ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ OOOOOOOOOOO RRRRRRRRRRRRR NNN NNN Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ooooooooooooo r rr nnnn nnn zz o o r rr nnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnnnnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o r rr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rrrrrrrrrrrrr nnn nnn nnn zzz o o rr rr nnn nnn nnn zzz ooooooooooooo rr rr nnn nnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZ OOOOOOOOOOO rr rr nnn nnnnn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ rr rr nnn nnnn rr rr NNN NNN RR RR (AND OTHER NYC DOWNTOWN MUSICIANS) posts: zorn@unh.edu sub/unsub: zorn-request@unh.edu *** BACK ISSUES of this digest can be obtained in 3 ways: *** 1) anonymous FTP at cs.uwp.edu *** 2) via my homepage: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mpj1 *** 3) send mail to mpj1@kepler.unh.edu, on the subject line, put: send #, where # is the issue you want DIGEST #98, 10-13-95 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -From DMB5561719@aol.com Thu Oct 12 09:57:27 1995 -Subject: Re: Cecil Taylor In a message dated 95-10-12 09:37:50 EDT, IOUaLive1@aol.com writes: >>--From awc837@lulu.acns.nwu.edu Sun Oct 8 19:02:12 1995 >> >>"of the bells >> upon this weight there is one ty >> what not >> matter >> ever what source >> were found >> there, may clover by'middey'bottl'd"- Cecil Taylor > >How about decyphering this for the rest of us Cecil Taylor fans?? He is the >coolest, >but damn if I can follow him after three or four words! : ) This looks like it could be inspired be James Joyce? musically reclined, David Beardsley dmb5561719@aol.com ************************************************************************** * * * * Hey! We've got a NEW email catalog! * * * * Email us for information on IMMP recordings. Include IMMP in the subject line for a speedy response. IMMP = strange beautiful music, an adventure. ************************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From voprey@mercury.interpath.com Thu Oct 12 11:37:08 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #97 > > > When I saw Zorn at the Duke U. Masada show last year I think the man's > > very words were "Bungle knows their shit. All I did as producer was > > just polish the stone" > > Why did he talk about Mr. Bungle at a Masada gig, three years after he > produced their record??? > > Jonas > Because I asked him. At first he didn't want to talk, but after a few hours of Osaka Bondage and some Shangkuan Ling-Feng, he spilled. -------Dex the Torture Gardener ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From MUSALLE@WABASH.EDU Thu Oct 12 11:57:57 1995 -Subject: my first posting (gasp) hi, i'm new to the digest. don't make fun of me. i have gotten into zorn lately, but mostly his "solo" releases (spy v. spy, spillane, cobra) and painkiller. i was wondering if someone could recommend a good entry point into naked city. also, my idea of what masada is about is only vague; could someone describe them or some of their releases for me? also, since this has lately become the mr. bungle digest, i wanted to recommend their new album. it's weird, about five times as weird as the last one (which i liked a lot). mike patton has dropped considerably into the background of the group, vocal-wise. eric musall musalle@wabash.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From Trane222@aol.com Thu Oct 12 11:58:53 1995 -Subject: Dresser's "Caligari" lbenedet@it.berklee.edu Wed Oct 11 10:51:12 1995 says: <<>> I believe the album you're thinking of is "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari--Music for the Silent Film," and yes, Dave Douglas is the trumpet player. It's a trio-there's also some very interesting prepared piano on the album, and my mind has just gone totally blank on what the pianist's name is. Very scored, very ominous, and it contains a lot of subversive rhythms. It's interesting to listen to while watching a tape of the film, too. Sorry about forgetting the pianist's name--my CD is at home, while I am not. It's released on Knitting Factory Works. Great stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From bueno@hawaii.edu Thu Oct 12 12:38:09 1995 -Subject: HORVITZ covers Brahms Don't know if this showed up on the list before, but I found this blurb in the latest issue of Classical Pulse!: "The Romantics," an inventive 13-track sampler from Windham Hill Records, modernizes romantic minatures by Chopin, Schubert and others courtesy of the label's