ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) DIGEST #36, 3-13-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In this issue: 1) Re: ZORN DIGEST #35 2) Re: Zorn and Frith 3) Re: Laswell & FILM WORKS 4) Re: Guts of a Virgin 5) Re: ZORN DIGEST #35 6) TZADIK INFO 7) knit(ting factory) 8) Tzadik ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From djs2852@is.NYU.EDU Thu Mar 9 11:00:55 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #35 > I was in an Indie store (called Vintage Vynl, I think) in Evanston, and the > guy showed me this Zorn/Fred Frith (playing guitar) collab. He told me it > was brand new, and the cd cover's paper had the same colouring and texture > of the Masada CD, so I'm wondering what anyone has heard of this album (I It's called _The Art of Memory_ & it's on Derek Bailey's infalible Incus label out of the UK. > Someone on the Tom Waits Raindogs mailing list just said they heard > something about a Tom Waits and John Zorn collaboration I wouldn't be surprised, since Masada-mate Marc Ribot was so important to Waits' sound. Has anyone seen Xu Feng yet? Zorn and Yamatsuke Eye play the Knitting Factory on 3/16. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From drew@primenet.com Thu Mar 9 11:33:59 1995 Subject: Re: Zorn and Frith In my opinion, this CD is horrible. It's _total_ improvisation. Well, I take my first comment back. It's not horrible, but it's definitely not worth the $25 my local record store was asking for it. When I first saw it, I asked them to play it for me, and most of the tracks were filled with a lot a dead air sparsely seperated by minimal sqwaks by Zorn and Frith. I waited until someone else traded it back in, and I picked it up used for $10. It's worth buying for $10 for the simple fact that it _is_ Zorn. Drew ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From jeff@internet.net Thu Mar 9 12:21:38 1995 Subject: Re: Laswell & FILM WORKS zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk >and the John Zorn discography, but I need a Bill Laswell discography. Could >anyone tell me where I can get such a one? I am working on an "official" one with someone at Axiom. I will have a short form at my web site (URL below) in the next few weeks. There is one available at the following location that I have been unable to access: file://ftp.mcc.ac.uk./pub/on-u/Discogs/Others Jeff Spirer jeff@internet.net Axiom Web Site: http://www.hyperreal.com/axiom/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From jeff@internet.net Thu Mar 9 12:21:40 1995 Subject: Re: Guts of a Virgin >The copy I have of Painkiller's _Guts Of A Virgin_ has a message on the front >cover, something to the effect that the original cover was banned in the UK >or something. I have to wonder, what was the original cover? I will put a copy of this at my web site next week so people can look at. Check around mid-week. Jeff Spirer jeff@internet.net Axiom Web Site: http://www.hyperreal.com/axiom/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From j-germuska@nwu.edu Thu Mar 9 17:23:25 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #35 At 9:31 AM 1995/03/09, mpj1@kepler.unh.edu wrote: > Quick question...does anyone know what happened to the John > Zorn homepage??? I cannot seem to find it anymore. :( > > Thanks. -Matt Do you mean http://www.nwu.edu/WNUR/jazz/artists/zorn.john/ ? It's kind of perfunctory, but I will be glad to add any appropriate documents to the page -- I'd also love to point to the FTP archives, but I don't know where they are! Joe PS Many other downtown NYC musicians are well-discographied by Patrice Roussell -- check the index at http://www.nwu.edu/WNUR/jazz/artists/ to see who else is covered in the web, and feel free to send me info about other folks if you have it (but please don't ask me questions about people who _aren't_ listed...) -- joe germuska * j-germuska@nwu.edu * www * res hall net * instruct tech academic computing & network services * northwestern univ "Freedom lies in your willingness to be free." -- Winston Damon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From gersh54@matrix.newpaltz.edu Thu Mar 9 17:40:52 1995 Subject: TZADIK INFO> Hey Zorn Freaks..... I have a release from Tzadik out of a catalog stateing whats going on with the label.... First off, its an American label....so now maybe prices for his and other musicians CD's won't be so high. Its going to reissue 8.....yes 8!!!!! out of print Zorn albums on CD........Vols.2 & 3 of Filmworks...and an album of never-released early recordings from 1974....so there is alot to look forward to from the man himself. There are 3 parts to this label.....the Composer Series, The Radical Jewish Culture Series, and the New Japan series. The Composer Series will feature some of the most exciting avant-garde composers handpicked by Zorn...there will be the first domestic release by Shelly Hirsch and David Shea......as well as other experimental composers like Alvin Curran, Richard Teitelbaum, Mark Feldman, and Arnold Dreyblatt. The RJCS will feature musicians whose influences are rooted deep in traditional musics of Jewish heritage.......people like Coleman, David Krakauer and David Licht. New Japan Series will focus on the Tokyo and Osaka underground rock scenes...people like Eye, Haino Keiji, Ikue Mori, the Ruins. It should be an exciting label...very diverse. Some upcoming releases include: Alvin Curran--Animal Behavior TZA CD 7001 Mark Feldman--Music For Violin Alone TZA CD 7006 Chris Brown--Lava TZA CD 7002 Mamoru Fujieda--The Night Chant TZA CD 7003 David Shea--Hsi-Yu Chi TZA CD 7005 Gisburg featuring Quentin Chiappetta TZA CD 7007 these are all part of the composer series....enjoy!! Geoff Gersh --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From stat!hndymn!ozric@news.primenet.com Sat Mar 11 02:31:50 1995 Subject: knit does someone know who i can get a knitting factory catalog rather than a bogus coming-soon -thing and rather than a list of music with no ordering procedures ?? ---- ozric@hndymn.stat.com (kraftwerk) 'the computer handyman' - 602/548-9706 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From pnr@owl.INS.CWRU.Edu Sat Mar 11 08:28:57 1995 Subject: Tzadik I assume Tzadik is a record company. I am new here, and might have missed this information, but does anyone have the address for these folks? -- I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep ! like my grandfather, ! Peter Risser not screaming in terror ! pnr@po.cwru.edu like his passengers. ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------