a.bsu.programming No description. a.bsu.religion No description. a.bsu.talk No description. aaa.inu-chan Inu-chan by Kenso KATO (Moderated) ab.arnet ??? (Moderated) ab.general Items of general interest in Alberta, Canada. ab.jobs Jobs in Alberta, Canada. ab.politics Discussion of politics in Alberta, Canada. abg.acf-termine Veranstalltungstermine der Augsburger Computer Freunde e.V. (Moderated) abg.admin Administrative Themen bzgl. abg-net abg.allgemein Verschiedenes abg.amiga Diskussion ueber den Amiga abg.atari Diskussion ueber den Atari abg.biete Kaufangebote abg.dfue zum Thema Datenvernuebertragung abg.diskussion fuer alle moeglichen sinnlosen Diskussionen abg.english chatten auf englisch auch fuer nichtenglaender... abg.frauen frauenthemen, was immer das auch sein soll abg.gewerblich gewerbliche Angebote abg.gruesse was taeten wir nur ohne sie... abg.kultur Konzerttermine, Kritiken, Filme, Buecher abg.lang.asm assemblerfragen und ein kursus dazu... abg.mampf Fuer Rezepte, Kochtips, Kneipentests u.ae. abg.ms-dos Diskussion ueber MS-DOS abg.os2 Diskussion ueber OS/2 abg.spiele spieletips und fragen abg.suche Kaufgesuche abg.test nur so zu Testzwecken! abg.tip-info Infos des tip. (Moderated) abg.unix Diskussion ueber das Unix BS abg.witziges muss auch sein.... acadia.bulletin-board ?? at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. acadia.chat ?? at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. acs.nntp The OSU ACS campus NNTP server. acs.osu-mentor No description. acs.test No description. adass.archiving Astronomical data archiving systems and software. adass.fits.oirfits Data formats and keywords for Optical/Infrared data. ahn.config Planning the ahn (Athens, GA) newsgroup hierarchy. ahn.general Topics of general interest in the Athens, GA, area. ahn.tech Technical topics in Athens, Georgia. ahn.tech.linux Discussion of the Linux OS in Athens, GA. ahn.test Testing Usenet in the Athens, Georgia, area. airmail.analog Internet America analog modem discussion and support. airmail.announce Internet America system announcements. (Moderated) airmail.flame Kicking, screaming and venting on IA-related issues. airmail.general General discussion of Internet America-related topics. airmail.isdn Internet America ISDN technical discussion and support. airmail.support Electronic support for Internet America customers airnews.alt.announce Internet America AIRNEWS.alt announcements. (Moderated) airnews.alt.binaries.fan.letterman David Letterman binaries. (Moderated) airnews.alt.company.wsps Tech Support for WebSite Promotional Services. airnews.alt.culture.etiquette Etiquette issues in the USA. (Moderated) airnews.alt.paranoia.black.helicopters Total conspiracy and we have proof! airnews.alt.travel.air.airports.bicker Airport-related topics, bickering. airnews.announce Internet America AIRNEWS! announcements (Moderated) airnews.flame Kicking, screaming and venting on AIRNEWS! issues. airnews.general Discussion of Internet America AIRNEWS!-related topics. airnews.support Electronic support for Internet America AIRNEWS!. airnews.test Test postings, propagation checks, etc. ak.admin Alaskan network news administration. ak.bushnet.thing Alaskan Public Access Networking. ak.config Alaskan regional heirarchy configuration. ak.test Messages with the beta-nature. akr.biz Advertisements for Akron area businesses. akr.freenet Discussion about the Akron Regional Free-Net. akr.internet Internet access in the Akron, Ohio, area. akr.jobs announcements and discussion of jobs in the Akron area. alabama.announce Announcements of interest to everyone in Alabama. (Moderated) alabama.birmingham.forsale Things for sale in Birmingham, AL only. alabama.birmingham.general General discussion about Birmingham, AL, USA. alabama.birmingham.jobs Employment specifically in Birmingham, AL. (Moderated) alabama.birmingham.radio.amateur Birmingham, AL amateur radio. alabama.birmingham.sports Birmingham, Alabama sports. alabama.birmingham.students Birmingham, Alabama student affairs. alabama.config Usenet news configuration in the alabama hierarchy. alabama.decatur.general General discussion about Decatur, Alabama, USA. alabama.education Education in the state of Alabama. alabama.general General discussion in the state of Alabama. alabama.jobs The Alabama job market. (Moderated) alabama.mobile.general General discussion about Mobile, Alabama (Moderated) alabama.politics Politics in the state of Alabama. alabama.shoals.general Discussion about the Shoals area in NW Alabama, USA. alabama.sports.alabama University of Alabama sports. alabama.sports.auburn Auburn University sports. alabama.sports.misc Miscellaneous Alabama sports. alabama.test News system testing in the alabama hierarchy. alabama.tuscaloosa.general General discussion about Tuscaloosa, AL, USA. alc.alc.bier.pils Discussion about Pils beer. alc.alc.c2h5oh General discussion on ethanol. alc.archive Announcements of available software. alc.general Items of general interest. alc.market Wanted / Forsale. alc.stat News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated) alc.suicide Discussions and methods. alc.test Tests. alc.tools.clearcase Methodology and hints of using ATRIA's ClearCase SCM. alc.tools.misc Tools and Methods recommended by Software Support Group. alc.tools.ovw Discussion about, templates for HP's OpenView Windows. alive.announce No description. alive.art No description. alive.art.paintings No description. alive.art.poems No description. alive.bbs No description. alive.bbs.dialup No description. alive.bbs.dialup.pcplus No description. alive.bbs.dialup.telix No description. alive.bbs.doors No description. alive.bbs.software No description. alive.bbs.software.ra No description. alive.bbs.software.renegade No description. alive.complaints No description. alive.complaints.flaming No description. alive.complaints.spamming No description. alive.computers No description. alive.computers.hardware No description. alive.computers.hardware.harddisks No description. alive.computers.hardware.modems No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.apple No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.ast No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.commodore No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.compaq No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.g2 No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.hp No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.ibm No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.laser No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.sun No description. alive.computers.hardware.systems.tulip No description. alive.computers.software No description. alive.computers.software.compression No description. alive.computers.software.compression.arj No description. alive.computers.software.compression.lzh No description. alive.computers.software.compression.rar No description. alive.computers.software.compression.zip No description. alive.computers.software.ms-access No description. alive.computers.software.ms-office No description. alive.computers.software.ms-word No description. alive.computers.software.netware No description. alive.computers.software.os No description. alive.computers.software.os.freebsd No description. alive.computers.software.os.linux No description. alive.computers.software.os.msdos No description. alive.computers.software.os.os2 No description. alive.computers.software.os.unix No description. alive.computers.software.os.windows No description. alive.computers.software.os.windows.nt No description. alive.computers.software.visual-dbase No description. alive.computers.software.wordperfect No description. alive.culture No description. alive.culture.christmas No description. alive.culture.nl [local] alive.culture.nl.11-stedentocht [local] alive.culture.nl.carnaval [local] alive.culture.nl.sinterklaas [local] alive.culture.nl.sinterklaas.gedichten [local] alive.culture.nl.xs4all [local] alive.culture.us.halloween [local] alive.culture.us.thanksgiving [local] alive.current-issues No description. alive.current-issues.nl [local] alive.current-issues.nl.hsl [local] alive.diary [local] alive.entertainment No description. alive.entertainment.games No description. alive.entertainment.games.doom No description. alive.entertainment.games.quake No description. alive.entertainment.games.quakeworld No description. alive.entertainment.movies No description. alive.entertainment.movies.toy-story No description. alive.internet No description. alive.internet.domain No description. alive.internet.domain.market No description. alive.internet.domain.registration No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.alive No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.auto No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.biz No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.com No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.earth No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.edu No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.info No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.org No description. alive.internet.domain.top-level.xxx No description. alive.internet.ftp No description. alive.internet.ftp.cuteftp No description. alive.internet.ftp.wsftp No description. alive.internet.irc No description. alive.internet.irc.bots No description. alive.internet.irc.mirc No description. alive.internet.irc.wsirc No description. alive.internet.lang No description. alive.internet.lang.html No description. alive.internet.lang.java No description. alive.internet.lang.javascript No description. alive.internet.lang.perl No description. alive.internet.mail No description. alive.internet.mail.eudora No description. alive.internet.mail.pegasus No description. alive.internet.mail.zmail No description. alive.internet.news No description. alive.internet.news.agent No description. alive.internet.news.dejanews No description. alive.internet.news.newsxpress No description. alive.internet.off-line No description. alive.internet.off-line.bbs No description. alive.internet.off-line.fmail No description. alive.internet.off-line.golded No description. alive.internet.off-line.timed No description. alive.internet.organizations No description. alive.internet.organizations.alternic No description. alive.internet.organizations.iesg No description. alive.internet.organizations.ietf No description. alive.internet.organizations.internic No description. alive.internet.organizations.isoc No description. alive.internet.organizations.nrc No description. alive.internet.organizations.nsf No description. alive.internet.organizations.nsi No description. alive.internet.providers No description. alive.internet.providers.aol No description. alive.internet.providers.aw [local] alive.internet.providers.aw.setarnet [local] alive.internet.providers.be [local] alive.internet.providers.be.eunet [local] alive.internet.providers.be.globe [local] alive.internet.providers.be.net4all [local] alive.internet.providers.compuserve No description. alive.internet.providers.demon No description. alive.internet.providers.free No description. alive.internet.providers.free.angelfire No description. alive.internet.providers.free.dds No description. alive.internet.providers.free.geocities No description. alive.internet.providers.free.tripod No description. alive.internet.providers.globalxs No description. alive.internet.providers.gnn No description. alive.internet.providers.netcom No description. alive.internet.providers.nl [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.cybercomm [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.euronet [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.globalxs [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.knoware [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.nlnet [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.planetinternet [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.tip [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.wirehub [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.worldaccess [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.worldonline [local] alive.internet.providers.nl.xs4all [local] alive.internet.providers.worldnet No description. alive.internet.providers.xs4all No description. alive.internet.uucp No description. alive.internet.www No description. alive.internet.www.browsers No description. alive.internet.www.browsers.ariadne No description. alive.internet.www.browsers.lynx No description. alive.internet.www.browsers.msie No description. alive.internet.www.browsers.netscape No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.altavista No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.bigfoot No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.infoseek No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.lycos No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.nrc No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.quickseek No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.whowhere No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.yahoo No description. alive.internet.www.search-engines.yellow-pages No description. alive.local No description. alive.local.aw [local] alive.local.be [local] alive.local.de [local] alive.local.dk [local] alive.local.il [local] alive.local.nl [local] alive.local.uk [local] alive.local.us [local] alive.local.us.la [local] alive.local.us.new-york [local] alive.local.us.texas [local] alive.market No description. alive.market.forsale No description. alive.market.forsale.computers No description. alive.market.forsale.computers.hardware No description. alive.market.forsale.music No description. alive.market.forsale.music.boots No description. alive.market.wanted No description. alive.market.wanted.serialnumbers No description. alive.media No description. alive.media.internet No description. alive.media.magazines No description. alive.media.magazines.electronic No description. alive.media.magazines.nl.wave [local] alive.media.magazines.nl.webber [local] alive.media.magazines.playboy No description. alive.media.magazines.wired No description. alive.media.radio No description. alive.media.radio.nl [local] alive.media.radio.nl.radio-3 [local] alive.media.radio.nl.radio-3.bad-grrrl [local] alive.media.radio.nl.radio-3.nachtwacht [local] alive.media.radio.nl.radio-3.nachtwacht.n8w8woord [local] alive.media.radio.nl.radio-3.pyama [local] alive.media.radio.nl.radio-3.umma-gumma [local] alive.media.radio.nl.skyradio [local] alive.media.radio.nl.wereldomroep [local] alive.media.tv No description. alive.media.tv.abc No description. alive.media.tv.bbc No description. alive.media.tv.be [local] alive.media.tv.be.brtn [local] alive.media.tv.be.rtbf [local] alive.media.tv.be.tvm [local] alive.media.tv.bnn No description. alive.media.tv.cartoon No description. alive.media.tv.cnn No description. alive.media.tv.discovery No description. alive.media.tv.filmnet No description. alive.media.tv.fox No description. alive.media.tv.mtv No description. alive.media.tv.mtve [local] alive.media.tv.mtve.dial [local] alive.media.tv.mtve.select [local] alive.media.tv.nbc No description. alive.media.tv.nickelodeon No description. alive.media.tv.nl [local] alive.media.tv.nl.avro [local] alive.media.tv.nl.kro [local] alive.media.tv.nl.nps [local] alive.media.tv.nl.rtl4 [local] alive.media.tv.nl.rtl5 [local] alive.media.tv.nl.sbs6 [local] alive.media.tv.nl.tros [local] alive.media.tv.nl.vara [local] alive.media.tv.nl.veronica [local] alive.media.tv.sky No description. alive.media.tv.soap No description. alive.media.tv.soap.nl.gtst [local] alive.media.tv.talk-shows No description. alive.media.tv.talk-shows.jerry No description. alive.media.tv.talk-shows.oprah No description. alive.media.tv.talk-shows.ricky No description. alive.media.tv.veronica No description. alive.media.tv.veronica.call-tv No description. alive.media.tv.veronica.now-tv No description. alive.music No description. alive.music.alanis No description. alive.music.bjork No description. alive.music.charts No description. alive.music.charts.nl [local] alive.music.charts.nl.albumtop100 [local] alive.music.charts.nl.itv [local] alive.music.charts.nl.megatop50 [local] alive.music.charts.nl.rabotop40 [local] alive.music.genres.rap No description. alive.music.hard-rock No description. alive.music.hard-rock.bon-jovi No description. alive.music.hard-rock.guns-n-roses No description. alive.music.hard-rock.hard-rock-cafe No description. alive.music.house No description. alive.music.house.total-touch No description. alive.music.house.total-touch.trijntje No description. alive.music.instruments No description. alive.music.instruments.guitar No description. alive.music.instruments.piano No description. alive.music.instruments.sax No description. alive.music.organizations No description. alive.music.organizations.buma-stemra No description. alive.music.paradiso No description. alive.music.record-labels No description. alive.music.record-labels.geffen No description. alive.music.stones No description. alive.music.tivoli No description. alive.nature No description. alive.nature.rainforrest No description. alive.news No description. alive.news.entertainment No description. alive.news.local No description. alive.news.local.aw [local] alive.news.local.be [local] alive.news.local.be.antwerpen [local] alive.news.local.be.brussel [local] alive.news.local.be.bruxelles [local] alive.news.local.be.gent [local] alive.news.local.be.luik [local] alive.news.local.nl [local] alive.news.local.nl.amsterdam [local] alive.news.local.nl.den-bosch [local] alive.news.local.nl.den-haag [local] alive.news.local.nl.enschede [local] alive.news.local.nl.harlingen [local] alive.news.local.nl.hilversum [local] alive.news.local.nl.leeuwarden [local] alive.news.local.nl.maastricht [local] alive.news.local.nl.nijmegen [local] alive.news.local.nl.rotterdam [local] alive.news.local.nl.utrecht [local] alive.news.local.uk [local] alive.news.local.uk.london [local] alive.news.local.usa [local] alive.news.local.usa.dallas [local] alive.news.local.usa.hollywood [local] alive.news.local.usa.lasvegas [local] alive.news.local.usa.miami [local] alive.news.local.usa.neworleans [local] alive.news.local.usa.newyork [local] alive.news.local.usa.washington [local] alive.news.sports No description. alive.news.technology No description. alive.news.world No description. alive.news.world.headlines No description. alive.organizations No description. alive.organizations.greenpeace No description. alive.organizations.nl [local] alive.organizations.nl.driewijck [local] alive.organizations.nl.driewijck.alv [local] alive.organizations.nl.driewijck.dobber [local] alive.organizations.nl.driewijck.dpt [local] alive.organizations.nl.driewijck.vrijwilligers [local] alive.organizations.nl.driewijck.werk.hv [local] alive.organizations.nl.driewijck.werk.tb [local] alive.people.akasha No description. alive.products No description. alive.products.drinks No description. alive.products.drinks.7up No description. alive.products.drinks.cocacola No description. alive.products.drinks.pepsi No description. alive.products.food No description. alive.products.food.bbq No description. alive.products.food.chips No description. alive.products.food.recipies No description. alive.religion No description. alive.requests No description. alive.school No description. alive.school.campus No description. alive.school.college No description. alive.school.college.art No description. alive.school.college.drama No description. alive.school.college.english No description. alive.school.college.history No description. alive.school.college.spanish No description. alive.school.preschool No description. alive.school.university No description. alive.sport No description. alive.sport.baseball No description. alive.sport.basketball No description. alive.sport.formula1 No description. alive.sport.hockey No description. alive.sport.soccer No description. alive.sport.soccer.ajax No description. alive.sport.soccer.barcelona No description. alive.sport.soccer.feyenoord No description. alive.sport.soccer.inter No description. alive.sport.soccer.local [local] alive.sport.soccer.local.nl [local] alive.sport.soccer.local.nl.knvb [local] alive.sport.soccer.local.nl.vv-maarssen [local] alive.sport.soccer.milan No description. alive.sport.soccer.uefa No description. alive.sport.soccer.utrecht No description. alive.statistics No description. alive.technology No description. alive.test No description. alive.transportation No description. alive.transportation.bus No description. alive.transportation.car No description. alive.transportation.car.citroen No description. alive.transportation.car.citroen.2cv No description. alive.transportation.car.honda No description. alive.transportation.car.renault No description. alive.transportation.car.saab No description. alive.transportation.car.volvo No description. alive.transportation.car.vw No description. alive.transportation.car.vw.beatie No description. alive.transportation.heli No description. alive.transportation.metro No description. alive.transportation.plain No description. alive.transportation.train No description. alive.transportation.tram No description. alive.unmoderated No description. alt.0d Yet another attempt to collect stupid people up front. alt.12hr continuous hypermodern alt.12step.cuckold.jaime-de-castellvi No description. alt.12step.cuckold.jaime-decastellvi alt.12step.cuckold.Jaime-DeCastellvi alt.12step.pedo.derek-mcmurray No description. alt.12step.sadomasochism.thewitch-dragon No description. alt.12steps.aa.darnell-fall can only do step one alt.12steps.aa.dave-crocker-sr is a liar alt.12steps.aa.dave-croker-jr is also a liar alt.12steps.aa.joe-glaze is a fat weight lifter who uses drugs alt.12steps.aa.steve-crocker is also a liar alt.12steps.aa.ted-l is a lamer alt.12steps.alanon.pat-crocker is a sick Alanon alt.12steps.bill-corbett is a dishonest car dealer alt.12steps.bill-gilchrist is a blowhard alt.12steps.na.gary-e is a lamer alt.12steps.na.mark-white has not done step two alt.12steps.na.steve-nelson is a lamer alt.1d One-dimensional imaging, & the thinking behind it. alt.23is.strange There is always something alt.2600d No description. alt.2600hz No description. alt.2d People using this group have no depth. alt.2eggs.sausage.beans.tomatoes.2toast.largetea.cheerslove No description. alt.3d Use alt.3d.misc instead. alt.3d.misc Three-dimensional imaging. alt.3d.rhino Rhino, a Windows NURBS curve, surface, & solid modeler. alt.3d.sirds Especially for Single Image Random Dot Stereograms. alt.3d.studio For 3D Studio users. alt.3djam-tv Press Releases for Fabs Music & Jam-TV alt.8z76 No description. alt.a uyqouopeeoj alt.a.ff uaenreasgiui alt.a.ja.jestem.glupi No description. alt.a.r.of.kyfolwvtpfk.q.teej.usgq hheliusiuvjeku alt.a.s uexiieaugplaoia alt.aaaaaa No description. alt.aac The Armageddon Ark Clan. alt.aapg.announce Announcements from the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. alt.aapg.general The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. alt.aardvark No description. alt.aber No description. alt.abg.hipcrime No description. alt.abg.maxwell No description. alt.abg.mexwall No description. alt.abide No description. alt.ablecommerce No description. alt.abortion No description. alt.abortion.inequity Paternal obligations of failing to abort unwanted child. alt.abp.cosmodeipita No description. alt.abuse No description. alt.abuse-recovery No description. alt.abuse.howard.knight Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.abuse.minton No description. alt.abuse.offender No description. alt.abuse.offender.recovery Helping abuse-offenders to recover & heal. alt.abuse.recovery Helping victims of abuse to recover. alt.abuse.transcendence Non-standard ways to deal with all forms of abuse. alt.accounting No description. alt.acme.exploding.newsgroup Beep beep. alt.acorn.adverts No description. alt.acorn.demos Discussion of Acorn demos, demo coding and game coding alt.acting I'm just not myself today. alt.activeserverpages ActiveServerPages technology, components, databases, coding help alt.activism Activities for activists. alt.activism.children Open discussion of political issues about children. alt.activism.children.cps-issues No description. alt.activism.children.cps-reform No description. alt.activism.children.molesters No description. alt.activism.children.whatisa-pedophile No description. alt.activism.community No description. alt.activism.d A place to discuss issues in alt.activism. alt.activism.death-penalty Info and discussion re abolition alt.activism.drug-war.mj-millennium Discussion of the MJ-Millennium alt.activism.eco-action discussion, news of ecological direct action (Moderated) alt.activism.groups.1998-nostalgia-club Announcements. alt.activism.groups.crossposters-league alt.activism.groups.crossposters-league: Announcements. alt.activism.latino-youth High school and college latino organizing alt.activism.microsoft.public.de.sqlserver No description. alt.activism.noise.pollution No description. alt.activism.peacefire No description. alt.activism.student Discussion and announcements of student activism alt.activism.youth-rights Youth rights/anti-age restriction activists. alt.actor.dustin-hoffman Renegade fans start another unneeded hierarchy. alt.actor.paul-stacey No description. alt.actor.paul.stacey No description. alt.adam-hotz No description. alt.adam-learn-to-read No description. alt.adam-learn-to-read.headers No description. alt.adc e(>aIi?+XAWPG9_ (Moderated) alt.addell.news No description. alt.adjective No description. alt.adjective.noun.verb.verb No description. alt.adjective.noun.verb.verb.verb The prototypical alt group. alt.adopt.latvian.babies No description. alt.adoption For those involved with or contemplating adoption. alt.adoption.adoption-world Discuss and support special needs alt.adoption.adoptive.parenting Special issues with parenting adopted children. alt.adoption.agency Licensed non-profit adoption agency information. alt.adoption.agency.losninos Los Niños international adoption agency based in USA (moderated) (Moderated) alt.adoption.issues Debate over controversies and attacks on adoption. alt.adoption.korean No description. alt.adoption.searching Matching adoptees and birth parents. alt.adsl.bordeaux No description. alt.advocacy.pico To support those oppressed by vi and emacs. alt.aeffle No description. alt.aeffle.und No description. alt.aeffle.und.pferdle German TV cartoon characters das Aeffle und das Pferdle. alt.afilcm eeaieokvirucueo (Moderated) alt.afraid.of.freedom.montgomery-wood No description. alt.agff-reg.daveg No description. alt.agff-reg.iwa13 Dave shouldn't have the alt.agff-reg.* alt.aggta No description. alt.aggta.peter-thomas Debate of Peter Thomas and his sometimes alt.agnosticism support for those not quite atheists or theists. alt.agoracast.wwx Decentralized XML message exchange. alt.agriculture No description. alt.agriculture.beef Beef production and management alt.agriculture.commodities No description. alt.agriculture.dean-stark No description. alt.agriculture.fruit Fruit production. alt.agriculture.misc Use sci.agriculture instead. alt.agriculture.technology No description. alt.ahbqs.com.sucks No description. alt.ai.py.p.v.n.vfi.gugesmu.v.h.nbho.pw 4E4j0T=bGKT alt.aids.infected.drug.addict.robert-f-golaszewski No description. alt.airbrush.art No description. alt.airline.schedules Current schedules of various airlines. alt.airports No description. alt.airports.uk.edinburgh News and views relating to Edinburgh alt.airstream No description. alt.airwarrior.squads.black-roses info,files,updates,air warrior faq alt.alala No description. alt.alchemy No description. alt.alcohol Don't drink and drive on the Info...no, I can't say it. alt.alcohol.jack-daniels No description. alt.aldus.freehand The other hand is busy. alt.aldus.misc Aldus products not covered in another alt.aldus group. alt.aldus.pagemaker Don't use expensive user support, come here instead. alt.alex No description. alt.alex.argues No description. alt.alex.argues.with No description. alt.alex.argues.with.maximum No description. alt.alex.argues.with.maximum.illumination No description. alt.algebra.help Cheating on Homework 101. alt.algonetics No description. alt.ali.howell.is.tidy No description. alt.alien.research Extraterrestial body snatching for fun and profit. alt.alien.student.flunk.flunk.flunk No description. alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk Something about simoN. alt.alien.visitors Space Aliens on Earth! Abduction! Gov't Coverup! alt.alien.wanderers Wanderers living amongst us, maybe even you are one. alt.aliens.they-are-here For discussion of aliens here on earth. alt.allsysop Use comp.bbs.misc instead. alt.als.zelfhulpgroep.be Forum for dutch ALS patient alt.alt ASCII stereograms. alt.alt.alt.alt.alt When the ants go marching five by five. alt.alt.binaries.pictures.plaatjes No description. alt.alt.binaries.pictures.wallpaper.tiles Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.alt.hipcrime No description. alt.alt.life.the-universe.and-everything No description. alt.alt.maxwell No description. alt.alt.mexwall No description. alt.alt.music.g-fibbers No description. alt.alt.pinwheel.is.the.man How Pinwheel is the man alt.alt.spamtrap Will probably just collect spam, but then fry it. alt.alt.test Use alt.test instead. alt.alt2600 No description. alt.alternative.health.drrush No description. alt.altopia No description. alt.altopia-news-server No description. alt.altopia-news-server.going-going-gone No description. alt.altopia-news-server.please-sale-it-cc No description. alt.altopia-news-server.was-the-best No description. alt.altopia-news-server.was-the-best.now-sucks-like No description. alt.altopia-news-server.was-the-best.now-sucks-like.the-rest No description. alt.altopia.hipcrime No description. alt.altopia.no No description. alt.altopia.no.troll-like No description. alt.altopia.no.troll-like.stuff No description. alt.altopia.no.troll-like.stuff.allowed No description. alt.altopia.please No description. alt.altopia.please.crosspost No description. alt.altopia.please.crosspost.responsibly No description. alt.altopia.please.crosspost.responsibly.that No description. alt.altopia.please.crosspost.responsibly.that.means No description. alt.altopia.please.crosspost.responsibly.that.means.no No description. alt.altopia.please.crosspost.responsibly.that.means.no.cascading No description. alt.alumni.bronx-science Those crazy kids from Bronx-Sci. alt.alumni.warwick Graduates of University of Warwick, UK. alt.amanda.g.is.a.superstar No description. alt.amateur-comp Discussion and input for Amateur Computerist Newsletter. alt.amazon-women No description. alt.amazon-women.admirers Worshiping women you have to look up to. alt.amber No description. alt.america Created by a British cluebag; probably now has USA talk. alt.america-online.wurk He's still no match for The Cypher. alt.america.online Use alt.online-service.america-online instead. alt.american.automobile.breakdown.breakdown.breakdown Born in the USA. alt.american.caribbean No description. alt.ameritech.jim.bayless.must.perish No description. alt.amiga.demos Use alt.sys.amiga.demos instead. alt.amiga.slip Use comp.sys.amiga.networking instead. alt.ammonia.refrigeration ? (Moderated) alt.amsoil No description. alt.anagrams Playing with words. alt.anal.retentive.freddie-holtz No description. alt.anarchism Anarchists of the world, unite! alt.anarchism.communist No description. alt.anarchism.syndicalist Anarcho-syndicalist news and debate alt.anarchy.rules No description. alt.ancona.calcio No description. alt.and No description. alt.angels Angels, near death experiences, miracles, you. (Moderated) alt.anger Seething rage. alt.angst Anxiety in the modern world. alt.angst.upc For serious discussions on terribly frightening financial alt.angst.xibo.sex Tightening the screws of your existence. alt.animals Use rec.pets.* or alt.animals.* instead. alt.animals.badgers Wombat love. alt.animals.bear Discussion of the bear alt.animals.bears Who's gonna win the Super Bowl? Da Bears! alt.animals.breeders.rabbits No description. alt.animals.cat Discussion of the cat alt.animals.crab This is a group for the discussion of crabs and alt.animals.dog Discussion of the dog alt.animals.dogs.collies.open-forum Collie clubs, politics, ethical issues alt.animals.dolphins Flipper, Darwin, and all their friends. alt.animals.eagle.bald Discussion of the eagle.bald alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian No description. alt.animals.falcon Discussion of the falcon alt.animals.felines Cats of all types. alt.animals.felines.diseases Discussions of feline infectious diseases. alt.animals.foxes For those wild and crazy guys. alt.animals.furtrapping No description. alt.animals.gibbon Discussion of the gibbon alt.animals.giraffes No description. alt.animals.goats Discussion group about goats alt.animals.goats.pygmy Discussion group about pygmy goats alt.animals.gorilla Discussion of the gorilla alt.animals.gull Discussion of the gull alt.animals.hawk Discussion of the hawk alt.animals.horses.breeding Discuss breeding & foaling. alt.animals.horses.icelandic Icelandic horses. alt.animals.humans.dishonesty.ubiquitous No description. alt.animals.lampreys Large suctorial mouths are cool. alt.animals.lemur Discussion of the lemur alt.animals.lion Discussion of the lion alt.animals.llama Discussion of the llama alt.animals.mules No description. alt.animals.otters For fans of Ring of Bright Water. alt.animals.pandas Discussion of the endangered giant pandas. alt.animals.peacock Discussion of the peacock alt.animals.ponies Discuss all pony breeds (kids & all ages) alt.animals.rabbit Discussion of the rabbit alt.animals.raccoons Discussion of raccoons and raccoon-related topics. alt.animals.rights.promotion No description. alt.animals.scorpion Discussion of the scorpion alt.animals.sealion Discussion of the sealion alt.animals.tiger Discussion of the scorpion alt.animals.whales Everything from harbour porpoises to blue whales. alt.animals.wombat Discussion of the wombat alt.animals.zebu Discussion of the zebu alt.animation.batman No description. alt.animation.mainframe Computer animation from Mainframe Entertainment Inc alt.animation.mike-judge The animation of Mike Judge alt.animation.nick-park Nice bit of Wensleydale, that, Gromit! alt.animation.spumco The Danes call it Quality. alt.animation.warner-bros Discussions about Warner Brothers cartoons. alt.anime Japanese animated movies and TV shows. alt.anime.cardcaptor-sakura Cardcaptor Sakura and its English alt.anime.escaflowne No description. alt.anime.gundam Japanese animation, games, novels and manga. alt.anime.shoujo Japanese animation targeted to young girls, and its origins. alt.anime.techi-muyo No description. alt.anime.tenchi-muyo No description. alt.annelies A newsgroup for annelies alt.anonmailnet.messages No description. alt.anonymous alt! Who goes there? alt.anonymous.domains No description. alt.anonymous.email No description. alt.anonymous.messages An anonymous message pool newgroup, whatever that is. alt.anonymous.messages.luciferslegion No description. alt.anonymous.messages.skuznet No description. alt.anonymous.servers.cotse-com discussion of Cotse.com alt.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) alt.anthony-ciolli Discussion of Anthony Ciolli alt.anthrax.binaries No description. alt.anthrax.binaries.pictures No description. alt.anthrax.chat No description. alt.anthrax.comp No description. alt.anti-ebay No description. alt.antichristnet Will Spencer does not assume responsibility. alt.antiques.delaware.joe Specializing in Americana from the Joe period. alt.antonio.sabato.jr No description. alt.anybody You talking to me? alt.anygroup No description. alt.anyone.can.make.a.group No description. alt.anyone.can.make.a.group.part.deux No description. alt.anything Use misc.misc instead. alt.aol-sucks Why some people hate AOL and/or its users. alt.aol-sucks.rejects People who are sick of being flamed by alt.aol-sucks. alt.aol.cypher I am God of even worms. alt.aol.overbilling Complaining about charges from America Online. alt.aol.rejects Another forum for gripes about America Online. alt.aol.should.have.crossposting Well, it should. alt.aol.tricks No description. alt.apache.configuration Apache web server configuration issues. alt.apocalypse Now. alt.apocalypso Dancing into the next millennium. alt.appalachian Appalachian region awareness, events, and culture. alt.april No description. alt.april.fool It's April 1st. Laugh, Laugh, Laugh. alt.aquaria The aquarium & related as a hobby. alt.aquaria.guppy Care, breeding, and chat about guppies alt.aquaria.killies Killifish, members of family cyprinodontidae. alt.aquaria.oscars No description. alt.aquaria.tropical.fish.hobbist A discussion group for all alt.aquaria.whitecloud No description. alt.ar.av.hxr.h.kxuvj ixosycrulrbuyinoeaooea alt.arabic general talks in Arabic alt.arabic.comp computers in the Arabic world alt.arabic.flying Arab pilots or expatiates flying with Arabian carriers. alt.arabic.general general talks in Arabic alt.arabic.politics general talks in Arabic alt.archaeology Use sci.archaeology instead. alt.archeology No description. alt.archery Robin Hood had the right idea. alt.archery.traditional For fans of traditional archery. alt.archimedes.bugs Few people know he invented giant mechanical bugs. alt.architecture Building design/construction and related topics. alt.architecture.alternative Non-traditional building designs. alt.architecture.int-design Interior design of man-made spaces. alt.argen No description. alt.argentina.adolecentes No description. alt.arguments FOR VERBAL FIGHTS, ARGUMENTS AND CHATTER alt.argus No description. alt.armourers Armourers and info for them. alt.aromatherapy The effects of scents. alt.arriflex.sucks No description. alt.art.bodypainting Discussions about temporary body painting. alt.art.caricature No description. alt.art.colleges Colleges that teach art. alt.art.hirez An agora for hirez scene artists and enthusiasts. alt.art.illustration General dicussion of illustration methods and ideas. alt.art.marketplace Art and art supplies wanted and forsale. alt.art.scene Making a spectacle of yourself in the art world. alt.art.video Artistic expression with using video as a medium. alt.art.virtual-beret Art isn't really wearing a chapeau. alt.artcom Artistic Community, arts & communication. alt.artcrime Discussion related to Artcrime. alt.arthritis.spondy.risg.info No description. (Moderated) alt.arts.anthro Discussion of anthropomorphic art alt.arts.ballet All aspects of ballet & modern dance as performing art. alt.arts.ballet-dance.uk No description. alt.arts.bujinkan Martial Arts - Bujinkan Budo Taijitsu (Ninjutsu). alt.arts.bujinkan-sucks No description. alt.arts.bujinkan.hayes_is_gay No description. alt.arts.contortion discussion group on the art of contortionism alt.arts.dark-erotica dark erotica arts discussion alt.arts.limericks No description. alt.arts.murky-pond Poetry, prose & artwork from the depths of the soul alt.arts.nomad Shifting, searching, belonging, place, identity, power? alt.arts.origami Origami discussion (no binaries). alt.arts.poetry.comments a place to post and comment on poetry alt.arts.poetry.urban Poetry of the urban experience from an urban alt.arts.storytelling Discussion of storytelling in all its forms. alt.artsenkeuze.nl No description. alt.ascii No description. alt.ascii-art Pictures composed of ASCII characters. alt.ascii-art.animation Movies composed of ASCII characters. alt.ascii-art.endless-blabla Debates and discussions about ascii art alt.ascii.hellas No description. alt.ascoli.calcio No description. alt.asenbo.robd eeiiaoporxauxceiqra alt.asian-movies Movies from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland. alt.asian.american.chat No description. alt.ass.assinate.me No description. alt.assassination.jfk JFK Assassination Discussion. (Moderated) alt.assassination.jfk.uncensored No description. alt.asshole-factory.hackers.malicious No description. alt.asshole.al-gore No description. alt.asshole.factory.hackers.malicious No description. alt.asshole.george-w-bush No description. alt.asshole.george.w.bush No description. alt.asshole.montgomery-wood No description. alt.asshole.reinhold.aman No description. alt.astra.accounting No description. alt.astrology Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.astrology.asian The stars as they appear over the Orient. alt.astrology.marketplace Astrology business; for-sale, want-to-buy ads. alt.astrology.metapsych Discussion of astrology alt.astrology.moderated Study and practice of astrology. (moderated) (Moderated) alt.astrology.pro No description. alt.astrology.scam discussion of astrology as a con alt.astrology.toadology discussion of toadology vs. astrology alt.astronomy No description. alt.astronomy.solar For discussion on solar astronomy. alt.at.fido.startrek Discussion of AT Specific StarTrek stuff alt.atari-jaguar.discussion As opposed to simply alt.atari.jaguar. alt.atari.2600vcs The Atari 2600 video console system. alt.atheism Godless heathens. alt.atheism.illogical-fuckwits For all alt.atheists alt.atheism.moderated Focused Godless heathens. (Moderated) alt.atheism.satire Funny Godless heathens. alt.athiesm Illiterate Godless heathens. alt.atl.hipcrime No description. alt.atl.maxwell No description. alt.atl.mexwall No description. alt.atlanta No description. alt.att.g isiaoieeieoxkaujtj alt.atv All-Terrain-Vehicle Racing/Riding/Buying/Technical Discussion alt.auctions.uk.online Auctions and auction advertising. alt.audio.dts discussion dts audio format alt.audio.equipment audio equipment discussion group alt.audio.minidisc No description. alt.audio.pro.live-sound Discussion of live sound reinforcement alt.audio.theatre-sound Information and tips on theatre sound. alt.august No description. alt.auletta.auletta No description. alt.auricchio No description. alt.aus.bonehead.dawn-mcgatney.bloody.convict.bitch Petty grudge group. alt.aus.bonehead.jimo-ngygook.bulletstopper.poofter Petty grudge group. alt.aus.bonehead.joey-thoi Petty grudge group. alt.aus.telehealth General discussion of Telehealth in Australia.. alt.authors.clive-cussler No description. alt.authors.margit-sandemo No description. alt.authors.mcluhan Marshall's words, works, and writings. alt.authorware About Authorware, produced by Authorware. So subtle. alt.auto.dodge.suv.durango Forum for for the love of the Dodge Durango. alt.auto.ford.pickups No description. alt.auto.mercedes Discussing Mercedes-Benz cars. alt.auto.parts.wanted alt.american.automobile.breakdown.breakdown.breakdown. alt.autographs.transactions Autographs wanted and for sale. alt.autos Use rec.autos.* or alt.autos.* groups instead. alt.autos.4x4.chevy-trucks Over 40 years of 4x4 Chevy/GMC trucks alt.autos.acura No description. alt.autos.alfa-romeo for the discussion of alfa romeo cars alt.autos.antique Use rec.autos.antique instead. alt.autos.audi Audi automobiles. alt.autos.bmw No description. alt.autos.cadillac Discussions about Cadillac cars alt.autos.cadillac.deville No description. alt.autos.camaro.firebird A couple of American sports cars. alt.autos.chevelle moderated Chevy Chevelle history restoration maintenance (Moderated) alt.autos.chevrolet.malibu No description. alt.autos.chrysler.sebring No description. alt.autos.classic-trucks American light trucks of note. alt.autos.corvette Discussions about Americas premiere sportscar alt.autos.daewoo Daewoo cars alt.autos.daihatsu No description. alt.autos.dean-stark No description. alt.autos.dodge.trucks Surgeon General's Warning: Dodge Trucks or Die. alt.autos.dsm Discussion of DSM autos: Eclipse, Talon, Laser. alt.autos.dutton alt.Autos.Dutton Dutton Owners Club alt.autos.ferrari Enrico's marque. alt.autos.fiat No description. alt.autos.fiero Relating to the 1984-1988 Pontiac Fieros alt.autos.ford Other Ford vehicles. alt.autos.ford.cdw-27 Ford Contour/Mondeo/Cougar/Mystique alt.autos.ford.festiva No description. alt.autos.ford.flathead No description. alt.autos.ford.focus An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.autos.fuel-injection No description. alt.autos.gm All General Motors vehicles. alt.autos.gm.j-body j-body customization, maintenance, and performance alt.autos.gm.monza-hspecial Discussion about Monza and other GM H-Specials alt.autos.gm.olds-cutlass For Olds Cutlass and 442 enthusiasts. alt.autos.grand-national Bad to the Bone! GN, TR and Turbo TA. alt.autos.grand.national Use alt.autos.grand-national instead. alt.autos.honda is a Discussion group for Honda/Acura vehicles. alt.autos.honda.type-r alt.autos.honda is a Discussion group for Honda/Acura vehicles. alt.autos.hyundai Hyundai Motor Company and its line of vehicles. alt.autos.infiniti.q45 No description. alt.autos.isuzu No description. alt.autos.italian Italian vehicles. alt.autos.jaguar Britain's Jaguar automobiles. alt.autos.karting Racing go-karts. alt.autos.kia Kia Motors Company and its line of vehicles. alt.autos.kitcars No description. alt.autos.lamborghini No description. alt.autos.lancia Lancia cars alt.autos.lexus Lexus cars and trucks. alt.autos.lincoln No description. alt.autos.lincoln.ls No description. alt.autos.macho-trucks For macho truck enthusiasts. Big block or bust. alt.autos.mercury.cougar The 1967 to 1973 Mercury Cougar alt.autos.microcars a subgroup of alt.autos for all micro cars alt.autos.mini For the discussion of English Mini automobiles. alt.autos.mini-truck No description. alt.autos.mitsubishi Mitsubishi automobiles. alt.autos.neon No description. alt.autos.nissan Nissan automobiles. alt.autos.nissan.altima No description. alt.autos.nissan.maxima Discussion of the Nissan Maxima Automobile alt.autos.nissan.z-car Nissan/Datsun Z-cars, modify, restore, etc. alt.autos.oldsmobile Oldsmobile products & memorabilia. alt.autos.performance-cars No description. alt.autos.peugeot No description. alt.autos.peugeot.sucks Maybe it needs a bigger airbox. alt.autos.police-vehicle No description. alt.autos.pontiac Discussion of Pontiac Automobiles alt.autos.pontiac.firebird No description. alt.autos.porsche Porsche automobiles. alt.autos.porsche928 No description. alt.autos.rod-n-custom Use rec.autos.rod-n-custom instead. alt.autos.rolls-royce-bentley No description. alt.autos.saab Saab automobiles. alt.autos.sport.nhra Topics relating to the NHRA or drag racing in general. alt.autos.sport.rally Use rec.autos.sport.rally instead. alt.autos.studebaker No description. alt.autos.subaru Subaru vehicles. alt.autos.t-buckets for the discussion of street rods and old cars alt.autos.toyota Discussions related to Toyota cars and trucks. alt.autos.toyota.camry No description. alt.autos.toyota.trucks Toyota Trucks alt.autos.turbocharged Turbo- and supercharged autos alt.autos.volvo Volvo automobiles. alt.aven.gt.ik.kc.wc.pvxsqygpu =9$a"kl*/4-\bXS2P]@= alt.aviation.fun No description. alt.aviation.jobs Discussion of job opportunities for pilots and alt.aviation.kooks Discussion of aviation kooks in general. alt.aviation.roswell.wannabe.wannabe.wannabe No description. alt.aviation.safety Aviation safety enhancement alt.aviation.virtualairlines No description. alt.avq.vfsgymf.bp.crtblb qistaoguzeuuniikwueioac alt.avraham-leibovitch.is.a.dribbling.goomer No description. alt.awe32.files No description. alt.awelch.hipcrime No description. alt.awelch.maxwell No description. alt.awelch.mexwall No description. alt.awelch.test Substantial interest, and all that crap alt.awty.cps.cksbs.bje pdeaexizaatcuvzv alt.awulh neindcariueo alt.b.bu.b uuouswhpucasam (Moderated) alt.b.gixr.di.bjb.pvx.gf.s.f.ir.fe.g mdbaupaoeepieoteoeausuko alt.b.k.i.gred.a.i.yvsx.h.kvjp.g.vj.hd.x.m.ez.xx.rb ]^%W,jLNP!bJg(IZ=HSA- alt.b.moylan.needle.prick.the.bug-fucker No description. alt.b.n I_YJZ*j%]\gY*,F'bg]#\j1DYZ> alt.babe-land.com No description. alt.babylon5.uk Use uk.media.tv.sf.babylon5 instead. alt.bacchus Disciples of the god of wine. alt.backrubs Lower...to the right...aaaah! alt.backup-software A newsgroup for IT profesionals to discuss the alt.backyard-wrestling For the extreme backyard wrestling fan alt.bad-breath.hawk Ratty hair; smokers breath; how attractive. alt.bad-breath.ray-vanlandingham NG discussing Ray's halitosis alt.bad.clams Festering food or financial forgeries. alt.bad.personal-hygiene.jay-denebeim What's that smell? alt.bainaries.games.encrypted No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.babies No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.black.erotic.females No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.boys.barefoot No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.cemetaries No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.child.erotica.female No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.child.erotica.male No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.comix No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.amateur.female No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.amateur.male No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.ani No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.animals No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.anime No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.art.pin-up No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.asian-indian No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.asian.male No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.autos No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.babies No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.balls No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.bears No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.bestiality No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.bestiality.hamster.duct-tape No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.big-folks No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.black.female No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.black.male No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.blondes No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.breasts No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.butts No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.cartoons No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.cheerleaders No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.child No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.child.female No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.child.male No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.children No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.close-up No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.d No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.d.moderated No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.denise-lester No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.disney No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.empty-nest No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.facials No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.female No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.female.anal No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.fetish No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.barbie No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.diapers No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.feet No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.hair No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.latex No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.leather No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.furry No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.groupsex No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.gymnast-girls No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.high-heels No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.hornyrob No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.indian-asian No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.interracial No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.istar.diapers No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.koo.sisters No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.kwakiutl No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.latimo No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.latina No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.latino No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.lesbians No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.lolita No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.male No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.male.chubby No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.marcusvilliers No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.mardi-gres No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.midgets No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.moderated No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.oral No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.oriental No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.orientals No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.panties No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.plushies No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.pornstars No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.pre-teen No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.redheads No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.scanmater No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.schoolgirls No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.spanking No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.spatch No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.tasteless No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.teen No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.teen.d No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.teens No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.erotica.uniform No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.fine-art.d No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.fine-art.misc No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.fractals No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.furniture No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.furry No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.girlfriend No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.girlfriends No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.groupsex No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.horny.nurses No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.leek No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.lesbians No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.lingerie No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.lingerie.bigbutts No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.lolita.fucking No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.lolita.misc No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.misc No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.misc.d No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.nude.celebrities No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.nudism No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.nudism.celebrities No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.nylons No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.pantyhouse No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.personal No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.photo-modeling No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.sex No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.sex.fetish No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.sex.fetish.fish No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.supe No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.supermodels No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.supermodels.kate-moss No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.tasteless No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.teen-idols No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.teen-starlets No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.tools No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.utilities No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.vehicles No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.victoria.secret No description. alt.bainaries.pictures.voyeurism No description. alt.balbriggan No description. alt.baldspot He's not only the founder, he's a customer; our guy Sy. alt.baldspot.ernietalk No description. alt.baldurs-gate No description. alt.balkan-papci political opinions according mentality and culture in balkans alt.balloon.pop.pop.pop No description. alt.balordi.it No description. alt.bananas No description. alt.banjo Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah. alt.banjo.clawhammer Technique and tricks from the masters of banjo. alt.banjo.minstrel No description. alt.bankruptcy Issues, alternative, choices, financial recovery. alt.barb No description. alt.barb.sucks No description. alt.barcodes No description. alt.barefoot Campaigning against "No shirt, no shoes, no service." alt.barefoot.children Topics involving barefoot children - no nudity alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die "There's enough hatred of Barney for everyone!" alt.barnsley.hilliterates No description. alt.barter Down with monetary systems! alt.base-jumping.sheep.bounce.bounce.bounce Hey, who packed this chute?! alt.basement.graveyard Another side of the do-it-yourself movement. alt.bass No description. alt.bass.electric No description. alt.bastard.strayhorn Discussion of and by "that bastard Ken" alt.bastards.stinky.schult JeffCON Warnings. alt.bathroom Discussion of bathrooms, toilets, etc. alt.battlestar-galactica The Sci-Fi tv series Battlestar: Galactica. alt.bbc.the_net BBC TV's "The Net" series. alt.bbs Computer BBS systems & software. alt.bbs.ads Ads for various computer BBS's. alt.bbs.allsysop SysOp concerns of ALL networks and technologies. alt.bbs.allsysup SysOps with a phobia of the letter O. alt.bbs.amiga.cnet CNet Amiga Pro BBS support. alt.bbs.amiga.trion No description. alt.bbs.beeline A chat board and what happened to it. alt.bbs.bernie-host No description. alt.bbs.citadel The Citadel BBS. alt.bbs.citadel.prism No description. alt.bbs.doors Bulletin board system add-on executables, or "doors". alt.bbs.doors.binaries Use alt.binaries.bbs.doors instead. alt.bbs.doors.lord No description. alt.bbs.doors.lord.binaries Use alt.binaries.bbs.doors instead. alt.bbs.elebbs Newsgroup for the BBS package EleBBS by Maarten Bekers alt.bbs.excalibur Discussion of Excalibur BBS Software for Windows. alt.bbs.first-class The First Class Mac GUI BBS. alt.bbs.general No description. alt.bbs.gigo-gateway Garbage in, garbage out --- alt.* in a nutshell. alt.bbs.iniquity Discussions about iNiQUiTY BBS Software. alt.bbs.internet BBSs that are hooked up to the Internet. alt.bbs.jds For discussion of JDS Plug-Ins for Excalibur BBS. alt.bbs.lists Postings of regional BBS listings. alt.bbs.lists.d Discussion and requests of regional BBS listings. alt.bbs.majorbbs The MajorBBS by Galacticomm, Inc. alt.bbs.maxs Discussion & help forum for maxs bbs. alt.bbs.metal The METAL Telecommunications Enviornment. alt.bbs.mystic No description. alt.bbs.omnibbs OMNI BBS, a popular client/server bulletin board system. alt.bbs.pcboard Technical support for the PCBoard BBS. alt.bbs.pcbuucp The commerical PCBoard gateway, PCB-UUCP. alt.bbs.powerboard The Powerboard BBS package. alt.bbs.proboard Discussion of Proboard BBS software. alt.bbs.public-address Public Address BBS Software for the Macintosh. alt.bbs.ra RemoteAccess discussion. alt.bbs.renegade The James Dean of BBSes. alt.bbs.rip RIPscrip, the Remote Imaging Protocol GUI for BBSes. alt.bbs.searchlight Searchlight BBS system discussions. alt.bbs.telefinder About the TeleFinder BBS host/webserver and TF BBSs/sites. alt.bbs.telegard.moderated No description. alt.bbs.tribbs Didn't Kirk have some trouble with tribbs? alt.bbs.unixbbs UnixBBS, from Nervous XTC. alt.bbs.uupcb PCB? I used to do that in the Sixties, man. alt.bbs.waffle Use comp.bbs.waffle instead. alt.bbs.watergate The WaterGate mail processor. alt.bbs.wildcat WILDCAT! BBS from Mustang Software, Inc. alt.bbs.wildcat.wccode No description. alt.bbs.wwiv The WWIV bulletin board system. alt.bbt.z.b.bq uztqqeeooaacoixgeieag alt.beadworld We must appease the Bead Gods. alt.bedwetters.james-spoon No description. alt.bedwetters.mikey-clifford No description. alt.beenz For discussion of where to obtain and the best places alt.beeotch.jay-denebeim This boy likez talkin' SHIT! alt.beer Good for what ales ya. alt.beer.alt Alt-style beer, the best beer in the world. alt.beer.breweriana No description. alt.beer.cbc.drink.drink.drink No description. alt.beer.home-brewing No description. alt.beer.like-molson-eh A beer that Canadians can be like, uh, proud of, eh? alt.beograd City and people of Beograd. alt.best.of.internet It was a time of sorrow, it was a time of joy. alt.bestjobsusa No description. alt.bestjobsusa.computer No description. alt.bestjobsusa.computer.jobs No description. alt.bestjobusa No description. alt.bestjobusa.computer.jobs No description. alt.bfg.q.k %3/Yh9\DTPVW)kH< alt.bible General discussion about the Holy Bible. alt.bible-errancy No description. alt.bible.errancy Errancy in the Holy Bible. (Moderated) alt.bible.memorize No description. alt.bible.prophecy Discussion of the Bible and its prophecies. alt.bible.rapture.mod The end times described in Revelations. (Moderated) alt.biblesoft.users No description. alt.bidon No description. alt.bigfoot Dr. Scholls gone native. (Moderated) alt.bigfoot.research No description. alt.bikermice No description. alt.bill-gates.kind.benificent.loving.big-brother He's watching you alt.binaires.games.squaresoft No description. alt.binaires.pictures.anime No description. alt.binaires.pictures.erotica.anime No description. alt.binaires.pictures.erotica.teen Use alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen. alt.binaires.pictures.monsters No description. alt.binari No description. alt.binaries No description. alt.binaries.3d.bryce For posting of binary files for the Bryce 3d programs alt.binaries.3d.bryce.larger-posts No description. alt.binaries.3d.lightwave No description. alt.binaries.3d.mojoworld Binaries created with MojoWorld alt.binaries.3d.poser No description. alt.binaries.3d.truespace No description. alt.binaries.3dstudio No description. alt.binaries.activism.militia Plans for your own paramilitary force. alt.binaries.actvism.radical-left Leftist images and sounds alt.binaries.adolescents Photographs and movies of adolescent girls. alt.binaries.adolescents.off-topic No description. alt.binaries.agff No description. alt.binaries.agff.hentai No description. alt.binaries.allmanbrothers Allman Brothers Band binary files alt.binaries.alt5 Alt5 binaries. alt.binaries.amp Posting of collectable scan series currently done in alt.binaries.andrew.lloyd-webber No description. alt.binaries.andy-kaufman No description. alt.binaries.anime No description. alt.binaries.anime.tenchi No description. alt.binaries.anime.vcd Encoded anime in VCD and MPEG format. alt.binaries.anna-kournikova Companion group to alt.fan.kournikova alt.binaries.aoi No description. alt.binaries.appalachian No description. alt.binaries.applications.mac No description. alt.binaries.asianscans No description. alt.binaries.asianscans.icyscans No description. (Moderated) alt.binaries.atari.cancelbots Newsgroup for testing cancelbots alt.binaries.atari.d (Moderated) Discussion of files for Atari systems (Moderated) alt.binaries.atari.dead Executables only. (Moderated) alt.binaries.athome.ware-z No description. alt.binaries.audio.minidisc No description. alt.binaries.audio.warez gimme yr audio juarez!@@@'''1111 alt.binaries.autographs Scanned signatures. alt.binaries.automobiles No description. alt.binaries.automobiles.carshows No description. alt.binaries.automobiles.carshows.babes No description. alt.binaries.autos.performance-cars No description. alt.binaries.band.in.a.box No description. alt.binaries.barbarella No description. alt.binaries.basement.graveyard The binaries of alt.basement.graveyard alt.binaries.bass A binaries group to support alt.guitar.bass and alt.bass. alt.binaries.bathroom No description. alt.binaries.bbs No description. alt.binaries.bbs.doors Postings of binary encoded BBS door programs. alt.binaries.bbs.pcboard Binaries for PCBoard systems. alt.binaries.bbs.renegade Binaries for Renegade BBS systems. alt.binaries.beatles No description. alt.binaries.blueyonder A place to post anything legal. alt.binaries.bollywood Indian movies, videos alt.binaries.boneless No description. alt.binaries.britney-spears No description. alt.binaries.butthedd No description. alt.binaries.buttnuggets No description. alt.binaries.buttnuggets.for No description. alt.binaries.buttnuggets.for.jesus No description. alt.binaries.buttnuggets.for.klaas No description. alt.binaries.c.w cable wanadoo discutions alt.binaries.calc-ti Binaries relvant to Texas Instruments calculators. alt.binaries.cancelbots No description. alt.binaries.casema No description. alt.binaries.catherine.zeta.jones No description. alt.binaries.cathybarry No description. alt.binaries.cbts No description. alt.binaries.cd No description. alt.binaries.cd.genealogy Family histories and research alt.binaries.cd.genealogy.d Text-related posts from parent group a.b.cd.g. alt.binaries.cd.genealogy.parts For incomplete fills. alt.binaries.cd.genealogy.reposts Reposts of postings to the main group. alt.binaries.cd.image is for comments refering to the image of cd and alt.binaries.cd.image.0-day Binary 0-day cd images. alt.binaries.cd.image.0-day.akulas.playground No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.clonecd CD images in CloneCD format. alt.binaries.cd.image.d No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.discussion.tools No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.dreamcast Images of Sega Dreamcast games. alt.binaries.cd.image.french No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.french.d No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.french.repost No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.games CD images of games. alt.binaries.cd.image.highspeed For the posting of software CD image alt.binaries.cd.image.iso_unlimited No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.other requested cd images and reposts alt.binaries.cd.image.other.d For the discussion of posts in ABCDIO alt.binaries.cd.image.other.parts No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.parts No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation.d No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation.reposts No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation2 Binary postings for the alt.binaries.cd.image.playstation2.repost Binary postings for alt.binaries.cd.image.reposts No description. alt.binaries.cd.image.sega-saturn Sega Saturn Software and Games alt.binaries.cd.image.tools.d is for comments refering to the tools alt.binaries.cd.other No description. alt.binaries.celebrities.bikini No description. alt.binaries.celebrities.fake.moderated Erotically altered (Moderated) alt.binaries.checkmate No description. alt.binaries.checkmate.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.cheer.dance No description. alt.binaries.chello.nl No description. alt.binaries.christy-turlington No description. alt.binaries.circus Binary files relating to circus alt.binaries.cleannews.test No description. alt.binaries.clip-art Distribution of DOS, Mac and Unix clipart. alt.binaries.comp No description. alt.binaries.comp-graphics A newsgroup for computer-generated graphics alt.binaries.comp.atari8bit Programs for Atari's 6502-based orphans. alt.binaries.comp.databases.omnis No description. alt.binaries.comp.sinclair No description. alt.binaries.comp.virus NG to post virus and antivirus utilities. alt.binaries.cores the latest dumps alt.binaries.countries.scotland No description. alt.binaries.cracked No description. alt.binaries.crackhead No description. alt.binaries.cracks Like alt.binaries.warez.*, only different. alt.binaries.cracks.akula No description. alt.binaries.cracks.d Discussion of issues in alt.binaries.cracks alt.binaries.cracks.discussion No description. alt.binaries.cracks.encrypted Like alt.binaries.warez.*, only different. alt.binaries.cracks.phrozen-crew No description. alt.binaries.crafts.pictures Pictures of Arts & Crafts. alt.binaries.culture.african.american.gangsta No description. alt.binaries.culture.african.american.gangsta.wannabe No description. alt.binaries.custard No description. alt.binaries.d alt.binaries.etc.d Discussiongroup for alt.binaries.etc alt.binaries.dankitti No description. alt.binaries.dawsons-creek Binary files and discussions for WB Network Show alt.binaries.dcisozpsx No description. alt.binaries.demo-scene.ibm-pc DemoScene-related binaries for the IBM PC. alt.binaries.descent The Decline and Fall of the alt.binaries Empire. alt.binaries.digitiser Binaries from newsgroup alt.digitiser alt.binaries.divx.french.d No description. alt.binaries.dominion No description. alt.binaries.dominion.abuse No description. alt.binaries.dominion.bad.serial.nums No description. alt.binaries.dominion.bugger No description. alt.binaries.dominion.bugger.snot No description. alt.binaries.dominion.bugger.snot.slime No description. alt.binaries.dominion.bugger.snot.slime.ball No description. alt.binaries.dominion.bugger.snot.slime.ball.dominion No description. alt.binaries.dominion.cabal No description. alt.binaries.dominion.classact.kissass.join No description. alt.binaries.dominion.cracks No description. alt.binaries.dominion.dads.account No description. alt.binaries.dominion.dads.computer No description. alt.binaries.dominion.discussion No description. alt.binaries.dominion.dominoes.pizza No description. alt.binaries.dominion.dongles No description. alt.binaries.dominion.ego-strokes No description. alt.binaries.dominion.erotica.female No description. alt.binaries.dominion.erotica.male No description. alt.binaries.dominion.erotica.mydick.ishard No description. alt.binaries.dominion.freeware No description. alt.binaries.dominion.games No description. alt.binaries.dominion.mail No description. alt.binaries.dominion.moms.account No description. alt.binaries.dominion.moms.computer No description. alt.binaries.dominion.mydick.ishard No description. alt.binaries.dominion.powerno1 No description. alt.binaries.dominion.powerno2 No description. alt.binaries.dominion.request No description. alt.binaries.dominion.serial-nums No description. alt.binaries.dominion.shareware No description. alt.binaries.dominion.silly-group No description. alt.binaries.dominion.slackware No description. alt.binaries.dominion.spam-moderated No description. alt.binaries.dominion.support No description. alt.binaries.dominion.traders No description. alt.binaries.dominion.tripp No description. alt.binaries.dominion.troll No description. alt.binaries.dominion.warez No description. alt.binaries.dominion.warez.decrypted No description. alt.binaries.dominion.warez.in.here No description. alt.binaries.dominion.with.fries.on.the.side No description. alt.binaries.doom Binaries for or of the DOOM PC game. alt.binaries.dragonball Binary files related to the anime Dragonball. alt.binaries.dragonz No description. alt.binaries.dragonz.chimerical No description. alt.binaries.dragonz.elusive No description. alt.binaries.dragonz.ephemeral No description. alt.binaries.dreamcast No description. alt.binaries.drew-barrymore No description. alt.binaries.drwho For the posting of binary files related to Doctor Who. alt.binaries.drwho.pictures No description. alt.binaries.e-book no description. alt.binaries.e-book.d text discussion of binaries for e-books alt.binaries.e-book.flood For posting whole directories of E-books at once alt.binaries.e-book.mathmad For posting whole directories of alt.binaries.e-book.palm No description. alt.binaries.e-book.rpg No description. alt.binaries.e-book.technical For posting technical non-fiction e-books. alt.binaries.education.distance No description. alt.binaries.electric-veh Files related to Electric Vehicles (Moderated) alt.binaries.emerg-services Pictures for fire rescue medics police. alt.binaries.emerg-sevices alt.binaries.emerg-services Pictures for fire rescue medics police. alt.binaries.eminem No description. alt.binaries.emulator No description. alt.binaries.emulators No description. alt.binaries.emulators.amiga Amiga emulation binaries. alt.binaries.emulators.arcade Arcade video systems and the files and graphics material associated with them. alt.binaries.emulators.atari No description. alt.binaries.emulators.cbm Binaries for CBM emulators users. alt.binaries.emulators.gameboy Emulators of the GameBoy. alt.binaries.emulators.gameboy.advance alt.example A Gameboy Advance Emulation Binaries Newsgroup alt.binaries.emulators.gameboy.color Gameboy Color emulators and rom files. alt.binaries.emulators.misc No description. alt.binaries.emulators.neogeo No description. alt.binaries.emulators.nintendo Nintendo and Super Nintendo emulators. alt.binaries.emulators.nintendo-64 No description. alt.binaries.emulators.nintendo-64.d forum for discussing n64 emu alt.binaries.emulators.nintendo.d No description. alt.binaries.emulators.playstation No description. alt.binaries.emulators.sega For postings of Sega roms and discussion alt.binaries.emulators.tg16 No description. alt.binaries.engines No description. alt.binaries.erotic.children No description. alt.binaries.erotica Use alt.binaries.{sounds,pictures}.erotica groups. alt.binaries.erotica.beanie-babies More wank fodder. alt.binaries.erotica.breasts No description. alt.binaries.erotica.butts No description. alt.binaries.erotica.cartoons No description. alt.binaries.erotica.christy-canyon A group for images, sound alt.binaries.erotica.coprophilia.scott-abraham No description. alt.binaries.erotica.dicks No description. alt.binaries.erotica.dima-safonov Dima porn alt.binaries.erotica.divx Posting of Erotica in DivX Format. alt.binaries.erotica.duff No description. alt.binaries.erotica.facesitting For fans of erotic facesitting alt.binaries.erotica.female.plumpers Pictures of BBW (Big Beautiful Women). alt.binaries.erotica.fetish People getting off on objectification. alt.binaries.erotica.fetish.wet-and-messy Like a storm drain. alt.binaries.erotica.fettish Use alt.binaries.erotica.fetish instead. alt.binaries.erotica.nixpix Pix from Nix*Pix - http://www.nixpix.com alt.binaries.erotica.nospam.creampie Binary and non binary. alt.binaries.erotica.nospam.snowballing Binary and non binary. alt.binaries.erotica.pictures.35-plus-repost No description. alt.binaries.erotica.pictures.brunettes-short-hair.reposts No description. alt.binaries.erotica.pornstar Pornstar erotica alt.binaries.erotica.pornstars.80s No description. alt.binaries.erotica.sex.in.the.morning It's always morning somewhere. alt.binaries.erotica.teen.female.nonude No description. alt.binaries.erotica.vcd No description. alt.binaries.esada No description. alt.binaries.esada.butt-steak a place for butt-steak lovers. alt.binaries.etc binaries that don't fit in other ng. alt.binaries.faces.thomas-nunn No description. alt.binaries.fashion.magazines Binaries related to fashion magazines. alt.binaries.favus for favus related binaries alt.binaries.faxmaster No description. alt.binaries.fetish.parakeets No description. alt.binaries.fetish.parakeets.stockings No description. alt.binaries.fetish.scat Pictures of poop. alt.binaries.fetish.scat.roger No description. alt.binaries.final-fantasy.hentai No description. alt.binaries.fitness.centerfolds Pictures of fitness & swimsuit models. alt.binaries.florida.sarasota No description. alt.binaries.fonts Give your word processor some style! alt.binaries.fonts.identify No description. alt.binaries.fontscomp No description. alt.binaries.food Binaries for alt.food alt.binaries.food.sushi Binaries for alt.food.sushi alt.binaries.fr.humour Humourous pictures with captions in french. alt.binaries.fractal-art Communication and exposition of fractal art. alt.binaries.frans.bauer.r-mod No description. alt.binaries.freemasonry Binaries relating to alt.freemasonry. alt.binaries.freeware No description. alt.binaries.frogs No description. alt.binaries.fukengruven No description. alt.binaries.full.post.verified.playboy For serious scan collectors alt.binaries.fullpost.magscans.collectors A binaries newsgroup alt.binaries.fullpost.magscans.repost A binaries newsgroup alt.binaries.fz No description. alt.binaries.fz-reposts No description. alt.binaries.fz-video No description. alt.binaries.games Terrabytes of copyright violations. alt.binaries.games-sports No description. alt.binaries.games.adult Adult games for IBM-PC computers alt.binaries.games.anime Games relating to anime. alt.binaries.games.aquazone Binary group for Aquazone alt.binaries.games.battlezone Maps for hovertank combat sim game from Activision alt.binaries.games.champ-man Binaries for Championship Manager. alt.binaries.games.civ2 A place to post Civilization 2 add ons. alt.binaries.games.command-n-conq Computer game Command & Conquer. alt.binaries.games.command-n-conq.tiberian-sun Computer game. alt.binaries.games.creatures Creatures COBs, Norns, and utilities alt.binaries.games.delta-force No description. alt.binaries.games.discussion Discussing binaries from alt.binaries.games. alt.binaries.games.empire-deluxe A binaries group for Empire Deluxe. alt.binaries.games.encrypted Either pre- or post-theft encryption of games. alt.binaries.games.final-fantasy.hentai No description. alt.binaries.games.golf No description. alt.binaries.games.grand-theft-auto Binaries for the game GTA alt.binaries.games.half-life An unmoderated forum where Half-Life alt.binaries.games.half-life.counterstrike No description. alt.binaries.games.homm-maps No description. alt.binaries.games.int-fiction No description. alt.binaries.games.kidstuff No description. alt.binaries.games.kidstuff.highspeed High bandwidth access split. alt.binaries.games.kidstuff.nl Games and educational software for children. alt.binaries.games.lucas-arts No description. alt.binaries.games.microprose No description. alt.binaries.games.microsoft No description. alt.binaries.games.microsoft.age-of-empires No description. alt.binaries.games.microsoft.age-of-kings No description. alt.binaries.games.microsoft.rise-of-rome No description. alt.binaries.games.moo2 A place for Master of Orion 2 Binaries. alt.binaries.games.petz No description. alt.binaries.games.quake Levels and utilities for the game Quake. alt.binaries.games.rainbow-six No description. alt.binaries.games.rctycoon File exchange for the PC game Rollercoaster alt.binaries.games.redalert2 No description. alt.binaries.games.reposts For Reposting from alt.binaries.games alt.binaries.games.sierra.swat Binaries for the Sierra game SWAT. alt.binaries.games.simcity Binaries for Maxis SimCity alt.binaries.games.ski-resort-tycoon No description. alt.binaries.games.squaresoft No description. alt.binaries.games.starcraft StarCraft Scenarios, trainers, etc. alt.binaries.games.thesims Binaries related to game The Sims alt.binaries.games.unreal Modifications, Graphics, Sounds, Maps. alt.binaries.games.worms For WORMS! (Team 17) SFX and GFX binaries. alt.binaries.gdead Grateful Dead related binaries. alt.binaries.gdead.d Discussion regarding Grateful Dead binaries alt.binaries.gdead.highspeed For posting high bandwidth audio alt.binaries.gdead.highspeed.reposts For posting high bandwidth audio alt.binaries.gdead.reposts Reposted Grateful Dead Binaries alt.binaries.george-reeves No description. alt.binaries.global.quake No description. alt.binaries.gloria-estefan No description. alt.binaries.goat No description. alt.binaries.goonies for media of the motion picture The Goonies alt.binaries.gothic Mournful and dark binaries. alt.binaries.great.ass.paulina Butt prints. alt.binaries.guitar.tab No description. alt.binaries.hacking.beginner No description. alt.binaries.hacking.computers No description. alt.binaries.hacking.talentless.troll-haven No description. alt.binaries.hacking.talentless.troll_haven No description. alt.binaries.hacking.the.saint.is.braindead No description. alt.binaries.hacking.utilities No description. alt.binaries.hacking.websites No description. alt.binaries.hardcore.nick-mooney.nudes No description. alt.binaries.hebrew No description. alt.binaries.hebrew.fonts No description. alt.binaries.hebrew.mac No description. alt.binaries.hentai Erotic Japanese animation & comics, Manga, Anime. alt.binaries.hentai.sailor-moon Erotic binaries involving Sailor Moon characters alt.binaries.heretic Post lots of ASCII messages here to be a heretic. alt.binaries.hipcrime HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipCrime wares alt.binaries.hipcrime.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.binaries.howard-stern Images & sounds of the "King of all Media". alt.binaries.hudson-leick Binary group for pictures of Heidi Hudson Leick alt.binaries.humanoidifarmi No description. alt.binaries.humor.skewed No description. alt.binaries.ibm-pc.games No description. alt.binaries.icons Graphical icons for PC applications. alt.binaries.image.cd.french alt.binaries.cd.image.french alt.binaries.image.cd.french.d discussion group for: alt.binaries.images No description. alt.binaries.images.afos-fans No description. alt.binaries.images.afos.fans group dedicated to fans of afos alt.binaries.images.fun No description. alt.binaries.images.outdoor.erotica A group for outdoor erotica. alt.binaries.images.repost No description. alt.binaries.images.suntan A retro-moderated group for fun in the alt.binaries.images.underwater No description. alt.binaries.images.underwater.non-violent.moderated No death/drownings/bondage (Moderated) alt.binaries.ipl.audio.encrypted is for the posting of PGP encrypted alt.binaries.iron-chef No description. alt.binaries.jacklyn-lick No description. alt.binaries.james-bond James Bond related binaries. alt.binaries.japanese-cimema No description. alt.binaries.jennifer-love-hewitt Film, tv actress and musician. alt.binaries.jeri-ryan No description. alt.binaries.jethro-tull No description. alt.binaries.jethro.tull No description. alt.binaries.jfkjr.plane.pictures No description. alt.binaries.jiffy-club discussion/binary group alt.binaries.joker No description. alt.binaries.jph For posting of Playboy-related materials only. alt.binaries.karaoke No description. alt.binaries.kisekae No description. alt.binaries.korea No description. alt.binaries.lara.croft No description. alt.binaries.leagueofgentlemen alt.binaires.leagueofgentlemen For binaries of the show, actors and alt.binaries.liberalminded For Liberalminded binary files alt.binaries.lingerie Use alt.binaries.pictures.lingerie instead. alt.binaries.lucas-arts No description. alt.binaries.mac No description. alt.binaries.mac.applications No description. alt.binaries.mac.applications.retro No description. alt.binaries.mac.apps Redundant; see alt.binaries.mac.applications alt.binaries.mac.cd-images No description. alt.binaries.mac.cd-images.d Discussion of alt.binaries.mac.cd-images. alt.binaries.mac.cd-images.parts alt.binaries.mac.cd-images parts request alt.binaries.mac.fonts No description. alt.binaries.mac.games Games for the Macintosh. alt.binaries.mac.games.adult Macintosh games unsuitable for kids ;) alt.binaries.mac.hebrew No description. alt.binaries.mac.osx.apps Apps written with Carbon/Cocoa API alt.binaries.mac.playstation No description. alt.binaries.mac.playstation.d forum for discussing PSX/VGS CD images alt.binaries.mac.playstation.parts forum for requests/reposts of parts alt.binaries.mac.serial.numbers No description. alt.binaries.macamp No description. alt.binaries.macast No description. alt.binaries.madcow.highspeed No description. alt.binaries.magic Binary posting of magic related material. alt.binaries.maps posting & discussion of geo maps. alt.binaries.menwhoswallow No description. alt.binaries.midibeep.denmark.files No description. alt.binaries.misc Random large files without a more appropriate group. alt.binaries.misc.xxx No description. alt.binaries.missing-adults Distributing pictures of missing adults. alt.binaries.missing-kids Distributing pictures of missing children. alt.binaries.models.petite No description. alt.binaries.models.rockets No description. alt.binaries.models.scale Pictures of scale models. alt.binaries.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.binaries.moderated.pinup-art No description. (Moderated) alt.binaries.moesart2000 No description. alt.binaries.movies posting of movies in vivo, mpeg, avi format alt.binaries.movies.d No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx.french No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx.french.d No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx.french.old No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx.french.old.d No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx.french.reposts No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx.repost No description. alt.binaries.movies.divx.sucks.the.sweat.from.shadowrealms.balls cuz alt.binaries.movies.kevin-smith gimme yr kevin smith alt.binaries.movies.mirage-mrg No description. alt.binaries.movies.purity No description. alt.binaries.movies.repost Repost of files from a.b.movies. alt.binaries.movies.shadowrealm movies from the group SmR alt.binaries.movies.shadowrealm.repost reposts from the group SmR alt.binaries.movies.zeromovies No description. alt.binaries.mp3 copyrighted music alt.binaries.mp3.bootlegs Bootlegs of musical performances. alt.binaries.mp3.macast.skins-plugins No description. alt.binaries.mp3.throttle.news.and.piss.off.sabrina No description. alt.binaries.mp3.top40 Top40, mp3. alt.binaries.mp3.zappa No description. alt.binaries.mpeg No description. alt.binaries.mpeg.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.mpeg.video.music Music Videos in MPEG format alt.binaries.mpeg.videos No description. alt.binaries.mpeg.videos.alt Alternative music videos alt.binaries.mpeg.videos.country Country music videos alt.binaries.mpeg.videos.metal Heavy metal music videos alt.binaries.mpeg.videos.pop Pop music videos alt.binaries.mpeg.videos.rap Rap music videos alt.binaries.mpeg.videos.rock Rock music videos alt.binaries.mpeg.videos.the-corrs video binary forum - the corrs alt.binaries.mplayer.girls Post and discuss Mplayer cam chat. alt.binaries.mrcpu No description. alt.binaries.mtv.animation No description. alt.binaries.multimedia Sound, text and graphics data rolled in one. alt.binaries.multimedia.3-stooges Sights and sounds of the 3 Stooges alt.binaries.multimedia.anime Japanese animation video files alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.repost Reposts of anime-related media. alt.binaries.multimedia.aviation Aviation related multimedia. alt.binaries.multimedia.babylon5 SF series Babylon 5 multimedia files. alt.binaries.multimedia.bollywood Indian movies, videos alt.binaries.multimedia.boys No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.boys.repost No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.britney-spears Music artist. alt.binaries.multimedia.buffy-v-slayer No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.buffy-v-slayer.repost Reposts related to Buffy. alt.binaries.multimedia.cartoons Cartoons with sound and/or animation. alt.binaries.multimedia.celebrities.female.nonude Pictures and alt.binaries.multimedia.chris-morris No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.comedy No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.d Discussion of digitized animation files. alt.binaries.multimedia.darkangel.repost Fills for Dark Angel. alt.binaries.multimedia.debbie-gibson For fans of pop singer Debbie Gibson. alt.binaries.multimedia.disney Disney related binaries alt.binaries.multimedia.dixie-chicks No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.elvispresley No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotic.female Softcore and/or alt.binaries.multimedia.erotic.playboy Multimedia binaries relating alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica Moving pictures of a prurient nature. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.amateur No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.amateur.d No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.anime Media of erotic anime/hentai alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.asian No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.d No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.interracial Sexual race mixing alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.jana Movie files of Jana alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.lesbians No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.male multimedia files featuring men alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.rebeccalord For fans of Rebecca Lord alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.repost Reposts of files from abme. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.rm No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.strap-on-sex Strap-on dildo sex. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.tickling For tickling fans. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.vidcaps No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.voyeurism Erotic voyeuristic multimedia. alt.binaries.multimedia.faith-hill No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.filipino filipino multimedia files. alt.binaries.multimedia.flonk No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.futurama Futurama multimedia binary files group. alt.binaries.multimedia.gloves pictures, media pertaining to gloves alt.binaries.multimedia.help Multimedia Q&A forum alt.binaries.multimedia.horror Horror-related binaries alt.binaries.multimedia.japanese Japan TV, movies, music vids. alt.binaries.multimedia.jessica-alba Someone important, presumably. alt.binaries.multimedia.jessica-alba.repost Fills for Dark Angel. alt.binaries.multimedia.naturism No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.netscape-fun Testing multimedia capabilities of news and mail. alt.binaries.multimedia.nude.celebrities No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.osmonds No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.rail No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.rap Computerized rap videos. alt.binaries.multimedia.repost No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.reposts No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.roswell Files related to the "Roswell" TV show. alt.binaries.multimedia.sailor-moon Multimedia on anime Sailor Moon alt.binaries.multimedia.shania-twain No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.sitcoms Situation comedy television series. alt.binaries.multimedia.space-ghost No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.sports No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.startrek No description. alt.binaries.multimedia.teen-idols TV, movies or audio teen idols alt.binaries.multimedia.the-bundys Binaries about TV's Married... With Children alt.binaries.multimedia.utilities Multimedia Stuff. alt.binaries.multimedia.vintage-film.d discuss film prior to 1960 alt.binaries.multimedia.xena-herc Images, sounds, etc. for the shows. alt.binaries.multimediia.erotica.amateur No description. alt.binaries.music No description. alt.binaries.music.alanis-morissette No description. alt.binaries.music.b-witched No description. alt.binaries.music.educational Educational material for musicians. alt.binaries.music.faith.and.wisdom No description. alt.binaries.music.garbage A newsgroup for the posting of works alt.binaries.music.greek No description. alt.binaries.music.heavy-metal No description. alt.binaries.music.makers.samples Binary newsgroup for alt.music.makers.sampling alt.binaries.music.manics Binaries of Manic Street Preachers alt.binaries.music.mike-keneally No description. alt.binaries.music.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.music.nin Nine inch nails media. alt.binaries.music.numan Visual forum for musician Gary Numan alt.binaries.music.oasis specialist group for oasis related binary files alt.binaries.music.radiohead Binaries of Radiohead alt.binaries.music.rebirth Forum for musicians using Rebirth 338. alt.binaries.music.santangelo No description. alt.binaries.music.shn Audio of tapper friendly bands in .shn alt.binaries.music.shn.dmb Dave Matthews Band live concerts in alt.binaries.music.shn.repost Reposts from alt.binaries.music.shn alt.binaries.music.springsteen Binary files relating to Bruce Springsteen. alt.binaries.music.steve-vai No description. alt.binaries.music.the-doors No description. alt.binaries.music.the-doors.d No description. alt.binaries.natasha No description. alt.binaries.natnl-secrets Shhhhh! alt.binaries.netscape.test.multimedia alt.binaries.banished.netscape.multimedia.testers For the posting of multimedia files for testing with Netscape software. alt.binaries.nine.inch.nails Multimedia related to the band Nine Inch Nails. alt.binaries.nl No description. alt.binaries.nl.blubbertjes.clipart No description. alt.binaries.nl.ftp For small binaries essential for ftp usage. alt.binaries.nl.mp3.trance No description. alt.binaries.nospam.adult.female Pictures of women 24-44 years old alt.binaries.nospam.adult.female.d Discussion group for ABNAF alt.binaries.nospam.amateur.female Photos and movies of alt.binaries.nospam.analfem No description. alt.binaries.nospam.breasts.natural Posting of binaries and discussion alt.binaries.nospam.cc Retromoderated group for Color Climax scans alt.binaries.nospam.cheerleaders No description. alt.binaries.nospam.coed No description. alt.binaries.nospam.coed.d No description. alt.binaries.nospam.coed.repost No description. alt.binaries.nospam.creampie No description. alt.binaries.nospam.danni-ashe No description. alt.binaries.nospam.denim Erotic pics of females in denim alt.binaries.nospam.denim.shorts No description. alt.binaries.nospam.facials Nospam group for pictures of facials. alt.binaries.nospam.female.bodyhair For lovers of natural females. alt.binaries.nospam.female.bodyhair.pubes For lovers of female with alt.binaries.nospam.female.celebrities.butts No description. alt.binaries.nospam.female.forearm-hair For fetishists of hirsuit women. alt.binaries.nospam.female.panties.seethru No description. alt.binaries.nospam.female.panty-lines.seethru No description. alt.binaries.nospam.indexes No description. alt.binaries.nospam.julia-hayes For the discussions and all binary alt.binaries.nospam.multimedia.erotica Retromoderated multimedia newsgroup alt.binaries.nospam.multimedia.facials No description. alt.binaries.nospam.panties No description. alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers No description. alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.amateur amateur chubby women alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.bigbutts Plumpers with big asses and small alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.breasts.large No description. alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.light For light plumpers only alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.no-size-limit alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.voluptuous Very big plumpers and SSBBWs alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.supersize For very big plumpers and alt.binaries.nospam.plumpers.voluptuous Adult magazine and similar alt.binaries.nospam.pst No description. alt.binaries.nospam.pst.d No description. alt.binaries.nospam.sappho No description. alt.binaries.nospam.scanners-post the work produced by amateur alt.binaries.nospam.scanners-post.d Alt.binaries.nospam.scanners-post.d the discussion group for alt.binaries.nospam.scanners-post.repost No description. alt.binaries.nospam.sex-xes No description. alt.binaries.nospam.spandex.nation No description. alt.binaries.nospam.teenfeem.repost No description. alt.binaries.nospam.teenfem No description. alt.binaries.nospam.teenfem.d Discussion group for alt.binaries.nospam.teenfem.nonude No description. alt.binaries.nospam.teenfem.repost No description. alt.binaries.nospam.teenfem.reposts No description. alt.binaries.nospam.toons No description. alt.binaries.nude No description. alt.binaries.nude.celebrities Willard Scott nekkid & other natural wonders. alt.binaries.nude.celebrities.female Nude pictures of famous women. alt.binaries.nude.celebrities.male Nude pictures of famous men. alt.binaries.nude.celebrities.male.moderated replaces (Moderated) alt.binaries.nudism No description. alt.binaries.old.games Binary postings of old games. alt.binaries.old.games.reposts Reposts of files in alt.binaries.old.games. alt.binaries.old.nl No description. alt.binaries.ozdebate An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.binaries.pandora Binaries-newsgroup for pandora-users - main. alt.binaries.paranormal Binary files of Ghosts and the Paranormal alt.binaries.partycaps No description. alt.binaries.patricia-ford Famous model and actor. alt.binaries.patterns.plastic-canvas No description. alt.binaries.paxer No description. alt.binaries.pearl-jam Audio, video, pictures, and text regarding alt.binaries.pens-pencils Images of interest to writing alt.binaries.penthouse No description. alt.binaries.pgp No description. alt.binaries.ph.uk Binary postings intended for alt.ph.uk alt.binaries.phish All binaries related to the band Phish alt.binaries.phish.d Text related messages from alt.binaries.phish. alt.binaries.phoenix No description. alt.binaries.phonecards Images of collectile phonecards. alt.binaries.photography.glamour Glamour Pictures. alt.binaries.photography.people photographs of people alt.binaries.photos.nude-art No description. alt.binaries.photos.nude-art.moderated A forum to display and (Moderated) alt.binaries.photos.original No description. alt.binaries.photos.original.n-c No description. alt.binaries.pics.kodomos.mankos.musyuuseis No description. alt.binaries.pics.musumes.mankos.musyuuseis Mushuusei musume pics. alt.binaries.pics.otonas.mankos.musyuuseis Musyuusei manko gazou. alt.binaries.pics.paipans.mankos.musyuuseis Nonmask pictures for PAIPANG. alt.binaries.pics.shoujos.mankos.musyuuseis No description. alt.binaries.picture.erotica.nicky-watt alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.nicky-watt Red hot Nicky Watt! alt.binaries.picture.erotica.spoon-fetish alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.spoon-fetish Pictures of hot, horny spoons alt.binaries.pictures Use alt.binaries.pictures.misc instead. alt.binaries.pictures.abba No description. alt.binaries.pictures.adele No description. alt.binaries.pictures.alex-taylor No description. alt.binaries.pictures.alley-baggett No description. alt.binaries.pictures.alyssa-milano Famous movie, television actress. alt.binaries.pictures.amateur No description. alt.binaries.pictures.amateur.female No description. alt.binaries.pictures.angel-veil A newsgroup dedicated to Angel Veil. alt.binaries.pictures.animals Pictures of all types of animals. alt.binaries.pictures.animated.gifs No description. alt.binaries.pictures.animations No description. alt.binaries.pictures.anime Images from Japanese animation. alt.binaries.pictures.anime.giant-robo No description. alt.binaries.pictures.art.bodyart Use alt.binaries.bodyart instead. alt.binaries.pictures.art.pin-up No description. alt.binaries.pictures.artpics No description. alt.binaries.pictures.arts No description. alt.binaries.pictures.arts.bodyart Use alt.binaries.bodyart instead. alt.binaries.pictures.ascii Pictures composed of ASCII characters. alt.binaries.pictures.asparagus Little does Kell know of Kevin's late nights. alt.binaries.pictures.astro Very black pictures. alt.binaries.pictures.attila No description. alt.binaries.pictures.automobile No description. alt.binaries.pictures.autos No description. alt.binaries.pictures.autos.4x4 Pictures of 4x4 autos and their travels. alt.binaries.pictures.autos.oldtimers No description. alt.binaries.pictures.aviation Posting of aviation related pictures alt.binaries.pictures.ballbusting No description. alt.binaries.pictures.barefoot.children Images of barefoot children - no nudity alt.binaries.pictures.bath For posting of women in the bathroom including, alt.binaries.pictures.bathing No description. alt.binaries.pictures.bc-series pictures of young girls scanned by BlackCat alt.binaries.pictures.bc-series.d Discussion of and requests for bc-scans alt.binaries.pictures.bigbutts No mistaking that there's a derrier back there. alt.binaries.pictures.bikini.central No description. alt.binaries.pictures.bisexuals Bisexual situations shown. alt.binaries.pictures.black.erotic.females Use a.b.p.erotica.black.females. alt.binaries.pictures.black.female.teen No description. alt.binaries.pictures.bluebird Erotic pictures by Bluebird alt.binaries.pictures.bluebird.reposts No description. alt.binaries.pictures.bodyart Graphics of body stylings. alt.binaries.pictures.bondage No description. alt.binaries.pictures.boy.spank No description. alt.binaries.pictures.boys GIFs, JPEGs, et cetera of boys. alt.binaries.pictures.boys.barefoot This little piggy went to alt.binaries. alt.binaries.pictures.boys.bondage No description. alt.binaries.pictures.boys.d discusion group for the boys picture alt.binaries.pictures.boys.kidspank No description. alt.binaries.pictures.boys.punishment No description. alt.binaries.pictures.boys.retromod No description. alt.binaries.pictures.boys.spam No description. alt.binaries.pictures.boys.spank No description. alt.binaries.pictures.bras bras alt.binaries.pictures.candid.beach No description. alt.binaries.pictures.candid.girls For the posting of photographs of alt.binaries.pictures.cartoons Images from animated cartoons. alt.binaries.pictures.cartoons.cancel No description. alt.binaries.pictures.cd-covers No description. alt.binaries.pictures.celebrities Unrated pictures of famous people. alt.binaries.pictures.celebrities.collectors For people who collect alt.binaries.pictures.celebrities.portraits.large No description. alt.binaries.pictures.celine-dion A place to discuss celine dion alt.binaries.pictures.cemetaries Views to your future. alt.binaries.pictures.centerfolds.playboy No description. alt.binaries.pictures.cheerleaders.professional Pictures of alt.binaries.pictures.child.erotica.female Hunt for pedophiles here. alt.binaries.pictures.child.erotica.male Hunt for pedophiles here. alt.binaries.pictures.child.starlets Child actresses from past and alt.binaries.pictures.children Pictures of children. alt.binaries.pictures.chimera Real photographs of the beasts. alt.binaries.pictures.christina-ricci No description. alt.binaries.pictures.civil-war.usa US Civil War photos alt.binaries.pictures.club-seventeen No description. alt.binaries.pictures.cocks The chickens go nuts for this group. alt.binaries.pictures.comic-strips No description. alt.binaries.pictures.comic-strips.online A Discussion Of Web alt.binaries.pictures.comics No description. alt.binaries.pictures.comics.reposts reposts of comic pictures. alt.binaries.pictures.contortion.nude newsgroup for erotic contortion images. alt.binaries.pictures.cops Pictures of police officers. alt.binaries.pictures.cori-nadine A news group for the exchange of pictues of Cori Nadine alt.binaries.pictures.d Discussions about picture postings. alt.binaries.pictures.dark-fantasy No description. alt.binaries.pictures.david-bowie David bowie photos picture art concert alt.binaries.pictures.disabled-dev No description. alt.binaries.pictures.disabled-devo Images for admirers of the disabled alt.binaries.pictures.dita No description. alt.binaries.pictures.diva No description. alt.binaries.pictures.dorks Self-portraits. alt.binaries.pictures.drag-racing Images relating to dragracing. alt.binaries.pictures.erotic.animated.gifs No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotic.anime Use alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime. alt.binaries.pictures.erotic.centerfolds Images of centerfold models. alt.binaries.pictures.erotic.cowgirls No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.abortion No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.admiralkrag No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.ads For the posting of binary ads related to alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.adsl No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.alex-taylor No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.als No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amateur Amateur subjects/photographers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amateur-action.gifs No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amateur.d Amateur subjects/photographers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amateur.facials No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amateur.female Amateur subjects/photographers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amateur.jay-denebeim.and-his.sheep yuergh! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amateur.male Amateur subjects/photographers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.amkingdom No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.ani Sex with black cuckoos. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.animal No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.animals Beastly lust. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime Anime erotica - "Ecchi"/"Hentai"/"H". alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime.yaoi Gay anime/hentai erotica. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anna No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anything No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anything.but No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anything.but.tuna No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.art.book-cover No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.art.pin-up Non-photographic realistic art. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.asian No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.asian-indian Indian erotica. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.asian.male Erotic pictures of oriental men. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.australian.female No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.australians.dropbears Australian dropbears. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.autos Forget the girl, let me at the Ferrari. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.babies No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.balck.male No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.balls Strikes are less pleasing. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.barefoot No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bears Very hairy men. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bears.moderated For pictures of burly (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bestiality Pictures of sex with animals. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bestiality.hamster.duct-tape Urban legends. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bestiality.pre-teen No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.betharnold No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.big-folks Nude pictures of substance. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.biker-chicks On rhythmically pumping V-twins. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black Sexual images of black people. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.amateurs for Black Amateurs alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.female No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.females Sexy ebony women. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.male.feet black male feet alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.pre-teen No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.blondes Copyright violations featuring blondes. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bob.houston Big on Bob. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bobby-sox No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bondage Bondage and S&M-related erotic images. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bondage.male gay male bondage, discipline, s&m alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bondage.moderated Bondage Images. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bondage.pedophilia.ornithophilia Pictures of whipped eggs. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bondes No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bookstores No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.boys No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.breasts Pictures of mammalian protruberances. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.breasts.large No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.breasts.natural No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.breasts.saggy No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.breasts.small More than a handful is too much. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.british A binaries group devoted to British glamour girls alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.britney-spears-nude No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.brunette Erotic pictures of brunettes. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bukkake No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.buttnuggets No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.butts Erotic butts come into view. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cancel Cancelbot testing alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.carolyn-meinel Yeuugh!! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cartoons Copyright violations featuring toons. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cartoons.moderated Cartoon erotica (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cartoons.mythical-creatures elf, alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cartoons.original-art No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.centerfolds Centerfold erotica alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.charmaine Devoted to the lovely Charmaine Sinclair alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.chastity-belt No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cheerleaders Gimme a B..R..E..A..K. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.child No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.child.female Magnet for pedophile activity. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.child.male Magnet for pedophile activity. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.children Almost certainly illegal traffic. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.chloe-vevrier Pictures of big-breasted super-star Chloe Vevrier alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.close-up No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cornfed-cuties.moo cornfed-cutie group alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.corset No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cpath Erotic pictures of CPath people (moderated) (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.creampie No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.cypher C'mon, you know you want it. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d Discussing erotic copyright violations. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.d.moderated Spamfree discussion. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.dark-fantasy No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.david-crocker No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.dbg No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.dean-stark No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.denise-lester Austrian nude model/actress. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.diabloscans No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.disney I don't want to imagine. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.dita No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.dolly-buster Famous european adult alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.early-teens No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.early-teens.firsthair No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.early-teens.hardcore No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.earty-teens No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.empty-nest Lack-of-bird fetishists. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.enemas Binaries dealing with enemas. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.enhanced-photos photo-manipulated fantasy alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.esada erotic pictures for esada alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.ex-erols No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.exhibitionism Exhibitionists on parade! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.exhibitionism.public No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.facials Ejaculate on faces. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female Copyright violations featuring females. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female-ejaculation Female-ejaculation alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.anal Women's poop chutes. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.bodybuilder Female bodybuilders alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.cosmetic No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.crying Erotic pictures of crying alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.genitalia No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.genitalia.large No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.gym No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.orgasm No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.spreadwide No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.toys Women using sex toys. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.female.young.moderated Erotic pictures of young women. (moderated) (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.femdom Images of Female Domination alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish Fetishistic, exotic, erotic images. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.armpits No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.balletboots For discussion about alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.barbie Big on Barbie. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.diapers Pictures of adult babies. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.feet Erotic visual foot action. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.female.socks No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.glasses Erotic images. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.hair Erotic pictures of hair. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.latex People wearing Latex. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.leather People wearing leather. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.neck No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.plastic No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.tongue Exchange tongue fetish alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.filipinas No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.final-fantasy No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.firesign No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fisting Fist and other large objects. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.frank-sinatra.dead.dead.dead No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.frank.sinatra.dead.dead.dead No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.freckles No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fuck.betharnold No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fuckpix No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fullbush No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.furby No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.furry Erotic furry images. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.g-string Erotic Pictures of Women in G-Strings alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen Explicit pictures of gay men. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.moderated All men, no spam. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.twinks No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.girlfriends No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gothic Please begin all subjects with [ABPEG] alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.groupsex Many entangled bodies. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gwar Pictures of and about GWWAAARRRRR! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gymnast-girls Leotard lovers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gynecologist No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.hardcore No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.hermaphrodites No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.high-heels Pictures of women's high-heels. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.hornyrob The Horny Rob collections. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.indian-asian Erotic images of Indians. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.intercourse photographic depictions of sexual intercourse alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.interracial Blending colours. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.interracial.amateurs for Int Amateurs alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.istar.diapers Lawyers in love. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.jana Images of Czech nude model Jana. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.jap.schoolgirl For aficionados of sailor type Jap schoolgirl pix alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.jay-denebeim.and.his.pet.pig No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.jay.t.carrigan.wife No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.jennicam No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.karl-malden.nose This could lead to some interesting "dialogue." alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.kerri-maskol Pictures of the famous porn star alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.kmart Erotic pictures of Kmart alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.koo.sisters No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.krystal A newsgroup for the remarkable Krystal alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.kwakiutl No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lame No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.latina Latina women. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.latino No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.legs A newsgroup for leg lovers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lesbian No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lesbians Images of women who love women. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lesbians.french-kiss No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.linsey-dawn-mckenzie Pictures of Linsye Dawn Mckenzie alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.ll-series No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lolita Just for Joey. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lycra No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lycra.female No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lycra.male No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male Copyright violations featuring males. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.anal Men's poop chutes. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.bodybuilder No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.bodybuilder.moderated male muscle (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.burly For pictures of burly and (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.chubby Something to hold on to. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.hardon No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.military No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.oral No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.oral.cumshots No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.piercing No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.shirt-and-tie No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.tattoos No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.male.underwear Males in underwear alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.mardi-gras Memorable Carnival moments. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.mclt No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.mf-action No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.midgets No need to get on your knees. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.moderated Erotic pics without spam. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.molly Repository for pictures of Molly-Model alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.nativeamerican American Indian sex pictures. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.nipples.large No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.nose The nose as an object of lust. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.nude.runaway-girls No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.nudist-camp No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.nuns No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.older-women erotic photos of mature women alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.oldermen No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.oral Images of oral sex. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.oriental No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.oriental.spread-wide No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.orientals Copyright violations featuring Asians. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.orientals.spread-wide No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.panties Panties, underwear, knickers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.panties.sheer No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.panty-lines No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pantyhose No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.party-girls No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.partygirls No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.peachfuzz No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.perl-geeks No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pickaninnies No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pigtails For posting erotic binaries alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pirate.mag Dirty alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.plushies No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar Copyright violations of porn stars. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar.cameo Forum for posting binary images of the pornstar Cameo alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar.jenna-jameson No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar.jenna-jameson.mpgs No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar.marilyn.chambers No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstars Use alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstar. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstars.ariana No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pornstars.janine.moderated No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pre-teen Almost certainly illegal traffic. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pre-teen.chatter The Answer is Seven. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pre-teens pre-teens alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pregnant Pregnant women in sexual situations. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.prostitutes.amsterdam Amsterdam Red Light alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.puffies What's a puffy? alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pussy No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pussy.firsthair No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pussy.tattoo No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.pw-series No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.rape Images of forced sex. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.rape.loki No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.redheads Erotic images of redheads. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.rocki-roads Famous adult movie alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.russian No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.rutabaga No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.safetyvest erotic pictures related to safetyvests alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sarah-young Famous european adult alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.scanmaster The art of David J. Gardner. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.scheherazade For SX/GL scans. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.schoolgirls Think they mean college? alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.senior-citizens No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sensualamateurs A forum for amateurs alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.series Photoshoot series alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.shave No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sheep No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sistas.charmaine No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sistas.dominique No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sistas.ebony-ayes No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sistas.jeannie-pepper No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sistas.kamali No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sistas.melissa-sade No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.spam Pink meaty stuff (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.spanking Spanking pictures and images. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.spanking.schoolgirl images of women alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.spanking.teen Corporate punishment of teenagers or young looking adults, should be above the age of consent alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.spatch No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.spread-open No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.stacey-owen Pictures of Stacey Owen alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.stockingsex No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.swollen-nubbins Puffy like areola/nipples. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.sylvia-saint We'll remember Sylvia! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.tasteless Newt in the nude. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen Teens, should be above age of consent. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.d Teens, should be above age of consent. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.fe teen fe alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female Teens, above age of consent. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.amateur Erotic images of AMATEUR teen females. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.fuck No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.lesbian No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.lesbians No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.masterbation No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.masturbation Guess. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.nonude No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.orgasm Teen women orgasming. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.female.toys No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.fuck Teens, above age of consent, having sex. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.male Teens, above age of consent. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.male.anal Purpose: see newsgroup name alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.male.hardon No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teen.masturbation No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teens teens alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.teensex No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.terry.agar No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.thai We are Siamese if you please. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.the-fan No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.thigh-highs The sexiness of stockings. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.toasters For toaster lovers everywhere. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.torture No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.traci-lords No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.transexual.action No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.transvestites Men dressed as women. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.uncut Non-circumcised males. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.uncut.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.uncut.moderated.moderated No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.uniform Men and women looking _almost_ official. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.uniform.male.moderated moderated group (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.unix No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.urine New dimensions in water photography. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.vintage No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.violence Pictures of violence that are erotic. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.voyeurism Views for the viewers. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.voyeurism.hidden-camera Is that a camera behind that peephole? alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.voyeurism.neighbor.nospam No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.wet-t-shirt Wet t-shirt contests. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.wetspot No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.yong No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.young The eroticism of youth. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.young.australian.female No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.young.orientals No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.yuism Porn for pre-teens. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.zig.and.zag No description. alt.binaries.pictures.erotics.breasts Use alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.breasts instead. alt.binaries.pictures.fan.televisionx Televisionx girls alt.binaries.pictures.fantasy-sci-fi fantasy and science fiction pictures alt.binaries.pictures.fashion.youth Childrens fashion, old and new. alt.binaries.pictures.fashion.youth.d Discussion of kids' fashions. alt.binaries.pictures.fashion.youth.oldies-repost Kids' fashions reposts. alt.binaries.pictures.female Erotica alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art No description. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.d Discussion of the fine-art binaries. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.digitized Art from conventional media. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.graphics Art created on computers. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.misc Discussing alt.b.p.fine-art.*. alt.binaries.pictures.fine-art.photos Photographic art. alt.binaries.pictures.finger-nails.keroi No description. alt.binaries.pictures.firemen pictures and picture discussion of firemen alt.binaries.pictures.fishing Fishing related pictures. alt.binaries.pictures.flags.desecrated No description. alt.binaries.pictures.fractals Cheaper just to send the program parameters. alt.binaries.pictures.fun No description. alt.binaries.pictures.furniture Images of furniture. alt.binaries.pictures.furry Originaly funny animal art. alt.binaries.pictures.fuzzy-sweaters.female newsgroup for sweater fans alt.binaries.pictures.gardens Displaying plants and gardens. alt.binaries.pictures.gardens.haworthia No description. alt.binaries.pictures.genitalia.fauna the artistic alt.binaries.pictures.genitalia.flora the artistic alt.binaries.pictures.gi-joe gi-joe diorama and collection pictures alt.binaries.pictures.girlfriend Pictures of girlfriends. alt.binaries.pictures.girlfriends Commercially controverisal group. alt.binaries.pictures.girlfriends.ex No description. alt.binaries.pictures.girls GIFs, JPEGs, et cetera of boys. alt.binaries.pictures.graffiti No description. alt.binaries.pictures.grotesque No description. alt.binaries.pictures.groupsex Menage a trois and orgies. alt.binaries.pictures.guns Pictures of firearms and firearm related activites. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.hannigan Willow of BVS (Alyson) alt.binaries.pictures.hockey A NG for hockey-related pictures. alt.binaries.pictures.honey-b-sweet Sticky, too. alt.binaries.pictures.horny.nurses Wet in white. alt.binaries.pictures.horses The Most Beautiful Animals alt.binaries.pictures.humor.babies No description. alt.binaries.pictures.hussy No description. alt.binaries.pictures.isla-fisher No description. alt.binaries.pictures.jamie-lee-curtis No description. alt.binaries.pictures.jetski No description. alt.binaries.pictures.jfowler No description. alt.binaries.pictures.joanne-guest joanne guest binaries alt.binaries.pictures.joder.burros The title says it all. alt.binaries.pictures.kid No description. alt.binaries.pictures.kid.punishment No description. alt.binaries.pictures.kid.spam No description. alt.binaries.pictures.kid.spank No description. alt.binaries.pictures.kids No description. alt.binaries.pictures.lacey-chabert Images of actress Lacey Chabert. alt.binaries.pictures.landscapes.amateur Amateur landscape pictures. alt.binaries.pictures.lara-fabian No description. alt.binaries.pictures.leek Vegetable vamping. alt.binaries.pictures.lesbians Images of women who love women. alt.binaries.pictures.lexx for exchanging pictures associated with TV series LEXX alt.binaries.pictures.lingerie As if Victoria's Secret isn't frequent enough. alt.binaries.pictures.lingerie.panties.sheer No description. alt.binaries.pictures.lolita.fucking Lolita having sex, one supposes. alt.binaries.pictures.lolita.misc No description. alt.binaries.pictures.madonna For posting pictures of Madonna alt.binaries.pictures.male No description. alt.binaries.pictures.melissa-j-hart Pictures of Melissa J. Hart. alt.binaries.pictures.military No description. alt.binaries.pictures.misc Have we saturated the network yet? alt.binaries.pictures.models.sex-xes No description. alt.binaries.pictures.moi Moi photos picture art alt.binaries.pictures.monsters No description. alt.binaries.pictures.motorcycles Binaries of motorcycles alt.binaries.pictures.motorcycles.harley HD motorcycle binaries alt.binaries.pictures.motorcycles.sportbike Sportbike binaries alt.binaries.pictures.movie-posters celebration of movie poster alt.binaries.pictures.movieboys No description. alt.binaries.pictures.n0rp ravern0rp alt.binaries.pictures.n0rp.raver ravern0rp alt.binaries.pictures.nature No description. alt.binaries.pictures.naturism.family Naturist photos; retromoderated alt.binaries.pictures.nicki-lewis Images of Net citizen Nicki Lewis. alt.binaries.pictures.nospam.post-yourself-nude The name says it all! alt.binaries.pictures.nude Lots of views of flesh. alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrities Images of normally clothed famous folk. alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrities.fake Forged and altered fan pics. alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrities.fake.repost No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrities.hwest No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrities.male No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nudism Images featuring nudists. alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.adults No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.wolfpack No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.wolfpack.erotica alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.wolfpack.gay-lesbian-bi A group that alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.wolfpack.floodgates No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.wolfpack.gay-lesbian-bi A group that alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.wolfpack.preteen No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.wolfpack.repost No description. alt.binaries.pictures.nudism.youth.and.families No description. alt.binaries.pictures.numismatic For coins, tokens, medals, currency etc. alt.binaries.pictures.nylons Hot hosiery. alt.binaries.pictures.olsen-twins Pictures of Mary-Kate and Ashley alt.binaries.pictures.origami Images showing folded paper procedures/products. alt.binaries.pictures.pantyhose Hot hosiery with a built in panty. alt.binaries.pictures.pantyhouse No description. alt.binaries.pictures.pantylines No description. alt.binaries.pictures.personal People publishing photos of themselves. alt.binaries.pictures.personal.moderated Home Grown Erotica. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.petra-verkaik Pictures of Mrs. Petra Verkaik. alt.binaries.pictures.phedz No description. alt.binaries.pictures.phil-oliver No description. alt.binaries.pictures.pink-floyd Pictures of Pink Floyd alt.binaries.pictures.plaatjes No description. alt.binaries.pictures.plgpics.uni No description. alt.binaries.pictures.plushies Pictures of stuffed animals alt.binaries.pictures.poodles.grep testing again LA LA LA LA alt.binaries.pictures.porncaps No description. alt.binaries.pictures.powersports snowmobile ATV motorcycle dirt bike. alt.binaries.pictures.racequeens Pictures and commentary about racequeens. alt.binaries.pictures.radio No description. alt.binaries.pictures.radio.control.models No description. alt.binaries.pictures.raik No description. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.rail Forum for ferroequinologist photos. alt.binaries.pictures.railroad No description. alt.binaries.pictures.raquel-welch No description. alt.binaries.pictures.realestate.fsbo No description. alt.binaries.pictures.realestate.realtors No description. alt.binaries.pictures.reanna No description. alt.binaries.pictures.redheads Erotic binaries of redheads. alt.binaries.pictures.rika-nishimura No description. alt.binaries.pictures.russian No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sailor-moon No description. alt.binaries.pictures.salma-hayek No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sarenna-lee No description. alt.binaries.pictures.scenic No description. alt.binaries.pictures.scenic.amateur Amateur scenery and art. alt.binaries.pictures.sex Use alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.* instead. alt.binaries.pictures.sex.fetish No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sex.fetish.fish No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sistas.charmaine No description. alt.binaries.pictures.spam Pink processed meat (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.spanking.boys No description. alt.binaries.pictures.spankingboys No description. alt.binaries.pictures.spice-girls Spice Girls Pictures (JPEG Preferred) alt.binaries.pictures.sports Binary sports images. alt.binaries.pictures.sports.gymnastics group for gymnastics-related pictures alt.binaries.pictures.sports.ocean No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sports.ocean.surfing No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sports.ocean.windsurfing No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sports.pictures.ocean No description. alt.binaries.pictures.stereo No description. alt.binaries.pictures.strippers No description. alt.binaries.pictures.sunshineboys No description. alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels Yet more copyright violations. alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels.cindy-crawford Take acting lessons. alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels.kate-moss The new Twiggy. alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels.kathy-ireland No description. alt.binaries.pictures.supermodels.laetitia-casta Pictures of Laetitia Casta alt.binaries.pictures.suze Photoshoot newsgroup alt.binaries.pictures.suze.repost Photoshoot newsgroup alt.binaries.pictures.tall-ships No description. alt.binaries.pictures.tanks No description. alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless Eccchh, that last one was *sick*. alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless.dedman-sisters Post your tastless Donna and Sherry Dedman pictures here!! alt.binaries.pictures.tease No description. alt.binaries.pictures.teen-idols Pictures of the hunks of tomorrow. alt.binaries.pictures.teen-idols.princewilliam pictures of Prince William alt.binaries.pictures.teen-idols.shirtless No description. alt.binaries.pictures.teen-starlets Pictures of teenage women stars. alt.binaries.pictures.tiffany.towers canadain superstar tiffany towers alt.binaries.pictures.tools Lathes and miters and squares, oh my! alt.binaries.pictures.turds No description. alt.binaries.pictures.tv.scifi-fantasy Artwork based on 'genre' alt.binaries.pictures.unauthorized No description. alt.binaries.pictures.underage.admirers For those who appreciate the alt.binaries.pictures.underwater No description. alt.binaries.pictures.utilities Posting of pictures-related utilities. alt.binaries.pictures.vehicles Images of vehicles. alt.binaries.pictures.vfd.noid NoiD photo scans alt.binaries.pictures.victoria.secret Use alt.binaries.pictures.lingerie. alt.binaries.pictures.voyeurism Duplicates all of alt.binaries.pictures.erotica. alt.binaries.pictures.wallpaper Forum for posting wallpaper pictures alt.binaries.pictures.warzone No description. alt.binaries.pictures.weapons Guns, ammunition, knives, swords. alt.binaries.pictures.weather Photos of various weather events, etc. alt.binaries.pictures.webcamteens Pictures of teens from alt.binaries.pictures.woodworking No description. alt.binaries.pictures.young.celebrities.retromod A retromoderated alt.binaries.pictures.youth-and-beauty Celebrating beauty of children and teens alt.binaries.pictures.youth-wrestling No description. alt.binaries.pictures.zips For zip files containing binary files. alt.binaries.picutes.nude.celebrities Use alt.binaries.pictures.nude.celebrities. alt.binaries.picutres.erotica.pantyhose No description. alt.binaries.pinups No description. alt.binaries.playgirl Pictures and related media from Playgirl Magazine . alt.binaries.pokemon No description. alt.binaries.pokemon.pikachu Pikachu - The most popular pokemon alt.binaries.pop.will.eat.itself Yes, yes it will. alt.binaries.pot Binary files relating to pot. alt.binaries.privatestock No description. alt.binaries.pro-wrestling for posts of wrestling binary files alt.binaries.programming programming utilities and assistance alt.binaries.project-object No description. alt.binaries.ps No description. alt.binaries.punk sounds and picts of underground punk/HC subculture alt.binaries.quake3uk No description. alt.binaries.radio-control No description. alt.binaries.radio-scanner binaries relating to the hobby of radio scanning alt.binaries.radio.keprf K-EPRF Parnormal Radio alt.binaries.radio.paranormal alt.binaries.radio.keprf K-EPRF Parnormal Radio alt.binaries.radio.pictures No description. alt.binaries.railroad.twofoot No description. alt.binaries.rebecca-lord Discussions about adult film star/actress alt.binaries.rec.photo.equipment Binary files for rec.photo.equipment.*. alt.binaries.remixes.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.rgvc No description. alt.binaries.riz.ranger No description. alt.binaries.rock-n-roll Sights and sounds related to rock-n-roll. alt.binaries.roel-hemkes.london No description. alt.binaries.roel_hemeks.london No description. alt.binaries.roger No description. alt.binaries.rustic-woodworkers No description. alt.binaries.rutabaga No description. alt.binaries.sabrina-lloyd No description. alt.binaries.samantha-fox Supplement to alt.fan.samantha-fox for all binary posts. alt.binaries.sarah-m-gellar Binaries relating to Sarah Michelle Gellar alt.binaries.satellite-tv Programs and data related to encrypted TV. alt.binaries.scanmaster Pictures from the Scanmaster collection. alt.binaries.scary.exe-files No description. alt.binaries.scary.exe.files No description. alt.binaries.schematics.electronic Binary postings of electronic schematics alt.binaries.scientology Sounds and pictures pertaining to Scientology. alt.binaries.scooter pictures of scooters and related items alt.binaries.screen-savers For the exchange and discussion of screen savers. alt.binaries.screen-savers.mac No description. alt.binaries.sea-monkeys No description. alt.binaries.shareware No description. alt.binaries.shareware.ibm.pc No description. alt.binaries.sheet-music Scores for musicians. alt.binaries.simulators.autos Programs that simular car driving. alt.binaries.skewed No description. alt.binaries.slack Sounds and pictures of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. alt.binaries.sliders No description. alt.binaries.smash-pumpkins No description. alt.binaries.smokers.glamour.cigars No description. alt.binaries.snuh For Snuh fans everywhere ! alt.binaries.soccer Binary files regarding soccer (football in uk) alt.binaries.soccer.images For binaries about the soccer scene. alt.binaries.sonic-hedgehog No description. alt.binaries.sophie-marceau No description. alt.binaries.sound.radio.oldtime Old time radio shows and sound clips alt.binaries.sounds No description. alt.binaries.sounds.1940s.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.sounds.1950s.mp3 mp3 files for music from the 1950s. alt.binaries.sounds.1960s.mp3 mp3 files for music from the 1960s alt.binaries.sounds.1970s.mp3 mp3 files for music from the 1970s. alt.binaries.sounds.1980s.mp3 mp3 files for music from the 1980s. alt.binaries.sounds.1990s.mp3 mp3 files for music from the 1990s. alt.binaries.sounds.78rpm-era sounds from the age of shellac records alt.binaries.sounds.78rpm-era.d Discussion of files from the 78rpm era alt.binaries.sounds.aac No description. alt.binaries.sounds.aac.d sounds and music encoded with aac alt.binaries.sounds.anime No description. alt.binaries.sounds.answering-machines Funny answering machine messages! alt.binaries.sounds.audiobooks No description. alt.binaries.sounds.cartoons Sounds from copyrighted animated shows. alt.binaries.sounds.country.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.sounds.d Sounding off. alt.binaries.sounds.erotica Uhh Uhh Uhh Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ooh. alt.binaries.sounds.jpop Multimedia relating to Japanese Pop Music alt.binaries.sounds.karaoke No description. alt.binaries.sounds.led-zeppelin Binary files of Led Zeppelin alt.binaries.sounds.m No description. alt.binaries.sounds.macintosh No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi MIDI binaries. alt.binaries.sounds.midi-tools No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.beatles No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.blues No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.classical Classical midi files (original or alt.binaries.sounds.midi.classical.sequencing problems discussion. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.country No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.d No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.ethnic No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.final-fantasy Posting of Final Fantasy MIDIs alt.binaries.sounds.midi.funk No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.games No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.jazz No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.originals No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.pop No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.rap No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.rock No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.soul No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midi.to.wav No description. alt.binaries.sounds.midnightoil for trading Midnight Oil live shows alt.binaries.sounds.misc Digitized audio adventures. alt.binaries.sounds.mods MODs and related sound formats. alt.binaries.sounds.mods.d Discussions of alt.binaries.sounds.mods. alt.binaries.sounds.mods.techno MODs for techno music. alt.binaries.sounds.moesart2000 No description. alt.binaries.sounds.monty-python Share & trade Monty Python sound clips. alt.binaries.sounds.movies Sounds from copyrighted movies. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3 Binary posting of mp3 sound files. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1950s mp3 files for music created in the 1950s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1960s mp3 files of music created in the 1960s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1970s mp3 files of music created in the 1970s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1980s mp3 files of music created in the 1980s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1980s.venice-beach No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1990s mp3 files of music created in the 1990s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2000s No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.alternative-rock No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.avant-garde No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.beach-boys No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.beatles No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.black-gospel No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.blackened An Black/Death Metal fourm. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bluegrass No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.blues No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bob-dylan No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.books No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.bootlegs No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.brazilian Brazilian Music in MP3 format alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.british british alternative music alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.celtic Posting of celtic music mp3s alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.chinese Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin, MP3's alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.christian christian mp3 binaries alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.classic-rock No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.comedy No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.complete_cd No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.d Discussion of mp3 sound files. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.dance MP3 files of dance music. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.dancehall No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.easy-listening No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.french Listening french songs and music alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.french.d French MP3 discussion group. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.full_albums No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.german No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.gothic-industrial No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.heavy-metal No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.hellyousinnation No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.hit-explosion No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.holland No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.holland.piraat No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.holland.request No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.hymns No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.indian.bhangra No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.indian.movies No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.indian.movies.old No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.indian.pop No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.indian.remixes No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.indian.requests No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.indie No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.jay-denebeim.taking-a-shit what you've always wanted to hear ... alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.jazz No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.jethro-tull No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.karaoke Background music tracks without vocals alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.kcuf Weekly postings of KCUF radio shows alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.latin No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.m Novelty recordings alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.metal.full-albums No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.minneapolis No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.modern-composers No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.newcleus No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.ninja.music No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.pop No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.prog Sound files of progressive rock genre alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.rap-hiphop No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.rap-hiphop.full-albums No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.rap-hiphop.mixtapes No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.reggae No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.requests No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.rock No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.rock.full-album No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.russian For russian mp3 sound files. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.secular secular mp3 binaries alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.singing-cowboy No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.sound-effects No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.soundtracks No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.southern-gospel No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.speeches No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.spoken-word posting of spoken word mp3s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.spoken-word.d No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.taral-hicks No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.themes No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.tramaine-hawkins No description. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.video-games Distribution of videogame related mp3s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.zappa No description. alt.binaries.sounds.music Music samples in MOD/669 format. alt.binaries.sounds.music.classical Classical music recordings. alt.binaries.sounds.netjam.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.sounds.ninja No description. alt.binaries.sounds.patches Patch Files for Synthesisers and Effects units alt.binaries.sounds.radio.bbc Compressed BBC Radio audio files. alt.binaries.sounds.radio.british BBC Radio Shows alt.binaries.sounds.radio.misc Broadcast radio audio clips and sounds alt.binaries.sounds.radio.oldtime Old time radio shows and sound clips alt.binaries.sounds.radio.oldtime.d Old time radio shows binary alt.binaries.sounds.radio.paranormal K-EPRF Parnormal Radio alt.binaries.sounds.radio.repost Oldtime Radio Reposts alt.binaries.sounds.realaudio No description. alt.binaries.sounds.realaudio.rush-limbaugh No description. alt.binaries.sounds.samples.music Musical instrument samples and stuff. alt.binaries.sounds.spoken-word No description. alt.binaries.sounds.tv Sounds from copyrighted television shows. alt.binaries.sounds.tv-commercials No description. alt.binaries.sounds.tv-themes No description. alt.binaries.sounds.twinvq Compressed audio in the TwinVQ format alt.binaries.sounds.twinvq.d Discussion group for TwinVQ alt.binaries.sounds.utilities Sound utilities. alt.binaries.sounds.utilities.d No description. alt.binaries.sounds.vqf vqf sound binaries group alt.binaries.sounds.vqf.d vqf sounds discussion group alt.binaries.sounds.wav No description. alt.binaries.sounds.wav.music.1950s No description. alt.binaries.sounds.wav.music.1960s No description. alt.binaries.sounds.wav.music.1970s No description. alt.binaries.southpark Binaries related to the show Southpark. alt.binaries.spanking Erotic & non-erotic spanking pictures, text & alt.binaries.squaresoft No description. alt.binaries.stargate-sg1 No description. alt.binaries.stargatesg-1 Stargate SG-1 Binaries alt.binaries.startrek Various binaries related to Star Trek. alt.binaries.startrek.adult No description. alt.binaries.starwars Images and sounds from the Star Wars movies. alt.binaries.stories.sex Sex(ual) stories in or with binary parts alt.binaries.strip-poker for trading home-made strip poker datadisks alt.binaries.superman No description. alt.binaries.svcd For super video cd files. Unmoderated alt.binaries.swnet.diverse No description. alt.binaries.swnet.mp3 is for posting of swedish mp3-songs. alt.binaries.swnet.prostitution No description. alt.binaries.swnet.pryltorg A group for posting images and alt.binaries.teri-weigel Binary files of the actress Teri Weigel alt.binaries.test For the testing of binary posting. alt.binaries.the-sopranos Binaries realated to the Sopranos. alt.binaries.thebird No description. alt.binaries.this.needs.cracking No description. alt.binaries.tiffany-towers No description. alt.binaries.tori-amos No description. alt.binaries.torture.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.binaries.toy-cars Pictures of any kind of toy cars. alt.binaries.transcender.exams for exchange of exam materials alt.binaries.transexual.sri No description. alt.binaries.triballs ll about satellite decoding alt.binaries.tv.aus TV or not TV, only the former applies. alt.binaries.tv.big-brother Pictures from the TV show. alt.binaries.tv.er Images & sounds of characters and actors from alt.binaries.tv.farscape No description. alt.binaries.tv.friends Binaries of or related to the tv show Friends. alt.binaries.tv.gold-monkey No description. alt.binaries.tv.millennium Posting of Millennium tv show binaries alt.binaries.tv.shaggable.babes No description. alt.binaries.tv.simpsons Posting of binaries relate to "The Simpsons" alt.binaries.tv.teletubbies No description. alt.binaries.tv.us-sitcoms : Photos/VidGrabs/VidClips relating to US alt.binaries.ufo.files Distribution of UFO related multimedia alt.binaries.vcd No description. alt.binaries.vcd.repost For requesting and reposting of vcd binaries. alt.binaries.vcd.xxx No description. alt.binaries.vcdz vcd newsgroup alt.binaries.verified.photoshoots A photoshoot newsgroup alt.binaries.videos.tv.shaggable-babes No description. alt.binaries.wallacegromit Wallace & Gromit alt.binaries.warcraft Pictures, levels & configurations for Orcs and Humans. alt.binaries.wares.ibm-pc-graphic No description. alt.binaries.warex.ibm-pc.fumbles-harem A group to harass Fumble's Harem! alt.binaries.warez.0-day +akula's pet newsgroup alt.binaries.warez.0-day.games No description. alt.binaries.warez.adolescent No description. alt.binaries.warez.amiga D00DZ in favour of pirating Amiga software. alt.binaries.warez.autocad No description. alt.binaries.warez.certification certification software, discus alt.binaries.warez.commodore64 No description. alt.binaries.warez.educational No description. alt.binaries.warez.fukengruven No description. alt.binaries.warez.games No description. alt.binaries.warez.games.adolescent No description. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc D00DZ in favour of pirating PC software. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.0-day No description. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d Discussing alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.dos D00DZ in favour of pirating DOS programs. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.encrypted Some sort of decoy for the D00DZ. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.fills Binary warez archive parts. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.french french version of software alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.french.d Talking About a.b.w.ibm-pc.french alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.french.repost newgroup alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.french.repost alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.games D00DZ in favour of pirating PC games. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.german Deutsche Programme zum Ausprobieren. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.german.games Deutsche Spiele zum alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.insomniac No description. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.japan No description. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.kidnapd-harem No description. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.ms-beta Discussion and distribution of Microsoft beta releases. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.old D00DZ in favour of pirating antique PC software. alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.os No description. alt.binaries.warez.insomniac insomniacs at work alt.binaries.warez.internet.video.phones.ibm.pc No description. alt.binaries.warez.linux No description. alt.binaries.warez.mac D00DZ in favour of pirating Mac software. alt.binaries.warez.mac.req Requests for pirated Mac software. alt.binaries.warez.macintosh No description. alt.binaries.warez.newbies Warez, utilities and appz for newbies. alt.binaries.warez.nt No description. alt.binaries.warez.nt.d No description. alt.binaries.warez.os2 No description. alt.binaries.warez.ps.filters No description. alt.binaries.warez.quebec-hackers No description. alt.binaries.warez.quebec-hackers.d addons for alt.binaries.warez.raptorweb For all your warez needs. alt.binaries.warez.riscos RISC OS Software Applications alt.binaries.warez.snes D00DZ in favour of pirating Super Nintendo software. alt.binaries.warez.steganography No description. alt.binaries.warez.uk No description. alt.binaries.warez.uk-dreamcast uk specific Dreamcast group alt.binaries.warez.uk-mp3 uk specific mp3 group alt.binaries.warez.uk-psx uk specific psx group alt.binaries.warez.uk-traders No description. alt.binaries.warez.uk.d No description. alt.binaries.warez.uk.dreamcast uk specific Dreamcast group alt.binaries.warez.uk.movies VCD and DivX movies to view on your pc. alt.binaries.warez.uk.mp3 UK specific mp3 group alt.binaries.warez.uk.psx uk specific psx group alt.binaries.warez.win-me For extended trial use binaries alt.binaries.warez.win2000 Posting of Windows 2000 binaries alt.binaries.warez.win95 No description. alt.binaries.warez.win95-apps No description. alt.binaries.warez.win95-games No description. alt.binaries.warez.windows31 No description. alt.binaries.warez.windowsce No description. alt.binaries.warez.your Warez your... Warez? alt.binaries.warez.your.mammy Warez your mammy?? alt.binaries.warez4kiddies No description. alt.binaries.warez4kiddies.apps No description. alt.binaries.warez4kiddies.cd.images No description. alt.binaries.warez4kiddies.games No description. alt.binaries.warez4kiddies.mp3 No description. alt.binaries.webcam.babetv No description. alt.binaries.webcam.pictures No description. alt.binaries.webcam.videos No description. alt.binaries.wifey pics and films of the protein-loving spouse. alt.binaries.worship.goescrunch No description. alt.binaries.worship.ohi-sama No description. alt.binaries.wurmkraus No description. alt.binaries.x No description. alt.binaries.x-files Scenes from FOX's X Files show. alt.binaries.x-files.ga Pictures Of X-File Star Gillian Anderson alt.binaries.x-men No description. alt.binaries.x.upper-case No description. alt.binaries.zines Images and sounds from mini magazines. alt.binaries.zoogz-rift No description. alt.binary.carring-female carring of unconscious females alt.binaties.startrek.adult No description. alt.binries.nospam.pst.d No description. alt.bintangs No description. alt.bio.hackers Individualist uses of biotechnology. alt.bio.minority Minority scientists and students in biomedical research. alt.bio.technology No description. alt.bio.technology.cloning No description. alt.bio.technology.gene-testing is subsidiary to the alt.bio.technology alt.bio.technology.misc No description. alt.birthright Birthright Party propaganda. alt.biso.non-tromba No description. alt.bitch No description. alt.bitch.at.mortica alt.bitch.at.morticia A place for people to come to bitch at morticia. alt.bitch.at.morticia A place for people to come to bitch at moticia. alt.bitch.ewokie No description. alt.bitch.pork Flames in a particular vein. alt.bitch.to.a.chimp.montgomery-wood No description. alt.bite-me Stupid is as stupid does. alt.bitoparty bitoparty. It's a bit o' class alt.bitterness No matter what it's for, you know how it'll turn out. alt.bixesi No description. alt.biz.chiselling Chiselling in business and elsewhere. alt.biz.infighting Infighting in business. alt.bjczklf No description. alt.bl.pts.kluhpc.p.l No description. alt.bl.v.bi No description. alt.blackbayou Gothic-Punk Horror Roleplay Game alt.blake-isms To discuss the words of Blake alt.blasphemy Irreverence on the net? Who would have thought. alt.ble No description. alt.bloaf where the bloaf's come to roost alt.blobbi.veteran-cunt No description. alt.bloopers No description. alt.blueyonder No description. alt.blueyonder.mp3s No description. alt.blueyonder.users No description. alt.bmx Discussion of all aspects of the subculture of riding bmx alt.bobbiespage.com A newsgroup for teen idol Bobbie alt.bobby No description. alt.bobflamingo No description. alt.bobflamingo.isa No description. alt.bobflamingo.isa.asshole No description. alt.bogus No description. alt.bogus.group In alt? Who do you think you are to say so? alt.bommanews No description. alt.bonehead.andy-banta No description. alt.bonehead.anti-rush Maybe Limbaugh has something to do with this. alt.bonehead.bill-palmer An insult to Palmers everwhere alt.bonehead.brian-mc-clellan Another bonehead group for brian. alt.bonehead.bruce-watson Usenet's biggest idiot and liar alt.bonehead.captain-bligh No description. alt.bonehead.chris.caputo.censorious.bastard Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.chris.caputo.censorious.cretin alt.bonehead.Chris.Caputo.Censorious.Cretin Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.bonehead.clayton-oneill Always the fsck with the inodes of news! alt.bonehead.dr-turi the incredible ego of Dr. Turi alt.bonehead.gary.burnore Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.geoff-miller Laughing at Heinrich^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HMatthew^H^H^H^H^H^H^HGeoff Miller alt.bonehead.gruppenschnitzer A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.bonehead.gwbush Discussion about what a bonehead gwbush can be alt.bonehead.hangnail Stop creating denebeim groups! alt.bonehead.hannigan.whack .whack.whack Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.head-librarian Kristian Tanner, Usenet's biggest asshole alt.bonehead.higby The bonehead of la.* alt.bonehead.irish-republicans A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.bonehead.jai-maharaj look at his posts and make up your own mind alt.bonehead.james-koput Yet another grudge group. alt.bonehead.jay-denebeim No description. alt.bonehead.jesse-garon Rick Springfield sung about this guy's girl. alt.bonehead.jim-dutton No description. alt.bonehead.john-corliss No description. alt.bonehead.john-grubor DrG, net.sage. alt.bonehead.john-henry No description. alt.bonehead.john-siwinski John Siwinski raped the candle! alt.bonehead.john-weir Laughing at John Weird alt.bonehead.john.boyd Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.joseph-holl No description. alt.bonehead.josh-kramer Boneheaded enough to deserve his own group? alt.bonehead.kevin-mitnick You may not like him but he is still the best. alt.bonehead.kevin.cannon Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.klaas.suck.checkmates.dick Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.kristian-tanner Head Librarian, number #1 Net-asshole. alt.bonehead.lee-latham No description. alt.bonehead.oliver1 just another newgroup abuser alt.bonehead.paedophile.barry-bouwsma Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.phil-lawlor Discussing AGIS, spam-central, CEO Phil Lawlor alt.bonehead.phil-oliver No description. alt.bonehead.ralph.reed.sucks discussion of the pros & cons of ralph alt.bonehead.rick.mather.no.pecker.colostomy.australia No description. alt.bonehead.sander.von.minnen No description. alt.bonehead.sandy-wallace Discussing Sanford "Spamford" Wallace alt.bonehead.scott-abraham No description. alt.bonehead.self-immolation.hipcrime No description. alt.bonehead.self-immolation.morely-dotes No description. alt.bonehead.steve-crisp Steven J. Crisp, the court jester of NCSU. alt.bonehead.steve-day Nuff said, eh? alt.bonehead.steve-lake Rikki Lake's long lost brother? alt.bonehead.suzanne.thompson.sucks.cock Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.bonehead.teddy-bear A home for Teddys delightful reparte' alt.bonehead.waldby To slag the man with half-baked slam scams. alt.bonehead.walt-rines The boneheadedness of Walt "Quantcom.com" Rines alt.bonhead.johnny-grubor For those who think Grubor has no skull alt.bonsai Little trees and battle screams. alt.boofhead For all twits alt.books Use rec.arts.books.* or alt.books.* instead. alt.books.anne-rice The Vampire Thermostat. alt.books.arthur-clarke The writings of SF writer Arthur C Clarke. alt.books.august-derleth Life and works of August Derleth alt.books.beatgeneration Beat authors, Burroughs, Kerouac, etc. alt.books.bernard-cornwell The works of the author Bernard Cornwell alt.books.brian-lumley Books by Brian Lumley. alt.books.bukowski Discussion on the works and life of Charles Bukowski. alt.books.cait-r-kiernan Devoted to writer Caitlin R. Kiernan alt.books.carl-sagan No description. alt.books.chesterton No description. (Moderated) alt.books.christa-faust Discussion of writings by Christa Faust. alt.books.clive-barker Discussion of the writings of Clive Barker. alt.books.crichton Michael Crichton's writings: Jurassic Park, etc. alt.books.cs-lewis Narnia and other C.S. Lewis tales. alt.books.dan-simmons Discussion about Dan Simmons and his books alt.books.david-gemmell The books and other works of David alt.books.david-weber Discussion of books by David Weber alt.books.dean-koontz Discussion of the writings of Dean R. Koontz. alt.books.deryni Katherine Kurtz's books, especially the Deryni series. alt.books.destroyer No description. alt.books.dylan-thomas Current news on the man and discussion of his alt.books.electronic Paperless books and related topics. alt.books.george-behe Newsgroup dedicated to the work of Historian/writer George Behe alt.books.george-fraser No description. alt.books.george-orwell Writings by George Orwell. alt.books.ghost-fiction Discussion of Ghost and Supernatural Fiction alt.books.gor The Gor fantasy books of John Norman alt.books.h-g-wells The life and works of H G Wells. alt.books.iain-banks No description. alt.books.inklings discussion of Barfield,Auden,Williams,et al. alt.books.isaac-asimov Fans of the late SF/science author Isaac Asimov. alt.books.jack-chalker No description. alt.books.jack-london Jack London, 1876-1916, auth. "Call of the Wild" alt.books.james-joyce Discussion of the life and works of James Joyce alt.books.jean-auel Prehistoric fiction author Jean M. Auel. alt.books.jerry-chavez No description. alt.books.john-cheever No description. alt.books.john-grisham John Grisham's novels. alt.books.julian-may Group for the discussion of the works of Julian May. alt.books.kurt-vonnegut Discussion of Kurt Vonnegut's works. alt.books.larry-niven Discussion of the works of SF writer Larry Niven. alt.books.lars-eighner About fiction and nonfiction works of LE. alt.books.left-behind No description. alt.books.louis-lamour Louis L'Amour, the American Western Story teller. alt.books.m-lackey Author Mercedes Lackey and her books. alt.books.moorcock Discussions about the writings of Michael Moorcock. alt.books.mysteries Mystery and suspense on usenet. alt.books.nabokov No description. alt.books.nancy-drew Discussion of the Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys series. alt.books.orson-s-card Discussion of sf author Orson Scott Card. alt.books.outlander discussion of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series alt.books.pat-conroy Discussion of works by Pat Conroy alt.books.patrick-jones The poet and dramatist Patrick Jones. alt.books.peter-straub Discussions of Peter Straub's books. alt.books.phil-k-dick Discussion about the works of Phillip K. Dick. alt.books.philip-pullman No description. alt.books.poppy-z-brite No description. alt.books.pratchett Discussions of Terry Pratchett's books and characters. alt.books.purefiction Discussion of bestselling novels and how to write them. alt.books.ray-bradbury No description. alt.books.raymond-feist Fantasy author Raymond Feist and the Midkemia series. alt.books.reviews "If you want to know how it turns out, read it!". alt.books.robert-rankin For the discussion of the books of Robert Rankin. alt.books.roger-zelazny Discussion of the works of the late author. alt.books.sebar No description. alt.books.sf.melanie-rawn The author of the Dragon-xxx series. alt.books.stephen-king The works of horror writer Stephen King. alt.books.tanya-huff No description. alt.books.technical Discussion of technical books. alt.books.terry-brooks Discussion of Terry Brooks Works alt.books.terry-goodkind The works of Terry Goodkind. alt.books.thomas-ligotti No description. alt.books.thomas-pynchon Fans of the reclusive postmodernist author. alt.books.thomasbernhard For discussion of topics related to austrian writer Thomas Bernhard alt.books.toffler The ideas of Alvin and Heidi. alt.books.tom-clancy The group for discusson of Mr. Techno-Thriller. alt.books.tom-holt No description. alt.books.valdemar.fanfic No description. alt.books.vc-andrews The author and her books alt.books.wilbur-smith For fans of the author Wilbur Smith alt.books.wizard-of-oz L. Frank Baum's world of Oz alt.books.zogoiby No description. alt.boomerang The angular throwing club, not the Eddie Murphy flick. alt.bored What people do when they are bored. alt.bork People just love the sound of that word. alt.boston.moderated No description. alt.boston.unmoderated No description. alt.bot.bctv.vo.b eojaooiinveg alt.boxer-shorts No description. alt.bozoes No description. alt.bpc.h.ama.fk neuibauhxiiyeeyp alt.bpyxn.epawtz.ntcr No description. alt.br.oh.fecu.i.j.qymedsy No description. (Moderated) alt.braces No description. alt.brad.jesness.die.die.die No description. alt.brain Use sci.cognitive instead. alt.brain.teasers No description. alt.brallen No description. alt.brandon No description. alt.bread.recipes Posting of different bread recipes alt.breakdancing No description. alt.breast-implant.moderated No description. alt.brewing No description. alt.brhuk.cajbm.hpcvltso.y.h No description. alt.bristol No description. alt.bristols No description. alt.brittsbabes.com Discussion group for Brittany Halford alt.brittspage.com newsgroup to discuss everyday issues alt.bron.is.owned.by.ernie.dingo.cause.she.is.a.reactionary.twit No description. alt.brooklyn-crew.pimps Yo Pimps Inc. alt.brother-jed The born-again minister touring US campuses. alt.brown-cow-moo No description. alt.bru No description. alt.bru.izacrazy No description. alt.bru.sucks No description. alt.bruravagebeast No description. alt.bruravagebeast.flame No description. alt.bruravagebeast.troll No description. alt.brykins No description. alt.bs.i.p.g.p.g.fnomlb No description. alt.bucky-fuller Discussion about the ideas of Buckminster Fuller alt.buddha.short.fat.guy Religion. And not religion. Both. Neither. alt.buffy.europe european related buffy group alt.building.announcements Building industry announcements. alt.building.architecture Building industry architecture. alt.building.construction Building industry construction. alt.building.contractors No description. alt.building.elevators discussion of elevator labor and technical alt.building.engineering Keeping buildings from falling down. alt.building.environment Building industry environment. alt.building.finance Building industry finance. alt.building.harrison-towers No description. alt.building.jobs Building industry jobs. alt.building.landscape Building industry landscape. alt.building.manufacturing Building industry manufacturing. alt.building.realestate Real estate and the building industry. alt.building.survey-mapping Building industry surveying & mapping. alt.bullshit a place to bullshit alt.bumbling.idiots.the.fbi No description. alt.burning-man BURNING MAN - alt.burningman No description. alt.business Use alt.business.misc instead. alt.business.accountability Corporate accountability. alt.business.consulting No description. alt.business.consulting.utilities No description. alt.business.franchise Topics dealing with franchising/franchise management. alt.business.home.pc For displaying PC home business plans and services. alt.business.hospitality Hotel, resort, tour and restaurant businesses. alt.business.import-export Business aspects of international trade. alt.business.import-export.computer International trade in computers. alt.business.import-export.food International trade in food. alt.business.import-export.only Import-export trade forum. (Moderated) alt.business.import-export.raw-material International trade in raw materials. alt.business.import-export.services International trade in services. alt.business.insurance All about the insurance industry. alt.business.internal-audit Discussion of internal auditing. alt.business.manchester-united No description. alt.business.misc All aspects of commerce. alt.business.multi-level Multi-level (network) marketing businesses. alt.business.multi-level.exceltel Some multi-level marketing scheme. alt.business.multi-level.imagic Group for the discussion of iMagic MLM alt.business.multi-level.moderated Network marketing/MLM/home business. (Moderated) alt.business.multi-level.scam Fleecing people for fun and profit. alt.business.multi-level.scam.scam.scam Fleecing people for fun and profit. alt.business.multi-level.watkins Discussion about Watkins products and alt.business.offshore About taxhaven/offshore/datahaven corporations & trusts. alt.business.pornpig.industries No description. alt.business.propertry No description. alt.business.property Discussion of the buying and selling of property (Real alt.business.seminars Business seminars. alt.business.six-sigma No description. alt.business.telemarketing Forum for discussing the industry/tools/methods (Moderated) alt.butt.flame.karl-malden.cascade Hi, my name is Frank. alt.butt.harp The ultimate hum job. alt.butt.harp.die.die.die No description. alt.butthole.jay-denebeim No description. alt.buttholes No description. alt.butts Cigarettes, guns, logs, casks, you name it. alt.buyers.ebay No description. alt.bxcrmjc.yhh.uqim.lwiuxwgcoixg ieajaiuuelkcjkxav alt.bytebrothers No description. alt.c.k.prqt.peu.f diasejibfruixu alt.c.se.ip.c.f.pq.whs iuuxkohookoo (Moderated) alt.c.t.uc.i.w.xb.gr.e.f.r delhuaeauuvakug alt.c.ux.qe.k.rjjlr.y fvuieuoaekkjo alt.c.xn eeluuepvarmeluo alt.c.y.cxprktyq.ws.cpuwm.mpl iixzuiaoeraobuaiigw (Moderated) alt.c.yb.wf.np.q.w uagddxaaeik (Moderated) alt.c64 Use comp.sys.cbm instead. alt.cable-ip No description. alt.cable-tv.disney No description. alt.cable-tv.re-regulate Debating regulation of cable television. alt.cable-tv.tci-digital No description. alt.cable.wanadoo.angers cable wanadoo discutions Angers alt.cable.wanadoo.bordeaux cable wanadoo discutions Bordeaux alt.cable.wanadoo.montpellier cable wanadoo discutions Montpellier alt.cad Computer Aided Design. alt.cad.archicad Discussions about the architectural CAD program ArchiCAD alt.cad.arkey No description. alt.cad.autocad CAD as practiced by customers of Autodesk. alt.cad.cadkey Cadkey, Datacad, and other Cadkey, Inc. products. alt.cad.cadvance No description. alt.cad.chiefarchitect No description. alt.cad.helix No description. alt.cad.inquire-design No description. alt.cad.intellicad Discussion of Visio IntelliCAD CAD program alt.cafe-vortex No description. alt.cake No description. alt.california The state and the state of mind. alt.california.illegals No description. alt.callahans Callahan's bar for puns and fellowship. alt.camel.lovers For those who have a special interest in humped animals alt.camillo No description. alt.can.creat.whatever.news.group.i.want No description. alt.canadian.beaver More from "Things that make you go, 'eh?'". alt.cannabis.seed-banks Items regarding cannabis seed banks. alt.cant.count.to.three.montgomery-wood No description. alt.cant.tie.his.shoes.montgomery-wood No description. alt.captain.busternaut No description. alt.captain.sarcastic For the captain's minions. alt.car.boot.sales No description. alt.cardgame.magic Use rec.games.trading-cards.magic.misc instead. alt.cardgame.netrunner All aspects of Netrunner CCG alt.cardgame.spellfire TSR's SpellFire game. alt.carers No description. alt.carlos-n-jen No description. alt.carnaval No description. alt.carnival All of alt is a freakish side show. alt.carrot.stuck.in.ass.jay-denebeim A group for discussing the many things alt.cars.clubgti No description. alt.cars.ferrari No description. alt.cars.ford-probe "PROBE ME" --- actual Virginia woman's license plate. alt.cars.lotus No description. alt.cars.lotus.elan The Lotus Elan. alt.cartoon.reboot Don't like the current animation? Ctl-alt-del. alt.cascade Art or litter, you decide. alt.cascade.faggot.jeffypetersen No description. alt.cascade.faggot.raydixon No description. alt.cascade.fuckhead For the posting of Fuckhead cascades. alt.cascade.fuckhead.buzzard No description. alt.cascade.fuckhead.diato No description. alt.cascade.fuckhead.ramalane No description. alt.cascade.fuckhead.rikijo No description. alt.cascade.fuckhead.singh No description. alt.cascade.fuckhead.vinny No description. alt.cascade.shut-up-cunter No description. alt.cascade.vest.sweater.vest For the posting of Vest/Sweater cascades. alt.casema.binaries No description. alt.casema.commentaar No description. alt.casema.kinderachtig.gedoe Dus. alt.casinos.chequers.chips.tokens No description. alt.castlenet No description. alt.catastrophism Look out below! alt.catles alt.castles About castles, in the past and present alt.cats No description. alt.cats.declawing-debate No description. alt.cats.world.domination No description. alt.caving Spelunk. alt.cbdrhp No description. alt.cbs-sucks A place to piss and moan about the Tiffany Network alt.cc.fkf.rpmbs.vxjso.f No description. alt.cc.hipcrime No description. alt.cc.maxwell No description. alt.cc.mexwall No description. alt.ccn.sucks discussion of Chebucto Community Net (CCN) alt.ccwmop cable wanadoo discutions Montpellier alt.cd-rom Discussions of optical storage media. alt.cd-rom.reviews Reviews of various published things available on CD-ROM. alt.cd.tri.s.yzcs.wo.c.iw.olq.b.e No description. alt.cdr.panasonic For serious discussions on CD-recording related to users and alt.cds.bobm.vybs FL/McE)_EQ_)heLaStudent) alt.college.college-bowl Discussions of the College Bowl competition. alt.college.college-meow No description. alt.college.democrats Forum for College Democrats organizations alt.college.food Dining halls, cafeterias, mystery meat, and more. alt.college.fraternities College and university fraternities. alt.college.fraternities.delta-sigma-pi Professional business fraternity. alt.college.fraternities.dlta-sigma-phi Delta Sigma Phi. alt.college.fraternities.sigma-pi Sigma Pi: A fellowship of kindred minds. alt.college.greek.organizations Discussion About Greek Organizations alt.college.republicans Forum for conservative & libtertarian college students alt.college.sororities College and university sororities. alt.college.tunnels Tunnelling beneath the campuses. alt.college.us Is that "us" as in "U. S.", or do you just mean y'all? alt.colllecting.hockey-pucks alt.collecting.hockey-pucks A place for collectors of hockey pucks to talk alt.colorado.queers.jay-denebeim NG for recruiting young gays for Jay alt.comedy No description. alt.comedy.air-farce Royal Canadian Air Farce. alt.comedy.bill-hicks Discussion of American comedian Bill Hicks' work alt.comedy.british Discussion of British comedy in a variety of media. alt.comedy.british.blackadder The Black Adder programme. alt.comedy.british.fast-show For the discussion of a british comedy alt.comedy.british.leagueofgentlemen For discussion of the show, alt.comedy.codas Codas, the worlds first daily sitcom. alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre Firesign Theatre in all its flaming glory. alt.comedy.george-carlin No description. alt.comedy.improvisation Group improvisational comedies. alt.comedy.jerrylewis -- discussions of, and about, the King of Comedy alt.comedy.laurel-hardy The Laurel and Hardy comedy team. alt.comedy.marx-bros Why a duck? alt.comedy.paul-reubens Comedian Paul Reubens (aka Pee-Wee Herman). alt.comedy.slapstick Slapstick--comedy stressing farce and horseplay. alt.comedy.slapstick.3-stooges Hey, Mo! alt.comedy.standup Discussion of stand-up comedy and comedians. alt.comedy.standup.moderated Prof. Stand-up comedians alt.comedy.vaudeville Vaudeville and its descendants. alt.comics.2000ad Discussing British comic 2000AD and related issues. alt.comics.alan-moore Quis custodiet ipsos custodes. alt.comics.alternative You could try a book without pictures, for example. alt.comics.archie Discussion of Archie Comics alt.comics.asterix Goscinny and Uderzo's brave gaulish warrior. alt.comics.batman Marketing mania. alt.comics.classic For the discussion of golden and silver age comic books. alt.comics.dilbert Scott Adams's intrepid engineer. alt.comics.elfquest W & R Pini's ElfQuest series. alt.comics.fan-fiction Original works using existing comic characters. alt.comics.fandom Fans and fandom of comics and sequential art. alt.comics.green-lantern Who needs superman when you got GL! alt.comics.gunnm Discussion of Yukito Kishiro's cyberpunk epic Gunnm alt.comics.image What would a comic be without an image? alt.comics.jack-kirby Jack Kirby, the King of Comics alt.comics.lnh Interactive net.madness in the superhero genre. alt.comics.mwagner No description. alt.comics.peanuts For the discussion of the Peanuts comic strip. alt.comics.pokey POKEY THE PENGUIN!! alt.comics.sip No description. alt.comics.sluggy-freelance Discussion of comic strip Sluggy Freelance alt.comics.spacemoose No description. alt.comics.spider-man No description. alt.comics.strips.footrot-flats The popular New Zealand comic strip and film. alt.comics.super-villains No description. alt.comics.superman No one knows it is also alt.clark.kent. alt.comics.the-phantom No description. alt.comics.user-friendly for Geeks and UFies to talk about...stuff alt.commahead No description. alt.comms.lounge No description. alt.comms.powerline PowerLine Communication Systems and Applications alt.community.intentional Some spinoff from alt.co-ops. alt.community.local-money LETS and other local money systems. alt.comp No description. alt.comp.4d No description. alt.comp.abb.nl - alt.comp.acad-freedom.talk Academic freedom issues related to computers. alt.comp.accessibility For all accessibility-applications. alt.comp.adware No description. alt.comp.anti-virus No description. alt.comp.appserver For all Web application server programmers. alt.comp.baan Discussion relating to Baan Applications Software alt.comp.binaries.clipart Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.comp.bios No description. alt.comp.blind-users Computer technology for the visually impaired. alt.comp.bmcpatrol No description. alt.comp.boo.boo.broke.puter Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.comp.cableboyz Cable ftp guys alt.comp.cancel Any article posted to this group will be cancelled. alt.comp.case-mods No description. alt.comp.casewise No description. alt.comp.clipart Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.comp.compression Use comp.compression instead. alt.comp.convergence Convergence International - THE non-wintel user group alt.comp.databases.omnis No description. alt.comp.databases.xbase++ No description. alt.comp.databases.xbase.clipper Use comp.lang.clipper instead. alt.comp.datacore No description. alt.comp.dcom.sys.xyplex Discussions relating to Whittaker/Xyplex alt.comp.ddns.clients.dynsite-for-windows Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.comp.ddns.clients.windows.dynsite Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.comp.dymax Dymax Global Logistics 2000 Discussion Group alt.comp.dynamic-dns.clients.dynsite-for-windows Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.comp.dynamic-dns.clients.windows.dynsite Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.comp.eai EAI (Enterprise Application Integration). alt.comp.editors.batch Discussion for batch editing/text processing tools alt.comp.ewriters.homebased No description. alt.comp.freeware Free software that was intended to be free. alt.comp.freeware.discussion Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.comp.freeware.games Freeware games. alt.comp.freeware.gdp Freeware development thru group effort alt.comp.goldmine No description. alt.comp.hardware No description. alt.comp.hardware.amd.thunderbird AMD's new processor. alt.comp.hardware.aptiva For users of them IBM Aptiva computer alt.comp.hardware.buz A group for users and potential users of the Iomega alt.comp.hardware.deals No description. alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt Designing devious devices in the den. alt.comp.hardware.homedesigned Computer hardware designed at home. alt.comp.hardware.overclocking No description. alt.comp.hardware.overclocking.amd No description. alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt Building your PC from motherboards and cards. alt.comp.hardware.stampanti No description. alt.comp.hardware.superdisk Superdisk and ls120 related discussion alt.comp.hello-world A group which doesn't exist. alt.comp.illegal-operations.poetry Discussions of IPF/GPF messages and the Blue Screen of Death alt.comp.jdedwards No description. alt.comp.jgaa Jgaa's Internet http://home.sol.no/jgaa alt.comp.jgaa.binaries Jgaa's Internet http://www.jgaa.com alt.comp.lang.applescript Discussion of AppleScript and Mac scripting in general alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi Use comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc instead. alt.comp.lang.coldfusion Discussion of the ColdFusion Markup alt.comp.lang.java-games Discussion of web based java games alt.comp.lang.learn.c-c++ study group for beginners to learn c alt.comp.lang.reportsmith Newsgroup for information and discussion of the ReportSmith reporting tool. alt.comp.lang.scriptease No description. alt.comp.lang.superlang Programming in superlang alt.comp.lang.visualbasic.ver3 No description. alt.comp.lang.visulabasic.ver3 No description. alt.comp.lego-mindstorms No description. alt.comp.linux No description. alt.comp.linux.isp testing alt.comp.linux.xxx testing ... alt.comp.mail.exim The Exim Mailer. alt.comp.mail.misc General discussions about computer mail. alt.comp.mail.postfix The Postfix Mailer. alt.comp.mail.qmail Discussion of the Qmail MTA software. alt.comp.mdaemon Discussion of QBIKs Mdaemon alt.comp.opensource No description. alt.comp.pacnet.support News, products, mutual support for ex alt.comp.periphs No description. alt.comp.periphs.cdr CD Recorder - Devices and Information alt.comp.periphs.cdr.mac No description. alt.comp.periphs.dcameras No description. alt.comp.periphs.gigabyte No description. alt.comp.periphs.hdd Hard Disc Drives and other non-removeable media alt.comp.periphs.keyboard No description. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.abit Discussion of Abit motherboards alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.aopen Discussion for and about users of AOpen alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus ASUS motherboards. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.chaintech Chaintech mainboard discussion alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.elitegroup Elitegroup motherboards. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.epox EPoX brand motherboards and other products alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.fic No description. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.giga-byte No description. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.gigabyte No description. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.iwill Discussion of Iwill mainboards. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.m-tech No description. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.msi-microstar Pentium & AMD motherboards. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.octek Octek motherboards forum group alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.qdi for discussing QDI products alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.shuttle No description. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.soyo one of the world's mb makers alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.supermicro Supermicro motherboards. alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.tacos TaCoS motherboards alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.tyan Tyan motherboards. alt.comp.periphs.multifunctions about multifunctional machines. alt.comp.periphs.scanner computer scanners and imaging devices alt.comp.periphs.soundcard.avm Discussion of AVM Technology's products alt.comp.periphs.soundcard.pulsar discussion of the pulsar soundcard alt.comp.periphs.soundcard.sblive For discussions on using Creative Labs' alt.comp.periphs.storage.syquest Discussion of Syquest products (NO BINARIES) alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati No description. alt.comp.periphs.videocards.elsa No description. alt.comp.periphs.videocards.matrox Matrox Videocards alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia No description. alt.comp.periphs.videocards.nvidia.programming No description. alt.comp.periphs.videocards.programming No description. alt.comp.periphs.videocards.s3-via Support for S3 and VIA videochips. alt.comp.periphs.webcam Discussion of Webcam Hardware and Software alt.comp.perlcgi.freelance Those with skills and those that need them. alt.comp.pheriphs.mainboard.supermicro Use alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.supermicro. alt.comp.programming programming tips, discussions, help alt.comp.programming.anti-oop newgroup alt.comp.programming.anti-oop Criticism of Object Oriented alt.comp.programming.calculators No description. alt.comp.programming.calculators.assembly No description. alt.comp.project-management No description. alt.comp.sesoft No description. alt.comp.sfdm.ug No description. alt.comp.shareware "Try Before You Buy" software marketing. alt.comp.shareware.authors People who write "Try Before You Buy". alt.comp.shareware.for-kids "Try Before You Buy" for children. alt.comp.shareware.nettamer The Net-Tamer offline reader. alt.comp.shareware.programmer People who write "Try Before You Buy". alt.comp.software.design.inquire-design No description. alt.comp.software.easter-eggs Software easter egg collecting, publicising, alt.comp.software.energy No description. alt.comp.software.financial.peachtree tech talk on peachtree software alt.comp.software.financial.quickbooks Intuit's QuickBooks software. alt.comp.software.financial.quicken Discussion of Intuit's Quicken alt.comp.software.njdm No description. alt.comp.software.tools recommendations,usage, and experiences. alt.comp.symix Discussion and support for symix users and programmers. alt.comp.sys.as400 alt.sys.comp.as400 Discussions on the as400 and RPG. alt.comp.sys.iopener No description. alt.comp.sys.laptops.alcam No description. alt.comp.sys.mainboard.macintosh What'dya think it's about? alt.comp.sys.palmtops.hp Hewlett Packard palmtop machines. alt.comp.sys.palmtops.pilot Discussion of USR/Palm PILOT series. alt.comp.tandem-users Users of Tandem computers. alt.comp.tandem-users.sigs For Tandem programmers alt.comp.tess No description. alt.comp.trialware.authors Trial software marketing method. alt.comp.virus An unmoderated forum for discussing viruses. alt.comp.virus.binaries Executables of NEW Viruses alt.comp.virus.pro-virus pro-computer virus discussion and information alt.comp.virus.source.code The source code to various virii. alt.comp.webdev.freelance No description. alt.comp.windows.ipf-gpf-errors alt.comp.windows.ipf-gpf-errors: Cause, effect, and cure of BSOD and alt.comp.wingate Discussion of Wingate alt.complainers.bitch-n-moan A place to freely complain about anything that you want alt.compusa.employees No description. alt.computer No description. alt.computer.consultants The business of consulting about computers. alt.computer.consultants.ads Soliciting for computer consultants. alt.computer.consultants.ads.norecruiters Ads for/by consultants. No recruiters! alt.computer.drivers.wanted I hate to drive it, it gets such lousy mileage. alt.computer.homepage.test ? alt.computer.security No description. alt.computer.security.web-of-trust No description. alt.computer.workshop.live Interactive TV. alt.computerlink.online No description. alt.confag Fair's fair, boys! Let us gays propose new groups too! alt.conference-ctr No description. alt.config.agff We all know who really runs usenet. alt.config.are-wankers No description. alt.config.cypher No description. alt.config.cypher-abuse Yes, sir. alt.config.delete-me.jays-bitch A NG dedictated to this kiss-ass follower. alt.config.faq No description. alt.config.flame No description. alt.config.frogbutt Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.config.groupies.scott-doofus-hawk No description. alt.config.hawk.sucks.cock No description. alt.config.hipcrime No description. alt.config.ingrid Ingrid! alt.config.is.a.joke.group No description. alt.config.jay.benebeim No description. alt.config.jays.fan-boys A place for fan-boys to hang out. alt.config.jeffery-d-hunt No description. alt.config.liberalminded.rules.it-now Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.config.loves.pikachu He's soooo cuwte! alt.config.maxwell No description. alt.config.mexwall No description. alt.config.moderated Topics relating to creation of alt.config.newgroup No description. alt.config.newtons It's not a newsgroup, it's fruit and cake! alt.config.phil-oliver No description. alt.config.rmgroup.maniacs.david.guntner No description. alt.config.stupid-fucking-ng alt.config.stupid-fucking-NG because it is ... alt.config.troll-owned No description. alt.config.unmoderated Topics relating to creation of unmoderated (Moderated) alt.confusion No description. alt.confusion.at-its-finest No description. alt.consciousness Use sci.psychology.consciousness instead. alt.consciousness.4th-way The Fourth Way, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky. alt.consciousness.abstinence On the many meanings of "Abstinence" alt.consciousness.jancox Jan Cox's view of consciousness. alt.consciousness.mysticism The quest for ultimate reality. alt.consciousness.near-death-exp Discussion of near-death experiences. alt.consciousness.slyman No description. alt.consciousness.slyman.flame No description. alt.conspiracy Be paranoid -- they're out to get you. alt.conspiracy.abe-lincoln No description. alt.conspiracy.abiola the assasination of abiola: alt.conspiracy.alt-config Trust NO ONE......... alt.conspiracy.antichrist Will Spencer does not assume responsibility. alt.conspiracy.area51 The US Government has a secret they're not telling you. alt.conspiracy.beyondweird No description. alt.conspiracy.black.helicopters king of the hill alt.conspiracy.cabal Secrecy at what cost? alt.conspiracy.coventry.morph Conspiracies involving Morph of Coventry alt.conspiracy.dean-stark No description. alt.conspiracy.fbi.karczewski-files No description. alt.conspiracy.finast Discussion of The Finast Conspiracy alt.conspiracy.hipcrime Speculation on the life and times of hipcrime. alt.conspiracy.im-taking.over-the.world.starting.with-alt.config No description. alt.conspiracy.im-taking.over-the.world.starting.with-aol No description. alt.conspiracy.im-taking.over-the.world.starting.with-christmas No description. alt.conspiracy.im-taking.over-the.world.starting.with-usenet No description. alt.conspiracy.im-taking.over-the.world.starting.with-yalta No description. alt.conspiracy.im.taking.over.the.world.starting.with.usenet No description. alt.conspiracy.jeffery-hunt No description. alt.conspiracy.jfk The Kennedy assassination. alt.conspiracy.jfk.moderated JFK Assassination Conspiracy Discussion. (Moderated) alt.conspiracy.kunm Kommunikation und neue Medien alt.conspiracy.kynes.deop.deop.deop No description. alt.conspiracy.lady-di Who really killed Lady Di? alt.conspiracy.microsoft No description. alt.conspiracy.netcom Evil Empire / Gribbit. alt.conspiracy.new-world-order No description. alt.conspiracy.princess-diana Death of Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed alt.conspiracy.right-wing Did they or didn't they? alt.conspiracy.solo Speculation on the life and times of solo. alt.conspiracy.spy International conspiracy and treason related to spying. alt.conspiracy.syndicate For discussion of The Syndicate conspiracy. alt.conspiracy.timo-salami No description. alt.conspiracy.waco No description. alt.construction The construction industry. See also alt.pave.the.earth. alt.consultancy.marriage-help Problem-resolving discussion of marriage problems. alt.consumers.auto-service No description. alt.consumers.experiences Use misc.consumers instead. alt.consumers.free-stuff Free offers and how to take advantage of them. alt.consumers.free-stuff.nospam No description. alt.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.consumers.sweepstakes You may have already won! alt.consumers.uk-freebies Sharing and discussion for UK freebie alt.contact.be No description. alt.contest.addiction No description. alt.contest.recovery No description. alt.contraceptives Methods, pro+cons, help and humour alt.control.bladder Don't get your panties in a knot like the nanam guys. alt.control.cabal Referring to the news.admin.net-abuse.usenet alt.control.cabal.bladder Don't get your panties in a knot like the nanau alt.control.delete No description. alt.control.gruppenschnitzer Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.control.hipcrime No description. alt.control.maxwell No description. alt.control.mexwall No description. alt.control.moderated A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.control.oooops.bot.broke Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.control.test.test.test It worked.worked.worked, idjit. alt.cookies.yum.yum.yum Use rec.food.baking instead. alt.cooking-chat Use rec.food.cooking instead. alt.cooking.chefs No description. alt.coptic.australia No description. alt.corel.graphics The PClone package Corel Draw & related products. alt.corn.sucks-polenta.rules-do.the.butt.dance-man No description. alt.corporate.accountability Use alt.business.accountability instead. alt.costam O wyzszosci Swiat Bozego Narodzenia nad Swietami Wielkiej Nocy alt.cosuard Sysops against rate discrimination. alt.counterstrike No description. alt.coupons /koo pahns/, not /kew pahns/. Try it. alt.coven No description. alt.coven.binaries Coven's group for binary stuff alt.coven.cthulhu No description. alt.coven.humor Yet another group for sending jokes alt.coven.moderated Moderated group for Great Coven (Moderated) alt.coven.test No description. alt.cover.the.world.with.snow No description. alt.cow.tipping No description. alt.cows.are.nice Except when you put on the nipple clamps. alt.cows.moo.moo.moo Like cows would cluck or something. alt.cp.s.qgp.j.xu xoqlueiuyaufoieaa (Moderated) alt.cq.k.t.jj.cn.jch.e nppunaoysawaoiaaaouua alt.crack.dealer.montgomery-wood No description. alt.crackers No description. alt.crackhead.jay-denebeim he has *got* to be smoking crack! alt.cracks No description. alt.cracks.nl To get them lamers out of alt.hack.nl alt.cracks.nl.newbie Newbie discussions about cracks. alt.crafts.beads No description. alt.crafts.blacksmithing Practice and process of blacksmithing. alt.crafts.candlemaking.soapmaking No description. (Moderated) alt.crafts.candlemaking.soapmaking.moderated group for candle and (Moderated) alt.crafts.plastic-canvas Using plastic and canvas in artful creations. alt.crafts.print-artist No description. alt.crafts.professional Professional craftsmen. alt.crafts.scrapbooks Creating scrapbooks and archiving photos alt.creamsickle.pie.eating No description. alt.creamsickle.smoking No description. alt.creative-cook Use rec.food.cooking instead. alt.cretin.nik-warrensson No description. alt.cretinous.reprobate.jay-denebeim He's sick! alt.cretinous.reprobate.scott-abraham He truly is a terrible person. alt.crime Crime in general, not just the crimes in alt.*. alt.crime.bail-enforce Discussion of tracking bail jumpers. alt.crime.peacemaking.criminology Somehow using criminology for peace. alt.crime.tax-evasion.bert-hoff This cannot be tolerated. alt.crimehip alternative HipCrime - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.crimehip.activeagent alternative HipCrime's ActiveAgent alt.crimehip.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.crimehip.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.crimehip.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.crimehip.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.crimehip.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.crimehip.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.crimehip.admin Computer administration. alt.crimehip.admin.advertising Help wanted ads for news administrators. alt.crimehip.admin.net-abuse.blacklists Blacklisting the net-abusers. alt.crimehip.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.crimehip.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.crimehip.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.crimehip.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.crimehip.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. alt.crimehip.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. alt.crimehip.aeronautics The science of aeronautics & related technology. alt.crimehip.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.crimehip.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.crimehip.agriculture.beekeeping European bee efficiency. alt.crimehip.agriculture.fruit New fruits created using monoclonal techniques. alt.crimehip.agriculture.jojoba Whale oil replacement technology. alt.crimehip.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.crimehip.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. alt.crimehip.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. alt.crimehip.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.crimehip.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.crimehip.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.crimehip.aquaria alternative HipCrime Fishing. alt.crimehip.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.crimehip.arts.tv.rush-limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh show alt.crimehip.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.crimehip.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.crimehip.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.crimehip.astrology.misc Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.crimehip.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.crimehip.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. alt.crimehip.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. alt.crimehip.aviation.answers No description. alt.crimehip.aviation.seaplane Sea plane discussions. alt.crimehip.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. alt.crimehip.balloons Gas or hot air airships and other lighter-than-air craft. alt.crimehip.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. alt.crimehip.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.crimehip.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipCrime wares alt.crimehip.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.crimehip.bio.conservation Conservation biology research. alt.crimehip.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.crimehip.bio.evolution Are you a man or an Ape? alt.crimehip.bio.fisheries Whale and dolphin hunting. alt.crimehip.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.crimehip.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.crimehip.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.crimehip.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.crimehip.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.crimehip.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.crimehip.bio.systematics Cyborg controls. alt.crimehip.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.crimehip.biz.spam Spamming for fun and profit. alt.crimehip.books.electronic Paperless books and related topics. alt.crimehip.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.crimehip.burglary The science of surreptitious entry. alt.crimehip.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.crimehip.business.consulting The business of consulting. alt.crimehip.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. alt.crimehip.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.crimehip.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. alt.crimehip.business.marketing Roundtable for marketing topics. alt.crimehip.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.crimehip.cancelbots cancelbots are people too alt.crimehip.cannabis.policy Computing the Mary Jane Policy. alt.crimehip.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.crimehip.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.crimehip.chem.electrochem Kites in the rain. alt.crimehip.chem.organic.synthesis Synthetic organic chemistry related topics. alt.crimehip.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.crimehip.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.crimehip.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.crimehip.collecting.credit-cards.valid Collecting still valid credit cards. alt.crimehip.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.crimehip.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.crimehip.college.graduation College graduation discussions. alt.crimehip.