roster, including Liz Story and the Turtle Island String Quartet; the standout is a Brahms "Madchenlied," op. 5, No. 3, by Wayne Horvitz (keyboards and programming), Mark Feldman (violin), Dough Wiselman (clarinet) and Marty Ehrlich (alto flute and bass clarinet). --------------------------------------------------------------- What's a false move? And is it different from a real one? -- Delirium, "The Sandman" Duran Duran "Gossip" FAQ * Greg Bueno The Zero * The End of the World bueno@Hawaii.edu http://www2.hawaii.edu/~bueno ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From rizzi@TFS.COM Thu Oct 12 13:44:52 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #97 todd aka twalker@uclink3.berkeley.edu sez: > >I am curious for some info on the band "High Rise." Apparently a Ruins >member is involved in it somehow, High Rise are a noisy psychedelic band from Tokyo lead by bass player vocalist, Nanjo. As far as I know, there aren't any Ruins members involved. Their first self-titled album is an outstanding swirling roar...it was one of the first releases for Japan's P.S.F. label. It was bootlegged once by the Pubic Pop Can label...whoever they are. The original was going for about $100 when I was in Tokyo 2 weeks ago, and even the boot was priced high at about $40. >I think, but the cd's are along the lines >of 20 dollars, so I thought some info would be nifty before i purchase >anything I haven't heard before. The later releases (on CD) vary from very good to so so...I can't recall which is which. They had cleaner production and were less noisy, I remember that much. Any one else? cheers, m. rizzi rizzi@tfs.com ------------------------------------------- rizzi@netcom.com -=work=- "Another nerd with a soulpatch" -=home=- http://www.meer.net/~browbeat/ -------- browbeat magazine, po box 11124, oakland, ca 94611-1124 --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From xander@netcom.com Thu Oct 12 14:20:56 1995 -Subject: Mark Dresser Mark Dresser has a cd on Knitting Factory called "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," presumably intended as a soundtrack for the classic film. Dave Douglas is on it, and I think just one other person, but I can't remember who. I asked about it a while back before my system went down for a few months. Is there anyone out there now who can give us a review? Thanks, Xander ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From awc837@lulu.acns.nwu.edu Thu Oct 12 14:25:40 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #97 ----------- >>-From IOUaLive1@aol.com Wed Oct 11 23:38:47 1995 >-Subject: Re ZORN DIGEST #95 > >>--From awc837@lulu.acns.nwu.edu Sun Oct 8 19:02:12 1995 >> >>"of the bells >> upon this weight there is one ty >> what not >> matter >> ever what source >> were found >> there, may clover by'middey'bottl'd"- Cecil Taylor > >How about decyphering this for the rest of us Cecil Taylor fans?? He is the >coolest, >but damn if I can follow him after three or four words! : ) > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry- but there is no adaquate way to decipher a poem, no matter what the institution says. This quote was just taken from a part of the poem "Garden" which he wrote. I would print the whole thing but it's twenty one pages long. I believe it was written for his solo pieces called "Garden" on Hathut. I got it out of a book called "Moment's Notice- Jazz in poetry and prose". It's edited by art lange and nathaniel mackey. "Crime- when commited against a well chosen subject- brings the human closer to the divine than any sacrament"- me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From pmcarey@students.wisc.edu Thu Oct 12 14:26:18 1995 -Subject: Re: ZORN DIGEST #95 + Other Musics ... larryvic@rain.org wrote: does anyone know all of the releases from a band called main? This is probably not the place to put this info, but here goes: CALM 12" (1991) Situation 2 (SIT89T) HYDRA-CALM CD (1992) Situation 2 (SITL 39) DRY STONE FEED EP (1993) Beggars Banquet (BBQM 18CD) FIRMAMENT EP (1993) Beggars Banquet (BBQ 19CD) MOTION POOL CD (1994) Beggars Banquet (92382-2) LIGATURE (remixes) 12" (1994) Beggars Banquet (BBQ 43T) FIRMAMENT II EP (1994) Beggars Banquet (BBQCD 168) LIGATURE (remixes) CD (1995) Beggars Banquet (BBQM 43 CD) CORONA EP (1995) Beggars Banquet (Hertz 1) TERMINUS EP (1995) Beggars Banquet (Hertz 2) MASER EP (1995) Beggars Banquet (Hertz 3) HALOFORM EP (1995) Beggars Banquet (Hertz 4) ??? EP (Late Oct/Nov 95) Beggars Banquet (Hertz 5) ??? EP (Late Nov/Dec 95) Beggars Banquet (Hertz 6) Robert Hampson, ex-member of Loop & founder of Main also collaborated with Jim O'Rourke under the name INDICATE: INDICATE: WHELM CD (1995) Touch TO:25 also does anyone know anything about the Japanese noise scene? Yup, for info contact Mason Jones (mason@netcom.com) who runs the Charnel Music label in San Fran, but I believe someone already gave this info ... Other Japanese noise bands of note are Merzbow Hijokaidan Incapacitants Solmania Masonna Aube MSBR Violent Onsen Geisha (tho less so lately) and *some* of the solo work of K K Null don't forget Seed Mouth or the Gerogerigegege ... -Patrick ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From awkword@sfsu.edu Thu Oct 12 17:58:26 1995 -Subject: Phil Minton Phil Minton's voice on Bob Ostertag's Say No More and Say No More in Person, is spellbinding. Is anyone familiar with his other work? Are his other recordings consistent with what he did under Osterag's samplers and direction? or is it radically different? Much thanks --Marc Kate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From philman@freenet.scri.fsu.edu Fri Oct 13 00:28:24 1995 -Subject: re:Butch Morris This is in response to a question about Butch Morris' release, "Current Trends...". It is a large band, but other than Zorn and Frank Lowe I can't remember who plays on it. It is a recording of one of Butch's early conductions, from 1987, I believe. In my opinion, it is only fair. A much better document to my ears is the "Dust to Dust" release on New World from 93(i think that's the date), where the material is excellent, very well played, great improvisations, and very interesting textures; the instrumentation is unconventional and works well. For anyone really into Butch's work, New World is about to release a ten disc collection of previously unreleased conductions, for about 150 bucks! Also check out his work with David Murray's Big Band from the mid eighties on Black Saint and on a more recent DIW release. --One more note: to anyone thinking of ordering from Wayside, they have a good selection, but be FOREWARNED- I ordered a bunch of stuff from them ten weeks ago and STILL have not recieved it. Phil Ballman philman@freenet.scri.fsu.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From flufhead@u.washington.edu Fri Oct 13 00:44:15 1995 -Subject: Musica Transonic Hello there- a review of this band that I read somewhere stimulated me (as I have a soft spot for power trios), and I thought I'd see what y'all thought about their new CD. Thanks in advance for all your comments. -James Kirchmer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -From dmg@panix.com Thu Oct 12 23:20:27 1995 -Subject: Answer to Rizzi flame > > dmg@panix.com sez: > >--Subject: Zorn, Laswell and Other Downtown music by mail > > > >Downtown Music Gallery > >212 473-0043 > >211 e 5th st nyc10003 sase for zorn and frith cat. > > > >Nobody know more about Zorn and Downtown than Bruce Gallanter > >Enough said > > I guess we might as well shut down this mailing > list and all call Bruce at the Downtown Music > Gallery everytime we have a question. > > Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the knowledgeable folks > at DMG are on the Zorn mailing list. However, the > only contributions I've seen from them so far have been > advertisements for their business > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you call offering trades advertising? As for our mailorder MENTION not ad, I did it as a public service as I always see people mentioning where to get stuff and adresses for wayside and cadence etc. We service more Zorn and Downtown fans with music than anyone and I feel 1 post every few months stating so is appropriate. If you really want to know about and obtain all Zorn and downtown releases try getting on OUR Zorn list where we call our best customers as each release comes out. Selling this music is done for love OBVIOUSLY not money due to this limited interest this great music generates. As for Bruce gALLANTER Its true he has been to more Zorn shows than anyone several hundred, Maybe 90% of every show Zorn has done in NY in the Last 15 years and he has them all on tape, with Johns Permission. In fact John, Dave Douglas, Elliot Sharp etc go to Bruce when they need copies of their old shws. My advice to you is stop flaming, and start trading PS I agree that we need to provide more informative posts regulary, and Bruce is working on answers to questions from the last 2 digests Out.......Stephen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------