ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in 3 ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP to abyss.top.monad.net is /pub/zorn *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 *** 3) send mail to mpj1@kepler.unh.edu, on the subject line, put: send #, where # is the issue you want DIGEST #117, 12-27-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -From mozart@butterfly.net Mon Dec 18 12:39:23 1995 Subject: Zorn concerts Some exciting concerts that are coming up. A zorn thread got started on the John Cage list recently, and I thought this would be appropriate to forward to this list. Matthew Ross Davis, Webmaestro HuskyLabs mozart@butterfly.net http://www.butterfly.net/mozart/mdavis/ ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 8:32:36 -0500 (EST) -From: NEC_DRURY@FLO.ORG To: LSOLOMON@pimacc.pima.edu Cc: silence@bga.com Subject: RE: John Zorn Larry Solomon, timing of his post re Zorn couldn't be better. Zorn today begins a 3-day festival of "Radical Jewish Culture" at Merkin Hall in NYC, which will include his own performances and those by Richard Teitelbaum, Meredith Monk, Zeena Parkins and (ahem) myself. (For those who are wondering, no, I'm not, but the composers whose work I will play are: Ligeti, Feldman, and of course Zorn -- his "Carny" for piano solo and the "Camaron" movement for piano and flamenco-style handclappers from his piano concerto.) A couple other Zorn events some of you may be interested in: February 5&6 we will have Zorn at New England Conservatory in Boston and perform four concerts of his music, including game pieces ("Bezique" and "Xu Feng") and fully written-out pieces for classical instrumentation (the string quartet "Cat-o'-Nine-Tails", "For Your Eyes Only", "Carny"). And looking further into the future, the American Composers Orchestra will do Zorn's piano concerto "Aporias" in January of 1997. -----steve drury ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From DMB5561719@aol.com Mon Dec 18 12:48:01 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #116 In a message dated 95-12-18 12:18:48 EST, you write: >-From bpm@keene.edu Thu Dec 7 10:30:12 1995 >Subject: haino-san and the conservative element > >i dont remember who queried it but someone wrote sometihng in 115 about Wouldn't it be better to write it groups of 4 or 5 so it would be easier for musicans to read? ba-dum, crash. Have a twisted holiday folks! David Beardsley dmb5561719@aol.com ************************ IMMP music recordings: ************************ send email for a catalog of this ************************ strange beautiful music. ************************ and coming soon: BINK Music! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From dmason@denver.net Mon Dec 18 14:39:31 1995 Subject: Re: Massacre... #116 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------> -From bdsharpl@frank.mtsu.edu Fri Dec 8 19:51:32 1995 > Subject: Massacre... > > Does anybody know how to get ahold of Fred Frith's early eighties band > Massacre CDs? The muze computer at Tower says they are all out of > print. I've looked everywhere to no avail. > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------I found Massacre's "Killing Time" on CD a few years ago somewhere in Chapel Hill NC. It was put out through a Japanese company JIMCO Records under license from Celluloid Records. I'd give you addresses but I can't read Japanese. Maybe you can get in touch with Celluloid as they were the original label for these guys. Good Luck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From steev@shoko.calarts.edu Mon Dec 18 15:05:37 1995 Subject: Re: Massacre quoted text: -From bdsharpl@frank.mtsu.edu Fri Dec 8 19:51:32 1995 Subject: Massacre... Does anybody know how to get ahold of Fred Frith's early eighties band Massacre CDs? The muze computer at Tower says they are all out of print. I've looked everywhere to no avail. I heard one song off the album "Killing Time" about three years ago on a ---------------- I found a CD reissue of Massacre's "Killing Time" a couple years ago. I thought that was the only release they ever did. Its one of my favorite albums ever, so if anyoneknows for sure that there is another one, do tell! On the Frith disog at http://prog.ari.net/prog/Bands/Frith/frith.discog2.html "Killing Time" is the only one mentioned. However, the CD (on RecRec) reissue appears to be not the same one that I have, because mine does NOT have the CD bonus tracks described in the discography. ??? ________________________________________________________________ Steev Hise Composition/New Media Program, CalArts steev@music.calarts.edu http://music.calarts.edu/~steev/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Better not to think at all than to think half way." -Haruki Murakami ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From dsebba@indirect.com Mon Dec 18 21:58:59 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #116 > Could someone please send me the AVANT catalogue? > And while we're at it could someone explain what gives with the > unreleased stuff? Does it exist? Me too me too! especially the Buckethead info. > Just got Bucketheadland btw, and it kiks ass! You should check out 'Giant Robot'. More music than 'B-H land'. > mad shit. What was the deal with Plunderphonics? Copyright? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I've seen a lot of discussionabout this, but I don't really know what it is. Could someone take pity on me and explain it, please? Also, I've seen a double-cd set of 'Execution Ground'. Does anyone know what the difference is between this and the regular edition? [ David, the double-CD set *is* the regular edition. You may mean the triple-CD edition, which is a Japanese import. the 1st two discs are the same, but the 3rd is a live disc. Great stuff. -Matt ] David ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From jeffs@bgsuvax.bgsu.edu Tue Dec 19 04:38:22 1995 Subject: Masada 4 Given the sad news many folks have posted re: DIW no longer sending out this CD, I'll gladly send you tape copies of my Masada 4 CD if you send me either: 1. a decent blank tape and a couple bucks or 2. a quality tape of a Zorn live gig my work address is: Jeff Schwartz American Culture Studies Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403 I may not be able to get my mail at this address 'till the end of January, so be patient. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From RARDIN%ORION@BINAH.CC.BRANDEIS.EDU Tue Dec 19 09:22:15 1995 Subject: Re: Masada Live on Jazz Door Pretice Cotham asked: >Anyone know where I might mailorder the live Masada CD? Cadence: Cadence Cadence Building Redwood, NY 13679-9612 (315) 287-2852 -Lynn (rardin%orion@binah.cc.brandeis.edu) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From RARDIN%ORION@BINAH.CC.BRANDEIS.EDU Tue Dec 19 09:23:07 1995 Subject: Re: Masada 4 Regarding the availability of Masada 4 from DIW, Dwight Haden wrote: >They returned the Masada 1-3 CD wraps and the 4 IRC's I sent. >Bummer. > >Maybe TZADIK will release future Masada disks, and offer 4 as a >promo, or sell it. One can only hope. I had heard months ago that DIW might even release the first 4 Masada CDs as a small box set from a buddy at Tower, but that could've been a wild rumor. -Lynn (rardin%orion@binah.cc.brandeis.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From jeff@shop.internet.net Tue Dec 19 09:47:33 1995 Subject: Re: Massacre bdsharpl@frank.mtsu.edu said: >Does anybody know how to get ahold of Fred Frith's early eighties band >Massacre CDs? The muze computer at Tower says they are all out of >print. I've looked everywhere to no avail. It can potentially be found as a cut-out on Celluloid. It is out of print in the US. There is an import CD (1993 - Recommended (Switzerland), RecDec 906) that I have never seen that might be available somewhere. It is rumored to have better sound. >the time that blew me away. I was amazed to hear that Frith (and I >believe Bill Laswell as well) were in that band. Along with Fred Maher on drums. It was a one-shot studio improv, Frith also appeared on some Material tracks from around the same time. Jeff Spirer jeff@internet.net Axiom Web Site: http://www.hyperreal.com/axiom/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From simon.isys@isys.king.ac.uk Tue Dec 19 09:52:29 1995 Subject: Tdazik New Japan series I saw some new japanese artist releases on the Tzadik label: Anyone know anything about the new New Japan releases? eg. the Frith/Mori Death Ambient and the vocalist Koichi Makigami (?) releases? Also a Japanese composer in the New Composer series looked interesting. I don't remember his name but it features traditional instruments like shamisen with vocals. Is the music based on trad. forms, and if so is it based on gakaku (court music) or folk styles? or is it best described as 'avant-garde'? simon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From DMB5561719@aol.com Tue Dec 19 12:58:42 1995 Subject: The Night Chant - Mamoru Fujieda Tzadik tz 7003 Here's a review I did for Tuning Digest last spring. I'm reposting it here because it's on Zorn's Tzadik label. *********************************************************************** The Night Chant - Mamoru Fujieda Tzadik tz 7003 1995 >From the cover: "The Night Chant" combines computer-controlled synthesizer intonation with Buddhist chant, Japanese tradional instruments, Indonesian gamelan modes and Navajo text. With sonic sculptures by Mineko Grimmer." >From the liner notes about The Night Chant III: "Synthesized sounds are reproduced from transducers...which are placed on the strings of the piano and inside of some aluminum ducts. Piano strings and some aluminum scraps and wires placed inside of the ducts resonate with synthesizer sounds and produce various sorts of noises." The composer notes that just intonation, the gamelan selendro scale and scales based on overtones are used. This is a live recording of chant and interactive computer. At points the interactive transducer-computer-synthesizer system comes dangerously close to feedback, but is still musical. In The Night Chant I sounds like a triditional music for audible sculpture (or sonic sculptures), chant, Japanese tradional instruments and computer. I can't really tell what the computer is doing here. Judging from the tiny photo on the cover (liner notes), the sonic sculptures seem to be very long string instruments hanging from above. Tzadik is John Zorn's new American label, but this sounds nothing like the music he is normally associated with. Beautiful cover. ***************************************************************** There ya go. David Beardsley dmb5561719@aol.com ************************ IMMP music recordings: ************************ send email for a catalog of this ************************ strange beautiful music. ************************ and coming soon: BINK Music! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From dmg@panix.com Wed Dec 20 11:03:20 1995 Subject: Zorn info on rec.music.phish >Path: panix!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!winternet.com!news.minn.net!skypoint.com!umn.edu!newsstand.tc.umn.edu!not-for-mail >From: gill0042@gold.tc.umn.edu (Charles B Gillett) >Newsgroups: rec.music.phish >Subject: Re: Naked City >Date: 18 Dec 1995 19:42:23 -0600 >Organization: University of Minnesota >Lines: 50 >Message-ID: <4b559v$1n0@gold.tc.umn.edu> >References: <4apje0$9uh@news.cais.com> <4aq3en$7kj@homer.alpha.net> >NNTP-Posting-Host: gold.tc.umn.edu In article , Wilson wrote: > In article <4apje0$9uh@news.cais.com>, kcurtis@erols.com says... > > > >Are there any Phans out there who listens to John Zorn/Naked City? I > >just picked up a CD of theirs, and it's just SPASTIC! Can anyone > >recommend any other good John Zorn stuff? > > > >Thanks, > >Chris > > > > > [deletia, snippy snippy] > >John Zorn is one of the most accomplished musicians ever. He has hundreds >of albums of work. Anyone who has a remote interest in music should pick >up any of his recordings. > He produced the first Mr. Bungle album. > I recommend SPILLANE or any of the Naked City albums. Some of his stuff >is very hard to get, because it was released only in Japan, but recently >they have begun reissuing some things in the states. Naked City was sort of an amazing thing. All of the artists involved are very busy and have released many album that are also worth checking out. Fred Frith was a member of the obscure 70s band Henry Cow, Wayne Horvitz has a band called Pigpen, Joey Baron has his own group (Barondown) and plays with Zorn often (he's a member of Zorn's band Masada, which you should check out if you're into Ornette Coleman-style jazz), and Bill Frisell is a musician and composer of a high caliber, like Zorn. Zorn's new label is called Tzadik, and has so far re-released several of his harder-to-get longer pieces and older works, as well as releasing new music by lesser-known composers. To tie all this into Phish at least a little, the rerelease of Zorn's 1978 composition "Book of Heads" isn't really a rerelease--it's a rerecording, with the music played on solo guitar by Marc Ribot. Ribot is apparently one of Trey's favorite guitarists, and he plays on Trey's upcoming album. >Painkiller is >another of his groups, a three piece with him playing sax, Bill Laswell on >bass, and Mick Harris on drums. Their new album is a two disk set, and it >is unbelievable. It's nothing like Phish, of course. It's heavy-metal-ambient-free improv. Very weird and dark. -- Charles ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From canterbu@Magnet.FSU.EDU Wed Dec 20 15:34:37 1995 Subject: "conservative" Zorn etc. > -From philman@freenet.scri.fsu.edu Wed Dec 6 16:57:19 1995 > Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #115 (LONG) > > Just to clear the air a little, (and clarify myself), hey zoopsi, no one > is saying zorn is boring! I guess I should further point out that my use > of the word conservative is a) really directed at his style of > improvising in a free context, and b) is meant in the literal sense of > adhering to the existing order of things. Even outside a free context, I would have to agree that as a general trend, Zorn's music is getting gradually less manic. Even the Painkiller stuff someone referred to a while ago is pretty tame when compared to, say, Torture Garden. The thing is, when Torture Garden and Naked City (the album) came out, people freaked because it was *so* new and so "out there". Same thing with Cobra and (although I'm less familiar with this one) Yankees (even though Yankees is part of a musical tradition that's been around since the late 50s). Now that we've heard these things, the newer stuff isn't as surprising, mostly because it falls into the same categories set by the above work: Painkiller = Naked City (ie, rock-oriented), Art of Memory = Yankees, any other game piece = Cobra. The newest thing is Masada, and musically (we all seem to agree) it is definitely more conservative. The newer things aren't as way out as the former stuff; in fact, they're more conservative. In other words, Zorn's been "blowing his nose through the Selmer" for years -- he's not broadening his horizons by doing that. Of