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.crimehip.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.crimehip.config News configuration. alt.crimehip.congressagent alternative HipCrime's CongressAgent alt.crimehip.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.crimehip.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.crimehip.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.crimehip.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.crimehip.crafts.scrapbooks Discussion of scrapbooking techniques. alt.crimehip.cryonics No description. alt.crimehip.crypt.research Vampire dwelling research. alt.crimehip.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.crimehip.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.crimehip.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.crimehip.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.crimehip.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.crimehip.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.crimehip.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.crimehip.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.crimehip.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.crimehip.culture.bashkir The Bashkir culture forum. alt.crimehip.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. alt.crimehip.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.crimehip.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.crimehip.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.crimehip.culture.czech Czechy, its people, history, and culture. alt.crimehip.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. alt.crimehip.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.crimehip.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.crimehip.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.crimehip.culture.icelandic Iceland and its people. alt.crimehip.culture.indian.assam The culture of Assam. alt.crimehip.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.crimehip.culture.indian, etc. alt.crimehip.culture.indian.muslims Discussion newsgroup for Moslems in India. alt.crimehip.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.crimehip.culture.indian.uttar-pradesh U.P. culture. alt.crimehip.culture.japan Anything Japanese. alt.crimehip.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. alt.crimehip.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.crimehip.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.crimehip.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.crimehip.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.crimehip.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.crimehip.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.crimehip.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.crimehip.culture.pakistan Discussions on Pakistan. alt.crimehip.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.crimehip.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.crimehip.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.crimehip.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.crimehip.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.crimehip.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.crimehip.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.crimehip.culture.slovak Slovakia, its people, history, and culture. alt.crimehip.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.crimehip.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.crimehip.culture.tibet Tibet, its history and culture. alt.crimehip.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.crimehip.culture.uzbek Uzbekistan and its culture. alt.crimehip.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.crimehip.cunt.general General discussions about cunts. alt.crimehip.data.administration Data administration discussions. alt.crimehip.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.crimehip.dc.sex Sex in the nation's capital. alt.crimehip.dc.sex.oral Oral sex in the nation's capital. alt.crimehip.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.crimehip.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.crimehip.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.crimehip.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. alt.crimehip.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.crimehip.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.crimehip.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. alt.crimehip.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.crimehip.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. alt.crimehip.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.crimehip.education.multimedia Multimedia for education. alt.crimehip.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.crimehip.emacs.advocacy Emacs is better than vi! alt.crimehip.emulators.mac.executor Discussion of ARDI's Macintosh emulator. alt.crimehip.engr alternative HipCrime Engineering. alt.crimehip.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.crimehip.engr.chem Engineering alchemy. alt.crimehip.engr.civil Polite engineers. alt.crimehip.engr.control Engineers controlling everyone else. alt.crimehip.engr.dredging All aspects of dredging. alt.crimehip.engr.electrical.compliance Building codes in various jurisdictions. alt.crimehip.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.crimehip.engr.geomechanics How the earth works. alt.crimehip.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.crimehip.coupling.coitis alt.crimehip.engr.joining.welding Let your heart melt. alt.crimehip.engr.manufacturing Slave labor techniques. alt.crimehip.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.crimehip.engr.wastewater Waste water discussions. alt.crimehip.environment alternative HipCrime Environmental. alt.crimehip.environment.waste Environmental waste. alt.crimehip.eugenics Breeding a better human race. alt.crimehip.fan.karl-malden.nose Karl Malden's nose taking over the Internet. alt.crimehip.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.crimehip.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.crimehip.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.crimehip.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.crimehip.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.crimehip.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. alt.crimehip.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.crimehip.food.fried-chicken The Colonel has nothing on my Momma! alt.crimehip.food.jigaboo.bar-b-que Afro-american food. alt.crimehip.food.jigaboo.collard-greens Afro-american food. alt.crimehip.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.crimehip.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.babies Recipes for cooking babies. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.crimehip.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.cats Recipes for cooking cats. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.cats.kimchee Korean-specific methods for preserving deads cats and vegetables. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.dogs Recipes for cooking dogs. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.dogs.puppies Recipes for cooking little puppies. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.rats Recipes for cooking rats. alt.crimehip.food.recipes.scat Animal residue in McDonalds burgers. alt.crimehip.food.ribs Sho be good! alt.crimehip.food.shit Eat shit and die. alt.crimehip.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. alt.crimehip.food.watermelons Afro-american food. alt.crimehip.food.whales Traditional norwegian cuisine. alt.crimehip.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.crimehip.fractals HipCrime's Fractals. alt.crimehip.fucks.teenage.girls Film at 11. alt.crimehip.gambling.blackjack Blackjack gambling. alt.crimehip.gambling.small-stakes Small stakes home gambling. alt.crimehip.games.52-card-pickup Dexterity skills. alt.crimehip.games.bilboes The proper way to incarcerate. alt.crimehip.games.body-piercing Extra genital holes. alt.crimehip.games.solitaire Thank you Bill Gates. alt.crimehip.games.the-rack Everybody needs to be a bit taller. alt.crimehip.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.crimehip.gardens.cacti Cactus plants and other succulents. alt.crimehip.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.crimehip.gardens.fungus Mushroom cultivation and mycology resources. alt.crimehip.gardens.hydroponic Growing plants hydroponically. alt.crimehip.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.crimehip.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. alt.crimehip.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. alt.crimehip.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. alt.crimehip.genealogy.surnames.canada Surnames queries - Canada. alt.crimehip.genealogy.surnames.german Surnames queries - German speaking countries. alt.crimehip.genealogy.surnames.global Surnames queries central database. alt.crimehip.genealogy.surnames.ireland Surnames queries - Ireland & Northern Ireland. alt.crimehip.genealogy.surnames.usa Surnames queries - USA. alt.crimehip.general.specific General talk about specific subjects. alt.crimehip.geo.earthquakes Earthquakes are superly cool, eh? alt.crimehip.geo.geology alternative HipCrime Geology. alt.crimehip.geo.karl-malden.nose The geography of our favorite proboscis. alt.crimehip.geography.cartography The mapmaking forum. alt.crimehip.graphology Handwriting analysis. alt.crimehip.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? alt.crimehip.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.crimehip.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.crimehip.history All aspects of history. alt.crimehip.history.african.biafra History of Biafra (Eastern Nigeria). alt.crimehip.history.property Discussions related to restoration & preservation of historic properties. alt.crimehip.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.crimehip.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. alt.crimehip.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. alt.crimehip.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.crimehip.hotrod High speed automobiles. alt.crimehip.humor.funny.reruns Reposts of alt.crimehip.humor.funny archive material. alt.crimehip.humor.jewish Humor and the discussion of humor, mostly Jewish. alt.crimehip.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.crimehip.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.crimehip.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. alt.crimehip.is.a.heterosexual.pedophile Where have I heard that before? alt.crimehip.kibo.hunting Was Kibo here? alt.crimehip.kids.abuse Discussion of child abuse. alt.crimehip.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.crimehip.kids.juvenile-delinquents Normal children. alt.crimehip.kids.sexual-abstinence Unpopulated group. alt.crimehip.lang.c The C programming language. alt.crimehip.lang.cognitive Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. alt.crimehip.lang.computational Computational Linguistics forum. alt.crimehip.lang.ebonics Black programming. alt.crimehip.lang.english English linguistics. alt.crimehip.lang.lsd The LSD self-programming language. alt.crimehip.lang.morphology The study of inflection, word formation, and related grammar. alt.crimehip.lang.pascal WirthLand. alt.crimehip.lang.perl Word-out to Perl. alt.crimehip.lang.politics The politics of linguistics. alt.crimehip.lang.semantics The linguistic study of semantics (signification and meaning). alt.crimehip.lang.sign Sign languages. alt.crimehip.lang.simula No description. alt.crimehip.lang.syntax Linguistic discussions of syntax and related grammar. alt.crimehip.lang.taxonomy Classifying languages into families. alt.crimehip.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.crimehip.legal Everything is LEGAL until you get caught. alt.crimehip.legal.self-represent Self-representation in legal proceedings. alt.crimehip.listagent alternative HipCrime's ListAgent alt.crimehip.lit.authors.albert-camus The writings of Albert Camus. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.aldous-huxley The writings of Aldous Huxley. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.alex-haley The writings of Alex Haley. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.alice-walker The writings of Alice Walker. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.ambrose-bierce The writings of Ambrose Bierce. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.anton-chekhov The writings of Anton Chekhov. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.carlos-fuentes The writings of Carlos Fuentes. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.earl-stanley-gardner The writings of Earl Stanley Gardner. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.emily-dickinson The writings of The poetry of Emily Dickinson. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.ezra-pound The writings of Ezra Pound. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.f-scott-fitzgerald The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.frederick-brown The writings of Frederick Brown. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.henrik-ibsen The writings of Henrik Ibsen. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.henry-miller The writings of Henry Miller. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.herman-wouk The writings of Herman Wouk. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.hermann-hesse The writings of Hermann Hesse. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.ivo-andric The writings of Ivo Andric. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.jack-london The writings of Jack London. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.james-baldwin The writings of James Baldwin. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.james-joyce The writings of James Joyce. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.jean-paul-sartre The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.john-brunner The writings of John Brunner. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.leo-tolstoy The writings of Leo Tolstoy. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.o-henry The writings of O. Henry. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.crimehip.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.crimehip.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.crimehip.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. alt.crimehip.manners Etiquette and good manners. alt.crimehip.martial-arts Martial-arts in general. alt.crimehip.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.crimehip.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. alt.crimehip.mda methylene dioxy amphetamine alt.crimehip.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.crimehip.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.crimehip.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.crimehip.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.crimehip.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.crimehip.med.homeopathy Small quantities, great results. alt.crimehip.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. alt.crimehip.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.crimehip.med.pms When does it end? alt.crimehip.med.psychotic.news-admins Is there a cure? alt.crimehip.members The members of Usenet. alt.crimehip.meow.admin.usenet.performance.art UPA at its finest. alt.crimehip.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.crimehip.meow.general General Meowing. alt.crimehip.meow.specific Specific Meowing. alt.crimehip.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.crimehip.mktagent alternative HipCrime's MarketAgent alt.crimehip.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.crimehip.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.crimehip.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.crimehip.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.crimehip.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. alt.crimehip.newsagent alternative HipCrime's NewsAgent alt.crimehip.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.crimehip.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.crimehip.nyc.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.crimehip.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.crimehip.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.crimehip.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. alt.crimehip.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.crimehip.org.freemasons Free Masons. alt.crimehip.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.crimehip.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.crimehip.org.knights-of-columbus Knights of Columbus. alt.crimehip.org.lions Lions Club. alt.crimehip.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.crimehip.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.crimehip.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.crimehip.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.crimehip.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.crimehip.pets.alligators Keeping 'gators as pets. alt.crimehip.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.crimehip.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.crimehip.pets.cobras Milk 'em for fun & profit. alt.crimehip.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.crimehip.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.crimehip.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.crimehip.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.crimehip.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.crimehip.pets.fleas Train 'em to perform in your own microcircus. alt.crimehip.pets.hedgehogs Hedgehog keepers forum. alt.crimehip.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.crimehip.pets.naked-mole-rats Bare as a baby's bottom. alt.crimehip.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.crimehip.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.crimehip.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.crimehip.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.crimehip.pets.rocks Pet rock forum. alt.crimehip.pets.scabies You never need to feed 'em. alt.crimehip.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.crimehip.pets.whales Whales as pets. alt.crimehip.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.crimehip.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.crimehip.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.crimehip.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.crimehip.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.crimehip.photo.help Help! What button do I press?. alt.crimehip.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. alt.crimehip.physics.research Current physics research. alt.crimehip.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.crimehip.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. alt.crimehip.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. alt.crimehip.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.crimehip.politics.extremism Extermist politics of all kinds. alt.crimehip.politics.internet Internet-related politics. alt.crimehip.politics.local Local politics. alt.crimehip.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.crimehip.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.crimehip.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.crimehip.predictions Predictions of the future. alt.crimehip.prophecy The ancient art revisited. alt.crimehip.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.crimehip.psychology.psychotherapy Unmoderated psychotherapy forum. alt.crimehip.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.crimehip.questions Topics not covered in alt.crimehip.answers. alt.crimehip.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.crimehip.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. alt.crimehip.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.crimehip.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.crimehip.religion.continuing.ecumenical.church The finest in Anglican. alt.crimehip.religion.druid Tree worship, HipCrime stylee. alt.crimehip.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.crimehip.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.crimehip.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.crimehip.religion.penis-worship Paying tribute to penile deities. alt.crimehip.religion.scientology L. Ron Hubbard's legacy. alt.crimehip.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. alt.crimehip.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.crimehip.religion.zarathushtra Zoroastrianism. alt.crimehip.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.crimehip.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. alt.crimehip.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.crimehip.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.crimehip.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. alt.crimehip.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.crimehip.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.crimehip.scouting.chinese Scout Movement Discussion for Chinese. alt.crimehip.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.crimehip.scuba.marketplace A marketplace for scuba equipment. alt.crimehip.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.crimehip.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.crimehip.senior.grandparents.re-parenting No description. alt.crimehip.sex.affairs.clinton.vaginal-cigars Presidential treats. alt.crimehip.sex.jailbait Dangerous if caught. alt.crimehip.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.crimehip.sexuality.perversions.sodomy Homosexuality and animals. alt.crimehip.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.crimehip.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. alt.crimehip.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. alt.crimehip.society.cu-digest The Computer Underground Digest. alt.crimehip.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. alt.crimehip.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.crimehip.software.arabic Arabic script software. alt.crimehip.software.inn Rich $alz's INN program. alt.crimehip.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.crimehip.software.nns Netmanage product. alt.crimehip.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.crimehip.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.crimehip.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.crimehip.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.crimehip.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.crimehip.spambots spambots are people too alt.crimehip.speleology Cavers forum. alt.crimehip.sport.arson Detroit on October 30. alt.crimehip.sport.cricket-racing By Yiminy, I think he'll win! alt.crimehip.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.crimehip.sport.frog-jumping Caleveras county. alt.crimehip.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.crimehip.sport.jumprope Double Dutch anyone? alt.crimehip.sport.mousing The sport of mousing. alt.crimehip.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.crimehip.sport.rape She was asking for it! alt.crimehip.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.crimehip.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.crimehip.sport.wife-beating She needs it, sometimes she wants it too. alt.crimehip.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.crimehip.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.crimehip.std.syphilic The standard sexually stransmitted disease. alt.crimehip.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.crimehip.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.crimehip.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.crimehip.subculture.homosexual Homosexual subculture. alt.crimehip.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.crimehip.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.crimehip.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.crimehip.support.abuse.rape Support for rape survivors. alt.crimehip.support.constipation Net's best laxative. alt.crimehip.support.eunuchs Eunuchs today. alt.crimehip.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.crimehip.support.incontinence Help! I'm peeing in my pants. alt.crimehip.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.crimehip.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.crimehip.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.crimehip.support.pregnancy.loss Issues and support related to pregnancy loss. alt.crimehip.support.rapists Rapist support group. alt.crimehip.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. alt.crimehip.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.crimehip.tech.bombs Middle eastern technical support group. alt.crimehip.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.crimehip.techniques.thermal Thermal Analysis in general. alt.crimehip.test Testing of posting to moderated groups. alt.crimehip.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.crimehip.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.crimehip.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.crimehip.travel.resorts Discussion of travel resorts. alt.crimehip.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.crimehip.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.crimehip.video.marketplace Buying and selling video equipment. alt.crimehip.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.crimehip.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.crossover couch-diving chat from the Roamin' Cadillac Church alt.crqyh.d.pxwg No description. (Moderated) alt.crybaby.dg-devin Forum to about Crybaby Devin alt.csoupkid No description. alt.csvca No description. alt.cty discussion group for current and former CTY students alt.cuddle What cows do with their food; should be alt.cows.cuddle. alt.cuddle.rebels No description. alt.cuddlebot No description. (Moderated) alt.cult-movies Movies with a cult following. alt.cult-movies.alien The Alien series of films. alt.cult-movies.clue Discussion of the cult movie "Clue" alt.cult-movies.cronenberg No description. alt.cult-movies.eros No description. alt.cult-movies.erotica No description. alt.cult-movies.evil-deads The Evil Dead movie series. alt.cult-movies.phantasm No description. alt.cult-movies.rocky-horror Virgin! Virgin! Virgin! Virgin! alt.cult-movies.spaghetti-westerns Discussion of Spaghetti Westerns alt.cult-movies.zombies No description. alt.cult.jeff-mcdonald For discussion of musician Jeffrey McDonald. alt.cult.maharaji Issues of cult dynamics and Maharaji's meditation movement alt.cult.nudism Crackpots in the nudist movement. alt.cultura.allevamento.lombrichi No description. alt.cultura.frappe No description. alt.cultura.linguistica.italiano.pirotti No description. alt.cultura.linguistica.pirottologia No description. alt.cultura.lusitania No description. alt.cultura.stamink No description. alt.culture.1989-nostalgia No description. alt.culture.african.american.arts No description. alt.culture.african.american.business For discussions of alt.culture.african.american.history For discussions of history, as alt.culture.african.american.issues For discussions of alt.culture.arabic.friends making new arabic friends. alt.culture.arabic.non-politics No description. alt.culture.argentina Use soc.culture.argentina instead. alt.culture.armenian Armenian Culture alt.culture.assam Discussion about Assam and Assamese. alt.culture.austrian Use soc.culture.austria instead. alt.culture.azerbaijan Azerbaijanian Culture alt.culture.beaches Surf's up! alt.culture.bullfight To understand and appreciate the bullfight. alt.culture.bullfighting.sucks No description. alt.culture.cacophony - Communications of the Cacophony Society alt.culture.cajun Cajun culture, history, genealogy, events. alt.culture.caucasia Culture, History, Politics etc. of Caucasia (Caucasus) alt.culture.chechnya Chechens Culture, History, Politics etc. (Chechnya) alt.culture.china (Moderated) Discussions about China (Moderated) alt.culture.crete No description. alt.culture.crimea Culture, History, Politics etc. of Crimea alt.culture.cyber-psychos "Governing Our Own Souls." (Moderated) alt.culture.cyprus No description. alt.culture.dagestan Culture, History, Politics etc. of Dagestan alt.culture.egyptian Use soc.culture.egyptian instead. alt.culture.epirus No description. alt.culture.euskalherria For the topics related with Euskal Herria. alt.culture.fabulous No description. alt.culture.fil-am.relationships No description. alt.culture.friesland.frysk No description. alt.culture.fyrom Culture of the Former Yugoslav Rep. Of Macedonia alt.culture.gard-trask The Legend of Gardner Trask III. alt.culture.gods No description. alt.culture.groovy groovy baby yeah! alt.culture.hawaii Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka 'Aina I Ka Pono. alt.culture.hawaii.ask-kahuna Advice from Kahuna alt.culture.hessian Study of Hessian subculture and values. alt.culture.hongkong Discussions about Hongkong (Moderated) alt.culture.indonesia Use soc.culture.indonesia instead. alt.culture.internet The culture(s) of the Internet. alt.culture.james-koput No description. alt.culture.jesse-garon 'Jesse Garon', The GoldenBoy of USENET. alt.culture.jollyroger Conservative pirates of the Western Soul. alt.culture.karnataka Culture and language of the Indian state of Karnataka. alt.culture.kashmir Kashmir region of south-central Asia. alt.culture.kazakhstan Culture, History, Politics etc. of Kazakhstan alt.culture.kerala Use soc.culture.indian.kerala instead. alt.culture.knights The lives of the knighthood. alt.culture.kuwait Use soc.culture.kuwait instead. alt.culture.local-people No description. alt.culture.lounge alounge/cocktail/swing culture and all things swank alt.culture.luddites An area for Luddites to discuss relevant issues alt.culture.macedonia No description. alt.culture.macedonia-is-greek No description. alt.culture.macedonia.moderated Matters relevant to ethnic Macedonians (Moderated) alt.culture.malawi No description. alt.culture.maldives The People and Culture of Maldives. alt.culture.military-brats We learned to walk in Army bootees. alt.culture.mobydick No description. alt.culture.morocco A newsgroup for participants to share their alt.culture.net-viking Norsemen on the net. alt.culture.ny-upstate New York State, above Westchester. alt.culture.ny.upstate Use alt.culture.ny-upstate instead. alt.culture.openair-market Discussing open air markets around the world. alt.culture.oregon Discussion about the state of Oregon. alt.culture.orientalism Western interpretations of the East alt.culture.outerspace No description. alt.culture.rhodes No description. alt.culture.saudi The life and times of the people of Saudi Arabia. alt.culture.somalia Use soc.culture.somalia instead. alt.culture.swahili Swahili culture, language, history, politics,etc alt.culture.taiwan (Moderated) Discussions about Taiwan (Moderated) alt.culture.tamil Use soc.culture.tamil instead. alt.culture.tamil-eelam This land owned by LTTE alt.culture.tamil.ayengaar No description. alt.culture.thrace No description. alt.culture.tibet (Moderated) Discussions about Tibet (Moderated) alt.culture.tunisia No description. alt.culture.turkestan Culture, History, Politics etc. of Turkestan alt.culture.turkish Turkish and Turkic Culture alt.culture.turkish.azerbaijan No description. alt.culture.turkish.cyprus Cyprus, Cyprotian Turks and TRNC alt.culture.turkish.diaspora Turkish People in the Diaspora alt.culture.turkish.history Turkish History alt.culture.turkish.internet Internet and Telecommunications in Turkey alt.culture.turkish.media Mass Media in Turkey: TV, Radio, Newspapers alt.culture.turkish.politics Turkish Politics alt.culture.turkish.publications Turkish Books, Publications, Authors alt.culture.turkish.religions All Religions in the Laizistic Turkey alt.culture.turkish.travel Travelling and tourism in Turkey alt.culture.turkmenistan Culture, History, Politics etc. of Turkmenistan alt.culture.uganda Uganda culture, society, politics, history... alt.culture.ukc.misc Discussion from current and ex-ukc.miscers alt.culture.us.1960s Discussion of 1960s culture in the US and abroad. alt.culture.us.1970s At least pick a _good_ decade to be stuck in the past. alt.culture.us.1980s The Me Decade. alt.culture.us.1990s 1990s culture (US and world). alt.culture.us.asian-indian Asian Indians in the US and Canada. alt.culture.us.hispanics No description. alt.culture.us.southwest Basking in the sun of the US's lower left. alt.culture.usenet A self-referential oxymoron. alt.culture.valddracula why not? alt.culture.vampires No description. alt.culture.virtual.oceania Oceania project discussion and news. (Moderated) alt.culture.vlad-dracula why not? alt.culture.warrior-women No description. alt.culture.welsh No description. alt.culture.wo9ld.culture Discussion of the "wo9ld" problem. alt.culture.www World Wide Web culture. alt.culture.zaire No description. alt.culture.zambia No description. alt.cunk.munk No description. alt.curly-town No description. alt.current-events.blizzard-of-93 The terrible blizzard of 1793. alt.current-events.blizzard-of-93.agff-cowards No description. alt.current-events.bosnia The strife of Bosnia-Herzegovina. alt.current-events.cc-news Conservative Christian News Items (Moderated) alt.current-events.cebit The annual CeBit computer fair in Hannover / Germany alt.current-events.cia.crack-dealing CIA, Contras, crack, and cover-ups alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater The Clinton Whitewater Scandle. alt.current-events.earth-changes Discussion of current environmental, medical, social and planetary changes. alt.current-events.haiti News about Haiti. alt.current-events.massacre.columbine No description. alt.current-events.massacre.high-school Discussion of random schoolyard alt.current-events.net-abuse Use news.admin.net-abuse.misc instead. alt.current-events.net-abuse.mongrel-mind Discussion of Inaccuracy In alt.current-events.net-abuse.spam E-Mail and Newsgroup SPAM abuse alt.current-events.russia Current happenings in Russia. alt.current-events.ukraine Current and fast paced Ukrainian events. alt.current-events.usa What's new in the United States. alt.cuss.usenet.fools No description. alt.cv.hzo.gbjepix.snuw.uqwh uvfiuooo alt.cx discussion group for all matters regarding Christmas Islands alt.cxi.hk eeuaubyoaodioii (Moderated) alt.cyber2 No description. alt.cyber2.binaries No description. alt.cyber2.binaries.1960s No description. alt.cyber2.binaries.1970s No description. alt.cyber2.binaries.1980s No description. alt.cyber2.binaries.1990s No description. alt.cyber2.binaries.apps No description. alt.cyber2.binaries.games No description. alt.cyber2.binaries.mp3 No description. alt.cyber2.cola No description. alt.cyber2.de-bus No description. alt.cyber2.duh No description. alt.cyber2.lief No description. alt.cyberangels The Guardian Angels try to rescue the net from itself. alt.cybercafes Cyber/Computer/Internet Cafes or Coffeeshops. alt.cybergoth Techno gothic cyberculture alt.cyberjockey CYBERJOCKEY - A forum for the discussion of the new alt.cyberpromo.com.spammers.revenge No description. alt.cyberpunk High-tech low-life. alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo Literary virtual reality in a cyberpunk hangout. alt.cyberpunk.cypher The original Usenet cyberpunk. alt.cyberpunk.movement A little laxative might help. alt.cyberpunk.tech Cyberspace and Cyberpunk technology. alt.cyberspace Cyberspace and how it should work. alt.cyberspace.construction.busines No description. alt.cyberspace.construction.business No description. alt.cyberspace.rebels Tough individualists on the net. alt.cyberspace.rebels.kai.kai.kai He bites his tummy. alt.cyberwitness No description. alt.cyberworld No description. alt.cymru No description. alt.cynicism Bitter on the outside, idealistic on the inside! alt.cynics No description. alt.cypher It's about time. alt.cypherpunks Technological defenses for privacy alt.cypherpunks.announce No description. alt.cypherpunks.social No description. alt.cypherpunks.technical No description. alt.cyphertube Geek discussion aimed at the cyphertube.com crowd alt.cz.b foeoostoieuzii alt.czapw.eps.bwnnoy.m.niweqpi.v No description. alt.d No description. alt.d.ae No description. alt.d.f.j.swqz.h.p No description. alt.d.g.gi No description. (Moderated) alt.d.knb.rn.iio.p.xy.re.t.k.yh.e.mfw.gjvxhywu.u.lxur.hsmd.vlndb.smlp No description. alt.d.lzf.zp No description. alt.d.qu No description. alt.d.ucokxc No description. alt.d.v.my.hc.r.t No description. alt.dads-rights Rights of fathers. (Moderated) alt.dads-rights.unmoderated Unhindered discussion of the rights of fathers. alt.damians.lovely.pants Matters arising from the pants of He Who Is Known alt.dan-southwick.hamster.duct-tape Hehe hehe......yeah baby! Hold still daddy won't hurt you too much! alt.dan.loves.ninou No description. alt.dana-phillips No description. alt.dana-phillips.socks-he-uses No description. alt.dance-for-me No description. alt.dance.breaking No description. alt.dare.sucks Discussion of how DARE (D.A.R.E. America) sucks. alt.darkside Energetic angst for your ac1d blues alt.databasux No description. alt.databasux.udp-udp-udp No description. alt.databasux.udp-udp-udp.die-die-die No description. alt.databasux.udp-udp-udp.die-die-die.blowinda-bunghole No description. alt.databasux.udp-udp-udp.die-die-die.gary-bunghole No description. alt.databasux.udp-udp-udp.die-die-die.gary-bunhole No description. alt.databasux.udp-udp-udp.die-die-die.kotagor-assholes No description. alt.databasux.udp-udp-udp.die-die-die.sergi-bunghole No description. alt.date-rapist.jay-denebeim serial date-rapist Jay Denebeim alt.dating.uk.north-west No description. alt.dating.uk.south-east No description. alt.dave-wheeler.usenet.troll No description. alt.dave.loves.bj No description. alt.david Where have you gone, Michaelangelo? alt.david.is.an.idiot Discussions by and about everyone's favorite troll alt.david.lawrence.no.right No description. alt.david.lawrence.tale.censor.censor.censor No description. alt.dbs.canada No description. alt.dbs.echostar No description. alt.dbs.echostar.hack Hacking Echostar (Dish Network) Satellite TV. alt.dbs.primestar Discussion of the Primestar satellite service alt.dcom.slip-emulators Pseudo-SLIP/PPP with shell accounts. TIA, SLAP, etc. alt.dcom.telecom Unmoderated discussion of telecommunications technology. alt.dcom.telecom.ip No description. alt.dcom.telecom.radius Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service alt.ddd.ddd No description. alt.de.hipcrime No description. alt.de.maxwell No description. alt.de.mexwall No description. alt.dead.porn.stars ... and the diseases that killed them, next on Geraldo. alt.deadmolly.woodchipper For those who incessantly clear their throat in alt.dear.whitehouse When Hints from Heloise aren't enough. alt.death No description. alt.debord.collectors Collectionneurs echangez vos versets alt.december No description. alt.deepfix No description. alt.deism Discussion of deism related topics alt.dementia No description. alt.demogroups No description. alt.demogroups.paranoids No description. alt.dentella No description. alt.deposit No description. alt.depressed.as.fuck How depressed is a fuck? alt.desert Desert discussion alt.desert-storm Continuing proof that alt groups never die. alt.desert.restoration Open forum for desert restoration discussion (DLRTF) alt.design.graphics Discussion of graphics design. alt.design.product Product design. alt.despair3 No description. alt.destroy.horrorcomix No description. alt.destroy.microsoft Do it, and do it NOW! alt.destroy.ssg They took three years of our lives, show them no mercy. alt.destroy.the.earth Please leave the light on when you leave. alt.destroy.the.internet Demons in the wire. alt.dev.null The ultimate in moderated newsgroups. (Moderated) alt.devilbunnies Probably better left undescribed. alt.df.oftw.bgvrhxlxsht exdomeauuo alt.df.utd.s.ei lyroradfiirizciife (Moderated) alt.dfc.g.bbihdnr.ok.fkot.o veouhieeriega alt.dfmwpj.h.cndi.xqzyvgtevqd.z a0#`$00k/bK4LUV\E_ alt.dhbxr.zms.eq.t.esup.jya.ewzq.cihe.w.q.d.eu aieioveajjquopq alt.diablo-rh alt.diablo-RH Newsgroup di Realm of Honor (Diablo) alt.diablo.rh Newsgroup del Realm of Honor alt.diamonds Carbon gemstone discussions alt.diamonds.marketplace Buy and sell carbon gemstones alt.dick-weasel.michael-zander No description. alt.dick-weasel.phil-oliver No description. alt.digi No description. alt.digitiser Teletext games magazine alt.digitiser.alphatech.doesnt.realise.macs.are.shite No description. alt.digitiser.bevan.my.gay.what.your.gay.willy No description. alt.digitiser.bevan.says.qua ruke alt.digitiser.bevan.says.relm No description. alt.digitiser.bevan.says.ruke No description. alt.digitiser.bevan.your.gay.my.gay.what.your.gay.willy No description. alt.digitiser.bigflaps No description. alt.digitiser.binaries BINARY files related to alt.digitiser alt.digitiser.binaries.pictures.erotica.nick-mooney Mooney pr0n alt.digitiser.computer.boy.was.based.on.glyndwr.dont.you.know quick alt.digitiser.config No description. alt.digitiser.cunk-munk alt.digitiser.Cunk-Munk alt.digitiser.destroyed.me For victims of the disease digitiser alt.digitiser.digi-98boyz A stupid group - delete it. alt.digitiser.doki.doki.doki.doki.doki No description. alt.digitiser.ed.is.really.great No description. alt.digitiser.evil-samaritan.sucks.a.big.fat.hairy.one And so does the Good Samaritan. And so does Digi. alt.digitiser.ewon.cat.killer No description. alt.digitiser.flame-war.mr-biffo.lost.gutted.bre No description. alt.digitiser.flood How l33t. alt.digitiser.fools.fools.fools No description. alt.digitiser.for.petes.sake.lurk.before.you.post.you.newbie No description. alt.digitiser.fuck.off.miekm No description. alt.digitiser.fuckface No description. alt.digitiser.hashdigi No description. alt.digitiser.help.help.my.spinchter.muscle.has.exploded.owch No description. alt.digitiser.i.cant.believe.sambo.the.dog.died No description. alt.digitiser.insert.humorous.in-joke.here No description. alt.digitiser.mentski.says.ballsack No description. alt.digitiser.mentski.says.bench No description. alt.digitiser.mentski.says.filth No description. alt.digitiser.mentski.says.get.out.of.my.newsgroup No description. alt.digitiser.mentski.says.stop.being.so.shit No description. alt.digitiser.miekm.hello.grandad Hello Grandad! alt.digitiser.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.digitiser.mr-t No description. alt.digitiser.neil-kearns.he.wants.us.to.love.him.up No description. alt.digitiser.newbie.scum.get.from.me No description. alt.digitiser.newbies.dont.meddle.with.things.you.dont.understand No description. alt.digitiser.nick-mooney.we.cuss.him.bad No description. alt.digitiser.not.discussed.in.alt.config No description. alt.digitiser.ottar No description. alt.digitiser.safe.bra No description. alt.digitiser.snakes Digitiser's snake reveals, man; We cuss them bad alt.digitiser.snakes.cuss.cuss.cuss yeah alt.digitiser.spoon-fetish No description. alt.digitiser.st3ph3n.i.have.that.mpeg.at.work No description. alt.digitiser.stab.will.return he will, yes. alt.digitiser.sucks.cheesy.nobs No description. alt.digitiser.touch.my.willy TOUCHING GROUPS alt.digitiser.whinging-kids No description. alt.digitiser.you.should.never.have.let.digi.computar alt.digitiser.you.should.never.have.let.digi.computAr mehh alt.digitiser.zygotes.he.really.is.a.safe.guy No description. alt.dingodebate No description. alt.dinkle-dance Newgrouped at Zoogz Rift's request. alt.dipshit.montgomery-wood No description. alt.dis.information No description. alt.disability.blind.social No description. alt.disasters.aviation Plane Lands Safely at Airfield, Film at 11. alt.disasters.dean-stark No description. alt.disasters.drought No description. alt.disasters.misc General discussion of disaster issues. alt.discordia All hail Eris, etc. alt.discordian Use alt.discordia instead. alt.discrimination Quotas, affirmative action, bigotry, persecution. alt.discuss.about.gozilla No description. alt.discuss.clubs.public.lifestyles.misc.devil_himself Discussion of medical fetishes. alt.discussioni.citta.genova No description. alt.discussioni.cretine No description. alt.discussioni.droghe No description. alt.discussioni.figa-gratis No description. alt.discussioni.fogne No description. alt.discussioni.intelligenti No description. alt.discussioni.vittoriosgarbi No description. alt.disgusting.stories.my-imagination No description. alt.dislocated.ass No description. alt.disney Use rec.arts.disney.misc instead. alt.disney.beanies No description. alt.disney.beauty+beast Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" film and musical. alt.disney.collecting Use rec.arts.disney.merchandise instead. alt.disney.criticism Use rec.arts.disney.misc instead. alt.disney.cruise This newsgroup would be alt.disney.dca Discussions of Disney's California Adventure park alt.disney.dinseyland No description. alt.disney.disneyland status change to auto-moderated (Moderated) alt.disney.disneyworld Discussion of Walt Disney World alt.disney.imagineering Discussion about Walt Disney Imagineering. alt.disney.secrets Use rec.arts.disney.misc instead. alt.disney.sucks Discussion of how Disney sucks alt.disney.tech Discussion on Disney Technologies alt.disney.vacation-club Disney Vacation Club discussions alt.disowned.by.his.parents.jay-denebeim No description. alt.divination Divination techniques (e.g., I Ching, Tarot, runes). alt.dj No description. alt.dj.virtual-turntables For the discussion of VTT-DJ Software alt.djrud.mxttfm.ywj iooarmooujofolowisuaujiiza alt.dk No description. alt.dk.helbred.handicap to handicap diskution in denmark alt.dk.katolik dansk debat om katolsk tro (danish debate about the alt.dk.psykologi.moderated No description. alt.dk.sjat a danish chat grup alt.dk.snak No description. alt.dk.warez No description. alt.dkwtmva ooaiaeoaqueuz alt.dl.wj.pt.u.dp.n b\Ke[&Z/%?aVDD/0 alt.dmc No description. alt.dnarsh No description. alt.do-not No description. alt.do-not.and-i-mean-that No description. alt.do-not.and-i-mean-that.ever-post-here No description. alt.do-not.and-i-mean-that.ever-post-here.or-iwill-be-pissed No description. alt.do-not.and-i-mean-that.ever-post-here.or-iwill-be-pissed.and-willbe-forced No description. alt.do.skasowania No description. alt.dobbins.milkbaby No description. alt.dodo.bergman.binaries.vcd Group for posting VCD's. alt.dodo.bergman.binaries.vcd.d Discussiomgroup for posting VCD's. (Moderated) alt.dog.cock.in.mouth.jay-denebeim No description. alt.doki For fans of the massive doki. alt.dolcett No description. alt.domain-names.disputes Internet domain name disputes. alt.domain-names.forsale Internet domain names for sale. alt.domain-names.registries Internet domain name registries. alt.domain-names.wanted Internet domain names wanted. alt.donny No description. alt.dont-ask-dont-tell.peter-thorpe US Armed Forces treat gays badly. alt.dont.get.even.get.odd Oddball insomniacs. alt.doobry No description. alt.dork.coder1 No description. alt.dorks About dorks, by dorks, for dorks. alt.dot.dot.dot.lets.use.square.brackets.in.cascades No description. alt.dotnet.discussion No description. alt.doug-bashford.spank.spank.spank No description. alt.dragons-inn Breathing fire tends to make one very thirsty. alt.dratu M#BgB2eRf/<81*^$3Q!'6;E4L alt.drc jwjoeeiuegqieizxveohaobeu (Moderated) alt.drdoom No description. alt.dreams What do they mean? alt.dreams.castaneda The dreaming techniques of Carlos Castaneda. alt.dreams.edgar-cayce No description. alt.dreams.impero.nascosto No description. alt.dreams.lucid What do they _really_ mean? alt.dreams.lucid.entities LUCID DREAM OBJECTS and ENTITIES are objects and alt.dreams.mythic No description. alt.dreams.prophetic PROPHETIC DREAMS - dreams and lucid dreams that alt.dreams.recurring RECURRING DREAMS - dreams with the same theme, alt.dreams.sexual SEXUAL DREAMS alt.dreams.toltec TOLTEC DREAMING The subject of Toltec dreaming alt.drinks.beer No description. alt.drinks.irish-whiskey No description. alt.drinks.kool-aid Beverage break on the Information Superhighway. alt.drinks.scotch-whisky discussion of scotch whisky alt.drinks.snapple Made from the Best Stuff on Earth. alt.drugs Use rec.drugs.misc instead. alt.drugs.abuse Items regarding abuse of psychotropic drugs alt.drugs.anticholinergics alt.drugs.anticholinergics: Discusiiossiossion of anticholinergics alt.drugs.antihistamines Comparison of antihistamines including alt.drugs.busts A newgroup for the discussion of alt.drugs.caffeine All about the world's most-used stimulant drug. alt.drugs.cannabis.nl A group dedicated to the famous dutch alt.drugs.chemistry Discussion of drug chemistry and synthesis. alt.drugs.cocaine A newsgroup for discussion of cocaine. alt.drugs.codeine No description. alt.drugs.crack No description. alt.drugs.culture Entertainment while under the influence. alt.drugs.cypher Because Rob Cypher knows how to handle the drugs! alt.drugs.dare-sucks Items regarding how the D.A.R.E. program sucks. alt.drugs.datura No description. alt.drugs.dealers.playground.bert-hoff Cliche, but true! alt.drugs.dmt No description. alt.drugs.dmx No description. alt.drugs.drano A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.drugs.drug-testing urinalysis, hair testing, etc. for drug use. alt.drugs.dxm World discussion of the drug DXM (dextromethorphan). alt.drugs.dxm.enema.enema.enema No description. alt.drugs.ecstasy Ecstasy, a/k/a MDMA, E, and XTC, used recreationally. alt.drugs.frogbutt Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.drugs.ghb gamma-hydroxybutyrate use, recreational or therapeutic. alt.drugs.hard Heroin, cocaine, and friends. alt.drugs.hard.gary No description. alt.drugs.hard.grey The distinguished Usenet regular on alt.drugs.hard. alt.drugs.hard.harryworld A newsgroup for harry and company to alt.drugs.hard.noise A newsgroup for noise and company to post. alt.drugs.hashish A newsgroup for discussion of hashish. alt.drugs.heroin Discussion of the drug heroin. alt.drugs.jaguar A newsgroup for Jaguar and company to post. alt.drugs.jay-denebeim No description. alt.drugs.ketamine A newsgroup for discussion of ketamine. alt.drugs.kim67 A newsgroup for kim67 and company to post. alt.drugs.leri I'm a little leary of drugs too. alt.drugs.lsd A newsgroup for discussion of LSD. alt.drugs.melatonin The hormone Melatonin. alt.drugs.mescaline A newsgroup for discussion of mescaline. alt.drugs.meth A newsgroup for discussion of methamphetamine. alt.drugs.morphine A newsgroup for discussion of morphine. alt.drugs.mushrooms Psychoactive Mushrooms alt.drugs.nitrous A newsgroup for discussion of nitrous. alt.drugs.opium A newsgroup for discussion of opium. alt.drugs.pcp A newsgroup for discussion of PCP. alt.drugs.pot Use rec.drugs.cannabis instead. alt.drugs.pot.cultivation Use rec.drugs.cannabis instead. alt.drugs.pot.cultivation.hydroponics No description. alt.drugs.pot.cultivation.no-spooks Pot cultivation forum, without spook spamming alt.drugs.pot.hydro A newsgroup for discussion of hydro marijuana. alt.drugs.psychedelics Use rec.drugs.psychedelic instead. alt.drugs.religon A newsgroup for discussion of religon. alt.drugs.rfg No description. alt.drugs.salvia A newsgroup for discussion of salvia. alt.drugs.sedahdrol The distinguished Third Plateau poster. alt.drugs.trip-reports A newsgroup to post drug trip reports. alt.drugs.uk No description. alt.drugs.uk-shroommap A group dedicated to the hunting and devouring alt.drugs.usenet Repeatedly pushing the button for a fix. alt.drugs.valium A newsgroup for discussion of valium. alt.drugs.viagra A newsgroup for discussion of viagra. alt.drugs.webtv A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.drumcorps Use rec.arts.marching.drumcorps instead. alt.drunk.frog.frogbutt No description. alt.drunken.bastards Peeing in the potted plants. alt.drunken.bastards.camp-gumby No description. alt.drunken.bastards.cypher The stupidity of cypher! alt.drunken.bastards.richard-healey No description. alt.drutasi.miebened.yaj Siht teg t'now eh dna rekwan a si Miebened Yaj alt.drwho.creative Writing about long scarves and time machines. alt.drwho.creative.ia Doctor Who Internet Adventures - Round Robin alt.dry.w.dl.moh.w.ujwrf.opp <=JLE#I)dYT/i_7MS,YC alt.dss Discussion of the new Digital Satellite Systems. alt.dss.hack Discussing modifications of Digital Sattelite Systems alt.dss.tech No description. alt.dtm.dynarc No description. alt.duab No description. alt.duck.quack.quack.quack It looks like a duck, but it's an alt group. alt.dude No description. alt.duffman.was.here No description. alt.duh No description. alt.duh-ceichels No description. alt.dumbass.hex-troll No description. alt.dumbass.tim-thorne No description. alt.dumbfucks.troll-inc No description. alt.dumpster Oscar has always wanted a roomier place. alt.dur.dusagg-oldgits newsgroup for ex-members of dusagg alt.dur.fortran-is-evil For those of us who are forced to use it :) alt.dur.general A finger of fudge to the first person to... (Moderated) alt.dur.hipcrime No description. alt.dur.maxwell No description. alt.dur.mexwall No description. alt.dur.sf+f There is no tree. There is no large... alt.dur.test To test and toast :) alt.dutch.eppie No description. alt.dvbo.xnhqf.fj.v No description. alt.dvcq No description. alt.dvhsfc.rv No description. alt.dwjo.xnvf.fcolsy No description. alt.dwkw No description. alt.dx.tropical Tropical Band DXing alt.dy.l.kgt No description. alt.e-mail.lists No description. alt.e-smith.documentation.fr No description. alt.e-smith.fr configuration utilisation de la distibution e-smith alt.e.csseerr.b.ne.sn.x.vp.oly.s No description. alt.e.gxrkj.ke.i.s.beb.uq.leapp.gjhoqzjc No description. alt.e.n.vr No description. alt.e.p.zk.uu.knhldt.eyureqatr No description. alt.e.t.i.kz.us.lhodm.nh.e.lngjg.ddow No description. alt.e.t.m No description. alt.e.x.p No description. alt.earth.confederation No description. alt.earth.crisis Use talk.environment instead. alt.eb.jm No description. alt.ebay.sucks No description. alt.ebonics.b.fun.yo.yo.yo No description. alt.ecbl.ws.l.h.h.bucyx.kppnqg.unbk No description. (Moderated) alt.ecommerce No description. alt.ecommerce.intershop No description. alt.economics.miroslav-verbic About this economist and economics in alt.edgar No description. alt.education Use the misc.education groups instead. alt.education.alternative School doesn't have to suck! alt.education.bangkok The Bangkok distance education project. alt.education.business To discuss everything about business education. alt.education.disabled Education for people with physical/mental disabilities. alt.education.distance Learning from teachers who are far away. alt.education.distance.teaching A forum for online teachers. alt.education.email-project The email project for teaching English. alt.education.higher.stu-affairs Student Affairs principles & practices. alt.education.home-school.christian Christian home-schoolers. (Moderated) alt.education.home-school.disabilities For parents homeschooling alt.education.ib The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. alt.education.lancing No description. alt.education.management No description. alt.education.nontrad-degree Alternative postsecondary degree programs. alt.education.research Studying about studying. alt.education.tip Duke University's Talent Identification Program alt.ee.no.s.f.q gureasriograr alt.egb.fzdlbpo.ztm.qssk.io exelriiiuxk alt.egyptians.copts No description. alt.eh.fd.te.t eaouuooanuye alt.eif ukiaikjeeaoaoxiao alt.ekce 0E4jd,5'\F%gc,4CfINSf>J alt.ellenbrook No description. alt.elmuf.qycr.pfxv.i 1R4DVg,F+=]&aE alt.elpigo No description. alt.eluyegxvgg.yv.l.cpe.kryyef sdiigeiop (Moderated) alt.elvis.impersonators No description. alt.elvis.king Fat and dead, too. Pretty useless king. alt.emcct.s.l =6WcT8&95GY)HBeT(2e1LM)[X4 alt.emergency.services.dispatcher No description. alt.emircpih alternative HipCrime - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.emircpih.activeagent alternative HipCrime's ActiveAgent alt.emircpih.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.emircpih.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.emircpih.activism.anti-porn Anti-pornography activists forum. alt.emircpih.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.emircpih.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. alt.emircpih.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.emircpih.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.emircpih.admin Computer administration. alt.emircpih.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.emircpih.admin.kooks Kooky news administrators. alt.emircpih.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.emircpih.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.emircpih.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.emircpih.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.emircpih.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.emircpih.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. alt.emircpih.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining HipCrime networks. alt.emircpih.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. alt.emircpih.aeronautics The science of aeronautics & related technology. alt.emircpih.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.emircpih.agriculture HipCrime in the Dirt. alt.emircpih.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.emircpih.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.emircpih.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.emircpih.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. alt.emircpih.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.emircpih.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.emircpih.anthropology Latest discoveries. alt.emircpih.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.emircpih.aquaria alternative HipCrime Fishing. alt.emircpih.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.emircpih.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.emircpih.arts.tv.rush-limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh show alt.emircpih.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.emircpih.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.emircpih.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.emircpih.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.emircpih.astrology.misc Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.emircpih.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.emircpih.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. alt.emircpih.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. alt.emircpih.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. alt.emircpih.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.emircpih.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. alt.emircpih.aviation.legal Legal issues involving aviation worldwide. alt.emircpih.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. alt.emircpih.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. alt.emircpih.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. alt.emircpih.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.emircpih.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipCrime wares alt.emircpih.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.emircpih.bio.conservation Conservation biology research. alt.emircpih.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.emircpih.bio.evolution Are you a man or an Ape? alt.emircpih.bio.food-science BHA or BHT? alt.emircpih.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.emircpih.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.emircpih.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.emircpih.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.emircpih.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.emircpih.bio.systematics Cyborg controls. alt.emircpih.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.emircpih.biz.spam Spamming for fun and profit. alt.emircpih.bizarre.funny Too bizarre to be funny. alt.emircpih.boats.kayak Kayaking forum. alt.emircpih.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.emircpih.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.emircpih.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.emircpih.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.emircpih.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.emircpih.chaos The study of the chaotic (Usenet, e.g.). alt.emircpih.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.emircpih.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.emircpih.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.emircpih.chem.drugs Mind expanding chemical discourse. alt.emircpih.chem.electrochem.battery More uses for lead. alt.emircpih.chem.organic.synthesis Synthetic organic chemistry related topics. alt.emircpih.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.emircpih.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.emircpih.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.emircpih.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.emircpih.collecting.condoms Collecting and trading condoms. alt.emircpih.collecting.credit-cards Collecting credit cards. alt.emircpih.collecting.credit-cards.stolen Collecting stolen credit cards. alt.emircpih.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.emircpih.college.graduation College graduation discussions. alt.emircpih.comp-aided Hurricane annimations. alt.emircpih.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.emircpih.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.emircpih.config News configuration. alt.emircpih.congressagent alternative HipCrime's CongressAgent alt.emircpih.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.emircpih.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.emircpih.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.emircpih.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. alt.emircpih.crypt.research Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and related issues. alt.emircpih.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.emircpih.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.emircpih.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.emircpih.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.emircpih.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.african.xhosa Xhosa people and their culture. alt.emircpih.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.emircpih.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.emircpih.culture.bashkir The Bashkir culture forum. alt.emircpih.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.charnego The Spanish-speaking community in Catalonia. alt.emircpih.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.emircpih.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.emircpih.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.eritrean The culture of Eritrea. alt.emircpih.culture.ethiopia Ethiopian culture. alt.emircpih.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.emircpih.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.emircpih.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.emircpih.culture.indian.bihar Bihar culture. alt.emircpih.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.emircpih.culture.indian, etc. alt.emircpih.culture.indian.muslims Discussion newsgroup for Moslems in India. alt.emircpih.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.emircpih.culture.indian.uttar-pradesh U.P. culture. alt.emircpih.culture.japan Anything Japanese. alt.emircpih.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.emircpih.culture.kashmir About Jammu and Kashmir. alt.emircpih.culture.kazakh The culture of Kazakhstan. alt.emircpih.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.emircpih.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.emircpih.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.emircpih.culture.latin-america.guarani The culture of the Guarani. alt.emircpih.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.emircpih.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.emircpih.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.emircpih.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.emircpih.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.emircpih.culture.pakistan.education Education in Pakistan. alt.emircpih.culture.prussian Prussia, its culture and heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.emircpih.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.emircpih.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.emircpih.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.emircpih.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.emircpih.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.emircpih.culture.slovak Slovakia, its people, history, and culture. alt.emircpih.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.emircpih.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.emircpih.culture.tibet Tibet, its history and culture. alt.emircpih.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.emircpih.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.emircpih.cunt.general General discussions about cunts. alt.emircpih.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.emircpih.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.emircpih.devices.disassemblers The right way to program. alt.emircpih.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.emircpih.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.emircpih.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.emircpih.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.emircpih.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.emircpih.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. alt.emircpih.edu Journalism courses. alt.emircpih.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.emircpih.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.emircpih.electronics.basics Radio Shack emircpih. alt.emircpih.energy HipCrime collects Plutonium. alt.emircpih.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.emircpih.engr.biomed Engineering human replacement parts. alt.emircpih.engr.chem Engineering alchemy. alt.emircpih.engr.civil.roads Discussions related to construction of roads. alt.emircpih.engr.color Psychedelic. alt.emircpih.engr.control Engineers controlling everyone else. alt.emircpih.engr.dredging All aspects of dredging. alt.emircpih.engr.electrical.compliance Laws, regulations and design for EMC, safety. alt.emircpih.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.emircpih.engr.electrical.sys-protection Rubber boots. alt.emircpih.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.emircpih.coupling.coitis alt.emircpih.engr.joining.welding Let your heart melt. alt.emircpih.engr.lighting Westinghouse studies. alt.emircpih.engr.manufacturing Slave labor techniques. alt.emircpih.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.emircpih.engr.micromachining Small parts. alt.emircpih.engr.mining Fire in the hole! alt.emircpih.fart The art of fart alt.emircpih.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. alt.emircpih.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.emircpih.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.emircpih.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.emircpih.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.emircpih.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.emircpih.finance.abstracts Financial abstracts. alt.emircpih.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. alt.emircpih.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.emircpih.food.chitlins Mmmm Mmmm Good! alt.emircpih.food.jigaboo.bar-b-que Afro-american food. alt.emircpih.food.jigaboo.collard-greens Afro-american food. alt.emircpih.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.emircpih.food.jigaboo.smothered-okra Afro-american food. alt.emircpih.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.emircpih.food.lutefisk Scandanavia at its finest! alt.emircpih.food.recipes.babies Recipes for cooking babies. alt.emircpih.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.emircpih.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.emircpih.food.recipes.cannabalism.nazis Crunchy'n'bitter, an acquired taste. alt.emircpih.food.recipes.dogs Recipes for cooking dogs. alt.emircpih.food.recipes.scat Animal residue in McDonalds burgers. alt.emircpih.food.ribs Sho be good! alt.emircpih.food.shit Eat shit and die. alt.emircpih.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. alt.emircpih.food.watermelons Afro-american food. alt.emircpih.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.emircpih.fractals HipCrime's Fractals. alt.emircpih.fucks.teenage.girls Film at 11. alt.emircpih.future The future of Usenet. alt.emircpih.games.beds-of-nails Uncle Fester loves this too. alt.emircpih.games.bilboes The proper way to incarcerate. alt.emircpih.games.child-abuse Child abuse as recreation. alt.emircpih.games.hacky-sack Kicking the little beanbag. alt.emircpih.games.strappado Raise 'em slowing, and drop 'em fast. alt.emircpih.games.the-rack Everybody needs to be a bit taller. alt.emircpih.games.thumbscrews One of Uncle Fester's favourites. alt.emircpih.games.witch-hunts Burn the witch. alt.emircpih.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.emircpih.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.emircpih.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. alt.emircpih.gardens.hydroponic.marijuana Hydroponic stoner forum. alt.emircpih.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.emircpih.genealogy.african Genealogy of Africa and the African Diaspora. alt.emircpih.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. alt.emircpih.geo.karl-malden.nose The geography of our favorite proboscis. alt.emircpih.geography.cartography The mapmaking forum. alt.emircpih.geography.economic Economic geography. alt.emircpih.gothic Pastyfaced net.goths alt.emircpih.gothic.suicide Favored gothic pastime. alt.emircpih.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? alt.emircpih.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.emircpih.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.emircpih.history All aspects of history. alt.emircpih.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.emircpih.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. alt.emircpih.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. alt.emircpih.home.misc Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. alt.emircpih.home.security Security aspects of home computing. alt.emircpih.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.emircpih.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). alt.emircpih.humor.funny.reruns Reposts of alt.emircpih.humor.funny archive material. alt.emircpih.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. alt.emircpih.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.emircpih.hunting.dogs Hunting topics specifically related to using dogs. alt.emircpih.immigration.europe Immigrating to Europe. alt.emircpih.industry.utilities.gas Gas utilities. alt.emircpih.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.emircpih.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. alt.emircpih.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. alt.emircpih.is.a.heterosexual.pedophile Where have I heard that before? alt.emircpih.kibo.hunting Was Kibo here? alt.emircpih.kibo.hunting.with-pgp Was Kibo's sig encrypted? alt.emircpih.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.emircpih.kids.info Informational posts related to alt.emircpih.kids hierarchy. alt.emircpih.kids.tantrums Discussion of kids' tantrums (tantra?) alt.emircpih.la.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.emircpih.lang.c The C programming language. alt.emircpih.lang.c++ Technical discussion of the C++ language. alt.emircpih.lang.cognitive Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. alt.emircpih.lang.dmt The DMT Language for alien-contact algorithms. alt.emircpih.lang.ebonics Black programming. alt.emircpih.lang.english English linguistics. alt.emircpih.lang.etymology Discussion of word and phrase origins. alt.emircpih.lang.goombonics Italian dialect. alt.emircpih.lang.java Announcements re the Java System. alt.emircpih.lang.khoisan Grammar and lexicon of Khoisan languages. alt.emircpih.lang.lsd The LSD self-programming language. alt.emircpih.lang.misc Miscellaneous linguistic discussions. alt.emircpih.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. alt.emircpih.lang.pascal WirthLand. alt.emircpih.lang.semantics The linguistic study of semantics (signification and meaning). alt.emircpih.lang.sign Sign languages. alt.emircpih.lang.simula Discussions of Simula-67. alt.emircpih.lang.syntax Linguistic discussions of syntax and related grammar. alt.emircpih.lang.teaching The teaching of languages. alt.emircpih.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.emircpih.legal.beagles Woof! alt.emircpih.legal.self-represent Self-representation in legal proceedings. alt.emircpih.listagent alternative HipCrime's ListAgent alt.emircpih.lists.misc News-related statistics and lists. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.aldous-huxley The writings of Aldous Huxley. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.alex-haley The writings of Alex Haley. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.alice-walker The writings of Alice Walker. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.ambrose-bierce The writings of Ambrose Bierce. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.anton-chekhov The writings of Anton Chekhov. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.bernard-malamud The writings of Bernard Malamud. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.carlos-fuentes The writings of Carlos Fuentes. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.dashiell-hammett The writings of Dashiell Hammett. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.earl-stanley-gardner The writings of Earl Stanley Gardner. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.ezra-pound The writings of Ezra Pound. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.f-scott-fitzgerald The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.franz-kafka The writings of Franz Kafka. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.george-orwell The writings of George Orwell. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.henrik-ibsen The writings of Henrik Ibsen. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.henry-miller The writings of Henry Miller. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.jack-london The writings of Jack London. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.james-baldwin The writings of James Baldwin. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.james-joyce The writings of James Joyce. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.john-brunner The writings of John Brunner. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.jules-verne The writings of Jules Verne. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.leo-tolstoy The writings of Leo Tolstoy. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.lewis-carrol The writings of Lewis Carrol. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.emircpih.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.emircpih.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.emircpih.manners Etiquette and good manners. alt.emircpih.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.emircpih.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.emircpih.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.emircpih.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.emircpih.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.emircpih.med.karl-malden.olfactory.proboscis Can the nose be cured? alt.emircpih.med.ob-gyn Unmoderated obstetrics and gynecology forum. alt.emircpih.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.emircpih.med.orgasm Medical causes for orgasms. alt.emircpih.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.emircpih.med.pms When does it end? alt.emircpih.meow.admin.usenet.performance.art UPA at its finest. alt.emircpih.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.emircpih.meow.encrypted Encrypted Meows. alt.emircpih.meow.forgery Cats don't forge. alt.emircpih.meow.general General Meowing. alt.emircpih.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.emircpih.mktagent alternative HipCrime's MarketAgent alt.emircpih.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.emircpih.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.emircpih.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.emircpih.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.emircpih.music.funny No description. alt.emircpih.music.research The use of Computers in Music Research and Composition. alt.emircpih.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.emircpih.newsagent alternative HipCrime's NewsAgent alt.emircpih.newsites New site announcements. alt.emircpih.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. alt.emircpih.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.emircpih.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.emircpih.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.emircpih.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.emircpih.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. alt.emircpih.org.eff.censorship EFF is pro-censorship. alt.emircpih.org.guardian-angels The guys in the red berets. alt.emircpih.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.emircpih.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.emircpih.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.emircpih.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). alt.emircpih.papers Newspapers. alt.emircpih.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.emircpih.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.emircpih.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.emircpih.pets.birds.parrots Parrots discussion. alt.emircpih.pets.bobcats Keep them away from your rabbit. alt.emircpih.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.emircpih.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.emircpih.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.emircpih.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.emircpih.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.emircpih.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.emircpih.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.emircpih.pets.pigs.potbellied Concerns regarding potbellied pigs as pets. alt.emircpih.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.emircpih.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.emircpih.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.emircpih.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.emircpih.pets.rocks Pet rock forum. alt.emircpih.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.emircpih.pets.weasels Tired of your puny ferret? alt.emircpih.pets.whales Whales as pets. alt.emircpih.philosophy.dialectics Dialectical materlialism and related topics. alt.emircpih.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.emircpih.philosophy.existentialism Existentialist philosophy. alt.emircpih.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.emircpih.photo The art and science of photography. alt.emircpih.physics.research Current physics research. alt.emircpih.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.emircpih.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.emircpih.politics.internet Internet-related politics. alt.emircpih.politics.local Local politics. alt.emircpih.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.emircpih.politics.peace Peace movements everywhere. alt.emircpih.politics.tax-evasion The politics of non-taxation. alt.emircpih.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.emircpih.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. alt.emircpih.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.emircpih.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.emircpih.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. alt.emircpih.psychology.psychotherapy Practice of psychotherapy. alt.emircpih.psychology.rape Research issues in psychological rape. alt.emircpih.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.emircpih.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.emircpih.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. alt.emircpih.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.emircpih.religion.confucianism Confucius say. alt.emircpih.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.emircpih.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.emircpih.religion.rosicrucian The ancient order of Rosicrucians. alt.emircpih.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.emircpih.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.emircpih.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.emircpih.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.emircpih.religion.zarathushtra Zoroastrianism. alt.emircpih.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.emircpih.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. alt.emircpih.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. alt.emircpih.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.emircpih.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.emircpih.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.emircpih.scuba.marketplace A marketplace for scuba equipment. alt.emircpih.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. alt.emircpih.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.emircpih.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.emircpih.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.emircpih.sex.affairs.clinton Presidential indiscretions. alt.emircpih.sex.affairs.clinton.pizza-n-blowjobs Presidential treats alt.emircpih.sex.affairs.clinton.vaginal-cigars Presidential treats. alt.emircpih.sexuality.general Human sexuality in general. alt.emircpih.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.emircpih.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.emircpih.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. alt.emircpih.sf.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.emircpih.singles Conversations among people who are or were single. alt.emircpih.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.emircpih.society The impact of technology on society. alt.emircpih.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. alt.emircpih.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.emircpih.soft-sys.applixware Applix Applixware. alt.emircpih.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.emircpih.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.emircpih.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.emircpih.software.inn Rich $alz's hack alt.emircpih.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.emircpih.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.emircpih.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.emircpih.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. alt.emircpih.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.emircpih.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.emircpih.spambots spambots are people too alt.emircpih.specific.general Specific talk about general subjects. alt.emircpih.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.emircpih.sport.extortion Best sport next to bocci ball. alt.emircpih.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.emircpih.sport.hovercraft Discussion about recreational hovercraft. alt.emircpih.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.emircpih.sport.lawnbowling Postings related to the sport of lawnbowling. alt.emircpih.sport.mousing The sport of mousing. alt.emircpih.sport.net-abuse HipCrime's favourite sport. alt.emircpih.sport.rape She was asking for it! alt.emircpih.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.emircpih.sport.spin-the-bottle No description. alt.emircpih.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.emircpih.std.lisp User group (ALU) supported standards. alt.emircpih.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.emircpih.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.emircpih.subculture.homosexual Homosexual subculture. alt.emircpih.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.emircpih.subculture.online.meow Meowers subculture. alt.emircpih.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.emircpih.support.abuse.internet Support for survivors of flame wars and net.abuse. alt.emircpih.support.abuse.sexual Support for sex abuse survivors. alt.emircpih.support.constipation Net's best laxative. alt.emircpih.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.emircpih.support.forgery Forgery support. alt.emircpih.support.herpes Cold sores discussion. alt.emircpih.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.emircpih.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.emircpih.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.emircpih.support.pregnancy.loss Issues and support related to pregnancy loss. alt.emircpih.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. alt.emircpih.taxes Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. alt.emircpih.tech.bombs Middle eastern technical support group. alt.emircpih.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.emircpih.techniques.thermal Thermal Analysis in general. alt.emircpih.test Testing of posting to moderated groups. alt.emircpih.text.erotica Erotic texts of all kinds. alt.emircpih.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.emircpih.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.emircpih.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.emircpih.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.emircpih.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.emircpih.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.emircpih.travel.to-heaven-and-back Recreational spirit travel alt.emircpih.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.emircpih.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. alt.emircpih.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.emircpih.women.frigid Support group for women who hate sex. alt.emircpih.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.emircpih.zzzzz Time to catch some Z's. alt.empire.of.perv No description. alt.empire.of.perv.perv No description. alt.empire.of.perv.perv.perv No description. alt.empire.of.perv.retard-emmoth Emmoth flames alt.empire.of.perv.swnet.diverse No description. alt.employees.compusa An open forum for discussion of topics alt.emulator.bleem No description. alt.emulators.amiga for the discussion and help with amiga emulators. alt.emulators.classic-arcade Classic arcade emulators and alt.emulators.freemware Discussion about the freemware PC virtualization environment alt.emulators.uae No description. alt.emusic Ethnic, exotic, electronic, elaborate, etc, music. alt.energy.automobile No description. alt.energy.high-voltage No description. alt.energy.homepower Home Power/Home-Made Power for Off-Grid Living. alt.energy.hydrogen No description. alt.energy.nuclear No description. alt.energy.over-unity No description. alt.energy.renewable Fueling ourselves without depleting everything. alt.engineering No description. alt.engineering.electrical Discussing electrical engineering. alt.engineering.fire-alarm No description. alt.engineering.fire-protection No description. alt.engineering.maintenance No description. alt.engineering.nuclear No description. alt.england.sux.scotland.and.wales.rule.the.world No description. alt.england.sux.wales.and.scotland.rule.the.world No description. alt.engr.explosives BOOM. alt.ensign.wesley.die.die.die We just can't get enough of him. alt.enve No description. alt.enviro-p2 Pollution prevention efforts of manuf/proc facilities alt.environment-p2 Pollution prevention efforts of manuf/proc facilities alt.environment.collapse No description. alt.environment.p2 Pollution prevention efforts of manuf/proc facilities alt.eo.m No description. alt.eod.tech No description. alt.ep.un.x.esy.l.mzm.mg.lpmfdz No description. (Moderated) alt.epix.sucks Provides an uncensored forum to discuss Epix's mismanagement. alt.equamour.lunatic No description. alt.equestrian.draft Discussion of draft horses alt.equestrian.wild-mustangs No description. alt.er.sex No description. alt.eric-the-frenchie Eric Frenchie can go to hell. alt.ernic Alternative NIC and TLD discussions alt.es.ceramica For all potters; in Spanish. alt.es.hackers No description. alt.es.hackers.hardware No description. alt.es.hackers.passwords No description. alt.es.hackers.software No description. alt.esada unmoderated discussion about esada alt.esada.binaries No description. alt.esada.binaries.tuna No description. alt.esada.net the esada.net newsgroup. alt.escape.from.greenville For current, past and prospective residents of Greenville(s) alt.escaped.mental.patient.john-grubor No description. alt.esperanto No description. alt.esperanto.amuzo.varia No description. alt.esperanto.anfaenger No description. alt.esperanto.beginner No description. alt.esperanto.debutant No description. alt.esperanto.homanstudaro.varia No description. alt.esperanto.humanstudaro.varia No description. alt.esperanto.katolika No description. alt.esperanto.komencanto No description. alt.esperanto.komencanto.nacilingve No description. alt.esperanto.komp.varia No description. alt.esperanto.konfig No description. alt.esperanto.latina-3 No description. alt.esperanto.negoco.varia No description. alt.esperanto.parolado.varia No description. alt.esperanto.principiante No description. alt.esperanto.sci.varia No description. alt.esperanto.sekso.varia No description. alt.esperanto.shoshin-sha No description. alt.esperanto.soc.varia No description. alt.esperanto.varia.varia No description. alt.espn.sucks Spleen venting in regard to ESPN SportsZone alt.espresso-fiction The Caffeine Induced Avante-Garde Writer's List alt.etext Texts made available for electronic redistribution. alt.etpoezo.mwmd ueiyauaecao (Moderated) alt.eunuchs.questions Did it hurt? alt.euro.hydro No description. alt.euro2000.nl No description. alt.evil Tales from the dark side. alt.evil.hfw-dipshits For children just getting into the Evil alt.evil.rules.rules.rules Evil Rulez! alt.evy C404#^aVTAQ2C-Ig"&6?$ alt.ex-con.john-grubor No description. alt.exe No description. alt.existence.is.futile.rob.cypher.is.your.only.hope And how! alt.exotic-music Exotic music discussions. alt.exploding-monkey A fetish of SleepyAbra's. alt.exploding-monkey.rob-cypher BOOM! alt.ezines Electronically published mini-magazines. alt.ezines.rad Radioactive Aardvark Dung Humor E-zine Discussion alt.ezines.set No description. alt.ezines.spire No description. alt.f.ilm.c.vyq.twtg.nj.nbbqs.x No description. alt.f.otqg.g.ut.ruisclbtj No description. alt.f.w.gt.ksv.akgq No description. (Moderated) alt.f.yuxz.mpsqlmfzdb No description. alt.fa.tim-henman No description. alt.fabioefiamma No description. alt.face.is.discusting.zit.covered.mess.montgomery-wood No description. alt.fag-lamer.tj.spark-miller.fuckhead No description. alt.faires.renaissance No description. alt.fairs.renaissance Discussions of Renaissance faires and festivals. alt.fairs.renaissance.livingchess Discussion of Living Chess games alt.falseidols.com.damian.spriggs.uses.freebsd No description. alt.familiy-names.harperink for discussion of the harperink name alt.family-name.goodpaster No description. alt.family-name.luquette No description. alt.family-name.skomp unmoderated skomp family-name discussion alt.family-name.snider No description. alt.family-name.stokley No description. alt.family-name.walter No description. alt.family-name.whitlow No description. alt.family-names No description. alt.family-names.abair No description. alt.family-names.achterhoff No description. alt.family-names.adair No description. alt.family-names.anderson No description. alt.family-names.armand No description. alt.family-names.bever No description. alt.family-names.bicknell Genealogy of the name Bicknell and related names alt.family-names.boddie No description. alt.family-names.boettcher No description. alt.family-names.broyles No description. alt.family-names.brujo No description. alt.family-names.casada No description. alt.family-names.cavolack No description. alt.family-names.cavolick No description. alt.family-names.charnock No description. alt.family-names.chumbley No description. alt.family-names.clark No description. alt.family-names.clinton No description. alt.family-names.cole No description. alt.family-names.collingridge No description. alt.family-names.collins No description. alt.family-names.comito No description. alt.family-names.cooper No description. alt.family-names.cronkite You knew this was coming, right? alt.family-names.crusan For research of the Crusan family background. alt.family-names.cullop No description. alt.family-names.cypher Better Than Ezra, anyway. alt.family-names.dailey No description. alt.family-names.daily No description. alt.family-names.daley No description. alt.family-names.daly No description. alt.family-names.daniels No description. alt.family-names.daugherty No description. alt.family-names.davis No description. alt.family-names.deveau No description. alt.family-names.dewald No description. alt.family-names.dews No description. alt.family-names.doolittle No description. alt.family-names.duff No description. alt.family-names.dunnegan No description. alt.family-names.durman No description. alt.family-names.eichenberg No description. alt.family-names.elliott No description. alt.family-names.engler No description. alt.family-names.etenbaum No description. alt.family-names.forsberg No description. alt.family-names.frught No description. alt.family-names.gabriel No description. alt.family-names.ganson No description. alt.family-names.gates No description. alt.family-names.gee No description. alt.family-names.gendreau Genealogical discussion area for Gendreau Family alt.family-names.goodpaster No description. alt.family-names.gould No description. alt.family-names.gramling No description. alt.family-names.hackley No description. alt.family-names.hangnail unmoderated, binary-free Hangnail discussion alt.family-names.hemson No description. alt.family-names.henderson No description. alt.family-names.hendren No description. alt.family-names.hendricks No description. alt.family-names.higby No description. alt.family-names.hittle No description. alt.family-names.hodges No description. alt.family-names.hoffman No description. alt.family-names.huband No description. alt.family-names.hughes No description. alt.family-names.isbell No description. alt.family-names.jackson No description. alt.family-names.jacobi No description. alt.family-names.jacoby No description. alt.family-names.jansen No description. alt.family-names.jenkins No description. alt.family-names.jensen No description. alt.family-names.johnson No description. alt.family-names.jones No description. alt.family-names.julian No description. alt.family-names.kahle No description. alt.family-names.konde No description. alt.family-names.kressel The Kressel family discussion group alt.family-names.lane No description. alt.family-names.leger No description. alt.family-names.lenard No description. alt.family-names.lloyd No description. alt.family-names.lucas No description. alt.family-names.luquette No description. alt.family-names.mac_gregor No description. alt.family-names.makemson No description. alt.family-names.manson No description. alt.family-names.mars No description. alt.family-names.martin No description. alt.family-names.mattix No description. alt.family-names.meyer No description. alt.family-names.miller No description. alt.family-names.muellerleile No description. alt.family-names.norton No description. alt.family-names.oneill A newsgroup for O'Neill families around alt.family-names.palmjob No description. alt.family-names.pruitt No description. alt.family-names.putnam No description. alt.family-names.raynes No description. alt.family-names.reedy No description. alt.family-names.rice No description. alt.family-names.rosenthal No description. alt.family-names.roush Welcoming all Roush families! alt.family-names.schauss No description. alt.family-names.schleck No description. alt.family-names.shouse No description. alt.family-names.shows No description. alt.family-names.sims No description. alt.family-names.skomp No description. alt.family-names.smith No description. alt.family-names.snider No description. alt.family-names.soderberg No description. alt.family-names.speirs discussion of Speirs alt.family-names.starr No description. alt.family-names.stephenson No description. alt.family-names.stevens No description. alt.family-names.strong No description. alt.family-names.supak CA/TX/NM/?? alt.family-names.teachout No description. alt.family-names.thijssen For serious discussions on terribly underrated alt.family-names.thompson No description. alt.family-names.tietsoort No description. alt.family-names.treloar No description. alt.family-names.vanminnen No description. alt.family-names.vannorman No description. alt.family-names.varner No description. alt.family-names.von_gausig No description. alt.family-names.warren No description. alt.family-names.webb No description. alt.family-names.welch Discussion of the Welch family name alt.family-names.weldon discussion of Weldon alt.family-names.wilhite No description. alt.family-names.wood No description. alt.family-names.wooten No description. alt.family-names.wright No description. alt.family-names.xemblinosky Discussion of the Burmese clan alt.family-names.xemblinosky.yes.its.a.real.name No description. alt.family-names.yeltsin No description. alt.family-names.yu In honor of the mighty Marcus Yu alt.family-names.zadvinskis No description. alt.family-names.zerbe No description. alt.family.mark No description. alt.family.robinson No description. alt.family.santangelo No description. alt.fan No description. alt.fan-chris-roe No description. alt.fan-club.horrorcomix No description. alt.fan.555rgne Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fan.aaron-carter No description. alt.fan.aaron-cypher For Rob Cypher's little brother alt.fan.aavfff Discussion of alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk alt.fan.abbie-hoffman Steal this newsgroup! alt.fan.abstinence Discussion forum for supporters of sexual abstinence alt.fan.actors Discussion of actors, male and female. alt.fan.actors.dead Discussion of dead actors, male and female. alt.fan.adam-allard A fan club for the coolest new guitarist alt.fan.adam-walshs.severed-head A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.fan.adam-wurtzel German game show host Adam Wurtzel and his shows alt.fan.addams.pugsley For fans of Pugsley Addams. alt.fan.addams.wednesday She's deadpan and she's homicidal. alt.fan.adie No description. alt.fan.adjective-army For fans of the AA alt.fan.admiral-twin No description. alt.fan.adolf-hitler Fans of the late German leader. alt.fan.adolf-hitler.and.crumpets For those who prefer their hitler with crumpets. alt.fan.afda No description. alt.fan.ahmet-zappa No description. alt.fan.aimee-lortskel No description. alt.fan.air No description. alt.fan.akaroth Yes, I'm an egotistical bastard. alt.fan.alan-keyes No description. alt.fan.alan-shearer Discussions about the football-player Alan Shearer alt.fan.alan.tam No description. alt.fan.alans No description. alt.fan.alare No description. alt.fan.alarm-clocks No description. alt.fan.albert.bolink No description. alt.fan.alchemist Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.fan.ali-g.booyashaka No description. alt.fan.alicia-silverstone No description. alt.fan.all-blacks No description. alt.fan.all-things-weird Personal tales of weird happenings alt.fan.alt.digitiser For fans of the newsgroup alt.digitiser. alt.fan.aly-walansky The Man Slayer! alt.fan.alyssa-milano Who's the Boss? Now who's naked on your screen? alt.fan.amiga-action.die.die.die Amiga Action, the magazine. DIE! alt.fan.amiga-power No description. alt.fan.amis No description. alt.fan.ananova No description. alt.fan.andrew.lloyd-webber No description. alt.fan.andy-kaufman the late transcendent comedian, thank you very much. alt.fan.andy-kyle No description. alt.fan.andy-mabbett No description. alt.fan.angylina No description. alt.fan.anita.mui No description. alt.fan.anna-paquin No description. alt.fan.annie-lennox No description. alt.fan.anthony-gaza No description. alt.fan.antti No description. alt.fan.arale No description. alt.fan.arctic.diving-ducks Discussion of Arctic Diving Ducks alt.fan.arek.paterek No description. alt.fan.ariana No description. alt.fan.arianarichards Discussion about actress Ariana Richards. (Moderated) alt.fan.ariel No description. alt.fan.arnold.buzdygan Za co polski Usenet kocha Arnolda alt.fan.art-bell For fans of old AT&T logos. alt.fan.artelevision No description. alt.fan.arthur.bouwman.fucks.sheeps alt.fan.arthur.bouwman.fucks.sheeps: He is a son of a bitch so fuck him! alt.fan.ashley-judd No description. alt.fan.ashley-lauren No description. alt.fan.ashlyn-gere No description. alt.fan.asia-argento No description. alt.fan.asia-carrera The Little Dictator who wants to rule the world! alt.fan.asprin I'm fond of buffered analgesics. Robert Lynn Asprin too. alt.fan.atico.manca No description. alt.fan.audrey-hepburn No description. alt.fan.austin-powers Yeah Baby! alt.fan.authors.stephen-king Modern master of the spooky story. alt.fan.bababooey No description. alt.fan.babe-ruth Discussion of the great Bambino alt.fan.backstreet.boys To discuss things that the BSB are doing and keep fans up to date with BSB news. alt.fan.bahamut-zero No description. alt.fan.barbara-crampton Discussions about actress Barbara Crampton. alt.fan.barbra.streisand Bahbrah! alt.fan.barry-manilow Discussion group for fans of Barry Manilow. alt.fan.bas No description. alt.fan.battlefield-earth No description. alt.fan.battlefieldearth No description. alt.fan.battletank No description. alt.fan.bbs.ua No description. alt.fan.beable BEABLEBEABLEBEABLEBEABLEBEABLEBEABLEBEABLE alt.fan.beautiful-brat4u It don't matter what I do, I look good doing it. alt.fan.beekay For fans of the elite beekay. alt.fan.beep No description. alt.fan.belldandy Oh! My Goddess (Aa! Megami-sama). alt.fan.bemsha For fans of bemsha to discuss bemsha alt.fan.ben-adams No description. alt.fan.ben-morss No description. alt.fan.ben-polen Forum for discussing Ben Polen alt.fan.berlusconi No description. alt.fan.berry-smit fan-base for famous radio person alt.fan.bertie-the-bunyip No description. alt.fan.bettie-page Talk on the 50s pin up queen alt.fan.bettina.fink No description. alt.fan.bettino-craxi Il newsgroup sul leader socialista alt.fan.bevan bevan and the ely kru alt.fan.bgcrisis Priss, the Replicants, the ADP and Bubblegum Crisis. alt.fan.bgcrisis.hentai No description. alt.fan.bgcrisis.hentai.skyknight No description. alt.fan.bgcrisis.linna No description. alt.fan.bgcrisis.nene No description. alt.fan.bgcrisis.skyknight No description. alt.fan.bgcrisis.skynight No description. alt.fan.big-funchy for the discussion of Usenet legend Big Funchy alt.fan.bill-bell No description. alt.fan.bill-clinton The man of the century! alt.fan.bill-gates Fans of the original micro-softie. alt.fan.bill-nye The Science Guy. alt.fan.bill.cheek No description. alt.fan.billie-piper No description. alt.fan.billy-idol A newsgroup for Billy Idol fans. alt.fan.billy.gilman No description. alt.fan.billynose For fans of the great B!lly alt.fan.binaries.pictures.plaatjes No description. alt.fan.binaries.theadultchannel No description. alt.fan.bjork No description. alt.fan.blabla No description. alt.fan.blackskull No description. alt.fan.blade-runner The movie Blade Runner. alt.fan.blair-witch Discussion of the Blair Witch Project alt.fan.blakes-7 No description. alt.fan.blessid-union No description. alt.fan.bloemkool No description. alt.fan.blues-brothers Jake & Elwood ride again! alt.fan.bob No description. alt.fan.bob-abraham Discussing the World-Famous Photographer alt.fan.bob-dole Finally, someone who makes Al Gore look lively. alt.fan.bob-jensen Uncensored discussion about Bob Jensen alt.fan.bob-larson No description. alt.fan.bobby-sherman No description. alt.fan.bobo No description. alt.fan.bobo-vieri No description. alt.fan.bonzo-dog The Bonzo Dog (Doo Dah) Band: Neil Innes, Viv alt.fan.brad-pitt A young actor the women seem to be crazy about. alt.fan.brad.tripp No description. alt.fan.brady-bunch brady bunch, groovy, neato, far-out alt.fan.brandon-cotton No description. alt.fan.bread.whole-wheat Discussion of whole wheat bread alt.fan.brent-gore BRENT GORE - Most famous for playing a garage band alt.fan.brent-spiner Discussion of actor Brent Spiner alt.fan.bridget No description. alt.fan.british-accent "Oooh, he just sounds soooo cool! *Giggle*!" alt.fan.british-actors Male and female actors from Great Britain. alt.fan.britney-spears No description. alt.fan.britney-spears.anal-sex newsgroup for fans wanting to have alt.fan.britney-spears.binaries No description. alt.fan.britney-spears.blow-job Britney and fellatio. alt.fan.britney-spears.boob-job Britney's implants and related matters. alt.fan.britney-spears.sex A newsgroup for fans wanting to have sex alt.fan.broken-gizmo Eep! alt.fan.brooke-shields Discussion of the actress and her work. alt.fan.brrd This is purely to piss off lorian gray alt.fan.bruce-campbell From the Evil Dead to Brisco County, Jr. alt.fan.bruce-kettler Discussion of Psychic Researcher Bruce Kettler alt.fan.bruce-willis The tv actor and star of Hollywood action alt.fan.bryan.shea Discussion group for american actor Bryan Shea alt.fan.bubba No description. alt.fan.buckaroo-banzai No matter where you go alt.fan.buddy-holly Discussion of the man and his music alt.fan.burt-kwouk No description. alt.fan.buster-n-missy No description. alt.fan.buttxxx No description. alt.fan.calista-flockhart Discussion regarding Calista Flockhart alt.fan.calvin-schenkel No description. alt.fan.cameron-diaz Discussion of actress Cameron Diaz alt.fan.camille-paglia Amy Fisher would understand. alt.fan.cappy-hamper Newsgroup for discussion of cappy hamper's fans alt.fan.capt-beefheart Some musician guy I've never heard of. alt.fan.capt-tractor a band called Captain_Tractor alt.fan.carl-johnson No description. alt.fan.carly-shea Am I cool or what? alt.fan.carmen-electra CARMEN ELECTRA - Born Tara Leigh Patrick on April alt.fan.carmen-grasso No description. alt.fan.carolyn-dawn-johnson Fan postings about Carolyn Dawn Johnson. alt.fan.cat-gonk Meeh meeh caheeh! alt.fan.cate-blanchett.binaries Pictures of actress Cate Blanchett alt.fan.cathybarry No description. alt.fan.cattlovrr No description. alt.fan.cbc.urban-peasant No description. alt.fan.cecil-adams The brother Douglas Adams never talks about. alt.fan.cfny A Toronto-area radio station. alt.fan.charles-manson No description. alt.fan.charlie.liberal No description. alt.fan.chastity No description. alt.fan.chaz.beastiality No description. alt.fan.chaz.jerry No description. alt.fan.che-guevara No description. alt.fan.checkmate Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fan.chin-slaves For fans of chin-slaves to discuss chin-slaves alt.fan.china No description. alt.fan.chloe-vevrier A place to discuss about this woman. alt.fan.chocobo No description. alt.fan.chow-yun-fat Hong Kong actor Chow Yun-Fat. alt.fan.chris-buckley No description. alt.fan.chris-cornell Facts and fantasies about the man and his music alt.fan.chris-elliott Get a Life, you Letterman flunky. alt.fan.chris-morris This is a group for fans of the comedian Chris alt.fan.chris-stokoe Fan related discussion of Chris Stokoe alt.fan.christi Fans of Christi alt.fan.christina-aguilera Discussion about singer Christina Aguilera alt.fan.christina-applegate No description. alt.fan.christy-canyon Dedicated to adult film star Christy Canyon. alt.fan.christy-turlington No description. alt.fan.cisco No description. alt.fan.claire-danes Discussion about Claire's acting career alt.fan.clara-bow No description. alt.fan.clare Kickass person of doom alt.fan.classic.movies Discussion of Top Films in any era. alt.fan.cliff.at.ihop No description. alt.fan.clint-eastwood No description. alt.fan.clintf No description. alt.fan.cock-sucking Fans of felatio. alt.fan.coco-lee Discussion of singer CoCo Lee, her life and her music alt.fan.coli2 No description. alt.fan.colleen.card.hot.hot.hot No description. alt.fan.conan-obrien Late Night with a big red pompadour. alt.fan.conlan Fanfic and fan discussion about UKSF's Conlan alt.fan.conwaysteckler For fans of comedy duo Conway & Steckler alt.fan.cooler Ventoline&co. alt.fan.coondog No description. alt.fan.cootey For fans of cootey to discuss cootey alt.fan.corey-feldman No description. alt.fan.countires.afghanistan No description. alt.fan.countires.canada No description. alt.fan.countires.england No description. alt.fan.countires.france No description. alt.fan.countires.netherlands No description. alt.fan.countires.russia No description. alt.fan.countries.afghanistan No description. alt.fan.countries.albania No description. alt.fan.countries.algeria No description. alt.fan.countries.andorra No description. alt.fan.countries.angola No description. alt.fan.countries.anguilla No description. alt.fan.countries.antigua No description. alt.fan.countries.argentina No description. alt.fan.countries.armenia No description. alt.fan.countries.aruba No description. alt.fan.countries.australia No description. alt.fan.countries.austria No description. alt.fan.countries.azerbaijan No description. alt.fan.countries.bahamas No description. alt.fan.countries.bahrain No description. alt.fan.countries.bangladesh No description. alt.fan.countries.barbados No description. alt.fan.countries.belarus No description. alt.fan.countries.belgium No description. alt.fan.countries.belize No description. alt.fan.countries.benin No description. alt.fan.countries.bermuda No description. alt.fan.countries.bhutan No description. alt.fan.countries.bolivia No description. alt.fan.countries.bosnia No description. alt.fan.countries.botswana No description. alt.fan.countries.brazil No description. alt.fan.countries.brunei No description. alt.fan.countries.bulgaria No description. alt.fan.countries.burkina-faso No description. alt.fan.countries.burma No description. alt.fan.countries.burundi No description. alt.fan.countries.cambodia No description. alt.fan.countries.cameroon No description. alt.fan.countries.canada No description. alt.fan.countries.cape-verde No description. alt.fan.countries.cayman-islands No description. alt.fan.countries.chad No description. alt.fan.countries.chile No description. alt.fan.countries.china No description. alt.fan.countries.colombia No description. alt.fan.countries.comoros No description. alt.fan.countries.congo No description. alt.fan.countries.costa-rica No description. alt.fan.countries.croatia No description. alt.fan.countries.cuba No description. alt.fan.countries.czech-republic No description. alt.fan.countries.denmark No description. alt.fan.countries.djibouti No description. alt.fan.countries.dominica No description. alt.fan.countries.dominican-republic No description. alt.fan.countries.ecuador No description. alt.fan.countries.egypt No description. alt.fan.countries.el-salvador No description. alt.fan.countries.england No description. alt.fan.countries.equatorial-guinea No description. alt.fan.countries.estonia No description. alt.fan.countries.fiji No description. alt.fan.countries.finland No description. alt.fan.countries.france No description. alt.fan.countries.gabon No description. alt.fan.countries.gambia No description. alt.fan.countries.georgia No description. alt.fan.countries.germany No description. alt.fan.countries.ghana No description. alt.fan.countries.greece No description. alt.fan.countries.grenada No description. alt.fan.countries.guadeloupe No description. alt.fan.countries.guatemala No description. alt.fan.countries.guinea No description. alt.fan.countries.guinea-bissau No description. alt.fan.countries.guyana No description. alt.fan.countries.haiti No description. alt.fan.countries.honduras No description. alt.fan.countries.hungary No description. alt.fan.countries.iceland No description. alt.fan.countries.india No description. alt.fan.countries.indonesia No description. alt.fan.countries.iran No description. alt.fan.countries.iraq No description. alt.fan.countries.ireland No description. alt.fan.countries.ireland.northern No description. alt.fan.countries.israel No description. alt.fan.countries.italy No description. alt.fan.countries.ivory-coast No description. alt.fan.countries.jamaica No description. alt.fan.countries.japan No description. alt.fan.countries.jordan No description. alt.fan.countries.kazakhstan No description. alt.fan.countries.kenya No description. alt.fan.countries.kiribati No description. alt.fan.countries.kosovo No description. alt.fan.countries.kuwait No description. alt.fan.countries.kuwaito No description. alt.fan.countries.kyrgyzstan No description. alt.fan.countries.labanon No description. alt.fan.countries.laos No description. alt.fan.countries.latvia No description. alt.fan.countries.lebanon No description. alt.fan.countries.lesotho No description. alt.fan.countries.liberia No description. alt.fan.countries.libya No description. alt.fan.countries.liechtenstein No description. alt.fan.countries.lithuania No description. alt.fan.countries.luxembourg No description. alt.fan.countries.macedonia No description. alt.fan.countries.madagascar No description. alt.fan.countries.malasia No description. alt.fan.countries.malawi No description. alt.fan.countries.malaysia No description. alt.fan.countries.maldives No description. alt.fan.countries.maldova No description. alt.fan.countries.mali No description. alt.fan.countries.malta No description. alt.fan.countries.martinique No description. alt.fan.countries.mauritania No description. alt.fan.countries.mauritius No description. alt.fan.countries.mexico No description. alt.fan.countries.moldova No description. alt.fan.countries.monaco No description. alt.fan.countries.mongolia No description. alt.fan.countries.montserrat No description. alt.fan.countries.morocco No description. alt.fan.countries.mozambique No description. alt.fan.countries.nambia No description. alt.fan.countries.nauru No description. alt.fan.countries.nepal No description. alt.fan.countries.netherlands No description. alt.fan.countries.new-zealand No description. alt.fan.countries.niger No description. alt.fan.countries.nigeria No description. alt.fan.countries.niue No description. alt.fan.countries.north-korea No description. alt.fan.countries.norway No description. alt.fan.countries.oman No description. alt.fan.countries.pakistan No description. alt.fan.countries.palau No description. alt.fan.countries.palestine No description. alt.fan.countries.panama No description. alt.fan.countries.papua-new-guinea No description. alt.fan.countries.paraguay No description. alt.fan.countries.peru No description. alt.fan.countries.phillippines No description. alt.fan.countries.portugal No description. alt.fan.countries.qatar No description. alt.fan.countries.romania No description. alt.fan.countries.russia No description. alt.fan.countries.rwanda No description. alt.fan.countries.saint-kitts No description. alt.fan.countries.saint-lucia No description. alt.fan.countries.saint-vincent No description. alt.fan.countries.san-marino No description. alt.fan.countries.saudi-arabia No description. alt.fan.countries.scotland No description. alt.fan.countries.senegal No description. alt.fan.countries.seychelles No description. alt.fan.countries.singapore No description. alt.fan.countries.slovakia No description. alt.fan.countries.slovenia No description. alt.fan.countries.south-africa No description. alt.fan.countries.south-korea No description. alt.fan.countries.spain No description. alt.fan.countries.sweden No description. alt.fan.countries.switzerland No description. alt.fan.countries.syria No description. alt.fan.countries.togo No description. alt.fan.countries.tonga No description. alt.fan.countries.tunisia No description. alt.fan.countries.turkey No description. alt.fan.countries.tuvalu No description. alt.fan.countries.uganda No description. alt.fan.countries.ukraine No description. alt.fan.countries.united-arab-emirates No description. alt.fan.countries.uruguay No description. alt.fan.countries.uzbekistan No description. alt.fan.countries.vanuatu No description. alt.fan.countries.vatican-city No description. alt.fan.countries.venezuela No description. alt.fan.countries.vietnam No description. alt.fan.countries.wales No description. alt.fan.countries.western-sahara No description. alt.fan.countries.yemen No description. alt.fan.countries.yugoslavia No description. alt.fan.countries.zaire No description. alt.fan.countries.zambia No description. alt.fan.countries.zimbabwe No description. alt.fan.courteney-cox Discussion of actress Courteney Cox alt.fan.courtney-love The Notorious Courtney Love. alt.fan.crack-the-sky No description. alt.fan.created-worlds Discussion of published SF & F worlds. alt.fan.crispin-glover Discussion of actor Crispin Glover. alt.fan.cristian-redferne Discussion of the great actor Cristian alt.fan.croats Discussion of Croatia & Croats alt.fan.cronan-thompson For fans of the now late great one alt.fan.cropcircles For fans of the online magazine www.cropcircles.com alt.fan.culo Un dito medio proteso alt.fan.culo.bjork No description. alt.fan.culo.lega No description. alt.fan.culo.max_adamo No description. alt.fan.culo.vittoriosgarbi No description. alt.fan.custard-men No description. alt.fan.cv No description. alt.fan.cyberchicken No description. alt.fan.cybill-shepherd Discussion of the actress and her work. alt.fan.cybill.shepherd No description. alt.fan.cyndi-lauper No description. alt.fan.cypher No description. alt.fan.cypher.cypher.cypher Because Rob Cypher is thrice as nice! alt.fan.cypher.owns.rec.arts.tv.mst3k.misc Rob Cypher is king of RATMM... alt.fan.d-hamilton Fans of photographer David Hamilton alt.fan.daeron *DAERON* and his corporatocracy issues alt.fan.daisy-fuentes No description. alt.fan.dame-mildred For all her devoted fans. alt.fan.dan-jimenez No description. alt.fan.dan-quayle For discussion of a past US Vice President. alt.fan.dan-scott Discussion of The Dan & Scott Show alt.fan.dan-shaolin For fans of dan to discuss dan alt.fan.danica.mckellar For fans of Danica McKellar alt.fan.danielle-fishel No description. alt.fan.danielle-myuutsu fans of Dani alt.fan.danielle.myuutsu alt.fan.danielle-myuutsu fans of Dani alt.fan.dank.strut Fans of Dankman alt.fan.dankitti No description. alt.fan.danni-ashe No description. alt.fan.dannii-minogue Discussion of media personality Dannii Minogue alt.fan.danny.gatton No description. alt.fan.daphnes-corner Because the good Doc says I can't. alt.fan.dave-foley Discussion of actor/comedian Dave Foley alt.fan.dave-taira Perhaps here he'll say something. alt.fan.dave_barry Electronic fan club for humorist Dave Barry. alt.fan.david-bowie The man who fell to earth. alt.fan.david-cassidy Conversation about David Cassidy by fans. alt.fan.david-duchovny No description. alt.fan.david-peel No description. alt.fan.david-reynolds.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk No description. alt.fan.david-reynolds.asswipe No description. alt.fan.david-reynolds.buttface No description. alt.fan.david-reynolds.fartknocker No description. alt.fan.david-reynolds.goatfucker No description. alt.fan.david-reynolds.wanker No description. alt.fan.david-starr Discussions of all things David Starr alt.fan.david.barker No description. alt.fan.david.duchovny No description. alt.fan.de-kast For fans of the Dutch group De Kast alt.fan.dean-cain No description. alt.fan.dean-erickson No description. alt.fan.dean-stark An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.advice.legal An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.alcoholism An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.alt.peeves.ex-girlfriends An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.alt.support.migraines An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.alt.support.molestation An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.alt.tasteless.childhood An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.and.laura-lemay An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.apparatus An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.bed-wetting An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.broken.arm An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.brother.insane An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.brother.loves.cats An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.canceling An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.cant.own.gun An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.cant.play.piano.anymore An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.chips-ahoy An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.comp.lang.forth An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.conspiracy An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.cripple An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.cypher Two obsessions in one! alt.fan.dean-stark.death-threats An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.diaper-play An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.enclave An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.failed.photography.class An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.fast-typist An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.fired.from.novell An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.first.girlfriend An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.flying-saucer.hard-drives An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.garret An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.glock.owner.wanna-be An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.goths An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.hearing.voices An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.high-school.dropout An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.hourly-rate An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.insanity.is.hereditary An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.killfile.artist An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.kkk.member An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.laxative-abuse An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.lying An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.many.female.friends An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.mediocrity An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.memories An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.missing-kim An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.more-for-you An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.my-gang An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.nambla-member An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.no-dad.calling.in.sick An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.no-dad.do.mom.instead An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.no-dad.ouch.stop An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.no-dad.please.dont An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.no.dates.in.five.years An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.perpetual.victim An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.poor An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.professional.unemployed.writer An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.psychotic.little.wanker An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.punkchild An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.quality.assurance An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.ranting An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.ranting.endlessly An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.restraining.order An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.retromoderator An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.rmgroup-expert An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.scsi.not.ide An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.software.tester An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.spamming An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.stalk.stalk.stalk An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.stalking.victim An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.suitcase.of.pills An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.tech-writer.bad An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.vampyres An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.viscera An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.walking-papers An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.wheezing.chevy An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.white.cockade.reject An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.worth.his.salt An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.writing An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.dean-stark.writing.poorly An obsession with Dean Stark. alt.fan.debbie.gibson Thwarter of the supervillain Tiffany. alt.fan.debi-diamond No description. alt.fan.debi.diamond No description. alt.fan.dejanews The Usenet search engine at http://www.dejanews.com. alt.fan.del.charles No description. alt.fan.demon-local.sig-wars No description. alt.fan.den-van.outen No description. alt.fan.denise-richards No description. alt.fan.dennis-miller Comedian Dennis Miller. alt.fan.depeche-mode A pop music group. alt.fan.derek.dugger For fans of derek to discuss derek alt.fan.devo Funny hats do not a band make. alt.fan.dexters-lab Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.fan.diane-witt.hair.hair.hair No description. alt.fan.dice-man 7? 11? Crap personified. alt.fan.digi For the discussion of Digi, a teletext games magazine (UK) alt.fan.digimon Digimon anime and video games. alt.fan.dima No description. alt.fan.dimitri-vulis No description. alt.fan.dirk-hine No description. alt.fan.dirk-pitt Discussion of the Dirk Pitt series by Clive Cussler. alt.fan.dirty-whores Group for fans of dirty whores like Kathy-Jo Kramer. alt.fan.disguising.godiva No description. alt.fan.disney.afternoon Disney Afternoon characters & shows. alt.fan.disney.gargoyles The Gargoyles animated series. alt.fan.dixie-chicks No description. alt.fan.dm For many fans of DM alt.fan.dmitri-vulis Fans of the indomitable Dr Vulis. alt.fan.doc-savage The Man of Bronze. alt.fan.doc-thompson No description. alt.fan.doctor.bashir.grind.thrust.drool Lustful fanboys. alt.fan.doki For fans of the bloater called doki. alt.fan.dolemite For fans of Dolemite and Blaxploitation alt.fan.dolly-buster Famous european adult movie actress. alt.fan.dominique No description. alt.fan.don-cherry No description. alt.fan.don-imus Fans of radio host Imus. alt.fan.don-n-mike Two radio guys. alt.fan.don.baker-fupa No description. alt.fan.don.no-soul.simmons Of "Amazon Women On The Moon" fame. alt.fan.donnas-nipples donna martin's nipples and their followers alt.fan.doofer-mouse No description. alt.fan.dopefish No description. alt.fan.doron-sajet fan-base for famous radio person alt.fan.doug-mackall - Dedicated to keeping the memory and the work of alt.fan.douglas-adams Author of "The Meaning of Liff", & other fine works. alt.fan.douglas-adams.forty-two the significance of the number 42 alt.fan.dpk No description. alt.fan.dr-koehler Fanclub of Dr. Robert Koehler alt.fan.dr-pepper Dr. Pepper -- Love him or hate him. alt.fan.dragonball No description. alt.fan.dragonball.us A group about the US aired dragonballz show alt.fan.dragonlance Please ignore if group exists on your site. alt.fan.dragonlance.italia No description. alt.fan.dragons People just love automobiles at Pennsic. alt.fan.dragz dragz m8 2 ne1 alt.fan.drew-barrymore Now called "alt.fan.alicia-slvrstone". alt.fan.drew-carey Comedian and TV star Drew Carey. alt.fan.drmellow A place to worship Dr. Mellow. alt.fan.dudikoff No description. alt.fan.dune Herbert's drinking buddies. alt.fan.dunkahn No description. alt.fan.e-t-b The ever exotic ramblings of Eli-the-Bearded. alt.fan.eaglewing No description. alt.fan.earl-curley The playground of Earl Gordon Curley alt.fan.echo-johnson No description. alt.fan.ed-conrad No description. alt.fan.eddie-izzard Discussing Eddie Izzard, etc. alt.fan.eddie.slupski No description. alt.fan.eddings The works of writer David Eddings. alt.fan.eddings.creative No description. alt.fan.eddings.erotica No description. alt.fan.edge102 Discussion about radio station Edge102, Toronto alt.fan.edward-furlong The Edward Furlong Discussion group alt.fan.edward.furlong No description. alt.fan.eiffel65 No description. alt.fan.elchupacabra ees the goatsucker! the goatsucker! alt.fan.elevator No description. alt.fan.elite Maker of Supermodels. alt.fan.elite.project For discussing "The Elite Project" alt.fan.ellen.steketee No description. alt.fan.elrond.di.it-fan-culo No description. alt.fan.elton-john The music and antics of Elton John. alt.fan.elvis-costello Fans of the singer Elvis Costello. alt.fan.elvis-presley The late, great Elvis the Pelvis. alt.fan.emma-bunton No description. alt.fan.emmanuelle-beart No description. alt.fan.emmett-gulley No description. alt.fan.emo.philips No description. alt.fan.empee For fans of empee to discuss empee alt.fan.enya Use alt.music.enya instead. alt.fan.eric-and-dylan Fun-loving Columbine highschool rampagers. alt.fan.eric-cantona No description. alt.fan.erik No description. alt.fan.erik-mouse Discussion group for Erik Mouse fans alt.fan.erik.max.francis.is.mc2 No description. alt.fan.errol-flynn No description. alt.fan.esmeralda No description. alt.fan.eugene.novikov No description. alt.fan.eva-habermann Discussion related to the actress Eva Habermann alt.fan.eva-ionesco.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.fan.exotic-weapons No description. alt.fan.f-e-o No description. alt.fan.fabdisbabe The Fabulous Disney Babe desparately needs an alt.fan.fabienne No description. alt.fan.fairuza-balk No description. alt.fan.faith.hill No description. alt.fan.fan No description. alt.fan.father.flannigan No description. alt.fan.felix-p-thomas Felix P. Thomas; the man, the myth, the beets! alt.fan.femus No description. alt.fan.fenrir Aldert, kan je de HP OpenSunBlock even doorgeven? alt.fan.fica No description. alt.fan.figment No description. alt.fan.finnish.booty.shakers No description. alt.fan.fiona-apple No description. alt.fan.firked For fans of firked to discuss firked alt.fan.flat-eric No description. alt.fan.flintstone.fred No description. alt.fan.flippy No description. alt.fan.fog Blah blah blah alt.fan.foobar No description. alt.fan.frank-dimant Bnai-Brith Kike and Asshole. alt.fan.frank-sinatra The Music and the Man. alt.fan.frank-zappa Is that a Sears poncho? alt.fan.frank.mccoy No description. alt.fan.fransbauer No description. alt.fan.fratellibros news, dates and discussions about The Fratelli Brothers alt.fan.fred-perry A discussion base for Fred Perry's work alt.fan.fucking No description. alt.fan.fucking-pigs No description. alt.fan.fucking.chickens.whilst.wearing.rubber.knickers Intellegent Discussion alt.fan.fucko.the .clown Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.fan.fugs No description. alt.fan.funky.buttlovin No description. alt.fan.funny.man This is group is for lovers of me. alt.fan.furry Fans of funny animals, ala Steve Gallacci's book. alt.fan.furry.adult No description. alt.fan.furry.bleachers A place to relax and watch the show. alt.fan.furry.fleas You suck! Bite me! alt.fan.furry.moderated Peter DaSilva's private dictatorship (Moderated) alt.fan.furry.muck FurryMUCK and other anthropomorphic MU*s. alt.fan.furry.politics The politics of fandom. alt.fan.furry.sny-windstrup One heck of a furry artist. alt.fan.g-gordon-liddy Crime does pay, or we wouldn't have so much of it. alt.fan.gabbi-glickman Immortality at last!!!! alt.fan.gail-porter Fan newsgroup for the Scottish kids TV presenter. alt.fan.games.chrono-trigger No description. alt.fan.garrynewman fans of GaRRyNewman alt.fan.gary.johnson.control-freak No description. alt.fan.gary.spell gary gary gary gary gary alt.fan.gburnore A better place for Gary's fan mail alt.fan.geezer-seeger No description. alt.fan.gene-poole No description. alt.fan.gene-scott Some TV preacher and horsebreeder. alt.fan.geoduder GEODUDER WILL DESTROY YOU alt.fan.geoduder.rob-cypher.rip-off You know it's true! alt.fan.geoff.miller No description. alt.fan.george-clooney No description. alt.fan.george-kennedy Discussions of George Kennedy and his life alt.fan.george-maharis For fans of the actor/singer. alt.fan.george-michael A forum for George Michael fans alt.fan.george-reeves No description. alt.fan.geri-halliwell No description. alt.fan.ggkay No description. alt.fan.gill-anderson Discussions about the actress Gillian Anderson alt.fan.ginger-lynn Anything and everything Ginger! alt.fan.gloria-estefan No description. alt.fan.gloriamundi No description. alt.fan.gnarled-gnu-direct Fans of Gnarled Gnu alt.fan.goat No description. alt.fan.godzilla King of the Monsters! alt.fan.goons Careful Neddy, it's that dastardly Moriarty again. alt.fan.gordun No description. alt.fan.grady-ward Moby Lexicons and the pursuit of Scientology. alt.fan.grand-vizier for all your Grand Viziering needs alt.fan.grande-toro No description. alt.fan.graveyard No description. alt.fan.greaseman Fans of Doug Tracht, the DJ. alt.fan.greg-kinnear The host of "TalkSoup" on the E! Entertainment Channel. alt.fan.greg-procter Fans of Greg Procter, Kiwi alt.fan.greg_gardner Greg 'Jobuki' Gardner alt.fan.gregorsamsa No description. alt.fan.gryn Fans of Gryn unite in admiration and worship of the Welsh Wonder alt.fan.guk-dukat No description. alt.fan.gul-dukat No description. alt.fan.guusje The Official Guusje Fanclub (#DigiStad) alt.fan.guybrush-the-troll I'm selling these fine leather jackets.. alt.fan.gwyn-paltrow Discussion of Gwyneth Paltrow and her work alt.fan.habanec Related to the famous habanec or anyone with the same surname.. alt.fan.hall-and-oates Discussion group for the pop rock duo Hall and Oates. alt.fan.hannigan No description. alt.fan.hanson Hanson brothers information and discussion alt.fan.hanson.die.die.die Chit-chat about those loveable hanson chicks! alt.fan.hanson.discussion Intelligent topical discussion about Hanson. alt.fan.hanson.www-hansonfans-org No description. alt.fan.happyvic No description. alt.fan.harlan-ellison For the discussion of the works of Harlan Ellison. alt.fan.harrison-ford From Blade Runner to Indian Jones to Clancy stories. alt.fan.harry-potter No description. alt.fan.havawanks.downfall Another anti-DH group alt.fan.hawaii-five-o Book 'em, Dano. alt.fan.haye-lau No description. alt.fan.head-librarian Love them horn rimmed glasses, baby. alt.fan.headkase No description. alt.fan.heather-donahue Actress Heather Donahue alt.fan.heather-graham No description. alt.fan.heavy-metal Let's take a ride, ride on heavy metal! alt.fan.hedgehog For discussion of hedgehogs and thier fandom. alt.fan.heinlein Fans of SF author Robert Heinlein grok this group. alt.fan.helen-hunt No description. alt.fan.helen-sewell Helen Sewell fan group alt.fan.hello-kitty I have no damn mouth! alt.fan.heman-shera A newsgroup for He-Man and She-Ra fans. alt.fan.henry-rollins Fans of the Henry Rollins Band. Mother! alt.fan.hipcrime alt.fan.HIPCRIME alt.fan.hofstadter Douglas Hofstadter and Godel, Escher, Bach. alt.fan.holmes Elementary, my dear Watson. Like he ever said that. alt.fan.horrorcomix No description. alt.fan.howard-stern Fans of the abrasive radio & TV personality. alt.fan.howard-stern.fartman The movie, "The Adventures of Fartman." alt.fan.howard-stern.humor.suffering Delight in the pain of others alt.fan.howard-stern.jew.jew.jew Tripartite celebration of Howie Stern's alt.fan.howard-stern.kip-kinkel.lovetoy Howie and Kipland, sittin' in a alt.fan.howard-stern.subtle-racism Let's talk about how Howard hates alt.fan.hudson-leick No description. alt.fan.hydrocodone I love this prescription narcotic! alt.fan.icarus No description. alt.fan.icky-shuffle Whatever happened to Icky Woods? alt.fan.icy-hotpoison No description. alt.fan.il.maestro.re.del.bakkaglio No description. alt.fan.isla-fisher No description. alt.fan.italian.anime.dragonball Dragonball Japanese Manga/Anime alt.fan.ivan No description. alt.fan.ivor-cutler Jammy Smears, Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, etc. alt.fan.jackie-jokeman Discussion and jokes pertaining to Jackie the alt.fan.jackie-tokeman No description. alt.fan.jacqie No description. alt.fan.jacque.merde Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fan.jai-maharaj A contributor to alt.astrology and soc.culture.indian. alt.fan.james-bond On his Majesty's Secret Service (& secret linen too). alt.fan.james-clavell No description. alt.fan.james-fearon.14-years-old No description. alt.fan.james-koput.net-god No description. alt.fan.james-rothaar No description. alt.fan.james-worthington We want to pull your hair, James! alt.fan.jammo No description. alt.fan.jan a jan for everyone! alt.fan.jane-krankowski No description. alt.fan.janet-jackson A newsgroup for fans of Janet Jackson. alt.fan.janis No description. alt.fan.jason-currell VCN Big Brother wannabe alt.fan.jason-miller No description. alt.fan.jason.black No description. alt.fan.jay-denebeim discussion of usenet's most prominent mad alt.fan.jay-leno Fans of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. alt.fan.jay.denebeim No description. alt.fan.jean-auel No description. alt.fan.jean-harlow No description. alt.fan.jean_auel Prehistoric fiction author Jean M. Auel. alt.fan.jeff-goldblum for discussion of the actor alt.fan.jeff-workman More egos at work and at play. alt.fan.jeffrey-graham No description. alt.fan.jello-biafra The Dead Kennedys' lead singer. alt.fan.jen-aniston Discussing the popular "Friends" star. alt.fan.jeniffer-lopez Female POPmusic singer-Jeniffer Lopez alt.fan.jenni.goddess.goddess.goddess No description. alt.fan.jennicam No description. alt.fan.jennifer-lopez for the discussion of Jennifer Lopez. alt.fan.jennifer-love-hewitt No description. alt.fan.jenny-mccarthy Playmate & sitcom starlet. alt.fan.jeremy-reimer No description. alt.fan.jeri-ryan No description. alt.fan.jerkcity No description. alt.fan.jerky-boys Phone Pranks 'r' Us. alt.fan.jerry-howe No description. alt.fan.jerry-springer No description. alt.fan.jesse.ventura No description. alt.fan.jesse.ventura.gov No description. alt.fan.jessica-alba No description. alt.fan.jessica-folcker No description. alt.fan.jesus-christ Israel in 4 BC had no mass communication. alt.fan.jet No description. alt.fan.jethro-tull No description. alt.fan.jewel Discussion of Jewel Kilcher's music, poetry and performances alt.fan.jguinea-pigs.osiris-jr No description. alt.fan.jhammond No description. alt.fan.jigglypuff Because it can sing a nice song. alt.fan.jim-carrey Wild and wacky comedian Jame Carrey. alt.fan.jim-carroll Forum to discuss the poetry, prose and music of alt.fan.jim-dove No description. alt.fan.jim-rome For the discussion of the 'Huge One'. alt.fan.jim-rose A circus sideshow performer. alt.fan.jim-ryan.the.inept.stalker No description. alt.fan.jim.dove He's a super star! alt.fan.jimi-hendrix Fans of the late-great guitarist, Jimi Hendrix. alt.fan.jimmy-buffett A white sports coat and a pink crustacean. alt.fan.jiro No description. alt.fan.jismro No description. alt.fan.jmallett No description. alt.fan.jmjarre No description. alt.fan.joe-crummey Use alt.fan.joe-crummy instead. alt.fan.joe-crummy Use alt.fan.joe-crummey instead. alt.fan.joe-satriani Guitarist Joe Satriani alt.fan.joel-furr Joel, or Jay, Furr. alt.fan.joey-deacon No description. alt.fan.john-cusack A newsgroup for fans of actor John Cusack. alt.fan.john-d That's what your mom said...the last time I fucked her. alt.fan.john-denver Please, take him home to the place where he belongs. alt.fan.john-edward No description. alt.fan.john-gary online discussions for John Gary Fans alt.fan.john-norquist No description. alt.fan.john-travolta a news group for fans of John Travolta. alt.fan.john-turmel No description. alt.fan.john-winston The future people speak. alt.fan.john-woo No description. alt.fan.john.mackey No description. alt.fan.johnny-depp A newsgroup to discuss the work of Johnny Depp alt.fan.johnny-winter Discussions concerning the greatest white blues guitarist. alt.fan.johnwolfe Discussion by, with, and concerning popular Usenet alt.fan.jon-nadelberg Nadelberg is the king of alt.fan.josef-mengele Fans of the infamous "Angel of Death" and his alt.fan.joseph-holl No description. alt.fan.joseph-joyce No description. alt.fan.joshua-kramer No description. alt.fan.jph Discussion group on Jonathan Horniblow alt.fan.juli-ashton No description. alt.fan.julia-hayes No description. alt.fan.julia-stiles A discussion area for fans of Julia Stiles. alt.fan.julian.macassey No description. alt.fan.julius For fans of this particular man and all other Julius-es alt.fan.kake.nice-boots To talk about kakes nice boots alt.fan.karenmcdougal No description. alt.fan.karl-malden.cypher Will it work? Who the hell knows? alt.fan.karl-malden.kidneys No description. alt.fan.karl-malden.nose Forget the rest of him, ya gotta love the nose. alt.fan.karl-malden.nose.agff Keep it in your pants. alt.fan.karl-malden.nose.fan.karl-malden.nose No description. alt.fan.karla-homolka Why are there so few hot, exhibitionist, S&M women? alt.fan.kate No description. alt.fan.kate-moss Anything about Kate Moss, famous waifish model. alt.fan.kate-winslet Discussion relating to actress Kate Winslet alt.fan.katerena.eiermann The Huntress and her pursuits alt.fan.katherine-harris For dfans of the Fla. Secretary of State etc. alt.fan.kathy-jo Fans of Kathy-Jo Kramer. alt.fan.katie-holmes katie holmes fan group by rex alt.fan.katie-holmes.binaries No description. alt.fan.katzwinkel.com No description. alt.fan.kay-dekker I'm not a tart, I'm not I'm not I'm not! alt.fan.kd-lang Newsgroup for the artist k.d. lang. alt.fan.keanu-reeves People who love Keanu Reeves, in all his blandness. alt.fan.keanu-reeves.moderated Keanu Reeves, his fans, and their fans alt.fan.keatonfox No description. alt.fan.kellie-martin No description. alt.fan.kerri-kendall A forum for discussion of the model's career by fans alt.fan.kevin-gilbert No description. alt.fan.kevin-lyons Blah blah blah alt.fan.kevin-spacey No description. alt.fan.kevin-tom.slackers No description. alt.fan.kia-mennie For the sycophantic hordes. alt.fan.kid-rock No description. alt.fan.kieran-snyder Discussion of Kieran Snyder's life and work. alt.fan.kim-bach.cheater No description. alt.fan.kim-bach.depraved No description. alt.fan.kim-bach.forger No description. alt.fan.kim-bach.slut.slut.slut No description. alt.fan.kim-stanley-robinson The works of Kim Stanley Robinson. alt.fan.kimberlie-hanson Beautiful, bratty, wild & wacky VJ & stripper alt.fan.kingnorris alt.fan.kingnoris For fans of Fred Norris and his band, King Norris alt.fan.kinks Come Dancing. alt.fan.kipland-kinkel Springfield must die in the early morning. alt.fan.kipland-kinkel.shootist Yeah! Get them innocent pimple-faced alt.fan.kirin-landsgaard She's so unusual. alt.fan.kirsten-dunst For fans of Kirsten Dunst alt.fan.kit-is-god A place to discuss the godliness of Kit alt.fan.kournikova Anna Kournikova, Russian Tennis Star alt.fan.kristiina.johansson No description. alt.fan.kroq LA radio station KROQ, FM 106.7. Great monster name. alt.fan.krystal No description. alt.fan.krzos No description. alt.fan.kubrick No description. alt.fan.kurt-busiek For fans of Kurt Busieks works alt.fan.la-femme.nikita No description. alt.fan.la-radio No description. alt.fan.labin No description. alt.fan.labu No description. alt.fan.lacey-chabert No description. alt.fan.lakshmi No description. alt.fan.landmark What is The Forum ? alt.fan.landrover No description. alt.fan.lara-croft No description. alt.fan.larisa-oleynik No description. alt.fan.laura-hall Fan Group For Laura Hall alt.fan.laura-harris No description. alt.fan.laura-love Cats are people too. alt.fan.laurie.anderson Will it be a music concert or a lecture this time? alt.fan.lava.lamps No description. alt.fan.laz No description. alt.fan.lea-thompson Discussion of the actress and her work. alt.fan.leeza-gibbons NG dedicated to the day-time talk-show host. alt.fan.lemurs Little critters with BIG eyes. alt.fan.leo-dicaprio Discussion of legendary young actor Leonardo DiCaprio alt.fan.leonardo-serni No description. alt.fan.letter.a No description. alt.fan.letter.b No description. alt.fan.letter.c No description. alt.fan.letter.d No description. alt.fan.letter.e No description. alt.fan.letter.f No description. alt.fan.letter.g No description. alt.fan.letter.h No description. alt.fan.letter.i No description. alt.fan.letter.j No description. alt.fan.letter.k No description. alt.fan.letter.l No description. alt.fan.letter.m No description. alt.fan.letter.n No description. alt.fan.letter.o No description. alt.fan.letter.p No description. alt.fan.letter.q No description. alt.fan.letter.r No description. alt.fan.letter.s No description. alt.fan.letter.t No description. alt.fan.letter.u No description. alt.fan.letter.v No description. alt.fan.letter.w No description. alt.fan.letter.x No description. alt.fan.letter.y No description. alt.fan.letter.z No description. alt.fan.letterman One of the top 10 reasons to get the alt groups. alt.fan.letterman.top-ten Top Ten lists from the Letterman show. (Moderated) alt.fan.linda-hamilton No description. alt.fan.lindsay-hamm A newsgroup to discuss Lindsay Hamm alt.fan.lion-king Discussion of Disney's "The Lion King". alt.fan.lisa-boyle No description. alt.fan.lisa-kudrow No description. alt.fan.listener For fans of listener to discuss listener alt.fan.lite No description. alt.fan.little-puff-puff Shout and be heard. alt.fan.liv-tyler No description. alt.fan.liz-phair No description. alt.fan.lizard-king No description. alt.fan.lorian A NG devoted to manhater Lorian Gray alt.fan.louise No description. alt.fan.louise-brooks No description. alt.fan.loveline Radio & television show, Adam Carolla & Dr. Drew. alt.fan.ltte Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam alt.fan.lucy-liu Asian/american actress, tv and film star. alt.fan.lupin No description. alt.fan.lyle-gardiner VCN Enforcer wannabe (idiot) alt.fan.lynrd For fans of lynrd to discuss lynrd alt.fan.m.d.adamcurzon No description. alt.fan.m.d.davedowns No description. alt.fan.mac-wisler uno mas alt.fan.machnhead No description. alt.fan.macross Macross anime alt.fan.mad-rmgroupers No description. alt.fan.madonna Nice tits, eh... And how about that puppy? alt.fan.madredeus No description. alt.fan.major.kira.pant.pant.pant Fanboys fall for female. alt.fan.mandy-patinkin No description. alt.fan.manfredmann No description. alt.fan.mangoat No description. alt.fan.mara No description. alt.fan.marc-anthony No description. alt.fan.marcgregoire No description. alt.fan.marcia-clark No one would know her, but she prosecutes O.J. Simpson. alt.fan.marco-ditri No description. alt.fan.marcus-yu Armageddon is coming!!! alt.fan.marieke For Marieke fans only! alt.fan.marijane-blaine No description. alt.fan.mark-brian Discussion of the Mark & Brian radio program. alt.fan.mark-falzmann No description. alt.fan.mark-harrison Discussing the Charming Mark Harrison alt.fan.marloes.and.rene No description. alt.fan.martin-amis "The English Language's Best!" alt.fan.martin-donovan For discussion of actor Martin Donovan. alt.fan.marty.the.gay.pigboy No description. alt.fan.marv-albert No description. alt.fan.marys-danish No description. alt.fan.matchbox20 No description. alt.fan.mauro.da-spinea No description. alt.fan.mduell No description. alt.fan.meat-plow No description. alt.fan.meg-ryan For the general discussion of Meg Ryan and all her work. alt.fan.megahal HAL IS SMARTER. BEABLE? alt.fan.mel-brooks Comedic great Mel Brooks. alt.fan.melanie-brown No description. alt.fan.melinda.messenger No description. alt.fan.melissa-j-hart No description. alt.fan.melissa-paro No description. alt.fan.melody-perkins The Pink Galaxy Ranger alt.fan.mentski No description. alt.fan.mercaturnet Discussion and admiration (worship, if you will) of mercatur, www.mercatur.net alt.fan.metal People who like that loud heavy metal and death metal alt.fan.metal.burzum Fans of the music of Count Grishnack. alt.fan.metal.demilich Fans of obscure Finnish avantgarde metal group alt.fan.metal.graveland Fans of transcendental black metal epic's from alt.fan.metal.monstrosity Fans of death metal band MONSTROSITY from alt.fan.metal.suffocation Fans of the master originators from NYC. alt.fan.mich-pfeiffer No description. alt.fan.michael-ball No description. alt.fan.michael-biehn Discussing the actor Michael Biehn. alt.fan.michael-bolton Fear for his bad hair days. alt.fan.michael-owen No description. alt.fan.michaela.strachan British children's TV presenter. alt.fan.michelle No description. alt.fan.michelle-williams for the discussion of Michelle Williams. alt.fan.mijke-van-wijk No description. alt.fan.mike-bullard Star of Open Mike With Mike Bullard alt.fan.mike-jittlov Electronic fan club for animator Mike Jittlov. alt.fan.mike-myers For fans of the star of Austin Powers and Wayne's World alt.fan.mike.dumas-is-an-asshole No description. alt.fan.mikeh No description. alt.fan.milla-jovovich No description. alt.fan.milosevic No description. alt.fan.mira-furlan Actress Mira Furlan (Delenn in Babylon 5) alt.fan.miriam-gonzalez For discussion and pictures of March alt.fan.miss-manners No description. alt.fan.mk-flynn For fans of MSNBC's Mary Kathleen Flynn alt.fan.moesart2000 No description. alt.fan.mogul No description. alt.fan.momus No description. alt.fan.monica-potter No description. alt.fan.monkeylove for discussion regarding primates alt.fan.monkeylove.rikijo No description. alt.fan.monty-python Electronic fan club for those wacky Brits. alt.fan.morganna.queen.of.the.damned No description. alt.fan.morpheus No description. alt.fan.morpheus.hunter No description. alt.fan.mousehead No description. alt.fan.movie.willy-wonka No description. alt.fan.moxy.fruvous angelm@rpi.edu's favorite music group, moxy fruvous. alt.fan.mozilla Discussions of Netscape's WWW browser Mozilla. alt.fan.mr-biffo No description. alt.fan.mr-kabc No description. alt.fan.mr-kfi Fans of the "dopest, freshest homeboy" on KFI. alt.fan.mr.oizo No description. alt.fan.mr.tribe A vanity froup for some Canadian user. alt.fan.mrclean No description. alt.fan.mrpsb For fans of SKEG's MrPSB alt.fan.mrs.tribe No description. alt.fan.mst3k I thought people hated jerks who talked in theatres. alt.fan.muchmusic Canadian answer to MTV. alt.fan.muchmusic.bill-welychka Much Music V.J. and editor Bill Welychka alt.fan.mugabe No description. alt.fan.murmurs.com Discussion of the rock band R.E.M fan site of the same alt.fan.mustafio No description. alt.fan.naked-guy Discussing Andrew Martinez - the Naked Guy at Berkeley. alt.fan.nance No description. alt.fan.nanochrist No description. alt.fan.nastassja-kinski No description. alt.fan.natalie-portman Everything about the actress Natalie Portman. alt.fan.natalieportman.binaries No description. alt.fan.natasha For fans of the wonderful AGNPer, Natasha. alt.fan.nathan.brazil The Well of Souls and all things Markovian. alt.fan.neil-gaiman No description. alt.fan.neve No description. alt.fan.newgroupers Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.fan.news-admins It's a thankless job, but worship them here. alt.fan.newsmaster-iol No description. alt.fan.newt-gingrich Conservatives return with a vengence. alt.fan.nick-humphrey For the discussion of Nick and his projects alt.fan.nick-mooney No description. alt.fan.nicki-lewis UK model and Internet Cyberfemale, Nicki Lewis. alt.fan.nicole-kidman Discussion group about the actress Nicole Kidman alt.fan.nietzsche No description. alt.fan.niina.reiju No description. alt.fan.nike No description. alt.fan.nikita-borisov Long live Nikita! alt.fan.nikki-dial No description. alt.fan.nikola-tesla Discussion of the greatest hacker of all time. alt.fan.nina-hagen No description. alt.fan.ninja No description. alt.fan.ninja-turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoons, comics, etc. alt.fan.nitallica A group devoted to Goddess nitallica alt.fan.no-doubt Discussion of the band No Doubt alt.fan.noah-wyle Fan group concerned with the work of actor Noah Wyle. alt.fan.noam-chomsky Noam Chomsky's writings and opinions. alt.fan.noodles No description. alt.fan.norm-macdonald discussion of the comedian and his works alt.fan.north-west-tonight.gordon-burns Krypton factor daddy alt.fan.north-west-tonight.stuart-flinders Flinders fan`s alt.fan.nsync No description. alt.fan.nutella No description. alt.fan.nyarth for the fans of Nyarth of the Pocket Monster series alt.fan.oingo-boingo Have you ever played ping pong in Pago Pago? alt.fan.oj-simpson Juice! Juice! Juice! alt.fan.oj-simpson.and.cypher What a combo! alt.fan.ok-soda It's not that good, it's just OK. alt.fan.okies Discussion of Okies alt.fan.oksana-bayul.small-tits People not impressed with Oksana Bayul's figure. alt.fan.oksana.bayul Another figure skater fan group. alt.fan.oldfart No description. alt.fan.oliver1 Cleaning up UseNet, one fuckwit at a time... alt.fan.olsen-twins For fans of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. alt.fan.oppy.music No description. alt.fan.orbitz Discussion of the Orbitz fruity particle beverage alt.fan.ornella-muti Discussion of the Italian actress and her work. alt.fan.oskana-bayul.small-tits No description. alt.fan.outsiders The ultimate Usenet stable. alt.fan.outspoken No description. alt.fan.pallindromes.racecar.semordnillap.naf.tla Eurkh! Ahhgg! Gaack! alt.fan.pam-anderson Playmate and Baywatch lifeguard. alt.fan.pamwatch The official group of playmate Pamela Lee's fan club. alt.fan.pandiyan No description. alt.fan.papa No description. alt.fan.pat-richardson Forum for fans of actress Patricia Richardson. alt.fan.pat-robertson No description. alt.fan.patricia Miscellaneous Patricia Nieuwendijk discussion. alt.fan.patrick-oonk Dedicated to the worship of Patrick Oonk alt.fan.patty-smyth for discussion of singer patty smyth alt.fan.patty.smyth for discussion of singer patty smyth alt.fan.paul-clapman No description. alt.fan.paul-crissy for the fans of paul crissy alt.fan.paul.bradley No description. alt.fan.paula-abdul No description. alt.fan.pauline.hanson About Pauline Hanson, heroine of Australia alt.fan.pegas No description. alt.fan.penn-n-teller The magicians Penn Jillette & Teller. alt.fan.penny-hardaway No description. alt.fan.pere-ubu No description. alt.fan.pern Anne McCaffery's SF oeuvre. alt.fan.perry-rhodan No description. alt.fan.peter-david No description. alt.fan.peter-hammill No description. alt.fan.petra-verkaik For discussion of Mrs. Petra Verkaik. alt.fan.phehm No description. alt.fan.phiberoptik Newsgroup for discussion of phiberoptik's fans alt.fan.phil-cox General Talk About The Actor Phil Cox. alt.fan.philip-dick Philip K. Dick, writer. alt.fan.philippa.forrester British children's TV presenter. alt.fan.phoebe-cates Princess Caraboo. alt.fan.pierce-brosnan Actor Pierce Brosnan and his work. alt.fan.piers Like alt.fan.piers-anthony, but for anyone named Piers. alt.fan.piers-anthony For fans of the s-f author Piers Anthony. alt.fan.piglow The true perkypig of goth and his amazing adventures alt.fan.pikachu Coolest Pokemon in existance! alt.fan.pimp No description. alt.fan.pine No description. alt.fan.pingu.marp.marp No description. alt.fan.pinkkky-butt No description. alt.fan.pirotti.prospero No description. alt.fan.pirotti.prospero.net-abuse No description. alt.fan.pizza.frankj.frankj.frankj Fun pizza alt.fan.pj-orourke P.J. O'Rourke's dramatic displays. alt.fan.plushies For those who love stuffed toy animals. alt.fan.pokebaby Pokebaby is awesome alt.fan.pokemon.pikachu Pikachu - The most popular pokemon alt.fan.pooh Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet too. alt.fan.poopie-pants No description. alt.fan.pork.and.lamb.youve.got.to.have.a.system No description. alt.fan.porkwoman Discussion by fans of Rebecca Fransway, Porkwoman alt.fan.pornstar.darrian No description. alt.fan.pornstar.janine No description. alt.fan.pornstar.shane No description. alt.fan.pornstar.xxxena Famous adult movie actress. alt.fan.potato No description. alt.fan.power-rangers Discussion of important Power Rangers facts. alt.fan.pratchett For fans of Terry Pratchett, s-f humor writer. alt.fan.pratchett.announce Announcements about pubic wigs & book signings. (Moderated) alt.fan.pratchett.bofh The Death of Lusers. alt.fan.pratchett.old-farts Where AFP's Elite Clique went. (Moderated) alt.fan.pravin.apu thank you come again alt.fan.presbyter-coxcomb No description. alt.fan.presidentissimo No description. alt.fan.prettyboy No description. alt.fan.prettyboy.sex for teen femals to talk about atractive boys alt.fan.prettyboy.spam No description. alt.fan.prince No description. alt.fan.princess No description. alt.fan.princess-diana No description. alt.fan.project-object No description. alt.fan.prozac No description. alt.fan.pst An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.fan.pst.d An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.fan.pszemol No description. alt.fan.publius Julius will be so jealous. alt.fan.punti.fa.il.servizio.civile No description. alt.fan.punti.ha.deciso.di.disertare No description. alt.fan.puntomaupunto No description. alt.fan.q Omnipotent being from either Star Trek or James Bond. alt.fan.quasar Quasar the Great alt.fan.qwert ggggggggg alt.fan.r-takahashi No description. alt.fan.rachael-l-cook No description. alt.fan.rachel-leigh-cook No description. alt.fan.rachel-perkins.bah.bah.bah life is a terminal affliction. bah. alt.fan.rachel.stanley No description. alt.fan.radioactivecat Discussion about how cool radioactive cat alt.fan.ralph.bailey For fans of ralph to discuss ralph alt.fan.ram-samudrala The War Against Intellectual Property alt.fan.randy-rhoads No description. alt.fan.randy_pepe I'm a liar, live with it. I do. alt.fan.raps No description. alt.fan.raquel-welch No description. alt.fan.raweekends Group for organizing and discussing the popular weekend Red Alert LAN parties alt.fan.rawilson A fan group for Robert Anton Wilson! alt.fan.ray-cobb No description. alt.fan.ray-taliaferro No description. alt.fan.rdm No description. alt.fan.really-big-button The Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything alt.fan.reboot No description. alt.fan.red.green Possum Lodge happenings. alt.fan.reece-shearsmith For discussion of Reece and his work alt.fan.regular-guys No description. alt.fan.remarq Our favorite CPTH acquisition. alt.fan.ren-and-stimpy For folks who couldn't find alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy. alt.fan.rene.scheffer No description. alt.fan.renee-oconnor About the actress Renee O'Connor (Gabrielle on Xena) alt.fan.riana Fans of Riana alt.fan.ricci.christina Fans of actress Christina Ricci. alt.fan.rich-conaty WQEW's The Big Broadcast and its host Rich Conaty. alt.fan.richard-gaywood No description. alt.fan.richard-hoaxland No description. alt.fan.richard-marcinko No description. alt.fan.richard-nixon Even people who are not crooks die. alt.fan.richard-silver Richard Silver, Downtown Toronto Real Estate alt.fan.ricky-martin Fan Newsgroup for Ricky Martin - Latin Pop Star alt.fan.ritchie-valens No description. alt.fan.rmimulvex No description. alt.fan.roadrunner No description. alt.fan.rob-bartlett Discussion of Rob and his perfomances alt.fan.rob-cypher If alt.fan.cypher wasn't exact enough... alt.fan.robby-rat No description. alt.fan.robert-beltran For discussion of the actor Robert Beltran alt.fan.robert-cray Robert Cray Discussion of the blues alt.fan.robert-ghostwolf discussion of the huckster robert ghostwolf alt.fan.robert-jordan Baseball's most popular minor leaguer. alt.fan.robert-speirs discussion of Robert J.N. Speirs alt.fan.robert-tilton No description. alt.fan.robert-wagner No description. alt.fan.robert.franzone for your spamming scamming pleasures alt.fan.robert.ghostwolf discussion of the huckster robert ghostwolf alt.fan.roberta.hatch No description. alt.fan.robin-williams No description. alt.fan.robotech Discussing all things relating to Robotech. alt.fan.rocki-roads Famous adult movie actress. alt.fan.rockpalast No description. alt.fan.rod-hull No description. alt.fan.rod-speed No description. alt.fan.roelf.renkema No description. alt.fan.ronald-reagan Jellybeans and all. alt.fan.ronnie-obrien No description. alt.fan.rory-mcgrath No description. alt.fan.rory-mcgrath.beard.fetish No description. alt.fan.rosalina No description. alt.fan.rosieodonnell No description. alt.fan.rosy-bindi No description. alt.fan.route No description. alt.fan.rowan-atkinson Fan discussion of the actor/comic/writer/engineer. alt.fan.roy-batty No description. alt.fan.roya discussion relating to net personality Roya alt.fan.rspwwcw No description. alt.fan.rudy-perpich No description. alt.fan.rumpole Rumpole of the Bailey. alt.fan.rush-limbaugh Derogation of others for fun and profit. alt.fan.rush-limbaugh.tv-show Rush's television programme. alt.fan.russ-hamner unmoderated discussion area alt.fan.saber No description. alt.fan.sabrina-lloyd No description. alt.fan.sabu424 No description. alt.fan.sacramento.music No description. alt.fan.sade Sade. alt.fan.sailor-moon Sailor Moon animation, manga, and merchandise. alt.fan.sally-ann.huckstepp No description. alt.fan.sallymae.hogsby No description. alt.fan.salma-hayek No description. alt.fan.salmonella No description. alt.fan.sam-raimi Fans of the talented horror/comedy movies director. alt.fan.samantha-fox For fans of the famous Page 3 Girl/pop singer. alt.fan.samanthamathis Discussion of movie star Smanatha Mathis alt.fan.samuel-johnson-iii I really like this pic because... alt.fan.sana-chan No description. alt.fan.sandi-toksvig devoted to the UK's favourite little Dane alt.fan.sandra-bullock The Speed'ing babe from Arlington VA. alt.fan.sandra-bullock.binaries Use alt.binaries.pictures.celebrities instead. alt.fan.sandy-duncan.eye-on-rmt No description. alt.fan.sara.di-scienze-politiche No description. alt.fan.sarah-m-gellar No description. alt.fan.sarah-young Famous european adult movie actress. alt.fan.sarah.jessica.parker No description. alt.fan.satan Fans of the dark one. alt.fan.sati No description. alt.fan.scarecrow No description. alt.fan.scarlette.nice.ass Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fan.schanien-graf No description. alt.fan.schlanger.sports-monster No description. alt.fan.schwarzenegger Ahrnold, MacArthur at twice the mass. alt.fan.scott-cohen Television and movie actor. alt.fan.scream No description. alt.fan.sean-obrien Sean O'Brien's free-speech case alt.fan.secret.org Communications to and from The Secret Organization alt.fan.semolina It's all good when it's hot and gooey. alt.fan.sergi No description. alt.fan.sexy-wings No description. alt.fan.shania-twain No description. alt.fan.shannen-doherty No description. alt.fan.sheldon A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.fan.sherilyn-fenn No description. alt.fan.shigeru-miyamoto A place for Shigeru Miyamoto fanatics. alt.fan.shirley-manson No description. alt.fan.shostakovich Fans of the music of Shostakovich. alt.fan.sifl-olly No description. alt.fan.sigur-ros alt.music.sigur-ros Sigur Rós, an icelandic band.. alt.fan.silentbob For fans of silentbob to discuss silentbob alt.fan.silly-pillows No description. alt.fan.silverraven No description. alt.fan.simon-nash No description. alt.fan.sinner For discussions about sinner. alt.fan.sister-pooh No description. alt.fan.skidmore.catherine No description. alt.fan.skinny Fat fetishes have no place here. alt.fan.snopes Stuff about snopes. alt.fan.snornl It's Snornl. Yee-ah. alt.fan.snowleopard No description. alt.fan.sodomy No description. alt.fan.sodomy.christian Fans of Christian Sodomy. alt.fan.sodomy.uncontrollable Fans of instinctual and uncontrolled alt.fan.soft-targets No description. alt.fan.soledad-obrien A fan group for news anchor Soledad O'Brien. alt.fan.sonic-hedgehog Sega's spinning blue hero. alt.fan.sonic-hedgehog.cypher Because Rob Cypher owns AFSH proper. alt.fan.sonic-hedgehog.sucks.sucks.sucks And how! alt.fan.sonieee for fans of sonieee and her work alt.fan.sophie-marceau No description. alt.fan.southpark.chef Discussion of Chef from South Park alt.fan.southpark.kenny.die.die.die Discussion forum relating to the alt.fan.space-ghost A cartoon revived from the 1960s. alt.fan.space-ghost.binaries No description. alt.fan.spalding-gray Actor, author, performance artist, and monologist. alt.fan.sparky No description. alt.fan.speedbump Slowing down traffic. alt.fan.spencer-soloway No description. alt.fan.spinal-tap The newsgroup that goes to 11. alt.fan.spinnwebe For fans of www.spinnwebe.com alt.fan.spooge Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.fan.staben-1999 De sju sektionernas skräck. alt.fan.stamink No description. alt.fan.stamp.collecting No description. alt.fan.starwars George Lucas's Star Wars. alt.fan.starwars.galactic-empire Fans of the Galactic Empire alt.fan.starwars.jar-jar-binks.die.die.die No description. alt.fan.starwars.jarjarbinks.die.die.die No description. alt.fan.states.alabama No description. alt.fan.states.alaska No description. alt.fan.states.arizona No description. alt.fan.states.arkansas No description. alt.fan.states.california No description. alt.fan.states.colorado No description. alt.fan.states.connecticut No description. alt.fan.states.delaware No description. alt.fan.states.florida No description. alt.fan.states.georgia No description. alt.fan.states.hawaii No description. alt.fan.states.idaho No description. alt.fan.states.illinois No description. alt.fan.states.indiana No description. alt.fan.states.iowa No description. alt.fan.states.kansas No description. alt.fan.states.kentucky No description. alt.fan.states.louisiana No description. alt.fan.states.maine No description. alt.fan.states.maryland No description. alt.fan.states.maryland.cities.cockeysville No description. alt.fan.states.massachusetts No description. alt.fan.states.michigan No description. alt.fan.states.minnesota No description. alt.fan.states.mississippi No description. alt.fan.states.missouri No description. alt.fan.states.montana No description. alt.fan.states.nebraska No description. alt.fan.states.nevada No description. alt.fan.states.new-hampshire No description. alt.fan.states.new-jersey No description. alt.fan.states.new-mexico No description. alt.fan.states.new-york No description. alt.fan.states.north-carolina No description. alt.fan.states.north-dakota No description. alt.fan.states.ohio No description. alt.fan.states.oklahoma No description. alt.fan.states.oregon No description. alt.fan.states.pennslvania No description. alt.fan.states.rhode-island No description. alt.fan.states.south-carolina No description. alt.fan.states.south-dakota No description. alt.fan.states.tennessee No description. alt.fan.states.texas No description. alt.fan.states.utah No description. alt.fan.states.vermont No description. alt.fan.states.virginia No description. alt.fan.states.washington No description. alt.fan.states.west-virginia No description. alt.fan.states.wisconsin No description. alt.fan.states.wyoming No description. alt.fan.static No description. alt.fan.steffi-graf Newsgroup for discussion of steffi graf. alt.fan.steggy No description. alt.fan.stephen-fry a place to discuss stephen fry. alt.fan.steve-williams Discussion of the Usenet user Steve Williams alt.fan.steve-winter The Rev. Steve Winter and his tactics. alt.fan.steve.gielda.cotse.rocks Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fan.steve.ward.gr8roc.records.desperate.loser No description. alt.fan.steven-britton No description. alt.fan.steven.algieri dedicated to the clothes of one of the great! alt.fan.sting See alt.sex.bestiality.with-bees. alt.fan.stonage No description. alt.fan.stonecutters Discussion of the NA novel series. alt.fan.stretchpants No description. alt.fan.strokrace The Land of Silky-Smooth Strokin'. alt.fan.stuttering-john No description. alt.fan.suckdotcom No description. alt.fan.sung-hi-lee No description. alt.fan.supermodel.alex.lundqvst No description. alt.fan.supernaut For fans (good fans, bad fans, otherwise) of Supernaut. alt.fan.supernews-filters.outbound For those who love Supernews spam alt.fan.surak That wild and crazy Vulcan. alt.fan.susan For fans of Susan alt.fan.susan-golding No description. alt.fan.susan-thunder No description. alt.fan.swear-words Expletives and other rude musings. alt.fan.sysadmin No description. alt.fan.sysero No description. alt.fan.taneli.suikkanen No description. alt.fan.tank-girl No, she doesn't make noises like a squirrel. Really. alt.fan.tankslappa For fans of tankslappa to discuss tankslappa alt.fan.tanya-mur No description. alt.fan.tarantino Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino. alt.fan.tastic For fans of tasticness. alt.fan.tazerfish Back to the fish torture alt.fan.tea-leoni All about actress Tea Leoni. alt.fan.team-rocket Blasting off again! alt.fan.teamatog hi alt.fan.ted-hudson No description. alt.fan.ted-neeley For fans of actor Ted Neeley alt.fan.teemoney.what.is.k00l Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fan.teen.idols Boys and men that teenagers worship. alt.fan.teen.idols.paul-jones No description. alt.fan.teen.idols.princewilliam Discussion of the world's coolest prince alt.fan.teen.starlets Girls and women that teenagers worship. alt.fan.televisionx.linda-leigh No description. alt.fan.televisionx.lynda-leigh No description. alt.fan.teresa-may No description. alt.fan.terhi.rama No description. alt.fan.teri-weigel Discussion of the actress Teri Weigel alt.fan.terri.disisto No description. alt.fan.terry-venables No description. alt.fan.the-bob No, not just any Bob -- _THE_ Bob. alt.fan.the-bob.goblin No description. alt.fan.the-company No description. alt.fan.the-crow No description. alt.fan.the-producer No description. alt.fan.the-saint Leslie Charteris' hero Simon Templar aka "The Saint." alt.fan.the-spelling-troll No description. alt.fan.the.clockwork.orange No description. alt.fan.the.legend.of.oliver1.the.mad.newsgrouper No description. alt.fan.theadultchannel No description. alt.fan.thebigshow "The Big Show", a syndicated radio program alt.fan.thecrow No description. alt.fan.thedavid No description. alt.fan.theo-fokkema Dedicated to lovers that lost! alt.fan.thewurm Discussion for fans of TheWurm alt.fan.thomas-conner For fans of T.C., the rap artist. alt.fan.thomas-pynchon For fan discussion and not literary analysis. alt.fan.thorntonwilder For the discussion of Thornton Wilder's Works alt.fan.throut.and.neck A game show. alt.fan.thundercats A newsgroup for fans of ThunderCats. alt.fan.thursday The Day After alt.fan.tibo No description. alt.fan.tiffany-smith For discussion amongst the fans of tiffany smith alt.fan.tigger Tigger is just as important as Pooh. alt.fan.tim-is-gay Alternative discussion about tim's gayness. alt.fan.tim-sutter No description. alt.fan.timi-isden No description. alt.fan.timothy-mcveigh American hero and freedom fighter who gave his alt.fan.timotio For fans of timotio to discuss timotio alt.fan.tito No description. alt.fan.toby-smith No description. alt.fan.toiletduk No description. alt.fan.toiya-prather No description. alt.fan.toki No description. alt.fan.tolkien Mortal Men doomed to die. alt.fan.tom-clancy Use alt.books.tom-clancy instead. alt.fan.tom-leykis Some guy. alt.fan.tom-robbins 31 flavours for readers. alt.fan.tom-snyder No description. alt.fan.tomsq No description. alt.fan.tonester No description. alt.fan.tonya-harding No description. alt.fan.tonya-harding.whack.whack.whack Someone get this chick a colorist! alt.fan.tori-amos No description. alt.fan.torok.urine-soaked-rags No description. alt.fan.toronto.maple.leafs No description. alt.fan.toto The Child-Rearing Philosophy of Dorothy Sacks alt.fan.traci-lords A teenage porn star whose trying to get respect. alt.fan.traci-poole No description. alt.fan.tractors No description. alt.fan.tradespace A newsgroup for fans of the TV meta-series TradeSpace alt.fan.travis-mcgee John D. MacDonald's hero Travis McGee. alt.fan.trenchcoat-mafia These guys kick ass! alt.fan.trinity-loren An unmoderated forum for this 80's superstar. alt.fan.tsca No description. alt.fan.tupac.dead.dead.dead He's dead. alt.fan.turboslug No description. alt.fan.tv.digimon A place for fans to talk about the TV show alt.fan.twister No description. alt.fan.u.pornpig.ass No description. alt.fan.u2 The Irish rock band U2. alt.fan.uck No description. alt.fan.uff alt.fan.UFF alt.fan.unabomber Fans of the mystical and awe-inspiring UNABOMBER. alt.fan.underley Walk away if you want to it's ok, if you need to alt.fan.unigrouper No description. alt.fan.unknownj Home of the unknownj chess society alt.fan.usandwilbur For fans of Us and Wilbur alt.fan.usenet Support for the last few Usenet fans. alt.fan.usenetserver.support No description. alt.fan.ushi.van.dijk No description. alt.fan.utb Newsgroup for discussion of the Under The Bridge clan. alt.fan.utb.bubba No description. alt.fan.utb.cappy-hamper A group for fans of utb member Cappy Hamper. FAQ alt.fan.utb.celeste A group for fans of UTB member Celeste. FAQ will be alt.fan.utb.comments.4u No description. alt.fan.utb.comments4u No description. alt.fan.utb.fijjit A group for fans of UTB member fijjit. FAQ will be kept alt.fan.utb.frogbutt A place for fans of utb member frogbutt. alt.fan.utb.joseb No description. alt.fan.utb.momolio No description. alt.fan.utb.morticia A group for fans of utb member Morticia. FAQ will be alt.fan.utb.naughty-boy A group for fans of utb member Naughty Boy. FAQ will alt.fan.utb.twitch A group for fans of UTB member Twitch. FAQ will be alt.fan.utb.wild-bill A group for fans of utb member Wild Bill. Faq will be alt.fan.ute-lemper For fans of the German singer and actress alt.fan.utena The anime Revolutionary Girl/Shoujo Kakumei Utena alt.fan.val-kilmer For discussion of Val Kilmer and his works alt.fan.van-damme No description. alt.fan.velocity.girl The band Velocity Girl. alt.fan.veronika-moser Fans of the lovable coprophage VERONIKA MOSER. alt.fan.vesa.ahonen No description. alt.fan.vic-reeves No description. alt.fan.victoria-adams No description. alt.fan.victoria-paris Dedicated to adult film star Victoria Paris alt.fan.villetti No description. alt.fan.villetti.maiuscolo No description. alt.fan.vind No description. alt.fan.vinny No description. alt.fan.vittoriosgarbi Dedicato a Vittorio Sgarbi alt.fan.voltron No description. alt.fan.vore You are what you eat. alt.fan.wacky.crackheads No description. alt.fan.warlord The War Lord of the West Preservation Fan Club. alt.fan.webgod No description. alt.fan.wedge Standing by, red 2. alt.fan.wednesday Happy, happy hump day. alt.fan.wesley-willis discussion of the man and the legend alt.fan.whitevampire No description. alt.fan.wickedsamurai No description. alt.fan.wil-wheaton No description. alt.fan.wilkinsons Anything related to the band The Wilkinsons alt.fan.will-smith No description. alt.fan.wim.stoltenberg Dedicated to the worship of Wim Stoltenberg alt.fan.wings Discussion group for all Wings fans alt.fan.winnie-the-pooh No description. alt.fan.winona-ryder Generation X's gorgeous, elfin, brainy, goddess actress. alt.fan.wodehouse Discussion of the works of humour author P.G. Wodehouse. alt.fan.women.australian No description. alt.fan.woody-allen The diminutive neurotic. alt.fan.xaonon Archive of posts made by Xaonon. alt.fan.xlock-rotor Concentrate on the two black dots. alt.fan.y2t.rocks Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fan.yardbird No description. alt.fan.yardbirds No description. alt.fan.yasmine-bleeth for everything about Yasmine Bleeth alt.fan.yati Decicated to the worship of Yati alt.fan.yazoo No description. alt.fan.yoda-agnp Because Rob Cypher was feeling charitable. alt.fan.young.celebrities.retromod A retromoderated discussion group alt.fan.youth-in-asia Fans of antU the poster alt.fan.zagadka For fans of Zagadka alt.fan.zathras "Zathras is quite mad, they say. Yes, quite mad!" alt.fan.zelong No description. alt.fan.zenwolf No description. alt.fan.zerodragon Siblings are a pain in the ass, man. alt.fan.zmienna.wiadomokto Wszystko o ZmienNa_WiadomoKim alt.fan.zobo-kolone No description. alt.fan.zobo-kolonie No description. alt.fan.zoe-ball No description. alt.fan.zoogz-rift Groovy rock star & manager of pro wrestlers. alt.fan.zsazsa No description. alt.fan.zygotes No description. alt.fandom.cons Announcements of conventions (SciFi and others). alt.fandom.dragoncon Discussion of Atlanta's Dragon*Con annual event. alt.fandom.misc General topics of fandom. alt.fans.chat2 No description. alt.fans.danhoffman Fans of the work of Dan Hoffman alt.fans.ginevra No description. alt.fans.kant.navel-gazing No description. alt.fans.maw No description. alt.fans.prof.roscio.da.ugly No description. alt.fans.tim_skirvin.die.die.die No description. alt.fans.uiuc.spank.spank.spank No description. alt.fans.vampifangs Everything realting to the world famous hacker alt.fantasy Discussion of Fantasy books, movies, shows, etc. alt.fantasy.conan People dreaming about O'Brien. alt.fantasy.er-burroughs Discussion of the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs. alt.fashion All facets of the fasion industry discussed. alt.fashion.corsetry Corsets - their construction and use. It's a cinch! alt.fashion.craig-oldfield.cheap-suit No description. alt.fashion.crossdresing Use alt.fashion.crossdressing instead. alt.fashion.crossdressing Clothes, makeup, etc. for transgendered beings. alt.fashion.crossdressing.jay-denebeim He is SO fruity! alt.fashion.men No description. alt.fashion.open A fashion newsgroup open to all. alt.fashion.petite No description. alt.fashion.tacky.polyester.leisure-suits.bert-hoff It's the 90's, man alt.fat.fucking.weirdo.scott-abraham What's in a name? alt.fat.unemployed.slob.scott-abraham This man is terrible. alt.father.is.an.ax.murderer.montgomery-wood No description. alt.favus For those people suffering from favus. alt.fax Use comp.dcom.fax instead. alt.fax.snappy-fax No description. alt.faxmail.com No description. alt.fc jLPF&0^U#<8E alt.fc.kjgf.oxhjiha.bnrs.iq.bfbd iosfadueeuuiuatio alt.fcs e8g&28W04]6V*(\A3`b0 alt.fdsqyk.f.ory.jlq.a.ow.s idhgrqieogijwhiadaea alt.february No description. alt.feedme No description. alt.felixstowe.elite alt.anglia.elite A group for meeting up with Anglia's Elite alt.feminazis For people who hate radical feminists. alt.feminism Use soc.feminism instead. alt.feminism.individualism Discussions about feminism and individualism. alt.fenphen Discussion and information regarding Fen/Phen protocols alt.ferrets No description. alt.fetish.beatrix-potter The Twisted World Of Beatrix-Potter alt.fetish.discussion.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.fetish.glasses No description. alt.fetish.long-nails.male Liking long fingernails on men alt.fetish.sit-on-my-face You know... queening/face-sitting. alt.fetish.sit-on-my-face.and-pee-in-my-mouth Ewwwwww, gross! alt.fetish.sit-on-my-face.and-poop-in-my-mouth "This is revolting!" alt.fetish.tongue No description. alt.feudalism Feudalism: A system for the FUTURE alt.fexs.w KE"Ef1Q49G alt.fff.fff No description. alt.fib .@"+K2T_(#!c@5"@\ alt.fiction.interactive Writing Collaborative Fiction alt.fiction.original Original net.fiction by Original Authors alt.fidoflame Fidonet FLAME echo reincarnated alt.fiesta-bowl.irish Multiculturalism invades the Emerald isle. alt.fifty-plus.friends For mature penpals and discussion alt.fiftyplus General topics of discussion by persons over 50. alt.filesystems.afs The Andrew Filesystem. alt.film-editing No description. alt.film-festivals FILM FESTIVALS - Where are they, when are they, what alt.film-festivals.sciff SANTA CLARITA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - alt.film-festivals.sundance SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL - Where is it, when alt.filtration.dust For the discussion of pollution control alt.final.conflict Final Conflict newsgroup alt.final.test.i.promise No description. alt.final.test.i.promise2 No description. alt.find.a.friend.for.aaron.welch Find a friend for me alt.firefighter.firetrucks UK and European fire vehicle discussion alt.firefighters No description. alt.firefighters.binaries Pix and things for the fire/rescue world alt.firefighters.mike-austin Fight them fires, Mikey! alt.fishing Use rec.outdoors.fishing instead. alt.fishing.catfish No description. alt.fishing.minnesota No description. alt.fishing.walleye No description. alt.fitness.marketplace fitness-related ads, jobs offered/wanted alt.fjapljbxlo.g.bhsp.k uyugoryhlcoojoeee alt.fkbybwbvkjo.ucwnyms uiviuoeiauwu (Moderated) alt.fkib.xvik.p.ocvxl.uivs.s.kpf slrepiul alt.flaagg.sucks.sucks.sucks Fucking Loser-Ass Aaron, Giggling Gordita. alt.flame Alternative, literate, pithy, succinct screaming. alt.flame.abcdi requested Flames from alt.binaries.cd.image alt.flame.abortion Use talk.abortion instead. alt.flame.agff I'm probably not the first to newgroup it. alt.flame.airlines Problems and complaints with the airlines. alt.flame.andrew-defaria Worship the HTML god alt.flame.baja-rat No description. alt.flame.bannerservices No description. alt.flame.bass-laffer Flame war between Robert L Bass and L Laffer alt.flame.bertrand-meyer No description. alt.flame.betsy-geffert No description. alt.flame.bon-giovanni Discussion about Bon Giovanni alt.flame.cats No description. alt.flame.chinese Fuckers breed like rats!!! alt.flame.cincinnati No description. alt.flame.dan.rusen This is purely to piss off Dan Rusen alt.flame.david-beckham.thick.english.football.player No description. alt.flame.dean-stark No description. alt.flame.dejanews Deja, The Biggest Source of USENET Abuse alt.flame.det-redwings A forum for flaming the Wings alt.flame.dr-tom.4d.vamps.acid Invasion in "4D", such as it is. alt.flame.dykes No description. alt.flame.feminazis No description. alt.flame.fine.killing.liberty flame alt.flame.football.notre-dame Flames directed towards Notre Dame football. alt.flame.frogs Expression of disdain for the French. alt.flame.fwli Less than kind words about the FWLI. alt.flame.girlfriend For the times you wish you were single. alt.flame.graham-newsham No description. alt.flame.gypsies Roaming Romas must Die!!! alt.flame.hammer Flame between Hammer and the group 'alt.config' alt.flame.hamsters No description. alt.flame.hispanics Go the fuck Home!!!! alt.flame.howard.knight Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.flame.ic No description. alt.flame.icanect.net No description. alt.flame.inner-circle No description. alt.flame.irish.republican.cunts A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.flame.james-koput No description. alt.flame.james.ngygook No description. alt.flame.james.tiberius.kirk No description. alt.flame.java Frank discussion of the Java "programming language" and alt.flame.jay-denebeim No description. alt.flame.jay-stevens No description. alt.flame.jesus.christ Looking for the Ultimate Flame in return. alt.flame.jews No description. alt.flame.john.boatright No description. alt.flame.kevin-keegan Discussion of Fulham manager Kevin Keegan alt.flame.kosovo-war An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.flame.lorian This is purely to piss off lorian gray alt.flame.macintosh "Our enemies shall talk themselves to alt.flame.macintosh.flame.todd No description. alt.flame.mandor.sawall fuck him alt.flame.michael-hirtes No description. alt.flame.montgomery-wood.churlish-bum-boil No description. alt.flame.montgomery-wood.putrid-mincing-clown No description. alt.flame.montgomery-wood.rank-and-fetid-clown No description. alt.flame.montgomery-wood.sopapheaded-buffoon No description. alt.flame.montreal.canadiens No description. alt.flame.napster No description. alt.flame.nerds.jn No description. alt.flame.net-abuse No description. alt.flame.net.illiterates No description. alt.flame.nice-people No description. alt.flame.nick-mooney a bit of a tosser, annoying everyone. alt.flame.niggers The disgustng spectacle of racial hatred. alt.flame.oldguyteck Anti-Edward Croteau alt.flame.operating-systems The great debate alt.flame.pakis Sikh and Destroy!!! alt.flame.patricia-butler No description. alt.flame.pedophiles No description. alt.flame.pizza No description. alt.flame.porn.sites No description. alt.flame.preps No description. alt.flame.psychiatry Flames against psychiatry alt.flame.quiggers.big.red.self.destruct.button Forum to flame Mikey alt.flame.rush-limbaugh The opposition's version of alt.fan.rush-limbaugh. alt.flame.sandberg No description. alt.flame.sean.wussboy.conley No description. alt.flame.serbs No description. alt.flame.spanks No description. alt.flame.spelling USENET's favourite fallacious argoomint. alt.flame.spice-girls For Spice Girl haters everywhere alt.flame.sports-suck.moderated No description. alt.flame.suburbanazis Flames against suburban America alt.flame.tachy Flame group for Cyrille Lefevre, leader of Scifi-Art.com alt.flame.tcs.die.die.die Stupid TCS, Babylon 5 at 2am? alt.flame.telemarketers No description. alt.flame.terry-hicks Usenet Troll Terry Hicks alt.flame.tim-law No description. alt.flame.tripp.snitch.snitch.snitch No description. alt.flame.tsr Debate about game publisher TSR, Inc. and the net community alt.flame.unigrouper No description. alt.flame.uunet Flames about UUNet and its members. alt.flame.wankadia Flame between Wankadia and alt.config alt.flame.whites No description. alt.flamelords No description. alt.flamelords.suck.shit No description. alt.flamenet FlameNet the Newsgroup! alt.flamenet.lame.lame.lame No description. alt.flarf.fnord No description. alt.flarf.parp No description. alt.flarf.rulez.the.net No description. alt.flashback Alternative Culture Information alt.flightsims No description. alt.flightsims.sqaudrons No description. alt.flmd.dq.xljsi.qn.fnswvkci oumxijljouiie alt.flp.xtplimzuj.mejnekn kji$dIX>YWH_(%*=): alt.fluff No description. alt.fluff.ownz.jay-denebeim No description. alt.fluffycat For fluffycat, and lovers thereof. alt.flute No description. alt.flyfishing No description. alt.flying.cows No description. alt.folklore.college Collegiate humor. alt.folklore.computer Use alt.folklore.computer or comp.society.folklore. alt.folklore.computers Stories & anecdotes about computers (some true!). alt.folklore.gemstones Stories about minerals. alt.folklore.ghost-stories Boo! alt.folklore.ghost-stories.binaries No description. alt.folklore.ghost-stories.flame-wars No description. alt.folklore.herbs Discussion of all aspects of herbs and their uses. alt.folklore.info Current urban legends and other folklore. alt.folklore.internet Internet Myths and Legends. alt.folklore.military Military-oriented 'urban legends' and folklore. alt.folklore.music Discussion of folklore surrounding music and performers. alt.folklore.peter-dubuque Dubuque of Earl. alt.folklore.science The folklore of science, not the science of folklore. alt.folklore.snuh Snuh related folklore alt.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.folklore.turban Turban Related Folklore. alt.folklore.unit Please insert folklore! alt.folklore.urban Urban legends, ala Jan Harold Brunvand. alt.folklore.urban.aghltfc Uraban Legends, AGHLTFC style! alt.folklore.urban.spank Spank alt.folklore.urban.spank.spank Spank Spank alt.folklore.urban.spank.spank.spank Spank Spank Spank alt.foo No description. alt.foo.bar No description. alt.foo.bar.qux.xyzxyz Fun for the whole family! alt.food Use rec.food.cooking instead. alt.food.asian Asian food recipes and techniques. alt.food.barbecue Barbecue, grilling and related subjects. alt.food.biltong No description. alt.food.burgerchef No description. alt.food.bw3 No description. alt.food.cajun Discussion of Cajun food, recipes and techniques alt.food.canine-feces.bert-hoff Ewwwww.... alt.food.champagne Champagne and other Sparkling Wines. alt.food.chocolate Aphrodisiac confections. alt.food.cocacola An American Classic. Buy our nostalgic art. alt.food.coffee Black gold of another sort. Colombian tea. alt.food.crackers No description. alt.food.dennys Breakfast, all day and all night. alt.food.diabetic Discussion of diabetic food plans and recipes. alt.food.fast-food Fast food restaurants. alt.food.fat-free Very low fat foods; not necessarily about weight loss. alt.food.grits Ground hominy, germless. alt.food.hamburger All about this favorite food and related issues. alt.food.ice-cream I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. alt.food.low-fat Low fat diets, food, and cooking. alt.food.mcdonalds Carl Sagan's favourite burger place. alt.food.mentos No description. alt.food.mexican alt.fan.johnwolfe A newsgroup for followers of this usenet personality alt.food.olestra No description. alt.food.olives-or-olive-oil Discussion of Olive & Olive Oil use, alt.food.pancakes Fun with flapjacks. alt.food.peeps No description. alt.food.pez Never put one on your friend's knee at a recital. alt.food.professionals Fruit of the Loom. alt.food.puke.mongrel-mind No description. alt.food.pussy No description. alt.food.ramen Cheap noodles are a lifesaver. alt.food.recipes.the.aflac.duck No description. alt.food.red-lobster For the sea food lover in you. alt.food.safety No description. alt.food.seman No description. alt.food.semen Everyone's favourite food alt.food.sushi The ancient art of preparing raw fish. alt.food.taco-bell Make a run for the border. alt.food.vegan No description. alt.food.vegan.science Academic debate on plant-based diets. alt.food.waffle-house Not just for breakfast anymore. alt.food.wine All about wine, for oeneophiles. alt.foodl.authentic-only No description. alt.fool.aaron-welch Discussion forum for flaming Aaron Welch alt.foot.fat-free Like alt.food.fat-free, but for foot fetishists. alt.ford.falcon No description. alt.foreplay The alt.sex groups probably have useful tips about this. alt.forestry Discussion of forestry related subjects. alt.forsale Use misc.forsale.misc instead. alt.forsale.children No description. alt.forsale.grandjunction Items for sale and wanted in Grand Junction, CO. alt.forsale.nutrition Dietary items for sale and wanted. alt.forsale.spam Trading in Hormel's wares. (Moderated) alt.fozzybear.wokka.wokka.wokka No description. alt.fpr.mc.w Vd*R6TbjDY\L9PhJPO alt.fqe.si uueuueauxweet alt.fqwi.fi.m.rcyw.gccrbcswrh.x.cxd.ibu xurkafiruivoreik alt.fr.calva No description. alt.fr.calva.info No description. alt.fr.comp.securite No description. alt.fractal-design.painter Fractal Design's "Natural Media" painting. alt.fractals Use sci.fractals instead. alt.fractals.pictures No description. alt.france Discussion of the newsgroup alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk. alt.france.homos.pratiques Vécu homo, conseils sur les pratiques homosexuelles. alt.france.homos.rencontres Petites Annonces de rencontres pour homosexuels. alt.franco.sexe.rencontre No description. alt.francosexe.pictures No description. alt.francosexe.rencontre No description. alt.frank.magazine Great Canadian political satire. alt.frank.sanders.is.a.woman.beater Just ask his ex-SOs... alt.frankv No description. alt.fraternity.sorority Discussions of fraternity/sorority life and issues. alt.fraud fraud and it's effect on society alt.freaks Rick James, we love you! alt.free.jamjar Dedicated to the campaign for the freedom of JamJar alt.free.men No description. alt.free.newsservers Talk about free (open) news servers alt.free.nntp Discussions of Free NNTP Servers alt.free.party-lines No description. alt.free.proxies No description. alt.free.proxyservers Talk about free (open) proxy servers alt.free.unix-shell-accounts No description. alt.freedom No description. alt.freedom.jbpe for all jbpe users alt.freedom.jbpe.d No description. alt.freedom.jbpe.gam No description. alt.freedom.jbpe.i-colla for i-colla fan alt.freedom.jbpe.sm No description. alt.freedom.jbpel for all jbpel users alt.freedom.jbpel-s for jbpel-s users alt.freedom.of.alt No description. alt.freedom.of.information.act All about the FOIA. alt.freedom.of.speech.moderated No description. alt.freedomain.discuss No description. alt.freedomain.registry No description. alt.freemasonry Someone will build my basement for free? Cool. alt.freenet Free access to computer networks. alt.freespeech No description. alt.freewebhosting No description. alt.freewebhosting.support No description. alt.fresh.steamy.dog-turds.jay-denebeim He's gross! alt.friday No description. alt.friend.emoji No description. alt.frisco No description. alt.fritz-the-cat No description. alt.frogbutt No description. alt.frogbutt.for.president No description. alt.frogbutt.newgroup.announce No description. alt.frogbutt.newgroup.requests No description. alt.frogbutt.rmgroup.requests No description. alt.fruits.apples No description. alt.fruits.bananas No description. alt.fruits.oranges No description. alt.fruits.pears No description. alt.fsjbncdoch iuurmnbtfoutqxwdoaso (Moderated) alt.ftgid ehiciaaiueaifthufw alt.ftims.is.the.best No description. alt.ftp-servers No description. alt.ftpsearch.com No description. alt.fuck The word 'fuck' and other profanity in adult conversation. alt.fuck.fuck.fuck.fuck.fuck Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.fuck.imran.up.the.ass.with.a.chainsaw To be rmgrouped by Jay D.. alt.fuck.jay-denebeim.up.the.ass.with.a.chainsaw yada, yada, yada alt.fuck.jay.t.carrigan.stamps No description. alt.fuck.klaas.hump.hump.hump Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fuck.menjy.in.the.ass Well, he said "Fuck me!". alt.fuck.niggers No description. alt.fuck.paedophile.barry-bouwsma.binariez.retromod Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fuck.racists No description. alt.fuck.the.skull.of.alan.bstard No description. alt.fuck.you.jay-denebeim No description. alt.fuck.you.suzanne.thompson.ahahahahaha Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.fuckchop Dead posts alt.fucked.alt.fan.prettyboy No description. alt.fucked.rec.gardens.roses No description. alt.fuckhead.frogbutt No description. alt.fuckhead.guy-polis.thinks.everyone.is.dmitri-vulis No description. alt.fuckhead.jay-denebeim The rmgroup-aholic alt.fuckhead.mao-tse-tung FUCK OFF AND STOP CROSSPOSTING TO TALK.BIZARRE alt.fuckhead.menjy No description. alt.fuckhead.montgomery-wood No description. alt.fuckin.rowin.mate No description. alt.fucking.moron.montgomery-wood No description. alt.fucks.donkeys.don-quichotte No description. alt.fucks.everything.madonna No description. alt.fuckwit No description. alt.fuckwit.derek.struyk This is a cmsg newgroup. alt.fuckwit.mad-hatter He really is a fuckwit. alt.fuckwits No description. alt.fuckwits.bill-sands No description. alt.fudge-packer.peter-thorpe Pete works in a chocolate factory. alt.fuhw koedeuekaiuiuuai alt.fukengruven No description. alt.fun-pizza.frankj.frankj.frankj Fun pizza alt.fun.with.luc Luc has fun and likes cheese. alt.funk-you No description. alt.funk.the.funk No description. alt.funnytown No description. alt.furniture.mid-century-modern MID-CENTURY MODERN FURNITURE - furniture alt.furniture.moroccan MOROCCAN FURNITURE - modern and period furniture of alt.future.millennium The coming of 2000 (or 2001, if you're accurate). alt.fxkgw.i.m awwblaoeekliu alt.fysh No description. alt.g-ming.connectivity.stopdying.stopdying.stopdying No description. alt.g.bbxs quaguigemcrebmi alt.g.cxuy.gc.qwv wlojxozioutmno alt.g.twm goeesesdkqiueacsyed (Moderated) alt.g.u.jg.g.yim.s @F`l27)h]8I\M+4`I47 alt.g.v.kcp.mivxv.m.k.g.t.c.ah.fa.p.u.s ypjvvwkboogooeauw alt.g.wg.vb.n.imn.j.tnwvz.of.q.rrsdg.es.me.vkpnk iemuovoeeepoiaw alt.g.z.ehr.idonn.klh.hnbs.ykckko boaibzuuuambojby (Moderated) alt.gadgetfan No description. alt.galactic-guide Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Known Galaxy Project. alt.galactically.pointless No description. alt.galaxy.smr No description. alt.gambia.linux No description. alt.gambling Use rec.gambling instead. alt.gamecube The new gameconsole from Nintendo alt.gamepoint Users of gamepoint network (http://www.gamepoint.net/). alt.games Use rec.games.misc instead. alt.games-the-sims alt.game.the-sims The Sims, a create-your-own-reality game alt.games.10six 10six gaming forum alt.games.3dfx discussion forum for all things 3dfx realted alt.games.3dfx.brother Discussion group for the 3dfx brotherhood alt.games.3dtt No description. alt.games.70sthrowback A newsgroup for the 70sthowback games clan alt.games.abandonware No description. alt.games.adnd No description. alt.games.adnd.forgotten-realms Disscussion of the Forgotten alt.games.air-warrior The Air Warrior combat computer game. alt.games.alice No description. alt.games.anarchy-online Discussion forum for the MMORPG Anarchy Online alt.games.announce.new No description. alt.games.apba discussion of games from the APBA game company alt.games.apogee A real high point in any gamer's day. alt.games.aquazone No description. alt.games.asherons-call No description. alt.games.atari Discussion about Atari arcade games alt.games.atr No description. alt.games.atr.rpg The Alternate Trek Reality showcase newsgroup. alt.games.axisandallies No description. alt.games.baldurs-gate No description. alt.games.basketball.pro.fantasy.topofthekey Create Enter comments, bug reports, complaints about the Top of the Key software alt.games.battlezone Hovertank combat sim game from Activision alt.games.bc3000ad Battlecruiser 3000AD Game Discussion. alt.games.bitmap-brothers The computer game developer. alt.games.black+white No description. alt.games.black-white Lionhead's Black & White alt.games.blackandwhite No description. alt.games.bladerunner No description. alt.games.blood For discussion of Monolith's new 3D action game BLOOD alt.games.builder.dcgames For Game Builders using DCGAMES. alt.games.carmageddon No description. alt.games.castlevania Discussion of the Castlevania videogame series alt.games.champ-man Championship Manager Series of computer games alt.games.champ-man.regs No description. alt.games.champmanonline No description. alt.games.cheats No description. alt.games.civ-call-to-power Civilization:Call to Power alt.games.civ2 Microprose Civilization II Discussion alt.games.civnet CivNet - Microprose's networked Civilization game. alt.games.clanlord No description. alt.games.classic-crpgs No description. alt.games.cm3 No description. alt.games.combat-mission A 3D war strategy computer software game. alt.games.command-n-conq Computer game Command & Conquer. alt.games.command-n-conq.red-alert Computer game Red Alert. alt.games.command.and.conquer Use alt.games.command-n-conq instead. alt.games.commandos No description. alt.games.cosmic-wimpout A dice game popular in the computer crowd. alt.games.creatures No description. alt.games.creatures.moderated Discussion of Creatures and Creatures 2 alt.games.creekys-cafe A newsgroup where players can discuss aspects alt.games.daggerfall discussion of the game "daggerfall" alt.games.daikatana The newsgroup for the highly underrated alt.games.dark-age-of-camelot Discussions about Dark Age of Camelot. alt.games.dark-colony No description. alt.games.dark-forces Discussion of Star Wars related game. alt.games.dark-reign Computer game Dark Reign alt.games.darkstone Darkstone role playing game (RPG) alt.games.dead-pools A group to discuss dead pools and how to pick your alt.games.dean-stark No description. alt.games.delta-force A forum for discussion of the game delta-force alt.games.descent Some game. alt.games.descent.flame No description. alt.games.diablo Blizzard's fantasy adventure role-playing computer game alt.games.diablo2 alt.games.diablo2.moderated The Official Diablo 2 newsgroup alt.games.diablo2.moderated No description. alt.games.diablo2.tboh No description. alt.games.dice Roll the bones. alt.games.doom A really popular PC game. alt.games.doom.announce Announcements about the PC game Doom. (Moderated) alt.games.doom.ii Ladies and Gentlemen, We are in Hell. On Earth! alt.games.doom.newplayers Helping people new to a really popular PC game. alt.games.down-economy The game Down Economy. (Moderated) alt.games.drakan Drakan: Order of the Flame help and level editting alt.games.draughts Discussion about the game of Draughts. alt.games.duke3d Duke Nukem 3D. alt.games.duke3d.binaries Binaries for Duke3D. alt.games.duke3d.editing All aspects of editing Duke Nukem 3D maps, con files etc. alt.games.dune-2000 Computer game Dune 2000 alt.games.dune-ii.virgin-games Virgin Games computer game Dune II. alt.games.dungeon-keeper Computer game Dungeon Keeper. alt.games.dungeon.keeper No description. alt.games.dur-trs-trap All issues of Durham Treasure Trap Society alt.games.dust Hints & discussion of Dust: A Tale of the Wired West. alt.games.ea.bullfrog No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.dungeon-keeper No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.gene-wars No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.high-octane No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.magic-carpet No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.populous No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.syndicate-wars No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.theme-hospital No description. alt.games.ea.bullfrog.theme-park No description. alt.games.ea.ea-studio.strike-series No description. alt.games.ea.janes.688i No description. alt.games.ea.janes.fighter-anth No description. alt.games.ea.janes.longbow No description. alt.games.ea.maxis No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.full-tilt No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.marble-drop No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-ant No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-city No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-earth No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-farm No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-golf No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-isle No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-life No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-park No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-safari No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-tower No description. alt.games.ea.maxis.sim-town No description. alt.games.ea.origin No description. alt.games.ea.origin.abuse No description. alt.games.ea.origin.bioforge No description. alt.games.ea.origin.crusader No description. alt.games.ea.origin.cybermage No description. alt.games.ea.origin.privateer No description. alt.games.ea.origin.shadowcaster No description. alt.games.ea.origin.strike-command No description. alt.games.ea.origin.system-shock No description. alt.games.ea.origin.ultima No description. alt.games.ea.origin.wing-commander No description. alt.games.ea.origin.wings-of-glory No description. alt.games.ea.square-ea No description. alt.games.ea.square-ea.brave-fencer No description. alt.games.ea.square-ea.bushido-blade No description. alt.games.ea.square-ea.final-fantasy No description. alt.games.ea.square-ea.parasite-eve No description. alt.games.ea.square-ea.xenogears No description. alt.games.ea.starflight No description. alt.games.ea.westwood No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.blade-runner No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.command-n-conq No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.dune No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.games-ppl-play No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.kyrandia No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.lands-of-lore No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.monopoly No description. alt.games.ea.westwood.tiberian-sun No description. alt.games.eamon The free, computerized FRP game system. alt.games.earth2025 No description. alt.games.elder-scrolls The computer game series The Elder Scrolls. alt.games.empire-deluxe A discussion group for Empire Deluxe. alt.games.enix caters to Dragon Quest fans alt.games.everquest No description. alt.games.everquest.binaries No description. alt.games.everquest.class-balance No description. alt.games.everquest.guilds No description. alt.games.everquest.misc No description. alt.games.everquest.quests No description. alt.games.everquest.spell-casters No description. alt.games.everquest.tips No description. alt.games.everquest.trade-skills No description. alt.games.fallout The post nuclear RPG Fallout alt.games.fighting-fantasy chat about fighting fantasy gamebooks alt.games.final-fantasy The Final Fantasy game. alt.games.final-fantasy.aeris.boo.hoo.hoo No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.aggta No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.config The AGFF Config Group alt.games.final-fantasy.cypher No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.edwynsvoice No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.fiction No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.hentai No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.inner.flame The AGFF Flame Root Group alt.games.final-fantasy.inner.troll The AGFF Troll Root Group alt.games.final-fantasy.meow No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.games.final-fantasy.music No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.outer.exchange The AGFF Newsgroup Exchange alt.games.final-fantasy.people.humor.heh The Humor of Heh alt.games.final-fantasy.pwi No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.research The AGFF Research Department alt.games.final-fantasy.rpg Storytelling in the Final Fantasy universe. alt.games.final-fantasy.tech-support No description. alt.games.final-fantasy.test The central testing service of AGFF alt.games.firaxis.alpha-centauri Discussion of the game Alpha Centauri alt.games.firaxis.gettysburg Discussion of the game Gettysburg alt.games.forsaken A place for fans of the game to discuss it. alt.games.fps-football No description. alt.games.freeciv No description. alt.games.frp.dnd-util Computer utilities for Dungeons and Dragons. alt.games.frp.gammaworld Gamma World science fiction Role-Playing Game alt.games.frp.live-action Use rec.games.frp.live-action instead. alt.games.frp.nurpg No description. alt.games.frp.verge VERGE Computer RPG Construction Kit Discussion alt.games.fucking Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.games.galileo The multiplayer internet space trading game. alt.games.gangsters No description. alt.games.gazillionaire For players of "Gazillionaire", a space-trading game. alt.games.gb The Galactic Bloodshed conquest game. alt.games.glider-pro No description. alt.games.glquake No description. alt.games.grand-prix-3 No description. alt.games.grand-prix-3.track-editing Grand Prix 3 Track Editing Help alt.games.grand-theft-auto Discussion of the game Grand Theft Auto alt.games.granturismo A group for GRan Turismo alt.games.gunman No description. alt.games.half-life A forum for discussion of the game Half-Life alt.games.half-life.counterstrike The Counterstrike mod for Half-Life alt.games.half-life.counterstrike.cheats No description. alt.games.half-life.editing No description. alt.games.half-life.modifications No description. alt.games.half-life.tfclassic Discussion of Team Fortress Classic alt.games.halo Halo is a FPS game by Bungie. alt.games.haven No description. alt.games.heavy-gear Giant robot combat sim game from Activision and Dream Pod 9 alt.games.heretic No description. alt.games.hexen No description. alt.games.homeworld The award-winning space strategy game alt.games.homm No description. alt.games.hyperiums No description. alt.games.icewind-dale No description. alt.games.ideas new computer game concepts and ideas alt.games.illuminati It's just a game, isn't it? Fnord. alt.games.interplay Discussion of Interplay games alt.games.interplay.freespace Interplay's Descent: Freespace alt.games.irps Internet RolePlaying Society newsgroup alt.games.jagged-alliance discussion of the jagged alliance games. alt.games.jedi-knight No description. alt.games.kali Using an IPX emulator for the Internet to play games. alt.games.kesmai-legends Online multiplayer game Legends of Kesmai alt.games.ki Use alt.games.killer-instinct instead. alt.games.kingpin A newsgroup for the excellent game "Kingpin - alt.games.kof A newsgroup for the NEOGEO game, King of Fighters. alt.games.lands-of-lore Westwood's gaming series discussion alt.games.lanparty.fraglan No description. alt.games.longestjourney Adventure game The Longest Journey by Funcom alt.games.lucas-arts No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.afterlife No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.battlehawks No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.day-tentacle No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.finest-hour No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.full-throttle No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.grim-fandango No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.indiana-jones No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.indiana-jones.desktop-advent No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.indiana-jones.fate-atlantis No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.indiana-jones.infernal No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.indiana-jones.last-crusade No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.loom No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.maniac-mansion No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.monkey-island No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.mortimer No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.outlaws No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.secret-weapons No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.behind-magic No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.dark-forces No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.flight-school No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.jedi-knight No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.mysteries-sith No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.rebel-assault No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.rebellion No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.rogue-squadron No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.shadows-empire No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.tie-fighter No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.x-wing No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.x-wing-vs-tie No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.star-wars.yoda-stories No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.the-dig No description. alt.games.lucas-arts.zak-mckraken No description. alt.games.lunar The console RPG series Lunar. alt.games.lynx The Atari Lynx. alt.games.mame Discussion about the M.A.M.E emulator alt.games.marathon Discussion of the Macintosh Sci-Fi game Marathon. alt.games.mdestiny No description. alt.games.mechcommander For MechCommander gamers alt.games.mechwarrior2 Activision's Second Battletech Simulator. alt.games.mechwarrior3 No description. alt.games.mechwarroir3 No description. alt.games.megaman No description. alt.games.metal-gear-solid No description. alt.games.metal-knights No description. alt.games.microprose No description. alt.games.microprose.7th-legion No description. alt.games.microprose.addict-pinball No description. alt.games.microprose.breakthru No description. alt.games.microprose.cheat-codes No description. alt.games.microprose.civilization No description. alt.games.microprose.colonization No description. alt.games.microprose.dark-earth No description. alt.games.microprose.european-air No description. alt.games.microprose.falcon No description. alt.games.microprose.final-unity No description. alt.games.microprose.fleet-defender No description. alt.games.microprose.generations No description. alt.games.microprose.grand-prix No description. alt.games.microprose.gunship No description. alt.games.microprose.klingon-honor No description. alt.games.microprose.knight-moves No description. alt.games.microprose.m1-tank No description. alt.games.microprose.master-magic No description. alt.games.microprose.master-orion No description. alt.games.microprose.mech-commander No description. alt.games.microprose.old No description. alt.games.microprose.pirates-gold No description. alt.games.microprose.playstation No description. alt.games.microprose.qwirks No description. alt.games.microprose.railroad-tyc No description. alt.games.microprose.tetris No description. alt.games.microprose.the-gathering No description. alt.games.microprose.top-gun No description. alt.games.microprose.transport-tyc No description. alt.games.microprose.ultimate-race No description. alt.games.microprose.websites No description. alt.games.microprose.worms No description. alt.games.microprose.x-com No description. alt.games.microsift No description. alt.games.microsoft No description. alt.games.microsoft.age-of-empires No description. alt.games.microsoft.age-of-kings No description. alt.games.microsoft.ants No description. alt.games.microsoft.arcade No description. alt.games.microsoft.barney No description. alt.games.microsoft.baseball-3d No description. alt.games.microsoft.bridge-too-far No description. alt.games.microsoft.cart-racing No description. alt.games.microsoft.cfs No description. alt.games.microsoft.chaos-island No description. alt.games.microsoft.cheat-codes No description. alt.games.microsoft.close-combat No description. alt.games.microsoft.combat-flight No description. alt.games.microsoft.dilbert No description. alt.games.microsoft.fighter-ace No description. alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim No description. alt.games.microsoft.flight-sim.efis98 Discussion of EFIS98 Flight alt.games.microsoft.golf No description. alt.games.microsoft.input-devices No description. alt.games.microsoft.macintosh No description. alt.games.microsoft.monster-truck No description. alt.games.microsoft.motocross-mad No description. alt.games.microsoft.neverhood No description. alt.games.microsoft.old No description. alt.games.microsoft.pinball-arcade No description. alt.games.microsoft.rise-of-rome No description. alt.games.microsoft.tanarus No description. alt.games.microsoft.urban-assault No description. alt.games.microsoft.websites No description. alt.games.microsoft.windows-ce No description. alt.games.microsoft.zone No description. alt.games.midtown-madness No description. alt.games.mk Struggling in Mortal Kombat! alt.games.mk.mk3 Mortal Kombat III. alt.games.monkey-island Lucas Arts adventure gaming series. alt.games.moo2 No description. alt.games.mordor For the discussion of the games Mordor, and Mordor 2 alt.games.mornington.crescent Use alt.games.mornington.cresent instead. alt.games.mornington.cresent You can't get there from here. alt.games.mtrek Multi-Trek, a multi-user Star Trek-like game. alt.games.mule computergame MULE by Ozark Software alt.games.myst Cyan's graphic adventure game, Myst. alt.games.myst.3exile No description. alt.games.myth Bungie's game Myth: the Fallen Lords and the service bungie.net alt.games.n64 No description. alt.games.need-for-speed Discussion of EA's Need For Speed racing games alt.games.neopets The game neopets and related discussion. alt.games.netrek.paradise Discussion of the paradise version of netrek. alt.games.nettvshows.gamasutratv No description. alt.games.nettvshows.game.time.prime.time No description. alt.games.nettvshows.gametime No description. alt.games.nettvshows.inside.the.pgl No description. alt.games.nettvshows.newsexpress No description. alt.games.nettvshows.quakecast No description. alt.games.nintendo.game+watch No description. alt.games.nintendo.pokemon The new, cool RPG! alt.games.nintendo.pokemon.anti-team-rocket Simon, Raven, Saber, et al. alt.games.nintendo.pokemon.cypher I choose you, Cypherchu! alt.games.nintendo.pokemon.gold+silver The Pokemon Gold and Silver alt.games.nintendo.pokemon.hentai For adult discussions of Pokemon. alt.games.nintendo.zelda No description. alt.games.oddworld No description. alt.games.omega The computer game Omega. alt.games.operation-flashpoint No description. alt.games.outlaws No description. alt.games.pc-calcio-7 No description. alt.games.persistent-world alt.games.persistent Discussion of Persistent world games alt.games.petz No description. alt.games.phantasy-star Discussion of SEGA's Phantasy Star series of RPG games. alt.games.ping-pong No description. alt.games.planetarion No description. alt.games.play-by-mail.quest No description. alt.games.pokemon Discussion of Nintendo's Pokemon product alt.games.pokemon.cards No description. alt.games.powervr discussion of issues relevant to powervr video cards alt.games.quake2 No description. alt.games.quake2.nl No description. alt.games.quake3 the multiplayer first person shooter from id software alt.games.quake3.whining alt.games.quake3 discussion group for whiners (a special quake3 character alt.games.quakeworld.ukcml No description. alt.games.rac-rally For players of the Europress Rac Rally PC game. alt.games.rainbow-six No description. alt.games.rainbow-six.aggression No description. alt.games.rctycoon No description. alt.games.re-volt the new RC racing simulation game by acclaim alt.games.re-volt.cars custom car discussion for re-volt alt.games.re-volt.tracks custom track discussion for re-volt alt.games.redalert Use alt.games.command-n-conq.red-alert instead. alt.games.redalert2 No description. alt.games.redbaron No description. alt.games.resident-evil Discussion of Resident Evil video game series alt.games.riddler Talk about games at http://www.riddler.com. alt.games.riven Cyan's graphic adventure game, Riven. alt.games.rpg.ix No description. (Moderated) alt.games.rpg.live-action.high-fantasy Commo. between HFS groups alt.games.rpg.quadrant No description. alt.games.rpg.startrek.quadrant alt.games.schoolboysixes No description. alt.games.screlics Discussion of Relics of Empire Old, an SC2 sequel. alt.games.sensi-soccer No description. alt.games.sf2 The video game Street Fighter 2. alt.games.shadow-warrior Discussion of 3DRealms game, Shadow Warrior. alt.games.shared-reality.fed-frontier No description. alt.games.shared-world.nexus Interactive multidimensional alt.games.shogo-mad The Quake/Unreal killer! alt.games.sierra.swat Discussions for the Sierra game SWAT. alt.games.sierra.therealm No description. alt.games.simcity General discussion for Maxis SimCity titles alt.games.simutrans No description. alt.games.sin No description. alt.games.soccer No description. alt.games.soccer.cihf No description. alt.games.sony.yaroze No description. alt.games.soul.reaver No description. alt.games.spiritwars Discussion of the SpiritWars on-line strategy game alt.games.spy-vs-spy No description. alt.games.squaresoft.chrono No description. alt.games.sshock2 No description. alt.games.star-ocean No description. alt.games.starcraft No description. alt.games.starcraft.broodwars No description. alt.games.starshield No description. alt.games.starsiege.tribes New team-based multiplayer 3D shooter alt.games.startrek.ssg No description. alt.games.stellar-civ discussion of game-related topics and creation alt.games.stunt-island Disney's Stunt Island and film reviews. alt.games.subspace No description. alt.games.system-shock-2 No description. alt.games.system-shock2 No description. alt.games.ta-kingdoms No description. alt.games.tanarus No description. alt.games.tetrinet No description. alt.games.the-sims Another Maxis spam-trap. alt.games.the-sloan No description. alt.games.the-yow No description. alt.games.thief-dark-project No description. alt.games.thol-far No description. alt.games.tiberian-sun Group for discussing the game Tiberian Sun alt.games.tolkien.rpg No description. alt.games.tombraider No description. alt.games.torg Gateway for TORG mailing list. alt.games.total-annihil discussion and info about total annihilation. alt.games.total-annihil.editing Discussion on editing Total Annihilation alt.games.treasurequest No description. alt.games.ultima-online Discussion of the Internet-based game Ultima Online. alt.games.ultima-online.norworld No description. alt.games.unidom Discussion of the game Universal Domination and others alt.games.unreal New 3D shooter "Quake Killer" alt.games.unreal.ed Editor for games using the Unreal engine alt.games.unreal.fortress For discussion of Unreal Fortress. alt.games.unreal.tournament NG dedicated to the Epic FPS game. alt.games.unreal.tournament.clans No description. alt.games.upcoming-3d Discussion and comparison of various upcoming 3-D games. alt.games.utiopia alt.games.utopia Utopia strategy war game discussion. alt.games.utopia Utopia strategy war game discussion. alt.games.v2000 group dedicated to the game V2000 alt.games.vampire.the.masquerade A World of Dark game. alt.games.vampire.tremere In-character roleplaying in the Clan Tremere. alt.games.vga-planets Discussion of Tim Wisseman's VGA Planets. alt.games.vgaplanets4 Discussing the PBEM game VGA Planets version 4 alt.games.video.classic Video games from before the mid-1980s. alt.games.video.digitiser For the discussion of Digitiser. alt.games.video.emulation No description. alt.games.video.fps No description. alt.games.video.game-boy No description. alt.games.video.historic Classic games of every variety alt.games.video.import.japanese Video games imported from Japan. alt.games.video.n64links No description. alt.games.video.nintendo-64 Topics about the Nintendo 64 alt.games.video.nintendo-64.faqs Up to date Nintendo 64 FAQ's. alt.games.video.nintendo-64.zelda.hwest discussion of zelda the nintendo game alt.games.video.nintendo.gameboy.advance A discussion group for alt.games.video.nintendo.gamecube Discussion group for gamecube alt.games.video.sega-dreamcast The Hot New Gaming Console! alt.games.video.sega-saturn Discussion and info on the Sega Saturn. alt.games.video.sega-saturn.faqs Up to date Sega Saturn FAQ's. alt.games.video.shooters Discussion of the shooter videogame genre alt.games.video.sony-playstation2 The second generation of Sony PlayStation alt.games.video.super-nintendo No description. alt.games.video.tiger.game-com the new handheld gaming system alt.games.video.xbox Microsoft Xbox, its games and hardware. alt.games.warcraft The craft of war: Orcs versus Humans. alt.games.warcraft.draenor League of draenor & multiplayer Warcraft II alt.games.wargames Computer and board wargames, and related subjects. alt.games.warlords3 will allow members to discuss the game Warlords 3 alt.games.wavecatcher discussion of all things wavecatcher alt.games.wc3 A sequel to the infamous Water Closet games. alt.games.whitewolf Discussion of WhiteWolf's line of gothic/horror RPGs. alt.games.whitewolf.mage No description. alt.games.whitewolf.rage Rage, White Wolf's trading card game. alt.games.wing-commander A flight simulation game. alt.games.wireplay discussion group about Wireplay games network alt.games.worms The Team17 arcade/strategy game Worms. alt.games.wrestling Grappling, throwing, clenching and so on. alt.games.wwf-smackdown No description. alt.games.x-com No description. alt.games.x-wing.alliance X-wing Alliance codes, strategies, alt.games.xpilot Discussion on all aspects of the X11 game Xpilot. alt.games.xtrek The networked game Xtrek. alt.gameshark.codes No description. alt.gammaforce No description. alt.gammaforce.irc No description. alt.gammaforce.warez No description. alt.gangs For discussion of street gangs alt.gangs.bloods For discussion of the Bloods street gang. alt.gap.international.chat No description. alt.gap.international.enquiries No description. alt.gap.international.sales No description. alt.gap.international.support No description. alt.garden.commando Garden Alchemy of and for home, life & spirit alt.garden.mine.is.better.than.yours No description. alt.garden.pond.chat For talk about gardening, ponding and common chat. alt.garet Newgroup privato di Garet : Matteo (PN) alt.garetjax descrizione alt.gathering.rainbow For discussing the annual Rainbow Gathering. alt.gathering.woodstock No description. alt.gave.head.to.a.moose.montgomery-wood No description. alt.gay.jt-ikazuchi No description. alt.gays.jay-denebeim Usenet's most prominent homosexual rmgrouper. alt.gaza No description. alt.gaza.strip No description. alt.gaza.strip.search No description. alt.gbbqy.kmoipsiua WY-7V0iD=hf'MWR'X2 alt.gd.c.bltcu.mwv.oeh.j.eajoydimp hHI;:icj$"/TCM#Y@Lb6"Y alt.gdkdeisqdsd leelaiwqmohfqui alt.gdz.fkv.omop uoireoxebouuqy alt.geek To fulfill an observed need. alt.geek.supremacy Discussion of geek supremacy alt.gehirn.los No description. alt.geld UIUC's very own gold-plated labyrinth. alt.genealogy Use soc.genealogy.