From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Mary's experience (6th week) Date: 10 Jun 2003 22:08:28 -0600 (MDT) Dear thmi-fms subscribers, The following was shared by Mary on the CFS-FMS_FIRST-Aid yahoo group. Feel free to join us there too. If anyone has trouble getting on the yahoo group send me an email and I'll try to assist. All the best, Jim Hello to all, My name is Mary. I was diagnosed with CFS three years ago last november. I had hypercoagulation, mycoplasma and gastric reflux. I had an eroded esophagus, pre cancerous cells, and two nodules on my esophagus. I have been on Prilosec for several years,I have been sleeping with my head elevated. We have Niagra beds, which are similar to hospital beds. I am on my sixth week of the program, using my FIR heaters for sauna and the rest of the program suggested by Jim, I am now off the Prilosec I decided on my own initative to try to eliminate it on about the third week into the FIR protocol . I admit I took tums several times a night at first. I have now gone two nights without tums. I can even sleep on my right side, which I have been unable to do for years. I could certainly identify with the SOB (shortness of breathe). I at one time was a member of an athletic club. I use to exercise for one hour every morning . Then did weights and resistance exercises for another half hour, four days a week. Two days upper body, two days lower body. Until I got to the point I could not even walk up the stairs at home without stopping at the landing due to my SOB. Even walking across the room to answer the phone, friends would say what are you doing you sound all out of breathe. So sadly I dropped my athletic club membership. Now I do 10 minutes a day on my rebounder. I have noticed I am not having any problems with my breathing lately. I am not sure when the problem left. But I definitely have more energy. Although I have had several crashes since I started with my sauna. It seems like I will feel real energetic for several days then I wake up tired one morning and I am exhausted by days end. But It is getting better. One thing I notice is that I am tired right after my sauna, so it works best for me to do them right about two hours after dinner. Which is our lightest meal of the day. If I do them too close to bedtime I have to get up several times in the night due to the large volume of water I drink, during the sauna. I did have muscle cramps at first, I woke up with them in the night. But now in addition to OZ water of life minerals that I take in the morning, I take a tablespoon of magnesium and a teaspoon of zinc when I get out of the sauna. I have also had an increased appetite the last several years, and gained a significant amount of weight. I have not been on the scales lately. But I do not think I have lost any weight. I think my hands and legs are swollen lately for some reason. I am really excited about the program. Mary ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: THMI Subject: (thmi-fms) Mary's experience (8th week) Date: 11 Jun 2003 09:43:42 -0600 (MDT) Dear thmi-fms subscribers, This is a follow up to the message sent yesterday describing Mary's experience. No, you are not experiencing severe brain fog, two weeks have not passed. Mary's first message was posted to CFS-FMS_FIRST-Aid group over two weeks ago. It was only now that I have gotten around to sharing it on thmi-fms. Anyway, the following was reported by mary at about the 8 week mark. Six to eight weeks is about the time that most people start showing signs of good improvement. The whole process of getting well takes about a year. But, use of the FIR heaters for sauna can be tapered off. Though, if your like me, you'll enjoy the sauna experience a couple times a month. Join us in the yahoo group, CFS-FMS_FIRST-Aid All the best, Jim Well in two more days I will be at the 8 week milestone. Marcia I am definitely sleeping much better. I am not sure exactly when that occured. The odd thing is I had two nights in a row where I slept over ten hours a night. I just did not wake up. jim said I was propbably making up for lost sleep. It is now easy for me to fall asleep at night and I sleep soundly all night. Yesterday I noticed a new phenomena. I am always hungry and never full. I hosted my grand daughters graduation party yesterday. I ate about half of a piece of cake and realized I was stuffed and did not want any more, so I threw it in the garbage can. Then last night we went out to the dairy queen with our son after church. We had not eaten in over six hours. That was a place we would never have chosen to eat. But the decision was made by our son & daughter in law. We order a chicken strip basket, my husband and I shared it. I had two chicken strips, my husband ate the toast. I ate a few fries. I discovered I did not have my enzymes. It has been at least eight years since I have been able to eat greasy food without massive indigestion. Normally it would not even go down. I did not get indigestion. took no tums, slept all night. it was wonderful. This has been slow in coming. To think of all the modalites of healing I have tried. We had each ordered a small Blizzard. I finished 1/3 of mine and was so full I did not want another bite. I realized that this was a wonderful feeling to know when you have had enough, and not be able to eat any more. So I think this FIR sauna really helps on so many different levels. My daughter has fibromyalgia she got in my sauna saturday night, she was quite impressed. She slept good that night. She took my video home to look at it. I think she will be interested, she said she wants to know more about it. Hope you are all feeling better each day. Mary ___________________________________________________________________________ Jim Clements | email: Total Health Marketing | ph. 801/583-5060 - To unsubscribe to thmi-fms, send an email to "" with "unsubscribe thmi-fms" in the body of the message. For information on digests or retrieving files and old messages send "help" to the same address. Do not use quotes in your message.