ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in 3 ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 *** 3) send mail to mpj1@kepler.unh.edu, on the subject line, put: send #, where # is the issue you want DIGEST #90, 10-02-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -From philman@freenet.scri.fsu.edu Sat Sep 30 22:36:05 1995 -Subject: Naked city t-shirt In response to the question about the Naked City t-shirt: the graphic is a copy of a Mark Beyer cartoon, in which the (highly stylized) angel of death is seen flitting through a city street, impaling pedestrians with his dagger-like legs. The victims are seen laying horizontally in the background, each laying in a pool of blood. If you have seen Beyer's work, you should have a mental image, if not...oh well. Red, black, and white.I was lucky enough to get one a few years back at the Zorn festival at the Knitting Factory. Actually, luck had little to do with it, it was the twenty beans in my pocket that did the trick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From larryvic@rain.org Sun Oct 1 02:28:46 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #89 My apologies if I'm posting inncorrectly. What I would like to know is there any way to order direct from either of Zorns labels, Avant or Tzadik? It is very difficult to find them where I live, Los Angles, I will refrian from commenting on what is easly avilable here...... Also if anyone has any interveiws, articals etc. regarding Zorn I would be willing to transcribe them and make them avilable to those who would be interested. I must admit I have an alterior motive. I have yet in my years of listening to Zorn gotten a hold of an interveiw or article other than reveiws. and since I'm having so much trouble finding any I thought if any of you have some I could transcribe and post them for others in my situation. you could fax them or audio tapes maybe. I know this question has been asked and anwsered many times already.......but how many Masada Cds are there? and with the free one, is it not commercialy available? and is it too late to get the free one? Thanks in advance Dave "the modern day composer refuses to die!" Edgard Varese as he gracefully accepts a life of poverty............ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From j-germuska@nwu.edu Sun Oct 1 10:55:09 1995 -Subject: Other Downtown NYC musicians... Now, I don't want to railroad you all into another realm of discussion, but in the last couple of weeks I've been really getting into a lot of _other_ downtown NYC artists, who lately haven't been working with Zorn, Laswell and the other focuses (foci) of this list. This latest kick was started by Bobby Previte's latest, "Hue and Cry" -- It's been out for a while, but I finally got my own copy a couple of months ago, and I've been listening to it a lot. It features a large band (which I generally really like) including hammond organ (which I also tend to get excited about) and some cool-ass compositions (again, one of my things....) I also just recently read a chapter on the Downtown Scene from a book called "Jazz: the 80's Resurgence", and in the eighties, a lot of these guys were getting a lot more attention; so on my show last week I spent some time playing 80's music by Previte, Marty Ehrlich, Ray Anderson, Wayne Horvitz, etc. Picking albums from our stacks nearly at random, I found excellent cut after excellent cut -- a really nice piece from an Ehrlich/Anthony Cox duet album ('twas on Muse, I think?) and a cool piece from Ray Anderson called "Alligatory Crocodile"... Anyway, so are folks on this list into those artists? Anyone know if Previte's going on the road for "Hue and Cry"? Anyone heard Ray Anderson's latest, "Slideride" -- a trombone quartet on Hat Art that's pretty cool as far as I've heard it... anyone have fave albums you want to rave about? Just thought I'd see what your take was... Joe -- Joe Germuska * j-germuska@nwu.edu | "Point of view is worth Learning Technologies | eighty IQ points." Northwestern University | - Alan Kay http://www.nwu.edu/people/j-germuska | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From proussel@ichips.intel.com Sun Oct 1 18:32:28 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #88 > -From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Fri Sep 29 10:02:55 1995 > -Subject: covers > > Whats on the cover of Painkillers Rituals cd? Both are S&M pictures: Front: A man is kneeling with his hands tied in the back and a band on his eyes. A woman half naked is dripping some liquid from her mouth in his. Back: A man is laying with a woman standing on him and dripping wax from a candle. > Whats the differens between the censored and the uncensored version of > the Guts Of A Virgin cover? The censored picture (front) just shows the face of a woman. The uncensored shows a woman with her belly opened. BTW: Zorn asked Shimmy not to sell anymore TORTURE GARDEN (the domestic one). A new TORTURE GARDEN design with a P.C. sleeve (completely dark) is planned in the near future. As you can guess, this is Zorn's direct answer to his recent troubles... > BTW I have realised that I will never get a Zorn t-shirt. Could somebody > tell me what the Naked City ones looks like? The one I have (there are at least two different designs): Subtitled: CAT'S CRADLE TOUR A drawing picturing a pretty Asian woman and a disgusting ugly naked man. Not obscene (according to my standards) but definitely weird. Patrice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From Trane222@aol.com Mon Oct 2 09:09:24 1995 -Subject: Joey Baron on new Bowie CD? I realize David Bowie hasn't fallen within the category of a downtown NYC musician in quite some time, but his new industrial album, "Outside," features a drummer whose name is spelled JOEY BARRON. After hearing a few cuts, especially those with a jazz flavor peppered with some fairly avant tinkling from Mike Garson, it does indeed sound like our very own JOEY BARON. Is this the case? Any info is greatly appreciated. One other thing . . . has anyone heard a sampling of what Bill Frisell and Vernon Reid are doing these days? I know they're playing the Brooklyn Academy of Music as a duo, but I haven't heard them collaborate since "Smash and Scatteration." Thanks- Trane222 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -From kargatis@xfiles.gsfc.nasa.gov Mon Oct 2 11:01:54 1995 -Subject: Re: Yamantaka Eye > I've listened to this one. Isn't his name Yamasuka Eye, or something like > that, or is that someone else I'm thinking of? It was Yamatsuka (pronounced yaMOTska), but I was told that he was sitting beneath a statue of a Japanese god (or something) named Yamantaka and "had a religious experience", after which he decided to change his name permanently. Source: a friend at Koch who heard it from Tzadik people. > >3.First Recordings 1973 > How old was Zorn in 1973? He says in the liners that he was a "20-year old virgin" in 1974. vince ------------------------------------------------------------------------------