ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in one of two ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 DIGEST #52, 5-5-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From rizzi@tfs.com Thu May 4 13:55:33 1995 Subject: Ruins Glenn aka gastarit@comm.net sez: > >could someone advise me of the new "Ruins" disk ? Is this a new Painkiller >effort ? I thought "execution ground" was new ? Sorry, Ruins is the bass/drums duo of Yoshida and Masuda. They have about 8 albums out and are pretty wild live. I understand Yoshida is coming to the Bay Area in late May for some shows. Ought to be great. mike rizzi rizzi@tfs.com --------------------------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com -=work=- "Another nerd with a soulpatch" -=home=- http://www.meer.net/~browbeat/ --------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 ---------- From rizzi@tfs.com Thu May 4 14:11:38 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #51 steev aka VirComm@aol.com sez: >Wow, I also just heard that Zorn was going to be in Chapel Hill, NC on 5/7, >so he must be really busy... does anyone have a list of tour dates, if he is >actually on tour and not just doing a couple isolated gigs? It's a tour with about 10 dates...I was going to type them all in but I couldn't find the area within the Axiom homepage where I last saw the tour schedule. mike rizzi p.s. Whoever has seen one of the Painkiller shows from this tour, fill us in. I'm going on friday 5/5... rizzi@tfs.com --------------------------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com -=work=- "Another nerd with a soulpatch" -=home=- http://www.meer.net/~browbeat/ --------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 ---------- From mwittman@delphi.umd.edu Thu May 4 14:19:53 1995 Subject: Masada plays at a free form jazz festival... I read in a recent Billboard magazine (trade magazine for radio, you know, the Casey Kasem Top 40 thing....), and in one jazz section, it mentioned that in Toronto (I think) "John Zorn's Masada" would be playing. When? Obviously after all the Painkiller dates. I can't recall if it was in May or June, but the festival of which he is a part runs from the 18th to the 24th. For those Canadians or fanatics out there who want details, look in the magazine on the page with the classical charts (three separate top 10 lists), where there are two columns on classical and one column on jazz gossip and info. I hope someone else out there is lucky enough to make it to this jazz concert, since I can't..... Plus, I have no idea who else is playing. I couldn't keep the copy of the magazine that I was reading, so I apologize for the fact that this is a spotty bit of information. Good luck to those who get somehwere with it. Michael Wittmann mwittman@delphi.umd.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From awc837@lulu.acns.nwu.edu Thu May 4 14:50:47 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #51 >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>From pmcarey@students.wisc.edu Thu May 4 01:42:32 1995 >Subject: Painkiller Shows > >To anyone who can answer: Is Painkiller on tour or are they playing just a >few selective dates? (i.e. San Fran - 5th, Boston - 10th) If they are >touring does anyone have a list of dates or know if there is a Chicago date >(& location)? >I e-mailed Subharmonic & I am waiting to hear back from them, but I just >wondered if anyone out there could get the info to me faster. I definitely >don't want to miss the best show of the decade . . . . > >Thanks, > >Patrick > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey Patrick, I dont know about any zorn chicago dates but if you want the best show of the decade in chicago come to the lounge ax on june 9th for BORBETOMAGUS. eat hearty beforehand. "even the brains of animals reappear after their removal"- Lautreamont andrew c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From rizzi@tfs.com Thu May 4 17:37:49 1995 Subject: new Zorn list name > > ERRATA: The voting for the listname ends *next* Monday, May 8th. > As someone who just got back from vacation, I am glad to see the name change being delayed. However, I am disheartened that there hasn't been any discussion about advantages and disadvantages of the names. Personally, the two top vote getting names Avant Jazz NYC_Improv don't really accurately describe the expanded content of this mailing list. Most of the music we discuss is composed, although Zorn does a lot of improvisation as well, hence NYC_Improv is inaccurate. This isn't a list that discusses just Avant Jazz (there already exists a mailing list with that charter), hence Avant Jazz would imply a limit that we don't currently have. Maybe Avant Music would be a nice compromise? I think it is a shame that we jumped right into voting before having some sort of discussion to hammer out a few good options rather than the 20-odd ones we have now. I propose that we step back, reconsider, pick a few intelligent possibilities and THEN vote. cheers, mike rizzi p.s. Having a web only vote is exclusionary since not everyone has WWW access. rizzi@tfs.com --------------------------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com -=work=- "Another nerd with a soulpatch" -=home=- http://www.meer.net/~browbeat/ --------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 ---------- From jcant@nucmar.physics.fsu.edu Thu May 4 20:37:50 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #51 > >From mwittman@delphi.umd.edu Tue May 2 21:38:11 1995 > Subject: Got my hands on.... > > I was putzing around in my radio station when I found this old CD titled > "John Zorn Radio Hour." ... > Has anyone else heard of this thing before, and am I supposed > to treasure this more than I am already doing? It's cool to hear the > man's voice, y'know? yes, there's a copy at or around the radio station here in tallahassee (WVFS "V-89"). i've listened to it over & over, and love the shit out of it. good statements about his music, and you're right, it's cool to hear him talk, although his voice sort of fades out a few times because of the way he talks. it's also very interesting to hear about where his influences come from -- somebody that creative and that eclectic in his music has got to have some wacky influences, and sure enough . . . actually, that cd got me into roland kirk. that song of kirk's on the radio hour disc is from an album that's long out of print, and now the only place you can get it is on the atlantic roland kirk compilation, which costs like $60. so that cd is a "gem" -- make yourself a tape, man, or else break the law. Jesse Canterbury jcant@nucmar.physics.fsu.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From demery@prl.philips.nl Fri May 5 08:11:15 1995 Received: from unh.edu (unh.edu []) by hopper.unh.edu (8.6.12/8.6.10) with SMTP id IAA19989 for ; Fri, 5 May 1995 08:11:09 -0400 From: demery@prl.philips.nl Received: by unh.edu id AA10741 (5.67b+/IDA-1.5 for mpj1@kepler.unh.edu); Fri, 5 May 1995 08:11:14 -0400 Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 08:11:14 -0400 Message-Id: <199505051211.AA10741@unh.edu> To: zorn@unh.edu Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #50 Errors-To: owner-zorn@unh.edu Reply-To: zorn@unh.edu entwistle-s@nova.novanet.org Tue May 2 10:22:15 1995 wrote: > Subject: let's make a deal > > I have somewhat of a love-hate relationship with Zorn's music. In my > tiny Zorn collection, I have things like "Spillane", which I really like > and have listened to death, and things like "Torture Garden", which I > don't like at all. [ Further discusison about likes/dislikes and trading edited out ] > I wouldn't mind losing: > > Torture Garden > Naked City > Yankees > Masada/Alef > > From things I've read on the Net, it sounds like some of the following > might be more to my musical liking: > > Goddard > Elegy > Radio If you don't like Naked City, then you should forget Radio, as they are `soul-mates' in my book. If you like Gundown, you should consider Film Works 1986 - 1990, as that contains some more `regular' material. Another album you might find interesting is Kristallnacht, and, if you like very minimal music, Absinthe (by Naked City) -- this is quite unlike the Naked City albums you mention. Ones to avoid would be the other Masadas, and Naked City's Heretic and Grand Guignol. I guess Painkiller will not be to your liking either! Can't help with trades I'm afraid, but I wish you success -- if you don't have any luck here, offer them up in rec.music.bluenote. Dem (demery@prl.philips.nl) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------