ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in one of two ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 DIGEST #54, 5-9-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Mon May 8 09:45:57 1995 Subject: reviews and stuff................ I dont get it. First I read somewhere that Naked City broke up because Zorn stopped writing music for them. Then I read in the article on The Boredoms in Mondo 2000 that "Yamaoto also plays regulary with John Zorns Naked city"= . Hey didnt they break up??? Then I read about Radio, Part 2 by Naked City. I= t says that its a record with Naked City doing cover versions of some old stu= ff. At the end it says "never released. in fact never recorded". Are they going= =20 to record it or what???? Do Naked City still exist??? I just got "Sacrifist" by Praxis and I love it. Are the other Praxis albums anything like it?? I read that "Transmutation (Mutatis Mutandis) sounds like "every record you= ve=20 ever heard played at top pitch on headphones" I read some pretty funny/great reviews of records that you might find=20 interesting, so I typed them in (=3Dits a rainy day, Im ill and Im bored) f= or=20 YOUR reading pleasure: Naked City "Heretic" If the "song" titles are genuie indication of the scenes to be found in the= =20 film to which this apparently is a soundtrack, I need to see it. Now. (Who= =20 cares about yawnsville territory like "Mantra Of A Resurrected Shit" and=20 "Coprophagist Rituals"? Im talking about "Here Comes The 7000 Frogs"...) Hmmmm... Anyway, the explanatory notes about the Avant label are in Japanes= e,=20 but I do detect the letters DNA in there, so if Zorns about to fund a CD=20 compilation of their stuff I can forgive him just about anything...Even a 2= CD set from Buckethead including a disc of "Disco" remixes (a snip at =A325)..= . Maybe... Naked City "Grand Guinol" Second release on Zorns new Jap (sponsored?) label features a wierd mixture= =20 of material, from the fairly evocative if slighly disjointed seventeen mins= .=20 plus title track (at its best in the quiet passages) to a strange selection= =20 of very pleasent classical "covers" to a slightly edited versio of the=20 "Torture Garden" LP (no explanation offered re: missing tracks). Beatiful package (as would be expected) with all the by now de rigeur medical atroci= ty photos & slightly pervy art but, concepyually speaking, its ultimately all = a bit to abstract for my feeble mind to really get grips with...Im also EXTREMELY fucking dubious about including Carcass in a list next to Poe, Da= li, Bacon, Hitchcock, Shakespeare et al - perhaps Im jut a bigot, but simply owning a Medical Thesaurus doth not for Great Art make, pals...Or maybe its Zorn having a little joke at my expense. Oops! Fooled again! Painkiller "Buried Secrets" Much improved successor to impresseve debut from Zorns huh?-rock noise comb= o ...This time around the sound is augumented (on the two best tracks) by Jus= tin Broadicks gtr, sheets of sonic density that add a "groovy" new dimension. "Buried Secrets" is also a tad less frentic that "Guts Of A Virgin", which = (at least for me) is a relief as the twenty-second scream/thrash stuff tends to grate after a (short) while. But isnt Zorn a "puzzling" human being - its= =20 almost possible to "figure" his loathing for the "jazz" "establishment" but= by inventing/producing death/thrash/jazz/metal (or whatever the fuck its suppo= sed to be) hes in fact simply inventing a new lexicon of "modern" music that he will end up pigeonholed in as with Noo Yawk/No Wave/Whatever the fuck it wa= s he tried to escape from the last time. Lifes just a fuggin laff, innit...? What do you think about "hes in fact simply inventing a new lexicon of "modern" music that he will end up pigeonholed in"??? > Sorry, Ruins is the Bass/drums duo of Yoshida and Masuda. > They have about 8 albums out and are pretty wild live. A punk/hardcore duo with nly bass and drums gotta be cool. Anyway, Im think= ing about picking up one of their albums, where should I start?? > if you want the best show of the decade in chicago come to the lounge ax = on > june 9th for BORBETOMAGUS. eat hearty beforehand. Who are those Borbetomagus?? Are they from downtown New York so we can talk about them on this list? I read about their LP "Snuff Jazz" that its "probaly the most violent sound put onto vinyl" Sounds pretty cool to me... If I wanted to book Zorn for a gig what should I do? I heard he does all hi= s booking himself, how do I contact him then?? thanks, Jonas V. zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From jeff@internet.net Mon May 8 13:48:30 1995 Subject: Subharmonic Covers >Also, I saw @ a local music shop the cd of Material-Metatron but done by nyc >materials artist(?) Rockit. It was pretty cool covered in thick pin cushion >like thick black rubber (the whole case is about 1 inch thick) adhered to one >of Subharmonic's silly black cd cases and smelly like a auto tire repair shop >(silly, as in if you own more than a couple of them there is no writing on >the spines and ya havta guess where ya put the one you're looking for.. and I >have a few.. cds). The only prob was the thing was $28.52! Anybody know if >there are extra tracks or whatevrr on this thing or just a collector's item? > I allready picked up the 'Rockit' Execution Ground metal cased cd for the >samed price, and yes... it's not diff than the regular release. None of the special cover discs have different or additional music. There is a version of the Painkiller _Execution Ground_ CD supposedly released in Japan with a third disc. Jeff Spirer jeff@internet.net Axiom Web Site: http://www.hyperreal.com/axiom/ ``We all enter this world in the same way: naked; screaming; soaked in blood. But if you live your life right, that kind of thing doesn't have to stop there."-- Dana Gould ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From awc837@lulu.acns.nwu.edu Mon May 8 14:07:49 1995 Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #53 --------------------------------------------- >>From sibbage@mercury.sfsu.edu Fri May 5 17:55:05 1995 >Subject: Bailey's book > >Anyone (or everyone) read Derek Bailey's book on improvisation? I just >finished it last night and I thought it was just fantastic. Very >inspiring/educational/thought provoking. > > I read Derek's book on improvisation and it should be required for anyone who wants to know anything about the type of music Zorn makes and where it is coming from. I cosider most of the people that Derek interviews and talks about in his book to be the most important musicians of the 20th century. people like Evan Parker, Tony Oxley, Peter Brotzmann, Han Bennink, Alex Schlippenbach have been improvising for an amazing amount of time and deserve complete respect from anyone who enjoys improvisation in the downtown Zorn context. The book is the only one of its kind and discusses many implications of improvised music and the philosophical questions that it inherently provokes. "even the brains of animals reappear after their removal" -Lautreamont andrew c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From voprey@mercury.interpath.net Tue May 9 00:28:41 1995 Subject: Painkiller cures feculent rectal itch As i see everyone else has already reviewed the show, some quick notes about Painkiller's little richter scale breaker here in Chapel Hill: 1)It WAS a tremendous experience- most of it improv, a few themes from earlier albums, some "ambient" flavor- but only if you consider the fucking scariest "landscapes" evok by man and musical instruments, with a llittle help from some effects "ambient". More like "freakoutfuckwithyourhead-ient" 2)Laswell's bass can get so low in frequency that I'm suprised most of the Chapel Hill water mains deep under the city aren't shattered. All in all one of the most engrossing, original and frightening acts I've ever seen. 3)after the show Laswell seemed a bit tired and wary, but was a good sport about taking questions. Zorn was of course, his always jocular self. He seemed totally suprised to hear that there was a mailing list on the internet devoted to him and his. He seemed amazed and flattered, saying "wow, I'm not much of a computer guy". By the way- Zorn was wearing the exact same thing he wore for Masada- torn camo pants and a yellow t-shirt with a star of David and some hebrew writing underneath (Zorn told me it meant "abracadabra"- didn't know he was such a Steve Miller fan), and it looked like he hadn't changed since Masada. But if that's even partially responsible for how he can crush skulls with an instrument that otherwise gets castrated at the hands of, say, David Sanborn; then I'll nevber change out of what I'm wearing now (latex and leather and polks dot panties). 4)One last thing- for alll you Bungle fans- someone in the crowd was talking about Zorn production work and brought up Mr. Bungle (I was the guy in the front row with the Itchy and Scratch t-shirt), and some feculent troglodite said "oh, isn't that that Faith No More spinoff band?"- I was about to righteously euthanize him, but someone else chimed in "...oh man, I don't get in to Bungle- they're too much... they scare me." Mais Oui. ------------------Ben Tropy, Verbs of Prey------------------------- P.S oh yeah- during my conversation with Zorn, after some prodding he agreed to come back to NC next time he went on tour. He promised. So I kept up my part of the deal and removed the prod. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From naotsugu@ccc.canon.co.jp Tue May 9 05:40:27 1995 Subject: RUINS > could someone advise me of the new "Ruins" disk ? I've got the tape copy of Ruins' new item almost one year ago from T.Yoshida, the drummer of Ruins. I do not know why it doesn't come out yet... Anyway, their new disc is in the same style of their former works. I think their latest one will the best one among the all of their CDs. I've been with Ruins recently. I'll tell you their latest activities... 4/30 (Sun) at Show Boat, Koenji, Tokyo Ruins was due to play with J.Zorn, but John could not be there... Instead of John, Dave Douglas (from Masada) and Keiji Haino appeared. That was good show... 5/3 (Wed) at 20000V, Koenji, Tokyo Ruins' 10th anniversary. The 5 bands appeared, all of them were just drums and bass duo. Fasyzin, Yoshida-ke No Haka, Mania Organ, Bazooka Joe, and of course Ruins. Yoshida-ke No Haka is formed by the bassist & drummer of Surfers Of Romantica. The excellent night. 5/5 (Fri) at Morioka Gekijou, Morioka 5/6 (Sat) at Studio ???, Sendai Ruins went the short tour to upper part of Japan. At first, Koenji Hyakkei was due to go with, but cancelled. Instead of Koenji Hyakkei, T.Yoshida did the solo performance on both days. Ruins was good, but, IMO, T.Yoshida's solo was even better than... T.Yoshida left to Europe for his solo concerts today. If you have the opportunity to see him, you should not better miss it. --- Naotsugu ITO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------