* instead. alt.genealogy.surnames.collingridge No description. alt.genius.alan-bstard No description. alt.genius.anus No description. alt.genius.big-daddy-zeus No description. alt.genius.bill-palmer No description. (Moderated) alt.genius.bill-palmer.moderated No description. alt.genius.cuchulain No description. alt.genius.cypher No description. alt.genius.dave-ratcliffe Discussions of genius David Ratcliffe alt.genius.doom No description. alt.genius.musical.ward-hog No description. alt.genius.only-sane-man No description. alt.genius.panikovsky Free Love Advice, Goose cooking etc. alt.genius.pat-burke No description. alt.genius.rupert-hangnail unmoderated discussion area alt.genius.tom-harden No description. alt.gerbil.stuck.in.ass.jay-denebeim No description. alt.get.a.life.jay-denebeim No description. alt.gf.s.xn.t onuaexagxonob alt.ggj.z \c80d`SZN6d=9NTjX_"N (Moderated) alt.ggn.h.yxf.paove.it.pu.plynbb )YWFi"0+'JC@";fV0R<1C4H\ZO",;K? alt.gkha eueauoyaoiiaiaja alt.gkytj.g.w.zktqwmxn.x.lw.ashxkw.se.zd.z.f.lu.b UFc>e*Xh=@QbV2 alt.global-warming A discussion of the problem of global warming alt.global.chat No description. alt.global.quake No description. alt.global.quake.team-fortress No description. alt.gm hlpuaeelkioau alt.gn.p.y.o.zh aiaumaoeowdtfiojoxke (Moderated) alt.gnashing-teeth Angry sales people. alt.gnn.exodus No description. alt.gnutella No description. alt.go.go.nancy Fans of ice skater Nancy Kerrigan. alt.go.to.hell.j.a.y-d.e.n.e.b.e.i.m Why won't he give up? alt.goat No description. alt.goat.boy Remember the 80's? Rob Cypher does! alt.goat.cypher Rob Cypher likes goats and their weird, trippy eyes. alt.goats.run.from.jay-denebeim No description. alt.gobment.lones Talk about the thousand points of blight. alt.gobshite No description. alt.god on God; and God's role in the world today. alt.god.cypher Worship him. alt.god.grubor No description. alt.god.timothy.sutter No description. alt.goddess.ayla No description. alt.goddess.finkelstein No description. alt.goddess.timothy.sutter No description. alt.gods No description. alt.golf.forsale For sale/auction & commercial messages alt.good.morning Would you like coffee with that? alt.good.news A place for some news that's good news. alt.goodpaster No description. alt.goohead Dedicated to goohead's around the world alt.gossip.celeberties No description. alt.gossip.celebrities No description. alt.gossip.chs97 No description. alt.gossip.non-celebrities No description. alt.gossip.royalty Rumours plaguing the crown. alt.gothic The gothic movement: things mournful and dark. alt.gothic.announce Announcements pertaining to alt.gothic (Moderated) alt.gothic.architecture No description. alt.gothic.convergence No description. alt.gothic.culture No description. alt.gothic.cybergoth alt.gothic.cyber Techno gothic cyberculture alt.gothic.fashion Discussion on pointy boots, hair dye, and makeup tips! alt.gothic.francophone The French-speaking side of Gothness. alt.gothic.imperia No description. alt.gothic.music No description. alt.gothic.nightclubs No description. alt.gothic.nights No description. alt.gothic.parenting Discussion of Gothic and Alternative Parenting alt.gothic.pretentions No description. alt.gothic.suicide No description. alt.gourmand Recipes & cooking info. (Moderated) alt.government.abuse About governmental abuses of its power. alt.government.employees No description. alt.government.ssd-benefits.moderated No description. alt.government.ssdi-benefits No description. alt.government.ssdi-benefits.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.government.ssdi.benefits No description. alt.gqeer.m.yg.bs.oc.rcdyjgj #>`(W6d+VkZS/? alt.grad-student.tenured Professional students. alt.graffiti The writing is on the wall. alt.grant For discussion of Grant. alt.graphics Use comp.graphics.* instead. alt.graphics.bryce Discussion regarding the Bryce 3D landscape and modeling program. alt.graphics.electrogig.ex-worker No description. alt.graphics.electrogig.users For users of 3DGO software alt.graphics.gifanimation Discussion of GIF animation design, software, ideas and general information. alt.graphics.illustrator Discussion of Adobe Illustrator graphic software program. alt.graphics.mojoworld Discussion of MojoWorld software alt.graphics.photoshop No description. alt.graphics.pixutils Discussion of pixmap utilities. alt.graphics.tablet No description. alt.graphics.tablets No description. alt.graphics.truespace Discussion of the TrueSpace 3D modeling software program alt.great-lakes Discussions of the Great Lakes and adjacent places. alt.great.ass.paulina Ditch Rick for these drooling fanboys. Yah, right. alt.greece newgroup alt.greece A NG about greek users scene , help alt.greek-lawyers unmoderated discussion area for greek lawyers alt.greggy No description. alt.grelb Vanity newsgroup for net.personality Alan Bostick. alt.grep No description. alt.grok No description. alt.groppi No description. alt.groppi.die.die.die No description. alt.gsw.m.i oyooirueiobiwl alt.guernsey Alternative Discussion Regarding Guernsey, C.I. alt.guinea.pig.conspiracy Rodents are massing for the Great Rebellion. alt.guitar You axed for it, you got it. alt.guitar.amps Discussion of guitar amplifiers. alt.guitar.bass Bass guitars. alt.guitar.beginner No description. alt.guitar.effects No description. alt.guitar.lap-pedal Pedal steel guitar discussion group. alt.guitar.rickenbacker musical and technical aspects of rickenbacker guitars alt.guitar.tab Discussions about guitar tablature music. alt.guns Unmoderated Firearms alt.gx.e dbVINl43a]EkWV%371 alt.h yuuouoakipgieoqaj alt.h.fxk.wt.e.p.p.cjg.u uiqirehjuyrsjuemd (Moderated) alt.h.fy.b.q.v.cvbu U0`&KUQ+6bKI9Mi: alt.h.gjjfekpxdl.pse.fvtl.iv.zg.kcxsaqr.vd.oi.npu.n doaiames (Moderated) alt.h.gs.gtbqar.dec iieouphiu alt.h.gzzou.vx.fo.mxf.nknjd.q.l uuvuefxxfcs alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e alternative HipCrime - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activeagent alternative HipCrime's ActiveAgent alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.anti-porn No description. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin Computer administration. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.advertising Help wanted ads for news administrators. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.kooks Kooky news administrators. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining HipCrime networks. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.adoption.parenting Parents of Adopted children. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aeronautics The science of aeronautics & related technology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aeronautics.airliners How to raise prices in an oligopoly. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.agriculture HipCrime in the Dirt. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.agriculture.beekeeping European bee efficiency. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.agriculture.fruit New fruits created using monoclonal techniques. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.agriculture.jojoba Whale oil replacement technology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.answers As if anyone on alt has the answers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.anthropology Latest discoveries. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.arts.tv.rush-limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh show alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.astrology.misc Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aviation.legal Legal issues involving aviation worldwide. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aviation.seaplane Sea plane discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipCrime wares alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.conservation Conservation biology research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.evolution Discussions of evolutionary biology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.fisheries Whale and dolphin hunting. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.food-science BHA or BHT? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.systematics Cyborg controls. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bio.technology Cyborgs. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.biz.fraud Making money through fraud. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.biz.spam Spamming for fun and profit. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bizarre.funny Too bizarre to be funny. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.boats.kayak Kayaking forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.books.electronic Paperless books and related topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.breaking-the-law Breaking the law, breaking the law. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.burglary The science of surreptitious entry. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.business.consulting The business of consulting. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.business.marketing Roundtable for marketing topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.cancelbots cancelbots are people too alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.cannabis.policy Computing the Mary Jane Policy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem The latest chemicals. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem.electrochem Kites in the rain. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem.labware White coats. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem.organic.synthesis Penis synthesis. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chem.organomet Chemicals to enlarge penises. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.condoms Collecting and trading condoms. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.credit-cards Collecting credit cards. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.credit-cards.valid Collecting still valid credit cards. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.comp-aided Hurricane annimations. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.config News configuration. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.congressagent alternative HipCrime's CongressAgent alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.cryonics Chilling h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.crypt Recent vampire findings. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.crypt.research Vampire dwelling research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.ewe Ewe-speaking forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.somali All things Somalian. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.xhosa Xhosa people and their culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.antarctica The culture of the southernmost continent. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.australian.aborigine Australian Aborigine culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.basque Basque culture and related issues. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.czech Czechy, its people, history, and culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.eritrean The culture of Eritrea. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.ethiopia All things Ethiopian in the broadest sense. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.icelandic Iceland and its people. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.american Native American cultures. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.assam The culture of Assam. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.bihar Bihar culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian, etc. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.muslims Discussion newsgroup for Moslems in India. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.orissa Orissa culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.rajasthan Rajasthan culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.jamaican Come back to Jamaica and feel all right. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.japan Anything Japanese. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.kashmir About Jammu and Kashmir. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.kazakh The culture of Kazakhstan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.latin-america.guarani The culture of the Guarani. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.multicultural We're all in this together - can't we just get along?. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.pakistan Discussions on Pakistan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.pakistan.education Education in Pakistan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.slovak Slovakia, its people, history, and culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.subculture.drug-addiction Merck is trying to enslave America. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.tibet Tibet, its history and culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.turkish Issues related to Turks/Turkey. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.uzbek Uzbekistan and its culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.cunt.general General discussions about cunts. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.data.administration Data administration discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.dc.sex.oral Oral sex in the nation's capital. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.devices.disassemblers The right way to program. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.edu Journalism courses. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.electronics.basics Radio Shack h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.emacs.advocacy Emacs is better than vi! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.emulators.announce Emulator news, FAQs, announcements. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.emulators.mac.executor Discussion of ARDI's Macintosh emulator. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.energy HipCrime collects Plutonium. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr alternative HipCrime Engineering. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.biomed Engineering human replacement parts. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.chem Engineering alchemy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.chem.separation Chemical separation forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.civil Polite engineers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.civil.roads Discussions related to construction of roads. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.color Psychedelic. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.control Engineers controlling everyone else. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.dredging All aspects of dredging. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.electrical.compliance Laws, regulations and design for EMC, safety. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.electrical.sys-protection Rubber boots. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.geomechanics How the earth works. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.coupling.coitis alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.joining.welding Let your heart melt. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.lighting Westinghouse studies. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.manufacturing Slave labor techniques. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.micromachining Small parts. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.mining Fire in the hole! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.engr.wastewater Waste water discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.entrepreneurs Entrepreneur/business topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.environment alternative HipCrime Environmental. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.eugenics Breeding a better human race. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fan.karl-malden.nose Karl Malden's nose taking over the Internet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fart The art of fart alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.finance.abstracts Abstracts of unpublished finance working papers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.chitlins Mmmm Mmmm Good! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.fried-chicken The Colonel has nothing on my Momma! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.jigaboo.bar-b-que Afro-american food. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.jigaboo.smothered-okra Afro-american food. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.ken-l-rations My dog's better than your dog. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.lutefisk Scandanavia at its finest! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.babies Recipes for cooking babies. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.cannabalism.jewish All matters concerning Jewish cuisine. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.cannabalism.nazis Crunchy'n'bitter, an acquired taste. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.cats Recipes for cooking cats. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.cats.kimchee Korean-specific methods for preserving deads cats and vegetables. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.dogs Recipes for cooking dogs. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.dogs.puppies Recipes for cooking little puppies. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.recipes.rats Recipes for cooking rats. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.ribs Sho be good! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.shit Eat shit and die. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.watermelons Afro-american food. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.food.whales Traditional norwegian cuisine. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fractals HipCrime's Fractals. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.fucks.teenage.girls Film at 11. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.future The future of Usenet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gambling.blackjack Blackjack gambling. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gambling.small-stakes Small stakes home gambling. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.52-card-pickup Dexterity skills. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.beds-of-nails Uncle Fester loves this too. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.bilboes The proper way to incarcerate. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.body-piercing Extra genital holes. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.child-abuse Child abuse as recreation. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.dunking-stools Dunk the wench. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.russian-roullette High stakes gaming. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.solitaire Thank you Bill Gates. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.strappado Raise 'em slowing, and drop 'em fast. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.the-rack Everybody needs to be a bit taller. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.thumbscrews One of Uncle Fester's favourites. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.games.witch-hunts Burn the witch. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.cacti Cactus plants and other succulents. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.fungus Mushroom cultivation and mycology resources. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.hydroponic Growing plants hydroponically. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.hydroponic.marijuana Hydroponic stoner forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.african Genealogy of Africa and the African Diaspora. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.surnames.canada Surnames queries - Canada. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.surnames.german Surnames queries - German speaking countries. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.surnames.global Surnames queries central database. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.surnames.ireland Surnames queries - Ireland & Northern Ireland. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.genealogy.surnames.misc Surnames - regions not covered elsewhere. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.general.specific General talk about specific subjects. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geo.earthquakes Earthquakes are superly cool, eh? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geo.fluids Fluid effects upon the planet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geo.geology alternative HipCrime Geology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geo.karl-malden.nose The geography of our favorite proboscis. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geography.climate Climate and geography. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geography.economic Economic geography. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geography.hydrology Rivers and oceans. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.geography.soil Soil geography. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gothic Pastyfaced net.goths alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.gothic.suicide Favored gothic pastime. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.graphology Handwriting analysis. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.history All aspects of history. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.history.african.biafra History of Biafra (Eastern Nigeria). alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.history.property Discussions related to restoration & preservation of historic properties. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.home.misc Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.home.security Security aspects of home computing. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.hotrod High speed automobiles. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.humor.funny.reruns Reposts of alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.humor.funny archive material. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.humor.jewish Humor and the discussion of humor, mostly Jewish. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.immigration.europe Immigrating to Europe. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.immigration.illegal-aliens Wetback go home! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.industry.utilities.gas Gas utilities. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.is.a.heterosexual.pedophile Where have I heard that before? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kibo.hunting Was Kibo here? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kibo.hunting.with-pgp Was Kibo's sig encrypted? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kids.abuse Discussion of child abuse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kids.info Informational posts related to alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kids hierarchy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kids.juvenile-delinquents Normal children. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kids.sexual-abstinence Unpopulated group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.kids.tantrums Discussion of kids' tantrums (tantra?) alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.la.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.c The C programming language. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.c++ Technical discussion of the C++ language. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.cognitive Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.computational Computational Linguistics forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.dmt The DMT Language for alien-contact algorithms. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.ebonics Thee HipCrime Ghetto. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.english English linguistics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.etymology Discussion of word and phrase origins. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.goombonics Italian dialect. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.jargon Discussion of slangs and jargons. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.java Announcements re the Java System. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.khoisan Grammar and lexicon of Khoisan languages. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.lsd The LSD self-programming language. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.misc Miscellaneous linguistic discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.morphology The study of inflection, word formation, and related grammar. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.pascal WirthLand. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.perl Word-out to Perl. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.phonetics Phonetics and phonology discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.pigin-creole Pigin and Creole languages discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.russian Russian linguistics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.semantics The linguistic study of semantics (signification and meaning). alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.sign Sign languages. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.simula Discussions of Simula-67. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.syntax Linguistic discussions of syntax and related grammar. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.taxonomy Classifying languages into families. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lang.teaching The teaching of languages. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.legal Everything is LEGAL until you get caught. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.legal.beagles No description. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.legal.self-represent Self-representation in legal proceedings. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.listagent alternative HipCrime's ListAgent alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lists.misc News-related statistics and lists. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.albert-camus The writings of Albert Camus. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.aldous-huxley The writings of Aldous Huxley. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.alex-haley The writings of Alex Haley. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.alice-walker The writings of Alice Walker. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.ambrose-bierce The writings of Ambrose Bierce. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.anthony-burgess The writings of Anthony Burgess. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.anton-chekhov The writings of Anton Chekhov. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.bernard-malamud The writings of Bernard Malamud. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.boris-pasternak The writings of Boris Pasternak. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.carlos-fuentes The writings of Carlos Fuentes. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.dashiell-hammett The writings of Dashiell Hammett. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.earl-stanley-gardner The writings of Earl Stanley Gardner. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.ernest-hemingway The writings of Ernest Hemingway. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.ezra-pound The writings of Ezra Pound. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.f-scott-fitzgerald The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.franz-kafka The writings of Franz Kafka. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.frederick-brown The writings of Frederick Brown. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.george-orwell The writings of George Orwell. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.gore-vidal The writings of Gore Vidal. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.harper-lee The writings of Harper Lee. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.henrik-ibsen The writings of Henrik Ibsen. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.henry-miller The writings of Henry Miller. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.herman-wouk The writings of Herman Wouk. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.hermann-hesse The writings of Hermann Hesse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.howard-fast The writings of Howard Fast. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.ivo-andric The writings of Ivo Andric. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.jack-kerouac The writings of Jack Kerouac. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.james-baldwin The writings of James Baldwin. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.james-joyce The writings of James Joyce. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.jean-paul-sartre The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.jerzy-kosinski The writings of Jerzy Kosinski. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.john-brunner The writings of John Brunner. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.jules-verne The writings of Jules Verne. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.kahlil-gibran The writings of Kahlil Gibran. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.ken-kesey The writings of Ken Kesey. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.kurt-vonnegut The writings of Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.leo-tolstoy The writings of Leo Tolstoy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.lewis-carrol The writings of Lewis Carrol. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.o-henry The writings of O. Henry. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.lsd lysergic acid diethyl amide alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.manners Etiquette and good manners. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.martial-arts Martial-arts in general. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.mda methylene dioxy amphetamine alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.alternative Alternative medicine. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.homeopathy Small quantities, great results. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.karl-malden.olfactory.proboscis Can the nose be cured? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.ob-gyn Unmoderated obstetrics and gynecology forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.orgasm Medical causes for orgasms. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.pms When does it end? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.med.psychotic.news-admins Is there a cure? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.members The members of Usenet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.meow.admin.usenet.performance.art UPA at its finest. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.meow.encrypted Encrypted Meows. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.meow.forgery Cats don't forge. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.meow.general General Meowing. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.meow.specific Specific Meowing. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.mktagent alternative HipCrime's MarketAgent alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.models.tinplate.trains All aspects of tinplate trains. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.music.funny Funny music and other tasteless sounds. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.music.research The use of Computers in Music Research and Composition. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.music.white-power Lyrics, albums, performers, enjoyment of the genre. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.newsagent alternative HipCrime's NewsAgent alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.newsites New site announcements. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.nyc.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.aa Argentium Astrum alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.al-anon Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Asalt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.freemasons Free Masons. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.guardian-angels The guys in the red berets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.knights-of-columbus Knights of Columbus. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.lions Lions Club. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.rotary-club Rotary Club. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.os.unix.portable Linux OS on portable computers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.papers Newspapers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.birds.canaries Canaries forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.birds.parrots Parrots discussion. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.bobcats Keep them away from your rabbit. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.cats.announce Informational postings, FAQ's regarding cats. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.cobras Milk 'em for fun & profit. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.fleas Train 'em to perform in your own microcircus. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.giraffes Giraffes as pets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.hedgehogs Hedgehog keepers forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.lice Very low effort pets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.naked-mole-rats Bare as a baby's bottom. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.rocks Pet rock forum. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.scabies You never need to feed 'em. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.weasels Tired of your puny ferret? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.whales Whales as pets. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.philosophy.existentialism Existentialist philosophy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.photo The art and science of photography. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.photo.help Help! What button do I press?. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.physics.research Current physics research. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.extremism Extermist politics of all kinds. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.immigration Worldwide immigration politics forusm. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.internet Internet-related politics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.local Local politics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.peace Peace movements everywhere. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.predictions Predictions of the future. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.prophecy The ancient art revisited. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.psychology.journals.psyche E-journal on consciousness. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.psychology.psychotherapy Practice of psychotherapy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.psychology.rape Research issues in psychological rape. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.questions Topics not covered in alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.answers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.child-sacrifice The only way to truly worship Goddess. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.confucianism Confucius say. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.continuing.ecumenical.church The finest in Anglican. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.druid Tree worship, HipCrime stylee. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.penis-worship Paying tribute to penile deities. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.rosicrucian The ancient order of Rosicrucians. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.scientology L. Ron Hubbard's legacy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.zarathushtra Zoroastrianism. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.scouting.chinese Scout Movement Discussion for Chinese. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.scuba.marketplace A marketplace for scuba equipment. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.security.pgp.backdoors NSA's backdoor in Pretty Good Privacy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.senior.marketplace Ads for senior related goods and services. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sex The most popular recreation. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sex.affairs.clinton Presidential indiscretions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sex.affairs.clinton.pizza-n-blowjobs Presidential treats alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sex.jailbait Dangerous if caught. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sexuality.general Human sexuality in general. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sexuality.perversions.sodomy Homosexuality and animals. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sf.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.singles Conversations among people who are or were single. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.soft-sys.applixware Applix Applixware. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.software.arabic Arabic script software. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.software.inn Rich $alz's hack alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.spambots spambots are people too alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.specific.general Specific talk about general subjects. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.arson Detroit on October 30. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.bocci-ball Itsa nicea gamea! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.cow-tipping The midwestern art of cow tipping. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.cricket-racing By Yiminy, I think he'll win! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.extortion Best sport next to bocci ball. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.frog-jumping Caleveras county. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.hovercraft Discussion about recreational hovercraft. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.jumprope Double Dutch anyone? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.kitten-drowning Spaying costs too much. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.lawnbowling Postings related to the sport of lawnbowling. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.mousing The sport of mousing. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.net-abuse HipCrime's favourite sport. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.officiating Discussions regarding officiating athletic contests. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.pigeons Racing pigeon and fancy pigeon info exchange. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.presidential.assassination The only dope worth shooting is Bill Clinton. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.rape She was asking for it! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.std.lisp User group (ALU) supported standards. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.std.syphilic The standard sexually stransmitted disease. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.subculture.homosexual Homosexual subculture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.subculture.online.kooks Kook Kabal rulez! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.subculture.online.meow Meowers subculture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.abuse.rape Support for rape survivors. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.abuse.sexual Support for sex abuse survivors. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.forgery Forgery support. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.genital-warts Does it feel better? alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.herpes Cold sores discussion. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.incontinence Help! I'm peeing in my pants. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.loneliness Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.penile-disfunction My weenie doesn't work! alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.support.rapists Rapist support group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.taxes Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.tech.bombs Middle eastern technical support group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.test News test group. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.text.erotica Erotic texts of all kinds. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.transport.air-industry.cargo Questions/comments regarding air cargo. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.video.marketplace Buying and selling video equipment. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality - technology and culture. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.women.frigid Support group for women who hate sex. alt.h.i.p.c.r.i.m.e.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.h.ksn.q.klr.m 2^[hD'M/:J]P<]]-bh alt.h.le uorbhayei alt.h.oikp.pjpgrazvgo ayhibaerjekygou alt.h.p wieozeloggal alt.h.y.c.mpjile.s.xd.m ?`Q`S_"iDG719+GF_--%1*c?" alt.h0e No description. alt.h0pcr0me alternative H0pCr0me - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.h0pcr0me.activeagent alternative H0pCr0me's ActiveAgent alt.h0pcr0me.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.h0pcr0me.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.h0pcr0me.activism.anti-porn Anti-pornography activists forum. alt.h0pcr0me.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.h0pcr0me.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.h0pcr0me.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. alt.h0pcr0me.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.h0pcr0me.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.h0pcr0me.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.h0pcr0me.admin.net-abuse.blacklists Blacklisting the net-abusers. alt.h0pcr0me.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.h0pcr0me.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.h0pcr0me.aeronautics alternative H0pCr0me Flying. alt.h0pcr0me.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.h0pcr0me.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.h0pcr0me.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.h0pcr0me.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. alt.h0pcr0me.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.h0pcr0me.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. alt.h0pcr0me.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.h0pcr0me.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.h0pcr0me.answers As if anyone on alt has the answers. alt.h0pcr0me.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.h0pcr0me.aquaria alternative H0pCr0me Fishing. alt.h0pcr0me.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.h0pcr0me.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.h0pcr0me.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.h0pcr0me.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.h0pcr0me.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.h0pcr0me.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. alt.h0pcr0me.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.h0pcr0me.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.h0pcr0me.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.h0pcr0me.aviation.legal Legal issues involving aviation worldwide. alt.h0pcr0me.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. alt.h0pcr0me.aviation.seaplane Sea plane discussions. alt.h0pcr0me.balloons Gas or hot air airships and other lighter-than-air craft. alt.h0pcr0me.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.h0pcr0me.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other H0pCr0me wares alt.h0pcr0me.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.h0pcr0me.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.h0pcr0me.bio.fisheries Whale and dolphin hunting. alt.h0pcr0me.bio.food-science BHA or BHT? alt.h0pcr0me.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.h0pcr0me.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.h0pcr0me.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.h0pcr0me.bio.technology Cyborgs. alt.h0pcr0me.boats.kayak Kayaking forum. alt.h0pcr0me.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.h0pcr0me.breaking-the-law Breaking the law, breaking the law. alt.h0pcr0me.burglary The science of surreptitious entry. alt.h0pcr0me.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.h0pcr0me.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. alt.h0pcr0me.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.h0pcr0me.chem The latest chemicals. alt.h0pcr0me.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.h0pcr0me.chem.drugs Mind expanding chemical discourse. alt.h0pcr0me.chem.labware White coats. alt.h0pcr0me.chem.organic.synthesis Penis synthesis. alt.h0pcr0me.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.h0pcr0me.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.h0pcr0me.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.h0pcr0me.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.h0pcr0me.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.h0pcr0me.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.h0pcr0me.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.h0pcr0me.config News configuration. alt.h0pcr0me.congressagent alternative H0pCr0me's CongressAgent alt.h0pcr0me.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.h0pcr0me.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.h0pcr0me.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.h0pcr0me.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.h0pcr0me.crafts.scrapbooks Discussion of scrapbooking techniques. alt.h0pcr0me.crypt.research Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and related issues. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.antarctica The culture of the southernmost continent. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.australian.aborigine Australian Aborigine culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.charnego The Spanish-speaking community in Catalonia. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.ethiopia Ethiopian culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.indian.american Native American cultures. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.h0pcr0me.culture.indian, etc. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.indian.orissa Orissa culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.jamaican Come back to Jamaica and feel all right. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.prussian Prussia, its culture and heritage. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.subculture.drug-addiction Merck is trying to enslave America. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.h0pcr0me.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.h0pcr0me.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.h0pcr0me.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.h0pcr0me.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.h0pcr0me.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.h0pcr0me.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.h0pcr0me.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.h0pcr0me.earth.general Planetwide General Newgroup. alt.h0pcr0me.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.h0pcr0me.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. alt.h0pcr0me.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.h0pcr0me.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.h0pcr0me.electronics.basics Radio Shack H0pCr0me. alt.h0pcr0me.emacs.advocacy Emacs is better than vi! alt.h0pcr0me.emulators.mac.executor Discussion of ARDI's Macintosh emulator. alt.h0pcr0me.energy.hydrogen The H-bomb. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.biomed Engineering human replacement parts. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.civil.roads Discussions related to construction of roads. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.color Psychedelic. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.control Engineers controlling everyone else. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.electrical.sys-protection Rubber boots. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.geomechanics How the earth works. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.h0pcr0me.coupling.coitis alt.h0pcr0me.engr.lighting Westinghouse studies. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.h0pcr0me.engr.micromachining Small parts. alt.h0pcr0me.engr.mining Mining engineering and mining technical topics. alt.h0pcr0me.environment alternative H0pCr0me Environmental. alt.h0pcr0me.environment.waste Environmental waste. alt.h0pcr0me.eugenics Breeding a better human race. alt.h0pcr0me.fart The art of fart alt.h0pcr0me.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.h0pcr0me.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.h0pcr0me.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.h0pcr0me.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.h0pcr0me.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.h0pcr0me.finance.abstracts Financial abstracts. alt.h0pcr0me.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.h0pcr0me.food.chitlins Mmmm Mmmm Good! alt.h0pcr0me.food.fried-chicken The Colonel has nothing on my Momma! alt.h0pcr0me.food.jigaboo.collard-greens Afro-american food. alt.h0pcr0me.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.h0pcr0me.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.h0pcr0me.food.ken-l-rations My dog's better than your dog. alt.h0pcr0me.food.lutefisk Scandanavia at its finest! alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes.cannabalism.jewish All matters concerning Jewish cuisine. alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes.cats Recipes for cooking cats. alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes.dogs.puppies Recipes for cooking little puppies. alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes.rats Recipes for cooking rats. alt.h0pcr0me.food.recipes.scat Animal residue in McDonalds burgers. alt.h0pcr0me.food.ribs Sho be good! alt.h0pcr0me.food.whales Traditional norwegian cuisine. alt.h0pcr0me.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.h0pcr0me.fractals H0pCr0me's Fractals. alt.h0pcr0me.future The future of Usenet. alt.h0pcr0me.gambling.blackjack Blackjack gambling. alt.h0pcr0me.gambling.small-stakes Small stakes home gambling. alt.h0pcr0me.games.52-card-pickup Dexterity skills. alt.h0pcr0me.games.body-piercing Extra genital holes. alt.h0pcr0me.games.dunking-stools Dunk the wench. alt.h0pcr0me.games.hacky-sack Kicking the little beanbag. alt.h0pcr0me.games.russian-roullette High stakes gaming. alt.h0pcr0me.games.thumbscrews One of Uncle Fester's favourites. alt.h0pcr0me.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.h0pcr0me.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.h0pcr0me.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. alt.h0pcr0me.gardens.fungus Mushroom cultivation and mycology resources. alt.h0pcr0me.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.h0pcr0me.genealogy.african Genealogy of Africa and the African Diaspora. alt.h0pcr0me.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. alt.h0pcr0me.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. alt.h0pcr0me.genealogy.surnames.misc Surnames - regions not covered elsewhere. alt.h0pcr0me.genealogy.surnames.usa Surnames queries - USA. alt.h0pcr0me.general.specific General talk about specific subjects. alt.h0pcr0me.geo.fluids Fluid effects upon the planet. alt.h0pcr0me.geography.economic Economic geography. alt.h0pcr0me.geography.hydrology Rivers and oceans. alt.h0pcr0me.geography.soil Soil geography. alt.h0pcr0me.gothic.suicide Favored gothic pastime. alt.h0pcr0me.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.h0pcr0me.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.h0pcr0me.history All aspects of history. alt.h0pcr0me.history.property Discussions related to restoration & preservation of historic properties. alt.h0pcr0me.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.h0pcr0me.home.security Security aspects of home computing. alt.h0pcr0me.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.h0pcr0me.hotrod High speed automobiles. alt.h0pcr0me.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). alt.h0pcr0me.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.h0pcr0me.immigration.europe Immigrating to Europe. alt.h0pcr0me.immigration.illegal-aliens Wetback go home! alt.h0pcr0me.industry.utilities.gas Gas utilities. alt.h0pcr0me.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.h0pcr0me.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. alt.h0pcr0me.kibo.hunting.with-pgp Was Kibo's sig encrypted? alt.h0pcr0me.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h0pcr0me.kids.juvenile-delinquents Normal children. alt.h0pcr0me.kids.sexual-abstinence Unpopulated group. alt.h0pcr0me.kids.tantrums Discussion of kids' tantrums (tantra?) alt.h0pcr0me.lang.c++ Technical discussion of the C++ language. alt.h0pcr0me.lang.dmt The DMT Language for alien-contact algorithms. alt.h0pcr0me.lang.jargon Discussion of slangs and jargons. alt.h0pcr0me.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. alt.h0pcr0me.lang.morphology The study of inflection, word formation, and related grammar. alt.h0pcr0me.lang.politics The politics of linguistics. alt.h0pcr0me.lang.semantics The linguistic study of semantics (signification and meaning). alt.h0pcr0me.lang.simula Discussions of Simula-67. alt.h0pcr0me.lang.taxonomy Classifying languages into families. alt.h0pcr0me.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.h0pcr0me.legal Everything is LEGAL until you get caught. alt.h0pcr0me.legal.beagles Woof! alt.h0pcr0me.listagent alternative H0pCr0me's ListAgent alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.albert-camus The writings of Albert Camus. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.anthony-burgess The writings of Anthony Burgess. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.bernard-malamud The writings of Bernard Malamud. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.emily-dickinson The writings of The poetry of Emily Dickinson. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.ernest-hemingway The writings of Ernest Hemingway. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.franz-kafka The writings of Franz Kafka. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.frederick-brown The writings of Frederick Brown. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.george-orwell The writings of George Orwell. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.gore-vidal The writings of Gore Vidal. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.herman-wouk The writings of Herman Wouk. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.hermann-hesse The writings of Hermann Hesse. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.jack-london The writings of Jack London. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.james-joyce The writings of James Joyce. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.jean-paul-sartre The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.kahlil-gibran The writings of Kahlil Gibran. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.lewis-carrol The writings of Lewis Carrol. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.o-henry No description. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.h0pcr0me.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.h0pcr0me.lsd lysergic acid diethyl amide alt.h0pcr0me.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.h0pcr0me.med.alternative Alternative medicine. alt.h0pcr0me.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.h0pcr0me.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.h0pcr0me.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. alt.h0pcr0me.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.h0pcr0me.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.h0pcr0me.med.pms When does it end? alt.h0pcr0me.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.h0pcr0me.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.h0pcr0me.mktagent alternative H0pCr0me's MarketAgent alt.h0pcr0me.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.h0pcr0me.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.h0pcr0me.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.h0pcr0me.music.white-power Lyrics, albums, performers, enjoyment of the genre. alt.h0pcr0me.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.h0pcr0me.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. alt.h0pcr0me.newsagent alternative H0pCr0me's NewsAgent alt.h0pcr0me.newsites New site announcements. alt.h0pcr0me.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.h0pcr0me.nyc.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h0pcr0me.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.h0pcr0me.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.h0pcr0me.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.h0pcr0me.org.eff.censorship EFF is pro-censorship. alt.h0pcr0me.org.freemasonry Discussion group for the Fraternity "Freemasonry". alt.h0pcr0me.org.guardian-angels The guys in the red berets. alt.h0pcr0me.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.h0pcr0me.org.lions Lions Club. alt.h0pcr0me.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.h0pcr0me.org.rotary-club Rotary Club. alt.h0pcr0me.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.h0pcr0me.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.h0pcr0me.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). alt.h0pcr0me.os.unix.portable Linux OS on portable computers. alt.h0pcr0me.papers Newspapers. alt.h0pcr0me.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. alt.h0pcr0me.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.h0pcr0me.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.h0pcr0me.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.h0pcr0me.pets.bobcats Keep them away from your rabbit. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.pigs.potbellied Concerns regarding potbellied pigs as pets. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.h0pcr0me.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.h0pcr0me.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.h0pcr0me.philosophy.dialectics Dialectical materlialism and related topics. alt.h0pcr0me.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.h0pcr0me.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.h0pcr0me.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h0pcr0me.politics.immigration Worldwide immigration politics forusm. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.local Local politics. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.h0pcr0me.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.h0pcr0me.predictions Predictions of the future. alt.h0pcr0me.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. alt.h0pcr0me.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.h0pcr0me.psychology.psychotherapy Unmoderated psychotherapy forum. alt.h0pcr0me.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.h0pcr0me.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.child-sacrifice The only way to truly worship Goddess. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.continuing.ecumenical.church The finest in Anglican. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.penis-worship Paying tribute to penile deities. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.h0pcr0me.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.h0pcr0me.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.h0pcr0me.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.h0pcr0me.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.h0pcr0me.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.h0pcr0me.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.h0pcr0me.security.pgp.backdoors NSA's backdoor in Pretty Good Privacy. alt.h0pcr0me.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.h0pcr0me.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.h0pcr0me.society The impact of technology on society. alt.h0pcr0me.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.h0pcr0me.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.h0pcr0me.software.inn Rich $alz's INN program. alt.h0pcr0me.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.h0pcr0me.software.nns Netmanage product. alt.h0pcr0me.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.h0pcr0me.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.h0pcr0me.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.h0pcr0me.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.h0pcr0me.speleology Cavers forum. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.bocci-ball Itsa nicea gamea! alt.h0pcr0me.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.cow-tipping The midwestern art of cow tipping. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.mousing The sport of mousing. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.net-abuse H0pCr0me's favourite sport. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.h0pcr0me.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.h0pcr0me.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.h0pcr0me.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. alt.h0pcr0me.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.h0pcr0me.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.h0pcr0me.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.h0pcr0me.subculture.online.kooks Kook Kabal rulez! alt.h0pcr0me.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.h0pcr0me.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.h0pcr0me.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.h0pcr0me.support.abuse.internet Support for survivors of flame wars and net.abuse. alt.h0pcr0me.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.h0pcr0me.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.h0pcr0me.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.h0pcr0me.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.h0pcr0me.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.h0pcr0me.test Testing of posting to moderated groups. alt.h0pcr0me.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.h0pcr0me.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.h0pcr0me.transport.air-industry.cargo Questions/comments regarding air cargo. alt.h0pcr0me.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.h0pcr0me.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.h0pcr0me.travel.to-heaven-and-back Recreational spirit travel alt.h0pcr0me.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.h0pcr0me.women.frigid Support group for women who hate sex. alt.h0pcr0me.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.h1pcr1me alternative H1pCr1me - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.h1pcr1me.activeagent alternative H1pCr1me's ActiveAgent alt.h1pcr1me.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.anti-porn Anti-pornography activists forum. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. alt.h1pcr1me.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.h1pcr1me.admin Computer administration. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.kooks Kooky news administrators. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.blacklists Blacklisting the net-abusers. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.policy Policy to protect freedom. alt.h1pcr1me.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining H1pCr1me networks. alt.h1pcr1me.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. alt.h1pcr1me.adoption.parenting Parents of Adopted children. alt.h1pcr1me.aeronautics The science of aeronautics & related technology. alt.h1pcr1me.aeronautics.airliners How to raise prices in an oligopoly. alt.h1pcr1me.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.h1pcr1me.agriculture H1pCr1me in the Dirt. alt.h1pcr1me.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.h1pcr1me.agriculture.beekeeping European bee efficiency. alt.h1pcr1me.agriculture.fruit New fruits created using monoclonal techniques. alt.h1pcr1me.agriculture.jojoba Whale oil replacement technology. alt.h1pcr1me.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.h1pcr1me.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. alt.h1pcr1me.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.h1pcr1me.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. alt.h1pcr1me.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.h1pcr1me.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.h1pcr1me.answers As if anyone on alt has the answers. alt.h1pcr1me.anthropology Latest discoveries. alt.h1pcr1me.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.h1pcr1me.aquaria alternative H1pCr1me Fishing. alt.h1pcr1me.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.h1pcr1me.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.h1pcr1me.arts.tv.rush-limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh show alt.h1pcr1me.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.h1pcr1me.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.h1pcr1me.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.h1pcr1me.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. alt.h1pcr1me.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.h1pcr1me.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.h1pcr1me.astrology.misc Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.h1pcr1me.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.h1pcr1me.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. alt.h1pcr1me.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. alt.h1pcr1me.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. alt.h1pcr1me.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.h1pcr1me.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. alt.h1pcr1me.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. alt.h1pcr1me.aviation.legal Legal issues involving aviation worldwide. alt.h1pcr1me.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. alt.h1pcr1me.aviation.seaplane Sea plane discussions. alt.h1pcr1me.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. alt.h1pcr1me.balloons Gas or hot air airships and other lighter-than-air craft. alt.h1pcr1me.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. alt.h1pcr1me.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.h1pcr1me.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other H1pCr1me wares alt.h1pcr1me.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.h1pcr1me.bio.conservation Conservation biology research. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.evolution Are you a man or an Ape? alt.h1pcr1me.bio.fisheries Whale and dolphin hunting. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.food-science BHA or BHT? alt.h1pcr1me.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.h1pcr1me.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.systematics Cyborg controls. alt.h1pcr1me.bio.technology Cyborgs. alt.h1pcr1me.biz.fraud Making money through fraud. alt.h1pcr1me.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.h1pcr1me.bizarre.funny Too bizarre to be funny. alt.h1pcr1me.boats.kayak Kayaking forum. alt.h1pcr1me.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.h1pcr1me.books.electronic Paperless books and related topics. alt.h1pcr1me.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.h1pcr1me.breaking-the-law Breaking the law, breaking the law. alt.h1pcr1me.burglary The science of surreptitious entry. alt.h1pcr1me.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.h1pcr1me.business.consulting The business of consulting. alt.h1pcr1me.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. alt.h1pcr1me.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.h1pcr1me.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. alt.h1pcr1me.business.marketing Roundtable for marketing topics. alt.h1pcr1me.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.h1pcr1me.cancelbots cancelbots are people too alt.h1pcr1me.cannabis.policy Computing the Mary Jane Policy. alt.h1pcr1me.chaos The study of the chaotic (Usenet, e.g.). alt.h1pcr1me.chem The latest chemicals. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.drugs Mind expanding chemical discourse. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.electrochem Kites in the rain. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.electrochem.battery More uses for lead. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.labware White coats. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.organic.synthesis Penis synthesis. alt.h1pcr1me.chem.organomet Chemicals to enlarge penises. alt.h1pcr1me.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.h1pcr1me.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.condoms Collecting and trading condoms. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.credit-cards Collecting credit cards. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.credit-cards.stolen Collecting stolen credit cards. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.credit-cards.valid Collecting still valid credit cards. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.h1pcr1me.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.h1pcr1me.college.graduation College graduation discussions. alt.h1pcr1me.comp-aided Hurricane annimations. alt.h1pcr1me.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.h1pcr1me.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.h1pcr1me.config News configuration. alt.h1pcr1me.congressagent alternative H1pCr1me's CongressAgent alt.h1pcr1me.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.h1pcr1me.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.h1pcr1me.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.h1pcr1me.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.h1pcr1me.crafts.scrapbooks Discussion of scrapbooking techniques. alt.h1pcr1me.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. alt.h1pcr1me.cryonics Chilling H1pCr1me. alt.h1pcr1me.crypt Recent vampire findings. alt.h1pcr1me.crypt.research Vampire dwelling research. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.ewe Ewe-speaking forum. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.somali All things Somalian. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.xhosa Xhosa people and their culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.antarctica The culture of the southernmost continent. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.australian.aborigine Australian Aborigine culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.bashkir The Bashkir culture forum. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.basque Basque culture and related issues. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.charnego The Spanish-speaking community in Catalonia. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.eritrean The culture of Eritrea. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.ethiopia All things Ethiopian in the broadest sense. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.icelandic Iceland and its people. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.american Native American cultures. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.assam The culture of Assam. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.bihar Bihar culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian, etc. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.muslims Discussion newsgroup for Moslems in India. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.orissa Orissa culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.rajasthan Rajasthan culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.indian.uttar-pradesh U.P. culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.jamaican Come back to Jamaica and feel all right. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.kashmir About Jammu and Kashmir. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.kazakh The culture of Kazakhstan. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.latin-america.guarani The culture of the Guarani. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.multicultural We're all in this together - can't we just get along?. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.pakistan Discussions on Pakistan. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.pakistan.education Education in Pakistan. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.prussian Prussia, its culture and heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.slovak Slovakia, its people, history, and culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.subculture.drug-addiction Merck is trying to enslave America. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.tibet Tibet, its history and culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.turkish Issues related to Turks/Turkey. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.uzbek Uzbekistan and its culture. alt.h1pcr1me.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.h1pcr1me.cunt.general General discussions about cunts. alt.h1pcr1me.data.administration Data administration discussions. alt.h1pcr1me.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.h1pcr1me.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.h1pcr1me.dc.sex Sex in the nation's capital. alt.h1pcr1me.dc.sex.oral Oral sex in the nation's capital. alt.h1pcr1me.devices.disassemblers The right way to program. alt.h1pcr1me.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.h1pcr1me.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.h1pcr1me.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.h1pcr1me.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. alt.h1pcr1me.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.h1pcr1me.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.h1pcr1me.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.h1pcr1me.earth.general Planetwide General Newgroup. alt.h1pcr1me.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. alt.h1pcr1me.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.h1pcr1me.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. alt.h1pcr1me.edu Journalism courses. alt.h1pcr1me.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.h1pcr1me.education.multimedia Multimedia for education. alt.h1pcr1me.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.h1pcr1me.electronics.basics Radio Shack H1pCr1me. alt.h1pcr1me.emacs.advocacy Emacs is better than vi! 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Henry. alt.h1pcr1me.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.h1pcr1me.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.h1pcr1me.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.h1pcr1me.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.h1pcr1me.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.h1pcr1me.lsd lysergic acid diethyl amide alt.h1pcr1me.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. alt.h1pcr1me.manners Etiquette and good manners. alt.h1pcr1me.martial-arts Martial-arts in general. alt.h1pcr1me.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.h1pcr1me.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. alt.h1pcr1me.mda methylene dioxy amphetamine alt.h1pcr1me.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.h1pcr1me.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. alt.h1pcr1me.med.alternative Alternative medicine. alt.h1pcr1me.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.h1pcr1me.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h1pcr1me.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.h1pcr1me.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.h1pcr1me.med.homeopathy Small quantities, great results. alt.h1pcr1me.med.karl-malden.olfactory.proboscis Can the nose be cured? alt.h1pcr1me.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. alt.h1pcr1me.med.ob-gyn Unmoderated obstetrics and gynecology forum. alt.h1pcr1me.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.h1pcr1me.med.orgasm Medical causes for orgasms. alt.h1pcr1me.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.h1pcr1me.med.pms When does it end? alt.h1pcr1me.med.psychotic.news-admins Is there a cure? alt.h1pcr1me.members The members of Usenet. alt.h1pcr1me.meow.admin.usenet.performance.art UPA at its finest. alt.h1pcr1me.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.h1pcr1me.meow.encrypted Encrypted Meows. alt.h1pcr1me.meow.forgery Cats don't forge. alt.h1pcr1me.meow.general General Meowing. alt.h1pcr1me.meow.specific Specific Meowing. alt.h1pcr1me.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.h1pcr1me.mktagent alternative H1pCr1me's MarketAgent alt.h1pcr1me.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.h1pcr1me.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.h1pcr1me.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.h1pcr1me.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.h1pcr1me.models.tinplate.trains All aspects of tinplate trains. alt.h1pcr1me.music.funny Funny music and other tasteless sounds. alt.h1pcr1me.music.research The use of Computers in Music Research and Composition. alt.h1pcr1me.music.white-power Lyrics, albums, performers, enjoyment of the genre. alt.h1pcr1me.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.h1pcr1me.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. alt.h1pcr1me.newsagent alternative H1pCr1me's NewsAgent alt.h1pcr1me.newsites No description. alt.h1pcr1me.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. alt.h1pcr1me.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.h1pcr1me.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.h1pcr1me.nyc.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h1pcr1me.org.aa Argentium Astrum alt.h1pcr1me.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.h1pcr1me.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.h1pcr1me.org.al-anon Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps. alt.h1pcr1me.org.cauce No description. alt.h1pcr1me.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.h1pcr1me.org.eff.censorship EFF is pro-censorship. alt.h1pcr1me.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Asalt.h1pcr1me. alt.h1pcr1me.org.freemasonry Discussion group for the Fraternity "Freemasonry". alt.h1pcr1me.org.freemasons Free Masons. alt.h1pcr1me.org.guardian-angels The guys in the red berets. alt.h1pcr1me.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.h1pcr1me.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.h1pcr1me.org.knights-of-columbus Knights of Columbus. alt.h1pcr1me.org.lions Lions Club. alt.h1pcr1me.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.h1pcr1me.org.rotary-club Rotary Club. alt.h1pcr1me.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.h1pcr1me.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.h1pcr1me.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). alt.h1pcr1me.os.unix.portable Linux OS on portable computers. alt.h1pcr1me.papers Newspapers. alt.h1pcr1me.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. alt.h1pcr1me.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. alt.h1pcr1me.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.h1pcr1me.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.h1pcr1me.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.alligators Keeping 'gators as pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.h1pcr1me.pets.birds.canaries Canaries forum. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.birds.parrots Parrots discussion. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.bobcats Keep them away from your rabbit. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.cats.announce Informational postings, FAQ's regarding cats. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.cobras Milk 'em for fun & profit. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.fleas Train 'em to perform in your own microcircus. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.giraffes Giraffes as pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.hedgehogs Hedgehog keepers forum. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.lice Very low effort pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.naked-mole-rats Bare as a baby's bottom. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.pigs.potbellied Concerns regarding potbellied pigs as pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.rocks Pet rock forum. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.scabies You never need to feed 'em. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.weasels Tired of your puny ferret? alt.h1pcr1me.pets.whales Whales as pets. alt.h1pcr1me.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.h1pcr1me.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.h1pcr1me.philosophy.dialectics Dialectical materlialism and related topics. alt.h1pcr1me.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.h1pcr1me.philosophy.existentialism Existentialist philosophy. alt.h1pcr1me.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.h1pcr1me.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.h1pcr1me.photo The art and science of photography. alt.h1pcr1me.photo.help Help! What button do I press?. alt.h1pcr1me.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. alt.h1pcr1me.physics.research Current physics research. alt.h1pcr1me.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h1pcr1me.politics.extremism Extermist politics of all kinds. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.immigration Worldwide immigration politics forusm. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.internet Internet-related politics. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.local Local politics. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.peace Peace movements everywhere. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.tax-evasion The politics of non-taxation. alt.h1pcr1me.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.h1pcr1me.predictions Predictions of the future. alt.h1pcr1me.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. alt.h1pcr1me.prophecy The ancient art revisited. alt.h1pcr1me.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.h1pcr1me.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.h1pcr1me.psychology.journals.psyche E-journal on consciousness. alt.h1pcr1me.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. alt.h1pcr1me.psychology.psychotherapy Practice of psychotherapy. alt.h1pcr1me.psychology.rape Research issues in psychological rape. alt.h1pcr1me.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.h1pcr1me.questions Topics not covered in alt.h1pcr1me.answers. alt.h1pcr1me.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.h1pcr1me.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. alt.h1pcr1me.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.child-sacrifice The only way to truly worship Goddess. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.confucianism Confucius say. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.continuing.ecumenical.church The finest in Anglican. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.druid Tree worship, H1pCr1me stylee. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.penis-worship Paying tribute to penile deities. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.rosicrucian The ancient order of Rosicrucians. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.h1pcr1me.religion.scientology L. Ron Hubbard's legacy. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.zarathushtra Zoroastrianism. alt.h1pcr1me.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.h1pcr1me.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. alt.h1pcr1me.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.h1pcr1me.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.h1pcr1me.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. alt.h1pcr1me.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. alt.h1pcr1me.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.h1pcr1me.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.h1pcr1me.scouting.chinese Scout Movement Discussion for Chinese. alt.h1pcr1me.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.h1pcr1me.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. alt.h1pcr1me.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.h1pcr1me.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.h1pcr1me.security.pgp.backdoors NSA's backdoor in Pretty Good Privacy. alt.h1pcr1me.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.h1pcr1me.senior.marketplace Ads for senior related goods and services. alt.h1pcr1me.sex The most popular recreation. alt.h1pcr1me.sex.affairs.clinton Presidential indiscretions. alt.h1pcr1me.sex.affairs.clinton.pizza-n-blowjobs Presidential treats alt.h1pcr1me.sex.affairs.clinton.vaginal-cigars Presidential treats. alt.h1pcr1me.sex.jailbait Dangerous if caught. alt.h1pcr1me.sexuality.general Human sexuality in general. alt.h1pcr1me.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.h1pcr1me.sexuality.perversions.sodomy Homosexuality and animals. alt.h1pcr1me.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.h1pcr1me.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. alt.h1pcr1me.sf.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h1pcr1me.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. alt.h1pcr1me.singles Conversations among people who are or were single. alt.h1pcr1me.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. alt.h1pcr1me.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.h1pcr1me.society The impact of technology on society. alt.h1pcr1me.society.cu-digest The Computer Underground Digest. alt.h1pcr1me.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. alt.h1pcr1me.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. alt.h1pcr1me.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.h1pcr1me.soft-sys.applixware Applix Applixware. alt.h1pcr1me.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.h1pcr1me.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.h1pcr1me.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.h1pcr1me.software.arabic Arabic script software. alt.h1pcr1me.software.inn Rich $alz's INN program. alt.h1pcr1me.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.h1pcr1me.software.nns Netmanage product. alt.h1pcr1me.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.h1pcr1me.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.h1pcr1me.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.h1pcr1me.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.h1pcr1me.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. alt.h1pcr1me.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.h1pcr1me.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.h1pcr1me.spambots spambots are people too alt.h1pcr1me.specific.general Specific talk about general subjects. alt.h1pcr1me.speleology Cavers forum. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.arson Detroit on October 30. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.bocci-ball Itsa nicea gamea! alt.h1pcr1me.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.cow-tipping The midwestern art of cow tipping. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.cricket-racing By Yiminy, I think he'll win! alt.h1pcr1me.sport.extortion Best sport next to bocci ball. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.frog-jumping Caleveras county. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.hovercraft Discussion about recreational hovercraft. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.jumprope Double Dutch anyone? alt.h1pcr1me.sport.kitten-drowning Spaying costs too much. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.lawnbowling Postings related to the sport of lawnbowling. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.mousing The sport of mousing. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.net-abuse H1pCr1me's favourite sport. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.officiating Discussions regarding officiating athletic contests. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.pigeons Racing pigeon and fancy pigeon info exchange. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.presidential.assassination The only dope worth shooting is Bill Clinton. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.rape The oldest sport known to man. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.h1pcr1me.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.h1pcr1me.sport.wife-beating She needs it, sometimes she wants it too. alt.h1pcr1me.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.h1pcr1me.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.h1pcr1me.std.lisp User group (ALU) supported standards. alt.h1pcr1me.std.syphilic The standard sexually stransmitted disease. alt.h1pcr1me.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. alt.h1pcr1me.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.h1pcr1me.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.h1pcr1me.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.h1pcr1me.subculture.homosexual Homosexual subculture. alt.h1pcr1me.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.h1pcr1me.subculture.online.kooks Kook Kabal rulez! alt.h1pcr1me.subculture.online.meow Meowers subculture. alt.h1pcr1me.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.h1pcr1me.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.h1pcr1me.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.h1pcr1me.support.abuse.internet Support for survivors of flame wars and net.abuse. alt.h1pcr1me.support.abuse.rape Support for rape survivors. alt.h1pcr1me.support.abuse.sexual Support for sex abuse survivors. alt.h1pcr1me.support.constipation Net's best laxative. alt.h1pcr1me.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.h1pcr1me.support.eunuchs Eunuchs today. alt.h1pcr1me.support.forgery Forgery support. alt.h1pcr1me.support.genital-warts Does it feel better? alt.h1pcr1me.support.herpes Cold sores discussion. alt.h1pcr1me.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.h1pcr1me.support.incontinence Help! I'm peeing in my pants. alt.h1pcr1me.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.h1pcr1me.support.loneliness Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. alt.h1pcr1me.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.h1pcr1me.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.h1pcr1me.support.penile-disfunction My weenie doesn't work! alt.h1pcr1me.support.pregnancy.loss Issues and support related to pregnancy loss. alt.h1pcr1me.support.rapists Rapist support group. alt.h1pcr1me.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. alt.h1pcr1me.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.h1pcr1me.taxes Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. alt.h1pcr1me.tech.bombs Middle eastern technical support group. alt.h1pcr1me.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.h1pcr1me.techniques.thermal Thermal Analysis in general. alt.h1pcr1me.test Testing of posting to moderated groups. alt.h1pcr1me.text.erotica Erotic texts of all kinds. alt.h1pcr1me.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.h1pcr1me.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.h1pcr1me.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.h1pcr1me.transport.air-industry.cargo Questions/comments regarding air cargo. alt.h1pcr1me.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.h1pcr1me.travel.resorts Discussion of travel resorts. alt.h1pcr1me.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.h1pcr1me.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.h1pcr1me.travel.to-heaven-and-back Recreational spirit travel alt.h1pcr1me.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.h1pcr1me.video.marketplace No description. alt.h1pcr1me.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. alt.h1pcr1me.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality - technology and culture. alt.h1pcr1me.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.h1pcr1me.women.frigid Support group for women who hate sex. alt.h1pcr1me.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.h1pcr1me.zzzzz Time to catch some Z's. alt.h2pcr2me alternative H2pCr2me - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.h2pcr2me.activeagent alternative H2pCr2me's ActiveAgent alt.h2pcr2me.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.anti-porn Anti-pornography activists forum. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. alt.h2pcr2me.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.h2pcr2me.admin Computer administration. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.advertising Help wanted ads for news administrators. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.kooks Kooky news administrators. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.net-abuse.blacklists Blacklisting the net-abusers. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.h2pcr2me.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. alt.h2pcr2me.admin.policy Policy to protect freedom. alt.h2pcr2me.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. alt.h2pcr2me.adoption.parenting Parents of Adopted children. alt.h2pcr2me.aeronautics alternative H2pCr2me Flying. alt.h2pcr2me.aeronautics.airliners How to raise prices in an oligopoly. alt.h2pcr2me.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.h2pcr2me.agriculture H2pCr2me in the Dirt. alt.h2pcr2me.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.h2pcr2me.agriculture.beekeeping European bee efficiency. alt.h2pcr2me.agriculture.fruit New fruits created using monoclonal techniques. alt.h2pcr2me.agriculture.jojoba Whale oil replacement technology. alt.h2pcr2me.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.h2pcr2me.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. alt.h2pcr2me.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.h2pcr2me.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. alt.h2pcr2me.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. alt.h2pcr2me.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.h2pcr2me.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.h2pcr2me.answers As if anyone on alt has the answers. alt.h2pcr2me.anthropology Latest discoveries. alt.h2pcr2me.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.h2pcr2me.aquaria alternative H2pCr2me Fishing. alt.h2pcr2me.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.h2pcr2me.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.h2pcr2me.arts.tv.rush-limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh show alt.h2pcr2me.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.h2pcr2me.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.h2pcr2me.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.h2pcr2me.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. alt.h2pcr2me.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.h2pcr2me.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.h2pcr2me.astrology.misc Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.h2pcr2me.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.h2pcr2me.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. alt.h2pcr2me.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. alt.h2pcr2me.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. alt.h2pcr2me.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.h2pcr2me.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. alt.h2pcr2me.aviation.legal Legal issues involving aviation worldwide. alt.h2pcr2me.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. alt.h2pcr2me.aviation.seaplane Sea plane discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. alt.h2pcr2me.balloons Gas or hot air airships and other lighter-than-air craft. alt.h2pcr2me.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. alt.h2pcr2me.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.h2pcr2me.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipCrime wares alt.h2pcr2me.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.h2pcr2me.bio.conservation Conservation biology research. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.evolution Discussions of evolutionary biology. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.h2pcr2me.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.systematics Cyborg controls. alt.h2pcr2me.bio.technology Cyborgs. alt.h2pcr2me.biz.fraud Making money through fraud. alt.h2pcr2me.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.h2pcr2me.biz.spam Spamming for fun and profit. alt.h2pcr2me.bizarre.funny Too bizarre to be funny. alt.h2pcr2me.boats.kayak Kayaking forum. alt.h2pcr2me.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.h2pcr2me.books.electronic Paperless books and related topics. alt.h2pcr2me.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.h2pcr2me.breaking-the-law Breaking the law, breaking the law. alt.h2pcr2me.burglary The science of surreptitious entry. alt.h2pcr2me.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.h2pcr2me.business.consulting The business of consulting. alt.h2pcr2me.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. alt.h2pcr2me.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.h2pcr2me.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. alt.h2pcr2me.business.marketing Roundtable for marketing topics. alt.h2pcr2me.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.h2pcr2me.cancelbots cancelbots are people too alt.h2pcr2me.cannabis.policy Computing the Mary Jane Policy. alt.h2pcr2me.chaos The study of the chaotic (Usenet, e.g.). alt.h2pcr2me.chem The latest chemicals. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.drugs Mind expanding chemical discourse. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.electrochem Kites in the rain. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.electrochem.battery More uses for lead. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.labware White coats. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.organic.synthesis Synthetic organic chemistry related topics. alt.h2pcr2me.chem.organomet Chemicals to enlarge penises. alt.h2pcr2me.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.h2pcr2me.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.condoms Collecting and trading condoms. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.credit-cards Collecting credit cards. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.credit-cards.stolen Collecting stolen credit cards. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.credit-cards.valid Collecting still valid credit cards. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.h2pcr2me.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.h2pcr2me.college.graduation College graduation discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.comp-aided Hurricane annimations. alt.h2pcr2me.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.h2pcr2me.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.h2pcr2me.config News configuration. alt.h2pcr2me.congressagent alternative H2pCr2me's CongressAgent alt.h2pcr2me.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.h2pcr2me.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.h2pcr2me.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.h2pcr2me.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. alt.h2pcr2me.cryonics Chilling H2pCr2me. alt.h2pcr2me.crypt Recent vampire findings. alt.h2pcr2me.crypt.research Vampire dwelling research. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.ewe Ewe-speaking forum. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.somali All things Somalian. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.xhosa Xhosa people and their culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.antarctica The culture of the southernmost continent. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.australian.aborigine Australian Aborigine culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.bashkir The Bashkir culture forum. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.basque Basque culture and related issues. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.charnego The Spanish-speaking community in Catalonia. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.eritrean The culture of Eritrea. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.ethiopia All things Ethiopian in the broadest sense. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.icelandic Iceland and its people. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.american Native American cultures. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.assam The culture of Assam. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.bihar Bihar culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian, etc. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.orissa Orissa culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.rajasthan Rajasthan culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.indian.uttar-pradesh U.P. culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.jamaican Come back to Jamaica and feel all right. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.japan Anything Japanese. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.kashmir About Jammu and Kashmir. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.kazakh The culture of Kazakhstan. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.latin-america.guarani The culture of the Guarani. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.multicultural We're all in this together - can't we just get along?. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.pakistan Discussions on Pakistan. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.pakistan.education Education in Pakistan. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.prussian Prussia, its culture and heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.slovak Slovakia, its people, history, and culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.subculture.drug-addiction Merck is trying to enslave America. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.tibet Tibet, its history and culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.turkish Issues related to Turks/Turkey. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.uzbek Uzbekistan and its culture. alt.h2pcr2me.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.h2pcr2me.data.administration Data administration discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.h2pcr2me.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.h2pcr2me.dc.sex Sex in the nation's capital. alt.h2pcr2me.dc.sex.oral Oral sex in the nation's capital. alt.h2pcr2me.devices.disassemblers The right way to program. alt.h2pcr2me.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.h2pcr2me.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.h2pcr2me.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. alt.h2pcr2me.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.h2pcr2me.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.h2pcr2me.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.h2pcr2me.earth.general Planetwide General Newgroup. alt.h2pcr2me.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. alt.h2pcr2me.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.h2pcr2me.econ.research Global market meltdowns. alt.h2pcr2me.edu Journalism courses. alt.h2pcr2me.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.h2pcr2me.education.multimedia Multimedia for education. alt.h2pcr2me.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.h2pcr2me.electronics.basics Radio Shack H2pCr2me. alt.h2pcr2me.emacs.advocacy Emacs is better than vi! alt.h2pcr2me.emulators.announce Emulator news, FAQs, announcements. alt.h2pcr2me.emulators.mac.executor Discussion of ARDI's Macintosh emulator. alt.h2pcr2me.energy H2pCr2me collects Plutonium. alt.h2pcr2me.energy.hydrogen The H-bomb. alt.h2pcr2me.engr alternative H2pCr2me Engineering. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.biomed Engineering human replacement parts. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.chem Engineering alchemy. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.chem.separation Chemical separation forum. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.civil Polite engineers. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.civil.roads Discussions related to construction of roads. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.color Psychedelic. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.control Engineers controlling everyone else. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.dredging All aspects of dredging. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.electrical.compliance Building codes in various jurisdictions. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.electrical.sys-protection Rubber boots. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.geomechanics How the earth works. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.h2pcr2me.coupling.coitis alt.h2pcr2me.engr.joining.welding Let your heart melt. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.lighting Westinghouse studies. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.manufacturing Slave labor techniques. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.h2pcr2me.engr.micromachining Small parts. alt.h2pcr2me.engr.mining Mining engineering and mining technical topics. alt.h2pcr2me.entrepreneurs Entrepreneur/business topics. alt.h2pcr2me.environment alternative H2pCr2me Environmental. alt.h2pcr2me.environment.waste Environmental waste. alt.h2pcr2me.eugenics Breeding a better human race. alt.h2pcr2me.fan.karl-malden.nose Karl Malden's nose taking over the Internet. alt.h2pcr2me.fart The art of fart alt.h2pcr2me.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. alt.h2pcr2me.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.h2pcr2me.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.h2pcr2me.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.h2pcr2me.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.h2pcr2me.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.h2pcr2me.finance.abstracts Abstracts of unpublished finance working papers. alt.h2pcr2me.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. alt.h2pcr2me.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.h2pcr2me.food.bacteria Mayonaisse permutations. alt.h2pcr2me.food.chitlins Mmmm Mmmm Good! alt.h2pcr2me.food.fried-chicken The Colonel has nothing on my Momma! alt.h2pcr2me.food.jigaboo.bar-b-que Afro-american food. alt.h2pcr2me.food.jigaboo.collard-greens Afro-american food. alt.h2pcr2me.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.h2pcr2me.food.jigaboo.smothered-okra Afro-american food. alt.h2pcr2me.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.h2pcr2me.food.ken-l-rations My dog's better than your dog. alt.h2pcr2me.food.lutefisk Scandanavia at its finest! alt.h2pcr2me.food.mcshit Eat McShit and McDie. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.babies Recipes for cooking babies. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.cannabalism.jewish All matters concerning Jewish cuisine. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.dogs Recipes for cooking dogs. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.dogs.puppies Recipes for cooking little puppies. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.rats Recipes for cooking rats. alt.h2pcr2me.food.recipes.scat Animal residue in McDonalds burgers. alt.h2pcr2me.food.ribs Sho be good! alt.h2pcr2me.food.shit Eat shit and die. alt.h2pcr2me.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. alt.h2pcr2me.food.watermelons Afro-american food. alt.h2pcr2me.food.whales Traditional norwegian cuisine. alt.h2pcr2me.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.h2pcr2me.fractals H2pCr2me's Fractals. alt.h2pcr2me.fucks.teenage.girls Film at 11. alt.h2pcr2me.gambling.small-stakes Small stakes home gambling. alt.h2pcr2me.games.beds-of-nails Uncle Fester loves this too. alt.h2pcr2me.games.body-piercing Extra genital holes. alt.h2pcr2me.games.child-abuse Child abuse as recreation. alt.h2pcr2me.games.dunking-stools Dunk the wench. alt.h2pcr2me.games.hacky-sack Kicking the little beanbag. alt.h2pcr2me.games.russian-roullette High stakes gaming. alt.h2pcr2me.games.solitaire Thank you Bill Gates. alt.h2pcr2me.games.strappado Raise 'em slowing, and drop 'em fast. alt.h2pcr2me.games.the-rack Everybody needs to be a bit taller. alt.h2pcr2me.games.thumbscrews One of Uncle Fester's favourites. alt.h2pcr2me.games.witch-hunts Burn the witch. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.cacti Cactus plants and other succulents. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.fungus Mushroom cultivation and mycology resources. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.hydroponic Growing plants hydroponically. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.hydroponic.marijuana Hydroponic stoner forum. alt.h2pcr2me.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.african Genealogy of Africa and the African Diaspora. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.surnames.canada Surnames queries - Canada. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.surnames.german Surnames queries - German speaking countries. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.surnames.global Surnames queries central database. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.surnames.ireland Surnames queries - Ireland & Northern Ireland. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.surnames.misc Surnames - regions not covered elsewhere. alt.h2pcr2me.genealogy.surnames.usa Surnames queries - USA. alt.h2pcr2me.general Miscellaneous general discussion. alt.h2pcr2me.general.specific General talk about specific subjects. alt.h2pcr2me.geo.earthquakes Earthquakes are superly cool, eh? alt.h2pcr2me.geo.fluids Fluid effects upon the planet. alt.h2pcr2me.geo.geology alternative H2pCr2me Geology. alt.h2pcr2me.geo.karl-malden.nose The geography of our favorite proboscis. alt.h2pcr2me.geography.cartography The mapmaking forum. alt.h2pcr2me.geography.climate Climate and geography. alt.h2pcr2me.geography.economic Economic geography. alt.h2pcr2me.geography.hydrology Rivers and oceans. alt.h2pcr2me.geography.soil Soil geography. alt.h2pcr2me.gothic Pastyfaced net.goths alt.h2pcr2me.gothic.suicide Favored gothic pastime. alt.h2pcr2me.graphology Handwriting analysis. alt.h2pcr2me.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? alt.h2pcr2me.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.h2pcr2me.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.h2pcr2me.history All aspects of history. alt.h2pcr2me.history.african.biafra History of Biafra (Eastern Nigeria). alt.h2pcr2me.history.property Discussions related to restoration & preservation of historic properties. alt.h2pcr2me.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.h2pcr2me.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. alt.h2pcr2me.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. alt.h2pcr2me.home.misc Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. alt.h2pcr2me.home.security Security aspects of home computing. alt.h2pcr2me.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.h2pcr2me.hotrod High speed automobiles. alt.h2pcr2me.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). alt.h2pcr2me.humor.funny.reruns Reposts of alt.h2pcr2me.humor.funny archive material. alt.h2pcr2me.humor.jewish Humor and the discussion of humor, mostly Jewish. alt.h2pcr2me.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. alt.h2pcr2me.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.h2pcr2me.hunting.dogs Hunting topics specifically related to using dogs. alt.h2pcr2me.immigration.europe Immigrating to Europe. alt.h2pcr2me.immigration.illegal-aliens Wetback go home! alt.h2pcr2me.industry.utilities.gas Gas utilities. alt.h2pcr2me.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.h2pcr2me.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. alt.h2pcr2me.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. alt.h2pcr2me.is.a.heterosexual.pedophile Where have I heard that before? alt.h2pcr2me.kibo.hunting Was Kibo here? alt.h2pcr2me.kibo.hunting.with-pgp Was Kibo's sig encrypted? alt.h2pcr2me.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h2pcr2me.kids.info Informational posts related to alt.h2pcr2me.kids hierarchy. alt.h2pcr2me.kids.juvenile-delinquents Normal children. alt.h2pcr2me.kids.sexual-abstinence Unpopulated group. alt.h2pcr2me.kids.tantrums Discussion of kids' tantrums (tantra?) alt.h2pcr2me.la.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.c The C programming language. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.c++ Technical discussion of the C++ language. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.cognitive Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.computational Computational Linguistics forum. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.dmt The DMT Language for alien-contact algorithms. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.ebonics Thee H2pCr2me Ghetto. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.english English linguistics. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.etymology Discussion of word and phrase origins. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.goombonics Italian dialect. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.jargon Discussion of slangs and jargons. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.java Announcements re the Java System. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.java.bugs Bugs in Java. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.khoisan Grammar and lexicon of Khoisan languages. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.lsd The LSD self-programming language. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.misc Miscellaneous linguistic discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.morphology The study of inflection, word formation, and related grammar. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.pascal WirthLand. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.perl Word-out to Perl. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.phonetics Phonetics and phonology discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.pigin-creole Pigin and Creole languages discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.politics The politics of linguistics. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.russian Russian linguistics. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.semantics The linguistic study of semantics (signification and meaning). alt.h2pcr2me.lang.sign Sign languages. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.simula Discussions of Simula-67. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.syntax Linguistic discussions of syntax and related grammar. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.taxonomy Classifying languages into families. alt.h2pcr2me.lang.teaching The teaching of languages. alt.h2pcr2me.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.h2pcr2me.legal Everything is LEGAL until you get caught. alt.h2pcr2me.legal.beagles Woof! alt.h2pcr2me.legal.self-represent Self-representation in legal proceedings. alt.h2pcr2me.listagent alternative H2pCr2me's ListAgent alt.h2pcr2me.lists.misc News-related statistics and lists. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.aldous-huxley The writings of Aldous Huxley. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.alex-haley The writings of Alex Haley. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.alice-walker The writings of Alice Walker. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.ambrose-bierce The writings of Ambrose Bierce. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.anton-chekhov The writings of Anton Chekhov. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.bernard-malamud The writings of Bernard Malamud. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.boris-pasternak The writings of Boris Pasternak. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.carlos-fuentes The writings of Carlos Fuentes. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.dashiell-hammett The writings of Dashiell Hammett. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.earl-stanley-gardner The writings of Earl Stanley Gardner. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.emily-dickinson The writings of The poetry of Emily Dickinson. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.ernest-hemingway The writings of Ernest Hemingway. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.ezra-pound The writings of Ezra Pound. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.f-scott-fitzgerald The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.franz-kafka The writings of Franz Kafka. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.frederick-brown The writings of Frederick Brown. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.george-orwell The writings of George Orwell. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.gore-vidal The writings of Gore Vidal. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.harper-lee The writings of Harper Lee. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.henrik-ibsen The writings of Henrik Ibsen. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.henry-miller The writings of Henry Miller. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.herman-wouk The writings of Herman Wouk. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.hermann-hesse The writings of Hermann Hesse. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.howard-fast The writings of Howard Fast. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.ivo-andric The writings of Ivo Andric. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.jack-kerouac The writings of Jack Kerouac. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.jack-london The writings of Jack London. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.james-baldwin The writings of James Baldwin. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.jean-paul-sartre The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.jerzy-kosinski The writings of Jerzy Kosinski. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.john-brunner The writings of John Brunner. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.jules-verne The writings of Jules Verne. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.kahlil-gibran The writings of Kahlil Gibran. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.ken-kesey The writings of Ken Kesey. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.kurt-vonnegut The writings of Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.leo-tolstoy The writings of Leo Tolstoy. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.lewis-carrol The writings of Lewis Carrol. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.o-henry The writings of O. Henry. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.h2pcr2me.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.h2pcr2me.lsd lysergic acid diethyl amide alt.h2pcr2me.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. alt.h2pcr2me.martial-arts Martial-arts in general. alt.h2pcr2me.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.h2pcr2me.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. alt.h2pcr2me.mda methylene dioxy amphetamine alt.h2pcr2me.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.h2pcr2me.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. alt.h2pcr2me.med.alternative Alternative medicine. alt.h2pcr2me.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.h2pcr2me.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h2pcr2me.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.h2pcr2me.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.h2pcr2me.med.homeopathy Small quantities, great results. alt.h2pcr2me.med.karl-malden.olfactory.proboscis Can the nose be cured? alt.h2pcr2me.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. alt.h2pcr2me.med.ob-gyn Unmoderated obstetrics and gynecology forum. alt.h2pcr2me.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.h2pcr2me.med.orgasm Medical causes for orgasms. alt.h2pcr2me.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.h2pcr2me.med.pms When does it end? alt.h2pcr2me.med.psychotic.news-admins Is there a cure? alt.h2pcr2me.members The members of Usenet. alt.h2pcr2me.meow.admin.usenet.performance.art UPA at its finest. alt.h2pcr2me.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.h2pcr2me.meow.encrypted Encrypted Meows. alt.h2pcr2me.meow.forgery Cats don't forge. alt.h2pcr2me.meow.specific Specific Meowing. alt.h2pcr2me.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.h2pcr2me.mktagent alternative H2pCr2me's MarketAgent alt.h2pcr2me.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.h2pcr2me.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.h2pcr2me.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.h2pcr2me.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.h2pcr2me.models.tinplate.trains All aspects of tinplate trains. alt.h2pcr2me.music.funny Funny music and other tasteless sounds. alt.h2pcr2me.music.research The use of Computers in Music Research and Composition. alt.h2pcr2me.music.white-power Lyrics, albums, performers, enjoyment of the genre. alt.h2pcr2me.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.h2pcr2me.newsagent alternative H2pCr2me's NewsAgent alt.h2pcr2me.newsites New site announcements. alt.h2pcr2me.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. alt.h2pcr2me.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.h2pcr2me.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.h2pcr2me.nyc.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h2pcr2me.org.aa Argentium Astrum alt.h2pcr2me.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.h2pcr2me.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.h2pcr2me.org.al-anon Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps. alt.h2pcr2me.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. alt.h2pcr2me.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.h2pcr2me.org.eff.censorship EFF is pro-censorship. alt.h2pcr2me.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Asalt.h2pcr2me. alt.h2pcr2me.org.freemasonry Discussion group for the Fraternity "Freemasonry". alt.h2pcr2me.org.freemasons Free Masons. alt.h2pcr2me.org.guardian-angels The guys in the red berets. alt.h2pcr2me.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.h2pcr2me.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.h2pcr2me.org.knights-of-columbus Knights of Columbus. alt.h2pcr2me.org.lions Lions Club. alt.h2pcr2me.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.h2pcr2me.org.rotary-club Rotary Club. alt.h2pcr2me.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.h2pcr2me.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.h2pcr2me.os.unix.portable Linux OS on portable computers. alt.h2pcr2me.papers Newspapers. alt.h2pcr2me.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. alt.h2pcr2me.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. alt.h2pcr2me.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.h2pcr2me.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.h2pcr2me.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.alligators Keeping 'gators as pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.h2pcr2me.pets.birds.canaries Canaries forum. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.birds.parrots Parrots discussion. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.cats.announce Informational postings, FAQ's regarding cats. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.fleas Train 'em to perform in your own microcircus. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.giraffes Giraffes as pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.hedgehogs Hedgehog keepers forum. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.lice Very low effort pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.naked-mole-rats Bare as a baby's bottom. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.pigs.potbellied Concerns regarding potbellied pigs as pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.scabies You never need to feed 'em. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.weasels Tired of your puny ferret? alt.h2pcr2me.pets.whales Whales as pets. alt.h2pcr2me.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.h2pcr2me.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.h2pcr2me.philosophy.dialectics Dialectical materlialism and related topics. alt.h2pcr2me.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.h2pcr2me.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.h2pcr2me.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.h2pcr2me.photo The art and science of photography. alt.h2pcr2me.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. alt.h2pcr2me.physics.research Current physics research. alt.h2pcr2me.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.h2pcr2me.politics.extremism Extermist politics of all kinds. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.immigration Worldwide immigration politics forusm. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.internet Internet-related politics. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.local Local politics. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.peace Peace movements everywhere. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.tax-evasion The politics of non-taxation. alt.h2pcr2me.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.h2pcr2me.predictions Predictions of the future. alt.h2pcr2me.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. alt.h2pcr2me.prophecy The ancient art revisited. alt.h2pcr2me.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.h2pcr2me.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.h2pcr2me.psychology.journals.psyche E-journal on consciousness. alt.h2pcr2me.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. alt.h2pcr2me.psychology.psychotherapy Unmoderated psychotherapy forum. alt.h2pcr2me.psychology.rape Research issues in psychological rape. alt.h2pcr2me.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.h2pcr2me.questions Topics not covered in alt.h2pcr2me.answers. alt.h2pcr2me.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.h2pcr2me.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. alt.h2pcr2me.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.child-sacrifice The only way to truly worship Goddess. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.confucianism Confucius say. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.druid Tree worship, H2pCr2me stylee. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.penis-worship Paying tribute to penile deities. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.rosicrucian The ancient order of Rosicrucians. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.h2pcr2me.religion.scientology L. Ron Hubbard's legacy. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.zarathushtra Zoroastrianism. alt.h2pcr2me.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.h2pcr2me.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. alt.h2pcr2me.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.h2pcr2me.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.h2pcr2me.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. alt.h2pcr2me.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.h2pcr2me.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.h2pcr2me.scouting.chinese Scout Movement Discussion for Chinese. alt.h2pcr2me.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.h2pcr2me.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. alt.h2pcr2me.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.h2pcr2me.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.h2pcr2me.security.pgp.backdoors NSA's backdoor in Pretty Good Privacy. alt.h2pcr2me.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.h2pcr2me.senior.marketplace Ads for senior related goods and services. alt.h2pcr2me.sex The most popular recreation. alt.h2pcr2me.sex.affairs.clinton Presidential indiscretions. alt.h2pcr2me.sex.affairs.clinton.pizza-n-blowjobs Presidential treats alt.h2pcr2me.sex.affairs.clinton.vaginal-cigars Presidential treats. alt.h2pcr2me.sex.jailbait Dangerous if caught. alt.h2pcr2me.sexuality.general Human sexuality in general. alt.h2pcr2me.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.h2pcr2me.sexuality.perversions.sodomy Homosexuality and animals. alt.h2pcr2me.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.h2pcr2me.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. alt.h2pcr2me.sf.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.h2pcr2me.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. alt.h2pcr2me.singles Conversations among people who are or were single. alt.h2pcr2me.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. alt.h2pcr2me.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.h2pcr2me.society The impact of technology on society. alt.h2pcr2me.society.cu-digest The Computer Underground Digest. alt.h2pcr2me.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. alt.h2pcr2me.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. alt.h2pcr2me.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.h2pcr2me.soft-sys.applixware Applix Applixware. alt.h2pcr2me.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.h2pcr2me.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.h2pcr2me.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.h2pcr2me.software.arabic Arabic script software. alt.h2pcr2me.software.inn Rich $alz's hack alt.h2pcr2me.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.h2pcr2me.software.nns Netmanage product. alt.h2pcr2me.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.h2pcr2me.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.h2pcr2me.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.h2pcr2me.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.h2pcr2me.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. alt.h2pcr2me.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.h2pcr2me.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.h2pcr2me.spambots spambots are people too alt.h2pcr2me.speleology Cavers forum. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.arson Detroit on October 30. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.bocci-ball Itsa nicea gamea! alt.h2pcr2me.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.cow-tipping The midwestern art of cow tipping. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.cricket-racing By Yiminy, I think he'll win! alt.h2pcr2me.sport.extortion Best sport next to bocci ball. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.frog-jumping Caleveras county. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.hovercraft Discussion about recreational hovercraft. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.jumprope Double Dutch anyone? alt.h2pcr2me.sport.kitten-drowning Spaying costs too much. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.lawnbowling Postings related to the sport of lawnbowling. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.net-abuse H2pCr2me's favourite sport. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.officiating Discussions regarding officiating athletic contests. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.pigeons Racing pigeon and fancy pigeon info exchange. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.presidential.assassination The only dope worth shooting is Bill Clinton. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.rape The oldest sport known to man. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.h2pcr2me.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.h2pcr2me.sport.wife-beating She needs it, sometimes she wants it too. alt.h2pcr2me.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.h2pcr2me.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.h2pcr2me.std.syphilic The standard sexually stransmitted disease. alt.h2pcr2me.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. alt.h2pcr2me.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.h2pcr2me.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.h2pcr2me.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.h2pcr2me.subculture.homosexual Homosexual subculture. alt.h2pcr2me.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.h2pcr2me.subculture.online.kooks Kook Kabal rulez! alt.h2pcr2me.subculture.online.meow Meowers subculture. alt.h2pcr2me.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.h2pcr2me.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.h2pcr2me.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.h2pcr2me.support.abuse.internet Support for survivors of flame wars and net.abuse. alt.h2pcr2me.support.abuse.rape Support for rape survivors. alt.h2pcr2me.support.abuse.sexual Support for sex abuse survivors. alt.h2pcr2me.support.constipation Net's best laxative. alt.h2pcr2me.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.h2pcr2me.support.eunuchs Eunuchs today. alt.h2pcr2me.support.forgery Forgery support. alt.h2pcr2me.support.genital-warts Does it feel better? alt.h2pcr2me.support.herpes Cold sores discussion. alt.h2pcr2me.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.h2pcr2me.support.incontinence Help! I'm peeing in my pants. alt.h2pcr2me.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.h2pcr2me.support.loneliness Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. alt.h2pcr2me.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.h2pcr2me.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.h2pcr2me.support.penile-disfunction My weenie doesn't work! alt.h2pcr2me.support.pregnancy.loss Issues and support related to pregnancy loss. alt.h2pcr2me.support.rapists Rapist support group. alt.h2pcr2me.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. alt.h2pcr2me.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.h2pcr2me.taxes Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. alt.h2pcr2me.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.h2pcr2me.techniques.thermal Thermal Analysis in general. alt.h2pcr2me.test Testing of posting to moderated groups. alt.h2pcr2me.text.erotica Erotic texts of all kinds. alt.h2pcr2me.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.h2pcr2me.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.h2pcr2me.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.h2pcr2me.transport.air-industry.cargo Questions/comments regarding air cargo. alt.h2pcr2me.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.h2pcr2me.travel.resorts Discussion of travel resorts. alt.h2pcr2me.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.h2pcr2me.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.h2pcr2me.travel.to-heaven-and-back Recreational spirit travel alt.h2pcr2me.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.h2pcr2me.video.marketplace Buying and selling video equipment. alt.h2pcr2me.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. alt.h2pcr2me.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality - technology and culture. alt.h2pcr2me.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.h2pcr2me.women.frigid No description. alt.h2pcr2me.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.h2pcr2me.zzzzz Time to catch some Z's. alt.hack No description. alt.hack.tr No description. alt.hacker No description. alt.hacker.avatar No description. alt.hacker.org-gcf German Computer Freaks Security Newsgroup. alt.hackers No description. (Moderated) alt.hackers.anti-pedo No description. alt.hackers.anti-pedos No description. alt.hackers.attila_hack No description. alt.hackers.cough.cough.cough Italian cough cough. alt.hackers.cough.cough.cough1 No description. alt.hackers.crybabies No description. alt.hackers.debate Debating group for hackers and admins (Moderated) alt.hackers.discuss A self-moderated hackers discussion group. (Moderated) alt.hackers.groups Discussion of various hacker groups. alt.hackers.groups.lod LoD hacking USEnet group alt.hackers.groups.moderated Advanced hacking and related technology. (Moderated) alt.hackers.hackerzlair No description. alt.hackers.malicious The really bad guys -- don't take candy from them. alt.hackers.wicked-samurai No description. alt.hackers.wickedsamuria No description. alt.hacking Redundant with many other groups. alt.hacking.advanced protection\indemnities\breaking operationg systems (Moderated) alt.hacking.in.progress international hacker congress Netherlands in august 97 alt.hackintosh Clever programming on Apple's Macintosh. alt.hackintosh.mp0werd Of all clean birds ye shall eat. alt.hackintosh.serials Posting serial numbers for Macintosh Software. alt.hacknirvana No description. alt.hahsdigi For the hahs of digi. alt.hahsdigi.doki.is.safe alt.FUCK.OFF.MIEKM alt.hahsdigi.jim-dove.doing.a.really.big.dump No description. alt.hair-removal No description. alt.hairinfo.ernie.fiction No description. alt.hal2001.lives-on We will never forget HAL2001! alt.halah A place for the Halah's of the world to unite alt.hale-bobb No description. alt.halfbakery No description. alt.halloween.boo No description. alt.ham-radio.marketplace Buy/sell/swap ham radio gear alt.ham-radio.packet Use rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc instead. alt.ham-radio.vhf-uhf No description. alt.hangover Pass the aspirin and a barrel of coffee. alt.happy.birthday.to.me Exploding egoism. alt.happy.valley - - this ain't a valley & we ain't happy: alt.happyclown No description. alt.hardcore Like a peach. Or the earth. alt.hardware-theft.compaq.zed Regarding the theft of HW from companies alt.harpa Hacker Advanced Research Projects Agency (Moderated) alt.hate.a2000 For serious discussions on terrible financial misbehavior of alt.hate.areku For enemies of the arrogant dickhead alt.hate.kelvinmckenzie Group discussing the activities of Kelvin alt.hate.lemonhead Eric Sucks alt.hate.sheilagreen No description. alt.hate.shilo No description. alt.haunting.hoax No description. alt.haunting.investigation No description. alt.haunting.serious No description. alt.hawk.is.a.dyke Alt dyking hawk haters alt.hawk.sucks.dick Hawk Haters Auto-line alt.hcstuik.jxs ieoauiefioaioa alt.head.made.of.wood.montgomery-wood No description. alt.head.stuck.in.ass.montgomery-wood No description. alt.healing.flower-essence No description. alt.healing.reiki No description. alt.health Use sci.med.* or misc.health.* instead. alt.health.ayurveda Really old medicine from India. alt.health.biofeedback Discussion of all aspects of biofeedback therapy alt.health.cfids-action Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Action Group. (Moderated) alt.health.cfs No description. alt.health.dental-amalgam "Amalgam Related Illness" discussion group. alt.health.fasting No description. alt.health.herpes.moderated Herpes Community Forum: HSV1&2 Topics. (Moderated) alt.health.hmo No description. alt.health.massage-therapy No description. alt.health.mold No description. alt.health.oxygen-therapy Discussion of oxygen & ozone therapy. alt.health.smoking.advocacy No description. alt.health.systems No description. alt.health.virus.cure.alternatives alternative treatment of virus-related alt.hektors-hadeaway No description. alt.help.businesscalc Business Calculus Support Group. alt.help.wanted An alternate way for employers to post help alt.hemp It's about knot-tying with rope. Knot! alt.hemp.octa All eight sides to the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act. alt.hemp.politics Political issues surrounding marijuana. alt.hentai.sailor-moon No description. alt.heraldry.sca Use rec.heraldry instead. alt.heritage.front No description. alt.herp No description. alt.herp.med No description. alt.herpes.personals People with herpes looking for companionship. alt.hey.quad.nice.ass For admiration and worship of Alicia Wallace's alt.hf.sycy Q:5OX/R*UYDP-_c8A*/`3e0V alt.hg.fnf.nkhu.pm mitasaiuouaaouujvi alt.hgo HGO.Net Subscribers alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee alternative HipCrime - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activeagent alternative HipCrime's ActiveAgent alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin Computer administration. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.kooks Kooky news administrators. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.blacklists Blacklisting the net-abusers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining HipCrime networks. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.adoption.parenting Parents of Adopted children. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.aeronautics alternative HipCrime Flying. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.aeronautics.airliners How to raise prices in an oligopoly. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.agriculture HipCrime in the Dirt. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.agriculture.fruit New fruits created using monoclonal techniques. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.agriculture.jojoba Whale oil replacement technology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.answers As if anyone on alt has the answers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.anthropology Latest discoveries. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.aquaria alternative HipCrime Fishing. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.balloons Gas or hot air airships and other lighter-than-air craft. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipCrime wares alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.evolution Are you a man or an Ape? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.food-science BHA or BHT? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bio.technology Cyborgs. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.biz.fraud Making money through fraud. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.biz.spam Spamming for fun and profit. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.breaking-the-law Breaking the law, breaking the law. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.business.marketing Roundtable for marketing topics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.cancelbots cancelbots are people too alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.cannabis.policy Computing the Mary Jane Policy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chaos The study of the chaotic (Usenet, e.g.). alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.drugs Mind expanding chemical discourse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.electrochem Kites in the rain. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.electrochem.battery More uses for lead. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.labware White coats. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.organic.synthesis Penis synthesis. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chem.organomet Chemicals to enlarge penises. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.condoms Collecting and trading condoms. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.credit-cards.stolen Collecting stolen credit cards. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.credit-cards.valid Collecting still valid credit cards. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.college.graduation College graduation discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.comp-aided Hurricane annimations. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.config News configuration. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.congressagent alternative HipCrime's CongressAgent alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.cryonics Chilling hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.crypt Recent vampire findings. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.crypt.research Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and related issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.ewe Ewe-speaking forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.somali All things Somalian. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.xhosa Xhosa people and their culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.antarctica The culture of the southernmost continent. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.australian.aborigine Australian Aborigine culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.bashkir The Bashkir culture forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.basque Basque culture and related issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.eritrean The culture of Eritrea. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.ethiopia All things Ethiopian in the broadest sense. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.icelandic Iceland and its people. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.american Native American cultures. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.assam The culture of Assam. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.bihar Bihar culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.muslims Discussion newsgroup for Moslems in India. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.orissa Orissa culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.rajasthan Rajasthan culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.indian.uttar-pradesh U.P. culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.jamaican Come back to Jamaica and feel all right. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.kashmir About Jammu and Kashmir. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.kazakh The culture of Kazakhstan. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.latin-america.guarani The culture of the Guarani. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.multicultural We're all in this together - can't we just get along?. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.pakistan Discussions on Pakistan. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.prussian Prussia, its culture and heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.subculture.drug-addiction Merck is trying to enslave America. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.turkish Issues related to Turks/Turkey. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.uzbek Uzbekistan and its culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.cunt.general General discussions about cunts. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.data.administration Data administration discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.dc.sex Sex in the nation's capital. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.dc.sex.oral Oral sex in the nation's capital. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.devices.disassemblers The right way to program. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.earth.general Planetwide General Newgroup. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.econ.research Global market meltdowns. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.edu Journalism courses. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.education.multimedia Multimedia for education. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.electronics.basics Radio Shack hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.emulators.announce Emulator news, FAQs, announcements. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.emulators.mac.executor Discussion of ARDI's Macintosh emulator. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.energy HipCrime collects Plutonium. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.energy.hydrogen The H-bomb. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr alternative HipCrime Engineering. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.biomed Engineering human replacement parts. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.chem.separation Chemical separation forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.civil Polite engineers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.civil.roads Discussions related to construction of roads. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.color Psychedelic. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.dredging All aspects of dredging. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.electrical.compliance Building codes in various jurisdictions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.electrical.sys-protection Rubber boots. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.geomechanics How the earth works. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.coupling.coitis alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.joining.welding Let your heart melt. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.lighting Westinghouse studies. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.manufacturing Slave labor techniques. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.micromachining Small parts. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.engr.wastewater Waste water discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.entrepreneurs Entrepreneur/business topics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.environment alternative HipCrime Environmental. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.environment.waste Environmental waste. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.eugenics Breeding a better human race. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fan.karl-malden.nose Karl Malden's nose taking over the Internet. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fart The art of fart alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.finance.abstracts Financial abstracts. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.bacteria Mayonaisse permutations. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.fried-chicken The Colonel has nothing on my Momma! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.jigaboo.bar-b-que Afro-american food. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.jigaboo.collard-greens Afro-american food. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.jigaboo.smothered-okra Afro-american food. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.ken-l-rations My dog's better than your dog. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.lutefisk Scandanavia at its finest! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.mcshit Eat McShit and McDie. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.babies Recipes for cooking babies. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.cannabalism.jewish All matters concerning Jewish cuisine. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.cannabalism.nazis Crunchy'n'bitter, an acquired taste. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.cats Recipes for cooking cats. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.cats.kimchee Korean-specific methods for preserving deads cats and vegetables. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.dogs Recipes for cooking dogs. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.rats Recipes for cooking rats. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.recipes.scat Animal residue in McDonalds burgers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.shit Eat shit and die. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.watermelons Afro-american food. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.food.whales Traditional norwegian cuisine. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fractals HipCrime's Fractals. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.fucks.teenage.girls Film at 11. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.future The future of Usenet. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gambling.small-stakes Small stakes home gambling. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.52-card-pickup Dexterity skills. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.beds-of-nails Uncle Fester loves this too. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.bilboes The proper way to incarcerate. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.body-piercing Extra genital holes. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.child-abuse Child abuse as recreation. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.dunking-stools Dunk the wench. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.hacky-sack Kicking the little beanbag. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.russian-roullette High stakes gaming. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.solitaire Thank you Bill Gates. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.strappado Raise 'em slowing, and drop 'em fast. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.the-rack Everybody needs to be a bit taller. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.thumbscrews One of Uncle Fester's favourites. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.games.witch-hunts Burn the witch. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gardens.cacti Cactus plants and other succulents. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gardens.hydroponic.marijuana Hydroponic stoner forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.surnames.canada Surnames queries - Canada. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.surnames.german Surnames queries - German speaking countries. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.surnames.global Surnames queries central database. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.surnames.misc Surnames - regions not covered elsewhere. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.genealogy.surnames.usa Surnames queries - USA. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.general Miscellaneous general discussion. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.general.specific General talk about specific subjects. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geo.fluids Fluid effects upon the planet. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geo.geology alternative HipCrime Geology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geo.karl-malden.nose The geography of our favorite proboscis. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geography.cartography The mapmaking forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geography.climate Climate and geography. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geography.economic Economic geography. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geography.hydrology Rivers and oceans. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.geography.soil Soil geography. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gothic Pastyfaced net.goths alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.gothic.suicide Favored gothic pastime. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.graphology Handwriting analysis. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.history All aspects of history. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.history.property Discussions related to restoration & preservation of historic properties. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.home.misc Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.home.security Security aspects of home computing. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.hotrod High speed automobiles. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.humor.jewish Humor and the discussion of humor, mostly Jewish. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.immigration.illegal-aliens Wetback go home! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.industry.utilities.gas Gas utilities. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.is.a.heterosexual.pedophile Where have I heard that before? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.kibo.hunting Was Kibo here? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.kibo.hunting.with-pgp Was Kibo's sig encrypted? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.kids.abuse Discussion of child abuse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.kids.sexual-abstinence Unpopulated group. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.kids.tantrums Discussion of kids' tantrums (tantra?) alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.la.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.c The C programming language. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.c++ Technical discussion of the C++ language. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.cognitive Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.dmt The DMT Language for alien-contact algorithms. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.ebonics Thee HipCrime Ghetto. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.english English linguistics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.etymology Discussion of word and phrase origins. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.jargon Discussion of slangs and jargons. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.java Announcements re the Java System. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.java.bugs Bugs in Java. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.khoisan Grammar and lexicon of Khoisan languages. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.lsd The LSD self-programming language. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.misc Miscellaneous linguistic discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.morphology The study of inflection, word formation, and related grammar. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.perl Word-out to Perl. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.phonetics Phonetics and phonology discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.pigin-creole Pigin and Creole languages discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.russian Russian linguistics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.sign Sign languages. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.simula Discussions of Simula-67. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.syntax Linguistic discussions of syntax and related grammar. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.taxonomy Classifying languages into families. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lang.teaching The teaching of languages. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.legal Everything is LEGAL until you get caught. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.legal.beagles Woof! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.legal.self-represent Self-representation in legal proceedings. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.listagent alternative HipCrime's ListAgent alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.albert-camus The writings of Albert Camus. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.aldous-huxley The writings of Aldous Huxley. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.alice-walker The writings of Alice Walker. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.ambrose-bierce The writings of Ambrose Bierce. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.anthony-burgess The writings of Anthony Burgess. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.anton-chekhov The writings of Anton Chekhov. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.bernard-malamud The writings of Bernard Malamud. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.boris-pasternak The writings of Boris Pasternak. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.carlos-fuentes The writings of Carlos Fuentes. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.dashiell-hammett The writings of Dashiell Hammett. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.earl-stanley-gardner The writings of Earl Stanley Gardner. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.emily-dickinson The writings of The poetry of Emily Dickinson. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.ernest-hemingway The writings of Ernest Hemingway. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.f-scott-fitzgerald The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.franz-kafka The writings of Franz Kafka. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.frederick-brown The writings of Frederick Brown. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.gore-vidal The writings of Gore Vidal. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.henrik-ibsen The writings of Henrik Ibsen. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.henry-miller The writings of Henry Miller. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.hermann-hesse The writings of Hermann Hesse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.howard-fast The writings of Howard Fast. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.ivo-andric The writings of Ivo Andric. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.jack-kerouac The writings of Jack Kerouac. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.jack-london The writings of Jack London. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.james-baldwin The writings of James Baldwin. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.jean-paul-sartre The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.jerzy-kosinski The writings of Jerzy Kosinski. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.john-brunner The writings of John Brunner. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.jules-verne The writings of Jules Verne. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.kahlil-gibran The writings of Kahlil Gibran. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.ken-kesey The writings of Ken Kesey. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.kurt-vonnegut The writings of Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.leo-tolstoy The writings of Leo Tolstoy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.o-henry The writings of O. Henry. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.lsd lysergic acid diethyl amide alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.manners Etiquette and good manners. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.martial-arts Martial-arts in general. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.mda methylene dioxy amphetamine alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.homeopathy Small quantities, great results. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.ob-gyn Unmoderated obstetrics and gynecology forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.orgasm Medical causes for orgasms. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.med.pms When does it end? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.meow.encrypted Encrypted Meows. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.meow.forgery Cats don't forge. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.meow.general General Meowing. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.meow.specific Specific Meowing. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.mktagent alternative HipCrime's MarketAgent alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.models.tinplate.trains All aspects of tinplate trains. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.music.funny Funny music and other tasteless sounds. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.music.white-power Lyrics, albums, performers, enjoyment of the genre. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.newsagent alternative HipCrime's NewsAgent alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.newsites New site announcements. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.aa Argentium Astrum alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.al-anon Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.eff.censorship EFF is pro-censorship. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Asalt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.freemasonry Discussion group for the Fraternity "Freemasonry". alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.knights-of-columbus Knights of Columbus. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.lions Lions Club. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.rotary-club Rotary Club. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.os.unix.portable Linux OS on portable computers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.papers Newspapers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.alligators Keeping 'gators as pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.birds.canaries Canaries forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.birds.parrots Parrots discussion. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.bobcats Keep them away from your rabbit. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.fleas Train 'em to perform in your own microcircus. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.giraffes Giraffes as pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.hedgehogs Hedgehog keepers forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.lice Very low effort pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.naked-mole-rats Bare as a baby's bottom. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.pigs.potbellied Concerns regarding potbellied pigs as pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.rocks Pet rock forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.scabies You never need to feed 'em. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.philosophy.dialectics Dialectical materlialism and related topics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.philosophy.existentialism Existentialist philosophy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.photo The art and science of photography. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.photo.help Help! What button do I press?. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.immigration Worldwide immigration politics forusm. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.peace Peace movements everywhere. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.tax-evasion The politics of non-taxation. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.psychology.journals.psyche E-journal on consciousness. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.psychology.psychotherapy Unmoderated psychotherapy forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.questions Topics not covered in alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.answers. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.child-sacrifice The only way to truly worship Goddess. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.confucianism Confucius say. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.druid Tree worship, HipCrime stylee. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.rosicrucian The ancient order of Rosicrucians. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.scientology L. Ron Hubbard's legacy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.scouting.chinese Scout Movement Discussion for Chinese. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.scuba.marketplace A marketplace for scuba equipment. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.security.pgp.backdoors NSA's backdoor in Pretty Good Privacy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.senior.marketplace Ads for senior related goods and services. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sex The most popular recreation. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sex.affairs.clinton Presidential indiscretions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sex.affairs.clinton.pizza-n-blowjobs Presidential treats alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sex.affairs.clinton.vaginal-cigars Presidential treats. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sex.jailbait Dangerous if caught. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sf.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.singles Conversations among people who are or were single. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.society.cu-digest The Computer Underground Digest. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.soft-sys.applixware Applix Applixware. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.software.arabic Arabic script software. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.software.inn Rich $alz's hack alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.software.nns Netmanage product. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.specific.general Specific talk about general subjects. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.speleology Cavers forum. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.arson Detroit on October 30. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.bocci-ball Itsa nicea gamea! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.frog-jumping Caleveras county. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.kitten-drowning Spaying costs too much. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.lawnbowling Postings related to the sport of lawnbowling. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.net-abuse HipCrime's favourite sport. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.officiating Discussions regarding officiating athletic contests. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.pigeons Racing pigeon and fancy pigeon info exchange. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.presidential.assassination The only dope worth shooting is Bill Clinton. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.rape She was asking for it! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sport.wife-beating She needs it, sometimes she wants it too. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.std.lisp User group (ALU) supported standards. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.std.syphilic The standard sexually stransmitted disease. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.subculture.online.kooks Kook Kabal rulez! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.subculture.online.meow Meowers subculture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.abuse.internet Support for survivors of flame wars and net.abuse. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.abuse.rape Support for rape survivors. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.abuse.sexual Support for sex abuse survivors. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.eunuchs Eunuchs today. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.genital-warts Does it feel better? alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.herpes Cold sores discussion. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.incontinence Help! I'm peeing in my pants. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.loneliness Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.penile-disfunction My weenie doesn't work! alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.rapists Rapist support group. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.taxes Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.techniques.thermal Thermal Analysis in general. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.test Testing of posting to moderated groups. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.text.erotica Erotic texts of all kinds. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.transport.air-industry.cargo Questions/comments regarding air cargo. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.travel.resorts Discussion of travel resorts. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.travel.to-heaven-and-back Recreational spirit travel alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.video.marketplace Buying and selling video equipment. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality - technology and culture. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.women.frigid Support group for women who hate sex. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.hh.ii.pp.cc.rr.ii.mm.ee.zzzzz Time to catch some Z's. alt.hi-po.mopars Use rec.autos.makers.chrysler instead. alt.hi.are.you.cute Are there a lot of pathetic people on the net or what? alt.highfields.school Discussion for pupils, staff and alumni alt.hilliterate.noarthern.bastards No description. alt.hindu The Hindu religion. (Moderated) alt.hipclone alternative HipClone - you committed one when you opened this book. Keep it up. It's our only hope. alt.hipclone.activeagent alternative HipClone's ActiveAgent alt.hipclone.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.hipclone.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.hipclone.activism.anti-porn Anti-pornography activists forum. alt.hipclone.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.hipclone.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.hipclone.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. alt.hipclone.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.hipclone.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. alt.hipclone.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.hipclone.admin Computer administration. alt.hipclone.admin.advertising Help wanted ads for news administrators. alt.hipclone.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.hipclone.admin.kooks Kooky news administrators. alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.blacklists Blacklisting the net-abusers. alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. alt.hipclone.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. alt.hipclone.admin.policy Policy to protect freedom. alt.hipclone.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining HipClone networks. alt.hipclone.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. alt.hipclone.adoption.parenting Parents of Adopted children. alt.hipclone.aeronautics alternative HipClone Flying. alt.hipclone.aeronautics.airliners How to raise prices in an oligopoly. alt.hipclone.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.hipclone.agriculture HipClone in the Dirt. alt.hipclone.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.hipclone.agriculture.beekeeping European bee efficiency. alt.hipclone.agriculture.fruit New fruits created using monoclonal techniques. alt.hipclone.agriculture.jojoba Whale oil replacement technology. alt.hipclone.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.hipclone.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. alt.hipclone.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.hipclone.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. alt.hipclone.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. alt.hipclone.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.hipclone.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.hipclone.answers As if anyone on alt has the answers. alt.hipclone.anthropology Latest discoveries. alt.hipclone.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.hipclone.aquaria alternative HipClone Fishing. alt.hipclone.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.hipclone.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.hipclone.arts.tv.rush-limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh show alt.hipclone.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.hipclone.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.hipclone.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.hipclone.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. alt.hipclone.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.hipclone.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.hipclone.astrology.misc Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.hipclone.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.hipclone.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. alt.hipclone.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. alt.hipclone.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. alt.hipclone.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.hipclone.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. alt.hipclone.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. alt.hipclone.aviation.legal Legal issues involving aviation worldwide. alt.hipclone.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. alt.hipclone.aviation.seaplane Sea plane discussions. alt.hipclone.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. alt.hipclone.balloons Gas or hot air airships and other lighter-than-air craft. alt.hipclone.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. alt.hipclone.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.hipclone.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipClone wares alt.hipclone.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.hipclone.bio.conservation Conservation biology research. alt.hipclone.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.hipclone.bio.evolution Are you a man or an Ape? alt.hipclone.bio.fisheries Whale and dolphin hunting. alt.hipclone.bio.food-science BHA or BHT? alt.hipclone.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.hipclone.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.hipclone.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.hipclone.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.hipclone.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.hipclone.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.hipclone.bio.systematics Cyborg controls. alt.hipclone.bio.technology Cyborgs. alt.hipclone.biz.fraud Making money through fraud. alt.hipclone.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.hipclone.biz.spam Spamming for fun and profit. alt.hipclone.bizarre.funny Too bizarre to be funny. alt.hipclone.boats.kayak Kayaking forum. alt.hipclone.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.hipclone.books.electronic Paperless books and related topics. alt.hipclone.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.hipclone.breaking-the-law Breaking the law, breaking the law. alt.hipclone.burglary The science of surreptitious entry. alt.hipclone.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.hipclone.business.consulting The business of consulting. alt.hipclone.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. alt.hipclone.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.hipclone.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. alt.hipclone.business.marketing Roundtable for marketing topics. alt.hipclone.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.hipclone.cancelbots cancelbots are people too alt.hipclone.cannabis.policy Computing the Mary Jane Policy. alt.hipclone.chaos The study of the chaotic (Usenet, e.g.). alt.hipclone.chem The latest chemicals. alt.hipclone.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.hipclone.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.hipclone.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.hipclone.chem.drugs Mind expanding chemical discourse. alt.hipclone.chem.electrochem Kites in the rain. alt.hipclone.chem.electrochem.battery More uses for lead. alt.hipclone.chem.labware White coats. alt.hipclone.chem.organic.synthesis Synthetic organic chemistry related topics. alt.hipclone.chem.organomet Chemicals to enlarge penises. alt.hipclone.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.hipclone.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.hipclone.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.hipclone.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.hipclone.collecting.condoms Collecting and trading condoms. alt.hipclone.collecting.credit-cards Collecting credit cards. alt.hipclone.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.hipclone.collecting.credit-cards.stolen Collecting stolen credit cards. alt.hipclone.collecting.credit-cards.valid Collecting still valid credit cards. alt.hipclone.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.hipclone.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.hipclone.college.graduation College graduation discussions. alt.hipclone.comp-aided Hurricane annimations. alt.hipclone.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.hipclone.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.hipclone.config News configuration. alt.hipclone.congressagent alternative HipClone's CongressAgent alt.hipclone.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.hipclone.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.hipclone.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.hipclone.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.hipclone.crafts.scrapbooks Discussion of scrapbooking techniques. alt.hipclone.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. alt.hipclone.cryonics Chilling HipClone. alt.hipclone.crypt Recent vampire findings. alt.hipclone.crypt.research Vampire dwelling research. alt.hipclone.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.hipclone.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.hipclone.culture.african.ewe Ewe-speaking forum. alt.hipclone.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.hipclone.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.hipclone.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.hipclone.culture.african.somali All things Somalian. alt.hipclone.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.hipclone.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.african.xhosa Xhosa people and their culture. alt.hipclone.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.hipclone.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.antarctica The culture of the southernmost continent. alt.hipclone.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.hipclone.culture.australian.aborigine Australian Aborigine culture. alt.hipclone.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.hipclone.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.hipclone.culture.bashkir The Bashkir culture forum. alt.hipclone.culture.basque Basque culture and related issues. alt.hipclone.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. alt.hipclone.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.hipclone.culture.charnego The Spanish-speaking community in Catalonia. alt.hipclone.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.hipclone.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.hipclone.culture.czech Czechy, its people, history, and culture. alt.hipclone.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.eritrean The culture of Eritrea. alt.hipclone.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. alt.hipclone.culture.ethiopia All things Ethiopian in the broadest sense. alt.hipclone.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.hipclone.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.hipclone.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. alt.hipclone.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.hipclone.culture.icelandic Iceland and its people. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.american Native American cultures. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.assam The culture of Assam. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.bihar Bihar culture. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.hipclone.culture.indian, etc. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.muslims Discussion newsgroup for Moslems in India. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.orissa Orissa culture. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.rajasthan Rajasthan culture. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.hipclone.culture.indian.uttar-pradesh U.P. culture. alt.hipclone.culture.jamaican Come back to Jamaica and feel all right. alt.hipclone.culture.japan Anything Japanese. alt.hipclone.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. alt.hipclone.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.hipclone.culture.kashmir About Jammu and Kashmir. alt.hipclone.culture.kazakh The culture of Kazakhstan. alt.hipclone.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.hipclone.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.hipclone.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.hipclone.culture.latin-america.guarani The culture of the Guarani. alt.hipclone.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.hipclone.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.hipclone.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.hipclone.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.hipclone.culture.multicultural We're all in this together - can't we just get along?. alt.hipclone.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.hipclone.culture.pakistan Discussions on Pakistan. alt.hipclone.culture.pakistan.education Education in Pakistan. alt.hipclone.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. alt.hipclone.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.hipclone.culture.prussian Prussia, its culture and heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.hipclone.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.hipclone.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.hipclone.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.hipclone.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.hipclone.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.hipclone.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.hipclone.culture.slovak Slovakia, its people, history, and culture. alt.hipclone.culture.subculture.drug-addiction Merck is trying to enslave America. alt.hipclone.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.hipclone.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.hipclone.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.hipclone.culture.tibet Tibet, its history and culture. alt.hipclone.culture.turkish Issues related to Turks/Turkey. alt.hipclone.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.hipclone.culture.uzbek Uzbekistan and its culture. alt.hipclone.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.hipclone.cunt.general General discussions about cunts. alt.hipclone.data.administration Data administration discussions. alt.hipclone.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.hipclone.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.hipclone.dc.sex Sex in the nation's capital. alt.hipclone.dc.sex.oral Oral sex in the nation's capital. alt.hipclone.devices.disassemblers The right way to program. alt.hipclone.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.hipclone.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.hipclone.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.hipclone.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. alt.hipclone.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.hipclone.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.hipclone.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.hipclone.earth.general Planetwide General Newgroup. alt.hipclone.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. alt.hipclone.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.hipclone.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. alt.hipclone.edu Journalism courses. alt.hipclone.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.hipclone.education.multimedia Multimedia for education. alt.hipclone.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.hipclone.electronics.basics Radio Shack HipClone. alt.hipclone.emacs.advocacy Emacs is better than vi! alt.hipclone.emulators.announce Emulator news, FAQs, announcements. alt.hipclone.emulators.mac.executor Discussion of ARDI's Macintosh emulator. alt.hipclone.energy HipClone collects Plutonium. alt.hipclone.energy.hydrogen The H-bomb. alt.hipclone.engr alternative HipClone Engineering. alt.hipclone.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.hipclone.engr.biomed Engineering human replacement parts. alt.hipclone.engr.chem Engineering alchemy. alt.hipclone.engr.chem.separation Chemical separation forum. alt.hipclone.engr.civil Polite engineers. alt.hipclone.engr.civil.roads Discussions related to construction of roads. alt.hipclone.engr.color Psychedelic. alt.hipclone.engr.control Engineers controlling everyone else. alt.hipclone.engr.dredging All aspects of dredging. alt.hipclone.engr.electrical.compliance Building codes in various jurisdictions. alt.hipclone.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.hipclone.engr.electrical.sys-protection Rubber boots. alt.hipclone.engr.geomechanics How the earth works. alt.hipclone.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.hipclone.coupling.coitis alt.hipclone.engr.joining.welding Let your heart melt. alt.hipclone.engr.lighting Westinghouse studies. alt.hipclone.engr.manufacturing Slave labor techniques. alt.hipclone.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.hipclone.engr.micromachining Small parts. alt.hipclone.engr.mining Mining engineering and mining technical topics. alt.hipclone.engr.wastewater Waste water discussions. alt.hipclone.entrepreneurs Entrepreneur/business topics. alt.hipclone.environment alternative HipClone Environmental. alt.hipclone.environment.waste Environmental waste. alt.hipclone.eugenics Breeding a better human race. alt.hipclone.fan.karl-malden.nose Karl Malden's nose taking over the Internet. alt.hipclone.fart The art of fart alt.hipclone.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. alt.hipclone.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.hipclone.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.hipclone.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.hipclone.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.hipclone.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.hipclone.finance.abstracts Abstracts of unpublished finance working papers. alt.hipclone.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. alt.hipclone.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.hipclone.food.bacteria Mayonaisse permutations. alt.hipclone.food.chitlins Mmmm Mmmm Good! alt.hipclone.food.fried-chicken The Colonel has nothing on my Momma! alt.hipclone.food.jigaboo.bar-b-que Afro-american food. alt.hipclone.food.jigaboo.collard-greens Afro-american food. alt.hipclone.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.hipclone.food.jigaboo.smothered-okra Afro-american food. alt.hipclone.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.hipclone.food.ken-l-rations My dog's better than your dog. alt.hipclone.food.lutefisk Scandanavia at its finest! alt.hipclone.food.mcshit Eat McShit and McDie. alt.hipclone.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.babies Recipes for cooking babies. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.hipclone.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.cannabalism.jewish All matters concerning Jewish cuisine. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.cannabalism.nazis Crunchy'n'bitter, an acquired taste. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.cats Recipes for cooking cats. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.cats.kimchee Korean-specific methods for preserving deads cats and vegetables. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.dogs Recipes for cooking dogs. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.dogs.puppies Recipes for cooking little puppies. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.rats Recipes for cooking rats. alt.hipclone.food.recipes.scat Animal residue in McDonalds burgers. alt.hipclone.food.ribs Sho be good! alt.hipclone.food.shit Eat shit and die. alt.hipclone.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. alt.hipclone.food.watermelons Afro-american food. alt.hipclone.food.whales Traditional norwegian cuisine. alt.hipclone.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.hipclone.fractals HipClone's Fractals. alt.hipclone.fucks.teenage.girls Film at 11. alt.hipclone.future The future of Usenet. alt.hipclone.gambling.blackjack Blackjack gambling. alt.hipclone.gambling.small-stakes Small stakes home gambling. alt.hipclone.games.52-card-pickup Dexterity skills. alt.hipclone.games.beds-of-nails Uncle Fester loves this too. alt.hipclone.games.bilboes The proper way to incarcerate. alt.hipclone.games.body-piercing Extra genital holes. alt.hipclone.games.child-abuse Child abuse as recreation. alt.hipclone.games.dunking-stools Dunk the wench. alt.hipclone.games.hacky-sack Kicking the little beanbag. alt.hipclone.games.russian-roullette High stakes gaming. alt.hipclone.games.solitaire Thank you Bill Gates. alt.hipclone.games.strappado Raise 'em slowing, and drop 'em fast. alt.hipclone.games.the-rack Everybody needs to be a bit taller. alt.hipclone.games.thumbscrews One of Uncle Fester's favourites. alt.hipclone.games.witch-hunts Burn the witch. alt.hipclone.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.hipclone.gardens.cacti Cactus plants and other succulents. alt.hipclone.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.hipclone.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. alt.hipclone.gardens.fungus Mushroom cultivation and mycology resources. alt.hipclone.gardens.hydroponic Growing plants hydroponically. alt.hipclone.gardens.hydroponic.marijuana Hydroponic stoner forum. alt.hipclone.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.hipclone.genealogy.african Genealogy of Africa and the African Diaspora. alt.hipclone.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. alt.hipclone.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. alt.hipclone.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. alt.hipclone.genealogy.surnames.canada Surnames queries - Canada. alt.hipclone.genealogy.surnames.german Surnames queries - German speaking countries. alt.hipclone.genealogy.surnames.global Surnames queries central database. alt.hipclone.genealogy.surnames.ireland Surnames queries - Ireland & Northern Ireland. alt.hipclone.genealogy.surnames.misc Surnames - regions not covered elsewhere. alt.hipclone.genealogy.surnames.usa Surnames queries - USA. alt.hipclone.general Miscellaneous general discussion. alt.hipclone.general.specific General talk about specific subjects. alt.hipclone.geo.earthquakes Earthquakes are superly cool, eh? alt.hipclone.geo.fluids Fluid effects upon the planet. alt.hipclone.geo.geology alternative HipClone Geology. alt.hipclone.geo.karl-malden.nose The geography of our favorite proboscis. alt.hipclone.geography.cartography The mapmaking forum. alt.hipclone.geography.climate Climate and geography. alt.hipclone.geography.economic Economic geography. alt.hipclone.geography.hydrology Rivers and oceans. alt.hipclone.geography.soil Soil geography. alt.hipclone.gothic Pastyfaced net.goths alt.hipclone.gothic.suicide Favored gothic pastime. alt.hipclone.graphology Handwriting analysis. alt.hipclone.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? alt.hipclone.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.hipclone.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.hipclone.history All aspects of history. alt.hipclone.history.african.biafra History of Biafra (Eastern Nigeria). alt.hipclone.history.property Discussions related to restoration & preservation of historic properties. alt.hipclone.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.hipclone.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. alt.hipclone.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. alt.hipclone.home.misc Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. alt.hipclone.home.security Security aspects of home computing. alt.hipclone.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.hipclone.hotrod High speed automobiles. alt.hipclone.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). alt.hipclone.humor.funny.reruns Reposts of alt.hipclone.humor.funny archive material. alt.hipclone.humor.jewish Humor and the discussion of humor, mostly Jewish. alt.hipclone.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. alt.hipclone.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.hipclone.hunting.dogs Hunting topics specifically related to using dogs. alt.hipclone.immigration.europe Immigrating to Europe. alt.hipclone.immigration.illegal-aliens Wetback go home! alt.hipclone.industry.utilities.gas Gas utilities. alt.hipclone.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.hipclone.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. alt.hipclone.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. alt.hipclone.is.a.heterosexual.pedophile Where have I heard that before? alt.hipclone.kibo.hunting Was Kibo here? alt.hipclone.kibo.hunting.with-pgp Was Kibo's sig encrypted? alt.hipclone.kids.abuse Discussion of child abuse. alt.hipclone.