ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) DIGEST #33, 3-6-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From rizzi@tfs.com Wed Mar 1 13:16:16 1995 Subject: Re: Masada John Bush (aka jbush51@Calvin.EDU) quotes CMJ: > >The music's connections to Klezmer are , at best, subatomic--most ears will >miss if this music is based on Klezmer themes or not--but it's a bold The West Coast version of Masada that played 6 shows here in the Bay Area last year had Ben Goldberg on clarinet instead of Douglas on Trumpet. And I must say the clarinet gave it more of a Klezmer feel. Their first gig together at the Great American Music Hall was one of the finest shows I have ever seen. Rip roaring, in your face, and wonderfully emotional. If a live recording exists, it deserves to see the light of day. cheers, mike rizzi >artistic stroke that connects Zorn's culture to that of his forefathers. >As the lyrical passion ofhte music speaks volumes, where lines of >tradition and experimentation are drawn eventually becomes irrelevant. ----------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com ----------------------------- "Another nerd with a soulpatch" --------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From MCA95ISA24@mecn.mass.edu Wed Mar 1 19:46:37 1995 Subject: General Nonsence This is my first submission to this list... I have various questions and needs for knowledge... Has anyone heard Bootsy Collins' Zillatron album? This is a nice piece. I've heard other stuff off the Black Arc label and they all pale in comparison. Is there any other stuff like this? I really am intrested in this type of music. Pain Killer, Torture Garden, Naked City, etc... What are some other bands with this type of style. I have a hard time with really dissonant stuff, ie: some Naked City movie scores and stuff like that. I need structure; it keeps me whole. :) Mr. Bungle is WHO? Aside from Mike Patton, and Trey (Scummy/Bucket Head), who plays bass , drums and keys? I heard that Roddy Bottom from FNM plays key.s Does John Zorn play sax on anything aside from the album? Finally... Does anyone have boots of any of these bands? I saw Naked City at the Knitting Factory a LONG time ago... I really don't have much aside from a Bungle show and quite a bit of Phish to trade. Sharin in the groove... Dave mca95isa24@piano.mecn.mass.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From xander@netcom.com Wed Mar 1 22:33:31 1995 Subject: Re: "Radical Jewish Culture" Nights I first heard Zorn on Knitting Factory's "Klezmer 1993" compilation (Masada's "Ziphim", the best track on the record in my opinion). If anyone is interested there is another disc on KFW by Frank London (the soundtrack to the film "the Shvitz") which I think is excellent. Personell include the Klezmatics (London's Band, I think), Marc Ribot & Elliot Sharp. Music ranges from near-old world klezmer to thrash to a, oh my, Yiddish rap piece. Now my question is: Can anyone confirm the existence of a 3rd klezmer disc on KFW, which bears the title "Avant Garde Jewish Sessions" or something to that effect? I've been looking for it for a couple of months now, and while I've found it in the occasional data base or catalogue, no one seems to be able to order it and it is rumored that it may never have been released. If you've seen it, do you know where I can get it? Thanks, Xander ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From xander@netcom.com Wed Mar 1 23:08:24 1995 Subject: Re: Nato This is all I've got on Nato: The label had a subdivision (circa '88) called something like something like: "chabada". Chabada released a series of 10" slabs of vinyl, mostly with cartoonesque artwork. I have seen at least some of these as cd reissues in the recent past. I had two of the 10"s but didn't keep them. If I were buying them now I might feel differently. One that I had was by Steve Beresford and was all tunes either inspired by or at some time or other associated with Doris Day. I can't recall who the other one was by, by it was full of perverse Hawaiian guitar bits, one of which I taped and still delights me (I stuck it on a tape of Jacques Tati soundtracks which should serve as a warning). Chabada had quite a few titles by the Melody Four (Beresford, Lol Coxhill and two others) doing things like music from Marx Brothers flicks. On Nato proper I've got three lps (all vinyl): 1. Avril Brise (soundtrack) by Steve Beresford (w/Alan Hacker & Max Eastley). I recommend this one. The film was Albanian and the soundtrack has a very nice flavor (I'm not sure that it's musically accurate) to it. 2. "Anne Marie Beretta-Dancing the Line" also by Beresford which I like but would'n't go out of my way to recommend. 