From: Subject: (thmi-fms) My 6th Sauna Date: 04 Apr 2003 19:58:23 EST --part1_1d8.6cc6b97.2bbf842f_boundary Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi everybody, This is my first post to this list. I've purchased two of the FIR heaters=20 and did my sixth sauna today. I'll just start here rather than going back t= o=20 report on the first five. I plan to do that on the forum section of the=20 website, but it will take me a little time to get to it. Below is my report= =20 to Jim about today's sauna. So far this has been a good experience and I'm=20 filled with hope. =20 Best always, Ellen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Jim, > > Sorry I missed your call.=A0 I got a late start today and was in the showe= r > when you called.=A0 The past three times, including today, I've had to res= t=20 for > a while after the sauna before getting in the shower.=A0 Was pretty tired=20= and > my back was acting up each time.=A0 I'm beginning to see a clear cause and > effect from the things that I eat.=A0 For a long time everything was jumbl= ed > together and I couldn't tell when one reaction stopped and the next one > began.=A0 My guess is that since I'm feeling more clear part of the time I= 'm > able to differentiate the reactions and have a pretty good idea what cause= d > what.=A0 Many of the foods I thought were safe for me seem to be the=20 culprits. > I can see I'm going to have to change my diet big time and as I get more > energy I'll be able to handle that. > > Just stayed in 20 minutes this time.=A0 My temp before the sauna was 98.4. > Decided to check it again part way through and it was 100 so I got out.= =A0=20 Did > a lot more sweating this time... had some running down my chest and my=20 face. >=A0=A0 And there were no muscle cramps at all.=A0 My favorite part is that=20= I=20 always > feel so clean and fresh after the shower and have a feeling of well-being.= =A0=20 I > look forward to that. > > So.......things are going along nicely.=A0 Talk to you soon. > > Ellen --part1_1d8.6cc6b97.2bbf842f_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi everybody,

This is my first post to this list.  I've purchased two of the FIR heat= ers and did my sixth sauna today.  I'll just start here rather than goi= ng back to report on the first five.  I plan to do that on the forum se= ction of the website, but it will take me a little time to get to it. =20= Below is my report to Jim about today's sauna.  So far this has been a=20= good experience and I'm filled with hope. 

Best always,


Hi Jim,
> Sorry I missed your call.=A0 I got a late start today and was in the sh= ower
> when you called.=A0 The past three times, including today, I've had to=20= rest for
> a while after the sauna before getting in the shower.=A0 Was pretty tir= ed and
> my back was acting up each time.=A0 I'm beginning to see a clear cause=20= and
> effect from the things that I eat.=A0 For a long time everything was ju= mbled
> together and I couldn't tell when one reaction stopped and the next one=
> began.=A0 My guess is that since I'm feeling more clear part of the tim= e I'm
> able to differentiate the reactions and have a pretty good idea what ca= used
> what.=A0 Many of the foods I thought were safe for me seem to be the cu= lprits.
> I can see I'm going to have to change my diet big time and as I get mor= e
> energy I'll be able to handle that.
> Just stayed in 20 minutes this time.=A0 My temp before the sauna was 98= .4.
> Decided to check it again part way through and it was 100 so I got out.= =A0 Did
> a lot more sweating this time... had some running down my chest and my=20= face.
>=A0=A0 And there were no muscle cramps at all.=A0 My favorite part is th= at I always
> feel so clean and fresh after the shower and have a feeling of well-bei= ng.=A0 I
> look forward to that.
> So.......things are going along nicely.=A0 Talk to you soon.
> Ellen

--part1_1d8.6cc6b97.2bbf842f_boundary-- - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Thyroid and Metabolism, part deux Date: 05 Apr 2003 08:44:45 -0700 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, Back in Aug. 2002, I posted something to the list on "Thyroid and Metabolism". If you do not remember the information presented in that post, I have copied it to the thmi-fms archive area in the forum at: I have recently been doing a little more studying on this topic and thought this might be of interest to some people on this list. Ellen just posted a little information related to her experience using the FIR heaters for sauna. In her email to the list she wrote that her temperature before starting the sauna was 98.4 F. Her temperature has not always been this high. If I remember correctly from our recent phone conversations, Ellen's temperature for the last couple years had averaged between 97.2 F and 97.6 F. It was after using the FIR heaters for four sessions that her temperature returned to around 98.6 F. Ellen had seen some positive gains and then experienced a couple days of returned stiffness and achiness. She noted that on those days her temperature had dropped back to around 97.4 F. As a person starts to see good days, the intermittant bad days may feel worse by comparison. Living in constant pain a person can begin to lose reference to know how bad the pain is. If a person is always at pain level 5, an increase in pain to level 7 is bad. But, if this person experiences some days at pain level 3, an increase to level 7 is very noticeable and may seem to be much more painful. Based on the results of others that have followed this program it will probably take a couple months for the body to adjusts to maintain a "normal" temperature with some constancy. Most, if not all, people with CFS/FMS have a lower than "normal" body temperature, 97.4 F seems to be an average temperature that I have heard reported from many people with CFS/FMS. Some people report having an even lower body temperatures. Body temperature is an indicator of overall metabolism. This talk of body temperature brings me to the topic that I want to cover in this post, which is thyroid function relative to CFS/FMS. The thyroid produces two hormones that are involved in regulating metabolism in the body, T4 and T3. It is actually T3 that does the work. T4 is converted to T3 before it can be used in the metabolic process. In some instances this conversion of T4 to T3 takes place outside the cell and then T3 enters the cell to do the job. In other cells, for example brain cells, T4 enters the cell and is then converted to T3 inside the cell before it does its work. These hormones act like a thermostat, regulating the temperature of the body. Since thyroid hormones regulate temperature, when body temperature is low it is suspected that the thyroid is involved. Some doctors approach to treating CFS/FMS is to treat the persons for a hypothyroid, or underactive thyroid, conditon. This approach includes supplementing thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones signal for an increase in temperature. The actual metabolic increase takes place inside the mitochondria. In the past I have used an analogy of a thermostat and furnace to help describe how low body temperature may not necessarily be a thyroid (thermostat) problem. If a furnace is out of fuel, turning the thermostat up will not increase heat output. Since the heat can not increase (due to low/no fuel) it is incorrect to assume that there is a problem with the thermostat. (Drs. do not make assumptions, they have tests done which verify that thyroid output is indeed low. Which is true and I'll later explain why this may be.) Rich Vankonynen, on the CFSFMExperimental yahoo group, has theorized that a blockage in the kreb cycle process in the mitochondria is the cause of the low metabolism, and subsequent low body temperature. In the online presentation, I speculate that there is a blockage somewhere in the mitochondria processes. What may be happening, relative to thyroid hormones, is that in an attempt to raise metabolism, the thyroid releases hormones to signal the cells to burn more glucose, or increase metabolism. If the blockage is in the mitochondria, regardless of the amount of hormones released by the thyroid, metabolism cannot increase. Metabolism will remain low, even though thyroid activity is normal or maybe even high. As long as metabolism is low the thyroid will continue to signal for an increase by releasing hormones. This suggests that a hyperthyroid condition could exist. The increased output of thyroid hormones