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hipclone.kids.info Informational posts related to alt.hipclone.kids hierarchy. alt.hipclone.kids.juvenile-delinquents Normal children. alt.hipclone.kids.sexual-abstinence Unpopulated group. alt.hipclone.kids.tantrums Discussion of kids' tantrums (tantra?) alt.hipclone.la.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hipclone.lang.c The C programming language. alt.hipclone.lang.c++ Technical discussion of the C++ language. alt.hipclone.lang.cognitive Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. alt.hipclone.lang.computational Computational Linguistics forum. alt.hipclone.lang.dmt The DMT Language for alien-contact algorithms. alt.hipclone.lang.ebonics Black programming. alt.hipclone.lang.english English linguistics. alt.hipclone.lang.etymology Discussion of word and phrase origins. alt.hipclone.lang.goombonics Italian dialect. alt.hipclone.lang.jargon Discussion of slangs and jargons. alt.hipclone.lang.java Announcements re the Java System. alt.hipclone.lang.java.bugs Bugs in Java. alt.hipclone.lang.khoisan Grammar and lexicon of Khoisan languages. alt.hipclone.lang.lsd The LSD self-programming language. alt.hipclone.lang.misc Miscellaneous linguistic discussions. alt.hipclone.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. alt.hipclone.lang.morphology The study of inflection, word formation, and related grammar. alt.hipclone.lang.pascal WirthLand. alt.hipclone.lang.perl Word-out to Perl. alt.hipclone.lang.phonetics Phonetics and phonology discussions. alt.hipclone.lang.pigin-creole Pigin and Creole languages discussions. alt.hipclone.lang.politics The politics of linguistics. alt.hipclone.lang.russian Russian linguistics. alt.hipclone.lang.semantics The linguistic study of semantics (signification and meaning). alt.hipclone.lang.sign Sign languages. alt.hipclone.lang.simula Discussions of Simula-67. alt.hipclone.lang.syntax Linguistic discussions of syntax and related grammar. alt.hipclone.lang.taxonomy Classifying languages into families. alt.hipclone.lang.teaching The teaching of languages. alt.hipclone.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.hipclone.legal Everything is LEGAL until you get caught. alt.hipclone.legal.beagles Woof! alt.hipclone.legal.self-represent Self-representation in legal proceedings. alt.hipclone.listagent alternative HipClone's ListAgent alt.hipclone.lists.misc News-related statistics and lists. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.albert-camus The writings of Albert Camus. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.aldous-huxley The writings of Aldous Huxley. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.alex-haley The writings of Alex Haley. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.alice-walker The writings of Alice Walker. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.ambrose-bierce The writings of Ambrose Bierce. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.anthony-burgess The writings of Anthony Burgess. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.anton-chekhov The writings of Anton Chekhov. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.bernard-malamud The writings of Bernard Malamud. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.boris-pasternak The writings of Boris Pasternak. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.carlos-fuentes The writings of Carlos Fuentes. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.dashiell-hammett The writings of Dashiell Hammett. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.earl-stanley-gardner The writings of Earl Stanley Gardner. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.emily-dickinson The writings of The poetry of Emily Dickinson. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.ernest-hemingway The writings of Ernest Hemingway. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.ezra-pound The writings of Ezra Pound. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.f-scott-fitzgerald The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.franz-kafka The writings of Franz Kafka. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.frederick-brown The writings of Frederick Brown. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.george-orwell The writings of George Orwell. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.gore-vidal The writings of Gore Vidal. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.harper-lee The writings of Harper Lee. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.henrik-ibsen The writings of Henrik Ibsen. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.henry-miller The writings of Henry Miller. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.herman-wouk The writings of Herman Wouk. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.hermann-hesse The writings of Hermann Hesse. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.howard-fast The writings of Howard Fast. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.ivo-andric The writings of Ivo Andric. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.jack-kerouac The writings of Jack Kerouac. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.jack-london The writings of Jack London. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.james-baldwin The writings of James Baldwin. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.james-joyce The writings of James Joyce. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.jean-paul-sartre The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.jerzy-kosinski The writings of Jerzy Kosinski. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.john-brunner The writings of John Brunner. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.jules-verne The writings of Jules Verne. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.kahlil-gibran The writings of Kahlil Gibran. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.ken-kesey The writings of Ken Kesey. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.kurt-vonnegut The writings of Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.leo-tolstoy The writings of Leo Tolstoy. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.lewis-carrol The writings of Lewis Carrol. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.o-henry The writings of O. Henry. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.hipclone.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.hipclone.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.hipclone.lsd lysergic acid diethyl amide alt.hipclone.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. alt.hipclone.manners Etiquette and good manners. alt.hipclone.martial-arts Martial-arts in general. alt.hipclone.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.hipclone.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. alt.hipclone.mda methylene dioxy amphetamine alt.hipclone.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.hipclone.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. alt.hipclone.med.alternative Alternative medicine. alt.hipclone.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.hipclone.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hipclone.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.hipclone.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.hipclone.med.homeopathy Small quantities, great results. alt.hipclone.med.karl-malden.olfactory.proboscis Can the nose be cured? alt.hipclone.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. alt.hipclone.med.ob-gyn Unmoderated obstetrics and gynecology forum. alt.hipclone.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.hipclone.med.orgasm Medical causes for orgasms. alt.hipclone.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.hipclone.med.pms When does it end? alt.hipclone.med.psychotic.news-admins Is there a cure? alt.hipclone.members The members of Usenet. alt.hipclone.meow.admin.usenet.performance.art UPA at its finest. alt.hipclone.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.hipclone.meow.encrypted Encrypted Meows. alt.hipclone.meow.forgery Cats don't forge. alt.hipclone.meow.general General Meowing. alt.hipclone.meow.specific Specific Meowing. alt.hipclone.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.hipclone.mktagent alternative HipClone's MarketAgent alt.hipclone.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.hipclone.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.hipclone.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.hipclone.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.hipclone.models.tinplate.trains All aspects of tinplate trains. alt.hipclone.music.funny Funny music and other tasteless sounds. alt.hipclone.music.research The use of Computers in Music Research and Composition. alt.hipclone.music.white-power Lyrics, albums, performers, enjoyment of the genre. alt.hipclone.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.hipclone.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. alt.hipclone.newsagent alternative HipClone's NewsAgent alt.hipclone.newsites New site announcements. alt.hipclone.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. alt.hipclone.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.hipclone.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.hipclone.nyc.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hipclone.org.aa Argentium Astrum alt.hipclone.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.hipclone.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.hipclone.org.al-anon Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps. alt.hipclone.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. alt.hipclone.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.hipclone.org.eff.censorship EFF is pro-censorship. alt.hipclone.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Asalt.hipclone. alt.hipclone.org.freemasonry Discussion group for the Fraternity "Freemasonry". alt.hipclone.org.freemasons Free Masons. alt.hipclone.org.guardian-angels The guys in the red berets. alt.hipclone.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.hipclone.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.hipclone.org.knights-of-columbus Knights of Columbus. alt.hipclone.org.lions Lions Club. alt.hipclone.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.hipclone.org.rotary-club Rotary Club. alt.hipclone.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.hipclone.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.hipclone.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). alt.hipclone.os.unix.portable Linux OS on portable computers. alt.hipclone.papers Newspapers. alt.hipclone.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. alt.hipclone.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. alt.hipclone.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.hipclone.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.hipclone.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.hipclone.pets.alligators Keeping 'gators as pets. alt.hipclone.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.hipclone.pets.birds.canaries Canaries forum. alt.hipclone.pets.birds.parrots Parrots discussion. alt.hipclone.pets.bobcats Keep them away from your rabbit. alt.hipclone.pets.cats.announce Informational postings, FAQ's regarding cats. alt.hipclone.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.hipclone.pets.cobras Milk 'em for fun & profit. alt.hipclone.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.hipclone.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.hipclone.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.hipclone.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.hipclone.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.hipclone.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. alt.hipclone.pets.fleas Train 'em to perform in your own microcircus. alt.hipclone.pets.giraffes Giraffes as pets. alt.hipclone.pets.hedgehogs Hedgehog keepers forum. alt.hipclone.pets.lice Very low effort pets. alt.hipclone.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.hipclone.pets.naked-mole-rats Bare as a baby's bottom. alt.hipclone.pets.pigs.potbellied Concerns regarding potbellied pigs as pets. alt.hipclone.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.hipclone.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.hipclone.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.hipclone.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.hipclone.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.hipclone.pets.rocks Pet rock forum. alt.hipclone.pets.scabies You never need to feed 'em. alt.hipclone.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.hipclone.pets.weasels Tired of your puny ferret? alt.hipclone.pets.whales Whales as pets. alt.hipclone.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.hipclone.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.hipclone.philosophy.dialectics Dialectical materlialism and related topics. alt.hipclone.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.hipclone.philosophy.existentialism Existentialist philosophy. alt.hipclone.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.hipclone.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.hipclone.photo The art and science of photography. alt.hipclone.photo.help Help! What button do I press?. alt.hipclone.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. alt.hipclone.physics.research Current physics research. alt.hipclone.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.hipclone.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. alt.hipclone.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. alt.hipclone.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.hipclone.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hipclone.politics.extremism Extermist politics of all kinds. alt.hipclone.politics.immigration Worldwide immigration politics forusm. alt.hipclone.politics.internet Internet-related politics. alt.hipclone.politics.local Local politics. alt.hipclone.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. alt.hipclone.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.hipclone.politics.peace Peace movements everywhere. alt.hipclone.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.hipclone.politics.tax-evasion The politics of non-taxation. alt.hipclone.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.hipclone.predictions Predictions of the future. alt.hipclone.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. alt.hipclone.prophecy The ancient art revisited. alt.hipclone.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.hipclone.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.hipclone.psychology.journals.psyche E-journal on consciousness. alt.hipclone.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. alt.hipclone.psychology.psychotherapy Unmoderated psychotherapy forum. alt.hipclone.psychology.rape Research issues in psychological rape. alt.hipclone.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.hipclone.questions Topics not covered in alt.hipclone.answers alt.hipclone.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.hipclone.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. alt.hipclone.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. alt.hipclone.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.hipclone.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.hipclone.religion.child-sacrifice The only way to truly worship Goddess. alt.hipclone.religion.confucianism Confucius say. alt.hipclone.religion.continuing.ecumenical.church The finest in Anglican. alt.hipclone.religion.druid Tree worship, HipClone stylee. alt.hipclone.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.hipclone.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.hipclone.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.hipclone.religion.penis-worship Paying tribute to penile deities. alt.hipclone.religion.rosicrucian The ancient order of Rosicrucians. alt.hipclone.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.hipclone.religion.scientology L. Ron Hubbard's legacy. alt.hipclone.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. alt.hipclone.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.hipclone.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.hipclone.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.hipclone.religion.zarathushtra Zoroastrianism. alt.hipclone.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.hipclone.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. alt.hipclone.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.hipclone.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.hipclone.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. alt.hipclone.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. alt.hipclone.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.hipclone.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.hipclone.scouting.chinese Scout Movement Discussion for Chinese. alt.hipclone.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.hipclone.scuba.marketplace A marketplace for scuba equipment. alt.hipclone.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. alt.hipclone.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.hipclone.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.hipclone.security.pgp.backdoors NSA's backdoor in Pretty Good Privacy. alt.hipclone.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.hipclone.senior.marketplace Ads for senior related goods and services. alt.hipclone.sex The most popular recreation. alt.hipclone.sex.affairs.clinton Presidential indiscretions. alt.hipclone.sex.affairs.clinton.pizza-n-blowjobs Presidential treats alt.hipclone.sex.affairs.clinton.vaginal-cigars Presidential treats. alt.hipclone.sex.jailbait Dangerous if caught. alt.hipclone.sexuality.general Human sexuality in general. alt.hipclone.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.hipclone.sexuality.perversions.sodomy Homosexuality and animals. alt.hipclone.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.hipclone.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. alt.hipclone.sf.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hipclone.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. alt.hipclone.singles Conversations among people who are or were single. alt.hipclone.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. alt.hipclone.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.hipclone.society The impact of technology on society. alt.hipclone.society.cu-digest The Computer Underground Digest. alt.hipclone.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. alt.hipclone.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. alt.hipclone.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.hipclone.soft-sys.applixware Applix Applixware. alt.hipclone.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.hipclone.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.hipclone.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.hipclone.software.arabic Arabic script software. alt.hipclone.software.inn Rich $alz's hack alt.hipclone.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.hipclone.software.nns Netmanage product. alt.hipclone.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.hipclone.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.hipclone.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.hipclone.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.hipclone.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. alt.hipclone.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.hipclone.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.hipclone.spambots spambots are people too alt.hipclone.specific.general Specific talk about general subjects. alt.hipclone.speleology Cavers forum. alt.hipclone.sport.arson Detroit on October 30. alt.hipclone.sport.bocci-ball Itsa nicea gamea! alt.hipclone.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.hipclone.sport.cow-tipping The midwestern art of cow tipping. alt.hipclone.sport.cricket-racing By Yiminy, I think he'll win! alt.hipclone.sport.extortion Best sport next to bocci ball. alt.hipclone.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.hipclone.sport.frog-jumping Caleveras county. alt.hipclone.sport.hovercraft Discussion about recreational hovercraft. alt.hipclone.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.hipclone.sport.jumprope Double Dutch anyone? alt.hipclone.sport.kitten-drowning Spaying costs too much. alt.hipclone.sport.lawnbowling Postings related to the sport of lawnbowling. alt.hipclone.sport.mousing The sport of mousing. alt.hipclone.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.hipclone.sport.net-abuse HipClone's favourite sport. alt.hipclone.sport.officiating Discussions regarding officiating athletic contests. alt.hipclone.sport.pigeons Racing pigeon and fancy pigeon info exchange. alt.hipclone.sport.presidential.assassination The only dope worth shooting is Bill Clinton. alt.hipclone.sport.rape She was asking for it! alt.hipclone.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.hipclone.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.hipclone.sport.wife-beating She needs it, sometimes she wants it too. alt.hipclone.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.hipclone.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.hipclone.std.lisp User group (ALU) supported standards. alt.hipclone.std.syphilic The standard sexually stransmitted disease. alt.hipclone.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. alt.hipclone.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.hipclone.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.hipclone.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.hipclone.subculture.homosexual Homosexual subculture. alt.hipclone.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.hipclone.subculture.online.kooks Kook Kabal rulez! alt.hipclone.subculture.online.meow Meowers subculture. alt.hipclone.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.hipclone.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.hipclone.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.hipclone.support.abuse.internet Support for survivors of flame wars and net.abuse. alt.hipclone.support.abuse.rape Support for rape survivors. alt.hipclone.support.abuse.sexual Support for sex abuse survivors. alt.hipclone.support.constipation Net's best laxative. alt.hipclone.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.hipclone.support.eunuchs Eunuchs today. alt.hipclone.support.forgery Forgery support. alt.hipclone.support.genital-warts Does it feel better? alt.hipclone.support.herpes Cold sores discussion. alt.hipclone.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.hipclone.support.incontinence Help! I'm peeing in my pants. alt.hipclone.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.hipclone.support.loneliness Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. alt.hipclone.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.hipclone.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.hipclone.support.penile-disfunction My weenie doesn't work! alt.hipclone.support.pregnancy.loss Issues and support related to pregnancy loss. alt.hipclone.support.rapists Rapist support group. alt.hipclone.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. alt.hipclone.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.hipclone.taxes Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. alt.hipclone.tech.bombs Middle eastern technical support group. alt.hipclone.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.hipclone.techniques.thermal Thermal Analysis in general. alt.hipclone.test News test group. alt.hipclone.text.erotica Erotic texts of all kinds. alt.hipclone.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.hipclone.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.hipclone.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.hipclone.transport.air-industry.cargo Questions/comments regarding air cargo. alt.hipclone.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.hipclone.travel.resorts Discussion of travel resorts. alt.hipclone.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.hipclone.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.hipclone.travel.to-heaven-and-back Recreational spirit travel alt.hipclone.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.hipclone.video.marketplace Buying and selling video equipment. alt.hipclone.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. alt.hipclone.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality - technology and culture. alt.hipclone.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.hipclone.women.frigid Support group for women who hate sex. alt.hipclone.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.hipclone.zzzzz Time to catch some Z's. alt.hipcrime No description. alt.hipcrime.activeagent alternative HipCrime's ActiveAgent alt.hipcrime.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. alt.hipcrime.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. alt.hipcrime.activism.anti-porn Anti-pornography activists forum. alt.hipcrime.activism.cannibals Cannibals eating the flesh of their own kind. alt.hipcrime.activism.environment Environmental activism. alt.hipcrime.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. alt.hipcrime.activism.mobilehome Mobile home residents' advocacy. alt.hipcrime.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. alt.hipcrime.activism.smokers-rights The right to light up. alt.hipcrime.admin Computer administration. alt.hipcrime.admin.advertising Help wanted ads for news administrators. alt.hipcrime.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. alt.hipcrime.admin.kooks Kooky news administrators. alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.blacklists Blacklisting the net-abusers. alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.forged-cancels All forged cancels are net-abuse. alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.mailbombing Mailbombing is net-abuse. alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.nocem Abuse of the NoCem protocol. alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.open-servers Close down that server! alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. alt.hipcrime.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. alt.hipcrime.admin.policy Policy to protect freedom. alt.hipcrime.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining HipCrime networks. alt.hipcrime.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. alt.hipcrime.adoption.parenting Parents of Adopted children. alt.hipcrime.aeronautics alternative HipCrime Flying. alt.hipcrime.aeronautics.airliners How to raise prices in an oligopoly. alt.hipcrime.aeronautics.simulation How to crash without leaving the ground. alt.hipcrime.agriculture HipCrime in the Dirt. alt.hipcrime.agriculture.aquaculture Farming of aquatic animals or plants. alt.hipcrime.agriculture.beekeeping European bee efficiency. alt.hipcrime.agriculture.fruit New fruits created using monoclonal techniques. alt.hipcrime.agriculture.jojoba Whale oil replacement technology. alt.hipcrime.agriculture.poultry Breeding a better bird. alt.hipcrime.ai.nlang-know-rep Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. alt.hipcrime.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. alt.hipcrime.alchemy The science of transmuting lead into gold. alt.hipcrime.alt.hipcrime.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.hipcrime.alt.hipcrime.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.hipcrime.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. alt.hipcrime.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. alt.hipcrime.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. alt.hipcrime.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. alt.hipcrime.answers As if anyone on alt has the answers. alt.hipcrime.anthropology Latest discoveries. alt.hipcrime.anthropology.paleo Caveman drawings. alt.hipcrime.aquaria alternative HipCrime Fishing. alt.hipcrime.aquaria.crypts Plants of the Genus Cryptocoryne. alt.hipcrime.aquaria.killies General discussion of killifish. alt.hipcrime.aquaria.marine General discussion, fish-only tanks, etc. alt.hipcrime.aquaria.nanative North American native fishes. alt.hipcrime.archaeology All aspects of archaeology. alt.hipcrime.archaeology.moderated All aspects of archaeology. alt.hipcrime.archives.ms-windows.announce Announcements about Windows archives. alt.hipcrime.arts.anime.creative Original works by fans, related to anime/manga. alt.hipcrime.arts.anime.info Announcements about Japanese animation. alt.hipcrime.arts.comics.creative Comics-related original creative writing. alt.hipcrime.arts.flamenco Flamenco culture, music and dance. alt.hipcrime.arts.movies.collecting.films Film (not video) collecting and trading. alt.hipcrime.arts.movies.reviews Reviews of movies. alt.hipcrime.arts.sf.reviews Reviews of science fiction/fantasy/horror works. alt.hipcrime.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info Announcements about TV show _Babylon 5_. alt.hipcrime.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. alt.hipcrime.arts.tv.rush-limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh show alt.hipcrime.arts.tv.tiny-toon Tiny Toons. alt.hipcrime.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. alt.hipcrime.astro.mayan More accurate than atomic clocks. alt.hipcrime.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. alt.hipcrime.astrology.hindu These planets control our destiny. alt.hipcrime.astrology.marketplace Astrology goods and services. alt.hipcrime.astrology.misc Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. alt.hipcrime.astrology.psychology The psychology of astrology. alt.hipcrime.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. alt.hipcrime.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. alt.hipcrime.auto.makers.alpha-romeo Alpha Romeo Cars. alt.hipcrime.auto.makers.audi Audi cars. alt.hipcrime.autos.makers.triumph For fans of Triumph cars. alt.hipcrime.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. alt.hipcrime.aviation.air-traffic The discussion of Air Traffic Control (ATC). alt.hipcrime.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. alt.hipcrime.aviation.announcements Important Aviation Announcements alt.hipcrime.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. alt.hipcrime.aviation.ifr Flying only by reference to instruments alt.hipcrime.aviation.legal Legal issues involving aviation worldwide. alt.hipcrime.aviation.piloting General pilot discussions alt.hipcrime.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. alt.hipcrime.aviation.seaplane Sea plane discussions. alt.hipcrime.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. alt.hipcrime.balloons Gas or hot air airships and other lighter-than-air craft. alt.hipcrime.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. alt.hipcrime.bikers.chain-beatings Don't mess with bikers. alt.hipcrime.binaries HipAgent executables, support libraries, and other HipCrime wares alt.hipcrime.binaries.your.wish.is.my.command as requested by Attic Books, LLC 100 Washington Blvd, Laurel, Md 20707 alt.hipcrime.bio.conservation Conservation biology research. alt.hipcrime.bio.ethology The ethics of playing god. alt.hipcrime.bio.evolution Discussions of evolutionary biology. alt.hipcrime.bio.fisheries Whale and dolphin hunting. alt.hipcrime.bio.food-science BHA or BHT? alt.hipcrime.bio.herp Herpes support group. alt.hipcrime.bio.immunocytochem Leading edge of research. alt.hipcrime.bio.microbiology Small life forms. alt.hipcrime.bio.misc Miscellaneous biographies. alt.hipcrime.bio.paleontology Why are you pale? alt.hipcrime.bio.phytopathology Mutating plankton will enslave the planet. alt.hipcrime.bio.systematics Cyborg controls. alt.hipcrime.bio.technology Cyborgs. alt.hipcrime.biz.fraud Making money through fraud. alt.hipcrime.biz.slavery Slavery business. alt.hipcrime.biz.spam Spamming for fun and profit. alt.hipcrime.bizarre.funny Too bizarre to be funny. alt.hipcrime.boats.kayak Kayaking forum. alt.hipcrime.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. alt.hipcrime.books.electronic Paperless books and related topics. alt.hipcrime.bosnia News, articles, reports & information on Bosnia. alt.hipcrime.breaking-the-law Breaking the law, breaking the law. alt.hipcrime.burglary The science of surreptitious entry. alt.hipcrime.business Roundtable for general business topics. alt.hipcrime.business.consulting The business of consulting. alt.hipcrime.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. alt.hipcrime.business.e-commerce Electronic commerce forum. alt.hipcrime.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. alt.hipcrime.business.marketing Roundtable for marketing topics. alt.hipcrime.business.small Small business help and advice. alt.hipcrime.cancelbots cancelbots are people too alt.hipcrime.cannabis.policy Computing the Mary Jane Policy. alt.hipcrime.chaos The study of the chaotic (Usenet, e.g.). alt.hipcrime.chem The latest chemicals. alt.hipcrime.chem.analytical Thought provovoking chemical discourse. alt.hipcrime.chem.coatings The science of paintball. alt.hipcrime.chem.drug-manufacture Don't give all your money to drug dealers. alt.hipcrime.chem.drugs Mind expanding chemical discourse. alt.hipcrime.chem.electrochem Kites in the rain. alt.hipcrime.chem.electrochem.battery More uses for lead. alt.hipcrime.chem.labware White coats. alt.hipcrime.chem.organic.synthesis Penis synthesis. alt.hipcrime.chem.organomet Chemicals to enlarge penises. alt.hipcrime.chirography The discussion of handwriting forms and styles. alt.hipcrime.cognitive Sensory perception. alt.hipcrime.collecting.beanie-babies Collecting Beanie Babies. alt.hipcrime.collecting.bottles.beer Collecting beer bottles. alt.hipcrime.collecting.clitorectomy-photos Explorations in Frigidity. alt.hipcrime.collecting.condoms Collecting and trading condoms. alt.hipcrime.collecting.credit-cards Collecting credit cards. alt.hipcrime.collecting.credit-cards.numbers Collecting credit card numberss. alt.hipcrime.collecting.credit-cards.stolen Collecting stolen credit cards. alt.hipcrime.collecting.credit-cards.valid Collecting still valid credit cards. alt.hipcrime.collecting.flags Flags of various entities. alt.hipcrime.collecting.ornaments Collecting of holiday ornaments. alt.hipcrime.collecting.shrunken-heads Head Hunters. alt.hipcrime.collecting.teddy-bears Collecting Teddy bears (hug). alt.hipcrime.college.graduation College graduation discussions. alt.hipcrime.comp-aided Hurricane annimations. alt.hipcrime.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. alt.hipcrime.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. alt.hipcrime.config News configuration. alt.hipcrime.congressagent alternative HipCrime's CongressAgent alt.hipcrime.conspiracy.usenet-cabal News of the Cabal conspiracy. alt.hipcrime.consumers.pest-control Pest control in and around buildings. alt.hipcrime.counterfeiting Let's *make* some money. alt.hipcrime.crack crack ain't whack, slack is. alt.hipcrime.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. alt.hipcrime.crafts.scrapbooks Discussion of scrapbooking techniques. alt.hipcrime.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. alt.hipcrime.cryonics Chilling HipCrime. alt.hipcrime.crypt Recent vampire findings. alt.hipcrime.crypt.research Vampire dwelling research. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.american African-American perspectives. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.ashanti Ashanti culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.ewe Ewe-speaking forum. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.hausa Hausa culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.ibo Ibo discussions. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.mandingo Mandingo-speaking forum. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.somali All things Somalian. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.swahili Forum for all the Swahili speakers. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.tuareg Tuareg heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.xhosa Xhosa people and their culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.yoruba Yoruba discussions. alt.hipcrime.culture.african.zulu Zulu heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.antarctica The culture of the southernmost continent. alt.hipcrime.culture.armenian Armenia, its culture and history. alt.hipcrime.culture.australian.aborigine Australian Aborigine culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.azeri The culture and the people of Azerbaijan. alt.hipcrime.culture.bacteria Sourdough bread group. alt.hipcrime.culture.bashkir The Bashkir culture forum. alt.hipcrime.culture.basque Basque culture and related issues. alt.hipcrime.culture.bavarian Bavaria, its culture and heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. alt.hipcrime.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, manx, and other Celtic heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.chaldean The culture and the history of Chaldea. alt.hipcrime.culture.charnego The Spanish-speaking community in Catalonia. alt.hipcrime.culture.chuvash The Chuvash culture forum. alt.hipcrime.culture.corsican The culture and the people of Corsica. alt.hipcrime.culture.czech Czechy, its people, history, and culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.druse Drusian culture and heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.eritrean The culture of Eritrea. alt.hipcrime.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. alt.hipcrime.culture.ethiopia All things Ethiopian in the broadest sense. alt.hipcrime.culture.galician Spanish Galicia, its people, and language. alt.hipcrime.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. alt.hipcrime.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. alt.hipcrime.culture.hongkong.triad The Rise of the Triad. alt.hipcrime.culture.icelandic Iceland and its people. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.american Native American cultures. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.assam The culture of Assam. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.bihar Bihar culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.info Info group for alt.hipcrime.culture.indian, etc. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.muslims Discussion newsgroup for Moslems in India. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.orissa Orissa culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.rajasthan Rajasthan culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. alt.hipcrime.culture.indian.uttar-pradesh U.P. culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.jamaican Come back to Jamaica and feel all right. alt.hipcrime.culture.japan Anything Japanese. alt.hipcrime.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. alt.hipcrime.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. alt.hipcrime.culture.kashmir About Jammu and Kashmir. alt.hipcrime.culture.kazakh The culture of Kazakhstan. alt.hipcrime.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. alt.hipcrime.culture.kyrgyz Kyrgyzstan issues. alt.hipcrime.culture.latin-america.aztec The Aztec heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.latin-america.gaucho The Gaucho tradition. alt.hipcrime.culture.latin-america.guarani The culture of the Guarani. alt.hipcrime.culture.latin-america.quechua Quechua heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.latvian Latvian culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.lithuanian The Lithuanian discussion forum. alt.hipcrime.culture.macedonia Macedonian culture and issues. alt.hipcrime.culture.mobsters Mobsters and their culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.multicultural We're all in this together - can't we just get along?. alt.hipcrime.culture.padania Cultures of the Padanian peoples. alt.hipcrime.culture.pakistan Discussions on Pakistan. alt.hipcrime.culture.pakistan.education Education in Pakistan. alt.hipcrime.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.alan-bostick Alan Bostick is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.barry-shein Barry Shein is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.bill-stewart-cole Bill Stewart-Cole is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.bob-curtis Bob Curtis is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.bruce-baugh Bruce Baugh is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.bruce-ediger Bruce Ediger is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.charles-platt Charles Platt is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.colin-leech Colin Leech is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.craig-sherwood Craig Sherwood is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.daniel-hartung Daniel Hartung is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.daniel-norton Daniel Norton is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.dave-barr Dave Barr is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.david-cathey David Cathey is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.david-delaney David Delaney is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.david-ratcliffe David Ratcliffe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.erland-sommarskog Erland Sommarskog is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.felix-tilley Felix Tilley is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.ian-hayes Ian Hayes is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.jack-mingo Jack Mingo is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.jan-isley Jan Isley is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.john-milburn John Milburn is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.jonathan-grobe Jonathan Grobe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.ken-lucke Ken Lucke is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.matt-cable Matt Cable is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.michael-maxfield Michael Maxfield is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.patrick-volk Patrick Volk is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.peter-dasilva Peter Dasilva is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.peter-vorobiev Peter Vorobiev is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.richard-tietjens Richard Tietjens is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.rick-buchanan Rick Buchanan is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.robbie-honerkamp Robbie Honerkamp is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.robert-braver Robert Braver is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.roger-wemyss Roger Wemyss is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.sam-varshavchik Sam Varshavchik is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.sameer-parekh Sameer Parekh is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.scott-southwick Scott Southwick is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.stan-kalisch Stan Kalisch is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.stephan-burr Stephan Burr is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.thomas-allard Thomas Allard is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.werner-uhrig Werner Uhrig is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.pedophile.zoli-fekete Zoli Fekete is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.culture.provence Proven,cal heritage and culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.prussian Prussia, its culture and heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.romany Romany (Gipsy) culture and heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.russian Moderated discussion of Russian culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.ruthenian Carpathian Ruthenian culture and heritage. alt.hipcrime.culture.sardinian The culture and the people of Sardinia. alt.hipcrime.culture.siberia Siberian culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.sicilian The culture and the people of Sicily. alt.hipcrime.culture.sindhi The culture of Sindh. alt.hipcrime.culture.singapore Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.hipcrime.culture.singapore.moderated Singapore & Singaporeans. alt.hipcrime.culture.slovak Slovakia, its people, history, and culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.subculture.drug-addiction Merck is trying to enslave America. alt.hipcrime.culture.syndicates Organized Criminals and their culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.tajik The culture of Tajikistan. alt.hipcrime.culture.tatar Tatar culture and history. alt.hipcrime.culture.tibet Tibet, its history and culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.turkish Issues related to Turks/Turkey. alt.hipcrime.culture.uighur Uighur people and culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.uzbek Uzbekistan and its culture. alt.hipcrime.culture.yeast-infections Socially transmitted cultures. alt.hipcrime.cunt.general General discussions about cunts. alt.hipcrime.cypher Rob Cypher does not disapprove of Hipcrime. alt.hipcrime.data.administration Data administration discussions. alt.hipcrime.data.conversion Data conversion issues. alt.hipcrime.data.formats Microsoft SQL. alt.hipcrime.dc.pedophile.declan-mcculagh Declan McCulagh is a Washington, DC, pedophile. alt.hipcrime.dc.sex Sex in the nation's capital. alt.hipcrime.dc.sex.oral Oral sex in the nation's capital. alt.hipcrime.devices.disassemblers The right way to program. alt.hipcrime.dmt dimethyl tryptamine alt.hipcrime.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. alt.hipcrime.drug-dealing Slinging on the corner. alt.hipcrime.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. alt.hipcrime.drugs.datura In the mood for delirium? alt.hipcrime.drugs.heroin Pioneers in science. alt.hipcrime.drugs.jimson-weed American colonialist buzz. alt.hipcrime.earth.general Planetwide General Newgroup. alt.hipcrime.east-europe.rferl Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Daily Report. alt.hipcrime.econ What happened to the jobs? alt.hipcrime.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. alt.hipcrime.edu Journalism courses. alt.hipcrime.education.math Teaching mathematics. alt.hipcrime.education.multimedia Multimedia for education. alt.hipcrime.education.religion Teaching about God. alt.hipcrime.electronics.basics Radio Shack alt.hipcrime. alt.hipcrime.electronics.cad Cads in the alt.hipcrime. alt.hipcrime.electronics.misc Miscellaneous parts. alt.hipcrime.emacs.advocacy Emacs is better than vi! alt.hipcrime.emulators.announce Emulator news, FAQs, announcements. alt.hipcrime.emulators.mac.executor Discussion of ARDI's Macintosh emulator. alt.hipcrime.energy HipCrime collects Plutonium. alt.hipcrime.energy.hydrogen The H-bomb. alt.hipcrime.engr alternative HipCrime Engineering. alt.hipcrime.engr.analysis Paralysis by analysis. alt.hipcrime.engr.biomed Engineering human replacement parts. alt.hipcrime.engr.chem Engineering alchemy. alt.hipcrime.engr.chem.separation Chemical separation forum. alt.hipcrime.engr.civil Polite engineers. alt.hipcrime.engr.civil.roads Discussions related to construction of roads. alt.hipcrime.engr.color Psychedelic. alt.hipcrime.engr.control Engineers controlling everyone else. alt.hipcrime.engr.dredging All aspects of dredging. alt.hipcrime.engr.electrical.compliance Laws, regulations and design for EMC, safety. alt.hipcrime.engr.electrical.installations Electrical installations. alt.hipcrime.engr.electrical.sys-protection Rubber boots. alt.hipcrime.engr.geomechanics How the earth works. alt.hipcrime.engr.joining.misc Replaces alt.hipcrime.coupling.coitis alt.hipcrime.engr.joining.welding Let your heart melt. alt.hipcrime.engr.lighting Westinghouse studies. alt.hipcrime.engr.manufacturing Slave labor techniques. alt.hipcrime.engr.mech Constructing weapons delivery systems. alt.hipcrime.engr.metallurgy Solder anyone? alt.hipcrime.engr.micromachining Small parts. alt.hipcrime.engr.mining Mining engineering and mining technical topics. alt.hipcrime.engr.semiconductors Submicron processes. alt.hipcrime.engr.television.advanced Advanced TV topics. alt.hipcrime.engr.wastewater Waste water discussions. alt.hipcrime.entrepreneurs Entrepreneur/business topics. alt.hipcrime.entrepreneurs.moderated Entrepreneur/business topics. alt.hipcrime.environment alternative HipCrime Environmental. alt.hipcrime.environment.waste Environmental waste. alt.hipcrime.eugenics Breeding a better human race. alt.hipcrime.fan.colin-james The Right Reverend. alt.hipcrime.fan.karl-malden.nose Karl Malden's nose taking over the Internet. alt.hipcrime.fart The art of fart alt.hipcrime.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. alt.hipcrime.fetish.cancel Cancel fetish. alt.hipcrime.fetish.rmgroup Rmgrouping fetish. alt.hipcrime.fetish.sendsys Sendsys fetish. alt.hipcrime.fetish.supersedes Supersedes fetish. alt.hipcrime.fetish.udp Usenet Death Penalty fetish. alt.hipcrime.finance.abstracts Financial abstracts. alt.hipcrime.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. alt.hipcrime.flack flack ain't whack, whack is. alt.hipcrime.folklore.info Current urban legends and other folklore. alt.hipcrime.folklore.suburban Serious discussion of urban legends. alt.hipcrime.food.bacteria Mayonaisse permutations. alt.hipcrime.food.chitlins Mmmm Mmmm Good! alt.hipcrime.food.fried-chicken The Colonel has nothing on my Momma! alt.hipcrime.food.jigaboo.bar-b-que Afro-american food. alt.hipcrime.food.jigaboo.collar-greens Afro-american food. alt.hipcrime.food.jigaboo.collard-greens Afro-american food. alt.hipcrime.food.jigaboo.fried-chicken Afro-american food. alt.hipcrime.food.jigaboo.smothered-okra Afro-american food. alt.hipcrime.food.jigaboo.watermelon Afro-american food. alt.hipcrime.food.ken-l-rations My dog's better than your dog. alt.hipcrime.food.lutefisk Scandanavia at its finest! alt.hipcrime.food.mcshit Eat McShit and McDie. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.babies Recipes for cooking babies. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.cannabalism Jeffrey Dahmer's legendary cooking alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.cannabalism.caucasians Tasty pale little morsels. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.cannabalism.jewish All matters concerning Jewish cuisine. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.cannabalism.nazis Crunchy'n'bitter, an acquired taste. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.cats Recipes for cooking cats. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.cats.kimchee Korean-specific methods for preserving deads cats and vegetables. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.dogs Recipes for cooking dogs. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.dogs.puppies Recipes for cooking little puppies. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.rats Recipes for cooking rats. alt.hipcrime.food.recipes.scat Animal residue in McDonalds burgers. alt.hipcrime.food.ribs Sho be good! alt.hipcrime.food.shit Eat shit and die. alt.hipcrime.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. alt.hipcrime.food.watermelons Afro-american food. alt.hipcrime.food.whales Traditional norwegian cuisine. alt.hipcrime.forgery Usenet and real-world forgery. alt.hipcrime.fractals HipCrime's Fractals. alt.hipcrime.fucks.teenage.girls Film at 11. alt.hipcrime.future The future of Usenet. alt.hipcrime.gambling.blackjack Blackjack gambling. alt.hipcrime.gambling.small-stakes Small stakes home gambling. alt.hipcrime.games.52-card-pickup Dexterity skills. alt.hipcrime.games.beds-of-nails Uncle Fester loves this too. alt.hipcrime.games.bilboes The proper way to incarcerate. alt.hipcrime.games.body-piercing Extra genital holes. alt.hipcrime.games.child-abuse Child abuse as recreation. alt.hipcrime.games.computer.doom.announce Info/FAQs/reviews about DOOM. alt.hipcrime.games.dunking-stools Dunk the wench. alt.hipcrime.games.hacky-sack Kicking the little beanbag. alt.hipcrime.games.roguelike.announce Major info about rogue-styled games. alt.hipcrime.games.russian-roullette High stakes gaming. alt.hipcrime.games.solitaire Thank you Bill Gates. alt.hipcrime.games.strappado Raise 'em slowing, and drop 'em fast. alt.hipcrime.games.the-rack Everybody needs to be a bit taller. alt.hipcrime.games.thumbscrews One of Uncle Fester's favourites. alt.hipcrime.games.witch-hunts Burn the witch. alt.hipcrime.gardens.bromeliads Bromeliad plants, from Spanish moss to pineapple. alt.hipcrime.gardens.cacti Cactus plants and other succulents. alt.hipcrime.gardens.corpse-flowers Stinky yet beautiful. alt.hipcrime.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. alt.hipcrime.gardens.fungus Mushroom cultivation and mycology resources. alt.hipcrime.gardens.hydroponic Growing plants hydroponically. alt.hipcrime.gardens.hydroponic.marijuana Hydroponic stoner forum. alt.hipcrime.gardens.organic Organic gardening. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.african Genealogy of Africa and the African Diaspora. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.surnames.canada Surnames queries - Canada. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.surnames.german Surnames queries - German speaking countries. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.surnames.global Surnames queries central database. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.surnames.ireland Surnames queries - Ireland & Northern Ireland. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.surnames.misc Surnames - regions not covered elsewhere. alt.hipcrime.genealogy.surnames.usa Surnames queries - USA. alt.hipcrime.general Miscellaneous general discussion. alt.hipcrime.general.specific General talk about specific subjects. alt.hipcrime.geo.earthquakes Earthquakes are superly cool, eh? alt.hipcrime.geo.fluids Fluid effects upon the planet. alt.hipcrime.geo.geology alternative HipCrime Geology. alt.hipcrime.geo.karl-malden.nose The geography of our favorite proboscis. alt.hipcrime.geography.cartography The mapmaking forum. alt.hipcrime.geography.climate Climate and geography. alt.hipcrime.geography.economic Economic geography. alt.hipcrime.geography.hydrology Rivers and oceans. alt.hipcrime.geography.soil Soil geography. alt.hipcrime.gothic Pastyfaced net.goths alt.hipcrime.gothic.suicide Favored gothic pastime. alt.hipcrime.graphology Handwriting analysis. alt.hipcrime.groups.reviews What is going on in group or mailing list named X? alt.hipcrime.guns Discussions about firearms. alt.hipcrime.hackers Hacking, cracking, and phreaking. alt.hipcrime.history All aspects of history. alt.hipcrime.history.african.biafra History of Biafra (Eastern Nigeria). alt.hipcrime.history.moderated All aspects of history. alt.hipcrime.history.property Discussions related to restoration & preservation of historic properties. alt.hipcrime.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. alt.hipcrime.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. alt.hipcrime.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. alt.hipcrime.home.misc Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. alt.hipcrime.home.security Security aspects of home computing. alt.hipcrime.horology The science of clockmaking. alt.hipcrime.hotrod High speed automobiles. alt.hipcrime.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). alt.hipcrime.humor.funny.reruns Reposts of alt.hipcrime.humor.funny archive material. alt.hipcrime.humor.jewish Humor and the discussion of humor, mostly Jewish. alt.hipcrime.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. alt.hipcrime.hunting Discussions about hunting. alt.hipcrime.hunting.dogs Hunting topics specifically related to using dogs. alt.hipcrime.immigration.europe Immigrating to Europe. alt.hipcrime.immigration.illegal-aliens Wetback go home! alt.hipcrime.industry.hospitality.bed+breakfast Business topics of Bed & Breakfasts. alt.hipcrime.industry.insurance General forum for all insurance issues. alt.hipcrime.industry.utilities.gas Gas utilities. alt.hipcrime.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi CGI Programming. alt.hipcrime.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. alt.hipcrime.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. alt.hipcrime.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. alt.hipcrime.invest.index-futures Investing in index futures. alt.hipcrime.invest.stocks.ipo Initial Public Offering discussion. alt.hipcrime.is.a.heterosexual.pedophile Where have I heard that before? alt.hipcrime.kibo.hunting Was Kibo here? alt.hipcrime.kibo.hunting.with-pgp Was Kibo's sig encrypted? alt.hipcrime.kids.abuse Discussion of child abuse. alt.hipcrime.kids.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hipcrime.kids.info Informational posts related to alt.hipcrime.kids hierarchy. alt.hipcrime.kids.juvenile-delinquents Normal children. alt.hipcrime.kids.sexual-abstinence Unpopulated group. alt.hipcrime.kids.tantrums Discussion of kids' tantrums (tantra?) alt.hipcrime.la.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hipcrime.la.market.computers Computers to buy and sell. alt.hipcrime.la.market.finance Financial marketplace. alt.hipcrime.la.media.movies Movies in the city. alt.hipcrime.la.media.radio Radio in the city. alt.hipcrime.la.media.www Silicon Alley's local newsgroup. alt.hipcrime.la.pedophile.guy-polis Guy Polis is a la pedophile. alt.hipcrime.la.pets.cats Cats in the city. alt.hipcrime.la.pets.misc Miscellaneous pets in the city. alt.hipcrime.la.sex.wanted Sex wanted in the city. alt.hipcrime.la.weather Let's talk about the local weather... alt.hipcrime.lang.c The C programming language. alt.hipcrime.lang.c++ Technical discussion of the C++ language. alt.hipcrime.lang.cognitive Cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. alt.hipcrime.lang.computational Computational Linguistics forum. alt.hipcrime.lang.dmt The DMT Language for alien-contact algorithms. alt.hipcrime.lang.ebonics Thee HipCrime Ghetto. alt.hipcrime.lang.english English linguistics. alt.hipcrime.lang.etymology Discussion of word and phrase origins. alt.hipcrime.lang.goombonics Italian dialect. alt.hipcrime.lang.jargon Discussion of slangs and jargons. alt.hipcrime.lang.java Announcements re the Java System. alt.hipcrime.lang.java.announce Announcements re the Java System. alt.hipcrime.lang.java.bugs Bugs in Java. alt.hipcrime.lang.khoisan Grammar and lexicon of Khoisan languages. alt.hipcrime.lang.lsd The LSD self-programming language. alt.hipcrime.lang.misc Miscellaneous linguistic discussions. alt.hipcrime.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. alt.hipcrime.lang.morphology The study of inflection, word formation, and related grammar. alt.hipcrime.lang.pascal WirthLand. alt.hipcrime.lang.perl Word-out to Perl. alt.hipcrime.lang.phonetics Phonetics and phonology discussions. alt.hipcrime.lang.pigin-creole Pigin and Creole languages discussions. alt.hipcrime.lang.politics The politics of linguistics. alt.hipcrime.lang.russian Russian linguistics. alt.hipcrime.lang.semantics The linguistic study of semantics (signification and meaning). alt.hipcrime.lang.sign Sign languages. alt.hipcrime.lang.simula Discussions of Simula-67. alt.hipcrime.lang.syntax Linguistic discussions of syntax and related grammar. alt.hipcrime.lang.taxonomy Classifying languages into families. alt.hipcrime.lang.tcl.announce Announcements about Tcl. alt.hipcrime.lang.teaching The teaching of languages. alt.hipcrime.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. alt.hipcrime.legal Everything is LEGAL until you get caught. alt.hipcrime.legal.beagles Woof! alt.hipcrime.legal.self-represent Self-representation in legal proceedings. alt.hipcrime.listagent alternative HipCrime's ListAgent alt.hipcrime.lists.misc News-related statistics and lists. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.albert-camus The writings of Albert Camus. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.aldous-huxley The writings of Aldous Huxley. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.alex-haley The writings of Alex Haley. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.alice-walker The writings of Alice Walker. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.ambrose-bierce The writings of Ambrose Bierce. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.anthony-burgess The writings of Anthony Burgess. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.anton-chekhov The writings of Anton Chekhov. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.bernard-malamud The writings of Bernard Malamud. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.boris-pasternak The writings of Boris Pasternak. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.carlos-fuentes The writings of Carlos Fuentes. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.czeslaw-milosz The writings of Czeslaw Milosz. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.dashiell-hammett The writings of Dashiell Hammett. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.earl-stanley-gardner The writings of Earl Stanley Gardner. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.emily-dickinson The writings of The poetry of Emily Dickinson. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.ernest-hemingway The writings of Ernest Hemingway. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.ezra-pound The writings of Ezra Pound. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.f-scott-fitzgerald The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.franz-kafka The writings of Franz Kafka. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.frederick-brown The writings of Frederick Brown. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.george-orwell The writings of George Orwell. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.gore-vidal The writings of Gore Vidal. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.harper-lee The writings of Harper Lee. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.henrik-ibsen The writings of Henrik Ibsen. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.henry-miller The writings of Henry Miller. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.herman-wouk The writings of Herman Wouk. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.hermann-hesse The writings of Hermann Hesse. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.howard-fast The writings of Howard Fast. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.ivo-andric The writings of Ivo Andric. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.jack-kerouac The writings of Jack Kerouac. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.jack-london The writings of Jack London. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.james-baldwin The writings of James Baldwin. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.james-joyce The writings of James Joyce. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.jean-paul-sartre The writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.jerzy-kosinski The writings of Jerzy Kosinski. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.john-brunner The writings of John Brunner. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.john-updike The writings of John Updike. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.jules-verne The writings of Jules Verne. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.kahlil-gibran The writings of Kahlil Gibran. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.ken-kesey The writings of Ken Kesey. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.kurt-vonnegut The writings of Kurt Vonnegut Jr.. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.leo-tolstoy The writings of Leo Tolstoy. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.lewis-carrol The writings of Lewis Carrol. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.naguib-mahfouz The writings of Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.norman-mailer The writings of Norman Mailer. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.o-henry The writings of O. Henry. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.ray-bradbury The writings of Ray Bradbury. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.theodore-dreiser The writings of Theodore Dreiser. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.thomas-hardy The writings of Thomas Hardy. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.thomas-pynchon The writings of Thomas Pynchon. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.tom-wolfe The writings of Tom Wolfe. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.victor-hugo The writings of Victor Hugo. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.vladimir-nabokov The writings of Vladimir Nabokov. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.william-burroughs The writings of William S. Burroughs. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.william-saroyan The writings of William Saroyan. alt.hipcrime.lit.authors.yukio-mishima The writings of Yukio Mishima. alt.hipcrime.lit.dr-suess Intellectual writings. alt.hipcrime.lsd lysergic acid diethyl amide alt.hipcrime.mail.maps Various maps, including UUCP maps. alt.hipcrime.manners Etiquette and good manners. alt.hipcrime.martial-arts Martial-arts in general. alt.hipcrime.martial-arts.moderated Martial-arts in general. alt.hipcrime.martial-arts.no-holds-barred No holds barred martial arts. alt.hipcrime.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. alt.hipcrime.mda methylene dioxy amphetamine alt.hipcrime.mdma methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.hipcrime.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. alt.hipcrime.med.alternative Alternative medicine. alt.hipcrime.med.athletes-foot Foot Funghi. alt.hipcrime.med.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hipcrime.med.cloning Elimination of sexually transmitted diseases in our lifetime. alt.hipcrime.med.diseases.epilepsy Epileptic forum. alt.hipcrime.med.diseases.mental Mental diseases forum. alt.hipcrime.med.diseases.mental.schizophrenia Schizophrenia. alt.hipcrime.med.diseases.musc-dystrophy Muscular distrophy medical forum. alt.hipcrime.med.diseases.rabies Hydrophobia related medical discussions. alt.hipcrime.med.diseases.viral Viral diseases medical forum. alt.hipcrime.med.homeopathy Small quantities, great results. alt.hipcrime.med.karl-malden.olfactory.proboscis Can the nose be cured? alt.hipcrime.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. alt.hipcrime.med.ob-gyn Unmoderated obstetrics and gynecology forum. alt.hipcrime.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. alt.hipcrime.med.orgasm Medical causes for orgasms. alt.hipcrime.med.orthopedics Orthopedic Surgery, related issues and management. alt.hipcrime.med.otalaryngology Ear, throat, and nose diseases forum. alt.hipcrime.med.plasticsurgery Discussions concerning plastic surgery. alt.hipcrime.med.pms When does it end? alt.hipcrime.med.psychotic.news-admins Is there a cure? alt.hipcrime.members The members of Usenet. alt.hipcrime.meow.admin.usenet.performance.art UPA at its finest. alt.hipcrime.meow.config Charters for meow groups. alt.hipcrime.meow.encrypted Encrypted Meows. alt.hipcrime.meow.forgery Cats don't forge. alt.hipcrime.meow.general General Meowing. alt.hipcrime.meow.specific Specific Meowing. alt.hipcrime.microsoft.sucks Bill Gates sucks a big one! alt.hipcrime.mktagent alternative HipCrime's MarketAgent alt.hipcrime.mmda methylene dioxy methyl amphetamine alt.hipcrime.models.rc.boats Radio-controlled model boats. alt.hipcrime.models.rc.helicopter Radio-controlled model helicopters. alt.hipcrime.models.scale.marketplace Buy sell or trade your scale model kits. alt.hipcrime.models.tinplate.misc All aspects of unclassified tinplate models. alt.hipcrime.models.tinplate.trains All aspects of tinplate trains. alt.hipcrime.music.beatles.info Latest press notes about the Beatles. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.aleksandr-borodin The music of Aleksandr Borodin. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.aram-khachaturian The music of Aram Khachaturian. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.beethoven The music of Ludwig van Beethoven. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.charles-gounod The music of Charles Gounod. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.chopin The music of Frederic Francois Chopin. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.claude-debussy The music of Claude Debussy. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.franz-joseph-haydn The music of Franz Joseph Haydn. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.george-gershwin The music of George Gershwin. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.giacomo-meyerbeer The music of Giacomo Meyerbeer. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.gioacchino-rossini The music of Gioacchino Rossini. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.johannes-brahms The music of Johannes Brahms. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.mikhail-glinka The music of Mikhail Glinka. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.modest-moussorgsky The music of Modest Moussorgsky. alt.hipcrime.music.composers.paul-hindemith The music of Paul Hindemith. alt.hipcrime.music.funny Funny music and other tasteless sounds. alt.hipcrime.music.makers.guitar.tablature Guitar tablature and performance. alt.hipcrime.music.research The use of Computers in Music Research and Composition. alt.hipcrime.music.white-power Lyrics, albums, performers, enjoyment of the genre. alt.hipcrime.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. alt.hipcrime.networks.noctools.announce Info and announcements about NOC tools. alt.hipcrime.networks.noctools.tools Descriptions of available NOC tools. alt.hipcrime.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. alt.hipcrime.newsagent alternative HipCrime's NewsAgent alt.hipcrime.newsites New site announcements. alt.hipcrime.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. alt.hipcrime.nude.gymnastics Cavorting in the nude. alt.hipcrime.numerology Divination by numbers. alt.hipcrime.nyc.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hipcrime.nyc.kids Kids in the city. alt.hipcrime.nyc.market.finance Financial marketplace. alt.hipcrime.nyc.market.furniture Furniture to buy and sell. alt.hipcrime.nyc.media.print Newspapers and magazines in the city. alt.hipcrime.nyc.media.tv Television in the city. alt.hipcrime.nyc.pedophile.charles-platt Charles Platt is a NYC pedophile. alt.hipcrime.nyc.pets.cats Cats in the city. alt.hipcrime.org.aa Argentium Astrum alt.hipcrime.org.aaa American Automobile Association. alt.hipcrime.org.aarp American Association of Retired Persons. alt.hipcrime.org.al-anon Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps. alt.hipcrime.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. alt.hipcrime.org.eff The Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.hipcrime.org.eff.censorship EFF is pro-censorship. alt.hipcrime.org.eff.news News from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. alt.hipcrime.org.fidonet FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Asalt.hipcrime. alt.hipcrime.org.freemasonry Discussion group for the Fraternity "Freemasonry". alt.hipcrime.org.freemasons Free Masons. alt.hipcrime.org.guardian-angels The guys in the red berets. alt.hipcrime.org.kiwanis The Kiwanis club. alt.hipcrime.org.kkk The Ku Klux Klan. alt.hipcrime.org.knights-of-columbus Knights of Columbus. alt.hipcrime.org.lions Lions Club. alt.hipcrime.org.oto Ordo Templi Orientis alt.hipcrime.org.rotary-club Rotary Club. alt.hipcrime.org.salvation-army The Salvation Army. alt.hipcrime.org.sca The Society for Creative Anachronism. alt.hipcrime.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). alt.hipcrime.os.linux.admin Linux system administration. alt.hipcrime.os.linux.announce Announcements important to the Linux community. alt.hipcrime.os.ms-windows.nt.announce Windows NT announcements. alt.hipcrime.os.os2.moderated OS/2 usage tips, info, discussion. alt.hipcrime.os.plan9 Plan 9 from Bell Labs. alt.hipcrime.os.unix.portable Linux OS on portable computers. alt.hipcrime.papers Newspapers. alt.hipcrime.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. alt.hipcrime.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. alt.hipcrime.pedophile.aaron-marquez Aaron Marquez is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.alan-bostick Alan Bostick is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.barry-shein Barry Shein is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.bill-stewart-cole Bill Stewart-Cole is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.bob-curtis Bob Curtis is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.bruce-baugh Bruce Baugh is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.bruce-ediger Bruce Ediger is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.charles-platt Charles Platt is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.colin-leech Colin Leech is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.craig-sherwood Craig Sherwood is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.daniel-hartung Daniel Hartung is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.daniel-norton Daniel Norton is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.dave-barr Dave Barr is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.david-bromage David Bromage is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.david-cathey David Cathey is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.david-delaney David Delaney is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.david-ratcliffe David Ratcliffe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.david-westebbe David Westebbe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.erland-sommarskog Erland Sommarskog is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.felix-tilley Felix Tilley is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.gardner-trask Gardner Trask is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.gary-burnore Gary Burnore is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.grady-booch Grady Booch is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.guy-macon Guy Macon is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.ian-hayes Ian Hayes is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.jack-mingo Jack Mingo is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.james-stricherz James Stricherz is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.jan-isley Jan Isley is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.jason-durbin Jason Durbin is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.jonathan-kamens Jonathan Kamens is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.karl-jahr Karl Jahr is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.ken-lucke Ken Lucke is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.kenneth-mcvay Kenneth McVay is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.magnus-kempe Magnus Kempe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.matt-cable Matt Cable is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.michael-maxfield Michael Maxfield is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.nat-makarevitch Nat Makarevitch is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.nick-sandru Nick Sandru is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.otto-makela Otto Makela is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.patrick-volk Patrick Volk is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.peter-dasilva Peter Dasilva is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.peter-vorobiev Peter Vorobiev is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.richard-tietjens Richard Tietjens is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.rick-buchanan Rick Buchanan is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.robbie-honerkamp Robbie Honerkamp is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.robert-braver Robert Braver is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.roger-wemyss Roger Wemyss is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.ronald-guilmette Ronald Guilmette is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.sam-varshavchik Sam Varshavchik is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.sameer-parekh Sameer Parekh is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.scott-southwick Scott Southwick is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.stephan-burr Stephan Burr is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.steven-slamon Steven Slamon is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophile.zoli-fekete Zoli Fekete is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.alan-bostick Alan Bostick is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.bruce-ediger Bruce Ediger is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.craig-sherwood Craig Sherwood is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.daniel-hartung Daniel Hartung is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.david-bromage David Bromage is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.david-delaney David Delaney is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.david-westebbe David Westebbe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.erland-sommarskog Erland Sommarskog is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.grady-booch Grady Booch is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.guy-macon Guy Macon is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.ian-hayes Ian Hayes is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.jack-mingo Jack Mingo is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.james-stricherz James Stricherz is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.jan-isley Jan Isley is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.john-gilmore John Gilmore is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.jonathan-grobe Jonathan Grobe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.jonathan-kamens Jonathan Kamens is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.karl-jahr Karl Jahr is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.magnus-kempe Magnus Kempe is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.matt-cable Matt Cable is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.nat-makarevitch Nat Makarevitch is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.nick-sandru Nick Sandru is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.patrick-volk Patrick Volk is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.peter-dasilva Peter Dasilva is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.peter-vorobiev Peter Vorobiev is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.robbie-honerkamp Robbie Honerkamp is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.ronald-guilmette Ronald Guilmette is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.sameer-parekh Sameer Parekh is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.scott-southwick Scott Southwick is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.stephan-burr Stephan Burr is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.steven-slamon Steven Slamon is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.tzimon-yliaster Tzimon Yliaster is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.werner-uhrig Werner Uhrig is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.pedophilia.zoli-fekete Zoli Fekete is a pedophile alt.hipcrime.penis.envy Female insecurity. alt.hipcrime.periphs.usb Universal Serial Bus peripherals. alt.hipcrime.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. alt.hipcrime.pets.alligators Keeping 'gators as pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.arachnids Discussion of Arachnids (Tarantulas, Scorpions, etc.) alt.hipcrime.pets.birds.canaries Canaries forum. alt.hipcrime.pets.birds.parrots Parrots discussion. alt.hipcrime.pets.bobcats Keep them away from your rabbit. alt.hipcrime.pets.cats.announce Informational postings, FAQ's regarding cats. alt.hipcrime.pets.children One of nature's most underrated pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.cobras Milk 'em for fun & profit. alt.hipcrime.pets.cockatrices Keeping cockatrices at home. alt.hipcrime.pets.concubines Keeping concubines at home. alt.hipcrime.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. alt.hipcrime.pets.dogs.pitbulls Mans best friend. alt.hipcrime.pets.elephants Elephants as pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. alt.hipcrime.pets.fleas Train 'em to perform in your own microcircus. alt.hipcrime.pets.giraffes Giraffes as pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.hedgehogs Hedgehog keepers forum. alt.hipcrime.pets.lice Very low effort pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.minks Skin 'em for fun & profit. alt.hipcrime.pets.naked-mole-rats Bare as a baby's bottom. alt.hipcrime.pets.pigs.potbellied Concerns regarding potbellied pigs as pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.porch-monkees Love those cute grins. alt.hipcrime.pets.porcupines Prickly and cute. alt.hipcrime.pets.prostitutes The oldest profession makes great companions. alt.hipcrime.pets.rabbits Keeping rabbits as pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.rats Keeping rats as pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.rocks Pet rock forum. alt.hipcrime.pets.scabies You never need to feed 'em. alt.hipcrime.pets.ticks You won't have trouble keeping these alive. alt.hipcrime.pets.weasels Tired of your puny ferret? alt.hipcrime.pets.whales Whales as pets. alt.hipcrime.pets.wolverines Cute and cuddly! alt.hipcrime.philosophy.cosmology The origins of Usenet and the Universe. alt.hipcrime.philosophy.dialectics Dialectical materlialism and related topics. alt.hipcrime.philosophy.epistemology How do we find out what this is. alt.hipcrime.philosophy.existentialism Existentialist philosophy. alt.hipcrime.philosophy.metaphysics The ultimate study of reality. alt.hipcrime.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. alt.hipcrime.photo The art and science of photography. alt.hipcrime.photo.help Help! What button do I press?. alt.hipcrime.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. alt.hipcrime.physics.research Current physics research. alt.hipcrime.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. alt.hipcrime.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. alt.hipcrime.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest. alt.hipcrime.politics.assassination Assassination politics. alt.hipcrime.politics.circumcision To cut or not to cut? alt.hipcrime.politics.extremism Extermist politics of all kinds. alt.hipcrime.politics.immigration Worldwide immigration politics forusm. alt.hipcrime.politics.internet Internet-related politics. alt.hipcrime.politics.local Local politics. alt.hipcrime.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. alt.hipcrime.politics.natl-socialism National Socialist politics. alt.hipcrime.politics.peace Peace movements everywhere. alt.hipcrime.politics.rent-control The politics of rent control. alt.hipcrime.politics.tax-evasion The politics of non-taxation. alt.hipcrime.politics.taxation The politics of taxation. alt.hipcrime.predictions Predictions of the future. alt.hipcrime.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. alt.hipcrime.prophecy The ancient art revisited. alt.hipcrime.protocols.dns.bind Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). alt.hipcrime.protocols.dns.std DNS standards activities, including IETF. alt.hipcrime.protocols.iso.x400.gateway X400 mail gateway discussions. alt.hipcrime.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. alt.hipcrime.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. alt.hipcrime.psychology.journals.psyche E-journal on consciousness. alt.hipcrime.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. alt.hipcrime.psychology.psychotherapy Practice of psychotherapy. alt.hipcrime.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated Practice of psychotherapy. alt.hipcrime.psychology.rape Research issues in psychological rape. alt.hipcrime.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. alt.hipcrime.questions Topics not covered in alt.hipcrime.answers alt.hipcrime.radio.amateur.boatanchors Collecting classic amateur and military radios. alt.hipcrime.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. alt.hipcrime.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. alt.hipcrime.religion.agnostic For those who don't know. alt.hipcrime.religion.castration Get closer to god by removing your gonads. alt.hipcrime.religion.child-sacrifice The only way to truly worship Goddess. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.orthodox.misc The Eastern Orthodox branch of Christendom. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.promisekeepers The Christian group Promise Keepers. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.protestant.baptist Baptist forum. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.protestant.lutheran The teachings of Martin Luther. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.protestant.mennonite Amish and Mennonite forum. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.protestant.methodist Methodist forum. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.protestant.moravian Moravian Church. alt.hipcrime.religion.christian.protestant.pentecostal Pentecostal forum. alt.hipcrime.religion.confucianism Confucius say. alt.hipcrime.religion.continuing.ecumenical.church The finest in Anglican. alt.hipcrime.religion.druid Tree worship, HipCrime stylee. alt.hipcrime.religion.gnostic We know what we know. alt.hipcrime.religion.jewish.orthodox Orthodox branch of Judaism. alt.hipcrime.religion.jewish.reconstructionist Reconstructionist Judaism. alt.hipcrime.religion.jewish.reform Reform branch of Judaism. alt.hipcrime.religion.mormon The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. alt.hipcrime.religion.native-american Pass the doobie please. alt.hipcrime.religion.penis Cock worshiping. alt.hipcrime.religion.penis-worship Paying tribute to penile deities. alt.hipcrime.religion.rosicrucian The ancient order of Rosicrucians. alt.hipcrime.religion.satanism Retro Me Satanus! alt.hipcrime.religion.scientology L. Ron Hubbard's legacy. alt.hipcrime.religion.shamanism Discussion of the full range of shamanic experience. alt.hipcrime.religion.shinto The traditional Japanese religion. alt.hipcrime.religion.sikhism Sikh Religion and Sikhs all over the world. alt.hipcrime.religion.tao The Tao of Usenet... The Te of Internet... alt.hipcrime.religion.usenet The printed word. alt.hipcrime.religion.vagina Cunt worshiping. alt.hipcrime.religion.zarathushtra Zoroastrianism. alt.hipcrime.religion.zoroastrian The teachings of Zarathushtra. alt.hipcrime.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. alt.hipcrime.resurrectionbots resurrectionbots are people too alt.hipcrime.revenge Everyone needs a hobby. alt.hipcrime.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. alt.hipcrime.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. alt.hipcrime.rolling-papers use only Clubs. alt.hipcrime.scatology Scientific study of fecal matter. alt.hipcrime.schools.catholic Spank you with a ruler! alt.hipcrime.scouting.chinese Scout Movement Discussion for Chinese. alt.hipcrime.scouting.international International Guiding and Scouting topics. alt.hipcrime.scuba.marketplace A marketplace for scuba equipment. alt.hipcrime.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. alt.hipcrime.security.firewalls.holes Holes in the firewalls. alt.hipcrime.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. alt.hipcrime.security.pgp.backdoors NSA's backdoor in Pretty Good Privacy. alt.hipcrime.senior.grandparents.re-parenting Raising a 2nd generation of children. alt.hipcrime.senior.marketplace Ads for senior related goods and services. alt.hipcrime.sex The most popular recreation. alt.hipcrime.sex.affairs.clinton Presidential indiscretions. alt.hipcrime.sex.affairs.clinton.pizza-n-blowjobs Presidential treats alt.hipcrime.sex.affairs.clinton.vaginal-cigars Presidential treats. alt.hipcrime.sex.jailbait Dangerous if caught. alt.hipcrime.sexuality.general Human sexuality in general. alt.hipcrime.sexuality.perversions.misc Miscellenations sexual perversions. alt.hipcrime.sexuality.perversions.sodomy Homosexuality and animals. alt.hipcrime.sexuality.shrimping The paractice of Shrimping and related topics. alt.hipcrime.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. alt.hipcrime.sf.drugs Recreational drugs in the city. alt.hipcrime.sf.kids Kids in the city. alt.hipcrime.sf.market.autos Cars to buy and sell. alt.hipcrime.sf.visitors Tourist information. alt.hipcrime.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. alt.hipcrime.singles Conversations among people who are or were single. alt.hipcrime.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. alt.hipcrime.slaves.ads Commercial advertising of slaves for sale. alt.hipcrime.smack smack ain't whack, crack is. alt.hipcrime.society The impact of technology on society. alt.hipcrime.society.cu-digest The Computer Underground Digest. alt.hipcrime.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present. alt.hipcrime.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. alt.hipcrime.sociology The Science of Sociology. alt.hipcrime.soft-sys.applixware Applix Applixware. alt.hipcrime.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.hipcrime.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. alt.hipcrime.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. alt.hipcrime.software.arabic Arabic script software. alt.hipcrime.software.inn Rich $alz's hack alt.hipcrime.software.microsoft-exchange Microsoft Exchange. alt.hipcrime.software.nns Netmanage product. alt.hipcrime.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. alt.hipcrime.southasia News from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, etc. alt.hipcrime.southern.negro-dragging Good ol boys having fun. alt.hipcrime.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. alt.hipcrime.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. alt.hipcrime.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. alt.hipcrime.spam spamming is a Hip fucking Crime! alt.hipcrime.spambots spambots are people too alt.hipcrime.specific.general Specific talk about general subjects. alt.hipcrime.speleology Cavers forum. alt.hipcrime.sport.arson Detroit on October 30. alt.hipcrime.sport.baseball.analysis Analysis & discussion of baseball. alt.hipcrime.sport.bocci-ball Itsa nicea gamea! alt.hipcrime.sport.cock-fighting My cock's better than your cock. alt.hipcrime.sport.cow-tipping The midwestern art of cow tipping. alt.hipcrime.sport.cricket-racing By Yiminy, I think he'll win! alt.hipcrime.sport.cricket.info News, scores and info related to cricket. alt.hipcrime.sport.dodgeball Discussions about dodgeball. alt.hipcrime.sport.extortion Best sport next to bocci ball. alt.hipcrime.sport.fag-bashing Almost as fun as pro wrestling. alt.hipcrime.sport.frog-jumping Caleveras county. alt.hipcrime.sport.hovercraft Discussion about recreational hovercraft. alt.hipcrime.sport.jetski Jet skiing. alt.hipcrime.sport.jumprope Double Dutch anyone? alt.hipcrime.sport.kitten-drowning Spaying costs too much. alt.hipcrime.sport.lasertag Discussions about laser tag. alt.hipcrime.sport.lawnbowling Postings related to the sport of lawnbowling. alt.hipcrime.sport.mousing The sport of mousing. alt.hipcrime.sport.mugging Inner city popular sport. alt.hipcrime.sport.net-abuse HipCrime's favourite sport. alt.hipcrime.sport.officiating Discussions regarding officiating athletic contests. alt.hipcrime.sport.olympics.los-angeles-1984 No mexicans because all who could run, swim or jump were there. alt.hipcrime.sport.pigeons Racing pigeon and fancy pigeon info exchange. alt.hipcrime.sport.ping-pong Opening the chinese wall. alt.hipcrime.sport.presidential.assassination The only dope worth shooting is Bill Clinton. alt.hipcrime.sport.rape The oldest sport known to man. alt.hipcrime.sport.shooting.coaching Shooting and coaching discussions. alt.hipcrime.sport.spamming Spamming for pleasure, not profit. alt.hipcrime.sport.spin-the-bottle Who has the most clothes? alt.hipcrime.sport.squash Discussions about the game of squash. alt.hipcrime.sport.wife-beating She needs it, sometimes she wants it too. alt.hipcrime.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. alt.hipcrime.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. alt.hipcrime.std.lisp User group (ALU) supported standards. alt.hipcrime.std.syphilic The standard sexually stransmitted disease. alt.hipcrime.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. alt.hipcrime.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. alt.hipcrime.subculture.criminal Worldwide criminal subculture. alt.hipcrime.subculture.drugs Drug subculture alt.hipcrime.subculture.homosexual Homosexual subculture. alt.hipcrime.subculture.online.control-freaks The anal-retentive luzers. alt.hipcrime.subculture.online.kooks Kook Kabal rulez! alt.hipcrime.subculture.online.meow Meowers subculture. alt.hipcrime.subculture.transients Homeless vagrants and hoboes. alt.hipcrime.supersedebots supersedebots are people too alt.hipcrime.support.abuse.domestic Support for survivors of domestic abuse. alt.hipcrime.support.abuse.internet Support for survivors of flame wars and net.abuse. alt.hipcrime.support.abuse.rape Support for rape survivors. alt.hipcrime.support.abuse.sexual Support for sex abuse survivors. alt.hipcrime.support.constipation Net's best laxative. alt.hipcrime.support.counterfeiters Buy their way out of jail. alt.hipcrime.support.eunuchs Eunuchs today. alt.hipcrime.support.forgery Forgery support. alt.hipcrime.support.genital-warts Does it feel better? alt.hipcrime.support.herpes Cold sores discussion. alt.hipcrime.support.heterosexuals Women are disgusting. Sometimes, they fuck men. Yuck. alt.hipcrime.support.incontinence Help! I'm peeing in my pants. alt.hipcrime.support.klemptomania Support for compulsive thieves. alt.hipcrime.support.loneliness Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. alt.hipcrime.support.obesity Support/resources to treat obesity. alt.hipcrime.support.obesity.nofatchicks No Fat Chicks! alt.hipcrime.support.penile-disfunction My weenie doesn't work! alt.hipcrime.support.pregnancy.loss Issues and support related to pregnancy loss. alt.hipcrime.support.rapists Rapist support group. alt.hipcrime.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. alt.hipcrime.sys.be.announce BeOS product announcements. alt.hipcrime.sys.ibm.pc.games.announce Announcements for all PC gamers. alt.hipcrime.sys.palmtops.advocacy Which handheld computer is best? alt.hipcrime.sys.psion.announce Announcements of Psion related products. alt.hipcrime.sys.sgi.announce Announcements for the SGI community. alt.hipcrime.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. alt.hipcrime.taxes Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. alt.hipcrime.tech.bombs Middle eastern technical support group. alt.hipcrime.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. alt.hipcrime.techniques.thermal Thermal Analysis in general. alt.hipcrime.test News test group. alt.hipcrime.text.erotica Erotic texts of all kinds. alt.hipcrime.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. alt.hipcrime.toys.transformers The robots from Cybertron (all). alt.hipcrime.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. alt.hipcrime.transport.air-industry.cargo Questions/comments regarding air cargo. alt.hipcrime.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. alt.hipcrime.travel.resorts Discussion of travel resorts. alt.hipcrime.travel.resorts.all-inclusive All-inclusive resorts. alt.hipcrime.travel.space Recreational space travel alt.hipcrime.travel.to-heaven-and-back Recreational spirit travel alt.hipcrime.unix.unixware.announce Announcements related to UnixWare. alt.hipcrime.video.desktop.trinity The Trinity video production system. alt.hipcrime.video.marketplace Buying and selling video equipment. alt.hipcrime.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. alt.hipcrime.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality - technology and culture. alt.hipcrime.virus Computer viruses & security. alt.hipcrime.windows.x.announce X Window System announcements. alt.hipcrime.women.frigid Support group for women who hate sex. alt.hipcrime.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. alt.hipcrime.zzzzz Time to catch some Z's. alt.history.abe-lincoln Discussion of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. alt.history.ancient-egypt No description. alt.history.ancient-worlds history, ancient advanced civilizations alt.history.british A newsgroup for British History alt.history.colonial No description. alt.history.costuming No description. alt.history.exile No description. alt.history.future See also alt.yesterday.tomorrow. alt.history.hannigan.liar .liar.liar Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.history.living A forum for discussing the hobby of living history. alt.history.ocean-liners Classic ocean liners. alt.history.ocean-liners.titanic Historic ocean liners: the Titantic. alt.history.punitive.expedition No description. alt.history.richard-iii A group about King Richard III of England alt.history.what-if What would the net have been like without this group? alt.hit2000.nl No description. alt.hitler.reincarnated.jay-denebeim No description. alt.hjbs.wuyp fICM2S7_>4(Z]]7NT>U (Moderated) alt.hk No description. alt.hkegheaezs.h.umi.w.shysrbipk amiuuiiisg alt.hnnc.m <;kbX>aEaF_$"FY^?eG0 alt.human-brain A delicacy in some corners of the planet. alt.humor No description. alt.humor.best-of-usenet What readers think is funniest in netnews. (Moderated) alt.humor.best-of-usenet.d Discussion of alt.humor.best-of-usenet posts. alt.humor.bluesman Humor from the 105th St. BluesMan's world. alt.humor.dutch Dutch(languaged) humor alt.humor.dutch.terrace Dutch(languaged) humor replies alt.humor.holocaust Help us weave humor into a difficult subject. alt.humor.jewish discuss and exchange jewish humor alt.humor.jewish.anti-goy Racist humour from our favorite two thousand alt.humor.jewish.genocide Flames, debates, and other stuff not on topic alt.humor.jewish.mendacious Resentful, spiteful, self-hating Jewish humor alt.humor.jewish.netcop Laughing at Jewish netcops, rmgroup bunnies, alt.humor.mad-magazine a forum for discussing Mad Magazine alt.humor.mylarcity for talking about Mylar City and High School Math alt.humor.net-abuse The lighter side of spam-fighting alt.humor.parodies No description. alt.humor.puns Not here. alt.huya No description. (Moderated) alt.huyt.d.mt.fjf.oh No description. (Moderated) alt.hvac Heating, venting and air conditioning. alt.hvac.design Dicussion of HVAC design related concepts and alt.hvuwpa.b.ipwx.cp iioqeaiutmu alt.hx.c eyumufqeaeijihpo alt.hydrogen.research No description. alt.hydroponics No description. alt.hypertext Discussion of hypertext -- uses, transport, etc. alt.hypnosis When you awaken, you will forget about this newsgroup. alt.hypnosis.hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy discussion and information. alt.hypnotherapy Use alt.hypnosis.hypnotherapy instead. alt.hyxi.gu.zb.ur dowggbijabiiuwiwea alt.i-love-you No description. alt.i-love-you.zvjezdana postings by everyone experiencing an unhappy alt.i.also.like.to.fuck.chickens.whilst.wearing.rubber.knickers No description. alt.i.am.drunk.and.i.have.to.take.shit No description. alt.i.cant.get.laid.so.i.rmgroup.jay-denebeim No description. alt.i.cant.type No description. alt.i.cuss.you.bad No description. alt.i.gbxt.daylzqkwwmwudvtgcvg.xk.i.ld.sv.fze.d.lpuw oyuxuiuejkoiou alt.i.hate.myself.and.want.to.die No description. alt.i.ijb uueecuuororqpsjw alt.i.just.felt.like.making.this.group No description. alt.i.lcq.zmh uosdbtehayw alt.i.like.to.fuck.chickens.whilst.wearing.rubber.knickers Intelligent alt.i.love.abbie.cummings No description. alt.i.love.rabbit.grrl No description. alt.i.odhhs.tz.oqwupowlg.oormh nkikkaeegoieiaaideiiwweq alt.i.pd.s.fjixh uoeiaauxxascgo (Moderated) alt.i.rexw hdpnitocaiuuoaguy (Moderated) alt.i.rmgroup.because.i.am.a.penis.montgomery-wood Penis. alt.i.rmgroup.because.i.was.born.without.a.brain.montgomery-wood No description. alt.i.rmgroup.because.i.was.born.without.a.penis.montgomery-wood No description. alt.i.rmgroup.therefore.i.am.jay-denebeim I like Jay! alt.i.s.onx.khs.dhtlyqf.s empdhramwfiukex alt.i.still.love.my.ex A newsgroup for ex-wife and ex-husbands. alt.i.want.to.fuck.dima.safonov Dima is a porn star! alt.i.want.to.fuck.dima.safonov.in.his.sweet.little.ass All pedos do! alt.i.x iaephoemybeik (Moderated) alt.i.xifknegrpxpwkyv.ytti.et.n.ys.cxpy.vebwoxyppp.hqsb.ba.lnm eouafvifujuieoieeicegaakv alt.ibc - The International Badgers Club. alt.ibc.guide.badge.trading No description. alt.ibc.scout.badge.trading No description. alt.ibk enubarmawaawkuyq alt.iblejni.s.lf.b dajauufifiije alt.ibsm.hi.m.qqg.mzqc ooietuoexozea alt.icc Internet Communication Center - General Forum alt.icelandic.waif.bjork.bjork.bjork Ex-Sugarcubes - not the Swedish Chef. alt.iceman No description. alt.icq unmoderated discussion about the icq chat client alt.icy.is.a.fag Special request from alt.games.nintendo.pokemon alt.idc.h.wmw &ab7;jUh,_D'2Db alt.identify-theft No description. alt.identify-theft.cypher Rob Cypher steals souls too! alt.idesk No description. alt.idiot.alex-cain Repository for posts concerning the kook Alex Cain. alt.idiot.andrew-gierth No description. alt.idiot.anti-oliver No description. alt.idiot.anyone.with.a.webtv Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.idiot.avraham-leibovitch No description. alt.idiot.avraham-leibovitch.fucks.boys No description. alt.idiot.cindyann.at.webtv.net Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.cypher The stupidity of cypher alt.idiot.david-farrar No description. alt.idiot.edmond-bunny Edmond Bunny hop hop alt.idiot.fred-bloggs No description. alt.idiot.hannigan.rikijo.thorne.spank Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.idiot.hens For serious discussions on Hens's idiocy in his messages alt.idiot.howard-knight No description. alt.idiot.illogical-menace No description. alt.idiot.jay-denebeim No description. alt.idiot.jay-denebeim.eats.mice No description. alt.idiot.jay-denebeim.eats.spiders No description. alt.idiot.jerry-brenner Jerry Brenner: The patron saint of fuckheads alt.idiot.jimiheeha No description. alt.idiot.jon-perry No description. alt.idiot.kalisch No description. alt.idiot.klaas.blows.a.dickwhistle Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.ktulu For serious discussions on severely exaggerated idiotic alt.idiot.louis-epstein No description. alt.idiot.marsrules discussion of the usenet kook MarsRules alt.idiot.mike.klaas.peter-puffing.pedophile Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.montgomery-wood No description. alt.idiot.moo2 No description. alt.idiot.nazi .fuckstick.dvus Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.nazi.fuckstick.hawk Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.paedophile.barry-bouwsma.binariez.0-day Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.pedophile.don-quichotte No description. alt.idiot.pedophile.reb-ruster No description. alt.idiot.pedophile.snoopy This group will be for the discussion of the alt.idiot.pedophile.trippy No description. alt.idiot.richard-the-stupid Discussion of Richard Bullis alt.idiot.rory-o-moore.child-molester Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.rory-o-moore.loves.boy-cock Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.idiot.sabu424 sabu424 and his idiotic ramblings alt.idiot.shut-up-cunter No description. alt.idiot.sputers No description. alt.idiot.swallow For serious discussions on severely exaggerated idiotic alt.idiot.w-van-heusden For serious discussions on idiotic behavior of Wim van alt.idiot.wolf-moonchild For serious discussions on idiotic behavior of alt.idiots For discussion of idiots and all things idiotic. alt.ie.ftc oivugaozouobnluik alt.ietu-trolls No description. alt.igclick No description. alt.igclick.chat No description. alt.igclick.mutual.support No description. alt.igclick.sw No description. alt.iglou.hipcrime No description. alt.iglou.maxwell No description. alt.iglou.mexwall No description. alt.igy.at.altavista.com No description. alt.ih.xkl.t.bzc.c QRlRea/"/XF1eGkl0Ye alt.ihatebr No description. alt.ihatebr.moderated Criticism of Outlook Express (Moderated) alt.ihlq QH)k0@:N(k;SC@J alt.illuminati See alt.cabal. Fnord. alt.illustration General dicussion of illustration methods and ideas. alt.im.angry No description. alt.im.having.a.rotten.day No description. alt.image.medical Medical image exchange discussions. alt.imbecile.capt-kundalini.nazi-troll Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.imbecile.capt-kundalini.stalker Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.imbecile.hannigan.spank.spank.spank Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.imbecile.paedophile.barry-bouwsma.binariez Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.imbecile.uriel-and-poetta.sleazoids Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.imbecilli.falliti No description. alt.imbecilli.plurinick No description. alt.immersion No description. alt.immersion.d No description. alt.immersion.duffman No description. alt.immortal Eventually makes you insult people around the universe. alt.immortal.super-grover No description. alt.impeach No description. alt.impeach.bush No description. alt.impeach.clinton Some think he performs as though he is impeared. alt.impero No description. alt.impotence.jay-denebeim NG to discuss Jay's impotence alt.impotence.jay-denebeim.denial He says it's not true, and rmgroups it. Discuss. alt.imsck ixeoaiesozbaiu alt.in.love.with.a.goat.jay-denebeim No description. alt.in.love.with.a.goat.montgomery-wood No description. alt.incompetence.phil-oliver No description. alt.india.cricket No description. alt.india.hockey No description. alt.india.progressive Progressive politics in the Indian sub-continent. (Moderated) alt.india.table-tennis No description. alt.india.tennis No description. alt.individualism Philosophies where individual rights are paramount. alt.industrial The Industrial Computing Society claimed this name. alt.inewon FM$>h*Q0=LWC>'DGWO (Moderated) alt.infertility Use misc.health.infertility instead. alt.infertility.alternatives For the discussion of alternatives to alt.infertility.parenting For the discussion of all aspects of parenting alt.infertility.pregnancy Support for pregnancy after infertility alt.infertility.primary For the discussion of primary Infertility. alt.infertility.secondary Infertility after experiencing pregnancy. alt.infertility.surrogacy a forum for discussion of the infertility alt.info-science.seti Discussion of the SETI Project, including the alt.insane.person.montgomery-wood No description. alt.internet Try to find a better focused group than this. alt.internet.access.wanted "Oh. OK, how about just an MX record for now?" alt.internet.appliances No description. alt.internet.commerce Doing business on the Internet. alt.internet.free-services No description. alt.internet.guru Recognizing the people responsible for inet success. alt.internet.i-box Possibly about Spry's Internet in a Box package. alt.internet.klaas.poop.stick Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.internet.media-coverage The coverage of the internet by the media. alt.internet.newservers No description. alt.internet.providers.africa No description. alt.internet.providers.america No description. alt.internet.providers.asia-oceany No description. alt.internet.providers.canada.channel1 No description. alt.internet.providers.europe No description. alt.internet.providers.europe.relcom-sucks No description. alt.internet.providers.igclick No description. alt.internet.providers.redhotant Discussion of the 0800 ISP RedHotAnt alt.internet.providers.screaming.net No description. alt.internet.providers.uk Discussion of UK ISP's alt.internet.providers.uk.aol No description. alt.internet.providers.uk.breathe About Breathe ISP. alt.internet.providers.uk.btinternet No description. alt.internet.providers.uk.free No description. alt.internet.providers.uk.igclick No description. alt.internet.providers.usa.dsl No description. alt.internet.radio discussion of internet-only radio alt.internet.research Informal discussion of new protocols/technologies alt.internet.resellers Reseller programs on the internet. alt.internet.search-engines Internet search engines and related topics alt.internet.services Not available in the uucp world, even via email. alt.internet.stuff No description. alt.internet.talk No description. alt.internet.talk-radio Carl Malamud's Internet Talk Radio program. alt.internet.talk.bizarre Use talk.bizarre instead. alt.internet.wap Discussion of the WAP protocol for mobile internet devices. alt.internet.wireless Accessing the internet via wireless devices. alt.internet.worldsaway No description. alt.internet.yokota.general general topics concerning Yokota alt.internic.billing.problems No description. alt.intsec No description. alt.inventors People with new ideas. alt.inventorworld No description. alt.invest.fsbo No description. alt.invest.market.crash Discussion of crashes in the stockmarkets alt.invest.penny-stocks Investing in low cost stocks. alt.invest.real-estate Use misc.invest.real-estate instead. alt.invest.real-estate.methods Methods only. No specific deals. alt.iomega.zip.jazz IOmega's Zip and Jazz magnetic computer drives. alt.iopener No description. alt.ioy.qy.q.lyg.pg.hxu.yw.u.w aiuafoeuudmiqu alt.ip.ng No description. alt.ipl.business No description. alt.ipl.discussion No description. alt.ipl.messages No description. alt.ipl.mp3.encrypted is for the posting of encrypted only files with alt.ipl.req No description. alt.iqwjdg No description. alt.irc Internet Relay Chat material. alt.irc-progs.megaliths.virc No description. alt.irc-progs.virc No description. alt.irc.agcm No description. alt.irc.alt.games.champ-man No description. alt.irc.announce Announcements about Internet Relay Chat (IRC). (Moderated) alt.irc.bitchx No description. alt.irc.bots Daemons on the Internet Relay Chat. alt.irc.bots.eggdrop Eggdrop IRC-Bot discussion/announcements. alt.irc.brasirc brasirc's assistance, help and discussion alt.irc.camelot The newsgroup on the IRC channel #@Camelot. alt.irc.channel.fortress The channel #fortress on EFnet IRC. alt.irc.channel.macintosh See http://www.poundmac.org/ for details. alt.irc.channels.lucca No description. alt.irc.corruption.log.log.log No description. alt.irc.cuss No description. alt.irc.dal-net.tiny-toons Dal-net's #Tiny_Toons Offical Usenet group alt.irc.dalnet The DALnet IRC network. alt.irc.dalnet.channels.windows95 No description. alt.irc.digi-98 No description. alt.irc.efnet No description. alt.irc.fan.slackie Fan appreciation group for the IRC user formerly known as 'slackie' alt.irc.fan.slackie.nude Nude pictures of slackie. alt.irc.fefnet The FEFNet IRC network. irc.fef.net alt.irc.gamez.net News and information of The Gamez Network alt.irc.hackers_uk No description. alt.irc.hacking alt.comp.programming programming tips, discussions, help alt.irc.hacku No description. alt.irc.hottub Discussion of the IRC channel #hottub. alt.irc.ircii IRC, the sequel. alt.irc.jungle No description. alt.irc.kewl The Kewlest IRC Network, www.kewl.org. alt.irc.lamer.redknapp.die.die.die No description. alt.irc.mirc Help and info on the IRC client mIRC. alt.irc.mirc.scripts Info/Discussion on mIRC Scripts and Scripting alt.irc.mirc.scripts.pizza Pizza mIRC Script. alt.irc.network.wwfin World Wide Freenet IRC Network discussion. alt.irc.networks Post ads about new irc networks/servers here. alt.irc.peacefull Newsgroup of IRC channel #peacefull, friendly chat group. alt.irc.psycloud No description. alt.irc.questions How-to questions for IRC (International Relay Chat). alt.irc.raptornet No description. alt.irc.ratsnest Trivia game schedules, scores, and chat for #RatsNest. alt.irc.recovery Withdrawing from IRC overdose. alt.irc.romance Finding love on the Internet Relay Chat. alt.irc.sirc No description. alt.irc.starlink No description. alt.irc.subcrew.hackers No description. alt.irc.undernet The alternative IRC. alt.irc.undernet.authors Support and the business of writing alt.irc.undernet.channels No description. alt.irc.undernet.channels.new2irc Help on the Internet Relay Chat. alt.irc.undernet.ska Forum for the regulars of Undernet #Ska. alt.irc.virc Discussion of the Visual IRC client for Win32 alt.irc.webnet WebNet News, Comments, updates and current/planned events alt.irc.za No description. alt.irish No description. alt.irish.democrats A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.irish.republican No description. alt.irj.u.jwbdjvjpl celucebuuuafuujvw alt.ironfist A newsgroup for ironfist debate and discussion alt.irony Discussion of irony, satire, parody, spoof and the Ring of Irony. alt.irs.class-action Discussing a class-action suit against US's IRS. alt.irs.general No description. alt.is.bill.gates.satan No description. alt.is.doomed If it's a sewer, let's treat it like one! (Moderated) alt.is.too The companion to alt.is -- too much foo. (Moderated) alt.isd.net No description. alt.islam.sufism Discussions of the mystical dimensions of Islam. alt.ispge Y]H6EP20?DdP16% alt.k.iig apoodorleii alt.k.ky.p.ow.m.tsfiycyc.bejh.kkmcrbks.tfym.iry.hvv.q.mbc.bkle.cu.fggtrubj hhgubeoagsi alt.k.l.f.rwby.m [i)02D>NggbJiD:,F9N%'@Z (Moderated) alt.k.s.dh.jn.f.yelfv.h.svp.h.rjfkvub.c thoieeuxo alt.k.vhu.nj.en.qes.eq.f.o.jrsetlx K^b/Vk+TUgl;QRb"(LH alt.k.vtg U5^UX^^$U8$QVEHH'8`H6_8X'A]9 alt.k.wy.mo.m.dn.rssejsfmqjk.r.m.lj.ojie.eyc >O.QYCbihbQ@J`)(`>N alt.k12.chat.junior Casual conversation for junior high school students alt.k12.hat.junior No description. alt.kaazmann-sucks-cock No description. alt.kalbo Bald guys of the world, unite! alt.kaoz.the.crybaby No description. alt.karen Vanity group. alt.kargo.is.a.gr8.m8 No description. alt.katala No description. alt.kate.is-a-whore No description. alt.kawaly No description. alt.kazema.binaries No description. alt.kb.l.ms.gd.rw.cmp.h =NGb*K1lj>%"`< alt.kc.bbs No description. alt.kdq N7U%d*5')X#fC\k?RR5aZ6FE alt.kelly-havel Admiration of the legendary Kelly. alt.kem auievmaioiusaujue (Moderated) alt.ken.starr.traitor.traitor.traitor No description. alt.ketchup Whak* Whak* ...shake... Whak* Damn, all over my shirt. alt.key.west No description. alt.ki.u oqiqiutfufouee alt.kids-talk A place for the pre-college set on the net. alt.kids-talk.penpals Use soc.penpals instead. alt.kill-dave-zero No description. alt.kill.paedophile.barry-bouwsma.binariez.complete-cd Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.kill.spammers No description. alt.kill.the.whales And fulfill the prophecy of Star Trek IV! alt.kill.usenet Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.kill.whitey Discussion of the evils of the white race. alt.killers.mass No description. alt.killers.serial No description. alt.kimbihugs.bsb No description. alt.kiqp.butf.f Nh>,G_B(f%;B]DbX1@+N alt.kitesurfing Forum for the discussion of the sport of kitesurfing alt.klagen.athome.nl No description. alt.km.g.l.chih.hwtses.b.j.q.tf.ceb.f.mb.yjf.wf $K)WASU8QV1CANC" alt.kmart Discussion of Kmart and things sold in Kmart alt.kmb.listndd.fmlbo.fpm.o.lfp egiignpv alt.knightshadow No description. alt.knijper No description. alt.knoxfreevoice No description. alt.koby.wuz.here No description. alt.kook.of.month.phil-oliver No description. alt.kook.of.month.phil-oliver.win.win.win No description. alt.kook.ron-reaugh Ron Reaugh Internet Kook alt.kooky.scientists No description. alt.korea.puppy-killers.curtis-desjardins Puppy killing beasts. alt.kos.qf.gk.u.nvmqthk.rmpsdr.v.ffpfceofbkc.h.p.desg.r.k.gg.bg.wws.hvn ueehugjpeagloivuia alt.kosovo-relief No description. alt.kosovo-relief.missing.persons.register.yourself No description. alt.kosovo-relief.what.do.you.need No description. alt.kotagor No description. alt.kotagor.fan.loaf-head No description. alt.kotagor.moonlighting.as.pizza.delivery.drivers No description. alt.kotagor.sports.kook-hunting No description. alt.kp.txuutxaazuy.hy \ceZVRU;%&dX*C`[O(7kP alt.kq.p 6GU@jR.e/1a"6X.>"O alt.krecik.berecik No description. alt.ku86s6 No description. alt.kui uuvtjafiarb alt.kuje.a.b.xeyx.qq.l.j.l.mnu.uuabmc.u foeeowustoaeeuxaa alt.kuryakin.abh-council No description. alt.kuwait a place for talks about Kuwait. alt.kuwait.icq Kuwaiti ICQ users alt.kuwait.irc IRC is very popular in Kuwait alt.kuwait.news Kuwait news alt.kxp.wfkvq.mnu.wnpu.gudf.u laioekukxsaaomale alt.kxqr.ij.yq eooiwummtlktdwa alt.kxwgimkku 7J^HLflW75ch9 alt.kyles.mom.is.a.stupid.bitch Where people talk about how much of a super maya beeeyatch Kyles mom is alt.kynm.qooegta.h.p.d.le ieuouueigeda (Moderated) alt.kzrqoj yvoieeyxdze alt.l.ei.mg racaipoldoje alt.l.hbcdogcq.gffp.ethrty.e uueoawiigfeupvexs alt.l.hrpw oiehajeoeftnjaeuko alt.l.i.picwmnkx.is.ku ozoduukuaosaeikiug alt.l.k.p.mvjtv Yk;kAM`aAW;i$:YLB@ alt.l.l laoupeungke alt.l.nnbucs `C:YDA:GA,Tf1+3:JW8-&0*i alt.l.qb.fc.n.f.tk.vmwjlu.ibni.d #'"8hPT[6TiN':Lc]'@G] alt.l.tctwp.fl.qcy oufkhaaviin alt.l.v.atnlaj WT#GaU3bOA'=$XI@2=R1N./ alt.lambda.education Gay and Lesbian education resources and support. alt.lamers.atma A newsgroup for alt.games.final-fantasy's own lamer alt.lamers.atma.owww.dad.stop.it.not.tonight Don't forget the K-Y, Dad! alt.lamers.james-koput.net-abuser No description. alt.lamers.janet-reno Those who think JRENO is a lamer. alt.lamers.netcop Net terrorists, cops, and other ego-deprived conflict alt.lamers.netcop.david-farrar Discussion of our favorite lame sheep alt.lamers.news.admin.net-abuse.misc Discussion of those whacky censors, alt.lamers.news.admin.net-abuse.usenet Lamers who exist believing they are the alt.lamers.pagan.donal Pagan discussion of why Donal is a Cabal clone and alt.lamers.rage-machine Talk for people sick of the bullshit political alt.lamers.usa.janet-reno Those many of us in alt.activism sick of this alt.lameys-lair No description. alt.lampiao About the one and only Brazilian legend Lampiao and his wife Maria Bonita alt.landscape.architecture Landscape design and planning. alt.lang No description. alt.lang.4gl Discussion of 4th generation programming languages. alt.lang.asm Assembly languages of various flavors. alt.lang.basic The Language That Would Not Die. alt.lang.basic.compiler BASIC compiler programming and design alt.lang.ca-realizer The CA Realizer GUI programming environment. alt.lang.delphi Use comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc instead. alt.lang.euphoria No description. alt.lang.intercal Discussion of the "INTERCAL" programming language alt.lang.layout No description. alt.lang.powerbasic No description. alt.lang.radix Program by sending, subscribing & validating messages. alt.lang.s-lang The S-Lang library used with JED and slrn alt.lang.vb5.rumors Use comp.lang.basic.visual.misc instead. alt.language No description. alt.language.artificial Discussion and samples of invented languages. alt.language.artificial.ngl Development and learning of the NGL language (Moderated) alt.language.balita-business No description. (Moderated) alt.language.balita-news No description. (Moderated) alt.language.cebuano No description. (Moderated) alt.language.cebunews No description. (Moderated) alt.language.ebonics Discussion about the Ebonics language. alt.language.english.spelling.reform No description. alt.language.eubonics No description. alt.language.hindi No description. alt.language.kapampangan kapampangan language and culture alt.language.latin No description. alt.language.patterns No description. alt.language.poetry.pure-silk Linda Mendoza Net.Goddess alt.language.spanish Discussion of the Spanish language. Translations alt.language.tanji No description. alt.language.urdu.poetry Poetry in the Indic Urdu language. alt.languages.afrikaans No description. alt.languages.albanian No description. alt.languages.alsatain No description. alt.languages.amdo No description. alt.languages.arabic No description. alt.languages.arapaho No description. alt.languages.asturian No description. alt.languages.bai No description. alt.languages.basque No description. alt.languages.bengali No description. alt.languages.bhojpuri No description. alt.languages.breton No description. alt.languages.bulgarian No description. alt.languages.caddo No description. alt.languages.cajun No description. alt.languages.calo No description. alt.languages.catalan No description. alt.languages.chechen No description. alt.languages.cornish No description. alt.languages.corsican No description. alt.languages.czech No description. alt.languages.danish No description. alt.languages.deccan No description. alt.languages.dutch No description. alt.languages.emok No description. alt.languages.english No description. alt.languages.estonian No description. alt.languages.eyak No description. alt.languages.fala No description. alt.languages.faroese No description. alt.languages.farsi No description. alt.languages.finnish No description. alt.languages.french No description. alt.languages.frisian No description. alt.languages.german No description. alt.languages.greek No description. alt.languages.gujarati No description. alt.languages.han No description. alt.languages.hani No description. alt.languages.hawaiian No description. alt.languages.hindi No description. alt.languages.hungarian No description. alt.languages.icelandic No description. alt.languages.igbo No description. alt.languages.ingush No description. alt.languages.irish No description. alt.languages.italian No description. alt.languages.japanese No description. alt.languages.javanese No description. alt.languages.jinyu No description. alt.languages.jutish No description. alt.languages.kadar No description. alt.languages.kannada No description. alt.languages.kiribati No description. alt.languages.kombio No description. alt.languages.lakota No description. alt.languages.laro No description. alt.languages.latin No description. alt.languages.latvian No description. alt.languages.lithuanian No description. alt.languages.luxembourgeois No description. alt.languages.maca No description. alt.languages.macedonian No description. alt.languages.magahi No description. alt.languages.malay No description. alt.languages.malayalam No description. alt.languages.maltese No description. alt.languages.mandarin No description. alt.languages.manx No description. alt.languages.marathi No description. alt.languages.marwari No description. alt.languages.moksha No description. alt.languages.napali No description. alt.languages.norwegian No description. alt.languages.nowegian No description. alt.languages.oriya No description. alt.languages.panjabi No description. alt.languages.polari No description. alt.languages.polish No description. alt.languages.portuguese No description. alt.languages.provencal No description. alt.languages.romanian No description. alt.languages.russian No description. alt.languages.saami No description. alt.languages.saxon No description. alt.languages.scots No description. alt.languages.serbo-croatian No description. alt.languages.shelta No description. alt.languages.sindhi No description. alt.languages.slovak No description. alt.languages.slovenian No description. alt.languages.spanish No description. alt.languages.swedish No description. alt.languages.tamil No description. alt.languages.tatar No description. alt.languages.telugu No description. alt.languages.tewa No description. alt.languages.thai No description. alt.languages.toba No description. alt.languages.turkish No description. alt.languages.ukrainian No description. alt.languages.urdu No description. alt.languages.venetian No description. alt.languages.welsh No description. alt.languages.wu No description. alt.languages.xiang No description. alt.languages.yakut No description. alt.languages.yiddish No description. alt.languages.yue No description. alt.languages.zulu No description. alt.languages.zuni No description. alt.laq.b.cfjoh.x.vpc.xb.ftgj.pqpya )bfM\](E)]dQ8j\8'&_M alt.lara-fabian No description. alt.larryville General discussion group about Lawrence KS alt.las-vegas.gambling Paying the big price for entertainment in Las Vegas. alt.lasers Anything about laser technology. alt.lasertag lasertag players alt.lasertag.zonegods lasertag using zone equipment alt.lasik-eyes No description. alt.laura.deeley.is.a.poodle No description. alt.law-enforcement.corruption Discussion of police corruption and official alt.law-enforcement.lethal-force Incidents of Police use of Lethal Force. alt.law.enforcement.wurk No description. alt.law.war-crimes.tribunals No description. alt.lawyers.sue.sue.sue Use misc.legal instead. alt.lc.etgy.wc.xpb.cxtysrvkcr.r.j.j.jz.h.dk.acb.n.zlh.l.lpl.blhmr.a xeushnoiooooengjbj alt.lch.gw "#X*0$2\<)"AW1KR/8 (Moderated) alt.leaks Leaked, suppressed and/or censored documents (Moderated) alt.lederhosen No description. alt.lefthanders How gauche. alt.legend.atlantis The lost continent Atlantis. alt.legend.king-arthur Legends and history of Arthur, King of the Britons. alt.legend.the-bob.rock A newsgroup about tnt agent bob rock, a legend. alt.legends.atlantis No description. alt.legio-darkyard No description. alt.lemmings Rodents with a death wish. alt.lemons No description. alt.lenny Discussion of the name Lenny and issues concerning Lenny. alt.lesbian.feminist.poetry Everyone has their niche. alt.lesbian.robyn-owens-esq is a lesbian alt.lets.give.jay-denebeim.something.to.do No description. alt.lets.give.timo-salami.a.hard-on For serious discussions on terribly alt.lets.kill.yuri.rutman No description. alt.letzebuerger Discussions of the Luxembourg community. alt.leugenaar.er.is.niets.van.waar No description. alt.lhl.rxgqy.qi.m.og.kashwtzwjiks.f No description. alt.liar.brian-campos Brian Calvin Campos alt.liar.john.vogel No description. alt.liar.kent-prescott Another lying net abuser alt.liar.tim-thorne For Tiimmy Thorne and his HellLameBores gang alt.liberalminded.please-troll-me No description. alt.liberty-vs.conspiracy No description. alt.lick.my.sweaty.nutsack.jay-denebeim Hey Jay, lick my nutz! alt.licker.store Shops for people with oral fixations. alt.life.afterlife The warm light at end of the tunnel is a locomotive. alt.life.internet This may be the answer to "get a life" for some. alt.life.itself Approaching life itself free of any beliefs or systems. alt.life.sucks Another whingy alt group. alt.life.sucks.cypher The end begins... alt.life.sucks.moderated Now you know just how badly it sucks (Moderated) alt.life.sucks.spork No description. alt.life.universe.everything No description. alt.lifestyle.all-faiths For your newsgroup file: alt.lifestyle.barefoot Discussions related to going barefoot. alt.lifestyle.cypher The lifestyle of Rob Cypher. alt.lifestyle.earth-based for those living an earth based lifestyle. alt.lifestyle.freethinkers free speech for the open minded. alt.lifestyle.furry No description. alt.lifestyle.gorean for the discussion of the Gorean lifestyle. No alt.lifestyle.lycanthropy No description. alt.lifestyle.master-slave Discussing consensual Master-slave relationships alt.lifestyle.master-slave.personal-ads Master/slave ads. alt.lifestyle.shirtless No description. alt.lifestyle.simplicity Physical and emotional voluntary simplicity. alt.lifestyle.substance-free For those who do not use drugs or alcohol. alt.lighters No description. alt.limpdick.james-koput For impotent folks who live in Canada alt.limpdick.paul-zanca No description. alt.linkmenu No description. alt.linux.slakware No description. alt.linux.storage.moderated Linux storage issues and maintenance. alt.linux.stormix No description. alt.linux.sucks No description. alt.linux.suse No description. alt.lite.bulb Lite bulb discussions alt.literature General discussion of literary topics. alt.litterbox Use rec.pets.cats instead. alt.little.flippy alt.LittLe.fLippy alt.little.lost.boy No description. alt.little.miss.naughty.flood.flood.flood No description. alt.liv.qsv No description. alt.lives.in.a.dumpster.montgomery-wood No description. alt.lmtq.jhtkq.j No description. (Moderated) alt.lmw.vk No description. (Moderated) alt.loafhead For discussion of Usenet Loaf Heads alt.loafhead.maryanne-kehoe the original Loaf Head alt.local.village.idiot No description. alt.localmusic.chi No description. alt.locksmithing You locked your keys in *where*? alt.lonworks.controls No description. alt.look.at.me.i.am.a.fish Fish metamorphisis group alt.loopy.fungus No description. alt.loser.ron-echeverri No description. alt.loser.wolf-moonchild For serious discussions on loser-ish behavior of alt.lotto.players Gambling with the state as bookmaker. alt.louise.beaudoin.nazi.bitch No description. alt.love Created by someone who couldn't find alt.romance. alt.love.areku For fans of the arrogant dickhead alt.love.clare-amoe Duh alt.love.jolly-trolly.fenix A newsgroup for talk of the couple alt.loves.hitler.montgomery-wood No description. alt.lpctgdcxd.lttnyvt No description. alt.lrq.dpu.d.gw.l.vwrm.h No description. alt.lt.i.silf.wcr.cydsu.aqp No description. alt.lucien.bouchard.die.die.die No description. alt.lucky.w Luck is benificent synchronicity (it sez here). alt.luf.r.eyo.j.di.mfawh.l.w.m.msrabt.k.osuz No description. (Moderated) alt.lunatics The Lunatics and any other perverts who like them. alt.luser.recovery Getting over the trauma of using computers. alt.lx.zsjxtk.l.x.b No description. alt.lxmcpy.tis.d.go.ebftjmsm.fseg.egcxlxv.nktuuvmmsezv No description. alt.lycra The WunderFabrik. alt.lycra.pictures No description. alt.lynn No description. alt.lzr puaauenaaibirajeue alt.m No description. alt.m.ebxdvxnmx.n.u.uww.mu No description. alt.m.ev.dfyklh No description. (Moderated) alt.m.jgn.c.m.nqnnpo No description. alt.m.mflpks No description. alt.mac.bin.req.only Macintosh requests for demos and sample programs. alt.mac.copy-protect.kdt-terminator KDT and copy-protection for Macintosh. (Moderated) alt.mac.games.binaries Use alt.binaries.mac.games instead. alt.mac.updates Macintosh software and hardware updates. alt.macamp No description. alt.machines.cnc Discussing CNC Machine tools. alt.machinists.homepage No description. alt.macintosh.kaleidoscope No description. alt.macintosh.warez No description. alt.macintosh.warez.applications No description. alt.macintosh.warez.games No description. alt.macintosh.warez.sitez No description. alt.macintosh.warez.utilities No description. alt.macomb.college No description. alt.macromedia.director No description. alt.macromedia.flash No description. alt.mad-newgrouper.who.newgroups.at.midnight Rob Cypher rules! alt.mad.testers.united.to.rule.the.world No description. alt.madcrew Mad Crew Discussion. alt.madcrew.usenet-hoeren No description. alt.madhousebbs No description. alt.madonna.is.a.whore No description. alt.madonna.sucks.cock No description. alt.mag.high-society No description. alt.mag.hustler No description. alt.mag.penthouse Penthouse Magazine. alt.mag.playboy Four decades of appreciation or degradation. Your pick. alt.mag.playboy.pussy No description. alt.mag.playgirl No description. alt.mag.puritan No description. alt.mag.yt No description. alt.magazine.2600hz Spam free discussion of 2600 Magazine. (Moderated) alt.magazines.pornographic Use alt.sex.magazines instead. alt.magic For discussion about stage magic. alt.magic.cards For discussion of anything related to card magic alt.magic.history No description. alt.magic.marketplace Magic books, aparatus and memorabilia alt.magic.secrets The Butler did it, with mirrors, to Colonel Mustard. alt.magick For discussion about supernatural arts. alt.magick.chaos Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards. alt.magick.goetia No description. alt.magick.jinn - Jinn and their role in contemporary Magick. alt.magick.marketplace buy, sell and trade magickal supplies and books alt.magick.scam Notifice and discussion of fraudulence in magickal or alt.magick.serious People seriously into the occult. alt.magick.sex Pursuing spirituality through sexuality and vice versa. alt.magick.sex.angst No description. alt.magick.tantra Discussing tantric yoga and other esoteric practices. alt.magick.theurgia No description. alt.magick.tyagi Magick as revealed by Mordred Nagasiva. alt.magick.virtual-adepts Not quite, but almost, an adept. alt.mahesh.duitser No description. alt.make.fast.cash MAKE.MONEY.FAST. (Moderated) alt.make.friends.around.the.world No description. alt.make.friends.within.bahrain No description. alt.make.money.fast And piss off thousands of people even faster. alt.make.your.own.spam No description. alt.maldives General discussions on Maldives. alt.malta Yum, chocolate maltas are delicious. alt.man-of-steel.jay-denebeim The superman of alt.config alt.man.diary Interesting and amusing excerpts from the Man Diary (TM) alt.management.tech-support No description. alt.mandrake-security.fr No description. alt.manga Use rec.arts.manga instead. alt.manufacturing.misc All about manufacturing. alt.march No description. alt.marching-band.texas Discussion of Texas Marching bands alt.mark-atwood.die.die.die No description. alt.marketing.online.amazon.sellers No description. alt.marketing.online.ebay No description. alt.marketplace.books Books of all types, for sale or wanted. alt.marketplace.books-on-tape Books on tape - for sale and wanted alt.marketplace.books.sf Science Fiction & Fantasy Books sought & sold. alt.marketplace.cassettes Use rec.music.marketplace.misc instead. alt.marketplace.collectables All sorts of collectables for sale and wanted. alt.marketplace.compact-disc Use rec.music.marketplace.cd instead. alt.marketplace.crack-corner No description. alt.marketplace.funky-stuff.forsale Use misc.forsale instead. alt.marketplace.online.ebay No description. alt.marketplace.videotapes Use rec.video.marketplace instead. alt.marriage-minded.foreign-brides-fsu Why not. alt.marsscan technological and sociological aspects of Mars exploration alt.martial-art.kenjustu No description. alt.martial-arts.aikido No description. alt.martial-arts.config No description. alt.martial-arts.iaido Iaido specific discussion alt.martial-arts.ju-jitsu ju-jitsu specific discussion alt.martial-arts.judo General debate alt.martial-arts.karate Discussion of traditional and modern Karate alt.martial-arts.karate.kyokushin Kyokushin Karate specific debate alt.martial-arts.karate.semi-contact No description. alt.martial-arts.karate.shito-ryu Shito-ryu Karate specific discussion alt.martial-arts.karate.shorin-ryu No description. alt.martial-arts.karate.shotokan Discussions of shotokan karate. alt.martial-arts.karate.shotokan.announcements No description. alt.martial-arts.karate.uechi-ryu No description. alt.martial-arts.karate.wado-ryu No description. alt.martial-arts.kempo Kempo specific discussion alt.martial-arts.kendo No description. alt.martial-arts.kenjustu No description. alt.martial-arts.kung-fu No description. alt.martial-arts.kung-fu.shaolin No description. alt.martial-arts.marketplace advertisements for martial arts related alt.martial-arts.ninjitsu No description. alt.martial-arts.ninjtsu No description. alt.martial-arts.tae-kwon-do Discussions about Tae Kwon Do alt.martial-arts.tae-kwon.do No description. alt.marty.is.a.fat.stupid.gay.pigboy No description. alt.marty.the.pigboy.sucks.cocks No description. alt.masonic.members Freemasons. alt.masturbation No description. alt.masturbation.female An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.masturbation.male An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.math.cypher The mathematical powers of Rob Cypher! alt.math.iams Internet Amateur Mathematics Society. (Moderated) alt.math.moderated Math discussion at college level and above (Moderated) alt.math.recreational No description. alt.matthew-davies Great men, great name. alt.mauritius Forum for topics about Mauritius alt.maxwell No description. alt.may No description. alt.mayday-mayday For serious discussions on this expression and its alt.mbone Global InterNet multicast network discussions alt.mcdonalds Can I get fries with that? alt.mcdonalds.beef Discussion of McDonalds burgers alt.mcdonalds.cheese Discussion of McDonalds cheese alt.mcdonalds.crew This is a newsgroup for McDonald's crew members alt.mcdonalds.crew.crew-trainer No description. alt.mcdonalds.crew.management No description. alt.mcdonalds.flame For flames of McDonalds' food, workers, ethics, etc. alt.mcdonalds.fries Discussion of McDonalds fries alt.mcdonalds.kissimmee.heavyg This is a newsgroup about glenn at mcd alt.mcdonalds.promotions No description. alt.mckinstry.pencil-dick No description. alt.me No description. alt.me.advocacy No description. alt.me.more.advocacy No description. alt.me.so.horny No description. alt.meaningless Absolutely whatever said the good nihilist. alt.meaningless.shit Totally worthless everything, period. alt.mechwarrior2 Use alt.games.mechwarrior2 instead. alt.med.allergy Helping people with allergies. alt.med.behavioral Theory and application of Behavioral Medicine. alt.med.cfs Chronic Fatague Syndrome discussions. (Moderated) alt.med.cfs.chat Specific discussion about chronic fatigue syndrome. (Moderated) alt.med.cfs.info Information about chronic fatigue syndrome. (Moderated) alt.med.cfs.open Discussion about chronic fatigue syndrome. (Moderated) alt.med.cure-paralysis Discussions of treatment of paralysis/paraplegia. alt.med.dentistry.dutch All about dentistry in Dutch. alt.med.ems Use misc.emerg-services instead. alt.med.endometriosis No description. (Moderated) alt.med.equipment Discussion of medical equipment. alt.med.fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Fibrositis List. alt.med.fibromyalgia.guaifenisin No description. alt.med.fibromyalgia.recovery-info No description. (Moderated) alt.med.fibromyalgia.recovery.info No description. (Moderated) alt.med.pain.rsd Discussion by and for people alt.med.podiatry No description. alt.med.software No description. alt.med.veterinary Veterinary medicine and animal health. alt.media.dvd.cracked No description. alt.media.magazine.dotnet .NET Internet magazine and its readers. alt.media.simpsons No description. alt.media.studies HUM199Y - University of Toronto Media Studies Course alt.media.tv.mediamente Discussions about electronic media in southern Europe alt.medical.sales.jobs.offered Jobs for medical industry salespeople. alt.medien.fernsehen No description. alt.meditation General discussion of meditation. alt.meditation.qigong No description. alt.meditation.shabda "Spiritual Freedom Through Inner Sound & Light" alt.meditation.silva Silva-Mindcontrol by Jose Silva alt.meditation.transcendental Contemplation of states beyond the teeth. alt.meeh.caheeh Meeh meeh caheeh! alt.meeh.cypher Rob Cypher knows. alt.mega-ego.yonderboy Cruel irony, indeed. alt.megazine No description. alt.megs-bru No description. alt.megs-bru.liar-con-bitch No description. alt.memetics The evolution of ideas in societies. alt.memoriam.princess-di A tribute to the late Princess alt.men.alpha No description. alt.men.politics a newsgroup for men's politics. alt.men.support No description. alt.men.with.high.sperm.counts No description. alt.mens-rights We hold these truths to be self-evident. alt.mentski No description. alt.menwhoswallow No description. alt.meow No description. alt.meridian.rpg No description. alt.mert alt.MERT Discussion pertaining to Medical Emergency Response Teams alt.messianic Messianic traditions. alt.messianic.jewish-orthodox Messianic forum for Orthodox Jews alt.messianic.yeshua Messianic forum for believers in Yeshua alt.metaphysics.a-a-bailey Ancient Wisdom and the works of Alice A. Bailey alt.metaphysics.rebirthing Discussion of the Rebirthing Spiritual Movement. alt.mex.paranormal No description. alt.mexico The people of Central America's largest nation. alt.mexwall No description. alt.mfgl ubiecuezeofdauuiiimuh alt.mgk ouguruotubdutasu alt.michael.l.kilbourn No description. alt.microsoft.crash.crash.crash The NG name discribes it all. alt.microsoft.sucks No description. alt.midden alt.barf Vomit discussion alt.mikey.gwar No description. alt.military No description. alt.military.aas.area2 Discussion group to serve as a communication forum alt.military.air-cadets Topics relating to air cadets alt.military.army-cadet alt.military.army-cadets Army Cadet Force related matters alt.military.cadet Preparing for the coming apocalypse. alt.military.cap A discussion forum for members of the Civil Air Patrol alt.military.collecting Military collectables. alt.military.collecting.medals collecting military medals and orders alt.military.police Discussions of military police matters alt.military.retired Discussion group for retired military personnel alt.military.seacadets No description. alt.military.uk global discussion group for British Army members alt.military.uk.agc talking shop for the British Army's admin branch alt.military.uk.aviation Discussion on UK military aviation. alt.mind.bending Discussion of MindBending Software releases. alt.mindcontrol Are you sure those thoughts are really your own? alt.mindcontrol.kids-help-kids Teen rehabs using Straight confrontations alt.mining.recreational Digging rock as a hobby. alt.minion general minion discussion alt.minion.control-theory control things with minions & vice versa alt.minion.training minion training methods alt.mink.grrr No description. alt.minneapolis No description. alt.minneapolis.the-other-minnesota No description. alt.minnesota.connection No description. alt.minnesota.forsale anything for sale in Minnesota alt.minolta.support No description. alt.mirc Use alt.irc.mirc instead. alt.misanthropy.thedavid No description. alt.misc Use misc.misc instead. alt.misc.forteana Charles Fort, his books, and general weird happenings. alt.misc.friends No description. alt.misc.friends.cybrvillangel No description. alt.misogyny No description. alt.missing-adults Locating missing adults. alt.missing-kids Locating missing children. alt.missouri.clinton For people interested in Clinton, Missouri alt.missouri.clinton.hillbilly-town No description. alt.miva.mag MivaScript, Miva Merchant, Information, Peer Support alt.ml.i.jvpih.i iookioaheyt alt.mlhin.j.y.ux.a.dsucymd.kg uieenjeua alt.mll.fiy j/YX8IdKaKM>6O?e alt.mmmmm.beer No description. alt.mnbroaw.bn.ftqgbbbe.krq gaofguushfiegueui alt.mobilehome Aspects of living in mobile homes. alt.models Use rec.models.* instead. alt.models.petite No description. alt.models.railroad.ho No description. alt.models.railroad.n No description. alt.models.scale No description. alt.models.scale.air No description. alt.models.scale.air.32scale No description. alt.models.scale.air.airliners No description. alt.models.scale.air.luft46 No description. alt.models.scale.armor No description. alt.models.scale.auto No description. alt.models.scale.card No description. alt.models.scale.figures No description. alt.models.scale.marketplace No description. alt.models.scale.realspace No description. alt.models.scale.sf No description. alt.models.scale.ships No description. alt.modpol.discussion No description. alt.modpol.discusssion No description. alt.mof No description. alt.mohh.bt No description. alt.moja.hipcrime No description. alt.moja.maxwell No description. alt.moja.mexwall No description. alt.moja.test No description. alt.monarchy.america alt.monarchy.america dedicated to dialogue alt.monday No description. alt.mongrel.impregnated.his.sister Discussions about incest among alt.mongrelmind.going-down-bigtime No description. alt.monique.hipcrime No description. alt.monique.maxwell No description. alt.monique.mexwall No description. alt.monster.is.the.place.to.be No description. alt.monsthers No description. alt.moocow.delicious No description. alt.moogles discussion about moogles alt.moogles.cypher Kucypo! alt.moose.rights No description. alt.moped Discussion of mopeds alt.morcio No description. alt.morlxqm vjhiiveigowgdufopaualzi alt.moron.capt-kundalini.nazi-troll Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.moron.hir No description. alt.moron.martin.hannigan.spank.spank Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.moron.patrick.murtha.fuckwit Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.moron.phil-oliver No description. alt.moron.uriel-and-poetta.troll Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.morons For discussion of morons and all things moronic. alt.motd The messages of the day. alt.mother.is.a.slut.montgomery-wood No description. alt.motherfucker.jay-denebeim Man, I hate this piece of shit! alt.motherjones Mother Jones magazine. alt.mothersuperior No description. alt.motorcycle.aprilia alt.motorcycles.aprilia alt.motorcycle.honda.nighthawk newsgroup alt.motorcycle.honda.nighthawk Honda Nighthawk Discussion alt.motorcycle.kawasaki.gpz newsgroup alt.motorcycle.kawasaki.gpz Kawasaki GPZ Discussion alt.motorcycle.north-carolina north carolina motorcyle enthusiasts alt.motorcycle.ride-well motorcycle safety discussion alt.motorcycle.sportbike Use rec.motorcycles.racing instead. alt.motorcycles.abate No description. alt.motorcycles.ducati Discussion of Ducati motorcycles. alt.motorcycles.harley Use rec.motorcycles.harley instead. alt.motorcycles.marketplace Buying and selling of motorcycles and their alt.motorcycles.nimbus No description. alt.motorcycles.yamaha Best Choice--YAMAHA alt.motss.bisexua-l Use soc.bi instead. alt.mottola No description. alt.mottola.riccardo No description. alt.mottola.riccardo.che.fa.ingegneria.a.lecco No description. alt.mountain-bike Use rec.bicycles.off-road instead. alt.mountain-bike.van-delay No description. alt.movie-kull No description. alt.movies No description. alt.movies.12monkeys No description. alt.movies.2001spaceoddysey No description. alt.movies.armageddon No description. alt.movies.bergman No description. alt.movies.blair-witch-project Discussion group for "The Blair Witch alt.movies.branagh-thmpsn Films of Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson. alt.movies.bruce-lee Movie star & martial artist Bruce Lee & Jeet Kune Do. alt.movies.chainsaw-massacre alt.movies.chainsaw All topics related to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre alt.movies.chaplin Discussion of Charlie Chaplin's life and art. alt.movies.christian-bale Actor Christian Bale. alt.movies.cinematography Use rec.arts.movies.production instead. alt.movies.cinematography.16mm No description. alt.movies.cinematography.super8 Discussion of Super 8mm filmmaking alt.movies.coen-brothers Films by Ethan and Joel Coen. alt.movies.coppola No description. alt.movies.david-lynch Director of Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, and more. alt.movies.deep-impact No description. alt.movies.empire-records Damn the Man! Save the Empire! alt.movies.filmmakers-amateur No description. alt.movies.get-real alt.movies.get-realÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊFor fans of the 1999 Brit-flick, Get Real. alt.movies.ghostbusters Ghostbuster Movie discussions, Real alt.movies.goonies for discussion of the motion picture The Goonies alt.movies.gore-films No description. alt.movies.gore-films.d No description. alt.movies.gore-films.reposts No description. alt.movies.grease Discussion of the movie "Grease" alt.movies.hitchcock The films of Alfred Hitchcock. alt.movies.independent Films put out by independent producers. alt.movies.indian Films from India and the Indian subcontinent. alt.movies.indiana-jones Discussions about the Indiana Jones trilogy alt.movies.jackie-chan No description. alt.movies.james-cameron No description. alt.movies.joe-vs-volcano Fans discuss the movie Joe versus the Volcano. alt.movies.john-carpenter No description. alt.movies.jurassic-park Jurassic Park and related Discussion alt.movies.kevin-smith Clerks, Mallrats, Etc. alt.movies.kitano No description. alt.movies.kubrick For the discussion of Stanley Kubrick's movies. alt.movies.labyrinth for all discussion pertaining to the film Labyrinth alt.movies.legionnaires discussion of the movie legionnaires alt.movies.luis-bunuel No description. alt.movies.marilyn-monroe Discussion and talk about Marilyn Monroe. alt.movies.monster Godzilla! The Wolfman! The Thing! Aiiieee!! alt.movies.mortal-kombat MORTAL KOMBAT!!! alt.movies.oliver-stone No description. alt.movies.phantasm No description. alt.movies.piss-on-critics No description. alt.movies.robert-deniro No description. alt.movies.scorsese Are you talking to me? You think I'm funny? alt.movies.scream-trilogy No description. alt.movies.sergio-leone No description. alt.movies.serials No description. alt.movies.sig-weaver For fans of Sigourney Weaver and her work. alt.movies.silent Shhhhhhhhhhh! alt.movies.siskel+ebert Reviewing reviews from reviewers Siskel and Ebert. alt.movies.slapshot No description. alt.movies.spielberg Films of blockbuster director Steven Spielberg. alt.movies.spike-lee No description. alt.movies.terry-gilliam Writer and director Terry Gilliam. alt.movies.tim-burton The brooding works of Tim Burton. alt.movies.titanic No description. alt.movies.truffaut No description. alt.movies.truman-show discussion about The Truman Show. alt.movies.uk Discussion of British movies and UK releases of films from alt.movies.visual-effects Discussion of visual f/x for movies and tv. alt.movies.wim-wenders No description. alt.movies.wizard-of-oz No description. alt.mpbygpywcwxrk.hr.v eveocavaojidm alt.mqjhdwn.f ouyieieacrdleruuxvai alt.mr-men No description. alt.mr.lee.is.a.pedophile No description. alt.mrz ooeeuaauiabcth alt.msdos No description. alt.msdos.batch MS-DOS batch files. alt.msdos.batch.nt The NT variant of MS-DOS batch files alt.msdos.programmer For the serious MS/DOS programmer (no forsale ads). alt.mtb.q.apgpdng 8fH+940Y/aAdRk#S alt.mtv-sucks Barry Manilow RUL3Z! alt.mud Use rec.games.mud instead. alt.mud.cellars No description. alt.mud.crystal-shard No description. alt.mud.eos2 Eye of the Storm II Mud Chat alt.mud.lp Use rec.games.mud.lp instead. alt.mud.majormud Discussion of the MBBS mud. Lots and lots of mud. alt.mud.programming Programming in text-based virtual reality environments. alt.mullethead.reb-ruster No description. alt.multimedia.cu-seeme Cornell Univ SeeMe desktop videoconference software. alt.multimedia.director Macromedia Director. alt.multimedia.emblaze No description. alt.multimedia.mpeg No description. alt.multimedia.tk group for tickling related binary files & stories alt.multimedia.tk.terri-disisto Terri's Tickling Video Collection. alt.multimedia.vadz Q & A, Exchanging extensions for the VirtualADz SDK alt.music No description. alt.music-lover.audiophile No description. alt.music-lover.audiophile.hardware No description. alt.music.2-belo No description. alt.music.2-step-garage 2-Step UK Garage Music. alt.music.4-track People who need to get out more often. alt.music.4ad Artists on the 4AD music label. alt.music.a-cappella Use rec.music.a-cappella instead. alt.music.a-ha No description. alt.music.a-perfect-circle A group about the band A Perfect Circle. alt.music.aaliyah No description. alt.music.aaliyah.crash.burn.mohh.omlo.mohlmohlo.muhuhuho No description. alt.music.aaliyah.should.have.packed.a.parachute No description. alt.music.aaliyah.too-many-bags.its-her-own-fault Because it is alt.music.abba Swedish pop. alt.music.acid-jazz No description. alt.music.adiemus Discussions about Karl Jenkins' Adiemus and related works alt.music.adjective-army For discussion of the music of The Adjective Army alt.music.aerosmith No description. alt.music.african African music. alt.music.aghora.nospam Discussions on US prog metal band Aghora alt.music.air-supply Discussion of the Australian group Air Supply. alt.music.alabama Discussion group about the country music group Alabama alt.music.alanis Discussion of Alanis Morissette. alt.music.alanis.morissette Use alt.music.alanis instead. alt.music.alice-cooper forum for the discussion of Alice Cooper alt.music.aliceinchains One of Seattle's finest. alt.music.all-saints Discussion of UK rap/r&b/pop/soul group, All Saints. alt.music.alternative For groups having 2 or less Platinum-selling albums. alt.music.alternative.female Discussing alternative music by female artists. alt.music.america Discussion of the pop-rock group America. alt.music.amy-grant Discussion about Amy Grant and her music. alt.music.anita-meijer No description. alt.music.anthrax No description. alt.music.anti-teenybopper Discussion on the dislike of music alt.music.aor Discussion of AOR bands and artists. alt.music.aphex-twin Aphex Twin and related artists and record labels. alt.music.aqua For discussion on the dance/pop group Aqua alt.music.arabic Use rec.music.arabic instead. alt.music.ash Discussion of the irish rock band Ash. alt.music.atlanta - an area for discourse, discussion, debate and alt.music.autechre For discussion of topics related to techno group Autechre alt.music.b-52s discussion of the band and their music alt.music.b-witched Discussion of Irish girl group B*Witched alt.music.babybird No description. alt.music.badlydrawnboy No description. alt.music.banana-truffle Bananananana Truffle. alt.music.band-director Band directors' forum. alt.music.baroque No description. alt.music.beach-boys Use rec.music.artists.beach-boys instead. alt.music.beastie-boys The Beastie Boys. alt.music.beastie-boys.punk-liar No description. alt.music.beastie-boys.punk-liar.gwedoking No description. alt.music.beatles The Beatles, their music and more alt.music.beautiful-south No description. alt.music.beck Jeff Beck, I suspect. alt.music.beckley-bunnel Discussion of the pop-rock group America. alt.music.bedroom.producers A forum for all musicians who produce alt.music.bee-gees The soulful stylings of the Brothers Gibb. alt.music.bela-fleck Bela and the Flecktones. alt.music.belle+sebastian The band Belle and Sebastian alt.music.ben-folds-five Discussion about the trio Ben Folds Five alt.music.ben-harper The life and music of Ben Harper. alt.music.betterthanezra No description. alt.music.big-band Sounds from the Big Band era. alt.music.big-leaves For discussion on the rock group Big Leaves. alt.music.bill-laswell The music of producer/bassist Bill Laswell. alt.music.bill-miller Native-American Musician Bill Miller alt.music.billy-joe.winghead No description. alt.music.billy-joel Discussion of Billy Brinkley, err Joel. alt.music.bis The music of Bis alt.music.bjork For fans of Bjork and the late Sugarcubes. alt.music.black-crowes For discussion of the band "The Black Crowes" alt.music.black-metal Iron instruments. alt.music.black-metal.nazi Rising tide of fascism in evil neoclassical alt.music.black-sabbath The band Black Sabbath and their music. alt.music.black47 No description. alt.music.blink-182 Skate punk band Blink-182 alt.music.bloem No description. alt.music.bloodhound.gang No description. alt.music.blue-rodeo Discussing Blue Rodeo. alt.music.bluegrass Bluegrass information, lyrics, transcriptions, etc. alt.music.blueoystercult BOC -- Godzilla's gonna get ya. alt.music.blues Free form blues discussion alt.music.blues-traveler For "All fellow travelers." alt.music.blues.delta No description. alt.music.blues.johnny-winter The Guitar Slinger Himself! alt.music.bluetones discussion for the bluetones alt.music.blur Fandom of the uniquely British group Blur. alt.music.bob-mould Discussion of the music of Bob Mould alt.music.bob-wiseman The controversial keyboard genius who was almost prince alt.music.bodeans Discusion of the Bodeans, a major musical group. alt.music.boedans No description. alt.music.bon-jovi For fans of Jon and the gang. alt.music.bonepony No description. alt.music.bootlegs People pirating music performances. alt.music.bosstones No description. alt.music.boyz-2-men The harmonizing tunes of Boyz II Men. alt.music.boyzone For the discussion of the music band, Boyzone. alt.music.breakbeat Breaks: music, artists, DJs, events, and culture. alt.music.brian-eno Apparently too popular to warrant further description. alt.music.bruce-cockburn No description. alt.music.bugtussle No description. alt.music.built-to-spill No description. alt.music.bush Discussion of the UK rock band Bush. alt.music.bush.sux No description. alt.music.butholesurfers The Butthole Surfers. alt.music.buzzpoets No description. alt.music.byrds The music and fans of The Byrds. alt.music.cake No description. alt.music.canada Oh, Canada, eh? alt.music.candy-dulfer No description. alt.music.cardiacs Discussion about UK indie band Cardiacs alt.music.carnival Soca, Calypso, and Steel Pan. alt.music.carolinashag Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.music.cat-stevens Discussion of the musician Cat Stevens. alt.music.catatonia For discussion on the pop and rock group Catatonia alt.music.category-freak Lips that touch Def Leppard won't touch mine. alt.music.cavedogs Cavedogs and former member current bands. alt.music.ccr The music of Creedence Clearwater Revival/John Fogerty. alt.music.celine-dion The music & art of the international star Celine Dion. alt.music.chad-n-jeremy A group on the 1960s pop duo. alt.music.chameleons For discussion The Chameleons and related bands. alt.music.chapel-hill You might think hymnals and chants, but you'd be wrong. alt.music.charlatans An "alternative" band from UK (Northwich). alt.music.charlottechurch The Welsh opera singer Charlotte Church. alt.music.cheap-trick Discussion of the pop-rock band Cheap Trick. alt.music.chemical-bros Discussion of the UK hard dance/techno duo. alt.music.cher The life and music of superstar Cher. alt.music.chicago Discussion of the band Chicago. alt.music.chinese-pop Chinese popular music. alt.music.chinese.pop Chinese Popular songs alt.music.christian.rock No description. alt.music.clannad Discussion of the band Clannad alt.music.clarinet Discussions of clarinets, players, and music. alt.music.clash Anything about the musical group The Clash. alt.music.classical No description. alt.music.cliff-richard Discussion of the music of Cliff Richard. alt.music.coldplay The UK indie band. alt.music.colorado No description. alt.music.complex-arrang To complex for _your_ simple mind. alt.music.corrs Discussion of Irish band The Corrs. alt.music.counting-crows In my day, we used to count sheep. alt.music.country.classic Classic country music--artists such as Johnny alt.music.cracker-cvb caters to Cracker and Camper alt.music.cranberries No need to argue -- Irish pop group The Cranberries. alt.music.cranes No description. alt.music.cravin-melon No description. alt.music.creeker No description. alt.music.crocketts Discussion on the rock group Crocketts. alt.music.ct-dummies Discussion of the musical group Crash Test Dummies. alt.music.culture-club Culture Club and Boy George alt.music.dan-bern No description. alt.music.dan-fogelberg Discussion and music of Dan Fogelberg alt.music.dance Music to dance to. alt.music.dance.euro No description. alt.music.dance.freestyle A genre of dance or club music started in the 80s. alt.music.dance.made-in-italy About Italian dance-music and italo-disco. alt.music.dance.mp3.binaries No description. alt.music.dandy-warhols No description. alt.music.danzig Discussion of the works of Glenn Danzig. MOTHER! alt.music.darkwave No description. alt.music.dave-hawkins A way to exchange information about this artist. alt.music.dave-matthews The Dave Matthews Band. alt.music.dave-matthews.tapetrading No description. alt.music.dave-matthews.trading Discussion of trading of DMB performances alt.music.david-byrne No description. alt.music.david-devant-hsw No description. alt.music.dead-c For discussion of the rock group The Dead C. and DC-offshoots alt.music.dead-kennedys Art is not bound by the limits of tastefulness. alt.music.deep-purple Discussions about Deep Purple and related artists. alt.music.def-leppard Discussion about the rock group Def Leppard. alt.music.deftones Deftones discussion alt.music.deftones.moderated A moderated newsgroup to discuss the music (Moderated) alt.music.delirious No description. alt.music.delphines For discussion of the band, the Delphines alt.music.depeche-mode The works of Depeche Mode. alt.music.derrero No description. alt.music.diana-ross The singer Diana Ross. alt.music.dio For discussion about Ronnie James Dio. alt.music.dire-straits Mark Knoppfler and the rock band Dire Straits. alt.music.diva Outstanding female performers/musicians/legends alt.music.divine-comedy No description. alt.music.doors No description. alt.music.doris-dragovic No description. alt.music.dr-feelgood Discussion of British R'n'B band Dr. Feelgood alt.music.drain No description. alt.music.dream-theater Is "progressive metal" an accepted label? alt.music.duke-ellington No description. alt.music.duran-duran Discussion of the British group Duran Duran. alt.music.dutch No description. alt.music.eagles Discussion of the Band. alt.music.ear-training No description. alt.music.early No description. alt.music.echoing-green encompasses discussion of the popular synth-pop alt.music.education Discussion for musical education interests alt.music.eels No description. alt.music.eighties Discussion of 1980's music. alt.music.elastica For fans of Justine and co. alt.music.electronic No description. alt.music.electronic-organ No description. alt.music.ellectrika No description. alt.music.elo The Electric Light Orchestra. alt.music.embo No description. alt.music.embrace For the discussion of Embrace ( Slider ) alt.music.eminem The rapper Eminem aka Slim Shady alt.music.emo No description. alt.music.enigma-dcd-etc Enigma and similar bands. alt.music.enya Gaelic set to spacey music. alt.music.erasure Erasure's fan following. alt.music.eric-clapton for discussion of guitarist Eric Clapton. alt.music.eurovision The discussion of The Eurovision Song Contest alt.music.everclear Discussion of music band Everclear alt.music.exit52 No description. alt.music.ezra No description. alt.music.faith-no-more Discussion of the musical group Faith No More. alt.music.falconjones Falcon Jones alt.music.fatboy-slim No description. alt.music.fates-warning Fates Warning. alt.music.fatwreckchords No description. alt.music.feeder No description. alt.music.feelers No description. alt.music.festivals about music festivals all over the world alt.music.festivals.paleo The #1 open-air rock festival in Europe alt.music.filk SF/fantasy related folk music. alt.music.fish No description. alt.music.flamenco The Art of Flamenco alt.music.flaming-lips The music of the Flaming Lips alt.music.fleetwood-mac Rock group Fleetwood Mac and its members. alt.music.flute No description. alt.music.foetus No description. alt.music.folklore No description. alt.music.foo-fighters No description. alt.music.frank-zappa No description. alt.music.franticdogpadl The music and curiosities of Frantic Dogpaddle alt.music.fuel No description. alt.music.funkpoparoll No description. alt.music.g-fibbers discussion about or relevant to The Geraldine Fibbers alt.music.gabber No description. alt.music.galactic.cowboys to discuss the band Galactic Cowboys alt.music.galaxie-500 The band Galaxie-500 and related music. alt.music.gangsta.rap Capitalizing on "just telling it like it is." alt.music.garage for discussion of UK garage alt.music.garbage Discussion of the band Garbage and singer Shirley Manson alt.music.garth-brooks No description. alt.music.gay-dad No description. alt.music.gene Roddenberry's bad lyrics for the Star Trek theme. alt.music.genesis Genesis, in all their incarnations. alt.music.girlgroups No description. alt.music.glen-ballard GLEN BALLARD - A veteran songwriter/record alt.music.gnawa Moroccan gnawa musicians and magicians alt.music.golden-earring The Dutch band Golden Earring. alt.music.gomez No description. alt.music.goo-goo-dolls Rock band Goo Goo Dolls and related topics. alt.music.goo-goo-dolls.adjectivized As a testament to the work the AA put into AMGGD alt.music.gospel.southern Discussion of "southern" gospel music. alt.music.gossip No description. alt.music.greek No description. alt.music.green-day The band Green Day. alt.music.green-day.vacant5150.aka.kayte Cypher says hi! alt.music.grindcore Not really metal, not really hardcore...it's grindcore! alt.music.guidedbyvoices Discussion of Columbus indie-rock heroes Guided by Voices alt.music.guitar.resonator Resonator guitars. alt.music.guster No description. alt.music.guthrie Discussion of folksingers Arlo & Woody Guthrie. alt.music.gwar Gwarrrrr. alt.music.gzm No description. alt.music.h-blockx No description. alt.music.h-h-hippeaux Hungry Hungry Hippeaux, an indie rock band alt.music.hafabra For HaFaBra-musicians in Belgium and the Netherlands who alt.music.hammond-organ Hammond technique and technical discussion alt.music.hamsters No description. alt.music.hard-house For fans of the Hard House music genre. alt.music.hardcore Could be porno set to music. alt.music.harmonica Lip music. alt.music.harry-chapin Taxi! alt.music.hawaiian The music of the Hawaiian islands. alt.music.heath No description. alt.music.helloween why not? alt.music.hertz General stuff about Hertz music. alt.music.highllamas to discuss a band called The High Llamas. alt.music.hip-hop.dj No description. alt.music.hole A band named Hole. alt.music.holly-cole canadian jazz singer holly cole alt.music.hootie Hootie and the Blowfish. alt.music.house Use rec.music.hip-hop instead. alt.music.hunter-mott discussion about alt.music.hunter-mott. alt.music.idlewild Discussion group about the band Idlewild alt.music.iggy-pop Discussing Iggy Pop, his life and work. alt.music.incubus No description. alt.music.independent Soloists without contracts with the major labels. alt.music.independent.ads Post about your crappy band's CD here, not a.m.indie alt.music.indigo-girls The musical duo Indigo Girls. alt.music.industrial No description. alt.music.info-society The band InSoc, AKA Information Society. alt.music.insane-clown-posse The music of Insane Clown Posse alt.music.inxs Get it? "In Excess". In the words of Nelson, "Ha ha." alt.music.ipecac-loop discussion of the works of ipecac loop alt.music.iron-maiden discussion of Iron Maiden alt.music.j-s-bach Discussions about J.S. Bach (1685-1750). alt.music.j-tull.moderated (moderated) Jethro Tull interest (Moderated) alt.music.jacar No description. alt.music.jackpot Jackpot rocks!!!! alt.music.jacques-brel No description. alt.music.jade-warrior For discussion J.W. and related bands. alt.music.jamc The Jesus and Mary Chain discussion group alt.music.james-taylor JT! alt.music.jamiroquai Jamiroquai: The band, the music, and related news alt.music.jamiroquai.trading-post Trade rare Jamiroquai merchandise and bootlegs. alt.music.janes-addictn The music of Jane's Addiction and its members. alt.music.jazz.squirrel-nut-zippers No description. alt.music.jeff-buckley Singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley. alt.music.jenn-harmer Discussion of the music of Jenn Harmer alt.music.jessica.simpson No description. alt.music.jethro-tull Ironman sitting on a park bench. alt.music.jethro-tull.moderated alt.music.jethro-tull Moderated Jethro Tull interest group alt.music.jewish Music from the Jewish heritage. alt.music.jim-croce No description. alt.music.jimi.hendrix 'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky. alt.music.joan-jett Joan Jett fans and collectors alt.music.joan-osborne No description. alt.music.joe-carta-band Country and Western legends, 1960s-present alt.music.jon-spencer No description. alt.music.joni-mitchell No description. alt.music.journalism Use alt.journalism.music instead. alt.music.journey The multi-platinum rock group "Journey". alt.music.jpop Discussion in English about Japanese pop music. alt.music.judas-priest No description. alt.music.jungle Jungle music alt.music.karaoke Givin' it from the (usually drunken) heart. alt.music.kelani Net-music and collaborations alt.music.kenickie The discussion forum of the British band Kenickie. alt.music.kenny-wayne-shepherd A discussion about the proposed new alt.music.kerbdog Discussion of the rock bands Wilt and Kerbdog alt.music.kiss Use rec.music.artists.kiss instead. alt.music.klaus-schulze The music of the German musician Klaus Schulze alt.music.kmfdm No description. alt.music.korn A newsgroup for the discussion of music group Korn alt.music.korn.sucks A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.music.kraftwerk No description. alt.music.kreviazuk Discussion on talented artist Chantal Kreviazuk (Moderated) alt.music.kron A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.music.kula-shaker Discussion of the group Kula Shaker. alt.music.kyle-vincent No description. alt.music.kylie-minogue Music of Kylie Minogue. alt.music.la-guns Discussion about the music of L.A. Guns. alt.music.lara-fabian No description. alt.music.led-zeppelin Discussion about Led Zeppelin and their music. alt.music.lene-marlin This newsgroup is for Lene Marlin alt.music.lennon A newsgroup devoted to the life and work of John Lennon. alt.music.leonard-cohen The music of Leonard Cohen. alt.music.lesley-rankine No description. alt.music.levellers Discussion of the band The Levellers alt.music.lightfoot Discussion about the music of Gordon Lightfoot. alt.music.lighthouse-family No description. alt.music.lilith-fair No description. alt.music.limp-bizkit No description. alt.music.linkin-park The Band Linkin-Park alt.music.lisa-loeb singer, songwriter, actress Lisa Loeb alt.music.live.the.band Talk about The Band. alt.music.lloyd-webber Life and music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. alt.music.lo-fi No description. alt.music.local-h No description. alt.music.london-am Discussion of the Goth band London After Midnight alt.music.lor-mckennitt Discussion of Loreena McKennit. alt.music.lords-of-acid unmoderated discussion area alt.music.losprophets alt.music.lostprophets the discussion of the band 'lostprophets' alt.music.lost-prophets Discussion of the band "The Lost Prophets" alt.music.lostprophets the discussion of the band 'lostprophets' alt.music.lou-reed Lou Reed. alt.music.luis-miguel The art, the music and the life of Luis Miguel. alt.music.luna General discussion of the music group Luna. alt.music.luscious-jackson The band Luscious Jackson and their music and alt.music.lyle-lovett Lyle Lovett (and his large band) alt.music.lyrics Discussion of song lyrics. alt.music.lyrics.spanish No description. alt.music.machine-head No description. alt.music.madness Discussion of the band Madness alt.music.makers.available-wanted No description. alt.music.makers.dj About DJ's, their music, and lives. alt.music.makers.dj.bedroom No description. alt.music.makers.electric-piano discussion of electro-mechanical pianos alt.music.makers.electronic The art of creating techno, ambient, etc. alt.music.makers.mpeg No description. alt.music.makers.nederland No description. alt.music.makers.nederland.markt No description. alt.music.makers.sampling Discussion on sampling techniques, hardware, software, etc. alt.music.makers.soloact A forum for working Solo Musicians alt.music.makers.theremin No description. alt.music.makers.ukulele for all matters pertaining to the ukulele alt.music.makers.woodwind People who play woodwind instruments. alt.music.man No description. alt.music.manics Discussion of the group Manic Street Preachers. alt.music.manowar Discussion on the metal band Manowar. alt.music.mansun For the exchange of information and discussion on alt.music.manuel No description. alt.music.mariah.carey Able to break glasses with a single boundless high note. alt.music.marillion A progressive band. The Silmarillion is a book. alt.music.marilyn-manson You've been a good little boy! alt.music.marys-danish No description. alt.music.massive-attack Bristol based Massive Attack alt.music.matthew-good-band Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.music.maxwell No description. alt.music.mazzy-star No description. alt.music.mcb No description. alt.music.mccartney No description. alt.music.mdfmk Discussion about industrial band mdfmk. alt.music.mecano Discussion of Spanish band Mecano alt.music.mercyful-fate For Mercyful Fate fans. alt.music.metallica.songs.turn-the-page No description. alt.music.methods-mayhem Tommy Lee's The Methods of Mayhem. alt.music.mexican Mexican influenced music. alt.music.mgb Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.music.michael-franks The jazz music of Michael Franks alt.music.mid-evil No description. alt.music.midi Music from MIDI devices. alt.music.midi.keydisk-terminator No description. (Moderated) alt.music.midiweb About Raymond Zwarts's MidiWeb WWW site for MIDI. alt.music.mike-keneally No description. alt.music.mike-oldfield The musician Mike Oldfield alt.music.mike.keneally No description. alt.music.ministry Perhaps not the music you would expect. alt.music.miocene discussion of the UK rock/metal band Miocene alt.music.misc Use rec.music.misc instead. alt.music.misfits No description. alt.music.mixfreaks For public discussions by and for mix-freaks on topics like alt.music.mixman For the discussion of Mixman music software. alt.music.mmw No description. alt.music.mobile-djs No description. alt.music.moby No description. alt.music.modern No description. alt.music.modern-rock Discussion of current rock and pop music. alt.music.mods No description. alt.music.moffatts No description. alt.music.mogwai Discussion group about the band Mogwai alt.music.monaco No description. alt.music.monkees Hey, hey, they were the Monkees. alt.music.moody-blues Still In Search of the Lost Chord. alt.music.morcheeba Discussion on the rock group Morcheeba. alt.music.morrissey Morrissey's career and music. alt.music.motley-crue discussion of Motley Crue alt.music.motorhead discussion of Motorhead alt.music.moxy-fruvous No description. alt.music.mp3 No description. alt.music.mp3.hardware No description. alt.music.mp3.napster The Napster mp3 search application. alt.music.mp3.sonique No description. alt.music.mp3.winamp No description. alt.music.mp3.winmx Peer-to-peer file sharing program WinMX. alt.music.mr-bungle The musical group Mr. Bungle. alt.music.muse A forum for fans of the band Muse to discuss relevant alt.music.mxpx MxPx, the punk rock band and its fans alt.music.my-life-story No description. alt.music.mylene-farmer The french superstar Mylene Farmer alt.music.nailbomb discussion of the metal group nailbomb alt.music.napster.banned No description. alt.music.nat-imbruglia Discussion of Natalie Imbruglia and her music. alt.music.natalie-merchant No description. alt.music.nataliemerchant No description. alt.music.neil-young The music of Canadian artist Neil Young alt.music.new-order The music of New Order and its members. alt.music.new-wave No description. alt.music.nick-cave Discussion of Nick Cave's music. alt.music.night-ranger Discussion of the rock band Night Ranger alt.music.nils-lofgren Nils Lofgren's Music, concerts, CDs etc. alt.music.nin Nine Inch Nails. alt.music.nin.creative Works for Reznor's Nine Inch Nails. alt.music.nin.d Use alt.music.nin instead. alt.music.nin.old-school For the fans of older nin material alt.music.nirvana Generation X's Seattle leaders, leaderless. alt.music.nirvana.bootlegs Trading concerts and demos of Seattle's finest. alt.music.nirvana.murder-theory For discussion of the murder theory. alt.music.nirvana.wasteland.useless.personal.flames No description. alt.music.nits No description. alt.music.no-depression The discussion of the new "No Depression" roots\revival music movement. alt.music.no-doubt Discussion of the group No Doubt. alt.music.no-wave No description. alt.music.nofx Southern California Punk Ban NoFX. alt.music.nomeansno No description. alt.music.nork A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.music.novelty No description. alt.music.nrbq For discussion of the band NRBQ. alt.music.nrok A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.music.nsync For fans of 'N Sync. alt.music.oasis No description. alt.music.ocs For the exchange of information and discussion on alt.music.offspring No description. alt.music.old-97s Discussion of alt.country band Old 97's. alt.music.one-minute-silence No description. alt.music.operation-ivy Discussion etc about ska-punk band Operation Ivy alt.music.orb For fans of the Ambient Techno music group "The Orb". alt.music.orbital No description. alt.music.orgy Discussion group about the band Orgy alt.music.osmonds For fans of Donny, Marie and the Osmond brothers. alt.music.ourladypeace For open discussion among fans of Our Lady Peace alt.music.outspoken No description. alt.music.oxygum No description. alt.music.ozzy Blizzard of Osbourne. alt.music.pantera I'm broken. alt.music.paradise-lost A group about the music band Paradise Lost. alt.music.pat-mccurdy Milwaukee's music at its finest. alt.music.pat-mcgee-band No description. alt.music.pat-metheny Guitarist Pat Metheny and his group. alt.music.pat-metheny.moderated Guitarist Pat Metheny and his group. (Moderated) alt.music.paul-colman-trio alt.music.paulcolmantrio For fans of the band. alt.music.paul-simon Discussion of Paul Simon's music. alt.music.paul-weller Discussing the music and song writing talents of Paul alt.music.pavement No description. alt.music.pearl-jam The music of the alternative rock band Pearl Jam. alt.music.pearl-jam.crushed Discussion of fans crushed to death at concerts alt.music.pennywise No description. alt.music.pere-ubu No description. alt.music.performance.band.high-school No description. alt.music.pet-shop-boys The music of the Pet Shop Boys. alt.music.pet-shop.boys No description. alt.music.peter-gabriel So, it's the music of Peter Gabriel, sans frontier. alt.music.peter-n-gordon For the 1960s duo. alt.music.phil-collins No description. alt.music.philip-glass The American composer Philip Glass. alt.music.pink-floyd Sold out shows everywhere. alt.music.pipeorgan Discussion of Pipe Organs and related topics alt.music.pixies The popular musical group the Pixies alt.music.pj-harvey Discussion of the band and singer PJ Harvey. alt.music.placebo No description. alt.music.plasmatics A newsgroup about the band The Plasmatics. alt.music.poe No description. alt.music.pogues The Pogues. alt.music.polkas Weird Al or not, polka is popular some folks. alt.music.pop-eat-itself Musical group Pop Will Eat Itself. alt.music.portishead No description. alt.music.post-punk No description. alt.music.posterkids Discussion between fans of the band "Poster Children" alt.music.power-pop No description. alt.music.primal-scream The British alternative rock band. alt.music.primus Discussions related to the music group Primus. alt.music.prince So my Prince came. Make him go away. alt.music.prodigy-the For the punk-dance act called "the prodigy". alt.music.prodigy-the.lyrics No description. alt.music.producer Discussion about record production and A&R. alt.music.producer.reggae discussion of reggae music production alt.music.progressive Yes, Marillion, Asia, King Crimson, etc. alt.music.progressive-house For fans of the Progressive House music alt.music.psychedelic All types of psychedelic music. alt.music.pulp Fandom of the British band Pulp. alt.music.pus No description. alt.music.pusa "The Presidents of the United States of alt.music.queen The band Queen and related solo acts. alt.music.rachelstamp Discussion of the group Rachel Stamp alt.music.rachid No description. alt.music.radiators The Fish-Head music of the Radiators. alt.music.radiohead No description. alt.music.radiohead.what.does.the.guy.say.at.the.end.of.the.just.video the group to rid alt.music.radiohead of 90% of it's morons alt.music.rage-machine Music and ideas of Rage Against The Machine. alt.music.rammstein No description. alt.music.ramones For discussion of the kings of puck rock. alt.music.rap-metal To discuss all aspects of Rap-metal (rapcore) music alt.music.rat-pack No description. alt.music.rat-salad No description. alt.music.ratsalad Discussion of the group Rat Salad alt.music.ratt No description. alt.music.redd-kross For discussion of the band Redd Kross. alt.music.reef No description. alt.music.reel-big-fish No description. alt.music.refreshments No description. alt.music.replacements Jesus rides beside us. alt.music.riaa.suck No description. alt.music.richard-butler No description. alt.music.riot-grrl revolution grrl style now! alt.music.roadie Discussion about roadie activities and so forth. alt.music.rob-zombie No description. alt.music.robbie-williams No description. alt.music.rockabilly Rockabilly. alt.music.roger-waters To Pink or Not to Pink. alt.music.romantic No description. alt.music.rory-gallagher No description. alt.music.roxette The Swedish rock band Roxette and their music. alt.music.ruby No description. alt.music.runrig No description. alt.music.rush For Rushheads. alt.music.rvamusic No description. alt.music.s-mclachlan A Touch of Solace in Ecstasy. alt.music.s7g ? (Moderated) alt.music.savoy-brown News about the legendary Bluesmen alt.music.saxon discussion of Saxon alt.music.saxophone Making the music and/or listening to it. alt.music.scorpions discussion of Scorpions alt.music.seal Aquatic creatures playing cymbals and the horn stand. alt.music.searchers Research and discussion of The Searchers. alt.music.seven-seconds No description. alt.music.sex-pistols discussion of the band, current news, etc alt.music.sex.pistols No description. alt.music.shamen No description. alt.music.sheryl-crow No description. alt.music.shonen-knife No description. alt.music.sinead-oconnor meeting place for Sinéad O'Connor fans alt.music.ska Discussions of ska ( skank ) music, bands, and suchlike. alt.music.ska-core Skank or mosh, we don't care. alt.music.skeg discussion about the band Skeg alt.music.skinny-puppy Discussion of the Canadian group Skinny Puppy. alt.music.skratch-picklz No description. alt.music.skunk-anansie No description. alt.music.slipknot No description. alt.music.sloan Discussion of Canadian rock group Sloan. alt.music.small-faces The Small Faces and their music alt.music.small-world No description. alt.music.smash-pumpkins The Smashing Pumpkins. alt.music.smash-pumpkins.dead-carmance discussing the death of carmance alt.music.smash-pumpkins.jimmy-addict.tasty-smack No description. alt.music.smash-pumpkins.jimmy.chamberlin No description. alt.music.smash-pumpkins.wrestling No description. alt.music.smithereens Discussion of the music group The Smithereens alt.music.smiths Discussion about the Smiths, and related solo projects. alt.music.smiths.lesbians No description. alt.music.sneaker-pimps No description. alt.music.sondheim Life and music of Stephen Sondheim. alt.music.sonic-youth Loud enough to make you deaf. alt.music.sophie-hawkins News & Discussions on Sophie B. Hawkins. alt.music.soul Discussion of sweet soul music. alt.music.soul.asylum No description. alt.music.soulcoughing No description. alt.music.soundgarden The band Soundgarden. alt.music.southern-rock A forum for discussion of southern rock music alt.music.space For all types of discussion on the group Space. alt.music.spacerock Discussion of the musical genre spacerock alt.music.spanish.lyrics No description. alt.music.speedmcqueen No description. alt.music.spice-girls No description. alt.music.squarepusher No description. alt.music.squarepusher.is.a.cunt.ps.ruke No description. alt.music.squeeze Discussion of the Brit-pop combo Squeeze. alt.music.squirrel-nut-zippers No description. alt.music.static-x A group about the music band Static-X. alt.music.status-quo The music of rock and boogie band Status Quo alt.music.steely-dan Discussing the band Steely Dan. alt.music.steps No description. alt.music.stereolab No description. alt.music.stereophonics For Discussion of the band, The Stereophonics alt.music.steve-harley Discussion forum for fans of Steve Harley alt.music.steve-miller Steve Miller Band discussion. alt.music.steve-vai No description. alt.music.steve.vai No description. alt.music.stone-roses No description. alt.music.stone-temple The band Stone Temple Pilots. alt.music.strange No description. alt.music.stranglers No description. alt.music.string.cheese.incident band: The String Cheese Incident alt.music.suede No description. alt.music.sunnydayrealestate No description. alt.music.superchunk A forum for the discussion of the band Superchunk alt.music.superfurries For the exchange of information and superfurries. alt.music.supergrass Oxford's finest. alt.music.supersuckers No description. alt.music.swedish-pop ABBA and beyond. alt.music.swing discussion of swing music alt.music.sylvian David "Japan" Sylvian and friends. alt.music.symposium Symposium - The best live band in Britain? alt.music.synth.kurzweil Kurzweil electronic keyboard instruments. alt.music.synth.roland.tb303 Discussion of anything related to the alt.music.synth.roland.u20 The Roland U20 synthesizer. alt.music.synthpop Depeche Mode, Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, and much more! alt.music.t-rex A group to remember Marc Bolan's band, t-rex. alt.music.tangerine-dream Electronic music pioneers Tangerine Dream alt.music.tango No description. alt.music.tape-culture The real alternative music scene. alt.music.tea-party No description. alt.music.tea-party.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.music.techno Bring on the bass! alt.music.terrorvision No description. alt.music.testament discussion of Testament alt.music.texas Janis Joplin to ZZ Top, Willie Nelson to Pantera. alt.music.that-dog LA based pop-rock group that dog. alt.music.the-band The music and fans of The Band. alt.music.the-cardigans news and debate on the swedish pop group alt.music.the-church No description. alt.music.the-corrs No description. alt.music.the-crash No description. alt.music.the-damned Discussion of The Damned alt.music.the-doors A rider on the storm no more. alt.music.the-fall No description. alt.music.the-mods No description. alt.music.the-pist discussion of the punk band "the pist" alt.music.the-strokes For fans of music by 'The Strokes'. alt.music.the-sweet Discussion area for the glam rock group, The Sweet. alt.music.the-tubes No description. alt.music.the-verve No description. alt.music.the.police If you play it too loud, they bust your party. alt.music.the.whisky.priests No description. alt.music.thecars No description. alt.music.thecure The band The Cure. alt.music.themepark No description. alt.music.thunder No description. alt.music.tiffany-darwish No description. alt.music.tlc No description. alt.music.tmbg They Might Be Giants. alt.music.toadies No description. alt.music.todd-rundgren Todd Rundgren music fandom. alt.music.tom-petty No description. alt.music.tom-waits Discussion of works of artist Tom Waits. alt.music.tonic TONIC - "Guitars, guitars, guitars. Fuzzed-up electric, alt.music.tool Tool is so... out there, man. alt.music.topper No description. alt.music.total-touch No description. alt.music.toten-hosen No description. alt.music.touch-and-go No description. alt.music.toy-dolls No description. alt.music.trading.dat No description. alt.music.tragically-hip The rock band The Tragically Hip. alt.music.trance No description. alt.music.travis Discussion of the group Travis alt.music.tricky Discussion of the band 'Tricky' alt.music.trombone A discussion forum for trombonists. alt.music.tuba Music made by the lowest brass. alt.music.tune-inn discussion of the music club "the tune inn" alt.music.turinbrakes No description. alt.music.turninbrakes No description. alt.music.twisted-sister No description. alt.music.tystion No description. alt.music.u2 Another group for the band U2. See also alt.fan.u2. alt.music.ub40 No description. alt.music.uk Music from the British Isles. alt.music.ukgarage For discusson of garage, DJs and MCs. alt.music.ultimate-fakebook No description. alt.music.underground.grindcore Underground hardcore/metal crossover. alt.music.underground.metal No description. alt.music.underground.metal.ambient Metal music based around ambient alt.music.underground.metal.black Underground evil metal music. alt.music.underground.metal.death Underground death metal music forum. alt.music.underground.metal.doom Underground very slow metal music. alt.music.underground.metal.nihilism Nihilistic philosophy of modern metal alt.music.underground.metal.philosophy Background to the genre of underground alt.music.underground.metal.satanism Discussion of evil underground metal alt.music.underworld No description. alt.music.vacuum newsgroup for the great swedish band vacuum alt.music.van-halen For discussion of topics related to Van Halen. alt.music.van-halen.gary-sucks Extreme lameness. alt.music.vangelis No description. alt.music.vanhalen Use alt.music.van-halen instead. alt.music.velvets Discussion of VU and related projects alt.music.vengaboys No description. alt.music.veruca-salt Discussion of the band and its members. alt.music.video-games Music that appears in video games. alt.music.vivian-lai No description. alt.music.voivod No description. alt.music.w-carlos Discussing the work of the synthesist Wendy Carlos. alt.music.wales For general discussion on Welsh music. alt.music.warehouse.of.hate No description. alt.music.warp-records Record Label in London, UK. alt.music.ween Marble Tulip Juicy Tree. alt.music.weezer The rock band Weezer and everything related to them alt.music.weird Forum for discussing weird music/lyrics/composition (Moderated) alt.music.weird-al Parodies-R-Us. alt.music.wesley-willis discussion of the man and his music alt.music.white-power concerning white-power music alt.music.white.town No description. alt.music.whitesnake discussion of Whitesnake alt.music.who Enduring megagroup. alt.music.wilco General discussion of the band Wilco and other related artists. alt.music.wilderness Concerning the up-and-coming UK band Wilderness alt.music.wildhearts Talk about The Wildhearts and related UK bands. alt.music.world Music from around the world (no "pop" or "rock"). alt.music.worsethanezra No description. alt.music.wu-tang-clan No description. alt.music.x Discussion of seminal punk band X. alt.music.xtc No description. alt.music.yes The progressive band Yes. alt.music.yngwie No description. alt.music.zakk-wylde discussion of Zakk Wylde alt.music.zevon No description. alt.music.zz-top No description. alt.musica.outspoken No description. alt.mvosxs No description. (Moderated) alt.mweiln.e.b.zspy.qs.u No description. alt.mxu.h.osfby.zjfr.fm.o.ib.g No description. (Moderated) alt.my.boss.is.an.asshole No description. alt.my.farts.smell.bad No description. alt.my.farts.smell.nice No description. alt.my.gg.f.luz.xmewsvckx No description. alt.my.head.hurts So don't do that. alt.my.job.sucks No description. alt.my.name.is.jay-denebeim.and.i.rmgroup.for.sexual.gratification No description. alt.mysteries No description. alt.mythology Zeus rules. alt.mythology.jinn "Jinn were powerful creatures of Arab myth. The Jinn, alt.mythology.mythic-animals Creatures of myth, fantasy, and imagination. alt.mythology.mythic-animals.gryphons Discussion about gryphons/griffins. alt.n No description. alt.n.da No description. alt.n.dex.de No description. alt.n.rp.jzgq.tislstv No description. alt.n.t.ytvh.s.tbwj No description. (Moderated) alt.n.ue.rh.bn.n.naf.q.xo.z No description. (Moderated) alt.nae.j.xo.t.v.utro No description. alt.naggamanteh void() alt.namaste No description. alt.nambla.jay-denebeim.president NG discussing man-boy love. alt.nambla.member.for.life.rory-omoore No description. alt.name No description. alt.name.newsgroups.like.yoda.i.do Eye yam the green meowing machine! alt.nanny.helpme.help.help.help Description here alt.nanu.troll-owned No description. alt.natall No description. alt.natasha.hates No description. alt.natasha.hates.chris No description. alt.natasha.hates.chris.caputo No description. alt.natasha.isa-special No description. alt.natasha.movie No description. alt.natasha.movie.reviews No description. alt.native People indigenous to an area before modern colonisation. alt.native.law No description. alt.nature.mushrooms Mushrooms (the fungi) and related activities. alt.nature.of.the.zygotes No description. alt.naughty.pictures Use alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.* instead. alt.nazi.mongrel-mind No description. alt.nazi.party.member.montgomery-wood No description. alt.nbest alt.ntua-best Top lines from nbest. (Moderated) alt.neal-feldman No description. alt.neal-feldman.child-abusing-freak No description. alt.nealfeldmen No description. alt.nealfeldmen.flame No description. alt.necronomicon Use alt.necromicon instead. alt.necropolis.plock No description. alt.neo-tech Books and ideas from Neo-Tech Publishing Company. alt.nep.sucks Because he does. alt.nerd.obsessive No description. alt.nespoli No description. alt.net No description. alt.net-kook.jay.denebeim You know he's kookie. alt.net.and No description. alt.net.and.modem No description. alt.netcom No description. alt.netcom.emeritus So many have left alt.netcom.sucks Work out your troubles with support@netcom.com. alt.netcop.vman-sucks No description. alt.netgames.bolo Use rec.games.bolo instead. alt.netheism Discussion of an altrenative to atheism and agnosticism. alt.netkkkop.blade No description. alt.netscape.buggy-products No description. alt.netscape.expatriates For users of Netscape products that have alt.netscape.sucks No description. alt.nettime It's 18:08 here, how about there? alt.netzilla.die.die.die No description. alt.never.been.laid.montgomery-wood No description. alt.new-age-messiah.cypher Where are my disciples?!?!? alt.new-england The USA's north eastern region. alt.new-hampshire Newgroup for any topics relevant alt.newage.angels No description. alt.newage.astrology No description. alt.newage.dreamwork No description. alt.newage.healingcircle No description. alt.newage.oracles No description. alt.newbie The altnet housewarming committee. alt.newbies Housewarming for a group. alt.newgroup No description. alt.newgroup.a No description. alt.newgroup.dean-stark No description. alt.newgroup.for.fun.fun.fun Yes, we delight in your games. alt.newgroupers No description. alt.newgrouping No description. alt.newlywed Life after the wedding. alt.news-admins.japan.fascist.fascist.fascist News-admins' fascism in japan.* alt.news-media Don't believe the hype. alt.news.boys No description. alt.news.cyprus Cyprus News Group alt.news.fyrom News on the Former Yugoslav Rep. Of Macedonia alt.news.hannigan.stalker .stalker.stalker Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.news.macedonia News concerning Macedonia in the Balkan Region. alt.news.microsoft Gate's megacorp in the news. alt.news.newusers-mac A help group for new Mac users alt.newsangels No description. alt.newsangels.lamers No description. alt.newsbear No description. alt.newsgroup.for.fun.fun.fun No description. alt.newsgroup.moderators No description. alt.newsgroupname No description. alt.newsgroups.propagation No description. alt.nfa.collectors.spareparts.accessories No description. alt.nfoqhipj.utc.h.pfwk.sywe.ef.o.g.i.k focixabjepedljiuv alt.nice-wons.russell-b discussion of Usenet oddball Russell B alt.nigeria No description. alt.niggers No description. alt.night-club.review.uk No description. alt.night-life.bradford.uk No description. alt.nihilism No description. alt.nijntje No description. alt.nintendo.perfect-dark No description. alt.nintendo64.goldeneye No description. alt.nintendo64.mariokart No description. alt.nintendo64.perfect-dark No description. alt.nintendo64.pokemon No description. alt.nintendo64.zelda For the discussion of Legend of Zelda alt.nipples.cypher Because Rob Cypher likes nipples! alt.niqxrxbv.io.ew.zpoz.gcp.mczwpl ooxeiouaqaoa alt.niteclub.alternative Alternative music nightclubs. alt.niteclub.commercial Commercially owned nightclubs. alt.nitwit.john-grubor No description. alt.njmc.n.vf.os uworyamuhsodaee (Moderated) alt.njsju uvakenirorghaaxiwbusjeiaefi alt.nl.0ab3d9c8 No description. alt.nl.1622b57a No description. alt.nl.4af122a8 No description. alt.nl.7589db0a No description. alt.nl.7ccd1a79 No description. alt.nl.abb discussion group about abb the netherlands alt.nl.abb.weg-ermee No description. alt.nl.artsenkeuze No description. alt.nl.audio.dj-gear Over geluidsapparatuur voor dj's alt.nl.audio.hifi over consumentenaudio alt.nl.audio.high-end Over veel te dure apparatuur van met subjectieve kwaliteiten alt.nl.audio.pro No description. alt.nl.auto.eend No description. alt.nl.be.concertagenda.blues No description. alt.nl.big-brother No description. alt.nl.binaries.hack BiNaRy ZtUfF fOr DuTcH UzErZ ! alt.nl.bordeel No description. alt.nl.bromfiets Alles met geel of oranje plaatje alt.nl.casema.slap.geouwehoer vaag gepraat door casemagevallen. alt.nl.comp.abb nieuwsgroep pc-prive project alt.nl.comp.abb.niet-aan-beginnen No description. alt.nl.comp.applicaties.overig Voor vragen over computertoepassingen alt.nl.comp.cd-branden Alles over het branden van CD's alt.nl.comp.evenementen.wan Zie www.wan.nl alt.nl.comp.genksecrew No description. alt.nl.comp.netwerk Technische vragen en antwoorden over netwerken alt.nl.comp.os.ms-windows.nt No description. alt.nl.comp.os.netware Novell Netware vragen, antwoorden en discussie alt.nl.comp.scriptkids Dutch scriptkids are welcome here alt.nl.comp.software.overig Vragen en antwoorden over andere software alt.nl.comp.warez No description. alt.nl.concertagenda No description. alt.nl.config Vraag nieuwe alt.nl-groepen hier aan! alt.nl.contacten No description. alt.nl.cultuur.carnaval Voor de leut. alt.nl.detachering.it IT-detachering in Nederland alt.nl.detachering.it.werving No description. alt.nl.dikvoormekaartv the corresponding usenet group of dutch alt.nl.draf+rensport Horseracing in Nederland. alt.nl.dromen discussies over dromen alt.nl.electronica.zelfbouw No description. alt.nl.emma+viola No description. alt.nl.emmarkviool No description. alt.nl.et+voila No description. alt.nl.ex-usenet-mutsen.heetgebakerd Voor ex-mutsen die kwaad blijven! alt.nl.ex-usenet-mutsen.vermoeid Kom hier maar uithuilen! alt.nl.fan.badmuts Fans of Usenet personality Badmuts alt.nl.ftp Dutch discussions about ftp clients and servers. alt.nl.ftp.binaries For small binaries essential for ftp usage. alt.nl.gaycafe vrolijk cafe / gay pub alt.nl.gaycafe.sportief gay related discussion, homogerelateerde discussie. (Moderated) alt.nl.gratis.adverteren Gratis adverteren voor bedrijven alt.nl.gratis.af-te-halen No description. alt.nl.gratis.af-te-halen.gevraagd No description. alt.nl.gratis.bellen.kpn-prepay Aankondiging storing KPN prepay alt.nl.handicap No description. alt.nl.hobby.modeltreinen No description. alt.nl.hobby.paarden Alles over paarden en paardachtigen alt.nl.internet.eigen-domein No description. alt.nl.kabel.algemeen No description. alt.nl.kabel.athome No description. alt.nl.kabel.eneco No description. alt.nl.kabel.tebenet Newsgroup for cable modem-users who have their account alt.nl.lanparty No description. alt.nl.lente.versiertrucs No description. alt.nl.locaal.utrecht.utreg No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.cd-writer No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.geheugen No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.geluid No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.harddisk No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.moederbord No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.monitor No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.netwerk No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.overig No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.processor No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.software.legaal No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.systemen No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.video No description. alt.nl.markt.comp.warez.cds No description. alt.nl.markt.hifi Vraag en aanbod hifi-apparatuur alt.nl.markt.telecom No description. alt.nl.markt.telecom.gsm No description. alt.nl.maxima Nederland's bekendste blondine! alt.nl.media.real-life-soap No description. alt.nl.mensen.rudi-vrolijk forum voor de eindeloze discussie omtrent Rudi alt.nl.mode.lingerie Alles over lingerie. (Moderated) alt.nl.moetblijven No description. alt.nl.motorfiets.bmw No description. alt.nl.motorfiets.harley.davidson No description. alt.nl.muziek.dance No description. alt.nl.muziek.instrument.toetsen Over klavierinstrumenten en -spelers alt.nl.naturisme No description. alt.nl.oehoeboeroe Oehoeboeroe is the famous owl of Jean alt.nl.oeroeboeroe Oeroeboeroe is the famous owl of Jean alt.nl.ondernemers Het hoe en wat van een eigen bedrijf alt.nl.penvrienden No description. alt.nl.radio.zendamateur.gelicentieerd Licensed Dutch Radio-amateurs alt.nl.rc5 No description. alt.nl.scholieren No description. alt.nl.support.borderline No description. alt.nl.support.luddevudduh Huil hier uit over het verlies van je geliefde... alt.nl.support.overlijden Support bij overlijden. alt.nl.support.relaties Support bij relatieproblemen. alt.nl.support.ziekten.algemeen Support voor zieken. alt.nl.taal.crypto No description. alt.nl.taalbederf Discussing corruption of the Dutch language alt.nl.telebankieren Telebankieren in Nederland alt.nl.tv.big-brother The Dutch TV show Big Brother alt.nl.usenet-mutsen Discussieplatform voor en over nieuwsgroep- alt.nl.usenet-mutsen-trivia No description. alt.nl.viola+emma No description. alt.nl.viola+mark+emma No description. alt.nl.violemma No description. alt.nl.vliegers No description. alt.nl.voetbalcafe een virtuele kroeg voor een potje bier en voetbalpraat alt.nl.wan2k WAN 2000 kamperen met je computer! alt.nl.yachtgroup.com No description. alt.nl.zeelandnet.algemeen No description. alt.nl.zeurdoos Zeuren, klagen, zaniken en gal spugen hier! alt.nnk aouodiuedoufjoljoi alt.no-advertising No description. alt.no-advertising.files No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.midi No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mod No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3 No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.bebop No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.big-band No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.bluegrass No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.blues No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.classical No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.comedy No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.country No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.dancehall No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.hip-hop No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.jazz No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.latin No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.metal No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.minneapolis No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.opera No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.pop No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.ragtime No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rap No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.reggae No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.requests No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rock No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rock.acid No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rock.alternative No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rock.classic No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rock.metal No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rock.punk No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.rock.soft No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.singing-cowboy No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.soul--and-funk No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.soul-and-funk No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.sound-effects No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.speeches No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.swing No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.techno No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.mp3.themes No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.real No description. alt.no-advertising.files.audio.realaudio No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.pen-pals No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.asians No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.black No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.born-again No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.intergen No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.interracial No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.latin No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.teen No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.non-nude.personals.whites No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude.africans No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude.asians No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude.celebrities No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude.latin No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude.personals No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude.preteens No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.nude.whites No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.africans No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.asians No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.bestiality No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.bondage No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.food No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.gay-men No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.gay-women No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.intergen No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.interracial No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.latin No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.necrophilia No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.orgies No description. alt.no-advertising.files.images.sex.preteens No description. alt.no-advertising.files.shareware No description. alt.no-advertising.files.shareware.win-95 No description. alt.no-advertising.files.shareware.win-95.apps No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.apps No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.atari No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.atari-8-bit No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.atari-st No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.commadore-64 No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.commadore-amiga No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.cray No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.irc No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.mac No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.office-utilities No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.sinclair No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.sun No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.system-75 No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.tandy-coco No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.unix No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.unix.hack-phreak No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95 No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.audio No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.bbs No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.browsers No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.c-a-d No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.disk-utilities No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.graphics No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.hack-phreak No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.plugins No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.programming No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.security No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.ssh-shp-ssl No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.tcp-ip No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.telnet-ftp No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.voice-bbs No description. alt.no-advertising.files.warez.win-95.voice-mail No description. alt.no-advertising.hack-phreak.system-75 No description. alt.no-quoting No description. alt.no-spaces forthosethatlovetoposttoUsenetwithoutspaces. alt.no.means.no.montgomery-wood No description. alt.nocem.hipcrime No description. alt.nocem.maxwell No description. alt.nocem.mexwall No description. alt.nocem.misc Discussion about the NoCeM project. alt.nocem.policy NoCeM policy statements and discussions alt.nocne.polakow.rozmowy.dk_i_dp No description. alt.noise Ow, quit it. alt.non.sequitur Richard Nixon. alt.nonags The popular web software archive discussion group. alt.norway.fishhead No description. alt.nosebeeping Test newgroup goes wild in slapstick spoof. alt.nospam.favus for favus, but without spam. alt.not.discussed.in.alt.config No description. alt.november No description. alt.npractitioners Nurse practitioners. alt.nq.v.vd.iu ifiekhheggefapuqjocuee (Moderated) alt.nr.v.x.u.jeg.mimlu.rd upvuociaooybeeiwuw (Moderated) alt.nswpp nswpp newsgroup alt.nttk.bu eooaupeilhxdiho alt.nu.ct ehawumfuaqaai alt.nudism.moderated Locations, activities, issues of nudism / naturism (Moderated) alt.nudist for everuthing nude alt.nudist.pussy for your viewing pleasure alt.nuke.albania nuke albania alt.nuke.american-sitcoms nuke american-sitcoms alt.nuke.amerikkka For amerikkkans alt.nuke.de.alt.flame A flame group to ease the pressure on the de.alt alt.nuke.denmark No description. alt.nuke.europe People not especially fond of Europe. alt.nuke.france Why France must be destroyed. alt.nuke.jay-denebeim alt.nuke.Jay-Denebeim a group for Jay Denebeim related issues. alt.nuke.muckdonalds nuke Ronald Muckdonald alt.nuke.norway No description. alt.nuke.paxnet Newsgroup dedicated to the downfall of the worst TV station ever. alt.nuke.telia is ment for flames aginst Telia, a telephone company and alt.nuke.the.british-empire nuke the british empire alt.nuke.the.kadaitcha Nuke the Kadaitcha Man alt.nuke.the.usa People not especially fond of the US of A. alt.nuke.thomas-nord A group for replies in any Thomas Nord and alt.null.bandwagons Null Bandwagons alt.null.xi No description. alt.numberfinder.com find anyone fast and free, nationwide alt.numbskull For all twits alt.numnut.john-grubor No description. alt.nuq.nanm.eh.h.lq No description. alt.nurd.leeb No description. alt.nvle.ra.d.zw.xl.p.e.s.cjx.obn No description. alt.nxlt.fe.o.xexa.os.gdi.u.jpoklnued.ju.siq No description. alt.ny.gruppe No description. alt.nyk No description. alt.nyulfsuldn No description. alt.nzjnet No description. alt.nzwa No description. alt.o.b.oemst.i.y No description. alt.o.clkuw.y.r No description. alt.o.edtu.tfwicqxbbhoj No description. (Moderated) alt.o.fj.ig.m.rkvbsd No description. (Moderated) alt.o.ih No description. alt.o.m.bqp.ugef.s.l.rgyk.is.s.fwf.h.v.i No description. alt.o.oeb.remzd.di.cfskbyiohmj No description. alt.o.op.g.kvy.u.gnql No description. alt.o.x.i.tba No description. alt.o.xyrmd.h No description. alt.ob.ty No description. alt.obi-wan.kenobi.is.dead A discussion group on Alec Guinness' alt.obituaries Notices of dead folks. alt.oblivion Oblivion for idiots alt.occult.kabbalah.golden-dawn The Golden Dawn system of Kabbalah. (Moderated) alt.occult.methods tools and techniques of occultism alt.ocn.ghrrbgf euuakafoiiwigyd alt.october No description. alt.off-topic No description. alt.office.management Office management issues. alt.offroading-uk No description. alt.og.m.tf.yml No description. alt.oh.shit Discussing fertilizer in rural Ohio. alt.ohiqla.lk No description. alt.ol.k.jw.lf.noxzifeg.ou.ki.px.c.ri.v No description. (Moderated) alt.old-west No description. alt.olnew No description. alt.olympic.studies Analyzing various Olympic competitions. (Moderated) alt.olympics.housing.low-cost Looking for cheap housing at the Olympics. alt.omnivore No description. alt.omnivore.knows-best No description. alt.omnivore.thegrouch No description. alt.omnivore.wearsa No description. alt.omnivore.wearsa.dress-onhis-homepage No description. alt.online-service Large commercial online services, and the Internet. alt.online-service.america-online Or should that be "America Offline?" alt.online-service.att-worldnet AT&T WorldNet Service alt.online-service.att-worldnet.alumni No description. alt.online-service.att-worldnet.ex-users No description. alt.online-service.compuserve Discussions and questions about Compuserve. alt.online-service.cyberpromo To discuss the undisputed spam kings. alt.online-service.delphi Run! It's the Delphoids! alt.online-service.dennon-online No description. alt.online-service.freenet Public FreeNet systems. alt.online-service.genie Discussions and questions about GEnie. alt.online-service.gnn The Global Network Navigator. alt.online-service.imagination Discussion of The Imagination Network. alt.online-service.microsoft MSN (Microsoft Network) online service. alt.online-service.msn-0wns-j00 No description. alt.online-service.pacbell Pacific Bell Internet Service alt.online-service.prodigy The Sears Prodigy system. alt.online-service.ten Talk about the TEN network and its games. alt.online-service.webtv Help for lost WebTV people alt.online-service.webtv.abuse No description. alt.online-service.webtv.sucks No description. alt.online-services.roadrunner Roadrunner customers to compare alt.ontario.north-bay No description. alt.onzin No description. alt.ooga.booga No description. alt.opel.norge No description. alt.open-servers.news.west-tech.com No description. alt.opengroup.org.kaleb.keithley No description. alt.opx.ij.dzlc.p.rr.n.dpzw uuojisikldiakgan alt.oqfbc aewrewhuoph alt.oref.ky.ty.cdp.c.doi No description. alt.oregonghost No description. alt.org.beta-sigma-phi The womens' organization Beta Sigma Phi. alt.org.clan-macdude The Clan MacDude, Scots meet the surf. alt.org.data-proc-mgmt Data Processing Management Association discussion group. alt.org.db-nl.misc Digitale Burgerbeweging (Dutch EFF). alt.org.earth-first Discussion of the Earth First! society. alt.org.earth-first.eco-terrorists No description. alt.org.food-not-bombs The Food Not Bombs homeless aid organization. alt.org.iww No description. alt.org.jaycees Junior Chamber of Commerce. alt.org.legio-darkyard No description. alt.org.pla PLA owns you. alt.org.promisekeepers The Christian Organization PromiseKeepers. alt.org.royal-rangers A ministry for boys. alt.org.scoutnet Global ScoutNet Organisation (www.scout.net). alt.org.sierra-club Regarding the Sierra Club. alt.org.ski-patrol topics of interest to National Ski Patrol System alt.org.starfleet The "Starfleet" Star Trek fan organization. alt.org.team-os2 For the discussion of topics relevant to Team OS/2. alt.org.toastmasters Public speaking and Toastmasters International. alt.org.triple9 No description. alt.org.young-enterprise Young Enterprise Scheme, learning by doing alt.org.young-enterprise.mesmerize Marketing and Competition advice alt.org.zencor A public forum dedicated to ZENCOR operations, projects, and theory. alt.orgonomy Study of Orgone,Psychology,Cancer,Oppression,UFOs by Wilhelm Reich alt.os No description. alt.os.assembly No description. alt.os.beos An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.os.cerberos Discussion of the CerberOS operating system alt.os.development No description. alt.os.free-dos No description. alt.os.free_dos Discussion on FreeDOS (http://www.freedos.org/) alt.os.free_dos.hacking Hacking the FreeDOS source (http://www.freedos.org/) alt.os.freedows No description. alt.os.linux Use comp.os.linux.