ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in 3 ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 *** 3) send mail to mpj1@kepler.unh.edu, on the subject line, put: send #, where # is the issue you want DIGEST #97, 10-12-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -From lbenedet@it.berklee.edu Wed Oct 11 10:51:12 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #96 Regarding Mark Dresser...I'm almost sure that the man has his own CD out. In fact I believe Dave Douglas (trpt on the MASADA series) is on there too. The name of the CD escapes me right now, but I'll post it when I find out. By the way, thanks to whoever recommended the new Bobby Previte CD, "Hue and Cry"! It's great music. See ya, Luca (I joined the list a few weeks ago). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From zoopsi@inet.uni-c.dk Wed Oct 11 11:20:32 1995 -Subject: Zorn and Mr. Bungle someone wrote: > When I saw Zorn at the Duke U. Masada show last year I think the man's > very words were "Bungle knows their shit. All I did as producer was > just polish the stone" Why did he talk about Mr. Bungle at a Masada gig, three years after he produced their record??? Jonas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From demery@natlab.research.philips.com Wed Oct 11 11:23:41 1995 -Subject: Re: Masada on Jazz Door proussel@ichips.intel.com wrote: > --Subject: Masada live bootleg on Jazz Door > > Just learnt that a Masada live bootleg will be released soon in Germany on > Jazz Door. Sorry, don't ask more, that's all I know. While flipping quickly through my local CD store's on-line catalogue last Friday, to see if all the Tzadik releases were available in Europe (they are not, and there doesn't seem to be any Japanese equivalent either, comments anyone?), I came across the title: Masada Live In New York. Sadly, I was a bit rushed, the shop was a bit full, and I was ordering 14 CDs (4 from Japan, 10 from the US), so I forgot to go back and check all the details on it. This could possibly be it. I will be back in the store on Friday, so I'll check again. If no one has posted the answer in the meantime, I'll report my findings next week. One final comment, if it's coming out on Jazz Door, it'll be released in Italy, not Germany (that's where all my other Jazz Doors have come from). and then dmg@panix.com wrote: > --Subject: Zorn, Laswell and Other Downtown music by mail [snip] > > Nobody know more about Zorn and Downtown than Bruce Gallanter I think there's a few contributors here who might contest that assertion -- I don't number myself amongst them, though. Cheers, Dem (demery@natlab.research.philips.com) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From DMB5561719@aol.com Wed Oct 11 11:39:09 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST and other musics In a message dated 95-10-11 09:54:09 EDT, somebody wrote: >also Illusion of saftey is good but not as....i dont mean to lead the >disscussion away from Zorn but as i am always looking for new music i >thought i might suggest these. Dont' take this personal, but people state the above frequently here. Doesn't the header on the digest indicate Zorn & other downtown musics? Contrary to popular belief: John Zorn doesn't headline 365 days a year at the knitting factory and he isn't the only artist south of 14th street. Dresser: I heard him with Frith a few months back he didn't appear to be listening very carefully. He was way too loud. Baron: In the other corner...I heard him with Frith two days later at the Knit and the playing was telepathic. David Beardsley dmb5561719@aol.com ************************************************************************** * * * * Hey! We've got a NEW email catalog! * * * * Email us for information on IMMP recordings. Include IMMP in the subject line for a speedy response. IMMP = strange beautiful music, an adventure. ************************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From rizzi@TFS.COM Wed Oct 11 13:17:16 1995 -Subject: Japanese Noise dave aka larryvic@rain.org sez: > >also does amyone know anything about the Japanses noise scene other than >the boredoms? if their even included... Boredoms are definitely not a noise band. Their music has rhythm and even melody. Noise has neither. >i heard of a band called CCCC but have had no luck in finding >anything by them. Many CCCC releases can be found via the Charnel Music label out of San Francisco. They have a web page with lots o info at http://www.meer.net/~charnel/index.htm Other Japanese noise bands of note are Merzbow Hijokaidan Incapacitants Solmania Masonna Aube MSBR Violent Onsen Geisha (tho less so lately) and *some* of the solo work of K K Null Interesting stuff. cheers, mike rizzi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From rizzi@TFS.COM Wed Oct 11 13:29:57 1995 -Subject: Advertising? dmg@panix.com sez: >--Subject: Zorn, Laswell and Other Downtown music by mail > >Downtown Music Gallery >212 473-0043 >211 e 5th st nyc10003 sase for zorn and frith cat. > >Nobody know more about Zorn and Downtown than Bruce Gallanter >Enough said I guess we might as well shut down this mailing list and all call Bruce at the Downtown Music Gallery everytime we have a question. Seriously... >Mailorder and trades Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the knowledgeable folks at DMG are on the Zorn mailing list. However, the only contributions I've seen from them so far have been advertisements for their business...kind of uncool and bad netiquette. Share some of that extensive knowledge, and folks won't bristle at your trolling. m. rizzi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From twalker@uclink3.berkeley.edu Wed Oct 11 18:50:14 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #96 I am curious for some info on the band "High Rise." Apparently a Ruins member is involved in it somehow, I think, but the cd's are along the lines of 20 dollars, so I thought some info would be nifty before i purchase anything I haven't heard before. -todd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From IOUaLive1@aol.com Wed Oct 11 23:38:47 1995 -Subject: Re ZORN DIGEST #95 >--From awc837@lulu.acns.nwu.edu Sun Oct 8 19:02:12 1995 > >"of the bells > upon this weight there is one ty > what not > matter > ever what source > were found > there, may clover by'middey'bottl'd"- Cecil Taylor How about decyphering this for the rest of us Cecil Taylor fans?? He is the coolest, but damn if I can follow him after three or four words! : ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------