then affecting other body processes, except increasing metabolism. The information on the following webpage hints to that as a possiblity. In time, continual release of hormones by the thyroid may contribute to depleting the nutrients, vitamins and amino acids, required to manufacture these hormones. This could then cause a hypothyroid condition to develop. However, supplementing thyroid hormones may not be the answer, at least not until the true blockage to metabolism has been removed. Metabolism is possibly blocked for reasons other than low thyroid hormone. Vitamin and minerals are essential to a myriad of physiologic functions, and a deficiency results in a wide variety of disorders. Among these disorders is the inability of mammals to maintain body temperature adequately in the cold. Hyperthyroid (overactive thyroid) disease will commonly increase muscle tension and cause agitation and sleep disruption - a perfect recipe for fibromyalgia. Hypothyroid disease (underactive thyroid) can also be associated with chronic pain. The doctor at the above website suggests that either an underactive thyroid, or an overactive thyroid, may contribute to symptoms of CFS/FMS. This doctor still points to the thyroid as being involved. What is not mentioned is that a large number of people with CFS/FMS may still have "normal" thyroid function. When a person initially develops CFS/FMS, and thyroid function is still good, the person will probably test positive for hyperthyroid function. In time, constant releasing of thyroid hormones may deplete the body of the nutrients needed to make these hormones. This same person will now likely test positive for hypothyroid activity. There may be some differences in symptoms the individual experiences when hyperthyroid as compared to when hypothyroid, but the underlying CFS/FMS and its related symptoms are still present. Cancer is also a risk with hypothyroidism in both sexes, because so many types of cancer are estrogen-responsive, and hypothyroidism allows estrogen to become dominant, by not allowing the secretion of progesterone, pregnenolone, or DHEA. When estrogen is not properly detoxified, it is stored in the breast tissue and has the potential to be carcinogenic. The tissues of women with breast cancer may have 10 to 50x the level of plasma concentration of estrogen. This suggests that estrogens are not properly detoxified, and therefore accumulate in the breast tissue. These levels will increase the risk of breast cancer. J Natl Can Inst Monographs #27:95-112 (2000) ( When dealing with body processes, especially hormones, one area may effect many other areas it is easy to go off onto a tangential subject. I found the above information interesting. The intention is not to alarm you about possible cancer risks. I do hope that it will motivate you to take action toward reversing the condition. Masking symptoms with pain killers and antidepressants does not address the underlying cause. Like CFS/FMS I believe that cancer can be reversed too, but that is a topic for another post. Back to the original topic) In Ellen's case, and others that have found success in reversing symptoms of CFS/FMS following this program, where a low body temperature had existed, it was not necessary to supplement thyroid hormones to see a return to "normal" body temperature. This suggests that, at least for these individuals, low thyroid hormone levels may not have been impeding metabolism. If the block was in the mitochondria processes, then it would appear that following this program has helped to remove some of those blocks. The major thyroid problem with most people is the failure to convert T4 to T3. If you are under stress you cannot activate T4! If you are lacking selenium you cannot activate T4! If you are missing magnesium and the B vitamins you cannot activate T4! The activated thyroid hormone, T3, enters the cell and causes the mitochondria to take up oxygen, increasing metabolism. Magnesium is also required in the cell for the kreb cycle to function properly. If a person is low in magnesium this could cause a block to metabolism. The solution is not as simple as supplementing magnesium. (However, the solution may not be all that complicated either.) Per information presented by Dr. Cheney, elevated levels of citrate bind with magnesium and allow it to be quickly excreted from the body. There are 3 nutrition problems that are pandemic in our society: 1) Magnesium deficiency 2) Omega 3 deficiency 3) Colonic deforestation. Dr. Sidney Baker 1999 Linus Pauling functional medicine award winner; fourth symposium on functional medicine I thought the above was quote was particularly interesting since these are some of the deficiencies that are addressed in the program. Anyway, I hope that the information in this post provides a better understanding of CFS/FMS and how thyroid function may fit into the picture. All the best, Jim A few related links of interest: - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) B vitamins and Pain Date: 17 Apr 2003 19:47:23 -0600 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, I hope that this finds you doing well. The stress of having to file taxes (for those in the US) is now behind us. At least 'til next year. I want to welcome new subscribers to the list. I hope that you gain a better understanding of CFS/FMS from the posts to this list. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Some past posts to this list can be read in the Forum under the topic "thmi-fms post archive" at: Also in the Forum area can be found posts from a couple people that are now following the suggestions of the wellness program. These posts can be found in the topic area "Program Updates". One of these people, Ellen, had subscribed to the thmi-fms list last May. As you will learn, if you read her posts, Ellen has suffered with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) for over 30 years, the last couple years the condition had progressed to become physically disabling, including symptoms of CFS/FMS. Ellen had told me that she was not following thmi-fms list postings too closely. She was subscribed to a number of lists and in the process of removing herself from some of these lists, she came accross the post suggesting the use of FIR heaters to achieve the benefits of a FIR sauna. This caught Ellen's attention, as she has been reading Dr. Sherry Rogers latest book "Detoxify or Die" in which Dr. Rogers promotes the use of FIR sauna to detoxify the body of many of the chemicals and heavy metals that we are exposed to and may accumulate in the body. Ellen had been wondering how she was going to afford a sauna when she found the post. To make a long story short, Ellen is now 1 month into the program, using FIR heaters, and starting to see some positive results. Ellen says that her progress so far has restored her hope that she will get better. I am confident that she will. There are a few people on this list that have invested in FIR heaters but for one reason or another, have not become motivated to follow the entire program. Some of the food suggestions, such as the sweet dairy whey, is to supply the body with organic sodium and other mineral salts. Other suggested foods, such as the brewers yeast, is to supply B vitamins and other minerals. A couple articles that have been shared with me that support this approach, or rather the need for these nutrients in CFS/FMS are: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Young People and Children Mentioned in this article are attempts to retain sodium in the body. For more information on sodium and CFS/FMS read the article in the "Soapbox" section of the website. B-Vitamins Prove Effective in Relieving Chronic Pain The title says it all. A healthy intestinal flora contributes to the B vitamins available to the body and also aids in the absorption of these vitamins and other nutrients. If B-vitamins are effective in relieving chronic pain, as the research outlined in the above article suggests, it stands to reason that a deficiency in B vitamins may contribute to pain, or increases the sensitivity to pain signals. FIR sauna alone, will not do the trick. A person must also address the nutritional needs of the body related to CFS/FMS. In fact, using the FIR sauna may even cause some minerals to become further depleted. The foods that I have suggested as part of the program are to provide for these suspected deficiencies and to compensate for mineral loss due to sauna. If you've already invested in a pair of FIR heaters, that