* instead. alt.os.linux.best Discussion and voluntary support of the Best Linux OS alt.os.linux.caldera The Caldera Network Desktop. alt.os.linux.corel Discussions about the Corel linux distribution alt.os.linux.dial-up Useing Linux OS to connect to the net alt.os.linux.madrake No description. alt.os.linux.mandrake No description. alt.os.linux.projects Linux group for project cordination. (Moderated) alt.os.linux.slackware Questions, answers & general talk of Slackware Linux. alt.os.linux.storm Discussions about the Storm linux distribution alt.os.linux.suse For all SuSE Linux users. alt.os.linux.turbolinux Forum for discussion and support for alt.os.multics 30 years old and going strong. alt.os.mvix.w iobaiiuui alt.os.security No description. alt.os.tlerll Tlerll programming and administration alt.os.windows-xp Microsoft Windows XP operating system. alt.os.windows2000 Microsoft Windows2000 OS and related topics alt.os.windows95 No description. alt.os.windows95.crash.crash.crash Early test runs have not impressed. alt.os.xmach Discussion of the xMach operating system alt.os2.vs.win.zeikerd No description. alt.osho No description. alt.oto No description. alt.otrh.q.meofan.dbhiuz.q.cxpswadqx.hc No description. alt.ou.njlbr No description. alt.oubkw.z.itl.m No description. (Moderated) alt.out-of-body Out of Body Experiences. alt.out-of-body.cypher Rob Cypher is outta here, man! alt.outdoor.photo.chat An adjunct to the alt.ozdebate newsgroup, for the posting of binaries alt.ov.xvyksla.ryz No description. alt.overlords No description. alt.overweight.trailer-trash.jay-denebeim The name says it all! alt.owl.wxzl No description. alt.ox No description. alt.ox.n.p No description. alt.oxford.talk No description. alt.oyp No description. alt.oyp.alumni No description. alt.oyp.announce No description. alt.oyp.corp No description. alt.oyp.eoryp No description. alt.oyp.norp No description. alt.oyp.scopy No description. alt.oyp.sworp No description. alt.ozdebate No description. alt.ozdebate.dingo-ate-my-baby Discussions of nothing in particular alt.ozdebate.jokes No description. alt.ozemail No description. alt.p No description. alt.p.bbsbjakx uuxatyuiee alt.p.fd.huc.p.yycvtbnbi.siyw.pynnq eojwueuiiaa alt.p.gasrpvgd 4hE;g"%PVSY28+W;F alt.p.gix.ay.gt.xrj atuumiuenwgcaio alt.p.h.i.tc.l.i.i.r.t.y.abl.wt ayastueaoua alt.p.j.vk.ma.f.q.o iiaiiepzjeo alt.p.pnbql.xd.dowahpzweu.jlokh.y.m.us.lhi V-HI9]XV??%S:&6>) alt.p.s.p.a.w ewaqariodzaouuio alt.paedophile.jerry-brenner No description. alt.pagan Discussions about paganism & religion. alt.pagan.contacts Personal & commercial contacts in the pagan community. alt.pagan.howard.knight Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.pagan.magick Pagan magick and ritual discussion. alt.palm.springs.ca No description. alt.pantyhose Stockings are sexier. alt.pantyhose.as.a.mask.doesnt.work Trust the Cypher, he knows. alt.parallel.universes Perpendicular universes hurt more. alt.paranet.abduct "They replaced Jim-Bob with a look-alike!" alt.paranet.esp-help For seeking help with ESP abilities. alt.paranet.metaphysics Philosphical ontology, cosmology and cosmetology. alt.paranet.paranormal "If it exists, how can supernatural be beyond natural?" alt.paranet.psi "How much pressure can you generate with your brain?" alt.paranet.science "Maybe if we dissect the psychic ..." alt.paranet.skeptic "I don't believe they turned you into a newt." alt.paranet.ufo "Heck, I guess naming it ``UFO'' identifies it." alt.paranoia No description. alt.paranoia.damned-fish No description. alt.paranoia.delusional For discussion of paranoia by paranoid delusionals. alt.paranoia.rampant No description. alt.paranoia.spambots For discussion of paranoia related to SpamBots. alt.paranormal A free forum for the discussion of all things relating alt.paranormal.channeling Spiritual mediumship, channeling and channelers. alt.paranormal.crop-circles A discussion of Crop Circles. alt.paranormal.moderated Rational discussion of the paranormal (Moderated) alt.paranormal.pyramid Theories on mystic aspects of pyramids. alt.paranormal.reincarnation Discussion on all matters regarding alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic And Rolaids.spells.relief. alt.parenting.attachment Parenting, attachment and bonding. (Moderated) alt.parenting.formula-feeding Feeding children with infant formula. alt.parenting.grandparents For grandparents raising grandchildren alt.parenting.paranormal No description. alt.parenting.solutions Use misc.kids.* instead. alt.parenting.spanking Discussion about punishment methods for children. alt.parenting.spanking.moderated No description. alt.parenting.spouse-says-no Support when spouse says no to alt.parenting.twins-triplets The issues of raising twins & other multiples. alt.parents-teens Parent-teenager relationships. alt.park.avenue.festival.pizza.choke Choking on pizza at the Park Ave. Festival (ROC) alt.party Parties, celebration and general debauchery. alt.party.stag-nigh No description. alt.party.stag-night No description. alt.pastel.developer.forum No description. alt.patent-pending No description. alt.patent-pending.dave-and-natasha No description. alt.patent-pending.dave-and-natasha.moderated No description. alt.patent-pending.natasha-and-dave No description. alt.patent-pending.natasha-and-dave.moderated No description. alt.paulus.pietsma.quotes The famous Dutch weatherman alt.pave.the.earth Damn the environmentalists, full speed ahead! alt.pave.the.earth.with.asphalt Discussing of paving the earth with asphalt alt.pave.waldon.pond No description. alt.pbem.blackfuture No description. alt.pbem.ryn Single character fantasy pbem game (computer moderated) alt.pbi.premier No description. alt.pc.kelt No description. alt.pcdos Discussion and solution of problems with IBM pcdos. alt.pcusenet No description. alt.peace Political, social and philosophical talk of world peace. alt.peace-corps The works of the Peace Corps. alt.peanut-butter.electricity No description. alt.pedophile.aaron-marquez Aaron Marquez is a pedophile alt.pedophile.al-greene is a pedophile alt.pedophile.alan-bostick Alan Bostick is a pedophile alt.pedophile.andrei-brennan is a pedophile alt.pedophile.barry-shein Barry Shein is a pedophile alt.pedophile.bill-stewart-cole Bill Stewart-Cole is a pedophile alt.pedophile.bob-curtis Bob Curtis is a pedophile alt.pedophile.brian-campos Brian Calvin Campos alt.pedophile.brian-stempel is a pedophile alt.pedophile.bruce-ediger Bruce Ediger is a pedophile alt.pedophile.charles-mcjilton is a pedophile alt.pedophile.charles-platt Charles Platt is a pedophile alt.pedophile.charles.mcjilton Charles McJilton is a pedophile alt.pedophile.chris-caputo Chris Caputo is a pedophile alt.pedophile.chris-lewis is a pedophile alt.pedophile.colin-leech Colin Leech is a pedophile alt.pedophile.craig-sherwood Craig Sherwood is a pedophile alt.pedophile.cynthia-mcfarland is a pedophile alt.pedophile.daniel-hartung Daniel Hartung is a pedophile alt.pedophile.daniel-howard is a pedophile alt.pedophile.daniel-joseph-howard is a pedophile alt.pedophile.daniel-norton Daniel Norton is a pedophile alt.pedophile.darnell-fall is a pedophile alt.pedophile.dave-barr Dave Barr is a pedophile alt.pedophile.dave.ratcliffe Dave Ratcliffe is a pedophile alt.pedophile.david-bromage David Bromage is a pedophile alt.pedophile.david-cathey No description. alt.pedophile.david-delaney David Delaney is a pedophile alt.pedophile.david-denney is a pedophile alt.pedophile.david-ratcliffe David Ratcliffe is a pedophile alt.pedophile.david-westebbe David Westebbe is a pedophile alt.pedophile.denis-garrison is a pedophile alt.pedophile.derek-mcmurray is a pedophile alt.pedophile.derek.mcmurray Derek McMurray is a pedophile alt.pedophile.erland-sommarskog Erland Sommarskog is a pedophile alt.pedophile.felix-tilley Felix Tilley is a pedophile alt.pedophile.fran-begonja is a pedophile alt.pedophile.fran.begonja Fran Begonja is a codependent pedophile alt.pedophile.gary-burnore Gary Burnore is a pedophile alt.pedophile.glenn-york is a pedophile alt.pedophile.glenn.york Glen York is a pedophile alt.pedophile.grady-booch Grady Booch is a pedophile alt.pedophile.guy-polis Guy Polis is a pedophile alt.pedophile.henry-white is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jack-mingo Jack Mingo is a pedophile alt.pedophile.james-stricherz James Stricherz is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jan-isley Jan Isley is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jason-durbin Jason Durbin is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jay-denebeim No description. alt.pedophile.jim-lippard is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jim.lippard Jim Lippard is a pedophile alt.pedophile.joe-fanfaro is a pedophile alt.pedophile.joe-foster is a pedophile alt.pedophile.joe-glaze is a pedophile alt.pedophile.joe.fonfara Joe Fonfara is a pedophile alt.pedophile.joe.foster Joe Foster is a pedophile alt.pedophile.joe.glaze is a pedophile alt.pedophile.john-gilmore John Gilmore is a pedophile alt.pedophile.john-milburn John Milburn is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jonathan-grobe Jonathan Grobe is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jonathan-kamens Jonathan Kamens is a pedophile alt.pedophile.karl-jahr Karl Jahr is a pedophile alt.pedophile.kenneth-mcvay Kenneth McVay is a pedophile alt.pedophile.magnus-kempe Magnus Kempe is a pedophile alt.pedophile.mark-ferguson Doing it with and to his boys alt.pedophile.martin-hannigan Non-moderated discussion group for Martin Hannigan alt.pedophile.matt-cable Matt Cable is a pedophile alt.pedophile.matt-legare is a pedophile alt.pedophile.matt.legare Matt Legare is a pedophile alt.pedophile.matthew-fields Matthew Fields is a pedophile alt.pedophile.michael-maxfield Michael Maxfield is a pedophile alt.pedophile.montgomery-wood No description. alt.pedophile.nick-sandru Nick Sandru is a pedophile alt.pedophile.nora-wilson is a pedophile alt.pedophile.nora.wilson Nora Wilson is a codependent pedophile alt.pedophile.otto-makela Otto Makela is a pedophile alt.pedophile.patrick-volk Patrick Volk is a pedophile alt.pedophile.paul-vixie is a pedophile alt.pedophile.paul.vixie is a pedophile alt.pedophile.peter-dasilva Peter Dasilva is a pedophile alt.pedophile.peter-vorobiev Peter Vorobiev is a pedophile alt.pedophile.quaker-state Should be obvious enough. alt.pedophile.ray-dixon Postings by pedo/pedo supporter Ray Dixon (rikijo) alt.pedophile.richard-bullis Richard Bullis aka Richard the Stupid aka RtS alt.pedophile.richard-tietjens Richard Tietjens is a pedophile alt.pedophile.rick-buchanan Rick Buchanan is a pedophile alt.pedophile.robbie-honerkamp Robbie Honerkamp is a pedophile alt.pedophile.robert-braver Robert Braver is a pedophile alt.pedophile.robyn-owens is a pedophile alt.pedophile.roger-wemyss Roger Wemyss is a pedophile alt.pedophile.sam-varshavchik Sam Varshavchik is a pedophile alt.pedophile.sameer-parekh Sameer Parekh is a pedophile alt.pedophile.scott-wilson is a pedophile alt.pedophile.scott.wilson Scott Wilson is a pedophile alt.pedophile.sean-weintz is a pedophile alt.pedophile.stan-kalisch Stan Kalisch is a pedophile alt.pedophile.stephan-burr Stephan Burr is a pedophile alt.pedophile.steven-slamon Steven Slamon is a pedophile alt.pedophile.thomas-allard Thomas Allard is a pedophile alt.pedophile.tim-skirvin is a pedophile alt.pedophile.tim.skirvin Tim Skirvin is a pedophile alt.pedophile.tony-begonja is a pedophile alt.pedophile.tony.begonja Tony Begonja is a pedophile alt.pedophile.tzimon-yliaster Tzimon Yliaster is a pedophile alt.pedophile.werner-uhrig Werner Uhrig is a pedophile alt.pedophile.zoli-fekete Zoli Fekete is a pedophile alt.pedophilia.announce No description. alt.pedophilia.boys No description. alt.pedophilia.girls No description. alt.pedophilia.pictures No description. alt.pedophilia.swaps No description. alt.peepsk No description. alt.peer-to-peer all about peer-to-peer file sharing. alt.peer-to-peer.hotline-hx discussion group for hotline users. alt.peer-to-peer.napster discussion about napster. alt.peeves Discussion of peeves & related. alt.pemimbsov.ge.br ^4)Q>520g8U5+J">'/7i:[fCVML alt.pr.tly.vz ]H+j, well, maybe I will post, after all. alt.support.sids support and information on sudden infant death syndrome alt.support.single-parents Single parenting solutions and support. alt.support.sinusitis Inflammation of the sinuses. alt.support.skin-diseases Psoriasis and other common skin afflictions. alt.support.skin-diseases.hidradenitis Discussion group for sufferers of HS alt.support.skin-diseases.psoriasis Discussing the skin-disease psoriasis. alt.support.sleep-disorder For all types of sleep disorders. alt.support.social-phobia Helping Xenophobes. alt.support.spina-bifida Support for people dealing with Spina Bifida. alt.support.spousal-abuse.bert-hoff Unmoderated discussion area. alt.support.spousal-abuse.jay-denebeim He's angry again. alt.support.srs Support and information on sex reassignment alt.support.srs.celeste No description. alt.support.srs.f-to-m No description. alt.support.srs.m-to-f No description. alt.support.srs.misc No description. alt.support.step-parents Dealing with step parents. alt.support.stop-smoking Getting over the nicotine addiction. alt.support.student-nurse An alternative resource for student nurses. alt.support.stuttering Support for people who stutter. alt.support.survivors.prozac Survivors of Prozac & all other SSRIs. alt.support.tall Issues of interest to tall people. alt.support.telecommute How to earn your keep with a fifteen foot commute. alt.support.thalassemia Support for individuals dealing with alt.support.the-fear Support for sufferers of The Fear and their loved ones alt.support.thyroid People with thyroid gland problems. alt.support.tinnitus Coping with ringing ears and other head noises. alt.support.tourette Support for folks with Tourette's Syndrome. alt.support.tourette.moderated Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.support.trauma-ptsd Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. alt.support.troll-acceptance No description. alt.support.tuberculosis No description. alt.support.turner-syndrom Turner Syndrome support group. alt.support.vasectomy Pre and post vasectomy support group alt.support.warez.recovery No description. alt.support.wheat.intolerance A group dedicated to the suffers of alt.support.wheelchairs Experiencing life from a wheelchair or scooter. alt.support.withdrawal No description. alt.support.withdrawal.benzo No description. alt.surfing Riding the ocean waves. alt.surfing.ausnz No description. alt.surfing.bodyboard A mini-surfboard for playing in the ocean. alt.surfing.europe Discussion relevant to surfing in Europe. alt.surfing.europe.uk Discussion relevant to surfing in the UK.. alt.surfing.hawaii Discussion relevant to surfing in Hawaii.. alt.surfing.longboard No description. alt.surfing.luddite.homophobe No description. alt.surfing.usa No description. alt.surrealism Surrealist ideologies and their influences. alt.surveyor No description. alt.survival.millenium For serious discussions on terribly underrated alt.survival.year2000 For serious discussions on terribly underrated alt.susan.slape.sucks Discussion about the biggest bitch in the alt.susfuzwmb.r.b.gdmbuijbympn beiihijatoyadkiptetl alt.sustainable.agriculture Such as the Mekong delta before Agent Orange. alt.sven No description. alt.svuuvnnlmy.rqa.u.p fieilgoaijooi (Moderated) alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork The beginning of the end. alt.swedish.nightlife No description. alt.swingers For those involved or interested in the swinging alt.swingers.california No description. alt.swingers.couples No description. (Moderated) alt.swingers.cypher Rob Cypher is swinging, baby! alt.swingers.m No description. (Moderated) alt.swingers.moderated No description. (Moderated) alt.swingers.moderated.moderated No description. alt.swingers.wisconsin.wssc A usenet group for Wisconsin swing alt.swnet No description. alt.swnet.biltrafik No description. alt.swnet.comp.text.tex No description. alt.swnet.datorforeningar No description. alt.swnet.flame No description. alt.swnet.knark No description. alt.swnet.knark.svamp No description. alt.swnet.kontakt No description. alt.swnet.kontakt.gay No description. alt.swnet.kontakt.hetro No description. alt.swnet.kontakt.lesbisk No description. alt.swnet.kontakt.permobiler No description. alt.swnet.media No description. alt.swnet.media.baren A group for discussing the tv-show Baren alt.swnet.media.galdiatorerna No description. alt.swnet.media.nya-tider A group for discussing the tv-show Nya Tider alt.swnet.media.rederiet A group for discussing the tv-show Rederiet alt.swnet.media.vita-logner A group for discussing the tv-show Vita alt.swnet.musik No description. alt.swnet.news.diskussion No description. alt.swnet.perv perv, swnet.org, swnet faq alt.swnet.porr No description. alt.swnet.president No description. alt.swnet.programmering No description. alt.swnet.rave No description. alt.swnet.snuh All about snuh in an scandinavian angle. alt.swnet.sup-dej-snygg No description. alt.swnet.trolls No description. alt.swujzou rmouuojjouoywoeuaue (Moderated) alt.sy.emkktd.i.gd.lag.kjp uoqaiqapitnequiron alt.sylvia-saint Words and pictures on film legend Sylvie. alt.sylvia-saint.multimedia Movie clips with Sylvie. Nothing else. alt.syncronys Discussion of Syncronys Softcorp products & services. alt.syntax.tactical No description. alt.syntax.tactical.hitler Our old friend alt.syntax.tactical with a spice of alt.syquest the computer storage manufacturer alt.sys No description. alt.sys.abox The A\Box computer and related topics. alt.sys.amiga.blitz The Blitz Basic programming language. alt.sys.amiga.demos Code and talk to show off the Amiga. alt.sys.amiga.e Group for discussion of the Amiga E programming language alt.sys.amiga.miami Miami, a TCPIP stack for Amiga computers. alt.sys.amiga.thor Group for the multipurpose offline reader THOR. alt.sys.intergraph Support for Intergraph machines. alt.sys.mac.newuser-help A forum for Macintosh users new to the internet. alt.sys.pc-clone.acer Acer computer systems. alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq Discussion of Compaq computers. alt.sys.pc-clone.compaq.servers For discussion of Compaq File Servers alt.sys.pc-clone.dell Dell computer systems. alt.sys.pc-clone.gateway2000 A PC clone vendor. alt.sys.pc-clone.micron A PC clone vendor. alt.sys.pc-clone.packardbell Packard-Bell home computer systems. alt.sys.pc-clone.zeos Zeos (Micron subsidiary) computer systems. alt.sys.pdp10 The trusty old PDP 10. alt.sys.pdp11 The trusty old PDP 11. alt.sys.pdp8 The trusty old PDP 8. alt.sys.perq The trusty old PD... er, PERQ graphics workstations. alt.sys.sun Technical discussion of Sun Microsystems products. alt.sysadmin.bofh No description. alt.sysadmin.recovery Getting over the trauma of system administration. (Moderated) alt.t.ctdbajj.na pmyiytuewiiiga alt.t.su.dwdmx.qbprn.xxgz.qvl.zx.qv.x.c.tk.z.m.cbm.i.pgp.zirkm.xo ocyanbaaezwooaeaukm alt.table-tennis.mike-lewis Does this entail me dressing up at Little Bo Peep? alt.taima-technicians Employees of Taima Inc. unofficial newsgroup alt.taiwan.republic Use soc.culture.taiwan instead. alt.taker No description. alt.talk.bestiality Talk like an animal, walk like an animal. (Moderated) alt.talk.bfd bfd gang talk alt.talk.bollocks No description. alt.talk.car-free No description. alt.talk.charlie-witt No description. alt.talk.college.and.uni.students A group for students to chat alt.talk.commonwealth Discussion of and within the Commonwealth. alt.talk.creationism No description. alt.talk.esperanto Diskutoj per la internacia lingvo. alt.talk.grandparents No description. alt.talk.korean A lighthearted place for discussions concerning Koreans. alt.talk.mended-drum Alt.Fan.Pratchett's Fresh Start Club (Moderated) alt.talk.miet.mp.g3 No description. alt.talk.pollard-affair Ramifications of Pollard affair. alt.talk.prisons.moderated No description. alt.talk.rec.soc.biz.news.comp.humanities.meow.misc.moderated.meow No description. alt.talk.royalty Discussion of royalty and nobility. alt.talk.self-sufficiency For people seeking a self sufficient lifestyle. alt.talk.smack No description. alt.talk.talk.d.black.midnight.ad.nauseum No description. alt.talk.ulster Discussion of all things relating to Ulster alt.talk.weather General talk about the weather. alt.talk.weather.snow No description. alt.talk.year2000 Year 2000 Millenium Bug issues, non-programmer related alt.talk.zoophilia No description. alt.talkers.cruise The Cruise - cruise.electronic.co.uk 4242 alt.talkers.dwts Ducks Windows Talker Server alt.talkers.ewtoo Open forum for all relating to talkers based on alt.talkers.jeamland About the JeamLand talker server software. alt.talkers.joot No description. alt.talkers.ncohafmuta No description. alt.talkers.nuts The NUTS chat system. alt.talkers.programming No description. alt.talkers.snowplains Discussion and news about the Snowplains chat system. alt.tamsyn.die.die.die No description. alt.tanya.shalayeva Ask ay@sita.kiev.ua. alt.tarot Your destiny is in the cards. alt.tartans No description. alt.tasteless Truly disgusting. alt.tasteless.bottomfeeders No description. alt.tasteless.hank-becker Discussion of Mr. Short alt.tasteless.jokes Sometimes insulting rather than disgusting or humorous. alt.tasteless.penis Try putting some chocolate on it. alt.tasteless.pictures Use alt.binaries.pictures.tasteless instead. alt.tastless.jokes No description. alt.taxi.world No description. alt.td.d.bv.mde.ych.s.lrhtpdsba.ei.aazt.pmuqc.pj N-FVJ@'%a`!#"9@<[$ alt.tea No description. alt.team11.techtips No description. alt.tech-gadgets discussion of gadgetry alt.tech-support.recovery Support for recovering technical support workers. (Moderated) alt.tech.digital-tv.select401 Discussion of use and setting up alt.technology.misc Use sci.engr instead. alt.technology.smartcards No description. alt.teens Teenagers. alt.teens.advice A place for teens to get advice. alt.teens.anti-idiot No description. alt.teens.email-lists Announce your email list here. alt.teens.gay Discussion of being a gay teenage boy. alt.teens.girls No description. alt.teens.intelligent.insanity No description. alt.teens.lesbian Discussion of being a gay teenage girl. alt.teens.parents No description. alt.teens.penpals For teens to advertise for/find penpals. NO SEX ADS! alt.teens.penpals.canada Meet Canadian Teens here. alt.teens.penpals.icq For Teens users of ICQ. alt.teens.poetry.and.stuff Use rec.arts.poems instead. alt.teens.sexuality Discussion for teens about sex & sex issues. alt.teens.unity No description. alt.teens.void A dark void for teens to post alt.teenstation.bollywood No description. alt.tejozlntg xieoafecqsbf alt.telaviv No description. alt.telecom.phones.plain-tariff No description. alt.telecom.uk.marketplace News and information about alternate UK alt.telehealth.test No description. alt.telescopes.meade No description. alt.telescopes.meade.lx200 Discussion of Meade's LX200 telescope. alt.teletext.megazine About Megazine, Channel 4 Teletext p142 alt.telia-suger Diskussioner rörande Felia alt.ten98 For those counting down. alt.tennis Use rec.sport.tennis instead. alt.terror.hsm No description. alt.terry.knab.is.a.twat No description. alt.tesco.trainees No description. alt.tesla-coils ATC is a group devoted to tesla coils and troll wars. alt.test-ns No description. alt.test.a No description. alt.test.aa-bb-cc No description. alt.test.aaronw Personal testing of my newsreader alt.test.abc.xyz.lmn No description. alt.test.auto-add New alt.* Newsgroups Added Quickly Here. alt.test.big.al He's so big he needs his own test group. alt.test.binaries No description. alt.test.cjc No description. alt.test.clienttest Test Description alt.test.clienttest2 Test Description alt.test.clienttest3 Test alt.test.cmsg No description. alt.test.control-header-test No description. alt.test.control.approved.header No description. alt.test.cypher Because we all need a Rob Cypher test group. alt.test.cztery No description. alt.test.d Discussion about posts in alt.test. alt.test.demon.nl A testgroup for Demon alt.test.ds No description. alt.test.dwa No description. alt.test.fbc No description. alt.test.fest No description. alt.test.fishing Use rec.outdoors.fishing instead. alt.test.fishing.spin Use rec.outdoors.fishing instead. alt.test.flyfishing Use rec.outdoors.fishing.fly instead. alt.test.free-agent Test group for Free Agent Users alt.test.fuckface For complete idiots to be told to test in alt.test.glump No description. alt.test.group No description. alt.test.gruppenschnitzer No description. alt.test.headers No description. alt.test.hello-world Human-to-human initial contacts on the net alt.test.hulabaloo No description. alt.test.ignore.yes.its.that.easy Naming, however, is more challenging. alt.test.jamie No description. alt.test.jeden No description. alt.test.jt No description. alt.test.looks.like.a.young.kevin-nash Well, he does to Rob Cypher... alt.test.mis3 No description. alt.test.my.new.group Thank you for sharing. alt.test.not-r a test of Not R's existence alt.test.ohmy temporary test for control message propogation alt.test.one Hardly just one. alt.test.only Stop interrupting testing with discussion. alt.test.paratransit No description. alt.test.pope-john-paul-ii The Pope's private test group alt.test.qqxw No description. alt.test.rob-cypher Because alt.test.cypher wasn't enough. alt.test.signature Signature(sig) test newsgroup alt.test.stuphs another test newsgroup alt.test.tesc No description. alt.test.test Think, people! How many test groups do we really need? alt.test.test.a No description. alt.test.test.jojo No description. alt.test.test.test.c No description. alt.test.test.test.d No description. alt.test.test.wow No description. alt.test.trzy No description. alt.test.tsetse No description. alt.test.two This is getting ridiculous. alt.test.ug No description. alt.test.ug1 No description. alt.test.wombat No description. alt.test.yeah No description. alt.test.yer.posts Directions for people who find "alt.test" too confusing. alt.testing.dammit No description. alt.testing.it No description. alt.testing.testing Radio check. alt.testosterone No description. alt.tests.high-school.new-york.regents Discussion of Regents alt.tesxbp.gqy.qsrivm.xnpsde cuooirruaaupu alt.tewu jieuojevyoeojze (Moderated) alt.tfn.flame A hell to cast TFN badmouths into. alt.tfn.flame.dork For damfools that don't know how to shut up. alt.tfn.flame.dork.allisat Truth. alt.thanatos No description. alt.thanksgiving.turkey.cockadoodledoo No description. alt.the-chaps Discussion of the exploits of the infamous Leeds Sharking Club alt.the-dude.jay-denebeim This guy really is "the dude" alt.the.brethren.of.beelzebub Forum to discuss the Brethren of alt.the.lame-troll No description. alt.thebird No description. alt.thebird.copwatch CopWatch collects reports of police/related alt.thebird.copwatch.trolls No description. alt.thebird.hippie The Home for Hippies on the Web alt.thebird.liberal The Liberal Party of the United States alt.thedavid fans of TheDavid, and topics related to TheDavid. alt.theosophy Teaching about God & the world based on mystic insight. alt.thief.george.w.bush No description. alt.think.tank No description. alt.thinking.hurts So don't do that. alt.thinkquest ThinkQuest online scholarship competition team's forum. alt.this-isa-dead No description. alt.this.is.a.cmsg.test No description. alt.this.is.yet.another.hipcrime No description. alt.this.is.yet.another.maxwell No description. alt.this.is.yet.another.mexwall No description. alt.this.is.yet.another.test You made your bed, lie in it. alt.this.isa-dead.newsgroup No description. alt.this.sucks No description. alt.thomas.scott.blockbusters.wanker No description. alt.thought.southern No description. alt.thrash Thrashlife. alt.thursday No description. alt.ti.pvjnjckp.g.y ewoiuemeugi alt.tickling Unmoderated discussion of nonsexual tickling fun alt.ticklish.guys.alex-rose Discussions of Alex Rose's ticklishness. alt.ticklish.guys.eric-miller Eric Miller is ticklish alt.tiernan Because she is our favourite elf. alt.tim-thorne.forge.forge.forge No description. alt.tim.eckel.sucks.pachuka.fucks.you.in.the-ass alt.tim.eckel.sucks.pachuka-fucks-you-in-the-ass Chimps and skates alt.time-travel.cypher Rob Cypher has done it, you know. alt.timewasters.roddel Gossip for the Dutch group The TimeWasters. alt.timothy.sutter No description. alt.tinygirls Like alt.sex.fetish.waifs. alt.tira No description. alt.tisbgvj.m twuyqxuioaiwsoiop alt.tits No description. alt.tits.big No description. alt.tits.fake No description. alt.tits.real No description. alt.tits.small No description. alt.titty.fuck.the.skull.of.oliver1 No description. alt.tiyfko fuoagehodxeigorkeoycaiui alt.tmgbbs.b.zgbuf.szrtsj.e.rcj.rzgco.f iemteaayiobtiec alt.tmo No description. alt.todcg.cq.iw nwjoiimi alt.toilet-paper.1-ply No description. alt.toilet-paper.2-ply No description. alt.toilet-paper.3-ply No description. alt.toilet-paper.leaves No description. alt.toilet-paper.shirtsleeve No description. alt.tom-leykis.sucks Discussion of how radio host Tom Leykis just alt.tony-net discussion area for the tony-net.net domain alt.tony-sutton Newsgroup for discussion on Tony Sutton. alt.tonya-harding No description. alt.tools.repair+advice No description. alt.toon-pics Use alt.binaries.pictures.cartoons instead. alt.topper.pantscat.spank.spank.spank For topper and pantscat spanking alt.toronto-jews No description. alt.torture Remarkably insightful group name. alt.tos.members.d No description. alt.total-loser No description. alt.totosaid No description. alt.townhouse.phillip-st Discussions of 256 Phillip St Waterloo ON CA alt.toxiccrisko.net No description. alt.toys.bombs.napalm Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.toys.furby The toy sensation of 1998 ! alt.toys.gi-joe Yo Joe! The G.I.Joe/Action Force action figures. alt.toys.gi-joe.1980s discussion of G.I.Joe toy line of the 1980s alt.toys.hi-tech Optimus Prime is my hero. alt.toys.lego Use rec.toys.lego instead. alt.toys.marbles.bc No description. alt.toys.micronauts No description. alt.toys.my-little-pony No description. alt.toys.transformers From robots to vehicles and back again. alt.toys.transformers.classic.moderated Discussion about Classic Transformers (Moderated) alt.toys.transformers.fanfic Transformers fan fiction stories alt.toys.transformers.marketplace Buy/sell/trade/ads for Transformers toys alt.toys.virtual-pets A forum for the discussion of virtual pets. alt.tp.rofqph.y buxauoqimleitjboafnlhi alt.tpdtt.jctw.sf.d.k.o otshahiqauasxeem (Moderated) alt.trade.compact-disc No description. alt.trade.spareparts No description. alt.trades.building.construction.canada No description. alt.trades.construction.canadian Canadian construction related info alt.trades.construction.us American construction related info alt.traditional.witchcraft Discussion of non-Pagan/Wicca based WitchCraft. alt.trainersplace No description. alt.training.technology Effective application of technology within training alt.transformation.stories No description. alt.transgendered Boys will be girls, and vice-versa. alt.transgendered.jeffy-boyd meow's Ladyboy(d) loves you! alt.trapped A group for people who are trapped. alt.travel.canada All about travelling to Canada. alt.travel.greece Reviews and discussions about Greek holidays. alt.travel.road-trip Ever go to Montreal for pizza --- from Albany? alt.travel.trip-reports Personal experiences to travel alt.travel.uk.air Discussion of air travel in the UK alt.travel.uk.marketplace Travel related services in the UK alt.travel.vacation-reports Personal experiences to travel alt.trcitoj.jivv.w coujvsyooooiga alt.treasure.hunting Finding lost riches. alt.treasurequest.com No description. alt.trebel No description. alt.trebel.country No description. alt.trebel.country.france No description. alt.trebel.country.netherlands No description. alt.trebel.demos No description. alt.trebel.diskmag No description. alt.trebel.music No description. alt.trebel.party No description. alt.tree-of-knowledge No description. alt.trees No description. alt.triballs.announce No description. alt.trini.alla.frutta No description. alt.trippy.hipcrime No description. alt.trold No description. alt.troll The gentle art of trolling, on Usenet and beyond. alt.troll-busters No description. alt.troll-news-reports No description. alt.troll-news-reports.config No description. alt.troll-news-reports.sunny No description. alt.troll.buster No description. alt.troll.john-corliss No description. alt.troll.robert.barton No description. alt.troll.trevor-swaney No description. alt.trouser.monster No description. alt.trucks.chevy No description. alt.trucks.ford purpose to discuss ford trucks alt.true-crime Criminal acts around the world. alt.true.ghost No description. alt.truntfest Events pertaining to the forthcoming Truntfest '99 alt.ts.n.h.ioy.ojl.dltwo yaolpowoavotaeq alt.tuesday No description. alt.turds.dog.mongrel-mind No description. alt.turf-accountant.jay-denebeim No description. alt.turin-shroud Discussion of the Turin Shroud alt.turismo.camper No description. alt.tv No description. alt.tv.3djam-tv JAM-TV/FABSMUSIC alt.tv.3rd-rock Discussion of the NBC Sitcom 3rd Rock From the Sun. alt.tv.7th-heaven Discssion of the TV show 7th-heaven. alt.tv.a-team Dedicated to the 80s hit series The A-team alt.tv.aaron-spelling Topics relating to Spelling and his work. alt.tv.ab-fab Discussion of the BBC TV comedy Absolutely Fabulous. alt.tv.adam-12 The 70s TV series Adam-12. alt.tv.aeon-flux Discussion of the animated TV series and female role-model. alt.tv.airwolf A discussion group dedicated to the popular television alt.tv.alf discussion of the tv alien from melmac alt.tv.ally-mcbeal No description. alt.tv.ally-mcbeal.uk Discussions about "Ally McBeal" with a UK theme alt.tv.amer-gothic American Gothic. alt.tv.andromeda alt.tv.andromeda. Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda syndicated series alt.tv.angel Spinoff from Buffy the Vampire slayer alt.tv.animaniacs Steven Spielberg's Animaniacs! alt.tv.animaniacs.pinky-brain Discussing Pinky & the Brain cartoons (Narf). alt.tv.another-world No description. alt.tv.avengers Discussing all incarnations of The Avengers. alt.tv.babylon-5 Use rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5 instead. alt.tv.barney He's everywhere. Now appearing in several alt groups. alt.tv.batman No description. alt.tv.baywatch The world's #1 show, aka "Babewatch". alt.tv.beakmans-world Some sort of science and comedy show. alt.tv.beauty+beast The Beauty and the Beast telly programme. alt.tv.beavis-n-butthead No description. alt.tv.beverly-hillbillies No description. alt.tv.bewitched No description. alt.tv.bh90210 Fans of "Beverly Hills 90210" TV show. alt.tv.big-brother No description. alt.tv.big-brother.australia a discussion of big brother Tv show in australia alt.tv.big-brother.uk No description. alt.tv.blues-clues We just made a newsgroup, we just made a newsgroup... alt.tv.bnn Everything concerning BNN (Moderated) alt.tv.bob-the-builder A public service Web-to-News GateWay: GruppenSchnitzer. alt.tv.bold-beautiful Discuss CBS soap opera The Bold & The Beautiful. alt.tv.boston-common NBC's "Boston Common" show. alt.tv.boy-meets-world ABC's "Boy Meets World" alt.tv.brady-bunch Here's the story of a lovely lady. alt.tv.brimstone Discussion of the television series "Brimstone" alt.tv.brisco-county A western comedy adventure. alt.tv.broadcasting No description. alt.tv.buddy-faro No description. alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer Buffy the Vampire Slayer alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative Creative writing for Buffy the Vampire Slayer alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.spoilers No description. alt.tv.california-dreams CALIFORNIA DREAMS - The Peter Engel television alt.tv.caroline-city The US NBC situation comedy Caroline in the City. alt.tv.cartoon-network No description. alt.tv.cartoon-network.toonami No description. alt.tv.cell-block-h Discussion of cult Australian soap Prisoner Cell Block H alt.tv.charmed No description. alt.tv.chicago-hope Discussion of the TV Show Chicago Hope. alt.tv.chips The California Highway Patron dramatized in CHiPs. alt.tv.christy Discussion of the TV show Christy and related issues. alt.tv.clueless For discussion on the television show Clueless. alt.tv.comedy-central Just what the hell is going on here? alt.tv.commercials Keep them on the boob tube and off the net. alt.tv.cow-n-chicken For fans of the cartoon Cow & Chicken on the cartoon network. alt.tv.crime-drama No description. alt.tv.cupid No description. alt.tv.dallas About Dallas and the spin-off Knots Landings series alt.tv.daria "I don't have low self-esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else" alt.tv.dark-angel James Cameron's Dark Angel series alt.tv.dark-skies The Truth Is Stranger (SF/conspiracy) alt.tv.dark_shadows For the fans that refuse to die. alt.tv.dawsons-creek Discussion group for new TV Show Dawsons Creek alt.tv.dawsons-creek.sucks No description. alt.tv.days-of-our-lives No description. alt.tv.daytime-shows Discussion of Daytime Television shows alt.tv.dean-stark No description. alt.tv.dharma-greg Newsgroup for discussions about the TV show and the people alt.tv.dinosaurs A live action animated sitcom. alt.tv.dinosaurs.barney.die.die.die Squish the saccharine newt. alt.tv.discovery.canada The Discovery Channel Canada discussion group. alt.tv.dr-katz For discussion of the tv show Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist alt.tv.dr-quinn Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. alt.tv.dragnet No description. alt.tv.dragonball-z No description. alt.tv.duckman The Duckman animated sitcom. alt.tv.due-south For the discussion of CTV's Due South. alt.tv.due-south.creative Fan fiction based on CTV's Due South. alt.tv.early-edition Discussion of the tv show Early Edition. alt.tv.earth2 Discussion of _Earth 2_ television series. alt.tv.eek-the-cat Fans of the television show Eek the Cat. alt.tv.emergency discussion on television series emergency alt.tv.er Discussion of the television show E.R. alt.tv.er.creative Fanfiction and fanfic discussions about the TV Series "ER" alt.tv.expedientes-x Grupo en español sobre la serie homónima alt.tv.family-guy For discussion of the TV show Family Guy alt.tv.familyguy No description. alt.tv.farscape No description. alt.tv.father-ted group especially for fans of the father ted series alt.tv.father_ted No description. alt.tv.felicity No description. alt.tv.first-wave No description. alt.tv.food-network Discussion of Food Network shows and personalities. alt.tv.fools-and-horses a place for fans to chat alt.tv.forever-knight The Forever Knight television programme. alt.tv.foxab No description. alt.tv.frasier Kelsey Grammer as Frasier. alt.tv.freakazoid The Warner Brothers animated TV program Freakazoid! alt.tv.friends Discussion of NBC's comedy Friends. alt.tv.friends.fanfic No description. alt.tv.friends.northamerica A naive attempt to keep spoilers from Europeans. alt.tv.futurama No description. alt.tv.game-shows Just look at these wonderful prizes. alt.tv.game-shows.price-is-right Come on down! alt.tv.gerbert Discussion on the children's television show Gerbert alt.tv.gilligans-island No description. alt.tv.gilligans.island No description. alt.tv.gilmore-girls WB's serio-comic mother/daughter-relationship drama. alt.tv.gold-monkey No description. alt.tv.green-acres No description. alt.tv.gunsmoke No description. alt.tv.gvse Discussion of USA Network's cable television series GvsE. alt.tv.happy-hour No description. alt.tv.harsh-realm No description. alt.tv.heartbreakhigh No description. alt.tv.hercules No description. alt.tv.hermans-head Fans of those inside (and outside) of Herman's Head. alt.tv.hey-arnold for discussion of the show Hey Arnold! alt.tv.highlander There was only one, then a bad sequel, now a tv show. alt.tv.highlander.creative Highlander-inspired Fanfiction alt.tv.hogans-heroes Discussion of the TV series and stars. alt.tv.home-and-away Discussion of the Australian TV series Home and Away. alt.tv.home-imprvment Discussions on the hit ABC sitcom Home Improvement. alt.tv.hometime Discussions regarding the TV show Hometime. alt.tv.homicide A shotgun does an impressive job of destroying a TV. alt.tv.ilovelucy Oh Looocceeee, I'm ho-ome! alt.tv.infomercials 30 minutes to sell you a vacuum hair cutting system. alt.tv.internet-slutts Discussions about the TV program Internet Slutts alt.tv.invisible-man Discussion of the Sci-Fi Channel show "The Invisible Man" alt.tv.iron-chef No description. alt.tv.jackass No description. alt.tv.jag No description. alt.tv.jerry-springer Discussion of Jerry Springer alt.tv.junkyard-wars Junkyard Wars aka Scrapheap Challenge alt.tv.just-shoot-me Discussion of the show 'Just Shoot Me' alt.tv.kids-in-hall The Kids in the Hall comedy skits. alt.tv.kids-inc Kids Incorporated. alt.tv.kindred Spirits. alt.tv.king-of-hill For discussion of the TV show "King of the Hill" alt.tv.knight-rider Discussions about Knight Rider. alt.tv.kungfu "Kung-fu" and "Kung-fu, The Legend Continues". alt.tv.lafemme-nikita Regarding the weekly broadcast TV drama alt.tv.lathe-of-heaven Lathe of Heaven PBS tv movie. alt.tv.law-and-order The Law & Order television programme. alt.tv.lexx For discussion of new cult tv series Lexx:The Dark Zone Stories alt.tv.liquid-tv Animated variety. alt.tv.lois-n-clark The new adventures of the man from Krypton, Superman. alt.tv.lois-n-clark.fanfic Fan fiction about Lois and Clark. alt.tv.lost-in-space.danger.will-robinson.danger.danger.danger Lost in Space. alt.tv.macgyver No description. alt.tv.macross Macross on TV alt.tv.mad-about-you Some people really love their televisions. alt.tv.magnificent-7 Discussion of the CBS television series "The alt.tv.magnum-pi Tom Selleck stars as a hunky private investigator. alt.tv.malcolm-in-themiddle Discussion for comedy sitcom about boy genius alt.tv.mannix Discussion of the TV series and stars. alt.tv.martha-stewart No description. alt.tv.martial-law No description. alt.tv.mash Nothing like a good comedy about war and dying. alt.tv.mathnet Discussion on Mathnet and Square One TV. alt.tv.max-headroom Blipverts will kill ya. alt.tv.melrose-place Cat fights and sleaziness, Wednesdays on FOX. alt.tv.miami-vice Discussion of the tv series Miami Vice alt.tv.millenium Use alt.tv.millennium instead. alt.tv.millenium.uk For the discussion of Millenium in the UK. alt.tv.millennium Discussion of the Chris Carter TV series 'Millennium'. alt.tv.millennium.uk For the discussion of Millenium in the UK. alt.tv.mission-imposs Discussing all incarnations of Mission: Impossible. alt.tv.mork-n-mindy A discussion of the mork and mindy show. alt.tv.mortal-kombat No description. alt.tv.mr-belvedere Discussion of the classic TV show alt.tv.mst3k Hey, you robots! Down in front! alt.tv.mst3k.mstings No description. alt.tv.mtv I want my MTV. alt.tv.mtv-europe MTV Europe Discussion alt.tv.muppets Miss Piggy on the tube. alt.tv.murder-one Discussion of the TV Series "Murder One". alt.tv.mwc "Married... With Children". alt.tv.my-s-c-life My So-Called Life and Operation Life Support. alt.tv.nash-bridges No description. alt.tv.nbc-sucks Complaints about the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). alt.tv.neighbours The Australian TV series "Neighbours". alt.tv.networks.cbc Shows on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). alt.tv.newsradio Discussion of the NBC sitcom Newsradio. alt.tv.nick-at-nite Nickelodeon tries to appeal to the Boomers. alt.tv.nickelodeon The first network for kids. alt.tv.night-tracks No description. alt.tv.northern-exp For the TV show with moss growing on it. alt.tv.nowhere-man The TV show "Nowhere Man" on US UPN stations. alt.tv.nypd-blue For fans of the NYPD Blue TV show. alt.tv.ocean-girl Discussion about the "Ocean Girl" television series alt.tv.outer-limits Discussion of the tv show 'The Outer Limits' alt.tv.oz Unmoderated discussion area alt.tv.party-of-five Fans of Fox's Party of Five. alt.tv.passions The NBC soap opera Passions and its performers alt.tv.pattlestar-gayactica No description. alt.tv.pee-wee-herman No description. alt.tv.perfect-strangers Very good sitcom of 80´s and 90´s alt.tv.pete-and-pete for discussion of the tv show pete and pete alt.tv.pi for the discussion of the abc television show politically incorrect alt.tv.picket-fences The Picket Fences show. alt.tv.pirate Pirate TV! alt.tv.pizzacats Discussion of the anime "Samurai Pizza Cats" alt.tv.pol-incorrect discussion of the tv show, politically incorrect alt.tv.popstars Television show. alt.tv.popular The WB's "Popular" and cast. alt.tv.port-charles No description. alt.tv.powerpuff-girls The Powerpuff Girls cartoon show. alt.tv.pretender Discussion of NBC's TV show Pretender alt.tv.pretender.creative No description. alt.tv.pretender.rpg No description. alt.tv.prisoner The Prisoner television series from years ago. alt.tv.profiler all topics related to the television show "Profiler" alt.tv.providence The NBC TV series Providence and its performers alt.tv.psi-factor No description. alt.tv.public-access Public access and community television. alt.tv.quantum-leap.creative Fanfiction relating to the show Quantum Leap. alt.tv.queerasfolk.uk to discuss popular tv show alt.tv.quincy-me No description. alt.tv.raw Discussion related to the (Australian) ABC series Raw FM alt.tv.real-world Discussion of the MTV programme "The Real World". alt.tv.reality discussion of reality shows. alt.tv.reboot Convincing 3-D animation. alt.tv.red-dwarf The British sci-fi/comedy show. alt.tv.red-dwarf.discussion No description. alt.tv.red-dwarf.fans No description. (Moderated) alt.tv.red-dwarf.fans-only No description. (Moderated) alt.tv.red-dwarf.moderated (moderated) For REAL fans (Moderated) alt.tv.red-dwarf.series8 No description. alt.tv.remember-wenn discuss the TV comedy/drama "Remember WENN" alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy Some change from Lassie, eh? alt.tv.rescue-77 No description. alt.tv.road-rules Road Rules, MTV series. alt.tv.robot-wars Robot Wars, Battlebots, Techno Games, etc. alt.tv.robotech The Robotech animated SF TV series. alt.tv.rockford-files But he won't do windows. alt.tv.roseanne In all her glory. alt.tv.roswell This group is for fans of the tv show Roswell alt.tv.rugrats For discussion of the T.V. show Rugrats alt.tv.sabrina discussion of the TV program Sabrina The Teenage Witch alt.tv.sabrina.salem.sucks For discussion on how Salem sucks a alt.tv.saved-bell Saved by the Bell, a sitcom for teens. alt.tv.scott-bakula For fans of TV/movie actor Scott Bakula. alt.tv.sctv SCTV (Second City TV) & alumni discussions. alt.tv.seaquest Deep sea adventures in the future. alt.tv.seinfeld A funny guy. alt.tv.sentai Live action Asian SF/Fantasy discussion, etc. alt.tv.sentinel No description. alt.tv.sesame-street Sunny day. alt.tv.sevendays No description. alt.tv.sexandthecity HBO series Sex and the City alt.tv.shaggable-babes.brainwashed.alt.config.puppets No description. alt.tv.shaggable.babes For discussion of shaggable TV babes alt.tv.showtime No description. alt.tv.silk-stalkings USA's Silk Stalkings murder/mystery show. alt.tv.simpsons Don't have a cow, man! alt.tv.simpsons.itchy-scratchy The cartoon-within-a-cartoon. alt.tv.simpsons.simpsons Discussed in alt.config alt.tv.simpsons.snuh No description. alt.tv.sinbad No description. alt.tv.singled-out The MTV dating game show Singled Out. alt.tv.sitcom General discussion on TV situation comedies. alt.tv.six-feet-under No description. alt.tv.sliders FOX's Sliders. alt.tv.sliders.creative Writing stories in the Slider's show environment. alt.tv.sliders.cypher Rob Cypher owns ATS proper! Hahaha alt.tv.sliders.motard.rides.the.short.bus.to.school Rob Cypher says it is so. alt.tv.smk No description. alt.tv.snl Saturday Night Live, older but not better. alt.tv.sopranos No description. alt.tv.southpark No description. alt.tv.southpark.creative No description. alt.tv.space-a-n-b Space: Above and Beyond. alt.tv.space-cases Discussion of Space Cases and related topics alt.tv.spin-city Discussion of the show 'Spin City' alt.tv.sports Sports on television. alt.tv.star-trek.ds9 Deep Space 9. alt.tv.star-trek.enterprise Science Fiction Star Trek show 'Enterprise'. alt.tv.star-trek.jeffery-hunt No description. alt.tv.star-trek.next-gen Star Trek: The Next Generation. alt.tv.star-trek.tos The original Star Trek series. alt.tv.star-trek.voyager Another Star Trek universe show: Voyager. alt.tv.stargate-sg1 No description. alt.tv.stars.d-fishel No description. alt.tv.sunset-beach No description. alt.tv.survivor No description. alt.tv.survivor-series No description. alt.tv.survivor-series.sucks No description. alt.tv.swamp-thing No description. alt.tv.swatkats No description. alt.tv.tales-crypt Discussion on the award-winning tv series and related alt.tv.talkshows.daytime Babble. alt.tv.talkshows.late Late night wars on the major networks. alt.tv.tech.hdtv No description. alt.tv.tech.misc No description. alt.tv.tech.plain-tv No description. alt.tv.teletubbies Time for Teletubbies alt.tv.tellytubbies.hardcore.binaries No description. alt.tv.tgif Discussion of ABC's "TGIF" alt.tv.the-bill No description. alt.tv.the-critic FOX's animated series with Jon Lovmyself. alt.tv.the-goodies Cult British 70s sitcom alt.tv.the-jeffersons No description. alt.tv.the-jihad No description. alt.tv.the-lone-gunmen Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.tv.the-mole No description. alt.tv.the-net No description. alt.tv.the-practice ABC legal drama from David E. Kelley alt.tv.the-state No description. alt.tv.the-tick SPOOON!!! alt.tv.the-view Discussion of "The View" talk show alt.tv.the-west-wing No description. alt.tv.thebox The BOX Music Television alt.tv.thepractice No description. alt.tv.third-rock Discussion of the TV show "Third Rock" alt.tv.thirdwatch No description. alt.tv.this-old-house Discussion of past and present episodes alt.tv.threes-company No description. alt.tv.thundercats A Tribute to one of the greatest toons out there alt.tv.tiny-toon Discussion about the "Tiny Toon Adventures" show. alt.tv.tiny-toon.babs-bunny No description. alt.tv.tiny-toon.babs-bunny.isadyke No description. alt.tv.tiny-toon.buster-bunny No description. alt.tv.tiny-toon.sex Careful with that cel! alt.tv.tiny-toon.ttbssex Adult Tiny Toon Adventures Discussion alt.tv.tmf No description. alt.tv.tom-green Let's pour a Pepsi One over Glenn Humplik's head. alt.tv.touched-by-an-angel discussion of the tbaa tv show alt.tv.toute-fabienne No description. alt.tv.traders Bartering in the Nineties. alt.tv.tv-funhouse For fans of the Comedy Central show TV Funhouse alt.tv.tv-nation Some show called "TV Nation". alt.tv.tweenies The childrens TV series, "Tweenies". alt.tv.twin-peaks Discussion about the popular (and unusual) TV show. alt.tv.v Discussion of the sci-fi phenomenon V. alt.tv.viper Discussion of the popular syndicated TV series "Viper" alt.tv.voice-artists No description. alt.tv.vr5 V.R. 5. alt.tv.whose-line About the TV show 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?'. alt.tv.will-and-grace No description. alt.tv.wings For Sandpiper Air Frequent Flyers. alt.tv.wiseguy A wise guy. alt.tv.wnn No description. alt.tv.wonder-years No description. alt.tv.working Discussion of the NBC show and anything related alt.tv.world-news-now.moderated ? (Moderated) alt.tv.x-files Extra-terrestrial coverup conspiracies. alt.tv.x-files.analysis Related to the famous habanec or anyone with the same surname.. (Moderated) alt.tv.x-files.creative Creative writings for the The X-Files. alt.tv.x-files.creative.mature to accomodate NC-17 stories and erotica alt.tv.x-files.x-ville Discussion of the virutal town, X-Ville alt.tv.xena No description. alt.tv.xena-subtext Discussion of bisexual subtext of Xena TV show alt.tv.xena-subtext.misc No description. alt.tv.xena.creative Fan fiction for the show XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS alt.tv.xena.creative.mature Violent or adult-oriented Xena fanfic. alt.tv.xena.creative.subtext No description. alt.tv.xena.rob-cypher.likes.dykes What? alt.tv.xena.subtext.creative Stories based on subtext in the Xena tv series alt.tv.xuxa That Connie Dobbs clone, her tv show, and her double Xs. alt.tv.young+restless TV Soap Opera "The Young and the Restless. alt.twit For all twits alt.two.zero.four No description. alt.twosixhundred.uk No description. alt.twx.test No description. alt.u.hqql No description. alt.u.j No description. alt.u.kt.wgq.w.p No description. alt.u.l.tpyxv.pkg No description. alt.u.o.tq No description. (Moderated) alt.u.uagnpe No description. alt.ua.t No description. alt.ub.y.oisk.l.expi.l.ivg.q.m.emzq.kb.g.j.raa.u.yd.vvd.g.f No description. alt.ubergene discussions about ubergenetics alt.uceaujvqfl.l.v No description. alt.udba.org No description. alt.udf2 No description. alt.udkgryav.c.zrctnbif.vvd.jjva.yza.kajcut.t No description. alt.uf.tizcuyu.bpcfw No description. alt.ufc No description. alt.ufo.reports Use alt.paranet.ufo instead. alt.ugly.from.iac.is.valeria No description. alt.uhaul.good.bad.ugly No description. alt.ujm.vcnv eiqluwoyiuoduufo alt.uk.a-level.business No description. alt.uk.a-levels Discussion about A-level exams alt.uk.culture.industrial No description. alt.uk.customer.service.issues Discussion and experience regarding alt.uk.customer.service.issues.pc Discussion and experience regarding alt.uk.edinburgh.misc miscellaneous chat about the city of edinburgh alt.uk.edinburgh.teens-and-students No description. alt.uk.free.usenet.servers No description. alt.uk.games.computer.counterstrike No description. alt.uk.games.video.digitiser No description. alt.uk.games.video.playstation Charter free version of ukgvp alt.uk.gerard-the-frog For fans of the yorkshire local hero. alt.uk.glasgow.internet.providers No description. alt.uk.i-hate-sky No description. alt.uk.industrial-culture No description. alt.uk.isp.users.group No description. alt.uk.john-pepin No description. alt.uk.late.teens No description. alt.uk.law No description. alt.uk.law.and.order No description. alt.uk.local.e-s-s-e-x The county of Essex, England alt.uk.london.xfm No description. alt.uk.men.seeking.woman No description. alt.uk.midlands No description. alt.uk.misc.flat-earth No description. alt.uk.north.ellesmere-port No description. alt.uk.noseypakers No description. alt.uk.over-20 No description. alt.uk.penpals No description. alt.uk.rec.fishing.match No description. alt.uk.sky No description. alt.uk.sport.football.rivalry.old-firm No description. alt.uk.squat No description. alt.uk.stevenage.bohemian No description. alt.uk.stevenage.bohemian.binaries No description. alt.uk.teens.london No description. alt.uk.telephones.kingston.communications.suck No description. alt.uk.test No description. alt.uk.ukc.misc A newsgroup for present and former users of ukc.misc alt.uk.virgin-net.oldbies Virgin Net oldbies international discussion group alt.uk.virtual-glasgow Discussion group about the City of Glasgow alt.uk.woman.seeking.man No description. alt.uk.york.classifieds No description. alt.ukc.misc Miscers of the world unite! alt.ukg.z 29/]JA,X+%i0_7#0AVN alt.ukpcn.gsswxxvjct.kqu hdmueqseiauadvgulre (Moderated) alt.uldwk.g.p.i.ge.mt.i.qfsxl liuqeuoogheeiomzg alt.ulk.tzv eaooooaueuqnihvu alt.umist.computer.users.society No description. alt.umr.student.babble Babble and inanity from UMR students. alt.uncwjni HA_H7!"DN4TKW alt.underground.yalta Discussion of the Y. Underground & world hegemony issues alt.unemployed.bum.montgomery-wood No description. alt.union.iatse A entertainment/information industries union. alt.union.natl-writers Publishing industry & labor movement. alt.unitednations No description. alt.unitednations.killtaig No description. alt.univ.collegiate.uk Discussion of/between collegiate UK universities. alt.unix.geeks The playpen for hardcore Unix Geeks! alt.unix.geeks.moderated The moderated playpen for hardcore unix geeks (Moderated) alt.unix.interix Forum to discuss the Interix UNIX OS for Windows NT. alt.unix.wizards Like comp.unix.wizards, only unmoderated. alt.unpopularbooks No description. alt.unruly.rapscallions.bert-hoff Behave, dag-nabbit! alt.untitednations.taigslies No description. alt.untp alt.untp.server Subnews for the UNTP community alt.uofb.bis No description. alt.uos.gijres.pjmwl.g.k.h.llxn feueiaihausoooaegoz alt.up-your-gi-gi-with No description. alt.up-your-gi-gi-with.a-woo-woo-brush No description. alt.upa Discussion and examples of UseNet Performance Art. alt.upc No description. alt.upe.kcfrpw.b.nisiyy.xwfv No description. alt.ur.gsu.tyo.brtcpbuf.itx.sl.x.fkxp.ht.usu.lmhboo.a.rqo No description. (Moderated) alt.urokosodoji Discussions on current Urokosodoji, Inc. projects alt.us.bonehead.henrietta-thomas Discussions abot HKT and us.* alt.us.nllwe.ty.iywkidv.l.icf.s eaonswpmgoifk alt.us.prisons alt.us.bonehead.henrietta-thomas Discussions about HKT and us.* alt.usa-sucks Not like an Electolux. alt.usage.chinese Discussion in/of the Chinese language alt.usage.english English grammar, word usages, and related topics. alt.usage.german Questions and answers about the German language. alt.usage.icelandic Discussion of the Icelandic language alt.usage.italiano Discussion of the Italian language alt.usage.names Name meanings, origins, conventions, and ideas. alt.usage.spanish The Spanish language. alt.useless.newsgroup.delete.me No description. alt.usenet.abusers.databasix Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.usenet.abusers.petitmorte Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.usenet.cancel.forger.chris-lewis is a cancel forger alt.usenet.fuckheads.hannigan.rikijo Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.usenet.god.dr-hangnail I am your messiah. alt.usenet.goodbye No description. alt.usenet.kook.robert.barton No description. alt.usenet.kooks.arthur-h-schwartz No description. alt.usenet.kooks.john-corliss No description. alt.usenet.kooks.ratm-at-cotse-com discussion of ratm@cotse.com alt.usenet.kooks.ratm-at-cotse.com discussion of ratm@cotse.com alt.usenet.legends Discussion forum relating to the legends of the Internet alt.usenet.legends.adie-snuh-man No description. alt.usenet.legends.cypher You know you love Rob Cypher. alt.usenet.legends.dana No description. alt.usenet.legends.dean-snuh-man No description. alt.usenet.legends.doc Discussion of Usenet personality Doc. alt.usenet.legends.duab Discussion of Usenet personality and alt.usenet.legends.hipcrime No description. alt.usenet.legends.lamey No description. alt.usenet.legends.natasha No description. alt.usenet.legends.ryannosaurus No description. alt.usenet.legends.usenet-rulez No description. alt.usenet.legends.voodoo No description. alt.usenet.liar.alexandra.kittrie Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.usenet.liar.kevin.cannon Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.usenet.manifestoes Mission statements, purposes on the net. (Moderated) alt.usenet.newbies A place for newbies to ask questions alt.usenet.offline-reader Getting your fix offline. alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent Forte, Inc.'s Agent offline readers. alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.jehad No description. alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent.modified No description. alt.usenet.pedophiles.jay-denebeim No description. alt.usenet.pigwalk pigwalk contest alt.usenet.pirated.agent No description. alt.usenet.reposts Use alt.best.of.internet instead. alt.usenet.rulez.is.the.king A group for talking about the abuse och alt.usenet.satellite No description. alt.usenet.software No description. alt.usenet.stalker.kevin.cannon Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.usenet.supernews-talk No description. alt.usenet.surveys surveys and questionnaires conducted via usenet alt.usenet.troll-buster No description. alt.usenet.troll.buster No description. alt.usenet.worthless.group Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.usenetmud No description. alt.utb.spankards.wild-bill No description. alt.utensils.spork No, it's a foon! Or a floorwax and dessert topping. alt.uu.announce Announcements of Usenet University. alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions Usenet University helps with LINUX. alt.uu.lang.esperanto.misc Learning Esperanto at the Usenet University. alt.uu.lang.russian.misc Learning Russian at the Usenet University. alt.uu.math.misc Learning math at the Usenet University. alt.uu.w No description. (Moderated) alt.uumfpxzcu.glq.wx.kty.zvf No description. alt.uunet.anti-trust Legal theories of Stephen Boursy. alt.uv.ccujv.te.pryz.fy No description. alt.ux No description. alt.v.b No description. alt.v.cqykn No description. alt.v.kk.oge.k.xceoj No description. alt.v.pw.q No description. alt.v.s.cfbtpik.s.mqhcipsf.xv No description. (Moderated) alt.vacation.branson No description. alt.vacation.las-vegas Everything you always wanted to know about Vegas. alt.vampyres Discussion of vampires and related writings, films, etc. alt.vampyres.flap.flap.flap No description. alt.vancouver.white.pride No description. alt.vb.fd.wsw.nr.l No description. alt.vc.v.q.hts No description. alt.vdk.ml.vo.cay.skhlv.r.d No description. alt.veg No description. alt.verio No description. alt.verio.recovery No description. alt.vgld No description. alt.video.avid_editors No description. alt.video.digital-tv All aspects of digital TV including HDTV alt.video.divx Disscussion about divx format alt.video.divx.bloatedsack No description. alt.video.dvd Discussion of Digital Video Disk hardware and software. alt.video.dvd.authoring Authoring and Creating DVDs. alt.video.dvd.complain A place to complain about DVD: alt.video.dvd.friends-of-joe No description. alt.video.dvd.non-anamorphic DOWN WITH THE CABAL!!! alt.video.dvd.software No description. alt.video.dvd.tech No description. alt.video.dvdr DVD-R & DVD-RW Equipment & Media alt.video.equipment.broadcast No description. alt.video.games.reviews Reviews of video games. alt.video.games.sony-playstation No description. alt.video.laserdisc LD players and selections available for them. alt.video.letterbox No description. alt.video.letterbox.bernie-faber.moron-freak No description. alt.video.ptv.replaytv Advice and support for the ReplayTV alt.video.ptv.tivo No description. alt.video.ptv.ultimatetv No description. alt.video.satellite.4dtv No description. alt.video.satellite.mpeg-dvb No description. alt.video.sound No description. alt.video.tape-trading Trading of legally copied videos. alt.video.tape-trading.pal trading group dedicated to VHS PAL format alt.video.tv-sets alt.video.tv-sets. For Discussions of regular TV-Sets. alt.video.vcr No description. alt.videos.bootlegs Illegally made tapes of commercial events. alt.videotron.general No description. alt.vietnam.veterans No description. alt.vikon.v.nbm uuxikauonheba alt.vinny.cahill.ok.ok.ok No description. alt.vinny.cahill.ok.ok.ok.ok.ok No description. alt.vinocur.replies No description. alt.viool No description. alt.vir.rf.qwg.m.lciwxcn aaetfonileatit alt.virasoft.info Moderated Virasoft Group. (Moderated) alt.virasoft.vso Moderated VSO Group. (Moderated) alt.virtualmars No description. alt.visa.australia discussions concerning various Australian visas alt.visa.us Discussion/information on visas pertaining to US. alt.visio No description. alt.viy.u.yl.zsna.akjxl.gntegguse No description. alt.vnk.w.s.vhqwwn.rhw.mbwc No description. alt.volkswagen.beetle No description. alt.voodoo No description. alt.voodoo.studmuffin No description. alt.voodoo.superhero No description. alt.voyage.merlin_1 No description. alt.voyn.cdcckete.z No description. alt.vpxim.htf.a.n No description. alt.vr-www Virtual Reality - World Wide Web The 3D, VRML2, Java2, Web alt.vrouwen.nl No description. alt.vthtq No description. alt.vti.y.kr.c No description. alt.vunzzz No description. alt.vux.wgyult.pbh.lhurppfmp.j.kfryeziht.ksp.jeo No description. (Moderated) alt.w.abk.amf.usvw.wr.xxpo No description. alt.w.ck.ky.cw.un.jf.f.py.v.n.sgslfb.lex.w No description. alt.w.dnekwd.pjoj No description. alt.w.gt.j.nbdm No description. alt.w.qr.j.tys.i.bueubd.kn.n No description. alt.w.r.l.x No description. alt.w3life For followers of the WWW.life E-zine alt.wake-up-denebeim For serious discussions on scary absence of Jay Denebeim alt.wake-up-denebeim.it-worked No description. alt.wally No description. alt.walmart Discussion of experiences at WalMart alt.walmart.censor.censor.censor No description. alt.wanadoo.forum No description. alt.wankers.malicious Hacker wannabes of alt.hackers.malicious alt.wanted.bareback.af.simon.skals Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.wanted.large.breasted.women Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.wap.phones No description. alt.war Not just collateral damage. alt.war.civil.usa Discussion of the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865). alt.war.cypher No description. alt.war.mercenary No description. alt.war.nuclear weapons of mass-destruction (NBC) alt.war.pow-mia Discussion of POW-MIA issues and policy alt.war.vietnam Discussion of all aspects of the Vietnam War. alt.war.yugoslavia No description. alt.warez.borje-hagsten For serious discussions on severely warezy behavior of alt.warez.burnout No description. alt.warez.consoles No description. alt.warez.godz No description. alt.warez.ibm-pc D00DZ in favour of pirating PC software. alt.warez.ibm-pc.apps D00DZ in favour of pirating PC applications. alt.warez.ibm-pc.games D00DZ in favour of pirating PC games. alt.warez.ibm-pc.old D00DZ in favour of pirating old PC software. alt.warez.uk Warez discussion and trading for the UK alt.was.a.gurard.at.sobibor.mongrel-mind No description. alt.waste.of.flesh.bert-hoff The name says it all. alt.wastewater Disussion of Wastewater Treatment and Operation Technologies. alt.wasting.his.time.jay-denebeim No description. alt.waukesha.schools.meadowbrook Meadowbrook Elementary School Community Discussion alt.wavcatcher No description. alt.waves Tsunami. Gesundheit. alt.wbdn No description. alt.wci.ef.qr No description. (Moderated) alt.wclnw.zpybj.o No description. alt.wcttlc No description. alt.wdtsf Where confusion runs rampart and typos are worshippd. alt.we.love.bob.payne.not No description. alt.wears No description. alt.wears.his.mothers.bra.and.panties.montgomery-wood No description. alt.web-accessability No description. alt.webcam.alan No description. alt.webcam.camgirls Live webcams featuring women alt.webcam.gaycams No description. alt.webcom.form-users Discussion of the WebCom Form Processor alt.webcom.users WebCom users discussion group alt.webedit Use alt.html.editors.webedit instead. (Moderated) alt.webhosting Discussion group for all aspects of web hosting. (Moderated) alt.webrings.announce No description. alt.website.pluto No description. alt.websites General forum about all internet websites. alt.webtv.die.die.die No description. alt.wedding Use soc.couples.wedding instead. alt.wedding.marketplace Wedding advertising and commercial discussions alt.wednesday No description. alt.wee No description. alt.wee.goaway.goaway.goaway No description. alt.weemba No description. alt.welch-family Discussion of daily happenings of the Welch Family alt.welfare-fraud.jay-denebeim Granny-beating, check stealing homo. alt.wesley.crusher.die.die.die Ensigns just get no respect. alt.west-virginia No description. alt.west-virginia.bluefieldnet No description. alt.wgfjgnr.ctsw.n ujpfievumaeujk alt.wgvfb.bh ueoatcixuooeco alt.wh No description. alt.what-a-guy.jay-denebeim Yes! alt.what-to-do What to do in various situations alt.whatever.b No description. alt.whatever.c No description. alt.whc.lwpl.g No description. alt.whiny No description. alt.whiny.ass No description. alt.whiny.ass.crybaby No description. alt.whiny.ass.crybaby.bitches No description. alt.whitepower No description. alt.who.is.bob Bob's not here. alt.who.the.feck.is.walter.cronkite No description. alt.wholesale Nobody else pays retail, why should you? alt.wiccan.cypher Because pagan witches love Rob Cypher! alt.wicware No description. alt.wigg No description. alt.wilcom.com No description. alt.wildland.firefighting Discussions about forest fire fighting alt.windows-me No description. alt.windows-w2k Discussion of Microsofts Windows 2000 alt.windows.cde The Common Desktop Environment. alt.windows95 Use comp.os.ms-windows.* instead. alt.windows98 No description. alt.winnetou No description. alt.winsock Windows Sockets. alt.winsock.programming Programming Windows Sockets. alt.winsock.trumpet The Trumpet newsreader. alt.wired Wired Magazine. alt.wisconsin.ashland No description. alt.witchcraft No description. alt.witchypoot No description. alt.wiyx.n.swwnhl.j.r No description. alt.wjeh.b.l No description. alt.wo.kg.ls.tw.em.mx No description. alt.wolves Discussing pure wolves. alt.wolves.hybrid Wolf-dogs and other crosses. alt.women.attitudes The different attitudes that women have. alt.women.disabled Created by GruppenSchnitzer users as a public service. alt.women.health No description. alt.women.howard.knight Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. alt.women.petite No description. alt.women.shesaid Women-only discussion group. Not moderated. alt.women.supremacy Women's social status and general gender wars. alt.workingholiday information exchange forum for working holidaymakers alt.worlds.most.offensive.person.frogbutt No description. alt.worlds.worst.troll.avraham-leibovitch No description. alt.worldsaway WorldsAway virtual communities - do not lose your head. alt.worms.out.of.a.hot.cheese-log No description. alt.worship.cypher Worship ROB CYPHER!!! THE POWER!!! alt.worship.goddish For worship of Goddish alt.worst.of.usenet No description. alt.worthless.piece.of.nazi.shit.mongrel-mind No description. alt.worthless.sack.of.shit.scott-abraham He sucks. alt.writing No description. alt.writing.scams No description. alt.wscx.ige.zphxptbq.g.ucm No description. alt.wvfqqxnj No description. alt.wwa.chat No description. alt.www No description. alt.www.affiliate No description. alt.www.authoring No description. alt.www.authoring.homesite allaire's web editor alt.www.bobbiespage.com A newsgroup to discuss bobbies homepage alt.www.brittsbabes.com A newsgroup for discussion of brittsbabes homepage alt.www.brittspage.com A newsgroup devoted to brittanys homepage alt.www.hotjava Discussions of Sun Microsystems's Java language. alt.www.imdb.us No description. alt.www.marketing No description. alt.www.marketing.adverts No description. alt.www.sexzilla.com discussion about Sexzilla.com and their related sites. alt.www.sites No description. alt.www.stupid-idiots.com No description. alt.www.webguild No description. alt.www.webmaster No description. alt.www.webmaster.ads Ads of interest to webmasters. alt.www.webmaster.no-ads newgroup alt.www.webmaster.no-ads So use this and leave the ads back alt.www.webmaster.xxx No description. alt.www.wedding-service.co.uk No description. alt.wxy.qgumr.g.fo eusuokaxae alt.x No description. alt.x-files.rpg No description. alt.x.drl C8NBU4EOaSY0b$eh alt.x.hy amueodadopoft alt.x.qw XidTKX%ZE(@IQ1+H8Y7kB'XR- (Moderated) alt.x.qz 9fDWRYF:IWXdSG623S> alt.x.upper-case No description. alt.x.wwe.mf.xz.yn ^JjfBC8Jb7Q61Ae*?ZQ9OT`,/ alt.x.y This is a test group. alt.x.z.crggm.psibx.umw.m.sj.k.o.lh *hWO4LZ(REREib/8;L alt.xarh.wre.xgf -7fNGVT]O:IbP=^k?462,UX alt.xkvsv.iocdorhxtphep.xc.arw.bh.z.wx.h fovqbaoiptlvuioo alt.xlmddfnt O$-J'::,Gl''b\g=VjO (Moderated) alt.xlmx QgSJ\&`12)KG%+H)F3/ alt.xmobj avqeagkioodeo alt.xmt.qc.x KOk2%0';DH)k)C3 (Moderated) alt.y.h.drgrcet.v fpetmucejlx alt.y.rt.t.lyww aookaopdocroi alt.y.svq.tiwk.w.e.qq.nntivadpfgyx ueuibxoai (Moderated) alt.y2trolls No description. alt.y3k A newsgroup for the discussion of the remote administration alt.ya.irt.kcy.a.l.oss.cd.n.w.euj.dd hioeemeiowu alt.yacht.nl No description. alt.yaddayaddayadda No description. alt.yakanoh For Yakanoh's personal use. alt.yakuza.hero No description. (Moderated) alt.yang.sux No description. alt.yang.suxor No description. alt.yb.o.twci.bs.d #0#BVeN3l;hF;+2g*NR (Moderated) alt.ycb.e.grcfkx.f.fwv.bcmlhp.k.quvqn L%/7cY0al?FN%dj6N^k alt.yd.esnb.s.l.mdlvfijppw NEhK]S3[83AHg">#\:-/_= (Moderated) alt.ye.h =%T3RbWJ@O3PLVOk alt.year Discussion of the year at present alt.yen.hkcdie.h iujoiiveiauluuea (Moderated) alt.yerevan Capital of Republic of Armenia and people alt.yet.another.loser.consoles.himself.with.a.vanity.group The name says it all. alt.yftepbfi oeoeizuejeaoeare alt.ygdrasil No description. alt.ygdrasil.film No description. alt.yh kuyiaaeaieieuofiauem alt.yi.cx :h,$a^M/1gV*$:*k1M=9Ee\PI^ (Moderated) alt.yk qaauabdiyaeilu (Moderated) alt.ykqy.h.hn.wn.ozdxe.pm.hhfy.svqtogpeoo.pterfo #?P(KcIcH'jQA82TS4$!%i7? alt.yl.y V4M[\2%RRc2T#DOO alt.yldl.rj.y.rhg.lj.ds J"b_S2.Y%>$6g?jJN:SQDT0Y:) . chile.rec.musica.misc La musica en Chile y el mundo. chile.rec.radio Discusion sobre la radio en Chile. chile.rec.sexo Comentarios y consultas generales sobre sexo. (Moderated) chile.rec.tv Discusion sobre television. chile.soc.censura En Chile, la censura XX XXX XXXXXX. chile.soc.consumidor Informacion/discusion sobre productos y servicios. chile.soc.misc Temas miscelaneos sobre la sociedad. chile.soc.politica De la politica chilena y sus participantes. chile.soc.religion Las distintas religiones de nuestro mundo. chile.soc.salud Consultas, anuncios y temas de salud. chile.test HACER LAS PRUEBAS AQUI! *Este* es el newsgroup de pruebas. chile.varios.misc Asuntos miscelaneos. chinese.comp.software Discussion of Chinese softwares and Chinese computing. chinese.flame For flaming in Chinese. chinese.newsgroups.announce Important announcements of chinese.* hierarchy. (Moderated) chinese.newsgroups.answers FAQs etc of chinese.*. (Moderated) chinese.newsgroups.discussion Discussions of new groups creation/deletion. chinese.newsgroups.newusers Postings by new users. chinese.rec.magazines.multiworld discussion on WWW magazine multiworld chinese.rec.misc Miscellaneous recreatonal discussion. chinese.rec.sports Sports activities and comments etc. chinese.talk.misc Miscellaneous talks in Chinese. chinese.talk.politics Political talks in Chinese chinese.test Testing in the chinese.* hierarchy. chinese.text.unicode for flaming in Chinese christnet.admin Christnet-usenet administrative group. christnet.bible Bible Research and Talk. (Moderated) christnet.bible.revelation Discussing the book of Revelations. (Moderated) christnet.christianlife Applied Christianity. (Moderated) christnet.christnews Your News on the Christian Scene. (Moderated) christnet.ethics Christian Scripture and Ethics. (Moderated) christnet.evangelical The Good News of the Gospel. (Moderated) christnet.general General address - public e-mail. (Moderated) christnet.healing.herbs Discussion Group for Herbal Medicians. (Moderated) christnet.ladies Discussion Group for Christian Ladies. (Moderated) christnet.philosophy Philosophy in Christianity. (Moderated) christnet.poetry Christian Poetry. (Moderated) christnet.prayer Prayer and Counsel. (Moderated) christnet.religion Discussion of Religious Ideas. (Moderated) christnet.theology Christian Theology. (Moderated) christnet.writers Discussion Group for Christian Writers. (Moderated) clari.biz.briefs Business newsbriefs. (Moderated) clari.biz.currencies Currency news, interest rates. (Moderated) clari.biz.currencies.euro European Monetary Union and euro currency news (Moderated) clari.biz.currencies.misc World currency news, interest rates. (Moderated) clari.biz.currencies.us_dollar U.S. currency news, interest rates. (Moderated) clari.biz.earnings Businesses' earnings, profits, losses. (Moderated) clari.biz.earnings.releases Press releases: earnings, profits, losses. 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(Moderated) clari.biz.industry.food.cbd Food and agricultural supplies. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.food.releases Releases: food processing and products. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.food.retail.releases Releases: restaurants and markets. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.health The health care business. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.health.care Health care business, hospitals, doctors. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.health.care.releases Releases: hospitals, doctors. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.health.cbd Medical, dental and veterinary supplies. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.health.pharma Pharmaceutical industry. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.health.pharma.releases News releases: drugs, equipment. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.household Furniture, recreation equip, cleaning equip, etc. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.household.cbd Furniture, misc items, food prep equip. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.information.cbd Books, maps and other publications. 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(Moderated) clari.biz.industry.travel+leisure.cbd CBD: travel, hotels. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.travel+leisure.releases Releases: travel & leisure. (Moderated) clari.biz.industry.utilities Utilities. (Moderated) clari.biz.market.commodities Commodity reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.market.commodities.agricultural Agricultural commodit reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.market.commodities.misc Base metals, general commodity info. (Moderated) clari.biz.market.misc Bonds, money market funds, other instruments. (Moderated) clari.biz.mergers Mergers and acquisitions. (Moderated) clari.biz.mergers.releases Press releases: mergers, acquisitions, spinoffs. (Moderated) clari.biz.misc Other business news. (Moderated) clari.biz.misc.releases Releases on general business topics. (Moderated) clari.biz.personnel.releases Press releases: personnel changes, layoffs. (Moderated) clari.biz.privatization Privatizations and nationalizations. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks Stock and stock markets. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.corporate_news Corporate stocks, dividends. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.dividend.releases Dividend announcements. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.asia Asian stock market reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.elsewhere International stock market reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.europe.eastern Eastern European stock reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.europe.western Western European stock reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.top Overview of the stock markets. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.usa U.S. stock market reports including nyse. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.usa.misc U.S. stock market reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.stocks.report.usa.nyse New York Stock Exchange reports. (Moderated) clari.biz.top Top business news. (Moderated) clari.biz.tradeshows.releases Press releases covering trade shows. (Moderated) clari.biz.world_trade GATT, free trade, trade disputes. (Moderated) clari.editorial.cartoons.toles Editorial cartoons from Tom Toles. (Moderated) clari.editorial.cartoons.worldviews Views of the World editorial cartoons. (Moderated) clari.editorial.commentary.misc Commentaries and opinion on various subjects. (Moderated) clari.editorial.commentary.political Political opinion & commentary. (Moderated) clari.editorial.essays Poetry and first-person stories (Moderated) clari.feature.dave_barry Columns of humourist Dave Barry. (Moderated) clari.feature.dilbert The daily comic strip "Dilbert". (MIME/uuencoded GIF). (Moderated) clari.feature.experimental New trial and experimental features. (Moderated) clari.feature.forbetter Lynn Johnston's For Better or For Worse. (Moderated) clari.feature.mike_royko Chicago Opinion Columnist Mike Royko. (Moderated) clari.hot.a Temporary group "A" (Moderated) clari.hot.b Temporary group "B" (Moderated) clari.hot.c Temporary group "C" (Moderated) clari.hot.d Temporary group "D" (Moderated) clari.hot.e Temporary group "E" (Moderated) clari.hot.f Temporary group "F" (Moderated) clari.hot.g Temporary group "G" (Moderated) clari.hot.h Temporary group "H" (Moderated) clari.hot.i Temporary group "I" (Moderated) clari.hot.j Temporary group "J" (Moderated) clari.hot.k Temporary group "K" (Moderated) clari.hot.l Temporary group "L" (Moderated) clari.hot.m Temporary group "M" (Moderated) clari.hot.n Temporary group "N" (Moderated) clari.hot.o Temporary group "O" (Moderated) clari.living Fashion, leisure, lifestyle. (Moderated) clari.living.animals Human interest stories about animals. (Moderated) clari.living.arts News of the arts. (Moderated) clari.living.bizarre Unusual or funny news stories. (Moderated) clari.living.books News about books and authors. (Moderated) clari.living.celebrities Famous people in the news. (Moderated) clari.living.columns.joebob Joe Bob Briggs: Drive-in movie critic. (Moderated) clari.living.columns.lipton Columns of humorist Eric F. Lipton. (Moderated) clari.living.columns.miss_manners Etiquette advice from Miss Manners. (Moderated) clari.living.comics.bizarro Dan Piraro's bizarre comic panel. (Moderated) clari.living.comics.cafe_angst Comic by Hans Bjordahl & Holley Irvine. (Moderated) clari.living.comics.doonesbury Garry Trudeau's classic political comic. (Moderated) clari.living.comics.forbetter Lynn Johnston's For Better or For Worse. (Moderated) clari.living.comics.foxtrot Bill Amend's Foxtrot. (Moderated) clari.living.comics.ozone_patrol Holley Irvine's unique Ozone Patrol. (Moderated) clari.living.consumer Consumer issues and products. (Moderated) clari.living.entertainment Entertainment news. (Moderated) clari.living.entertainment.briefs Entertainment news summaries. 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(Moderated) clari.local.california.briefs UPI California news briefs. (Moderated) clari.local.california.gov California state government news. (Moderated) clari.local.california.los_angeles News of Los Angeles. (Moderated) clari.local.california.lottery California state lottery news. (Moderated) clari.local.california.misc News covering California generally. (Moderated) clari.local.california.northern News of Northern California. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.biz San Francisco Bay Area business news. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.briefs San Francisco Bay Area daily brief. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.crime San Francisco Bay Area crime news. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.education Education in the San Francisco Bay Area. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.fire San Francisco Bay Area fire news. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.gov Bay Area local government news. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.health Health care & services in the Bay Area. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.law San Francisco Bay Area laws and lawsuits. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.living Entertainment, human interest. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.misc General news for San Francisco Bay area. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.transport Bay Area transit and road news. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.transport.conditions Road and transit status. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.trouble San Francisco Bay Area accidents. (Moderated) clari.local.california.sfbay.weather Bay Area weather. (Moderated) clari.local.california.southern News of Southern California. (Moderated) clari.local.california.southern.misc News of Southern California. (Moderated) clari.local.colorado News of Colorado. (Moderated) clari.local.connecticut News of Connecticut. (Moderated) clari.local.delaware News of Delaware. (Moderated) clari.local.florida News of Floria. (Moderated) clari.local.georgia News of Georgia. (Moderated) clari.local.hawaii News of Hawaii. (Moderated) clari.local.idaho News of Idaho. (Moderated) clari.local.illinois.chicago News of the Chicago area. (Moderated) clari.local.illinois.misc News of Illinois. (Moderated) clari.local.indiana News of Indiana. (Moderated) clari.local.iowa News of Iowa. (Moderated) clari.local.kansas News of Kansas. (Moderated) clari.local.kentucky News of Kentucky. (Moderated) clari.local.louisiana News of Louisiana. (Moderated) clari.local.maine News of Maine. (Moderated) clari.local.maryland News of Maryland. (Moderated) clari.local.massachusetts News of Massachusetts. (Moderated) clari.local.michigan News of Michican. (Moderated) clari.local.minnesota News of Minnesota. (Moderated) clari.local.mississippi News of Mississippi. (Moderated) clari.local.missouri News of Missouri. (Moderated) clari.local.montana News of Montana. 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(Moderated) clari.sports.baseball.major.nl.stats NL stats and standings. (Moderated) clari.sports.baseball.minor Minor league baseball. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball Basketball coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.college College basketball coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.college.men News of men's college basketball. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.college.men.games Previews, recaps, box scores. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.college.men.stats Stats, standings, summaries. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.college.women Women's college basketball. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.minor News of minor league basketball. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.nba News of NBA basketball. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.nba.games NBA previews, recaps, box scores. (Moderated) clari.sports.basketball.nba.stats NBA stats and standings. (Moderated) clari.sports.bowling Bowling coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.boxing Boxing coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.briefs General sports scoreboard. (Moderated) clari.sports.championships World Series, Superbowl, NCAA Final Four, etc. (Moderated) clari.sports.features Sports feature stories. (Moderated) clari.sports.football Pro football coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.football.cfl Coverage of the Canadian Football League. (Moderated) clari.sports.football.college College football coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.football.college.games Football previews, recaps, box scores. (Moderated) clari.sports.football.college.stats Football stats, standings, summaries. (Moderated) clari.sports.football.nfl Coverage of the National Football League. (Moderated) clari.sports.football.nfl.games NFL previews, recaps, box scores. (Moderated) clari.sports.football.nfl.stats NFL stats and standings. (Moderated) clari.sports.golf Golf coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.hockey NHL coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.hockey.ahl Coverage of the American Hockey League. (Moderated) clari.sports.hockey.ihl Coverage of the International Hockey League. (Moderated) clari.sports.hockey.nhl Coverage of the National Hockey League. (Moderated) clari.sports.hockey.nhl.games NHL previews, recaps, box scores. (Moderated) clari.sports.hockey.nhl.stats NHL stats, standings, summaries. (Moderated) clari.sports.horse_racing Coverage of horse racing. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.atlantic_provs Atlantic Province athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.brit_columbia News of British Columbia athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.eastern News of Eastern Canada athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.ontario News of Ontario athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.ontario.misc News of Ontario athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.ontario.toronto News of Toronto athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.prairie_provs News of Prarie Province athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.canada.quebec News of Quebec athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.mid-atlantic.new_jersey News of New Jersey athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.mid-atlantic.new_york News of New York state athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.mid-atlantic.new_york.nyc New York City athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.mid-atlantic.pennsylvania News of Pennsyvania athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.mid-atlantic.pennsylvania.philadelphia Phila. sports. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest Other Midwest athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.illinois News of Illinois athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.indiana News of Indiana athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.michigan News of Michigan athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.minnesota News of Minnesota athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.misc Other Midwest athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.missouri News of Missouri athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.ohio News of Ohio athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.midwest.wisconsin News of Wisconsin athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.new_england New England athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.new_england.connecticut Connecticut athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.new_england.massachusetts Massachusetts athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.new_england.misc Other athletics in New England. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.northwest Athletics in the Northwest. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.northwest.misc Athletics in the Pacific Northwest. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.northwest.washington News of Washington athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south Athletics in other areas of the South. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.florida News of other Florida athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.florida.miami News of Miami athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.florida.misc News of other Florida athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.florida.tampa_bay News of Tampa Bay athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.georgia News of Georgia athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.maryland News of Maryland athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.maryland+dc News of Maryland and D.C. athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.north_carolina News of North Carolina athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.south.washington_dc Washington D.C. athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest News of other southwest athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.arizona News of Arizona athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.california News of other California athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.california.los_angeles Los Angeles sports. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.california.sfbay Bay Area sports. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.colorado Colorado athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.misc News of other southwest athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.texas.dallas-fw Sports in Dallas and Fort Worth. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.texas.misc Sports in most of Texas. (Moderated) clari.sports.local.southwest.utah News of Utah athletics. (Moderated) clari.sports.misc Other sports, plus general sports news. (Moderated) clari.sports.motor Racing, Motor Sports. (Moderated) clari.sports.olympic Olympic sports coverage. (Moderated) clari.sports.others Other sports news. (Moderated) clari.sports.photos Sports photographs. (Moderated) clari.sports.releases Press releases: sports products and equipment. (Moderated) clari.sports.schedules Upcoming sports schedules. (Moderated) clari.sports.skiing Coverage of skiing (Moderated) clari.sports.soccer Coverage of soccer. (Moderated) clari.sports.tennis Tennis news & scores. (Moderated) clari.sports.top Top sports news. (Moderated) clari.tw.aerospace Aerospace industry and companies. (Moderated) clari.tw.aerospace.cbd.components Aircraft components. (Moderated) clari.tw.aerospace.cbd.misc Space vehicles, miscellaneous aircraft equip. (Moderated) clari.tw.aerospace.releases Releases covering the aerospace industry. (Moderated) clari.tw.briefs Daily summary of computer and technical news. (Moderated) clari.tw.chemicals Chemical firms and technology. (Moderated) clari.tw.chemicals.cbd Chemicals and chemical products. (Moderated) clari.tw.chemicals.releases Releases covering the chemical industry. (Moderated) clari.tw.columns.imprb_research The Annals of Improbable Research. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.apple Apple corporate and product news. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.apple.releases Releases: Apple Corp. and products. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.cbd Data processing and telecommunication. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.entertainment.releases Releases: computer entertain. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.in_use Using computers in industry, education. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.industry_news News of the computer industry. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.misc Miscellaneous computer news. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.networking Computer networking products. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.networking.releases Releases:computer networking. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.pc.hardware Intel-based computer hardware. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.pc.hardware.releases Releases: Intel-based hardware. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.pc.software MSDOS & Windows software. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.pc.software.releases Releases: Windows software. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.peripherals.releases Releases :computer peripherals. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.releases Releases: miscellaneous computer news. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.retail.releases Releases : the retail computer industry. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.unix News of UNIX and similar operating systems. (Moderated) clari.tw.computers.unix.releases Press releases covering UNIX. (Moderated) clari.tw.defense Defense industry issues. (Moderated) clari.tw.defense.cbd Weapons, ammunition, nuclear ordinance. (Moderated) clari.tw.electronics Electronics makers and sellers. (Moderated) clari.tw.electronics.cbd Electrical and electronic equip, components. (Moderated) clari.tw.electronics.releases Releases: electronics industry. (Moderated) clari.tw.environment Environmental news, hazardous waste, forests. (Moderated) clari.tw.environment.cbd Natural resources and conservation services. (Moderated) clari.tw.environment.releases Press releases on the environment. (Moderated) clari.tw.features Features about technical industries and computers. (Moderated) clari.tw.health Disease, medicine, health care, sick celebs. (Moderated) clari.tw.health.aids AIDS stories, research, political issues. (Moderated) clari.tw.health.misc Disease, medicine, health care research. (Moderated) clari.tw.issues Technology and society; privacy, computer porn. (Moderated) clari.tw.misc General technical industry stories. (Moderated) clari.tw.new_media Online services, multimedia, the Internet. (Moderated) clari.tw.new_media.matrix_news Journal of the internetworking world. (Moderated) clari.tw.new_media.online.releases Releases: online services, products. (Moderated) clari.tw.new_media.releases Press releases: new media, multimedia. (Moderated) clari.tw.nuclear Nuclear power & waste. (Moderated) clari.tw.science General science stories. (Moderated) clari.tw.science+space General science stories (incl. space). (Moderated) clari.tw.space NASA, Astronomy & spaceflight. (Moderated) clari.tw.stocks Regular reports on computer & technology stock prices. (Moderated) clari.tw.telecom Phones, Satellites, Media & general Telecom. (Moderated) clari.tw.telecom.cbd Telecommunication equipment and materials. (Moderated) clari.tw.telecom.misc Satellites, telecommunications. (Moderated) clari.tw.telecom.phone_service Long-distance, local, cell service. (Moderated) clari.tw.telecom.releases Press releases: the telecommunications industry. (Moderated) clari.tw.top Top technical stories. (Moderated) clari.usa.briefs USA briefs. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov Miscellaneous U.S. government news. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.briefs USA government briefs. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.general Miscellaneous U.S. government news. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.misc Miscellaneous U.S. government news. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.personalities Personalities and privative lives. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.policy.biz U.S. business and economic policy. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.policy.financial U.S. financial policy. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.policy.foreign U.S. foreign policy. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.policy.foreign.mideast U.S. Middle Eastern foreign policy. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.policy.foreign.misc U.S. foreign policy. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.policy.misc Miscellaneous U.S. government policy. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.policy.social U.S. social policy. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.politics Party politics and electioneering. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.releases Press releases: state, local, federal government. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.state+local State and local governments. (Moderated) clari.usa.gov.white_house Presidential news. (Moderated) clari.usa.hot.election.clinton The Clinton campaign for the presidency. (Moderated) clari.usa.hot.election.congress U.S. House and Senate races. (Moderated) clari.usa.hot.election.dole The Dole presidential campaign. (Moderated) clari.usa.law Legal news, U.S. lawsuits, U.S. Supreme Court. (Moderated) clari.usa.law.misc Legal news and U.S. lawsuits. (Moderated) clari.usa.law.supreme The U.S. Supreme Court. (Moderated) clari.usa.military News of the U.S. military. (Moderated) clari.usa.misc Other U.S. news. (Moderated) clari.usa.politics Party politics and electioneering. (Moderated) clari.usa.politics.personalities Personalities and privative lives. (Moderated) clari.usa.terrorism News of terrorism in the U.S. (Moderated) clari.usa.top Top U.S. news. (Moderated) clari.web.biz.currencies.euro European Monetary Union and euro currency news (Moderated) clari.web.editorial.essays Poetry and first-person stories (Moderated) clari.web.hot.a Temporary group "A" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.b Temporary group "B" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.c Temporary group "C" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.d Temporary group "D" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.e Temporary group "E" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.f Temporary group "F" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.g Temporary group "G" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.h Temporary group "H" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.i Temporary group "I" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.j Temporary group "J" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.k Temporary group "K" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.l Temporary group "L" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.m Temporary group "M" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.n Temporary group "N" (Moderated) clari.web.hot.o Temporary group "O" (Moderated) clari.web.living.top Top living stories (Moderated) clari.web.sports.olympic Olympic sports coverage. (Moderated) clari.web.sports.skiing Coverage of skiing (Moderated) clari.web.world.gov.politics.personalities World personalities and private lives (Moderated) clari.world.africa.eastern Sudan through Tanzania. (Moderated) clari.world.africa.northwestern Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Sahara countries. (Moderated) clari.world.africa.south_africa News from South Africa. (Moderated) clari.world.africa.southern From Angola and Zambia southward. (Moderated) clari.world.africa.western Gulf of Guinea states, Congo, Zaire. (Moderated) clari.world.americas News of Canada, South and Meso America. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.argentina News of Argentina. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.brazil News of Brazil. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.canada General Canadian news. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.canada.biz Canadian business news. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.canada.briefs Canadian news briefs. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.canada.general General Canadian news. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.caribbean News of the Caribbean island nations. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.central News of Central America. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.meso Caribbean, Central America, Mexico. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.mexico News of Mexico. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.peru News of Peru. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.south News of South America. (Moderated) clari.world.americas.south.misc News of South America. (Moderated) clari.world.asia+oceania News of Asia and Oceania. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.central Ex-Soviet republics in Central Asia. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.central+south South and Central Asia. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.china News of China. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.china.biz Chinese business news. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.hong_kong News of Hong Kong. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.india News of India. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.indochina Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.indochina.misc Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.japan News of Japan. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.japan.biz Japanese business news. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.koreas News of North and South Korea. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.philippines News of the Philippines. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.south News of South Asia (Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.). (Moderated) clari.world.asia.southeast News of Southeast Asia. (Moderated) clari.world.asia.taiwan News of the Republic of China (Taiwan). (Moderated) clari.world.asia.vietnam News of Vietnam. (Moderated) clari.world.briefs Brief of world events. (Moderated) clari.world.europe News of Europe. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.alpine Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.balkans Former Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.benelux Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.british_isles News of the British Isles. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.british_isles.biz Business news of the British Isles. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.british_isles.ireland News of Ireland. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.british_isles.uk News of the UK. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.british_isles.uk.biz Business news of the UK. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.british_isles.uk.n-ireland News of Northern Ireland. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.central Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.eastern Translated reports from Eastern Europe. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.france News of France and Monaco. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.france.biz French business news. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.germany News of Germany. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.germany.biz German business news. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.greece News of Greece. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.iberia Spain, Portugal, and Andorra. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.italy News of Italy and San Marino. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.northern Scandinavia, Finland, Iceland. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.russia News of Russia. (Moderated) clari.world.europe.union News about the European Union. (Moderated) clari.world.gov.budgets National budgets, deficits, loans and debt. (Moderated) clari.world.gov.intl.relations International relations (non-U.S.). (Moderated) clari.world.gov.intl_relations Relations between governments. (Moderated) clari.world.gov.politics World politics. (Moderated) clari.world.gov.politics.personalities World personalities and private lives (Moderated) clari.world.law Non-U.S. laws and lawsuits. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast News from the Middle East. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast+africa News of the Middle East and Africa. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.arabia News of the Arabian Peninsula. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.egypt News of Egypt. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.iran News of Iran. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.iraq News of Iraq. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.israel News of Israel and occupied lands. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.kuwait News of Kuwait. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.misc News of other Mideastern countries. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.palestine News of the West Bank and Gaza. (Moderated) clari.world.mideast.turkey News of Turkey. (Moderated) clari.world.military News of militaries from around the world. (Moderated) clari.world.oceania News of Oceania. (Moderated) clari.world.oceania.australia News of Australia. (Moderated) clari.world.oceania.new_zealand News of New Zealand. (Moderated) clari.world.organizations The UN and other organizations. (Moderated) clari.world.organizations.misc News of international organizations. (Moderated) clari.world.organizations.un News of the United Nations. (Moderated) clari.world.organizations.un.conferences UN summits and conferences. (Moderated) clari.world.terrorism Terrorist actions and related news (non-U.S.). (Moderated) clari.world.top Top news from around the world. (Moderated) cle.biz No description. cle.music No description. cle.sports No description. cmh.forsale Columbus buy, sell, trade. cmh.general Columbus general news. cmh.groups Meta-discussions about newsgroups in cmh.* distribution. cmh.jobs Columbus job postings. cmh.network Columbus network connections, computing, etc. cmh.opinion Columbus opinion. cmh.test Columbus test group. cmu.student.acf No description. co.ads Colorado related advertisements co.bike-events Colorado related biking events co.config Planning related to co.* hierarchy co.consumers Colorado consumer discussions co.cos.ads Colorado Springs general advertising co.cos.general Colorado Springs general discussion co.cos.jobs Colorado Springs jobs and employment co.denver.general Discussions for and about the City of Denver co.food Colorado food and restaurant discussion co.fort-collins.ads Fort Collins general advertising co.fort-collins.general Fort Collins general discussions co.fort-collins.music Fort Collins music discussions co.general Colorado general discussions co.jobs Colorado jobs and employment co.media Colorado media co.politics Colorado state-wide politics co.test co.* hierarchy test group codewarrior.embedded Discussion of Codewarrior Embedded products. codewarrior.games Discussion of Codewarrior products for Games. codewarrior.linux Discussion of Codewarrior products for Linux. codewarrior.mac Discussion of Codewarrior products for Mac. codewarrior.palm Discussion of Codewarrior products for Palm. codewarrior.unix Discussion of Codewarrior products for Unix. codewarrior.windows Discussion of Codewarrior products on Win 95/98/2000 comp.admin.policy Discussions of site administration policies. comp.ai Artificial Intelligence. (Moderated) comp.ai.alife Research about artificial life. comp.ai.doc-analysis.misc General document understanding technologies. comp.ai.doc-analysis.ocr OCR research, algorithms and software. comp.ai.edu Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Education. comp.ai.fuzzy Fuzzy set theory, aka fuzzy logic. comp.ai.games Artificial intelligence in games and game-playing. comp.ai.genetic Genetic algorithms in computing. comp.ai.jair.announce Announcements & abstracts of the Journal of AI Research. (Moderated) comp.ai.jair.papers Papers published by the Journal of AI Research. (Moderated) comp.ai.nat-lang Natural language processing by computers. comp.ai.neural-nets All aspects of neural networks. comp.ai.philosophy Philosophical aspects of Artificial Intelligence. comp.ai.shells Expert systems and other artificial intelligence shells. comp.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research. (Moderated) comp.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) comp.apps.spreadsheets Spreadsheets on various platforms. comp.arch Computer architecture. comp.arch.arithmetic Implementing arithmetic on computers/digital systems. comp.arch.bus.vmebus Hardware and software for VMEbus Systems. comp.arch.embedded Embedded computer systems topics. comp.arch.fpga Field Programmable Gate Array based computing systems. comp.arch.hobbyist Homebrew digital electronics design. (Moderated) comp.arch.storage Storage system issues, both hardware and software. comp.archives Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated) comp.archives.admin Issues relating to computer archive administration. comp.archives.ms-windows.announce Announcements about Windows archives. (Moderated) comp.archives.ms-windows.discuss Discussing Microsoft Windows archives. comp.archives.msdos.announce Announcements about MSDOS archives. (Moderated) comp.archives.msdos.d Discussion of materials available in MSDOS archives. comp.bbs.majorbbs Support & discussion of The Major BBS from Galacticomm. comp.bbs.misc All aspects of computer bulletin board systems. comp.bbs.tbbs The Bread Board System bulletin board software. comp.bbs.tsx TSX BBS discussions. comp.bbs.waffle The Waffle BBS and USENET system on all platforms. comp.benchmarks Discussion of benchmarking techniques and results. comp.binaries.cbm For the transfer of 8bit Commodore binaries. (Moderated) comp.bugs.2bsd Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs. comp.bugs.4bsd Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs. comp.bugs.misc General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp). comp.bugs.sys5 Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs. comp.cad.autocad AutoDesk's AutoCAD software. comp.cad.cadence Users of Cadence Design Systems products. comp.cad.compass Compass Design Automation EDA tools. comp.cad.i-deas SDRC I-DEAS Masters Series software. comp.cad.microstation MicroStation CAD software and related products. comp.cad.microstation.programmer Developing software in Microstation CAD. comp.cad.pro-engineer Parametric Technology's Pro/Engineer design package. comp.cad.solidworks SolidWorks newsgroup. comp.cad.synthesis Research and production in the field of logic synthesis. comp.client-server Topics relating to client/server technology. comp.cog-eng Cognitive engineering. comp.compilers Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated) comp.compilers.lcc The lcc C Compiler and related topics. comp.compilers.tools.javacc The Java Compiler Compiler and related topics. comp.compilers.tools.pccts Construction of compilers and tools with PCCTS. comp.compression Data compression algorithms and theory. comp.compression.research Discussions about data compression research. (Moderated) comp.constraints Constraint processing and related topics. comp.data.administration Manage data as a corporate asset: stds & methds. comp.databases Database and data management issues and theory. comp.databases.adabas ADABAS Database topics in general. comp.databases.btrieve Pervasive Software client/server development. comp.databases.filemaker Technical discussions about FileMaker. comp.databases.gupta Gupta SQLWindows client-server development. comp.databases.ibm-db2 Problem resolution with DB2 database products. comp.databases.informix Informix database management software discussions. comp.databases.ingres Issues relating to INGRES products. comp.databases.ms-access MS Windows' relational database system, Access. comp.databases.ms-sqlserver Microsoft's SQL Server and related products. comp.databases.object Object-oriented paradigms in database systems. comp.databases.olap Analytical Processing, Multidimensional DBMS, EIS, DSS. comp.databases.oracle.marketplace Oracle-related jobs, etc. comp.databases.oracle.misc Oracle related topics. comp.databases.oracle.server Oracle database administration/server topics. comp.databases.oracle.tools Oracle software tools/applications. comp.databases.paradox Borland's database for DOS & MS Windows. comp.databases.pick Pick-like, post-relational, database systems. comp.databases.progress The Progress 4GL & RDBMS. comp.databases.rdb The relational database engine RDB from DEC. comp.databases.revelation All products produced by Revelation Software. comp.databases.sybase Implementations of the SQL Server. comp.databases.theory Discussing advances in database technology. comp.databases.visual-dbase Database discussions using Visual dBASE. comp.databases.xbase.codebase CodeBase and its related products. comp.databases.xbase.fox Fox Software's xBase system and compatibles. comp.databases.xbase.misc Discussion of xBase (dBASE-like) products. comp.dcom.cabling Cabling selection, installation and use. comp.dcom.cell-relay Forum for discussion of Cell Relay-based products. comp.dcom.fax Fax hardware, software, and protocols. comp.dcom.frame-relay Technology and issues regarding frame relay networks. comp.dcom.isdn The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). comp.dcom.isdn.capi CAPI - the Common ISDN Application Interface. comp.dcom.lans.ethernet Discussions of the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 protocols. comp.dcom.lans.fddi Discussions of the FDDI protocol suite. comp.dcom.lans.misc Local area network hardware and software. comp.dcom.lans.token-ring Installing and using token ring networks. comp.dcom.modems Data communications hardware and software. comp.dcom.modems.cable Cable modems and internet access via cable tv. comp.dcom.net-analysis Network Testing and Analysis Procedures and Results. comp.dcom.net-management Network management methods and applications. comp.dcom.sdh-sonet Discuss the SDH and SONET technology. comp.dcom.servers Selecting and operating data communications servers. comp.dcom.sys.bay-networks Bay Networks hardware, software, other products. comp.dcom.sys.cisco Info on Cisco routers and bridges. comp.dcom.sys.nortel Nortel telecommunications products and systems. comp.dcom.telecom Telecommunications digest. (Moderated) comp.dcom.telecom.tech Discussion of technical aspects of telephony. comp.dcom.videoconf Video conference technology and applications. comp.dcom.voice-over-ip Voice Over IP technology. comp.dcom.vpn Virtual Private Network Technology. comp.dcom.wan All topics concerned with wide area networking. comp.dcom.xdsl Discussion area for different DSL technologies. comp.doc.management Document Management technologies. comp.doc.techreports Lists of technical reports. (Moderated) comp.dsp Digital Signal Processing using computers. comp.editors Topics related to computerized text editing. comp.edu Computer science education. comp.edu.languages.natural Computer assisted languages instruction issues. comp.emacs EMACS editors of different flavors. comp.emacs.xemacs Bug reports, questions and answers about XEmacs. comp.emulators.announce Emulator news, FAQs, announcements. (Moderated) comp.emulators.apple2 Emulators of Apple // systems. comp.emulators.cbm Emulators of C-64, C-128, PET, and VIC-20 systems. comp.emulators.freemware Open source PC Virtualisation software. comp.emulators.game-consoles Emulators of game console systems. comp.emulators.mac.executor ARDI's Mac emulator, Executor. comp.emulators.misc Emulators of miscellaneous computer systems. comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine A free MS-Windows emulator under X. comp.fonts Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc. comp.games.development.art Creative use of visual art in games. comp.games.development.audio Music, sound, speech production. comp.games.development.design Designing gameplay and rules systems. comp.games.development.industry Biz news, project management, jobs. comp.games.development.programming.algorithms Abstract algorithms for games. comp.games.development.programming.misc General info on programming games. comp.graphics.algorithms Algorithms used in producing computer graphics. comp.graphics.animation Technical aspects of computer animation. comp.graphics.api.inventor Object-oriented 3D graphics in Inventor. comp.graphics.api.misc Application Programmer Interface issues, methods. comp.graphics.api.opengl The OpenGL 3D application programming interface. comp.graphics.api.pexlib The PEXlib application programming interface. comp.graphics.apps.alias 3-D graphics software from Alias Research. comp.graphics.apps.avs The Application Visualization System. comp.graphics.apps.cinema4d 3D modeling, animation and raytracing package. comp.graphics.apps.corel Corel graphics software applications. comp.graphics.apps.data-explorer IBM's Visualization Data Explorer (DX). comp.graphics.apps.freehand Questions, answers, tips and suggestions. comp.graphics.apps.gimp The GNU Image Manipulation Program. comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot The gnuplot interactive function plotter. comp.graphics.apps.iris-explorer The IRIS Explorer, aka MVE. comp.graphics.apps.lightwave NewTek's Lightwave3D & related topics. comp.graphics.apps.pagemaker Question, answers, tips and suggestions. comp.graphics.apps.paint-shop-pro Paint Shop Pro in general. comp.graphics.apps.photoshop Adobe Photoshop techniques & help. comp.graphics.apps.softimage Softimage applications and products. comp.graphics.apps.ulead Ulead graphics software products. comp.graphics.apps.wavefront Wavefront software products, problems, etc. comp.graphics.misc Computer graphics miscellany. comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio Autodesk's 3D Studio software. comp.graphics.rendering.misc Rendering comparisons, approaches, methods. comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing Raytracing software, tools and methods. comp.graphics.rendering.renderman RenderMan interface & shading language. comp.graphics.visualization Info on scientific visualization. comp.groupware Software & hardware for shared interactive environments. comp.groupware.groupwise Novell's Groupwise product (Wordperfect Office). comp.groupware.lotus-notes.admin Lotus Notes system administration. comp.groupware.lotus-notes.apps Application software for Lotus Notes. comp.groupware.lotus-notes.misc Lotus Notes related discussions. comp.groupware.lotus-notes.programmer Programming for Lotus Notes. comp.home.automation Home automation devices, setup, sources, etc. comp.home.misc Media, technology and information in domestic spaces. (Moderated) comp.human-factors Issues related to human-computer interaction (HCI). comp.infosystems Any discussion about information systems. comp.infosystems.gis All aspects of Geographic Information Systems. comp.infosystems.gopher Discussion of the Gopher information service. comp.infosystems.harvest Harvest information discovery and access system. comp.infosystems.hyperg The Hyper-G network hypermedia system and applications. comp.infosystems.interpedia The Internet Encyclopedia. comp.infosystems.intranet Intranet topics. comp.infosystems.kiosks Informational and transactional kiosks. (Moderated) comp.infosystems.search All aspects of search technology. comp.infosystems.wais The Z39.50-based WAIS full-text search system. comp.infosystems.www.advocacy Comments and arguments over the best and worst. comp.infosystems.www.announce World-Wide Web announcements. (Moderated) comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi CGI Programming. (Moderated) comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html Writing HTML for the Web. comp.infosystems.www.authoring.images Using images, imagemaps on the Web. comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc Miscellaneous Web authoring issues. comp.infosystems.www.authoring.site-design Web site design philosophy. comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets Layout/presentation on the WWW. comp.infosystems.www.authoring.tools Programs to help authoring Websites. comp.infosystems.www.browsers.mac Web browsers for the Macintosh platform. comp.infosystems.www.browsers.misc Web browsers for other platforms. comp.infosystems.www.browsers.ms-windows Web browsers for MS Windows. comp.infosystems.www.browsers.x Web browsers for the X-Window system. comp.infosystems.www.databases Web Database Integration. comp.infosystems.www.misc Miscellaneous World Wide Web discussion. comp.infosystems.www.servers.mac Web servers for the Macintosh platform. comp.infosystems.www.servers.misc Web servers for other platforms. comp.infosystems.www.servers.ms-windows Web servers for MS Windows and NT. comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix Web servers for UNIX platforms. comp.internet.library Discussing electronic libraries. (Moderated) comp.internet.net-happenings Announcements of network happenings. (Moderated) comp.ivideodisc Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc. comp.lang.ada Discussion about Ada*. comp.lang.apl Discussion about APL. comp.lang.asm.x86 Bulletin Board and Q&A for x86 assembly language topics. (Moderated) comp.lang.asm370 Programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language. comp.lang.awk The AWK programming language. comp.lang.basic.misc Other dialects and aspects of BASIC. comp.lang.basic.powerbasic PowerBasic Inc. programming languages. comp.lang.basic.realbasic REALBasic programming discussion. comp.lang.basic.visual.3rdparty Add-ins for Visual Basic. comp.lang.basic.visual.database Database aspects of Visual Basic. comp.lang.basic.visual.misc Visual Basic in general. comp.lang.beta The object-oriented programming language BETA. comp.lang.c Discussion about C. comp.lang.c++ The object-oriented C++ language. comp.lang.c++.leda All aspects of the LEDA library. comp.lang.c++.moderated Technical discussion of the C++ language. (Moderated) comp.lang.c.moderated The C programming language. (Moderated) comp.lang.clarion Technical discussion of Clarion programming. comp.lang.clipper Clipper and Visual Objects programming languages. comp.lang.clipper.visual-objects CA-Visual Objects developer system. comp.lang.clos Common Lisp Object System discussions. comp.lang.cobol The COBOL language and software. comp.lang.dylan For discussion of the Dylan language. comp.lang.eiffel The object-oriented Eiffel language. comp.lang.forth Discussion about Forth. comp.lang.forth.mac The CSI MacForth programming environment. comp.lang.fortran Discussion about FORTRAN. comp.lang.functional Discussion about functional languages. comp.lang.hermes The Hermes language for distributed applications. comp.lang.icon Topics related to the ICON programming language. comp.lang.idl IDL (Interface Description Language) related topics. comp.lang.idl-pvwave IDL and PV-Wave language discussions. comp.lang.java.3d 3D Graphics API's for the Java language. comp.lang.java.advocacy Support for and criticism of the Java System. comp.lang.java.announce Announcements re the Java System. (Moderated) comp.lang.java.beans Java software components (JavaBeans). comp.lang.java.corba Topics relating to Java and CORBA. comp.lang.java.databases Databases, java.sql, JDBC, ODBC. comp.lang.java.gui GUI toolkits and windowing: AWT, IFC etc. comp.lang.java.help Set-up problems, catch-all first aid. comp.lang.java.machine JVM, native methods, hardware. comp.lang.java.programmer Programming in the Java language. comp.lang.java.security Security issues raised by Java. comp.lang.java.softwaretools IDEs, browsers, compilers, other tools. comp.lang.javascript Netscape Communications Corp.'s JavaScript language. comp.lang.labview Labview Software Discussion Group. comp.lang.limbo The Inferno OS's Limbo programming language. comp.lang.lisp Discussion about LISP. comp.lang.lisp.mcl Discussing Apple's Macintosh Common Lisp. comp.lang.logo The Logo teaching and learning language. comp.lang.misc Different computer languages not specifically listed. comp.lang.ml ML languages including Standard ML, CAML, Lazy ML, etc. (Moderated) comp.lang.modula2 Discussion about Modula-2. comp.lang.modula3 Discussion about the Modula-3 language. comp.lang.mumps The M (MUMPS) language & technology, in general. comp.lang.oberon The Oberon language and system. comp.lang.objective-c The Objective-C language and environment. comp.lang.pascal.ansi-iso Pascal according to ANSI and ISO standards. comp.lang.pascal.borland Borland's Pascal. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.advocacy Contentious issues related to Delphi. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.announce Delphi related announcements. (Moderated) comp.lang.pascal.delphi.components.misc General component issues. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.components.usage Using pre-written components. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.components.writing Writing Delphi components. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.databases Database aspects of Borland Delphi. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc General issues with Borland Delphi. comp.lang.pascal.mac Macintosh based Pascals. comp.lang.pascal.misc Pascal in general and ungrouped Pascals. comp.lang.perl.announce Announcements about Perl. (Moderated) comp.lang.perl.misc The Perl language in general. comp.lang.perl.moderated Perl language. (Moderated) comp.lang.perl.modules Use and development of Perl modules. comp.lang.perl.tk Using Tk (and X) from Perl. comp.lang.pl1 PL/I language discussions. comp.lang.pop Pop11 and the Plug user group. comp.lang.postscript The PostScript Page Description Language. comp.lang.prolog Discussion about PROLOG. comp.lang.python The Python computer language. comp.lang.python.announce Announcements about the Python language. (Moderated) comp.lang.rexx The REXX command language. comp.lang.ruby The Ruby dynamic OO programming language. comp.lang.sather The object-oriented computer language Sather. comp.lang.scheme The Scheme Programming language. comp.lang.scheme.scsh SCSH - the Scheme Shell. comp.lang.smalltalk Discussion about Smalltalk 80. comp.lang.smalltalk.advocacy Discussion of Smalltalk Language pros/cons. comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin The Dolphin variant of the Smalltalk language. comp.lang.tcl The Tcl programming language and related tools. comp.lang.tcl.announce Announcements about Tcl. (Moderated) comp.lang.verilog Discussing Verilog and PLI. comp.lang.vhdl VHSIC Hardware Description Language, IEEE 1076/87. comp.lang.visual General discussion of visual programming languages. (Moderated) comp.lang.vrml Virtual Reality Modeling Language discussion. comp.laser-printers Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated) comp.lsi Large scale integrated circuits. comp.lsi.cad Electrical Computer Aided Design. comp.lsi.testing Testing of electronic circuits. comp.mail.elm Discussion and fixes for the ELM mail system. comp.mail.eudora.mac Eudora email software for Macintosh. comp.mail.eudora.ms-windows Eudora email software for MS Windows. comp.mail.headers Gatewayed from the Internet header-people list. comp.mail.imap Discussion of IMAP-based mail systems. comp.mail.list-admin.policy Policy issues in running mailing lists. comp.mail.list-admin.software Software used in the running of mailing lists. comp.mail.mh The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system. comp.mail.mime Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions of RFC 1341. comp.mail.misc General discussions about computer mail. comp.mail.mush The Mail User's Shell (MUSH). comp.mail.mutt The Mutt E-Mail Client. comp.mail.pegasus-mail.misc Pegasus Mail for DOS and Macs, and Mercury Mail. comp.mail.pegasus-mail.ms-windows Discussion of Pegasus Mail for Windows. comp.mail.pine The PINE mail user agent. comp.mail.sendmail Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent. comp.mail.smail Administering & using the smail email transport system. comp.mail.uucp Mail in the uucp network environment. comp.mail.zmail The various Z-Mail products and their configurability. comp.misc General topics about computers not covered elsewhere. comp.multimedia Interactive multimedia technologies of all kinds. comp.music.midi Computers as components in MIDI music systems. comp.music.misc Miscellaneous use of computers in music. comp.music.research The use of Computers in Music Research and Composition. (Moderated) comp.newprod Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated) comp.object Object-oriented programming and languages. comp.object.corba OMG CORBA standard. comp.object.logic Integrating object-oriented and logic programming. comp.object.moderated A moderated forum for Object-oriented issues. (Moderated) comp.org.acm Topics about the Association for Computing Machinery. comp.org.cauce The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail. (Moderated) comp.org.cpsr.announce Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. (Moderated) comp.org.cpsr.talk Issues of computing and social responsibility. comp.org.decus Digital Equipment Computer Users' Society newsgroup. comp.org.eff.news News from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. (Moderated) comp.org.eff.talk Discussion of EFF goals, strategies, etc. comp.org.ieee Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members. comp.org.issnnet The International Student Society for Neural Networks. comp.org.lisp-users Association of Lisp Users related discussions. comp.org.sug Talk about/for the The Sun User's Group. comp.org.team-os2 Users promoting the OS/2 operating system. (Moderated) comp.org.uniforum UniForum Association activities. comp.org.usenix USENIX Association events and announcements. comp.org.usenix.roomshare Finding lodging during Usenix conferences. comp.org.user-groups.apcug Association of Personal Computer User Groups. comp.org.user-groups.management Running a user group. comp.org.user-groups.meetings Planning for user group meetings and events. comp.org.user-groups.misc User group discussions in general. comp.org.user-groups.newsletters User group newsletter Production. comp.os.aos Topics related to Data General's AOS/VS. comp.os.chorus CHORUS microkernel issues, research and developments. comp.os.coherent Discussion and support of the Coherent operating system. comp.os.cpm Discussion about the CP/M operating system. comp.os.geos.misc GEOS O/S by Geoworks in general. comp.os.geos.programmer GEOS O/S Programming in general. comp.os.inferno The Inferno network operating system from Lucent. comp.os.lantastic The LANtastic network operating system. comp.os.linux.advocacy Benefits of Linux compared to other operating systems. comp.os.linux.alpha Linux on Digital Alpha machines. comp.os.linux.announce Announcements important to the Linux community. (Moderated) comp.os.linux.answers FAQs, How-To's, READMEs, etc. about Linux. (Moderated) comp.os.linux.development.apps Writing Linux applications, porting to Linux. comp.os.linux.development.system Linux kernels, device drivers, modules. comp.os.linux.embedded Linux operating system on embedded hardware. comp.os.linux.hardware Hardware compatibility with the Linux operating system. comp.os.linux.m68k Linux operating system on 680x0 Amiga, Atari, VME. comp.os.linux.misc Linux-specific topics not covered by other groups. comp.os.linux.networking Networking and communications under Linux. comp.os.linux.portable Linux OS on portable PCs. comp.os.linux.powerpc Linux systems running on PowerPC microprocessors. comp.os.linux.security Security and the GNU/Linux Operating System. comp.os.linux.setup Linux installation and system administration. comp.os.linux.x Linux X Window System servers, clients, libs and fonts. comp.os.lynx Discussion of LynxOS and Lynx Real-Time Systems. comp.os.mach The MACH OS from CMU & other places. comp.os.magic-cap Everything about General Magic's Magic Cap OS. comp.os.minix Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system. comp.os.misc General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere. comp.os.ms-windows.advocacy Speculation and debate about Microsoft Windows. comp.os.ms-windows.announce Announcements relating to Windows. (Moderated) comp.os.ms-windows.apps.comm MS-Windows communication applications. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.compatibility.win95 Running DOS&Win3 apps in Win95. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.financial MS-Windows financial & tax software. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.misc MS-Windows applications. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win3x Utility/add-on programs for Win3.x. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.utilities.win95 Utility/add-on programs for Win95. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.winsock.mail Winsock email applications. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.winsock.misc Other Winsock applications. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.winsock.news Winsock news applications. comp.os.ms-windows.apps.word-proc MS-Windows word-processing applications. comp.os.ms-windows.ce Microsoft Windows CE operating system. comp.os.ms-windows.misc General discussions about Windows issues. comp.os.ms-windows.networking.misc Windows and other networks. comp.os.ms-windows.networking.ras Windows RAS networking. comp.os.ms-windows.networking.tcp-ip Windows and TCP/IP networking. comp.os.ms-windows.networking.win95 Win95 to Novell, TCP/IP, other nets. comp.os.ms-windows.networking.windows Windows' built-in networking. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.admin.misc Windows NT system administration. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.admin.networking Windows NT network administration. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.admin.security Windows NT Security topics. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.advocacy Windows NT advocacy arguments. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.announce Windows NT announcements. (Moderated) comp.os.ms-windows.nt.misc General discussion about Windows NT. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.pre-release Unreleased and beta Windows NT versions. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.setup.hardware Windows NT hardware setup. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.setup.misc Windows NT software setup. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.software.backoffice Windows NT BackOffice. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.software.compatibility Win NT software compatibility. comp.os.ms-windows.nt.software.services Windows NT system services software. comp.os.ms-windows.pre-release Pre-release/beta versions of Windows. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.controls Controls, dialogs and VBXs. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.graphics GDI, graphics and printing. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.memory Memory management issues. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc Programming Microsoft Windows. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.multimedia Multimedia programming. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.networks Network programming. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.nt.kernel-mode Windows NT driver development. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.ole OLE2, COM and DDE programming. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.mfc MFC-based development for Windows. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.misc Windows Development tools. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.owl OWL-based development for Windows. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.winsock Winsock programming. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.vxd Windows VxD and driver development. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 32-bit Windows programming interfaces. comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.winhelp WinHelp/Multimedia Viewer development. comp.os.ms-windows.setup.win3x Setup, hardware, and driver issues in Win3.x. comp.os.ms-windows.setup.win95 Setup, hardware, and driver issues in Win95. comp.os.ms-windows.video Video adapters and drivers for Windows. comp.os.ms-windows.win95.misc Miscellaneous Topics about Windows 95. comp.os.ms-windows.win95.setup Setup and Configuration of Windows 95. comp.os.msdos.4dos The 4DOS command processor for MS-DOS. comp.os.msdos.apps Discussion of applications that run under MS-DOS. comp.os.msdos.desqview QuarterDeck's Desqview and related products. comp.os.msdos.djgpp DOS GNU C/C++ applications and programming environment. comp.os.msdos.mail-news Administering mail & network news systems under MS-DOS. comp.os.msdos.misc Miscellaneous topics about MS-DOS machines. comp.os.msdos.programmer Programming MS-DOS machines. comp.os.msdos.programmer.turbovision Borland's text application libraries. comp.os.netware.announce Netware announcements. (Moderated) comp.os.netware.connectivity Connectivity products (TCP/IP, SAA, NFS, MAC). comp.os.netware.misc General Netware topics. comp.os.netware.security Netware Security issues. comp.os.os2.advocacy Supporting and flaming OS/2. comp.os.os2.announce Notable news and announcements related to OS/2. (Moderated) comp.os.os2.apps Discussions of applications under OS/2. comp.os.os2.beta All aspects of beta releases of OS/2 systems software. comp.os.os2.bugs OS/2 system bug reports, fixes and work-arounds. comp.os.os2.comm Modem/Fax hardware/drivers/apps/utils under OS/2. comp.os.os2.games Running games under OS/2. comp.os.os2.mail-news Mail and news apps/utils (on- & offline) under OS/2. comp.os.os2.marketplace Forsale/wanted; shopping; commercial ads; job postings. comp.os.os2.misc Miscellaneous topics about the OS/2 system. comp.os.os2.moderated OS/2 usage tips, info, discussion. (Moderated) comp.os.os2.multimedia Multi-media on OS/2 systems. comp.os.os2.networking.misc Miscellaneous networking issues of OS/2. comp.os.os2.networking.server Administration of NetWare, Warp Server, etc. comp.os.os2.networking.tcp-ip TCP/IP under OS/2. comp.os.os2.networking.www World Wide Web (WWW) apps/utils under OS/2. comp.os.os2.programmer.misc Programming OS/2 machines. comp.os.os2.programmer.oop Programming system objects (SOM, WPS, etc). comp.os.os2.programmer.porting Porting software to OS/2 machines. comp.os.os2.programmer.tools Compilers, assemblers, interpreters under OS/2. comp.os.os2.scitech Real-time, engineering/CAD, sciences, etc. comp.os.os2.setup.misc Installing/configuring OS/2; misc. hardware/drivers. comp.os.os2.setup.storage Disk/Tape/CD-ROM hardware/drivers under OS/2. comp.os.os2.setup.video Base video hardware/drivers under OS/2. comp.os.os2.utilities General purpose utils (shells/backup/compression/etc). comp.os.os9 Microware's OS-9 real-time operating system. comp.os.parix Forum for users of the parallel operating system PARIX. comp.os.plan9 Plan 9 from Bell Labs. (Moderated) comp.os.psos The realtime operating system pSOS+. comp.os.qnx Using and developing under the QNX operating system. comp.os.research Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated) comp.os.rsts Topics related to the PDP-11 RSTS/E operating system. comp.os.tpf Issues of the TPF and MVS/TPF Operating Systems. (Moderated) comp.os.vms DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS. comp.os.vxworks The VxWorks real-time operating system. comp.os.xinu The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer). comp.parallel Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated) comp.parallel.mpi Message Passing Interface (MPI). comp.parallel.pvm The PVM system of multi-computer parallelization. comp.patents Discussing patents of computer technology. (Moderated) comp.periphs Peripheral devices. comp.periphs.printers Information on printers. comp.periphs.scanners Technical discussion of scanners and imaging devices. comp.periphs.scsi Discussion of SCSI-based peripheral devices. comp.programming Programming issues that transcend languages and OSs. comp.programming.contests Announcements & results of programming contests. comp.programming.literate Literate programming and LP tools. (Moderated) comp.programming.threads All issues about multithreaded programming. comp.protocols.appletalk Applebus hardware & software. comp.protocols.dicom Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. comp.protocols.dns.bind Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). (Moderated) comp.protocols.dns.ops DNS operations (where not BIND specific). (Moderated) comp.protocols.dns.std DNS standards activities, including IETF. (Moderated) comp.protocols.ibm Networking with IBM mainframes. comp.protocols.iso The ISO protocol stack. comp.protocols.kerberos The Kerberos authentication server. comp.protocols.kermit.announce Kermit announcements. (Moderated) comp.protocols.kermit.misc Kermit protocol and software. comp.protocols.misc Various forms and types of protocol. comp.protocols.nfs Discussion about the Network File System protocol. comp.protocols.ppp Discussion of the Internet Point to Point Protocol. comp.protocols.smb SMB file sharing protocol and Samba SMB server/client. comp.protocols.snmp The Simple Network Management Protocol. comp.protocols.tcp-ip TCP and IP network protocols. comp.protocols.tcp-ip.domains Topics related to Domain Style names. comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers. comp.protocols.time.ntp The network time protocol. comp.publish.cdrom.hardware Hardware used in publishing with CD-ROM. comp.publish.cdrom.multimedia Software for multimedia authoring & publishing. comp.publish.cdrom.software Software used in publishing with CD-ROM. comp.publish.electronic.developer Electronic publishing developer tools. comp.publish.electronic.end-user Electronic publishing end-user tools. comp.publish.electronic.misc General electronic publishing issues. comp.publish.prepress Electronic prepress. comp.realtime Issues related to real-time computing. comp.research.japan The nature of research in Japan. (Moderated) comp.risks Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated) comp.robotics.misc All aspects of robots and their applications. comp.robotics.research Academic, government & industry research in robotics. (Moderated) comp.security.announce Announcements from the CERT about security. (Moderated) comp.security.firewalls Anything pertaining to network firewall security. comp.security.gss-api Generic Security Service Application Program Interface. comp.security.misc Security issues of computers and networks. comp.security.pgp.announce New PGP versions, utils and such. (Moderated) comp.security.pgp.discuss PGP and its implications. comp.security.pgp.resources PGP related resources, information and more. comp.security.pgp.tech Use of PGP, bug reports and help. comp.security.pgp.test Testing signing, encryption and decryption using PGP. comp.security.ssh SSH secure remote login and tunneling tools. comp.security.unix Discussion of Unix security. comp.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated) comp.society.development Computer technology in developing countries. comp.society.futures Events in technology affecting future computing. comp.society.privacy Effects of technology on privacy. (Moderated) comp.soft-sys.ace ACE programming, porting, and systems. comp.soft-sys.app-builder.appware Novell's visual development environment. comp.soft-sys.app-builder.dynasty Dynasty Development. comp.soft-sys.app-builder.forte Discussion of Forte development software. comp.soft-sys.app-builder.uniface Uniface Client/Server App Development. comp.soft-sys.dce The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE). comp.soft-sys.gis.esri ESRI GIS software and system implementation. comp.soft-sys.khoros The Khoros X11 visualization system. comp.soft-sys.math.maple Maple computer mathematics discussion group. comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica Mathematica discussion group. (Moderated) comp.soft-sys.math.scilab Scientific software package Scilab. comp.soft-sys.matlab The MathWorks calculation and visualization package. comp.soft-sys.middleware.bea-tuxedo Technical forum on BEA TUXEDO software. (Moderated) comp.soft-sys.middleware.opendoc OpenDoc and its related technologies. comp.soft-sys.powerbuilder Application development tools from PowerSoft. comp.soft-sys.ptolemy The Ptolemy simulation/code generation environment. comp.soft-sys.sas The SAS statistics package. comp.soft-sys.shazam The SHAZAM econometrics computer program. comp.soft-sys.stat.spss The statistical program package SPSS. comp.soft-sys.stat.systat The statistical program package SYSTAT. comp.soft-sys.wxwindows Discussions related to wxWindows framework. comp.software-eng Software Engineering and related topics. comp.software.arabic Arabic script software. (Moderated) comp.software.config-mgmt Configuration management, tools and procedures. comp.software.extreme-programming Extreme Programming discussions. comp.software.international Finding, using, & writing non-English software. comp.software.licensing Software licensing technology. comp.software.measurement Discussions of software metrics. comp.software.shareware.announce Shareware announcements. (Moderated) comp.software.shareware.authors Creation of shareware. (Moderated) comp.software.shareware.users Use of shareware. (Moderated) comp.software.testing All aspects of testing computer systems. comp.software.year-2000 Year 2000 compliance: projects and issues. comp.software.year-2000.tech Remediation of Y2K, similar bugs. (Moderated) comp.sources.bugs Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources. comp.sources.d For any discussion of source postings. comp.sources.games Postings of recreational software. (Moderated) comp.sources.games.bugs Bug reports and fixes for posted game software. comp.sources.testers Finding people to test software. comp.sources.wanted Requests for software and fixes. comp.specification.larch Larch family of formal specification languages. comp.specification.misc Formal specification methods in general. comp.specification.z Discussion about the formal specification notation Z. comp.speech.research Speech technology research issues. comp.speech.users Issues related with using current speech technology. comp.std.announce Announcements about standards activities. (Moderated) comp.std.c Discussion about C language standards. comp.std.c++ Discussion about C++ language, library, standards. (Moderated) comp.std.internat Discussion about international standards. comp.std.lisp User group (ALU) supported standards. (Moderated) comp.std.misc Discussion about various standards. comp.std.unix Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated) comp.std.wireless Examining standards for wireless network technology. (Moderated) comp.sw.components Software components and related technology. comp.sys.3b1 Discussion and support of AT&T 7300/3B1/UnixPC. comp.sys.acorn.advocacy Why Acorn computers and programs are better. comp.sys.acorn.announce Announcements for Acorn and ARM users. (Moderated) comp.sys.acorn.apps Acorn software applications. comp.sys.acorn.extra-cpu Extra CPUs in Acorn computers. comp.sys.acorn.games Discussion of games for Acorn machines. comp.sys.acorn.hardware Acorn hardware. comp.sys.acorn.misc Acorn computing in general. comp.sys.acorn.networking Networking of Acorn computers. comp.sys.acorn.programmer Programming of Acorn computers. comp.sys.alliant Info and discussion about Alliant computers. comp.sys.amiga.advocacy Why an Amiga is better than XYZ. comp.sys.amiga.announce Announcements about the Amiga. (Moderated) comp.sys.amiga.applications Miscellaneous applications. comp.sys.amiga.audio Music, MIDI, speech synthesis, other sounds. comp.sys.amiga.cd32 Technical and computing talk for Commodore Amiga CD32. comp.sys.amiga.datacomm Methods of getting bytes in and out. comp.sys.amiga.emulations Various hardware & software emulators. comp.sys.amiga.games Discussion of games for the Commodore Amiga. comp.sys.amiga.graphics Charts, graphs, pictures, etc. comp.sys.amiga.hardware Amiga computer hardware, Q&A, reviews, etc. comp.sys.amiga.introduction Group for newcomers to Amigas. comp.sys.amiga.marketplace Where to find it, prices, etc. comp.sys.amiga.misc Discussions not falling in another Amiga group. comp.sys.amiga.multimedia Animations, video, & multimedia. comp.sys.amiga.networking Amiga networking software/hardware. comp.sys.amiga.programmer Developers & hobbyists discuss code. comp.sys.amiga.reviews Reviews of Amiga software, hardware. (Moderated) comp.sys.amiga.uucp Amiga UUCP packages. comp.sys.amstrad.8bit Amstrad CPC/PcW/GX4000 software/hardware. comp.sys.apollo Apollo computer systems. comp.sys.apple2 Discussion about Apple II micros. comp.sys.apple2.comm Apple II data communications. comp.sys.apple2.gno The AppleIIgs GNO multitasking environment. comp.sys.apple2.marketplace Buying, selling and trading Apple II equipment. comp.sys.apple2.programmer Programming on the Apple II. comp.sys.apple2.usergroups All about Apple II user groups. comp.sys.arm The ARM processor architecture and support chips. comp.sys.atari.8bit Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros. comp.sys.atari.advocacy Attacking and defending Atari computers. comp.sys.atari.announce Atari related hard/software announcements. (Moderated) comp.sys.atari.programmer Programming on the Atari computer. comp.sys.atari.st Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros. comp.sys.atari.st.tech Technical discussions of Atari ST hard/software. comp.sys.att Discussions about AT&T microcomputers. comp.sys.be.advocacy Why BeOS is better/worse than XYZ. comp.sys.be.announce BeOS product announcements. (Moderated) comp.sys.be.help Help getting your Be{Box,OS} working. comp.sys.be.misc Miscellaneous BeOS/BeBox related topics. comp.sys.be.programmer Topics related to BeOS programming. comp.sys.cbm Discussion about Commodore micros. comp.sys.cdc Control Data Corporation Computers (e.g., Cybers). comp.sys.convex Convex computer systems hardware and software. comp.sys.dec Discussions about DEC computer systems. comp.sys.dec.micro DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380). comp.sys.encore Encore's MultiMax computers. comp.sys.handhelds Handheld computers and programmable calculators. comp.sys.harris Harris computer systems, especially real-time systems. comp.sys.hp.apps Discussion of software and apps on all HP platforms. comp.sys.hp.hardware Discussion of Hewlett Packard system hardware. comp.sys.hp.hpux Issues pertaining to HP-UX & 9000 series computers. comp.sys.hp.misc Issues not covered in any other comp.sys.hp.* group. comp.sys.hp.mpe Issues pertaining to MPE & 3000 series computers. comp.sys.hp48 Hewlett-Packard's HP48 and HP28 calculators. comp.sys.ibm.as400.misc IBM AS/400 miscellaneous topics. comp.sys.ibm.pc.classic The "classic" IBM PC and compatibles of the 1980s. comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos Demonstration programs which showcase programmer skill. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action Arcade-style games on PCs. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure Adventure (non-rpg) games on PCs. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.announce Announcements for all PC gamers. (Moderated) comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.flight-sim Flight simulators on PCs. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.marketplace PC clone games wanted and for sale. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc Games not covered by other PC groups. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.naval PC computer games devoted to naval warfare. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg Role-playing games on the PC. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.space-sim PC space flight simulation games. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.sports Discussion of sports games for the IBM PC. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategic Strategy/planning games on PCs. comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical Wargames based on historical conflicts. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.cd-rom CD-ROM drives and interfaces for the PC. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips Processor, cache, memory chips, etc. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.comm Modems & communication cards for the PC. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.misc Miscellaneous PC hardware topics. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.networking Network hardware & equipment for the PC. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage Hard drives & other PC storage devices. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.systems Whole IBM PC computer & clone systems. comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.video Video cards & monitors for the PC. comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc Discussion about IBM personal computers. comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt Topics related to IBM's RT computer. comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.advocacy Advocacy for a particular soundcard. comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.games Questions about using soundcards with games. comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.misc Soundcards in general. comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.music Music and sound questions using soundcards. comp.sys.ibm.pc.soundcard.tech Technical questions about pc soundcards. comp.sys.ibm.ps2.hardware Microchannel hardware, any vendor. comp.sys.ibm.sys3x.misc IBM System/34, System/36, System/38 diverse topics. comp.sys.intel Discussions about Intel systems and parts. comp.sys.intergraph Intergraph hardware and software products. comp.sys.isis The ISIS distributed system from Cornell. comp.sys.laptops Laptop (portable) computers. comp.sys.m6809 Discussion about 6809's. comp.sys.m68k Discussion about 68k's. comp.sys.m88k Discussion about 88k-based computers. comp.sys.mac.advocacy The Macintosh computer family compared to others. comp.sys.mac.announce Important notices for Macintosh users. (Moderated) comp.sys.mac.apps Discussions of Macintosh applications. comp.sys.mac.comm Discussion of Macintosh communications. comp.sys.mac.databases Database systems for the Apple Macintosh. comp.sys.mac.digest Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated) comp.sys.mac.games.action Action games for the Macintosh. comp.sys.mac.games.adventure Adventure games for the Macintosh. comp.sys.mac.games.announce Announcements for Mac gamers. (Moderated) comp.sys.mac.games.flight-sim Flight simulator gameplay on the Mac. comp.sys.mac.games.marketplace Macintosh games for sale and trade. comp.sys.mac.games.misc Macintosh games not covered in other groups. comp.sys.mac.games.strategic Strategy/planning games on the Macintosh. comp.sys.mac.graphics Macintosh graphics: paint, draw, 3D, CAD, animation. comp.sys.mac.hardware.misc General Mac hardware topics not already covered. comp.sys.mac.hardware.storage All forms of Mac storage hardware and media. comp.sys.mac.hardware.video Video input and output hardware on the Mac. comp.sys.mac.hypercard The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses. comp.sys.mac.misc General discussions about the Apple Macintosh. comp.sys.mac.oop.macapp3 Version 3 of the MacApp object oriented system. comp.sys.mac.oop.misc Object oriented programming issues on the Mac. comp.sys.mac.oop.powerplant Metrowerks' PowerPlant (CodeWarrior) Framework. comp.sys.mac.oop.tcl Symantec's THINK Class Library for object programming. comp.sys.mac.portables Discussion particular to laptop Macintoshes. comp.sys.mac.printing All about printing hardware and software on the Mac. comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior Macintosh programming using CodeWarrior. comp.sys.mac.programmer.games Macintosh game programming. comp.sys.mac.programmer.help Help with Macintosh programming. comp.sys.mac.programmer.info Frequently requested information. (Moderated) comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc Other issues of Macintosh programming. comp.sys.mac.programmer.tools Macintosh programming tools. comp.sys.mac.scitech Using the Macintosh in scientific & technological work. comp.sys.mac.system Discussions of Macintosh system software. comp.sys.mac.wanted Postings of "I want XYZ for my Mac." comp.sys.mentor Mentor Graphics products & the Silicon Compiler System. comp.sys.mips Systems based on MIPS chips. comp.sys.misc Discussion about computers of all kinds. comp.sys.msx The MSX home computer system. comp.sys.ncr Discussion about NCR computers. comp.sys.net-computer.advocacy Relative merits of Network Computers. comp.sys.net-computer.announce Announcements relating to Network Computers. (Moderated) comp.sys.net-computer.misc Network Computers and related topics. comp.sys.newton.announce Newton information posts. (Moderated) comp.sys.newton.marketplace Newton-specific forsale, wanted & jobs. comp.sys.newton.misc Miscellaneous discussion about Newton systems. comp.sys.newton.programmer Discussion of Newton software development. comp.sys.next.advocacy The NeXT religion. comp.sys.next.announce Announcements related to the NeXT computer system. (Moderated) comp.sys.next.bugs Discussion and solutions for known NeXT bugs. comp.sys.next.hardware Discussing the physical aspects of NeXT computers. comp.sys.next.marketplace NeXT hardware, software and jobs. comp.sys.next.misc General discussion about the NeXT computer system. comp.sys.next.programmer NeXT related programming issues. comp.sys.next.software Function, use and availability of NeXT programs. comp.sys.next.sysadmin Discussions related to NeXT system administration. comp.sys.northstar Northstar microcomputer users. comp.sys.nsc.32k National Semiconductor 32000 series chips. comp.sys.oric Oric computers (Oric1, Atmos, Telestrat, et cetera). comp.sys.palmtops Super-powered calculators in the palm of your hand. comp.sys.palmtops.pilot The Pilot handheld computer. comp.sys.pen Interacting with computers through pen gestures. comp.sys.powerpc.advocacy Why the PowerPC is Good/Evil (delete one). comp.sys.powerpc.misc Miscellaneous questions about PowerPC processors. comp.sys.powerpc.tech Programming and architecture of PowerPC processors. comp.sys.prime Prime Computer products. comp.sys.proteon Proteon gateway products. comp.sys.psion.announce Announcements of Psion related products. (Moderated) comp.sys.psion.apps Discussion about Psion specific programs. comp.sys.psion.comm Discussions about Psion communications. comp.sys.psion.marketplace Buy and sell Psion computers and accessories. comp.sys.psion.misc Discussion about miscellaneous Psion related topics. comp.sys.psion.programmer Discussion about Psion programming. comp.sys.psion.reviews Reviews about anything related to Psion computers. (Moderated) comp.sys.pyramid Pyramid 90x computers. comp.sys.ridge Ridge 32 computers and ROS. comp.sys.sequent Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry). comp.sys.sgi.admin System administration on Silicon Graphics's Irises. comp.sys.sgi.announce Announcements for the SGI community. (Moderated) comp.sys.sgi.apps Applications which run on the Iris. comp.sys.sgi.audio Audio on SGI systems. comp.sys.sgi.bugs Bugs found in the IRIX operating system. comp.sys.sgi.graphics Graphics packages and issues on SGI machines. comp.sys.sgi.hardware Base systems and peripherals for Iris computers. comp.sys.sgi.marketplace SGI-specific for sale, wanted and jobs. comp.sys.sgi.misc General discussion about Silicon Graphics's machines. comp.sys.sinclair Sinclair computers, eg. the ZX81, Spectrum and QL. comp.sys.stratus Stratus products, incl. System/88, CPS-32, VOS and FTX. comp.sys.sun.admin Sun system administration issues and questions. comp.sys.sun.announce Sun announcements and Sunergy mailings. (Moderated) comp.sys.sun.apps Software applications for Sun computer systems. comp.sys.sun.hardware Sun Microsystems hardware. comp.sys.sun.misc Miscellaneous discussions about Sun products. comp.sys.sun.wanted People looking for Sun products and support. comp.sys.super Supercomputers. comp.sys.tahoe CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers. comp.sys.tandem Tandem computers and related environments. comp.sys.tandy Discussion about Tandy computers: new & old. comp.sys.ti Discussion about Texas Instruments. comp.sys.transputer The Transputer computer and OCCAM language. comp.sys.unisys Sperry, Burroughs, Convergent and Unisys* systems. comp.sys.wearables Wearable computers and their applications. (Moderated) comp.sys.xerox Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols. comp.sys.zenith.z100 The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers. comp.terminals All sorts of terminals. comp.text Text processing issues and methods. comp.text.desktop Technology & techniques of desktop publishing. comp.text.frame Desktop publishing with FrameMaker. comp.text.interleaf Applications and use of Interleaf software. comp.text.pdf Adobe Acrobat and Portable Document Format technology. comp.text.sgml ISO 8879 SGML, structured documents, markup languages. comp.text.tex Discussion about the TeX and LaTeX systems & macros. comp.text.xml The Extensible Markup Language (XML). comp.theory Theoretical Computer Science. comp.theory.cell-automata Discussion of all aspects of cellular automata. comp.theory.info-retrieval Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated) comp.unix.admin Administering a Unix-based system. comp.unix.advocacy Arguments for and against Unix and Unix versions. comp.unix.aix IBM's version of UNIX. comp.unix.amiga Minix, SYSV4 and other *nix on an Amiga. comp.unix.aux The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers. comp.unix.bsd.386bsd.misc 386BSD operating system. comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.announce Announcements pertaining to BSD/OS. (Moderated) comp.unix.bsd.bsdi.misc BSD/OS operating system. comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce Announcements pertaining to FreeBSD. (Moderated) comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc FreeBSD operating system. comp.unix.bsd.misc BSD operating systems. comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.announce Announcements pertaining to NetBSD. (Moderated) comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc NetBSD operating system. comp.unix.bsd.openbsd.announce OpenBSD announcements. (Moderated) comp.unix.bsd.openbsd.misc The OpenBSD operating system. comp.unix.cde The Common Desktop Environment. comp.unix.cray Cray computers and their operating systems. comp.unix.dos-under-unix MS-DOS running under UNIX by whatever means. comp.unix.internals Discussions on hacking UNIX internals. comp.unix.large UNIX on mainframes and in large networks. comp.unix.machten The MachTen operating system and related issues. comp.unix.misc Various topics that don't fit other groups. comp.unix.pc-clone.16bit UNIX on 286 architectures. comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit UNIX on 386 and 486 architectures. comp.unix.programmer Q&A for people programming under Unix. comp.unix.questions UNIX neophytes group. comp.unix.sco.announce SCO and related product announcements. (Moderated) comp.unix.sco.misc SCO Unix, Systems, and Environments. comp.unix.sco.programmer Programming in and for SCO Environments. comp.unix.shell Using and programming the Unix shell. comp.unix.solaris Discussions about the Solaris operating system. comp.unix.sys3 System III UNIX discussions. comp.unix.sys5.misc Versions of System V which predate Release 3. comp.unix.sys5.r3 Discussing System V Release 3. comp.unix.sys5.r4 Discussing System V Release 4. comp.unix.tru64 Running, owning and administering Tru64 UNIX. comp.unix.ultrix Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. comp.unix.unixware.misc Products of Novell's Unix Systems Group. comp.unix.user-friendly Discussion of UNIX user-friendliness. comp.unix.xenix.misc General discussions regarding XENIX (except SCO). comp.unix.xenix.sco XENIX versions from the Santa Cruz Operation. comp.virus Computer viruses & security. (Moderated) comp.windows.garnet The Garnet user interface development environment. comp.windows.interviews The InterViews object-oriented windowing system. comp.windows.misc Various issues about windowing systems. comp.windows.news The Network extensible Windowing System. (Moderated) comp.windows.open-look Discussion about the Open Look GUI. comp.windows.suit The SUIT user-interface toolkit. comp.windows.ui-builders.teleuse Using/augmenting the TeleUSE UI Builder. comp.windows.ui-builders.uimx Using and augmenting the UIM/X UI Builder. comp.windows.x Discussion about the X Window System. comp.windows.x.announce X Window System announcements. (Moderated) comp.windows.x.apps Getting and using, not programming, applications for X. comp.windows.x.i386unix The XFree86 window system and others. comp.windows.x.intrinsics Discussion of the X toolkit. comp.windows.x.kde The K Desktop Environment. comp.windows.x.motif The Motif GUI for the X Window System. computer42.admin adminstrative Meldungen computer42.announce Filelisten, etc... computer42.mail2news.germnews Mailingliste mit deutschen Nachrichten computer42.mail2news.linux-alert Mailingliste mit Meldungen zu Security-Problems bei Linux computer42.mail2news.pgp-freunde Mailingliste zu PGP computer42.mail2news.radio-vatikan Radio Vaticana - Kurznachrichten computer42.statistik Systemauslastung, ... computer42.test Lokale Tests - hier st=F6rt es keinen. concordia.general Discussions at and about Concordia University. (Moderated) control Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed. control.cancel Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed. control.checkgroups Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed. control.newgroup Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed. control.rmgroup Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed. control.sendsys Pseudo-group where news system directives are filed. cor.forsale Things wanted and forsale in the Corvallis, Oregon. cor.gamers Discuss games & schedule sessions in Corvallis area. (Moderated) cor.single Singles in Corvallis, Oregon, area. cornell.talk.italian Cornell Italian Community discussion. creighton.dental Creighton's Dental School students,faculty,and alums. cris.fido.asian_link No description. crosslink.announce Announcements of CrossLink services. (Moderated) crosslink.general General CrossLink discussion. crosslink.test Test your newsreader here. crosslink.www World-Wide Web services at CrossLink. crs.buy_sell No description. cruzio.general No description. cruzio.network No description. cs-monolit.gated.lists.bsdi-users No description. cs-monolit.gated.lists.net-happenings No description. cs.logs.mirror No description. cscuk.news No description. csd.aflb No description. csd.bboard No description. csd.building No description. csd.cmsc426 For the CMSC 426 class at University of Maryland. csd.cmsc620 No description. csd.cmsc724 For the CMSC 724 class at University of Maryland. csd.cmsc818x No description. csd.cmsc818z For the CMSC 818z class at the University of Maryland. csd.logic No description. csd.machines.hp No description. csd.new-phd No description. csd.sports No description. csn.ads No description. csn.ml.com-priv Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet. csn.ml.kids Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet. csn.ml.kidsnet Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet. csn.ml.nisus-info No description. csn.ml.saturn Mailing list gatewayed by Colorado SuperNet. csn.test No description. csstu.general No description. ct.diskussion No description. ct.talk.projekte No description. ctdl.lang.c No description. ctdl.lang.c++ No description. ctdl.lang.pascal No description. ctdl.sys.atari.st No description. ctdl.sys.atari8 No description. ctdl.sys.mac No description. cu-den.general No description. cu.applmath Applied math announcements/discussion cu.business.general CU Business School General Discussion cu.business.general.distance CU Business School General Discussion cu.business.grad.mba CU Business School Graduate MBA Discussion cu.business.grad.ms CU Business School Graduate Masters Program Discussion cu.business.grad.phd CU Business School Graduate PHD Program Dicussion cu.business.ugrad CU Business School UnderGrad Discussion cu.courses.acct3220 CU Accounting Course 3220 cu.courses.acct4430 CU Accounting Course 4430 cu.courses.acct4440 CU Accounting Course 4440 cu.courses.acct6420 CU Accounting Course 6420 cu.courses.appm1350 CU Applied Math Course 1350 cu.courses.aren2010 AREN 2010 Prof. Jan Kreider cu.courses.aren2020 CU Architectural Engineering Course 2020. cu.courses.aren3010 CU Course AREN 3010 cu.courses.aren4010 CU Course AREN 4010 cu.courses.aren4570 CU Architectural Engineering Course 4570 cu.courses.cdss2010 Newsgroup for CDSS 2010 Course cu.courses.chem1131-l250 CHem 1131 Lab section 250 cu.courses.chem1131-l294 Chem 1131 Lab section 294 cu.courses.chen4330 CU Chemical Engineering Course 4330. cu.courses.chen5360 CU Chemical Engineering Course 5360. cu.courses.clas2100 Women in Ancient Greece cu.courses.comm1600-010 CU Communications Course 1600 Section 010 cu.courses.comm1600-011 CU Communications Course 1600 Section 011 cu.courses.cs1300-030 For students in CSCI 1300 section 030 cu.courses.cs2010 No description. cu.courses.cs2250 No description. cu.courses.cs3155 No description. cu.courses.cs3245 No description. cu.courses.cs3287 No description. cu.courses.cs5573 No description. cu.courses.cs5673 No description. cu.courses.csci-networks CU Computer Science Course 4273/5273 cu.courses.csci-realtime CU Computer Science Course cu.courses.csci-sysadmin CU Computer Science Course 4113/7000 cu.courses.csci7212 CU Computer Science Course 7212 cu.courses.cven5060 CVEN 5060 Prof. Jan Kreider cu.courses.cven5276 Course newsgroup for CVEN 5276 cu.courses.ecen1000 Course newsgroup for ECEN 1000 cu.courses.ecen4013 Course newsgroup for ECEN 4013 cu.courses.ecen5254 CU Electrical Engineering Course 5254 cu.courses.ecen5523 Course newsgroup for ECEN 5523 cu.courses.ecen5593 CU Electrical Engineering Course 5593. cu.courses.econ4111 Economics 4111 Created for Donald L Morrow cu.courses.econ4999 No description. cu.courses.engl1191-013 English 1191 section 013 made for James Allen Cook cu.courses.engl1260 CU English Course 1260 cu.courses.engl1500 CU English Course 1500 cu.courses.engl4032 CU English Course 4032 cu.courses.envd3002 The College of Architecture & Planning course cu.courses.envd4352 internet and related issues cu.courses.epob4410 No description. cu.courses.fnce4400 CU Finance Course 4400 cu.courses.fren3120 CU French Course 3120 cu.courses.fren5120 CU French Course 5120 cu.courses.geen1400-010 CU General Engineering Course 1400 Section 010 cu.courses.geen1400-030 CU General Engineering Course 1400 Section 030 cu.courses.grmn3520 Requested by David Brenner cu.courses.hist1020-3 CU History Course 1020 Section 3 cu.courses.hist1020-5 CU History course 1020 section 5 cu.courses.hist4623 History 4623 cu.courses.hist4723 CU History course 4723 cu.courses.hist4733 CU History Course 4733 cu.courses.humn3093 Course discussion for HUMN 3093 cu.courses.infs3050 Newsgroup for course INFS 3050 cu.courses.infs6150 Newsgroup for course INFS 6150 cu.courses.laws5223 Appellate Advocacy sections 03 and 06 cu.courses.laws8428 Women in Law & Literature cu.courses.ling1000-011 Course newsgroup for LING 1000 Section 011 cu.courses.mbac6130 Lichael Lawless MBAC6130 sections 802 and 803 cu.courses.mbat6450 Managing Process Technology cu.courses.phil1440 CU Philosophy Course 1440. cu.courses.phys1010 Course newsgroup for PHYS 1010 cu.courses.phys1230 CU Physics Course 1230 cu.courses.phys2010 CU Physics Class 2010 cu.courses.phys2170 CU Physics Course 2170 cu.courses.phys3220 Course newsgroup for PHYS 3220 cu.courses.phys3330 CU Physics Course 3330 cu.courses.pmus5526 CU Music Course 5526 cu.courses.psci1101 Newsgroup for course PSCI 1101 cu.courses.psci3011 Newsgroup for course PSCI 3011 cu.courses.psci3191 Newsgroup for course PSCI 3191 cu.courses.psyc4145 Cognitive Psychology cu.courses.tlen5190 Newsgroup for TLEN5190 course discussion cu.courses.uwrp3020 CU University Writing Program Course 3020 cu.coursese.ecen5254 CU Electrical Engineering Course 5254 cu.cs.clim No description. cu.cs.grads CS department announcements for grad students cu.cs.macl.info No description. cu.cs.srl No description. cu.cs.systat No description. cu.cs.systat.tmr No description. cu.cs.ugrads CS department announcements for undergrads cu.decstation.managers No description. cu.garnet No description. cu.general General announcements and discussion cu.grads.teaching No description. cu.grads.teaching.leads No description. cu.ics No description. cu.indonesia CU Indonesian Student Association cu.iscabbs CU Iowa Student Computer Association BBS discussion group cu.its CU Information Technology Services Discussion and Announcements cu.misc No description. cu.misc.misc No description. cu.motif-talk Discussion about the Motif environment cu.netmanagers CU Boulder Network Managers Group discussion cu.netstat Statistics from CU campus network cu.physics.ugrads No description. cu.slug Sun Local User's Group cu.test Local testing cu.vlsi No description. cuug.announce Canadian Unix Users Group announcements. (Moderated) cuug.answers Canadian Unix Users Group helpful documents. (Moderated) cuug.help Canadian Unix Users Group questions. (Moderated) cuug.jobs Canadian Unix Users Group employment. (Moderated) cuug.marketplace Canadian Unix Users Group forsale and wanted. (Moderated) cuug.misc Canadian Unix Users Group general. (Moderated) cuug.networking Canadian Unix Users Group networking. (Moderated) cuug.sig Canadian Unix Users Group special interest groups. (Moderated) cwo.x11.intrinsics No description. cwo.x11.mltalk No description. cz.answers FAQ - casto kladene otazky a odpovedi (Moderated) cz.comp.amiga Software, hardware, novinky v oblasti pocitacu Amiga cz.comp.cstex Skupina pro ceske a slovenske uzivatele TeXu cz.comp.databases.misc O databazich a databazovych programech obecne cz.comp.editors Diskuse o textovych editorech cz.comp.games.counter-strike Diskusni skupina o hre Counter-Strike cz.comp.grafika Skupina pro zajemce o pocitacovou grafiku cz.comp.ibmpc Software a hardware pro PC (krome siti a Windows) cz.comp.lang.basic.visual Programovani ve Visual Basicu cz.comp.lang.java Diskuse o programovani v jazyce Java cz.comp.lang.perl Diskuse o programovani v jazyce Perl cz.comp.lang.python Konference o programovacim jazyku Python cz.comp.lang.xml Diskuse o jazyku XML a souvisejicich technologiich cz.comp.linux Diskuse o OS Linux cz.comp.linux.czman Tvorba ceskych manualovych stranek pro Linux cz.comp.linux.debian Diskusni skupina projektu Debian CZ/SK cz.comp.linux.redhat-cz Konference o vyvoji ceske varianty Red Hat Linuxu cz.comp.linux.suse Konference o SuSE Linuxu cz.comp.mac Diskuse o pocitacich Macintosh cz.comp.mail.sendmail Diskuse o programu sendmail cz.comp.microsoft.asp Diskuse o technologii ASP - Active Server Pages cz.comp.microsoft.msx Diskuse o MS Exchange Serveru cz.comp.microsoft.sql Diskuse o MS SQL Serveru cz.comp.multimedia Skupina pro zajemce o multimedia cz.comp.os2 Diskusni skupina o systemu OS/2 cz.comp.security Ceska konference o pocitacove bezpecnosti (Moderated) cz.comp.sgi Diskuse o pracovnich stanicich SGI cz.comp.vms Konference o OpenVMS cz.comp.windows.apps.misc Diskuse o aplikacich MS (Word, Excel,...) cz.comp.windows.apps.msmail Diskuse o programu MS Mail cz.comp.windows.ms Diskuse o MS Windows (3.1, 3.11, W95) cz.comp.windows.nt Diskuse o Windows NT cz.net.abuse.misc Informace a diskuse o zneuziti Internetu cz.net.announce Oznamovani novinek v ceskem Internetu cz.net.csinfo Diskuse o mistnich problemech v siti cz.net.hiedu Internet na strednich skolach v Ceske republice cz.net.inetnls Technicka podpora cestiny a dalsich jazyku v Internetu cz.net.internet Konference o pouzivani site typu Internet cz.net.netware Diskuse o Novell Netware 2.x - 4.x cz.net.providers Diskuse o moznostech pripojeni do Internetu v CR cz.net.resources Zdroje Internetu v CR (Moderated) cz.net.smajlik Diskuse o Internetu pro sirsi verejnost cz.net.tcpip Programy pro TCP/IP a jejich konfigurace cz.net.www Diskuse o sluzbe WWW cz.news.admin Skupina pro spravce news serveru cz.news.user Skupina pro uzivatele sluzby Network News cz.rec.foto Fotografie, fotografovani - zkusenosti, material, prislusenstvi cz.rec.music.folk Konference o folku cz.rec.sport Diskuse o vsech druzich sportu cz.rec.startrek Ceska diskusni skupina o Star Treku cz.rec.startrek.preklad Prebirani prekladu pojmu ze sveta Star Treku cz.sci.alife Diskuse o obecnych pravidlech vyvoje zivota nezavislych na jeho biologicke podstate cz.sci.architekt Odborna diskuse o architekture (Moderated) cz.sci.bio.biomat Teoreticka a matematicka biologie cz.sci.evoluce-kreace Diskusni skupina o kreaci a evoluci cz.sci.informatics.announce.seminar Prednasky o informatice z seminar@utia.cas.cz (No posting) cz.sci.informatics.contact Kybernetika, informatika, aplik. mat., simulace apod. cz.sci.med.monkin Moravska onkologicka iniciativa, progresivni onkologie (Moderated) cz.soc.announce Pozvanky na spolecenske akce, oznameni cz.soc.carolina-cs Carolina, zpravodajstvi stud. zurnalistiky (Moderated) cz.soc.christian Site, skolstvi, medicina, ... z hlediska krestanstvi cz.soc.cimrman Jara da Cimrman - zivot, dilo, objevy cz.soc.hrad.info Informacni servis Kancelare prezidenta republiky (Moderated) cz.soc.mensa Ceska odmoz organizece Mensa cz.soc.misc Diskuse o spolecenskem deni cz.soc.orient Vychodni mysleni, laska, zivotosprava atd. cz.soc.pen-friends Navazovani kontaktu pro dopisovani cz.soc.school.open.misc Problematika otevrenych, svobodnych skol cz.talk Duta vrba, lamparna; tlakani o vsem moznem cz.talk.drogy Diskuse o problemu drog cz.talk.politika Nezavazne o politice cz.test Testovaci skupina pro hierarchii cz - Ceska republika cz.zamestnani.hledam Hledani zamestnani (nabizim svoji pracovni silu :-) cz.zamestnani.nabidky Nabidky zamestnani (mam pro vas praci) dal.general No description. dal.test No description. dc.biking Bicycles and biking in the Washington DC Metro area. dc.config Creating & propagating groups in the Washington dc.* hierarchy. dc.dining Dining in the Washington, DC area. dc.driving Highway travel around Washington DC. dc.forsale.computers Computer equipment and computer peripherals. dc.forsale.misc Items wanted and forsale in the Washington DC area. dc.general Items of general interest to the Washington, DC area. dc.housing Housing in the Washington, DC area. dc.jobs Job offerings and jobs wanted around Washington, DC. dc.media Newspapers, radio and TV in the DC area. dc.music Music-related issued in the DC area. dc.org.linux-users DC area Linux users group announcements etc. dc.politics Discussion group for D.C. area local politics. dc.redskins The Washington Redskins pro football team. dc.romance Romance for couples and singles in the USA's capital area. dc.smithsonian Smithsonian related events in the Washington, DC area. dc.test Testing in the Washington, DC area. dc.urban-planning Discussion of transportation, land use in the DC area de.admin.infos Infotexte zum Netz. (Moderated) de.admin.lists Fuer Statistiken. (Moderated) de.admin.misc Allgemeine Themen zum Netz. de.admin.net-abuse.announce Massnahmen gegen Netzmissbrauch. (Moderated) de.admin.net-abuse.mail E-Mail-Missbrauch. de.admin.net-abuse.misc Sonstiger Netzmissbrauch. de.admin.net-abuse.news Fehlverhalten im Usenet. de.admin.news.announce RFDs, CFVs, Zwischen- und Endergebnisse. (Moderated) de.admin.news.groups Diskussionen ueber (neue) Newsgruppen. de.admin.news.misc Sonstige Themen rund um NetNews. de.admin.news.regeln Regel- und Einspruchsdiskussion. de.admin.submaps Mapdaten fuer Pathalias. (Moderated) de.alt.0d Test von Bots. de.alt.admin Neue de.alt-Newsgroups und deren Verbreitung. de.alt.anime Japanische Zeichentrickfilme. de.alt.arnooo Eigenwilliges Verhalten. de.alt.astrologie Sterndeuter und Horoskope. de.alt.augenoptik Auge - Brille - Kontaktlinse. de.alt.auto.smart Fuer die Freunde des Parkwunders. de.alt.comics Rund um Comics. de.alt.comm.datentausch-dienste Peer-to-peer: Wie du mir, so ich dir. de.alt.comm.mgetty Discussion about the unix fax software mgetty+sendfax (english). de.alt.comp.gnome Ein Gnome zeigt's den Trollen. de.alt.comp.kde Die Oberflaeche KDE und ihre Applikationen. de.alt.comp.rechenzeit WANsinnig viel Rechenleistung. de.alt.comp.sap-r3 Betriebswirtschaftliche Standardsoftware SAP R/3. de.alt.comp.the-bat Mailen mit der Fledermaus. de.alt.dateien.mannsbilder Bilder, Toene etc. von maennlichen Menschen. de.alt.dateien.misc Nicht-Text-Dateien ohne eigene Gruppe. de.alt.dateien.weibsbilder Bilder, Toene etc. von weiblichen Menschen. de.alt.dummschwatz Fuer die duemmsten und inhaltsleersten Postings. de.alt.fan.aldi Grossdiscounter und Discountkultur. de.alt.fan.bluemchen Bluemchen - der deutsche Teenie-Star. de.alt.fan.boehse-onkelz Fuer die Onkelz und ihre Neffen und Nichten. de.alt.fan.comedy Witziges, Skurriles und Bitterboeses. de.alt.fan.die-aerzte Claudia hat 'ne Usenet-Group. de.alt.fan.dudenhoeffer Becker, Laumann & Co. de.alt.fan.fastfood Beinahe Essen. de.alt.fan.fruehstyxradio Fanclub der fruehaufstehenden Radiohoerer. de.alt.fan.furry Pelzige, kreative, intelligente, anthropomorphe Wesen. de.alt.fan.haraldschmidt Fanclub der letzten Hoffnung der dt. Fernsehunterhaltung. de.alt.fan.helgeschneider Fuer die Fangemeinde der singenden Herrentorte. de.alt.fan.konsumterror Sinn und Unsinn von Werbung. de.alt.fan.misc Schwaermereien ohne Ende. de.alt.fan.pluesch Plueschtiere: Aufzucht, Pflege und Knuddeln. de.alt.fan.pratchett Rund um die Scheibenwelt!!! de.alt.fan.prince Diskussion ueber den Musiker Prince. de.alt.fan.rrr Die virtuelle Motorradfahrervereinigung RRR. de.alt.fan.stefan-raab Musik, Aktionen und Shows des Medienmenschen. de.alt.fan.tastische4 Fanclub der "fantastischen Vier". de.alt.flame Fuer diejenigen die es nicht lassen koennen :-). de.alt.folklore.computer Anekdoten ueber Computer und ihre Benutzer. de.alt.folklore.ddr Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Newsgroup zu errichten! de.alt.folklore.urban-legends Die Spinne in der Yucca-Palme. de.alt.folklore.usenet Alte Kabalen & neue Anekdoten. de.alt.folklore.west-berlin Zwischen Luftbrücke und Mauerfall. de.alt.folklore.westberlin Zwischen Luftbruecke und Mauerfall. de.alt.games.half-life Get Freeman! de.alt.games.konsolen Zocken an Game Boy, Playstation & Co. de.alt.games.pbem EMail-Spiele Diskussion / Regeln / Spiele. de.alt.games.quake Das Spiel Quake von id Software. de.alt.games.schach Das Spiel der Koenige. de.alt.games.unreal Das 3-D Spiel Unreal von Epic. de.alt.gblf Diskussionsforum fuer Gays (Schwule), Bisexuelle, Lesben und Freunde. de.alt.gruppenkasper Endlosdiskussionen, Haarspaltereien etc. de.alt.hipcrime No description. de.alt.hoerfunk Hoerfunk: Radio, Programme, Sendungen etc. de.alt.jahr2000 Das Jahr 2000 und seine mannigfaltigen Implikationen. de.alt.jugendschutz Kinder- und Jugendschutz. de.alt.maxwell No description. de.alt.mexwall No description. de.alt.mud Alles ueber Multi-User-Dungeons. de.alt.music.alternative Musik abseits des Mainstreams. de.alt.music.dj Scratchen, Cutten, Mixen - Diskjockeys in Aktion. de.alt.music.hiphop Kultur und Musik des Hip-Hop. de.alt.music.jazz Vom Blues zur freien Musik. de.alt.music.lyrics Suche und Identifikation von Songtexten. de.alt.music.machen Musizieren und Musikinstrumente. de.alt.music.metal Hard Rock, Metal aller Art und Verwandtes. de.alt.natuerlichleben Natuerlich Leben de.alt.naturheilkunde Diskussion naturheilkundlicher Therapien. de.alt.paranormal Uebernatuerliches, Unerklaerbares, Raetselhaftes. de.alt.radio-scanner Gedankenaustausch zwischen radio-scanner(Funkempfaenger)-Besitzern. de.alt.rec.ascii-art Punkt, Punkt, Komma, Strich ... de.alt.rec.digitalfotografie Digitalkameras und Zubehoer. de.alt.rec.fantasy Magische Welten und ihre Schoepfer. de.alt.sci.ergonomie Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Gebrauchstauglichkeit. de.alt.soc.anarchie Keine Macht fuer niemand. de.alt.soc.antifa Fuer Gegner der extremen Rechten. de.alt.soc.punk Kultur, Musik und Leben der Punks. de.alt.soc.tierrechte Aktuelle Situation, Aufrufe, Aktionen und Meinungen. de.alt.soc.transgendered Transvestismus, Transsexualitaet, TG, u.ae. de.alt.soc.verschwoerung Mitlesen verboten! de.alt.sport.mountain-bike Mit dem MTB ueber Stock und Stein. de.alt.sport.winter Sport in der kalten Jahreszeit. de.alt.sysadmin.recovery Alles, was Systembetreuer aufmuntert. de.alt.talk.kasper Heimstatt der Usenet Kasper aller Art. de.alt.talk.unmut Daran reibe ich mich mit Genuss. de.alt.technik.misc Wie funktioniert denn das? de.alt.technik.waffen Funktionsweise, Herstellung, (Nicht-)Anwendung. de.alt.test Tests im de.alt-Teilnetz. Achtung Reflektoren! de.alt.tv.mash Ueber die amerikanische Fernseh-Serie: M*A*S*H. de.alt.tv.reality-soap Big Brother und die Folgen. de.alt.tv.soaps Serien mit Weichspueler. de.alt.tv.wissenschaft Wissenschaftssendungen im Fernsehen. de.alt.ufo Unidentifizierte fliegende Objekte und ihre Freunde. de.alt.umfragen Umfragen im Netz und Diskussionen darueber. de.alt.wg-geschichten Rund um die Wohngemeinschaft. de.alt.windsurfen Segel an Bretter genagelt. de.answers Fundgruppe fuer regelmaessige deutschspr. USENET-Artikel. (Moderated) de.comm.anbieter.festnetz.misc Sonstiges zu Tk-Anbietern im Festnetz (z.B. Service). de.comm.anbieter.festnetz.tarife Tarife von Tk-Anbietern im Festnetz. de.comm.anbieter.misc Service und Tarife sonstiger/gemischter Angebote. de.comm.anbieter.mobil Service und Tarife von Tk-Anbietern im Mobilfunk. de.comm.chatsystems Chat-Systeme, IRC: Technik, Benutzung und Suchtbekaempfung. de.comm.funk.cb CB-Funk und anderer Jedermannsfunk. de.comm.funk.misc Sonstige Funkthemen. de.comm.geraete.analog.misc Sonstiges zum Plain Old Telephone System. de.comm.geraete.analog.modem Datenfernuebertragung im analogen Netz. de.comm.geraete.isdn.computer ISDN-Karten/-Adapter fuer Computer. de.comm.geraete.isdn.misc Alles sonstige zu ISDN-Geraeten. de.comm.geraete.isdn.tk-anlage Tk-Anlagen und a/b-Adapter im ISDN. de.comm.geraete.misc Sonstige Kommunikations-Geraete. de.comm.geraete.mobil.misc Sonstige mobile Endgeraete und Zubehoer. de.comm.geraete.mobil.nokia Besonderheiten der Nokia-Geraete. de.comm.geraete.mobil.pager Pagingsysteme wie Skyper, Scall, Telmi usw. de.comm.geraete.mobil.siemens Besonderheiten der Siemens-Geraete. de.comm.infosystems.misc Sonstige Informationssysteme (Hyper-G, gopher, WAIS). de.comm.infosystems.www.authoring.misc Erstellung von HTML-Dokumenten. de.comm.infosystems.www.pages.announce Ankuendigungen von Web-Seiten. (Moderated) de.comm.infosystems.www.pages.misc Web-Seiten. de.comm.internet.commerce Unternehmensaktivitaeten im Internet. de.comm.internet.misc Sonstige Themen zum Internet ausser Infosystems. de.comm.misc Kommunikation: Hardware, Protokolle und Probleme. de.comm.protocols.misc Sonstige Protokolle (IPX, DECnet, Appletalk etc). de.comm.protocols.tcp-ip TCP/IP-Themen. de.comm.provider.mail Zugangsunabhaengige E-Mail-Dienste. de.comm.provider.metronet Das ist metronet, das geht hier net. de.comm.provider.misc Provider und Online-Dienste ohne eigene Gruppe. de.comm.provider.status "Das Internet ist kaputt!" "Bei mir tut's aber!". de.comm.provider.suche Internetzugangs- und Providersuche. de.comm.provider.t-online Online-Dienst T-Online. de.comm.provider.tarife Kosten und Qualitaet von Internetzugaengen. de.comm.provider.usenet Zugangsunabhaengige News-Dienste. de.comm.provider.webspace Speicherplatz und Umleitung im WWW. de.comm.software.crosspoint UUCP- und Pointpaket CrossPoint fuer MS-DOS. de.comm.software.forte-agent News und Mail mit Forte (Free) Agent. de.comm.software.mailreader.misc Mailreader und Hilfsprogramme. de.comm.software.mailreader.pegasus Pegasus Mail (PMail/WinPMail). de.comm.software.mailserver Mailtransport und -zustellung. de.comm.software.misc Datenuebertragungssoftware ohne eigene Gruppe. de.comm.software.newsreader Newsreader und Hilfsprogramme. de.comm.software.newsserver Konfiguration, Installation, Administration. de.comm.technik.dsl Netzwerkverbindung und -zugang per DSL. de.comm.technik.isdn ISDN-Grundlagen (NT, Verkabelung, Protokoll). de.comm.technik.misc Sonstige Kommunikations-Grundlagen und -Technik. de.comm.technik.mobil Technik der Mobilkommunikations-Netze. de.comm.uucp UUCP: Protokolle, Programme und Probleme. de.comp.advocacy Mein(e) Computer/Software ist besser als deine(r). de.comp.audio Verarbeitung von Audiodaten am Computer. de.comp.cad Computer Aided Design und Verwandtes inkl. Programmierung. de.comp.datenbanken.misc Datenbanken aller Art. de.comp.datenbanken.ms-access Die Software MS Access. de.comp.datenbanken.mysql Relationale Datenbanken mit MySQL. de.comp.editoren Text- und Hexeditoren. de.comp.gnu Software der Free Software Foundation (GNU's Not Unix). de.comp.hardware.cpu+mainboard.amd AMD-CPUs und passende Mainboards. de.comp.hardware.cpu+mainboard.intel Intel-CPUs und passende Mainboards. de.comp.hardware.cpu+mainboard.misc Prozessoren und Mainboards. de.comp.hardware.cpu+mainboard.uebertakten CPU-Grillen. de.comp.hardware.drucker Drucker und Plotter. de.comp.hardware.graphik Grafikkarten und Monitore. de.comp.hardware.laufwerke.brenner CD-Brenner und DVD-Brenner. de.comp.hardware.laufwerke.cd+dvd Glaenzende Scheiben am Computer. de.comp.hardware.laufwerke.festplatten Festplattenlaufwerke. de.comp.hardware.laufwerke.misc Sonstige Laufwerke. de.comp.hardware.misc Sonstige Computer-Hardware. de.comp.hardware.monitore Computer-Displays aller Art. de.comp.hardware.scanner Vom Blatt auf den Monitor. de.comp.lang.c Die Programmiersprache C (ISO, ANSI, K&R). de.comp.lang.delphi.datenbanken Lokale und Server-DBs, ODBC und BDE. de.comp.lang.delphi.misc Borlands Delphi, Anwendung + Programmierung. de.comp.lang.delphi.non-tech Allgemeinere Diskussionen. de.comp.lang.forth Forth, Anwendungen in Forth, Forth-Hardware. de.comp.lang.iso-c++ ISO-konformes C++. (Moderated) de.comp.lang.java Die Programmiersprache Java. de.comp.lang.javascript Programmiersprache JavaScript. de.comp.lang.misc Alle Programmiersprachen ohne eigene Gruppe. de.comp.lang.pascal Pascal, inkl. Turbo-. de.comp.lang.perl.cgi CGI-Programme in der Programmiersprache Perl. de.comp.lang.perl.misc Perl (von Larry Wall). de.comp.misc Uebrige Computerthemen. de.comp.objekt Objektorientierte Logik, Methodik und Techniken. de.comp.office-pakete.lotus-smartsuite Die SmartSuite der Firma Lotus. de.comp.office-pakete.misc Office-Pakete allgemein. de.comp.office-pakete.ms-office Microsofts Office-Pakete. de.comp.os.be Das Betriebssystem BeOS auf allen Plattformen. de.comp.os.misc Diverse Betriebssysteme (z.B. MVS, RTOS). de.comp.os.ms-windows.misc Die Betriebssysteme der MS-Windows-Familie. de.comp.os.ms-windows.programmer Programmierung unter MS-Windows. de.comp.os.msdos MS-DOS und kompatible Betriebssysteme. de.comp.os.os2.apps Diskussion ueber Programme fuer OS/2. de.comp.os.os2.misc Allgemeines zum Betriebssystem OS/2. de.comp.os.os2.networking Netzwerkbetrieb mit OS/2. de.comp.os.os2.programmer Programmieren fuer das Betriebssystem OS/2. de.comp.os.os2.setup Installation des Betriebssystems OS/2. de.comp.os.unix.apps.gnome Das GNU Network Object Model Environment. de.comp.os.unix.apps.kde Das K Desktop Environment. de.comp.os.unix.apps.misc Die Anwendungen von Unix. de.comp.os.unix.bsd Gottes eigenes Betriebssystem. de.comp.os.unix.linux.hardware Hardwarefragen zu Linux. de.comp.os.unix.linux.infos Informationen zu Linux. (Moderated) de.comp.os.unix.linux.isdn ISDN4Linux: Geraete, Treiber, Anwendungen. de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc Alles, was sich nicht anders einordnen laesst. de.comp.os.unix.misc Unix-Systeme ohne eigene Gruppe. de.comp.os.unix.networking.misc Rund um Netzwerke und Kommunikation. de.comp.os.unix.networking.samba Unix tanzt Samba - mit Windows & Co. de.comp.os.unix.programming Programmierung unter Unix. de.comp.os.unix.shell Shell, Skripte und Tools. de.comp.os.unix.x11 Alles zum X Window System unter Unix. de.comp.os.vms OpenVMS und VAX/VMS (Betriebssystem von DEC), FreeVMS. de.comp.security.firewall No description. de.comp.security.misc No description. de.comp.standards Computerstandards und ihre Auswirkungen. de.comp.sys.atari Ataris, kompatible Systeme und Emulatoren. de.comp.sys.handhelds.misc Tragbare Mini-Computer allgemein. de.comp.sys.handhelds.newton Die Newton-Technologie von Apple. de.comp.sys.handhelds.palm-pilot Palm, PalmPilot und Pilot von 3Com & Co. de.comp.sys.handhelds.psion Die Psion-Serie und andere Geraete von Psion Inc. de.comp.sys.handhelds.windows-ce Geraete mit Windows CE von Microsoft. de.comp.sys.mac.internet Der Mac und das Internet. de.comp.sys.mac.lokale-netze Macs im (lokalen) Netzwerk. de.comp.sys.mac.misc Diskussion zum Mac. de.comp.sys.mac.soc Usertreffen, Erfahrungsberichte, Szene-Tratsch. de.comp.sys.misc Andere Systeme. de.comp.sys.next Rund um NeXT-Technologie. de.comp.sys.notebooks Computer fuer moderne Nomaden. de.comp.sys.novell Rund um Novell NetWare. de.comp.text.dtp Desktop Publishing (DTP). de.comp.text.misc Textverarbeitung und elektronisches Publizieren allgemein. de.comp.text.ms-word Microsoft Word in der Praxis. de.comp.text.tex TeX, LaTeX & Co.: Fragen und Antworten, Diskussion und Codeschnipsel. de.comp.text.xml XML, Extensible Markup Language. de.comp.tv+video Fernsehen und Video am Computer. de.etc.bahn.announce Termine, Software, Web-Seiten. de.etc.bahn.misc Andere Bahnen. de.etc.bahn.stadtverkehr Strassenbahn, U-Bahn, S-Bahn. de.etc.bahn.tarif+service Preise und Dienste. de.etc.beruf.misc Berufsbezogene Fragestellungen. de.etc.beruf.selbstaendig Existenzgruendung. de.etc.fahrzeug.auto Technik, Fahren, Geschichte und Zukunft. de.etc.fahrzeug.misc Sonstige Fahrzeuge. de.etc.finanz.banken+broker Die mit dem grossen Geld spielen. de.etc.finanz.misc Infos zu & Diskussion ueber Geld & Anlagen. de.etc.finanz.software Finanzsoftware. de.etc.haushalt Haushaltsfuehrung, -tips und -geraete. de.etc.lists Kurze und lange Listen zu allen Themen. de.etc.misc Alles, was woanders nicht hinpasst. de.etc.notfallrettung Alles ueber mediz. und techn. Rettung, Brand- & Katastrophenschutz. de.etc.schreiben.lyrik Selbstgeschriebene Lyrik und Kritiken. de.etc.schreiben.misc Sonstige Themen und Infotexte ueber das Schreiben. de.etc.schreiben.prosa Selbstgeschriebene Prosa und Kritiken. de.etc.selbsthilfe.angst Angst und Panikattacken. de.etc.selbsthilfe.gehoer Ohrgeraeusche und verwandte Krankheitsbilder. de.etc.selbsthilfe.misc Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. de.etc.selbsthilfe.missbrauch Verarbeitung von Missbrauch. (Moderated) de.etc.sprache.deutsch Die deutsche Sprache: Fragen, Antworten und Diskussionen. de.etc.sprache.klassisch Latein, Griechisch und Hebraeisch. de.etc.sprache.misc Das Sammelbecken fuer andere Sprachen. de.markt.arbeit.biete.it-berufe Stellenangebote in IT-Berufen. (Moderated) de.markt.arbeit.biete.misc Stellenangebote. (Moderated) de.markt.arbeit.d Kommentare, Fragen, Diskussionen. de.markt.arbeit.suche Stellengesuche. (Moderated) de.markt.arbeit.vermittler Stellenangebote und -gesuche durch Vermittler. (Moderated) de.markt.buecher Buecher aller Art. de.markt.comm Angebote/Gesuche aus der Telekommunikation. de.markt.comp.handhelds Handhelds (Palm, Psion etc.) und Zubehoer. de.markt.comp.hardware.cpu+mainboard CPUs, Mainboards, Kuehler u.ae. de.markt.comp.hardware.graphik Grafikkarten, Monitore und Zubehoer. de.markt.comp.hardware.laufwerke Laufwerke aller Art. de.markt.comp.hardware.misc Angebote/Gesuche fuer EDV-Hardware allgemein. de.markt.comp.misc Sonstige computerbezogene Angebote/Gesuche. de.markt.comp.software Angebote/Gesuche fuer Software. de.markt.fahrzeug.auto Angebote und Gesuche zu Autos. de.markt.fahrzeug.misc Angebote und Gesuche zu sonstigen Fahrzeugen. de.markt.misc Angebote/Gesuche. Aussagekraeftige Themen bitte! de.markt.musik Angebote/Gesuche im Musikbereich. de.markt.spiele.computer Computer- und Konsolenspiele. de.markt.spiele.misc Spiele aller Art (ausser Computerspiele). de.markt.tiere Tiere abgeben und finden. de.markt.wohnen Angebote/Gesuche fuer Wohnraum (Kauf und Miete). de.newusers.infos Infos und periodische Postings fuer neue User. (Moderated) de.org.ccc Mitteilungen des CCC e.V. de.org.mensa Mensa: der weltweite Verein fuer Spass mit der Intelligenz. de.org.misc Organisationen ohne eigene Gruppe. de.org.politik.misc Politische Organisationen ohne eigene Gruppe. de.org.politik.spd Politik und Organisation der SPD. de.rec.alpinismus Alpinismus in allen seinen Erscheinungsformen. de.rec.bodyart Tattoos, Piercings und andere Koerpermodifikationen. de.rec.buecher Rund ums Buch. de.rec.denksport Denksport aller Art. de.rec.drachen Drachen (kites), die an Leinen geflogen werden. de.rec.fahrrad Alles rund um's Fahrrad. de.rec.film.heimkino Filmerlebnis im Wohnzimmer. de.rec.film.kritiken Filmkritiken. (Moderated) de.rec.film.misc Filme, Serien, TV, Video, Kino. de.rec.fotografie Fotografie, EBV und verwandte Themen. de.rec.garten Gartenbau und Zimmerpflanzen. de.rec.heimwerken Doityourself, Tips, Heimwerken. de.rec.hoerspiel Hoerspiele im Radio und auf Tontraegern. de.rec.kunst.misc Darstellende, bildende und sonstige Kunst allgemein. de.rec.kunst.theater Theater, Schauspiel, Komoedie usw. de.rec.luftfahrt Ueber den Wolken. de.rec.mampf Alles, was mit Essen und Trinken etc. zu tun hat. de.rec.misc Diverse Themen im Bereich Freizeit. de.rec.modelle.bahn Alles ueber Modellbahnen. de.rec.modelle.misc Bau von und Spiel mit Modellen. de.rec.motorrad Alles rund ums Motorrad. de.rec.motorroller Alles rund um Motorroller. de.rec.musik.elektronisch Elektronische Musik. de.rec.musik.hifi HiFi-Audio-Technik. de.rec.musik.klassik Werke, Komponisten, Darbietende. de.rec.musik.machen Musizieren und Musikinstrumente. de.rec.musik.misc Musikbezogene Themen. de.rec.musik.rock+pop Rockmusik, Popmusik, Rhythm and Blues. de.rec.orakel Forum zur Veroeffentlichung der konzentrierten Weisheit des Orakels. (Moderated) de.rec.outdoors Abseits der Zivilisation - naturnahe Freizeitbeschaeftigungen. de.rec.reisen.camping Klassisches Camping. de.rec.reisen.misc Sonstige Reisethemen. de.rec.sammeln Alles ums Sammeln. de.rec.sf.babylon5.misc Die SF-Fernsehserie "Babylon 5". de.rec.sf.misc Sonstiges im Bereich Speculative Fiction (Phantastik). de.rec.sf.perry-rhodan Perry Rhodan, die groesste Weltraumserie. de.rec.sf.stargate Stargate - Kommando SG1. de.rec.sf.startrek.10vorne Smalltalk bei Guinan. de.rec.sf.startrek.enterprise Kirk, Picard & Co. de.rec.sf.startrek.misc Star-Trek-Themen ohne eigene Gruppe. de.rec.sf.startrek.technologie Die Technologie von Star Trek. de.rec.sf.starwars Themen zum Star Wars-Universum. de.rec.spiele.brett+karten Brett-, Karten- und Wuerfelspiele. de.rec.spiele.computer.action Ballern und Treten, was das Zeug haelt. de.rec.spiele.computer.adventure Adventurespiele. de.rec.spiele.computer.misc Computerspielthemen ohne eigene Gruppe. de.rec.spiele.computer.rpg Computer-Rollenspiele. de.rec.spiele.computer.simulation Flug-, Renn-, U-Boot- etc. de.rec.spiele.computer.strategie Strategie und Taktik. de.rec.spiele.computer.technik Hardware-Themen rund um Computerspiele. de.rec.spiele.miniaturen Miniaturenspiele und -tabletops. de.rec.spiele.misc Sonstige Spiele aller Art. de.rec.spiele.rpg.misc Pen&Paper-Rollenspiele ohne eigene Gruppe. de.rec.sport.budo Kampfsport/-kunst, Selbstverteidigung und Meditation. de.rec.sport.eishockey Ein Puck ist eine schwarze Scheibe! de.rec.sport.fallschirm Fallschirmsport. de.rec.sport.fussball Der Ball ist rund. de.rec.sport.gleitschirm Gleitschirmfliegen und Haengegleiten. de.rec.sport.golf 14 Schlaeger und ein Ball. de.rec.sport.inlineskating Von Recreation bis Aggro. de.rec.sport.misc Sport allgemein. de.rec.sport.motorsport.formel1 Die Formel1-Rennsportserie. de.rec.sport.motorsport.misc Sonstige Motorsport-Serien. de.rec.sport.motorsport.motorrad Motorrad-Rennsport. de.rec.sport.segeln Segeln und alles, was dazugehoert. de.rec.sport.tauchen Fragen zum Sporttauchen. de.rec.tanz Rund ums Tanzen in allen Formen. de.rec.tiere.aquaristik Aquaristik. de.rec.tiere.hunde Rund um den Hund. de.rec.tiere.katzen Alles, was mit Katzen zu tun hat. de.rec.tiere.misc Alles rund um Tiere allgemein. de.rec.tiere.pferde Alles rund um Pferde. de.rec.tiere.ratten Domestizierte und wildlebende Ratten. de.rec.tiere.terraristik Terraristik und Herpetologie. de.rec.tiere.voegel Unsere gefiederten Freunde. de.rec.tv.buffy Im Bann der Daemonen. de.rec.tv.lindenstrasse Handlung, Schauspieler, Hintergruende. de.rec.tv.misc TV/Video/Sat Themen. de.rec.tv.technik Geraete und Technik fuer Fernsehen und Video. de.sci.announce Wissensch. Ankuendigungen und Veroeffentlichungen (Moderated) de.sci.architektur Architektur, Bauwesen und Staedtebau. de.sci.astronomie Astronomie als Wissenschaft. de.sci.biologie Biologie als Wissenschaft. de.sci.chemie Chemie als Wissenschaft. de.sci.electronics Elektronik in Theorie und Praxis. de.sci.genealogie Familienforschung und verwandte Themen. de.sci.geo Geowissenschaften (inkl. Geographie). de.sci.geschichte Geschichtswissenschaft. de.sci.informatik.ki Kuenstliche Intelligenz. de.sci.informatik.misc Wissenschaftliche Themen rund um Informatik. de.sci.ing.elektrotechnik Elektrotechnik, VDE-Normung und elektrische Sicherheit. de.sci.ing.misc Ingenieurwissenschaften. de.sci.mathematik Reine und angewandte Mathematik. de.sci.medizin.allergie Rund ums Thema Allergie. de.sci.medizin.diabetes Diabetes-Forum. de.sci.medizin.misc Rund um die Medizin. de.sci.medizin.pflege Pflegewissenschaften. de.sci.medizin.psychiatrie Psychiatrische Themen im Trialog. de.sci.meteorologie Wetter, Klima und Meteorologie. de.sci.misc Diverse Themen aus der Wissenschaft. de.sci.oekonomie Wirtschaftswissenschaften. de.sci.paedagogik Paedagogik als Wissenschaft. de.sci.philosophie Philosophie als Wissenschaft. de.sci.physik Physik. de.sci.politologie Politikwissenschaft. de.sci.psychologie Psychologie. de.sci.raumfahrt Missionen, Technik, Forschung. de.sci.soziologie Sozialwissenschaften und Soziologie. de.sci.theologie Religionswissenschaften und Theologie. de.soc.arbeit News und Diskussionen zum Thema Arbeit. de.soc.datenschutz Datenschutzthemen. de.soc.drogen Rauschmittel, Nutzen und Gefahren. de.soc.familie.kinder Die lieben Kleinen. de.soc.familie.misc Alles, was mit Familie zu tun hat. de.soc.familie.vaeter Aspekte des Vaterseins. de.soc.handicap Alles zum Thema Behinderung. de.soc.jugendarbeit Informationen und Anregungen zur Kinder- und Jugendgruppenarbeit. de.soc.kontakte.freizuegig Private freizuegige Kontaktanzeigen. de.soc.kontakte.misc Sonstige private Kontaktanzeigen. de.soc.kultur.japan Das Land der aufgehenden Sonne. de.soc.kultur.misc Kulturelle Themen. de.soc.menschenrechte Aktuelle Situation, Aufrufe, Aktionen und Meinungen. de.soc.misc Diverse gesellschaftliche Themen. de.soc.netzkultur.misc Sonstige Netzkultur- und Netzpolitik-Themen. de.soc.netzkultur.umgangsformen Hoeflichkeit im Netz. de.soc.pflichtdienste Wehrdienst, Zivildienst, KDV und Ersatzdienste. de.soc.politik.misc Sonstige politische Diskussionen. de.soc.politik.texte Politische Texte und Dokumente. de.soc.recht.datennetze Juristische Aspekte der Datenkommunikation. de.soc.recht.marken+urheber Marken-, Patent- und Urheberrecht. de.soc.recht.misc Diskussion um Rechtsfragen. de.soc.recht.strafrecht Keine Strafe ohne Gesetz. de.soc.recht.strassenverkehr Staendige Vorsicht und Ruecksichtnahme. de.soc.recht.wohnen Juristisches zu Miete und Wohneigentum. de.soc.senioren Altenarbeit, -hilfe, -forschung, -politik. de.soc.studium Studium, Studienbedingungen usw. de.soc.subkultur.bdsm Sadomasochisten - Szene & Rituale. de.soc.subkultur.gothic Die schwarze Szene: Musik, Mode, Lifestyle und mehr. de.soc.subkultur.misc Sonstige Subkulturen. de.soc.umwelt Infos zu und sachliche Diskussion ueber Umweltfragen. de.soc.verkehr Autos sowie umweltfreundlichere Verkehrsmittel. de.soc.weltanschauung.buddhismus Alles ueber Buddhismus. de.soc.weltanschauung.christentum Fragen zum Christentum allgemein. de.soc.weltanschauung.misc Alles was nicht in den anderen d.s.w-Gruppen passt. de.soc.weltanschauung.scientology Rund um die Organisation Scientology. de.soc.wirtschaft Wirtschaft allgemein. de.soc.zensur Zensur. de.talk.bizarre Fuer Liebhaber des Unsinnigen, Hintergruendigen, Bizarren. de.talk.jokes Witze etc. de.talk.jokes.d Diskussion ueber Witze. de.talk.jugend Fuer Kinder und Jugendliche. de.talk.liebesakt Menschliche Geschlechtlichkeit. de.talk.misc Diverse Endlosthemen. ;-). de.talk.romance Zwischenmenschliche (Liebes-)Beziehungen. de.talk.tagesgeschehen Worueber man zur Zeit spricht. de.test Tests. Vorsicht Reflektoren! demon.adverts Personal and commercial adverts by Demon members demon.adverts.d Discussion area for demon.adverts demon.announce Demon Internet announcements (Moderated) demon.answers FAQs relating to the Demon Service (Moderated) demon.archives.announce News uploaded to ftp.demon.co.uk (Moderated) demon.archives.d Discussion of Uploads demon.games Discussion of Online Games running on Demon's servers demon.homepages.adverts Announcements of the contents of Homepages at Demon. demon.homepages.authoring The creation of homepages at Demon Internet. demon.ip.cppnews For users of the Cppnews package demon.ip.developers Developers of s/w for use with Demon demon.ip.discoveries Discoveries on the Net demon.ip.support General support issues demon.ip.support.amiga Amiga support issues demon.ip.support.archimedes Archimedes support issues demon.ip.support.atari Atari support issues demon.ip.support.ie4 Use of Microsoft's IE4 with Demon Internet. demon.ip.support.mac Mac support issues demon.ip.support.nt Connecting to Demon Internet with Windows NT. demon.ip.support.other Support issues specific to other platforms demon.ip.support.pc PC support issues demon.ip.support.pc.announce PC related announcements (Moderated) demon.ip.support.turnpike Turnpike support issues demon.ip.support.unix Unix support issues demon.ip.support.win95 Windows'95 IP support issues. demon.ip.winsock For users of Winsock demon.ip.winsock.dics DICS PD software to access Demon Internet demon.ip.www World Wide Web Related Discussion demon.local Local chatter demon.news Discussion/proposals for Demon groups demon.nl.announce Demon Internet Nederland announcements. (Moderated) demon.nl.babbel Local Dutch chatter. demon.nl.support General Dutch Service support issues. demon.pops Where to request a new PoP on your doorstep demon.sales Demon sales announcements (Moderated) demon.sales.d Discussion area for demon.sales demon.security Security/encryption related issues demon.security.keys For posting public keys (e.g. PGP) demon.service Complaints, Praise etc. at the Level of Service demon.service.homepages Demon Internet Ltd. homepages service issues. demon.service.isdn Discussions about a possible ISDN service demon.tech.pc No description. demon.test Test messages dfw.eats Dining in Dallas/Fort Worth. dfw.flame Flaming in Dallas/Fort Worth. dfw.forsale Items for sale in Dallas/Fort Worth. dfw.games Games and Gaming Discussion in Dallas/Fort Worth. dfw.general Items of general interest in Dallas/Fort Worth. dfw.internet.providers Internet Access Providers in the Dallas/Ft Worth region. dfw.jobs No description. dfw.maps ??? (Moderated) dfw.music music-related issues of importance to Dallas/Ft.Worth/Denton, TX, USA dfw.personals Personals ads in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. dfw.politics Political discussion in and about the D/FW region. dfw.singles Single Folks in the Dallas/Fort Worth region. dfw.test Testing in Dallas/Fort Worth. dfw.usenet.config No description. dfw.usenet.stats No description. dk.admin dk.