ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in 3 ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 *** 3) send mail to mpj1@kepler.unh.edu, on the subject line, put: send #, where # is the issue you want DIGEST #94, 10-06-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Thu Oct 5 09:52:23 1995 -Subject: Joey Baron Joey Barron This is a reply to the question about if the drummer on the new Bowie album is our friend Joey Baron. Actually, I dont know but I have just returned from the library with a copy of the Monk tribute album "Thats The Way I Feel". On that there is a tune with John Scofield where the drums is played by Joey Barron. So i guess that Joey Baron and Joey Barron is the same guy. jonas -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From papagian@iesl.forth.gr Thu Oct 5 10:36:38 1995 -Subject: dresser hi, i would like to get some info on marc dresser, who has never been discussed here as far as i remember.... I saw him live with the arcado string trio, and i found the performance really great. Also i know his work with zorn and i like it, but what about his own music and also the ARCADO cds? comments? can i find them anywhere? thanks. manolis -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From rizzi@TFS.COM Thu Oct 5 15:42:19 1995 -Subject: new names vince aka kargatis@xfiles.gsfc.nasa.gov sez: >Subject: Re: Yamantaka Eye >> I've listened to this one. Isn't his name Yamasuka Eye, or something like >> that, or is that someone else I'm thinking of? >It was Yamatsuka (pronounced yaMOTska), but I was told that he was sitting >beneath a statue of a Japanese god (or something) named Yamantaka and "had >a religious experience", after which he decided to change his name >permanently. Source: a friend at Koch who heard it from Tzadik people. While I was in Japan last week, I got to speak with Eye and he told me about his new name Yamantaka. He said that while he and Zorn were touring China this past spring, that John gave him his new surname, Yamantaka. He said that if you read the kanji it literally means Mountain Hawk. Knowing Eye, both stories could be true. Then again, maybe he got tired of everyone mispronouncing his last name. :) Jonas sez: >BTW When did Zorn start calling himself Dekoboto Hajime? Does it mean >anything or is it just a name? Also according to Eye: John was given the new name by Yamantaka-san. Eye said that Zorn's name (Dekoboko Hajime) translates to three kanji characters meaning "up", "down", and "steady" (at least that was my best understanding given Eye's english vocabulary and my even more limited Japanese skills). cheers, mike rizzi@tfs.com ------------------------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com -=work=- "Another nerd with a soulpatch" -=home=- http://www.meer.net/~browbeat/ -------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From proussel@ichips.intel.com Thu Oct 5 16:10:23 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #93 On Thu, 5 Oct 1995 08:46:15 -0400 mpj1@kepler.unh.edu wrote: > > >From mtt0001@jove.acs.unt.edu Wed Oct 4 11:58:53 1995 > Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #92 > > > -From proussel@ichips.intel.com Tue Oct 3 15:21:46 1995 > > -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #90 > > > > On Mon, 2 Oct 1995 14:09:45 -0400 mpj1@kepler.unh.edu wrote: > > > > > > -From larryvic@rain.org Sun Oct 1 02:28:46 1995 > > > -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #89 > > > > > > My apologies if I'm posting inncorrectly. > > > > > > What I would like to know is there any way to order direct from either of > > > Zorns labels, Avant or Tzadik? It is very difficult to find them where I > > > live, Los Angles, I will refrian from commenting on what is easly > > > avilable here...... > > > > No possibility to order them directly. Tzadik is available through Wayside > > for mail order. > How can you get in contact with Wayside?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAYSIDE MUSIC P.O. Box 8427 Silver Spring, MD 20907-8427 Tel: (301) 589-1803 (new release info (recording)) Fax: (301) 589-1819 e-mail: CuneiWay@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > also, I was wondering what albums Wayne Horvitz had put out, I love what > he does with Zorn in Naked City and would like to hear someof his other > stuff. There is a very detailed discography of Wayne Horvitz on the WNUR jazz web site: http://www.nwu.edu/WNUR/jazz/ Wayne Horvitz' records under his name can be classified as follows: EARLY STUFF (hard to find): -------------------------- 001 - NO PLACE FAST: Wayne Horvitz (1979 - Theatre For Your Mother, TFYM 001) 003 - CASCANDO & WORDS & MUSIC: Wayne Horvitz (1979 - Theatre For Your Mother, TFYM 003) 007 - SIMPLE FACTS: Wayne Horvitz (1981 - Theatre For Your Mother, TFYM 004) 008 - RADIOPLAY: Wayne Horvitz (1979 - Theatre For Your Mother, TFYM 006) TRIOS WITH BUTCH MORRIS: ----------------------- 014 - SOME ORDER, LONG UNDERSTOOD: Wayne Horvitz (1983 - Black Saint, BSR 0059) 029 - NINE BELOW ZERO: Wayne Horvitz, Butch Morris, Robert Previte (1987 - Sound Aspects, sas 014) 037 - TODOS SANTOS: Wayne Horvitz, Butch Morris, and Robert Previte play the music of Robin Holcomb (1988 - Sound Aspects, sas 019) RECORDS WITH THE PRESIDENT: -------------------------- 020 - DINNER AT EIGHT: Wayne Horvitz (1986 - Dossier Records, ST 7514) 024 - THE PRESIDENT: Wayne Horvitz (1987 - Dossier, ST 7528 (LP)) 025 - THIS NEW GENERATION: Wayne Horvitz (1987 - Elektra Musician, 9 60759-2) 046 - BRING YR CAMERA: The President (1989 - Elektra/Musician, 9 60799-2) 065 - MIRACLE MILE: Wayne Horvitz The President (1992 - Elektra, 9 79278-2) RECORDS WITH THE NEW YORK COMPOSERS ORCHESTRA: --------------------------------------------- 057 - THE NEW YORK COMPOSERS ORCHESTRA (1990 - New World, NW397-2) 064 - FIRST PROGRAM IN STANDARD TIME: The New York Composers Orchestra (1992 - New World, 80418-2) RECORDS WITH PIGPEN: ------------------- 072 - HALFRACK: Pigpen (1993 - Tim/Kerr, TK92CD047) 074 - PIGPEN (1993 - Cavity Search, CSR8 (33 RPM 7")) 083 - V AS IN VICTIM: Pigpen (1994 - Avant, Avan 027) 084 - MISS ANN: Wayne Horvitz and Pigpen (1994 - Tim/Kerr, tk93cd069) 080 - LIVE IN POLAND: Wayne Horvitz & Pigpen (1995 - Cavity Search (CSR 22)) MISCELLANEOUS: ------------- 022 - VOODOO: The Sonny Clark Memorial Quartet (1986 - Black Saint, BSR 0109) The Sonny Clark Memorial Quartet was Horvitz' project, and not Zorn's as many thought. Comments about the above list? If you are into improvisation, you should check 014 and 029 I would have a hard time to say what President is the best. Maybe a best first choice would be 025 (which includes most of 020 and part of 024). Concerning the Pigpen? Both Tim/Kerr are great and 080 gives you the opportunity to hear the band live (contrary to The President, Pigpen is at his best live). 083 is also excellent, maybe quieter and slightly less energetic. Both NY Composers Orchestra are must-have for people interested in big bands and modern jazz. It is not often that a big band takes his repertoire from composers such as Braxton, Sharp, Previte, etc. > Also how or where can you purchase other labels(other that tzadik) can > they also be ordered through Wayside?(basically the other Masada cds is > all i am gonna want right now)... Another great site for mail order is: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CADENCE Cadence Bldg Redwood, NY 13679 Tel: (315) 287-2852 Fax: (315) 287-2860 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patrice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From proussel@ichips.intel.com Thu Oct 5 16:21:07 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #93 On Thu, 5 Oct 1995 08:46:15 -0400 mpj1@kepler.unh.edu wrote: > > >From zampino@panix.com Thu Oct 5 08:05:48 1995 > Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #92 > > >-From proussel@ichips.intel.com Tue Oct 3 15:33:28 1995 > >-Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #90 > > > >Other musicians that you should add: > > > > Elliott Sharp > > Zeena Parkins > > Anthony Coleman > > Tim Berne (but I know you know him well :-) > > Robin Holcomb > > And let's throw in Ned Rothenberg as well, whose releases and performances > have been quite amazing. His record with Paul Dresher, _Opposites > Attract,_ is still high on my list, running the range from intense rhythmic > work to not-so-subtle sax screaming and chaos. Rothenberg's solo work is > extremely interesting: long trancey, winding pieces performed with circular > breathing and played with incredible intensity. Definitely for those > interested in Zorn. I cannot disagree with you Phil! Ned is of course one of the most interesting musicians from this scene. In fact I have done his discography and still wonder why I have not already posted it... In fact I have forgotten many others, such as: Arto Lindsay Anthony Coleman Bobby Previte Marty Ehrlich Christian Marclay Ikue Mori Joey Baron Mark Dresser David Shea Thomas Chapin and many more, I know Patrice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From b.stacy@genie.geis.com Thu Oct 5 23:55:42 1995 -Subject: Avant catalogue request I'd like to thank Patrice for posting the TZADIK catalogue back in digest #92. That helped me a lot with my CD ordering. So, now that we have a TZADIK catalogue, does anyone have a listing for all the disks out on AVANT so far? It seems like things have come to a stop on the label ever since TZADIK started up. This is too bad since it was a good place for "one shot" releases that didn't need to fit into a specific catagory... Anyway, thanks in advance for any information, and thanks to the powers that be for running this list. It's the "one stop shop" for Zorn information! -Brian (b.stacy@genie.geis.com) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From proussel@ichips.intel.com Thu Oct 5 17:45:47 1995 -Subject: upcoming releases on Tzadik Just got some information concerning upcoming releases on Tzadik that might interest some of you: Out in November: TERMINAL PHARMACY: Jim O'Rourke (music for strings) FINGER LIGHT: Yuji Takahashi ???: Makigami Koichi (vocal solo) ???: Harry Parch DEATH AMBIENT: F. Frith, I. Mori, H. Kato That's all for this year (30 records, and most of them on schedule, not bad!). The three 2xLP on Parachute (SCHOOL, POOL, and ARCHERY) will be reissued as a 3xCD set early next year. Both THE CLASSIC GUIDE TO STRATEGY VOL. 1 & 2 will be reissued as one CD, also early next year. HARRAS, a Derek Bailey record with Zorn and William Parker is now planned on Tzadik (it was supposed to be out on Knitting Factory Works). No idea about the release date (not this year, for sure). Concerning the Masada's on Tzadik, two are still planned next year, which will be chosen among the three following ones: LIVE IN JERUSALEM: Masada LIVE AT MOGADOR: Masada ???: Chamber Masada (Masada + Mark Feldman + John Medeski + Greg Cohen + Erik Friedlander) A funny anecdote concerning the Mystic Fugu Orchestra. John Zorn had in mind initially to release multiple... 78RPM!!! When he realized that there was no manufacturing plants left to produce such records, he gave up (fortunately for us: where the hell can we find a 78RPM turntable these days?). Knowing the sound quality of ZOHAR, it is not such a surprising story :-). Patrice. ------- End of Forwarded Message --------------------------------------------------------------------------