course, as you spend more and more time doing far-out work, it gets harder and harder to really catch people's attention in that way. People were shocked in the 60s when pianos were set on fire at concerts; now that's over, and not new. Zorn has created a genre, almost, and now he's working within it (Painkiller, Nani Nani), while at the same time exploring more traditional musical means (Masada). > I'm not even bitching about this, just observing and wondering > what's happening here in the evolution of a great creative artist. AMEN! I can't wait to see what comes next. You know, we still have another 4 or so Masada albums to go. Jesse PS -- To all of you who have requested Cobra scores, have patience. I've received your requests and will be emailing all of you soon, I hope. Excuses: I'm applying to graduate school (big pain) and Christmas is coming up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From Damien_Cassidy@nfsa.gov.au Wed Dec 20 18:08:00 1995 Subject: BOOTSY! Hi, I know I'll probably regret this but, does anyone have any info on Bootsy Collins (Praxis, Material, Parliament... and many Bill Laswell projects). So as to not clutter the list my address is Damien_Cassidy@nfsa.gov.au I really want any info around including other lists or homepages... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From ps@cinternet.net Thu Dec 21 09:48:18 1995 Subject: Re: Oswald >Off to another subject, someone mentioned J. Osborne. On radio other >night i heard a track by him called "Power" Very fucken good cut up >mad shit. What was the deal with Plunderphonics? Copyright? It's John Oswald. I don't know of a cut called Power off any album, but you can get his album "Plexure" from Avant Records and you can get an album called "Discosphere" from ReR records (available through Wayside Records, P.O.Box 8427, Silver Spring, MD, 20907-8427, USA; write for a catalog). Plunderphonics was destroyed because of copyright infringement, even though Oswald never SOLD A SINGLE COPY. His intention was to give them away to friends, magazines and radio stations, thus avoiding copyright problems. Good luck finding a copy. If anyone does, I'd one too! --- Sanity is a one-trick pony. All you get is rational thought! But when you're good 'n crazy, well, then the sky's the limit! Your lucky number is 76854893903298. Look for it everywhere! Peter Risser - ps@cinternet.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From ps@cinternet.net Thu Dec 21 09:49:32 1995 Subject: Dr. Nerve I don't know if this is Downtown or not, but has anyone heard the new album SKIN by Dr. Nerve? It's pretty amazing and I think it is one of the best albums of '95. Anyone else know how the older stuff from Dr. Nerve compares? Also, has anyone head of Unsettled Scores from Cuneiform and know what's on it? --- Sanity is a one-trick pony. All you get is rational thought! But when you're good 'n crazy, well, then the sky's the limit! Your lucky number is 76854893903298. Look for it everywhere! Peter Risser - ps@cinternet.net ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zampino@panix.com Thu Dec 21 09:57:40 1995 Subject: Re: Massacre... >-From bdsharpl@frank.mtsu.edu Fri Dec 8 19:51:32 1995 >Subject: Massacre... > >Does anybody know how to get ahold of Fred Frith's early eighties band >Massacre CDs? The muze computer at Tower says they are all out of >print. I've looked everywhere to no avail. > > I heard one song off the album "Killing Time" about three years ago on a >college station before I ever knew who Fred Frith or John Zorn were at >the time that blew me away. I was amazed to hear that Frith (and I >believe Bill Laswell as well) were in that band. I believe Frith's >"Speechless" has a few Massacre songs on it, but if anyone could connect >me to a place to get the apparently out-of-print albums, it would be >greatly appreciated! _Speechless_ does contain a few Massacre songs on it, as does _Step Across the Border_ (well, some Massacre moments, anyway). Massacre was Frith, Laswell and Fred Maher. The original vinyl release was on Celluloid, and I've seen the cd reissue some time ago, though I didn't replace my vinyl with it then (I probably would now if I saw another copy). I don't know what label it came out on (ESD maybe?) but if you don't have the entire release it's definitely worth checking out- this was my first Frith experience and it's a creepy start for a guy with so much humour. What an awesome record! philz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From IOUaLive1@aol.com Sun Dec 24 02:13:34 1995 Subject: Ribot, Tacuma, Cain Marc Ribot put on a sick show at the knitting factory last night. Jamaaladeen Tacuma truly is the boss of the bass. Everybody should see him live at least once! Only two days til Masada. Cheers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Sun Dec 24 09:13:40 1995 Subject: Tokyo operations 94 I just heard about a Zorn cd called Tokyo Operations 94. Does anybody know what it is? Who plays on the japanese Cobra cd? Jonas -----------------------------------------------------------------------------