*-hierarkiets udvikling og opbygning dk.admin.netikette Debat om netikette paa dk-grupperne dk.admin.netmisbrug Diskussion af netmisbrug (email, usenet etc.) dk.admin.opslag Opslag om nye grupper paa dk.* (Moderated) dk.binaer Beskeder med vedhaeftede filer dk.binaer.erotik Indlaeg med filer af erotisk eller seksuel art dk.binaer.erotik.film Indlaeg med film-filer af erotisk eller seksuel art. dk.binaer.erotik.film.repost Her kan repostes filmbider fra dk.binaer.erotik.film dk.binaer.musik Indlaeg med vedhaeftede filer relateret til musik dk.edb.cad 2D/3D produktudvikling i CAD systemer. dk.edb.database Databaser i almindelighed dk.edb.database.ms-access Anvendelse af Microsoft Access og relaterede tools. dk.edb.grafik Diskussion af computerbaseret grafik dk.edb.hardware Erfaringsudveksling omkring hardware dk.edb.hardware.bundkort Bundkort/Motherboard relaterede emner dk.edb.hardware.drev Lagermedie/drev relaterede emner dk.edb.hardware.drev.cd-rom CD-Rom relaterede emner dk.edb.hardware.drev.dvd DVD relaterede emner. dk.edb.hardware.grafikkort Grafikkort-relaterede emner dk.edb.hardware.overclocking Forum for overclockere om overclocking dk.edb.hardware.server Diskussion af hardware til centrale EDB-installationer dk.edb.internet Blandet internet-stof dk.edb.internet.software.browser Gruppe for brugere af browsere dk.edb.internet.software.mail+news Gruppe for brugere af mail og newsklienter dk.edb.internet.software.mail+news.outlook-express Mail- og newsklienten Microsoft Outlook Express dk.edb.internet.udbydere Positive og negative erfaringer, nye ydelser dk.edb.internet.udbydere.ris+ros Snak omkring danske ISP´ers kundeservice og support dk.edb.internet.udbydere.webhotel Erfaringsudveksling og debat om webhoteller dk.edb.internet.udbydere.xdsl Erfaringsudveksling og debat om xDSL forbindelser dk.edb.internet.webdesign Problemer med og fremstilling af websider dk.edb.internet.webdesign.clientside Javascript og andre scriptsprog i webbrowsere. dk.edb.internet.webdesign.flash Flash (swf) filer der bruges til webdesign dk.edb.internet.webdesign.frontpage Websider lavet med Microsoft FrontPage & FP-extensions dk.edb.internet.webdesign.html HTML-koder - grundlaget for produktion af hjemmesider dk.edb.internet.webdesign.ris+ros Konstruktiv kritik af websiders design og indhold dk.edb.internet.webdesign.serverside Serverside webudvikling - herunder CGI, SSI, PHP, m.m. dk.edb.internet.webdesign.serverside.asp Produktion af websider ved brug af active server pages dk.edb.mac Forum for danske brugere af MacOS kompatible computere dk.edb.netvaerk Netvaerk. Teknik, protokoller, services. dk.edb.netvaerk.stort Netvaerk. Teori, design, admin, hardware og software. dk.edb.netware Maalrettet snak om Novell Netware produkter og tjenester dk.edb.os2 Diskussion, spoergsmaal, svar og info om OS/2 dk.edb.programmering Programmering - metoder, redskaber og problemer dk.edb.programmering.basic BASIC og Visual Basic - metoder, redskaber og problemer dk.edb.programmering.basic.visual-basic Microsoft Visual basic programmering dk.edb.programmering.c Programmering i C, C++ og Objective-C dk.edb.programmering.java Programmering i Java (sprog, platform, JavaOS) dk.edb.programmering.pascal Pascal og Delphi: Metoder, redskaber og problemer dk.edb.programmering.perl Perl programmering - metoder, redskaber og problemer dk.edb.programpakker.ms-office Microsoft Office i almindelighed dk.edb.regneark Regneark i almindelighed dk.edb.sikkerhed Forum til debat af alle former for edb-sikkerhed dk.edb.sikkerhed.virus Debat om computer-virus dk.edb.spil Anmeldelser, hjaelp, bugs, cheats m.m. om og til spil dk.edb.spil.nintendo Nintendo relaterede emner dk.edb.spil.playstation Sony Playstation relaterede emner dk.edb.spil.playstation.udstyr Om udstyr til Sony Playstation dk.edb.spil.simulator.fly Flysimulator-relaterede emner dk.edb.sysadmin Alle aspekter af systemadministration dk.edb.system.lomme-pc Forum for pda- og hpc-brugere dk.edb.system.ms-windows.server Windows server og services dk.edb.system.unix Diskussion, spoergsmaal og svar om Unix dk.edb.system.unix.hardware Konfiguration af hardware og drivere til unix dk.edb.tekst Tekstbehandling i almindelighed dk.edb.tekst.ms-word Forum for Word-brugere (fra alle 'niveauer' & systemer) dk.erhverv Erhvervsrelateret stof for forskellige erhvervsgrupper dk.erhverv.direkte-salg For interesserede og aktive i multi-level-marketing dk.familie.barn Om boernerelaterede emner dk.forbruger Diskussion og information for forbrugere dk.forbruger.offentlig-service Samspil mellem borgere og myndigheder. dk.fritid Privatpersoner udveksler tips og snak om fritidssysler. dk.fritid.bil Loest og fast vedroerende biler dk.fritid.boern-og-unge Aktiviteter for og med boern og unge dk.fritid.drager Snak omkring drager - surfing med drager - buggy kørsel - bygning af dk.fritid.dykning Debat om dykkerrelaterede emner dk.fritid.dyr Oplevelser med - og pleje af - kaeledyr dk.fritid.dyr.akvarium Om akvarie, akvariefisk og andre emner i akvariehobbyen. dk.fritid.dyr.hest Hesterelaterede emner for ryttere og avlere. dk.fritid.dyr.hund Valg af hund, adfaerd, opdragelse, traening, erfaringer dk.fritid.dyr.kat Forum for alle katteelskere dk.fritid.foto Emner omkring fotografering dk.fritid.hamradio Emner af interesse for licenserede radioamatoerer dk.fritid.hus-og-have Om hus, lejlighed og have dk.fritid.jagt Jagtrelaterede emner dk.fritid.jernbaner Jernbane- og modeljernbanerelaterede emner dk.fritid.jernbaner.model Modeljernbane relaterede emner dk.fritid.knallert Diskussion vedr. knallert 45 dk.fritid.lystfiskeri On-line konference for lystfiskere dk.fritid.motorcykel motorcykelrelaterede emner dk.fritid.ornitologi Forum for fritids-fuglekiggere dk.fritid.rejse Rejse Forum dk.fritid.rollespil Dansk rollespil, spoergsmaal, erfaringer, og scenarier dk.fritid.sejlads Fritidssejlads dk.fritid.spejder Gruppen skal bruges til at diskutere spejderting i. dk.general Generel information dk.helbred Debat om sundhed og helbred dk.helbred.behandling.alternativ Debat om alternativ behandling, herunder plantemedicin, akupunktur, dk.helbred.handicap Forum for debat og dialog om handicaprelaterede emner dk.helbred.misbrug Forum for diskussion af diverse former for misbrug dk.helbred.slank Inspiration til fedtfattige madvaner og sund levevis dk.helbred.sorg+krise Hjaelp til selvhjaelp til mennesker i sorg og krise dk.kultur Modergruppe for kulturrelaterede emner dk.kultur.billedkunst Debat om emnet billedkunst dk.kultur.litteratur Forum for laesere af skoenlitteratur dk.kultur.mad+drikke Alt vedroerende mad og drikke dk.kultur.musik For musikere og musikelskere dk.kultur.musik.klassisk Klassisk musik, musikhistorie, nyheder om koncerter og dk.kultur.musik.produktion Forum for aktive musikere indenfor alle musikgenrer. dk.kultur.sciencefiction Alt om science fiction (boeger, film, drama, tv osv...) dk.kultur.sprog Dansk og fremmede maal, sprogproblemer og sprogpolitik dk.kultur.tegneserier Diskussion af tegneserierelaterede emner dk.livssyn Diskussion af alle typer livssyn dk.livssyn.kristendom Forum for kristendom og kristendomsrelaterede emner. dk.livssyn.newage Inspirations og debatforum for nyreligiositet dk.lokalsamfund Emner relateret til et lokalsamfund dk.lokalsamfund.bornholm Om Bornholm, bornholmere og alt andet om oeen dk.lokalsamfund.fyn Emner relateret til Fyn dk.lokalsamfund.oeresund Lokalstof for Oeresundsregionen dk.marked.kommerciel Kommerciel handel med effekter der ikke har egen gruppe dk.marked.kommerciel.edb Erhvervsmaessig handel med edb-udstyr & software dk.marked.kommerciel.engros Forum for handel mellem virksomheder dk.marked.kommerciel.lystfiskeri Kommerciel handel m.v. med produkter til lystfiskere dk.marked.privat Privat handel med effekter der ikke har sin egen gruppe dk.marked.privat.baad Forum for privat koeb og salg af baade og baadudstyr dk.marked.privat.bil Privat handel med biler og udstyr til biler dk.marked.privat.bilstereo Handel med bilstereo udstyr dk.marked.privat.blad+bog Privat handel med boeger, blade og lignende dk.marked.privat.boerneudstyr Privat handel med baby- og boerneudstyr dk.marked.privat.bolig Privat handel og udlejning af boliger dk.marked.privat.cykel Privat handel med cykler og cykeludstyr dk.marked.privat.dyr Privat handel med dyr og artikler til dyr dk.marked.privat.edb Privat handel med edb-udstyr & software dk.marked.privat.edb.mac Privat handel med software og udstyr til Mac computere dk.marked.privat.edb.spil Privat handel med computer spil dk.marked.privat.edb.spil.nintendo Forum til koeb og salg af nintendo udstyr dk.marked.privat.edb.spil.playstation Privat handel med playstation-udstyr & software dk.marked.privat.foto Privat handel med fotografisk relaterede artikler dk.marked.privat.hus-og-have Forum til koeb og salg af udstyr til huset og haven dk.marked.privat.knallert Privat handel med Knallerter, reservedele, udstyr etc dk.marked.privat.lystfiskeri Privat koeb/salg af lystfiskeruydstyr/tilbehoer dk.marked.privat.moebler Privat handel med moebler dk.marked.privat.motorcykel Privat handel med motorcykler, reservedele, udstyr etc dk.marked.privat.musik Privat handel med musik paa lp, cd, baand, m.m dk.marked.privat.radio+hifi Privat handel med radioer og musikanlaeg dk.marked.privat.telefon Privat handel med telefoner, udstyr og tilbehoer dk.marked.privat.tv+video Privat handel med tv og videoudstyr dk.marked.privat.tv+video.dvd Forum for folk der vil handle DVD. dk.medier.radio Radiosending, musik, teknik, udsendelser, vaerter, branchestof, lovgivning, lytning m.m dk.medier.tv Emner i relation til tv-mediet, især indhold dk.natur Alle natur relaterede emner dk.opslag Opslagstavlen i dk.*-hierarkiet dk.opslag.foredrag Annonceringer af foredrag af enhver art dk.opslag.internet Annoncering af Internet begivenheder/sites i Danmark dk.opslag.personlige Et dansk forum for kontaktannoncer dk.opslag.stillinger Stillingsannoncer og ansoegninger dk.penge Oekonomi, investering, budgettering og andet om penge dk.penge.investering Om alle former for investering af penge dk.politik Til debat af politiske emner dk.politik.indvandring Danmarks og danskernes forhold til "de fremmede" dk.politik.miljoe Forum for alle emner relateret til miljoepolitik dk.politik.trafik Danske trafikrelaterede problemer, loesninger og forslag dk.politik.ungdom Debat om dansk ungdomspolitik dk.snak Alt mellem himmel og jord. (a danish chat group) dk.snak.mudderkastning Udveksling af flames, generelle som personlige. dk.snak.seksualitet Snak om erotik, sex, samliv og seksualitet dk.snak.snik Forum for hyggelig småsnak. dk.snak.vittigheder Forum for udveksling af vittigheder dk.sport Diskussion af sport generelt dk.sport.cykling Cykling og emner relateret til cykling dk.sport.fodbold Klubber, kampe og spillere i dansk og int. fodbold dk.sport.ishockey Dansk og international Ishockey. Kampe, spillere og klubber. dk.sport.motorsport Dansk og international motorsport dk.sport.rulleskoejter Om hockey, stunt, turloeb og motion paa rulleskoejter dk.sport.volleyball For volleyball-interesserede dk.teknik.el Praktiske og teoretiske emner inden for el-omraadet dk.teknik.elektronik Elektronik-relaterede emner dk.teknik.lyd Teknik bag (god) lydgengivelse dk.teknik.lyd.bilstereo Bilstereo. Udstyr, konkurrencer, installationer dk.teknik.radio.scanner Emner der kan relateres til radioscannere dk.teknik.satellit Modtagelse af satellitsignaler, bl.a. dekodning dk.teknik.telefoni Telefoni af alle slags, fastnet og mobil. dk.teknik.telefoni.isdn ISDNtelefoni af alle slags dk.teknik.telefoni.mobil Mobiltelefoni af alle slags dk.teknik.tv+video Teknikkerne bag tv og video dk.test Til test af news postings dk.undervisning Undervisningsrelaterede emner dk.undervisning.fjern Erfarings- og ideudveksling i forb. m. fjernundervisning dk.undervisning.folkeskole Folkeskolerelaterede emner dk.velkommen Begynd her hvis du er ny i nyhedsgrupperne. dk.videnskab Diskussion af videnskabelig forskning og viden dk.videnskab.historie Historie debat dk.videnskab.jura Juridiske emner dk.videnskab.oekonomi Diskussion af samfunds- og erhvervsoekonomiske teorier dk.videnskab.psykologi Erfaringsudveksling og diskussion om psykologi dk.videnskab.religion Videnskabelig debat om verdens religioner dk.videnskab.sundhed Diskussion af sundhedsrelaterede emner. dk.videnskab.teologi Teologisk debat dn.supers No description. dn.supers.disc No description. dod.jobs No description. dorsai.helpdesk No description. dsm.network No description. dungeon.announce DNS general service announcements. dungeon.announce.msdos-archive Dungeon Net Sys MSDOS archive announcements. dungeon.announce.os2-archive Dungeon Net Sys OS/2 archive announcements. dungeon.chatter DNS user discussion area. dungeon.chatter.doom Dungeon Net Sys DOOM/DOOMII/HERETIC discussions. dungeon.forsale DNS user for sale adverts. dungeon.support DNS general support area. dungeon.support.amiga DNS Amiga support area. dungeon.support.mac DNS Macintosh support area. dungeon.support.msdos DNS MSDOS support area. dwitten.general Allgemeines rund um Witten im Ruhrgebiet. easynet.adverts Advertising to and from customers of Easynet PLC UK. easynet.announce Announcements relevant to Easynet PLC UK. (Moderated) easynet.de.announce Ankuendigungen der easynet DV GmbH. (Moderated) easynet.de.misc Unterhaltung, Fragen, Support der easynet DV GmbH. easynet.fr.announce Annonces d'Easynet France. (Moderated) easynet.fr.support Support des utilisateurs d'Easynet France. easynet.support Support for customers of Easynet PLC UK. easynet.talk General discussion for customers of Easynet PLC UK. easynet.tech Technical discussion for customers of Easynet PLC UK. easynet.test Test group for customers of Easynet PLC UK. ed.accommodation No description. ed.followup Followups to ed.general. ed.general General interest, Edinburgh systems. ed.linux No description. ed.prolog Discussions on prolog, Edinburgh systems. ed.review Reviews of events in Edinburgh. ed.sources Sources, distribution Edinburgh systems. ed.test Test messages, Edinburgh systems. ed.unix-wizards Unix discussions, Edinburgh systems. ed.vr Virtual reality for folks at Edinburgh University. ed.windows.x X Windows, Edinburg systems. edm.announce Announcements in and around Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (Moderated) edm.forsale Local items forsale/wanted in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. edm.general Items of general interest in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. edm.news.stats Network news statistics in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. edm.politics Political events relating to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. edm.usrgrp Unix Users Group in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. emrl.audio+video.experiment Experimental media, development and performance. emrl.audio+video.hardware Media development hware, homebuilt & commercial. emrl.moo Text-based virtual world. emrl.multiplicity.virtuality Emergent personality study, Online vs Real Life. emrl.retrotek Obselete technology discussion and help. england.ads.computer Adverts for computer related items. england.ads.misc General adverts with an English flavour. england.ads.personals People seeking people. england.announce Announcements relevant to people in England. (Moderated) england.announce.discuss Discussions about announcements. england.biz.agriculture Agricultural industry in England. england.biz.entrepreneur The business of being an entrepreneur. england.biz.innovation Innovation from a business perspective. england.biz.misc General business discussion. england.chat General topics for discussion. england.comp.misc About computer-related issues in general. england.consultants The business of consulting in England. england.culture.books English discussion of books. england.culture.theatre The English theatre. england.current-events.general Discussion of England-related news items. england.education.language People learning/teaching the English Language. england.education.misc Discussion relating to English education. england.education.teachers Education matters of interest for teachers. england.genealogy.misc Genealogy discussion concerning England. england.history.misc Historical discussion concerning England. england.jobs.offered England market for jobs offered. england.jobs.wanted England market for jobs wanted. england.legal English law and legal issues. england.local.london London, the capital city of England. england.media.misc General discussion of Media in England. england.media.radio.misc Talk on English radio issues and programming. england.media.tv.misc Discussion of all aspects of TV in England. england.music.misc General talk about the music of England. england.music.underground Underground/unsigned rock bands. england.news.newusers Help and support for newusers. england.news.policy Policy and management of the england hierarchy. england.org.trade-union Discussion of trades union organizations. england.people.royalty Discussion of English royalty. england.politics.conservative Discussion of conservative politics. england.politics.environment English environmental politics. england.politics.europe Discussion on all aspects of European politics. england.politics.immigration The politics of immigration. england.politics.misc General English political discussion. england.rec.d-i-y DIY Do It Yourself discussion. england.rec.gardening Gardens and gardening in England. england.rec.pets English pet owners, and their pets. england.religion.christian Discussion of the Christian faith. england.religion.islam Discussion of the Islamic faith. england.religion.misc Discussion about faith and religion in general. england.sport.cricket Discussion of English test cricket. england.sport.football Association Football in England. england.sport.football.clubs.man-utd Manchester United Football Club. england.sport.misc Discussion of English sport. england.sport.rugby-union English Rugby Union. england.test Test postings. england.transport General transport issues in England. england.weather The English weather. england.writing Discussion of all forms of writing. erg.general No description. es.binarios.electronica Ficheros binarios sobre electronica es.binarios.imagen.caratulas Para intercambiar todo tipo de portadas. es.binarios.manga Ficheros sobre Anime y Manga es.binarios.misc No description. es.binarios.rol Grupo binario sobre juegos de rol y relacionados. es.binarios.sexo Ficheros binarios de contenido erotico. es.binarios.sonido.misc Intercambio de ficheros binarios sobre sonido. es.binarios.sonido.mp3 Intercambio de ficheros binarios mp3. es.charla.actualidad Temas de actualidad. es.charla.conexion.misc No description. es.charla.conexion.tarifa-plana Grupo Plataforma Tarifa Plana. es.charla.cooperacion Coordinacion de grupos alternativos, ONG's. es.charla.economia.bolsa Discusiones sobre La Bolsa es.charla.economia.contabilidad Discusiones sobre contabilidad. es.charla.economia.misc No description. es.charla.educacion.ciencia Ensenanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias . es.charla.educacion.distancia Discusion asignaturas de ensen~anza a distancia es.charla.educacion.drogas Prevencion drogodependencias, mundo escolar. . es.charla.educacion.educ-fisica Discusiones sobre Educacion Fisica es.charla.educacion.misc No description. es.charla.enfermedad No description. es.charla.enfermedad.cancer charla e informacion sobre la enfermedad de es.charla.enfermedad.diabetes Discusiones sobre diabetes. es.charla.enfermedad.ela Discusión y Atencion integral de la ELA. es.charla.enfermedad.misc No description. es.charla.enfermeria Discusion sobre Enfermeria.. es.charla.gastronomia No description. es.charla.gay-lesbiana discusion de temas relacionados con el colectivo. es.charla.medio-ambiente Charla sobre el medio ambiente. es.charla.misc No description. es.charla.moteros charla de aficionados a las motos en general . es.charla.motor Temas relacionados con el mundo del motor. es.charla.politica.izquierdaunida Debate abierto no oficial sobre IU. es.charla.politica.misc Debates sobre politica. Temas políticos varios es.charla.religion charla sobre religion, que no chachara sobre religiones es.charla.sexo No description. es.charla.utopia Discusiones sobre ideologias y modelos sociales. es.ciencia.astrofisica.misc No description. es.ciencia.astrofisica.telescopios Telescopios, observacion y fotografia. es.ciencia.electronica Discusiones sobre electronica y robotica es.ciencia.electronica.micros Microprocesadores y microcontroladores es.ciencia.enologia Discusiones sobre el mundo del vino. es.ciencia.marketing dudas y consultas sobre casos de marketing es.ciencia.matematicas Discusion sobre problemas y temas matematicos.. es.ciencia.medicina.depresion Trastornos del Estado de Animo. es.ciencia.medicina.misc No description. es.ciencia.meteorologia Discusion sobre temas de meteorologia es.ciencia.misc No description. es.ciencia.quimicas Solo sobre C.C: Quimicas es.comp.amiga Debates sobre ordenadores Amiga es.comp.artes-graficas Discusiones de Preimpresion Digital y Artes Graficas. es.comp.bd.misc No description. es.comp.bd.ms-access Bases de Datos Access de Microsoft es.comp.cad.autocad AutoCAD y otros programas de CAD es.comp.cad.misc No description. es.comp.cracks Discusiones sobre cracks es.comp.demos Discusiones sobre demos graficas y sonoras. es.comp.emuladores Programas emuladores . es.comp.hackers Discusion sobre hackering, cracking y phreacking es.comp.hardware.cd-rw Sobre grabadoras y regrabadoras de CDROM. es.comp.hardware.misc No description. es.comp.infografia Discusiones sobre infografia 2D y 3D. es.comp.infosistemas.bbs BBS (Bulletin Boards Systems) . es.comp.infosistemas.internet Temas diversos acerca de la red internet . es.comp.infosistemas.misc No description. es.comp.infosistemas.www.misc Debates sobre temas relacionados con la World Wide Web. es.comp.infosistemas.www.paginas-web Creación de páginas Web. es.comp.ingenieria.software Ingenieria del software. es.comp.lenguajes.c Discusion sobre el lenguaje C. es.comp.lenguajes.c++ Discusion sobre el lenguaje C++. es.comp.lenguajes.clipper Todo lo relacionado con este lenguaje de programación. es.comp.lenguajes.delphi Grupo general para el entorno DELPHI. es.comp.lenguajes.java Discusiones sobre el lenguaje java. es.comp.lenguajes.misc Sobre lenguajes de programacion en general. es.comp.lenguajes.tex Sobre el lenguaje Tex/LaTex. es.comp.lenguajes.visual-basic Foro de Visual Basic es.comp.macintosh.misc No description. es.comp.misc No description. es.comp.os.as400 grupo sobre sistemas AS400 de IBM. es.comp.os.linux.instalacion Instalacion y administracion de sistemas linux. es.comp.os.linux.misc Temas diversos sobre linux. es.comp.os.linux.programacion Programacion, compilacion, etc en linux. es.comp.os.linux.redes Redes de comunicaciones bajo linux. es.comp.os.misc No description. es.comp.os.ms-windows.misc No description. es.comp.os.ms-windows.programacion Programacion en MS-Windows.. es.comp.programas Solicitar programas es.comp.seguridad.pgp Discusion sobre criptografia con PGP . es.comp.seguridad.so Discusiones sobre seguridad en sistemas operativos es.comp.sistemas.consolas.psx Sobre videoconsolas Sony PlayStation en es.comp.sistemas.hp48 Calculadoras programables HP48. es.comp.sistemas.misc No description. es.comp.sistemas.sinclair Ordenadores Sinclair es.comp.virus Virus informaticos . es.humanidades.arte Temas de discusion sobre arte es.humanidades.derecho Debates sobre asuntos juridicos es.humanidades.filosofia Discusiones sobre Filosofía en general. es.humanidades.gramatica Foro para debatir cuestiones gramaticales. . es.humanidades.literatura No description. es.humanidades.misc No description. es.misc.anuncios.compra-venta No description. es.misc.anuncios.misc No description. es.misc.anuncios.trabajo.demandas No description. es.misc.anuncios.trabajo.misc No description. es.misc.anuncios.trabajo.ofertas No description. es.misc.misc No description. es.misc.publicidad Discusiones sobre los anuncios y sobre la publicidad es.news Informacion de news, nuevos grupos... (Moderated) es.news.admin Sobre la gestion de news. es.news.grupos Debates sobre grupos de news. es.news.misc No description. es.news.preguntas Preguntas generales sobre las news. (Moderated) es.pruebas Pruebas. es.rec.aviacion Discusiones sobre aviacion en general es.rec.bricolaje Todo sobre las reparaciones caseras es.rec.cine Tratamiento de temas relacionados con el cine es.rec.comics Todo lo relacionado con el mundo de los comics es.rec.deportes.atletismo grupo sobre atletismo es.rec.deportes.aventura Deportes de montaña y aventura es.rec.deportes.buceo Buceo deportivo es.rec.deportes.esqui Discusion sobre esqui es.rec.deportes.futbol Grupo para la discusion de temas futbolisticos. es.rec.deportes.kayak Discusion sobre temas relacionados con el kayak es.rec.deportes.misc No description. es.rec.deportes.motor Deportes de brrrrrrm brrrrrrm es.rec.deportes.mountain-bike Todo lo referente al mountain-bike es.rec.deportes.nautica Todo lo relacionado con la Nautica es.rec.deportes.pesca.submarina Foro sobre Pesca Submarina es.rec.ficcion.misc No description. es.rec.fotografia Grupo dedicado al mundo de la fotografia.. es.rec.humor No description. es.rec.jardineria.bonsai Tertulias sobre el cuidado de bonsais. es.rec.jardineria.misc Todo sobre el cuidado de plantas y jardines. es.rec.juegos.ajedrez Todo lo relacionado con este juego de tablero . es.rec.juegos.comp.arcade Juegos de arcade (mata-todo) por ordenador es.rec.juegos.comp.aventuras Juegos de aventura por ordenador es.rec.juegos.comp.misc Juegos de ordenador en general. es.rec.juegos.comp.simuladores.misc No description. es.rec.juegos.comp.simuladores.vuelo simuladores de vuelo es.rec.juegos.estrategia Discusiones sobre distintos juegos de estrategia para ordenador. es.rec.juegos.magic Discusiones sobre Magic, the Gathering. es.rec.juegos.misc No description. es.rec.juegos.pinball Pinball, maquinas de bolas, flippers o petacos. es.rec.juegos.rol Discusion sobre juegos de Rol y afines es.rec.labores Discusiones sobre labores como punto de cruz, ganchillo, etc. es.rec.manga Todo lo relacionado con el Manga, Anime y cultura Japonesa.. es.rec.mascotas.exoticas Todo lo referente a mascotas exoticas es.rec.mascotas.gatos Todo lo referente a felinos es.rec.mascotas.misc No description. es.rec.mascotas.peces Discusion sobre temas de acuariofilia. es.rec.mascotas.perros Todo lo referente a perros es.rec.misc No description. es.rec.modelismo charla sobre modelismo y radio control es.rec.motor.4x4 Sobre vehículos a motor de tracción total es.rec.musica.alternativas Discusion sobre musicas alternativas es.rec.musica.blues Discusiones y articulos sobre musica Blues . es.rec.musica.clasica Grupo dedicado al mundo de la musica clásica.. es.rec.musica.grupos.beatles Intercambio de informacion sobre los Beatles es.rec.musica.grupos.misc Temas varios sobre grupos musicales. es.rec.musica.jazz Discusion sobre la música de jazz es.rec.musica.misc No description. es.rec.musica.techno Discusion sobre el estilo de musica techno. es.rec.naturismo Discusion sobre naturismo y nudismo social. es.rec.radio.amateur Discusion sobre radioaficion y temas afines. es.rec.radio.misc No description. es.rec.radio.ondacorta Temas sobre recepción de emisoras en onda corta. es.rec.trenes Informacion y noticias sobre los ferrocarriles es.rec.tv.concursos Sobre los concursos televisivos es.rec.tv.decodificacion Decodificadores analogicos / digitales y derivados es.rec.tv.misc No description. es.rec.tv.series Sobre la series de television o teleseries. es.rec.viajes Viajes por Espan~a. es.rec.video.dvd DVD Video es.rec.video.edicion Todo lo referente al mundo de la edicion de video es.soc.consumidor Debates sobre derechos y obligaciones de los consumidores es.soc.cultura.agenda Informacion sobre acontecimientos culturales. . es.soc.cultura.misc No description. es.soc.cultura.sin-tabaco Apoyo para intentar dejar de fumar es.soc.cultura.teatro Grupo para tratar temas de teatro hispano es.soc.misc No description. es.soc.org.policia Discusiones sobre el trabajo policial es.tecnica.arquitectura Discusiones sobre arquitectura. es.tecnica.automatica Discusiones sobre automatizacion es.tecnica.ingenieria.teleco Sobre Ingenieria de telecomunicaciones es.tecnica.misc No description. es.tecnica.redes.telefonia.movil Discusiones sobre telefonia movil. es.tecnica.sonido Todo lo referente a la ingenieria/tecnica de sonido. escape.announce Bekanntmachungen und Informationen des escape e.V. (Moderated) escape.flame Diffamierungen jeglicher Art. escape.misc Allgemeines zum escape e.V. escape.questions User fragen, andere antworten. escape.test Testgruppe des escape e.V. Vorsicht Reflektoren! esp.bienvenida ¡Bienvenidos a esp.*! (Moderated) esp.binarios.discusion Para discutir binarios publicados a esp.binarios.*. esp.binarios.imagenes Binarios codificados de imágenes. esp.binarios.misc Binarios codificados de otro tipo. esp.binarios.sonidos Binarios codificados de sonidos. esp.charla.actualidad Temas de actualidad internacional. esp.charla.ecologismo Protección de la naturaleza en nuestro planeta. esp.charla.politica Política internacional. esp.charla.religion Charla sobre religión. esp.charla.sexo Discusión franca sobre sexo. esp.ciencia.biologia Discusión sobre biología. esp.ciencia.misc Discusión general sobre ciencia. esp.comp.misc Discusión general sobre computadoras. esp.comp.sistemas.macintosh Discusión técnica sobre Macintosh. esp.comp.sistemas.misc Otros sistemas computacionales. esp.comp.sistemas.pc Discusión técnica sobre IBM PC-compatibles. esp.comp.so.linux Discusión sobre el sistema operativo Linux. esp.comp.so.linux.anuncios Anuncios sobre el sistema operativo Linux. esp.comp.so.linux.misc Discusión general sobre el sistema operativo Linux. esp.comp.so.linux.programacion Programación en el sistema operativo Linux. esp.comp.so.linux.redes Redes e Internet con el sistema operativo Linux. esp.comp.so.misc Discusión sobre los demás sistemas operativos. esp.comp.so.ms-windows Windows de Microsoft y sus varias versiones. esp.humanidades.historia Historia internacional e iberoamericana. esp.humanidades.misc Temas misceláneos sobre las humanidades. esp.mercado.hardware Compro/vendo máquinas, accesorios, partes. esp.mercado.misc Compro/vendo..... esp.mercado.software Compro/vendo programas. esp.mercado.trabajos Busco/tengo empleo. esp.news.administracion Administración de la jerarquía. (Moderated) esp.news.anuncios Anuncios sobre la jerarquía. (Moderated) esp.news.faqs Preguntas frecuentemente hechas. (Moderated) esp.news.misc Discusión general sobre la jerarquía. esp.news.propuestas Discusión de creación/reorganización de grupos. esp.rec.arte.cine ¡De película! esp.rec.arte.literatura Opiniones y creaciones literarias. esp.rec.arte.misc Demás formas de arte. esp.rec.arte.musica De música ligera / nada nos libra / nada más queda. esp.rec.cf Ciencia-ficción. esp.rec.deportes.futbol El rey de los deportes, pasión de multitudes. esp.rec.deportes.misc Los demás deportes. esp.rec.humor Chistes, zoquetadas, y humor en general. esp.rec.juegos Juegos de todo tipo. esp.rec.misc Recreación general. esp.rec.viajes Para discutir turismo y viajes hechos o por hacer. esp.soc.derechos-humanos Derechos humanos y sus violaciones. esp.test ¡HAGAN LAS PRUEBAS AQUÍ! *Este* es el grupo de pruebas. esp.test-moderado Para pruebas de grupos moderados. (Moderated) esp.varios Asuntos que no sean cubiertos en ningun otro grupo esp.*. essug.copt Discussion of Customer Owned Pay Telephones essug.misc Esoteric telephony essug.telco Local & Long Distance telephone companies eug.access.video Public access video in Eugene/Springfield, Oregon. eug.arts.photography Professional and amateur photography in the Eugene area. eug.bbs.excelsior Discussion of Excelsion BBS software. eug.comp.sys.macintosh Macintosh computers and software in Eugene, Oregon. eug.config Eugene newsgroup configuration and administration eug.education.homeschooling Homeschooling in Eugene, Oregon. (Moderated) eug.forsale Stuff for sale in/near Eugene/Springfield, Oregon. eug.housing Discussion on housing and rentals in the Eugene, OR area. eug.jobs Jobs offered and wanted in the Eugene, Oregon area. eug.local.activists Paul Harrison's local activism list gateway. eug.local.connectivity.politics Eugene/Springfield (OR) net politics. eug.local.connectivity.tech Eugene/Springfield (OR) tech discussion. eug.nwmusic.news Pacific Northwest music discussion/news. eug.register.guard Discussion re Eugene Oregon's Register-Guard newspaper. eug.test Eugene/Springfield (OR) local test messages. eunet.aviation European aviation rules, means and methods. eunet.bugs.4bsd Bug reports on 4.*bsd, limited (EUnet) "audience". eunet.bugs.uucp Bug reports on uucp, specifically EUUG uucp. eunet.checkgroups Only for central posting of checkgroups messages. (Moderated) eunet.cyberrights European perspective of rights of people in cyberspace. eunet.esprit Discussion/info about Esprit projects. eunet.esprit.eurochip Esprit VLSI Design - Eurochip. eunet.europen EurOpen-related topics, announcements, etc. eunet.jokes Jokes only Europeans can (do?) understand... :-) eunet.misc Miscellaneous discussions (replaces eunet.general/followup). eunet.newprod Announcements of new products of European interest. eunet.news Group for news topics, limited to EUnet. eunet.news.group Discussion on and proposals for new eunet newsgroups. eunet.politics (European) political discussions (and flames!). eunet.sources EUnet-wide (only!) group for posting sources. eunet.test EUnet-wide test group. eunet.works Workstations (specifically European) topics. europa.commercio Business/Wirtschaft/Biznes/Kauppa. europa.ecologia Environment/Umwelt/Miljoe/Okruzhaiushchaia sreda/Ymparisto. europa.education Bildung/Utbildning/Obrazovanie/Koulutus. europa.general Interesse general/Allgemeines/Obshchee/Yleista. europa.historia History/Istoriia/Geschichte. europa.intro+faq Benvenite/Welcome/Willkommen/Priom (Moderated) europa.linguas Languages/Sprachen/Spraak/Iazyk. europa.musica Music/Musik/Muzyka/Musiikki. europa.novas Actualitates/Current events/Tagesthemen/Novosti/Ajankohtaista. europa.politica Politics/Politik/Politika/Polittiikka. europa.sport Sports/Idrott/Urheilu. europa.sport.football Fussball/Fotboll/Futbol/Jalkapallo. europa.technologia Technology/Teknologi/Tekhnologiia/Teknologia/Technik. europa.telecom Fernmeldewesen/Telekom/Dal'niaia sviaz'/Telekommunikaatio. europa.test Testing/Probepostings. europa.union European Union/UE/EU/Evropeiskii Soiuz/Euroopan Unioni. europa.union.euro Moneta commun/SingleCurrency/Waehrung/Edinaia valiuta. europa.usenet.admin Management/Verwaltung/Administratsiia/Hallinto. europa.viages.motorcyclo Motorcycling/Motorradfahren/Mototsikl. europa.viages.tourismo Tourism/Tourismus/Turism/Turizm/Turismi. europa.viages.transporto Transport/Puteshestvie/Matkailu. evv.config Discussion regarding configuration of the evv hierarchy evv.politics Evansville, Illinois, area political discussion. evv.riverboat Riverboat gambling in Evansville, Illinois. evv.sport.aces Aces basketball and other U of E sports evv.toyota The Tri-State's Toyota factory eye.config Proposals for new eye.* newsgroups, etc. eye.general eye Followups and General Discussions. eye.letters eye readers write. (Moderated) eye.news eye News articles. (Moderated) fcn.general Free Community Network general discussions. fcn.tor.comm Toronto Free Community Network communications talk. fcn.tor.finance Toronto Free Community Network financial discussions. fcn.tor.misc Toronto Free Community Network miscellaneous talk.. fcn.tor.org Toronto Free Community Network organizational talk.. fcn.tor.tech Toronto Free Community Network technical discussions. fcn.tor.tfn Toronto FreeNet discussions. fcn.tor.vote Toronto Free Community Network votes. fhg.ilt Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Lasertechnik, Aachen, Aktuelle Informationen. fido.24000-ger No description. fido.386-ger No description. fido.4dos No description. fido.amiga-ger No description. fido.amiga.prog No description. fido.belg.beurs-data Fidonet: BEURS-DATA.B conference. (Moderated) fido.belg.computer.widows Fidonet: DAMES.B conference. (Moderated) fido.belg.contact Fidonet: KONTAKT.B area. fido.belg.cprog Programmation in C and C++ fido.belg.fra.asbl.rtfm Forum public de l'asbl R.T.F.M. fido.belg.fra.c Sur le langage C. fido.belg.fra.commerce Annonces commerciales. (Moderated) fido.belg.fra.scoutisme No description. fido.belg.garden All for people with green fingers :-) fido.belg.ned.alcohol discussieren over alkoholische dranken. fido.belg.ned.hoogland De onofficiële discussie-echo over Het Land van Hoogland. fido.belg.news announcements about the fido.belg hierarchy. (Moderated) fido.ccc-ger No description. fido.clipper No description. fido.desqview No description. fido.ebbauser-ger No description. fido.elektronik-ger No description. fido.eur.genealogy No description. fido.fidoguide-ger No description. fido.flea-ger No description. fido.ger.4dos About 4DOS and Utilities. fido.ger.abfahrer Ueber Abfahrer/Raver und die Musikrichtung Techno/House/Rave fido.ger.abled Handicapped People - Info and Discussion. fido.ger.amiga About AMIGA. fido.ger.amiprog AMIGA, about Systemprogramming. fido.ger.amnesty Discusions about Amnesty International. fido.ger.antifa Infos zum Thema Antifaschismus. fido.ger.archimedes FIDO: ein exotischer Rechner. fido.ger.astronomie Alles fuer den Hobby-Astronomen. fido.ger.atari No description. fido.ger.auge No description. fido.ger.auto Information, prices and discussion about cars. fido.ger.autoren Distribution of and about self-written poetry. fido.ger.aviation About Aviation (Fliegen). fido.ger.basic Talking about BASIC programming. fido.ger.binkley The BinkleyTerm Mailer and related Tools. fido.ger.boerse Boersengeschehen. fido.ger.book Alles ueber buecher, deutsch. fido.ger.btx About German VidiTel (CEPT-Standard). fido.ger.c_echo Programming in 'C'. fido.ger.c_plusplus C ++ Deutsch. fido.ger.cadcam Alles ueber CAD und CAM. fido.ger.ccc Chaos Computer Club. fido.ger.ccitt-fax Diskussion ueber CIT-Faxing / Empfehlungen des CCITT. fido.ger.cfos_help Support-Group fuer cFos (CAPI Fossil Treiber). fido.ger.chauvi Alles um den Mann. fido.ger.chemie About Chemie. fido.ger.clipper Alles zu Clipper. fido.ger.comms About Terminalprogram's, Modem's, DFUE general. fido.ger.compilerbau Alles zu Compilerbau. fido.ger.control Process and Controling. fido.ger.crosspoint FIDO: neueres Pointprogramm. fido.ger.ct No description. fido.ger.darc Deutscher Amateurfunk. fido.ger.dbase DBase, Clipper. fido.ger.desqview No description. fido.ger.dfue Technical diskussion about computer communication. fido.ger.dtp Desktop-Publishing of all Computer. fido.ger.elektronik CHAT ABOUT ELECTRONICS. fido.ger.fantasy Rollenspiele / PlayByMail / Texte. fido.ger.fastfood Diskussion ueber Fastfood und Schnellimbisse. fido.ger.fidoguide Fido help Echo for Beginners. fido.ger.flea PRIVATE sales offer. fido.ger.frauen Women's Lib, love'n hate, from, with and. fido.ger.frust Hier kann man Frust ablassen. fido.ger.garten Garden Hobbyists. fido.ger.gay About Homosexuality. fido.ger.gem GEM Programming. fido.ger.genealogy Ahnenforschung. fido.ger.grafik Grafikprogrammierung, Grafikanwendungen. fido.ger.greenp German Greenpeace Newsline. fido.ger.grenzwis Alles zu Grenzwissenschaften. fido.ger.hardware Computer-Hardware: Config, Install. fido.ger.hifi Hifi Selfbuilding, Car, High End, Repair-Tuning. fido.ger.hp48sx Alles zum Hewlett-Packard-taschenrechner. fido.ger.hst Talking about products of US-Robotics. fido.ger.ibm Talking about PC and Clones. fido.ger.informatik Computer science; Quoting restricted. fido.ger.internet No description. fido.ger.isdn ISDN Chatter. fido.ger.jokes Jokes, Jokes and more Jokes. fido.ger.kirche Talking about Religions. fido.ger.kochen Cooking Recipes. fido.ger.kommerz Kommerzielle Angebote. fido.ger.konsolen Gameboy, Lynx, Mega-Drive etc. fido.ger.kontakt Humanconnects. fido.ger.lan Alles ueber Netzwerke. fido.ger.linux Discussion about the operating system Linux. fido.ger.mac Macintosh. fido.ger.magie Exchange Of Information About Magick. fido.ger.mailbox Fragen zu Mailboxen. fido.ger.maximus Die Mailbox-Software MAXIMUS sowie Tools dazu. fido.ger.medizin All about medicine. fido.ger.midi Computermusik. fido.ger.modem Modems: Configuration, Installations etc. fido.ger.modula-2 MODULA-2 programming. fido.ger.motorrad Discussion about Motorcycle. fido.ger.movie new Movies. fido.ger.movie.horror Filme, Kino, Video aus dem Bereich Phantastik.. fido.ger.msdos5xx About MS-DOS 5.XX. fido.ger.musik No description. fido.ger.musiker German musicians chat. fido.ger.net_dev German-Fido-Net-Developers. fido.ger.next Alles zum Next-Rechner. fido.ger.novell Novell-Netzwerke. fido.ger.oops Objekt-Orientiertes Programmieren. fido.ger.os2 OS2 Operating System. fido.ger.pascal Turbo Pascal Programming. fido.ger.pc_geos PC-Geos Benutzeroberflaeche. fido.ger.pgmrs Programmierer Deutsch. fido.ger.philo About Philosophie. fido.ger.photo About Photographers. fido.ger.platt Die niederdeutsche Sprache in all ihren Spielarten. fido.ger.politik Discussion of political topics. fido.ger.polizei Alles ueber Polizei. fido.ger.produkte Kommerzielle Produkte. fido.ger.recht Diskussionen ueber Urteile. fido.ger.request No description. fido.ger.rhodan Perry Rhodan / Atlan / SF-Literatur Talk. fido.ger.rpg Role Playing Hints / Tips. fido.ger.sat Sattelite TV Chatter. fido.ger.sex Talking about sexual problems. fido.ger.shareware Alles ueber Shareware. fido.ger.soundkarten Soundkarten,Computer etc. fido.ger.spiele Spiele-Tips / Cheats / Hints / Priv. Verkauf. fido.ger.storage About computer storages, like HD/Floppy/CD-ROM etc. fido.ger.tex No description. fido.ger.transputer INMOS-Transputer, Hardware, Software, Programming. fido.ger.tv No description. fido.ger.umwelt Du und Deine Umwelt. fido.ger.unix Alles ueber Unix, Deutsch. fido.ger.urlaub Holiday and Travel. fido.ger.virus Discussions about computer viruses, trojans etc. fido.ger.windows MS Windows and Windows applications. fido.ger.windows.prog Talking about WINDOW programming. fido.ger.windows.tp Talking about Turbo-Pascal-WINDOW programming. fido.ger.wissen Scientific topics. fido.ger.zivi Diskussion about Zivildienst. fido.ger.zyxel Disk. ueber die Familie der Multi-Dienst-Modems Zyxel. fido.hardware-ger No description. fido.hst No description. fido.jokes-ger No description. fido.kirche-ger No description. fido.kommerz-ger No description. fido.kontakt-ger No description. fido.linux-ger No description. fido.mac.dev No description. fido.magie-ger No description. fido.movie-ger No description. fido.music No description. fido.musik-ger No description. fido.novell No description. fido.ot.support No description. fido.pascal-ger No description. fido.phones No description. fido.politik-ger No description. fido.recht-ger No description. fido.sat-ger No description. fido.sex-ger No description. fido.shareware-ger No description. fido.spiele-ger No description. fido.thunder No description. fido.trek No description. fido.win32 No description. fido.windows-ger No description. fido.wissen-ger No description. fido.zyxel-ger No description. fido7.aaa.support Fidonet AAA.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.adinf.support Fidonet ADINF.SUPPORT - ADINF virus detector (Moderated) fido7.aids-arc Fidonet AIDS/ARC (Moderated) fido7.aids-hiv Fidonet AIDS-HIV (Moderated) fido7.aids.data Fidonet AIDS.DATA (Moderated) fido7.aids.dialogue Fidonet AIDS.DIALOGUE (Moderated) fido7.aids.drugs Fidonet AIDS.DRUGS (Moderated) fido7.aids.fr Fidonet AIDS.FR (Moderated) fido7.aids.law Fidonet AIDS.LAW (Moderated) fido7.aids.nl Fidonet AIDS.NL (Moderated) fido7.aids.spiritual Fidonet AIDS.SPIRITUAL (Moderated) fido7.aids.women Fidonet AIDS.WOMEN (Moderated) fido7.alex.echo Fidonet ALEX.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.amm.links Fidonet AMM.LINKS (Moderated) fido7.amm.robots Fidonet AMM.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.announce.f2000 Fidonet ANNOUNCE.2000 (Moderated) fido7.announce.newgroups Fidonet ANNOUNCE.NEWGROUPS - newgroup/rmgroup/checkgroups (Moderated) fido7.arjz.support Fidonet ARJZ.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.asian-nm.pvt Fidonet ASIAN_NM.PVT (Moderated) fido7.asy-s.talk Fidonet ASY'S.TALK - for friends of Asy Patrysheva (Moderated) fido7.asy.info Fidonet ASY.INFO - info from Asy Patrysheva (Moderated) fido7.at.beer Fidonet AT.BEER (Moderated) fido7.at.talk Fidonet AT.TALK (Moderated) fido7.atom.info Fidonet ATOM.INFO (Moderated) fido7.atom.pvt Fidonet ATOM.PVT (Moderated) fido7.aus.jokes Fidonet AUS.JOKES (Moderated) fido7.aviation.team Fidonet AVIATION.TEAM (Moderated) fido7.avp.support Fidonet AVP.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.baby.mail.pvt Fidonet BABY.MAIL.PVT (Moderated) fido7.baby.pvt Fidonet BABY.PVT (Moderated) fido7.bbslist.support Fidonet BBSLIST.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.before.sysopka.after Fidonet BEFORE.SYSOPKA.AFTER (Moderated) fido7.bel.digest Fidonet BEL.DIGEST [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.bel.files Fidonet BEL.FILES (Moderated) fido7.bel.general Fidonet BEL.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.bink.plus Fidonet BINK.PLUS - Bink/+ (Moderated) fido7.bink.plus.e Fidonet BINK.PLUS.E - Bink/+ (English) (Moderated) fido7.binkd Fidonet BINKD (Moderated) fido7.binkley.rus Fidonet BINKLEY.RUS - generic BinkleyTerm (Moderated) fido7.bk.talks Fidonet BK.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.blc.gate.ukraine Fidonet BLC.GATE.UKRAINE (Moderated) fido7.bocharoff.must.die Fidonet BOCHAROFF.MUST.DIE (Moderated) fido7.bocharoff.sux Fidonet BOCHAROFF.SUX (Moderated) fido7.bocharoff.unplugged Fidonet BOCHAROFF.UNPLUGGED (Moderated) fido7.bocharov.rulezz Fidonet BOCHAROV.RULEZZ (Moderated) fido7.bong Fidonet BONG (Moderated) fido7.bpack.support Fidonet BPACK.SUPPORT - BPACK (Moderated) fido7.brake-s.mailer.support Fidonet BRAKE'S.MAILER.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.bynk.support.rus Fidonet BYNK.SUPPORT.RUS (Moderated) fido7.ca.echo Fidonet CA.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.cafe.anonim Fidonet CAFE.ANONIM (Moderated) fido7.calm.delirium Fidonet CALM.DELIRIUM (Moderated) fido7.calm.echo Fidonet CALM.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.capricorn.drugs Fidonet CAPRICORN.DRUGS. (Moderated) fido7.cardinal.pvt Fidonet CARDINAL.PVT (Moderated) fido7.castle.info Fidonet CASTLE.INFO (Moderated) fido7.cb.radio Fidonet CB.RADIO (Moderated) fido7.cherlite.pvt Fidonet CHERLITE.PVT (Moderated) fido7.christianos Fidonet CHRISTIANOS (Moderated) fido7.computer.exchange Fidonet COMPUTER.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.crack Fidonet $CRACK$ (Moderated) fido7.crack.talks Fidonet $CRACK$.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.crazy-lovers Fidonet CRAZY_LOVERS - Crazy lovers (Moderated) fido7.crazy.travels Fidonet CRAZY.TRAVELS (Moderated) fido7.crimea.talk Fidonet CRIMEA.TALK (Moderated) fido7.cris.fileecho Fidonet CRIS.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.cris.hard Fidonet CRIS.HARD (Moderated) fido7.cris.lang Fidonet CRIS.LANG (Moderated) fido7.cris.talk Fidonet CRIS.TALK (Moderated) fido7.cris.test Fidonet CRIS.TEST (Moderated) fido7.ctpahhoe.mecto Fidonet CTPAHHOE.MECTO - CTPAHHOE MECTO (Strange place) (Moderated) fido7.dec-fan.pvt Fidonet DEC_FAN.PVT (Moderated) fido7.delta.news Fidonet DELTA.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.demex.news Fidonet DEMEX.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.demo.design Fidonet DEMO.DESIGN - Demo programs design (Moderated) fido7.demo.design.uue Fidonet DEMO.DESIGN.UUE - Demo programs - binaries (Moderated) fido7.demo.design.wanted Fidonet DEMO.DESIGN.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.demo.dessign.uue Fidonet DEMO.DESSIGN.UUE (Moderated) fido7.dig.fidotech Fidonet DIG.FIDOTECH (Moderated) fido7.dig.fileecho Fidonet DIG.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.dig.hacker Fidonet DIG.HACKER (Moderated) fido7.dig.linux Fidonet DIG.LINUX (Moderated) fido7.dig.modem Fidonet DIG.MODEM (Moderated) fido7.dn.allfix Fidonet DN.ALLFIX (Moderated) fido7.dn.debate Fidonet DN.DEBATE (Moderated) fido7.dn.fileecho Fidonet DN.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.dn.games Fidonet DN.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.dn.intim Fidonet DN.INTIM (Moderated) fido7.dn.longlink-hub Fidonet DN.LONGLINK&HUB (Moderated) fido7.dn.music Fidonet DN.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.dn.netgames Fidonet DN.NETGAMES (Moderated) fido7.dn.student Fidonet DN.STUDENT (Moderated) fido7.dn.talks Fidonet DN.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.dn.tech-qa Fidonet DN.TECH_QA (Moderated) fido7.dn.tech-qa-home Fidonet DN.TECH_QA_HOME (Moderated) fido7.dn.test Fidonet DN.TEST (Moderated) fido7.dnz.humor Fidonet DNZ.HUMOR (Moderated) fido7.donbass Fidonet DONBASS (Moderated) fido7.donbass.books Fidonet DONBASS.BOOKS (Moderated) fido7.donbass.commerce Fidonet DONBASS.COMMERCE (Moderated) fido7.donbass.fileecho Fidonet DONBASS.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.donbass.flirt Fidonet DONBASS.FLIRT (Moderated) fido7.donbass.games Fidonet DONBASS.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.donbass.internet Fidonet DONBASS.INTERNET (Moderated) fido7.donbass.maniak Fidonet DONBASS.MANIAK (Moderated) fido7.donbass.music Fidonet DONBASS.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.donbass.netgame Fidonet DONBASS.NETGAME (Moderated) fido7.donbass.network Fidonet DONBASS.NETWORK (Moderated) fido7.donbass.ottyag Fidonet DONBASS.OTTYAG (Moderated) fido7.donbass.talk Fidonet DONBASS.TALK (Moderated) fido7.donbass.test Fidonet DONBASS.TEST (Moderated) fido7.donbass.unix Fidonet DONBASS.UNIX (Moderated) fido7.donbass.virus Fidonet DONBASS.VIRUS (Moderated) fido7.eagle-s.echo Fidonet EAGLE'S.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.eagle-s.technical.support Fidonet EAGLE'S.TECHNICAL.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.echobman.rus Fidonet ECHOBMAN.RUS - Echobman program (Moderated) fido7.edgecity Fidonet EDGECITY (Moderated) fido7.eleven.files Fidonet ELEVEN.FILES (Moderated) fido7.eleven.talks Fidonet ELEVEN.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.elf.ca Fidonet ELF.CA (Moderated) fido7.enet.soft Fidonet ENET.SOFT (Moderated) fido7.erop Fidonet EROP (Moderated) fido7.esib.fileecho Fidonet ESIB.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.esib.games Fidonet ESIB.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.esib.general Fidonet ESIB.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.esib.humor Fidonet ESIB.HUMOR (Moderated) fido7.esib.programming Fidonet ESIB.PROGRAMMING (Moderated) fido7.esib.sex Fidonet ESIB.SEX (Moderated) fido7.esib.test Fidonet ESIB.TEST (Moderated) fido7.esib.test.computer Fidonet ESIB.TEST.COMPUTER (Moderated) fido7.esib.virtual.world Fidonet ESIB.VIRTUAL.WORLD (Moderated) fido7.esib.vplanets Fidonet ESIB.VPLANETS (Moderated) fido7.esperanto.rus Fidonet ESPERANTO.RUS - Esperanto (Moderated) fido7.evil.mp3 Fidonet EVIL.MP3. (Moderated) fido7.express.pvt Fidonet EXPRESS.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f.comp.pvt.sex Fidonet F.COMP.PVT.SEX - sex (Moderated) fido7.f109.pvt Fidonet 109.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f115.link Fidonet 115.LINK (Moderated) fido7.f118.pvt Fidonet 118.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f118.robots Fidonet 118.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f118.sport.autoinfo Fidonet 118.SPORT.AUTOINFO (Moderated) fido7.f13.pvt Fidonet 13.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f130.link.pvt Fidonet 130.LINK.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f130.link.talk Fidonet 130.LINK.TALK (Moderated) fido7.f140.pvt Fidonet 140.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f140.robots Fidonet 140.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f144.announce Fidonet 144.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.f144.echo Fidonet 144.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.f144.links Fidonet 144.LINKS (Moderated) fido7.f144.statistics Fidonet 144.STATISTICS (Moderated) fido7.f146.pvt Fidonet 146.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f157.pvt Fidonet 157.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f157.robots Fidonet 157.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f157.test Fidonet 157.TEST (Moderated) fido7.f159.pvt Fidonet 159.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f1592.pvt Fidonet 1592.PVT. (Moderated) fido7.f199.robots Fidonet 199.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f201.pvt Fidonet 201.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f201.robots Fidonet 201.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f204.pvt Fidonet 204.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f204.robots Fidonet 204.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f21.news Fidonet 21.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.f214.announce Fidonet 214.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.f214.echo Fidonet 214.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.f214.pvt Fidonet 214.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f231.pvt Fidonet 231.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f268.pvt Fidonet 268.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f268.robots Fidonet 268.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f269.local Fidonet 269.LOCAL (Moderated) fido7.f269.official Fidonet 269.OFFICIAL (Moderated) fido7.f269.robots Fidonet 269.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f269.xla Fidonet 269.XLA (Moderated) fido7.f306.pvt Fidonet 306.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f308.radio.roks Fidonet 308.RADIO.ROKS (Moderated) fido7.f350.local Fidonet 350.LOCAL (Moderated) fido7.f352.pvt Fidonet 352.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f366.pvt Fidonet 366.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f392.local Fidonet 392.LOCAL (Moderated) fido7.f400.file Fidonet 400.FILE (Moderated) fido7.f400.link Fidonet 400.LINK (Moderated) fido7.f400.link.bridge Fidonet 400.LINK.BRIDGE (Moderated) fido7.f400.sysop Fidonet 400.SYSOP (Moderated) fido7.f400.test Fidonet 400.TEST (Moderated) fido7.f41.echo Fidonet 41.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.f41.files Fidonet 41.FILES (Moderated) fido7.f41.vgaplanets Fidonet 41.VGAPLANETS (Moderated) fido7.f413.pvt Fidonet 413.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f431.pvt Fidonet 431.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f431.techinfo Fidonet 431.TECHINFO (Moderated) fido7.f441.robots Fidonet 441.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.f441.stat Fidonet 441.STAT (Moderated) fido7.f443.links Fidonet 443.LINKS (Moderated) fido7.f443.official Fidonet 443.OFFICIAL (Moderated) fido7.f487.talk Fidonet 487.TALK (Moderated) fido7.f5026-18.info Fidonet 5026-18.INFO (Moderated) fido7.f50314.local Fidonet 50314.LOCAL (Moderated) fido7.f68.downlink Fidonet 68.DOWNLINK (Moderated) fido7.f68.pulse Fidonet 68.PULSE (Moderated) fido7.f68.pvt Fidonet 68.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f68.techinfo Fidonet 68.TECHINFO (Moderated) fido7.f69.pvt Fidonet 69.PVT (Moderated) fido7.f6i.support Fidonet 6I.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.f75.pvt Fidonet 75.PVT (Moderated) fido7.far.support Fidonet FAR.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.fe-help Fidonet FE_HELP (Moderated) fido7.fe.business Fidonet FE.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.fe.chainik Fidonet FE.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.fe.fileecho Fidonet FE.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.fe.game Fidonet FE.GAME (Moderated) fido7.fe.general Fidonet FE.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.fe.os2 Fidonet FE.OS2 (Moderated) fido7.fe.q-a Fidonet FE.Q&A (Moderated) fido7.fformat.support Fidonet FFORMAT.SUPPORT - FFORMAT program support (Moderated) fido7.fido-122.pvt Fidonet FIDO_122.PVT (Moderated) fido7.fido-122.robots Fidonet FIDO_122.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.fido.anywhere Fidonet FIDO.ANYWHERE - Fidonet software on non-MS/DOS (Moderated) fido7.fido.registration Fidonet FIDO.REGISTRATION - fidonet assoc. registration (Moderated) fido7.fidonet.history Fidonet FIDONET.HISTORY - History of FidoNet in Russia (Moderated) fido7.filefix.f199 Fidonet FILEFIX.199 (Moderated) fido7.filgen.support Fidonet FILGEN.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.filtered.humor Fidonet FILTERED.HUMOR (Moderated) fido7.francophone.russe Fidonet FRANCOPHONE.RUSSE (Moderated) fido7.friends.pvt.talks Fidonet FRIENDS.PVT.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.galaxy.game Fidonet GALAXY.GAME - Galaxy PBM run by Zelax (Moderated) fido7.gcreate.support Fidonet GCREATE.SUPPORT - GCreate (Moderated) fido7.ger.rus Fidonet GER.RUS.ALL (Moderated) fido7.german.rus Fidonet GERMAN.RUS (Moderated) fido7.gpc.mailcommander Fidonet GPC.MAILCOMMANDER - GPC Mailcommander prgm. (Moderated) fido7.graphlog.support Fidonet GRAPHLOG.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.greyrat-tech.f403 Fidonet GREYRAT_TECH.403 (Moderated) fido7.greyrat.f403 Fidonet GREYRAT.403 (Moderated) fido7.greyrat.link Fidonet GREYRAT.LINK (Moderated) fido7.group Fidonet GROUP (Moderated) fido7.group.blin Fidonet GROUP.BLIN (Moderated) fido7.group.dm.sqcc Fidonet GROUP.DM.SQCC (Moderated) fido7.group.softmarket Fidonet GROUP.SOFTMARKET (Moderated) fido7.group.technology Fidonet GROUP.TECHNOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.gs.echo Fidonet GS.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.gs.files Fidonet GS.FILES (Moderated) fido7.gs.techinfo Fidonet GS.TECHINFO (Moderated) fido7.gss.beta.testing Fidonet GSS.BETA.TESTING (Moderated) fido7.gss.general Fidonet GSS.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.gss.partoss Fidonet GSS.PARTOSS (Moderated) fido7.guitar.songs Fidonet GUITAR.SONGS (Moderated) fido7.guitar.songs.filtered Fidonet GUITAR.SONGS.FILTERED [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.hacking Fidonet $HACKING$ (Moderated) fido7.hell.fire.club Fidonet HELL.FIRE.CLUB. (Moderated) fido7.help Fidonet HELP! - help in extraordinary situations (Moderated) fido7.hfro.local Fidonet HFRO.LOCAL (Moderated) fido7.hippy.talks Fidonet HIPPY.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.hottab.links Fidonet HOTTAB.LINKS (Moderated) fido7.house.of.fire Fidonet HOUSE.OF.FIRE (Moderated) fido7.houston.fileecho Fidonet HOUSTON.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.houston.humor Fidonet HOUSTON.HUMOR (Moderated) fido7.houston.softhard Fidonet HOUSTON.SOFTHARD (Moderated) fido7.houston.talks Fidonet HOUSTON.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.humor.filtered Fidonet HUMOR.FILTERED - selected humor (no postings!) (Moderated) fido7.humor.other Fidonet HUMOR.OTHER (Moderated) fido7.id.echo Fidonet ID.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.id.news Fidonet ID.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.ifmail Fidonet IFMAIL - ifmail fidonet software (Moderated) fido7.ifmail.plus Fidonet IFMAIL.PLUS (Moderated) fido7.imail-help Fidonet IMAIL_HELP (Moderated) fido7.inec.links Fidonet INEC.LINKS (Moderated) fido7.info.link Fidonet INFO.LINK (Moderated) fido7.info.prog Fidonet INFO.PROG (Moderated) fido7.interlink.programming Fidonet INTERLINK.PROGRAMMING (Moderated) fido7.interlink.talk Fidonet INTERLINK.TALK (Moderated) fido7.irc.fidorus Fidonet IRC.FIDORUS (Moderated) fido7.iskra.fileecho Fidonet ISKRA.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.isra.rus Fidonet ISRA.RUS (Moderated) fido7.itasm.support Fidonet ITASM.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.iv.echo Fidonet IV.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.iv.general Fidonet IV.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.iv.music Fidonet IV.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.iv.planets Fidonet IV.PLANETS (Moderated) fido7.iv.pvt.exch Fidonet IV.PVT.EXCH (Moderated) fido7.izh.drink Fidonet IZH.DRINK (Moderated) fido7.ja-moscow Fidonet JA_MOSCOW - Link Japan-Moscow (Moderated) fido7.jet.phrases Fidonet JET.PHRASES (Moderated) fido7.kaktus.talk Fidonet KAKTUS.TALK (Moderated) fido7.kazan.general Fidonet KAZAN.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.kharkov Fidonet KHARKOV (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.anekdot Fidonet KHARKOV.ANEKDOT (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.announce Fidonet KHARKOV.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.anomal Fidonet KHARKOV.ANOMAL (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.aon.club Fidonet KHARKOV.AON.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.as.ukrainian.city Fidonet KHARKOV.AS.UKRAINIAN.CITY (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.ats Fidonet KHARKOV.ATS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.authors Fidonet KHARKOV.AUTHORS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.aviation.images Fidonet KHARKOV.AVIATION.IMAGES (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.balka Fidonet KHARKOV.BALKA (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.balka.pvt Fidonet KHARKOV.BALKA.PVT (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.beer Fidonet KHARKOV.BEER (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.blacklog Fidonet KHARKOV.BLACKLOG (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.blin Fidonet KHARKOV.BLIN (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.blin.test Fidonet KHARKOV.BLIN.TEST (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.bratki Fidonet KHARKOV.BRATKI (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.bridge Fidonet KHARKOV.BRIDGE (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.business Fidonet KHARKOV.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.business.robots Fidonet KHARKOV.BUSINESS.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.buying.proposals Fidonet KHARKOV.BUYING.PROPOSALS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.car Fidonet KHARKOV.CAR (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.cats Fidonet KHARKOV.CATS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.chu Fidonet KHARKOV.CHU (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.commerce.prmr Fidonet KHARKOV.COMMERCE.PRMR (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.culture Fidonet KHARKOV.CULTURE (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.delphi Fidonet KHARKOV.DELPHI (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.doom Fidonet KHARKOV.DOOM (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.education Fidonet KHARKOV.EDUCATION (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.engl Fidonet KHARKOV.ENGL (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.files Fidonet KHARKOV.FILES (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.foreign.languages Fidonet KHARKOV.FOREIGN.LANGUAGES (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.fox Fidonet KHARKOV.FOX (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.friends Fidonet KHARKOV.FRIENDS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.ftp Fidonet KHARKOV.FTP (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.gamer Fidonet KHARKOV.GAMER (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.halyava Fidonet KHARKOV.HALYAVA (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.hardw.pvt Fidonet KHARKOV.HARDW.PVT (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.html Fidonet KHARKOV.HTML (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.images Fidonet KHARKOV.IMAGES (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.internet.html Fidonet KHARKOV.INTERNET.HTML (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.internet.provider Fidonet KHARKOV.INTERNET.PROVIDER (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.job Fidonet KHARKOV.JOB (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.khture Fidonet KHARKOV.KHTURE (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.linux Fidonet KHARKOV.LINUX (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.media.exchange Fidonet KHARKOV.MEDIA.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.medic Fidonet KHARKOV.MEDIC (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.moda Fidonet KHARKOV.MODA (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.music Fidonet KHARKOV.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.naezd Fidonet KHARKOV.NAEZD (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.netgame Fidonet KHARKOV.NETGAME (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.os2 Fidonet KHARKOV.OS2 (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.pickup Fidonet KHARKOV.PICKUP (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.planets Fidonet KHARKOV.PLANETS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.point Fidonet KHARKOV.POINT (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.pvt.balka Fidonet KHARKOV.PVT.BALKA (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.pvt.delphi Fidonet KHARKOV.PVT.DELPHI (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.pvt.hardw Fidonet KHARKOV.PVT.HARDW (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.pvt.magick Fidonet KHARKOV.PVT.MAGICK (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.pvt.news Fidonet KHARKOV.PVT.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.pvt.talks Fidonet KHARKOV.PVT.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.rock Fidonet KHARKOV.ROCK (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sale.chemical Fidonet KHARKOV.SALE.CHEMICAL (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sale.computers Fidonet KHARKOV.SALE.COMPUTERS (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sale.consume Fidonet KHARKOV.SALE.CONSUME (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sale.energy Fidonet KHARKOV.SALE.ENERGY (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sale.food Fidonet KHARKOV.SALE.FOOD (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sale.machinery Fidonet KHARKOV.SALE.MACHINERY (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sale.misc Fidonet KHARKOV.SALE.MISC (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.searching Fidonet KHARKOV.SEARCHING (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.semenyaka Fidonet KHARKOV.SEMENYAKA (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sex Fidonet KHARKOV.SEX (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.software Fidonet KHARKOV.SOFTWARE (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.spectrum Fidonet KHARKOV.SPECTRUM (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.sport Fidonet KHARKOV.SPORT (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.star Fidonet KHARKOV.STAR (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.star.info Fidonet KHARKOV.STAR.INFO (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.star.test Fidonet KHARKOV.STAR.TEST (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.student Fidonet KHARKOV.STUDENT (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.tormoz Fidonet KHARKOV.TORMOZ (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.tpp Fidonet KHARKOV.TPP (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.univer Fidonet KHARKOV.UNIVER (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.unix Fidonet KHARKOV.UNIX (Moderated) fido7.kharkov.zoo Fidonet KHARKOV.ZOO (Moderated) fido7.ki.ev.tor.moz Fidonet KI.EV.TOR.MOZ (Moderated) fido7.kiev.allfix Fidonet KIEV.ALLFIX (Moderated) fido7.kiev.allfix.announce Fidonet KIEV.ALLFIX.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.kiev.anecdot Fidonet KIEV.ANECDOT - Anecdotes (Moderated) fido7.kiev.anekdot Fidonet KIEV.ANEKDOT (Moderated) fido7.kiev.ats Fidonet KIEV.ATS (Moderated) fido7.kiev.baby Fidonet KIEV.BABY (Moderated) fido7.kiev.bike Fidonet KIEV.BIKE (Moderated) fido7.kiev.blackwhite Fidonet KIEV.BLACKWHITE (Moderated) fido7.kiev.boba.eb Fidonet KIEV.BOBA.EB (Moderated) fido7.kiev.cars Fidonet KIEV.CARS (Moderated) fido7.kiev.chainik Fidonet KIEV.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.kiev.chainik.fido Fidonet KIEV.CHAINIK.FIDO (Moderated) fido7.kiev.chainik.hard Fidonet KIEV.CHAINIK.HARD (Moderated) fido7.kiev.chainik.soft Fidonet KIEV.CHAINIK.SOFT (Moderated) fido7.kiev.club Fidonet KIEV.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.kiev.delphi Fidonet KIEV.DELPHI (Moderated) fido7.kiev.exchange Fidonet KIEV.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.kiev.fileecho Fidonet KIEV.FILEECHO - packages search and announcements (Moderated) fido7.kiev.flame Fidonet KIEV.FLAME - flames (Moderated) fido7.kiev.friends Fidonet KIEV.FRIENDS (Moderated) fido7.kiev.guitar Fidonet KIEV.GUITAR (Moderated) fido7.kiev.halyava Fidonet KIEV.HALYAVA (Moderated) fido7.kiev.home Fidonet KIEV.HOME (Moderated) fido7.kiev.job Fidonet KIEV.JOB (Moderated) fido7.kiev.kharkovsky Fidonet KIEV.KHARKOVSKY (Moderated) fido7.kiev.money Fidonet KIEV.MONEY (Moderated) fido7.kiev.music Fidonet KIEV.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.kiev.music.exchange Fidonet KIEV.MUSIC.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.kiev.netgames Fidonet KIEV.NETGAMES - Network games (Moderated) fido7.kiev.pets Fidonet KIEV.PETS (Moderated) fido7.kiev.point Fidonet KIEV.POINT (Moderated) fido7.kiev.school Fidonet KIEV.SCHOOL (Moderated) fido7.kiev.sex Fidonet KIEV.SEX (Moderated) fido7.kiev.sport Fidonet KIEV.SPORT (Moderated) fido7.kiev.students Fidonet KIEV.STUDENTS (Moderated) fido7.kiev.talks Fidonet KIEV.TALKS - general talks (Moderated) fido7.kiev.video Fidonet KIEV.VIDEO (Moderated) fido7.kiev.xchg.audvid Fidonet KIEV.XCHG.AUDVID (Moderated) fido7.kiev.xchg.cd Fidonet KIEV.XCHG.CD (Moderated) fido7.kiev.xchg.comp Fidonet KIEV.XCHG.COMP (Moderated) fido7.kiev.xchg.info Fidonet KIEV.XCHG.INFO (Moderated) fido7.kiev.xchg.other Fidonet KIEV.XCHG.OTHER (Moderated) fido7.kitchen.pvt Fidonet KITCHEN.PVT. (Moderated) fido7.klm.logs Fidonet KLM.LOGS (Moderated) fido7.kmr.fileecho Fidonet KMR.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.kmr.game Fidonet KMR.GAME (Moderated) fido7.kmr.general Fidonet KMR.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.kmr.softw Fidonet KMR.SOFTW (Moderated) fido7.kmr.verses Fidonet KMR.VERSES (Moderated) fido7.kn.bank Fidonet KN.BANK (Moderated) fido7.kn.commonplace Fidonet KN.COMMONPLACE (Moderated) fido7.kn.filefind Fidonet KN.FILEFIND (Moderated) fido7.kn.forward Fidonet KN.FORWARD (Moderated) fido7.kn.hardware Fidonet KN.HARDWARE (Moderated) fido7.kn.holiday Fidonet KN.HOLIDAY (Moderated) fido7.kn.naezd Fidonet KN.NAEZD (Moderated) fido7.kn.politic Fidonet KN.POLITIC (Moderated) fido7.kn.software Fidonet KN.SOFTWARE (Moderated) fido7.kn.stat Fidonet KN.STAT (Moderated) fido7.krs.business Fidonet KRS.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.krs.fileecho Fidonet KRS.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.krs.flame Fidonet KRS.FLAME (Moderated) fido7.krs.flirt Fidonet KRS.FLIRT (Moderated) fido7.krs.general Fidonet KRS.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.krs.link Fidonet KRS.LINK (Moderated) fido7.krs.test Fidonet KRS.TEST (Moderated) fido7.kus-ka.talks Fidonet KUS'KA.TALKS - Olga Ipatows's friends (Moderated) fido7.kwachi.prileteli Fidonet KWACHI.PRILETELI (Moderated) fido7.lars.allfix Fidonet LARS.ALLFIX (Moderated) fido7.layder.freedom Fidonet LAYDER.FREEDOM (Moderated) fido7.learning.to.swim Fidonet LEARNING.TO.SWIM. (Moderated) fido7.legend.mp3 Fidonet LEGEND.MP3. (Moderated) fido7.links.f322 Fidonet LINKS.322 (Moderated) fido7.links.f49 Fidonet LINKS.49 (Moderated) fido7.links.f54 Fidonet LINKS.54 (Moderated) fido7.links.fws Fidonet LINKS.FWS (Moderated) fido7.local.f153 Fidonet LOCAL.153 (Moderated) fido7.local.f290 Fidonet LOCAL.290 (Moderated) fido7.local.f441 Fidonet LOCAL.441 (Moderated) fido7.local.f50 Fidonet LOCAL.50 (Moderated) fido7.lugansk.commerce Fidonet LUGANSK.COMMERCE (Moderated) fido7.lugansk.files Fidonet LUGANSK.FILES (Moderated) fido7.lugansk.games Fidonet LUGANSK.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.lugansk.talks Fidonet LUGANSK.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.lv.oracle Fidonet LV.ORACLE (Moderated) fido7.lv.pgpkeys Fidonet LV.PGPKEYS (Moderated) fido7.lviv.files Fidonet LVIV.FILES (Moderated) fido7.lviv.talks Fidonet LVIV.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.madi.tu Fidonet MADI.TU (Moderated) fido7.madness.art Fidonet MADNESS.ART. (Moderated) fido7.magnetic.announce Fidonet MAGNETIC.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.magnetic.echo Fidonet MAGNETIC.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.magnetic.stat Fidonet MAGNETIC.STAT (Moderated) fido7.mama.anarhiya Fidonet MAMA.ANARHIYA (Moderated) fido7.mar.tm Fidonet MAR.TM (Moderated) fido7.mariupol.talkes Fidonet MARIUPOL.TALKES (Moderated) fido7.max.klochkov Fidonet MAX.KLOCHKOV - Max Klochkov's friends talks (Moderated) fido7.maximus.planets Fidonet MAXIMUS.PLANETS (Moderated) fido7.med.echo Fidonet MED.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.memento.mori Fidonet MEMENTO.MORI (Moderated) fido7.mentant.news Fidonet MENTANT.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.mentant.robots Fidonet MENTANT.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.mfe.allfix.mail Fidonet MFE.ALLFIX.MAIL (Moderated) fido7.mfe.info Fidonet MFE.INFO - Moscow fileecho backbone (Moderated) fido7.mfe.soft Fidonet MFE.SOFT - Moscow fileecho backbone (Moderated) fido7.mg.business Fidonet MG.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.mgsp.mgvk.army.mo Fidonet MGSP.MGVK.ARMY.MO (Moderated) fido7.miem.talk Fidonet MIEM.TALK - MIEM students (Moderated) fido7.mik-local Fidonet MIK_LOCAL (Moderated) fido7.mikdim.link Fidonet MIKDIM.LINK (Moderated) fido7.mikdim.robots Fidonet MIKDIM.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.mikdim.test Fidonet MIKDIM.TEST (Moderated) fido7.minkevich.talk Fidonet MINKEVICH.TALK (Moderated) fido7.mistress.pvt Fidonet MISTRESS.PVT (Moderated) fido7.mistress.rukodelie Fidonet MISTRESS.RUKODELIE. (Moderated) fido7.mistress.rus Fidonet MISTRESS.RUS - talks of sysop's wives (Moderated) fido7.mistress.z1 Fidonet MISTRESS.Z1. (Moderated) fido7.mixed.alcohol Fidonet MIXED.ALCOHOL (Moderated) fido7.mj.club Fidonet MJ.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.mkt-dn.orgtech Fidonet MKT-DN.ORGTECH (Moderated) fido7.mkt-dn.other Fidonet MKT-DN.OTHER (Moderated) fido7.mntrack.support Fidonet MNTRACK.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.mo.advice Fidonet MO.ADVICE (Moderated) fido7.mo.aeroport Fidonet MO.AEROPORT - 5020/47 links talks (Moderated) fido7.mo.aesc Fidonet MO.AESC (Moderated) fido7.mo.akademicheskay Fidonet MO.AKADEMICHESKAYA (Moderated) fido7.mo.apartment Fidonet MO.APARTMENT (Moderated) fido7.mo.arbat Fidonet MO.ARBAT. (Moderated) fido7.mo.archicad Fidonet MO.ARCHICAD. (Moderated) fido7.mo.babka Fidonet MO.BABKA (Moderated) fido7.mo.baby.mgsu Fidonet MO.BABY.MGSU (Moderated) fido7.mo.balashikha Fidonet MO.BALASHIKHA (Moderated) fido7.mo.bar Fidonet MO.BAR (Moderated) fido7.mo.beer Fidonet MO.BEER - beer drinkers talks (Moderated) fido7.mo.bike Fidonet MO.BIKE (Moderated) fido7.mo.blusys-modtalk Fidonet MO.BLUSYS_MODTALK (Moderated) fido7.mo.books.wanted Fidonet MO.BOOKS.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.mo.bootovo Fidonet MO.BOOTOVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.brakedance Fidonet MO.BRAKEDANCE. (Moderated) fido7.mo.brateevo Fidonet MO.BRATEEVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.cars Fidonet MO.CARS (Moderated) fido7.mo.cars.azlk Fidonet MO.CARS.AZLK (Moderated) fido7.mo.cars.repair Fidonet MO.CARS.REPAIR (Moderated) fido7.mo.cars.zaz Fidonet MO.CARS.ZAZ (Moderated) fido7.mo.chertanovo Fidonet MO.CHERTANOVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.cheryomushki Fidonet MO.CHERYOMUSHKI (Moderated) fido7.mo.combat.arts Fidonet MO.COMBAT.ARTS. (Moderated) fido7.mo.connect Fidonet MO.CONNECT (Moderated) fido7.mo.cska Fidonet MO.CSKA. (Moderated) fido7.mo.d-d.ad-d Fidonet MO.D&D.AD&D - Dungeons and Dragons etc. (Moderated) fido7.mo.dec Fidonet MO.DEC - DEC computers (Moderated) fido7.mo.echo Fidonet MO.ECHO - general talks (Moscow) (Moderated) fido7.mo.economics Fidonet MO.ECONOMICS (Moderated) fido7.mo.extreme.boards Fidonet MO.EXTREME.BOARDS (Moderated) fido7.mo.feelee Fidonet MO.FEELEE (Moderated) fido7.mo.fifa Fidonet MO.FIFA (Moderated) fido7.mo.file.attach Fidonet MO.FILE.ATTACH (Moderated) fido7.mo.file.find Fidonet MO.FILE.FIND. (Moderated) fido7.mo.football Fidonet MO.FOOTBALL (Moderated) fido7.mo.football.porter Fidonet MO.FOOTBALL.PORTER (Moderated) fido7.mo.football.realplay Fidonet MO.FOOTBALL.REALPLAY (Moderated) fido7.mo.gang Fidonet MO.GANG (Moderated) fido7.mo.gau Fidonet MO.GAU (Moderated) fido7.mo.go Fidonet MO.GO (Moderated) fido7.mo.good.people.talks Fidonet MO.GOOD.PEOPLE.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.mo.gorbushka Fidonet MO.GORBUSHKA (Moderated) fido7.mo.graffiti Fidonet MO.GRAFFITI (Moderated) fido7.mo.halyava Fidonet MO.HALYAVA (Moderated) fido7.mo.halyava.sale Fidonet MO.HALYAVA.SALE (Moderated) fido7.mo.halyava.wanted Fidonet MO.HALYAVA.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.mo.hardcore Fidonet MO.HARDCORE (Moderated) fido7.mo.hardw.repair.wanted Fidonet MO.HARDW.REPAIR.WANTED - Request for HW fixing (Moderated) fido7.mo.hi-fi Fidonet MO.HI-FI (Moderated) fido7.mo.horoshevo-mnev Fidonet MO.HOROSHEVO-MNEVNIKI (Moderated) fido7.mo.horoshovo-mnev Fidonet MO.HOROSHOVO-MNEVNIKI (Moderated) fido7.mo.house Fidonet MO.HOUSE (Moderated) fido7.mo.hovrino Fidonet MO.HOVRINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.inter.tourism Fidonet MO.INTER.TOURISM - International tourism (Moderated) fido7.mo.interesting.inf Fidonet MO.INTERESTING.INF (Moderated) fido7.mo.izmailovo Fidonet MO.IZMAILOVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.izmailovo.talk Fidonet MO.IZMAILOVO.TALK (Moderated) fido7.mo.job Fidonet MO.JOB - job seeking and offering (Moderated) fido7.mo.job.haltura Fidonet MO.JOB.HALTURA (Moderated) fido7.mo.job.service Fidonet MO.JOB.SERVICE (Moderated) fido7.mo.job.talk Fidonet MO.JOB.TALK - Talk on job proposals (Moderated) fido7.mo.jungle Fidonet MO.JUNGLE (Moderated) fido7.mo.konkovo Fidonet MO.KONKOVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.krasnogorsk.talk Fidonet MO.KRASNOGORSK.TALK (Moderated) fido7.mo.krik Fidonet MO.KRIK. (Moderated) fido7.mo.krylatskoe Fidonet MO.KRYLATSKOE (Moderated) fido7.mo.kuncevo Fidonet MO.KUNCEVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.kuzminki Fidonet MO.KUZMINKI (Moderated) fido7.mo.lan.construction Fidonet MO.LAN.CONSTRUCTION (Moderated) fido7.mo.lefortovo Fidonet MO.LEFORTOVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.legal.soft Fidonet MO.LEGAL.SOFT (Moderated) fido7.mo.leningradka Fidonet MO.LENINGRADKA (Moderated) fido7.mo.leninsky.prospect Fidonet MO.LENINSKY.PROSPECT (Moderated) fido7.mo.limonozovo Fidonet MO.LIMONOZOVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.live Fidonet MO.LIVE (Moderated) fido7.mo.lublino Fidonet MO.LUBLINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.maep Fidonet MO.MAEP (Moderated) fido7.mo.mai Fidonet MO.MAI - MAI students (Moderated) fido7.mo.make.money Fidonet MO.MAKE.MONEY (Moderated) fido7.mo.maket.talks Fidonet MO.MAKET.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.mo.mami Fidonet MO.MAMI (Moderated) fido7.mo.maryino.mp3 Fidonet MO.MARYINO.MP3 (Moderated) fido7.mo.mbi Fidonet MO.MBI (Moderated) fido7.mo.medic.student Fidonet MO.MEDIC.STUDENT (Moderated) fido7.mo.mei Fidonet MO.MEI (Moderated) fido7.mo.meliss Fidonet MO.MELISS (Moderated) fido7.mo.mendeleevo Fidonet MO.MENDELEEVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.mephi Fidonet MO.MEPHI (Moderated) fido7.mo.metallica Fidonet MO.METALLICA (Moderated) fido7.mo.metro-universi Fidonet MO.METRO_UNIVERSITET (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgalp Fidonet MO.MGALP (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgapi Fidonet MO.MGAPI (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgatu Fidonet MO.MGATU (Moderated) fido7.mo.mggu Fidonet MO.MGGU (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgimo Fidonet MO.MGIMO (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgiu Fidonet MO.MGIU (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgnd Fidonet MO.MGND. (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgta Fidonet MO.MGTA (Moderated) fido7.mo.mgupp Fidonet MO.MGUPP (Moderated) fido7.mo.miem.prepod Fidonet MO.MIEM.PREPOD (Moderated) fido7.mo.miem.talk Fidonet MO.MIEM.TALK (Moderated) fido7.mo.miigaik Fidonet MO.MIIGAIK (Moderated) fido7.mo.mirea Fidonet MO.MIREA - MIREA students (Moderated) fido7.mo.misis Fidonet MO.MISIS (Moderated) fido7.mo.mitinka Fidonet MO.MITINKA (Moderated) fido7.mo.mitino Fidonet MO.MITINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.mkip Fidonet MO.MKIP (Moderated) fido7.mo.mmk Fidonet MO.MMK (Moderated) fido7.mo.msou Fidonet MO.MSOU (Moderated) fido7.mo.msu.phys Fidonet MO.MSU.PHYS (Moderated) fido7.mo.msuc Fidonet MO.MSUC (Moderated) fido7.mo.mtusi Fidonet MO.MTUSI (Moderated) fido7.mo.music.exchange Fidonet MO.MUSIC.EXCHANGE - music record exchange (Moderated) fido7.mo.nagatino Fidonet MO.NAGATINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.nagatino.free Fidonet MO.NAGATINO.FREE. (Moderated) fido7.mo.nagornaya Fidonet MO.NAGORNAYA (Moderated) fido7.mo.nashe.radio Fidonet MO.NASHE.RADIO (Moderated) fido7.mo.neformal.club Fidonet MO.NEFORMAL.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.mo.nikulino Fidonet MO.NIKULINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.nizhegorodsky Fidonet MO.NIZHEGORODSKY (Moderated) fido7.mo.novokosino Fidonet MO.NOVOKOSINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.ochakovo Fidonet MO.OCHAKOVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.onegod Fidonet MO.ONEGOD - Monotheistic religions (Moderated) fido7.mo.os2.prog Fidonet MO.OS2.PROG (Moderated) fido7.mo.othernet Fidonet MO.OTHERNET (Moderated) fido7.mo.party Fidonet MO.PARTY (Moderated) fido7.mo.party.club Fidonet MO.PARTY.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.mo.party.halyava Fidonet MO.PARTY.HALYAVA (Moderated) fido7.mo.pelmeni Fidonet MO.PELMENI (Moderated) fido7.mo.peredelkino Fidonet MO.PEREDELKINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.perovo Fidonet MO.PEROVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.phrases Fidonet MO.PHRASES - Phrases (Moderated) fido7.mo.physics Fidonet MO.PHYSICS (Moderated) fido7.mo.phystech Fidonet MO.PHYSTECH (Moderated) fido7.mo.pool Fidonet MO.POOL (Moderated) fido7.mo.porno.video Fidonet MO.PORNO.VIDEO (Moderated) fido7.mo.povremenka Fidonet MO.POVREMENKA (Moderated) fido7.mo.preobragenka Fidonet MO.PREOBRAGENKA (Moderated) fido7.mo.presnya Fidonet MO.PRESNYA (Moderated) fido7.mo.proezdnoy Fidonet MO.PROEZDNOY (Moderated) fido7.mo.questions Fidonet MO.QUESTIONS (Moderated) fido7.mo.radiostat Fidonet MO.RADIOSTAT (Moderated) fido7.mo.ramenki Fidonet MO.RAMENKI (Moderated) fido7.mo.repair Fidonet MO.REPAIR (Moderated) fido7.mo.rollers Fidonet MO.ROLLERS (Moderated) fido7.mo.rsuh Fidonet MO.RSUH (Moderated) fido7.mo.rudn Fidonet MO.RUDN (Moderated) fido7.mo.sails Fidonet MO.SAILS (Moderated) fido7.mo.sale Fidonet MO.SALE - No commerce (Moderated) fido7.mo.school.f799 Fidonet MO.SCHOOL.799 (Moderated) fido7.mo.ski Fidonet MO.SKI - Ski (Moderated) fido7.mo.softexchange Fidonet MO.SOFTEXCHANGE - noncommercial software exchange (Moderated) fido7.mo.softexchange.arvid Fidonet MO.SOFTEXCHANGE.ARVID - Software exchange (Moderated) fido7.mo.softmarket Fidonet MO.SOFTMARKET - Moscow software market (noncommercial) (Moderated) fido7.mo.sokolniki Fidonet MO.SOKOLNIKI (Moderated) fido7.mo.solntsevo Fidonet MO.SOLNTSEVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.story Fidonet MO.STORY (Moderated) fido7.mo.sysoeff Fidonet MO.SYSOEFF - literature magazine (no postings) (Moderated) fido7.mo.sysoeff.talks Fidonet MO.SYSOEFF.TALKS - About Sysoeff magazine (Moderated) fido7.mo.taganka Fidonet MO.TAGANKA (Moderated) fido7.mo.talk Fidonet MO.TALK - general talks (Moscow) (Moderated) fido7.mo.teachers.phrases Fidonet MO.TEACHERS.PHRASES (Moderated) fido7.mo.tech.support Fidonet MO.TECH.SUPPORT. (Moderated) fido7.mo.teply.stan Fidonet MO.TEPLY.STAN - General talks (Moderated) fido7.mo.textilshiki Fidonet MO.TEXTILSHIKI (Moderated) fido7.mo.timiryazevskay Fidonet MO.TIMIRYAZEVSKAYA (Moderated) fido7.mo.tourism Fidonet MO.TOURISM (Moderated) fido7.mo.transport Fidonet MO.TRANSPORT (Moderated) fido7.mo.trash Fidonet MO.TRASH (Moderated) fido7.mo.tsaritsino Fidonet MO.TSARITSINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.tushino Fidonet MO.TUSHINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.tv Fidonet MO.TV (Moderated) fido7.mo.university Fidonet MO.UNIVERSITY - Moscow university (Moderated) fido7.mo.uz-univer Fidonet MO.UZ&UNIVER (Moderated) fido7.mo.videomovies Fidonet MO.VIDEOMOVIES (Moderated) fido7.mo.vidnoe Fidonet MO.VIDNOE. (Moderated) fido7.mo.vikhino Fidonet MO.VIKHINO (Moderated) fido7.mo.wanted Fidonet MO.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.mo.weather Fidonet MO.WEATHER (Moderated) fido7.mo.whirlpoo Fidonet MO.WHIRLPOO (Moderated) fido7.mo.xpicsex.talk Fidonet MO.XPICSEX.TALK (Moderated) fido7.mo.yasenevo Fidonet MO.YASENEVO (Moderated) fido7.mo.yuzhniy.port Fidonet MO.YUZHNIY.PORT. (Moderated) fido7.mo.zgrad Fidonet MO.ZGRAD - Zelenograd chat (Moderated) fido7.mo.zgrad.cars Fidonet MO.ZGRAD.CARS (Moderated) fido7.mo.zgrad.findfirst Fidonet MO.ZGRAD.FINDFIRST (Moderated) fido7.mo.zgrad.miee Fidonet MO.ZGRAD.MIEE (Moderated) fido7.mo.zgrad.pupils Fidonet MO.ZGRAD.PUPILS (Moderated) fido7.mo.zgrad.talk Fidonet MO.ZGRAD.TALK (Moderated) fido7.mo.zhukovsky Fidonet MO.ZHUKOVSKY (Moderated) fido7.mo.znatok Fidonet MO.ZNATOK (Moderated) fido7.mockba Fidonet MOCKBA. (Moderated) fido7.moldova.audiovideo Fidonet MOLDOVA.AUDIOVIDEO (Moderated) fido7.moldova.bank Fidonet MOLDOVA.BANK (Moderated) fido7.moldova.bektop Fidonet MOLDOVA.BEKTOP (Moderated) fido7.moldova.business Fidonet MOLDOVA.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.moldova.cars Fidonet MOLDOVA.CARS (Moderated) fido7.moldova.chainik Fidonet MOLDOVA.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.moldova.cmex Fidonet MOLDOVA.CMEX (Moderated) fido7.moldova.computers Fidonet MOLDOVA.COMPUTERS (Moderated) fido7.moldova.consumer Fidonet MOLDOVA.CONSUMER (Moderated) fido7.moldova.dtp Fidonet MOLDOVA.DTP (Moderated) fido7.moldova.echo Fidonet MOLDOVA.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.moldova.files Fidonet MOLDOVA.FILES (Moderated) fido7.moldova.game Fidonet MOLDOVA.GAME (Moderated) fido7.moldova.general.chat Fidonet MOLDOVA.GENERAL.CHAT (Moderated) fido7.moldova.internet Fidonet MOLDOVA.INTERNET (Moderated) fido7.moldova.new.files Fidonet MOLDOVA.NEW.FILES (Moderated) fido7.moldova.os2 Fidonet MOLDOVA.OS2. (Moderated) fido7.moldova.planets Fidonet MOLDOVA.PLANETS (Moderated) fido7.moldova.point Fidonet MOLDOVA.POINT (Moderated) fido7.moldova.soft Fidonet MOLDOVA.SOFT (Moderated) fido7.moldova.student Fidonet MOLDOVA.STUDENT (Moderated) fido7.moldova.tech.f999 Fidonet MOLDOVA.TECH.999 (Moderated) fido7.moldova.testing Fidonet MOLDOVA.TESTING (Moderated) fido7.moldova.tv-sat Fidonet MOLDOVA.TV&SAT (Moderated) fido7.moldova.unix Fidonet MOLDOVA.UNIX (Moderated) fido7.moldova.youth Fidonet MOLDOVA.YOUTH (Moderated) fido7.monkey.island Fidonet MONKEY.ISLAND (Moderated) fido7.moscow-oklahom Fidonet MOSCOW_OKLAHOMA (Moderated) fido7.moscow.on-line Fidonet MOSCOW.ON-LINE (Moderated) fido7.moscow.pvt Fidonet MOSCOW.PVT (Moderated) fido7.moto.magazin Fidonet MOTO.MAGAZIN. (Moderated) fido7.mp.lazy Fidonet MP.LAZY (Moderated) fido7.mp.link Fidonet MP.LINK (Moderated) fido7.mp.robots Fidonet MP.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.mstu.talks Fidonet MSTU.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.mu.general Fidonet MU.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.mu.red-burda Fidonet MU.RED_BURDA (Moderated) fido7.multilog.support Fidonet MULTILOG.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.n5020.autotest Fidonet N5020.AUTOTEST (Moderated) fido7.n5020.new.nodes Fidonet N5020.NEW.NODES (Moderated) fido7.n5020.point Fidonet N5020.POINT (Moderated) fido7.n5020.point.talk Fidonet N5020.POINT.TALK (Moderated) fido7.n5026.info Fidonet N5026.INFO (Moderated) fido7.n5026.robo Fidonet N5026.ROBO (Moderated) fido7.n5028.echo Fidonet 5028.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.n5039.delphi Fidonet 5039.DELPHI (Moderated) fido7.n5039.echo Fidonet 5039.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.n5039.firewalls Fidonet 5039.FIREWALLS (Moderated) fido7.n5039.interest Fidonet 5039.INTEREST (Moderated) fido7.n5039.music Fidonet 5039.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.n5039.news.weather Fidonet 5039.NEWS.WEATHER (Moderated) fido7.n5039.news.www.announce Fidonet 5039.NEWS.WWW.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.n5039.robot Fidonet 5039.ROBOT (Moderated) fido7.n5049.os2 Fidonet 5049.OS2 (Moderated) fido7.n5050.files Fidonet N5050.FILES (Moderated) fido7.n5050.game.doom Fidonet N5050.GAME.DOOM (Moderated) fido7.n5050.general Fidonet N5050.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.n5050.notify Fidonet N5050.NOTIFY (Moderated) fido7.n5050.os2 Fidonet N5050.OS2 (Moderated) fido7.n5050.vp Fidonet N5050.VP (Moderated) fido7.n5050.x Fidonet N5050.X (Moderated) fido7.n50509.general Fidonet N50509.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.n5053.common Fidonet N5053.COMMON (Moderated) fido7.n5053.exchange Fidonet N5053.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.n5053.files Fidonet N5053.FILES (Moderated) fido7.n5053.games Fidonet N5053.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.n5053.music Fidonet N5053.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.n5053.programming Fidonet N5053.PROGRAMMING (Moderated) fido7.n5060.talks Fidonet N5060.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.nd.talk Fidonet ND.TALK - NetDialogue talks (Moderated) fido7.net467.talks Fidonet NET467.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.news.answers Fidonet NEWS.ANSWERS (Moderated) fido7.nice.sources Fidonet NICE.SOURCES - Nice C sources (no postings!) (Moderated) fido7.nice.sources.d Fidonet NICE.SOURCES.D - Nice C sources talks (Moderated) fido7.night.talks Fidonet NIGHT.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.nikolaev.bazar Fidonet NIKOLAEV.BAZAR (Moderated) fido7.nikolaev.computers Fidonet NIKOLAEV.COMPUTERS (Moderated) fido7.nikolaev.fileecho Fidonet NIKOLAEV.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.nikolaev.joy Fidonet NIKOLAEV.JOY (Moderated) fido7.nikolaev.talks Fidonet NIKOLAEV.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.nino.bardak Fidonet NINO.BARDAK (Moderated) fido7.nino.general Fidonet NINO.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.nino.music.talks Fidonet NINO.MUSIC.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.nkz.internet Fidonet NKZ.INTERNET (Moderated) fido7.no.carrier Fidonet NO.CARRIER - general (Moderated) fido7.nonprofit.technology Fidonet NONPROFIT.TECHNOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.nordlink.talk Fidonet NORDLINK.TALK (Moderated) fido7.nordlink.wanted Fidonet NORDLINK.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.nsk.cheers Fidonet NSK.CHEERS (Moderated) fido7.nsk.general Fidonet NSK.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.nsk.job Fidonet NSK.JOB (Moderated) fido7.nsk.music.exchange Fidonet NSK.MUSIC.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.nsk.planets Fidonet NSK.PLANETS (Moderated) fido7.nsk.soft Fidonet NSK.SOFT (Moderated) fido7.nv.echo Fidonet NV.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.obec.3boh Fidonet OBEC.3BOH (Moderated) fido7.obec.filtered Fidonet OBEC.FILTERED (Moderated) fido7.obec.pactet Fidonet OBEC.PACTET (Moderated) fido7.odessa.broadcast Fidonet ODESSA.BROADCAST (Moderated) fido7.odessa.exchange Fidonet ODESSA.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.odessa.fileecho Fidonet ODESSA.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.odessa.game Fidonet ODESSA.GAME (Moderated) fido7.odessa.joker Fidonet ODESSA.JOKER (Moderated) fido7.odessa.music Fidonet ODESSA.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.odessa.netgame Fidonet ODESSA.NETGAME (Moderated) fido7.odessa.talks Fidonet ODESSA.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.odessa.unix Fidonet ODESSA.UNIX (Moderated) fido7.old-nick-s.magazine Fidonet OLD_NICK'S.MAGAZINE - literatue magazine (no postings!) (Moderated) fido7.omni.nethack Fidonet OMNI.NETHACK (Moderated) fido7.omni.news Fidonet OMNI.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.paradox.link.echo Fidonet PARADOX.LINK.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.pavlograd.talks Fidonet PAVLOGRAD.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.pc.coding Fidonet PC.CODING (Moderated) fido7.peheccahc Fidonet PEHECCAHC (Moderated) fido7.pepsi Fidonet PEPSI (Moderated) fido7.perm.os2 Fidonet PERM.OS2 (Moderated) fido7.pk.madmed Fidonet PK.MADMED - MadMED program (Moderated) fido7.pk.sqafix Fidonet PK.SQAFIX - SqaFix program (Moderated) fido7.podolsk.talk Fidonet PODOLSK.TALK (Moderated) fido7.policom.pro.info Fidonet POLICOM.PRO.INFO (Moderated) fido7.postmasters Fidonet POSTMASTERS - Admin topics of fido7 hierarchy (Moderated) fido7.profi.cpm Fidonet PROFI.CPM - "Profi" (Z80) computer (Moderated) fido7.programming.pearls Fidonet PROGRAMMING.PEARLS [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.programming.pearls.auditorium Fidonet PROGRAMMING.PEARLS.AUDITORIUM [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.province.talk Fidonet PROVINCE.TALK (Moderated) fido7.pskov.test Fidonet PSKOV.TEST (Moderated) fido7.pvt-hck Fidonet PVT$HCK (Moderated) fido7.pvt.anekdot.alt Fidonet PVT.ANEKDOT.ALT. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.autostop Fidonet PVT.AUTOSTOP. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.bala-gun Fidonet PVT.BALA_GUN (Moderated) fido7.pvt.balakovo Fidonet PVT.BALAKOVO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.bibirevo Fidonet PVT.BIBIREVO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.birulevo Fidonet PVT.BIRULEVO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.black-arrow Fidonet PVT.BLACK_ARROW (Moderated) fido7.pvt.cat.club Fidonet PVT.CAT.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.christmas Fidonet PVT.CHRISTMAS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.club Fidonet PVT.CLUB - club (Moderated) fido7.pvt.cpss Fidonet PVT.CPSS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.crazy.english.talks Fidonet PVT.CRAZY.ENGLISH.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.demex Fidonet PVT.DEMEX (Moderated) fido7.pvt.dev.unique Fidonet PVT.DEV.UNIQUE (Moderated) fido7.pvt.dismember.support Fidonet PVT.DISMEMBER.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.pvt.dog.afgan Fidonet PVT.DOG.AFGAN (Moderated) fido7.pvt.end.of.the.world Fidonet PVT.END.OF.THE.WORLD (Moderated) fido7.pvt.esoteric.club Fidonet PVT.ESOTERIC.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.evil Fidonet PVT.EVIL (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.apartement Fidonet PVT.EXCH.APARTEMENT. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.audiovideo Fidonet PVT.EXCH.AUDIOVIDEO - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.black.log Fidonet PVT.EXCH.BLACK.LOG - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.black.log.talk Fidonet PVT.EXCH.BLACK.LOG.TALK (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.cars Fidonet PVT.EXCH.CARS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.cd Fidonet PVT.EXCH.CD (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.cellular Fidonet PVT.EXCH.CELLULAR (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.comm Fidonet PVT.EXCH.COMM - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.comp Fidonet PVT.EXCH.COMP (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.computer Fidonet PVT.EXCH.COMPUTER - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.el.parts Fidonet PVT.EXCH.EL.PARTS - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.mobile Fidonet PVT.EXCH.MOBILE - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.notebook Fidonet PVT.EXCH.NOTEBOOK (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.other Fidonet PVT.EXCH.OTHER - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.pc Fidonet PVT.EXCH.PC (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.pricelist Fidonet PVT.EXCH.PRICELIST - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.pricelist.comp Fidonet PVT.EXCH.PRICELIST.COMP (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.service Fidonet PVT.EXCH.SERVICE (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exch.talk Fidonet PVT.EXCH.TALK - Noncommercial exchange (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exler Fidonet PVT.EXLER (Moderated) fido7.pvt.exo Fidonet PVT.EXO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.f113 Fidonet PVT.113 (Moderated) fido7.pvt.f48 Fidonet PVT.48 (Moderated) fido7.pvt.flirt Fidonet PVT.FLIRT - flirt (NO marital advert.!) (Moderated) fido7.pvt.florida Fidonet PVT.FLORIDA (Moderated) fido7.pvt.forex Fidonet PVT.FOREX (Moderated) fido7.pvt.formula1 Fidonet PVT.FORMULA1 (Moderated) fido7.pvt.freedom Fidonet PVT.FREEDOM. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.girls Fidonet PVT.GIRLS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.golos.off Fidonet PVT.GOLOS.OFF (Moderated) fido7.pvt.hackers Fidonet PVT.HACKERS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.hardw.max2plus Fidonet PVT.HARDW.MAX2PLUS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.highhill Fidonet PVT.HIGHHILL (Moderated) fido7.pvt.horror Fidonet PVT.HORROR (Moderated) fido7.pvt.husband.club Fidonet PVT.HUSBAND.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.internet.url Fidonet PVT.INTERNET.URL (Moderated) fido7.pvt.jack Fidonet PVT.JACK (Moderated) fido7.pvt.kam-nh Fidonet PVT.KAM-NH (Moderated) fido7.pvt.keds Fidonet PVT.KEDS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.labuda Fidonet PVT.LABUDA. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.law Fidonet PVT.LAW - Law (Moderated) fido7.pvt.lbcat.talk Fidonet PVT.LBCAT.TALK (Moderated) fido7.pvt.lehin Fidonet PVT.LEHIN (Moderated) fido7.pvt.lws Fidonet PVT.LWS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.lyubertsy Fidonet PVT.LYUBERTSY. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.m.c.tech Fidonet PVT.M.C.TECH (Moderated) fido7.pvt.max.club Fidonet PVT.MAX.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.medvedkovo Fidonet PVT.MEDVEDKOVO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.melodic.metal Fidonet PVT.MELODIC.METAL (Moderated) fido7.pvt.metal.club Fidonet PVT.METAL.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.metal.club.support Fidonet PVT.METAL.CLUB.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.pvt.miem.talk Fidonet PVT.MIEM.TALK. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.mies Fidonet PVT.MIES (Moderated) fido7.pvt.mike.f477 Fidonet PVT.MIKE.477 (Moderated) fido7.pvt.minkevich Fidonet PVT.MINKEVICH (Moderated) fido7.pvt.moon Fidonet PVT.MOON (Moderated) fido7.pvt.mouse.club Fidonet PVT.MOUSE.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.mp3 Fidonet PVT.MP3 (Moderated) fido7.pvt.ms.satan Fidonet PVT.MS.SATAN (Moderated) fido7.pvt.mute.raven Fidonet PVT.MUTE.RAVEN (Moderated) fido7.pvt.newspaper Fidonet PVT.NEWSPAPER (Moderated) fido7.pvt.niichavo Fidonet PVT.NIICHAVO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.nimnull Fidonet PVT.NIMNULL (Moderated) fido7.pvt.notax Fidonet PVT.NOTAX - Minimize taxes (Moderated) fido7.pvt.odintsovo Fidonet PVT.ODINTSOVO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.orgiya Fidonet PVT.ORGIYA. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.owl.club Fidonet PVT.OWL.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.panda Fidonet PVT.PANDA (Moderated) fido7.pvt.points-party Fidonet PVT.POINTS-PARTY (Moderated) fido7.pvt.polis Fidonet PVT.POLIS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.prices Fidonet PVT.PRICES (Moderated) fido7.pvt.prool Fidonet PVT.PROOL (Moderated) fido7.pvt.ranger Fidonet PVT.RANGER (Moderated) fido7.pvt.ranger.techno Fidonet PVT.RANGER.TECHNO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.rusar.talks Fidonet PVT.RUSAR.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.pvt.sale-exchang Fidonet PVT.SALE_&_EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.pvt.sale-exchang.talk Fidonet PVT.SALE_&_EXCHANGE.TALK (Moderated) fido7.pvt.schumacher Fidonet PVT.SCHUMACHER (Moderated) fido7.pvt.serials Fidonet PVT.SERIALS. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.skull.c0der Fidonet PVT.SKULL.C0DER (Moderated) fido7.pvt.sound.pro Fidonet PVT.SOUND.PRO (Moderated) fido7.pvt.sound.turtlebeach Fidonet PVT.SOUND.TURTLEBEACH (Moderated) fido7.pvt.sova.club Fidonet PVT.SOVA.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.pvt.sysop Fidonet PVT.SYSOP (Moderated) fido7.pvt.tctube Fidonet PVT.TCTUBE (Moderated) fido7.pvt.the-life-rea Fidonet PVT.THE_LIFE_&_REAL_MUSIC. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.ultrasound Fidonet PVT.ULTRASOUND (Moderated) fido7.pvt.ut5ude.packet Fidonet PVT.UT5UDE.PACKET (Moderated) fido7.pvt.utopia Fidonet PVT.UTOPIA (Moderated) fido7.pvt.victory Fidonet PVT.VICTORY (Moderated) fido7.pvt.virii Fidonet PVT.VIRII (Moderated) fido7.pvt.world.of.dream Fidonet PVT.WORLD.OF.DREAM (Moderated) fido7.pvt.yas Fidonet PVT.YAS. (Moderated) fido7.pvt.zelimhan Fidonet PVT.ZELIMHAN (Moderated) fido7.qaz.allfix Fidonet QAZ.ALLFIX (Moderated) fido7.qaz.pvt Fidonet QAZ.PVT (Moderated) fido7.qview.support Fidonet QVIEW.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.r46.b.buy Fidonet R46.B.BUY (Moderated) fido7.r46.b.change Fidonet R46.B.CHANGE (Moderated) fido7.r46.b.sale Fidonet R46.B.SALE (Moderated) fido7.r46.b.talks Fidonet R46.B.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.r46.b.tech Fidonet R46.B.TECH (Moderated) fido7.r46.exch Fidonet R46.EXCH (Moderated) fido7.r46.game Fidonet R46.GAME (Moderated) fido7.r46.general Fidonet R46.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.r46.warez.new Fidonet R46.WAREZ.NEW (Moderated) fido7.r50.tsc Fidonet R50.TSC (Moderated) fido7.radiomax Fidonet RADIOMAX.ALL (Moderated) fido7.radiomax.hitparade Fidonet RADIOMAX.HITPARADE (Moderated) fido7.rar.support Fidonet RAR.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.rc.infoserv Fidonet RC.INFOSERV (Moderated) fido7.rc.jobs Fidonet RC.JOBS (Moderated) fido7.real.speccy Fidonet REAL.SPECCY (Moderated) fido7.robots.f49 Fidonet ROBOTS.49 (Moderated) fido7.rockabilly.50s Fidonet ROCKABILLY.50S (Moderated) fido7.rockwell.modem Fidonet ROCKWELL.MODEM (Moderated) fido7.rou.bchinsky Fidonet ROU.BCHINSKY (Moderated) fido7.ru.1csoft Fidonet RU.1CSOFT (Moderated) fido7.ru.3ds-lw Fidonet RU.3DS&LW (Moderated) fido7.ru.4dos Fidonet RU.4DOS - 4DOS (Moderated) fido7.ru.about.life Fidonet RU.ABOUT.LIFE (Moderated) fido7.ru.acad Fidonet RU.ACAD (Moderated) fido7.ru.accounting Fidonet RU.ACCOUNTING (Moderated) fido7.ru.acm Fidonet RU.ACM. (Moderated) fido7.ru.active.worlds Fidonet RU.ACTIVE.WORLDS (Moderated) fido7.ru.ad-d.translate Fidonet RU.AD&D.TRANSLATE (Moderated) fido7.ru.admin Fidonet RU.ADMIN (Moderated) fido7.ru.adv-ftnsoft.gates Fidonet RU.ADV_FTNSOFT.GATES (Moderated) fido7.ru.adv-ftnsoft.info Fidonet RU.ADV_FTNSOFT.INFO (Moderated) fido7.ru.advertisement Fidonet RU.ADVERTISEMENT (Moderated) fido7.ru.agni Fidonet RU.AGNI (Moderated) fido7.ru.agny Fidonet RU.AGNY (Moderated) fido7.ru.ai Fidonet RU.AI (Moderated) fido7.ru.algorithms Fidonet RU.ALGORITHMS - Algorithms (Moderated) fido7.ru.alkashi.offline Fidonet RU.ALKASHI.OFFLINE (Moderated) fido7.ru.allfix Fidonet RU.ALLFIX (Moderated) fido7.ru.allfix-help Fidonet RU.ALLFIX_HELP (Moderated) fido7.ru.amadeus Fidonet RU.AMADEUS (Moderated) fido7.ru.amiga Fidonet RU.AMIGA (Moderated) fido7.ru.amiga.pvt Fidonet RU.AMIGA.PVT (Moderated) fido7.ru.an-club Fidonet RU.AN-CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.anarchy Fidonet RU.ANARCHY (Moderated) fido7.ru.anecdot Fidonet RU.ANECDOT (Moderated) fido7.ru.anekdot Fidonet RU.ANEKDOT - anecdotes only (no shtirlitz!) (Moderated) fido7.ru.anekdot.digest Fidonet RU.ANEKDOT.DIGEST [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.ru.anekdot.filtered Fidonet RU.ANEKDOT.FILTERED (Moderated) fido7.ru.anekdot.the.best Fidonet RU.ANEKDOT.THE.BEST (Moderated) fido7.ru.anime.chainik Fidonet RU.ANIME.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.anime.games Fidonet RU.ANIME.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.ru.anime.ranma Fidonet RU.ANIME.RANMA (Moderated) fido7.ru.anime.sailor Fidonet RU.ANIME.SAILOR (Moderated) fido7.ru.anomalia Fidonet RU.ANOMALIA (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti-ment Fidonet RU.ANTI-MENT (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti-nalogi Fidonet RU.ANTI-NALOGI (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti-religion Fidonet RU.ANTI-RELIGION (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti.army Fidonet RU.ANTI.ARMY (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti.ats Fidonet RU.ANTI.ATS - Fight with phone exchanges (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti.beer Fidonet RU.ANTI.BEER (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti.nato Fidonet RU.ANTI.NATO (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti.spice.girls Fidonet RU.ANTI.SPICE.GIRLS (Moderated) fido7.ru.anti.zamansky Fidonet RU.ANTI.ZAMANSKY (Moderated) fido7.ru.antichrist Fidonet RU.ANTICHRIST (Moderated) fido7.ru.antifascism Fidonet RU.ANTIFASCISM (Moderated) fido7.ru.antisex Fidonet RU.ANTISEX - Against sex before marriage (Moderated) fido7.ru.antiviza Fidonet RU.ANTIVIZA (Moderated) fido7.ru.aon Fidonet RU.AON - Telephone caller ID recognition (Moderated) fido7.ru.aon.rom Fidonet RU.AON.ROM - Telephone caller ID recognition (Moderated) fido7.ru.aquanavt Fidonet RU.AQUANAVT (Moderated) fido7.ru.aquaria Fidonet RU.AQUARIA (Moderated) fido7.ru.arbitrage Fidonet RU.ARBITRAGE (Moderated) fido7.ru.argus Fidonet RU.ARGUS (Moderated) fido7.ru.aria Fidonet RU.ARIA (Moderated) fido7.ru.army Fidonet RU.ARMY - How to avoid army (Moderated) fido7.ru.army.phrases Fidonet RU.ARMY.PHRASES (Moderated) fido7.ru.art Fidonet RU.ART (Moderated) fido7.ru.as400 Fidonet RU.AS400 (Moderated) fido7.ru.asd-track.support Fidonet RU.ASD-TRACK.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.ru.asm.chainik Fidonet RU.ASM.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.audio.specification Fidonet RU.AUDIO.SPECIFICATION (Moderated) fido7.ru.autopilot Fidonet RU.AUTOPILOT (Moderated) fido7.ru.autostop Fidonet RU.AUTOSTOP (Moderated) fido7.ru.autostop.filtered Fidonet RU.AUTOSTOP.FILTERED [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.ru.avia.talks Fidonet RU.AVIA.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.aviation Fidonet RU.AVIATION - aviation (Moderated) fido7.ru.awk Fidonet RU.AWK - AWK utility (Moderated) fido7.ru.baby Fidonet RU.BABY - Babies (Moderated) fido7.ru.baby.education Fidonet RU.BABY.EDUCATION (Moderated) fido7.ru.baby.mail Fidonet RU.BABY.MAIL (Moderated) fido7.ru.baby.medic Fidonet RU.BABY.MEDIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.babylon5.game Fidonet RU.BABYLON5.GAME (Moderated) fido7.ru.bachelors Fidonet RU.BACHELORS (Moderated) fido7.ru.baika Fidonet RU.BAIKA (Moderated) fido7.ru.bank-support Fidonet RU.BANK_SUPPORT - Computers in banks (Moderated) fido7.ru.bank-support.post Fidonet RU.BANK_SUPPORT.POST (Moderated) fido7.ru.bank-technolog Fidonet RU.BANK_TECHNOLOGY - Computers in banks (Moderated) fido7.ru.banks Fidonet RU.BANKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.bardak Fidonet RU.BARDAK - general talk (Moderated) fido7.ru.battletech Fidonet RU.BATTLETECH (Moderated) fido7.ru.baynetworks Fidonet RU.BAYNETWORKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.bbs.pcboard Fidonet RU.BBS.PCBOARD. (Moderated) fido7.ru.bbsnews Fidonet RU.BBSNEWS - BBS news (Moderated) fido7.ru.bbsnews.talk Fidonet RU.BBSNEWS.TALK - BBS news (Moderated) fido7.ru.bbsoftware.other Fidonet RU.BBSOFTWARE.OTHER (Moderated) fido7.ru.beatle.club Fidonet RU.BEATLE.CLUB - Beatles fans (Moderated) fido7.ru.beavis-butthea Fidonet RU.BEAVIS&BUTTHEAD. (Moderated) fido7.ru.beer Fidonet RU.BEER - beer drinkers (Moderated) fido7.ru.bible Fidonet RU.BIBLE (Moderated) fido7.ru.bigblue Fidonet RU.BIGBLUE (Moderated) fido7.ru.binkd Fidonet RU.BINKD (Moderated) fido7.ru.biology Fidonet RU.BIOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.ru.biomech Fidonet RU.BIOMECH (Moderated) fido7.ru.biotech Fidonet RU.BIOTECH (Moderated) fido7.ru.blues Fidonet RU.BLUES (Moderated) fido7.ru.bodun Fidonet RU.BODUN (Moderated) fido7.ru.bodybuilding Fidonet RU.BODYBUILDING (Moderated) fido7.ru.bomond.rhyme Fidonet RU.BOMOND.RHYME (Moderated) fido7.ru.bookmaker Fidonet RU.BOOKMAKER (Moderated) fido7.ru.books.computing Fidonet RU.BOOKS.COMPUTING - books on computing (Moderated) fido7.ru.books.talk Fidonet RU.BOOKS.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.borland.ao Fidonet RU.BORLAND.AO (Moderated) fido7.ru.brief Fidonet RU.BRIEF - brief editor (Moderated) fido7.ru.bruce.willis Fidonet RU.BRUCE.WILLIS (Moderated) fido7.ru.buddhism Fidonet RU.BUDDHISM. (Moderated) fido7.ru.bug Fidonet RU.BUG - program errors (Moderated) fido7.ru.bulanova Fidonet RU.BULANOVA. (Moderated) fido7.ru.c Fidonet RU.C-- (Moderated) fido7.ru.c-cpp.market Fidonet RU.C_CPP.MARKET (Moderated) fido7.ru.calculator Fidonet RU.CALCULATOR (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.chainik Fidonet RU.CARS.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.custom Fidonet RU.CARS.CUSTOM (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.f4x4 Fidonet RU.CARS.4X4 (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.foreign Fidonet RU.CARS.FOREIGN (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.from.usa Fidonet RU.CARS.FROM.USA (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.gas Fidonet RU.CARS.GAS (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.gaz-uaz Fidonet RU.CARS.GAZ&UAZ. (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.japan Fidonet RU.CARS.JAPAN. (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.lada Fidonet RU.CARS.LADA (Moderated) fido7.ru.cars.moscvich Fidonet RU.CARS.MOSCVICH (Moderated) fido7.ru.casino Fidonet RU.CASINO (Moderated) fido7.ru.castle.cm Fidonet RU.CASTLE.CM (Moderated) fido7.ru.cbuilder Fidonet RU.CBUILDER (Moderated) fido7.ru.ccmail Fidonet RU.CCMAIL - CC (Moderated) fido7.ru.cd.record Fidonet RU.CD.RECORD (Moderated) fido7.ru.cdrom Fidonet RU.CDROM - CD-ROM (Moderated) fido7.ru.celtic Fidonet RU.CELTIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.certification Fidonet RU.CERTIFICATION (Moderated) fido7.ru.cgi.perl Fidonet RU.CGI.PERL (Moderated) fido7.ru.chemistry.unlimited Fidonet RU.CHEMISTRY.UNLIMITED (Moderated) fido7.ru.childs Fidonet RU.CHILDS - Kids talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.christianity Fidonet RU.CHRISTIANITY - Chrisianity (Moderated) fido7.ru.chudiks Fidonet RU.CHUDIKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.cisco Fidonet RU.CISCO (Moderated) fido7.ru.clarion Fidonet RU.CLARION - Calrion database (Moderated) fido7.ru.clipper Fidonet RU.CLIPPER - Clipper DBMS (Moderated) fido7.ru.coca-cola Fidonet RU.COCA-COLA (Moderated) fido7.ru.coffee.club Fidonet RU.COFFEE.CLUB - Culture and general talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.collectors Fidonet RU.COLLECTORS (Moderated) fido7.ru.community Fidonet RU.COMMUNITY. (Moderated) fido7.ru.compiler-inter Fidonet RU.COMPILER&INTERP (Moderated) fido7.ru.compress Fidonet RU.COMPRESS - Compression algorythms and programs (Moderated) fido7.ru.computer.life Fidonet RU.COMPUTER.LIFE (Moderated) fido7.ru.congratulation Fidonet RU.CONGRATULATIONS - congratulations to netters (Moderated) fido7.ru.coolture Fidonet RU.COOLTURE (Moderated) fido7.ru.copyer Fidonet RU.COPYER (Moderated) fido7.ru.corbina Fidonet RU.CORBINA (Moderated) fido7.ru.coreldraw Fidonet RU.CORELDRAW! (Moderated) fido7.ru.crazy-rollers Fidonet RU.CRAZY_ROLLERS (Moderated) fido7.ru.crazy.support Fidonet RU.CRAZY.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.ru.crosstools Fidonet RU.CROSSTOOLS - Crosstools (Moderated) fido7.ru.crossword Fidonet RU.CROSSWORD (Moderated) fido7.ru.crypt Fidonet RU.CRYPT - Cryptography (Moderated) fido7.ru.cubase Fidonet RU.CUBASE (Moderated) fido7.ru.culture Fidonet RU.CULTURE - Culture (Moderated) fido7.ru.customs Fidonet RU.CUSTOMS (Moderated) fido7.ru.cyborg Fidonet RU.CYBORG (Moderated) fido7.ru.d-p.software Fidonet RU.D!P.SOFTWARE (Moderated) fido7.ru.dacha Fidonet RU.DACHA (Moderated) fido7.ru.dance Fidonet RU.DANCE (Moderated) fido7.ru.danger.sport Fidonet RU.DANGER.SPORT (Moderated) fido7.ru.dbvista Fidonet RU.DBVISTA - dbVISTA (Moderated) fido7.ru.death Fidonet RU.DEATH (Moderated) fido7.ru.delphi Fidonet RU.DELPHI - Delphi (Moderated) fido7.ru.delphi.info Fidonet RU.DELPHI.INFO (Moderated) fido7.ru.delphi.master Fidonet RU.DELPHI.MASTER (Moderated) fido7.ru.delphi.uue Fidonet RU.DELPHI.UUE (Moderated) fido7.ru.depression Fidonet RU.DEPRESSION (Moderated) fido7.ru.desks.games Fidonet RU.DESKS.GAMES. (Moderated) fido7.ru.devtech Fidonet RU.DEVTECH (Moderated) fido7.ru.dharma Fidonet RU.DHARMA (Moderated) fido7.ru.dicaprio Fidonet RU.DICAPRIO (Moderated) fido7.ru.directx Fidonet RU.DIRECTX (Moderated) fido7.ru.distrib Fidonet RU.DISTRIB (Moderated) fido7.ru.dj Fidonet RU.DJ (Moderated) fido7.ru.dj.pc Fidonet RU.DJ.PC (Moderated) fido7.ru.djatlov Fidonet RU.DJATLOV (Moderated) fido7.ru.dnet Fidonet RU.DNET (Moderated) fido7.ru.dos Fidonet RU.DOS (Moderated) fido7.ru.dos.basic Fidonet RU.DOS.BASIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.dpg Fidonet RU.DPG (Moderated) fido7.ru.dream Fidonet RU.DREAM - Dreams (Moderated) fido7.ru.drugs Fidonet RU.DRUGS - Drugs (Moderated) fido7.ru.dsp Fidonet RU.DSP (Moderated) fido7.ru.dtp Fidonet RU.DTP - desktop publishing (Moderated) fido7.ru.dtp.fonts Fidonet RU.DTP.FONTS - Desktop publishing (Moderated) fido7.ru.duel Fidonet RU.DUEL - Duels (Moderated) fido7.ru.duel.rhyme Fidonet RU.DUEL.RHYME - Poetic duels (Moderated) fido7.ru.duran-duran.fans Fidonet RU.DURAN-DURAN.FANS (Moderated) fido7.ru.dvd Fidonet RU.DVD (Moderated) fido7.ru.dvmmail Fidonet RU.DVMMAIL (Moderated) fido7.ru.dx.radio Fidonet RU.DX.RADIO (Moderated) fido7.ru.echo-rules Fidonet RU.ECHO_RULES - Rules of all fido7* groups (Moderated) fido7.ru.echolist Fidonet RU.ECHOLIST [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.ru.echomail Fidonet RU.ECHOMAIL. (Moderated) fido7.ru.echoprocessors Fidonet RU.ECHOPROCESSORS - Fidonet echoprocessors (Moderated) fido7.ru.echoprocessors.nice.tosser Fidonet RU.ECHOPROCESSORS.NICE.TOSSER (Moderated) fido7.ru.educator Fidonet RU.EDUCATOR (Moderated) fido7.ru.elections Fidonet RU.ELECTIONS (Moderated) fido7.ru.embedded Fidonet RU.EMBEDDED (Moderated) fido7.ru.emulators Fidonet RU.EMULATORS.ALL (Moderated) fido7.ru.energetika Fidonet RU.ENERGETIKA (Moderated) fido7.ru.english Fidonet RU.ENGLISH - English as foreign (Moderated) fido7.ru.english.translator Fidonet RU.ENGLISH.TRANSLATOR (Moderated) fido7.ru.equestrian Fidonet RU.EQUESTRIAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.espanol Fidonet RU.ESPANOL (Moderated) fido7.ru.excel Fidonet RU.EXCEL (Moderated) fido7.ru.expo Fidonet RU.EXPO (Moderated) fido7.ru.f3d.support Fidonet RU.3D.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.ru.f3dfx Fidonet RU.3DFX (Moderated) fido7.ru.family Fidonet RU.FAMILY (Moderated) fido7.ru.family-newspap Fidonet RU.FAMILY_NEWSPAPER. (Moderated) fido7.ru.fantasy Fidonet RU.FANTASY - Fantasy (Moderated) fido7.ru.fantasy.alt Fidonet RU.FANTASY.ALT (Moderated) fido7.ru.far Fidonet RU.FAR (Moderated) fido7.ru.fastfix Fidonet RU.FASTFIX (Moderated) fido7.ru.fastuue Fidonet RU.FASTUUE (Moderated) fido7.ru.fastuue.talk Fidonet RU.FASTUUE.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.fax Fidonet RU.FAX - FAX hard- and software (Moderated) fido7.ru.fdecho Fidonet RU.FDECHO - FrontDoor program (Moderated) fido7.ru.feelings Fidonet RU.FEELINGS (Moderated) fido7.ru.fhmail Fidonet RU.FHMAIL (Moderated) fido7.ru.fido-fsb Fidonet RU.FIDO&FSB (Moderated) fido7.ru.fido-pickup Fidonet RU.FIDO-PICKUP (Moderated) fido7.ru.fido.conflict Fidonet RU.FIDO.CONFLICT (Moderated) fido7.ru.fido.football Fidonet RU.FIDO.FOOTBALL (Moderated) fido7.ru.fido.nextgen Fidonet RU.FIDO.NEXTGEN (Moderated) fido7.ru.fidonet.today Fidonet RU.FIDONET.TODAY [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.ru.fidonews Fidonet RU.FIDONEWS (Moderated) fido7.ru.fidoschool Fidonet RU.FIDOSCHOOL (Moderated) fido7.ru.fight.for.peace Fidonet RU.FIGHT.FOR.PEACE (Moderated) fido7.ru.file.appsnd Fidonet RU.FILE.APPSND (Moderated) fido7.ru.file.xsnd.midi Fidonet RU.FILE.XSND.MIDI (Moderated) fido7.ru.file.xsnd.mod Fidonet RU.FILE.XSND.MOD (Moderated) fido7.ru.file.xsnd.patch Fidonet RU.FILE.XSND.PATCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.file.xsnd.s3m Fidonet RU.FILE.XSND.S3M (Moderated) fido7.ru.file.xsnd.xm Fidonet RU.FILE.XSND.XM (Moderated) fido7.ru.fileechoproces Fidonet RU.FILEECHOPROCESSORS - Fidonet fileechoprocessors (Moderated) fido7.ru.film Fidonet RU.FILM (Moderated) fido7.ru.finsoft Fidonet RU.FINSOFT - financial software (Moderated) fido7.ru.fips Fidonet RU.FIPS (Moderated) fido7.ru.fishing Fidonet RU.FISHING (Moderated) fido7.ru.fishing.club Fidonet RU.FISHING.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.flash Fidonet RU.FLASH. (Moderated) fido7.ru.fleetstreet Fidonet RU.FLEETSTREET (Moderated) fido7.ru.flysoft Fidonet RU.FLYSOFT (Moderated) fido7.ru.fm.radio Fidonet RU.FM.RADIO (Moderated) fido7.ru.foreigner Fidonet RU.FOREIGNER (Moderated) fido7.ru.formula.racing Fidonet RU.FORMULA.RACING (Moderated) fido7.ru.foxpro Fidonet RU.FOXPRO - Foxpro DBMS (Moderated) fido7.ru.fractal Fidonet RU.FRACTAL. (Moderated) fido7.ru.france Fidonet RU.FRANCE (Moderated) fido7.ru.free.pascal Fidonet RU.FREE.PASCAL (Moderated) fido7.ru.freelove Fidonet RU.FREELOVE (Moderated) fido7.ru.frip Fidonet RU.FRIP (Moderated) fido7.ru.ftrack Fidonet RU.FTRACK (Moderated) fido7.ru.game Fidonet RU.GAME (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.action.internet Fidonet RU.GAME.ACTION.INTERNET (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.adom Fidonet RU.GAME.ADOM (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.blizzard Fidonet RU.GAME.BLIZZARD (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.bridge Fidonet RU.GAME.BRIDGE (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.cdrom Fidonet RU.GAME.CDROM (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.cheat Fidonet RU.GAME.CHEAT (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.deathmatch Fidonet RU.GAME.DEATHMATCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.design Fidonet RU.GAME.DESIGN - video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.diablo Fidonet RU.GAME.DIABLO (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.doom Fidonet RU.GAME.DOOM - video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.doom.uue Fidonet RU.GAME.DOOM.UUE - video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.emulator Fidonet RU.GAME.EMULATOR. (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.fallout Fidonet RU.GAME.FALLOUT (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.flight Fidonet RU.GAME.FLIGHT - flying video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.flight.dynamix Fidonet RU.GAME.FLIGHT.DYNAMIX (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.flight.peaceful Fidonet RU.GAME.FLIGHT.PEACEFUL (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.fortress Fidonet RU.GAME.FORTRESS (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.frozen Fidonet RU.GAME.FROZEN (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.half-life Fidonet RU.GAME.HALF-LIFE (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.modem Fidonet RU.GAME.MODEM - videogames over modem (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.mud Fidonet RU.GAME.MUD - MUD games (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.mud.galaxy Fidonet RU.GAME.MUD.GALAXY. (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.mud.russian Fidonet RU.GAME.MUD.RUSSIAN. (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.news Fidonet RU.GAME.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.pbm Fidonet RU.GAME.PBM (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.quake.qc Fidonet RU.GAME.QUAKE.QC (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.quest Fidonet RU.GAME.QUEST (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.rpg Fidonet RU.GAME.RPG - role playing games talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.rpg.club Fidonet RU.GAME.RPG.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.strategy Fidonet RU.GAME.STRATEGY (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.strategy.rt Fidonet RU.GAME.STRATEGY.RT (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.unreal Fidonet RU.GAME.UNREAL (Moderated) fido7.ru.game.vangers Fidonet RU.GAME.VANGERS (Moderated) fido7.ru.gamenet Fidonet RU.GAMENET (Moderated) fido7.ru.gang Fidonet RU.GANG (Moderated) fido7.ru.gay-club Fidonet RU.GAY_CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.gay.n Fidonet RU.GAY.N (Moderated) fido7.ru.gay.talk Fidonet RU.GAY.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.geek Fidonet RU.GEEK (Moderated) fido7.ru.gemtoss.beta Fidonet RU.GEMTOSS.BETA (Moderated) fido7.ru.general.mv Fidonet RU.GENERAL.MV. (Moderated) fido7.ru.geology Fidonet RU.GEOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.ru.geosystem Fidonet RU.GEOSYSTEM (Moderated) fido7.ru.gibdd Fidonet RU.GIBDD (Moderated) fido7.ru.glum Fidonet RU.GLUM (Moderated) fido7.ru.gnu Fidonet RU.GNU (Moderated) fido7.ru.golded Fidonet RU.GOLDED - GoldEd program (Moderated) fido7.ru.golded.beta Fidonet RU.GOLDED.BETA. (Moderated) fido7.ru.golovolomka Fidonet RU.GOLOVOLOMKA (Moderated) fido7.ru.good.drink Fidonet RU.GOOD.DRINK (Moderated) fido7.ru.gpmail Fidonet RU.GPMAIL (Moderated) fido7.ru.gregory.klimov Fidonet RU.GREGORY.KLIMOV (Moderated) fido7.ru.guitar Fidonet RU.GUITAR - Guitar music (Moderated) fido7.ru.guitar.tab Fidonet RU.GUITAR.TAB (Moderated) fido7.ru.hacker Fidonet RU.HACKER - hacker's talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.hacker.dummy Fidonet RU.HACKER.DUMMY (Moderated) fido7.ru.hacker.uue Fidonet RU.HACKER.UUE - hacker's talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.halyava Fidonet RU.HALYAVA. (Moderated) fido7.ru.hardw Fidonet RU.HARDW - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.hardw.check Fidonet RU.HARDW.CHECK - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.hhgttg Fidonet RU.HHGTTG - HHGTTG translation to Russian (Moderated) fido7.ru.hi-fi.chainik Fidonet RU.HI-FI.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.hip-hop Fidonet RU.HIP-HOP (Moderated) fido7.ru.home Fidonet RU.HOME (Moderated) fido7.ru.home-cinema Fidonet RU.HOME_CINEMA (Moderated) fido7.ru.home.lan Fidonet RU.HOME.LAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.hot.dog Fidonet RU.HOT.DOG (Moderated) fido7.ru.hotel Fidonet RU.HOTEL (Moderated) fido7.ru.hrg.scene Fidonet RU.HRG.SCENE (Moderated) fido7.ru.hsmodems Fidonet RU.HSMODEMS - high speed modems talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.html.profy Fidonet RU.HTML.PROFY (Moderated) fido7.ru.hunter Fidonet RU.HUNTER (Moderated) fido7.ru.hutor.filtered Fidonet RU.HUTOR.FILTERED [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.ru.ida Fidonet RU.IDA (Moderated) fido7.ru.illusion Fidonet RU.ILLUSION - Everything is just illusion (Moderated) fido7.ru.imail Fidonet RU.IMAIL (Moderated) fido7.ru.informatica Fidonet RU.INFORMATICA (Moderated) fido7.ru.insurance Fidonet RU.INSURANCE (Moderated) fido7.ru.interlink.essay Fidonet RU.INTERLINK.ESSAY (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet Fidonet RU.INTERNET - Internet (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.business Fidonet RU.INTERNET.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.cafe Fidonet RU.INTERNET.CAFE (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.chainik Fidonet RU.INTERNET.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.connection Fidonet RU.INTERNET.CONNECTION (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.filtered Fidonet RU.INTERNET.FILTERED (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.chainik Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.CHAINIK. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.getweb Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.GETWEB. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.html Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.HTML. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.service Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.SERVICE. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.soft Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.SOFT. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.tested Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.TESTED. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.things Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.THINGS. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.halyava.xxx Fidonet RU.INTERNET.HALYAVA.XXX. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.icq Fidonet RU.INTERNET.ICQ (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.irc Fidonet RU.INTERNET.IRC (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.money Fidonet RU.INTERNET.MONEY. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.moscow Fidonet RU.INTERNET.MOSCOW (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.nelegal Fidonet RU.INTERNET.NELEGAL. (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.netscape Fidonet RU.INTERNET.NETSCAPE (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.provider Fidonet RU.INTERNET.PROVIDER (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.provider.price Fidonet RU.INTERNET.PROVIDER.PRICE (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.search Fidonet RU.INTERNET.SEARCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.security Fidonet RU.INTERNET.SECURITY (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.soft Fidonet RU.INTERNET.SOFT (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.technology Fidonet RU.INTERNET.TECHNOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.www Fidonet RU.INTERNET.WWW (Moderated) fido7.ru.internet.www.news Fidonet RU.INTERNET.WWW.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.ru.intranet Fidonet RU.INTRANET (Moderated) fido7.ru.invalife Fidonet RU.INVALIFE (Moderated) fido7.ru.ip.exchange Fidonet RU.IP.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.ru.ipex Fidonet RU.IPEX (Moderated) fido7.ru.italia Fidonet RU.ITALIA (Moderated) fido7.ru.itrax Fidonet RU.ITRAX (Moderated) fido7.ru.jah.rastafari Fidonet RU.JAH.RASTAFARI (Moderated) fido7.ru.java Fidonet RU.JAVA (Moderated) fido7.ru.java.chainik Fidonet RU.JAVA.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.jordan Fidonet RU.JORDAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.jump Fidonet RU.JUMP - Skydiving (Moderated) fido7.ru.keen Fidonet RU.KEEN (Moderated) fido7.ru.kin-dza-dza Fidonet RU.KIN-DZA-DZA (Moderated) fido7.ru.kino-not-for-a Fidonet RU.KINO-NOT-FOR-ALL (Moderated) fido7.ru.kmail Fidonet RU.KMAIL. (Moderated) fido7.ru.kogalym Fidonet RU.KOGALYM (Moderated) fido7.ru.korolev Fidonet RU.KOROLEV (Moderated) fido7.ru.krapivin Fidonet RU.KRAPIVIN (Moderated) fido7.ru.krem Fidonet RU.KREM (Moderated) fido7.ru.krovatka Fidonet RU.KROVATKA (Moderated) fido7.ru.lan.nw Fidonet RU.LAN.NW (Moderated) fido7.ru.lang.prog.cmp Fidonet RU.LANG.PROG.CMP. (Moderated) fido7.ru.lesbian Fidonet RU.LESBIAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.lexicon Fidonet RU.LEXICON (Moderated) fido7.ru.lifespring Fidonet RU.LIFESPRING (Moderated) fido7.ru.linguist Fidonet RU.LINGUIST (Moderated) fido7.ru.lingvo Fidonet RU.LINGVO (Moderated) fido7.ru.link.alt Fidonet RU.LINK.ALT (Moderated) fido7.ru.linux Fidonet RU.LINUX - Linux OS (Moderated) fido7.ru.lisp Fidonet RU.LISP (Moderated) fido7.ru.list.citycat.fin.dollar Fidonet RU.LIST.CITYCAT.FIN.DOLLAR (Moderated) fido7.ru.liturgica Fidonet RU.LITURGICA (Moderated) fido7.ru.lolita Fidonet RU.LOLITA (Moderated) fido7.ru.lotus Fidonet RU.LOTUS (Moderated) fido7.ru.love Fidonet RU.LOVE (Moderated) fido7.ru.loveland Fidonet RU.LOVELAND (Moderated) fido7.ru.ludeny Fidonet RU.LUDENY (Moderated) fido7.ru.mac Fidonet RU.MAC - Apple Macintosh users talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.macho Fidonet RU.MACHO. (Moderated) fido7.ru.magic Fidonet RU.MAGIC - Magic (Moderated) fido7.ru.magic.the.gathering Fidonet RU.MAGIC.THE.GATHERING (Moderated) fido7.ru.mailed.support Fidonet RU.MAILED.SUPPORT. (Moderated) fido7.ru.mailtools.uue Fidonet RU.MAILTOOLS.UUE (Moderated) fido7.ru.manager Fidonet RU.MANAGER. (Moderated) fido7.ru.market.research Fidonet RU.MARKET.RESEARCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.martial-arts Fidonet RU.MARTIAL_ARTS - martial arts (Moderated) fido7.ru.math Fidonet RU.MATH (Moderated) fido7.ru.math.software Fidonet RU.MATH.SOFTWARE (Moderated) fido7.ru.matlab-simulin Fidonet RU.MATLAB&SIMULINK. (Moderated) fido7.ru.maxes Fidonet RU.MAXES - Maxes in fidonet (Moderated) fido7.ru.medic.profy Fidonet RU.MEDIC.PROFY (Moderated) fido7.ru.metallurgy Fidonet RU.METALLURGY (Moderated) fido7.ru.metaphysics Fidonet RU.METAPHYSICS (Moderated) fido7.ru.migration Fidonet RU.MIGRATION (Moderated) fido7.ru.miit Fidonet RU.MIIT (Moderated) fido7.ru.military Fidonet RU.MILITARY (Moderated) fido7.ru.military.navi Fidonet RU.MILITARY.NAVI (Moderated) fido7.ru.military.navy Fidonet RU.MILITARY.NAVY (Moderated) fido7.ru.militia Fidonet RU.MILITIA (Moderated) fido7.ru.minidisc Fidonet RU.MINIDISC (Moderated) fido7.ru.minidisk Fidonet RU.MINIDISK (Moderated) fido7.ru.minstrel Fidonet RU.MINSTREL (Moderated) fido7.ru.mis Fidonet RU.MIS (Moderated) fido7.ru.missile Fidonet RU.MISSILE (Moderated) fido7.ru.mitky Fidonet RU.MITKY (Moderated) fido7.ru.mixed.alcohol Fidonet RU.MIXED.ALCOHOL (Moderated) fido7.ru.mnlink Fidonet RU.MNLINK (Moderated) fido7.ru.mntic Fidonet RU.MNTIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.mod.music.uue Fidonet RU.MOD.MUSIC.UUE (Moderated) fido7.ru.modelism Fidonet RU.MODELISM (Moderated) fido7.ru.modem Fidonet RU.MODEM - modems (Moderated) fido7.ru.moderator Fidonet RU.MODERATOR - Moderators talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.moderator.talk Fidonet RU.MODERATOR.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.money Fidonet RU.MONEY. (Moderated) fido7.ru.monty.python Fidonet RU.MONTY.PYTHON (Moderated) fido7.ru.moscow Fidonet RU.MOSCOW (Moderated) fido7.ru.moto Fidonet RU.MOTO. (Moderated) fido7.ru.mp3.wanted Fidonet RU.MP3.WANTED. (Moderated) fido7.ru.mpeg Fidonet RU.MPEG (Moderated) fido7.ru.msaccess Fidonet RU.MSACCESS (Moderated) fido7.ru.msx Fidonet RU.MSX - MSX computers (Moderated) fido7.ru.mtv Fidonet RU.MTV (Moderated) fido7.ru.multiedit Fidonet RU.MULTIEDIT - MultiEdit program (Moderated) fido7.ru.multimedia Fidonet RU.MULTIMEDIA - Multimedia (Moderated) fido7.ru.multios.config Fidonet RU.MULTIOS.CONFIG (Moderated) fido7.ru.mumiy.troll Fidonet RU.MUMIY.TROLL (Moderated) fido7.ru.mumps Fidonet RU.MUMPS (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.agata.kristi Fidonet RU.MUSIC.AGATA.KRISTI (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.alisa Fidonet RU.MUSIC.ALISA (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.aria Fidonet RU.MUSIC.ARIA (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.ddt Fidonet RU.MUSIC.DDT (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.drum-bass Fidonet RU.MUSIC.DRUM&BASS (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.ethnic Fidonet RU.MUSIC.ETHNIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.handsup Fidonet RU.MUSIC.HANDSUP (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.k-j Fidonet RU.MUSIC.K&J (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.lacrimosa Fidonet RU.MUSIC.LACRIMOSA (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.mixey-jumangee Fidonet RU.MUSIC.MIXEY&JUMANGEE. (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.nirvana Fidonet RU.MUSIC.NIRVANA (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.scorpions Fidonet RU.MUSIC.SCORPIONS (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.uue Fidonet RU.MUSIC.UUE - Music (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.wanted Fidonet RU.MUSIC.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.ru.music.wanted.talks Fidonet RU.MUSIC.WANTED.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.musician Fidonet RU.MUSICIAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.mylene.club Fidonet RU.MYLENE.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.mythology Fidonet RU.MYTHOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.ru.nanotech Fidonet RU.NANOTECH (Moderated) fido7.ru.naturism Fidonet RU.NATURISM (Moderated) fido7.ru.nautilus Fidonet RU.NAUTILUS (Moderated) fido7.ru.net.hard Fidonet RU.NET.HARD (Moderated) fido7.ru.net.soft Fidonet RU.NET.SOFT (Moderated) fido7.ru.net.tech Fidonet RU.NET.TECH (Moderated) fido7.ru.net.union Fidonet RU.NET.UNION (Moderated) fido7.ru.nethack Fidonet RU.NETHACK (Moderated) fido7.ru.netmail Fidonet RU.NETMAIL (Moderated) fido7.ru.netmgr Fidonet RU.NETMGR (Moderated) fido7.ru.networks Fidonet RU.NETWORKS - WANs (NO Netware!) (Moderated) fido7.ru.new.thought Fidonet RU.NEW.THOUGHT (Moderated) fido7.ru.news Fidonet RU.NEWS - News (Moderated) fido7.ru.news.answers Fidonet RU.NEWS.ANSWERS (Moderated) fido7.ru.news.club Fidonet RU.NEWS.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.news.talk Fidonet RU.NEWS.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.nextfnet.dev Fidonet RU.NEXTFNET.DEV (Moderated) fido7.ru.nhlhockey Fidonet RU.NHLHOCKEY (Moderated) fido7.ru.nice.and.funny.rhyme Fidonet RU.NICE.AND.FUNNY.RHYME (Moderated) fido7.ru.nice.windows Fidonet RU.NICE.WINDOWS. (Moderated) fido7.ru.ninja Fidonet RU.NINJA (Moderated) fido7.ru.nlp Fidonet RU.NLP (Moderated) fido7.ru.nms Fidonet RU.NMS (Moderated) fido7.ru.notebooks Fidonet RU.NOTEBOOKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.notes Fidonet RU.NOTES (Moderated) fido7.ru.nuclear Fidonet RU.NUCLEAR (Moderated) fido7.ru.numismatics Fidonet RU.NUMISMATICS (Moderated) fido7.ru.ocx Fidonet RU.OCX (Moderated) fido7.ru.odinokoe.serdce Fidonet RU.ODINOKOE.SERDCE (Moderated) fido7.ru.offspring Fidonet RU.OFFSPRING (Moderated) fido7.ru.om Fidonet RU.OM. (Moderated) fido7.ru.onanizm Fidonet RU.ONANIZM (Moderated) fido7.ru.opengl Fidonet RU.OPENGL (Moderated) fido7.ru.opinion.poll Fidonet RU.OPINION.POLL (Moderated) fido7.ru.oracle.ug Fidonet RU.ORACLE.UG (Moderated) fido7.ru.os.change Fidonet RU.OS.CHANGE. (Moderated) fido7.ru.os.cmp Fidonet RU.OS.CMP - OS comparison (Moderated) fido7.ru.os.interface Fidonet RU.OS.INTERFACE - Interface (Moderated) fido7.ru.os.setup Fidonet RU.OS.SETUP. (Moderated) fido7.ru.osho Fidonet RU.OSHO. (Moderated) fido7.ru.othernet.talk Fidonet RU.OTHERNET.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.page.making Fidonet RU.PAGE.MAKING (Moderated) fido7.ru.pagers Fidonet RU.PAGERS (Moderated) fido7.ru.pagers.operator Fidonet RU.PAGERS.OPERATOR (Moderated) fido7.ru.paging Fidonet RU.PAGING (Moderated) fido7.ru.paint.ball Fidonet RU.PAINT.BALL - Paint ball (Moderated) fido7.ru.paintball Fidonet RU.PAINTBALL (Moderated) fido7.ru.palmtop Fidonet RU.PALMTOP (Moderated) fido7.ru.paragliding Fidonet RU.PARAGLIDING (Moderated) fido7.ru.parnas Fidonet RU.PARNAS (Moderated) fido7.ru.pascal Fidonet RU.PASCAL (Moderated) fido7.ru.pascal.robots Fidonet RU.PASCAL.ROBOTS. (Moderated) fido7.ru.pascal.sources Fidonet RU.PASCAL.SOURCES (Moderated) fido7.ru.pccts Fidonet RU.PCCTS (Moderated) fido7.ru.pelevin Fidonet RU.PELEVIN (Moderated) fido7.ru.perl Fidonet RU.PERL (Moderated) fido7.ru.pervasive Fidonet RU.PERVASIVE (Moderated) fido7.ru.pharmacy Fidonet RU.PHARMACY (Moderated) fido7.ru.phocus.pocus Fidonet RU.PHOCUS.POCUS (Moderated) fido7.ru.photo Fidonet RU.PHOTO - phote (Moderated) fido7.ru.photo.digital Fidonet RU.PHOTO.DIGITAL (Moderated) fido7.ru.phreaks Fidonet RU.PHREAKS - phreaks (Moderated) fido7.ru.pickup Fidonet RU.PICKUP (Moderated) fido7.ru.pickup.guru Fidonet RU.PICKUP.GURU (Moderated) fido7.ru.picmicro Fidonet RU.PICMICRO (Moderated) fido7.ru.pictures.psevdo.graf Fidonet RU.PICTURES.PSEVDO.GRAF (Moderated) fido7.ru.pictures.talks Fidonet RU.PICTURES.TALKS. (Moderated) fido7.ru.pink.floyd Fidonet RU.PINK.FLOYD (Moderated) fido7.ru.pl-i Fidonet RU.PL/I (Moderated) fido7.ru.plastic.cards Fidonet RU.PLASTIC.CARDS (Moderated) fido7.ru.playstation Fidonet RU.PLAYSTATION (Moderated) fido7.ru.pntnode Fidonet RU.PNTNODE (Moderated) fido7.ru.po.gribi.po.yagodi Fidonet RU.PO.GRIBI.PO.YAGODI (Moderated) fido7.ru.podmoskovie.talks Fidonet RU.PODMOSKOVIE.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.poet Fidonet RU.POET (Moderated) fido7.ru.poet.talks Fidonet RU.POET.TALKS. (Moderated) fido7.ru.point.othernet Fidonet RU.POINT.OTHERNET (Moderated) fido7.ru.poison Fidonet RU.POISON (Moderated) fido7.ru.policy Fidonet RU.POLICY (Moderated) fido7.ru.portal Fidonet RU.PORTAL - Portal program (Moderated) fido7.ru.poruchik Fidonet RU.PORUCHIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.post-office Fidonet RU.POST_OFFICE (Moderated) fido7.ru.powerbuilder Fidonet RU.POWERBUILDER (Moderated) fido7.ru.pravoslavie.talk Fidonet RU.PRAVOSLAVIE.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.president.choice-2000 Fidonet RU.PRESIDENT.CHOICE-2000 (Moderated) fido7.ru.pretty.girls Fidonet RU.PRETTY.GIRLS (Moderated) fido7.ru.prikol Fidonet RU.PRIKOL (Moderated) fido7.ru.problem Fidonet RU.PROBLEM (Moderated) fido7.ru.program.games Fidonet RU.PROGRAM.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.ru.progressive Fidonet RU.PROGRESSIVE (Moderated) fido7.ru.psychedelic Fidonet RU.PSYCHEDELIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.psychology Fidonet RU.PSYCHOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.ru.psychology.profy Fidonet RU.PSYCHOLOGY.PROFY (Moderated) fido7.ru.punk.rock Fidonet RU.PUNK.ROCK (Moderated) fido7.ru.punks.talks Fidonet RU.PUNKS.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.pupil Fidonet RU.PUPIL - Pupils (Moderated) fido7.ru.pyt-yah Fidonet RU.PYT_YAH. (Moderated) fido7.ru.qecho Fidonet RU.QECHO (Moderated) fido7.ru.qnx Fidonet RU.QNX (Moderated) fido7.ru.qu2 Fidonet RU.QU2. (Moderated) fido7.ru.radio.modern Fidonet RU.RADIO.MODERN (Moderated) fido7.ru.railways Fidonet RU.RAILWAYS (Moderated) fido7.ru.raka Fidonet RU.RAKA. (Moderated) fido7.ru.rakurs Fidonet RU.RAKURS (Moderated) fido7.ru.rammstein Fidonet RU.RAMMSTEIN. (Moderated) fido7.ru.rdbms.oracle Fidonet RU.RDBMS.ORACLE - Oracle DBMS (Moderated) fido7.ru.referat Fidonet RU.REFERAT (Moderated) fido7.ru.remont Fidonet RU.REMONT (Moderated) fido7.ru.rexx Fidonet RU.REXX. (Moderated) fido7.ru.road Fidonet RU.ROAD (Moderated) fido7.ru.rockabilly Fidonet RU.ROCKABILLY (Moderated) fido7.ru.rockwell Fidonet RU.ROCKWELL (Moderated) fido7.ru.romantic Fidonet RU.ROMANTIC. (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg Fidonet RU.RPG - Role playing games (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg.bazar Fidonet RU.RPG.BAZAR (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg.combat Fidonet RU.RPG.COMBAT (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg.dune Fidonet RU.RPG.DUNE (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg.mysterial Fidonet RU.RPG.MYSTERIAL (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg.sagas Fidonet RU.RPG.SAGAS - Role playing games (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg.strugatskie Fidonet RU.RPG.STRUGATSKIE (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpg.text Fidonet RU.RPG.TEXT (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpgt.ad-d Fidonet RU.RPGT.AD&D (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpgt.cyberpunk Fidonet RU.RPGT.CYBERPUNK (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpgt.gaming Fidonet RU.RPGT.GAMING (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpgt.gurps Fidonet RU.RPGT.GURPS (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpgt.other Fidonet RU.RPGT.OTHER (Moderated) fido7.ru.rpgt.play Fidonet RU.RPGT.PLAY (Moderated) fido7.ru.rsbank Fidonet RU.RSBANK (Moderated) fido7.ru.russia Fidonet RU.RUSSIA. (Moderated) fido7.ru.russian Fidonet RU.RUSSIAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.rybinsky Fidonet RU.RYBINSKY (Moderated) fido7.ru.safeguard Fidonet RU.SAFEGUARD (Moderated) fido7.ru.sale-exchange.comp Fidonet RU.SALE_EXCHANGE.COMP (Moderated) fido7.ru.sat Fidonet RU.SAT - Sattelites (Moderated) fido7.ru.sat.chainik Fidonet RU.SAT.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.sat.tv.guide Fidonet RU.SAT.TV.GUIDE (Moderated) fido7.ru.satellite.tv.crypt Fidonet RU.SATELLITE.TV.CRYPT (Moderated) fido7.ru.satire Fidonet RU.SATIRE (Moderated) fido7.ru.scada Fidonet RU.SCADA (Moderated) fido7.ru.scandinavian Fidonet RU.SCANDINAVIAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.school Fidonet RU.SCHOOL - schoolchildren (Moderated) fido7.ru.school.shpora Fidonet RU.SCHOOL.SHPORA (Moderated) fido7.ru.scuba Fidonet RU.SCUBA (Moderated) fido7.ru.search.people Fidonet RU.SEARCH.PEOPLE (Moderated) fido7.ru.sector-gaza.etc Fidonet RU.SECTOR_GAZA.ETC (Moderated) fido7.ru.security Fidonet RU.SECURITY - computer security (Moderated) fido7.ru.selfmake Fidonet RU.SELFMAKE (Moderated) fido7.ru.sen-prod Fidonet RU.SEN_PROD (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex Fidonet RU.SEX - Sex (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.adv Fidonet RU.SEX.ADV - Sex ads (noncommercial) (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.adv.talk Fidonet RU.SEX.ADV.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.exchange Fidonet RU.SEX.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.gay Fidonet RU.SEX.GAY (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.pictures.uue Fidonet RU.SEX.PICTURES.UUE - Sex pictures (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.sado-mazo Fidonet RU.SEX.SADO&MAZO (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.support Fidonet RU.SEX.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.ru.sex.text Fidonet RU.SEX.TEXT (Moderated) fido7.ru.sexual.difference Fidonet RU.SEXUAL.DIFFERENCE (Moderated) fido7.ru.sf.bibliography Fidonet RU.SF.BIBLIOGRAPHY (Moderated) fido7.ru.sf.news Fidonet RU.SF.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.ru.sfmail Fidonet RU.SFMAIL (Moderated) fido7.ru.sgu Fidonet RU.SGU. (Moderated) fido7.ru.shares Fidonet RU.SHARES (Moderated) fido7.ru.shell Fidonet RU.SHELL (Moderated) fido7.ru.shell.dn Fidonet RU.SHELL.DN (Moderated) fido7.ru.ships Fidonet RU.SHIPS - ships (Moderated) fido7.ru.shtetl Fidonet RU.SHTETL (Moderated) fido7.ru.sick Fidonet RU.SICK (Moderated) fido7.ru.skydiving Fidonet RU.SKYDIVING (Moderated) fido7.ru.smalltalk Fidonet RU.SMALLTALK (Moderated) fido7.ru.smodem Fidonet RU.SMODEM (Moderated) fido7.ru.smoke Fidonet RU.SMOKE. (Moderated) fido7.ru.socionic Fidonet RU.SOCIONIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.soft.protect Fidonet RU.SOFT.PROTECT (Moderated) fido7.ru.softad Fidonet RU.SOFTAD - noncommercial software ads. (Moderated) fido7.ru.space Fidonet RU.SPACE - Cosmic space (Moderated) fido7.ru.space.news Fidonet RU.SPACE.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.ru.special.technics Fidonet RU.SPECIAL.TECHNICS (Moderated) fido7.ru.spelling Fidonet RU.SPELLING (Moderated) fido7.ru.spice.girls Fidonet RU.SPICE.GIRLS (Moderated) fido7.ru.sport.basketball Fidonet RU.SPORT.BASKETBALL (Moderated) fido7.ru.sport.fans Fidonet RU.SPORT.FANS (Moderated) fido7.ru.sport.football Fidonet RU.SPORT.FOOTBALL - Football (Moderated) fido7.ru.sport.games Fidonet RU.SPORT.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.ru.sport.hockey Fidonet RU.SPORT.HOCKEY (Moderated) fido7.ru.sport.other Fidonet RU.SPORT.OTHER - sport (Moderated) fido7.ru.squish Fidonet RU.SQUISH - Squish program (Moderated) fido7.ru.star.wars Fidonet RU.STAR.WARS - star wars fans (Moderated) fido7.ru.star.wars.games Fidonet RU.STAR.WARS.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.ru.stars Fidonet RU.STARS! (Moderated) fido7.ru.stephenking Fidonet RU.STEPHENKING (Moderated) fido7.ru.strack Fidonet RU.STRACK - ScreamTracker program (Moderated) fido7.ru.strack.gus Fidonet RU.STRACK.GUS - Scream tracker (Moderated) fido7.ru.sts Fidonet RU.STS (Moderated) fido7.ru.student.talks Fidonet RU.STUDENT.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.style Fidonet RU.STYLE (Moderated) fido7.ru.subway Fidonet RU.SUBWAY (Moderated) fido7.ru.suicide Fidonet RU.SUICIDE - Suicide (Moderated) fido7.ru.suomi Fidonet RU.SUOMI. (Moderated) fido7.ru.syntone.club Fidonet RU.SYNTONE.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.t-r Fidonet RU.T$R (Moderated) fido7.ru.talk.deutsch Fidonet RU.TALK.DEUTSCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.talk.english Fidonet RU.TALK.ENGLISH (Moderated) fido7.ru.tarantino Fidonet RU.TARANTINO (Moderated) fido7.ru.tattoo-piersin Fidonet RU.TATTOO&PIERSING. (Moderated) fido7.ru.team.kefir Fidonet RU.TEAM.KEFIR (Moderated) fido7.ru.teenagers Fidonet RU.TEENAGERS (Moderated) fido7.ru.tekcta Fidonet RU.TEKCTA (Moderated) fido7.ru.telecom Fidonet RU.TELECOM - Telecommunications (Moderated) fido7.ru.terekhov Fidonet RU.TEREKHOV (Moderated) fido7.ru.terminate Fidonet RU.TERMINATE (Moderated) fido7.ru.tetris Fidonet RU.TETRIS (Moderated) fido7.ru.tex Fidonet RU.TEX - TeX word processor (Moderated) fido7.ru.textmode.art Fidonet RU.TEXTMODE.ART (Moderated) fido7.ru.thelema Fidonet RU.THELEMA (Moderated) fido7.ru.theology.general Fidonet RU.THEOLOGY.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.ru.ticmanager Fidonet RU.TICMANAGER (Moderated) fido7.ru.timed Fidonet RU.TIMED (Moderated) fido7.ru.tmt Fidonet RU.TMT (Moderated) fido7.ru.tobacco Fidonet RU.TOBACCO (Moderated) fido7.ru.toon Fidonet RU.TOON (Moderated) fido7.ru.topspeed Fidonet RU.TOPSPEED - TopSpeed compilers (Moderated) fido7.ru.tourclub.talks Fidonet RU.TOURCLUB.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.tourism Fidonet RU.TOURISM (Moderated) fido7.ru.trade-equipmen Fidonet RU.TRADE_EQUIPMENT (Moderated) fido7.ru.tradesoft Fidonet RU.TRADESOFT (Moderated) fido7.ru.tramway Fidonet RU.TRAMWAY (Moderated) fido7.ru.triz Fidonet RU.TRIZ (Moderated) fido7.ru.tv6.otchevid Fidonet RU.TV6.OTCHEVID. (Moderated) fido7.ru.ufo Fidonet RU.UFO - UFO (Moderated) fido7.ru.ufo.talks Fidonet RU.UFO.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ru.ufo.theory Fidonet RU.UFO.THEORY (Moderated) fido7.ru.unix Fidonet RU.UNIX - UNIX (Moderated) fido7.ru.unix.aix Fidonet RU.UNIX.AIX (Moderated) fido7.ru.unix.bsd Fidonet RU.UNIX.BSD (Moderated) fido7.ru.unix.linux Fidonet RU.UNIX.LINUX - Linux OS (Moderated) fido7.ru.unix.sco Fidonet RU.UNIX.SCO - SCO UNIX (Moderated) fido7.ru.up-n-down Fidonet RU.UP'N'DOWN (Moderated) fido7.ru.usa Fidonet RU.USA (Moderated) fido7.ru.usr Fidonet RU.USR - US Robotics modems (Moderated) fido7.ru.usr.chainik Fidonet RU.USR.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.usr.firmware Fidonet RU.USR.FIRMWARE (Moderated) fido7.ru.usr.upgrade Fidonet RU.USR.UPGRADE (Moderated) fido7.ru.utekay Fidonet RU.UTEKAY (Moderated) fido7.ru.uucp Fidonet RU.UUCP (Moderated) fido7.ru.uue.sysop.pic Fidonet RU.UUE.SYSOP.PIC - Sysop's portraits (Moderated) fido7.ru.uue.sysop.wav Fidonet RU.UUE.SYSOP.WAV - Sysops voices (Moderated) fido7.ru.uue.talk Fidonet RU.UUE.TALK - Talk on uuencoded data (Moderated) fido7.ru.uuencode Fidonet RU.UUENCODE - misc binaries (Moderated) fido7.ru.vac Fidonet RU.VAC (Moderated) fido7.ru.vbscript Fidonet RU.VBSCRIPT. (Moderated) fido7.ru.vc Fidonet RU.VC (Moderated) fido7.ru.vd.martial.arts Fidonet RU.VD.MARTIAL.ARTS (Moderated) fido7.ru.vegetarian Fidonet RU.VEGETARIAN (Moderated) fido7.ru.venture Fidonet RU.VENTURE - Setup of buisnesses (Moderated) fido7.ru.veterinary Fidonet RU.VETERINARY (Moderated) fido7.ru.video Fidonet RU.VIDEO - home video (Moderated) fido7.ru.video.exch Fidonet RU.VIDEO.EXCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.video.films Fidonet RU.VIDEO.FILMS (Moderated) fido7.ru.video.laserdisc Fidonet RU.VIDEO.LASERDISC (Moderated) fido7.ru.video.x-files Fidonet RU.VIDEO.X_FILES (Moderated) fido7.ru.virtual.life Fidonet RU.VIRTUAL.LIFE (Moderated) fido7.ru.vist Fidonet RU.VIST (Moderated) fido7.ru.visual.basic Fidonet RU.VISUAL.BASIC (Moderated) fido7.ru.visual.cpp Fidonet RU.VISUAL.CPP (Moderated) fido7.ru.visual.foxpro Fidonet RU.VISUAL.FOXPRO (Moderated) fido7.ru.visualage.cpp Fidonet RU.VISUALAGE.CPP (Moderated) fido7.ru.vp Fidonet RU.VP (Moderated) fido7.ru.vrml Fidonet RU.VRML (Moderated) fido7.ru.vysotsky Fidonet RU.VYSOTSKY (Moderated) fido7.ru.warhammer.club Fidonet RU.WARHAMMER.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.ru.weapon Fidonet RU.WEAPON - Weapons (Moderated) fido7.ru.weapon.uue Fidonet RU.WEAPON.UUE (Moderated) fido7.ru.web.construction Fidonet RU.WEB.CONSTRUCTION (Moderated) fido7.ru.website Fidonet RU.WEBSITE (Moderated) fido7.ru.who-are-they Fidonet RU.WHO_ARE_THEY (Moderated) fido7.ru.win3x Fidonet RU.WIN3X. (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.beta Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.BETA (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.chainik Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.faq Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.FAQ (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.hardware Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.HARDWARE (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.hatch Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.HATCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.internet Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.INTERNET (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.news Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.ug Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.UG (Moderated) fido7.ru.windows.nt.wanted Fidonet RU.WINDOWS.NT.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.ru.wine Fidonet RU.WINE (Moderated) fido7.ru.wireless.net Fidonet RU.WIRELESS.NET (Moderated) fido7.ru.wrapped.glide Fidonet RU.WRAPPED.GLIDE (Moderated) fido7.ru.www.favorites Fidonet RU.WWW.FAVORITES (Moderated) fido7.ru.x25.fr Fidonet RU.X25.FR (Moderated) fido7.ru.xenia Fidonet RU.XENIA - Xenia echoprocessor (Moderated) fido7.ru.xml Fidonet RU.XML (Moderated) fido7.ru.xpicmusic.hatch Fidonet RU.XPICMUSIC.HATCH (Moderated) fido7.ru.xyz Fidonet RU.XYZ (Moderated) fido7.ru.y2k Fidonet RU.Y2K. (Moderated) fido7.ru.yablonsky Fidonet RU.YABLONSKY - Yablonsky's friends talks (Moderated) fido7.ru.yachting Fidonet RU.YACHTING (Moderated) fido7.ru.yaff Fidonet RU.YAFF (Moderated) fido7.ru.ytalk32.sup Fidonet RU.YTALK32.SUP (Moderated) fido7.ru.yugoslavia Fidonet RU.YUGOSLAVIA (Moderated) fido7.ru.zeliboba Fidonet RU.ZELIBOBA (Moderated) fido7.ru.znatok Fidonet RU.ZNATOK (Moderated) fido7.ruoz.chat Fidonet RUOZ.CHAT - Russia-Australia talks (Moderated) fido7.rus.flora Fidonet RUS.FLORA - flora talks (Moderated) fido7.rus.pcad Fidonet RUS.PCAD - PCAD program (Moderated) fido7.rus.pets Fidonet RUS.PETS - pets (Moderated) fido7.russian.freedom.anekdot Fidonet RUSSIAN.FREEDOM.ANEKDOT (Moderated) fido7.russian.journal Fidonet RUSSIAN.JOURNAL (Moderated) fido7.russian.sex Fidonet RUSSIAN.SEX - Sex (Moderated) fido7.russian.z1 Fidonet RUSSIAN.Z1 (Moderated) fido7.russian.z3 Fidonet RUSSIAN.Z3. (Moderated) fido7.sebastopol.talk Fidonet SEBASTOPOL.TALK (Moderated) fido7.sib.fileecho Fidonet SIB.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.skazki.forever Fidonet SKAZKI.FOREVER (Moderated) fido7.sl.announce Fidonet SL.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.sl.echo Fidonet SL.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.sl.statistics Fidonet SL.STATISTICS (Moderated) fido7.sl.talk Fidonet SL.TALK (Moderated) fido7.smaster.announce Fidonet SMASTER.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.smaster.talk Fidonet SMASTER.TALK (Moderated) fido7.smr.general Fidonet SMR.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.sound Fidonet FIDO7.SOUND - Computer sound processing (Moderated) fido7.sound.uue Fidonet FIDO7.SOUND.UUE - Binary sounds (Moderated) fido7.sound.uue.report Fidonet FIDO7.SOUND.UUE.REPORT (Moderated) fido7.spb.anti.ats Fidonet SPB.ANTI.ATS (Moderated) fido7.spb.awe Fidonet SPB.AWE [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.awe.samples Fidonet SPB.AWE.SAMPLES [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.bicycle Fidonet SPB.BICYCLE (Moderated) fido7.spb.bonch Fidonet SPB.BONCH [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.book-keeping Fidonet SPB.BOOK-KEEPING (Moderated) fido7.spb.books Fidonet SPB.BOOKS (Moderated) fido7.spb.business Fidonet SPB.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.spb.cars Fidonet SPB.CARS (Moderated) fido7.spb.cd.audio Fidonet SPB.CD.AUDIO [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.cdrom Fidonet SPB.CDROM (Moderated) fido7.spb.chemistry Fidonet SPB.CHEMISTRY (Moderated) fido7.spb.copoka Fidonet SPB.COPOKA (Moderated) fido7.spb.culture Fidonet SPB.CULTURE [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.disney Fidonet SPB.DISNEY [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.doom Fidonet SPB.DOOM [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.drozdov Fidonet SPB.DROZDOV (Moderated) fido7.spb.echoes Fidonet SPB.ECHOES (Moderated) fido7.spb.ecology Fidonet SPB.ECOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.spb.economy Fidonet SPB.ECONOMY (Moderated) fido7.spb.efl Fidonet SPB.EFL - English as foreign language (Moderated) fido7.spb.electr.component Fidonet SPB.ELECTR.COMPONENT (Moderated) fido7.spb.exchange Fidonet SPB.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.spb.f09 Fidonet SPB.09 (Moderated) fido7.spb.fec Fidonet SPB.FEC (Moderated) fido7.spb.files Fidonet SPB.FILES (Moderated) fido7.spb.files.allfix Fidonet SPB.FILES.ALLFIX (Moderated) fido7.spb.files.new Fidonet SPB.FILES.NEW (Moderated) fido7.spb.flats Fidonet SPB.FLATS (Moderated) fido7.spb.fml239 Fidonet SPB.FML239 [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.formula1 Fidonet SPB.FORMULA1 (Moderated) fido7.spb.game Fidonet SPB.GAME - Videogames (Moderated) fido7.spb.game.emul Fidonet SPB.GAME.EMUL [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.games Fidonet SPB.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.spb.general Fidonet SPB.GENERAL - St. Petersburg general talks (Moderated) fido7.spb.girls.d Fidonet SPB.GIRLS.D [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.gmtu Fidonet SPB.GMTU [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.halyava Fidonet SPB.HALYAVA [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.hardw Fidonet SPB.HARDW (Moderated) fido7.spb.hardw.pricelist Fidonet SPB.HARDW.PRICELIST [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.hardw.repair Fidonet SPB.HARDW.REPAIR (Moderated) fido7.spb.hardw.rom Fidonet SPB.HARDW.ROM (Moderated) fido7.spb.humor Fidonet SPB.HUMOR (Moderated) fido7.spb.ifmo Fidonet SPB.IFMO [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.internet Fidonet SPB.INTERNET (Moderated) fido7.spb.internet.prices Fidonet SPB.INTERNET.PRICES [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.internet.providers Fidonet SPB.INTERNET.PROVIDERS (Moderated) fido7.spb.job Fidonet SPB.JOB (Moderated) fido7.spb.job.offer Fidonet SPB.JOB.OFFER [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.job.service Fidonet SPB.JOB.SERVICE [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.job.talk Fidonet SPB.JOB.TALK (Moderated) fido7.spb.joyhouse.club Fidonet SPB.JOYHOUSE.CLUB [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.kbh Fidonet SPB.KBH [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.kids Fidonet SPB.KIDS (Moderated) fido7.spb.ksp Fidonet SPB.KSP (Moderated) fido7.spb.ksp.tex Fidonet SPB.KSP.TEX (Moderated) fido7.spb.leei Fidonet SPB.LEEI - Students of LETI (Moderated) fido7.spb.life.talk Fidonet SPB.LIFE.TALK [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.linux Fidonet SPB.LINUX [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.lovely.talks Fidonet SPB.LOVELY.TALKS [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.master Fidonet SPB.MASTER [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.metallostroy Fidonet SPB.METALLOSTROY [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.mo.district Fidonet SPB.MO.DISTRICT [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.moto Fidonet SPB.MOTO [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.music Fidonet SPB.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.spb.music.rave Fidonet SPB.MUSIC.RAVE [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.nec Fidonet SPB.NEC [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.netcon Fidonet SPB.NETCON (Moderated) fido7.spb.os2.q-a Fidonet SPB.OS2.Q&A (Moderated) fido7.spb.palmpilot Fidonet SPB.PALMPILOT (Moderated) fido7.spb.planets Fidonet SPB.PLANETS (Moderated) fido7.spb.point Fidonet SPB.POINT (Moderated) fido7.spb.pvt.black.log Fidonet SPB.PVT.BLACK.LOG [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.r.a.t Fidonet SPB.R.A.T [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.radio1.petrograd Fidonet SPB.RADIO1.PETROGRAD [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.rollers Fidonet SPB.ROLLERS [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.rules Fidonet SPB.RULES (Moderated) fido7.spb.russian.rock Fidonet SPB.RUSSIAN.ROCK (Moderated) fido7.spb.school Fidonet SPB.SCHOOL [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.science Fidonet SPB.SCIENCE (Moderated) fido7.spb.sex.adv Fidonet SPB.SEX.ADV [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.slalom Fidonet SPB.SLALOM [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.softw Fidonet SPB.SOFTW - Software talks (Moderated) fido7.spb.spartak.cinema Fidonet SPB.SPARTAK.CINEMA [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.speccy Fidonet SPB.SPECCY (Moderated) fido7.spb.sport.fans Fidonet SPB.SPORT.FANS (Moderated) fido7.spb.starcraft Fidonet SPB.STARCRAFT [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.stat Fidonet SPB.STAT (Moderated) fido7.spb.student Fidonet SPB.STUDENT (Moderated) fido7.spb.student.gaap Fidonet SPB.STUDENT.GAAP (Moderated) fido7.spb.student.rulez Fidonet SPB.STUDENT.RULEZ [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.sysop.bbs Fidonet SPB.SYSOP.BBS [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.sysop.imho Fidonet SPB.SYSOP.IMHO [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.sysprg Fidonet SPB.SYSPRG (Moderated) fido7.spb.telecom.operator Fidonet SPB.TELECOM.OPERATOR [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.theatre Fidonet SPB.THEATRE [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.spb.tourism Fidonet SPB.TOURISM - Trips (Moderated) fido7.spb.travel Fidonet SPB.TRAVEL - Travels (Moderated) fido7.spb.unix Fidonet SPB.UNIX [Read Only] (Moderated) fido7.star.dreck Fidonet STAR.DRECK (Moderated) fido7.starper.unlimited Fidonet STARPER.UNLIMITED (Moderated) fido7.su.absolute.text Fidonet SU.ABSOLUTE.TEXT (Moderated) fido7.su.absolute.text.cs Fidonet SU.ABSOLUTE.TEXT.CS (Moderated) fido7.su.absolute.text.em Fidonet SU.ABSOLUTE.TEXT.EM (Moderated) fido7.su.absolute.text.sq Fidonet SU.ABSOLUTE.TEXT.SQ (Moderated) fido7.su.adobe Fidonet SU.ADOBE (Moderated) fido7.su.adobe.photoshop Fidonet SU.ADOBE.PHOTOSHOP (Moderated) fido7.su.alko Fidonet SU.ALKO (Moderated) fido7.su.alt.tolkien Fidonet SU.ALT.TOLKIEN - J.R.R.Tolkien fans (Moderated) fido7.su.an-cr.care Fidonet SU.AN&CR.CARE (Moderated) fido7.su.announce.mp3 Fidonet SU.ANNOUNCE.MP3 (Moderated) fido7.su.anybody Fidonet SU.ANYBODY - Anybody here? (Moderated) fido7.su.archaeology Fidonet SU.ARCHAEOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.su.astroclub Fidonet SU.ASTROCLUB - Astrology (Moderated) fido7.su.astronomy Fidonet SU.ASTRONOMY (Moderated) fido7.su.autotest Fidonet SU.AUTOTEST (Moderated) fido7.su.azart Fidonet SU.AZART - Card and other games (Moderated) fido7.su.beos Fidonet SU.BEOS (Moderated) fido7.su.bluesys-modtal Fidonet SU.BLUESYS_MODTALK (Moderated) fido7.su.books Fidonet SU.BOOKS - books (Moderated) fido7.su.books.clever Fidonet SU.BOOKS.CLEVER (Moderated) fido7.su.books.for.children Fidonet SU.BOOKS.FOR.CHILDREN (Moderated) fido7.su.business Fidonet SU.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.su.c-cpp Fidonet SU.C_CPP - C and C++ languages (Moderated) fido7.su.card.game Fidonet SU.CARD.GAME (Moderated) fido7.su.cars Fidonet SU.CARS - cars (Moderated) fido7.su.cars.bmw Fidonet SU.CARS.BMW (Moderated) fido7.su.cbcs Fidonet SU.CBCS - BBS software (Moderated) fido7.su.chainik Fidonet SU.CHAINIK - new fidonetters Q&A (Moderated) fido7.su.chainik.faq Fidonet SU.CHAINIK.FAQ (Moderated) fido7.su.chainik.general Fidonet SU.CHAINIK.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.su.chess Fidonet SU.CHESS (Moderated) fido7.su.chess.play Fidonet SU.CHESS.PLAY (Moderated) fido7.su.chicago Fidonet SU.CHICAGO - Windows 96(!?) (Moderated) fido7.su.civil-law Fidonet SU.CIVIL_LAW - civil law (Moderated) fido7.su.cm Fidonet SU.CM (Moderated) fido7.su.cool.stars Fidonet SU.COOL.STARS (Moderated) fido7.su.crisis.situation Fidonet SU.CRISIS.SITUATION (Moderated) fido7.su.crisis.situation.talks Fidonet SU.CRISIS.SITUATION.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.su.culture.underground Fidonet SU.CULTURE.UNDERGROUND (Moderated) fido7.su.da-booge-crew Fidonet SU.DA_BOOGE_CREW (Moderated) fido7.su.dacha Fidonet SU.DACHA - summer cottages (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms Fidonet SU.DBMS - generic DBMS-es (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.borland Fidonet SU.DBMS.BORLAND - DBMSes by Borland (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.case Fidonet SU.DBMS.CASE (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.cronos Fidonet SU.DBMS.CRONOS (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.db2 Fidonet SU.DBMS.DB2 (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.foxpro Fidonet SU.DBMS.FOXPRO (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.hytech Fidonet SU.DBMS.HYTECH (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.interbase Fidonet SU.DBMS.INTERBASE (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.mssql Fidonet SU.DBMS.MSSQL. (Moderated) fido7.su.dbms.sql Fidonet SU.DBMS.SQL (Moderated) fido7.su.dragonlance Fidonet SU.DRAGONLANCE (Moderated) fido7.su.dsa Fidonet SU.DSA (Moderated) fido7.su.emigration Fidonet SU.EMIGRATION (Moderated) fido7.su.energetic Fidonet SU.ENERGETIC (Moderated) fido7.su.f3ds.max Fidonet SU.3DS.MAX (Moderated) fido7.su.fidotech Fidonet SU.FIDOTECH - fidonet technology (Moderated) fido7.su.fileecho Fidonet SU.FILEECHO - packages search and announcements (Moderated) fido7.su.flame Fidonet SU.FLAME (Moderated) fido7.su.flirt Fidonet SU.FLIRT (Moderated) fido7.su.football.funs.news Fidonet SU.FOOTBALL.FUNS.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.su.football.prognoz Fidonet SU.FOOTBALL.PROGNOZ (Moderated) fido7.su.formula1 Fidonet SU.FORMULA1 (Moderated) fido7.su.formula1.around Fidonet SU.FORMULA1.AROUND (Moderated) fido7.su.formula1.info Fidonet SU.FORMULA1.INFO (Moderated) fido7.su.forth Fidonet SU.FORTH - Forth language (Moderated) fido7.su.game Fidonet SU.GAME - video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.su.game.arcade Fidonet SU.GAME.ARCADE (Moderated) fido7.su.game.auto Fidonet SU.GAME.AUTO (Moderated) fido7.su.game.chainik Fidonet SU.GAME.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.su.game.flight Fidonet SU.GAME.FLIGHT (Moderated) fido7.su.game.hardw Fidonet SU.GAME.HARDW (Moderated) fido7.su.game.logic Fidonet SU.GAME.LOGIC (Moderated) fido7.su.game.modem Fidonet SU.GAME.MODEM - videogames over modem (Moderated) fido7.su.game.multiplayer Fidonet SU.GAME.MULTIPLAYER. (Moderated) fido7.su.game.news Fidonet SU.GAME.NEWS - video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.su.game.news.announce Fidonet SU.GAME.NEWS.ANNOUNCE (Moderated) fido7.su.game.news.uue Fidonet SU.GAME.NEWS.UUE (Moderated) fido7.su.game.quest.talks Fidonet SU.GAME.QUEST.TALKS. (Moderated) fido7.su.game.sol Fidonet SU.GAME.SOL - video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.su.game.strategy Fidonet SU.GAME.STRATEGY (Moderated) fido7.su.game.trade Fidonet SU.GAME.TRADE - video-game talks (Moderated) fido7.su.game.uue Fidonet SU.GAME.UUE (Moderated) fido7.su.game.video Fidonet SU.GAME.VIDEO (Moderated) fido7.su.game.wanted Fidonet SU.GAME.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.su.general Fidonet SU.GENERAL - general talks (Moderated) fido7.su.graphics Fidonet SU.GRAPHICS - computer graphics (Moderated) fido7.su.hamradio Fidonet SU.HAMRADIO - HAM radio fans talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hanson Fidonet SU.HANSON (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw Fidonet SU.HARDW - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.audio Fidonet SU.HARDW.AUDIO (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.cdrom Fidonet SU.HARDW.CDROM - Computer Hardware (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.chainik Fidonet SU.HARDW.CHAINIK - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.dvd Fidonet SU.HARDW.DVD (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.game.devices Fidonet SU.HARDW.GAME.DEVICES (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.hsmodem Fidonet SU.HARDW.HSMODEM - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.microwave Fidonet SU.HARDW.MICROWAVE - Hardware (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.notebook Fidonet SU.HARDW.NOTEBOOK (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.other Fidonet SU.HARDW.OTHER - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pbx Fidonet SU.HARDW.PBX (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.cpu Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.CPU - PC hardware (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.media Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.MEDIA - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.microwave Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.MICROWAVE (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.motherboard Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.MOTHERBOARD - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.net Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.NET (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.peripheral Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.PERIPHERAL - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.sound Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.SOUND - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.video Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.VIDEO - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.video.card Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.VIDEO.CARD (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.video.monitor Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.VIDEO.MONITOR (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.video.riva Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.VIDEO.RIVA (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.pc.videoblaster Fidonet SU.HARDW.PC.VIDEOBLASTER (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.phones Fidonet SU.HARDW.PHONES - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.photo.digital Fidonet SU.HARDW.PHOTO.DIGITAL (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.schemes Fidonet SU.HARDW.SCHEMES - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.support.arvid Fidonet SU.HARDW.SUPPORT.ARVID - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.tv.video Fidonet SU.HARDW.TV.VIDEO - Hardware (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.tv.video.profi Fidonet SU.HARDW.TV.VIDEO.PROFI (Moderated) fido7.su.hardw.uuencode Fidonet SU.HARDW.UUENCODE - computer hardware talks (Moderated) fido7.su.hatch Fidonet SU.HATCH - fileecho announcements (Moderated) fido7.su.history Fidonet SU.HISTORY (Moderated) fido7.su.history.revisions Fidonet SU.HISTORY.REVISIONS. (Moderated) fido7.su.hitech Fidonet SU.HITECH - high technology talks (Moderated) fido7.su.human.rights Fidonet SU.HUMAN.RIGHTS - Human rights (Moderated) fido7.su.humor Fidonet SU.HUMOR - humor (Moderated) fido7.su.humor.answer Fidonet SU.HUMOR.ANSWER (Moderated) fido7.su.humor.poetry Fidonet SU.HUMOR.POETRY (Moderated) fido7.su.industrial Fidonet SU.INDUSTRIAL (Moderated) fido7.su.inpro Fidonet SU.INPRO (Moderated) fido7.su.ip.point Fidonet SU.IP.POINT (Moderated) fido7.su.ip.sysop.dns Fidonet SU.IP.SYSOP.DNS (Moderated) fido7.su.islam Fidonet SU.ISLAM (Moderated) fido7.su.isr-jews Fidonet SU.ISR&JEWS - Israel and Jews (Moderated) fido7.su.itrack Fidonet SU.ITRACK - Irack program (Moderated) fido7.su.jews Fidonet SU.JEWS (Moderated) fido7.su.jrrt.club Fidonet SU.JRRT.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.su.kaschenko.local Fidonet SU.KASCHENKO.LOCAL (Moderated) fido7.su.kbh Fidonet SU.KBH (Moderated) fido7.su.king Fidonet SU.KING (Moderated) fido7.su.kitchen Fidonet SU.KITCHEN - cooking talks (Moderated) fido7.su.komandor Fidonet SU.KOMANDOR (Moderated) fido7.su.ksp Fidonet SU.KSP - modern folk songs talks (Moderated) fido7.su.ksp.tech Fidonet SU.KSP.TECH (Moderated) fido7.su.ksp.texts Fidonet SU.KSP.TEXTS - modern folk songs texts (Moderated) fido7.su.ksp.unpublished Fidonet SU.KSP.UNPUBLISHED (Moderated) fido7.su.left Fidonet SU.LEFT - left talks (Moderated) fido7.su.lottery Fidonet SU.LOTTERY (Moderated) fido7.su.magic Fidonet SU.MAGIC - Magic (Moderated) fido7.su.maiden Fidonet SU.MAIDEN (Moderated) fido7.su.mailer Fidonet SU.MAILER - fidonet mailer programs (Moderated) fido7.su.mailtools.uue Fidonet SU.MAILTOOLS.UUE (Moderated) fido7.su.mainframe Fidonet SU.MAINFRAME - Mainframe computers (Moderated) fido7.su.manowar Fidonet SU.MANOWAR (Moderated) fido7.su.medic Fidonet SU.MEDIC - medcine (Moderated) fido7.su.microsoft.talk Fidonet SU.MICROSOFT.TALK (Moderated) fido7.su.mn.culture-life Fidonet SU.MN.CULTURE-LIFE (Moderated) fido7.su.mn.politics Fidonet SU.MN.POLITICS. (Moderated) fido7.su.mn.society Fidonet SU.MN.SOCIETY (Moderated) fido7.su.modem Fidonet SU.MODEM.ALL (Moderated) fido7.su.mtask Fidonet SU.MTASK - MS/DOS multitaskers (Moderated) fido7.su.music Fidonet SU.MUSIC - music (Moderated) fido7.su.music.art.rock Fidonet SU.MUSIC.ART.ROCK (Moderated) fido7.su.music.creation Fidonet SU.MUSIC.CREATION (Moderated) fido7.su.music.gothic Fidonet SU.MUSIC.GOTHIC (Moderated) fido7.su.music.heavy-death Fidonet SU.MUSIC.HEAVY&DEATH (Moderated) fido7.su.music.jazz Fidonet SU.MUSIC.JAZZ (Moderated) fido7.su.music.lyrics Fidonet SU.MUSIC.LYRICS - music (Moderated) fido7.su.music.metal Fidonet SU.MUSIC.METAL - music (Moderated) fido7.su.music.michael-jackso.mj Fidonet SU.MUSIC.MICHAEL_JACKSON.MJ (Moderated) fido7.su.music.news Fidonet SU.MUSIC.NEWS. (Moderated) fido7.su.music.pictures Fidonet SU.MUSIC.PICTURES (Moderated) fido7.su.music.pop Fidonet SU.MUSIC.POP (Moderated) fido7.su.music.prodigy Fidonet SU.MUSIC.PRODIGY (Moderated) fido7.su.music.russian Fidonet SU.MUSIC.RUSSIAN (Moderated) fido7.su.music.techno Fidonet SU.MUSIC.TECHNO (Moderated) fido7.su.naezd Fidonet SU.NAEZD - For personal flames (Moderated) fido7.su.net Fidonet SU.NET - LANs (Moderated) fido7.su.net.prog Fidonet SU.NET.PROG (Moderated) fido7.su.net.wanted Fidonet SU.NET.WANTED - LANs (Moderated) fido7.su.niennah Fidonet SU.NIENNAH (Moderated) fido7.su.oop Fidonet SU.OOP - Object Orianted Programming (Moderated) fido7.su.os2 Fidonet SU.OS2 - OS/2 (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.apps Fidonet SU.OS2.APPS (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.beta Fidonet SU.OS2.BETA (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.comm Fidonet SU.OS2.COMM - OS/2 (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.drv Fidonet SU.OS2.DRV - OS/2 (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.faq Fidonet SU.OS2.FAQ (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.faq.d Fidonet SU.OS2.FAQ.D - OS/2 (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.marginal Fidonet SU.OS2.MARGINAL - OS/2 (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.news Fidonet SU.OS2.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.prog Fidonet SU.OS2.PROG - OS/2 programming (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.src Fidonet SU.OS2.SRC - OS/2 (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.support.shell2 Fidonet SU.OS2.SUPPORT.SHELL2. (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.team Fidonet SU.OS2.TEAM (Moderated) fido7.su.os2.wanted Fidonet SU.OS2.WANTED - OS/2 (Moderated) fido7.su.owl Fidonet SU.OWL (Moderated) fido7.su.paleontology Fidonet SU.PALEONTOLOGY (Moderated) fido7.su.pascal.modula.ada Fidonet SU.PASCAL.MODULA.ADA - Wirth fans (Moderated) fido7.su.pascal.modula.ada.uue Fidonet SU.PASCAL.MODULA.ADA.UUE (Moderated) fido7.su.pd-co Fidonet SU.PD&CO (Moderated) fido7.su.pern Fidonet SU.PERN (Moderated) fido7.su.perumov Fidonet SU.PERUMOV (Moderated) fido7.su.philosophy Fidonet SU.PHILOSOPHY (Moderated) fido7.su.piercing Fidonet SU.PIERCING (Moderated) fido7.su.pma.uue Fidonet SU.PMA.UUE (Moderated) fido7.su.pol Fidonet SU.POL - politics (Moderated) fido7.su.pol.history Fidonet SU.POL.HISTORY. (Moderated) fido7.su.pol.news Fidonet SU.POL.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.su.quake.tf Fidonet SU.QUAKE.TF (Moderated) fido7.su.ra Fidonet SU.RA - Remote Access BBS program (Moderated) fido7.su.referat Fidonet SU.REFERAT (Moderated) fido7.su.remont Fidonet SU.REMONT. (Moderated) fido7.su.render Fidonet SU.RENDER (Moderated) fido7.su.render.profi Fidonet SU.RENDER.PROFI (Moderated) fido7.su.rus.travels Fidonet SU.RUS.TRAVELS (Moderated) fido7.su.russian.rock Fidonet SU.RUSSIAN.ROCK (Moderated) fido7.su.satanism Fidonet SU.SATANISM (Moderated) fido7.su.science Fidonet SU.SCIENCE - science (Moderated) fido7.su.science.chemistry Fidonet SU.SCIENCE.CHEMISTRY (Moderated) fido7.su.scientologie Fidonet SU.SCIENTOLOGIE (Moderated) fido7.su.sf-f.fandom Fidonet SU.SF&F.FANDOM - Science fiction (Moderated) fido7.su.sff.fandom Fidonet SU.SFF.FANDOM (Moderated) fido7.su.simoron Fidonet SU.SIMORON. (Moderated) fido7.su.skate Fidonet SU.SKATE. (Moderated) fido7.su.smith Fidonet SU.SMITH (Moderated) fido7.su.softw Fidonet SU.SOFTW - software (Moderated) fido7.su.soul Fidonet SU.SOUL - soul (Moderated) fido7.su.spasatel Fidonet SU.SPASATEL. (Moderated) fido7.su.spy Fidonet SU.SPY (Moderated) fido7.su.student Fidonet SU.STUDENT - students talks (Moderated) fido7.su.suvorov Fidonet SU.SUVOROV (Moderated) fido7.su.sysadmin.recovery Fidonet SU.SYSADMIN.RECOVERY (Moderated) fido7.su.talks Fidonet SU.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.su.tennis Fidonet SU.TENNIS (Moderated) fido7.su.toast Fidonet SU.TOAST (Moderated) fido7.su.tolkien Fidonet SU.TOLKIEN - J.R.R.Tolkien fans talks (Moderated) fido7.su.tolkien.texts Fidonet SU.TOLKIEN.TEXTS - J.R.R.Tolkien fans talks (Moderated) fido7.su.tolkien.uuencode Fidonet SU.TOLKIEN.UUENCODE - J.R.R.Tolkien fans talks (Moderated) fido7.su.tormoz Fidonet SU.TORMOZ - Slow-thinking people (Moderated) fido7.su.tost Fidonet SU.TOST (Moderated) fido7.su.travel Fidonet SU.TRAVEL - travelling (Moderated) fido7.su.ultras Fidonet SU.ULTRAS. (Moderated) fido7.su.underground Fidonet SU.UNDERGROUND (Moderated) fido7.su.virus Fidonet SU.VIRUS - software viruses (Moderated) fido7.su.w-d Fidonet SU.W&D (Moderated) fido7.su.white.gooses Fidonet SU.WHITE.GOOSES (Moderated) fido7.su.win32.prog Fidonet SU.WIN32.PROG (Moderated) fido7.su.win95 Fidonet SU.WIN95 (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.chainik Fidonet SU.WIN95.CHAINIK (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.comm Fidonet SU.WIN95.COMM (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.exchange Fidonet SU.WIN95.EXCHANGE (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.faq Fidonet SU.WIN95.FAQ (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.games Fidonet SU.WIN95.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.hardw Fidonet SU.WIN95.HARDW (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.netw Fidonet SU.WIN95.NETW (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.news Fidonet SU.WIN95.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.prog Fidonet SU.WIN95.PROG (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.rus-team Fidonet SU.WIN95.RUS_TEAM (Moderated) fido7.su.win95.softw Fidonet SU.WIN95.SOFTW (Moderated) fido7.su.windows Fidonet SU.WINDOWS - MS Windows (Moderated) fido7.su.windows.nt Fidonet SU.WINDOWS.NT - Windows/NT (Moderated) fido7.su.windows.nt.prog Fidonet SU.WINDOWS.NT.PROG - Windows NT (Moderated) fido7.su.windows.prog Fidonet SU.WINDOWS.PROG - MS Windows (Moderated) fido7.su.windows.wanted Fidonet SU.WINDOWS.WANTED - MS Windows (Moderated) fido7.sumy.files Fidonet SUMY.FILES (Moderated) fido7.super.tormoz Fidonet SUPER.TORMOZ (Moderated) fido7.survival.guide Fidonet SURVIVAL.GUIDE - Survival guide (Moderated) fido7.symbolic.proc Fidonet SYMBOLIC.PROC (Moderated) fido7.t-mail.chainik Fidonet T-MAIL.CHAINIK - T-Mail fidonet mailer (Moderated) fido7.t-mail.fiction Fidonet T-MAIL.FICTION (Moderated) fido7.t-mail.nt.rus Fidonet T-MAIL.NT.RUS (Moderated) fido7.t-mail.ru Fidonet T-MAIL.RU - T-Mail fidonet mailer (Moderated) fido7.t-mail.support Fidonet T-MAIL.SUPPORT - T-Mail fidonet mailer (Moderated) fido7.t-mail.util Fidonet T-MAIL.UTIL - T-Mail fidonet mailer (Moderated) fido7.t-series.ru Fidonet T-SERIES.RU - other programs coming with t-mail (Moderated) fido7.tabepha Fidonet TABEPHA. (Moderated) fido7.talks.asm Fidonet TALKS.ASM - i80x86 Assembler (Moderated) fido7.teach.pro Fidonet TEACH.PRO (Moderated) fido7.telebook.support Fidonet TELEBOOK.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.testing Fidonet TESTING - for testing echomail setup (Moderated) fido7.tetragraph.public Fidonet TETRAGRAPH.PUBLIC (Moderated) fido7.tiger-s.claw.echo Fidonet TIGER'S.CLAW.ECHO (Moderated) fido7.tiger-s.claw.robots Fidonet TIGER'S.CLAW.ROBOTS (Moderated) fido7.tmn.games Fidonet TMN.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.tmn.general Fidonet TMN.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.tower.pvt Fidonet TOWER.PVT (Moderated) fido7.trans.info Fidonet TRANS.INFO (Moderated) fido7.troitsk.talk Fidonet TROITSK.TALK. (Moderated) fido7.trueblue.news Fidonet TRUEBLUE.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.tver.talk Fidonet TVER.TALK (Moderated) fido7.ua.abiturient Fidonet UA.ABITURIENT (Moderated) fido7.ua.agny Fidonet UA.AGNY (Moderated) fido7.ua.banktech Fidonet UA.BANKTECH (Moderated) fido7.ua.business Fidonet UA.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.ua.contract.bridge Fidonet UA.CONTRACT.BRIDGE (Moderated) fido7.ua.fidotech Fidonet UA.FIDOTECH (Moderated) fido7.ua.graphics Fidonet UA.GRAPHICS (Moderated) fido7.ua.mountains Fidonet UA.MOUNTAINS (Moderated) fido7.ua.os2 Fidonet UA.OS2 (Moderated) fido7.ua.os2.crack Fidonet UA.OS2.CRACK (Moderated) fido7.ua.os2.prog Fidonet UA.OS2.PROG (Moderated) fido7.ua.os2.soft.wanted Fidonet UA.OS2.SOFT.WANTED (Moderated) fido7.ua.pol Fidonet UA.POL (Moderated) fido7.ua.prlist Fidonet UA.PRLIST (Moderated) fido7.ua.ufology Fidonet UA.UFOLOGY. (Moderated) fido7.ua.unix Fidonet UA.UNIX (Moderated) fido7.ublist Fidonet UBLIST - UBLIST (BBS list) announcements (Moderated) fido7.ublist.updates Fidonet UBLIST.UPDATES - UBLIST (BBS list) updates (Moderated) fido7.uhc.talks Fidonet UHC.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.ural.business Fidonet URAL.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.ural.files Fidonet URAL.FILES (Moderated) fido7.ural.files.report Fidonet URAL.FILES.REPORT (Moderated) fido7.ural.music Fidonet URAL.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.ural.os2 Fidonet URAL.OS2 (Moderated) fido7.ural.q-a Fidonet URAL.Q&A (Moderated) fido7.us-russ-talk Fidonet US_RUSS_TALK - Russia-US talks (Moderated) fido7.uu2 Fidonet UU2 - UU2Fido program (Moderated) fido7.uuug.general Fidonet UUUG.GENERAL - general talks (Ukrainian U.G.) (Moderated) fido7.uz.business Fidonet UZ.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.uz.fileecho Fidonet UZ.FILEECHO (Moderated) fido7.uz.games Fidonet UZ.GAMES (Moderated) fido7.uz.general Fidonet UZ.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.uz.internet Fidonet UZ.INTERNET (Moderated) fido7.uz.mitya Fidonet UZ.MITYA (Moderated) fido7.uz.philosophy Fidonet UZ.PHILOSOPHY (Moderated) fido7.uz.relax Fidonet UZ.RELAX (Moderated) fido7.uz.teic Fidonet UZ.TEIC (Moderated) fido7.uz.video Fidonet UZ.VIDEO (Moderated) fido7.uz.virus Fidonet UZ.VIRUS (Moderated) fido7.vc.news Fidonet VC.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.vga.planets Fidonet VGA.PLANETS - vga-planets game (Moderated) fido7.vladimir.business Fidonet VLADIMIR.BUSINESS (Moderated) fido7.vladimir.flirt Fidonet VLADIMIR.FLIRT (Moderated) fido7.vladimir.general Fidonet VLADIMIR.GENERAL (Moderated) fido7.vladimir.techhelp Fidonet VLADIMIR.TECHHELP (Moderated) fido7.vladimir.video Fidonet VLADIMIR.VIDEO (Moderated) fido7.watcom.c Fidonet WATCOM.C - watcom C (Moderated) fido7.watcom.c.pf Fidonet WATCOM.C.PF - watcom C (Moderated) fido7.watcom.c32.pf Fidonet WATCOM.C32.PF - watcom C (Moderated) fido7.watcom.dos4gwpro Fidonet WATCOM.DOS4GWPRO - watcom C (Moderated) fido7.watcom.general Fidonet WATCOM.GENERAL - watcom C (Moderated) fido7.wb.q-a Fidonet WB.Q&A (Moderated) fido7.west.region Fidonet WEST.REGION (Moderated) fido7.whisky.bar Fidonet WHISKY.BAR (Moderated) fido7.white.bear.club Fidonet WHITE.BEAR.CLUB (Moderated) fido7.windows.prog Fidonet WINDOWS.PROG (Moderated) fido7.wined.support Fidonet WINED.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.wish.you.were.here Fidonet WISH.YOU.WERE.HERE (Moderated) fido7.worldcup.f94 Fidonet WORLDCUP.94 - Football World Cup (Moderated) fido7.ws.chat Fidonet WS.CHAT (Moderated) fido7.ws.extract Fidonet WS.EXTRACT (Moderated) fido7.ws.humor Fidonet WS.HUMOR (Moderated) fido7.ws.technics Fidonet WS.TECHNICS (Moderated) fido7.www.station.ru Fidonet WWW.STATION.RU (Moderated) fido7.xap6kob Fidonet XAP6KOB (Moderated) fido7.xgamwarez.info Fidonet XGAMWAREZ.INFO (Moderated) fido7.xpehobo.mhe Fidonet XPEHOBO.MHE. (Moderated) fido7.xpress.pvt Fidonet XPRESS.PVT (Moderated) fido7.xsu.pma.faq Fidonet XSU.PMA.FAQ (Moderated) fido7.xsu.tm Fidonet XSU.TM (Moderated) fido7.xsu.ventafax.support Fidonet XSU.VENTAFAX.SUPPORT (Moderated) fido7.z7.news Fidonet Z7.NEWS (Moderated) fido7.z7.test Fidonet Z7.TEST (Moderated) fido7.z7.z2.zone7 Fidonet Z7.Z2.ZONE7 (Moderated) fido7.zc.allfix Fidonet ZC.ALLFIX (Moderated) fido7.zc.commerce Fidonet ZC.COMMERCE (Moderated) fido7.zc.files Fidonet ZC.FILES (Moderated) fido7.zc.fun Fidonet ZC.FUN (Moderated) fido7.zc.gamez Fidonet ZC.GAMEZ (Moderated) fido7.zc.gamez.planets Fidonet ZC.GAMEZ.PLANETS (Moderated) fido7.zc.music Fidonet ZC.MUSIC (Moderated) fido7.zc.talks Fidonet ZC.TALKS (Moderated) fido7.zone7 Fidonet ZONE7 - Fidonet (future) Zone 7 (Moderated) fido7.zx.spectrum Fidonet ZX.SPECTRUM - ZX Spectrum computers (Moderated) fido7.zxc.club Fidonet ZXC.CLUB (Moderated) fidonet.filk No description. fidonet.midi-net No description. finet.evl.keskustelu Keskustelua Suomen ev.lut. kirkosta ja kristinuskosta finet.fan.niilo.paasivirta Oikeiden Mielipiteiden vaatimaton mestari. finet.fan.warlord Check out alt.fan.warlord. finet.harrastus.babylon5 Our last best hope for peace... it failed. finet.harrastus.harry-potter Tervetuloa Tylypahkaan finet.harrastus.startrek Suomenmaan Star Trek -harrastuksen tyyssija finet.harrastus.tolkien J.R.R. Tolkien ja hänen tarinansa finet.kielet.japani Keskustelua japanin kielestä tai japaniksi finet.markkinat.kaupalliset Kaupallisia markkinatiedotteita finet.markkinat.menovesi Polttoainealan markkinoista finet.opiskelu.matematiikka Foorumi yleiselle keskistelulle matematiikan opiskelusta Suomessa finet.politiikka.yk Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien toiminta finet.ryhmat Keskustelua anarkistiverkon ryhmistä finet.svenska.info Anslagstavla för info om evenemang i svenskfinland finet.svenska.prat Allmänn diskussion på svenska finet.testi Testiryhmä finet.unet Unet, niiden tulkinta, nukkuminen finet.viestinta.bbs Keskustelua BBS-järjestelmistä finet.viestinta.televerkot Keskustelua televerkoista ja -palveluista finet.yhteiskunta.vaikuttaminen Kansalaistoiminta, vaikuttamisen keinoja finet.yhteiskunta.yksilonvapaus Kansalaisoikeudet, yksilönvapaus, sensuuri jne. fiod7.du.net No description. fiod7.other.news.answers No description. fiod7.other.russian.sex No description. fiod7.ru.sex No description. fiod7.su.cars No description. fiod7.su.chainik No description. fiod7.su.game No description. fiod7.su.humor No description. fiod7.su.music No description. fiod7.su.os2 No description. fiod7.su.windows No description. fj.1st-readme Guides of fj. No discussion. (Moderated) fj.1st-readme.discussion Discussion about documents for fj.1st-readme. fj.archives.d For any topics related to fj.archives. fj.archives.documents Repository for documents. (Moderated) fj.archives.misc Repository for miscellaneous data. (Moderated) fj.books Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes. fj.comp.ai Artificial intelligence discussions. fj.comp.announce Announcements for computer-related topics/meetings. fj.comp.applications.dictionary Computer applications for dictionary, encyclopedia and electronic books. fj.comp.applications.excel Discussion on Excel. fj.comp.applications.ichitaro Discussion on Ichitaro. fj.comp.applications.misc Discussion on miscellaneous computer software or software packages. fj.comp.applications.ms-word Discussion on MS-Word. fj.comp.applications.photoshop Discussion on Photoshop. fj.comp.arch Computer architecture. fj.comp.databases Discussions about databases and data management. fj.comp.dev.cdrom Discussion on CDROM device. fj.comp.dev.digital-camera Discussion on the digital camera. fj.comp.dev.disk Discussion on Magnetic/Optical Disk. fj.comp.dev.display Discussion on display devices. fj.comp.dev.dvd Discussion on DVD device. DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, etc. fj.comp.dev.keyboard Discussion on Keyboard. fj.comp.dev.memory Discussion on Memory. fj.comp.dev.misc Discussion on miscellaneous computer device. fj.comp.dev.pc-card Discussion on PC Card(JEIDA/PCMCIA Card). fj.comp.dev.pointing Discussion on pointing devices. fj.comp.dev.power Discussion on Power Supply. fj.comp.dev.printer Discussion on printers, plotters, etc. fj.comp.dev.scanner Discussion on Image Scanner. fj.comp.dev.scsi Discussion on SCSI Interface. fj.comp.dev.tape Discussion on Tape device. fj.comp.dsp Discussion about Digital Signal Processing. fj.comp.image Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing. fj.comp.input-method Computerized input method for natural language, etc. fj.comp.input-method.atok ATOK input method. fj.comp.input-method.canna CANNA input method. fj.comp.input-method.wnn WNN input method. fj.comp.lang.ada Discussion about Ada*. fj.comp.lang.asm Discussion about assembly language. fj.comp.lang.awk Discussion about awk. fj.comp.lang.basic Discussion on the BASIC programming language. fj.comp.lang.c Discussion about C. fj.comp.lang.c++ Discussion about C++. fj.comp.lang.cobol Discussion on COBOL. fj.comp.lang.forth Discussion about Forth. fj.comp.lang.fortran Discussion about FORTRAN. fj.comp.lang.functional Discussion about functional programming languages. fj.comp.lang.implementation Discussion about implementation of programming languages. fj.comp.lang.java Discussion on Java Language. fj.comp.lang.javascript Discussion about JavaScript. fj.comp.lang.lisp Discussion about LISP. fj.comp.lang.misc Different computer languages not specifically listed. fj.comp.lang.objective-c Discussion about Objective-C. fj.comp.lang.pascal Discussion on the PASCAL programming language. fj.comp.lang.perl Discussion about perl language. fj.comp.lang.postscript PostScript language and related topics. fj.comp.lang.prolog Discussion about PROLOG. fj.comp.lang.ruby Discussion on the Ruby object-oriented scripting language. fj.comp.lang.st80 Discussion about Smalltalk 80. fj.comp.lang.tcl Discussion about Tcl/Tk. fj.comp.lang.verilog Discussion about the Verilog Hardware Description Language. fj.comp.lang.vhdl Discussion about the VHSIC Hardware Description Language. fj.comp.lang.visualbasic Discussion about Microsoft Visual Basic programming. fj.comp.misc General topics about computers not covered elsewhere. fj.comp.mobile Discussion about mobile computing. fj.comp.music Topics about computers and music. fj.comp.oldies Topics about old computers and softwares. fj.comp.oops Object Oriented Programming, System, etc. fj.comp.parallel Discussion about parallel computing. fj.comp.programming Programming issues that transcend languages and OSs. fj.comp.security Discussions about computer security. fj.comp.security.pgp Talk about pgp. fj.comp.sgml Discussion on SGML(Standerd Generalized Markup Language). fj.comp.speech Academic discussions and technical interchanges on speech processing. fj.comp.statistics Discussion on statistics. fj.comp.texhax Discussion about TeXhax and delivery of mailing list. fj.comp.text Text processing issues and methods. fj.comp.theory Theoretical aspects of computer science. fj.comp.x11 About X window systems. fj.comp.xml Discussion about XML. fj.disaster.earthquake Information about earthquake. fj.disaster.misc Information about disasters not covered elsewhere. fj.disaster.oil-spill Information relating to oil spill. fj.disaster.people Information about people in disaster areas. fj.disaster.volunteers Information about disaster volunteers. fj.editor.emacs EMACS editors of different flavors. fj.editor.misc Talk about editors. fj.editor.mule Discussion about Mule. fj.editor.vi Discussion about vi editor. fj.editor.xemacs Discussion about XEmacs. fj.education About education in general. fj.education.announce Announcement related to education fj.education.comp Education on computers and computer science. fj.education.informatics Education on informatics in general. fj.education.math Discussions on mathematics education. fj.engr.arch Topics about architecture. fj.engr.civil Topics about civil engineering. fj.engr.control Topics about control system engineering. fj.engr.elec Electrical and electronic engineering. fj.engr.materials Topics about materials engineering. fj.engr.mech Topics about mechanical engineering. fj.engr.misc General topics about engineering. fj.engr.robotics Topics about robotics. fj.engr.safety About safety engineering. fj.fleamarket.appliances Fleamarket for appliances. fj.fleamarket.autos Fleamarket for automobiles, motorcycle and etc. fj.fleamarket.books Fleamarket for books, magazines, and etc. fj.fleamarket.books.comics Fleamarket of comics. fj.fleamarket.books.comp Fleamarket of books related to computer. fj.fleamarket.books.sci Fleamarket of science books. fj.fleamarket.books.soc Fleamarket of books related to society. fj.fleamarket.comp Fleamarket for computer hardware, software and etc. fj.fleamarket.comp.software Fleamarket for computer software. fj.fleamarket.d For any topics related to fj.fleamarket. fj.fleamarket.misc Fleamarket for miscellaneous. fj.fleamarket.sports Fleamarket for sports equipment. fj.fleamarket.tickets Fleamarket for tickets. fj.fleamarket.video-game Fleamarket for video game. fj.jokes Joke and humor. fj.jokes.d Discussion about jokes. fj.kanji Discussion about Kanji. fj.life.children Children, childcare and parenting. fj.life.clothing Discussion about clothing. fj.life.health Discussion about health. fj.life.hometown About domestic regions. Names, boasts, customs etc. fj.life.hometown.hokkaido About Hokkaido region. fj.life.housing House and related equipment. fj.life.in-hokubei Tips on living in North America. fj.life.in-japan Topics on life of foreigners in Japan. fj.life.religion Discussion on religion. fj.life.ren-ai Discussion about romantic love. fj.life.school Topics on school life. fj.life.works Discussion about works and workers. fj.living Discussions about various things in daily life. fj.mail Proposed new mail/network standards. fj.mail-lists.arukikata Messages of mailing lists on new fj's guides. (Moderated) fj.mail-lists.election Messages of mailing lists on fj-NGMC election managers. (Moderated) fj.mail-lists.fj-committee Messages sent to fj-committee mailing list. (Moderated) fj.mail.friends Requests for e-mail friends. fj.mail.lists Discussion on mailing lists. fj.mail.reader Discussion about mail readers. fj.mail.reader.becky Discussion about Becky! Internet Mail. fj.mail.reader.datula Discussion about the mail reader Datula. fj.mail.reader.mew Discussion about Mew (Messaging in Emacs World). fj.mail.reader.outlookexpress Discussion about Microsoft OutlookExpress. fj.mail.reader.postpet Discussion about the mail reader Postpet. fj.mail.system General topics about email systems. fj.mail.system.qmail Topics on qmail. fj.mail.system.sendmail Topics on sendmail. fj.meetings Announce for conference, workshop, etc. fj.misc Various discussions that there are no groups to match. fj.misc.announce Complementary newsgroup for other fj.*.announce's. (Moderated) fj.misc.handicap Interest for/about the handicapped. fj.net-people Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net. fj.net.announce Announcements about Networking. (Moderated) fj.net.fax Fax network. fj.net.ftp Discussion about FTP(File Transfer Protocol). fj.net.gopher Discussion about Gopher. fj.net.ip Internet Protocol and routing. fj.net.ip.dns Discussion about DNS(Domain Name System). fj.net.isdn The Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). fj.net.kermit Discussion about kermit package. fj.net.lan Local area network hardware and software. fj.net.lan.ethernet The Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 protocols. fj.net.lan.wireless Discussion on wireless network. fj.net.ldap Discussion about LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). fj.net.mime Discussion on MIME(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). fj.net.misc Discussions on networks in general. fj.net.modems Modem hardware, software, and protocols. fj.net.modems.fax Fax-Modem hardware, software, and protocols. fj.net.phones Telephone network. fj.net.phones.manners Phone manners. fj.net.phones.mobile Mobile phone. fj.net.phones.phs Japanese Personal Handy Phone System. fj.net.programming Network programming. fj.net.providers Discussion on Network Service Providers. fj.net.samba SAMBA network. fj.net.uucp UUCP configuration and administration. fj.net.words Words related to networks. fj.net.www Discussion about WWW(World Wide Web). fj.net.www.authoring About WWW authoring techniques. fj.net.www.browsers About WWW browsing softwares. fj.net.www.pages About someone's WWW pages. fj.net.www.servers About WWW serving softwares. fj.news.adm Comments directed to news administrators. fj.news.adm.feed-check For testing by newsserver administrators. fj.news.announce Announcements about fj Netnews. (Moderated) fj.news.config Postings of system down times and configuration change. fj.news.group Discussions and lists of newsgroups. fj.news.group.comp About newsgroups for discussions of computers. fj.news.group.misc About newsgroups of all other kinds. fj.news.group.net About newsgroups for discussions of networks. fj.news.group.rec About newsgroups for discussions of recreations. fj.news.group.sci About newsgroups for discussions of sciences. fj.news.group.soc About newsgroups for discussions of social issues. fj.news.lists News-related statistics and lists. fj.news.lists.filters Notices for automated news filtering systems. fj.news.misc Miscellaneous discussions of network news. fj.news.net-abuse Discussions about abuse of news and other network resources. fj.news.policy Discussions of fj newsgroup hierarchy itself. fj.news.reader General topics about network news reader softwares. fj.news.reader.gn Discussion about gn. fj.news.reader.gnus Discussion about GNUS. fj.news.reader.mnews Discussion about mnews. fj.news.reader.rn Discussion about rn family (rn, trn, ...). fj.news.reader.winvn Discussion about winvn. fj.news.style About discussion styles of Netnews posts. fj.news.system General topics about network news systems. fj.news.system.diablo Discussion about DIABLO News System. fj.news.system.inn Discussion about INN News System. fj.news.usage Questions and discussions on how to work with the fj community. fj.org.ieee About Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers. fj.org.ipsj Topics about Information Processing Society of Japan. fj.org.jsai About Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence. fj.org.jssst Information about JSSST. fj.org.jus Information about JUS(Japan Unix Society). fj.org.ptt Information about PTT. fj.os.beos Discussion about the Be operating system. fj.os.bsd.bsd-os Discussion about BSD/OS. fj.os.bsd.freebsd Discussion about FreeBSD. fj.os.bsd.misc Discussion about BSD operating systems not covered by other fj.os.bsd.* newsgroups. fj.os.bsd.netbsd Discussion about NetBSD. fj.os.hurd Discussion about Hurd/GNU system. fj.os.linux Discussion on Linux. fj.os.linux.networking Discussion about networking and communications under Linux. fj.os.linux.setup Discussion about linux installation and system. fj.os.minix Discussion about the MINIX operating system. fj.os.misc Discussion about operating systems not covered elsewhere. fj.os.ms-windows.ce Discussion about the Windows CE operating system. fj.os.ms-windows.me Discussion about the Windows Millennium Edition. fj.os.ms-windows.misc Discussion on Microsoft Windows. fj.os.ms-windows.networking Discussion about networking on Windows. fj.os.ms-windows.nt Discussion about the Windows NT operating system. fj.os.ms-windows.programming Discussion about programming on Microsoft Windows. fj.os.ms-windows.win2000 Discussion about the Windows 2000 operating system. fj.os.ms-windows.win95 Discussion about the Windows 95 operating system. fj.os.ms-windows.win98 Discussion about the Windows 98 operating system. fj.os.ms-windows.xp Discussion about the Windows XP operating system. fj.os.msdos Discussion about the MSDOS operating system. fj.os.os2 Discussion about the OS/2 operating system. fj.os.plan9 Talk about plan9. fj.personal-ads.friends Requests for friends. fj.personal-ads.misc Nonprofit personal advertisements. fj.personal-ads.penpals Requests for penpals. fj.questions.fj Questions and answers about fj itself and fj newsgroups. fj.questions.internet Questions and answers about the Internet. fj.questions.misc Questions about miscellaneous subjects. fj.questions.programming Questions and answers about computer programming. fj.questions.unix Questions especially about UNIX. fj.rec.aerospace About aviation. Airplane, airsports, etc. fj.rec.aerospace.simulators Discussion for flight simulators. fj.rec.animation Discussion about animated movies. fj.rec.animation.oldies Topics about nostalgic animations. fj.rec.announce Announcements about recreations. (Moderated) fj.rec.autos Automobiles, automotive products and laws. fj.rec.autos.sports About auto sports. fj.rec.autos.wagon Discussion about station wagons. fj.rec.av High fidelity audio and video components. fj.rec.bicycles Topics on bicycles. fj.rec.bus Discussion about busses. fj.rec.comics The funnies, old and new. fj.rec.dance Topics related to dances. fj.rec.disney Topics on all about Disney. fj.rec.drink Topics about various drinks. fj.rec.drink.liquor Topics about Alcoholic beverages. fj.rec.fine-arts Topics around fine-arts, which is visual arts. fj.rec.fishing Topics about fishing. fj.rec.food Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes. fj.rec.fortunetelling Fortune-telling and related topics. fj.rec.games Discussion about games. fj.rec.games.go About Go. fj.rec.games.mahjong Topics about mahjong. fj.rec.games.pachinko Discussion about pachinko game. fj.rec.games.roguelike Topics about nethack and other roguelike games. fj.rec.games.roleplaying Topics about roleplaying games. fj.rec.games.shogi About Shogi. fj.rec.games.video.arcade Discussion about video game in arcade. fj.rec.games.video.characters Topics and discussions on game characters and character games. fj.rec.games.video.home Discussion about video game for console. fj.rec.games.video.home.dreamcast Topics about Dreamcast. fj.rec.games.video.home.gameboy Talk about GAME BOY. fj.rec.games.video.home.nintendo64 Topics about NINTENDO64. fj.rec.games.video.home.playstation Topics about PlayStation. fj.rec.games.video.home.playstation2 Topics about PlayStation2. fj.rec.games.video.home.saturn Topics about Saturn. fj.rec.games.video.home.superfamicom Discussion about SuperFamicom. fj.rec.games.video.home.wonderswan On WonderSwan. fj.rec.games.video.oldies Topics about nostalgic video games. fj.rec.games.video.pc Discussion about video game for personal computer. fj.rec.gardens Gardening, including potted plants and water plants. fj.rec.ham Topics about ham radio. fj.rec.history Hobbies related with history. fj.rec.idol General topics about idol. fj.rec.marine Marine recreation. Diving, swimming, yachting, etc. fj.rec.military Topics about military-related hobbies. fj.rec.misc Recreational/participant topics not covered elsewhere. fj.rec.models About models. fj.rec.motorcycles Topics on motorcycles. fj.rec.movies Reviews and discussions of movies. fj.rec.music Discussion about music. fj.rec.music.classical Talk around classical music. fj.rec.music.creators Discussions for music creators. fj.rec.music.j-pop Topics about Japanese popular music(J-pop). fj.rec.music.progressive Talk around Progressive rock. fj.rec.music.winds About wind orchestra, brassband, and so on. fj.rec.mystery Talk about mystery. fj.rec.novels Topics about novels. fj.rec.outdoor Discussion about outdoor sports/life. fj.rec.pets Talk about pets. fj.rec.pets.aqua Discussion about aquatic. fj.rec.photo Topics about cameras and photographs. fj.rec.play Topics around play and theater. fj.rec.poems Topics about poems. fj.rec.radio Talk about Radio broadcasting and its programs. fj.rec.rail Discussion about railway & railroad. fj.rec.rail.cars Discussion on railway cars and locomotives. fj.rec.rail.historical Discussion on railway in our memories. fj.rec.rail.tickets Discussion on railway tickets and fare systems. fj.rec.rubber-duckie Topics about rubber-duckie. fj.rec.seiyu Discussion about Voice Actor & Actress. fj.rec.sf Discussion about science fiction. fj.rec.sf.startrek Discussion on startrek (in Japanese). fj.rec.ships About ships and sea utilization. fj.rec.smoking Smoking as a hobby and/or recreation. fj.rec.spas Topics about spas. fj.rec.sports Topics about sports. fj.rec.sports.american.football About American football. fj.rec.sports.baseball Discussion about baseball. fj.rec.sports.basketball About basketball. fj.rec.sports.golf About golf. fj.rec.sports.keiba About horseracing. fj.rec.sports.prowrestling About prowrestling. fj.rec.sports.scuba-diving About scuba-diving. fj.rec.sports.ski About skiing. fj.rec.sports.snowboard About snowboarding. fj.rec.sports.soccer About soccer (Association Football). fj.rec.sports.sumo Discussion on sumo. fj.rec.sports.tennis About tennis. fj.rec.sports.volleyball About volleyball. fj.rec.tokei Topics about clocks and watches. fj.rec.tokusatsu Topics of visual works with Special Effects. fj.rec.trading-cards Topics and discussions on trading-cards. fj.rec.travel Traveling all over the world. fj.rec.travel.air Topics on air travel. fj.rec.travel.japan Traveling in Japan. fj.rec.travel.world Traveling all over the world. fj.rec.tv Talk about Television and its shows. fj.rec.tv.cm Information and discussions on TV commercials. fj.rec.tv.drama Topics about TV drama. fj.rec.wine Topics about wine. fj.sci.announce Announcements about science. fj.sci.astro Discussion about stars, planets and comets. fj.sci.bio Discussion on biology. fj.sci.chem Discussion on chemistry. fj.sci.cognitive Discussion about cognitive science. fj.sci.economics Discussion on economics. fj.sci.geo Discussion on earth and planetary sciences. fj.sci.human-factors Discussion about human-factors and ergonomics. fj.sci.informatics Discussion on Information Science. fj.sci.lang Natural languages, communication, etc. fj.sci.lang.english Discussion about English language. fj.sci.lang.japanese Discussion about Japanese language. fj.sci.law Study and discussion of/on legal issues. fj.sci.math Mathematical discussions and pursuits. fj.sci.matter Discussion on science of matter. fj.sci.medical Topics related to medical science. fj.sci.military Discussion about military science (including naval issues). fj.sci.misc Discussions about sciences not covered elsewhere. fj.sci.philosophy Discussion about philosophy. fj.sci.physics Discussion on physics. fj.sci.psychology Discussion and pursuit on Psychology. fj.soc.agriculture Discussion about agriculture, forestry and fisheries. fj.soc.announce Announcements about social matters. (Moderated) fj.soc.copyright Discussion about copyright. fj.soc.culture Group about (Japanese?) culture. fj.soc.culture.chinese Chinese or china-related culture and related topics. fj.soc.economy Topics about economy and economic policies. fj.soc.education On public or political issues concerning education and school. fj.soc.environment Talks about natural environment and society. fj.soc.history Discussion about history. fj.soc.human-rights Discussion about human rights, bioethics and discrimination. fj.soc.internet Discussion about social aspects of the Internet. fj.soc.internet.censorship Discussion about censorship in the Internet. fj.soc.law Topics on Law and right. fj.soc.media Social aspects of communication media and mass media. fj.soc.medical Social aspects of medical practice and science. fj.soc.men-women Fairness ,Right, etc. between women and men. fj.soc.misc Socially-oriented topics not covered elsewhere. fj.soc.nuclear Discussion about social aspects of nuclear energy. fj.soc.politics Discussion about politics. fj.soc.pseudo-science Topics and discussion on pseudo-science. fj.soc.smoking About smoking issues and manners. fj.soc.tech Topics on society and technology. fj.soc.traffic Socially-oriented topics on traffic & transportation. fj.soc.traffic.manners About traffic regulations and traffic manners. fj.soc.war-and-peace Discussion about war and peace. fj.sources For the posting of software packages & documentation. fj.sources.d For any discussion of source postings. fj.sys.alpha Discussion about computer with Alpha chip. fj.sys.ews4800 Discussion about NEC EWS4800 workstation. fj.sys.hp Discussion on Hewlett Packard products. fj.sys.ibmpc Discussion about IBM Personal Computers and clones. fj.sys.mac Discussion about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa. fj.sys.mac.advocacy The Macintosh computer family compared to others. fj.sys.mac.comm Discussion about Communication of Macintosh. fj.sys.mac.os-9 On Mac OS 9 and former versions. fj.sys.mac.os-x On Mac OS X. fj.sys.mac.programming Discussion about Programming of Macintosh. fj.sys.misc Discussion about computers of all other kinds. fj.sys.news Discussion about SONY NEWS workstation. fj.sys.newton Discussion on computers equipped with Newton technology. fj.sys.next NeXT workstation and related topics. fj.sys.palm Discussion about Palm Computing Platforms. fj.sys.pc98 Discussion about NEC PC-9800 & other computers. fj.sys.rs6000 Discussion about IBM RS/6000 workstation and AIX. fj.sys.sgi Discussions about Silicon Graphics products. fj.sys.sun Discussion about SUN workstation. fj.sys.vax Discussion about VAX. fj.sys.x68000 Discussion about Sharp X68000 & other computers. fj.sys.zaurus Discussion on zaurus palmtop computer. fj.test Testing all over fj. Very boring. fj.unix UNIX neophytes group. fj.unix.shells Discussion about shells and shell scripts. fj.wanted Requests for things that are needed. fl.announce Important announcements for everyone in Florida. fl.attractions Florida attractions and entertainment. fl.biz Florida commercial marketplace. fl.config fl.* (Florida) configuration and policy discussion. fl.config.control fl.* (Florida) configuration messages. (Moderated) fl.environment Florida Environmental Issues (Moderated) fl.forsale Items for sale in Florida. fl.forsale.auto Automobiles forsale within the State of Florida (Moderated) fl.gardening Landscaping & Gardening within Florida State (Moderated) fl.general General topics in Florida. fl.jobs.computers.application Computer Software Application job in Florida. (Moderated) fl.jobs.computers.misc Misc computer related job postings in Florida. (Moderated) fl.jobs.computers.programming Computer Programming job postings in Florida. (Moderated) fl.jobs.misc Miscellaneous Florida job postings. (Moderated) fl.jobs.resumes Job seekers seeking Florida employment. (Moderated) fl.jobs.telecommute Telecommutable Florida job postings. (Moderated) fl.jobs.www WWW Florida job links. (Moderated) fl.media.radio Radio announcements and issues specific to Florida (Moderated) fl.media.tv Television announcements and issues specific to Florida (Moderated) fl.politics Politics in Florida. fl.real-estate Real Estate Forsale within Florida (Moderated) fl.restaurant Reviews, advice & discussion on restaurants in Florida (Moderated) fl.test Testing workspace in Florida. fl.travel Travel discussions within Florida. (Moderated) fl.uug UNIX user groups within Florida. flora.action-forum Community Democractic ACT!ON announcements/discuss. (Moderated) flora.admin.design FLORA Community WEB: Design of FLORA services. (Moderated) flora.admin.help Flora Community WEB: ip/volunteer helpdesk (Moderated) flora.afo Auto-Free Ottawa (Moderated) flora.announce FLORA Community WEB: Announcements. (Moderated) flora.ask-doctor Ask-Doctor: Answers to medical questions (Moderated) flora.canvis-l Canadian Vision discussion group. (Moderated) flora.cbcc Communities Before Cars Coalition (Moderated) flora.cfsc Citizens for Safe Cycling (Moderated) flora.comnet-www Community/Free software, Community Networking. (Moderated) flora.general FLORA Community WEB: general topics. flora.mai-not Multilateral Agreement on Investment: Discuss/oppose (Moderated) flora.opirg-events OPIRG (Carleton/Ottawa) Events (Moderated) flora.ovs FLORA Community WEB: Ottawa Vegetarian Society: Gossip and general chatter flora.ovs.recipe FLORA Community WEB: Ottawa Vegetarian Society: Recepies flora.perc Peace and Environment Resource Center. (Moderated) flora.status FLORA Community WEB: Status of service. (Moderated) flora.test.automoderated TESTING of auto-moderated list (Moderated) fnet.afuu Discussions concerning Association Francaise d'Utilisateurs Unix fnet.c3 No description. fnet.combinatoire No description. fnet.common-lp No description. fnet.culture No description. fnet.followup Followups in France. fnet.formel No description. fnet.general Items of general interest in France. fnet.greco-prog No description. fnet.hypercubes No description. fnet.ia French AI discussions fnet.lang No description. fnet.lelisp No description. fnet.lmastat No description. fnet.seminaires No description. fnet.sm90 No description. fnet.sps9 No description. fnet.test USENET testing in France. fnet.tietoliikenne.televerkot No description. fr.bienvenue Aider les nouveaux venus dans leurs premiers pas sur Usenet. (Moderated) fr.bienvenue.questions Les premieres questions sur Usenet (Ou, Comment). fr.bio.biolmol Biologoie moleculaire, banques de donnees. fr.bio.general Discussions sur le theme de la biologie. fr.bio.genome Le projet Genome, tenants et aboutissants. fr.bio.logiciel Logiciels sur le theme de la biologie. fr.bio.medecine Discussions sur la medecine. fr.bio.medecine.veterinaire Discussions sur la médecine vétérinaire. fr.bio.paramedical forum dédié aux disciplines paramédicales. fr.bio.pharmacie Discussion sur la pharmacie. fr.biz.d Discussions diverses liees aux groupes fr.biz.*. fr.biz.produits Nouveaux produits et services. (Moderated) fr.biz.publicite Annonces a caractere publicitaire. (Moderated) fr.biz.teletravail Disccusions sur le teletravail. fr.comp.applications.bureautique Les logiciels de bureautique. fr.comp.applications.emacs Editeur de textes Emacs et ses extensions. fr.comp.applications.genealogie Tout sur les logiciels de généalogie. fr.comp.applications.groupware Méthodes et logiciels de travail en groupe. fr.comp.applications.libres Les solutions libres en informatique. (Moderated) fr.comp.applications.sgbd Discussions sur les bases de données. fr.comp.applications.x11 Systeme de multifenetrage X11. fr.comp.developpement Méthodologies, méthodes et outils. fr.comp.developpement.agl.windev L'AGL (Atelier de Génie Logiciel) WinDev. fr.comp.divers Discussions diverses sur l'informatique. fr.comp.emulateurs Discussions sur les emulateurs. fr.comp.graphisme.multimedia Conception graphique de sites Web, de cédéroms. fr.comp.graphisme.pao Techniques de publication assistée par ordinateur. fr.comp.graphisme.postprod-3d Infographie 3D, animation, habillage. fr.comp.graphisme.programmation Programmation graphique 2D/3D. fr.comp.ia L'Intelligence Artificielle. fr.comp.infosystemes Tous les systemes d'information reseau. fr.comp.infosystemes.www.annonces Annonces de sites d'informations WWW. (Moderated) fr.comp.infosystemes.www.annonces.d Discussions autour des sites d'information WWW. fr.comp.infosystemes.www.auteurs DTD HTML, scripts CGI et API WWW. fr.comp.infosystemes.www.auteurs.php Le langage PHP Hypertext Processor. fr.comp.infosystemes.www.divers Discussions diverses sur le WWW. fr.comp.infosystemes.www.navigateurs Logiciels de navigation sur le WWW. fr.comp.infosystemes.www.pages-perso Annonces de pages Web personnelles. fr.comp.infosystemes.www.serveurs Administration de serveurs WWW. fr.comp.integration Intégration de systèmes informatiques hétérogènes fr.comp.lang.ada Langage de programmation Ada. fr.comp.lang.basic Langages de programmation Basic et assimiles. fr.comp.lang.c Langages de programmation C et assimiles. fr.comp.lang.c++ Langage de programmation C++. fr.comp.lang.caml Caml et autres langages de programmation ML. fr.comp.lang.general Generalites et questions diverses sur la programmation. fr.comp.lang.java Langage de developpement Java. fr.comp.lang.lisp Le langage LISP. fr.comp.lang.pascal Langages de programmation Pascal et assimiles. fr.comp.lang.perl Langage de programmation Perl. fr.comp.lang.postscript Discussions sur le langage PostScript. fr.comp.lang.python Langage de programmation Python. fr.comp.lang.tcl Langage de programmation Tcl. fr.comp.mail Logiciels de messagerie electronique. fr.comp.materiel.optimisation Techniques d'optimisation et d'overclocking. fr.comp.musique Le traitement informatique de la musique. fr.comp.normes.unicode La norme unicode. fr.comp.objet Technologie objet en informatique. fr.comp.ordinosaures Ordinateurs et consoles de jeux anciens. fr.comp.os.bsd Systemes BSD et derives (NetBSD, FreeBSD, ...). fr.comp.os.divers Discussions diverses sur les systemes d'exploitation. fr.comp.os.linux.annonces Annonces concernant Linux. (Moderated) fr.comp.os.linux.configuration Prise en main d'un système Linux. (Moderated) fr.comp.os.linux.debats Promouvoir, critiquer et troller sur Linux. fr.comp.os.linux.moderated Discussions sur le systeme Linux (moderated). (Moderated) fr.comp.os.mac-os Le systeme d'exploitation d'Apple pour Macintosh. fr.comp.os.mac-os.classiques Les systèmes pour Macintosh jusqu'à MacOS 9.x. fr.comp.os.mac-os.serveurs Les systèmes et applications serveurs sur mac. fr.comp.os.mac-os.x Mac OS X, Darwin et leurs évolutions. fr.comp.os.ms-windows.programmation Programmation sous MS-Windows. fr.comp.os.ms-windows.win3 Environnement graphique Microsoft Windows 3.x. fr.comp.os.ms-windows.win95 Systeme d'exploitation Microsoft Windows 95. fr.comp.os.ms-windows.winnt Systeme d'exploitation Microsoft Windows NT. fr.comp.os.msdos Systeme MS-DOS. fr.comp.os.os2 Systeme OS/2 d'IBM. fr.comp.os.unix Systeme UNIX. fr.comp.os.unix.mac Systemes Unix tournant sur Macintosh. fr.comp.os.vms Systeme VMS de Digital. fr.comp.peripheriques.modems Discussions techniques sur les modems. fr.comp.reseaux.ethernet Les reseaux Ethernet et materiels associés. fr.comp.reseaux.ip IP : Discussions techniques, protocoles connexes. fr.comp.reseaux.supervision Les logiciels de supervision de réseau. fr.comp.securite Securite informatique. fr.comp.securite.virus Les virus informatiques. fr.comp.stockage Les matériels et logiciels de stockage de données. fr.comp.sys.amiga Machines de la gamme Amiga. fr.comp.sys.atari Machines de la gamme Atari. fr.comp.sys.be Discussions concernant la BeBox et BeOS. fr.comp.sys.calculatrices Pour tout ce qui touche aux calculatrices. fr.comp.sys.divers Autres machines n'ayant pas de groupe specifique. fr.comp.sys.mac Apple Macintosh. fr.comp.sys.mac.annonces Annonces materiel Mac et systeme MacOS. (Moderated) fr.comp.sys.mac.communication Reseaux et communications sous MacOS. fr.comp.sys.mac.materiel Discussions sur le matériel Macintosh. fr.comp.sys.mac.programmation Programmation sur MacOS. fr.comp.sys.next Machines NeXT. fr.comp.sys.palm-pilot Tout ce qui concerne ces assistants numériques. fr.comp.sys.pc Micro-ordinateurs PC et compatibles. fr.comp.sys.psion Discussions sur les assistants numériques Psion. fr.comp.text.tex Discussions concernant TeX et LaTeX. fr.comp.text.xml Le langage de description XML. fr.doc.biblio Discussions concernant notamment les documentalistes. fr.doc.magazines Sommaires de revues et magazines. (Moderated) fr.education.divers Ce qui concerne l'education. fr.education.entraide Entraide pour les devoirs scolaires. fr.education.entraide.maths Entraide pour les devoirs de maths. fr.education.expression.enfants Le monde des enfants. (Moderated) fr.education.medias Observatoire des ressources multimedia en education. (Moderated) fr.education.superieur discussions sur l'enseignement supérieur. fr.emplois.d Discussions relatives a l'emploi et aux emplois. fr.emplois.demandes Demandes d'emplois ou de stages. (Moderated) fr.emplois.offres Offres d'emplois ou de stages. (Moderated) fr.lettres.ecriture Tous les aspects liés à l'écriture. fr.lettres.langue.allemande Discussions sur la langue allemande. fr.lettres.langue.anglaise Discussions sur la langue anglaise. fr.lettres.langue.chinoise Discussions sur la langue chinoise. fr.lettres.langue.espagnole Discussions sur la langue espagnole. fr.lettres.langue.francaise Discussions sur la langue française. fr.lettres.langue.japonaise Discussions sur la langue japonaise. fr.lettres.langues-anciennes.grec Culture et langue grecques. fr.lettres.langues-anciennes.latin Culture et langue latines. fr.misc.automoto.mecanique Pratique de la mécanique automobile et moto. fr.misc.bavardages.dinosaures Bistro des anciens du Reseau. (Moderated) fr.misc.bavardages.linux Bavardages, discussions non techniques de Linux. fr.misc.cryptologie Discussions sur le chiffrement; histoire, usages, techniques et reglementations. fr.misc.depannage Dépannage électronique, audio-vidéo, électro-ménager. fr.misc.dependances Toutes les formes de dépendances. fr.misc.divers Ce qui n'a de place nulle part ailleurs dans fr. fr.misc.droit Discussions juridiques. fr.misc.droit.internet Problemes juridiques en rapport avec l'Internet. fr.misc.engueulades Engueulades hors-charte sur les forums initiaux. fr.misc.euro Transition vers la monnaie europeenne. fr.misc.finance Groupe de discussion dedie a la finance. fr.misc.gestion Gestion des entreprises et des associations. fr.misc.handicap Handicaps et handicapes. fr.misc.medias.presse-ecrite Discussions sur la presse écrite. fr.misc.securite.routiere Discussions sur la sécurité routière. fr.misc.transport.autostop Offres et propositions de places en voiture. (Moderated) fr.misc.transport.rail Informations sur les transports ferroviaire. fr.misc.transport.urbain Informations en français sur les transports urbains. fr.misc.transport.velo Le vélo comme mode de transport. fr.petites-annonces.musique Toutes les petites annonces consacrées à la musique. fr.rec.animaux Discussion sur les animaux classiques ou exotiques... fr.rec.anime Discussions sur les DA/BD japonais. fr.rec.anime.selection Animation : critiques construites, annonces, événements. (Moderated) fr.rec.apiculture Forum sur l'apiculture. fr.rec.aquariophilie Groupe de discussion relatif a l'aquariophilie. fr.rec.aquariophilie.marine Aquariophilie marine et récifale. fr.rec.arts.annonces Annonces concernant les Arts. (Moderated) fr.rec.arts.bd Groupe de discussion sur la bande-dessinee. fr.rec.arts.litterature Discussions sur la litterature. fr.rec.arts.musique.autre Toute musique sans groupe dédié. fr.rec.arts.musique.classique Tout sur la musique classique. fr.rec.arts.musique.electronique Musiques électroniques. fr.rec.arts.musique.hip-hop Musique et culture hip-hop, Rap. fr.rec.arts.musique.jazz Tout sur le jazz. fr.rec.arts.musique.metal Tout sur le Métal et le Hard Rock. fr.rec.arts.musique.pratique La pratique instrumentale et vocale. fr.rec.arts.musique.rock Tout sur le rock. fr.rec.arts.musique.variete La musique de variété. fr.rec.arts.plastiques Discussions sur les arts-plastiques. fr.rec.arts.polar Le monde du polar. fr.rec.arts.sf Oeuvres de science-fiction. fr.rec.arts.sf.starwars L'univers de « Star Wars » ou « La Guerre des Étoiles ». fr.rec.arts.spectacles Theatre, mime, cirque, tous spectacles vivants. fr.rec.arts.theatre Tout sur le théâtre. fr.rec.aviation Discussions sur l'aviation, le pilotage. fr.rec.bateaux Forum sur les tous les bateaux. fr.rec.bibliophilie Discussions sur les livres anciens, les livres d'art. fr.rec.boissons.bieres Discussions sur les bières. fr.rec.boissons.spiritueux Les alcools, cocktails et spiritueux. fr.rec.boissons.vins Commentaires et discussions sur le vin. fr.rec.bricolage Conseils et savoir-faire concernant le bricolage. fr.rec.brocante Discussion sur le monde de la brocante. fr.rec.cinema.affiches Critiques de films, annonces d'evenements. fr.rec.cinema.discussion Discussions concernant le cinema. fr.rec.cinema.selection Cinema: critiques construites et annonces. (Moderated) fr.rec.cuisine Tous les plaisirs du palais. fr.rec.divers Sujets de loisir divers. fr.rec.genealogie Informations se rapportant a la genealogie. fr.rec.humour L'humour en soi. fr.rec.humour.selection Forum modéré d'humour et de sélection de fr.rec.humour. (Moderated) fr.rec.jardinage Groupe de discussions sur le jardinage. fr.rec.jardinage.bonsai L'art du bonsai. fr.rec.jeux.bienvenue Accueil de la hiérarchie jeux. (Moderated) fr.rec.jeux.cartes Jeux de cartes : strategie, technique, regles. fr.rec.jeux.correspondance Jeux par correspondance et par email. fr.rec.jeux.divers Discussions diverses sur les jeux. fr.rec.jeux.echecs Discussions sur les jeux d'échecs. fr.rec.jeux.enigmes Énigmes en tous genres (charades, devinettes, etc.). fr.rec.jeux.jdr Jeux de roles. fr.rec.jeux.jdr.donjons-et-dragons Le jeu de rôle Donjons et Dragons. fr.rec.jeux.jdr.par-forum Forum destiné au jeu d'un rôle via Usenet. fr.rec.jeux.societe Jeux de plateau ou jeux de societe. fr.rec.jeux.video.action Jeux vidéo d'action ou d'arcade. (Moderated) fr.rec.jeux.video.autres Jeux vidéo n'ayant pas de groupe dédié. (Moderated) fr.rec.jeux.video.aventure-jdr Jeux vidéo d'aventure ou "de rôle". (Moderated) fr.rec.jeux.video.debats Débats concernant les jeux vidéo. (Moderated) fr.rec.jeux.video.materiel Conseils, discussions, et problèmes de matériel. fr.rec.jeux.video.strategie Jeux vidéo stratégiques. (Moderated) fr.rec.jeux.video.tombraider Discussions sur Tomb Raider et Lara Croft. fr.rec.jeux.wargames jeux strategiques ou tactiques simulant des batailles. fr.rec.modelisme Tout ce qui concerne le modélisme. fr.rec.montagne Forum de discussion sur la montagne. fr.rec.moto Pour les amateurs de moto. fr.rec.oracle Le Grand Oracle francophone. (Moderated) fr.rec.peche Discussions et informations sur la pêche à la ligne. fr.rec.philatelie Discussions sur les timbres et l'histoire postale. fr.rec.photo Discussions sur la photographie. fr.rec.photo.labo Le laboratoire photo personnel. fr.rec.photo.materiel Le matériel photo. fr.rec.photo.numerique Discussions sur la photo numérique. fr.rec.photo.pratique Pratique de la photographie. fr.rec.plongee Plongee sous-marine. fr.rec.radio Discussions sur la radio (tous domaines confondus). fr.rec.radio.amateur Activités et techniques radio-amateurs. fr.rec.son-image.dvd-video.titres Tout sur les DVD-video: sorties, avis... fr.rec.son-image.home-cinema Le home-cinéma. fr.rec.son-image.video.materiel Matériel: prise de vue et montage vidéo. fr.rec.son-image.video.realisation Techniques de réalisation vidéo. fr.rec.sport.athletisme Discussions en français sur l'athletisme. fr.rec.sport.automobile Tout sur le sport automobile. fr.rec.sport.billard Pratique du billard. fr.rec.sport.courir La course à pied sous toutes ses formes. fr.rec.sport.cyclisme Discussions en français sur le cyclisme. fr.rec.sport.divers Tous les sports qui n'ont pas de groupe specifique. fr.rec.sport.equitation Tout ce qui tourne autour de l'equitation. fr.rec.sport.football Tout ce qui a rapport avec le football. fr.rec.sport.roller Roller, quad et in-line. fr.rec.sport.rugby Forum du rugby a 15, 13, 10 et a 7. fr.rec.sport.tennis Tout ce qui touche au tennis. fr.rec.sport.triathlon Discussions sur le Triathlon. fr.rec.sport.voile.planche Discussion sur la planche à voile. fr.rec.sport.vtt Velos tous terrains. fr.rec.tv.programmes Discussions relatives aux programmes télévisuels. fr.rec.tv.satellite Reception satellite de chaines de television. fr.rec.tv.series Discussions sur les series televisees. fr.rec.tv.series.sf Forum sur l'univers des series de science fiction. fr.rec.voyages Discussions sur les voyages, le tourisme. fr.reseaux.internet.cable Échanges sur l'accès à Internet par le câble. fr.reseaux.internet.fournisseurs Les fournisseurs d'accès à l'Internet. fr.reseaux.internet.hebergement Discussions sur l'hebergement sur l'Internet. fr.reseaux.telecoms.adsl ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line). fr.reseaux.telecoms.mobiles Les telephones mobiles et messagers de poche. fr.reseaux.telecoms.mobiles.bouygtel La téléphonie mobile Bouygues Télécom. fr.reseaux.telecoms.operateurs Operateurs de telecommunications. fr.reseaux.telecoms.pabx Les centraux téléphoniques privés. fr.reseaux.telecoms.rnis Toute discussion autour du RNIS (ISDN/xDSL..) fr.reseaux.telecoms.techniques Techniques de telecommunications. fr.sci.astronautique Activité spatiale humaine. fr.sci.astronomie Discussions sur l'astronomie. fr.sci.astronomie.amateur Tout sur la pratique de l'astronomie amateur. fr.sci.astrophysique Discussions, débats autour de l'astrophysique. fr.sci.automatique Automatique et commande optimale. fr.sci.chimie La chimie. fr.sci.cogni.discussion Discussions sur les sciences cognitives. fr.sci.divers Discussions diverses ou generales en sciences. fr.sci.electronique Conception, réalisation ou réparation de circuits. fr.sci.electrotechnique Disciplines relatives à l'électrotechnique. fr.sci.geosciences Discussions relatives aux sciences de la Terre. (Moderated) fr.sci.jargon Equivalents francais de termes techniques etrangers. fr.sci.maths Discussion sur les mathematiques. fr.sci.paleontologie Science des formes de vie des temps géologiques. fr.sci.philo Groupe de philosophie. fr.sci.physique Les sciences physiques. fr.sci.psychologie Étude du psychisme humain. fr.soc.alcoolisme L'alcool au quotidien, l'alcoolisme et ses consequences. fr.soc.alternatives Alternatives democratiques en economie et en politique. fr.soc.complots Les conspirations fourbes contre le public. fr.soc.culture.japon Discussions sur la culture japonaise. fr.soc.divers Discussions divers sur des sujets sociaux. fr.soc.economie Actualité économique et économie politique. fr.soc.environnement Discussions sur l'environnement. fr.soc.feminisme Le féminisme. fr.soc.histoire Discussions sur l'histoire. fr.soc.homosexualite Discussions relatives a l'homosexualite, la bisexualite. fr.soc.internet Les aspects socio-culturels d'Internet. fr.soc.politique Politique et matieres connexes. fr.soc.religion Religion et spiritualite. fr.soc.rural Vivre en milieu rural. fr.soc.sectes Discussions et informations sur les sectes et leurs pratiques. fr.soc.travail Aspects sociaux du monde du travail. fr.test Testez la diffusion de vos articles dans fr. fr.usenet.8bits Les News avec nos caracteres nationaux. fr.usenet.abus.d Discussion des mesures contre les abus du reseau. fr.usenet.abus.rapports Rapports reguliers sur les actions anti-abus. (Moderated) fr.usenet.distribution Distribution des news fr. fr.usenet.divers Ce qui ne va pas ailleurs dans fr.usenet. fr.usenet.forums.annonces Annonces de nouveaux forums / discussions. (Moderated) fr.usenet.forums.evolution Discussions sur la creation de nouveaux forums fr. fr.usenet.logiciels Discussions sur les logiciels de News. (Moderated) fr.usenet.reponses Reponses a des questions frequemment posees. (Moderated) fr.usenet.stats Statistiques concernant les news fr. (Moderated) francom.automobile Tout ce qui concerne les automobiles. francom.aviation Conference centree sur l'aviation. francom.biere_vins No description. francom.chatting.amitie No description. francom.chatting.generale No description. francom.cinema_video No description. francom.comp.amiga Le monde des ordinateurs Amiga. francom.comp.ibm Les ordinateurs IBM et compatibles. francom.comp.macintosh Le monde des ordinateurs MacIntosh. francom.echecs L'art des echecs. francom.electronique Sujets relies a la electronique. francom.environnement L'environnement et notre planete. francom.esoterisme Conference esoterique. francom.infos No description. francom.jeux.ordinateurs Le monde des jeux-ordinateurs. francom.justice Debats sur la justice et la legalite. francom.lhl Support au lecteur LHL (QWK/BW). francom.logiciels.dos No description. francom.medical Themes relies au monde medical. francom.ms.windows Le Windows de Microsoft. francom.multimedia Conference sur le multimedia. francom.musique No description. francom.nouveaux.groupes No description. francom.opinions Opinions sur des sujets d'actualite. francom.parents Etre parent n'est pas facile! francom.programmation No description. fras.mini-bins No description. fras.text.allgemein No description. free.abstinence Why should sex have all the free fun? free.activism.walmart Walmart group to contain news and views relevant free.adjective-army Home of the AA, secret society free.advice Free advice is seldom cheap. free.ag.cntwo.gi okieaibaofjorieaiw free.alex-brown.is.super-dooper For all alex brown lovers free.alex-brown.sucks for all alex brown haters free.alex.boaretto No description. free.alt.config A place to discuss the groups in the free.alt hierarchy. free.alt.fan.gloria-estefan No description. free.alt.filter.popular.johan-b Newsgroup created to challenge the lousy free.alt.freedom.japan No description. free.alt.freedom.japan.loli No description. free.alt.freedom.japan.loose-socks No description. free.alt.freedom.japan.repost No description. free.alt.freedom.japan.sm No description. free.alt.freedom.jbpe.gam No description. free.alt.iran.irc Iranian IRC Users free.americans.suck No description. free.answers "Free Information is worth only as much..." free.appartamenti.occupati.da.giovani.artisti Parliamo di... free.aps.e fouegiilaavooifwa free.aquaria < < < < < < < free.arabic.friends No description. free.art.12hr continuous hypermodern photo-art free.association Man -> Woman -> Fish -> < -> < free.at-last Discussion of the at-last free.autos.alfa-romeo No description. free.autos.aston-martin No description. free.autos.audi No description. free.autos.bmw No description. free.autos.bugatti No description. free.autos.citroen No description. free.autos.daihatsu No description. free.autos.ferrari No description. free.autos.honda No description. free.autos.jaguar No description. free.autos.lamborghini No description. free.autos.lancia No description. free.autos.lotus No description. free.autos.maserati No description. free.autos.mazda No description. free.autos.mercedes-benz No description. free.autos.mg No description. free.autos.mitsubishi No description. free.autos.nissan No description. free.autos.peugeot No description. free.autos.porsche No description. free.autos.renault No description. free.autos.saab No description. free.autos.subaru No description. free.autos.tvr No description. free.b.qv.jjqpfn.qo.f.gv.fe.thl.rrwnfavev uoiaruilcnrtmne free.b.w iionbeitwi free.baba.naga No description. free.bart.algemeen Everything about the ISP bART/VIA.NETWORKS free.bbg diatbjloaahalaxvuijiaup (Moderated) free.beenz Get them, swap them and spend them at www.beenz.com free.beer Free beer will be served tomorrow free.beer.tomorrow dedicated to the eternal search for refreshment free.bg.bna Parliamo di... free.bharat Jai's very own free.* newsgroup, by request free.big.name.news.group.the.biggest.in.the.free.bit.is.it.the.largest No description. free.binaries.first.one.so.there.nah.nah.nah.nah.nah No description. free.binaries.fullpost.magscans.collectors Erotic Photoshoot newsgroup free.binaries.software Binary group for any form of software. free.binaries.test No description. free.biqgmcvohsz.tnodpgp.ik.li.lw.ko aajeiuwrik free.biz Base group of the free.* business hierarchy free.bkf.qt hoidvearusiexuq free.blurgh Blurgh needs his own newsgroup. free.bonehead.david-proctor No description. free.bootlegs.deep-purple No description. free.bootlegs.deep.purple No description. free.boursy Boursy's very own newsgroup. free.brandizzo No description. free.brian-baird Eat them up, yum! free.brookfield.connecticut.education No description. free.bsd The Daemon is Free! free.c No description. free.c.oz No description. (Moderated) free.c.qseba.kwmfi.yx.qp No description. free.cacao.it Parliamo di... buone notizie, alcatraz, cacao, biologici a free.cahnbxrvg.b.f.ac.tpth.i.vu.vh.j.kimqwwje.fw.j.w.ce.t.q No description. (Moderated) free.cancel.moderated No description. free.cascade 441 Article not posted -- more included text than new text free.casema.commentaar No description. free.cb.nsxirm.ut.phby.q.hjjsc.oeol.t.i.fv.m oorkuhouertu free.cebw qnheitgixujieqaawaecut free.chicken You may waive some dead poultry here (Moderated) free.chicken.tika.masala No description. free.chicken.vindaloo No description. free.citta.saturno For your newsgroups file: free.clawing.and.biting.amd.scratching.and.kicking No description. free.clinton.and.assholes.who.like.to.trash.him Watch him pass a doobie around at his next news conference. free.clinton.arkansas.mena No description. free.clinton.bombed.sudan.afghanistan No description. free.clinton.campaign.finance.scandals No description. free.clinton.china.scandals No description. free.clinton.fbi.files No description. free.clinton.fbi.files.blackmail No description. free.clinton.hillary.rodham.scandals No description. free.clinton.impeachment.trial No description. free.clinton.indian.scandals No description. free.clinton.juanita.broaddrick.scandal No description. free.clinton.judicial.watch No description. free.clinton.kathleen.wiley.scandals No description. free.clinton.ken.starr No description. free.clinton.linda.tripp No description. free.clinton.mary.mahoney No description. free.clinton.monica.lewinsky.scandals No description. free.clinton.oklahoma.city.bombing Related to the famous habanec or anyone with the same surname.. free.clinton.paula.jones.scandal No description. free.clinton.ron.brown No description. free.clinton.tainted.blood.scandals No description. free.clinton.travel.gate No description. free.clinton.vince.foster No description. free.clinton.wag.the.dog No description. free.clitnon.mary.mahoney No description. free.clueless.sex.spammer No description. free.cm uokriaapiuoemosiae free.cobalt.raq2 type of new server-hardware free.comics No description. free.comp Base group for the free.* computers hierarchy free.comp.config A place to discuss the groups in the free.comp hierarchy. free.comp.dns Technical discussion about providing DNS service. free.comp.linux.misc No description. free.computertemple Parliamo di... free.config Newsgroup to discuss the free.* hierarchy and post newgroups to free.config.not A place to not configure the free.* hierarchy free.control Control messages for free.* free.control.gruppenschnitzer Created as a favor to GruppenSchnitzer users. free.correggio Ecco il mio ng su free free.country.usa Discussion of freedom in the United States. free.coward.erik-mouse.cry.cry.cry Another group for the cry-baby free.crafts.beads No description. free.crm Customer Relationship Management issues free.cthulhu Cthulhu F'thagn! free.cuckold.uk Discussion of cuckoldry in the UK. free.culture.asia Asia society,culture,economy,religion,politics (int'l) free.cyberpunk No description. free.cyberpunk.literature No description. free.darkambient.italia Ng italiano su industrial music e affini. free.database.access Ecco il mio ng su free free.dboqgclr aniomeaeeoeiaiukugjcqrqi free.de.duensinn No description. free.de.leere.gruppe No description. free.de.newsreader.advocacy No description. free.de.radio-scanner No description. free.de.weibsbilder Bilder, Toene etc. von weiblichen Menschen. This is a group for binaries. free.dick.morris.fans sucking toes while wearing free.discussioni.bla.bla.bla EFFETTUATE QUI TUTTTI I VOSTRI TESTS free.discussioni.citta.genova Parliamo di... free.discussioni.ronaldo.zoppo For your newsgroups file: free.discussioni.terroni.merde For your newsgroups file: free.divx-sucks No description. free.dj.hmwb yadaocohqipjteaiooiauv free.dk.xyl.fg.yir iugfuiilliio free.doktor-tripp Doktor Tripp's very own newsgroup. free.dom The experience of being free.* free.dom.amsterdam.contact.hetero Newsgroup created to get in contact with free.dom.amsterdam.contact.homo Newsgroup created to get in contact with free.dom.amsterdam.cool Newsgroup about what and who-ever is cool in Amsterdam free.dom.amsterdam.desperately-seeking Newsgroup created for people that are free.dom.amsterdam.for-sale Newsgroup created for the purpose of doing free.dom.amsterdam.lekker-eten independent newsgroup to talk about restaurants free.dom.amsterdam.lekker.eten See name, about tasty food, restaurants etc. free.dom.amsterdam.lekker.kankeren See name, "lekker kankeren" is dutch and free.dom.amsterdam.lekker.kankeren.op.jult Julius afzeiken. free.dom.amsterdam.lekker.schieten Newsgroup created for people in amsterdam free.dom.amsterdam.millenniumbug free.dom.amsterdam.new-millennium Group in which we discuss the free.dom.amsterdam.new-millennium Group in which we discuss the free.dom.amsterdam.sick Newsgroup about what- and who-ever is sick in Amsterdam free.dom.amsterdam.singles Independent meeting point for singles from amsterdam free.dom.amsterdam.uncool Newsgroup about what- and who-ever is uncool in free.dom.curse-yell-flame.blow-off-steam See name, in this group you can free.dom.curse-yell-flame.social-hacking Newsgroup created for people that like free.dom.in.an.unfree.world For serious discussions on terribly underrated free.dom.jan-terpstra.sucks For serious discussions on terribly underrated free.dom.jthz.com Newsgroup created for fans of JTHZ and websites deriving from free.dom.liebrand.nl Newsgroup created for (fans/friends/enemies of) Ben free.dom.litestep Group for users and coders of the fast growing free.dom.mixfreaks.com Newsgroup created for Mixfreaks Community and free.dom.pippi-for-president independent newsgroup to make fun of life, created free.dom.too-little.niels-bakker Duh! Bad guy thinks he can control me. free.dom.too-little.sico Independent newsgroup to talk about a little guy free.dom.too-little.time Co-existent group for too-much.info, about the free.dom.too-much.info See name for group's charter; How do we? (free ourselves free.dom.too-much.julius-thijssen Newsgroup about type of software ;) free.dom.upc.cable-modems Newsgroup created for UPC-users and discussions about free.dom.upc.e-mail Independant Newsgroup created for user discussions about free.dom.upc.ftp Newsgroup created for upc cable-internet-users dealing with free.dom.upc.general Newsgroup created for unfree UPC citizen worldwide free.dom.upc.newsgroups Independent Newsgroup created for users of UPC's USEnet free.dom.upc.sucks free.dom.UPC.sucks free.dom.upc.telephone Independent newsgroup created for paying users of UPC's free.dom.upc.telephone.helpdesk Independent newsgroup created for paying users free.dom.upc.tv Independent newsgroup created for paying users of UPC's TV free.dom.upc.underground See alt.angst.upc's newgroupmessage. free.dom.upc.unwanted-newsgroups See alt.angst.upc's newgroupmessage. free.dom.upc.www Independent newsgroup created for paying users of UPC's free.dow.f.uou No description. free.dreadful-shadows.gothic.music Parliamo di musica gothic dall'EBM al gothic metal dai free.drugs A source of knowledge for the curious. free.dubrovnik Parliamo di... free.dvc.aq.mmkr No description. free.dvwe No description. free.e.bfjl No description. free.e.dite For your newsgroups file: free.e.dite.a For your newsgroups file: free.e.dite.ahh.dim For your newsgroups file: free.e.dite.ahh.dime For your newsgroups file: free.e.dite.ahh.dimentic For your newsgroups file: free.e.dite.ahh.dimenticavo.una.cosa.gna For your newsgroups file: free.east-timor Help East Timor to be FREE! free.eaves.family Eaves family communications free.eb.n.eli No description. free.ebooks-2000 No description. free.ebooks.emanuals No description. free.eerf - free.egw.iqr.gxy.a.gl No description. free.einaudi Parliamo di scuola free.elebbs Discussion of EleBBS free.email discussion about free email accounts free.england.config No description. free.england.misc No description. free.eref - free.erg.n.mmiv.jr.rfb.pm.ct.u No description. free.eu.rkuqeoy.jwt.pjlwnmrqamisao.bkjlhv.lx.odg No description. (Moderated) free.eyg.bc No description. (Moderated) free.fan.abietto peronal ng of Yuri Abietti free.fan.bisonontromba Parliamo di... free.fan.brunelleschi discussioni sul grande architetto free.fan.circusboy free.fan.CiRcUsBoY For fans of CiRcUsBoY free.fan.culo.cecchigori Oh presidente mio presidente free.fan.cuore For your newsgroups file: free.fan.free the tastes great, less filling hierarchy free.fan.karl-malden.nose A safe-haven for dolphins, located off the Long Beach Freeway free.fan.leone -------------------------------------- free.fan.mist No description. free.fan.redwordsmith No description. free.fan.rupert-hangnail Some explanation needed. free.fan.supreme-webmaster No description. free.fan.supreme-webmaster.bye.bye.bye No description. free.fan.topa For your newsgroups file: free.fanculo.gcn For your newsgroups file: free.fantozzi.filini.gay.confessi Parliamo di... free.fc No description. free.figa tutto sulla vulva free.fight.washuu-vs-ixnorp No description. free.figment Figment fans, detractors, art, songs, memories free.fishface No description. free.fishhead free.fishheadfish this hierchy suks free.flame Flames, arguments, controversy, etc. It's all talk. free.food.peanut.butter No description. free.footy No description. free.forum.po Problemi tecnici, di gestione e .......!!!! free.fqw.rv.q.ng No description. free.fr free french-speaking hierarchy free.fr.config Discussions sur la hierarchie free.fr free.fr.fan.cagoles Groupes des admirateurs de cagoles free.fr.fan.loft-story No description. free.fr.homos.annonces No description. free.fr.marminews No description. free.fr.pgr qxpoqepapueilskukn free.fr.rec.chasse.newbies About newbies elimination in free.fr.* free.fr.rec.genealogie.logiciels Tout sur les logiciels de généalogie. free.fr.rec.jeux.jdr.imw No description. free.fr.rec.sport.basketball No description. free.fr.rec.sport.football No description. free.fr.rec.sport.football.d la face cachee de frsf free.fr.rec.sport.football.moderated essai de frsf modere free.fr.rec.sport.football.selection essai de frsf selection (Moderated) free.fr.satellite.tv.crypt No description. free.fr.sci.cogni.incognito No description. free.fr.test No description. free.free No description. free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free.free No description. free.free.it.amici.nt_amatore For your newsgroups file: free.free.it.cultura.wicca Parliamo di cultura wicca. free.free.it.giochi.warhammer.gdr -------------------------------------- free.free.it.siamo.nella.merda NG privato di una classe. 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(Moderated) free.hetnet.algemeen No description. free.hetnet.hk No description. free.hetnet.vrouwen No description. free.hi.wxy.n.q.e.w.t.wa.ltrufs iliuoeouipsoo free.hipcrime No description. free.hipcrime.activeagent free HipCrime's ActiveAgent free.hipcrime.congressagent free HipCrime's CongressAgent free.hipcrime.listagent free HipCrime's ListAgent free.hipcrime.mktagent free HipCrime's MarketAgent free.hipcrime.newsagent free HipCrime's NewsAgent free.hipcrime.whack Hipcrime victim's free.* newsgroup, by request free.hobby.fancazzismo Parliamo di... free.hobby.seghe Parliamo di... free.hoc hxqhttuoji free.horrorcomix.fan-club No description. free.host-u.support host-u isp support group free.howardk.molests.little.boys No description. free.hsgo.z.p.hpma qeuoauraxtybgaarrhumuuaiuoy free.hszx iuibuiroavemaiiaomr free.i.rmgroup.because.i.am.a.penis.montgomery-wood What a penis free.ibir.m.hrh.hvwfkpcvscm beooeuijejouraial (Moderated) free.idiot.alex-lahurreau Genius newgrouper Alex LaHurreau free.idiot.dirty-dick No description. free.idiot.henry-vizi The nameshifting troll Henry Vizi aka. Azaxyr free.idiot.john-long Troll and mod-buster John Long, "The Arse" free.idiot.marsrules MarsRules is an idiot free.idiot.savant.jan-r-terpstra About the legendary Jan R. 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Cork free.ie.talk.dublin All matters relevant to Dublin free.ie.talk.dublin.blackrock All matters relating to Blackrock, Co. Dublin free.ie.talk.kerry free.ie.talk.dublin All matters relevant to Co. 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Di Biagio Valerio free.it.alby Il newsgroup di alberto free.it.aldo Newsgroup di ALDO! free.it.ales Parliamo del famoso Ales free.it.ales.arti.cartoni Il ng. sui cartoni, creato da Ales free.it.ales.arti.fumetti Disussioni sul famosissimo Ales free.it.ales.discussioni Disussioni sul famosissimo Ales free.it.alessandro.magno.ellenismo free.it.Alessandro.Magno.ellenismo A ng about Alexander the Great and the hellenistic world free.it.aliaswavefront.maya Tutto quello che concerne Maya, il noto programma di free.it.alimentazione.stevia-rebaudiana -------------------------------------- free.it.ambiente L'argomento del gruppo proposto riguarda le normative, free.it.ambovo Ambovo, Sassari tutto quello che non avete osato free.it.american.surf -------------------------------------- free.it.amici Parliamo di...amici free.it.amici.barcommercio Per trasferire la mia comunità da domeus su un NG free.it.amici.chiacchiere Parliamo di... free.it.amici.dedi Parliamo dei miei amici di internet free.it.amici.incontri Parliamo di... free.it.amici.nt.amatore -------------------------------------- free.it.amici.nt_amatore Incontriamoci! free.it.amici.penpal Parliamo di... free.it.amiga -------------------------------------- free.it.amore No description. free.it.amore.virtuale Esiste un futuro per un amore nato in chat? 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Dalla letteratura alla pittura, dal passato free.it.arte.bonsai -------------------------------------- free.it.arte.prosa.poesia Scritti da e per dilettanti!! free.it.arte.terracotta No description. free.it.arti.poesia.celan Parliamo di Celan, il poeta de "La rosa di nessuno" free.it.artzoom Parliamo di... 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Gloucestershire. free.uk.talk.cornwall The Duchy of Cornwall, British Isles , Europe. free.uk.talk.cumberland All matters relevant to Cumberland free.uk.talk.derby All matters relevant to Derby free.uk.talk.derbyshire Derbyshire, Peak District, England, UK free.uk.talk.dover All matters relevant to Dover free.uk.talk.dunbartonshire No description. free.uk.talk.dundee-perth Discussions related to Dundee-Perth area free.uk.talk.durham All matters relevant to Durham free.uk.talk.e-s-s-e-x The county of Essex, England free.uk.talk.east-lothian free.uk.talk.east-lothian. free.uk.talk.edinburgh Local topics relevant to Edinburgh. free.uk.talk.essex All matters relevant to Essex free.uk.talk.exeter All matters relevant to Exeter free.uk.talk.falklands All matters relevant to Falklands free.uk.talk.fife The City of Fife, Scotland free.uk.talk.gloucester All matters relevant to Gloucester free.uk.talk.hebrides No description. free.uk.talk.high-wycombe The High Wycombe area free.uk.talk.home-counties All matters relevant to Home-Counties free.uk.talk.huddersfield All matters relevant to Huddersfield free.uk.talk.hull All matters relevant to Hull free.uk.talk.inverness No description. free.uk.talk.ipswich The town of Ipswich, Suffolk, UK free.uk.talk.l-b.barnet The London Borough Barnet, England, GB . free.uk.talk.l-b.bexley No description. free.uk.talk.l-b.brent The London Borough Brent, England, GB . free.uk.talk.l-b.bromley The London Borough of Bromley, England, GB . free.uk.talk.l-b.camden No description. free.uk.talk.l-b.croydon The London Borough of Croydon, England, GB . free.uk.talk.l-b.ealing The London Borough of Ealing, England GB. free.uk.talk.l-b.enfield The London Borough of Enfield, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.greenwich The London Borough of Greenwich, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.hackney The London Borough of Hackney, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.hammersmith+fulham London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham free.uk.talk.l-b.haringey No description. free.uk.talk.l-b.harrow The London Borough of Harrow, England , UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.havering The London Borough of Havering, England , UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.hillingdon The London Borough of Hillingdon, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.hounslow The London Borough of Hounslow, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.islington the London Borough of Islington, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.kensington+chelsea No description. free.uk.talk.l-b.kingston-upon-thames The London Borough of Kingston free.uk.talk.l-b.lambeth The London Borough of Lambeth, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.lewisham No description. free.uk.talk.l-b.merton The London Borough of Merton, England UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.newham The London Borough of Newham, England, GB . free.uk.talk.l-b.redbridge The London Borough of Redbridge, England UK free.uk.talk.l-b.richmond-upon-thames the London Borough of Ricmond free.uk.talk.l-b.southwark No description. free.uk.talk.l-b.sutton The London Borough of Sutton, England, UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.tower-hamlets The London Borough of Tower Hamlets UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.waltham-forest The London Borough of Waltham Forest,UK. free.uk.talk.l-b.wandsworth The London Borough of Wandsworth, England UK free.uk.talk.l-b.westminster the London Borough of Westminster. free.uk.talk.lanarkshire All matters relevant to Lanarkshire free.uk.talk.leeds The city of Leeds , Yorkshire free.uk.talk.leicester The midlands city of Leicester, England UK. free.uk.talk.liverpool All matters relevant to Liverpool free.uk.talk.london Trapped in the big city free.uk.talk.london.heathrow No description. free.uk.talk.luton the town of Luton, Bedfordshire UK free.uk.talk.manchester The City of Manchester , Lancs , UK . free.uk.talk.midlands.why.is.the.borsetshire.group.not.here.eh well ? free.uk.talk.midlothian No description. free.uk.talk.milton-keynes The town of Milton Keynes, England free.uk.talk.newcastle-upon-tyne All matters relevant to the area free.uk.talk.northumberland All matters relevant to Northumberland free.uk.talk.norwich All matters relevant to Norwich free.uk.talk.nottingham All matters relevant to Nottingham free.uk.talk.orkney-shetland No description. free.uk.talk.oxford All matters relevant to Oxford free.uk.talk.portsmouth The connurbation of Portsmouth , Hampshire free.uk.talk.reading All matters relevant to Reading free.uk.talk.renfrewshire No description. free.uk.talk.ross-cromarty All matters relevant to Ross-Cromarty free.uk.talk.s-u-s-s-e-x The county of Sussex, England free.uk.talk.sheffield All matters relevant to Sheffield free.uk.talk.snowdonia All matters relevant to Snowdonia free.uk.talk.southampton All matters relevant to Southampton free.uk.talk.stevenage The town of Stevenage, Hertfordshire , UK free.uk.talk.swansea All matters relevant to Swansea free.uk.talk.telford The Shropshire New Town of Telford , England. free.uk.talk.the-borders All matters relevant to The Borders free.uk.talk.truro All matters relevant to Truro free.uk.talk.west-country All matters relevant to the West-Country free.uk.talk.west-lothian Scotland's rising star, the West Lothian. free.uk.talk.wolverhampton All matters relevant to Wolverhampton free.uk.talk.york All matters relevant to York free.uk.technology.alternative History, practice, study of. free.uk.technology.genetic-engineering Theory, practice and ethics. free.uk.this.is.not.a.real.group Because. free.uk.tilley.playground So David Tilley can eventually grow up free.uk.trade.antiques No description. free.uk.trade.building trade discussion, contracts, regs, gossip free.uk.trade.catering Feeding lots of people. free.uk.trade.computer-fairs Organising, participating in them. free.uk.trade.computers The computer trade in the UK free.uk.trade.cowboys free.uk.trade.cowboys. free.uk.trade.driving No description. free.uk.trade.driving-instructors free.uk.trade.driving-instructors. free.uk.trade.electrical trade discussion, contracts, regs, gossip free.uk.trade.engineering Discussion, sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.firefighting No description. free.uk.trade.floor-coverings free.uk.trade.motor Discussion, sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.furniture Manufacture and sales of chairs and things. free.uk.trade.industrial-cleaning Sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.journalism No description. free.uk.trade.manufacturing Discussion, sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.markets Street Markets and other types of Markets in UK free.uk.trade.motor Discussion, sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.plumbing For plumbers and about uk plumbing free.uk.trade.printing Discussion, sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.publishing Discussion, sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.rag-trade Discussion, sales, law, regs, misc. free.uk.trade.retailing trade discussion, contracts, regs, gossip free.uk.trade.roofing for roofing contractors and about uk roofing free.uk.trade.sign-makers The booming business of replacing Signs free.uk.trade.trucking For truck owners and drivers based in the UK free.uk.tv.4later No description. free.uk.tv.badgirls The hit ITV show "Bad Girls". free.uk.tv.bigbrother No description. free.uk.tv.castaway No description. free.uk.tv.eerie-indiana The comedy/horror show about a kid in a weird town free.uk.tv.gormenghast No description. free.uk.tv.jailbreak No description. free.uk.tv.mst3k Mystery Science Theatre 3000 in the UK free.uk.tv.robot-wars No description. free.uk.tv.scrapheap-challenge No description. free.uk.tv.soaps Storylines, actors, anything connected free.uk.tv.soaps.brookside.emily-shadwick.die.die.die Kill the beast! Drink its blood! free.uk.tv.tweenies The BBC children's TV series "Tweenies". free.uk.ufo Sightings, theories, discussion. free.uk.who.are.the.members.of.the.reform.group.eh well ? free.uk.woodworking Techniques, sales, tools, plans, materials. free.umts.ng Ecco il mio ng su free free.un.anguria.da.manolo Parliamo di... free.unclothed.chinese.kooks No description. free.underwater Everything underwater free.us.co.denver Denver free radio discussion forum free.usenet The 'net will run red with Cabal blood... free.v.en.ehd.pwd.xrl kibongankaoitoei free.vanity.ashley-yakeley Because I'm special. free.vgn.fw.gyxnax kurepuoscu free.villetti Il mitico VILLETTI free.virtualglasgow-net.support VirtualGlasgow isp support group free.vobi.egb.yvl.g.e.uyf hwuvoiueuepiu free.voispring.it No description. free.w.la.padania.libera.e.federale Federalismo e altri problemi nelle terre padane. free.war.on.drugs No description. free.way Discussion of the freeway free.whales Save the whales man! free.willey is a free discussion place for discussion of all things Willey. free.willie Discussion of the willie free.wim.stoltenberg For Wim's fans, friends and enemies. free.wk.qtnhiw.z otojaroqaediq (Moderated) free.x.ujwxxip eyicqfoaabpbiyo (Moderated) free.xp.cp.ejpgdw iaopeeoujsi free.your-mind Discussion of freeing the thinking apparatus from chains of all sorts free.ystbybtatr No description. free.z.r.t xeeeshkiaaeeaopiix free.za No description. free.za.za free za now free za now free.za.za.za No description. freeserve.announce Announcements to Freeserve customers (Moderatated) freeserve.chat Forum for Freeserve customers to chat about anything freeserve.discuss Forum for Freeserve issues not suitable for other groups freeserve.faq Frequently asked questions and answers freeserve.games.quake Forum for discussion of the Freeserve quake server(s) freeserve.help.acorn Forum to discuss Acorn Freeserve problems freeserve.help.amiga Forum to discuss Amiga Freeserve problems freeserve.help.isdn Forum to discuss ISDN Freeserve problems. freeserve.help.mac Forum to discuss Mac Freeserve problems. freeserve.help.misc Forum to discuss misc. Freeserve problems freeserve.help.modems Forum for Freeserve customers' modem problems freeserve.help.unix Forum to discuss Unix Freeserve problems. freeserve.help.webspace Forum for Freeserve customers' web space problems freeserve.help.windows.browser Forum for Freeserve Windows browser problems. freeserve.help.windows.mail Forum for Freeserve Windows mail problems. freeserve.help.windows.misc Forum for other Freeserve Windows problems freeserve.help.windows.news Forum for Freeserve Windows news problems. freeserve.test For testing news posting software freeserve.webspace.announce Forum to announce new Freeserve web sites. freeserve.webspace.authoring Forum for Freeserve web masters to discuss style /techniques frmug.general No description. fsu.freenet.youth.the.cafe No description. fsu.weather No description. fub.general No description. fx.aliens.grogs Pour parler des expériences des aliens sur les grogs. fx.bible La bible de fx. (Moderated) fx.bruit Pour faire du [bruit]. fx.culture L'expression d'une pensée raffinée. fx.debats Pour discuter. fx.debats.censure La vie, les fleurs et la censure. fx.debats.flame Les débats chauds. fx.debats.tetracapillectomie Pour couper les cheveux en quatre. fx.jeux.jdr Forum sur le jeu de rôle. (Moderated) fx.montagne Ça vous gagne ! fx.montagne.snaefell L'Islande, quel beau pays. fx.philosophie Groupe de philosophie. (Moderated) fx.test Pour faire des tests. fx.usenet.annonces Évolution de la hiérarchie fx. (Moderated) fx.usenet.cabale ...qui n'existe pas, bien sûr. fx.zoo Les animaux qu'on préfère voir en cage. fx.zoo.archeo-zoo.dinosaures Les monstres préhistoriques. fx.zoo.ornithorynque La drosophile fxienne. fx.zoo.primates.fufeurs L'évolution sous toute ses formes. fx.zoo.troll La cage aux Trolls. fx.zoo.zooplancton.neuneus Neuneu un jour, ... fx.zoo.zooplancton.neuneus.essais La neuneuterie dans toute sa splendeur. fx.zoo.zooplancton.neuneus.me2 Tout pareil que le monsieur. ga.atl-braves Discussions about the Atlanta Braves. ga.forsale Items for sale in Georgia. ga.general Items of general interest in Georgia. ga.motss Lesbian, gay and bisexual issues in Georgia. ga.test Testing in Georgia. gac.physics.astronomy No description. gac.student.ggs No description. gay-net.aids Informationen ueber AIDS * informations about AIDS gay-net.artikel Interessante Artikel * interesting articles gay-net.behinderte Tips, Erfahrungen fuer Behinderte * tips, experiences for handicaped people gay-net.btx-ecke Schwule BTX Programme * gay programs in BTX gay-net.buchtips Schwule Literatur * gay literature gay-net.coming-out Coming Out - Beratung und Tips * coming out - consultation and tips gay-net.computer Diskussionen ueber Computer * discussions about computers gay-net.dfue Rund um die DFUE * data communication gay-net.diskussionen Diskussionen * discussions gay-net.fundgrube Suche/Biete Gruppe * sell/offer group gay-net.general Allgemeine Themen * general topics gay-net.gruppen.general Infos von schwulen Gruppen * informations from gay unions gay-net.guide.bundesweit Gay Guide Raum BRD * gay guide in germany gay-net.guide.weltweit Gay Guide Weltweit * world wide gay guide gay-net.haushalt Tips und Tricks rund um den Haushalt * tips and tricks for housekeepers ;) gay-net.heteros Auch Heteros haben ihre Gruppe * group for heterosexually people gay-net.international The international group. gay-net.kontakte Kontakte, kein Followup auf Gesuche, nutze eMail * contacts, use email to reply. gay-net.labern Smalltalk im Gay-Net * smalltalk in gay-net. gay-net.lederecke Gruppe fuer alle die Leder lieben * group for people prefering leather. gay-net.lesben Gruppe fuer Lesben und lesbische Themen * group for lesbians. gay-net.mailboxen Schwule Mailboxen * gay mailboxes. gay-net.medien Infos ueber TV/Radio/Zeitschriften * informations about TV/radio/newspapers. gay-net.recht Rund ums Recht * discussions about law. gay-net.spiele Gespielt wird ueberall * games - lets play. gay-net.sprachen Programmierersprachen * programming languages. gay-net.sysop-mail Sysopgruppe - Lesen/Schreiben nur fuer SYSOPS * group for sysops/admins only. gay-net.test Testgruppe * group for tests. gay-net.witze Witze und Fun, aber JUGENDFREI halten * Gags and Fun (X-Rated). geometry.announcements Geometry Announcements. (Moderated) geometry.college Geometry at the College Level. (Moderated) geometry.forum Geometry Forum Discussion and Information. (Moderated) geometry.institutes Institutes for Geometry Study. (Moderated) geometry.pre-college Geometry for Secondary Education. (Moderated) geometry.puzzles Recreational Geometry Problems. (Moderated) geometry.research Geometry Research. (Moderated) geometry.software.dynamic Discussion of Dynamic Geometry Software. (Moderated) ger.amiga GerNet (GERNET.AMIGA) Amiga ger.atari GerNet (GERNET.ATARI) Atari ger.binaer.ct.adressen GerNet-FileArea: Adressen aus c't (Moderated) ger.binaer.ct.bugs GerNet-FileArea: Prozessor-Bugs; Programme und Tips. (ersetzt: ger.binaer.misc.bugs) (Moderated) ger.binaer.ct.inhalt GerNet-FileArea: Inhaltsregister aus c't (Moderated) ger.binaer.ct.listings GerNet-FileArea: Listings aus c't (Moderated) ger.binaer.ct.pc_config GerNet-FileArea: PC-Konfiguration aus der c't-Mailbox (Moderated) ger.binaer.ct.pci_corner GerNet-FileArea: PCI-Corner aus der c't-Mailbox (Moderated) ger.binaer.ct.share GerNet-FileArea: Shareware und PD aus c't (Moderated) ger.binaer.ct.soft GerNet-FileArea: Software zu c't-Veroeffentlichungen (Moderated) ger.binaer.gw.inhalt GerNet-FileArea: Heise-Register-Updates fuer Gateway-Magazin (Moderated) ger.binaer.ix.inhalt GerNet-FileArea: Heise-Register-Updates fuer iX-Magazin (Moderated) ger.binaer.swt.inhalt GerNet-FileArea: Inhaltsregister Stiftung Warentest (Moderated) ger.ct GerNet: Das allgemeine c't-Echo (CT.GER) ger.ct.projekte GerNet: c't-Rubrik "Projekte" (CT.GER.PROJEKTE) ger.ct.pruefstand GerNet: c't-Rubriken "Pruefstand" und "kurz vorgestellt" (CT.GER.PRUEFSTAND) ger.ct.schulen Support für das c't/ODS Projekt Schulen ans Netz ger.ct.support GerNet: Fragen zu c't-Support-Leistungen (CT.GER.SUPPORT) ger.gernet GerNet (GERNET) Sysop-Forum R/O ger.mac GerNet (GERNET.MAC) Apple Macintosh ger.pc.dos GerNet (GERNET.PC.DOS) PC: DOS-Software ger.pc.hard GerNet (GERNET.PC.HARD) PC: Hardware und Treiber ger.pc.linux GerNet (GERNET.PC.LINUX) PC: Linux ger.pc.os2 GerNet (GERNET.PC.OS2) PC: OS/2 ger.pc.win GerNet (GERNET.PC.WIN) PC: Windows und Windows NT gernet.ct No description. git.ads No description. git.arch.durfee dufree git.cc.alums No description. git.cc.class.150x No description. git.cc.class.4803a A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology. git.cc.class.8011p No description. git.cc.class.8011r College of Computing - Robotics git.cc.class.8113g No description. git.cc.class.8113h No description. git.cc.class.8113p A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology. git.cc.class.8113r No description. git.cc.colloquia Discussions on past and future colloquia git.cc.community College of Computing - Community Mentor Program git.cc.cscw No description. git.cc.general No description. git.cc.help No description. git.cc.morale Mission ORiented Architectural Legacy Evolution git.cc.systems.mac College of Computing - Mac Systems git.cc.systems.ug College of Computing - Undergraduate Systems News git.ce.concrete.canoe Canoe git.ce.construction CE Construction git.ce.steel.bridge Bridge git.ce.sustainability CE Sustainability git.ce.systems CE Systems git.christianity A newsgroup for the discussion of christianity git.class.compe.1700a COMPE 1700 A git.class.compe.1770a COMPE 1770 A git.class.isye.3027b ISYE 3027B git.club.aao The Alliance of Asian Organizations git.club.aiasgt American Institute of Architecture Students GT Chapter git.club.amsa The American Medical Students Association git.club.anachronism Society for Creative Anachronism git.club.ans Georgia Tech American Nuclear Society git.club.asa Georgia Tech African Students Association git.club.asme American Society of Mechanical Engineers git.club.bgsa No description. git.club.bso A newsgroup to communicate with the Black Student Organization git.club.cambodia Georgia Tech Cambodia Club git.club.ccf GT Christian Campus Fellowship git.club.chi-alpha Chi Alpha git.club.crew This is for the Rowing Club, a Georgia Tech Student Organization git.club.csa CSA git.club.cycling This is for cycling enthusiast on gt campus git.club.entrepreneur Entrepreneur's Club git.club.fieldhockey this is for field hockey at georgia tech git.club.gspe Georgia Society of Professional git.club.guns No description. git.club.habitat Habitat for Humanity git.club.ifc Inter-Fraternity Council git.club.ihss International Humic Substance Society git.club.juggling Juggling Club git.club.lacrosse lacrosse club git.club.lcm Lutheran Campus Ministry git.club.musicians-net No description. git.club.odk Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society git.club.opa Omega Psi Alpha git.club.panh Panhellenic git.club.prisa Prisa git.club.prolife Students for Life git.club.rotaract Rotaract git.club.sailing The Georgia Tech Sailing Club Newsgroup git.club.satf.prevention Sexual Assult Prevention git.club.satf.response Sexual Assault Response git.club.sca Student Construction Association git.club.seds Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. git.club.sfl No description. git.club.snag Systems and Network Administrators' Group git.club.sos Student Organization Space Board git.club.spc Student Pagan Community git.club.sport.announce No description. git.club.sps Society of Physics Students (was git.physics.society.students) git.club.squash Squash Club, GT git.club.suth Student Union for the Homeless git.club.swarm Newsgroup for swarm club members git.club.swim Swimming Club git.club.sword No description. git.club.tef The Environmental Forum git.club.ultimate The Ultimate Frisbee Team/Club git.club.water-polo Water Polo git.club.water-ski No description. git.club.womens-union Georgia Tech Womens Student Union git.club.wrek.techtalk No description. git.club.wrekage WREK: Heavy Metal Music Show git.cont-ed No description. git.dining.menu GT Dining Services Menu git.edutech No description. git.edutech.ms Middle School project git.edutech.ms.problems Middle School project, materials committee git.edutech.ms.software Middle School project, software committee git.ee.class.1300d No description. git.ee.class.390x A class at the Georgia Institute of Technology. git.ee.compass No description. git.enve.ers.s1 Environmental Research for Soil(Soil 1), GT git.events.greekweek Greek Week git.events.homecoming Homecoming Discussion git.fe.lap Learning Assistance Program that is part of the Freshman Experience program git.fin-aid.announce Financial Aid Announcments git.general No description. git.grad No description. git.grad.gta Newsgroup for Georgia Tech's Grad. Teaching Ass. git.gtri.co-op GTRI Co-ops git.gtri.www For the discussion of issues related to the WorldWideWeb git.hideout No description. git.housing.esa Eigth Street Apartments git.housing.resnet.availability For announcements related to uptimes and service changes for the residence hall networks (Moderated) git.housing.resnet.questions For questions related to the Housing residence hall network git.housing.woodruff Woodruff git.ieee No description. git.infosystems For wais,gopher and www discussions.... git.isye.general No description. git.isye.healthsystems Health Systems git.isye.mot No description. git.lcc.class.1001j No description. git.lcc.class.2020j2 No description. git.lcc.class.2310p No description. git.lcc.class.3020o No description. git.lcc.class.6303a for lcc6303a git.leadershape Leadershape git.manufacturing.prc Georgia Packaging Research Center git.maple.questions Questions concerning Maple software, GT git.math.class.1507a4 For a calc math class git.math.class.1509n4 MATH 1509 N4 git.math.class.3012a1 No description. git.math.class.3308ca MATH 3308 CA git.math.class.4803a No description. git.math.symbolic No description. git.me.class.2016b Newsgroup for ME class 2016 section b git.me.research No description. git.me.scholarship Scholarship opportunities newsgroup for ME git.mechatronics No description. git.media-talk No description. git.mgt.club.entrepreneur Entrepreneur Club git.msm.general No description. git.news.groups No description. git.nrotc GT Naval Science git.ohr.jobs.digest GT OHR Job bulletin in digest format. git.oit.availability This is for availability announcements from OIT (Moderated) git.oit.questions No description. git.oit.test this is a test newsgroup git.olympics.official Campus Olympic Group git.olympics.volunteer Volunteers for Olympics '96 git.options Options Committee git.os2 Yellow Jacket OS/2 User's Group. git.outreach Outreach git.physics.announce announcements for the Georgia Tech physics department git.physics.class.2122c Newsgroup for Georgia Tech's Grad. Teaching Ass. git.police.parking No description. git.politics No description. git.psych.class.1010a No description. git.psych.class.1010b No description. git.psych.class.1010c No description. git.psych.class.1010d No description. git.psych.class.1010e No description. git.psych.class.1010f No description. git.psych.class.1010g No description. git.psych.class.1010h No description. git.quality For the discussion of TQM per Charley Brown. git.rha.east Residence Hall Association - East Campus git.rha.general Residence Hall Association git.rha.grad Residence Hall Association - Graduate Buildings git.rha.west Residence Hall Association - West Campus git.sga.coursecritique Course Critique git.sga.usc Student Government Assoc communications. (Moderated) git.sql-help Newsgroup for SQL help git.studctr.center4arts Georgia Tech Center for the Arts git.studctr.movie.announce Student Center Movie Committee Announcements git.studctr.movie.committee Student Center Movie Committee git.studctr.movie.discussion Student Center Movie Committee Discussion git.talk.abortion No description. git.talk.books.novels Discussion of popular novels, GT git.talk.cars Car Talk git.talk.christianity A newsgroup for the discussion of christianity git.talk.flame A place where students can flame each other git.talk.international International Discussion git.talk.literature For Literature Conversations git.talk.middleast Middle East Discussion git.talk.nihongo Newsgroup for the GT Japanese community. git.talk.nomic git.talk.NOMIC A place to discuss the internet based political game git.talk.objectivism Objectivism git.talk.philosophy Philosophy Discussion git.talk.policy For the discussion of network policy at Tech git.talk.ps President's Scholars: Questions, announcements, discussions git.talk.quake Quake git.talk.religion No description. git.tech.futures Discussion of emerging technologies. git.telework Telecommuting/Work Issues at GT git.test No description. git.test.moderated Testing moderated stuff (Moderated) git.test.test test git.unix.linux.mailing-lists.ale ALE mailing list mirror git.unix.solaris Solaris 2.2 porting issues. git.win95.questions Windows 95 Questions git.year2000 Newsgroup to discuss on year 2000 (Millenium Bug) issues gnu.announce Status and announcements from the Project. (Moderated) gnu.bash.bug Bourne Again SHell bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated) gnu.cfengine.bug Bug reports for cfengine & suggested fixes. (Moderated) gnu.cfengine.help User queries about cfengine and answers. gnu.chess Announcements about the GNU Chess program. gnu.cvs.bug CVS bug reports and suggested fixes gnu.cvs.help Concurrent Versions System (CVS) queries/answers gnu.emacs.announce Announcements about GNU Emacs. (Moderated) gnu.emacs.bug GNU Emacs bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated) gnu.emacs.gnews News reading under GNU Emacs using Weemba's Gnews. gnu.emacs.gnus News reading under GNU Emacs using GNUS (in English). gnu.emacs.help User queries and answers. gnu.emacs.sources ONLY (please!) C and Lisp source code for GNU Emacs. gnu.emacs.vm.bug Bug reports on the Emacs VM mail package. gnu.emacs.vm.info Information about the Emacs VM mail package. gnu.emacs.vms VMS port of GNU Emacs. gnu.epoch.misc The Epoch X11 extensions to Emacs. gnu.g++.announce Announcements about the GNU C++ Compiler. (Moderated) gnu.g++.bug g++ bug reports and suggested fixes. (Moderated) gnu.g++.help GNU C++ compiler (G++) user queries and answers. gnu.g++.lib.bug g++ library bug reports/suggested fixes. (Moderated) gnu.gcc.announce Announcements about the GNU C Compiler. (Moderated) gnu.gcc.bug GNU C Compiler bug reports/suggested fixes. (Moderated) gnu.gcc.help GNU C Compiler (gcc) user queries and answers. gnu.gdb.bug gcc/g++ DeBugger bugs and suggested fixes. (Moderated) gnu.ghostscript.bug GNU Ghostscript interpreter bugs. (Moderated) gnu.gnats.bug GNATS bug reports and suggested fixes gnu.gnusenet.config GNU's Not Usenet administration and configuration. gnu.gnusenet.test GNU's Not Usenet alternative hierarchy testing. gnu.gnustep.announce No description. (Moderated) gnu.gnustep.bug No description. gnu.gnustep.discuss No description. gnu.gnustep.help No description. gnu.groff.bug Bugs in the GNU roff programs. (Moderated) gnu.misc.discuss Serious discussion about GNU and freed software. gnu.smalltalk.bug Bugs in GNU Smalltalk. (Moderated) gnu.utils.bug GNU utilities bugs (e.g., make, gawk. ls). (Moderated) gnu.utils.help Non-product-specific help forum for GNU users. gov.org.admin.financenet FinanceNet - information on public financial management. (Moderated) gov.org.g7.announce Announcements on G7 activities. (Moderated) gov.org.g7.environment G7 Environment and Natural Resources Project. (Moderated) gov.org.g7.misc General G7 related discussions. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.accounting Public accounting. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.asset-liab-mgt Asset-liability management. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.audits Financial audits of government agencies. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.budgeting Appropriations and budgeting management. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.calendar Calendar of public finance events. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.int-controls Internal financial controls. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.misc General public finance topics. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.municipalities Municipal financial issues. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.news General government finance news. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.payroll Government payroll issues. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.perf-measures Financial performance measures. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.policy Government financial policy. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.procurement Procurement management. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.reporting Financial statements & reporting. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.state-county State and county financial issues. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.systems Financial software and hardware systems. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.training Financial personnel & training. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.finance.travel-admin Travel administration. (Moderated) gov.topic.admin.privatization Privatization of government, Public/Private partnerships. (Moderated) gov.topic.finance.banks Banking, monetary supply, currency exchange. (Moderated) gov.topic.finance.securities Securities, commodity futures, etc. (Moderated) gov.topic.forsale.misc Miscellaneous government asset sales. (Moderated) gov.topic.info.systems.epub Government use of electronic publishing. (Moderated) gov.topic.info.systems.year2000 Accomodating dates after the year 2000. gov.topic.telecom.announce Telecommunications related announcements. (Moderated) gov.topic.telecom.misc Telecommunications- telephone, radio, TV, Internet. (Moderated) gov.topic.transport.air Aviation, aircraft, travel by air. (Moderated) gov.topic.transport.misc General international transportation. (Moderated) gov.topic.transport.navigation Navigation systems. (Moderated) gov.topic.transport.rail Railroad transportation. (Moderated) gov.topic.transport.road Transportation over roads, auto safety, mass transit. (Moderated) gov.topic.transport.shipping International shipping and package delivery. (Moderated) gov.topic.transport.water Maritime related issues, transportation over water. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.cia.announce Central Intelligence Agency announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.announce Announcements about Congress. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.bills.house Bill text from the House. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.bills.senate Bill text from the Senate. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.calendar.house House calendar of activities. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.calendar.senate Senate calendar of activities. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.discuss Followup discussions on Congress. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.documents Congressional documents. gov.us.fed.congress.gao.announce Announcements about the Government Accounting Office. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.gao.decisions Decisions from the Comptroller General. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.gao.discuss Discussion on the Government Accounting Office. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.gao.reports Reports from the Government Accounting Office. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.record.digest Digest from the Congressional Record. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.record.extensions Extension of remarks in the Congressional Record. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.record.house House pages from the Congressional Record. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.record.index Index to the Congressional Record. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.record.senate Senate pages from the Congressional Record. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.congress.reports Congressional reports. gov.us.fed.courts.announce U.S. Courts announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dhhs.announce Department of Health and Human Services announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dhhs.fda.announce Food and Drug Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dhhs.ssa.announce Social Security Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.announce Department of Commerce announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.cbd.awards Contract awards in Commerce Business Daily. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.cbd.forsale Surplus Property Sales in Commerce Business Daily. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.cbd.notices General notices in Commerce Business Daily. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.cbd.solicitations Procurement solicitation in Commerce Business Daily. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.cbd.standards Foreign standards notices in Commerce Business Daily. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.census.announce Census Bureau announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doc.noaa.announce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dod.announce Department of Defense announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dod.army.announce Department of the Army announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dod.army.reserve Army Reserve related announcements and discussions. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dod.navy.announce Department of the Navy announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dod.usaf.announce Department of the Air Force announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doe.announce Department of Energy announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doi.announce Department of the Interior announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.doj.announce Department of Justice announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dol.announce Department of Labor announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dot.announce Department of Transportation announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dot.faa.announce Federal Aviation Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dot.nhtsa.announce National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.dot.uscg.announce United States Coast Guard announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.ed.announce Department of Education announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.eop.announce Executive Office of the President announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.eop.white-house.announce The President and White House Staff announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.epa.announce Environmental Protection Agency announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.fcc.announce Federal Communications Commission announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.fdic.announce Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.fema.announce Federal Emergency Management Agency announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.ferc.announce Federal Energy Regulatory Commission announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.fmc.announce Federal Maritime Commission announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.frs.announce Federal Reserve System announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.gsa.announce General Services Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.hud.announce Department of Housing and Urban Development announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.announce National Archives and Records Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.announce Announcements about the Federal Register. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.authoring Discussion for Federal Register authors. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.contents Contents and Indexes of the Federal Register. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.corrections Corrections in the Federal Register. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.notices Notices in the Federal Register. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.presidential Presidential Documents in the Federal Register. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.proposed-rules Proposed Regulations in the Federal Register. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nara.fed-register.rules Rules and Regulations in the Federal Register. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nasa.announce National Aeronautics and Space Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nasa.ksc.announce NASA Kennedy Space Center specific announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nrc.announce Nuclear Regulatory Commission announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nsf.announce National Science Foundation announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nsf.documents National Science Foundation documents. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.nsf.grants National Science Foundation grant information. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.opm.announce Office of Personnel Management announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.sba.announce Small Business Administration announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.sec.announce Securities and Exchange Commission announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.state.announce Department of State announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.treasury.announce Department of the Treasury announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.treasury.irs.announce Internal Revenue Service announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.usaid.announce US Agency for International Development, IDCA, OPIC. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.usaid.pib USAID Procurement Information Bulletin. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.usda.announce Department of Agriculture announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.fed.va.announce Department of Veterans Affairs announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.org.admin.aga Association of Government Accountants. (Moderated) gov.us.org.admin.fasab Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. (Moderated) gov.us.org.admin.gfoa Government Finance Officers Association. (Moderated) gov.us.org.info.ace Americans Communicating Electronically. (Moderated) gov.us.org.info.ala American Library Association. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.agri.farms Farming- growing crops, raising livestock. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.agri.food Food production and distribution, nutrition of food. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.agri.misc General agricultural issues. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.agri.statistics Detailed statistics on crop, livestock, and food production. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.ecommerce.announce Government electronic commerce infrastructure announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.ecommerce.misc Discussions concerning government electronic commerce. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.ecommerce.standards Standards for government electronic commerce. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.emergency.alerts Important bulletins for immediate broadcasting. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.emergency.misc Natural disasters, recovery, prevention. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.energy.misc Generation and delivery of energy. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.energy.nuclear Nuclear power and radioactive materials. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.energy.utilities Regulated utilities providing gas and electricity. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.environment.air Air quality, ozone, greenhouse gases, noise. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.environment.announce Announcements on environmental protection. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.environment.misc General environmental protection. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.environment.toxics Hazardous material use, disposal, cleanup. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.environment.waste Waste disposal, recycling. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.environment.water Water issues: drinking, irrigation, sewage. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.finance.banks Banking, monetary supply, currency exchange. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.finance.securities Securities, commodity futures, etc.. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.foreign.news Selected news media reports from outside the US. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.foreign.trade.leads Information on trade opportunities collected by US governments. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.foreign.trade.misc Issues involving foreign trade, importation, customs. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.foreign.trade.statistics Detailed statistical reports on import/exports. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.employee.issues Discussions on government employee issues. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.employee.news News of interest to government employees. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.hr-admin Human Resources administration. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.admin Administrative job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.admin.finance Jobs in public financial management. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.admin.ses Senior Executive Service job opportunity. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.announce Announcements on job hunting in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.clerical Clerical job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.engineering Engineering related job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.foreign Federal job opportunities located outside the US. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.health Medical and health related job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.law-enforce Law enforcement job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.math-comp Math and computer related job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.misc Unclassified public sector job opportunities. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.questions Questions and answers on job hunting in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.science Physical sciences job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.gov-jobs.offered.technical Technical job opportunities in government. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.grants.research Grant opportunities for research. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.abstracts.cdrom Abstracts of new CD-ROM releases. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.abstracts.epub Abstracts of new publications available electronically. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.abstracts.infosystems Abstracts of new online systems and services. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.abstracts.print Abstracts of new publications available in hard copy. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.libraries.govdocs Government documents libraries. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.libraries.technology Library information technology discussion. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.policy.announce Announcements on government information policy. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.info.policy.misc Discussions on government information policy. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.law.pub-contract Lawyers discuss Federal public contract law. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.nat-resources.forests Forestry, logging and wood production. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.nat-resources.land Other uses of public land, e.g. grazing, wetlands, watershed. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.nat-resources.marine Fishing, aquaculture, marine sanctuaries. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.nat-resources.minerals Extraction and transportation of minerals. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.nat-resources.oil-gas Extraction and transportation of oil and gas. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.nat-resources.parks Public land for recreation & tourism, museums. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.nat-resources.wildlife Wildlife management, hunting. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.statistics.announce Brief announcements on economic and demographic statistics. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.statistics.reports Detailed reports on economic and demographic statistics. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.telecom.announce Announcements on general telecom policy issues. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.telecom.misc Discussion on general telecom policy issues. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.transport.air Aviation, aircraft, travel by air. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.transport.misc General transportation in the US. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.transport.rail Railroad transportation. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.transport.road Transportation over roads, auto safety, mass transit. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.transport.shipping International shipping and package delivery. (Moderated) gov.us.topic.transport.water Maritime related issues, transportation over water. (Moderated) gov.us.usenet.admin Discussion of gov.us news admin. gov.us.usenet.announce Admin announcements. (Moderated) gov.us.usenet.answers FAQs and periodic articles. (Moderated) gov.us.usenet.control Control messages for US gov newsgroup changes. (Moderated) gov.us.usenet.groups Discussion of gov.us management. gov.us.usenet.lists News related statistics and lists. (Moderated) gov.us.usenet.questions Q & A for users new to gov.us newsgroups. gov.us.usenet.software Discuss gov.us specific software. gov.us.usenet.test Use in testing news software setups. gov.usenet.admin Discussion of gov news admininstration. gov.usenet.announce Admin announcements. (Moderated) gov.usenet.answers FAQs and periodic articles. (Moderated) gov.usenet.control Control messages for top gov newsgroup changes. (Moderated) gov.usenet.groups Discussion of gov hierarchy management. gov.usenet.lists News related statistics and lists. (Moderated) gov.usenet.questions Q & A for users new to gov newsgroups. gov.usenet.software Discuss gov news specific software. gov.usenet.test Use in testing news software setups. gstv.computing computing at Georgia State TV. gstv.control Control messages for gstv.*. gstv.general Catchall group for Georgia State Television. gstv.linux Linux at Georgia State TV. gstv.newsgroups Request for new Georgia State TV newsgroups. gstv.questions Questions about Georgia State Television. gstv.rumor Georgia State TV rumor-mill. gstv.shows Georgia State TV productions. gstv.shows.24fps Movie reviews and pornography on Georgia State TV. gstv.shows.da-spot Trellis Woods' Hip-Hop show on Georgia State TV. gstv.staff Georgia State TV staff discussions. gstv.test Georgia State TV test group. gvnc.arts Discussion on the arts (music, theater, movies, tv, etc) gvnc.config USENET Configuration in western Nevada County gvnc.forsale Stuff for sale, wanted, swap, or free gvnc.general General discussions gvnc.jobs Announcements and discussions about jobs and contracts gvnc.politics Political topics of interest to Nevada County readers gvnc.soc Social events and issues gvnc.test Test postings gwu.greenu GWU Green University program gwu.msfinance GWU MS program in Finance gwu.seas.cs219 GWU School of Engineering - Comp Sci class. hackercorp.statistics No description. hactar.aminet.daily For the daily 'Recent uploads to Aminet'-mailinglist. (no posting) hactar.aminet.weekly For the weekly 'Recent uploads to Aminet'-mailinglist. (no posting) hactar.cnews Discussions about CNews. hactar.config Announcements and control messages regarding hactar.* hactar.fish Fred Fish's announcements regarding his AmigaLibDisk series hactar.general General discussions (like "no news today?" =:->) hactar.meeting Mailing list regarding the Programmers Meetings hactar.mime Mailinglist info-metamail@thumper.belcore.com hactar.space-1999 Mailinglist space-1999@quack.sac.ca.us hactar.stats Statistics (uuacct, newsdaily, auslastung a. s. o.) hactar.test Post here in case you don't get enough email already :) halcyon.announce ??? (Moderated) halcyon.answers ??? (Moderated) halcyon.forsale No description. halcyon.general No description. halcyon.slip No description. halcyon.test No description. hamster.admin Administration & Groupcreation in the Hamster-hierarchy. hamster.cancelreport Reporting Spamcancels. hamster.de.announce Ankuendigungen. (Moderated) hamster.de.config Hamster- und Clientkonfiguration. hamster.de.misc Wenns sonst nirgendwo hinpasst. hamster.de.newuser Einsteigerfragen. hamster.de.talk Gespraeche mit und ohne Hamster. hamster.de.tools Zusatzsoftware. hamster.en.config details on the basic configurations hamster.en.misc anything else hamster.en.scripts mainly for scripts and modules hamster.fr.admin Discussions sur l'evolution de hamster.fr.* hamster.fr.annonces Annonces diverses concernant Hamster. (Moderated) hamster.fr.divers Discussions sur Hamster qui ne vont pas ailleurs. hamster.general New 2nd level hierarchies and regular info. hamster.it.announce Announces about Hamster. (Moderated) hamster.it.misc General topics about Hamster. hamster.test Tests. han.announce Announcement to All Korean Usenet Subscribers. (Moderated) han.answers FAQ and periodic postings. (Moderated) han.arts.architecture Architecture. han.arts.design Comercial graphic design. han.arts.fine-art Disscusion on fine arts. han.arts.misc Other arts. han.arts.music.classical °íÀüÀ½¾Ç °¨»ó. han.arts.music.gayo Çѱ¹ÀÇ ´ëÁß°¡¿ä. han.arts.music.gugak ¿ì¸®ÀÇ ±¹¾Ç ÇѸ¶´ç. han.arts.music.jazz ÀçÁî¿Í ºí·ç½º À̾߱â. han.arts.music.misc À½¾Ç ÀÏ¹Ý ¹× ±âŸ À½¾Ç. han.arts.music.movie ¿µÈ­À½¾Ç À̾߱â. han.arts.music.pop ¼­¾çÀÇ ´ëÁßÀ½¾Ç. han.arts.music.progressive ¾ÆÆ®¶ô°ú ÇÁ·Î±×·¹½Ãºê ¶ôÀ» »ç¶ûÇÏ´Â ÆÒµé. han.arts.music.rock Çϵå¶ô, Çìºñ¸ÞÅ» À̾߱â. han.arts.theater Musicals and other theatrical productions. han.binaries.photo Photo files. han.comp.database DB design, construction and application. han.comp.devtools.delphi Using Delphi. han.comp.devtools.misc Using miscellaneous development tools. han.comp.devtools.vb Using Visual Basic. han.comp.devtools.vc++ Using Visual C++. han.comp.hangul How Korean Hangul can be used in computers. han.comp.lang.c Discussions of C Language. han.comp.lang.c++ Discussions of C++ Language. han.comp.lang.fortran Discussions of Fortran Language. han.comp.lang.java Discussions of Java Language. han.comp.lang.lisp Lisp programming language. han.comp.lang.misc Discussions of Miscellaneous Languages. han.comp.lang.perl Perl programming language. han.comp.lang.tcltk Tcl/Tk programming language. han.comp.mail E-mail system, config and reader issues. han.comp.misc Computer Technologies and Computer Science Topics. han.comp.os.freebsd Information on FreeBSD operating system. han.comp.os.linux.advocacy ´Ù¸¥ ¿î¿µ ü°è¿Í ºñ±³ÇÑ ¸®´ª½ºÀÇ Àå´ÜÁ¡. han.comp.os.linux.announce ¸®´ª½º °ü·Ã °øÁö »çÇ×. (Moderated) han.comp.os.linux.apps ¸®´ª½º ÀÀ¿ë ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ÀÇ È°¿ë. han.comp.os.linux.devel ¸®´ª½º ½Ã½ºÅÛ ¹× ÀÀ¿ë ÇÁ·Î±×·¥ °³¹ß. han.comp.os.linux.misc ±× ¿Ü ¸®´ª½º¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ³íÀÇ. han.comp.os.linux.networking ¸®´ª½º ³×Æ®¿öÅ·. han.comp.os.linux.setup ¸®´ª½º ¼³Ä¡, ¼³Á¤, °ü¸®. han.comp.os.misc Miscellaneous OS(BeOS,VMS,NeXTstep,SCO,etc). han.comp.os.unix Unix:General issues(shell,admin,utility.programming). han.comp.os.windows.apps MS Windows applications/usage. han.comp.os.windows.misc Other MS Windows issues. han.comp.os.windows.nt.admin Windows NT administration topics. han.comp.os.windows.nt.misc Other Windows NT issues. han.comp.os.windows.nt.services About BackOffice, Services, and etc. han.comp.os.windows.nt.setup Windows NT installation/configuration. han.comp.os.windows.setup MS Windows installation/configuration. han.comp.periphs.input Input Devices: keyboard/mouse/scanner/... han.comp.periphs.networking Network hardware & equipment. han.comp.periphs.output Output Devices: monitor/printer/sound card/... han.comp.periphs.storage hard disc & other storage devices. han.comp.security Computer & Network Security, Protection, Privacy issues. han.comp.sys.cray CRAY Supercomputer & Crayettes. han.comp.sys.hp Hewlett-Packard computers, HP-UX. han.comp.sys.ibmpc IBM-PC & compatibles, software, hardware, peripherals. han.comp.sys.mac Macintosh computer, Power Mac, MacOS. han.comp.sys.misc DEC,IBM RS6000,NC,NetPC,PDA and other systems. han.comp.sys.sgi Discussions of SGI Graphic Workstations, OpenGL, IRIX. han.comp.sys.sun SUN workstation. SunOS, Solaris. han.comp.text Text processing: tools/standard/methodology/etc. han.comp.www.authoring Authoring of web page. han.comp.www.browsers Discussions of browsers. han.comp.www.info Web URL information. han.comp.www.misc Other WWW issues. han.comp.www.servers Discussions of web servers. han.misc.forsale Things for Sale, Wanted to Buy. han.misc.jobs Job announcements and discussions in Korea. han.misc.misc General or Miscellaneous News Topics. han.net.kornet News specific to KORNET of Korea Telecom. han.net.kren News specific to KREN Academic Network. han.net.kreonet News specific to KREONET Research Network. han.net.misc News for Other networks and BBS's in Korea. han.net.nuri News specific to NURINET of INET. han.news.admin Discussions on news server administration and news feeding. han.news.groups RFD/CFV for create/remove/change a newsgroup. han.news.net-abuse Information about Usenet abuse. (Moderated) han.news.stats Korean news server statistics. (Moderated) han.news.users Usenet users, new user question/discussion. han.politics Politics in Republic of Korea. han.rec.baduk Baduk(a.k.a. Go). han.rec.books Book and Press. han.rec.cars ÀÚµ¿Â÷¿¡ °üÇÑ ÀϹÝÀûÀÎ Åä·Ð. han.rec.food All about things to Eat or Drink. han.rec.games Computer Games, Electronic Amusement. han.rec.humor Humorous or Funny Stories, Jokes. han.rec.manhwa Manhwa: Comics, Cartoons, and Animations. han.rec.misc Other Recreation, Hobbies, Sports or Entertainment. han.rec.movie Movie and Video. han.rec.photo Photo and Photography. han.rec.sf Science Fiction and Fantasy. han.rec.sports.baseball Discussions on baseball. han.rec.sports.basketball Discussions on basketball. han.rec.sports.football Discussions on football. han.rec.sports.golf Discussions on golf. han.rec.sports.misc Discussions on other sports. han.rec.sports.tennis Discussions on tennis. han.rec.sports.volleyball Discussions on volleyball. han.rec.travel ¿©Çà¿¡ °üÇÑ À̾߱â. han.rec.tv Television. han.school.elementary Meeting place of elementary school students. han.school.high Meeting place of senior high school students. han.school.middle Meeting place of junior high school students. han.school.pta Parents and teachers meeting place. han.sci.agriculture Farming,agriculture,forestry and related topics. han.sci.astro Stars and Planets, Astronomy and Space. han.sci.bio Biology and life science in general. han.sci.chem Chemistry and related sciences. han.sci.dentistry Dentally related topics; all about teeth. han.sci.earth Our Planet, Earth, Geo Science and Meteology. han.sci.engr Engineering(EE,ME,ChemE,IE,and all others). han.sci.gis Áö¸®Á¤º¸ÀÇ ±¸Ãà°ú ÀÌ¿ë¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿©. han.sci.math Mathematical discussions and pursuits. han.sci.med A forum for doctors and medical scientists. han.sci.misc Other Scientific or Literate Research and Academic topics. han.sci.physics Physical laws, properties, etc. han.sci.stat Discussions on statistics. han.soc.culture.chejudo Culture of Chejudo, Korea. han.soc.culture.chollado Culture of Chollado, Korea. han.soc.culture.chungchongdo Culture of Chungchongdo, Korea. han.soc.culture.kangwondo Culture of Kangwondo, Korea. han.soc.culture.kyonggido Culture of Kyonggido, Korea. han.soc.culture.kyongsangdo Culture of Kyongsangdo, Korea. han.soc.culture.seoul Culture of Seoul, Korea. han.soc.movements Social Movements in Korea. han.soc.religion.buddhism Discussions on Buddhism. han.soc.religion.christianity.catholic Discussions on Catholic. han.soc.religion.christianity.protestant Discussions on Protestant. han.soc.religion.misc Discussions on other religions. han.talk.economy »ýÈ° °æÁ¦¿¡ ´ëÇÑ À̾߱â. han.talk.hangul ¿ì¸®¸»°ú ¿ì¸®±Û ±×¸®°í ±× ¹Ù·Î ¾²±â¿¡ ´ëÇÏ¿© han.test Testing, testing, 1-2-3... hannet.fragen (An)Fragen aller Art und passende Antworten... hannet.games Spielereien und Spielerisches hannet.general Allgemeines und Sonstiges im HanNet hannet.info Regelmaessige Postings (siehe auch: hannet.statistik) hannet.map (M) Lokale Map zur Information des Netzes. (Moderated) hannet.ml-info Majordomo- und Listserver-Listen hannet.ml.atari.gem (M) ML gem-list@world.std.com. (Moderated) hannet.ml.bsdi (M) BSDI-Mailingliste. (Moderated) hannet.ml.cad.catia-l (Moderated) hannet.ml.cad.proe-users Motorola Fort Worth Pro/Engineer Users Mailing List (Moderated) hannet.ml.cycle.hpv (M) Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) Discussion List. (Moderated) hannet.ml.firewalls (M) firewalls. (Moderated) hannet.ml.genesis (M) Genesis-Mailingliste. (Moderated) hannet.ml.germnews Nachrichten in Kuerze (Moderated) hannet.ml.ietf (M) IETF-Mailingliste. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.680x0 (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste 680X0. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.config (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste config. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.kernel (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste kernel. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.linuxnews (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste linuxnews. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.net (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste ueber TCP/IP. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.new-channels (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste new-channels. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.news (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste news. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.nrao.linux-alert linux-alert@tarsier.cv.nrao.edu: Important Linux-related security announcements (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.nrao.linux-security linux-security@tarsier.cv.nrao.edu: Linux-related security discussions (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.redhat.axp axp-list@redhat.com (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-680x0 linux-680x0@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-admin linux-admin@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-announce linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-bbs linux-bbs@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-config linux-config@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-doc linux-doc@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-fido linux-fido@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-ftp linux-ftp@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-gcc linux-gcc@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-kernel linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-mips linux-mips@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-msdos linux-msdos@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-net linux-net@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-newbie linux-newbie@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-normal linux-normal@vger.rutgers.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-ppc linux-ppc@vger.rutgers.edu: The Power-PC port of Linux (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-qag linux-qag@vger.rutgers.edu: Linux Quality Assurance Group (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-scsi linux-scsi@vger.rutgers.edu: Scsi drive development and usage (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-seyon linux-seyon@vger.rutgers.edu: Talk about Seyon the X-windows terminal program (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-sound linux-sound@vger.rutgers.edu: Using sound cards and utilities under Linux (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-svgalib linux-svgalib@vger.rutgers.edu: SVGA library discussion (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-tape linux-tape@vger.rutgers.edu: Using Tape storage devices under Linux (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-uucp linux-uucp@vger.rutgers.edu: Using UUCP under Linux (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-wabi linux-wabi@vger.rutgers.edu: Linux Windows App Binary Interface emulation discussion (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.rutgers.linux-x11 linux-x11@vger.rutgers.edu: Using the X-window system under Linux (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.scsi (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste SCSI. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.slip (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste ueber SLIP. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.uucp (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste ueber UUCP. (Moderated) hannet.ml.linux.x11 (M) linux-activists-Mailingliste ueber X11. (Moderated) hannet.ml.litprog (M) LitProg-Mailingliste. (Moderated) hannet.ml.lst-erlangen (M) Interne ML des LST Support Teams. (Moderated) hannet.ml.mac.anf (M) AppleTalk Networking Forum. (Moderated) hannet.ml.mac.think-c (M) Macintosh Programmierung mit Think-C. (Moderated) hannet.ml.med.mmatrix-l Mailingliste mmatrix-l@www.kumc.edu (Moderated) hannet.ml.medinf (M) Discussions about medicine informatics. (Moderated) hannet.ml.medinf.hl7 (M) Discussions about Health Level 7. (Moderated) hannet.ml.misc.brand-names Brand Name Recipes Mailing List (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.amiga amiga@NetBSD.org: General discussion regarding NetBSD/amiga (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.amiga-dev amiga-dev@NetBSD.org: Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/amiga (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.amiga-x amiga-x@NetBSD.org: Technical discussion regarding X on NetBSD/amiga (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.current (M) NetBSD-Mailingliste 'current'. (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.current-users (M) NetBSD-Mailingliste 'current-users'. (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.netbsd-bugs (M) NetBSD-Mailingliste 'netbsd-bugs'. (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.netbsd-help (M) NetBSD-Mailingliste 'netbsd-help'. (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.netbsd-ports (M) NetBSD-Mailingliste 'netbsd-ports'. (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.netbsd-users (M) NetBSD-Mailingliste 'netbsd-users'. (Moderated) hannet.ml.netbsd.port-m68k port-m68k@NetBSD.org: Technical discussion regarding all NetBSD/m68k ports (Moderated) hannet.ml.next (M) NeXT-Mailingliste. (Moderated) hannet.ml.pci (M) ML ueber PCI-Boards. (Moderated) hannet.ml.rfc (M) RFC-Mailingliste. (Moderated) hannet.ml.sun.sunflash (M) Sun Marketing etc. (Moderated) hannet.ml.taylor (M) Taylor-UUCP-Mailing-Liste. (Moderated) hannet.ml.test (M) Test des mail/news-Gateways. (Moderated) hannet.ml.tex.auc-tex AUC-TeX Mailingliste (Moderated) hannet.ml.tex.emtex (M) About installation/use/bugs of emTeX. (Moderated) hannet.ml.tex.tetex TETeX (Moderated) hannet.ml.tex.tex-d-l (M) German TeX Users Communication List. (Moderated) hannet.ml.text.sgml-tools SGML-Tools (Moderated) hannet.ml.ultrasound (M) Ultrasound Daily Digest. (Moderated) hannet.ml.watchtower (M) ML ueber progressive/innovative/experimentelle Musik. (Moderated) hannet.ml.www.netscape (M) WWW browser client for MS-Windows, UNIX and Apple Macintosh. (Moderated) hannet.ml.www.squid.digest-x Expanded Squid Internet Object Cache (digest) (Moderated) hannet.statistik Statistiken den Betrieb des HanNet betreffend hannet.test Test hannet.tools.binaries Ablauffaehige Programme hannet.tools.d Infos/Diskussionen zu hannet.tools.* hannet.tools.sources Quelltexte hannover.allgemeines Allgemeines und Sonstiges hannover.diskussion Diskussionen um lokale Themata hannover.expo Pro und Contra Expo2000 hannover.fundgrube Angebote und Gesuche hannover.funk.amateurfunk AmateurfunkErInnen in Hannover hannover.funk.cb-funk CB-Funk hannover.kino Programme, Tips, Filmbeschreibungen hannover.messe Hinweise, Neuheiten und Interessantes hannover.messe.cebit ... speziell zur CeBiT hannover.messe.industrie ... speziell zur Industriemesse hannover.mhh.allgemeines Allgemeine MHH-Themata hannover.mhh.mhrz.aktuelles Mitteilunges des MHRZ (Moderated) hannover.mhh.mhrz.aktuelles.d Diskussionen Mitteilunges des MHRZ betreffend hannover.mhh.mhrz.ftp Infos zum und Inhalte des ftp-Servers (Moderated) hannover.mhh.mhrz.info Informationen des MHRZ hannover.mhh.mhrz.statistik Statistiken zu den Netzdiensten (Moderated) hannover.mhh.termine Termine hannover.mhh.test Testgebiet hannover.netze Rund um die Vernetzung hannover.netze.fido Spezielle Infos der Fido-Systeme hannover.netze.maus ... und der Maus in Hannover hannover.netze.uucp ... sowie der UUCP-Netze hannover.netze.z-netz ... und des Z-Netzes hannover.pd-info PD - Listen und Anfragen hannover.politik Politisches... hannover.politik.diskussion ...und Diskussionen darueber hannover.systemdaten Systemdaten hannover.uni.comp Alles rund um die Rechnerwelt der TU Hannover hannover.uni.comp.aix Rechner der UNI: speziell AIX hannover.uni.comp.dec Rechner der UNI: speziell VMS hannover.uni.comp.hp Rechner der UNI: speziell HP/UX hannover.uni.comp.linux Rechner der UNI: speziell Linux und Linux User Group Hannover (LUGH) hannover.uni.comp.oracle Rechner der UNI: speziell Oracle hannover.uni.comp.pc Rechner der UNI: speziell DOS und OS/2 hannover.uni.comp.rtos-uh Echtzeit-Betriebssystem RTOS-UH, PEARL hannover.uni.comp.soft.spss SPSS-Forum in der UH hannover.uni.comp.sun Rechner der UNI: speziell Sun-OS/Solaris und Sun User Group (SUG) hannover.uni.comp.sun.flash SunFlash hannover.uni.comp.sun.flash.d Diskussionen ueber SunFlash hannover.uni.comp.tex TeX-Forum in der UH hannover.uni.comp.unix Rechner der UNI: speziell allgemein Unix :-) hannover.uni.misc Allgemeine UNI-Themata hannover.uni.news Diskussion(en) um NEWS hannover.uni.rrzn.aftp FTP-Server-Updates etc. hannover.uni.rrzn.aktuelles RRZN-Mitteilungen (BI) etc. (Moderated) hannover.uni.rrzn.aktuelles.d ... und das Diskussionsbrett dazu hannover.uni.sci sonstige Wissenschaftliche Themen hannover.uni.studenten.netz Diskussion der studentischen Belange und Wuensche bzgl. Netzzugang, Nutzung von Netzdiensten etc. hannover.uni.termine Termine speziell an/fuer die Uni hannover.uni.test Test und Test hannover.uni.videoconf Diskussion und Kommunikation ueber Videoconferencing hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.informatik1 Vorlesungsbetreuung hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.informatik1.announce (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.informatik1.cafe (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.informatik1.discussion (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.ki (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.ki.announce (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.ki.cafe (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.ki.discussion (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.labor.announce (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.labor.cafe (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.labor.discussion (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.swt.announce (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.swt.cafe (no description available) hannover.uni.vorlesungen.kbs.swt.discussion (no description available) hannover.uni.www World Wide Web.. hanse.anleitung Einfuehrungen etc. hanse.config Control-Messages. hanse.ev Vereinsinternas zu Hanse Networking e.V. hanse.flohmarkt Ankauf/Verkauf (nur nicht kommerzielles). hanse.general Alles was sonst nirgendwo Platz hat und alle angeht. hanse.hardware Hardwarefragen. hanse.infos Infos zu den verschiedensten Dingen (vor allem Listen). hanse.internet Alles was mit Internet zu tun hat. hanse.linux Alles um/ueber/unter Linux. hanse.maps Lokale Maps. hanse.schweinske Diskussion zu den Hanse-Treffs. hanse.software Softwarefragen. hanse.test Test-Gruppe. harvard.announce.freshman Announcements relating to Harvard First-Years harvard.comp.security Computer security discussions. harvard.course.espp90b Environmental Science and Public Policy, ESPP 90b harvard.course.math121 Newsgroup for Math 121. harvard.course.phys143a No description. harvard.course.phys143b No description. harvard.course.phys15a No description. harvard.course.phys15b No description. harvard.course.phys15c No description. harvard.course.phys5 Physics 5 course news at Harvard. harvard.course.physics11a.homework No description. harvard.course.physics11a.q-a No description. harvard.course.physics11a.suggestions No description. harvard.org.gsc Graduate Student Council harvard.org.hrc Harvard Radcliffe Chorus harvard.org.hub Harvard University Band harvard.org.indy Harvard Independent harvard.org.perspective perspective harvard.org.tangents HR Mathematics Bulletin/Tangents harvard.org.wishr Women in Science at Harvard-Radcliffe harvard.physics.sps No description. harvard.test No description. hawaii.ads.forsale For sale ads from private individuals in Hawai'i hawaii.ads.misc Other Hawai'i-specific ads. hawaii.ads.wanted Wanted-to-buy ads from individuals in Hawai'i. hawaii.announce Only announcements (events, happenings) in Hawai'i. hawaii.config For administrative discussion of the Hawai'i newsgroups. hawaii.education Educational issues local to Hawaii. hawaii.expatriates Lucky we lived Hawai`i. Wanna go back! hawaii.gardening Discussion of gardening in Hawai'i. hawaii.inet-providers Discussion of Hawai'i's Internet providers. hawaii.military Talk about the military's role in Hawai'i. hawaii.misc General talk about Hawai'i hawaii.politics Talk about Hawai'i politics. hawaii.sports Hawai'i local sports discussions hawaii.test Testing ground for the hawaii hierarchy. hfx.general No description. hildesheim.allgemeines Allgemeines rund um Hildesheim hildesheim.fundgrube An- und Verkaufsangebote hildesheim.uni.berichte Forschungs- und andere Berichte der Institute hildesheim.uni.lang.modula2 Modula 2 hildesheim.uni.misc Vermischtes hildesheim.uni.num-approx zur Vorlesung "Numerische Approximation" hildesheim.uni.pdsoft Ueber PD und eFTP an der Uni hildesheim.uni.pdsoft.atari-st PD und aFTP speziell fuer Atari hildesheim.uni.rz Mitteilungen des RZ der Uni Hildesheim hildesheim.uni.rz.statistik (M) Interne Statistiken. (Moderated) hildesheim.uni.test Spiel- und Testgebiet hiss.general Allgemeines und Sonstiges hiss.local lokales Testbrett hiss.ml.news-ak NEWS-AK des DFN hiss.sources Programme etc. hiss.test Testlokal hiv.aids.arc Fidonet gateway - AIDS/ARC - English language discussion hiv.aids.data AEGIS - Read-only data postings hiv.aids.de HIVNET - German language discussion hiv.aids.denews HIVNET - German language data hiv.aids.dialogue AEGIS - English language discussion hiv.aids.drugs AEGIS - Read-only NLM drugs database hiv.aids.fr HIVNET - French language discussion hiv.aids.hiv Fidonet gateway - AIDS-HIV - English language discussion hiv.aids.law AEGIS - Read-only legal issues hiv.aids.nl HIVNET - Dutch language data and discussion hiv.aids.sp HIVNET - Spanish language discussion hiv.aids.spiritual AEGIS - Discussion about spiritual issues hiv.aids.sysop AEGIS - Sysops hiv.aids.trials AEGIS - Read-only NLM trials database hiv.aids.women AEGIS - Discussion about women's issues hiv.config Management of the hiv.* hierarchy. hiv.internet HIVNET - HIVNET/GENA on the Internet hiv.test HIVNET - Test group hk.binaries.photo.photography Binary area for photos about photography hk.comp.hacker Discussion of hacking/cracking in Computer World hk.comp.os.unix Talking about Unix among Hong Kong People hk.comp.software Discussions on computer software hk.fan.noriko Hong Kong Based Newsgroup for Discussions Of Pop Star Noriko (Moderated) hk.jobs.recruit Jobs recruitment in Hong Kong hk.rec.alt-music Discussion of Alternative Music in Hong Kong hk.rec.audio-visual No description. hk.rec.books Discussion about readings in Hong Kong hk.rec.cars Discussion of cars in Hong Kong hk.rec.comics Discussion of comics in Hong Kong hk.rec.horse-racing Discussion of Horse Racing in Hong Kong hk.rec.movies Share your feelings for Hong Kong people hk.rec.music Discussion of music in Hong Kong hk.rec.music.classical Hong Kong based discussion of classical music hk.rec.photo Discussion of Photography in Hong Kong. hk.rec.scouting Discussion of Hong Kong Scouting movement and related topics hk.rec.sport.soccer Discussion of soccer by Hong Kong people hk.rec.travel Discussion of travelling hk.rec.tv.x-files Discussion Of the TV Show The X-Files In Hong Kong hk.rec.videogame Discussion of Videogame in Hong Kong hk.soc.religion.christianity Discussion about Christianity in Hong Kong hk.talk.feelings Share your feelings for Hong Kong people hk.talk.love Discussion of matters on love by Hong Kong people. hk.talk.sex Discussion of matters on sex by Hong Kong people. houston.eats Dining in Houston, Texas. houston.efh.talk Electronic Frontiers of Houston Discussions. houston.forsale Items for sale in Houston, Texas. houston.general Items of general interest in Houston, Texas. houston.internet.providers No description. houston.jobs.offered Jobs available in Houston, Texas. houston.jobs.wanted People wanting jobs in Houston, Texas. houston.music Musical happenings and discussions in Houston, Texas. houston.personals How to meet someone in Houston, Texas. houston.politics Politics in Houston, Texas. houston.singles Discussions of singles activities in Houston, Texas. houston.sports Sports discussions in Houston, Texas. houston.usenet.config Usenet in Houston, Texas. houston.usenet.stats Usenet statistics in Houston, Texas. houston.usenet.test Testing Usenet postings in Houston, Texas. houston.wanted Things wanted in Houston, Texas. houston.weather Houston weather forcasts. (Moderated) hr.alt.drugs Droge hr.alt.flame.flame.flame *sprz*sprz*sprz* hr.alt.hackers Hackeri u Hrvata hr.alt.hardcore - Hardcore nacin zivota hr.alt.hip-hop - Hip-Hop nacin zivota hr.alt.med Medicina za svakoga hr.alt.paranormal Paranormalne pojave... (u Hrvatskoj?) hr.alt.romance romantika hr.alt.sex Tsja... Samo ime kaze... hr.alt.sex.binaries Slike, slicice... hr.alt.sex.masturbation Ako nemate partnera hr.comp Opca kompjuterska tematika hr.comp.advocacy Racunala..... hr.comp.amiga Amiga etc. u Hrvatskoj hr.comp.atm ATM u Hrvatskoj hr.comp.borland Borland hr.comp.cbm 8-bitna Commodore racunla hr.comp.clarion Clarion grupa hr.comp.education Primjena racunala u obrazovanju hr.comp.ftp Obavijesti o (uglavnom) anon-ftp serverima u Hr. hr.comp.games Igre, igrice... hr.comp.gnu - GNU hr.comp.hardware Tvrdi dijelovi vaseg kompjutera hr.comp.irc IRC u Hrvatskoj hr.comp.linux Linux! hr.comp.literature Kompjuterska literatura u Hrvatskoj hr.comp.mac Macintosh u Hrvatskoj... hr.comp.mathematica Diskusije o programu "Mathematica" hr.comp.msdos MSDOS, PCDOS i sl. hr.comp.networks Kompjuterske mreze u Hrvatskoj... hr.comp.os2 Diskusije, Iskustva, Update-i sa OS/2. hr.comp.ponuda Prodajem kompjutersku opremu hr.comp.potraznja Kupujem kompjutersku opremu hr.comp.programming Programiranje i oko njega... hr.comp.programming.vb Visual Basic hr.comp.sas iskustva, diskusije, razmjena iskustava s programskim paketom SAS hr.comp.security Sigurnost i provale u kompjuterske sisteme hr.comp.sinclair Spectrum, ZX81, QL etc... hr.comp.sources Izvorni kod hr.comp.tex o TeX-u hr.comp.unix Operativni sistem UNIX hr.comp.users - "zastita" korisnika/kupaca hr.comp.vm IBM VM/CMS/ESA i sl. hr.comp.win95 Microsoft Windows 95 hr.comp.winnt Windows NT hr.comp.www Hrvatska grupa za diskusije o World Wide Web-u... hr.fido.ami_prog HrFido - Amiga hr.fido.amiga - FIDO - amiga hr.fido.astronomija FIDO - o astronomiji hr.fido.atari FIDO - atari hr.fido.baze_podataka FIDO - o bazama podataka hr.fido.domacisw HrFido - Domaci SW hr.fido.glasnost HrFido - Politicke diskusije hr.fido.grafika FIDO - grafika hr.fido.hifi HrFido - HiFi hr.fido.internet HrFido - Internet.HR hr.fido.java FIDO - o javi hr.fido.kuhinje HrFido - Kuhinje hr.fido.misterije HrFido - Hr.misterije hr.fido.mobitel FIDO - mobiteli hr.fido.os2 HrFido - OS2 hr.fido.pc_chip HrFido PC_CHIP grupa hr.fido.planine HrFido planine i planinarenje hr.fido.pravo HrFido - Pravo hr.fido.priroda FIDO - o prirodi hr.fido.religija HrFido - Religija.hr hr.fido.sattv FIDO - satelitska televizija hr.fido.umjetnost FIDO - o umjetnosti hr.fido.x-files FIDO - X-files hr.fido.znanost FIDO - o znanosti hr.games.rpg Role Playing Igre (a i slicno) hr.mag.bug Rasprave o casopisu BUG hr.mag.e-zines Elektronicki casopisi hr.mag.feral_tribune Rasprave o casopisu Feral Tribune hr.mag.net Rasprave o casopisu NET hr.mag.pcchip PC CHIP casopis hr.misc Diskusije o svemu sto nema svoju grupu hr.misc.aquarius klub Aquarius hr.misc.binaries Binary-i raznorazni hr.misc.jobs Trazim/Nudim posao hr.misc.ponuda Prodajem ne-kompjutersku opremu hr.misc.potraznja Kupujem ne-kompjutersku opremu hr.misc.zagreb Metropola! hr.news.admin Diskusije o administraciji USENETa u Hr. hr.news.groups Trazenje/informacije/diskusija o news grupama u Hr. hr.news.software Diskusije o softwareu za USENET hr.newusers Grupa za nove korisnike hr.org.aes_ss Audio Engineering Society - studentska sekcija hr.org.anti-spam protiv SPAM-a hr.org.bsa - Business Software Alliance hr.org.carnet CARNet - Hrvatska akademska i istrazivacka mreza hr.org.fer Fakultet Elektrotehnike i Racunarstva u Zagrebu hr.org.fesb Splitski FESB hr.org.ffzg Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu hr.org.foi Fakultet Organizacije i Informatike hr.org.fpz Fakultet prometnih znanosti hr.org.fsb Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje u Zagrebu hr.org.hinet HINET (bivsi HPT Internet) hr.org.hp Hrvatska Posta (bivsi HPT) hr.org.hpt Hrvatska Posta & Telekomunkacije... hr.org.ht Hrvatske Telekomunikacije (bivsi HPT) hr.org.ieee Hrvatska sekcija IEEE-a hr.org.ieee_sb Studentski ogranak IEEE-a Sveuc. u Zg. hr.org.irb Organizacija: Institut Ruder Boskovic hr.org.pmf PMF u Zagrebu hr.org.sfsb Strojarski Fakultet , Slavonski Brod hr.org.srce SRCE hr.org.studenti Rasprave o studentskim problemima hr.politics Diskusije o politickim temama u Hrvatskoj hr.rec Diskusije o hobijima, slobodnom vremenu i sl. hr.rec.automobili Autici, promet, ceste... hr.rec.bicycles Diskusije o biciklima i biciklistima... hr.rec.film Diskusije o filmovima, kinima i sl. hr.rec.humor Duhovitosti iz Hrvatske... hr.rec.humor.d Rasprave o hr.rec.humor hr.rec.knjige - o knjizevnosti hr.rec.mud MUD igre. hr.rec.music hr.rec.music hr.rec.music.classical Klasicna muzika... hr.rec.music.guitar Gitare, tabovi etc... hr.rec.music.rave Rave i oko njega hr.rec.photo Sve o fotografiranju... hr.rec.priroda Prirodoljupci u Hrvatskoj hr.rec.radio Radio u Hrvatskoj... hr.rec.roditeljstvo Roditelji i djeca hr.rec.samogradnja Uradi sam, maketarstvo... hr.rec.sf Diskusije o Science Fiction-u hr.rec.sport Diskusije u sportovima... hr.rec.stripovi Stripovi i sl... hr.rec.tourism Turizam u Hrvatskoj... hr.rec.tv Televizija, program... hr.sci Znanost i informacije o njoj u Hrvatskoj hr.sci.electronics Elektronika, elektrotehnika... hr.sci.infosistemi Online informacije u Hrvatskoj hr.sci.lang Hrvatski jezik... hr.test Opca Hrvatska test grupa hsv.flame Abusive noise. hsv.forsale Items forsale in Huntsville, Alabama. hsv.general Items of general interest in Huntsville, Alabama. hsv.jobs Employment specifically in Huntsville, AL, USA. (Moderated) hsv.politics Political discussions. hsv.religion Discussions of, or related to, religions. hsv.tech Technical Questions and Answers. humanities.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) humanities.classics Discussion of ancient Greece and Rome. humanities.design.misc Theory, practice, history & aesthetic issues in design. humanities.language.sanskrit The Sanskrit language and related topics. humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare Poetry, plays, history of Shakespeare. humanities.misc General topics in the arts & humanities. humanities.music.composers.wagner The life and works of Richard Wagner. humanities.philosophy.objectivism The ideas of Ayn Rand. (Moderated) humanityquest.addiction Discuss the theme of addiction. humanityquest.admin Administration discussions for humanityquest.* humanityquest.admin.announce humanityquest.* announcements humanityquest.admin.config A group for discussing creating new groups humanityquest.admin.misc A miscellaneous discussion group humanityquest.admin.test A test post group humanityquest.alienation Discuss the theme of alienation humanityquest.anger Discuss the theme of anger humanityquest.angst Discuss the theme of angst humanityquest.anxiety Discuss the theme of anxiety humanityquest.beauty Discuss the theme of beauty humanityquest.civility Discuss the theme of civility humanityquest.community Discuss the theme of community humanityquest.compassion Discuss the theme of compassion humanityquest.confession Discuss the theme of confession humanityquest.control Discuss the theme of control humanityquest.courage Discuss the theme of courage humanityquest.creativity Discuss the theme of creativity humanityquest.curiosity Discuss the theme of curiosity humanityquest.cynicism Discuss the theme of cynicism humanityquest.death Discuss the theme of death humanityquest.desire Discuss the theme of desire humanityquest.diversity Discuss the theme of diversity humanityquest.education Discuss the theme of education humanityquest.empathy Discuss the theme of empathy humanityquest.failure Discuss the theme of failure humanityquest.fairness Discuss the theme of fairness humanityquest.faith Discuss the theme of faith humanityquest.fear Discuss the theme of fear humanityquest.forgiveness Discuss the theme of forgiveness humanityquest.freedom Discuss the theme of freedom humanityquest.friendship Discuss the theme of friendship humanityquest.gratefulness Discuss the theme of gratefulness humanityquest.greed Discuss the theme of greed humanityquest.grief Discuss the theme of grief humanityquest.guilt Discuss the theme of guilt humanityquest.happiness Discuss the theme of happiness humanityquest.hate Discuss the theme of hate humanityquest.honesty Discuss the theme of honesty humanityquest.honor Discuss the theme of honor humanityquest.hope Discuss the theme of hope humanityquest.humanity Discuss the theme of humanity humanityquest.humility Discuss the theme of humility humanityquest.hypocrisy Discuss the theme of hypocrisy humanityquest.impatience Discuss the theme of impatience humanityquest.inspiration Discuss the theme of inspiration humanityquest.integrity Discuss the theme of integrity humanityquest.jealously Discuss the theme of jealously humanityquest.joy Discuss the theme of joy humanityquest.kindness Discuss the theme of kindness humanityquest.laziness Discuss the theme of laziness humanityquest.leadership Discuss the theme of leadership humanityquest.loneliness Discuss the theme of loneliness humanityquest.love Discuss the theme of love humanityquest.loyalty Discuss the theme of loyalty humanityquest.luck Discuss the theme of luck humanityquest.lust Discuss the theme of lust humanityquest.mindfulness Discuss the theme of mindfulness humanityquest.optimism Discuss the theme of optimism humanityquest.passion Discuss the theme of passion humanityquest.peace Discuss the theme of peace humanityquest.perseverance Discuss the theme of perseverance humanityquest.pessimism Discuss the theme of pessimism humanityquest.prejudice Discuss the theme of prejudice humanityquest.privacy Discuss the theme of privacy humanityquest.procrastination Discuss the theme of procrastination humanityquest.regret Discuss the theme of regret humanityquest.responsibility Discuss the theme of responsibility humanityquest.revenge Discuss the theme of revenge humanityquest.romance Discuss the theme of romance humanityquest.sarcasm Discuss the theme of sarcasm humanityquest.security Discuss the theme of security humanityquest.self-doubt Discuss the theme of self-doubt humanityquest.self-esteem Discuss the theme of self-esteem humanityquest.selfishness Discuss the theme of selfishness humanityquest.sensuality Discuss the theme of sensuality humanityquest.shyness Discuss the theme of shyness humanityquest.simplicity Discuss the theme of simplicity humanityquest.soul Discuss the theme of soul humanityquest.spirituality Discuss the theme of spirituality humanityquest.success Discuss the theme of success humanityquest.trust Discuss the theme of trust humanityquest.values Discuss the theme of values humanityquest.virtue Discuss the theme of virtue humanityquest.wisdom Discuss the theme of wisdom humanityquest.worry Discuss the theme of worry hun.admin.news News adminisztracio, a hun.* csoportok. (Moderated) hun.business.allas Allashirdetesek. hun.business.egyeb Uzleti targyu beszelgetesek. hun.business.reklam Arlistak es egyeb reklamok. hun.comp.lang.java A Java programozasi nyelv. hun.comp.lang.madach A Madach regenyleiro nyelv. hun.comp.net Szamitogephalozatok muszaki vonatkozasai. hun.comp.os.os2 OS/2. hun.comp.os.solaris Solaris es SunOS. hun.comp.text.tex TeX es LaTeX. hun.flame Ami mashol off-topic lenne. hun.fogyaszto.vedelem Fogyasztovedelem altalaban es konkret esetekben. hun.general ? hun.hobbi Szabadidos tevekenysegek. hun.hobbi.repules Repules, ejtoernyozes. hun.lists.elektro Elektronika levelezesi lista. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.auto HIX/Auto digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.coder HIX/Coder digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.guru HIX/Guru digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.jatek HIX/Jatek digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.kornyesz HIX/Kornyesz digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.kukker HIX/Kukker digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.kultura HIX/Kultura digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.mobil HIX/Mobil digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.moka HIX/Moka digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.otthon HIX/Otthon digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.randi HIX/Randi digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.sport HIX/Sport digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.tanc HIX/Tanc digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.tipp HIX/Tipp digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.tudomany HIX/Tudomany digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.utazas HIX/Utazas digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.vita HIX/Vita digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.hix.webmester HIX/Webmester digest. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.gimp A GNU kepfeldolgozo rendszer. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.hurd GNU Hurd levelezesi lista. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.linux Linux levelezesi lista. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.linux++ Linux NEM kezdoknek. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.linux-doc Linux levelezesi lista. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.linux-flame Linux vitalista. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.linux-hw Linux hardver kerdesek. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.linux-kezdo Kezdo linuxosok levelezesi listaja. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.shell-l Shell programozas. (Moderated) hun.lists.mlf.unix Linux levelezesi lista, altalanos Unix kerdesek. (Moderated) hun.news.neirjide En a helyedben nem postaznek ide semmit. De komolyan! hun.nyelv A magyar nyelv. hun.org.hungarnet.egyeni-kutatok Hungarnet Egy. Egyeni Kutatok Szakoszt. hun.piac.comp.keres Megvetelre keresett szamitogepek es alkatreszek. hun.piac.comp.kinal Eladasra kinalt szamitogepek es alkatreszek. hun.piac.egyeb Egyeb maganjellegu adok-veszek, cserebere. hun.politika Politikai temaju vitak es beszelgetesek. hun.test A news rendszer tesztelesere szolgalo csoport. hw.general No description. ia.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. ia.comp.infosystems.misc General topics about Iowa-based info-systems. ia.dot.road-work Iowa Dept of Trans - road construction reports. ia.flame No description. ia.gov.house Iowa government - Iowa House of Representatives. ia.gov.senate Iowa government - Iowa Senate. ia.org.eee Electronic Educational Exchange --- technology for educators. ia.org.freenet Coordination discussions for Iowa freenet activities. ia.talk.misc Varied discussions concerning Iowa issues. ia.test Repository for test posts with an "ia" distribution. ia.weather No description. ic.orgs.shp Ithaca College Student Home Pages discussions ie.announce Important announcements in Ireland. ie.checkgroups Posting of checkgroups messages for Ireland's ie.*. ie.comp Discussion and help on computing in Ireland ie.forsale Items for sale within Ireland ie.general Generals discussions for Ireland. ie.jobs Job offerings in Ireland. ie.news.group New news groups discussion for ie.*. ie.politics Discussion of all aspects of Irish politics ie.test For testing within Ireland. ieee.announce General Announcements for IEEE community. ieee.bbs.help Help Discussion regarding IEEE Bulletin Boards. ieee.bbs.info Info on IEEE Bulletin Boards. ieee.ces.audio-visual Consumer Electronics Society - Digital Audio/Video. ieee.config Postings about managing the ieee.* groups. ieee.eab.announce Educational Activities - Announcements. ieee.eab.general Educational Activities - General Discussion. ieee.general IEEE - General discussion. ieee.pcnfs Discussion & tips on PC-NFS. ieee.pcs.general IEEE Professional Communication Society discussions. ieee.pub.announce Publishing Activities - Announcements. ieee.pub.general Publishing Activities - General Discussion. ieee.rab.announce Regional Activities Board - Announcements. ieee.rab.general Regional Activities Board - General discussion. ieee.region1 Region 1 Announcements. ieee.stds.announce Standards Department - Announcements. ieee.stds.general Standards Department - General Discussion. ieee.students IEEE Student Activities. ieee.tab.announce Technical Activities Board - Announcements. ieee.tab.general Technical Activities Board - General discussion. ieee.tcos The Technical Committee on Operating Systems. (Moderated) ieee.usab.announce USAB - Announcements. ieee.usab.general USAB - General discussion. iij.announce Important announcement from IIJ. (Moderated) iij.faq FAQ lists. iij.general General interest to customers of IIJ. iij.mail Discussion of mail. iij.misc General topics about IIJ and IIJnet not covered elsewhere. iij.newsgroup Discussions and lists of newsgroups. iij.newsletter Newsletter from IIJ (Moderated) iij.questions General questions about IIJ and IIJnet. iij.requests Requests and comments to IIJ and IIJnet. iij.sunflash Flashnews from Sun Microsystems (Moderated) iij.test Testing of trial distribution. iijnet.announce Important annoucement from IIJ. iijnet.arts Topics about arts, museum, etc. iijnet.chem Discussions about Chemistry iijnet.cm Commercial messages and advertisament. iijnet.databases Discussions about Database systems and software. iijnet.dcom Discussions about Datacommunications. iijnet.dcom.carrier Discussions about Carriers in Japan. iijnet.dcom.isdn Discussion of ISDN. iijnet.dcom.modem Discussion of Modems. iijnet.diy Topics and discussions about Do-It-Yourself. iijnet.event Information of events, showcase, semminers. iijnet.examination Information of qualifying examinations ant etc.in Japan. iijnet.food Topics and information about food, cooking, wine, etc. iijnet.forsale Short, tasteful postings about items for sale. iijnet.games Topics and discussions about games. iijnet.general General interest to readers in IIJnet. iijnet.internauts Announcement, requests, etc. about people on internet. iijnet.internet Discussions about Internet. iijnet.jobs Requests for jobs and employees that are needed. iijnet.literature Discussions about Literature. iijnet.living Topics and discussions about various things in dairy life. iijnet.mail Discussions of mail software,standard,etc. iijnet.med Discussions about Mediacal. iijnet.mpu Discussions about Micro Processer Unit iijnet.mpu.i486 Discussion of Intel(80486) iijnet.mpu.sparc Discussion of SPARC-chip iijnet.multimedia Discussions about Multimedia. iijnet.music Topics and discussions about music. iijnet.netnews Discussions of netnews software, systems,etc. iijnet.os Discussions about Operating systems. iijnet.os.dosv Discussions about DOS/V. iijnet.os.msdos Discussions about MS-DOS. iijnet.os.unix Discussions about UNIX. iijnet.real-estate Information of Real-estate in important area in Japan. iijnet.sci Discussions about Science. iijnet.sports Topics about sports. iijnet.sys.ibm-pc Discussions about IBM Personal computers and clones. iijnet.travel Topics and discussions about traveling. iijnet.wanted Requests for things that are needed. imsi.mail.framers No description. imsi.mail.www-talk No description. imsi.mail.x.prv.fontwork No description. imsi.mail.x.prv.mtserver No description. imsi.mail.x.prv.trackers No description. in.bizarre Oddities in Indiana. in.forsale Items for sale in Indiana. in.general General talk in Indiana. in.ham-radio Amateur radio in Indiana. in.jobs Jobs in Indiana. in.misc General talk in Indiana. in.pc.mac PCs and Macs in Indiana. in.test Usenet testing in Indiana. in.unix Unix use in Indiana. info.admin Administrative messages regarding info.* groups (usenet@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu). (Moderated) info.big-internet *Issues facing a huge Internet (big-internet@munnari.oz.au). (Moderated) info.bind *The Berkeley BIND server (bind@arpa.berkeley.edu). (Moderated) info.bsdi.users BSDI user forum (bsdi-users@bsdi.com). (Moderated) info.bytecounters *NSstat network analysis program. (bytecounters@venera.isi.edu). (Moderated) info.firearms Non-political firearms discussions (firearms@ns1.rutgers.edu). (Moderated) info.firearms.politics Political firearms discussions (firearms-politics@ns1.rutgers.edu). (Moderated) info.gated *Cornell's GATED program (gated-people@gated.cornell.edu). (Moderated) info.grass.programmer GRASS geographic information system programmer issues (grassp-list @moon.cecer.army.mil). (Moderated) info.grass.user GRASS geographic information system user issues (grassu-list@moon.cecer.army.mil). (Moderated) info.ietf *Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) discussions (ietf@venera.isi.edu). (Moderated) info.ietf.hosts *IETF host requirements discussions (ietf-hosts@nnsc.nsf.net). (Moderated) info.ietf.isoc *Internet Society discussions (isoc-interest@relay.sgi.com). (Moderated) info.ietf.njm *Jo-MAAN - the Joint Monitoring Access between Adjacent Networks IETF working group (njm@merit.edu). (Moderated) info.ietf.smtp *IETF SMTP extension discussions (ietf-smtp@dimacs.rutgers.edu). (Moderated) info.isode *The ISO Development Environment package (isode@nic.ddn.mil). (Moderated) info.jethro-tull Discussions about Jethro Tull's music (jtull@remus.rutgers.edu). (Moderated) info.labmgr Computer lab managers list (labmgr@ukcc.uky.edu). (Moderated) info.mach The Mach operating system (info-mach@cs.cmu.edu). (Moderated) info.mh.workers *MH development discussions (mh-workers@ics.uci.edu). (Moderated) info.nets Inter-network connectivity (info-nets@rg.net). (Moderated) info.nsf.grants *NSF grant notes (grants@note.nsf.gov). (Moderated) info.nsfnet.cert *Computer Emergency Response Team announcements (nsfnet-cert@merit.edu). (Moderated) info.nsfnet.status NSFnet status reports. (Moderated) info.nupop Northwestern University's POP for PCs (nupop@casbah.acns.nwu.edu). (Moderated) info.nysersnmp *The SNMP software distributed by PSI (nysersnmp@nisc.nyser.net). (Moderated) info.ph Qi, ph, sendmail/phquery discussions (info-ph@postoffice.cso.uiuc.edu). (Moderated) info.rfc *Announcements of newly released RFCs (rfc-request@nic.ddn.mil). (Moderated) info.slug Care and feeding of Symbolics Lisp machines (slug@iu.ai.sri.com). (Moderated) info.snmp *SNMP (Simple Gateway/Network Monitoring Protocol) (snmp@psi.com). (Moderated) info.solbourne Discussions & info about Solbourne computers (info-solbourne@acsu.buffalo.edu). (Moderated) info.sun-managers *Sun-managers digest (sun-managers@rice.edu). (Moderated) info.sun-nets *Sun-nets (nee Sun Spots) digest (sun-nets@umiacs.umd.edu). (Moderated) info.theorynt Theory list (theorynt@vm1.nodak.edu). (Moderated) info.unix-sw Software available for anonymous FTP (unix-sw-request@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil). (Moderated) info.wisenet Women In Science and Engineering NETwork (wisenet@uicvm.uic.edu). (Moderated) interlog.eye Toronto's arts newspaper. is.auglysingar Smáauglýsingar is.auglysingar.atvinna Atvinnuauglýsingar is.auglysingar.tilsolu Söluauglýsingar is.islenska Íslenskt mál is.isnet ISnet - Internet á Íslandi is.logfraedi Umræður um lögfræðileg efni is.matur Um mat og vín is.matur.uppskriftir Uppskriftir is.netverjar Internetsjónalinn mun tengja strönd við strönd. is.skemmtun Menning og skemmtanir is.skemmtun.bokmenntir Bókmenntaumræða is.skemmtun.brandarar Brandarar is.skemmtun.hlaup Allt sem lýtur að hlaupum. is.skemmtun.kvikmyndir Kvikmyndir is.skemmtun.sjonvarp Um sjónvarpsefni is.skemmtun.sport Íþróttir is.skemmtun.tonlist Tónlist is.stjornmal Stjórnmálaumræða is.test Prófanir is.tolvur Um tölvur og tölvutengd efni is.tolvur.hugbunadargerd Hugbúnaðargerð og skylt efni is.tolvur.leikir Tölvu- og netleikir. is.tolvur.mac Macintosh, vélbúnaður, hugbúnaður og stýrikerfi is.tolvur.pc PC, vélbúnaður, hugbúnaður og stýrikerfi is.tolvur.unix Unix, vélbúnaður, hugbúnaður og stýrikerfi is.tolvur.vefhonnun Um vefhönnun. is.tolvur.vms VMS, vélbúnaður og hugbúnaður is.trumal Umræður um trúmál og trúarheimspeki. is.vedur Umræða um veðrið is.ymislegt Hitt og þetta israel.ads.general Assorted advertisements (buy/sell) israel.ads.personals Ads of the personal kind.. israel.amix Israeli UNIX (Open Systems) user's association israel.dcom.isdn Discussions of ISDN related issues in Israel israel.food Israeli Food and Wine discussions israel.francophones French speakers in Israel israel.gardening Discussion and Advice on Gardening in Israel israel.internet Internet in Israel: ISPs, users, sites, Hebrew... israel.irc Internet Relay Chat in Israel israel.israel-mideast Israel Info Service (Moderated) israel.israeline News summary from Israeli Consulate, NY (Moderated) israel.jobs.misc Employment, workplaces, careers in Israel israel.jobs.offered Announcements of positions available in Israel israel.jobs.resumes Resumes and "situation wanted" ads for jobs in Israel israel.lists.aix-il Israeli discussion of the AIX operating system israel.lists.il-fail Israeli System and Network Failure annoucements israel.lists.ioudaios-l First Century Judaism Discussion Forum israel.lists.nov-il Novell Interest Group in Israel israel.news.admin Israeli News Administration and Configuration israel.radio.kol-israel.interbet Discussions related to the INTERBET radio program israel.sport.football Issues related to the game of Football (Soccer) in Israel. israel.test For testing on the israel hierarchy. it.aiuto Richieste generiche di aiuto it.annunci.commerciali Newsgroup per gli annunci commerciali it.annunci.contacts Italian contacts and e-mail friends search it.annunci.immobiliari Acquisti vendite e affitti di immobili it.annunci.mailing-list Annunci di liste di discussione in italiano (Moderated) it.annunci.usato Piccoli annunci di vendita e di acquisto it.annunci.usato.amiga Compravendita di hw/sw usato per Amiga it.annunci.usato.informatico Materiale informatico di seconda mano it.annunci.usato.informatico.nord Compravendita usato inform. nord Italia it.annunci.usato.motociclismo Mercatino virtuale per il motociclista it.annunci.usato.telefonia Annunci economici per telefonia ed accessori it.annunci.varie Bacheca di annunci e nuove iniziative it.arti.animazione Discussioni sul cinema d'animazione (Moderated) it.arti.architettura Discussioni di architettura it.arti.ballo.lat-americano Amanti di musica e balli Latino-americani it.arti.cartoni Cartoni animati in Italia it.arti.cartoni.animati Discussioni serie sui cartoni animati (Moderated) it.arti.cartoni.mercatino Il mercatino di it.arti.cartoni (Moderated) it.arti.cinema Il cinema in Italia it.arti.fantasy Appassionati di Fantasy it.arti.fotografia Discussioni sulla fotografia it.arti.fotografia.digitale La Fotografia digitale it.arti.fumetti Punto di incontro per appassionati di fumetti it.arti.fumetti.bonelli Discussioni sul fumetti della casa editrice Bonelli it.arti.fumetti.manga I manga del Sol Levante (Moderated) it.arti.hiphop L'hiphop in tutte le sue forme it.arti.musica Musica leggera, pop, rock... it.arti.musica.cantautori La musica dei cantautori italiani it.arti.musica.classica Discussioni di musica classica e lirica it.arti.musica.classica.mod Musica Classica (Moderated) it.arti.musica.jazz Musica jazz it.arti.musica.metal Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Death, Epic, ecc it.arti.musica.polifonia Cori polifonici it.arti.musica.rock Il calderone rock e le sue evoluzioni it.arti.musica.rock.progressive Gruppi e artisti rock progressive it.arti.musica.rockitalia La musica rock italiana it.arti.musica.spartiti Scambio di spartiti con accordi o intavolature it.arti.musica.strumenti Tutti (o quasi) gli strumenti musicali it.arti.musica.strumenti.basso La chiave di basso it.arti.musica.strumenti.chitarra Discussioni sulla chitarra it.arti.musica.strumenti.tastiere Sintetizzatori e tastiere elettroniche it.arti.poesia Per gli Amanti della Poesia it.arti.scrivere Scritti inediti e consigli per gli autori it.arti.teatro Per chi il teatro lo vede e per chi il teatro lo fa it.arti.trash Il movimento artistico trash it.arti.varie Spettacoli ed arti varie in Italia it.associazioni.cri La Croce Rossa Italiana it.binari.cartoni File binari tratti dai cartoni animati (Moderated) it.binari.emulatori Scambi di file su emulazione ed emulatori (Moderated) it.binari.fantascienza File di fantascienza (Moderated) it.binari.file Per scambiare messaggi binari (Moderated) it.binari.x.erotismo Immagini e files vietati ai minori (Moderated) it.binari.x.erotismo.amatoriale Il piacere del fai da te (Moderated) it.binari.x.erotismo.animazioni Animazioni erotiche (Moderated) it.binari.x.erotismo.cremeria Il piacere di svuotarsi... (Moderated) it.binari.x.erotismo.scanseries Il gruppo degli scannerizzatori (Moderated) it.binari.x.hentai The Hentai Zone (Moderated) it.comp.accessibilita Contro le barriere informatiche it.comp.aiuto Discussioni su problemi informatici it.comp.appl.access Il DBMS Microsoft Access it.comp.appl.eudora Eudora Client e server - Problemi e suggerimenti it.comp.appl.icq Amici con ICQ it.comp.appl.macromedia I prodotti Macromedia (Moderated) it.comp.appl.notes-domino Lotus Notes e Domino: prodotti e sviluppo it.comp.as400 Il mondo di IBM AS/400 it.comp.console Sistemi console per videogiochi it.comp.console.playstation Per gli appassionati della Sony Playstation it.comp.giochi Usare il computer per giocare it.comp.giochi.action Videogiochi di azione it.comp.giochi.annunci Contatti per il multiplayer e il cerco-offro it.comp.giochi.avventure.grafiche Soluzioni, aiuto e commenti it.comp.giochi.avventure.testuali Interactive Fiction it.comp.giochi.mud Tutto sui MUD italiani e non. it.comp.giochi.rpg Videogiochi di ruolo e avventura it.comp.giochi.rpg.ultimaonline Tutti gli aspetti di Ultima it.comp.giochi.simulatori Videogiochi di simulazione it.comp.giochi.simulatori.volo Area di discussione sui simulatori di volo it.comp.giochi.sportivi Videogiochi sportivi it.comp.giochi.strategici Videogiochi di strategia it.comp.giochi.sviluppo Sviluppo di videogiochi in Italia it.comp.grafica Gruppo per la discussione di problemi sulla grafica it.comp.grafica.photoshop Gruppo per utilizzatori di Adobe Photoshop it.comp.hardware Tecnica e discussioni sull'hardware dei calcolatori it.comp.hardware.cd Il mondo dei masterizzatori per PC it.comp.hardware.cd.moderato CD-ROM, DVD e masterizzatori (Moderated) it.comp.hardware.cpu Informazioni e notizie sui processori per calcolatori it.comp.hardware.modem Discussioni sui modem it.comp.hardware.motherboard Le schede madri it.comp.hardware.overclock Tecniche di overclocking it.comp.hardware.palmari Computer palmari it.comp.hardware.schede-audio Le schede audio per PC it.comp.hardware.scsi Periferiche SCSI it.comp.hardware.storage Dispositivi per la memorizzazione digitale it.comp.hardware.video-3d Tutto sulle schede grafiche con funzioni 3D it.comp.ia Intelligenza artificiale it.comp.java Il linguaggio Java di Sun it.comp.lang.c Il linguaggio di programmazione C it.comp.lang.c++ Il linguaggio C++ it.comp.lang.delphi Il linguaggio Delphi di Borland it.comp.lang.javascript Il linguaggio JavaScript it.comp.lang.pascal Il linguaggio di programmazione Pascal it.comp.lang.perl Programmare in Perl it.comp.lang.visual-basic Il linguaggio Visual Basic di Microsoft it.comp.lang.vo-clipper Visual Object e Clipper it.comp.macintosh Newsgroup dedicato agli utenti della Mela it.comp.musica Per tutti coloro che fanno musica col computer it.comp.musica.midi Consigli e aiuti per i programmi MIDI it.comp.musica.mp3 Metodo di compressione MPEG Layer 3 (Moderated) it.comp.musica.mp3.scambi Reperibilita' e scambio di file mp3 it.comp.os.amiga I sistemi Amiga it.comp.os.dibattiti Dibattiti sui vari Sistemi Operativi it.comp.os.dos Sistemi operativi MS-DOS/Windows 3.XX it.comp.os.linux.annunci Annunci riguardanti Linux in Italia (Moderated) it.comp.os.linux.development Programmazione in ambiente Linux it.comp.os.linux.iniziare Configurare sistemi Linux it.comp.os.linux.software Applicazioni per Linux it.comp.os.linux.sys Il sistema operativo Linux it.comp.os.os2 Tutto su OS 2 it.comp.os.unix Il sistema operativo UNIX e simili (Moderated) it.comp.os.win.nt Il sistema operativo Windows NT it.comp.os.win.software Applicazioni per Windows it.comp.os.win.win2000 Microsoft Windows 2000 it.comp.os.win.win9x Il sistema operativo Windows 9x it.comp.programmare Programmare il computer it.comp.programmare.win32 Programmazione per Windows a 32 bit (NT,95,98) it.comp.reti.cisco Discussioni circa i router Cisco it.comp.reti.ip-admin Amministrazione di reti IP it.comp.reti.locali Reti locali it.comp.reti.wireless Le Wireless LANs: applicazioni, limiti, legislazione it.comp.retrocomputing Macchine che hanno fatto la storia informatica it.comp.sicurezza.cert-it Security bulletins dal CERT-IT (Moderated) it.comp.sicurezza.pgp Il programma di crittografia a chiave pubblica PGP it.comp.sicurezza.unix Problematiche di Sicurezza in ambiente Unix it.comp.sicurezza.varie Discussioni sulla computer security it.comp.sicurezza.virus Discussioni su virus e antivirus it.comp.sicurezza.windows Sicurezza informatica in ambiente Windows it.comp.software.browser Programmi per frequentare il WWW (Moderated) it.comp.software.cad Strumenti per la progettazione assistita da computer it.comp.software.database La gestione di Database it.comp.software.demoscene La scena demo italiana it.comp.software.emulatori Emulatori per computer e console it.comp.software.emulatori.console-recenti Emulatori di console PSX attuali it.comp.software.irc IRC in Italia it.comp.software.mailreader Programmi per scrivere e leggere le e-mail (Moderated) it.comp.software.newsreader Programmi per leggere le News it.comp.software.shareware Shareware e pubblico dominio in italiano it.comp.software.tex Utilizzare TeX in italiano it.comp.www Il World-Wide Web in Italia it.comp.www.asp Active Server Pages - ASP in Italia (Moderated) it.comp.www.cgi Il mondo dei CGI it.comp.www.homepages Mantenere pagine WWW personali gratuite it.comp.www.html Gruppo di discussione sull HTML (Moderated) it.comp.www.novita Nuovi servizi World-Wide Web in Italia (Moderated) it.comp.www.php Il linguaggio di programmazione PHP it.cultura Cultura e culture italiane it.cultura.antagonista Cultura antagonista in Italia it.cultura.ateismo Dedicato a chi non ci crede it.cultura.cattolica Tradizioni, esperienze, dottrina cattolica (Moderated) it.cultura.classica Lingua, letteratura e civilta\` greca e latina (Moderated) it.cultura.cybersocieta Comunita virtuali nel Cyberspazio it.cultura.cybersocieta.lamer inserisci qui il titolo del gruppo it.cultura.ebraica Storia, cultura e tradizioni ebraiche (Moderated) it.cultura.fantascienza Discussioni sulla fantascienza in Italia it.cultura.fantascienza.startrek Esplorare le possibilità dell'esistenza (Moderated) it.cultura.filosofia La filosofia e le sue questioni it.cultura.horror Letteratura e cinematografia dell'orrore it.cultura.letteratura.italiana Letteratura italiana it.cultura.libri Recensioni di libri da parte dei lettori it.cultura.linguistica Lingue e dialetti del mondo it.cultura.linguistica.giapponese Studio della lingua Giapponese it.cultura.linguistica.inglese Studio e approfondimento della lingua inglese it.cultura.linguistica.italiano Usare correttamente la lingua italiana it.cultura.musicologia Lo studio della musica italiana (Moderated) it.cultura.newage Le culture della Nuova Era it.cultura.orientale Le culture dei paesi orientali it.cultura.proverbi Proverbi italiani e dialettali it.cultura.religioni Religioni e religiosita\' it.cultura.religioni.bahai Temi culturali e religiosi baha'i it.cultura.single Come vivere da singoli in Italia it.cultura.storia Gruppo dedicato alla storia da antica a contemporanea it.cultura.storia.militare La storia militare dall'antichita\' ad oggi it.diritto Le questioni del diritto in Italia it.diritto.assicurazioni Discussioni giuridiche sulle assicurazioni it.diritto.condominio I problemi del condominio it.diritto.internet Problemi giuridici nel ciberspazio it.discussioni.agricoltura Scienza e tecnologia nell'agricoltura it.discussioni.animali Gli Animali it.discussioni.animali.cani Comportamento, addestramento e salute dei cani it.discussioni.animali.gatti Il newsgroup degli amici dei felini it.discussioni.anni80 I discorsi sui mitici anni 80 it.discussioni.auto Gli italiani e le automobili it.discussioni.auto.ford Per i clienti Ford (Moderated) it.discussioni.auto.mod Automezzi (Moderated) it.discussioni.citta.genova Ma se ghe pensu... Zena e dintorni in Usenet (Moderated) it.discussioni.citta.roma Roma, tutto cio\' che riguarda la capitale (Moderated) it.discussioni.commercialisti Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti it.discussioni.consumatori.tutela La tutela del consumatore it.discussioni.droghe Gli uomini e le droghe (legali e non) (Moderated) it.discussioni.folli Sfoghiamo la nostra follia it.discussioni.geometri La professione del geometra ad un passo dal 2000 it.discussioni.giallo Il Giallo: letteratura, cinematografia, eventi it.discussioni.giustizia Dibattiti sulla amministrazione della giustizia it.discussioni.hotel Hotel, alberghi, pensioni, ostelli it.discussioni.ingegneria La Ingegneria in Italia it.discussioni.insabbiamenti Crimini e insabbiamenti governativi it.discussioni.iso9000 Le norme ISO9000 e la cultura qualitativa it.discussioni.leggende.metropolitane Leggende metropolitane it.discussioni.litigi Sfoghiamo i nostri nervi it.discussioni.misteri Avvenimenti, creature ed oggetti misteriosi it.discussioni.motori Aspetti tecnici e tecnologici dei veicoli it.discussioni.notut Diciamo NO alla Tariffa Urbana a Tempo! it.discussioni.pena-di-morte Dibattiti riguardo la pena di morte it.discussioni.psicologia La psiche. it.discussioni.ristoranti Esperienze,menu,prezzi,descrizioni ristoranti it.discussioni.sentimenti Amore, Amicizia & co. (Moderated) it.discussioni.sessualita Sesso e sessualita\`, discutiamone insieme (Moderated) it.discussioni.sogni Misteriose creazioni della mente it.discussioni.telecom Protestiamo contro i disservizi di Telecom Italia! it.discussioni.ufo Il mondo della ufologia it.discussioni.universita.esami Per preparare esami (Moderated) it.discussioni.varie Discussioni libere it.discussioni.vita-notturna Vita notturna nei locali d'Italia it.economia Le discipline economiche it.economia.analisi-tecn Analisi tecnica finanziaria in Italia it.economia.aziendale Problematiche della economia aziendale it.economia.borsa Discussioni sullo andamento della borsa di Milano it.economia.borsa.estero Discussioni sulle Borse valori internazionali it.economia.borsa.mod I mercati azionari (Moderated) it.economia.borsa.trading-online Il trading online (Moderated) it.economia.e-commerce Il mezzo che rivoluzionerà il commercio (Moderated) it.economia.fisco Tematiche di natura fiscale it.economia.fondicomuni Discussioni sui Fondi Comuni di Investimento italiani it.economia.investire Investi il tuo denaro! it.eventi.g8-genova La globalizzazione e l'Italia it.fan.asimov Il Maestro della SF it.fan.culo Un dito medio proteso da Internet al resto dell Italia it.fan.japan.adachi Mitsuru Adachi: la gioventù, l'amore e lo sport it.fan.japan.r-takahashi Rumiko Takahashi e la sua opera it.fan.japan.sailor-moon Guerriere che vestono alla marinara it.fan.marco-ditri Nel nome del grande Marco d'Itri it.fan.musica Il fan group per artisti e gruppi musicali it.fan.musica.baglioni Claudio Baglioni it.fan.musica.battiato Fan di Franco Battiato it.fan.musica.carmen-consoli Il newsgroup della cantantessa Carmen Consoli it.fan.musica.de-andre Fabrizio De André it.fan.musica.elio I fan di Elio e le Storie Tese it.fan.musica.guccini La musica e il resto di Francesco Guccini it.fan.musica.ligabue Per tutti i fans del liga it.fan.musica.lucio-battisti Lucio Battisti: emozioni, pensieri e parole it.fan.musica.queen Queen Rhapsody it.fan.musica.springsteen Canzoni, dischi, concerti di Bruce Springsteen it.fan.musica.u2 La band irlandese U2 it.fan.nutella Un gruppo tutto da spalmare it.fan.pikappa Paperinik New Adventures it.fan.radio Il fan group degli utenti radiofonici it.fan.radio.deejay Il network radiofonico Radio Deejay it.fan.scrittori.tolkien La Terra di Mezzo, il Mito e il Fantastico it.fan.startrek Star Trek, la saga continua... it.fan.starwars Appassionati di Star Wars in Italia it.fan.stephen-king Notizie e discussioni sullo scrittore Stephen King it.fan.studio-vit La informazione videoludica di Studio Vit it.fan.tv Il fan group degli utenti televisivi it.fan.tv.babylon5 La serie Babylon 5 it.fan.tv.dawsons-creek Dawson's Creek it.fan.tv.er Il telefilm Medici in Prima Linea it.fan.tv.friends La sit-com televisiva Friends it.fan.tv.mai-dire-gol Per gli appassionati della trasmissione _Mai Dire Gol_ it.fan.tv.simpson Il cartone animato The Simpsons it.fan.tv.x-files Trust No One it.faq FAQ relative ai gruppi italiani (Moderated) it.hobby.acquari Discussioni di acquariofilia it.hobby.aquiloni Aquiloni e aquilonisti in Italia it.hobby.armi Le armi it.hobby.audiovisivi Gli apparecchi audiovisivi it.hobby.birra Tutto sulla birra! it.hobby.cicloturismo Gruppo per gli amanti della bicicletta it.hobby.creativi Dal ricamo alle vetrate Tiffany it.hobby.cucina Arte di mangiar bene e convivio telematico di Cibonomia it.hobby.elettronica Passione per la elettronica it.hobby.elettronica.digitale Tutto ciò che ruota intorno al micro it.hobby.elettronica.riparazioni Riparare apparecchiature elettroniche it.hobby.enigmi Enigmistica e quesiti vari it.hobby.fai-da-te Far da sé col legno ed altri materiali it.hobby.fantasport Fantacalcio e altri giochi di immaginazione sportiva it.hobby.giardinaggio Impara a curare il tuo giardino it.hobby.giochi Tutti i tipi di giochi it.hobby.giochi.gdr I giochi di ruolo it.hobby.giochi.gdr.dnd Dungeons & Dragons - Fantasia in Gioco it.hobby.hi-fi La musica ad Alta Fedelta it.hobby.hi-fi.car Impianti Hi-Fi in auto it.hobby.home-cinema Home entertainment audio e video it.hobby.lotto Il gioco del Lotto it.hobby.modellismo La passione del Modellismo it.hobby.motociclismo Chiacchiere intorno alla moto it.hobby.motociclismo.scooter Chiacchiere intorno allo scooter it.hobby.nautica Porto Chiacchiera - la banchina virtuale it.hobby.pescare Per gli appassionati di pesca it.hobby.piante.cactus Le piante grasse it.hobby.radio-cb La CB in Italia it.hobby.radioamatori Per radioamatori e SWL it.hobby.satellite-tv La televisione via satellite it.hobby.satellite-tv.digitale La TV via satellite digitale it.hobby.satellite-tv.digitale.mod La TV via satellite digitale (Moderated) it.hobby.scacchi Il gioco degli scacchi it.hobby.scuba Appassionati di subacquea it.hobby.totoscommesse Scommesse sportive finalmente in Italia it.hobby.umorismo Umorismo e comicita it.hobby.vari Gli hobby in genere it.hobby.viaggi Appassviaggi Appassionati di viaggio in Italia e non solo it.hobby.viaggi.inter-rail Viaggiare in inter-rail it.hobby.vino Vino, produttori appassionati esperti it.hobby.volo.ultraleggero Volo ultraleggero it.industria.elettrotecnica.normative Normative settore elettrotecnico it.istruzione.scuola Il sistema scolastico in Italia it.istruzione.scuola.informatica Didattica dell informatica it.istruzione.universita Gli Atenei Italiani it.istruzione.universita.dottorato Il dottorato di ricerca in Italia it.istruzione.universita.ingegneria Per gli studenti di ingegneria it.istruzione.universita.tesi-di-laurea Supporto laureandi e neolaureati it.lavoro.consulenti Consulenza del lavoro e gestione risorse umane it.lavoro.informatica Lavorare nella informatica it.lavoro.mlm MultiLevel e Network Marketing it.lavoro.offerte Annunci di offerte di lavoro (Moderated) it.lavoro.prevenzione La prevenzione e sicurezza negli ambienti di lavoro it.lavoro.professioni Il mondo del lavoro, i suoi attori (Moderated) it.lavoro.professioni.webmaster Creazione e mantenimento di siti web it.lavoro.richieste Richieste di lavoro (Moderated) it.lavoro.sindacato L organizzarsi dei lavoratori (Moderated) it.media.tv La televisione italiana it.media.tv.fantascienza Serie televisive fantascientifiche it.media.video.produzione Tutto sulla produzione di video it.news.aiuto Domande e risposte sul servizio news it.news.annunci Annunci ufficiali relativi alla gerarchia italiana (Moderated) it.news.gcn Domande e insulti al GCN it.news.gestione Gestione tecnica del servizio news it.news.gruppi Discussioni relative alla gerarchia Italiana it.news.moderazione Moderazione dei newsgroup it.news.net-abuse Discussioni sugli abusi della rete, inclusi gli spam it.news.votazioni Voti per la creazione di nuovi ng (Moderated) it.politica Discussioni sulla politica italiana it.politica.cattolici I cattolici e la politica (Moderated) it.politica.destra La destra italiana in Italia e all'estero (Moderated) it.politica.internazionale La politica internazionale it.politica.lega-nord Gruppo di discussione riguardante la Lega Nord it.politica.libertaria Le idee liberiste e libertarie it.politica.pds La politica del Partito Democratico della Sinistra it.politica.polo La politica del Polo per le liberta it.politica.rifondazione La politica di Rifondazione Comunista it.politica.ulivo La politica della coalizione dell'Ulivo it.salute Consigli e supporto sui temi della salute it.scienza Discussioni sulla scienza e la ricerca in Italia it.scienza.alimenti Inquinamento degli alimenti it.scienza.ambiente I problemi della tutela ambientale it.scienza.astronomia Discussioni astronomiche it.scienza.astronomia.seti Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence it.scienza.biologia Biologia it.scienza.chimica La chimica it.scienza.fisica Le leggi della Natura (Moderated) it.scienza.geologia Le Scienze della Terra it.scienza.informatica La teoria dell'informatica (Moderated) it.scienza.informatica.software-eng L'Ingegneria del software it.scienza.matematica La regina delle scienze it.scienza.medicina Medicina e salute (Moderated) it.scienza.meteo Meteorologia it.scienza.psicologia La psicologia in Italia (Moderated) it.sesso.annunci Annunci legati al sesso it.sesso.discussioni Discussioni intorno all argomento sesso it.sesso.gnocca W la gnocca it.sesso.racconti Racconti erotici in italiano. (Moderated) it.sociale.adozione L'adozione it.sociale.anorexbulimia Anoressia, Bulimia, Alimentazione Compulsiva it.sociale.handicap Disabilita e handicap: notizie e opinioni it.sociale.handicap.intellettivo I disabili intellettivi it.sociale.obiezione Obiezione di coscienza e servizio civile it.sociale.protez-civile La cultura della prevenzione it.sociale.scout Lo scoutismo in Italia it.sociale.volontariato Volontariato e solidarieta it.sport Discussioni sullo sport in Italia it.sport.americani Discussioni relative agli sport americani it.sport.arti-marziali Le arti marziali in Italia it.sport.basket La pallacanestro in Italia it.sport.calcio Il calcio in Italia it.sport.calcio.fiorentina Il covo dei viola it.sport.calcio.genoa Il newsgroup dei Grifoni in Rete it.sport.calcio.inter Discussioni sull Internazionale Football Club it.sport.calcio.juventus Per il tifoso juventino (Moderated) it.sport.calcio.milan Fedeli alla nostra Bandiera it.sport.calcio.napoli Il Napoli it.sport.calcio.roma I veri tifosi giallorossi it.sport.calcio.sampdoria Chi si accontenta gode e perderà it.sport.calcio.torino Il Gruppo dei tifosi del Toro it.sport.ciclismo Il ciclismo in rete it.sport.formula1 Discussioni sul mondo della Formula 1 it.sport.formula1.moderato La Formula 1 in tutti i suoi aspetti (Moderated) it.sport.montagna Gruppo per gli amanti della montagna it.sport.motociclismo Campionato Mondiale di Motociclismo it.sport.nuoto Il nuoto in Italia it.sport.palestra Cultura-fisica come sport primario it.sport.rally Il mondo dei rally it.sport.sci Il mondo dello sci(volare) sulla neve it.sport.tennis Per tutti gli appassionati di tennis it.sport.volley La pallavolo agonistica e non it.sport.windsurf Il Windsurf in Italia it.test Prove di posting per i gruppi italiani it.test.mailing-list Prove per i gateway con mailing list it.test.moderato Gruppo per verificare la robomoderazione (Moderated) it.tlc.cellulari Telefonia mobile GSM it.tlc.cellulari.motorola notizie, info, assistenza per il cell. motorola it.tlc.cellulari.omnitel Discussioni su Omnitel e la sua rete cellulare it.tlc.cellulari.tim Discussioni su Tim e la sua rete cellulare it.tlc.hardware.nokia I telefoni cellulari NOKIA it.tlc.provider I fornitori di servizi e accesso Internet (Moderated) it.tlc.provider.disservizi Valgono qualcosa i nostri provider? it.tlc.telefonia Le tecnologie telefoniche it.tlc.telefonia.adsl it.tlc.telefonia.adsl it.tlc.telefonia.gestori Le compagnie telefoniche, tutte it.tlc.telefonia.infostrada La nuova compagnia telefonica degli italiani it.tlc.telefonia.isdn Gruppo tecnico sulla Telefonia ISDN in Italia it.tlc.telefonia.wind Wind, telefonia mobile e fissa italia.ancona.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Ancona. italia.aosta.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Aosta. italia.bari.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Bari. italia.bologna.ambiente I problemi ambientali. italia.bologna.barzellette Barzellette a Bologna. italia.bologna.bolognabynight La vita notturna a Bologna. italia.bologna.cerco-offro Luogo di scambio di tutti i generi. italia.bologna.computers Discussioni sui computer e temi affini. italia.bologna.con-vivere.la.citta Comunita` multiculturale e regole della convivenza. (Moderated) italia.bologna.cucina Ricette, richieste e consigli culinari. italia.bologna.cultura La cultura a Bologna. italia.bologna.cultura.cinema Discussioni sul cinema e sui film. italia.bologna.cultura.libri Discussioni su libri e letteratura. italia.bologna.cultura.musica Discussioni sulla musica. italia.bologna.eurocittadini Diritti di inform. e cittadinanza europea. italia.bologna.iperbole Discussioni sulla rete civica di Bologna. italia.bologna.lavoro Il lavoro a Bologna, offerte e richieste. italia.bologna.metropoli I temi caldi della Area Metropolitana. italia.bologna.metropoli.atc La rete dei collegamenti pubblici su gomma. italia.bologna.metropoli.comunicazione Comunicazione e suoi mezzi. italia.bologna.metropoli.ferrovie I collegamenti ferroviari provinciali. italia.bologna.metropoli.turismo Il piano turistico provinciale. italia.bologna.multietnica Bologna multietnica. italia.bologna.nuovigruppi Proposte e votazioni apertura di nuovi gruppi. italia.bologna.polemica Per una sana polemica su un qualsiasi argomento. italia.bologna.politica La politica a Bologna e dintorni. italia.bologna.prob-tecnici I problemi tecnici e le soluzioni. italia.bologna.rpg Per la discussione generale sui giochi di ruolo. italia.bologna.sanita Le problematiche della sanita. italia.bologna.sindacato Le attivita sindacali. italia.bologna.spettacolo Gli spettacoli a Bologna. italia.bologna.sport Sport a Bologna. italia.bologna.terzosettore Associazioni del terzo settore. italia.bologna.test Prove di posting. italia.bologna.testmod Prove di testing moderazione. (Moderated) italia.bologna.traffico Discussioni sul traffico e problematiche connesse. italia.bologna.tutelacons Per una piu efficace tutela dei consumatori. italia.bologna.universita Universita di Bologna. italia.bologna.viaggi Viaggi in Italia e nel mondo. italia.bolzano.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Bolzano. italia.cagliari.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Cagliari. italia.campobasso.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Campobasso. italia.catanzaro.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Catanzaro. italia.codigoro.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Codigoro. italia.firenze.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Firenze. italia.genova.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Genova. italia.jesi.arte.fotografia Discussioni sulla fotografia. italia.jesi.discussioni Discussioni sulla retecivica di Jesi. italia.jesi.linux Discussioni sul s/o Linux. italia.jesi.mensa-centralizzata Mensa centralizzata. italia.jesi.nointerporto Contro un interporto nella Vallesina. italia.jesi.noturbogas No turbo gas. italia.jesi.signorsindaco Signor Sindaco. italia.jesi.sport.fantacalcio Fantacalcio. italia.jesi.test Test. italia.jesi.traffico Traffico e problematiche connesse. italia.laquila.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda L'Aquila. italia.milano.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Milano. italia.modena.cerco-offro Luogo di scambio di tutti i generi. italia.modena.citta Discussioni su Modena. italia.modena.handicap Disabilita e handicap. italia.modena.monet Monet. italia.modena.politica La politica a Modena e dintorni. italia.modena.sport Sport a Modena. italia.monopoli.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Monopoli. italia.napoli.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Napoli. italia.news.annunci Annunci relativi alla gerarchia italia. (Moderated) italia.news.gestione Gestione tecnica della gerarchia italia. italia.padova.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Padova. italia.palermo.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Palermo. italia.perugia.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Perugia. italia.pisa.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Pisa. italia.potenza.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Potenza. italia.reggiocalabria.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Reggio Calabria. italia.roma.ambiente I problemi dell'ambiente. italia.roma.annunci Annunci, scambi e ricerche. italia.roma.cultura La cultura a Roma: tutte le arti. italia.roma.discussioni Roma, tutto cio' che riguarda la capitale. (Moderated) italia.roma.istruzione Istruzione: scuola, universita` e formazione. italia.roma.lavoro Il lavoro a Roma: offerte, richieste e dibattiti. italia.roma.mobilita Notizie sui trasporti, il traffico, le infrastrutture. italia.roma.news.gestione Gestione della gerarchia italia.roma. italia.roma.politica Discussioni sulla politica, in citta` e nell'hinterland. italia.roma.sanita Dibattiti sulla sanita`. italia.roma.sociale Le attivita` sociali. italia.roma.tempolibero Gli hobby, lo sport, i divertimenti. italia.roma.test Prove tecniche su ROMAnet. italia.test Prove di posting. italia.torino.announce Annunci pubblicitari. italia.torino.discussioni Discussioni sulla gerarchia italia.torino. italia.torino.internet Internet a Torino. italia.torino.news Novita' a Torino italia.torino.news.gestione Gestione tecnica della gerarchia italia.torino. italia.torino.ritrovi Ritrovi torinesi italia.torino.test Per eseguire test. italia.torino.wanted Annunci pubblicitari di ricerca. italia.toro.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Toro CB. italia.trento.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Trento. italia.trieste.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Trieste. italia.venezia.discussioni Tutto cio' che riguarda Venezia. ithaca.jobs Jobs offered / jobs wanted in Ithaca area. ithaca.marketplace Buying and selling in the Ithaca area. ithaca.personals Meeting people in and around Ithaca. japan.actress Topics on actress. japan.ad.announce Newsgroup for announcement, regardless on commercial or not. japan.ad.exhibition Advertisements of products, exhibit or exhibition. japan.ad.misc Various advertise that there are no groups to match japan.ad.*. japan.ad.personal Personal advertise or exhibition and etc. japan.ad.products Advertises for products, services or new-releases. japan.admin.abuse Discussions about spam or abuse of newspost. japan.admin.abuse.lists Lists of abuse articles on netnews. japan.admin.announce Information about control messages and etc, for postmasters. japan.admin.feed Discussions about news feed for category japan. japan.admin.feed-check Feed check for usenet administrator. japan.admin.groups Discussions and Proposal about newgroup or rmgroup. japan.admin.lists News-related statistics and lists. japan.admin.misc Various discussions that there are no groups to match japan.admin.*. japan.admin.policy Discussions and Proposal about japan's policy. japan.aisatsu About greetings (not on duty). japan.animal Topics about whole animal. japan.animal.cat Topics on cat. japan.animal.dog Topics about dogs and life with them. japan.animal.penguin Let's talk about lovely penguins. japan.anime Talking about animations. japan.anime.evangelion Talking about Evangelion. japan.anime.evangelion.asuka Topics on Asuka. japan.anime.evangelion.ayanami Talking about Rei-Ayanami. japan.anime.galaxy-express-999 Topics on Galaxy Express 999. japan.anime.gundam Topics on famous japanese robot animation GUNDAM. japan.anime.pretty About pretty animation. japan.app.icq Talking about ICQ. japan.app.macromedia Topics on Macromedia apprications. japan.app.postpet Talks about PostPet. japan.asia.china Topics on China. japan.asia.korea Topics on North/South Korea. japan.asia.nippon.koushitsu Discussion about the Imperial family in Japan. japan.audio Newsgroup for Audio. japan.autos.bike Topics on motorcycles. japan.autos.enthu Topics about enthu autos or peoples. japan.autos.imported-car Talks about imported car. japan.bar.loft-plus-one About The public house LOFT/PLUS ONE. japan.bbs Talking about bbs. japan.bbs.asciinet Topics on virtual ASCIInet. japan.bbs.nifty-serve Discussions about Nifty-Serve. japan.bbs.pc-van Topics about pc-van. japan.binaries.pictures.anime Topics on visual datas for animation end etc. japan.binaries.pictures.cosplay Topics on visual data for Cosplay and etc. japan.binaries.pictures.erotica Text encoded erotic visual data (within 128kb/article). japan.binaries.pictures.erotica.lolita Topics on visual datas for lolita and etc (within 128kb/article). japan.binaries.pictures.erotica.loose-socks High-teen girls (within 128kb/article and within 1024kb/picture). japan.binaries.pictures.erotica.shota Topics on visual data for shota and etc. (within 128kb/article). japan.binaries.pictures.fine-arts Text encoded fine picture arts WITHOUT EROTIC MATTER. japan.binaries.pictures.misc Text encoded miscellaneous pictures WITHOUT EROTIC MATTER. japan.binaries.pictures.under-water Text encoded under water photographs (within 128kb/article). japan.binaries.pictures.vow Pics of bizarre objects in our life. japan.books Topics on books and magazine. japan.budo.judo Topics on Judo. japan.budo.kyudo Topics on Kyudo. japan.camp Let's talk about Camp. japan.campus.u-air Communication space for students of the University of the Air. japan.chacha-jokes Jokes or interrupt posted articles on japan.* by ones. japan.chacha-jokes.hneta Erotic Jokes or interrupt posted articles on japan.* by ones. japan.chat Miscellaneous discussions or talking. japan.chat.hneta Exciting conversation for men And women. japan.chat.military Chat on military. Sometimes silly. japan.chat.mukashi-banashi Story of ld good daies, begines with now a daies youth. japan.chat.oyabaka Topics for OYABAKA - the ludicrously doting parents. japan.club.clubasia Let's talk about Club-Asia Maruyama-cho Shibuya Japan. japan.comics.dilbert Duhscussion about the comic strip "Dilbert". japan.comike.chat Talking about a literary coterie magazine. japan.comike.cosplay Topics on Cosplay. japan.comike.info Topics on exhibition and spot sale for literary coterie magazine. japan.comp About computers in general. japan.comp.be Topics on BeOS and/or BeBox. japan.comp.bugs Topics about computer bugs. japan.comp.cad Information about CAD. japan.comp.cd-r Topics about CD-R, CD-RW. japan.comp.dtp Topics and Discussion about DTP and digital prepress. japan.comp.emulators.fusion About Mac emulator FUSION for PC. japan.comp.emulators.misc About emulators in general. japan.comp.firmware Talk about firmware. japan.comp.freebsd About unix like os FreeBSD japan.comp.gnu Topics on GNU. japan.comp.hpux Talking about the HP-UX. japan.comp.lang.basic Topics on basic language excluding visual-basic. japan.comp.lang.c Topics about C language. japan.comp.lang.delphi Topics on Windows RAD developmental environment Delphi. japan.comp.lang.javascript Topics on Netscape communications script language JavaScript. japan.comp.lang.misc Discussion about computer languages of all other kinds. japan.comp.lang.perl About Perl. japan.comp.lang.postscript Topics on PostScript. japan.comp.lang.rexx Topics on REXX language. japan.comp.lang.s Topics on S language and it's environment. japan.comp.lang.visual-basic Topics on visual-basic. japan.comp.lang.visual-c++ Topics and technical informations for Microsoft VisualC++. japan.comp.lang.vrml Topics on Virtual Reality Modeling Language japan.comp.lang.xml Discussion and exchanging information on XML. japan.comp.linux About unix like os Linux. japan.comp.mac About MacOS and Macintosh. japan.comp.macosx Talk about MacOS X Server. japan.comp.mobile About mobile computers and computing. japan.comp.mobile.ruputer About wristwatch PC Ruputer. japan.comp.mp3 MPEG Audio Layer 3, a standard for digital audio coding. japan.comp.next Topics on NeXT Computer corp. japan.comp.open-gl Topics on OpenGL. japan.comp.os2 About OS/2. japan.comp.pc98 Topics on NEC PC-9800 selies. japan.comp.rc5-64 Topics on the RC5-64 contest. japan.comp.rdb Topics on RDB. japan.comp.sgi Topics on SGI systems. japan.comp.skk About kana-kanji conversion system skk. japan.comp.sony Discussions on Sony computers such as VAIO. japan.comp.sun About SUN. japan.comp.sys.intel Topics on INTEL CPU system. japan.comp.sys.motorola Topics and Discussion about motorola's CPU. japan.comp.toshiba Topics on TOSHIBA PC. japan.comp.unix Topics on UNIX. japan.comp.windows-ce Topics about Microsoft Windows CE. japan.comp.windows-me Topics on Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition. japan.comp.windows-nt Topics on Microsoft Windows-NT. japan.comp.windows-xp Topics on Microsoft Windows XP. japan.comp.windows2000 Topics on Microsoft Windows 2000. japan.comp.windows95 Topics on Microsoft Windows95. japan.comp.windows98 Topics on Microsoft Windows98. japan.comp.wnn Topics related to Wnn. japan.comp.x11 Topics about X Window System. japan.config About "japan" newsgroups. japan.cooking Topics on cooking. japan.cooking.baking Talks about baking. japan.dajare Newsgroups for a pun. japan.dajare.d Discussion on puns. japan.disney Feel the Magic! Let's talk about Disney. japan.dreams About dreams. japan.dreams.lucid Topics about dream or lucid dream. japan.engeki Talking about play and theaters. japan.engineering.kenchiku Topics on architecture. japan.enkai Information and Discussion about banguet or party. japan.enkai.yoin Talking about finished party. japan.environment Thinking about the environment. japan.environment.nature-watch Talking about Nature Watching. japan.fan.announcer.women Topics about woman announcer. japan.fan.artists.maywa-denki Talking about Maywa-Denki. japan.fan.comedy.monty-python Not email SPAM. japan.fan.netnews-people Let's make friendship with netnews people. japan.fan.netnews-people.void Topics about Mr. Void. japan.fiction.kyogoku Works of Natsuhiko KYOGOKU and related topics. japan.fiction.tanaka-yoshiki Works of Yoshiki TANAKA and related topics. japan.fishing Topics about fishing. japan.fishing.fly Enjoy Fly-Fishing. japan.fishing.lure Topics about lure fishing. japan.food About foods, drinks and eating. japan.food.rahmen Talk about Rahmen. japan.food.ryukyus Topics about ryukyuan food. japan.food.softdrink Topics on soft drinks. japan.foreign-student.cambodia Topics on foreign students from Cambodia. japan.foreign-student.chinese Topics on Chinese foreign students. japan.fusigi Topics on a wonder things. japan.gakkou.chuugaku Topics on junior high school life. japan.gakkou.highschool Topics on high school life. japan.gakkou.kyouiku Topics on school education. japan.gakkou.nova Talk about Nova school. japan.games.go Topics on IGO game. japan.games.mahjong Topics about mahjong. japan.games.pachinko Topics about Pachinko and Pachi-Slot. japan.games.pachinko.hall Topics about halls of Pachinko and Pachi-Slot. japan.games.shogi Discussion about Shogi. japan.games.slot-machine This newsgroup is about slot-machines. japan.gardening Topics about gardening. japan.gegebo.food-drink Talking about "GEGEBO" foods and drinks. japan.guchi Grumbling or complains. japan.haiku-waka Enjoy$B!!(BHaiku and Waka. japan.ham-radio Topics about ham radio. japan.ham-radio.dxcc Infomation to collect DXCC. japan.handmade.comp About handmade computers or recreation of computers. japan.handmade.electronics About handmade electronics. japan.handmade.photo About handmade of photograph and so son. japan.handmade.shugei Talking about fancywork. japan.happy Topics on what you feel happy. japan.herbs-spices Topics on herbs and spices. japan.idobata.highschool.kunitachi Private talk about Tokyo metoropilitan Kunitachi high-school. japan.idobata.hitotsu-bashi Private talk about Hitotsubashi univ. japan.idobata.jaist Private talk about JAIST. japan.idobata.kyoto-u Private talk about Kyoto univ. japan.idobata.nagoya-u Private talk about Nagoya univ. japan.idobata.naist Private talk about NAIST. japan.idobata.osaka-u Private talk about Osaka univ. japan.idol Topics on Idol japan.idol.enomoto-kanako About Enomoto-Kanako. japan.idol.gravure-idols Topics of gravure idol. (DO NOT POST PICTURES) japan.idol.hinagata About Hinagata-Akiko. japan.idol.hirosue About Ryoko-Hirosue. japan.idol.johnnys Talking about Johnnys production. japan.idol.kato.noriko Talking about Kato-Noriko. japan.idol.male Topics on male idols. japan.idol.max Topics on 4 women idol singers MAX. japan.idol.mizuki Talking about Arisa-Mizuki. japan.idol.morning-musume Topics on idol group morning-musume. japan.idol.okina Topics on Okina. japan.idol.sakai.noriko About Sakai-Noriko. japan.idol.speed Topics on 4 women idol singers SPEED. japan.idol.takahashi.yumiko About Takahashi-Yumiko. japan.idol.tomosaka Topics on Rie-Tomosaka. japan.idol.uchida.yuki About Uchida-Yuki. japan.internet.catv Internet access via cable television networks. japan.internet.domain Topics about Internet domain. japan.internet.future Discussion about futures Netnews, WWW or Internet. japan.internet.personal Topics on personal Internet connection. japan.internet.phone Talking about CoolTalk, NetMeeting, iphone and etc. japan.internet.providers Topics on internet providers. japan.internet.webtv Topics about WebTV. japan.irc Topics on IRC. japan.jiei-tai Topics on Japan Self Diffence Forces. japan.jiji Talking about timely matters. japan.kakutou-gi Talking about fighting sports. japan.karaoke Talking about KARAOKE. japan.kissa Talking about tea break. japan.kissa.mountain Talking about charismatic lunchroom "Mountain" in Nagoya, JPN. japan.lang.english.communication Topics on English comminications. japan.lang.japanese Topics about Japanese language. japan.lang.kansai Let's Talk about Kansai Japanese. japan.lang.klingon Let's talk in Klingon, about Klingon. japan.lang.latina Latine colloquamur. de lingua latina disputemus. japan.life Talking about our life. japan.life.abroad.america About Japanese who living in Amerian continent. japan.life.abroad.asia About Japanese who living in Asia. japan.life.abroad.europe About Japanese who living in Europe. japan.life.abroad.misc About Japanese who living in other area. japan.life.abroad.oseania About Japanese who living Oseania. japan.life.denka-seihin About the electric appliances. (electricity) japan.life.family Let's talk anything about family. japan.life.health Discussions on health issues. japan.life.health.atopy Topics on atopic dermatitis. japan.life.hidarikiki Topics on the lefty. japan.life.kango Topics on medial nursing. japan.life.kekkon Topics on marriage. japan.life.onsen Talking about hot springs spas. japan.life.senior Talking about senior generation. japan.life.single Talking about single life. japan.life.sumai About houses or dwellings. japan.mail General topics on mail. (Moderated) japan.mail-friends Requests for mail friends. japan.mail.discussion Discussion about e-mail. japan.mail.mailing-lists Topics on mailing lists. japan.mail.reader Topics on mail user agent (mail reader). japan.mail.system Topics on mail transfer agent system. japan.manga Talking about manga. japan.manga.4koma Talking about 4-koma manga. japan.manga.fss Talking about The Five Star Stories. japan.manga.nagano-noriko Talking about Noriko-Nagano. japan.mania.misc Talk about miscellaneous maniac topics. japan.mania.shota Talking about "shota". japan.mirai-yosoku Future analysis and futurology. japan.mono Talking about the things. japan.movies Talking about movies. japan.movies.bladerunner Talking about Bladerunner. japan.music Topics on music. japan.music.alternative Talking about alternative music. japan.music.black Topics on black music. japan.music.blues Topics on blueses. japan.music.classical Topics on classical music. japan.music.comic-band Topics on comic bands. japan.music.compose Talking about music compose. japan.music.dtm Topics and informations about desk top music. japan.music.fusion Topics on fusion. japan.music.girlpop Talking about GIRL POP. japan.music.girlpop.elt Topics on Every Little Thing. japan.music.girlpop.m-kawamoto Topics on Makoto Kawamoto. japan.music.girlpop.moritaka Topics on CHisato-Moritaka. japan.music.girlpop.puffy About PUFFY. japan.music.guitar Topics on the guitar. japan.music.hard-rock Topics on hard rock music. japan.music.heavy-metal Topics on heavy metal music. japan.music.house Topics on house music. japan.music.jazz Topics on jazz music. japan.music.komuro Topics on Tetsuya-Komuro or his family or TMN. japan.music.newage Talking about new age music. japan.music.niagara Topics about "EACH" Ohtaki and label NIAGARA. japan.music.punk Talking about punk music. japan.music.techno Talking about techno music. japan.music.tube Talk About Japanese Pop-band TUBE. japan.music.uk-indie Topics on UK. Iindie music and etc. japan.music.urakata Talk about "URAKATA" of music scene. japan.music.wind-music Board of wind instrument music. japan.music.world Talking about the music in the world. japan.naplps Topics on NAPLPS protocols. japan.net.adsl Topics about networking with ADSL. japan.net.isdn Talking about ISDN and Terminal Adapters. japan.net.keitai Talking about handyphone. japan.net.phs Talking about personal handyphone system. japan.net.router Topics on routers. japan.net.uucp Topics on UUCP. japan.netgames.nazonazo Let's play riddles. japan.netgames.nazonazo.d Discussion of playing riddles. japan.netgames.shiritori Shiritori on netnews. japan.netgames.shiritori.d Discussion Shiritori which posted on japan.netgames.shiritori.d. japan.netnews Topics on Net-News. japan.netnews.crime A criminal act on the netnews. japan.netnews.groups-idea Talking about new/remove newsgroup's ideas of japan.*. japan.netnews.html Discussions on the suitability of HTML in Internet news groups. japan.netnews.new-category Topics on new top category. japan.netnews.reader.datula Topics on Datula. japan.netnews.reader.gnus Topics on GNUS/Gnus. japan.netnews.reader.mnews Topics on Mini News Reader (mnews). japan.netnews.reader.msin About usage of Microsoft Internet News. japan.netnews.reader.others Topics on other netnews readers. japan.netnews.reader.outlook-express Topics on Microsoft Outlook Express. japan.netnews.reader.slrn About a netnews client slrn. japan.netnews.usage Topics about usage of the japan.* newsgroups. japan.original.essay For posting your original essay. japan.original.mojie For posting your original character art(ASCII art etc.). japan.owarai Talking about "OWARAI". japan.owarai.2chome Talking about second streeters. japan.personality.yamamoto-masayuki Let's talk about Masayuki-Yamamoto. japan.pets.hamster About hamster keeping. japan.photo.book Topics on phographic magazines and books. japan.photo.camera About camera and parts. japan.photo.exhibition Topics on photographic exhibition. japan.photo.technique About photography. japan.photo.www Topics on photogpaths serverd on WWW. japan.poem Enjoy poems. japan.pokemon Theme of pokemon. japan.puzzle.cube Topics on Rubic Cube. japan.puzzle.misc Topics on miscellaneous puzzles. japan.puzzle.slither-link Topics on slither link. japan.q-and-a.misc Miscellaneous questions and answers. japan.q-and-a.netnews Questions and answers about Net-News. japan.race.keiba Topics on horse race. japan.radio Talking about radio. japan.radio.bcl Let's talk about BCL. japan.radio.cf Topics on community frequency. japan.rail Topics on railroad. japan.rail.steam-locomotive About steam locomotive. japan.rail.travel About travel by train in Japan. japan.rekishi Let's talk about history, japan.ren-ai Topics on love. japan.robamimi Topics not permittid to talk but wanted to talk to someone. japan.rossia Talking about Rossia and Rossian. japan.ryoko-chokin Talkig about "Ryoko-chokin". japan.ryugaku Talking about going abroad for study. japan.sake Topics on liquor. japan.sci.algorithm About algorithm. japan.sci.astro Discussion about stars, planets and comets. japan.sci.math Topics on mathematics. japan.sci.misc Topics on natural science. japan.sci.nmr Talking about Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. japan.sci.space Talking about space. japan.security.pgp Topics on Pretty Good Privacy(tm). japan.seiyu About seiyu. japan.seiyu.hekiru Talk about Hekiru Shiina. japan.seiyu.k-mariko Let's Talk about KOUDA Mariko ! japan.sf.misc Topics on Spectacle Fiction. japan.sf.perry-rohdan Topics on Perry Rohdan series. japan.sf.phil-k-dick Talking about Philip-K-Dick. japan.sf.tsutsui Talking about Yasutaka Tsutsui. japan.sf.william-gibson Talking about William Gibson. japan.shousetsu.jidai Topics on history or histrical notes. japan.shousetsu.jisaku Expressing novels and stories of one's writing. japan.shousetsu.jisaku.d Talking about pleasure to make novels and stories. japan.shousetsu.suiri Topics on mistery story. japan.sigoto.d Topics on getting a jobs. japan.sigoto.kyu-jin For a situration vacant ad. japan.sigoto.kyu-syoku For a looking for a jobs. japan.sigoto.welfare Topics on job environment and welfare. japan.soc.audit Discussion for the system of the accounting audit in Japan and the CPAs. japan.soc.aum About Aum. japan.soc.crime Topics about criminal act. japan.soc.crime.internet Topics about criminal act on the Internet. japan.soc.cult About Cult. japan.soc.denjiha About effects to human by electromagnetic wave. japan.soc.inner-child Topics about inner-children. japan.soc.kaikyo Topics on Kaikyo(meaning islamic religions in Japanese). japan.soc.law.accepted-theory Accepted theory judicial precedent of law. japan.soc.qualifications Topics on qualifications. japan.soc.transgender Topics on transgendered. japan.soramimi Delightful talking that was owing to mishearing. japan.soramimi.d For any discussion of articles on the japan.soramimi. japan.sports.baseball About baseball. japan.sports.baseball.baystars About Yokohama-Baystars. japan.sports.baseball.bluewave About Orix-bluewave. japan.sports.baseball.buffaloes About Kintetsu-Buffaloes. japan.sports.baseball.carp About Hiroshima-Toyo-Carp. japan.sports.baseball.dragons Topics on Chunichi-Dragons. japan.sports.baseball.fighters About Nipponham-fighters. japan.sports.baseball.giants About Tokyo Yomiuri Giants. japan.sports.baseball.hawks About Fukuoka-Daiei-Hawks. japan.sports.baseball.lions About Seibu-Lions. japan.sports.baseball.marines About CHiba-Lotte-Marines. japan.sports.baseball.swallows About Yakult Swallows. japan.sports.baseball.tigers About Hanshin-Tigers. japan.sports.bicycles Topics on cycle-sports. japan.sports.bowling About bowlling. japan.sports.football.american Talking about American-Football. japan.sports.football.association Topics, discussion and information of association football. japan.sports.golf Talk about golf. japan.sports.inline-skate Talking about inline skating. japan.sports.joba Talk about horseback-riding. japan.sports.kuruma.kansen Topics on Auto sportes. japan.sports.marine Information and discussion about marine sports japan.sports.prowrestling About prowrestling. japan.sports.scubadiving Talking about Scuba Diving. japan.sports.ski Topics on Skiing. japan.sports.sky Let's talk about skysports. japan.sports.snowboard Let's talk about snowboarding (Japanese Language Only). japan.startrek Topics on Startrek. japan.sukisuki.furihira-clothes Talk about furifuri-hirahira clothes. japan.sukisuki.meganekko Talking about girls who put on spectacles. japan.sukisuki.nuigurumi Chat on stuffed toys. japan.sukisuki.pony-tail Let's talk about Pony-Tail. japan.sukisuki.seifuku Expressing one's love to uniforms and people wearing them. japan.sukisuki.short-cut Talk about short hair. japan.sukisuki.yurikko Talk about fictional 'Yuri'. japan.sumo Talk about SUMO. japan.support.anxiety-panic Support group for those affected by anxiety and panic. japan.test Testing all over japan. Very boring. japan.tickets Talking about tickets. japan.tmp.announce Announcement for japan.tmp.*. japan.tmp.disaster.miyakejima Talking about the disaster of Miyakejima. japan.tmp.disaster.tottori-west Talking about the western Tottori earthquake. japan.tmp.disaster.toukai Topics on atomic energy accident of Toukai. japan.tmp.usage Thinking anout usage of japan.tmp.*. japan.tokusatsu talk about SFX, "tokusatsu"(Japanese SFX) in particular. japan.town Let's talk about home town. japan.town.akiba Let's talk about Akihabara(Tokyo). japan.town.hanshin Talk about local topics on hanshin area. japan.town.kobe Talk about local topics on Kobe area. japan.town.kyoto Talk about Local topics on Kyoto area. japan.town.nagoya Let's talking about Nagoya and neighborhood. japan.town.nara Talk about local topics on Nara area. japan.town.new-york Let's talk about NYC(New York City). japan.town.oosu Let's talk about Oosu(Nagoya). japan.town.osaka Talk about Local topics on Osaka area. japan.town.ponbashi Let's talk about Nipponbashi(Oosaka). japan.town.sapporo Talk about Local topics on Sapporo area. japan.town.shinjuku Talk about Local topics on Shinjuku area. japan.town.tama Talk about local topics on Tama (Tokyo) area. japan.town.yokohama Let's talk about Yokohama. japan.travel.abroad Topics on going abroad. japan.travel.domestic Topics on going domestic. japan.trends Topics on trends. japan.tv Talking about Televison. japan.tv.channel.misc Topic on other special channels japan.tv.channel.movie Topic on movie TV channels japan.tv.channel.music Topic on music TV channels japan.tv.channel.news Topic on news TV channels japan.tv.channel.sports Topic on sports TV channels japan.tv.cm Topics on televison CM. japan.tv.drama Topics on televison dramas. japan.tv.local Talking about local-TV program and local broadcast. japan.tv.midnight Talking about midnight TV programs. japan.tv.satellite Topic on satellite television. japan.tv.satellite.overseas Topic on Sat TV without domestic services japan.tv.show.knight-scoop Topics on a TV program "Tantei Knight Scoop". japan.video.hardware Topics and informations of video equpments. japan.video.soft Topics and informations of video software. japan.videogames About video games. japan.videogames.datsui-mahjong About strip mahjong games. japan.videogames.diablo Topics on a multi-player role playing game "Diablo". japan.videogames.finalfantasy Let's play Final Fantasy. japan.videogames.gals Lets's talk about girl motif video games. japan.videogames.h Let's talk about erotic videogames. japan.videogames.ibm-pc Topics on videogames on IBM-PC and clones. japan.videogames.key "Key" related talks. ("Key" is a game brand of Visual Arts Co.,ltd.) japan.videogames.kusoge Thinking about what we call "KUSOGE". japan.videogames.leaf "Leaf" related talks. ("Leaf" is a game brand of AQUAPLUS Inc.) japan.videogames.nintendo Talk about all Nintendo video game systems and software. japan.videogames.pc-fx Talking about PC-FX. japan.videogames.playstation Topics on Sony PlayStation. japan.videogames.saturn Saturn and Saturn software. japan.videogames.train Topics about train videogames. japan.videogames.ultimaonline Talks About Ultima Online. japan.videogames.win95 Topics on games for the Windows95. japan.vote.lists Lists and other information of vote results. japan.vote.usage Usage of netnews vote system. japan.vote.votebox For vote without comments. japan.www.browser Topics on Web browser. japan.www.browser.lynx About text WWW browser lynx. japan.www.browser.mozilla About Netscape Communication Web browser. japan.www.browser.msie Topics on Microsoft Internet Explorer. japan.www.css Topics on CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). japan.www.design Topics on homepage design, how to make et al. japan.www.link.favorite-pages The link to the favorite WWW pages. japan.www.proxy.squid About proxy server Squid Cache. japan.www.server.apache Topics on WWW server apache. japan.www.server.cern About CERN WWW (proxy) server. japan.www.server.ms-iis Topics on Microsoft Internet Information Server. japan.yoso For thread, there is no newsgroup fit in. japan.zange Confession or repentance of one's life. jerusalem.culture Art,exhibns,festivals,film,literature,music,etc. jerusalem.general Miscellaneous topics, talk. jerusalem.jobs Employment wanted and offered. jerusalem.net Internet and networking topics. jerusalem.newsgroups.announce Announcements by jerusalem-admin. (Moderated) jerusalem.newsgroups.discuss Proposals for new newsgroups, etc. jerusalem.newsgroups.distribution Propagation issues and feed requests. jerusalem.politics Political topics, including status. jerusalem.religion Religious topics, holy and sacred sites, etc. jerusalem.small-ads.accommodation Accommodation wanted and offered. jerusalem.small-ads.misc Miscellaneous small advertisements. jerusalem.test Test messages. joelnet.config Configuration of the joelnet hierarchy. junk Pseudo-group where non-standard messages are placed. k12.chat.elementary Casual conversation for elementary school students. k12.chat.junior Casual conversation for junior high school students. k12.chat.senior Casual conversation for high school students. k12.chat.teacher Casual conversation for teachers of grades K-12. k12.ed.art Arts & crafts curricula in K-12 education. k12.ed.business Business education curricula in grades K-12. k12.ed.comp.literacy Teaching computer literacy in grades K-12. k12.ed.health-pe Health and Physical Education curricula in grades K-12. k12.ed.life-skills Home Economics, career education, and school counseling. k12.ed.math Mathematics curriculum in K-12 education. (Moderated) k12.ed.music Music and Performing Arts curriculum in K-12 education. k12.ed.science Science curriculum in K-12 education. k12.ed.soc-studies Social Studies and History curriculum in K-12 education. k12.ed.special Educating students with handicaps and/or special needs. k12.ed.tag K-12 education for gifted and talented students. k12.ed.tech Industrial arts & vocational education in grades K-12. k12.lang.art The art of teaching language skills in grades K-12. k12.lang.deutsch-eng Bilingual German/English practice with native speakers. k12.lang.esp-eng Bilingual Spanish/English practice with native speakers. k12.lang.francais French practice with native speakers. k12.lang.japanese Bilingual Japanese/English ith native speakers. k12.lang.russian Bilingual Russian/English practice with native speakers. k12.library Implementing info technologies in school libraries. k12.sys.channel0 Current projects. k12.sys.channel1 Current projects. k12.sys.channel10 Current projects. k12.sys.channel11 Current projects. k12.sys.channel12 Current projects. k12.sys.channel2 Current projects. k12.sys.channel3 Current projects. k12.sys.channel4 Current projects. k12.sys.channel5 Current projects. k12.sys.channel6 Current projects. k12.sys.channel7 Current projects. k12.sys.channel8 Current projects. k12.sys.channel9 Current projects. k12.sys.projects Discussion of potential projects. ka.comp.mac Alles moegliche zum Mac ka.comp.misc Diverses rund um die Computerei in KA ka.comp.pc Alles moegliche zum PC ka.lauer fuer die etwas [f]lacheren Witze ka.markt.computer Hard-/Software Angebote/Gesuche ka.markt.mfg Mitfahrgelegenheiten ka.markt.misc Angebote/Gesuche ka.newusers Infos ueber News fuer Neulinge ka.org.hadiko Hans-Dickmann-Kolleg. ka.schwul das Schwule Forum für Gays, Bi's und Interessierte ka.talk Alle Formen von moeglichem und unmoeglichem Geschwaetz ka.uni.dial-in Dial-In Zugang zur Uni, Modem, SLIP & Co. ka.verkehr Zu Wasser, zu Lande und in der Luft kanto.jokes.post No description. kanto.meetings.jps No description. kanto.news.followup Followups to articles in kanto.news.general. kanto.news.general Announcements for Kanto News Groups. kanto.news.group About Kanto News Groups. kanto.rec.food About food kanto.test.admin Test news systems, etc. kanto.test.user Practice to post, etc. kanto.town.bunkyo-ku No description. kanto.town.chiba About Chiba kanto.town.gunma About Gunma kanto.town.ibaraki No description. kanto.town.kanagawa Discussions and Informations about Kanagawa Prefecture. kanto.town.saitama Discussions and Informations about Saitama Pref\ kanto.town.tochigi About Tochigi kanto.town.tokyu.toyoko-line About town along Tokyu Toyoko Line. kaz.paper.kst.chance KAZAKSTAN (ro) The paper "Your chance" kc.chat Kansas City related discussions. kc.config Newsgroup hierarchy configuration issues for kc.* kc.forsale Goods and services for sale in the Kansas City area. kc.general General information about Kansas City. kc.jobs Jobs offered/wanted in the Kansas City metro area kc.rail Discussions related to railways in Kansas City. kc.test Test messages for the Kansas City area. kc.wanted Goods and services wanted in the Kansas City area. kiel.allgemein Allgemeine Diskussion. kiel.ascii-art Kleinkunst mit Grossbuchstaben. kiel.biete Angebote, Grossraum Kiel. kiel.computer Allgemeine Diskussionen ueber und um Computer. kiel.computer.amiga AMIGA Anwender. kiel.computer.mac MAC Anwender. kiel.computer.os2 OS/2 Anwender. kiel.computer.spiele Computerspiele aller Art, besonders VGA-Planets. kiel.computer.unix UNIX Anwender. kiel.computer.windows Windows Anwender. kiel.dfue DFUE, Mailboxen und Szene in Kiel. kiel.drogen Diskussion ueber Botanik, Chemie und Naehrwert. kiel.fh Ueber die Kieler Fachhochschule kiel.film Kiels Kinos zeigen:. kiel.flame Immer feste druff... kiel.freizeit.biken Motorradfahren, Grillen, Saufen - it is summertime again. kiel.freizeit.segeln ... ist wie unter der kalten Dusche stehen und Hundertmarkscheine zerreissen. kiel.gruesse Gruesse und Testartikel von oder an Kieler. kiel.hilfe Nicht verzagen, in kiel.hilfe fragen. kiel.infos Aktuelle Informationen. Werbung nach kiel.kommerz. kiel.kommerz Werbemuell hier rein. kiel.kommerz.d Diskussionen ueber Angebote in kiel.kommerz kiel.literatur Paperware jeder Art. kiel.mailbox.advocacy Filelisten, Mailboxwerbung, Flamewars. kiel.musik Musik. kiel.rollenspiele Rollen-, Post- und andere Spiele. kiel.sport Sport in Kiel. kiel.suche Gesuche, Grossraum Kiel. kiel.sysop Fuer Kieler Rechnerbetreiber. kiel.sysop.cancelmsgs Fuer Meldungen des Kiel-Cancelbots kiel.sysop.robots Für Cancel-Bots und andere Statistiken kiel.szene Heute abend schon was vor?. kiel.talk.bizarre Ulk, Unsinn, Sinnentlehrtes, Gabi und Ilona. kiel.talk.politik Diskussion ueber Politik, Wahlen, etc. kiel.test Zum Testen. kiel.umwelt ... wuerde ich ein Apfelbaeumchen pflanzen. kiel.uni Ueber die Kieler Universitaet. kiel.verkehr Radfahrer vs. Autofahrer... kingston.bbs.fido.users249 No description. ks.admin Administration in Kansas. ks.misc Misc postings in Kansas. kw.ads.business Commercial ads in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. (Moderated) kw.ads.events Commercial ads for local club and theatre events. (Moderated) kw.config KW newsgroup administration discussions. No ads. kw.eats Reviews of restaurants in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. No ads. kw.events Non-profit events in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. No ads. (Moderated) kw.forsale Personal items for sale in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. (Moderated) kw.general General discussion in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. No ads. kw.housing Rooms for rent in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. kw.jobs Job postings for Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. kw.networks Connectivity and networking within Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. kw.news.stats USENET Statistics in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. No ads. kw.reviews Clubs/theatre in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. No ads. kwnet.general KWnet general discussion forum. No ads or SPAM. kwnet.ops KWnet operational issues, downtime and connectivity reports. kwnet.tech KWnet technical issues, NOC admin, etc. ky.motorcycles Motorcycling in Kentucky. ky.weather Weather in Kentucky. (Moderated) ky.weather.d Everybody talks about it but no one does anything. la.config Discussion about the Los Angeles la.* Usenet hierarchy. la.eats Dining in Los Angeles, CA. la.forsale Things for sale in Los Angeles, CA. la.general Items of general interest in Los Angeles, CA. la.jobs Employment in Los Angeles, Ventura and Orange County. la.media Media (print & electronic) in Los Angeles, CA la.news USENET in Los Angeles, CA. la.personals Meeting people in Los Angeles, CA. la.seminars Seminars in Los Angeles, CA. la.test Testing in Los Angeles, CA. la.transportation Anything related to transportation in Los Angeles. la.wanted Things wanted in Los Angeles, CA. laf.forsale Items for sale in Lafayette, Indiana. latech.stis No description. law.court.federal Discussion group for placing federal court materials on the Internet law.listserv.election-law Discussion list for study of Election Law (One-way) law.school.anti-trust Electronic Study Group for Anti-Trust law.school.antitrust Electronic Study Group for Antitrust law.school.clinic.info-law Electronic Study Group for Information Law Clinic law.school.corps Electronic Study Group for Corporation Law law.school.gradtax.partner Electronic Study Group for Graduate Tax Partnership Law law.school.gradtax.s-corp Electronic Study Group for Graduate Tax S Corporations law.school.legal-prof Electronic Study Group for Legal Profession. law.school.tax.busiplan Electronic Study Group for Business Planning li.events No description. li.forsale No description. li.jobs No description. li.misc Topical to Long Island. li.politics No description. li.wanted No description. linux.admin.news The linux.* hierarchy linux.debian.announce debian-announce@lists.debian.org linux.debian.announce.devel debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org linux.debian.announce.security debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org linux.debian.beowulf debian-beowulf@lists.debian.org linux.debian.changes debian-changes@lists.debian.org linux.debian.changes.devel debian-devel-changes@lists.debian.org linux.debian.commercial debian-commercial@lists.debian.org linux.debian.consultants debian-consultants@lists.debian.org linux.debian.curiosa debian-curiosa@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel debian-devel@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.autobuild debian-autobuild@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.cd debian-cd@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.games debian-devel-games@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.mentors debian-mentors@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.qa debian-qa@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.release debian-release@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.snapshots debian-snapshots@lists.debian.org linux.debian.devel.testing debian-testing@lists.debian.org linux.debian.doc debian-doc@lists.debian.org linux.debian.isp debian-isp@lists.debian.org linux.debian.l10n.dutch debian-l10n-dutch@lists.debian.org linux.debian.l10n.french debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org linux.debian.l10n.portuguese debian-l10n-portuguese@lists.debian.org linux.debian.l10n.spanish debian-l10n-spanish@lists.debian.org linux.debian.laptop debian-laptop@lists.debian.org linux.debian.legal debian-legal@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.admintool debian-admintool@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.boot debian-boot@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.dpkg debian-dpkg@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.emacsen debian-emacsen@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.firewall debian-firewall@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.glibc debian-glibc@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.gtk.gnome debian-gtk-gnome@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.hams debian-hams@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.i18n debian-i18n@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.ipv6 debian-ipv6@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.java debian-java@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.jr debian-jr@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.ocaml.maint debian-ocaml-maint@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.perl debian-perl@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.pilot debian-pilot@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.python debian-python@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.sgml debian-sgml@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.tetex debian-tetex-maint@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.toolchain debian-toolchain@lists.debian.org linux.debian.maint.x debian-x@lists.debian.org linux.debian.mirrors debian-mirrors@lists.debian.org linux.debian.news debian-news@lists.debian.org linux.debian.policy debian-policy@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.68k debian-68k@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.alpha debian-alpha@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.arm debian-arm@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.hppa debian-hppa@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.hurd debian-hurd@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.ia64 debian-ia64@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.mips debian-mips@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.powerpc debian-powerpc@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.s390 debian-s390@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.sparc debian-sparc@lists.debian.org linux.debian.ports.superh debian-superh@lists.debian.org linux.debian.project debian-project@lists.debian.org linux.debian.publicity debian-publicity@lists.debian.org linux.debian.security debian-security@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user debian-user@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.chinese.big5 debian-chinese-big5@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.french debian-french@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.italian debian-italian@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.japanese debian-japanese@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.portuguese debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.russian debian-russian@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.spanish debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org linux.debian.user.swedish debian-user-swedish@lists.debian.org linux.debian.vote debian-vote@lists.debian.org linux.debian.www debian-www@lists.debian.org linux.kernel linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu linux.ldp.announce ? linux.ldp.discuss ? linux.ldp.docbook ? linux.redhat RedHat Discussions linux.redhat.announce Announcements relating to RedHat Software linux.redhat.applixware redhat-applixware linux.redhat.axp redhat-axp linux.redhat.devel redhat-devel linux.redhat.install redhat-install linux.redhat.list ? linux.redhat.misc ? linux.redhat.pam ? linux.redhat.ppp PPP software under RedHat linux.redhat.rpm Red Hat Package Manager linux.redhat.sparc The Sparc Port of the RedHat distribution linux.samba Win95 and WinNT compatible File Server linux.samba.announce Annoucement relating to Samba File Server linux.test Propagation tests list.tpc-rp No description. lon.misc Miscellaneous news from London, England. lon.test Testing news in London, England. lou.config No description. lou.general Items of general interest in Louisiana. lou.lft.config For the discussion of the lou.lft.* hierarchy lou.lft.forsale For Sale and Want to Buy postings for the Lafayette area lou.lft.general Lafayette topics of general interest lou.lft.jobs Job postings for the Lafayette area lou.sun Suns in Louisiana. ls.amnesty No description. ls.olnews No description. ls.ussr No description. luebeck.admin Bekanntmachungen zur Hierarchie luebeck.*. (Moderated) luebeck.allgemein Sonstige Themen mit Luebeck-Bezug. luebeck.flohmarkt Private Kleinanzeigen. luebeck.frage+antwort Informationen, Fragen und Antworten. luebeck.kommerz Kommerzielle Kleinanzeigen. luebeck.talk Luebscher Kloens[ch]nak. luebeck.technik Technische Themen mit Luebeck-Bezug. luebeck.termine Termine und Veranstaltungshinweise. luebeck.test Tests. mail.cypherpunks No description. malta.announce General announcements malta.beatification Beatification of Dun Gorg Preca,N. Falzon,A. Pisani. (Moderated) malta.comp Computing, Informatics, IT and Internet in Malta. malta.config Discussion on new newsgroups to be created in malta.*. (Moderated) malta.fan.trekwho Star Trek and Doctor Who (Moderated) malta.fan.x-files The X-Files. Trust No One. (Moderated) malta.media.misc The Media in Malta. malta.media.radio Radio in Malta. Ir-Radju f'Malta. malta.media.tv Tv in Malta. It-Televizjoni f'Malta. malta.news.admin News administration. (Moderated) malta.news.announce For FAQ's,announcements,etc within the MALTA Hierarchy. (Moderated) malta.test Testing newsgroup maus.computer.amiga Spielwiese fuer Amigos, von 500 bis 3000. maus.computer.archimedes Die oekologische Nische fuer Archimeds-Besitzer. maus.computer.atari.dtp Spezialgruppe zum Thema "Desktop Publishing" auf ATARI. maus.computer.atari.falcon Alles rund um den Raubvogel von Atari. maus.computer.atari.gemini DIE Atari-Benutzeroberflaeche von S.Eissing&G.Steffens. maus.computer.atari.hardware allg. Hardwarethemen um die ATARI ST(E)/TT/??-Familie. maus.computer.atari.internet Fragen & Antworten zum Thema Internet mit Atari. maus.computer.atari.mint_mtos Diskussion ueber die Multitasking-Erweiterungen zum ST-TOS. maus.computer.atari.software allg. Softwarethemen um die ATARI ST(E)/TT/??-Familie. maus.computer.atari.spiele Ataris Raubkatze auf dem Konsolenmarkt. maus.computer.atari.talk Allgemeies zum Thema Atari ST/TT/Falcon. maus.computer.beos Rund um das Betriebssystem BeOS und seien Applikationen. maus.computer.emulatoren Emulation auf verschiedenen Rechnersystemen. maus.computer.groupware-syst Lan/Wan Mailsysteme und Dokumentendatanbanken. maus.computer.hardware Diskussionsforum zum Thema Computer-Hardware. maus.computer.linux Hier geht's um LINUX, ist doch klar :-). maus.computer.linux.m68k Diskussionen ueber Linux fuer 68000er. maus.computer.mac.allgemeines Hier gibt es einen netten Plausch unter Maccies. maus.computer.mac.emulatoren Alternative Betriebssysteme auf dem Apple Macintosh. maus.computer.mac.hardware Die neue Mac-Festplatte, der Monitor, ... maus.computer.mac.kommunikation Verbindung zwischen Macs und der Computerumwelt. maus.computer.mac.nostalgie Alte Macs - weniger Megahertz, mehr Spass. maus.computer.mac.programmieren Programmieren und Entwickeln auf dem Mac. maus.computer.mac.software Mac-Programme machen keine Probleme... maus.computer.mac.spiele Spielen am Mac: Infos, Talk und Tricks. maus.computer.os2 Das "neue" Betriebssystem von IBM (unter Freunden: Oskar halbe). maus.computer.os2.programmierung Programmierung unter OS/2 einschl. PM und WPS. maus.computer.os2.setup Installation und Konfiguration von OS/2. maus.computer.os2.talk Allgemeine Gespraeche ueber OS/2. maus.computer.pc.ibm Alles zu IBM-kompatiblen Rechnern (unter MS-DOS). maus.computer.ql.c Fragen und Antworten rund um C68 fuer den QL. maus.computer.ql.de Die oekologische Nische fuer Sinclair QL-Benutzer. maus.computer.ql.intl Internationales zum QL (englischspr.,mit FIDO vernetzt). maus.computer.sicherheit.virus Alles ueber und gegen Viren. maus.computer.software.compiler Compiler selbst gestrickt. maus.computer.software.medusa Supportgruppe fuer das Golem-Projekt. maus.computer.software.udo Rund um UDO, dem Universal Document Converter. maus.computer.sprache.c Das Forum der C-Programmierer. maus.computer.sprache.gfabasic Fuer die Basic-Variante auf dem ATARI ST. maus.computer.sprache.modula-2 Der Pascal-"Nachfolger" von N.Wirth. maus.computer.sprache.oberon OO-Nachfolger von Modula-2 samt Betriebssystem. maus.computer.sprache.oops (O)bjekt-(O)rientierte (P)rogrammier-(S)ysteme. maus.computer.transputer Parallelverarbeitung in T.-Rechnern, -Zusatzkarten oder -Netzen. maus.computer.unix Alles rund um das alte und immer wieder neue Betriebssystem UNIX. maus.freizeit.angeln von A wie Aal bis Z wie Zander. maus.freizeit.bigfood Rezepte, Ess- und Fresstips. maus.freizeit.f+sf Fantasy und Sciene Fiction wird hier diskutiert. maus.freizeit.fernweh Wenn ich die See seh, brauch ich kein Meer mehr... maus.freizeit.kino Tummelplatz fuer Kino-Freaks. maus.freizeit.kites Fuer Freaks und Freunde der Fesseldrachen. maus.freizeit.wandern Wandern - Die Natur erleben. maus.info Informationen ueber das MausNet. (Moderated) maus.info.diskussion Allgemeine Diskussionen ueber das MausNet. maus.kreativ.handarbeiten Alles rund ums Garn. maus.kultur.literatur.buecher Bekanntlich haelt der Trend zum Zweitbuch an... maus.kultur.literatur.comics Ueber die 'Neunte Kunst', vom Funny zur Grafiknovelle. maus.markt.biete Nichkommerzielle Angebote von A-Z. maus.markt.biete.diskussion Diskussionsgruppe zu maus.biete. maus.markt.suche Hier gehoeren Kaufgesuche rein. maus.markt.suche.diskussion Diskussionsgruppe zu maus.suche. maus.net.gate Diskussion zu allen Maus-Gateways. (Moderated) maus.regional.bremen Hier sind die Bremer (nicht ganz) unter sich ;-). maus.regional.oecher (AC3) lokales Forum fuer (fast) alle Aachener Mailboxen. maus.sciencefiction.babylon5 Die letzte Hoffnung auf Diskussionen ueber Babylon 5. maus.soziales.handicap Erfahrungsaustausch fuer Behinderte und Nichtbehinderte. maus.soziales.handicap.talk Plausch zwischen Behinderten und Nichtbehinderten. maus.soziales.pflege Tips, Tricks und Fallen. Informationsaustausch unter Pflegenden. maus.soziales.politik Draengende Fragen unserer Zeit manchmal auf den Punkt gebracht. maus.soziales.recht Ueber die Unterschiede zwischen Recht und Gerechtigkeit. maus.soziales.schuelerakadem Zum Austausch aller ehem. Teilnehmer der Akademie. maus.spiele.computerspiele Fragen und Antworten zu Adventure-Spielen (Sierra etc.). maus.spiele.netzspiele.allgemein Hier wird netzweit gespielt, vor allem GOLF. maus.spiele.planets Hier geht es um VGA-Planets. maus.spiele.rollenspiele Diskussion ueber Fantasy- und SF-Rollenspiele. maus.spiele.schach Alles um den koeniglichen Sport auf 64 Feldern. maus.talk.english Say it in english - Kunterbunte Themen mal anders. maus.talk.francais Kunterbunte Themen auf franzoesisch. maus.talk.landrock (AC3) Spielen unter dem Ambossbaum. maus.tausch.okami Gruppe ueber den OKAMI-Newsreader. maus.technik.amateurfunk Die Gruppe fuer die Amateurfunker (Fido: DARC.GER). maus.technik.dvd Alles rund um die DVD: Player, Hard- u. Softwareloesungen, Filme. maus.technik.elektronik Die Gruppe fuer die Loetkolben-Akrobaten. maus.technik.elektronik.dsp+mc Alles rund um DSPs und die Signalverarbeitung. maus.technik.foto+film Das Forum fuer Hobbyfotografen und -filmer. maus.technik.gps Global Positioning System - Satellitennavigation fuer jeden. maus.technik.laserdiscs Die Gruppe fuer alle Laserdisc-Fans. maus.technik.midi Alles rund um MIDI - Computer & Musik treffen aufeinander. maus.wirtschaft.finanzen 'Money makes the world go around'. maus.wirtschaft.strom Diskussion über Service, Qualität und Preismodelle. maus.wissenschaft.astronomie Diskussionen unter Sternguckern und Interessierten. maus.wissenschaft.fernuni Gruppe zum Gedankenaustausch zwischen Fernstudenten. maus.wissenschaft.genealogie Ahnenforschung und alles, was dazugehoert. maus.wissenschaft.geographie Wissenschaftliche Geographie und ihre Arbeitstechniken. maus.wissenschaft.informatik Hier unterhalten sich die gelernten Computerfachleute. maus.wissenschaft.mathematik Nicht nur Knobelaufgaben, sondern auch handfeste Formelei... maus.wissenschaft.medizin Informationen aus dem weiten Feld der Medizin. mcgill.general No description. mcmaster.courses.phys1bb3 No description. mcmaster.courses.phys2b06 No description. mcnc.cad No description. mcnc.concert.video No description. mcnc.dcom No description. mcnc.general general notes at MCNC. mcnc.ncsulab No description. mcnc.pc No description. mcnc.programmers No description. mcnc.systems system admin notices at MCNC. mcnc.talks Seminars at MCNC. mcnc.teleclass No description. mcnc.text No description. md.annapolis Maryland's State Capitol area. md.announcements General Announcements about Maryland or local areas. (Moderated) md.config Issues involving Maryland's 'md.' hierarchy. md.eastern-shore Maryland's Eastern Shore area misc items. md.forsale Items/Services for sale in Maryland . md.general Maryland in general. md.jobs Maryland jobs offered/jobs wanted. md.mont Maryland's Montgomery County misc items. md.personals Personal ads for Maryland. md.pg Maryland's Prince George's County misc items. md.pg.tricentennial Maryland's Prince George's 300th Birthday Party. md.politics Annapolis' Care & Feeding of Baltimore City. md.test Maryland testing. me.communities.biddeford Biddeford Maine issues. me.communities.can MaineCAN (Community Access Network) "free net" effort. me.communities.portland Portland Maine issues. me.communities.yarmouth Yarmouth Maine issues. me.config Discussion of me.* newsgroup additions and deletions. me.forsale Items offered or wanted for sale in Maine. me.general Maine related posts that do not fall in another group. me.internet Discussion of the Internet in Maine. me.jobs Jobs wanted/offered in Maine. me.politics Discussion of Maine politics. medlux.dept.docs Moscow Department of Pharmacy documents. (Moderated) medlux.dept.lic Licensing of pharmaceutical activity. (Moderated) medlux.dept.qual.doc Drugs quality control documents. (Moderated) medlux.doc.acc Account and taxation documents. (Moderated) medlux.doc.apt Documents for a drugstore. (Moderated) medlux.doc.ministry Russian Ministry of Health documents. (Moderated) medlux.doc.mos Moscow major office documents. (Moderated) medlux.doc.rus Russian laws. (Moderated) medlux.doc.spb St.Petersburg city goverment documents. (Moderated) medlux.drugs.reg Drugs, registered in Russia. (Moderated) medlux.drugs.safety Safety of drugs. (Moderated) medlux.fido.ru.baby.medic Fidonet RU.BABY.MEDIC, about child's medicine. medlux.fido.ru.medic.profy Fidonet RU.MEDIC.PROFY, about medicine. medlux.fido.su.medic üÈÏ-ËÏÎÆÅÒÅÎÃÉÑ Fidonet SU.MEDIC. (ÓÍ. ÐÒÁ×ÉÌÁ) medlux.firmhist Medical company advertisements. medlux.health Public health care. medlux.journal.cg "Clinical Gerontology" journal. (Moderated) medlux.journal.top "TOP-Medicine" journal. (Moderated) medlux.journal.umo.science Ural medical review "Doctor Landing", science. (Moderated) medlux.journal.umo.z Ural medical review "Doctor Landing", other. (Moderated) medlux.journal.vit Intensive care herald. (Moderated) medlux.medsci.anes Anesthesiology and reanimathology. medlux.medsci.cardiol Cardiology. medlux.medsci.contents óÏÄÅÒÖÁÎÉÅ É ÁÎÎÏÎÓÙ ÖÕÒÎÁÌÏ× É ÄÒÕÇÉÈ ÐÕÂÌÉËÁÃÉÊ É ÒÅÓÕÒÓÏ×. medlux.medsci.dent Stomatology. medlux.medsci.dermatol Dermatology and venerealogy. medlux.medsci.diag Diagnostics. medlux.medsci.endocrin Endocrinology. medlux.medsci.gastroent Gastroenterology. medlux.medsci.gyn Gynecology and obstetrics. medlux.medsci.hematol Hematology. medlux.medsci.homoeopathy Homoeopathy and biological medicine. medlux.medsci.immunol Immunology and allergology. medlux.medsci.inform Medical resources on-line. medlux.medsci.neurol Neurology. medlux.medsci.oncology Oncology. medlux.medsci.ophthalm Ophthalmology. medlux.medsci.orthopaedics Orthopaedic surgery. medlux.medsci.pediatr Pediatrics. medlux.medsci.pharmacol Pharmacology. medlux.medsci.pulmonol Pulmonology. medlux.medsci.san-hyg Epidemiology and hygiene. medlux.medsci.surg Surgery. medlux.medsci.talk Medical problems discussion. medlux.medsci.therapy Therapy. medlux.medsci.urol Urology. medlux.medsci.z Miscellaneous medical sciences. medlux.mfy.exhibitions Medical exhibitions and symposiums. (Moderated) medlux.mfy.expo "MEDICINE FOR YOU" international exposition. (Moderated) medlux.mfy.public "MEDICINE FOR YOU", corp. information. (Moderated) medlux.misc.advert Advertisements. medlux.misc.gossips Fun and gossips in medicine. medlux.misc.jobs Job opportunities in medicine. medlux.newspaper.szs "Siberian Health Today" newspaper. (Moderated) medlux.newusers äÌÑ ×ÏÐÒÏÓÏ× ÎÏ×ÙÈ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÅÊ. medlux.postmasters MEDLUX russian medical network official information. (Moderated) medlux.request Request for information, contacts, services, etc. medlux.test For tests. medlux.trade.cosm Cosmetics market. medlux.trade.dent Stomatology equipment market. medlux.trade.drugs Drug market. medlux.trade.herb Herb and balm market. medlux.trade.lab Laboratory equipment market. medlux.trade.mtechn Medical equipment and instrument market. medlux.trade.optika Optics market. medlux.trade.rubber Medical rubber industry product market. medlux.trade.service Medical service, commercial information and programs. memphis.dining Restaurants and other eating establishments in Memphis, TN. memphis.employment Jobs needed or offered in the Memphis area. memphis.events Special events --- Mid-South Fair, Memphis in May, etc. memphis.for-sale Postings of items which are for sale in the area. memphis.general Discussion about miscellaneous Memphis-related issues. memphis.mecca Memphis Educational Computer Connectivity Alliance. memphis.networking Discussion of computer networking and connectivity. memphis.newsgroups Issues dealing with the Memphis newsgroup hierarchy. memphis.test Group just for test postings and replies. memphis.wanted Postings for items which someone would like to find or buy. mensa.au.announce Australian Mensa announcements. (Moderated) mensa.au.events Australian Mensa events. (Moderated) mensa.config Mensa newsgroups config and policy discussions. (Moderated) mensa.de.announce German Mensa announcements. (Moderated) mensa.de.events German Mensa events. (Moderated) mensa.sigs.giftedchildren A forum for parents, teachers, and children. (Moderated) mensa.talk.misc General Mensa discussion. (Moderated) mensa.uk.announce British Mensa announcements. (Moderated) mensa.uk.events British Mensa events. (Moderated) mensa.us.announce American Mensa announcements. (Moderated) mensa.us.events American Mensa events. (Moderated) mentorg.admin.hints No description. mercury.general No description. mex.artes Mexican arts, music, etc. mex.artes.musica Mexican music. mex.ciencia Science and technology related topics. mex.comp Computer related issues. mex.deportes Sports. mex.edu Issues about education. mex.empresarial Entrepreneurs and private sector. mex.general Messages of a general nature. mex.general.anuncios All types of announcements. mex.general.charla An irc-like newsgroup. mex.indigena Topics about indigenous people. mex.joven Youth issues. mex.noticias News and only news. mex.noticias.disc Discussion about the news reported in mex.noticias. mex.politica Mexican politics. mex.productividad Productivity issues on all walks of life. mex.rec Recreation and entertainment. mex.rec.chistes Jokes and humour. mex.red Discussions about the net and new groups in Mexico. mex.tradiciones Mexican traditions and folklore. mex.tradiciones.cocina Mexican cooking. mex.turismo Tourism related info. mi.jobs Jobs offered and sought in Michigan. mi.map USENET maps in Michigan. (Moderated) mi.misc Catchall for Michigan. mi.news USENET news and mail discussions. mi.sources Requests for and responses to requests for sources. mi.sun Suns Microsystems products in Michigan. mi.unix Discussion of UNIX related topics in Michigan. mi.wanted Jobs and products, wanted and offered. miami.general No description. microsoft.public.access.3rdpartyusrgrp No description. microsoft.public.access.activexcontrol No description. microsoft.public.access.adp.sqlserver No description. microsoft.public.access.commandbarsui No description. microsoft.public.access.conversion No description. microsoft.public.access.dataaccess.pages No description. microsoft.public.access.developers.toolkitode No description. microsoft.public.access.devtoolkits No description. microsoft.public.access.externaldata No description. microsoft.public.access.forms No description. microsoft.public.access.formscoding No description. microsoft.public.access.gettingstarted No description. microsoft.public.access.internet No description. microsoft.public.access.interopoledde No description. microsoft.public.access.macros No description. microsoft.public.access.modulesdaovba No description. microsoft.public.access.modulesdaovba.ado No description. microsoft.public.access.multiuser No description. microsoft.public.access.odbcclientsvr No description. microsoft.public.access.queries No description. microsoft.public.access.replication No description. microsoft.public.access.reports No description. microsoft.public.access.security No description. microsoft.public.access.setupconfig No description. microsoft.public.access.tablesdbdesign No description. microsoft.public.active.directory.interfaces No description. microsoft.public.activex.controls.chatcontrol No description. microsoft.public.activex.programming.control.webdc No description. microsoft.public.activex.programming.control.webwiz No description. microsoft.public.ado.windowsce No description. microsoft.public.adsi.general No description. microsoft.public.ageofempires No description. microsoft.public.applicationcenter.admin No description. microsoft.public.applicationcenter.clb No description. microsoft.public.applicationcenter.healthmonitor No description. microsoft.public.applicationcenter.nlb No description. microsoft.public.applicationcenter.setup No description. microsoft.public.applicationcenter.usage No description. microsoft.public.ar.inetexplorer.ie6beta No description. microsoft.public.arabic.access No description. microsoft.public.arabic.design.gallery No description. microsoft.public.arabic.excel No description. microsoft.public.arabic.feedback No description. microsoft.public.arabic.frontpage No description. microsoft.public.arabic.fun No description. microsoft.public.arabic.games No description. microsoft.public.arabic.general No description. microsoft.public.arabic.ie No description. microsoft.public.arabic.iis No description. 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description. microsoft.public.backoffice.server No description. microsoft.public.backoffice.server.beta No description. microsoft.public.backoffice.smallbiz No description. microsoft.public.backoffice.smallbiz2000 No description. microsoft.public.backofficesvr.setupconfig No description. microsoft.public.basic.dos No description. microsoft.public.basic.other No description. microsoft.public.bcentral.commerce.developers No description. microsoft.public.bg.developer No description. microsoft.public.bg.itspecialist No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.accelerator.forsuppliers No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.accelerator.hipaa No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.accelerator.rosettanet No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.admin No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.appintegration No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.framework No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.general No description. microsoft.public.biztalk.library No description. 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microsoft.public.windowsnt.registry No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.setup No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.applications No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.client No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.connectivity No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.domain No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.hardware No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.misc No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.protocols.rdp No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.protocols.tcpip No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.setup No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.user No description. microsoft.public.windowsnt.wntsee No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.accessibility No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.beta.accessibility No description. 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description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.embedded.techpreview No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.games No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.general No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.messenger No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.music No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.network_web No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.perform_maintain No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.photos No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.print_fax No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.setup_deployment No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.video No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.winlogo No description. microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely No description. microsoft.public.winhttp No description. microsoft.public.word.application.errors No description. microsoft.public.word.conversions No description. microsoft.public.word.customization.menustoolbars No description. microsoft.public.word.docmanagement No description. microsoft.public.word.drawing.graphics No description. microsoft.public.word.formatting.longdocs No description. microsoft.public.word.international.features No description. microsoft.public.word.internet.assistant No description. microsoft.public.word.macword2001 No description. microsoft.public.word.macword5-6 No description. microsoft.public.word.macword98 No description. microsoft.public.word.mail No description. microsoft.public.word.mailmerge.fields No description. microsoft.public.word.newusers No description. microsoft.public.word.numbering No description. microsoft.public.word.oleinterop No description. microsoft.public.word.pagelayout No description. microsoft.public.word.printingfonts No description. microsoft.public.word.setup.networking No description. microsoft.public.word.spelling.grammar No description. microsoft.public.word.tables No description. microsoft.public.word.vba.addins No description. microsoft.public.word.vba.beginners No description. microsoft.public.word.vba.customization No description. microsoft.public.word.vba.general No description. microsoft.public.word.vba.userforms No description. microsoft.public.word.web.authoring No description. microsoft.public.word.word6-7macros No description. microsoft.public.word.word97vba No description. microsoft.public.works.dos No description. microsoft.public.works.mac No description. microsoft.public.works.win No description. microsoft.public.xbox No description. microsoft.public.xbox.games No description. microsoft.public.xml No description. microsoft.public.xml.msxml-webrelease No description. microsoft.public.xml.soap No description. microsoft.public.xml.soapsdk No description. microsoft.public.xml.xmlsqlwebrelease No description. microsoft.public.xsl No description. microsoft.public.z.newsmon No description. microsoft.test No description. milw.general Items of general interest in Milwaukee. milw.jobs Jobs available & wanted in the Milwaukee area. milw.unix No description. misc.activism.anti-fascism.announce Announcing anti-fascist activities. (Moderated) misc.activism.anti-fascism.tactics Planning anti-fascist activities. (Moderated) misc.activism.militia Citizens bearing arms for the common defense. (Moderated) misc.activism.progressive Information for Progressive activists. (Moderated) misc.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) misc.books.technical Discussion of books about technical topics. misc.business.consulting The business of consulting. (Moderated) misc.business.credit Domestic and international business credit. (Moderated) misc.business.facilitators Forum for group facilitation professionals. (Moderated) misc.business.marketing.moderated Roundtable for marketing topics. (Moderated) misc.business.moderated Roundtable for general business topics. (Moderated) misc.business.product-dev New product development and management. (Moderated) misc.business.records-mgmt All aspects of professional records management. misc.consumers Consumer interests, product reviews, etc. misc.consumers.frugal-living Practicing a frugal lifestyle. misc.consumers.house Discussion about owning and maintaining a house. misc.consumers.house.homeowner-assn Common interest housing developments. misc.creativity Promoting the use of creativity in all human endeavors. misc.education Discussion of the educational system. misc.education.adult Adult education and adult literacy practice/research. misc.education.home-school.christian Christian home-schooling. misc.education.home-school.misc Almost anything about home-schooling. misc.education.language.english Teaching English to speakers of other languages. misc.education.medical Issues related to medical education. misc.education.science Issues related to science education. misc.emerg-services Forum for paramedics & other first responders. misc.entrepreneurs Discussion on operating a business. misc.entrepreneurs.moderated Entrepreneur/business topics. (Moderated) misc.facts.straight-dope The Straight Dope column and related topics. misc.fitness.aerobic All forms of aerobic activity. misc.fitness.misc All other general fitness topics. misc.fitness.walking Fitness walking: help, instruction, events. misc.fitness.weights Bodybuilding, weightlifting, resistance. misc.forsale.computers.discussion Discussions only about items for sale. misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.cards.misc Macintosh expansion cards. misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.cards.video Macintosh video cards. misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.misc Other Macintosh equipment. misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.portables Portable Macintosh systems. misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.software Macintosh software. misc.forsale.computers.mac-specific.systems Complete Macintosh systems. misc.forsale.computers.memory Memory chips and modules for sale and wanted. misc.forsale.computers.modems Modems for sale and wanted. misc.forsale.computers.monitors Monitors and displays for sale and wanted. misc.forsale.computers.net-hardware Networking hardware for sale and wanted. misc.forsale.computers.other.misc Miscellaneous other equipment. misc.forsale.computers.other.software Software for other systems. misc.forsale.computers.other.systems Complete other types of systems. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.audio PC audio equipment. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.cards.misc PC expansion cards. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.cards.video PC video cards. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.misc Other PC-specific equipment. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.motherboards PC motherboards. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.portables Portable PC systems. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.software PC software. misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.systems Complete PC systems. misc.forsale.computers.printers Printers and plotters for sale and wanted. misc.forsale.computers.storage Disk, CDROM and tape drives for sale and wanted. misc.forsale.computers.workstation Workstation related computer items. misc.forsale.non-computer Non-computer items for sale and wanted. misc.handicap Discussions of interest to persons with disabilities. misc.headlines Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc. misc.health.aids AIDS issues and support. misc.health.alternative Alternative, complementary and holistic health care. misc.health.arthritis Arthritis and related disorders. misc.health.diabetes Discussion of diabetes management in day to day life. misc.health.infertility Treatment & support of infertility. misc.health.injuries.rsi.misc All about Repetitive Strain Injuries. misc.health.therapy.occupational All areas of occupational therapy. misc.immigration.australia+nz Migration forum for Australia and New Zealand. misc.immigration.canada Canada immigration issues. misc.immigration.misc Miscellaneous countries immigration issues. misc.immigration.usa USA immigration issues. misc.industry.electronics.marketplace Electronics products & services. misc.industry.insurance General forum for all insurance issues. (Moderated) misc.industry.printing A forum for the printing industry. (Moderated) misc.industry.pulp-and-paper Technical topics in the pulp and paper industry. misc.industry.quality Quality standards and other issues. misc.industry.safety.personal Personal protective equipment. (Moderated) misc.industry.utilities.electric The electric utility industry. misc.int-property Discussion of intellectual property rights. misc.invest.canada Investing in Canadian financial markets. misc.invest.financial-plan Financial planning in general. (Moderated) misc.invest.futures Physical commodity and financial futures markets. misc.invest.marketplace All other ads/promotions. misc.invest.misc Investments not in other misc.invest.* groups. misc.invest.mutual-funds Mutual Funds. misc.invest.options Financial options on stocks and futures. misc.invest.real-estate Property investments. misc.invest.stocks Forum for sharing info about stocks and options. misc.invest.technical Analyzing market trends with technical methods. misc.jobs.contract Discussions about contract labor. misc.jobs.fields.chemistry Employment in the chemical sciences. misc.jobs.misc Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers. misc.jobs.offered.entry Job listings only for entry-level positions. misc.jobs.resumes Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles. misc.kids Children, their behavior and activities. misc.kids.breastfeeding Information, support, and decisions re breastfeeding. misc.kids.computer The use of computers by children. misc.kids.health Children's health. misc.kids.info Informational posts related to misc.kids hierarchy. (Moderated) misc.kids.moderated Parenting questions, ideas, and experiences. (Moderated) misc.kids.pregnancy Pre-pregnancy planning, pregnancy, childbirth. misc.kids.vacation Discussion on all forms of family-oriented vacationing. misc.legal Legalities and the ethics of law. misc.legal.computing Discussing the legal climate of the computing world. misc.legal.moderated All aspects of law. (Moderated) misc.misc Various discussions not fitting in any other group. misc.news.internet.announce News bulletins from the Internet. (Moderated) misc.news.internet.discuss Discussion of news bulletins from the Net. misc.predictions.registry Predictions of the future. (Moderated) misc.rural Devoted to issues concerning rural living. misc.survivalism Disaster and long-term survival techniques and theory. misc.taxes Tax laws and advice. misc.taxes.moderated Tax professionals meeting place and answers to queries. (Moderated) misc.test For testing of network software. Very boring. misc.test.moderated Testing of posting to moderated groups. (Moderated) misc.transport.air-industry Airlines, airports, commercial aircraft. (Moderated) misc.transport.marine Maritime and inland waterways transportation. misc.transport.misc General transportation issues. misc.transport.rail.americas Railroads & railways in North & South America. misc.transport.rail.australia-nz Railways in Australia & New Zealand. misc.transport.rail.europe Railroads & railways in all of Europe. misc.transport.rail.misc Rail issues not in other geographic groups. misc.transport.road Road and highway transportation. misc.transport.trucking Commercial trucking related issues. misc.transport.urban-transit Metropolitan public transportation systems. misc.wanted Requests for things that are needed (NOT software). misc.writing Discussion of writing in all of its forms. misc.writing.screenplays Aspects of writing and selling screenplays. mit.aero.unified Aero/Astro Unified Engineering at MIT mit.bboard MIT's Bulletin Board. mit.eecs.discuss Electrical Engineering at Computer Science at MIT mit.evat Education Via Advanced Technologies at MIT. mit.lcs.announce No description. mit.lcs.ciis-building.announce Announcements about the new building 20. (Moderated) mit.lcs.ciis-building.misc Miscellaneous discussion about the new building 20. mit.lcs.misc No description. mit.lcs.seminar No description. mit.media-lab.mas001 No description. mit.test For mit.all test USENET news messages. Boring. mn.archive Archive sites in Minnesota. mn.arts Discussions and announcements of the Minnesota art community. mn.aviation Minnesotans Talk - Aviation related topics mn.forsale No description. mn.general Items of general interest to Minnesota. mn.map Minnesota uucp map postings. (Moderated) mn.net Computer networking in Minnesota. mn.politics No description. mn.sf Minnesota-related sf announcements and discussion. mn.sources Minnesota program sources. mn.test Testing in Minnesota. mn.traffic Minnesota USENET traffic statistics. mn.uum For discussion of Unix Users of MN related topics. mn.women Women related topics in Minnesota. (Moderated) monterey.config Specific group for news configuration in Monterey, CA. monterey.events Events in Monterey, CA. monterey.forsale Things for sale in Monterey, CA. monterey.general General discussions in Monterey, CA. monterey.test Test group for Monterey, CA. mtl.activism Discussions on community action in Montreal mtl.freenet.org Montreal FreeNet/LiberTel, discussions non-techniques. mtl.general General stuff in Montreal, Canada. mtl.test USENET Testing in Montreal, Canada. mtl.vendre-forsale Petites annonces a Montreal. muc.admin Administratives der muc-Hierarchie. muc.announce Ankuendigungen oeffentlicher Vortraege, Aenderungen etc. muc.archive.admin Verwalter/Benutzer der Muenchner Archive. muc.archive.general Anregungen/Wuensche zu den SW-Archiven. muc.archive.update Aenderungen im Bestand der SW-Archive. muc.buergernetz Buergernetze in und um Muenchen. muc.infoforum Projekte und Forschungsergebnisse Informatikforum. (Moderated) muc.infosystems Informationssysteme im Muenchner Raum (Gopher etc.). muc.lists.admin Diskussion ueber Muenchner Mailinglisten. muc.lists.amd AutoMounter. (Moderated) muc.lists.atarix Unix fuer ATARIs. (Moderated) muc.lists.bb Big Brother mailinglist. (Moderated) muc.lists.bind.users the BIND resolver/name server software: USERS. (Moderated) muc.lists.brick-users Discussion about the BinTec BRICK router family. (Moderated) muc.lists.bugtraq UNIX security mailing list. (Moderated) muc.lists.cn ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.concurrency ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.cvs CVS users list. (Moderated) muc.lists.debian.announce ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.debian.user ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.debian.user-de ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.dec-managers DECstations and their associated problems. (Moderated) muc.lists.egcs.announce Announcements about releases or other important events by cygnus. read-only. (Moderated) muc.lists.egcs.bugs Carries bug reports and general discussions about bugs in egcs. (Moderated) muc.lists.egcs.cvs Tracks checkins to the egcs CVS repository. read-only. (Moderated) muc.lists.egcs.misc General discussions about egcs. (Moderated) muc.lists.egcs.patches Contains patch submissions and discussions of particular patches. (Moderated) muc.lists.enlightenment Enlightment Window Manager Mailing list. (Moderated) muc.lists.eu20 Weekly European chart from MTV Europe. (Moderated) muc.lists.firewalls Firewall Configuration. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.afs Porting AFS to FreeBSD. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.alpha Porting FreeBSD to the Alpha. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.announce Important events and milestones. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.atm ATM for FreeBSD!. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.bugs Bug reports. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.chat Non technical items related to the community. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.commit CVS commit messages. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.config Installation and Configuration tool development. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.current Discussions about the use of FreeBSD-current. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.database Database use and development under FreeBSD. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.doc Documentation project. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.emulation Using FreeBSD to Emulate other Systems. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.fs Filesystems. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.hackers Technical Discussions. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.hardware General discussion of FreeBSD hardware. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.hubs FreeBSD Distributions Hubs: mail sup ftp. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.install Installation discussion. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.isdn Using ISDN with FreeBSD. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.isp Internet Services Providers. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.java Porting Java to FreeBSD. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.jobs jobs offered and sought. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.lite2 merge of 4.4BSD-Lite2 source code. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.mobile Mobile computing with FreeBSD. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.multimedia Multimedia discussions. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.newbies Gathering place for new users. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.platforms Porting to Non-Intel platforms. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.ports Porting software to FreeBSD. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.questions general questions mailing list. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.realtime Realtime extensions per POSIX 1003.4. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.scsi SCSI subsystem. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.security Security issues. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.security.notifications Moderated Security Notifications (low volume). (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.smp FreeBSD SMP implementation group. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.sparc Porting FreeBSD to the Sparc. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.stable Pre-release testing. (Moderated) muc.lists.freebsd.user-groups User Group Coordination List. (Moderated) muc.lists.frua-dev ??? (redeye fragen). (Moderated) muc.lists.fwf.announce ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.fwf.bugs ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.fwf.development ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.gated the GateD internet routing daemon. (Moderated) muc.lists.germnews Nachrichten aus Deutschland, in Deutsch. (Moderated) muc.lists.hurd-ann Announcements zum GNU-Betriebsystem "hurd". (Moderated) muc.lists.iafa ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.ietf Internet Engineering Task Force. (Moderated) muc.lists.ifmail the IFmail Fido/Internet gateway and communication package. (Moderated) muc.lists.indians ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.info-solbourne ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.linux-ha High Availability (HA) solutions on Linux. (Moderated) muc.lists.linux-kernel Linux Kernel Development (readonly). (Moderated) muc.lists.logic ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.mint MiNT - Die Multitaskingerweiterung fuer ATARI TOS. (Moderated) muc.lists.net-happenings Sites, events, publications, training, and miscelleaneous information. (Moderated) muc.lists.netblazer Telebit's NetBlazer (Router/Terminalserver). (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.announce Moderated list for announcements only. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.bugs Bug reports. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.current-users General discussion regarding NetBSD-current. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.help Questions and answers. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.alpha Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/alpha. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.amiga Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/amiga. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.arm32 Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/arm32. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.atari technical discussion regarding NetBSD/atari. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.hp300 Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/hp300. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.i386 Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/i386. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.m68k Technical discussion regarding all NetBSD/m68k ports. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.mac68k Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/mac68k. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.mips Technical discussion regarding MIPS-based NetBSD ports. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.mvme68k Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/mvme68k. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.pc532 Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/pc532. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.pmax Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/pmax. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.powerpc Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/powerpc. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.sparc Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/sparc. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.sun3 Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/sun3. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.vax Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/vax. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.port.x68k Technical discussion regarding NetBSD/x68k. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.portable-ppp Technical discussion regarding user-space PPP. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.ports NetBSD porting issues. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.source-changes Source tree changes. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.install Technical discussion regarding installation tools. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.kern Technical discussion regarding all aspects of the kernel. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.misc Technical discussion not appropriate for the other tech- lists. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.net Technical discussion regarding networking software. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.ports Technical discussion regarding all ports. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.security Technical discussion regarding security issues. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.toolchain Technical discussion of toolchaining issues. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.tech.userlevel Technical Discussion regarding User-level programs. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.users General Discussin about NetBSD. (Moderated) muc.lists.netbsd.www-changes NetBSD WWW document changes. (Moderated) muc.lists.new-lists New List Announcements. (Moderated) muc.lists.newsx News transfer agent. (Moderated) muc.lists.nren-d ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.ntbugtraq Windows NT BugTraq Mailing List. (Moderated) muc.lists.ntk New TkPerl extentions -- discussions about it. (Moderated) muc.lists.osf-managers Alpha machines under OSF/1 and their associated problems. (Moderated) muc.lists.postgres.hackers Development of postgresql. (Moderated) muc.lists.postgres.questions Questions about postgresql. (Moderated) muc.lists.pp Discussion on PP MTA. (Moderated) muc.lists.qmail discussion about the QMAIL MTA package. (Moderated) muc.lists.quickcam driver development for the connectix quickcam. (Moderated) muc.lists.roxen discussion about the ROXEN WWW server package. (Moderated) muc.lists.scsi ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.smail3.users Targeted towards those who administer smail3.X based mailers. (Moderated) muc.lists.smail3.wizards For people who are actively porting, debugging, and extending smail3.X. (Moderated) muc.lists.sml ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.snns SNNS - Stuttgarter Neuronaler Netze Simulator. (Moderated) muc.lists.squid.announce the SQUID www caching daemon (announcements). (Moderated) muc.lists.squid.users the SQUID www caching daemon. (Moderated) muc.lists.stern.computer the german magazine STERN - computer/communications news. (Moderated) muc.lists.stern.infomat the german magazine STERN - articles. (Moderated) muc.lists.suns-at-home ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.taylor-uucp Diskussion / Weiterentwicklung von Taylor(GNU)-UUCP. (Moderated) muc.lists.tpc-rp Fax via Internet. (Moderated) muc.lists.uupc-info das UUPC-Paket (UUcp for PC) fuer DOS und OS/2. (Moderated) muc.lists.v-modell Entwicklungsstandard für IT-Systeme des Bundes (V-Modell). (Moderated) muc.lists.www-announce ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.www-courseware ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.www-literature ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.www-proxy ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.www-security ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.www-speed ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.www-talk ??. (Moderated) muc.lists.zmailer The ZMAILER MTA program. (Moderated) muc.markt.arbeit Stellengesuche und -gebote im Raum Muenchen. muc.markt.misc Das sonstige Markttreiben in und um Muenchen. muc.misc Sonstiges mit Bezug zu Muenchen und Umgebung. muc.rec Auffuehrungen, Konzerte, Ausstellungen, Kneipen etc. muc.test Testgruppe fuer Muenchen. muc.verkehr Verkehr in der Region Muenchen. mx.anuncios Announcements relevant to Mexico. (Moderated) nashville.general No description. nb.biz Commercial postings for New Brunswick, Canada. nb.forsale Personal items for sale in New Brunswick, Canada. nb.francais Discussions in French for New Brunswick, Canada. nb.general General discussions on any topic of interest to New Brunswickers. nb.jobs Jobs offered or sought in New Brunswick, Canada. nbg.config Weil nichts aergerlicher ist als wenn alles klappt nbg.flame Fraenkisch lokale Allerweltsprognostik und mediengestuetzte Esoterik nbg.hack Bill Gates muss draussen bleiben nbg.lists Fuer Listen, Statistiken und dergleichen nbg.markt Angebote und Gesuche fuer Selbstabholer in und um Nuernberg nbg.motorrad Worschdln und Fohrn in und um Nuernberg nbg.online Provider, ISDN, Modems und TK-Anlagen nbg.sonstiges Lokales, das sonst nirgends reinpasst nbg.test Reflektorfutter und Flames zu Konfigurationsproblemen nbn.housing Houses for rent, sale, or wanted in the North Bay. nbn.market Want to buy, want to sell in the North Bay. nbn.misc News and events in the North Bay. nbn.novato News and discussion of Novato, California. nbn.westmarin News and discussion of West Marin County, California. nc.charlotte.entertainment All the fun places to be in Charlotte, NC. nc.charlotte.sports Past and upcoming sports events in Charlotte, NC. nc.config Discussions of the nc.* hierarchy itself. nc.forsale Items forsale in North Carolina. nc.general Items of general interest in North Carolina. nc.western Discussion related to the Western North Carolina region. ncar.weather USA weather bulletins from NCAR. ncku.talk No description. ncsc.chemistry NC Supercomputing chemistry topics. ncsc.general NC Supercomputing general topics. ncsc.systems No description. ncsc.training NC Supercomputing training topics. nctu.ac.general NCTU Dept of Applied Chemistry nctu.academic NCTU Academic Affairs nctu.activities Group for NCTU Activities nctu.adm NCTU Administrative Affairs nctu.adm.academic-affs NCTU Office of Academic Affairs nctu.adm.alumni-center No description. nctu.adm.chancellor NCTU Office of Chancellor nctu.adm.general-affs NCTU Office of General Affairs nctu.adm.health [¥æ¤j½Ã«O²Õ] NCTU Office of Health nctu.adm.mirc [¥æ¤j¹q¤l¸ê°T¤¤¤ß] ±MÄݧG§iÄæ nctu.adm.president [¥æ¤j®Õªø¨Æ/¯µ®Ñ³B] nctu.adm.sport NCTU Office of Sports nctu.adm.student-affs NCTU Office of Student Affairs nctu.adm.student-cnas [¥æ¤j¾Ç¥Í·N¨£¤ÏÀ³¤ÎªA°È¤¤¤ß] nctu.adm.traffic NCTU Committee of Traffic Affairs nctu.alumni Group for NCTU Alumni nctu.announce Announcement for NCTUers nctu.answers Periodical postings for NCTUers (Moderated) nctu.applied.math NCTU Dept of Applied Mathematics nctu.ccca Campus Computer Communication Association nctu.ccca.ftp.announce Announcements of NCTUCCCA.edu.tw (Moderated) nctu.ccca.ftp.d Discussion on NCTUCCCA.edu.tw FTP Archive nctu.ccca.ftp.newfiles New File Announcements (Moderated) nctu.ccca.hytelnet NCTUCCCA HYTELNET Updates (Moderated) nctu.ccca.mirror NCTUCCCA Mirror Logs (Moderated) nctu.ce.general NCTU Dept of Civil Engineering nctu.chss Human. & Soc. Sc. nctu.club.aboriginal NCTU Club of Aboriginal nctu.club.aiesec NCTU Club of AIESEC nctu.club.anime NCTU Club of Anime nctu.club.astronomy NCTU Astronomy Club. nctu.club.av NCTU Club of Audio & Video nctu.club.ballroomdance ¥æ¤j°ê»Ú¼Ð·Ç»RªÀ nctu.club.baseball NCTU Club of Baseball nctu.club.bicycle NCTU Club of Bicycle nctu.club.buddhism NCTU Club of Buddhism nctu.club.central-alumni NCTU Club of Central High-School Alumni nctu.club.chinese-music NCTU Club of Chinese Music nctu.club.chorus NCTU Club of Chorus nctu.club.cie No description. nctu.club.counseling ¥æ¤j¿Ô°Ó¤¤¤ß nctu.club.ctbs [¥æ¤j¹q¥x] NCTU Broadcasting Station nctu.club.drama NCTU Club of Drama nctu.club.fhl ¥æ¤j«H±æ·RªÀ nctu.club.fine-art ¥æ¤j¬ü³NªÀ nctu.club.guitar NCTU Club of Guitar nctu.club.harmonica [¥æ¤j¦ËÃý¤fµ^ªÀ] NCTU Harmonica Club nctu.club.heart NCTU Club of Mentality nctu.club.hsnu-alumni NCTU Club of HSNU Alumni nctu.club.jindan No description. nctu.club.kan-fu NCTU Club of Kan Fu nctu.club.karate ¥æ¤jªÅ¤â¹DªÀ nctu.club.ks-alumni NCTU Club of KaoHsiung Alumni nctu.club.midi NCTU Club of Midi nctu.club.mingdao NCTU MingDao High School Alumni. nctu.club.mountain [¥æ¤jµn¤sªÀ] NCTU Mountain Club. nctu.club.myanmar ¥æ²M½q¨l¦P¾Ç·| nctu.club.nature ¥æ¤j¦ÛµM¥ÍºA¬ã²ßªÀ nctu.club.nctumovie NCTU Campus Movie Group. nctu.club.ocsa NCTU Club of Oversea Chinese Students Assn. nctu.club.orchestra NCTU Club of Orchestra nctu.club.photo NCTU Club of Photography nctu.club.popdance ¥æ¤j¼ö»RªÀ nctu.club.rail NCTU Club of Rail Research nctu.club.rover NCTU Club of Rover nctu.club.skating ¥æ¤jª½±Æ½ü¤MªÀ nctu.club.spring-shine ¥æ¤j¬K·uªÀ nctu.club.stamp NCTU Club of Stamp Collection nctu.club.tai-chn NCTU Club of Taekwondo nctu.club.track-field NCTU Club of Track & Field nctu.club.tvbs ¥æ³q¤j¾Ç¯uµ½¬üªÀ nctu.club.uu NCTU Club of UU nctu.cm.general NCTU Dept of Communication Engineering nctu.com.ecology Discussion on Communication Ecology nctu.consult Questions to NCTU Computer Center nctu.cte [¥æ¤j±Ð¨|¾Çµ{¤¤¤ß--¤½§i,«Øij...] nctu.dbt.general [¥æ³q¤j¾Ç¥Íª«¬ì§Þ¨t©Ò°Q½×°Ï] nctu.dept.cn No description. nctu.ee.general NCTU Dept of Electronics Engineering nctu.ee.vlsi-cad VLSI CAD Group, EE, NCTU nctu.ensys Discussion on Environment Systems nctu.general General Discussion on NCTU Incidents nctu.iim.general No description. nctu.lib.book Book Recommendation to NCTU Library nctu.lib.news Announcements from NCTU Library nctu.mat-sci-eng NCTU Institute of Material Science Engineering nctu.me.general NCTU Dept of Mechanical Engineering nctu.newgroups.announce Announcements for New Groups (Moderated) nctu.newgroups.d Call for a New NCTU Group nctu.newusers.questions Questions from Newcomers nctu.rec.cinema Discussion on Cinema nctu.rec.music Discussion on Music nctu.student-union.news Announcements from NCTU Student Union nctu.student-union.talk Discussion on NCTU Student Union nctu.talk Free Talks for NCTUers nctu.tem.general NCTU Dept of Transportation Eng. and Mgt. nctu.test Testing Group for NCTU Hierarchy ncu.bbs.club.gf No description. ncu.bbs.club.guitar ¤¤¥¡¤j¾Ç¦N¥LªÀ ncu.bbs.club.hotdance No description. ncu.bbs.club.lulala ¤¤¥¡¤j¾ÇÂP°Õ°ÕªÀ ncu.bbs.club.ms ¤¤¥¡¤j¾Ç¥Í©R¼ç¯àÃöÃh¨ó·| ncu.bbs.club.photo No description. ncu.bbs.club.rover No description. ncu.bbs.club.serverlove No description. ncu.bbs.club.soccer ¤¤¥¡¤j¾Ç¨¬²y¶¤ ncu.bbs.club.st No description. ncu.bbs.club.string ¤¤¥¡¤j¾Ç©¶¼ÖªÀ ncu.bbs.club.youth No description. ncu.bbs.csie No description. ncu.bbs.dormitory ¤¤¥¡¤j¾Ç±JªÙ°Q½×¨Æ°È ncu.bbs.fashion ¤¤¥¡¤j¾Ç¬y¦æ¸ê°T ncu.bbs.ncudcn No description. ncu.bbs.netgame No description. ne.arts New England arts and entertainment. ne.config The ne.* (New England) News hierarchy. ne.food New England food and restaurant reviews. ne.forsale Short postings on items for sale in New England. ne.general General interest discussions pertinent to New England. ne.general.selected ??? (Moderated) ne.housing Short postings on housing wanted or available in NE. ne.internet.services No description. ne.internet.services.ads Newsgroup for ISP ads in the N.E. area. ne.internet.services.selected Like ne.internet.services, but more content. (Moderated) ne.jobs New England job listings. ne.jobs.company Direct job postings from New England companies. (Moderated) ne.jobs.contract Postings of contract openings in New England. ne.motorcycles The Northeast branch of the Denizens of Doom. ne.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality in New England. ne.nearnet.general Discuss the New England Academic and Research Network. ne.nearnet.tech Technical operation and future of NEARnet. ne.org.bcs The Boston Computer Society. ne.org.decus CRIMLUG discussion, the Southern NE Decus group. ne.org.neci.announce No description. ne.org.neci.general The New England Community Internet Project. ne.org.neci.nsp No description. ne.org.neci.software No description. ne.politics Discussio of NE political issues. ne.seminars New England upcoming talks, seminars, etc. ne.singles New England "singles" issues, events, and personal ads. ne.transportation Transportation in New England (driving, MBTA, etc.) ne.wanted New England want-ads. ne.weather No description. nebr.biz Nebraska Business. nebr.edu Nebraska Education. nebr.flame Flaming regarding Nebraska people and issues. nebr.gov Nebraska Government. nebr.humor Good Life Humor. nebr.jobs Discussions and postings concerning jobs in Nebraska. nebr.marketplace Things in Nebraska to buy, sell, etc. nebr.misc Discussions and postings about anything in Nebraska. nebr.news.announce Announcements about nebr news hierarchy. (Moderated) nebr.news.general General discussions about the nebr news hierarchy. nebr.news.test For testing news software and distribution in nebr. nebr.rec Recreation in Nebraska. nebr.sports.misc Sports in Nebraska. nebr.sports.unl University of Nebraska-Lincoln Husker sports. nersc.announce General announcements at NERSC. nersc.applications Reports of status and developement of scientific applications at NERSC. nersc.basis Reports of status and developement of the basis software system. nersc.c++ Forum for C++ users at NERSC. nersc.dce.pilot Distributed computing issues at NERSC. nersc.dcom Data communications issues at NERSC. nersc.down_times Reports of outages in service at NERSC. nersc.ersug.disk ERSUG discussion area for issues of NERSC disk policy. nersc.ersug.hpss ERSUG discussion area for the NERSC High Performance Storage System. nersc.fusion.computing Discusions on scientific computing in fusion research at NERSC. nersc.general General topics and discussion of topics at NERSC. nersc.grafl3 Forum for those still using GRAFLIB. nersc.graphics Forum for discussion graphics issues at NERSC. nersc.meetings.workshops Announcements of upcoming meetings of interest to NERSC users. nersc.move Discussion of NERSC's move to LBL. nersc.rfc.software Announcements of Request for Comments, software at NERSC. (Moderated) nersc.sas Issues pertaining to the Supercomputing Auxiliary Service computers at NERSC. nersc.smp Issues involving Symmetric Multi-Processors at NERSC. nersc.software.shared Forum for non-commercial software issues at NERSC. nersc.software.updates Announcements of software installations and upgrades at NERSC. nersc.spp Information on the usage of NERSC Special Parallel Processing test and production queues. nersc.staff Staff issues for the NERSC staff at LLNL. nersc.test Test postings for NERSC domain. nersc.tutorials Instructional postings of how to utilize NERSC services. nersc.unitree Reports of status and development in the UNITREE file storage system. nersc.unix.differences Porting issues between machines at NERSC. nersc.windows.x X-Window issues, help, news at NERSC. net.announce Official announcements about Usenet II. net.aquaria General discussion of aquaria net.aquaria.config Net.aquaria newsgroup configuration issues net.aquaria.marine General discussion, fish-only tanks, etc. net.aviation.aerobatics Aerobatics and Attitude Adjustments net.aviation.announcements Important Aviation Announcements (Moderated) net.aviation.homebuilt Building your own aircraft at home net.aviation.ifr Flying only by reference to instruments net.aviation.marketplace For sale/wanted ads net.aviation.military Military aircraft net.aviation.piloting General pilot discussions net.aviation.rotorcraft Rotary wing aircraft forum net.aviation.simulators Flight simulation net.aviation.students Learning to fly net.aviation.ultralight Light aircraft net.bicycles.activism Discussion of bicycle activism net.bicycles.config Rambling about net.bicycles. net.bicycles.general General discussion of bicycles and HPVs net.bicycles.marketplace Buying and selling of bicycles and HPVs net.bizarre This is not a newsgroup. net.computers.datacom Data Communications net.computers.email.qmail qmail - a mail transport agent for the 90's net.computers.embedded Realtime and Embedded Controllers net.computers.os.other Other operating systems net.computers.os.unix.linux The Linux operating system net.computers.os.unix.rhapsody Apple's next-generation OS for the Macintosh. net.computers.os.unix.solaris Discussion of Sun Microsystems Solaris OS net.computers.other Other computer issues net.computers.telecom Computer-related Telecommunications net.config Janitorial duties in the nice new net. net.config.feed-requests Beg, trade, borrow, or buy access. net.config.leaks Holes in the nice new net. net.config.unsound-sites We're taking our net and going home. net.control Where the net-monitor posts. net.crafts.general All miscellaneous crafty stuff. net.crafts.general.marketplace.commercial Companies selling craft equipage. net.crafts.general.marketplace.private Individuals selling craft equipage. net.crafts.metalworking.general Heavy metal & heavier hammers. net.crafts.textiles.general Threads about thread and needle. net.crafts.textiles.marketplace.commercial For companies to sell. net.crafts.textiles.marketplace.private Individuals buying and selling. net.crafts.woodworking.general Build a house or carve a chain. net.crafts.zymurgy.general Hops, yeast, fruit, & grain. net.current-events.general General discussion of current events. net.education.general Miscellanious education discussion. net.food.advocacy Waiter, there's a raw egg in my soup! net.food.announce What's new in net.food? (Moderated) net.food.asian Asian cookery net.food.bread Bread, bread machines, sourdough net.food.chocolate All things Chocolate net.food.coffee-klatch General chat about food and cooking net.food.desserts The means to an end, sweet or savoury net.food.drink.beer Let's head out to the pub. net.food.drink.liquor For the spirits of Christmas parties net.food.drink.wine The net, a glass of wine, and thou net.food.healthy Healthy eating. net.food.japanese Nani o tabemashita ka? net.food.pizza Pizza! net.food.spicy Hot! Hot! Hot! net.food.veg.cookery Vegetarian cooking and recipes. net.food.veg.lifestyle The philosphy of vegetarianism net.games.roleplaying.advocacy My game is better than yours! net.games.roleplaying.announce Roleplaying game-related news. net.games.roleplaying.general Undifferentiated tabletop & live action gaming net.games.roleplaying.marketplace Roleplaying games bought and sold. net.games.roleplaying.theory Contemplating the essence of gaming. net.general And stuff. See. net.genre.config Metadiscussion of the net.genre hierarchy. net.genre.other For genres not already covered. net.genre.sf.babylon5 Our last, best hope for a fifth season net.genre.sf.config Metadiscussion of the net.genre.sf hierarchy. net.genre.sf.fandom Fans and fandom. net.genre.sf.movies Science fiction and fantasy related movies net.genre.sf.other Other science fiction and fantasy discussion net.genre.sf.star-trek Boldly going forwards because we can't find reverse! net.genre.sf.star-wars Use the Net, Luke! net.genre.sf.tv Science fiction and fantasy related TV programs net.genre.sf.written Science fiction and fantasy in print net.history.general Anything about history net.humour.bawdy "Off colour" sidekick of net.humour.funny. (Moderated) net.humour.config Metadiscussion about the net.humour hierarchy. net.humour.funny "General" humour newsgroup. (Moderated) net.humour.off-colour Unmoderated, anything goes. You've been warned. net.humour.religion Your "higher source" for humour! (Moderated) net.internet.dns.names Domain Name System naming issues net.internet.dns.policy Domain Name System policy net.lycanthropy Discussions of all facets of personal lycanthropy. net.media.electronic The electronic media net.media.film-industry The Industry net.media.movies The Movies (film, video, even MPEG) net.media.other Anything not covered by existing groups net.media.print The printed word net.media.tv Television (neither rare nor well done) net.medicine.clinical.general All about making people better. net.medicine.education.general Teaching and learning medicine. net.medicine.policy.general What do we do and who pays for it? net.medicine.public-health.drugs Drugs and society's health. net.medicine.public-health.general Healthy people, all at once. net.medicine.research.general Finding ways to make people better. net.medicine.support.general Mutual support is a stable structure. net.medicine.veterinary.general Animal health care. net.music.classical.general European traditional art music & descendants net.music.general Anything about music. net.music.style.metal Heavy metal and related hard rock net.music.style.ska The Jamaican beat net.music.world.general World and ethnic traditions net.origins Evolution vs. creation (sometimes hot!) net.religion.announce Announcements about the net.religion hierarchy. (Moderated) net.religion.flame My god can beat up your god net.religion.interfaith Working together net.religion.policy Discussing the net.religion hierarchy net.science.biology.evolution Natural selection, etc... net.science.biology.misc It's alive, Jim. net.science.chemistry.misc Can we really drink that EtOH? net.science.geology.misc It's dead, Jim. net.science.misc Nonspecific discussion of science. net.science.physics.misc Quarks to universes. net.sexuality.bondage Bondage, Dominance, submission and S&M net.sexuality.general Discussion and chat of a sexual nature net.sexuality.motss Members of the same sex discussing sexuality net.sexuality.stories Erotic prose and poetry (Moderated) net.sexuality.stories.discuss Discussion, requests, etc of n.s.s net.sport.config Discussion about the net.sport hierarchy. net.sport.football.ncaa American college football net.sport.football.nfl American professional football net.sport.general Discussion about sports. net.sport.hockey He shoots, he scores! net.subculture.gothic The gothic subculture and lifestyle. net.subculture.tasteless If you love to be disgusting. net.subculture.usenet Who we are, what we do, why we do it. net.support.abuse.sexual Recovering from childhood sexual abuse. net.support.addiction.misc Dealing with miscellaneous addictions. net.support.announce Announcements relevant to net.support.* (Moderated) net.support.config Metadiscussion of the net.support hierarchy. net.support.grief Coping with the loss of a loved one. net.support.psych.misc For those with miscellaneous psychiatric disorders. net.test Chat with autoreply bots. net.theatre.acting Theatre performers forum net.theatre.announce Announcements relevant to the net.theatre hierarchy net.theatre.musicals Staged musicals and operetta net.theatre.plays Staged plays net.theatre.stagecraft Backstage theatre net.writing.general Stuff you've written and comments thereon. net.writing.roleplaying.in-character.announce ments & FAQs. (Moderated) net.writing.roleplaying.in-character.misc Various settings. net157.chat157 No description. net157.region11 No description. netbsd.current-users No description. netbsd.netbsd-bugs No description. netbsd.source-changes No description. netcom.general No description. netcom.shell.general No description. netcom.shell.mail No description. netcom.shell.software.nuglops No description. netcom.uk.jobs Vacancies at NETCOM Internet Ltd. (Moderated) netcom.uk.press-releases NETCOM Internet Ltd. press releases (Moderated) netlink.announce Announcements about Netlink services. netlink.service A gateway/mirror of the netlink-service mailinglist. netlink.support Support for Netlink services and customers. netlink.talk General chat between Netlink and customers. netlink.users A gateway/mirror of the netlink-users mailinglist. netscape.public.admin Hierarchy administration. netscape.public.beta.feedback.browser Seamonkey browser feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.cck Seamonkey cck feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.editor Seamonkey editor feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.general General Seamonkey feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.i18n Seamonkey i18n feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.install Seamonkey install feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.javascript Seamonkey javascript feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.mail Seamonkey mail feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.nim Seamonkey nim feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.pagelayout Seamonkey pagelayout feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.security Seamonkey security feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.sidebar Seamonkey sidebar feedback. netscape.public.beta.feedback.themes Seamonkey skins feedback. netscape.public.dev.css Cascading Style Sheets 1/2. netscape.public.dev.dom Document Object Model 1/2. netscape.public.dev.html HTML 4.0. netscape.public.dev.mysidebar Netcenter My Sidebar Tabs. netscape.public.dev.plugin-upgrade Nav5 plugin upgrade development. netscape.public.dev.rdf Resource Description Framework. netscape.public.dev.skins Nav5 Skins (customized browser UI) netscape.public.dev.xml XML document language in Communicator. netscape.public.dev.xul XML User-interface Language. netscape.public.general General discussion about Netscape products and services. netscape.public.iws.linux Linux Web Server. netscape.public.marketmaker iPlanet Market-Maker. netscape.public.mozilla.accessibility Discussion of accessibility in mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.announce Mozilla announcements. (Moderated) netscape.public.mozilla.beos BeOS port of Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.browser Discussion of browsing application issues. netscape.public.mozilla.builds Mozilla build problems & build system issues. netscape.public.mozilla.calendar Calendar functions in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.calendar.checkins Calendar revisions in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.crypto Cryptography support in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.crypto.checkins Cryptography checkin tracking in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.directory LDAP based functions in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.documentation Documenting Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.dom Document Object Model (DOM) in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.editor NGLayout-based editor component for Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.embedding Embedding Mozilla in other apps. netscape.public.mozilla.general General discussion of Mozilla-related topics. netscape.public.mozilla.gtk A Mozilla frontend based on the Gimp ToolKit. netscape.public.mozilla.i18n Mozilla internationalization. netscape.public.mozilla.java Java language issues w/mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.jobs Mozilla Jobs. netscape.public.mozilla.jseng JavaScript engineering in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.l10n Mozilla localization issues. netscape.public.mozilla.layout Document layout in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.layout.checkins Code changes for layout in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.layout.xslt Mozilla layout xslt. netscape.public.mozilla.license The Netscape and Mozilla Public Licenses. netscape.public.mozilla.mac Macintosh port of Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.macosx Mozilla on Mac OS X. netscape.public.mozilla.mail-news The mozilla mail and news client. netscape.public.mozilla.mathml support for MathML processing in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.mstone Mozilla Mstone project. netscape.public.mozilla.netlib The networking library used by Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.newsclips Mozilla in the online press. netscape.public.mozilla.nspr Netscape Portable Runtime. netscape.public.mozilla.oji Open JVM Interface used by Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.os2 OS/2 port of Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.patches Patches to the Mozilla source code. netscape.public.mozilla.performance Performance optimization of Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.platform Mozilla as an application platform. netscape.public.mozilla.plugins Nav5 plugin API design & Mozilla dev feedback. netscape.public.mozilla.porkjockeys Mozilla porkjet project. (Moderated) netscape.public.mozilla.prefs Mozilla preferences discussion. netscape.public.mozilla.qa.browser Browser quality assurance. netscape.public.mozilla.qa.editor Composer quality assurance. netscape.public.mozilla.qa.general General Quality assurance issues. netscape.public.mozilla.qt A Mozilla front-end based on the Qt toolkit. netscape.public.mozilla.rdf Resource Description Format in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.reviewers Discussion of Mozilla code reviews. netscape.public.mozilla.rhapsody Rhapsody port of Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.rt-messaging Real-Time Messaging in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.seamonkey Seamonkey (Browser v5.0) project. netscape.public.mozilla.security Security policies in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.style Discussion of Mozilla style issues. netscape.public.mozilla.svg Scalable Vector Graphics in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.ui User interface issues in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.unix Unix and X11 port of Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.unix.checkins Unix code changes in Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.webtools Web tools used with Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.win32 Discussion of Windows platform issues. netscape.public.mozilla.wishlist Mozilla feature wishlists. netscape.public.mozilla.xbl Mozilla XBL discussion. netscape.public.mozilla.xml Mozilla xml discussion. netscape.public.mozilla.xpcom Cross-Platform Component Object Model. netscape.public.mozilla.xpfe Cross platform front end for Mozilla. netscape.public.mozilla.xpfe.checkins Code changes for the Mozilla XPFE. netscape.public.mozilla.xpinstall Mozilla XPInstall discussion. netscape.public.test Test postings to netscape.public hierarchy. neworleans.general No description. neworleans.info New Orleans' history, culture, people, food, etc. (Moderated) news.admin.announce Announcements for news adminstrators. (Moderated) news.admin.censorship Censorship issues in news administration. news.admin.hierarchies Network news hierarchies. news.admin.misc General topics of network news administration. news.admin.net-abuse.bulletins Bulletins of action about net abuse. (Moderated) news.admin.net-abuse.email Discussion of abuse of email systems. news.admin.net-abuse.misc Network facility abuse, including spamming. news.admin.net-abuse.policy Discussion of net abuse policy. (Moderated) news.admin.net-abuse.sightings Sightings of net abuse. (Moderated) news.admin.net-abuse.usenet Discussion of abuse of the Usenet system. news.admin.nocem NoCeM protocol policy issues and information. news.admin.technical Technical aspects of maintaining network news. (Moderated) news.announce.conferences Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated) news.announce.important General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated) news.announce.newgroups Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated) news.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated) news.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) news.groups Discussions and lists of newsgroups. news.groups.questions Where can I find talk about topic X? news.lists.filters Notices for automated news filtering systems. news.lists.misc News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated) news.misc Discussions of USENET itself. news.newusers.questions Q & A for new users of Usenet. (Moderated) news.software.anu-news VMS Usenet software from Australian National Univ. news.software.b Discussion about Usenet B-news-compatible software. news.software.misc Usenet-related software other than readers and servers. news.software.nn Discussion about the "nn" Usenet news reader package. news.software.nntp The Network News Transfer Protocol. news.software.readers Discussing software for reading network news (Usenet). newsguy.announce Announcements for Newsguy News Service. (Moderated) newsguy.general Newsguy News Service discussion. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.biz.headlines Up to the minute business headlines. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.headlines Up to the minute headline news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.sports.headlines Up to the minute sports headlines. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.contracts.budgets Government contracts and budgets. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.defense U.S. Government defense news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.faa Federal Aviation Administration news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.fcc Federal Communications Commission news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.fda Food and Drug Administration news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.federal.reserve.fdic Federal Reserve, FDIC news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.finance Federal government finance news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.ftc Federal Trade Commission news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.military U.S. military news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.nasa National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.us.gov.society Social and ethnic issues and trends. newsguy.pub.us.gov.supreme-court U.S. Supreme Court news. newsguy.pub.us.politics U.S. political issues. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.africa.gov African government news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.asia.gov Asian government news (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.australia.nz.oceania.gov Australia/New Zealand/Oceania. newsguy.pub.world.canada.gov Canadian government news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.europe.russia-cis.gov Europe, Russia, CIS govt news. newsguy.pub.world.gov World governemnt news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.analysis World government analysis. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.democracy.human-rights World human rights/democracy. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.diplomatic.security World diplomacy and security. newsguy.pub.world.gov.economic World economic news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.fire.police World public safety issues. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.global.communications Global communciations. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.press-review Press review of world govt. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.public-service World public service news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.summary.48hours Previous 48 hours gov't news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.summary.french World govt news in French. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.summary.russian World govt news in Russian. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.gov.summary.spanish World govt news in Spanish. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.latin-american.caribbean.gov Regional gov't news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.mid-east.nafrica.sasia.gov Regional gov't news. (Moderated) newsguy.pub.world.politics World political news. (Moderated) nf.arts The arts in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. nh.config Newsgroup hierarchy configuration for nh.* (New Hampshire). nh.forsale For Sale in New Hampshire nh.general No description. nh.housing Property wanted, for rent, & for sale in New Hampshire. ni.announce Announcements relevant to people in Northern Ireland. ni.business.chat Discussion within the business community in N.I. ni.buy-and-sell Wanted / Forsale in N.I. (non-commercial) ni.chat General chat. ni.entertainment Entertainment in Northern Ireland. ni.games.multiplayer Discussion of Multiplayer games within N.I. ni.motorcycles Northern Ireland Motorcycle enthusiasts. ni.music Discussion of Northern Irish music, bands, gigs, etc ni.net Postings relevant to Internet Infrastructure in N.I. ni.politics Discussion of politics in N.I. (What else do we do?) ni.support Personal support for people in Northern Ireland ni.test Test postings. ni.www About the World Wide Web in N.I. niagara.announce Announcements of general interests in Niagara. niagara.arts Theatre, music, etc. in the Niagara region. niagara.config niagara.* Usenet configuration and policy. niagara.falls The seventh natural wonder of the world. niagara.falls.barrel There goes another one. niagara.falls.cam Live images of Niagara Falls on the Web. niagara.forsale Buying and selling in the Niagara region. niagara.freenet Niagara Regional Freenet. niagara.general General discussion for the Niagara region. niagara.jobs Jobs in the Niagara Region. niagara.personals Meeting people in the Niagara region. niagara.police Mmm... Niagara, donut capital of the world... niagara.test Local testing for usenet in the Niagara region. niagara.wine Wine and wineries in the Niagara Region. nihon.announce Announcements about nihon newsgroups. nihon.beginners.pc Questions and answers about PC for beginners. nihon.beginners.salon Netnews beginners' salon. nihon.comp General topics on computers. nihon.comp.microsoft.windows98 Topics on Microsoft Windows 98. nihon.config Talking about nihon hierarchy. nihon.config.abuse Discussion on abuse of nihon.* hierarchy. nihon.config.feed Discussions about news feed of nihon. nihon.config.groups Discussions of nihon.* newsgroups. nihon.config.policy Discussion on the policy of nihon.* hierarchy. nihon.fan.morning-musume Talking about morning-musume. nihon.gengo.nihongo Topics on Japanese language. nihon.internet Topics on the Internet. nihon.internet.providers Topics on internet service providers. nihon.jokes Jokes. nihon.life.juken Topics on examination. nihon.mail General topics on mail. nihon.mail.friends Advertisements for mail friends. nihon.misc Miscellaneous topics. nihon.netnews General topics on NetNews. nihon.netnews.reader Topics on news readers. nihon.soc.nuclear Topics on atomic energy. nihon.soc.politics Topics on politics. nihon.talk Let's freetalk. nihon.talk.color Talk about color. nihon.talk.diet Topics about diet. nihon.talk.kuwagata Topics on Kuwagata-mushi. nihon.talk.music Talking about music. nihon.talk.robot Talking about robot. nihon.talk.sports Topics on sports. nihon.talk.tv Talking about television and TV programs. nihon.talk.wheel Talking about autos and bicycles. nihon.test Testing. nihon.test.check The newsgroup for automatic checking on test articles. nihon.test.rakugaki Scribbling. nil.general general nil discussions. nil.maps Nil maps. (Moderated) nj.config For discussions about nj netnews and e-mail. nj.events Events in New Jersey. nj.forsale Items for sale in New Jersey. nj.general Items of general interest in New Jersey. nj.jobs No description. nj.jobs.resumes Postings of resumes for people in New Jersey nj.market.autos For Sale/Wanted: Autos, cycles, trucks, etc. nj.market.computers For Sale/Wanted: Computers and software. nj.market.housing For Sale/Rent/Wanted: Housing, land, roommates. nj.market.misc For Sale/Wanted: Miscellaneous. nj.misc nj topics that don't fall into other categories. nj.politics Political topics of interest to New Jersey readers. nj.test For testing news and uucp software or news connections. nj.wanted New Jersey want ads. nj.weather Weather in New Jersey. nl-alt.config No description. nl-alt.weg-ermee No description. nl.announce Aankondigingen conferenties, cursussen, enz. (Moderated) nl.architectuur Informatie- en discussieplatform voor geinteresseerden in architectuur. nl.auto Aankondigingen, modellen, techniek, tips en discussie. nl.burgerrechten Informatiemaatschappij en burgerbelangen. nl.comp.cd-branden Over het branden van cd's en dvd's. nl.comp.crypt Over cryptografie/cryptanalyse. nl.comp.games Discussies en aankondigingen over computerspellen. nl.comp.games.quake Discussie-/informatiepunt voor quake-spelers. nl.comp.grafisch Over grafisch ontwerp en bewerking. nl.comp.handheld Over handheld-computers. nl.comp.hardware Over hardware in de meest algemene zin. nl.comp.isdn Vragen en antwoorden over ISDN. nl.comp.os.linux.announce Aankondigingen met betrekking tot Linux. (Moderated) nl.comp.os.linux.netwerken Het gebruik van Linux in een netwerkomgeving. nl.comp.os.linux.overig Alle overige technische Linux-onderwerpen. nl.comp.os.linux.x Het werken met X, X-windowmanagers en desktopsystemen. nl.comp.os.ms-windows Alles wat betrekking heeft op Microsoft Windows. nl.comp.os.os2 Alles wat met OS/2 te maken heeft. nl.comp.os.unix Diverse vragen en antwoorden over Unix. nl.comp.os.unix.bsd BSD-varianten van het Unix-besturingssysteem. nl.comp.overig Discussies over computers etc. nl.comp.programmeren Discussies en vragen over programmeren. nl.comp.software.newsreaders Vragen en discussies over newsreaders. nl.comp.software.office Office-pakketten: vragen, antwoorden, oplossingen. nl.comp.sys.mac Apple Macintosh hardware en software. nl.culinair Voor lekkerbekken en smulpapen! nl.doe-het-zelf Over het zelf klussen, repareren & knutselen. nl.dranken.bier Het brouwen, proeven en drinken van bier. nl.dranken.whisky Alles over whisky en whiskey. nl.dranken.wijn Over alle aangename aspecten van wijn. nl.eeuwig.emma+viola Over levensgenieters en vrijdenkenden. nl.eeuwig.september Baken in een woelige zee van postings. nl.eeuwig.zonde Oorspronkelijke postings voor een kritisch publiek. nl.fiets Alles wat met de fiets en het fietsen te maken heeft. nl.fiets.ligfiets Alles wat met ligfietsen te maken heeft. nl.filosofie Discussies, vragen, informatie en aankondigingen. nl.financieel.bankieren Voor al uw bankzaken. nl.financieel.euro Discussie over de nieuwe Europese munt, de euro. nl.foto Kennis, discussie en markt over fotografie. nl.geschiedenis Alles over alle geschiedenis. nl.gezondheid.alt-genezen Over alternatieve geneeswijzen. nl.gezondheid.medisch Over gezondheid, ziekte en behandeling. nl.gezondheid.psychiatrie Voor lotgenotencontact, nieuws en discussie. nl.gezondheid.reiki Het usui-systeem van natuurlijk genezen. nl.gezondheid.voeding Alle gezondheidsaspecten van voeding. nl.handicap Bespreken van alle aspecten verbonden aan een handicap. nl.hobby.elektronica De elektronica als hobby. nl.hobby.puzzels Tandenknarsers en hersenkrakers. nl.hobby.verzamel.algemeen Verzamelaarsforum. nl.hobby.verzamel.postzegels Postzegelverzamelaarsforum. nl.hobby.video Over het opnemen, weergeven en bewerken van video. nl.hobby.vliegers Alles over vliegers en vliegeren. nl.huisdier.algemeen Praat- en discussiegroep voor baasjes en vrouwtjes. nl.huishouden Tips en trucs en noviteiten. nl.hulpdiensten.ambulance Alles over ambulancehulpverlening. nl.hulpdiensten.brandweer Over alles wat met de brandweer te maken heeft. nl.hulpdiensten.politie De politie algemeen. nl.humor Podium voor alles wat humoristisch is. nl.internet.algemeen Discussie over Internet in Nederland. nl.internet.irc De Nederlandstalige IRC-wereld. nl.internet.kabel Over internetten via de kabel. nl.internet.misbruik Over misbruik van het Internet. nl.internet.misbruik.rapport Rapporten over misbruik van het internet. (Moderated) nl.internet.providers Over de toegang tot Internet. nl.internet.welkom Welkom op Internet en in de nieuwsgroepen. (Moderated) nl.internet.www.announce Voor nieuwe en aangepaste homepages. nl.internet.www.ontwerp Over het ontwerpen van www-pagina's. nl.internet.www.server-side Over de serverkant van het WWW. nl.juridisch Discussiegroep voor leken en deskundigen. nl.kunst.cabaret Door de eeuwen heen met een lach en een traan. nl.kunst.film Filmrecensies, aankondigingen, scenario's en discussie. nl.kunst.literatuur Met en over literatuur. nl.kunst.literatuur.podium Podium voor zelfgeschreven werk. nl.kunst.sf+fantasy Sciencefiction en fantasy. nl.kunst.theater Alles over theater. nl.markt.banen Vraag en aanbod van banen. nl.markt.comp Computergerelateerde aan-/verkoop, huur, ruil en handel. nl.markt.elektronica Elektronicagerelateerde aan-/verkoop, huur, enz. nl.markt.freelance Vraag en aanbod van freelance-opdrachten. nl.markt.kamperen Brengt vraag en aanbod op kampeergebied bijeen. nl.markt.muziek Muziekgerelateerde aan-/verkoop, huur, ruil en handel. nl.markt.overig Overige aan-/verkoop, huur, ruil en handel. nl.markt.telecom Telecom-gerelateerde aan- en verkoop. nl.markt.vervoer Aan vervoer gerelateerde aan-/verkoop, huur, ruil en handel. nl.markt.wonen Aan wonen gerelateerde aan-/verkoop, huur, ruil en handel. nl.media.dvd Over dvd-titels/apparatuur en ruil, (ver)koop en huur. nl.media.e-zine Discussies over elektronische tijdschriften (e-zines). nl.media.krant Discussies over kranten en hun inhoud. nl.media.radio Discussies over radio in Nederland. nl.media.radio.zeezenders Vrienden van de zeezenders voor onze kusten. nl.media.reality-soap Over echte mensen en hun positie in media-producties. nl.media.satelliet Discussies over satellietontvangst. nl.media.tv Discussies over TV in Nederland. nl.misc Algemene discussies. nl.motorfiets Discussies over motorfietsen en motorrijden. nl.muziek Discussies over muziek. nl.muziek.festivals Over muziekfestivals. nl.muziek.instrument.gitaar Over gitaren en aanverwante snaarinstrumenten. nl.muziek.instrument.toetsen Orgels, piano's, (digitale) keyboards, enz. nl.muziek.klassiek Over klassieke muziek. nl.muziek.techniek Muziektechniek, -notatie en -technologie. nl.naturisme Alles betreffende het naturisme. nl.natuur Alles over de natuur. nl.newsgroups RFD's en CFV's over nl.* nieuwsgroepen. nl.newsgroups.announce Aankondigingen over (bestaande en nieuwe) nieuwsgroepen. (Moderated) nl.newsgroups.help Vragen en antwoorden over nieuwsgroepen en usenet. nl.ondernemen Over ondernemen en het ondernemerschap. nl.onderwijs.algemeen Algemene zaken binnen het onderwijs. nl.onderwijs.nieuwe-media Nieuwe media in onderwijs en educatie. nl.ouders Forum waarin ouders over hun kinderen discussieren. nl.paranormaal Over het paranormale en het occulte. nl.politiek Discussies over de Nederlandse politiek. nl.radio.amateur Van alles (en nog wat) over het radioamateurisme. nl.radio.scanners Voor scannerluisteraars in het Nederlandse taalgebied. nl.reizen Alles over reizen en wat daarmee samenhangt. nl.reizen.camper Alles over campers. nl.reizen.caravan Nieuwsgroep voor toercaravan- en vouwwagenliefhebbers. nl.reizen.tent Het reizen en recreeren met de tent. nl.religie Over religie en geloof. nl.religie.boeddhisme Discussies vanuit en over boeddhisme. nl.roze Discussies over zaken betreffende homoseksualiteit. nl.scientology Nieuws en discussies over Scientology. nl.scouting Van alles (en nog wat) over scouting. nl.spiritueel Over spiritualiteit. nl.sport.algemeen Discussies over sport in het algemeen. nl.sport.autosport Discussies over alle vormen van autosport. nl.sport.bridge Discussies over Nederlandse bridge-zaken. nl.sport.dammen Alles over dammen. nl.sport.duiken Kennis, discussie en markt m.b.t. sportduiken. nl.sport.hardlopen Informatie- en ontmoetingsplatform voor loopsporters. nl.sport.honkbal Nederlandstalige nieuwsgroep over honk- en softbal. nl.sport.klim+bergsport Alles over sportklimmen en bergsport. nl.sport.overig Discussies over sporten (nog) zonder eigen nieuwsgroep. nl.sport.schaken De schaaksport en de schaakwereld. nl.sport.skate Inline- en rollerskaten, skeeleren, skateboarden, etc. nl.sport.varen Waterrecreatie op boten en andere vaartuigen. nl.sport.vechtsport Zoals judo, karate, worstelen, boksen. nl.sport.vissen Alles over de vissport. nl.sport.voetbal Discussies over voetbal. nl.sport.volleybal Alles over volleybal in Nederland en de wereld. nl.sport.wielersport Discussies over wielersport. nl.sport.wintersport Over als wintersport omschreven ijs- en sneeuwsporten. nl.support.adhd+add Voor mensen met ADHD of ADD en direct betrokkenen. nl.support.afvallen De gezamenlijke strijd tegen het overgewicht. nl.support.alcoholisme Onderlinge hulp bij alcoholproblemen. nl.support.borderline Voor mensen met borderline en direct betrokkenen. nl.support.chronisch-ziek.algemeen Support voor chronisch zieken. nl.support.chronisch-ziek.me-cvs-cfs Voor ME/CVS/CFS-patienten. nl.support.diabetes Onderlinge hulp bij suikerziekte. nl.support.echtscheiding Emotionele en praktische hulp bij echtscheiding. nl.support.eenzaamheid Forum om je iets minder eenzaam te voelen. nl.support.eetstoornissen Raad en steun bij eetstoornissen. nl.support.kanker Onderlinge hulp bij de ziekte kanker. nl.support.orthopedagogie Over ernstige leer- en opvoedingsproblemen. nl.support.rsi Repetitive Strain Injury: voorlichting/preventie/aanpak. nl.support.slapeloos Posten of lurken is beter dan woelen. nl.support.stop-met-roken Steun voor mensen die (willen) stoppen met roken. nl.support.sysadmin Waar systeembeheerders hun hart luchten. (Moderated) nl.support.transseksueel Over transseksualiteit en geslachtsaanpassing. nl.support.travestie Over travestie en transgenderisme. nl.support.zelfmoord Over een zelfgekozen dood. nl.taal Discussies over de Nederlandse taal. nl.taal.citaten Citaten, hun herkomsten en interpretaties. nl.telecom Telecommunicatie in Nederland. nl.test Voor testdoeleinden. nl.tuinen Informatieuitwisseling over planten, tuinen en tuinieren. nl.tuinen.vijver Bespreken van alle aspecten van vijvers. nl.vogels Alles over vogels. nl.vogels.vogelaar Voor de vogelskijkende mens. nl.wandel Discussies over alles betreffende wandelen. nl.wetenschap Over alle vormen van (alledaagse) wetenschap. nl.wetenschap.skeptisch Kritisch over parafenomenen en pseudowetenschap. nlnet.announce Aankondigingen van conferenties, seminars, cursussen, &c. (Moderated) nlnet.misc Algemene discussies. nlnet.test Voor testdoeleinden. nm.config Discussion of group management for the nm hierarchy. nm.forsale Advertisements by New Mexico businesses and residents. nm.general Yes, New Mexico is a state. nm.jobs New Mexico job and resume postings. nm.test Test group for nm hierarchy. no.alt.activeworlds Diskusjon rundt Active Worlds-universet. no.alt.arkiv Annonseringer av filer tilgjengelig i norske arkiver. no.alt.bekymringer Et sted å lufte sine bekymringer over alt mulig. no.alt.bilprat Anarkistisk alternativ til no.teknologi.bil. no.alt.bilstereo Bilstereo, utstyrsvalg, installasjon. no.alt.config Konfigurasjon og administrasjon av no.alt. no.alt.diskusjoner Diskusjon om alt. no.alt.diskusjoner.usa Debatt om alt som kan assosieres med USA. no.alt.ekspartnere Gruppe for å lufte ergrelser over ekspartnere. no.alt.fan.de-lillos Om og for de Lillos. no.alt.flame Hete diskusjoner om hva det skal være. no.alt.frustrasjoner Et sted å lufte sine frustrasjoner over alt mulig. no.alt.gledesutbrudd Et sted å komme med sine gledesutbrudd om alt mulig. no.alt.god.jul I stedet for julekort. no.alt.gullkorn Gullkorn funnet ulike steder. (Moderated) no.alt.hjemmesider Om egne og andres hjemmesider, og om www generelt. no.alt.hjemmesider.frontpage Diskusjon om bruk av Frontpage og funksjoner i dette. no.alt.hunder Fristed for siklefansen. no.alt.irc-treff IRC-treff, hvem, hvor og når. no.alt.katter Katter og katters luner. no.alt.mat Diskusjon om mat og matoppskrifter etc. no.alt.mat.drikke Hva skal vi drikke til maten? etc. no.alt.motorsykler Diskusjon om motorsykler. no.alt.news-treff Avtalebok for no.*. no.alt.pludring Hyggelig småprat. no.alt.pompel-og-pilt Diskusjon om den berømte TV-serien. no.alt.radio-tv.irma-1000 P3 Man-fredag 10-12. no.alt.rykter Ryktebørs for no.* no.alt.sjokolade Nam nam. no.alt.tegneserier Diskusjon om våre seriehelter. no.alt.tegneserier.samlerforum Forum og marked for tegneseriesamlere/serieinteresserte. no.alt.undring Et sted å undre seg over alt mulig. no.annonser.audio-video Forum for kjøp og salg av audio- og videoutstyr. (Moderated) no.annonser.bil Markedsplass for kjøp og salg av bil og bilrekvisita. (Moderated) no.annonser.bolig For kjøp og salg av boliger og relatert utstyr. (Moderated) no.annonser.diskusjon Diskusjon om prisar, varer, seljarar og kjøparar. no.annonser.diverse Markedsplass for kjøp og salg. (Moderated) no.annonser.dyr Annonser for dyr, dyreutstyr, kurs for dyreeiere mm. (Moderated) no.annonser.foreldre+barn Annonsering med foreldre som målgruppe. (Moderated) no.annonser.foto Annonser om fototjenester og -utstyr. (Moderated) no.annonser.friluftsliv Annonser om friluftsutstyr og tjenester. (Moderated) no.annonser.it.diverse Kjøp og salg av IT-tjenester. (Moderated) no.annonser.it.maskinvare.diverse Kjøp og salg av datamaskiner og periferiutstyr. (Moderated) no.annonser.it.nettilbydere Markedsplass for internettenester. (Moderated) no.annonser.it.programvare.diverse Kjøp og salg av programvare. (Moderated) no.annonser.it.telekom Annonser for kjøp og salg av telefoner og tele-utstyr. (Moderated) no.annonser.it.unix Unixspesifikk annonsering. (Moderated) no.annonser.jobb.onskes Oppslagstavle for de som ser etter arbeid. (Moderated) no.annonser.jobb.tilbys Utlysing av stillinger eller engasjement. (Moderated) no.annonser.kontakt.diverse Private kontaktannonser. (Moderated) no.annonser.motorsykkel Kjøp og salg av motorsykler og -utstyr. (Moderated) no.annonser.musikk Kjøp/salg av musikk, musikkinstrument og musikkutstyr. (Moderated) no.annonser.spill.data Annonser for kjøp og salg av dataspill. (Moderated) no.annonser.spill.diverse Annonser for kjøp og salg av brett- og kortspill. (Moderated) no.annonser.spill.tv Kjøp og salg av tv-spill og tilbehør. (Moderated) no.annonser.sykkel Annonser for kjøp og salg av tråsykler. (Moderated) no.fag.diverse Diskusjoner rundt ulike fag og vitenskaper. no.fag.filosofi Diskusjonsforum for allverdens filosofiske tema. no.fag.jus Diskusjoner omkring rett, rettspleie og rettsvesen. no.fag.jus.it En gruppe for IT-relaterte juridiske problemstillinger. no.fag.kjemi Tekniske og vitenskaplige diskusjoner om kjemi. no.fag.landbruk Forum for alt innen temaene landbruk og primærnæringer. no.fag.medisin.diverse Diskusjon om medisin, helse og beslektede emner. no.fag.psykologi.generell Psykologi: forsking, utøvelse, alternativ. no.fag.samfunnsvitenskap Samfunnsvitenskapelige diskusjoner. no.fag.sjukepleie Et forum for diskusjon av sykepleiefaglige tema. no.fag.spraak.diverse Om språk. no.fag.spraak.fagord Om fagterminologi på norsk. no.fag.spraak.strid Om og med språkstrid og nærskylde emne. no.fag.typografi Typografisk praksis, estetikk og erfaringer. no.fritid.akvarium Diskusjon om alt vedrørende akvariehobbyen. no.fritid.bolig Diskusjon av boligrelaterte spørsmål. no.fritid.diverse Diskusjoner rundt ulike hobbier og andre fritidssysler. no.fritid.dykking De norske dykkeres samlingssted. no.fritid.dyr.diverse Diskusjoner om dyr. no.fritid.fiske Diskusjoner om fritids- og sportsfiske. no.fritid.foto Diskusjoner om fotografi. no.fritid.friluftsliv Diskusjoner & rapporter fra friluftsaktiviteter. no.fritid.hage Diskusjoner og prat om hage og hagedrift. no.fritid.hobbyverksted Alle typer håndarbeid/verk, forming, søm. no.fritid.jakt Forum for aktive jegere og jakthund entusiaster. no.fritid.maritim Et maritimt samlingssted på nettet. no.fritid.modellhobby Modellfly, -båter, -biler, -tog og dioramaer. no.fritid.reiser Diskusjoner om reising og reiseliv. no.fritid.slektsforsking.diverse Diskusjon/spørsmål om slektsforsking/gransking/historie. no.fritid.slektsforsking.etterlysing Etterlysing av personer og andre slektsdata. no.fritid.slektsforsking.it Diskusjon og spørsmål om bruk av IT i slektsforsking. no.fritid.speiding Speiding i Norge (og resten av verden...). no.fritid.spill.data Diskusjoner om dataspill. no.fritid.spill.diverse Diskusjon og prat om alle typer ikkeelektroniske spill. no.fritid.spill.rollespill Diskusjoner om rollespill og levende rollespill. no.fritid.spill.sjakk Diskusjon om sjakk og online-partier. no.fritid.sykkel Generelle diskusjoner om tråsykler og sykling. no.general Diskusjoner uten generell interesse. no.it.database.diverse Om relasjonsdatabaser, sql, db-middleware, og lignende. no.it.diverse Diverse IT-relaterte emner. no.it.grafikk.diverse Info og diskusjon om alt som har med grafikk å gjøre. no.it.maskinvare.diverse Diskusjon omkring maskinvare. no.it.maskinvare.grafikkort Diskusjon omkring grafikkort-maskinvare. no.it.maskinvare.overklokking Diskusjon omkring overklokking av maskinvare. no.it.maskinvare.pda Diskusjon og prat om personlige digitale assistenter. no.it.nettverk Info og diskusjon om nettverk. no.it.nostalgi Historier og anekdoter om tidligere tiders datamaskiner. no.it.os.amiga.diverse Diskusjon om Amiga som ikke passer i andre grupper. no.it.os.amiga.maskinvare Om maskinvare til Amiga. no.it.os.amiga.programvare Om programvare til Amiga. no.it.os.beos Operativsystemet BeOS. no.it.os.mac.diverse Generell diskusjon om Apple Macintosh. no.it.os.ms-windows.diverse Generell diskusjon om Microsoft Windows. no.it.os.ms-windows.nettverk Diskusjoner relatert til Windows og nettverk. no.it.os.ms-windows.nt Diskusjon rundt operativsystemet Windows NT. no.it.os.os2 Forum for det halve operativsystemet - OS/2. no.it.os.unix.diverse Operativsystemfamilien Unix. no.it.os.unix.linux.diverse Operativsystemet Linux. no.it.os.unix.linux.nettverk Diskusjoner relatert til linux og nettverk. no.it.programmering.asp Diskusjoner og spørsmål rundt ASP. no.it.programmering.c Diskusjoner og spørsmål rundt språket C med venner. no.it.programmering.c++ Diskusjoner og spørsmål rundt språket C++. no.it.programmering.delphi Programmeringsspråket Delphi. no.it.programmering.diverse Diskusjoner og spørsmål om programmering. no.it.programmering.java Programmeringsspråket Java. no.it.programmering.javascript Programmeringsspråket JavaScript og DHTML. no.it.programmering.lisp Språkfamilien Lisp. no.it.programmering.perl Diskusjoner og spørsmål rundt språket perl. no.it.programmering.php Diskusjoner og spørsmål rundt php. no.it.programmering.python Diskusjoner og spørsmål rundt språket Python. no.it.programmering.visual-basic Programmeringsspråket Visual Basic. no.it.programvare.emacs Om editoren Emacs. no.it.programvare.ms-office Generell diskusjon om Microsoft Office. no.it.programvare.tex TeX, LaTeX og relaterte emner. no.it.sikkerhet.diverse Info og diskusjon om IT-sikkerhet generelt. no.it.telekom.diverse Info og diskusjon om telekommunikasjon generelt. no.it.telekom.isdn Info og diskusjon om ISDN-basert telekommunikasjon. no.it.telekom.mobil Info og diskusjon om mobiltelefoner og mobiltelefoni. no.it.tjenester.irc Spørsmål og diskusjoner omkring irc og relaterte emner. no.it.tjenester.mail.diverse Generelle diskusjoner omkring mail. no.it.tjenester.nettilbydere Diskusjon om nettilbydere. no.it.tjenester.news.diverse Newsprogramvare og news generelt. no.it.tjenester.www.design Designproblematikk på web-sider/steder. no.it.tjenester.www.diverse Diverse snakk rundt fenomenet WWW. no.it.tjenester.www.html HTML; bruk av, syntaks til, spørsmål og svar om. no.it.tjenester.www.programmering WWW-relaterte programmeringsspørsmål. no.kultur.diverse Generelle diskusjoner rundt kultur. no.kultur.film Diskusjon om alle former for film og filmarbeid/ere. no.kultur.folklore.diverse Diskusjon om folklore, urbane legender o.l. no.kultur.folklore.overtro Diskusjon om ulike overtrorelaterte emner. no.kultur.folklore.ufo Diskusjon om UFO-fenomener. no.kultur.genre.sf Generell diskusjon om SF. no.kultur.humor Vitser og andre humoristiske innslag. no.kultur.litteratur.diverse Diskusjoner om litteratur. no.kultur.musikk.diverse Diskusjon om musikk. no.kultur.musikk.gitar Diskusjon om alt relatert til gitarer og gitar-musikk. no.kultur.musikk.klassisk Diskusjon om alt relatert til klassisk musikk. no.kultur.musikk.korps Diskusjoner om korpsbevegelsen og korpsmusikk. no.kultur.musikk.produksjon For folk som komponerer eller produserer egen musikk. no.nettvett Diskusjon rundt oppførsel på nettet; netikette og annet. no.org.diverse Diskusjoner rundt organisasjoner og organisasjonslivet. no.org.nuug Forum for Norwegian Unix systems Users Group. no.samfunn.aksjer Store og små aksjekjøperes møteplass. no.samfunn.alkohol Diskusjoner om alkohol. Bruk, kjøp, lovgivning etc. no.samfunn.diverse Diskusjoner om generelle samfunnsspørsmål. no.samfunn.forbruker Forbrukerspørsmål som kjøpsråd, reklamasjoner og tvister. no.samfunn.foreldre+barn Forum for foreldre. no.samfunn.helse.funksjonshemming.diverse Forum for kronisk syke, funksjonshemmede og pårørende. no.samfunn.helse.livsstil Forum for alt som har med egen helse å gjøre. no.samfunn.media.diverse Medier og mediepolitikk i Norge. no.samfunn.media.radio-tv Radio og tv-relatert diskusjon. no.samfunn.narkotika Om narkotiske/kriminaliserte rusmiddel, lovgiving, mv. no.samfunn.naturvern Diskusjon om natur- og miljøvern og beslektede temaer. no.samfunn.okonomi.diverse Diskusjoner relatert til økonomi i hverdagen. no.samfunn.politikk.diverse Diskusjon om norsk og internasjonal politikk. no.samfunn.politikk.historie Om historiske hendelser som fremdeles påvirker politikken. no.samfunn.politikk.innvandring Diskusjon rundt norsk innvandringspolitikk. no.samfunn.politikk.utenriks Diskusjon om internasjonale politiske spørsmål. no.samfunn.politikk.vaapen Diskusjon av våpen utover sportsmessig skyteaktivitet. no.samfunn.religion Diskusjoner rundt ulike religioner og livssyn. no.samfunn.seksualitet Diskusjon om seksualitet og seksualliv. no.samfunn.skole Diskusjoner om skole, skolegang og beslektede emner. no.samfunn.trafikk Samferdselsspørsmål om vei, bane, buss, skip og fly. no.sport.diverse Diskusjon om sport. no.sport.fotball Fotball, øl og heiarop. no.sport.hockey Gruppe for diskusjon rundt hockey, både med og utan is. no.sport.kampkunst Diskusjonsforum for norske kampkunstutøvere. no.sport.orientering Ut vil jeg, ut. no.sport.paintball Diskusjon om paintball i Norge. no.sport.skyting Interesseforum for skyttere av alle slag. no.sport.volleyball Høye sprett og friske fraspark. no.svar FAQer for norske newsgrupper. (Moderated) no.teknologi.audio Diskusjon om utstyr & teknologi for gjengivelse av lyd. no.teknologi.bil Generelle diskusjoner om bil, bilhold og bilkjøring. no.teknologi.diverse Generelle diskusjoner rundt teknologi. no.teknologi.elektronikk Elektronikk og slikt. no.teknologi.hjemmekino Forum for hjemmkino, dvd-video, -utstyr og filmer. no.teknologi.video Diskusjon om videoutstyr, videoteknologi & videofilmer. no.test Testgruppe for det norske newshierarkiet. no.usenet.admin USENET Norge og drift av det norske news-hierarkiet. no.usenet.informasjon Meldinger om det norske news-hierarkiet. (Moderated) nord.admin Diskussion und Administration zu Nord-Newsgruppen. nord.allgemein Diskussion um diverse norddeutsche Themen. nord.fundgrube Gesuche und Angebote. nord.kultur.misc Diverse Kulturthemen. nord.kultur.theater Schauspiel, Buehnen, Auffuehrungen. nord.org.buergernetz-sh Buergernetz Schleswig-Holstein. nord.org.misc Fuer diverse Organisationen in Norddeutschland. nord.regio.daenemark Daenemark. nord.regio.mecklenburg-vp Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. nord.regio.niedersachs Niedersachsen. nord.regio.schleswig-h.flensburg Stadt Flensburg. nord.regio.schleswig-h.misc Schleswig-Holstein. nord.regio.schleswig-h.neumuenster Stadt Neumuenster. nord.regio.schleswig-h.rendsburg Stadt Rendsburg. nord.termine Veranstaltungstips. nordunet.edu.suppl-instr Implementing Supplemental Instruction. nordunet.talk.skandinaviska No description. north.allgemein Weser/Ems: Diskussionen zwischen Weser und Ems. north.bremen Weser/Ems: Die Bremer (nicht ganz) unter sich. north.bremen.deceased Weser/Ems: Um das Gate des NorthNet Bremen e.V. north.config.maps Weser/Ems: NorthNet Mapdaten fuer Pathalias. north.hardware Weser/Ems: Diskussionsforum zum Thema Computer-Hardware. north.markt Weser/Ems: Angebote und Gesuche von A bis Z. north.politik Weser/Ems: Regionalpolitische Themen. north.software Weser/Ems: Diskussionsforum zum Thema Computer-Software. north.test Weser/Ems: Testpostings aller Art. north.verwaltung Weser/Ems: NorthNet installieren und konfigurieren. ns.announce Announcements for Nova Scotia. (Moderated) ns.biz.adiac Something about business in Nova Scotia. ns.education Education in Nova Scotia, Canada. ns.education.faculty Education discussion for Nova Scotia's faculty. ns.general Items of general interest to folks in Nova Scotia. ns.nstn.usergroup The NSTN usergroup in Nova Scotia. ntu.club.cie No description. nv.bi Talk for bisexually natured persons. nv.config Configuration discussions for the higherarchy. nv.forsale For Sale/Want ads (no commercials, please!) nv.general General discussion. nv.jobs Jobs offered and wanted in Nevada. nv.motss MOTSS community talk. nv.personals Personal ads - any nature. nv.personals.fsf Women Seeking Women in Nevada - ONLY nv.personals.fsm Women Seeking Men in Nevada - ONLY nv.personals.msf Men Seeking Women in Nevada - ONLY nv.personals.msm Men Seeking Men in Nevada - ONLY nv.personals.swingers Ads for Swingers in Nevada - ONLY nv.singles Talk for singles. nv.test Group to test post to (don't do it in the others, OK?) ny.config USENET Configuration in New York. ny.forsale Things for sale in NY. ny.general Items of general interest in New York. ny.nysernet Discussions about NY State Educ. Research Network. ny.nysernet.map NYSERNet maps. ny.nysernet.maps NYSERNet maps. ny.nysernet.nic No description. ny.nysernet.nysertech NYSERNet related information. ny.politics Politics in New York. ny.seminars Seminars in New York. ny.syr No description. ny.syr.educators General topics involving education in Syracuse, NY ny.test USENET news testing in New York. ny.wanted New York want ads. nyc.announce Announcements in NYC. nyc.bicycles A public place to discuss NYC cycling related issues. nyc.config NYC news hierarchy maintenance. nyc.food Eating out around the New York City area. nyc.general Items of general interest in NYC. nyc.jobs.contract Postings for contract and consulting work in NYC area. nyc.jobs.misc General discussion of New York City job market. nyc.jobs.offered Job postings for New York City area. nyc.jobs.wanted Individuals seeking jobs in New York City area. nyc.market.housing Housing in the New York City area. nyc.motorcycles Motorcycling & motorcyclists in the New York City area. nyc.personals Personals ads for New York City and environs. nyc.politics Political discussions about New York City and its environs. nyc.seminars Announcements of seminars in the NYC area. nyc.singles Discussions of being single in the New York City area. nyc.test USENET Testing in NYC. nyc.transit Discussions about transportation in NYC & its environs. nynex.trd.eslab No description. nyu.comp-priv No description. nyu.nupop No description. nyu.pmail No description. nyu.pop No description. nz.arts Discussion on the Arts. nz.comp Computing and computers. nz.general General information, announcements, etc nz.net.admin Administrative issues to do with the National Network. nz.net.announce Status of Local and International Networks (Moderated) nz.politics No description. nz.politics.announce Political and Government announcements (Moderated) nz.rec Recreation. nz.reg.auckland.general All about the City of Sails and Region nz.reg.bay-of-plenty.general Plenty to talk about in the BoP nz.reg.canterbury.general Tales from the Garden City & Canterbury nz.reg.dunedin.general NZ's Edinburgh is discussed all right here nz.reg.gisborne.general First to see the sun each day nz.reg.hamilton.general Where it's happening. nz.reg.hawkes-bay.general The sunny wine capital of NZ nz.reg.manawatu.general Palmie North and Wanganui on-topic here nz.reg.nelson.general The top talk of the South Island nz.reg.northland.general Cyberdiscussion of the far North nz.reg.southland.general Net Discussions frrrom the deep south nz.reg.taranaki.general Taranaki - the energy province nz.reg.wellington.general Absolutely positively capital posts nz.reg.west-coast.general There's gold in those postings nz.soc Social issues. nz.soc.green Environmental issues. nz.soc.queer Discussion of issues related to the NZ queer community. nz.soc.religion Eternal debates and discussion nz.test NZ heirarchy test messages. nz.wanted Requests for sources, information, . oar.noc No description. oar.tech No description. oar.users No description. oau.biz Commercial postings in Orlando, FL. oau.config USENET configuration for Orlando, FL. oau.forsale Items for sale in Orlando, FL. oau.news Orlando, FL news. oau.sources Distribution of source code in Orlando, FL. oau.test USENET testing in Orlando, FL. oc.acm Orange County, CA ACM related information. oc.eats Dining out around Ocean County, California. oc.forsale Items forsale in Orange County, CA. oc.general Items of general interest in Orange County, CA. oc.test USENET Testing in Orange County, CA. oc.wanted Items wanted in Orange County, CA. ogi.general No description. oh.acad-sci OAS: science, engineering, technology and education. oh.biz Business advertisements in Ohio. oh.cast Ohio communications group discussion. oh.chem Chemistry in Ohio. oh.forsale For-sale and wanted items in Ohio. Ohio ONLY, please. oh.general Items of general interest in Ohio, USA. oh.jobs Jobs available and wanted in Ohio. oh.k12 Elementary education in Ohio. oh.news Usenet in Ohio. oh.newsadmin Usenet news flow and groups in Ohio. oh.osc.software Ohio Supercomputing Center. oh.test Testing network news in Ohio. ok.admin No description. ok.announce Announcements of general interest for Oklahomans. ok.edmond.online DIscussion of Edmond, Oklahoma and related topics. ok.general Items of general interest in Oklahoma, USA. ok.marketplace For Sale/Wanted in Oklahoma. ok.test USENET testing in Oklahoma. ok.tulsa.general Topics of general interest in Tulsa, Oklahoma. okinawa.books Talk about books and bookstores. okinawa.chat Chat (we Okinawan say it "YUNTAKU"). okinawa.comp.editors Talk about editors like vi, emacs. okinawa.comp.misc General topics about computers not covered elsewhere. okinawa.events Entertainments, meetings, and other events. okinawa.food.misc Talk about foods. okinawa.general Topics concerned with all members who read okinawa.*. okinawa.life.misc Talk about restaurants, shortcuts, sell & buy. okinawa.mail-lists.nirai-kanai Gateway for nirai-kanai mailing list. okinawa.misc dIscussions that match no other groups. okinawa.networks Talk about networks. okinawa.networks.bbs Talk about BBSs in Okinawa. okinawa.networks.isdn Talk about ISDNs in Okinawa. okinawa.networks.uucp Talk about UUCPs in Okinawa. okinawa.news.groups Discussions and lists of newsgroups of okinawa.*. okinawa.news.lists Statistical information about this newsgroup. okinawa.news.usage How to use the newsgroup okinawa.*. okinawa.os.linux Discussion about linux. okinawa.os.misc About operating systems not covered elsewhere. okinawa.os.unix Discussion about UNIX. okinawa.rec.games Discussion about games. okinawa.rec.misc Discussion about recreational topics. okinawa.rec.music Discussion about music. okinawa.rec.travel Discussion about traveling. okinawa.recycle For sale, requests for need and give. okinawa.soc.misc Discussion of Okinawa society. okinawa.sources For the posting of software packages and documentation. okinawa.sources.d For any discussion of source postings. okinawa.sports.misc Talk about sports. okinawa.sys.amiga Discussion about AMIGA. okinawa.sys.ibmpc Discussion about IBM-PC and it's clone. okinawa.sys.mac Discussion about Macintosh. okinawa.sys.misc Various discussions about any computers. okinawa.sys.next Discussion about NeXT. okinawa.sys.sun Discussion about SUN workstation. okinawa.test Testing all over okinawa. on-line.air-warrior.666th-etal No description. ont.archives Archives in Ontario, Canada. ont.bicycle Bicycling in Ontario, Canada. ont.conditions Current highway conditions for winter driving ont.events Ontario, Canada happenings. ont.forsale Items forsale/wanted in Ontario, Canada. ont.general Items of general interest in Ontario, Canada. ont.jobs Jobs in Ontario, Canada. ont.micro Microcomputer related postings in Ontario, Canada. ont.politics Political discussion relating to Ontario, Canada. ont.sf-lovers Science Fiction Lovers in Ontario, Canada. ont.singles Singles in Ontario, Canada. ont.test Testing in Ontario, Canada. ont.uucp UUCP related postings in Ontario, Canada. or.forsale Oregon want ads. or.general Items of general interest in Oregon. or.ojgse.cis641 Advanced Computer Graphics. or.politics Discussion of Oregon political issues and events. or.test Testing in Oregon. osu.acm No description. osu.ai No description. osu.ai.aim No description. osu.ai.hardware.sun No description. osu.ai.software.ext.excl No description. osu.ai.software.ext.frame No description. osu.chinese No description. osu.faculty.council No description. osu.for-sale Items for sale from students at Ohio State University. osu.general Things of concern to students at Ohio State University. osu.grads No description. osu.ibm.pc No description. osu.ibmpc No description. osu.indian No description. osu.international No description. osu.jobs No description. osu.journalism.general No description. osu.lisp No description. osu.mac No description. osu.magnus No description. osu.music No description. osu.network No description. osu.opinion No description. osu.opinion.libertarian No description. osu.sports No description. osu.sybase No description. osu.tex No description. osu.women No description. ott.business.ads Only group allowing commercial advertising in Ottawa. ott.business.ads.computing Commercial computing ads in Ottawa Canada ott.community.motss Gay, lesbian, bi, trans chat in Ottawa-Hull, Canada ott.config ott.* hierarchy administrivia discussions. ott.education.homeschooling Homeschooling in Ottawa ott.events Seminars and the like at Ottawa sites. ott.forsale.computing Computers & related equipment forsale/wanted in Ottawa. ott.forsale.other Otherwise unclassified items forsale/wanted in Ottawa. ott.forsale.vehicles Vehicles forsale/wanted in Canada's National Capital Region ott.general General news local to Ottawa sites. ott.housing Places to live wanted, for sale or for rent ott.jobs Job Listings ott.motorcycles Motorcycles ott.online Discussions with and about the online community ott.personals Personals in Ottawa, Canada -- no commercial ads. ott.politics Discussions about politics relevant to the Ottawa-Hull area ott.rec.canoe-kayak Recreational Canoe/Kayaking in Ottawa, Canada ott.rec.sailing Sailing in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. ott.rides Rides wanted/offered to or from Ottawa ott.singles People who were or are single - no personals ott.test Test newsgroup propagation, newsreaders, etc ott.vietnamese Vietnamese interest group. ott.weather Weather forecasts for the Ottawa area. (Moderated) own.answers One World Net: FAQS, etc. (Moderated) own.eco.lets One World Net: Local Exchange Trading Systems. own.eco.permaculture One World Net: Permanent (Agri)culture. own.health.aromatherapy One World Net: Essential oils, etc. own.health.bach_flowers One World Net: Dr. Edward Bachs Flower. own.health.herbs One World Net: Herbs from A-Z. own.health.homoeopathy One World Net: Samuel Hahnemann's System. own.health.misc One World Net: This and that. own.music One World Net: Rythms & rhymes. own.natives One World Net: Native people. own.news.announce One World Net: Announces (Moderated) own.news.groups One World Net: Talk about newsgroups. own.rainbow One World Net: The Rainbow Family. own.tibet.misc One World Net: About the country Tibet. own.tibet.wtn One World Net: World Tibet News (Moderated) pa.admin Net administration & UUCP connectivity in Pennsylvania. pa.config USENET configuration for Pennsylvania pa.environment Info and discussion about Pennsylvania's environment. pa.forsale Items for sale in Pennsylvania. pa.general Items of general interest in Pennsylvania. pa.hbg.forsale Items for sale in the Harrisburg, PA area. pa.hbg.general Items of general interest in Harrisburg, PA area. pa.hbg.wanted Items wanted in the Harrisburg, PA area. pa.jobs.offered Employment available in Pennsylvania pa.jobs.wanted Employment wanted in Pennsylvania. pa.lv.forsale Items for sale in the Lehigh Valley, PA area. pa.lv.general Items of general interest in Lehigh Valley, PA area. pa.lv.wanted Items wanted in the Lehigh Valley, PA area. pa.motorcycle Items regarding motorcycles in Pennsylvania. pa.motss Gay, lesbian & bisexual people and issues in Pennsylvania. pa.ne.forsale Items for sale in the Northeast PA area. pa.ne.general Items of general interest in the Scranton/Wiles-Barre area. pa.ne.politics Political discussions about the Northeast PA area. pa.ne.wanted Items wanted in the Northeast PA area. pa.politics Politicians & campaign issues in Pennsylvania. pa.rdg.forsale Items for sale in the Reading, PA area. pa.rdg.general Items of general interest in the Reading, PA area. pa.rdg.wanted Items wanted in the Reading, PA area. pa.religion.pagan Items regarding the Pagan religion in Pennsylvania. pa.smallbusiness Small business discussions in Pennsylvania (no ads). pa.test USENET testing in Pennsylvania. pa.wanted Items wanted in Pennsylvania. pagesat.stats No description. pbinfo.amiga No description. pdaxs.ads.antiques Antiques for sale and stores that sell them pdaxs.ads.apartments Apartments for rent or people that want them. pdaxs.ads.appliances Appliances for sale and stores that sell them. pdaxs.ads.audio_video Audio & Video equipment. pdaxs.ads.boats Boats, yachts, & dinghies for sale. pdaxs.ads.books Books for sale or wanted & stores that sell them. pdaxs.ads.cars Cars for sale or wanted. pdaxs.ads.cars.audio Car stereo & security systems. pdaxs.ads.cars.misc Car stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere. pdaxs.ads.cars.rv Recreational vehicles for sale or rent. pdaxs.ads.cars.service People who work on cars. pdaxs.ads.clothing Clothing for sale. pdaxs.ads.computers Computers, software, and accessories for sale. pdaxs.ads.fencing No description. pdaxs.ads.food Cook's equipment, groceries, cooperatives, etc. pdaxs.ads.furniture Places to sit and stores that sell it. pdaxs.ads.homes.n Homes for sale in North Portland. pdaxs.ads.homes.ne Homes for sale in NorthEast Portland. pdaxs.ads.homes.nw Homes for sale in NorthWest Portland. pdaxs.ads.homes.se Homes for sale in SouthEast Portland. pdaxs.ads.homes.sw Homes for sale in SouthWest Portland. pdaxs.ads.hotels Hotels, motels, inns, & bed and breakfasts. pdaxs.ads.jewelry Flaunt it if you've got it. pdaxs.ads.lostrfound Items or animals lost or found. pdaxs.ads.misc What the heck is it? Sell it here. pdaxs.ads.movies Theaters, posters, sneak previews. pdaxs.ads.music Music stores, places to hear music, instruments. pdaxs.ads.notices We have to tell you that . pdaxs.ads.office Office space for rent or for lease. pdaxs.ads.personals Personally, I think you sound cute. pdaxs.ads.printing Desktop publishing, printing, binding. pdaxs.ads.real_estate Real estate that doesn't fit somewhere else. pdaxs.ads.restaurants Good places to eat and what you can eat there. pdaxs.ads.sales Garage sales, auctions, liquidation sales, etc. pdaxs.ads.sports Sporting goods and activities. pdaxs.ads.tickets Concert tickets, plane tickets, traffic tickets. Oops. pdaxs.ads.tools Tools for cutting wood, bending metal, drilling holes. pdaxs.ads.wanted Have a framistan you're not using? I want it. pdaxs.arts.auditions Tryouts for plays, dance companies, movies, bands. pdaxs.arts.museums What's that hanging on the wall? pdaxs.arts.music Talk about local musicians and foodstamps. pdaxs.arts.print Books, newspapers, magazines in Portland. pdaxs.arts.radio Why isn't there a decent station in town? pdaxs.arts.tv Cable, local shows, Kathy Smith's hair color. pdaxs.calendar.art Exhibits, showings, and other art events. pdaxs.calendar.business Business-related events in Portland. pdaxs.calendar.computers Computer-related events of interest. pdaxs.calendar.misc Other stuff. pdaxs.calendar.music Who's playing where and when. pdaxs.calendar.volunteers We need people to show up for . pdaxs.games.board Not bored, board. Like checkers, chinese checkers . pdaxs.games.bridge Who's the dummy now? pdaxs.games.chess OK, I'm Fischer and you can be Spassky . pdaxs.games.misc Everything else except headgames (see counseling). pdaxs.games.rpg Role-playing games, where to buy them, who to play with. pdaxs.issues.democrats Democratic Party & their stands on issues. pdaxs.issues.education Educational issues - college, high school, etc. pdaxs.issues.portland What's really wrong with this town is . pdaxs.issues.republicans Republican Party & their stands on issues. pdaxs.jobs.clerical File clerks, administrative assistants. pdaxs.jobs.computers Computer sales, support, programming. pdaxs.jobs.construction We can rebuild it. Or build it. pdaxs.jobs.delivery Delivery jobs of all sorts. pdaxs.jobs.domestic Help with the home. pdaxs.jobs.engineering That's a software problem. . pdaxs.jobs.management Management positions or trainee positions. pdaxs.jobs.misc What you'll do is hard to describe. pdaxs.jobs.restaurants Waitpersons, cooks, bartenders, buspersons. pdaxs.jobs.resumes We'll help you look really good on paper. pdaxs.jobs.retail Clothing, hardware, bookstores, electronics. pdaxs.jobs.sales The second-oldest profession. The first, really. pdaxs.jobs.secretary Secretarial jobs. pdaxs.jobs.temporary Temporary work of all kinds. pdaxs.jobs.volunteers We need people to help us do . pdaxs.jobs.wanted Will work for food. And a car. And a trip. And . pdaxs.religion.christian Christian religion and activities. pdaxs.religion.jewish Jewish religion and activities. pdaxs.religion.misc Who'd we leave out? pdaxs.religion.moslem Moslem religion and activities. pdaxs.religion.newage New Age religions and activities. pdaxs.schools.acting Is that a smile on your face or are you crying? pdaxs.schools.cooking If you make it, you have to eat it. pdaxs.schools.dance Up on those toes! Now do the funky chicken. pdaxs.schools.fitness Ve vill pump you up! . pdaxs.schools.kids Languages, camps, and private schools. pdaxs.schools.martial Karate, Tae Kwon Du, Ben Wa, Kung Fu. pdaxs.schools.misc What we teach is hard to describe . pdaxs.schools.music Musical lessons. pdaxs.schools.sports How to play golf, tennis,. pdaxs.services.accounting Accounting, bookkeeping, tax advice. pdaxs.services.appliance Get that toaster fixed. pdaxs.services.carpentry Tired of hitting your thumb with the hammer? pdaxs.services.children Child care. pdaxs.services.cleaning Is it that time of year again? pdaxs.services.computers Get yours fixed or learn how to use it. pdaxs.services.consulting We empty wallets quickly & efficiently. pdaxs.services.counseling Why are you the way you are? pdaxs.services.electrical Things that go bzzzztt in the night. pdaxs.services.financial Got some money? We'll spend it for you. pdaxs.services.fitness Personal trainers and other hard bodies. pdaxs.services.gardening Watering, pruning, nurturing. pdaxs.services.graphics Pictures and images to order. pdaxs.services.insurance Fire, auto, life, etc. pdaxs.services.int_design Interior design. pdaxs.services.landscaping Your lawn needs some help. pdaxs.services.legal Incorporation, bankruptcy, divorce, etc. pdaxs.services.massage Feeling a little stiff? pdaxs.services.misc What we do is hard to describe . pdaxs.services.moving Tired of the same place? pdaxs.services.music Learn to play the tuba! pdaxs.services.painting Tired of a blue house? Try ochre! pdaxs.services.pets Why is Rover green? pdaxs.services.photo Photographers and videotapers. pdaxs.services.plumbing Why is the furniture floating past me? pdaxs.services.roofing Raindrops keep falling on my head. pdaxs.services.security Security systems for sale. pdaxs.services.storage Can't bear to throw it away? pdaxs.services.wordproc Papers and novels done dirt cheap. pdaxs.sports.baseball American's pastime in the Rose City. pdaxs.sports.basketball Blazers, Pilots, and other hoops. pdaxs.sports.football NFL, semi-pro, and high school. pdaxs.sports.golf Speak softly and carry a big stick. pdaxs.sports.rotisserie Those that can, do. Those that can't . pdx.arts Portland Oregon local arts topics. pdx.books Information about various books. pdx.computing Computing information. pdx.forsale Stuff for sale. pdx.games Talk about games. pdx.general General discissions pdx.golf Talk regarding golf. pdx.movies Talk regarding movies. pdx.music Talk regarding music. pdx.online On-line information. (BBS's, Usenet access, etc.) pdx.running Running information. pdx.singles Singles information. pdx.slug Sun Users group. pdx.soc Social events in Portland, Or. pdx.sports Sports in Portland, Or. pdx.telecom Issues regarding telecommunications. pdx.test Tests. pdx.utek Discissions regarding UTek, the Tektronix implimention of Unix. pdx.weather No description. pei.crafts No description. pgh.apartments Rental housing in the greater Pittsburgh area. pgh.config USENET configuration in Pittsburgh. pgh.cpsr Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Pitt. pgh.food Food in Pittsburgh. pgh.forsale Items for sale in greater Pittsburgh area. pgh.freenet Three Rivers Free-Net public access network. pgh.general Items of general interest in Pittsburgh. pgh.jobs.offered Employment available in the greater Pittsburgh area (Moderated) pgh.jobs.wanted Employment desired in the greater Pittsburgh area pgh.motss Lesbian, gay and bisexual issues in Pittsburg. pgh.next-users NeXT Users in Pittsburgh. pgh.opinion Where to post them if you got them. pgh.org.cnbc Notices for the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition. pgh.org.sca Pgh chapter, Society for Creative Anachronism. pgh.org.uccp The University Chinese Club of Pittsburgh. pgh.singles Pittsburgh singles network pgh.test Testing in Pittsburgh. phl.announce Announcements of general interest in Philadelphia. phl.bicycles Bicycles, bike trails, recreation and transportation. phl.config USENET configuration for Philadelphia. phl.dance Dance events, reviews and discussions. phl.food Restaurant information and reviews. phl.forsale Items for sale in Philadelphia. phl.housing Houses/apartments/roomates available/wanted in Phila. phl.internet Internet service info and discussions in Philadelphia. phl.jobs.offered Employment available in Philadelphia. phl.jobs.wanted Employment wanted in Philadelphia. phl.media Newspapers, radio & TV in Philadelphia. phl.misc Miscellaneous postings. phl.motss Gay, lesbian & bisexual people and issues in Philadelphia phl.music Musical events, reviews and discussions. phl.outdoors Outdoor recreation - camping, hiking, parks. phl.pagan Paganism in the Philadelphia region. phl.scanner Scanning the airwaves in Philadelphia. phl.singles Single people & their activities in Philadelphia. phl.sports Sporting events and discussions. phl.test USENET testing in Philadelphia. phl.theatre Theatre events, reviews and discussions. phl.transportation Getting around in the Philadelphia region. phl.wanted Items wanted in Philadelphia. phl.weather Weather forecasts for the Philadelphia area. phri.general No description. phx.buy-sell-trade Phoenix-area personal sales. phx.eats Restaurants in the Phoenix area. phx.general Items of general interest in Phoenix. phx.indirect.announce No description. phx.indirect.bud No description. phx.indirect.help No description. phx.indirect.help.mac No description. phx.indirect.help.pc No description. phx.indirect.techsuport No description. phx.indirect.test No description. phx.jobs.wanted No description. phx.onramp.announce No description. phx.onramp.general No description. phx.onramp.help No description. phx.onramp.support No description. phx.test Testing Usenet software around Phoenix, Arizona. pipex.admin Gateway of the PIPEX Administrative contacts' mailing list pipex.dialup Info relevant only to PIPEX dialup customers pipex.info Gateway of the public pipex-info mailing list pipex.news Postings about the Pipex Usenet news service pipex.techs Gateway of the PIPEX technical-contacts mailing list pipex.tickets Maintenance and fault tickets forwarded from other networks pitt.comp.general Anything and everything about computing at pitt. pitt.comp.sys.ibm-pc IBM PC (and clones)-based computing at Pitt. pitt.comp.sys.mac Apple Macintosh computing at Pitt. pitt.comp.sys.unix UNIX-based computing at Pitt. pitt.comp.sys.vms VMS computing at Pitt. pitt.config Configuring/maintaining the pitt.* hierarchy. pl.announce.newgroups Ogloszenia o nowych grupach. (Moderated) pl.answers Odpowiedzi na pytania, o ktorych wam sie nie snilo. (Moderated) pl.biznes Jak zarobic, jak nie stracic. pl.biznes.banki Funkcjonowanie bankow w Polsce i zagranica. pl.biznes.wgpw Warszawska Gielda Papierow Wartosciowych, rynek kapitalowy w Polsce. pl.comp.bazy-danych Wszystko o bazach danych. pl.comp.bazy-danych.msaccess Visual Basic i MS Access. pl.comp.cad Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania. pl.comp.demoscena Polska scena komputerowa. pl.comp.dtp Szeroko rozumiana poligrafia. pl.comp.dtp.tex Jezyk TeX - zastosowania i porady. pl.comp.dtp.tex.gust Jezyk TeX - zastosowania i porady - lista GUST-L. (Moderated) pl.comp.gis Wymiana informacji na temat Systemow Informacji. pl.comp.grafika Forum dyskusji milosnikow grafiki komputerowej. pl.comp.grafika.grafika3d Grafika 3d, modelowanie i animacja komputerowa. pl.comp.lang.c C i C++ - kruczki, sztuczki, programowanie. pl.comp.lang.delphi Delphi i Pascal - kruczki, sztuczki, programowanie. pl.comp.lang.delphi.bazy-danych Programowanie baz danych w Delphi. pl.comp.lang.java Programowanie w jezyku Java. pl.comp.lang.pascal Programowanie w jezyku Pascal. pl.comp.lang.perl Perl - zastosowania, porady. pl.comp.lang.vbasic Programowanie w Visual Basic. pl.comp.mail Poczta elektroniczna na co dzien. pl.comp.mail.mta Mail Transfer Agents - konfigurowanie i administracja. pl.comp.multimedia Tworzenie prezentacji multimedialnych. pl.comp.nowe-programy Tutaj pochwal sie nowym programem. pl.comp.objects Obiektowa technologia tworzenia oprogramowania i C++. pl.comp.ogonki O polskich literkach w komputerach. pl.comp.os.advocacy Dyskusje o wyzszosci jednych systemow nad innymi. pl.comp.os.hp-ux HP-UX: problemy, sztuczki, konfiguracja. pl.comp.os.linux Linux - system operacyjny dla kazdego. pl.comp.os.linux.programowanie Programowanie w systemie Linux. pl.comp.os.linux.sieci Sieci - konfiguracja i uzytkowanie w systemie Linux. pl.comp.os.linux.sprzet Sprzet dzialajacy pod Linuxem. pl.comp.os.ms-windows.win3 Microsoft Windows 3.xx - radosci i smutki. pl.comp.os.ms-windows.win9x Microsoft Windows 95 i 98 - blaski i cienie. pl.comp.os.ms-windows.winnt MS Windows NT na wszelkich platfomach sprzetowych. pl.comp.os.os2 OS/2 z zewnatrz i od srodka. pl.comp.os.unix Unix w bardzo roznych systemach. pl.comp.pecet Pecety, czyli komputery klasy PC. pl.comp.programming Programowanie w jezykach wszelkich. pl.comp.security Bezpieczenstwo systemow i sieci komputerowych. (Moderated) pl.comp.sys.amiga Grupa dyskusyjna uzytkownikow komputera Amiga. pl.comp.sys.atari Grupa dyskusyjna uzytkownikow komputerow atari. pl.comp.sys.macintosh Komputery Macintosh i dyskusje na ich temat. pl.comp.sys.novell Wszystko o Novellu. pl.comp.sys.sun.admin Administrowanie komputerami Sun. pl.comp.tlumaczenia Tlumaczenie literatury komputerowej. (Moderated) pl.comp.www World Wide Web w Polsce i po polsku. pl.comp.www.nowe-strony Nowe strony www - info, dyskusje, opinie. pl.comp.www.server-side Skrypty CGI, PHP, ASP, SSI itp. pl.comp.xml XML, SGML i tematy pokrewne. pl.fidonet.bramka Fido widziane z Internetu. pl.gazety.donosy Donosy z Warszawy :-) (Moderated) pl.hum.poezja O poezji i poetach, pisaniu i czytaniu wierszy. pl.hum.polszczyzna Aby jezyk gietki powiedzial wszystko, co pomysli glowa. pl.hum.teatr Teatr. Polski i swiatowy. Repertuarowy i alternatywny. pl.hum.tlumaczenia Z polskiego i na polski. pl.hum.x-muza Dla tych, ktorzy nad MegaHit przedkladaja Mistrzow Kina. pl.internet.komunikaty Komunikaty o problemach z lacznoscia, "trouble tickets" itp. (Moderated) pl.listserv.chomor-l Polski humor, Lista chomor-l@archimedes.pol.lublin.pl pl.listserv.dziennikarz Lista dyskusyjna Dziennikarz. pl.listserv.plotki Lista polskich plotkarzy. (plotki@ia.pw.edu.pl) pl.listserv.polip Polski Internet -- lista dyskusyjna. pl.listserv.polwro Lista ludzi zwiazanych z Politechnika Wroclawska. pl.misc.budowanie Budowanie i remontowanie domow i mieszkan. pl.misc.elektronika Urzadzenia elektroniczne od srodka. pl.misc.kolej Od drezyny do TGV. pl.misc.konsumenci Problemy polskich konsumentow. pl.misc.militaria Wojskowosc, strategia, technika wojskowa, etc. pl.misc.paranauki Psychotronika, UFO, astrologia, magia... pl.misc.ratownictwo Ratownictwo drogowe, pomoc przedmedyczna, drogi w Polsce. pl.misc.samochody Samochod nie tylko zza kolka. pl.misc.samochody.garbusy Uzytkownicy i milosnicy VW Garbusa. pl.misc.telefonia Telefonia, telefony - uslugi, przepisy, urzadzenia. pl.misc.telefonia.gsm Dyskusja o telefonii komorkowej GSM i pochodnych. pl.misc.telefonia.gsm.gielda Ogloszenia o kupnie/sprzedazy telefonow GSM. pl.misc.telefonia.gsm.sms Tekstowy serwis informacyjny. pl.misc.telefonia.isdn Cyfrowa Siec z Integracja Uslug - pytania, dyskusje. pl.news.admin Administratorzy polskich news - laczcie sie! (Moderated) pl.news.czytniki Czytniki news - konfiguracja, uzytkowanie. pl.ogloszenia.kupie Ogloszenia o kupnie roznych rzeczy. pl.ogloszenia.rozne Ogloszenia rozne. pl.ogloszenia.sprzedam Ogloszenia o sprzedazy roznych rzeczy. pl.praca.dyskusje Dyskusje na temat pracy. pl.praca.oferowana Ogloszenia o pracy. (Moderated) pl.praca.szukana Ogloszenia o poszukiwaniu pracy. pl.rec.akwarium Akwarystyka. pl.rec.anime Grupa milosnikow anime, mangi i jezyka japonskiego. pl.rec.ascii-art Rysowanie znakami ASCII. pl.rec.audio Audio i Hi-Fi dla kazdego. pl.rec.dom Dom - budynek i miejsce w ktorym sie zyje. pl.rec.fantastyka.advocacy O wyzszosci jednych dziel fantastycznych nad innymi. pl.rec.fantastyka.babylon5 Pozdrowienia z Babylonu 5. pl.rec.fantastyka.sf-f Science Fiction & Fantasy, lista sf-f@uci.agh.edu.pl. pl.rec.fantastyka.startrek Wszystko dla fanow - filmy, seriale, ksiazki. pl.rec.fantastyka.starwars Gwiezdne Wojny: filmy, ksiazki, komiksy, gry w swiecie GW. pl.rec.fantastyka.x-files ONI nie pozwalaja na krotki opis. pl.rec.film Filmy w kinie, tv i na wideo. pl.rec.film.animowany Wszelkie filmy animowane - z wyjatkiem mangi. pl.rec.foto Fotografia - co, jak i czym. pl.rec.foto.art Fotografia jako Sztuka. pl.rec.foto.cyfrowa Zdjecia z komputera. pl.rec.gory Dyskusje o gorach i kwalifikowanej turystyce gorskiej. pl.rec.gry.brydz Brydzysci po polsku o brydzu. pl.rec.gry.karciane Gry karciane oraz pasjanse. pl.rec.gry.komputerowe Rozkosze lamania glowy i joysticka. pl.rec.gry.komputerowe.klasyka Klasyka gier komputerowych. pl.rec.gry.komputerowe.roguelike Grimoiry tamtego swiata. pl.rec.gry.komputerowe.rpg Gry komputerowe z elementami RPG. pl.rec.gry.komputerowe.sprzet Sprzet przydatny graczom. pl.rec.gry.konsole Konsole do gier i gry na nie. pl.rec.gry.mud Dla graczy w MUDy. pl.rec.gry.rpg Gry RPG (Role Playing) bez komputera. pl.rec.gry.scrabble Dyskusje na temat gry Scrabble po polsku. pl.rec.gry.szachy Gimnastyka umyslu dla kazdego. pl.rec.harcerstwo Ogolnoswiatowa grupa dyskusyjna harcerstwa polskiego. pl.rec.hihot Wszystko do smiechu. pl.rec.humor.kabaret Scena kabaretowa - wczoraj i dzis. pl.rec.humor.monty-python A teraz cos z zupelnie innej beczki. pl.rec.humor.najlepsze Usenet na wesolo - znalezione w grupach pl.* (Moderated) pl.rec.kajaki Wiosla, kontry, pagaje. pl.rec.kino-domowe Po prostu kino w domu. pl.rec.komiks Grupa dla entuzjastow komiksu (i nie tylko). pl.rec.ksiazki Ksiazki, ktore warto (lub nie) przeczytac. pl.rec.kuchnia Uroki kuchni i rozkosze podniebienia. pl.rec.lotnictwo Ptakom podobni... pl.rec.mineraly Kolorowy swiat mineralow. pl.rec.modelarstwo Modele kartonowe, drewniane, plastikowe i inne. pl.rec.motocykle Motocykle - technika, rozrywka, turystyka. pl.rec.muzyka Wszystko o muzyce. pl.rec.muzyka.bin Muzyka w postaci binarnej. pl.rec.muzyka.folk Muzyka folkowa roznych kultur. pl.rec.muzyka.gitara Techniki gry na gitarze, tabulatury, rady, akordy, gitarzysci. pl.rec.muzyka.gotyk Muzyka gotycka i towarzyszaca jej otoczka. pl.rec.muzyka.jazz JAZZ we wszystkich kolorach teczy pl.rec.muzyka.koncerty Ogloszenia i dyskusje o koncertach. pl.rec.muzyka.metal Artykuly metalowe. pl.rec.muzyka.rock Muzyka rockowa polska i zagraniczna. pl.rec.muzyka.techno Muzyka techno oraz informacje o imprezach. pl.rec.nurkowanie Nurkuj bracie pokis mlody!!! pl.rec.ogrody Ogrody ozdobne, warzywne, rekreacyjne, wodne, dydaktyczne. pl.rec.paralotnie Paralotnie, lotnie, szybowce i inne rozrywki latajace. pl.rec.paranoja Oni (i ONI) sa wszedzie. pl.rec.radio Radio, krotkofalarstwo itp. pl.rec.radio.cb CB-Radio - dyskusje techniczne, sprzet, ogloszenia. pl.rec.rowery Rowery: sprzet, wyprawy, jazda w miescie. pl.rec.sport Dla kibicow i dla tych ktorzy sami uprawiaja sport. pl.rec.sport.koszykowka Koszykowka polska, europejska i NBA. pl.rec.sport.motorowe Sporty motorowe. pl.rec.sport.pilka-nozna Grupa dla kibicow i sympatykow pilki noznej. pl.rec.sport.tenis Tenis na swiecie. pl.rec.sport.zimowe Snowboard, narty i inne zabawy na sniegu. pl.rec.szaradziarstwo Zadania diagramowe, graficzne, logiczne, wierszowane. pl.rec.telewizja Rozmowy milosnikow malego ekranu. pl.rec.turystyka.tramping Podrozowanie zplecakiem. pl.rec.turystyka.zorganizowana Wczasy z biurem podrozy. pl.rec.wedkarstwo Techniki polowu, przynety, sprzet, lowiska. pl.rec.windsurfing Windsurgfing i wszystko z nim zwiazane. pl.rec.zbieractwo Monety, karty telefoniczne, znaczki i inne kolekcje. pl.rec.zeglarstwo Zeglarze wod slonych i slodkich. pl.rec.zeglarstwo.szanty Szanty i piosenka zeglarska. pl.rec.zwierzaki Zwierzeta bedace naszymi przyjaciolmi. pl.rec.zwierzaki.terrarium Zwierzeta terraryjne i to co z nimi zwiazane. pl.regionalne.gorny-slask Gorny Slask, Zaglebie - pytania, komentarze, propozycje. pl.regionalne.krakow Krakowiaczek ci ja! pl.regionalne.lodz Forum mieszkancow miasta Lodzi i okolic. pl.regionalne.lublin Grupa mieszkancow i przyjaciol Lublina. pl.regionalne.poznan Poznan i okolice: Pyrlandia. pl.regionalne.szczecin Forum wymiany informacji o Szczecinie. pl.regionalne.szczecin.ogloszenia Ogloszenia dotyczace Szczecina i okolic. pl.regionalne.trojmiasto My, mieszkancy Trojmiasta! pl.regionalne.warszawa Wirtualna Warszawa - rozmowy, informacje. pl.regionalne.warszawa.ogloszenia Ogloszenia dotyczace Warszawy i okolic. pl.regionalne.wroclaw O Wroclawiu, nie tylko dla Wroclawian. pl.sci.biologia O rozlicznych genow manifestacjach. pl.sci.chemia Chemia czysta, technologia i inzynieria. pl.sci.ekonomiczne Nieznajomosc ekonomii szkodzi. pl.sci.farmacja Aptekarstwo, ziololecznictwo, analityka i chemia lekow. pl.sci.filozofia Miejsce spotkan filozofow (nie chlopskich). pl.sci.fizyka Forum fizykow polskich. pl.sci.geodezja Geodezja i kartografia. pl.sci.kosmos Ogromny i pelen zagadek. pl.sci.kosmos.seti Poszukiwanie zycia poza Ziemia. pl.sci.lesnictwo O lesie i lesnikach, przyrodzie i ekologach. pl.sci.medycyna Od pediatrii do patologii. pl.sci.psychologia Psychologia w zyciu codziennym. pl.sci.socjologia Socjologia i nauki pokrewne. pl.sci.weterynaria Leczenie zwierzat. pl.soc.dekadentyzm Antyspoleczne poglady, poezja, swirunki, kreacja. pl.soc.dzieci Jak miec dzieci i to przezyc. pl.soc.edukacja Edukacja i wychowanie od niemowlaka do umarlaka. pl.soc.edukacja.szkola Szkola i jej uzytkownicy - uczniowie. pl.soc.inwalidzi Sieciowe forum osob niepelnosprawnych. pl.soc.polityka Dyskusje o polityce (lista polityka@mimuw.edu.pl). pl.soc.polityka.wybory Wybory i referenda w Polsce. pl.soc.prawo Prawo na co dzien - dyskusje, porady, opinie. pl.soc.prawo.podatki Podatki w Polsce. pl.soc.religia Dyskusje religijne (lista religia@uci.agh.edu.pl). pl.soc.seks Wszystko o seksie (ale nie obrazki). pl.soc.seks.moderowana Kulturalnie o seksie i milosci. (Moderated) pl.soc.seks.towarzyskie "Biuro" ogloszen towarzyskich i matrymonialnych. pl.soc.uzaleznienia Uzaleznienia - jak zapobiegac, leczyc i walczyc. (Moderated) pl.soc.wegetarianizm Ideologia, a NIE przepisy. pl.soc.zieloni Polski ruch ekologiczny. pl.test Tu mozna wysylac wszelkie testy. pnw.education Education issues in the Pacific Northwest. pnw.forsale Things for sale. pnw.general General information. pnw.motss Issues about homosexuality in the Pacific Northwest. pnw.news General news issues. pnw.personals No description. pnw.sys.sun Sun users. pnw.test Your vanilla test group. posc.announce Announcements of events, classes, etc. (Moderated) posc.application.views Information about application views. (Moderated) posc.change_request Summary of all change requests submitted. (Moderated) posc.change_request.bcs Changes requested for the Base Computer Standards. (Moderated) posc.change_request.browser Changes requested for the Browser. (Moderated) posc.change_request.data_access Changes requested for the Data Access specs. (Moderated) posc.change_request.data_model Changes requested for the Data Model. (Moderated) posc.change_request.ref_entity Changes requested for the reference entities. (Moderated) posc.change_request.si Changes requested for the Sample Implementation. (Moderated) posc.change_request.ui Changes requested for the User Interface. (Moderated) posc.migration Announcements about migration projects. (Moderated) posc.sysadm Items of interest to Sys Admins in the E&P industry. (Moderated) posc.test Test newsgroup. (Moderated) prg.jobs No description. princeton.general Items of general interest to Princeton. princeton.grad Announcments of interest to Grad Students at Princeton. private.lab.lcs No description. private.wmnst01.bulletin.board No description. pronet.kneipe No description. psi.general PSINet general announcements and discussion. psi.nrg PSINet problem reports about NSFnet. psi.nwg PSINet problem reports from NSFnet NOC. psi.psilink No description. psi.psinet PSINet announcements and information. (Moderated) psi.stats PSINet network statistics. psi.test Testing with PSI. psi.tickets PSINet trouble reports. pt.binarios Grupo apropriado para se colocarem binarios. (Moderated) pt.ciencia.geral Discussao de tematicas cientificas. (Moderated) pt.comp.geral Discussao de temas relacionados com Computadores. (Moderated) pt.comp.programacao Duvidas e sugestoes sobre linguagens de programacao. (Moderated) pt.comp.so.linux Sistema operativo Linux e temas relacionados. (Moderated) pt.conversa Grupo para discussao sobre temas livres. (Moderated) pt.geral Discussoes sobre Portugal e os Portugueses. (Moderated) pt.internet Discussao sobre a Internet em Portugal. (Moderated) pt.internet.usenet Discussao sobre as Usenet news em Portugal (Moderated) pt.internet.www Assuntos relacionados com o World-Wide Web. (Moderated) pt.mercado Anuncios/Compra/Venda/Troca/Aluguer de Produtos/Servicos. (Moderated) pt.mercado.emprego Anuncios de procura e oferta de emprego e formacao. (Moderated) pt.mercado.imobiliario Anuncios de compra, venda e aluguer de imobiliario. (Moderated) pt.mercado.informatica Compra e venda de equipamento informatico e software. (Moderated) pt.mercado.veiculos Anuncios de compra, venda e aluguer de veiculos. (Moderated) pt.rec.aquaria Assuntos relacionados com aquariofilia. (Moderated) pt.rec.artes Discussao das Artes (Moderated) pt.rec.artes.cinema Grupo destinado 'a discussao de cinema. (Moderated) pt.rec.desporto Desportos sem grupo de discussao na hierarquia PT. (Moderated) pt.rec.desporto.futebol Discussao sobre futebol nacional e internacional. (Moderated) pt.rec.fotografia Newsgroup sobre fotografia. (Moderated) pt.rec.geral Discussao geral sobre tematicas recreativas. (Moderated) pt.rec.jogos.computador Discussao de Jogos de Computador em Portugues. (Moderated) pt.rec.jogos.estrategia Discussao de Jogos de Estrategia em Portugal. (Moderated) pt.rec.musica.geral Assuntos relacionados com Musica. (Moderated) pt.rec.radio.amadorismo Assuntos relacionados com Radio Amadorismo. (Moderated) pt.rec.radio.cb Grupo dedicado a Banda do Cidadao. (Moderated) pt.soc.economia Discussao generica sobre economia em portugues. (Moderated) pt.soc.ensino Discussao sobre o ensino em Portugal. (Moderated) pt.soc.escutismo Escutismo, escotismo e guidismo em portugues. (Moderated) pt.soc.geral Discussao geral sobre a Sociedade. (Moderated) pt.soc.politica Discussao de tematicas politicas. (Moderated) pt.soc.religiao Discussa~o sobre religia~o e os aspectos envolventes. (Moderated) pt.soc.sexologia Para discutir tudo o que se relacione com a sexologia. (Moderated) pt.tec.geral Discussao geral sobre tematicas tecnicas e tecnologicas. (Moderated) pt.tec.telcoms Discussao das Telecomunicacoes em Portugal. (Moderated) pt.tec.telcoms.rdis.rcu Discussao dos assuntos relacionados com a RCU. (Moderated) qc.general General interest items about Quebec. qc.jobs Jobs in Quebec. qc.politique Politics of Quebec. qtp.bulletin No description. qtp.general No description. rabbit.config Configuration/Organization of the rabbit hierarchy. rabbit.customers Forum for Rabbit Network customers. rabbit.maps Rabbit Network UUCP map postings. rabbit.net-config Announcements/Discussions of Rabbit Network configuration. rabbit.q-and-a Places to find Answers to your Rabbit Network questions. rabbit.tech-info Weekly technical reports from engineers at RNET-NOC. rain.bsdi-users Gateway to the bsdi users mailing list. rain.firewalls Gatewayed with the firewalls mailing list. rain.smail3 Gatewayed with the smail3 mailing list. rain.sources No description. rain.sources.d No description. realtynet.canada-intl Canada and Int'l Real Estate Listings. realtynet.commercial Commercial Real Estate Listings. realtynet.commercial.ak-northern Commercial real estate in north Alaska. realtynet.commercial.ak-southern Commercial real estate in south Alaska. realtynet.commercial.al Commercial real estate in Alabama. realtynet.commercial.az Commercial real estate in Arizona. realtynet.commercial.ca-central Commercial real estate in central California. realtynet.commercial.ca-northern Commercial realty in north California. realtynet.commercial.ca-southern Commercial realty in south California. realtynet.commercial.co Commercial real estate in Colorado. realtynet.commercial.ct Commercial real estate in Connecticut. realtynet.commercial.dc Commercial real estate in Washington DC. realtynet.commercial.de Commercial real estate in Delaware. realtynet.commercial.fl-central Commercial real estate in central Florida. realtynet.commercial.fl-northern Commercial real estate in north Florida. realtynet.commercial.fl-southern Commercial real estate in south Florida. realtynet.commercial.ga Commercial real estate in Georgia. realtynet.commercial.hi Commercial real estate in Hawaii. realtynet.commercial.ia Commercial real estate in Iowa. realtynet.commercial.id Commercial real estate in Idaho. realtynet.commercial.il Commercial real estate in Illinois. realtynet.commercial.in Commercial real estate in Indiana. realtynet.commercial.ks Commercial real estate in Kansas. realtynet.commercial.ky Commercial real estate in Kentucky. realtynet.commercial.ma Commercial real estate in Massachusetts. realtynet.commercial.md Commercial real estate in Maryland. realtynet.commercial.me Commercial real estate in Maine. realtynet.commercial.mi Commercial real estate in Michigan. realtynet.commercial.mn Commercial real estate in Minnesota. realtynet.commercial.mo Commercial real estate in Missouri. realtynet.commercial.ms Commercial real estate in Mississippi. realtynet.commercial.mt Commercial real estate in Montana. realtynet.commercial.nc Commercial real estate in North Carolina. realtynet.commercial.nd Commercial real estate in North Dakota. realtynet.commercial.ne Commercial real estate in Nebraska. realtynet.commercial.nh Commercial real estate in New Hampshire. realtynet.commercial.nj Commercial real estate in New Jersey. realtynet.commercial.nm Commercial real estate in New Mexico. realtynet.commercial.ny Commercial real estate in New York. realtynet.commercial.oh Commercial real estate in Ohio. realtynet.commercial.ok Commercial real estate in Oklahoma. realtynet.commercial.or Commercial real estate in Oregon. realtynet.commercial.pa Commercial real estate in Pennsylvania. realtynet.commercial.ri Commercial real estate in Rhode Island. realtynet.commercial.sc Commercial real estate in South Carolina. realtynet.commercial.sd Commercial real estate in South Dakota. realtynet.commercial.tn Commercial real estate in Tennessee. realtynet.commercial.tx-northeast Commercial real estate in northeast Texas. realtynet.commercial.tx-northwest Commercial real estate in northwest Texas. realtynet.commercial.tx-southeast Commercial real estate in southeast Texas. realtynet.commercial.tx-southwest Commercial real estate in southwest Texas. realtynet.commercial.ut Commercial real estate in Utah. realtynet.commercial.va Commercial real estate in Virginia. realtynet.commercial.vi Commercial real estate in the Virgin Islands. realtynet.commercial.vt Commercial real estate in Vermont. realtynet.commercial.wa Commercial real estate in Washington. realtynet.commercial.wi Commercial real estate in Wisconsin. realtynet.commercial.wv Commercial real estate in West Virginia. realtynet.commercial.wy Commercial real estate in Wyoming. realtynet.east Eastern US Real Estate Listings. realtynet.general General discussion about realtynet.*. realtynet.government Government property (va,fha,hud) Real Estate Listings. realtynet.invest Investment Real Estate Listings. realtynet.lending Lending Info Real Estate Listings. realtynet.mid Midwest US Real Estate Listings. realtynet.qa Questions & Answers about ReatlyNet. realtynet.residential Residential Real Estate Listings. realtynet.south Southern US Real Estate Listings. realtynet.west Western US Real Estate Listings. rec.animals.wildlife Wildlife related discussions/information. rec.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) rec.antiques Discussing antiques and vintage items. rec.antiques.bottles Antique Bottle Collecting. rec.antiques.marketplace Buying/selling/trading antiques. rec.antiques.radio+phono Audio devices and materials of yesteryear. rec.aquaria.freshwater.cichlids Care and keeping of freshwater cichlids. rec.aquaria.freshwater.goldfish Care and keeping of goldfish, koi, carp. rec.aquaria.freshwater.misc Freshwater aquaria in general. rec.aquaria.freshwater.plants Keeping of freshwater aquarium plants. rec.aquaria.marine.misc Marine aquaria in general. rec.aquaria.marine.reefs Marine Reef aquaria. rec.aquaria.marketplace Aquarium advertising & announcements. rec.aquaria.misc Closed System aquaria in general. rec.aquaria.tech Aquarium related technology and equipment. rec.arts.animation Discussion of various kinds of animation. rec.arts.anime.creative Original works by fans, related to anime/manga. (Moderated) rec.arts.anime.fandom Important issues concerning Japanese animation fans. rec.arts.anime.games Video games, card games, and RPGs based on anime. rec.arts.anime.info Announcements about Japanese animation. (Moderated) rec.arts.anime.marketplace Things for sale in the Japanese animation world. rec.arts.anime.misc Japanese animation fan discussions. rec.arts.anime.models Models designed after Japanese animation characters. rec.arts.anime.music Music as it pertains to Japanese animation. rec.arts.ascii ASCII art, info on archives, art, & artists. (Moderated) rec.arts.bodyart Tattoos and body decoration discussions. rec.arts.bonsai Dwarfish trees and shrubbery. rec.arts.books Books of all genres, and the publishing industry. rec.arts.books.childrens All aspects of children's literature. rec.arts.books.hist-fiction Historical fictions (novels) in general. rec.arts.books.marketplace Buying and selling of books. rec.arts.books.reviews Book reviews. (Moderated) rec.arts.books.tolkien The works of J.R.R. Tolkien. rec.arts.comics.creative Comics-related original creative writing. (Moderated) rec.arts.comics.dc.lsh The Legion of Super-Heroes and related characters. rec.arts.comics.dc.universe DC Comics' shared universe and characters. rec.arts.comics.dc.vertigo Comics from the Vertigo imprint. rec.arts.comics.elfquest The Elfquest universe and characters. rec.arts.comics.info Reviews, convention information and other comics news. (Moderated) rec.arts.comics.marketplace The exchange of comics and comic related items. rec.arts.comics.marvel.universe Marvel Comics' shared universe and characters. rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks The Mutant Universe of Marvel Comics. rec.arts.comics.misc Comic books, graphic novels, sequential art. rec.arts.comics.reviews Reviews of comics and comics-related materials. (Moderated) rec.arts.comics.strips Discussion of short-form comics. rec.arts.dance Any aspects of dance not covered in another newsgroup. rec.arts.disney.animation Animated features, cartoons, short subjects. rec.arts.disney.announce FAQs, lists, info, announcements. (Moderated) rec.arts.disney.merchandise Toys, videos, music, books, art, collectibles. rec.arts.disney.misc General topics pertinent to the Disney Company. rec.arts.disney.parks Parks, resorts, dining, attractions, vacations. rec.arts.drwho Discussion about Dr. Who. rec.arts.drwho.info Information about Doctor Who. (Moderated) rec.arts.drwho.moderated Discussion of "Doctor Who". (Moderated) rec.arts.erotica Erotic fiction and verse. (Moderated) rec.arts.fine Fine arts & artists. rec.arts.henson+muppets The Muppets and other Jim Henson works. rec.arts.horror.marketplace All horror-related commercial messages. rec.arts.horror.misc The horror genre in miscellaneous media. rec.arts.horror.movies The horror genre in movies. rec.arts.horror.tv The horror genre in television shows. rec.arts.horror.written The horror genre in written form. rec.arts.int-fiction Discussions about interactive fiction. rec.arts.manga All aspects of the Japanese storytelling art form. rec.arts.marching.band.college College marching bands. rec.arts.marching.band.high-school High school marching bands. rec.arts.marching.colorguard Competitive color guard activity. rec.arts.marching.drumcorps Drum and bugle corps. rec.arts.marching.misc Marching-related performance activities. rec.arts.marching.percussion Marching percussion. rec.arts.misc Discussions about the arts not in other groups. rec.arts.movies.announce Newsworthy events in the movie business. (Moderated) rec.arts.movies.current-films The latest movie releases. rec.arts.movies.erotica Aspects of erotic films and videos. (Moderated) rec.arts.movies.international Non-American art films. rec.arts.movies.lists+surveys Top-N lists and general surveys. rec.arts.movies.local.indian Indian movies and the Indian film industry. rec.arts.movies.misc General aspects of movies not covered by other groups. rec.arts.movies.movie-going Going-to-movies experiences. rec.arts.movies.past-films Past movies. rec.arts.movies.people People in the movie business. rec.arts.movies.production Filmmaking, amateur and professional. rec.arts.movies.production.sound Movie, TV & Video sound. rec.arts.movies.reviews Reviews of movies. (Moderated) rec.arts.movies.tech Technical aspects of movies. rec.arts.mystery Mystery and crime books, plays and films. rec.arts.origami Ancient Asian Paper Sculpture. rec.arts.poems For the posting of poems. rec.arts.prose Short works of prose fiction and followup discussion. rec.arts.puppetry For discussion of puppets in any form or venue. rec.arts.sf.announce Major announcements of the SF world. (Moderated) rec.arts.sf.composition The writing and publishing of speculative fiction. rec.arts.sf.fandom Discussions of SF fan activities. rec.arts.sf.marketplace Personal forsale notices of SF materials. rec.arts.sf.misc Science fiction lovers' newsgroup. rec.arts.sf.movies Discussing SF motion pictures. rec.arts.sf.reviews Reviews of science fiction/fantasy/horror works. (Moderated) rec.arts.sf.science Real and speculative aspects of SF science. rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.customizing Customizing Star Wars toys. rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.misc Discussion of all Star Wars collecting. rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage Star Wars items made before 1990. rec.arts.sf.starwars.games Star Wars games: RPG, computer, card, etc. rec.arts.sf.starwars.info General information pertaining to Star Wars. (Moderated) rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc Miscellaneous topics pertaining to Star Wars. rec.arts.sf.superman Discussion of Superman in any medium. rec.arts.sf.tv Discussing general television SF. rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5 Babylon 5 creators meet Babylon 5 fans. rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info Announcements about TV show _Babylon 5_. (Moderated) rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.moderated Babylon 5 creators meet Babylon 5 fans. (Moderated) rec.arts.sf.tv.quantum-leap Quantum Leap TV, comics, cons, etc. rec.arts.sf.written Discussion of written science fiction and fantasy. rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan Books by author Robert Jordan. rec.arts.startrek.current New Star Trek shows, movies and books. rec.arts.startrek.fandom Star Trek conventions and memorabilia. rec.arts.startrek.info Information about the universe of Star Trek. (Moderated) rec.arts.startrek.misc General discussions of Star Trek. rec.arts.startrek.reviews Reviews of Star Trek books, episodes, films, &c. (Moderated) rec.arts.startrek.tech Star Trek's depiction of future technologies. rec.arts.theatre.misc Miscellaneous topics and issues in theatre. rec.arts.theatre.musicals Musical theatre around the world. rec.arts.theatre.plays Dramaturgy and discussion of plays. rec.arts.theatre.stagecraft Issues in stagecraft and production. rec.arts.tv The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows. rec.arts.tv.interactive Developments in interactive television. rec.arts.tv.mst3k.announce Mystery Science Theater 3000 announcements. (Moderated) rec.arts.tv.mst3k.misc For fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000. rec.arts.tv.soaps.abc Soap operas produced by or for the ABC network. rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs Soap operas produced by or for the CBS network. rec.arts.tv.soaps.misc Postings of interest to all soap opera viewers. rec.arts.tv.uk.comedy Regarding UK-based comedy shows. rec.arts.tv.uk.coronation-st Regarding the UK based show Coronation Street. rec.arts.tv.uk.eastenders Regarding the UK based show Eastenders. rec.arts.tv.uk.emmerdale All about the British soap, Emmerdale. rec.arts.tv.uk.misc Miscellaneous topics about UK-based television. rec.arts.wobegon "A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion. rec.audio.car Discussions of automobile audio systems. rec.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. (Moderated) rec.audio.marketplace Buying and selling of home audio equipment. rec.audio.misc Post about audio here if you can't post anywhere else. rec.audio.opinion Everybody's two bits on audio in your home. rec.audio.pro Professional audio recording and studio engineering. rec.audio.tech Theoretical, factual, and DIY topics in home audio. rec.audio.tubes Electronic audio circuits which use vacuum tubes. rec.autos.4x4 The on and off-road four wheel drive vehicle. rec.autos.antique Discussing all aspects of automobiles over 25 years old. rec.autos.driving Driving automobiles. rec.autos.makers.chrysler Dodge, Plymouth, Jeep, Eagle, etc info/talk. rec.autos.makers.ford.explorer 1991+ Ford Explorer SUV. rec.autos.makers.ford.mustang Ford Mustangs in all their flavours. rec.autos.makers.honda Honda automobiles. rec.autos.makers.jeep+willys discussions on Jeep and Willys vehicles. rec.autos.makers.mazda.miata Mazda MX-5 Miata Forum. rec.autos.makers.saturn All about Saturn cars, fans and company. rec.autos.makers.vw.aircooled Bug, Bus, Ghia, Squareback, Thing, etc. rec.autos.makers.vw.watercooled Golf, Jetta, Corrado, Vanagon, new models, etc. rec.autos.marketplace Buy/Sell/Trade automobiles, parts, tools, accessories. rec.autos.misc Miscellaneous discussion about automobiles. rec.autos.rod-n-custom High performance automobiles. rec.autos.rotary Rotary engines & vehicles using them. rec.autos.simulators Discussion of automotive simulators. rec.autos.sport.cart Championship Auto Racing Teams. rec.autos.sport.f1 Formula 1 motor racing. rec.autos.sport.f1.moderated Discussion of Formula One racing. (Moderated) rec.autos.sport.indy Indy Car motor racing. rec.autos.sport.info Auto racing news, results, announcements. (Moderated) rec.autos.sport.misc Organized, legal auto competitions. rec.autos.sport.nascar NASCAR and other professional stock car racing. rec.autos.sport.nascar.moderated NASCAR and Stockcar Racing. (Moderated) rec.autos.sport.rally Any type of interest in any form of rally motorsport. rec.autos.sport.tech Technical aspects & technology of auto racing. rec.autos.tech Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al. rec.aviation.aerobatics Aerobatics and unusual attitude flying. rec.aviation.announce Events of interest to the aviation community. (Moderated) rec.aviation.answers Frequently asked questions about aviation. (Moderated) rec.aviation.balloon Hot air and gas balloons and airships. rec.aviation.hang-gliding Hang-gliding, paragliding, foot-launched flight. rec.aviation.homebuilt Selecting, designing, building, and restoring aircraft. rec.aviation.ifr Flying under Instrument Flight Rules. rec.aviation.marketplace Aviation classifieds. rec.aviation.military Military aircraft of the past, present and future. rec.aviation.military.naval Discussion of Naval Aviation subjects. rec.aviation.misc Miscellaneous topics in aviation. rec.aviation.owning Information on owning airplanes. rec.aviation.piloting General discussion for aviators. rec.aviation.powerchutes Safety and operation of powered parachutes. rec.aviation.products Reviews and discussion of products useful to pilots. rec.aviation.questions Aviation questions and answers. (Moderated) rec.aviation.restoration Forum for debate on aircraft restoration. rec.aviation.rotorcraft Helicopters and other rotary wing aircraft. rec.aviation.simulators Flight simulation on all levels. rec.aviation.soaring All aspects of sailplanes and hang-gliders. rec.aviation.stories Anecdotes of flight experiences. (Moderated) rec.aviation.student Learning to fly. rec.aviation.ultralight Light aircraft in general, all topics. rec.backcountry Activities in the Great Outdoors. rec.bicycles.marketplace Buying, selling & reviewing items for cycling. rec.bicycles.misc General discussion of bicycling. rec.bicycles.off-road Moderated off-road cyclist topics. (Moderated) rec.bicycles.racing Bicycle racing techniques, rules and results. rec.bicycles.rides Discussions of tours and training or commuting routes. rec.bicycles.soc Societal issues of bicycling. rec.bicycles.tech Cycling product design, construction, maintenance, etc. rec.birds Hobbyists interested in bird watching. rec.boats Hobbyists interested in boating. rec.boats.building Boat building, design, restoration, and repair. rec.boats.cruising Cruising in boats. rec.boats.electronics Electronics, hardware, software on boats. rec.boats.marketplace Boating products for sale and wanted. (Moderated) rec.boats.paddle Talk about any boats with oars, paddles, etc. rec.boats.paddle.touring Flatwater paddling and touring. rec.boats.paddle.whitewater Whitewater paddling. rec.boats.racing Boat racing. rec.boats.racing.power Speed-based competition of all motorized watercraft. rec.climbing Climbing techniques, competition announcements, etc. rec.collecting Discussion among collectors of many things. rec.collecting.books Issues related to collecting books of all types. rec.collecting.cards.discuss Discussion of sports and non-sports cards. rec.collecting.cards.non-sports Non-sports cards. rec.collecting.coins Coin, currency, medal, etc. collecting forum. rec.collecting.dolls Doll and bear collecting and crafting. rec.collecting.paper-money Paper money and related collecting. rec.collecting.phonecards Info and Marketplace group for phonecards. rec.collecting.pins All aspects of collecting and trading pins. rec.collecting.postal-history Study of the movement of the mails worldwide. rec.collecting.sport.baseball Baseball memorabilia (cards, photos, etc). rec.collecting.sport.basketball Basketball memorabilia (cards, photos, etc). rec.collecting.sport.football Football memorabilia (cards, photos, etc). rec.collecting.sport.hockey Hockey memorabilia (cards, photos, etc). rec.collecting.sport.misc Sports memorabilia not in any other group. rec.collecting.stamps.discuss Discussion of stamps and philately. rec.collecting.stamps.marketplace All philatelic advertising. rec.collecting.villages Collectible houses, cottages, villages, and accessories. rec.crafts.beads Making, collecting, and using beads. rec.crafts.brewing The art of making beers and meads. rec.crafts.carving Exchange of information on carving and its techniques. rec.crafts.dollhouses Collecting and making of dollhouse miniatures. rec.crafts.glass All aspects of glassworking and glass. rec.crafts.jewelry Jewelry making and gemology. (Moderated) rec.crafts.knots Discussion on knots, how to tie and where to use them. rec.crafts.marketplace Small-scale ads for craft products of all kinds. rec.crafts.meadmaking The art and lore of making mead. rec.crafts.metalworking All aspects of working with metal. rec.crafts.misc Handiwork arts not covered elsewhere. rec.crafts.polymer-clay Techniques & resources relating to polymer clay. rec.crafts.pottery The ancient art of making clay pots. rec.crafts.rubberstamps The rubberstamp craft- tips, supplies, swaps. rec.crafts.textiles.machine-knit Discussion of machine knitting. rec.crafts.textiles.marketplace Ads for textile products. rec.crafts.textiles.misc Fiber and textile crafts not covered elsewhere. rec.crafts.textiles.needlework Any form of decorative stitching done by hand. rec.crafts.textiles.quilting All about quilts and other quilted items. rec.crafts.textiles.sewing Sewing: clothes, furnishings, costumes, etc. rec.crafts.textiles.yarn Yarn making & use: spin, dye, knit, weave etc. rec.crafts.winemaking The tasteful art of making wine. rec.crafts.woodturning Woodturning and turned objects. rec.drugs.announce Announcements about drugs and related issues. (Moderated) rec.drugs.cannabis The drug cannabis (marijuana). rec.drugs.chemistry Chemistry, pharmacology and related issues. rec.drugs.misc Stimulants, sedatives, smart drugs, et cetera. rec.drugs.psychedelic LSD, Ecstasy, magic mushrooms and the like. rec.drugs.smart Smart drugs (nootropics). rec.equestrian Discussion of things equestrian. rec.folk-dancing Folk dances, dancers, and dancing. rec.food.baking Baking and baked goods, e.g. bread, pastries. rec.food.chocolate Chocolate. rec.food.cooking Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes. rec.food.cuisine.jewish All matters concerning Jewish cuisine. (Moderated) rec.food.drink Wines and spirits. rec.food.drink.beer All things beer. rec.food.drink.coffee The making and drinking of coffee. rec.food.drink.tea Tea as beverage and culture. rec.food.equipment Food-related equipment, appliances, utensils. rec.food.historic The history of food making arts. rec.food.marketplace Buying and selling food-related items. rec.food.preserving Preserving foodstuffs, herbs, and medicinals. rec.food.recipes Recipes for interesting food and drink. (Moderated) rec.food.restaurants Discussion of dining out. rec.food.sourdough Making and baking with sourdough. rec.food.veg Vegetarians. rec.food.veg.cooking Vegetarian recipes, cooking, nutrition. (Moderated) rec.gambling.blackjack Analysis of and strategy for blackjack, aka 21. rec.gambling.blackjack.moderated Blackjack gambling. (Moderated) rec.gambling.craps Analysis of and strategy for the dice game craps. rec.gambling.lottery Strategy and news of lotteries and sweepstakes. rec.gambling.misc All other gambling topics including travel. rec.gambling.other-games Gambling games not covered elsewhere. rec.gambling.poker Analysis and strategy of live poker games. rec.gambling.racing Wagering on animal races. rec.gambling.sports Wagering on human sporting events. rec.games.abstract Perfect information, pure strategy games. rec.games.backgammon Discussion of the game of backgammon. rec.games.board Discussion and hints on board games. rec.games.board.ce The Cosmic Encounter board game. rec.games.board.marketplace Trading and selling of board games. rec.games.bolo The networked strategy war game Bolo. rec.games.bridge Hobbyists interested in bridge. rec.games.bridge.okbridge Okbridge forum. rec.games.chess.analysis Analysis of openings/middlegames/endgames. rec.games.chess.computer Reports on game servers, databases, software. rec.games.chess.misc Forum for news/discussion related to chess. rec.games.chess.play-by-email Reports/discussions regarding email chess. rec.games.chess.politics News of nat'l/international chess organizations. rec.games.chinese-chess Discussion of the game of Chinese chess, Xiangqi. rec.games.computer.doom.announce Info/FAQs/reviews about DOOM. (Moderated) rec.games.computer.doom.editing Editing and hacking DOOM-related files. rec.games.computer.doom.help DOOM Help Service (new players welcome). rec.games.computer.doom.misc Talking about DOOM and id Software. rec.games.computer.doom.playing Playing DOOM and user-created levels. rec.games.computer.everquest The Online RPG EverQuest. rec.games.computer.planetarion The Planetarion Game in general. rec.games.computer.puzzle Puzzle-solving computer games. rec.games.computer.quake.editing Editing and hacking Quake-related files. rec.games.computer.quake.misc General discussion of Quake. rec.games.computer.quake.playing Playing Quake and user-created levels. rec.games.computer.quake.quake-c Modifying Quake with Quake-C. rec.games.computer.quake.servers Setup and maintenance of servers. rec.games.computer.stars The strategy game "Stars!". rec.games.computer.ultima.dragons The Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter. rec.games.computer.ultima.online The multi-player game Ultima Online. rec.games.computer.ultima.series Forum for fans of the Ultima games. rec.games.computer.xpilot About the X11 game XPilot. rec.games.corewar The Core War computer challenge. rec.games.design Discussion of game design related issues. rec.games.diplomacy The conquest game Diplomacy. rec.games.empire Discussion and hints about Empire. rec.games.frp.advocacy Flames and rebuttals about various role-playing systems. rec.games.frp.announce Announcements of happenings in the role-playing world. (Moderated) rec.games.frp.archives Archivable fantasy stories and other projects. (Moderated) rec.games.frp.cyber Discussions of cyberpunk related roleplaying games. rec.games.frp.dnd Fantasy role-playing with TSR's Dungeons and Dragons. rec.games.frp.gurps The GURPS role playing game. rec.games.frp.industry Roleplaying industry & companies. rec.games.frp.live-action Live-action roleplaying games. rec.games.frp.marketplace Role-playing game materials wanted and for sale. rec.games.frp.misc General discussions of role-playing games. rec.games.frp.moderated Role-playing game discussion. (Moderated) rec.games.frp.storyteller World of Darkness and StoryTeller games. rec.games.frp.super-heroes Super-hero role playing games. rec.games.go Discussion about Go. rec.games.int-fiction All aspects of interactive fiction games. rec.games.mahjong Mahjong related discussion and posting. rec.games.mecha Giant robot games. (Moderated) rec.games.miniatures.historical Historical and modern tabletop wargaming. rec.games.miniatures.misc Miniatures and various tabletop wargames. rec.games.miniatures.warhammer Wargaming in the Warhammer Universe. rec.games.misc Games and computer games. rec.games.mud.admin Administrative issues of multiuser dungeons. rec.games.mud.announce Informational articles about multiuser dungeons. (Moderated) rec.games.mud.diku All about DikuMuds. rec.games.mud.lp Discussions of the LPMUD computer role playing game. rec.games.mud.misc Various aspects of multiuser computer games. rec.games.mud.tiny Discussion about Tiny muds, like MUSH, MUSE and MOO. rec.games.netrek Discussion of the X window system game Netrek (XtrekII). rec.games.pbm Discussion about Play by Mail games. rec.games.pinball Discussing pinball-related issues. rec.games.playing-cards Recreational (non-gambling) card playing. rec.games.roguelike.adom The computer game ADOM. rec.games.roguelike.angband The computer game Angband. rec.games.roguelike.announce Major info about rogue-styled games. (Moderated) rec.games.roguelike.development Design and programming of Roguelike games. rec.games.roguelike.misc Rogue-style dungeon games without other groups. rec.games.roguelike.moria The computer game Moria. rec.games.roguelike.nethack The computer game Nethack. rec.games.roguelike.rogue The computer game Rogue. rec.games.trading-cards.announce Important news about trading card games. (Moderated) rec.games.trading-cards.jyhad Jyhad trading card game discussions. rec.games.trading-cards.magic.misc General "Magic: the Gathering" postings. rec.games.trading-cards.magic.rules "Magic: the Gathering" rules Q&A. rec.games.trading-cards.magic.strategy "Magic: the Gathering" strategy. rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.auctions Auctions of Magic cards. rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.sales Selling Magic cards. rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.magic.trades Trading Magic cards. rec.games.trading-cards.marketplace.misc Trading trading card stuff. rec.games.trading-cards.misc Other trading card game discussions. rec.games.trading-cards.startrek Star Trek Trading Card Games. rec.games.trivia Discussion about trivia. rec.games.vectrex The Vectrex game system. rec.games.video.3do Discussion of 3DO video game systems. rec.games.video.advocacy Debate on merits of various video game systems. rec.games.video.arcade Discussions about coin-operated video games. rec.games.video.arcade.collecting Collecting, converting, repairing etc. rec.games.video.arcade.marketplace Commerce and requests for arcade games. rec.games.video.atari Discussion of Atari's video game systems. rec.games.video.cd-i CD-i topics with emphasis on games. rec.games.video.cd32 Gaming talk, info and help for the Amiga CD32. rec.games.video.classic Older home video entertainment systems. rec.games.video.marketplace Home video game stuff for sale or trade. rec.games.video.misc General discussion about home video games. rec.games.video.nintendo All Nintendo video game systems and software. rec.games.video.sega All Sega video game systems and software. rec.games.video.sony Sony game hardware and software. rec.games.xtank.play Strategy and tactics for the distributed game Xtank. rec.games.xtank.programmer Coding the Xtank game and its robots. rec.gardens Gardening, methods and results. rec.gardens.bamboo All aspects of bamboo growing and uses. rec.gardens.ecosystems Ecosystems and organic gardening. (Moderated) rec.gardens.edible Edible gardening topics. rec.gardens.orchids Growing, hybridizing, and general care of orchids. rec.gardens.roses Gardening information related to roses. rec.guns Discussions about firearms. (Moderated) rec.heraldry Discussion of coats of arms. rec.humor Jokes and the like. May be somewhat offensive. rec.humor.d Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles. rec.humor.funny Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion). (Moderated) rec.humor.funny.reruns Reposts of rec.humor.funny archive material. (Moderated) rec.humor.jewish Humor and the discussion of humor, mostly Jewish. (Moderated) rec.humor.oracle Sagacious advice from the USENET Oracle. (Moderated) rec.humor.oracle.d Comments about the USENET Oracle's comments. rec.hunting Discussions about hunting. (Moderated) rec.juggling Juggling techniques, equipment and events. rec.kites Talk about kites and kiting. rec.knives Anything that goes cut or has an edge. rec.mag Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc. rec.mag.dargon DargonZine fantasy fiction emag issues and discussion. rec.martial-arts Discussion of the various martial art forms. rec.martial-arts.moderated Martial-arts in general. (Moderated) rec.misc General topics about recreational/participant sports. rec.models.railroad Model railroads of all scales. rec.models.rc.air Radio-controlled air models. rec.models.rc.helicopter Model helicopter flying, construction, and tips. rec.models.rc.land Radio-controlled land models. rec.models.rc.misc Radio-controlled miscellaneous items. rec.models.rc.soaring Building and flying radio controlled gliders. rec.models.rc.water Radio-controlled water models. rec.models.rockets Model rockets for hobbyists. rec.models.scale Construction of models. rec.motorcycles Motorcycles and related products and laws. rec.motorcycles.dirt Riding motorcycles and ATVs off-road. rec.motorcycles.harley All aspects of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. rec.motorcycles.racing Discussion of all aspects of racing motorcycles. rec.motorcycles.tech Motorcycle Technical Discussion. rec.music.a-cappella Vocal music without instrumental accompaniment. rec.music.afro-latin Music with Afro-Latin, African and Latin influences. rec.music.ambient Ambient music and artists. rec.music.arabic All aspects of the music of the Arab world. rec.music.artists.amy-grant All aspects of Amy Grant's career. rec.music.artists.ani-difranco Ani Difranco, related topics. rec.music.artists.beach-boys The Beach Boys' music & the effect they've had. rec.music.artists.bruce-hornsby The music of Bruce Hornsby. rec.music.artists.danny-elfman Composer Danny Elfman's music. rec.music.artists.debbie-gibson The music of Deborah Gibson. rec.music.artists.emmylou-harris Emmylou Harris, her music, her friends. rec.music.artists.extreme The band Extreme and members' post-breakup work. rec.music.artists.kings-x Gretchen Goes to Usenet. rec.music.artists.kiss The rock band KISS and related projects. rec.music.artists.little-feat The Little Feat Newsgroup. rec.music.artists.mariah-carey Mariah Carey and her music. rec.music.artists.paul-mccartney Paul McCartney's music and life. rec.music.artists.queensryche The Thinking Mind's Metal Band. rec.music.artists.reb-st-james All aspects of Rebecca St. James' career. rec.music.artists.springsteen Forum for fans of Bruce Springsteen's music. rec.music.artists.stevie-nicks Singer/songwriter Stevie Nicks. rec.music.artists.wallflowers Music group The Wallflowers. rec.music.barbershop Barbershop quartet and chorus singing. rec.music.beatles Postings about the Fab Four & their music. rec.music.beatles.info Latest press notes about the Beatles. (Moderated) rec.music.beatles.moderated Fab Four analytical & investigative articles. (Moderated) rec.music.bluenote Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music. rec.music.bluenote.blues The Blues in all forms and all aspects. rec.music.brazilian All aspects of brazilian music. rec.music.celtic Traditional and modern music with a Celtic flavor. rec.music.christian Christian music, both contemporary and traditional. rec.music.classical Discussion about classical music. rec.music.classical.contemporary Contemporary classical music. rec.music.classical.guitar Classical music performed on guitar. rec.music.classical.performing Performing classical (including early) music. rec.music.classical.recordings Classical music on CD, vinyl, cassette, etc. rec.music.collecting.cd Compact discs of collector value (NO wanted or forsale). rec.music.collecting.misc Memorabilia (NO wanted, forsale, CD or vinyl). rec.music.collecting.vinyl Collecting vinyl records (NO wanted or forsale). rec.music.compose Creating musical and lyrical works. rec.music.country.old-time Southern fiddle/banjo music and beyond. rec.music.country.western C&W music, performers, performances, etc. rec.music.dementia Discussion of comedy and novelty music. rec.music.dylan Discussion of Bob's works & music. rec.music.early Discussion of pre-classical European music. rec.music.experimental For the discussion of experimental music. rec.music.filipino All types and forms of Filipino music. rec.music.filk Music genre originated in the sf/fantasy fan community. rec.music.folk Folks discussing folk music of various sorts. rec.music.folk.tablature Folk Music Tune Discussion and Trade. rec.music.funky Funk, soul, rhythm & blues and related. rec.music.gaffa Discussion of Kate Bush & other alternative music. (Moderated) rec.music.gdead A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads. rec.music.hip-hop Hip-Hop music and culture in general. rec.music.indian.classical Hindustani and Carnatic Indian classical music. rec.music.indian.misc Discussing Indian music in general. rec.music.industrial Discussion of all industrial-related music styles. rec.music.info News and announcements on musical topics. (Moderated) rec.music.iranian Discussion of Iranian music. rec.music.makers For performers and their discussions. rec.music.makers.bagpipe Music and playing of all types of bagpipes. rec.music.makers.bands For musicians who play in groups with others. rec.music.makers.bass Upright bass and bass guitar techniques and equipment. rec.music.makers.bowed-strings Violin family (current & old) performance. rec.music.makers.builders Design, building, repair of musical instruments. rec.music.makers.chamber-music All aspects of chamber music. rec.music.makers.choral Choral groups and choral music. rec.music.makers.dulcimer Dulcimers and related instruments. rec.music.makers.french-horn About horn players and playing. rec.music.makers.guitar Electric and acoustic guitar techniques and equipment. rec.music.makers.guitar.acoustic Discussion of acoustic guitar playing. rec.music.makers.guitar.jazz All aspects of jazz guitar. rec.music.makers.guitar.tablature Guitar tablature and performance. (Moderated) rec.music.makers.jazz Discussion by and for musicians on the making of jazz. rec.music.makers.marketplace Buying & selling used music-making equipment. rec.music.makers.percussion Drum & other percussion techniques & equipment. rec.music.makers.percussion.hand-drum All aspects of hand drumming. rec.music.makers.piano Piano music, performing, composing, learning, styles. rec.music.makers.saxophone All aspects of the saxophone and its music. rec.music.makers.songwriting All about songwriting. rec.music.makers.squeezebox Accordions, concertinas, and related free reeds. rec.music.makers.synth Synthesizers and computer music. rec.music.makers.trumpet The exchange of trumpet related information. rec.music.marketplace.cd Buying and selling collectible compact discs. rec.music.marketplace.misc Buying and selling non-vinyl/CD music. rec.music.marketplace.vinyl Buying and selling collectible vinyl records. rec.music.misc Music lovers' group. rec.music.movies Music for movies and television. rec.music.newage "New Age" music discussions. rec.music.opera All aspects of opera. rec.music.phish Discussing the musical group Phish. rec.music.progressive Symphonic rock, art rock, fusion, Canterbury, RIO, etc. rec.music.promotional Information and promo materials from record companies. (Moderated) rec.music.ragtime Ragtime and related music styles. rec.music.reggae Roots, Rockers, Dancehall Reggae. rec.music.rem The musical group R.E.M. rec.music.reviews Reviews of music of all genres and mediums. (Moderated) rec.music.rock-pop-r+b.1950s 1950s Rock, Pop, and Rhythm & Blues music. rec.music.rock-pop-r+b.1960s 1960s Rock, Pop, and Rhythm & Blues music. rec.music.rock-pop-r+b.1970s 1970s Rock, Pop, Soul, and Rhythm & Blues music. rec.music.theory A forum for discussion of music theory. rec.music.tori-amos Discussion of the female singer/songwriter Tori Amos. rec.music.video Discussion of music videos and music video software. rec.nude Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities. rec.org.mensa Talking with members of the high IQ society Mensa. rec.org.sca Society for Creative Anachronism. rec.outdoors.camping General camping, any camping you could do by auto. rec.outdoors.fishing All aspects of sport and commercial fishing. rec.outdoors.fishing.bass Freshwater bass. rec.outdoors.fishing.fly Fly fishing in general. rec.outdoors.fishing.fly.tying Issues relating to tying flies for flyfishing. rec.outdoors.fishing.saltwater Saltwater fishing, methods, gear, Q&A. rec.outdoors.marketplace All business related to the outdoors. rec.outdoors.national-parks Activities and politics in national parks. rec.outdoors.rv-travel Discussions related to recreational vehicles. rec.parks.theme Entertainment theme parks. rec.pets Pets, pet care, and household animals in general. rec.pets.birds The culture and care of indoor birds. rec.pets.birds.pigeons Racing Pigeons, Show Pigeons, and related material. rec.pets.cats.anecdotes Stories about our cats. rec.pets.cats.announce Informational postings, FAQ's regarding cats. (Moderated) rec.pets.cats.community Feline/human conversations and related topics. rec.pets.cats.health+behav Feline health and behavior. rec.pets.cats.misc General feline topics. rec.pets.cats.rescue Discussion of feline rescue organizations and methods. rec.pets.dogs.activities Dog events: showing, obedience, agility, etc. rec.pets.dogs.behavior Behaviors and problems: housetraining, chewing, etc. rec.pets.dogs.breeds Breed specific -- breed traits, finding breeders, etc. rec.pets.dogs.health Info about health problems & how to care for dogs. rec.pets.dogs.info General information and FAQs posted here. (Moderated) rec.pets.dogs.misc All other topics, chat, humor, etc. rec.pets.dogs.rescue Information about breed rescue, placing and adopting. rec.pets.ferrets Forum on ferret care and husbandry. (Moderated) rec.pets.herp Reptiles, amphibians and other exotic vivarium pets. rec.photo.darkroom Developing, printing and other darkroom issues. rec.photo.digital Digital cameras, scanners, printers, software, PhotoCD. rec.photo.equipment.35mm 35mm cameras and lenses. rec.photo.equipment.aps Discussion of APS equipment. rec.photo.equipment.large-format Large format cameras and lenses. rec.photo.equipment.medium-format Medium format cameras and lenses. rec.photo.equipment.misc Other formats, tripods, projectors, bags etc. rec.photo.film+labs Film and commercial photofinishing. rec.photo.marketplace Trading of personal photographic equipment. rec.photo.marketplace.35mm Trading 35mm equipment. rec.photo.marketplace.darkroom Trading darkroom equipment & supplies. rec.photo.marketplace.digital Trading digital photographic equipment. rec.photo.marketplace.large-format Trading large-format equipment. rec.photo.marketplace.medium-format Trading medium-format equipment. rec.photo.misc General issues related to photography. rec.photo.moderated The art and science of photography. (Moderated) rec.photo.technique.art Issues of fine art, framing, display. rec.photo.technique.misc Other non-equipment posts about technique. rec.photo.technique.nature Wildlife, landscapes, travel tips etc. rec.photo.technique.people Portraits, figure studies, weddings etc. rec.ponds Pond issues: plants, fish, design, maintenance. rec.puzzles Puzzles, problems, and quizzes. rec.puzzles.crosswords Making and playing gridded word puzzles. rec.pyrotechnics Fireworks, rocketry, safety, & other topics. rec.radio.amateur.antenna Antennas: theory, techniques and construction. rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors Vacuum tube-based amateur radio equipment. rec.radio.amateur.digital.misc Packet radio and other digital radio modes. rec.radio.amateur.dx Discussion, tips, notices and news for DXers. rec.radio.amateur.equipment All about production amateur radio hardware. rec.radio.amateur.homebrew Amateur radio construction and experimentation. rec.radio.amateur.misc Amateur radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc. rec.radio.amateur.policy Radio use & regulation policy. rec.radio.amateur.space Amateur radio transmissions through space. rec.radio.broadcasting Discussion of global domestic broadcast radio. (Moderated) rec.radio.cb Citizen-band radio. rec.radio.info Informational postings related to radio. (Moderated) rec.radio.noncomm Topics relating to noncommercial radio. rec.radio.scanner "Utility" broadcasting traffic above 30 MHz. rec.radio.shortwave Shortwave radio enthusiasts. rec.radio.swap Offers to trade and swap radio equipment. rec.roller-coaster Roller coasters and other amusement park rides. rec.running Running for enjoyment, sport, exercise, etc. rec.scouting.guide+girl Guiding and girl scout organizations. rec.scouting.issues Issues related to scouting policy. rec.scouting.misc General and international guiding and scouting topics. rec.scouting.usa USA specific scouting and guiding topics. rec.scuba Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving. rec.scuba.equipment Scuba equipment, purchase, pros/cons, use. rec.scuba.locations Scuba travel, location questions. rec.skiing.alpine Downhill skiing technique, equipment, etc. rec.skiing.announce FAQ, competition results, automated snow reports. (Moderated) rec.skiing.backcountry Backcountry skiing. rec.skiing.marketplace Items for sale/wanted. rec.skiing.nordic Cross-country skiing technique, equipment, etc. rec.skiing.resorts.europe Skiing in Europe. rec.skiing.resorts.misc Skiing in other than Europe and North America. rec.skiing.resorts.north-america Skiing in North America. rec.skiing.snowboard Snowboarding technique, equipment, etc. rec.skydiving Hobbyists interested in skydiving. rec.sport.archery All aspects of archery for archers of any skill level. rec.sport.baseball Discussion about baseball. rec.sport.baseball.analysis Analysis & discussion of baseball. (Moderated) rec.sport.baseball.college Baseball on the collegiate level. rec.sport.baseball.data Raw baseball data (Stats, birthdays, scheds). rec.sport.baseball.fantasy Rotisserie (fantasy) baseball play. rec.sport.basketball.college Hoops on the collegiate level. rec.sport.basketball.europe A European basketball forum. rec.sport.basketball.misc Discussion about basketball. rec.sport.basketball.pro Talk of professional basketball. rec.sport.basketball.women Women's basketball at all levels. rec.sport.billiard Billiard sports, including pool, snooker, carom games. rec.sport.boxing Boxing in all its pugilistic facets and forms. rec.sport.cricket Discussion about the sport of cricket. rec.sport.cricket.info News, scores and info related to cricket. (Moderated) rec.sport.curling All aspects of the Sport Curling. rec.sport.disc Discussion of flying disc based sports. rec.sport.fencing All aspects of swordplay. rec.sport.footbag Discussion about the sport of footbag. rec.sport.football.australian Discussion of Australian (Rules) Football. rec.sport.football.canadian All about Canadian rules football. rec.sport.football.college US-style college football. rec.sport.football.fantasy Rotisserie (fantasy) football play. rec.sport.football.misc Discussion about American-style football. rec.sport.football.pro US-style professional football. rec.sport.golf Discussion about all aspects of golfing. rec.sport.hockey Discussion about ice hockey. rec.sport.hockey.field Discussion of the sport of field hockey. rec.sport.jetski Using Personal Water Craft, aka "jet skiing". rec.sport.misc Spectator sports. rec.sport.officiating Sports officials and officiating athletic contests. rec.sport.olympics All aspects of the Olympic Games. rec.sport.orienteering All matters related to the sport of orienteering. rec.sport.paintball Discussing all aspects of the survival game paintball. rec.sport.pro-wrestling Discussion about professional wrestling. rec.sport.pro-wrestling.fantasy Rotisserie league professional wrestling. rec.sport.pro-wrestling.info Informational postings about wrestling. (Moderated) rec.sport.pro-wrestling.moderated Sports Entertainment. (Moderated) rec.sport.rodeo Anything dealing with the sport of rodeo. rec.sport.rowing Crew for competition or fitness. rec.sport.rugby.league Everything related to playing/supporting Rugby League. rec.sport.rugby.union Everything related to playing/supporting Rugby Union. rec.sport.skating.ice.figure Figure/artistic skating. rec.sport.skating.ice.recreational Recreational ice skating. rec.sport.skating.inline Inline skating, aka Rollerblading. rec.sport.skating.misc Miscellaneous skating topics. rec.sport.skating.racing Racing and speed skating. rec.sport.skating.roller Conventional (quad) roller skating. rec.sport.snowmobiles Snowmobiling and related issues. rec.sport.soccer Discussion about soccer (Association Football). rec.sport.softball All aspects of fastpitch and slowpitch softball. rec.sport.squash Forum for all apects of squash. rec.sport.sumo This group is dedicated to the Japanese sport Sumo. rec.sport.swimming Training for and competing in swimming events. rec.sport.table-soccer Table-soccer of all types: foosball and subbuteo. rec.sport.table-tennis Things related to table tennis (aka Ping Pong). rec.sport.tennis Things related to the sport of tennis. rec.sport.triathlon Discussing all aspects of multi-event sports. rec.sport.unicycling All sorts of fun on one wheel. rec.sport.volleyball Discussion about volleyball. rec.sport.water-polo Discussion of water polo. rec.sport.waterski Waterskiing and other boat-towed activities. rec.toys.action-figures.discuss Discussion of action figure toys. rec.toys.action-figures.marketplace Buying, selling, trading and auctions. rec.toys.cars Toy car collecting. rec.toys.lego Discussion of Lego, Duplo (and compatible) toys. rec.toys.misc Discussion of toys that lack a specific newsgroup. rec.toys.transformers.marketplace Buy/sell/trade/auctioning Transformers. rec.toys.vintage Toys older than 20 years valued as historic/memorabilia. rec.travel.africa Travel on the African continent. rec.travel.air Airline travel around the world. rec.travel.asia Travel in Asia. rec.travel.australia+nz Travel Information for Australia and New Zealand. rec.travel.bed+breakfast A forum for bed and breakfast guests. (Moderated) rec.travel.budget.backpack Backpack travel discussion group. rec.travel.caribbean Travel to the islands of the Caribbean, sans pirates. rec.travel.cruises Travel by cruise ship. rec.travel.europe Travel in Europe. rec.travel.latin-america Travel in Central and South America. rec.travel.marketplace Tickets and accomodations wanted and for sale. rec.travel.misc Everything and anything about travel. rec.travel.usa-canada Travel in the United States and Canada. rec.video Video and video components. rec.video.cable-tv Technical and regulatory issues of cable television. rec.video.desktop Amateur, computer-based video editing and production. rec.video.desktop.toaster The Video Toaster and Flyer systems. rec.video.dvd.advocacy DVD-Video pro/con arguments. rec.video.dvd.marketplace DVD-Video forsale/wanted posts. rec.video.dvd.misc DVD-Video miscellaneous issues. rec.video.dvd.players DVD-Video players and other hardware. rec.video.dvd.tech DVD-Video in-depth technical issues. rec.video.dvd.titles DVD-Video titles and other software. rec.video.marketplace Video equipment marketplace. rec.video.production Making professional quality video productions. rec.video.professional Professional video, technical and artistic. (Moderated) rec.video.releases Pre-recorded video releases on laserdisc and videotape. rec.video.satellite.dbs DBS systems and technologies. rec.video.satellite.europe European satellite broadcasting. rec.video.satellite.misc Non-TVRO and non-DBS satellite information. rec.video.satellite.tvro "Large Dish" ("BUD") systems and technologies. rec.windsurfing Riding the waves as a hobby. rec.woodworking Hobbyists interested in woodworking. relcom-list.internic.net-happenings ??? (Moderated) relcom.accounting Everything about book-keeping. relcom.ads Non-commercial ads. relcom.advertising.theory Theory of advertisement and Public Relations. (Moderated) relcom.answers Periodic information and FAQs. (Moderated) relcom.archives Messages about new items on archive sites. relcom.archives.d Discussions on file servers, archives. relcom.arts.epic Literary arts of epical kind (more then 10 Kbytes). relcom.arts.magick Discussing Magick and related subjects. relcom.arts.obec.pactet FIDOnet area, literary arts, humor creation. relcom.arts.photo.img Original (not reprinted) photo pictures and discussions. relcom.arts.qwerty Literary arts of small forms (less then 10 Kbytes). relcom.auto All about car driving and maintenance. relcom.banktech Discussions on banking technologies. relcom.child.special Problems of children with special needs. (Moderated) relcom.cinema General discussions about movies. relcom.cinema.soap For "soap operas" fans and haters. relcom.commerce.audio-video Audio & video equipment. relcom.commerce.chemical Chemical production. relcom.commerce.communications Communications facilities, data transmission channels. relcom.commerce.computers Computer hardware. relcom.commerce.construction Construction materials and equipment. relcom.commerce.consume Cosmetics, parfumes, dresses, shoes. relcom.commerce.ctrlsystems Control and data gathering systems. relcom.commerce.energy Gas, coal, oil, fuel, generators, etc. relcom.commerce.estate Real estate. relcom.commerce.food Food. relcom.commerce.food.drinks Spirits and soft drinks. relcom.commerce.food.sweet Sweeties, sugar. relcom.commerce.household All for house - furniture, freezers, ovens, etc. relcom.commerce.infoserv Information services. relcom.commerce.jobs Jobs offered/wantedy. relcom.commerce.machinery Machinery, plant equipment. relcom.commerce.medicine Medical services, equipment, drugs. relcom.commerce.mega.comp "Mega Pro et Contra" bulletin, computer hardware. (Moderated) relcom.commerce.mega.tech "Mega Pro et Contra" bulletin, other equipment. (Moderated) relcom.commerce.metals Metals and metal products. relcom.commerce.money Credits, deposits, currency. relcom.commerce.orgtech Office equipment. relcom.commerce.other Miscelannia. relcom.commerce.publishing Books, publishing services. relcom.commerce.raw-materials Raw materials and semifinished items. relcom.commerce.reckoning Barter, offsets, commodity credits, insolvency. relcom.commerce.software Software. relcom.commerce.software.demo Demo versions of commercial software. relcom.commerce.stocks Stocks and bonds. relcom.commerce.talk Discussions about commercial groups. relcom.commerce.tobacco Cigarettes and tobacco. relcom.commerce.tour Tourism, leisure and entertainment opportunities. relcom.commerce.tradeserv Services providing commercial activities. relcom.commerce.transport Vehicles and spare parts. relcom.comp.ai Theory and practice of Artificial Intelligence. relcom.comp.animation Discussions on computer animation programs. relcom.comp.binaries Binary codes of freeware and shareware computer programs. relcom.comp.binaries.d Discussions of binary codes. relcom.comp.clarion CLARION database management system. relcom.comp.crosstools Inter-network, cross-tools for embedded systems. Single-chip computers. relcom.comp.dbms.clipper Clipper database development system. relcom.comp.dbms.foxpro FoxPro database development system. relcom.comp.dbms.oracle Oracle database discussions. relcom.comp.dbms.powerbuilder PowerBuilder database development system. relcom.comp.dbms.vista db_Vista discussions. (Moderated) relcom.comp.gis Geographical information systems. relcom.comp.lan All about local area networking. relcom.comp.lan.wanted Programs for LAN wanted/offered. relcom.comp.lang.basic FIDOnet area, BASIC programming language. relcom.comp.lang.c-c++ C and C++ programming languages. relcom.comp.lang.forth Inter-network, Forth programming language. relcom.comp.lang.pascal Using of Pascal programming language. relcom.comp.lang.pascal.misc Sources and materials, Pascal-kind languages. relcom.comp.lang.perl Perl programming language. relcom.comp.law Political and legal aspects of computers. relcom.comp.newmedia Global networks as a new mass media. (Moderated) relcom.comp.os.cmp FIDOnet area, comparison of various operating systems. relcom.comp.os.os2 FIDOnet area, OS/2 operating system. relcom.comp.os.os2.comm Communications and network under OS/2. relcom.comp.os.os2.drv Device drivers for OS/2. relcom.comp.os.os2.faq.d Discussions about FAQ on OS/2. relcom.comp.os.os2.marginal Related topics on OS/2. relcom.comp.os.os2.prog Programming under OS/2. relcom.comp.os.os2.src Sources related to OS/2. relcom.comp.os.os2.wanted Programs for OS/2 offered/wanted. relcom.comp.os.unix All about *NIX systems. relcom.comp.os.vms VMS operating system. relcom.comp.os.windows FIDOnet area, MS-Windows operating system. relcom.comp.os.windows.nt FIDOnet area, Windows NT operating system. relcom.comp.os.windows.prog FIDOnet area, programming under MS-Windows. relcom.comp.security Computer data security discussions. relcom.comp.software-eng Inter-network, software engineering. relcom.comp.sources.d Discussions on sources. relcom.comp.sources.misc Software sources. relcom.comp.speccy Discussions related to Spectrum compatible computers. relcom.comp.virus Computer viruses. relcom.consumers Consumer info on products and services. No ads. relcom.culture.ministry General management of culture. (Moderated) relcom.culture.ministry.art About theatres, music and painting. (Moderated) relcom.culture.ministry.library About libraries. (Moderated) relcom.culture.ministry.memorial About museums and monuments. (Moderated) relcom.culture.ministry.region Information of regions and federal organisations. (Moderated) relcom.culture.ministry.social About education, staffs and social policy of culture. (Moderated) relcom.culture.underground Culture, arts, ideology of the underground. relcom.currency Exchange rates in CIS countries. relcom.dtp Desktop and Internet publishing. relcom.ecology Ecological discussions. (Moderated) relcom.education Education discussions, from pre-school to higher. (Moderated) relcom.expo Exhibitions and fairs announcements and reviews. relcom.extro All extraordinary (UFO, paranormal activity, cryptozoology etc.). relcom.fantasy All what applies to Fantasy. relcom.fido.adinf.support FIDOnet, antivirii by DialogueScience. (Moderated) relcom.fido.flirt FIDOnet, just talking of love. relcom.fido.mo.phystech FIDOnet, about Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. relcom.fido.mo.sails FIDOnet, only sails here. relcom.fido.ru.acad FIDOnet, AutoCAD, problems and solutions. relcom.fido.ru.baby FIDOnet, all about children. relcom.fido.ru.fax FIDOnet, discussions on faxes. relcom.fido.ru.hacker FIDOnet, hackers and crackers (legal!). relcom.fido.ru.java FIDOnet, Java language. relcom.fido.ru.linux FIDOnet, OS Linux. relcom.fido.ru.military Inter-network, army and it's history. relcom.fido.ru.modem Inter-network discussion on modems. relcom.fido.ru.networks Inter-network discussion of global nets. relcom.fido.ru.notes FIDOnet, about Lotus Notes. relcom.fido.ru.photo FIDOnet, photography and related topics. relcom.fido.ru.rsbank FIDOnet, discussion on "RS-Bank" software. relcom.fido.ru.shell.dn FIDOnet, discussion on DOS Navigator shell. relcom.fido.ru.strack FIDOnet, digitized sound. relcom.fido.ru.thelema FIDOnet, about ceremonial magic and yogi. relcom.fido.ru.unix Inter-network challenge to OS Unix. relcom.fido.ru.unix.bsd Inter-network, BSD-like Unices. relcom.fido.ru.yachting FIDOnet, everything about yachts and cutters. relcom.fido.ru.znatok FIDOnet, intellectual games "question-answer". relcom.fido.su.astroclub FIDOnet, astrology and related topics. relcom.fido.su.astronomy FIDOnet, problems of astronomy, without astrology. relcom.fido.su.books FIDOnet, for book readers and lovers. relcom.fido.su.c-c++ FIDOnet, C & C++ language. relcom.fido.su.c-c++.visualage FIDOnet, about IBM VisualAge C++ compiler. relcom.fido.su.dbms FIDOnet, database management systems. relcom.fido.su.dbms.borland FIDOnet, about DBMS by Borland. relcom.fido.su.dbms.hytech FIDOnet, about HyTech DBMS. relcom.fido.su.dbms.interbase FIDOnet, Borland Interbase Workgroup Server. relcom.fido.su.dbms.sql FIDOnet, SQL language and servers. relcom.fido.su.forth FIDOnet, Forth language. relcom.fido.su.general FIDOnet, about everything except computers and commerce. relcom.fido.su.hardw FIDOnet, computer hardware. relcom.fido.su.magic FIDOnet, magic and occult sciences. relcom.fido.su.softw FIDOnet, software in general. relcom.fido.su.tolkien FIDOnet, creations of J.R.R Tolkien. (Moderated) relcom.fido.su.virus FIDOnet, viruses and vaccines. (Moderated) relcom.games Discussion of computer, deck and other games. relcom.games.big Files concerning to computer games. relcom.games.pbem Play by E-Mail games. relcom.glb Life of sexual minorities. relcom.hot-news About important events in politics and social life. relcom.humor Ha-ha-ha. Jokes, you know them, funny. relcom.humor.lus Moderated humor and jokes. (Moderated) relcom.kids About kids. relcom.lan Inter-network discussion on local area networks. relcom.lan.prog FIDOnet, programming for networks. relcom.maps Relcom maps. relcom.medicine.blood-service Questions and problems of the Russian Blood Service. relcom.msdos MS-DOS software. relcom.music Music lovers. relcom.netnews Information about new network capabilities and services. relcom.netnews.big General BIG articles. relcom.newusers Q&A of new Relcom users. relcom.penpals To find friends, colleagues, etc. relcom.politics Political discussions. relcom.postmasters For RELCOM postmasters, official. (Moderated) relcom.postmasters.d Discussion of postmaster's troubles and bright ideas. relcom.radio Radioelectronics, non-commercial. relcom.radio.diagrams Diagrams and pictures for articles in relcom.radio. relcom.radio.ham FIDOnet area, about Home Amateur Radio. relcom.railways All about railroading and rail transport. relcom.rec.flirt Just a flirt, without sex ads. relcom.rec.puzzles Puzzles, interesting problems, logical games. relcom.rec.puzzles.aux Auxiliary materials for relcom.rec.puzzles. relcom.rec.tourism Hiking, sport tourism discussions. relcom.relarn.general Academic subnet RELARN: general issues. (Moderated) relcom.relarn.science Scientific publications and discussions. (Moderated) relcom.religion Discussions on religions and related topics. relcom.sci.libraries Discussion of libraries and related info. (Moderated) relcom.sci.philosophy Philosophic discussions and related projects. relcom.talk Unfettered talk. relcom.talk.sport Questions and discussions on sport. relcom.tcpip TCP/IP protocols and their implementation. relcom.technology All about modern technologies and manufacturing. relcom.terms Discussion of various terms and terminology. relcom.test "Wow, does it really work?". relcom.triz Theory of solving inventors' problems. (Moderated) relcom.video Video equipment, non-commercial. relcom.wheels Anything concerning auto/moto transport and sport. relcom.wtc Commercial proposals of World Trade Centers. (Moderated) relcom.www.support Computer support of WWW services, for professionals. relcom.www.users WWW usage, announces of new services. relcom.x X Windows discussion. revue.rrze.test No description. rhein.unibn.rhrz.aktuelles Mitteilungen des RHRZ zu aktuellen betrieblichen Aenderungen. (Moderated) rhein.unibn.rhrz.misc Diskussionsgruppe fuer das RHRZ betreffende Themen. ri.admin Rhode Island hierarchy administrative discussions. ri.general General discussion in Rhode Island, USA. ri.k12.experiences K-12 oriented discussions about the Internet. ri.k12.providers.funding Funding for Rhode Island K-12 networks. ri.k12.providers.staff Staffing issues facing Rhode Island K-12 networks. ri.k12.providers.tech Technical aspects facing Rhode Island K-12 networks. ri.k12.socialstudies Rhode Island K-12 social studies discussions. ri.politics Politics in the state of Rhode Island. ri.test Testing network news in the ri hierarchy. rich.buysell No description. roanoke.community-news No description. roanoke.news-talk No description. roanoke.talk No description. robin.advocacy Anfeindungen verschiedenster Art. robin.bla Der ganz alltaegliche Stumpfsinn. robin.gate Ankuendigungen und Fragen zum Fido<->UseNet gate. robin.logs Logfiles, File-Announcements. robin.lsmpf Administratives, Ankuendigungen. robin.lyrik Gedichte und Kurzprosa. robin.main Allgemeine Diskussionen. robin.maps Routinginformationen innerhalb des RoBIN. (Moderated) robin.spiele Rund um Spiele jeder Art. robin.test Fuer das testen der neuen Signature. robin.uni Themen rund um die Uni und das studieren. ru.general No description. ruhr.infosystems Infosysteme im Ruhrgebiet. saar.admin.archiv Archive im Saarland (ftp, nuucp, BBS etc.). saar.admin.mail Adressierungs- und andere Mailprobleme. saar.admin.news Diskussionen ueber (neue) Newsgruppen. saar.comp.misc Fuer den Rest in Sachen Computer. saar.comp.os.linux Linux: kostenloses Unix fuer 386/486er. saar.general Das ist die Hauptgruppe fuer saar.*. saar.hilfe Hier erstmal reinschaun, wenn man Antworten sucht. saar.markt.arbeit Arbeitsgesuche und -angebote. saar.markt.bazar Angebote und Gesuche (nicht kommerziell). saar.markt.gewerbe Kommerzielle Angebote nicht nur fuers Saarland. saar.markt.wohnung Angebote und Gesuche rund ums Wohnen. saar.org.handshake.aktuell Aktuelles im Verein. saar.org.handshake.diskussion Diskussionen im Handshake. saar.org.handshake.gastinfo Infos fuer unsere Gaeste. saar.org.handshake.hilfe Hilfe in Hard- und Softwarefragen. saar.org.handshake.offizielles Ankuendigungen des Handshake e.V. (Moderated) saar.org.ip.general Hauptgruppe des Internet Privat e.V. saar.org.ip.hom Informationen ueber den Homburger I.P. Einwahlpunkt. saar.org.ip.intern.in-info Infos fuer den IP. ueber das IN. saar.org.ip.praesidium Praesidium des Internet Privat e.V. saar.org.ip.sb Informationen ueber die Saarbruecker I.P. Einwahlpunkte. saar.org.ip.sls Informationen ueber den Saarlouiser I.P. Einwahlpunkt. saar.rec.kino Mal wieder ins Kino... Programminfos. saar.rec.kultur Kultur/Veranstaltungen. saar.rec.misc Fuer andere Freizeitaktivitateten, Sport, etc. saar.rec.rollenspiele Gruppe fuer Phantastische Rollenspiele. saar.soc.misc Fuer alles Gesellschaftliche. saar.soc.umwelt Infos zu und Diskussion ueber Umweltfragen. saar.stammtisch Hallo Saarland! Hier gebbd gesproocht. saar.test Testgruppe - Achtung: Reflektoren. saar.uni.admin Rechner- und netzwerkadministrative Themen. saar.uni.fachschaft.informatik Bekanntmachungen der Fachschaft Informatik. saar.uni.fachschaft.misc Fachschaftsbekanntmachungen und -angelegenheiten. saar.uni.hopo Hochschulpolitik an der UdS. saar.uni.infowiss Informationswissenschaft(en). saar.uni.mensa Mensa - Essen, Preise, Veranstaltungen etc. saar.uni.misc Diverse Themen. saar.uni.misswirtschaft Geldverschwendung, Vetternwirtschaft etc. saar.uni.rz.misc Rechenzentrum - Information, Diskussion, Fragen und Antworten. saar.uni.rz.stud Rechenzentrum - Studierendenmailrechner. saar.uni.studium Rund ums Studium allgemein und speziell an der UdS. saar.uni.vortraege Vortraege - