Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  ooooooooooooo    r           rr    nnnn	   nnn
	 	zz o		 o   r		  rr   nnnnn	   nnn
	      zzz o		  o  r 		   rr  nnnnnn      nnn
	    zzz  o		   o r		    rr nnn nnn     nnn
	  zzz    o		   o r		   rr  nnn  nnn    nnn
	zzz  	 o		   o r 		  rr   nnn   nnn   nnn
      zzz	  o		  o  rrrrrrrrrrrrr     nnn    nnn  nnn
    zzz            o		 o   rr	      rr       nnn     nnn nnn
  zzz		    ooooooooooooo    rr        rr      nnn      nnnnnn
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ   OOOOOOOOOOO     rr         rr     nnn       nnnnn
 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ		     rr      	 rr    nnn        nnnn
				     rr 	  rr   NNN	   NNN
				     RR		   RR

	posts: zorn@unh.edu	sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu

    *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in one of two ways:
    ***       1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu
    ***       2) via my homepage:  http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1

	DIGEST #59, 5-26-95

	ANNOUNCE:  Sorry this has taken so long, and apologies to all who
		   dont have WWW access, but back issues can FINALLY
		   be obtained via anonymous ftp at:

			abyss.top.monad.net in /pub/zorn

		   I mentioned a while ago that back issues are 
		   available at cs.uwp.edu.  Well, this was true for
		   a short while, but it was so tough to get on there,
		   that I couldnt stay up to date.  But this new
		   site will be updated EVERY DAY.

		   Thanks for your patience!  -Matt

From rizzi@tfs.com  Thu May 25 12:29:16 1995
Subject: Half Ruins Live

sibbage@mercury.sfsu.edu  Wed May 24 16:58:49 1995
>Subject: RUINS!!!!!!!!!
>I got the new RUINS disc last night. (Hydro....)
>I hope to anyone who likes this band this much that you have access to 
>the new album.  (I'm in San Francisco, and it just got here 
>yesterday--5/23/95)  It's on Tzadik (Zorn's label for anyone who doesn't 
>already know) and has a LOW DOMESTIC PRICE!!!

	For all you San Francisco folks, Yoshida (half of the Ruins)	
	will be playing two gigs in the next week. Monday at the
	Bottom of the Hill (SF) and Wednesday at Beanbenders (Shattuck
	and Bancroft in Berkeley). The Wed. show is with the ROVA
	Saxaphone Quartet which cranks the probability of a great
	show even higher.

	mike rizzi

rizzi@tfs.com ------------------------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com 
-=work=-             "Another nerd with a soulpatch"              -=home=-
-------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 ---------

From gastarit@comm.net  Thu May 25 20:35:41 1995
Subject: Re: RUINS!!!!!!!!!

Whats the dope ? Who are they ?

Thanks  Glenn

From JoeJanecek@aol.com  Thu May 25 21:48:50 1995
Subject: Boredoms

Hi, Joe from Warner/Reprise here. Just wanted to pass on (ok, *plug*) that
there is a new Boredoms release in the U.S. 

_Chocolate Synthesizer_, released earlier this month. In talking with
Boredoms' manager, we can expect the band on tour in mid-July in
NYC,Boston,DC,LA,SF,Seattle, and Portland(?) All subject to change of course.
Before the short tour of the U.S., the band will be playing at Glastonbuy and
Roskilde in Europe.

Also, in the works is an album from Bo-offshoot band Omoide Hatoba,