3. Pop Out Eyes by British Summer Time Ends. This one has yet to get a 2nd play on my turntable.... I know that there is also an LP (vinyl at least) by Jac Berrocal and a compilation of recordings inspired by Hitchcock films. I hope this helps. By the way, I'm not quite sure that it's appropriate to post the Sub Rosa discography. It's about eight items long (not including the question marks). If you think it's ok, let me know via the list, if not, anyone interested can email me directly and I will send it out. Xander ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From schneide@pike.phil.uni-passau.de Thu Mar 2 02:56:45 1995 Subject: New Mr. Bungle release? Maybe this is a bit off the topic, but since JZ produced and even played on the last Mr. Bungle cd, does anyone know when the new Mr. Bungle cd is due to be released? I understand that it should have been recorded in January or so. Any info? Thanks, Karl-Michael. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From jeff@internet.net Fri Mar 3 00:39:36 1995 Subject: Re: Buckethead's Giant Robot >You can get it from Take Notes C.D.'s. I'm not sure about the >price, but you can get info. and order from tknotes@computek.net I have received no response in two days from these guys and given how hard this is to get, I am wondering if anyone has any experience with delivery from these guys. >From SIPE@SCSLAB.UNT.EDU Mon Feb 27 22:37:45 1995 Subject: Buckethead's Giant Robot >Does anyone have an idea as to how I could obtain a copy of "Giant >Robot", >I absolutely have to have this album. > >Thanks, Andrew > >-- >------------------------- >Andrew Isherwood >bg089@freenet.carleton.ca You can get it from Take Notes C.D.'s. I'm not sure about the price, but you can get info. and order from tknotes@computek.net Chris Sipe sipe@scslab.unt.edu Jeff Spirer jeff@internet.net Axiom Web Site: http://www.hyperreal.com/axiom/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From apollyon@mail.utexas.edu Fri Mar 3 12:31:31 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #32 Though I feel that I do not know enough about John Zorn to contribute anything aside from the obvious, I would like to say that the information provided is interesting and that I dutifully read all the Digest Articles. Keep up the good work m.osorno apollyon@mail.utexas.edu http://bongo.cc.utexas.edu/~apollyon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From jas2 Fri Mar 3 15:16:10 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #31 I can clear up all Buckethead rumors because I have met him in person. I went to see a psuedo Praxis show at Williams College over the x-mas break. It was Bernie Worrell and Friends, but really it was Buckethead, Bernie, Cherokee (from P-Funk) and Jerome Brailey (also from P-Funk) the entire concert was basically these guys playing the entire transmutation album, Praxis' first. Buckethead was out of control. He played an amazing show! But anyways, my friend organized and promoted the show, so afterwards, we hung out with the band. I met Buckethead, without all the costume, the mask, the bucket, etc. He is a normal guy, who actually acts more like a little kid than some serious stuck-up adult. He says he plays Mortal Combat (he said he's been asked to do some soundtrack work for the Mortal Combat movie coming soon) and hangs out with kids. He also goes to disneyland a lot and is currently transcribing the Pirates of the caribbean theme into a guitar solo. He is awesome, a good guy to hang out with and so on. Whether he eats meat and was raised in a chicken coop I do not know, but he does have an extended collection of rubber chickens and other toys. -Jim ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From LeeGar@aol.com Sat Mar 4 21:12:59 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #32 Re: Sometime ago I've heard about something like "Intergallactic Ballet", as beeing one of Zorn's past projects. Who does have info about it? Here's the info off of the liner notes w/ the cd. CD was purchased from Cadence. The Intergalactic Maiden Ballet: Square Dance