ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in 3 ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 *** 3) send mail to mpj1@kepler.unh.edu, on the subject line, put: send #, where # is the issue you want DIGEST #95, 10-09-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -From ramsey@pcint.pc.maricopa.edu Fri Oct 6 15:03:25 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #94 There is a place that presses records at 78 RPM. A local band by the name Sun City Girls just released a new 78 RPM 10". Does anyone have a # for Tzadik or somewhere that can forward messages to Zorn so I can procure the information about the pressing plant and let him, or someone at Tzadik, know? Let me know, please! I love 78 RPM records, if only for their novelty. ;) Drew. I also have access to a 78RPM turntable, if Zorn released anything on 78 it would be no problem for me. :) > A funny anecdote concerning the Mystic Fugu Orchestra. John Zorn had in mind > initially to release multiple... 78RPM!!! When he realized that there was no > manufacturing plants left to produce such records, he gave up (fortunately > for us: where the hell can we find a 78RPM turntable these days?). Knowing > the sound quality of ZOHAR, it is not such a surprising story :-). > > Patrice. -- Andrew Ramsey - Phoenix, Arizona USA ramsey@pcint.pc.maricopa.edu 15909@ef.gc.maricopa.edu 15909@ef.pc.maricopa.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From proussel@ichips.intel.com Fri Oct 6 16:32:40 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #94 > > --From b.stacy@genie.geis.com Thu Oct 5 23:55:42 1995 > --Subject: Avant catalogue request > > I'd like to thank Patrice for posting the TZADIK catalogue back in digest > #92. That helped me a lot with my CD ordering. > > So, now that we have a TZADIK catalogue, does anyone have a listing for all > the disks out on AVANT so far? You just have to ask :-). Here we go: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01 - HERETIC, JEUX DES DAMES CRUELLES: Naked City (1992 - Avant, Avant 001 (CD)) 02 - GRAND GUIGNOL: Naked City (1992 - Avant, Avan 002 (CD)) 03 - RADIO: Naked City (1993 - Avant, Avant 003 (CD)) 04 - ABSINTHE: Naked City (1993 - Avant, Avant 004 (CD)) 05 - RADIO, VOL. 2: Naked City (not released - Avant, Avant 005 (CD)) 06 - DNA LAST LIVE AT CBGB: DNA (1993 - Avant, Avan 006 (CD)) 07 - BUCKETHEADLAND: Buckethead (1992, Avant, Avan 007 (2xCD)) 08 - ALLEGORICAL MISUNDERSTANDING: Fushitsusha (1993, Avant, Avan 008 (CD)) 09 - DREAMSPEED: Anton Fier (1993 - Avant, Avan 009 (CD)) 10 - CYCLOTRON: Blind Idiot God (1992 - Avant, Avan 010 (CD)) 11 - DISCO BY NIGHT: Anthony Coleman (1993 - Avant, Avan 011 (CD)) 12 - NANA + VICTORIO: Peter Garland (1992 - Avant, Avan 012 (CD)) 13 - SHOCK CORRIDOR: David Shea (1992 - Avant, Avan 013 (CD)) 14 - VOYAGER: George Lewis (1993 - Avant, Avan 014 (CD)) 15 - IN DOUBLE LIGHT: Lee Hyla (1993 - Avant, Avan 015 (CD)) 16 - PLEXURE: John Oswald (1993 - Avant, Avan 016 (CD)) 17 - CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION: Rough Assemblage (1995 - Avant, Avan 017 (CD)) 18 - ISABELLE: Zeena Parkins (1995 - Avant, Avan 018 (CD)) 19 - SMUT: David Soldier (1994 - Avant, Avan 019 (CD)) ?? - ?? ?? - ???: Anthony Coleman (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ?? - ?? - ???: David Weinstein (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ?? - IDIOGLOSSIA: Chris Burke (???? - Avant, Avan ??? (CD)) 26 - WOW 2: The Boredoms (1993 - Avant, Avan 026 (CD)) 27 - V AS IN VICTIM: Pigpen (1994 - Avant, Avan 027 (CD)) ?? - ???: David Shea (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) 29 - DELICIOUS: Cake Like (1994 - Avant, Avan 029 (CD)) 30 - PAINTED DESERT: Ikue Mori (1995 - Avant, Avan 030 (CD)) 31 - WEDDING BANDS FROM RAJASTHAN: DiscoBhangra (1994 - Avant, Avan 031 (CD)) 32 - MIR SHLUFN NISHT: God Is My-Copilot (1994 - Avant, Avan 032 (CD)) 33 - SHREK: Marc Ribot (1994 - Avant, Avan 033 (CD)) ?? - ???: Shelley Hirsch (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ?? - BATH: Chris Cochrane (1995 - Avant, Avan ??? (CD)) 36 - SLAY THE SUITORS: Bobby Previte (1994 - Avant, Avan 036 (CD)) 37 - THE UNKNOWN: Phillip Johnston's Big Trouble (1994 - Avant, Avan 037 (CD)) 38 - WHOSE BRIDGE: Misha Mengelberg (1994 - Avant, Avan 038 (CD)) 39 - SIGNALS FOR TEA: Steve Beresford (1995 - Avant, Avan 039 (CD)) 40 - BATH: Chris Cochrane (1995 - Avant, Avan 040 (CD)) 41 - FEAR NO LOVE: Bob Ostertag (1995 - Avant, Avan 041 (CD)) ?? - XENO.CODEX: Elliott Sharp (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ?? - ???: Joey Baron's Baron Down (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ?? - ???: Erik Friedlander (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The "??" are records that were planned (after talking to the concerned artists) or missing entries. If you happen to know some of them: LET ME KNOW! > It seems like things have come to a stop on the label ever since TZADIK > started up. This is too bad since it was a good place for "one shot" > releases that didn't need to fit into a specific catagory... Wrong. Avant is still running. In fact every "big" (from a financial point of view) project will end up on Avant. As you can see, there are few planned Avant: XENO.CODEX: Elliott Sharp (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ???: Joey Baron's Baron Down (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) ???: Erik Friedlander (not released - Avant, Avan 0?? (CD)) Patrice. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From epiphany@eznet.net Fri Oct 6 20:40:33 1995 -Subject: Joey Baron on Bowie's album I believe it is our Joey Baron who is on the new Bowie album. The most recent two Laurie Anderson albums feature both Baron and Greg Cohen from Masada. Those albums had heavy Brian Eno involvement. Since Eno co-produced Outside by Bowie which features a drummer named Joey Baron, we might infer that it's the same guy. His work on Anderson's and Bowie's works bear no resemblance to anything in Naked City or Masada. John Zorn is so prolific that it makes me sick. Granted, he is an example of just how much one human being can be capable of. But I'm too damn poor! I'm drooling over the slew of new releases but can afford none. Help!!!! Dr. Fritz Rotwang epiphany@eznet.net P.S. - I have just started a Residents discussion group called Smelly Tongues. Please send me some email saying you want to subscribe if you do. I don't know how many other Zorn fanatics besides myself are into the Residents, but there must be some! The only familial relationship is Fred Frith, who has played on several Residents albums and has been involved with them for the last four years on a collaborative album that has yet to be completed. Bye. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From JoeJanecek@aol.com Fri Oct 6 21:12:46 1995 -Subject: new Mr. Bungle just wanted to take a second to clue you into _Disco Volante_ from Mr. Bungle, which hits stores this Tuesday. It's pretty damn evil. joe wb --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Sat Oct 7 10:32:10 1995 -Subject: Arto Lindsay Hello. About a week or so I bought my ticket for a show with Arto Lindsay Group. I cant remember the names of guys he was playing with, ecxept Marc Ribot. Has anybody heard Lindsay live recently?? What should I expect?? Is his new record worth my money? Is it noisy or what? Jonas BTW I just started reading The Body Lovers by Micky Spillane. It begins with the following line: " I heard the screams through the thin mist of night" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Sat Oct 7 11:13:00 1995 -Subject: Book of Heads Hello, Where I can get the score for Book of Heads?? Thanks, Jonas --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From susan@bosshog.arts.uwo.ca Sat Oct 7 21:51:35 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #94 Greetings, can anyone shed some light on this old release: Lawrence Butch Morris's Current Trends in Racism in Modern America Sound Aspects, sas 4010CD John does game calls Thanks Chris Cole --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From VirComm@aol.com Sun Oct 8 13:53:25 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #93 > What I would like to know is there any way to order direct from either of > Zorns labels, Avant or Tzadik? It is very difficult to find them where I > live, Los Angles, I will refrian from commenting on what is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >easly avilable here...... Try Aaron's Records, on Hyland between Sunset and Melrose in Hollywood. Its the only real record store in L.A. I was just there yesterday and they have several Tzadik releases, as well as some Avant stuff and tons of other cool stuff, all tucked away in their "industrial/experimental/new age" section (first time I've ever seen John Cage filed next to Throbbing Gristle, but this may be oddly appropriate....). steev hise steev@music.calarts.edu --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Sun Oct 8 13:54:22 1995 -Subject: Zorn and Mr. Bungle Does anybody know what Zorn thought of working with Mr. Bungle and if he likes the record?? Had the Bungle guys worked with David Shea before or was it Zorn who brought him to the studio? To bad Zorn didn't work on the new Mr. Bungle record. Jonas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------o -From awc837@lulu.acns.nwu.edu Sun Oct 8 19:02:12 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #94 ------------------- >--From papagian@iesl.forth.gr Thu Oct 5 10:36:38 1995 >--Subject: dresser > >hi, >i would like to get some info on marc dresser, who has never been >discussed here as far as i remember.... I saw him live with the >arcado string trio, and i found the performance really great. Also >i know his work with zorn and i like it, but what about his >own music and also the ARCADO cds? comments? can i find them anywhere? >thanks. >manolis > >-------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The best place to hear Dresser is certainly NOT WITH ZORN. Look for Anthony Braxton's quartet Cd's from 1985. They are on Leo and pretty easily available from any good record shop or from Cadence. All of these quartet cd's are quite remarkable and the band gives Dresser much more stimulus than zorn does. Get a Cadence catalog and get yourself some jaazzz. "of the bells upon this weight there is one ty what not in the ever matter ever what source were found there, may clover by'middey'bottl'd"- Cecil Taylor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From rlw4867@email.unc.edu Sun Oct 8 19:37:31 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #94 regarding patrice's message about 78 rpm releases: apparently, some manufacturing plants still exist, as the sun city girls recently released a 78 rpm 10". i don't have it with me right now, but if you want to know where it was manufactured or where it can be ordered send me an e-mail, if enough people ask i'll just put it on the list. bo --bo williams------rlw4867@email.unc.edu------http://www.unc.edu/~rlw4867/-- "I'm a fucking mega-empire and because I have so many unbridled creative juices, it can't all be done by myself... I am so enthusiastic about what I do that I don't check my mascara before orgasm!" --- Ted "The Nuge" Nugent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From shiurba@sfbayguardian.com Mon Oct 9 06:50:50 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #94 patrice: <> even though they won't fit in their entirety (92:21, 70:42, & 88:51) on 3 cds?!?? it seems strange that zorn would edit the stuff now, perhaps he's leaving off the chadbourne stuff from "school" hmmm!? shiurba -----------------------------------------------------------------------------