ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in 3 ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 *** 3) send mail to mpj1@kepler.unh.edu, on the subject line, put: send #, where # is the issue you want DIGEST #93, 10-05-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -From bueno@hawaii.edu Wed Oct 4 11:42:22 1995 -Subject: Klezmatics/Don Byron With all this talk about Tzadik releases and Radical Jewish Culture, I thought I might throw two yen in the direction of ethnic music label Green Linnet. Recently, Green Linnet released a disc by the Klezmatics, titled "Jews With Horns," and their catalog blurb attempts to play up a connection to downtown New York and Philip Glass. I think the disc is great, but are the Klezmatics the downtown regulars that Green Linnet paints them to be? They sound like a more adventurous, more polished Boiled In Lead than improvisors turned composers -- though their violinist and clarinetist rock! And if anyone is familiar with the Klezmatics, what other discs can you recommend? One name I keep seeing with downtown musicians who also seems to be overlooked on this list is Don Byron. I've been toying with the idea of actually buying one of his albums -- which generally get raves in the critics' arena. But I always end up hearing Byron on some one else's disc: Bill Frisell and Leroy Jenkins namely. How "downtown" is Byron? Should his albums be apart of the collections of Zorn, Frisell and Horvitz fans? And if so, where to start? ----------------------------------------------------- What's a false move? And is it different from a real one? -- Delirium, "The Sandman" Duran Duran "Gossip" FAQ * Greg Bueno The Zero * The End of the World bueno@Hawaii.edu http://www2.hawaii.edu/~bueno ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From mtt0001@jove.acs.unt.edu Wed Oct 4 11:58:53 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #92 > --From proussel@ichips.intel.com Tue Oct 3 15:21:46 1995 > --Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #90 > > On Mon, 2 Oct 1995 14:09:45 -0400 mpj1@kepler.unh.edu wrote: > > > > --From larryvic@rain.org Sun Oct 1 02:28:46 1995 > > --Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #89 > > > > My apologies if I'm posting inncorrectly. > > > > What I would like to know is there any way to order direct from either of > > Zorns labels, Avant or Tzadik? It is very difficult to find them where I > > live, Los Angles, I will refrian from commenting on what is easly > > avilable here...... > > No possibility to order them directly. Tzadik is available through Wayside > for mail order. How can you get in contact with Wayside?? also, I was wondering what albums Wayne Horvitz had put out, I love what he does with Zorn in Naked City and would like to hear someof his other stuff. Also how or where can you purchase other labels(other that tzadik) can they also be ordered through Wayside?(basically the other Masada cds is all i am gonna want right now)... thanks michael turner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Each seperate being in the universe | "I'm by the liquor store returns to the common source, | Giving you the eye Returning to the source is serinity." | When you walk by -Tao Te Ching | I'm on the subway line | I'm in the coffee shop ------------------------------ | Eating toast and eggs.." |michael thomas turner | | -G*Love, "Garbage Man" |mtt0001@jove.acs.unt.edu | |http://www.unt.edu/~mtt0001 | |on irc=PugAchev/#cuddles | |north texas box #6976 | |denton, tx 76203 | ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From shiurba@sfbayguardian.com Wed Oct 4 13:41:44 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #91 andrew writes >Could someone post a description of the new Early Recordings 1973 disc. I have a few discs of Zorn earlier stuff, but I don't really like them all that much.> well, this is more noisy in an over the top way than his work from 77-80, which may or may not be the "earlier stuff" that you don't like so much. you can see the groundwork being laid for the zorn aesthetic here, there are forebodings of 'Archery' and 'Pool', at least timbrally if not organizationally, however the sparsest moments on the 73 stuff are dense in comparison to anything on say 'Pool'. The other amazing thing is the Braxtonesque saxophone playing mixed in there, something he never really returned to afterwards (at least not with any vigor). Overall, for someone like me, whose head was taken off by early Zorn stuff, this cd was a revelation, a must-have etc. for you... maybe not. also, i cannot rave enough about "Book of Heads", this is by far the best of the 4 new ones (if you ask me). Ribot's playing is superhuman, the fact that Zorn somehow notated this incredibly complex music is superhuman, and the music itself is transcendent. This will go down in history as some of the most totally unique and innovative guitar music ever written (and obviously Zorn owes a huge debt to Chadbourne for inspiring this), they will look at this in 50 years and say "c'mon, nobody could ever actually PLAY that" --Ha ha here it is shiurba ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From rizzi@TFS.COM Wed Oct 4 20:42:50 1995 -Subject: Re: Zorn articles I guess I should answer this question. :) zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk (aka Jonas) sez: >Could somebody guide me to a place where I can find the issues of >Browbeat (or any other magazine) that features interviews of John Zorn??? You can get copies of the the first issue of browbeat (with the zorn and boredoms interviews) from me at the address below. See the web page for pricing (based on your location on the planet). After these last 50 copies go, you'll only be able to get it from collector scum at outrageous prices, so act fast. cheers, mike rizzi@tfs.com ------------------------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com -=work=- "Another nerd with a soulpatch" -=home=- http://www.meer.net/~browbeat/ -------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From gill0042@gold.tc.umn.edu Thu Oct 5 01:06:25 1995 -Subject: New Zorn, etc. Hi folks - It's good to see the list up and jumping again. I'm sure a lot of you have read the Zorn interview in Soundpieces 2, wherein he says that he never saw Ayler, never saw Coltrane, but he was there when Mauricio Kagel was "kicking out the jammies!" Does anyone else kind of feel that way about Zorn right now? Here's a guy who definitely knows what he wants to be doing and he's doing it better than ever. The new Tzadik releases give us a handy overview of his evolution as an artist. Speaking of which, I found three of Zorn's Tzadik discs at my local warehouse music store (Locus Solus, Book of Heads, and Redbird). Alas, I am beyond broke, and with a heavy sigh I put the CDs back on the rack and left the store. The CDs have great packaging, as usual with Zorn. I was not aware that Redbird was a brand-new composition. Had anyone out there heard about it beforehand? This afternoon I took a nap. In my dream, Zorn was walking on a sort of raised grassy area near the bookstore on the University of Minnesota campus, playing his alto sax. What he was playing was a heavily-ornamented version of Frank Zappa's "King Kong." A pretty cool dream if I do say so myself. Below is something I ran across on the newsgroup alt.music.alternative, of all things. I don't know if you folks have seen it already, but I figured it couldn't hurt to send it to the list. ------- start of forwarded message ------- -From: hash@uds.se.shiaura-it.ac.jp (hash) Newsgroups: alt.music.alternative -Subject: JOHN ZORN Date: 19 Sep 1995 14:51:50 GMT "Would you give us your thought about (John Zorn/)MASADA?" We are a independent magazine"STURM"of literature and criticizm, which is involving mainly undergraduate and graduate students in Kyoto, Tokyo,Fukuoka until now. Next issue(no.7) conceives to prepare a topic concerning John Zorn/MASADA and John Zorn after they gave concerts in Japan in April of this year.The naming of MASADA and also its music, either way, that has an exciting involved question. Would you give us your thought about it? We'll discuss it together on the magazine and here. please send mail PXU12741@niftyserve.or.jp or hash@uds.se.shibaura-it.ac.jp thank you! ------------------------------------ hash@shibaura.i.t Yukihiro.Hashizume E-mail hash@uds.se.shibaura-it.ac.jp ------------------------------------ ------- end of forwarded message ------- Later.... -- Charles Gillett ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zampino@panix.com Thu Oct 5 08:05:48 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #92 >--From proussel@ichips.intel.com Tue Oct 3 15:33:28 1995 >--Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #90 > >Other musicians that you should add: > > Elliott Sharp > Zeena Parkins > Anthony Coleman > Tim Berne (but I know you know him well :-) > Robin Holcomb And let's throw in Ned Rothenberg as well, whose releases and performances have been quite amazing. His record with Paul Dresher, _Opposites Attract,_ is still high on my list, running the range from intense rhythmic work to not-so-subtle sax screaming and chaos. Rothenberg's solo work is extremely interesting: long trancey, winding pieces performed with circular breathing and played with incredible intensity. Definitely for those interested in Zorn. Phil Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------