is the major cost of the program. Do not deprive yourself of the full benefit by not following through and including the suggested foods into your diet. All the best, Jim - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Robertson" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) B vitamins and Pain Date: 18 Apr 2003 08:56:40 -0700 dear jim can you help boyfriend is a parapalegic..with tremendous nerve pain..would the b6 or sweet dairy whey help him? i tried to order sweet dairy whey on the store front but could not find it only i could find whey...can you direct me? thank you rebecca robertson ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 6:47 PM > > Dear thmi-fms subscriber, > > I hope that this finds you doing well. The stress of having to file > taxes (for those in the US) is now behind us. At least 'til next year. > > I want to welcome new subscribers to the list. I hope that you gain a > better understanding of CFS/FMS from the posts to this list. Feel free to > ask any questions you may have. Some past posts to this list can be read > in the Forum under the topic "thmi-fms post archive" at: > > > > Also in the Forum area can be found posts from a couple people that are > now following the suggestions of the wellness program. These posts can be > found in the topic area "Program Updates". > > One of these people, Ellen, had subscribed to the thmi-fms list last May. > As you will learn, if you read her posts, Ellen has suffered with MCS > (multiple chemical sensitivity) for over 30 years, the last couple years > the condition had progressed to become physically disabling, including > symptoms of CFS/FMS. > > Ellen had told me that she was not following thmi-fms list postings > too closely. She was subscribed to a number of lists and in the process > of removing herself from some of these lists, she came accross the post > suggesting the use of FIR heaters to achieve the benefits of a FIR sauna. > This caught Ellen's attention, as she has been reading Dr. Sherry Rogers > latest book "Detoxify or Die" in which Dr. Rogers promotes the use of FIR > sauna to detoxify the body of many of the chemicals and heavy metals that > we are exposed to and may accumulate in the body. > > Ellen had been wondering how she was going to afford a sauna when she > found the post. To make a long story short, Ellen is now 1 month into > the program, using FIR heaters, and starting to see some positive results. > Ellen says that her progress so far has restored her hope that she will get > better. I am confident that she will. > > There are a few people on this list that have invested in FIR heaters > but for one reason or another, have not become motivated to follow the > entire program. Some of the food suggestions, such as the sweet dairy > whey, is to supply the body with organic sodium and other mineral salts. > Other suggested foods, such as the brewers yeast, is to supply B vitamins > and other minerals. > > A couple articles that have been shared with me that support this > approach, or rather the need for these nutrients in CFS/FMS are: > > Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Young People and Children > > Mentioned in this article are attempts to retain sodium in the body. > For more information on sodium and CFS/FMS read the article in the "Soapbox" > section of the website. > > B-Vitamins Prove Effective in Relieving Chronic Pain > > The title says it all. > > A healthy intestinal flora contributes to the B vitamins available to > the body and also aids in the absorption of these vitamins and other > nutrients. If B-vitamins are effective in relieving chronic pain, as > the research outlined in the above article suggests, it stands to reason > that a deficiency in B vitamins may contribute to pain, or increases the > sensitivity to pain signals. > > FIR sauna alone, will not do the trick. A person must also address > the nutritional needs of the body related to CFS/FMS. In fact, using > the FIR sauna may even cause some minerals to become further depleted. > The foods that I have suggested as part of the program are to provide for > these suspected deficiencies and to compensate for mineral loss due to > sauna. > > If you've already invested in a pair of FIR heaters, that is the major > cost of the program. Do not deprive yourself of the full benefit by not > following through and including the suggested foods into your diet. > > All the best, > Jim > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Robertson" Subject: (thmi-fms) inquiry Date: 18 Apr 2003 08:58:00 -0700 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_001B_01C30588.9CDE2080 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable dear jim can you help boyfriend is a parapalegic..with tremendous nerve pain..would the b6 or sweet dairy whey help him? i tried to order sweet dairy whey on the store front but could not find it only i could find whey...can you direct me? thank you ------=_NextPart_000_001B_01C30588.9CDE2080 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
dear=20 jim

can you help boyfriend is a parapalegic..with = tremendous=20 nerve
pain..would the b6 or sweet dairy whey
help him?

i = tried to=20 order sweet dairy whey on the store front
but could not find it only = i could=20 find whey...can you
direct me?

thank=20 you

------=_NextPart_000_001B_01C30588.9CDE2080-- - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Robertson" Subject: Fw: (thmi-fms) Detox Date: 18 Apr 2003 12:22:09 -0700 jim... how can i buy the heaters? do i need 2? will it make the walls in my bathroom sweat and peel the paint?...what if there are toxins in the paint?.. thank you for all your help, rebecca ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 11:14 AM > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "THMI" > To: > Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 5:36 PM > Subject: (thmi-fms) Detox > > > > > > Dear thmi-fms subscriber, > > > > Just a little more information to support the use of infrared sauna. > > > > "A sauna used to be thought of as a luxury. But studies now confirm that > > diet and environmental chemicals cause 95% of cancers. Furthermore, as > > the first generation of man exposed to such an unprecedented plethora of > > daily chemicals, we have learned that stored or undetoxified chemicals > > can mimic any disease. "Incurable" chronic diseases that were thought to > > have no known cause often disappear once toxic chemicals are gone. Since > > the far infrared sauna is the safest, most efficacious and economical > > way of depurating stored toxins, this makes it a household necessity." > > -Sherry A. Rogers, M.D., > > Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine > > Internationally known expert in environmental medicine > > Author of; Detoxify or Die, Tired Or Toxic? , Total Wellness, Wellness > > Against All Odds, Depression Cured at Last, Pain Free in Six Weeks, and > > No More Heartburn > > > > If you have "RealPlayer" software on your computer, you can hear a > > talk radio episode, taped in Nov. 2002, featuring Dr. Sherry Rogers > > discussing her latest book "Detoxify or Die" This is a very > > eye-opening interview, especially disconcerting is the information > > on plasticizers (from use of plastic products) and our bodies > > responding to them like hormones. > > > > > > > > The website > > > > > > > > has more information on health benefits of far infrared sauna. Read some > > of the testimonials offered in the "Other People Find Health" section. > > Remember you can acheive similar benefits as reported on this website, > > for a lot less money, using two far infrared heaters. > > > > All the best, > > Jim > > > > > > - > > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Rebecca Robertson" Subject: Fw: Fw: (thmi-fms) Detox Date: 18 Apr 2003 13:54:35 -0700 jim..are the heaters small enough to set in a standard size bath tub that is dry?...and i would stand sit or squat in between with the shower curtain shut? Rebecca ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 1:31 PM > > Hello Rebecca, > > You can find info on the heaters at > > > When your ready to invest in a pair just give me a call or email your ph. > no. and I'll call you. I have 4 pairs of heaters left. When those are > sold it will probably be 6 wks. for next shipment. > > The actual room temperature will not get that hot. One person has > measured it in her bathroom and the temperature got up to about 101. > I do not think you need worry about paint damage or any other kind of > damage. Regarding toxins or off-gassing of the paint, if the paint has > been on the walls for some time, any off-gassing has already taken place. > The walls may get warm but not hot enough to cause any further gassing or > toxin release. > > To acheive a sauna-like environment, 2 heaters are needed, 1 for the front > of the body and 1 for the back. > > All the best, > Jim > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Jim Clements | email: > Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 > > > On Fri, 18 Apr 2003, Rebecca Robertson wrote: > > > jim... > > > > how can i buy the heaters? do i need 2? > > will it make the walls in my bathroom sweat > > and peel the paint?...what if there are toxins > > in the paint?.. > > > > thank you for all your help, > > > > rebecca > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: "Rebecca Robertson" > > To: "rb" > > Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 11:14 AM > > Subject: Fw: (thmi-fms) Detox > > > > > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > > From: "THMI" > > > To: > > > Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 5:36 PM > > > Subject: (thmi-fms) Detox > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Dear thmi-fms subscriber, > > > > > > > > Just a little more information to support the use of infrared sauna. > > > > > > > > "A sauna used to be thought of as a luxury. But studies now confirm that > > > > diet and environmental chemicals cause 95% of cancers. Furthermore, as > > > > the first generation of man exposed to such an unprecedented plethora of > > > > daily chemicals, we have learned that stored or undetoxified chemicals > > > > can mimic any disease. "Incurable" chronic diseases that were thought to > > > > have no known cause often disappear once toxic chemicals are gone. Since > > > > the far infrared sauna is the safest, most efficacious and economical > > > > way of depurating stored toxins, this makes it a household necessity." > > > > -Sherry A. Rogers, M.D., > > > > Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine > > > > Internationally known expert in environmental medicine > > > > Author of; Detoxify or Die, Tired Or Toxic? , Total Wellness, Wellness > > > > Against All Odds, Depression Cured at Last, Pain Free in Six Weeks, and > > > > No More Heartburn > > > > > > > > If you have "RealPlayer" software on your computer, you can hear a > > > > talk radio episode, taped in Nov. 2002, featuring Dr. Sherry Rogers > > > > discussing her latest book "Detoxify or Die" This is a very > > > > eye-opening interview, especially disconcerting is the information > > > > on plasticizers (from use of plastic products) and our bodies > > > > responding to them like hormones. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > The website > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > has more information on health benefits of far infrared sauna. Read > > some > > > > of the testimonials offered in the "Other People Find Health" section. > > > > Remember you can acheive similar benefits as reported on this website, > > > > for a lot less money, using two far infrared heaters. > > > > > > > > All the best, > > > > Jim > > > > > > > > > > > > - > > > > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > > > > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > > > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > > > > > > > > > > > - > > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Magnesia VS Magnesium Date: 19 Apr 2003 08:54:21 -0600 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, The following is something that I posted in another forum and thought that there may be some on the list that may benefit from this information. But first, If anyone has a question or comment that you feel would benefit everyone on the list reading, then send it to the list address, If you wish to ask me a question directly send the email to my email address or (they are the same address). If it is something that I think others may benefit from reading, I'll then send it out to the list. Anyway, back to the topic of this email. In another Forum, that I monitor and occasionally post, there has been some recent discussion on the topic of Magnesium. One member of that group wrote saying that she took Milk of Magnesia for magnesium. In case there may be some members of this list that have a similar incorrect thinking that Milk of Magnesia provides magnesium, the following is offered. (The following is what was posted in the other forum.) Milk of Magnesia, does not provide the type magnesium required by the body. I'll post just a bit of information here and work on a more indepth report which I will add to the "Soapbox" section of my website at: In the "Soapbox" article I'll also include a list of food sources for magnesium, suggested by Bernard Jensen. (similar to what I've done for sodium.) Anyway, in this post I just want to provide a bit of text from Dr. Bernard Jensen's book "The Chemistry of Man" to clarify that magnesia (Milk of Magnesia) does not provide the body with the organic magnesium that the body needs. Man Needs Organic (Food) Magnesium Magnesia, an inorganic substance, is an earthy, white, insoluble, antacid, slighty cathartic, introceptive, tasteless powder, which is found in nature or manufactured synthetically and is actually a combination of oxygen and magnesium (magnesium oxide). Magnesium forms the metallic base of magnesia. Magnesia alba, a hydrated carbonate, is used extensively in allopathy. Inorganic magnesium is also employed in photographic processing. Man must have the biochemic (organic) form -- food magnesium -- rather than the inorganic form.[pg.222] Magnesia Versus Magnesium It is important to make a distinction between the element mangesium and the compound magnesia. Magnesia, an earthy product, is an antacid which may form an earthy coating on the walls of the entire digestive tract; the walls may become gluey, which causes intestinal adhesion, notably when there is a condition of nonacidity in the digestive tract. The laxative properties of magnesia react correctly only in the presence of much acidity in the stomach. Arsenic poisoning calls for magnesia (magnesium oxide). Magnesia outweighs the food element magnesium and is not readily joined as a hydrate.[pg.223] A few of my own thoughts. Stomach acid is necessary to act upon a number of minerals in our food so that the body can absorb them (later in the intestinal tract). If stomach acid is lacking then absorption of these minerals will be impaired. Magnesium and Calcium are two of the minerals that need stomach acid for absorption. Looking at the information on the website "Drug-Induced Nutritional Deficiencies" at: we find that antacid products such as Tums and Milk of Magnesia actually contribute to nutrient depletions of Calcium, Phosphate, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Protein. I hope that those that may be taking large quantities of Tums and Milk of Magnesia, now knowing better, will turn to food sources for the nutrition needs of the body. These products are not providing the nutrient that you may have been lead to believe they do, and in fact cause a loss of the mineral. All the best, Jim Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS Date: 23 Apr 2003 10:27:38 -0600 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, I've posted the following to another forum and am sharing it here since some may find it helpful in understanding some of the symptoms associated with CFS/FMS. ----- Some of the latest buzz related to CFS/FMS is that researchers have found that the heart in these people is not pumping as much blood, compared with healthy people. ( see ) Am I missing something? The reason for this seems so obvious. Lets say that with each beat of the heart (more precisely each constriction of the left ventricle, see ) a certain amount of blood is pushed out into the aorta for delivery throughout the body via the circulatory system. In a healthy person blood pathways, arteries, capillaries, and veins, are dilated normally and there is comparatively little obstruction to blood flow. In the case of a person with CFS/FMS some circulatory obstruction is likely present; This could be in the form of vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow to the extremities, conserving heat to vital organs, or vasoconstriction may be present to compensate for low blood volume. Whatever the reason, blood flow is impeded. Hypercoagulation may also contribute to the problem as a thicker fluid encounters greater resistance to flow compared to a less viscous fluid. When the heart tries to push the blood out into the aorta in the person with CFS/FMS, bloodflow encounters more resistance, compared with conditions in a "healthy" person. The pressure required to pump the blood will be greater than the pressure required in a circulatory system that was not so constricted. When the heart pumps the blood, if the blood cannot all enter the aorta, due to resistance further down the circulatory path, the blood in the chamber that cannot move forward has got to go someplace. The pressure is likely going to cause some of the blood to flow back through the valve on the other side of the chamber, the mitral valve. The result is that less blood is pumped out the heart. Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) occurs when abnormalities in the mitral valve allow it to flop (i.e., to prolapse) back into the left atrium as the left ventricle contracts, thus allowing a certain amount of backflow of blood (i.e. regurgitation) from the ventricle to the atrium. In general, the abnormality that allows prolapse to occur is a congenital excess of tissue on the valve, making it "floppy." ( ) The info in the previous paragraph was taken from a site describing "Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome". (Every health issue these days seems to be part of some kind of syndrome.) I think one solution to this problem is to reduce/eliminate those things that are constricting blood flow, also to hydrate the body and build up the blood supply, so that there is more blood and less problems with hypercoagulation. The program that I've been suggesting is designed to help do this. All the best, Jim Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "v v" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS Date: 23 Apr 2003 17:48:45 +0000 Jim, Do you have an outline of the program? I am still confused as to what all the program entails. Please point me to where I can read about the details of the program. I still have to come up with the money for the fir stuff but are there parts of the program that I can start now. Certainly, I would not be able to do all parts of program initially since I am very sensitive and I would have to probably try one thing at a time to see if I can handle things before I add new things in. Thank You Vee >From: THMI >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: (thmi-fms) Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS >Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 10:27:38 -0600 > >Dear thmi-fms subscriber, > >I've posted the following to another forum and am sharing it here since >some may find it helpful in understanding some of the symptoms >associated with CFS/FMS. >----- > > >Some of the latest buzz related to CFS/FMS is that researchers have >found that the heart in these people is not pumping as much blood, >compared with healthy people. >( see ) > >Am I missing something? The reason for this seems so obvious. Lets say >that with each beat of the heart (more precisely each constriction of >the left ventricle, see > ) a >certain amount of blood is pushed out into the aorta for delivery >throughout the body via the circulatory system. > >In a healthy person blood pathways, arteries, capillaries, and veins, >are dilated normally and there is comparatively little obstruction to >blood flow. In the case of a person with CFS/FMS some circulatory >obstruction is likely present; This could be in the form of >vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow to the extremities, conserving >heat to vital organs, or vasoconstriction may be present to compensate >for low blood volume. Whatever the reason, blood flow is impeded. >Hypercoagulation may also contribute to the problem as a thicker fluid >encounters greater resistance to flow compared to a less viscous fluid. > >When the heart tries to push the blood out into the aorta in the person >with CFS/FMS, bloodflow encounters more resistance, compared with >conditions in a "healthy" person. The pressure required to pump the >blood will be greater than the pressure required in a circulatory system >that was not so constricted. > >When the heart pumps the blood, if the blood cannot all enter the aorta, >due to resistance further down the circulatory path, the blood in the >chamber that cannot move forward has got to go someplace. The pressure >is likely going to cause some of the blood to flow back through the >valve on the other side of the chamber, the mitral valve. The result is >that less blood is pumped out the heart. > >Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) occurs when abnormalities in the mitral >valve allow it to flop (i.e., to prolapse) back into the left atrium as >the left ventricle contracts, thus allowing a certain amount of backflow >of blood (i.e. regurgitation) from the ventricle to the atrium. In >general, the abnormality that allows prolapse to occur is a congenital >excess of tissue on the valve, making it "floppy." >( ) > >The info in the previous paragraph was taken from a site describing >"Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome". (Every health issue these days seems >to be part of some kind of syndrome.) > >I think one solution to this problem is to reduce/eliminate those things >that are constricting blood flow, also to hydrate the body and build up >the blood supply, so that there is more blood and less problems with >hypercoagulation. The program that I've been suggesting is designed to >help do this. > >All the best, >Jim > >Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology > > > >- > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Gallbladder and CFS/FMS Date: 24 Apr 2003 16:42:16 -0600 Dear thmi-fms subscriber, I posted this in reply to a member in another forum that had questions concerning gallbladder problems and CFS/FMS. I Thought some here may benefit from the information. All the best, Jim Hello, FWIW, Here is what I think is going on. The major ingredients in bile is water and sodium. Compounds of Bile: The bile contains the following compounds: sodium carbonate (0.93 parts per thousand); calcium phosphate (0.37); sodium phosphate (1.33); potassium chloride (0.28); sodium chloride (5.45); lecithin (0.04); sodium palmitate and stearate (1.36); free fat (0.1); cholestrin (0.54); sodium taurocholate (trace); sodium glycocholate (9.94); and water (997.4). Sodium taurocholate and sodium glycocholate are important ingredients of bile salts. The taurocholate is more abundant in the bile of carnivorous animals, while the glycocholate is found in larger quantities in grass-fed animals. ("The Chemistry of Man" by Bernard Jensen, pg. 331.) When blood sodium levels go low, sodium is taken from the bile to help maintain blood sodium levels. Water follows sodium. When the sodium is taken from the bile, some of the water in the bile goes along with it. What remains is a thicker bile; The cholesterol in the bile then may gel, forming gallstones. I suspect that most people with CFS/FMS are dealing with low serum sodium levels and dehydration issues and are tending toward gallbladder problems. I have observed a couple people using the FIR sauna try to go too quickly to produce a sweat. The loss of water (sweat) adds to their already dehydrated state and has produced pains in the gallbladder. I suspect that in these few instances the persons were on the edge of experiencing gallbladder problems but the symptoms had not yet appeared. This is not to imply that for these people FIR sauna is not beneficial, just that it is important that a person must not try to force a change in body chemistry too rapidly. The FIR sauna must be used in conjuction with adequate water intake and also plenty of foods that will provide the needed electrolytes and other nutrients for the body. One food that I suggest (per Bernard Jensen's book) for its sodium content is sweet dairy whey. (Not to be confused with the isolate whey protein which is suggested for building glutathione.) You can read more on the benefits of sodium in the article "A Few Thoughts on Sodium and CFS/FMS" on the website at: Also in the article is a list of food sources for sodium. (do not confuse food sodium with the inorganic sodium chloride, table salt) I would check with your doctor to see how urgent the surgery needs to be done. If it can wait a couple months, I would suggest you first try a dietary approach to reversing the condition. Certainly surgery will be a quick fix, but it may not totally resolve the problem. There are a number of people that have had their gallbladder removed and symptoms still persist. After all, the real problem is likely an issue of low sodium and dehydration. Surgery does not address this aspect of the condition. Increase food sodium, reduce meat and fat in the diet (for a while), drink plenty of water (8 - 10 glasses) daily. Disclaimer, I am not a doctor. I have had some personal experience with gallbladder problems in the past. I still have my gallbladder and I have not experienced any symptoms of the problem for about four years now. (If interested in some other suggestions please feel free to email me.) All the best, Jim > > Dear Group, > Just brought my teenage CFS daughter home from the hospital last night. > After many hospitalizations and workups for stomach pain and nausea, a > nuclear medicine (HIDA) test revealed that her gall bladder is not emptying > all the way. This may or may not be the cause of her pain, but we have been > referred to a surgeon and a new GI doc. > > My questions to the group are as follows: > 1. Do gall bladder problems go along with CFS? I'm not sure if the gall > bladder problems came first or is it a complication of her CFS. > 2. As a child, she had many hospitalizations for cyclic vomiting > syndrome/abdominal migraines. Have any of you had anything like that in > addition to your CFS? > 3. She has been extremely ill for the past 3 years. I'm very concerned > about the anesthesia, if we have to do the surgery. Are there any sites > that address the use of CFS and anesthesia/surgery. > > I thank you for any insight that any of you can provide. If I had the time > and energy, I would search the archives for these topics myself. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Program basics, was Re: Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS Date: 24 Apr 2003 16:35:12 -0600 (MDT) Vee and other thmi-fms subscribers, The basics of the program are outlined in the first article in the "Soapbox" section of the website. The ionized water, is good to include but I do not think that it is as essential for success, as the other parts of the program are. If a person can afford an ionizer, I believe that it is one of the better water treatments available. I'm not too keen on reverse osmosis or distilled water. There are a couple people on this list that have had ill effects of many years of drinking these waters, RO & distilled. Pertaining to the program, I think that a good charcol filtration of tap water may be sufficient. When I first started developing the program I was using individual water soluble minerals. The specific minerals that I selected were those that researchers had found to be low in people with CFS/FMS and also the minerals that the body needs to build new red blood cells. I've switched from suggesting individual minerals to suggesting foods that are high in the nutrients that are suspected to be deficient. The cost of the minerals that I had been suggesting was about $300. The foods that I now suggest to accomplish the same, cost about $60. Another reason for the use of foods is that many minerals in the body are in balance with other minerals, for example magnesium and calcium or zinc and copper. Supplementing one mineral may throw other minerals off balance. Foods sources will typically contain a balance of different vitamins and minerals. Some time ago I had posted an email to this list with some food suggestions. You can find this email "(thmi-fms) Food suggestions, 2/06/2003" in the thmi-fms post archive section of the forum at I'm working on another article with some suggestions for magnesium foods. Magnesium is a mineral that has been found to be low. It is estimated that almost 75% of the US population is low in magnesium. I've been finding that magnesium is especially important when using the FIR sauna. After a few uses of the sauna a person may start to experience muscle twitches or increased sleeplessness. These are signs of magnesium deficiency. A person that is using the FIR sauna may find that it is necessary to supplement magnesium. The Water Oz product is good. I'll do some experimenting with a couple other magnesium supplements and report what I find later. The website at has foods catagorized by the nutrients they best provide. (Although there is no credit given, the food recommendations are taken directly from Bernard Jensens book "The Chemistry of Man") Try to include more sodium and magnesium foods into your diet. Do not make extreme diet changes, just add some of the foods slowly into your present diet. While reducing some foods that you may now eat that are less than nutritious, coffee, sugar, alcohol... Some people are dealing with severe food reactions. I suspect that most of these people have a leaky gut condition. It is not the food that they are reacting to, so much as the poor digestion of the food. These people may have to go more slowly with dietary changes, taking smaller amounts of food. Hopefully as digestion improves, the negative reactions will lessen eventually disappearing altogether. I hope that this helps. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, v v wrote: > Jim, > Do you have an outline of the program? I am still confused as to what > all the program entails. Please point me to where I can read about the > details of the program. I still have to come up with the money for the fir > stuff but are there parts of the program that I can start now. Certainly, I > would not be able to do all parts of program initially > since I am very sensitive and I would have to probably try one thing at a > time to see if I can handle things before I add new things in. > > Thank You > Vee > > > > > > > >From: THMI > >Reply-To: > >To: > >Subject: (thmi-fms) Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS > >Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 10:27:38 -0600 > > > >Dear thmi-fms subscriber, > > > >I've posted the following to another forum and am sharing it here since > >some may find it helpful in understanding some of the symptoms > >associated with CFS/FMS. > >----- > > > > > >Some of the latest buzz related to CFS/FMS is that researchers have > >found that the heart in these people is not pumping as much blood, > >compared with healthy people. > >( see ) > > > >Am I missing something? The reason for this seems so obvious. Lets say > >that with each beat of the heart (more precisely each constriction of > >the left ventricle, see > > ) a > >certain amount of blood is pushed out into the aorta for delivery > >throughout the body via the circulatory system. > > > >In a healthy person blood pathways, arteries, capillaries, and veins, > >are dilated normally and there is comparatively little obstruction to > >blood flow. In the case of a person with CFS/FMS some circulatory > >obstruction is likely present; This could be in the form of > >vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow to the extremities, conserving > >heat to vital organs, or vasoconstriction may be present to compensate > >for low blood volume. Whatever the reason, blood flow is impeded. > >Hypercoagulation may also contribute to the problem as a thicker fluid > >encounters greater resistance to flow compared to a less viscous fluid. > > > >When the heart tries to push the blood out into the aorta in the person > >with CFS/FMS, bloodflow encounters more resistance, compared with > >conditions in a "healthy" person. The pressure required to pump the > >blood will be greater than the pressure required in a circulatory system > >that was not so constricted. > > > >When the heart pumps the blood, if the blood cannot all enter the aorta, > >due to resistance further down the circulatory path, the blood in the > >chamber that cannot move forward has got to go someplace. The pressure > >is likely going to cause some of the blood to flow back through the > >valve on the other side of the chamber, the mitral valve. The result is > >that less blood is pumped out the heart. > > > >Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) occurs when abnormalities in the mitral > >valve allow it to flop (i.e., to prolapse) back into the left atrium as > >the left ventricle contracts, thus allowing a certain amount of backflow > >of blood (i.e. regurgitation) from the ventricle to the atrium. In > >general, the abnormality that allows prolapse to occur is a congenital > >excess of tissue on the valve, making it "floppy." > >( ) > > > >The info in the previous paragraph was taken from a site describing > >"Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome". (Every health issue these days seems > >to be part of some kind of syndrome.) > > > >I think one solution to this problem is to reduce/eliminate those things > >that are constricting blood flow, also to hydrate the body and build up > >the blood supply, so that there is more blood and less problems with > >hypercoagulation. The program that I've been suggesting is designed to > >help do this. > > > >All the best, > >Jim > > > >Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology > > > > > > > >- > > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > _________________________________________________________________ > The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* > > > > - > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "v v" Subject: Re: (thmi-fms) Program basics, was Re: Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS Date: 25 Apr 2003 07:38:05 +0000 Thanks Jim, I will read what you pointed out. I did a get a message from the posts of someone who could not find the sweet dairy whey do you have sources for the sweet dairy whey and this des. liver that you can tell us where to buy? I think you also mentioned the brewers yeast could this be a problem for someone with overgrowth of yeasts in the gut? Also, I was reading info from the Weston A. Price organization and there is some very interesting info on the benefits of Raw Dairy and that Raw dairy is now legal in California. There's a farmer who also got a very special certification to sell Raw colostrum from his certified organic and pasture fed cows. What do you think about this? He has a web site Vee >From: THMI >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: (thmi-fms) Program basics, was Re: Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS >Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 16:35:12 -0600 (MDT) > > >Vee and other thmi-fms subscribers, > > The basics of the program are outlined in the first article in the >"Soapbox" section of the website. The ionized water, is good to include >but I do not think that it is as essential for success, as the other parts >of the program are. > > If a person can afford an ionizer, I believe that it is one of the >better water treatments available. I'm not too keen on reverse osmosis or >distilled water. There are a couple people on this list that have had ill >effects of many years of drinking these waters, RO & distilled. >Pertaining to the program, I think that a good charcol filtration of tap >water may be sufficient. > > When I first started developing the program I was using individual water >soluble minerals. The specific minerals that I selected were those that >researchers had found to be low in people with CFS/FMS and also the >minerals that the body needs to build new red blood cells. > > I've switched from suggesting individual minerals to suggesting foods >that are high in the nutrients that are suspected to be deficient. The >cost of the minerals that I had been suggesting was about $300. The foods >that I now suggest to accomplish the same, cost about $60. > > Another reason for the use of foods is that many minerals in the body >are in balance with other minerals, for example magnesium and calcium or >zinc and copper. Supplementing one mineral may throw other minerals off >balance. Foods sources will typically contain a balance of different >vitamins and minerals. > > Some time ago I had posted an email to this list with some food >suggestions. You can find this email "(thmi-fms) Food suggestions, >2/06/2003" in the thmi-fms post archive section of the forum at > > > I'm working on another article with some suggestions for magnesium >foods. Magnesium is a mineral that has been found to be low. It is >estimated that almost 75% of the US population is low in magnesium. > > I've been finding that magnesium is especially important when using the >FIR sauna. After a few uses of the sauna a person may start to experience >muscle twitches or increased sleeplessness. These are signs of magnesium >deficiency. A person that is using the FIR sauna may find that it is >necessary to supplement magnesium. The Water Oz product is good. I'll do >some experimenting with a couple other magnesium supplements and report >what I find later. > > The website at >has foods catagorized by the nutrients they best provide. (Although there >is no credit given, the food recommendations are taken directly from >Bernard Jensens book "The Chemistry of Man") Try to include more sodium >and magnesium foods into your diet. Do not make extreme diet changes, >just add some of the foods slowly into your present diet. While reducing >some foods that you may now eat that are less than nutritious, coffee, >sugar, alcohol... > > Some people are dealing with severe food reactions. I suspect that most >of these people have a leaky gut condition. It is not the food that they >are reacting to, so much as the poor digestion of the food. These people >may have to go more slowly with dietary changes, taking smaller amounts of >food. Hopefully as digestion improves, the negative reactions will >lessen eventually disappearing altogether. > > I hope that this helps. > >All the best, >Jim >___________________________________________________________________________ >Jim Clements | email: >Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 > > >On Wed, 23 Apr 2003, v v wrote: > > > Jim, > > Do you have an outline of the program? I am still confused as to what > > all the program entails. Please point me to where I can read about the > > details of the program. I still have to come up with the money for the >fir > > stuff but are there parts of the program that I can start now. >Certainly, I > > would not be able to do all parts of program initially > > since I am very sensitive and I would have to probably try one thing at >a > > time to see if I can handle things before I add new things in. > > > > Thank You > > Vee > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >From: THMI > > >Reply-To: > > >To: > > >Subject: (thmi-fms) Heart problems w/ CFS/FMS > > >Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 10:27:38 -0600 > > > > > >Dear thmi-fms subscriber, > > > > > >I've posted the following to another forum and am sharing it here since > > >some may find it helpful in understanding some of the symptoms > > >associated with CFS/FMS. > > >----- > > > > > > > > >Some of the latest buzz related to CFS/FMS is that researchers have > > >found that the heart in these people is not pumping as much blood, > > >compared with healthy people. > > >( see ) > > > > > >Am I missing something? The reason for this seems so obvious. Lets say > > >that with each beat of the heart (more precisely each constriction of > > >the left ventricle, see > > > ) a > > >certain amount of blood is pushed out into the aorta for delivery > > >throughout the body via the circulatory system. > > > > > >In a healthy person blood pathways, arteries, capillaries, and veins, > > >are dilated normally and there is comparatively little obstruction to > > >blood flow. In the case of a person with CFS/FMS some circulatory > > >obstruction is likely present; This could be in the form of > > >vasoconstriction to reduce blood flow to the extremities, conserving > > >heat to vital organs, or vasoconstriction may be present to compensate > > >for low blood volume. Whatever the reason, blood flow is impeded. > > >Hypercoagulation may also contribute to the problem as a thicker fluid > > >encounters greater resistance to flow compared to a less viscous fluid. > > > > > >When the heart tries to push the blood out into the aorta in the person > > >with CFS/FMS, bloodflow encounters more resistance, compared with > > >conditions in a "healthy" person. The pressure required to pump the > > >blood will be greater than the pressure required in a circulatory >system > > >that was not so constricted. > > > > > >When the heart pumps the blood, if the blood cannot all enter the >aorta, > > >due to resistance further down the circulatory path, the blood in the > > >chamber that cannot move forward has got to go someplace. The pressure > > >is likely going to cause some of the blood to flow back through the > > >valve on the other side of the chamber, the mitral valve. The result >is > > >that less blood is pumped out the heart. > > > > > >Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) occurs when abnormalities in the mitral > > >valve allow it to flop (i.e., to prolapse) back into the left atrium as > > >the left ventricle contracts, thus allowing a certain amount of >backflow > > >of blood (i.e. regurgitation) from the ventricle to the atrium. In > > >general, the abnormality that allows prolapse to occur is a congenital > > >excess of tissue on the valve, making it "floppy." > > >( ) > > > > > >The info in the previous paragraph was taken from a site describing > > >"Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome". (Every health issue these days seems > > >to be part of some kind of syndrome.) > > > > > >I think one solution to this problem is to reduce/eliminate those >things > > >that are constricting blood flow, also to hydrate the body and build up > > >the blood supply, so that there is more blood and less problems with > > >hypercoagulation. The program that I've been suggesting is designed to > > >help do this. > > > > > >All the best, > > >Jim > > > > > >Fibromyalgia: A Hypothesis of Etiology > > > > > > > > > > > >- > > > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > > > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > > The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* > > > > > > > > - > > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. > > > >- > To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" > with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. > For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send > "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE* - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Brewers Yeast Date: 25 Apr 2003 11:08:09 -0600 (MDT) thmi-fms subscribers, The following was posted by another subscriber. The message bounced to me the list-owner. I'm forwarding it on to the list. (sidenote: Jim, future posts from you should not bounce. Thanks for the info.) > > > Jim and Vee et all, the above link down plays the brewers yeast - candida > connection, not too worry unless very sensitive. > > has the Lewis Labs Brewer's Yeast (the brand Jim recommends) > about 40% off. > > Jim do you know of the Yeast Buds are preferable to the regular yeast from > Lewis? They say the nutritional content is the same, just that the buds are > lighter, absorb in a drink better and might taste better, > > James > Additional comments added by Jim Clements: I've seen in a couple anti-candida books that it is not recommended to take any form of yeast, including brewers yeast. They did not provide any supporting research for excluding brewers yeast. The yeast in brewers yeast is inactive and will not (to my knowledge) contribute to a yeast overgrowth in the gut. The reason that I've been recommending the Lewis Labs brand is purely for taste reasons. It actually tastes good. (Keep in mind that this is coming from a person that has no problem drinking liver mixed in water.) I got some debittered brewers yeast (from and also received a nutritional analysis of the product. I was surprised to see that this brewers yeast contained Heavy Metals (as Lead) 2.8mg/100g. I'm not sure where the lead came from, possibly leached from the vats (just guessing). Anyway, I called Lewis Labs to see if its product was free of similar contaminates. The person said that what's listed on the can is what is in the product. Brewers yeast is a good source for B vitamins. I think that additional B vitamins need to be included in the daily diet until the "beneficial" bacteria are restored to the gut. The "beneficial" bacteria contribute to the absorption and synthesis of some B vitamins. Brewers yeast is also high in potassium. Potassium in the diet should be about 2X the amount of sodium in the diet. Since sodium foods are being included more in the diet additional potassium is probably a good idea. I have not tried the yeast buds so cannot comment on how it compares with the regular yeast. My next can I'll try the buds. How I take brewers yeast In blender: 1 1/2 cup water (filtered preferred) 2 heaping tablespoons sweet dairy whey 1 heaping tablespoon brewers yeast 1/2 to 1 teas. honey blend a little 1 raw egg blend a bit more If I add sunflower or sesame seeds to the above mix, I add them first and blend for about 1 minute before adding the other ingredients. A person could experiment with adding other ingredients. Strawberries are a good source for sodium. I'll add a recipe section to the Forum and put a couple recipes there. If anyone has come across a particular recipe they like, feel free to share it in the Forum when that topic is added. All the best, Jim - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) For those saunaing, drink water Date: 30 Apr 2003 23:17:04 -0600 (MDT) Dear thmi-fms subscribers, Just a reminder for those using heaters for FIR sauna: DRINK WATER. I suspect that very few of you that are doing the saunas are drinking sufficient amounts of water to stay hydrated sufficiently. If you start to feel exhausted after taking a sauna that's a clue that you're probably not drinking enough water. If you start to experience constipation, not enough water. I know that some of you have concerns about drinking too much water and diluting electrolytes. If you cannot tolerate the whey, then eat other sodium foods (not salt). Spinach is a good food for many of the mineral salts that the body needs. There is a list of recommended sodium foods in the article in the soapbox section, include them into your diet. Go more with the vegetables than with the sweet foods. Include the other suggested foods into your diet to help replace the minerals that will be lost in perspiration. Your body will not sweat if you're dehydrated. The more water you take in, the more water your body will be able to release. When you sauna you should be drinking a 1/2 gallon of water. Some have found it easier to drink some of that water while the room is warming up. Sauna on an empty stomach, otherwise you will have a very difficult time drinking that amount of water. If the stomach is empty, the water will flow more quickly into the small intestines where most water absorption takes place. The 1/2 gallon you drink in the sauna is in addition to the 1/2 gallon of water you should be drinking daily. The first thing you do when you get up should be drink a glass of water to replace the fluids that the body has lost during the night. Before going to bed have a glass of water. Have a pitcher of water on the nightstand, if you wake up in the wee hours of the morning it may be that you're in need of some water. Some of you may have a low thirst sensation since sodium levels tend to be low. It may be a good idea to draw a 1/2 gallon pitcher of water in the AM and make sure you drink all the water during the day. Drink water 30 min. before a meal and a couple hours after the meal. Avoid drinking water or other fluids that may dilute gastric juices and impair digestion. When you're better and gastric juices are back to normal, then it is probably okay to drink with a meal. But, still better not to. I suspect that some you may have given up on using the heaters. Which is a shame, those that I am in contact that are using the heaters for sauna and following the other parts of the program seem to be getting results. Although, it will take time. They report some good days, and then some bad days, which seems to be the pattern that most people have experienced. I didn't want to become a heater salesman. I wanted to solve the CFS/FMS puzzle. I wanted to help people get better. I wanted to provide an affordable way to do that. I've done that. Unfortunately very few people believe me. Anyway, the best of success in whatever path you choose to get better. All the best, Jim PS: DRINK WATER. ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Some Links on the website Date: 30 Apr 2003 23:31:11 -0600 (MDT) Just a note, some of the links that I have made on my website point to other websites that may promote nutritional products. Just to let you know, I've put a link to a site because I felt the information was good to know. I do not necessarily recommend any particular products that may be sold on those sites. The more I'm reading about vitamins supplements, the less I think that anyone should be taking them. Plan a healthy diet and you should get the nutrients the body needs. If you feel a need to have additional kinds of a particular nutrient, eat more foods that provide that nutrient. for example, sardines are a good source of vitamin D. I'll write more on vitamin supplements another time. All the best, Jim ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.