Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  ooooooooooooo    r           rr    nnnn	   nnn
	 	zz o		 o   r		  rr   nnnnn	   nnn
	      zzz o		  o  r 		   rr  nnnnnn      nnn
	    zzz  o		   o r		    rr nnn nnn     nnn
	  zzz    o		   o r		   rr  nnn  nnn    nnn
	zzz  	 o		   o r 		  rr   nnn   nnn   nnn
      zzz	  o		  o  rrrrrrrrrrrrr     nnn    nnn  nnn
    zzz            o		 o   rr	      rr       nnn     nnn nnn
  zzz		    ooooooooooooo    rr        rr      nnn      nnnnnn
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ   OOOOOOOOOOO     rr         rr     nnn       nnnnn
 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ		     rr      	 rr    nnn        nnnn
				     rr 	  rr   NNN	   NNN
				     RR		   RR

	posts: zorn@unh.edu	sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu

    *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in one of two ways:
    ***       1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu
    ***       2) via my homepage:  http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1

	DIGEST #61, 6-5-95
From tubesox@SIRIUS.COM  Wed May 31 13:20:45 1995
Subject: Re:ruins/hoe

someone mentioned HOE and its Ruins interview. the person who writes it
works at my record store so you can mailorder it from us.

aquarius records
3961 24th st
san francisco ca 94114

                    -- windy
From gastarit@comm.net  Wed May 31 14:41:44 1995
Subject: Re: RUINS!!!!!!!!!


thanks for the info on Ruins ! I appreciate your time.  Can I find their cd at 
Tower ? I'm in New Orleans now...Not a big town for experimental music...


From gastarit@comm.net  Wed May 31 14:42:02 1995
Subject: Re: execution ground import

>Im gonna buy Execution Ground by Painkiller but should I buy the import
>one or the ordinary one????

I think the American release sounds fine. I paid $18 which includes the 2 
disks. Does the import contain more selections ? Generally, Laswell demands a 
good stereo system from his listeners. the new Laswell/M.J. harris cd is 
great. More good ambience. A very dark and brooding sound this time out. BTW 
Is M.J. Harris actually Mick HArris ? Anyone know ?

From Shiurba@aol.com  Wed May 31 15:58:57 1995
Subject: ruins

someone mentioned recently that there were four Ruins releases besides
"Hyderomastgroningem" --there are at least six others probably more. Does
anyone have a complete discography, or know of anything besides:

Early Works- Live & Unreleased Tracks (Bloody Butterfly) 1985-88 released

Ruins II &19 Numbers (Trans/SSE) 1986/1993

Stonehenge (Shimmydisc) 1990

Burning Stone (Shimmydisc) 1992

Graviyaaunosch (NG) 1993

Ruins-Hatoba (Charnel)  1994

Hyderomastgroningem (Tzadik) 1995


From sibbage@mercury.sfsu.edu  Wed May 31 17:25:18 1995
Subject: HOE zine

Sorry, I didn't have it before, but here is the present mailing address 
for the HOE zine (there are two issues, I have #2 which has great 
interviews with Ruins, Omoide Hatoba, and several others; along with tons 
of reviews--it is well worth having):

Send $3.00(and your return address and mention of which issue you want) 
         Allan Horrocks/Hoe zine
         189 Russ St.
         San Francisco, CA 94103

so long,
Jake Rodriguez (sibbage@sfsu.edu)

From CuneiWay@aol.com  Thu Jun  1 07:14:07 1995
Subject: Re :Doctor Nerve

OK, so they're not Zorn, but Doctor Nerve, a fine "downtown" band in their
own right [who featured David Douglas as a member for many years - although
he won't be appearing at this show] will be performing a free in-store set at
HMV Records in NYC, on Thursday, June 15th at 8:00 PM. This is the HMV at
86th & Lexington.

From naotsugu@ccc.canon.co.jp  Fri Jun  2 04:16:52 1995
Subject: Re: RUINS!!!!!!!!!

