, then I started > ignoring my bodys need, and have rellaped for 8 years now, So please > take very good care ! Hugs Cathy > > > > Cathy > > > > --------------------------------- > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.