 > There 
 > are other projects that Yoshida has that he seems to drive,

He has been doing, Ruins, Kouenji Hyakkei, Tairikuotoko vs
Sanmyakuonna, and his solo. All these are available in CD format.

T.Yoshida is going to start some parallel projects recently.

T.Yoshida playing bass, with Aki(vo, key) from Kouenji
Hyakkei, Kido(dr) from Tairikuotoko vs Sanmyakuonna, Yuji
Katsui(el-vln) from Bondage Fruits. Heavy rock

Zubi Zuba:
A cappella unit with other two male vocalists.

Tsu, Yoshi & Ki:
A.Tsuyama from Omoide Hatoba, T.Yoshida, and Kido. Strange
mixture improvised music.

Another bass/drums duo with A.Tsuyama. Tsuyama plays drums,
Yoshida plays bass... I haven't heard of them yet.

not named yet:
This formation is just started. Yoshida with
M.Tabata(guitar) from Zeni Geva, T.Miyano(bass) from Happy
Family. They explained themselves as 'between Gentle Giant
and This Heat'...

Naotsugu ITO

From naotsugu@ccc.canon.co.jp  Fri Jun  2 04:28:08 1995
Subject: Re: RUINS!!!!!!!!!

 > 	For all you San Francisco folks, Yoshida (half of the Ruins)	
 > 	will be playing two gigs in the next week. Monday at the
 > 	Bottom of the Hill (SF) and Wednesday at Beanbenders (Shattuck
 > 	and Bancroft in Berkeley).

Could you explain how they were? Has anyone seen them?

T.Yoshida played some solo performances in Europe last
month. I also want to hear how those were.

Naotsugu ITO

From xander@netcom.com  Fri Jun  2 22:35:52 1995
Subject: xander Answers His Own Question

Dalet (Masada 4) arrived in the mail today.  While most of us knew in
advance that there would only be 3 tracks on this disc, I had been
entertaining hopes that these would be three tracks of epic length; why
make three discs at 60 minutes a piece only to make a fourth which only
clocks in at eighteen plus minutes (as the case turns out to be)?  Having
just had one cursory listen, the tracks seem to be on par with those on
the first three discs, not exactly something to motivate one to buy all
three discs at $20 each (or whatever they happen to cost in your
neighborhood) if one didn't intend to buy all three in the first place. 
But if you've already opted for the first three, you won't find a better
deal than getting the fourth for the investment of a stamp and the price
of a few IRC's.  (And I must say that the band does let its hair down on
the last track, "Zenan"). 

For those who missed the piecemeal interpretation of the directions from
some time back, they follow in revised form. 


Send your (1) address, (2) name and (3) age (presumably in that order),
and (4) the three little corner stubs [from those funny end wrappers that
Japanese cd's use so that they don't have to spoil the artwork on the cd
with barcodes (cut the stubs on the dotted line)], and (5) three I.R.C.'s
[and for those who don't remember what IRC meant before internet relay
chat, it stands for international reply coupon, and can be bought from the
post office (95 cents each).  My package came with stamps for 280 yen, and
as my friend who translated the end wrappers for me says that the domestic
letter rate in Japan is 95 yen (and each IRC is good for the minimum
overseas letter airmail rate - remarkable how the little things increase
with value when redeemed, don't leave home with out a small casefull), two
IRC's might well be enough, but is it worth the risk?  Being the gentle
sort myself, I sent 5 just to make sure.  The extras were not returned]. 

Get the whole thing to:

TOKYO  102

before the 30th of June and you can't fail.  (My friends claim that the
mail planes don't fly to Japan 'til they are full, so allow at least two

If you don't have the end wrappers from the cd's, take a chance and try
sending in photocopies of the covers from the three discs. 

Good luck,

From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk  Sun Jun  4 17:45:56 1995
Subject: death cube k and new mr bungle

Will Zorn have anything to do with the new Mr. Bungle record 
(Disco Volante)??

Is the Death Cube (Bill Laswell and Buckethead) K CD-ROM (Dreamatorium) 
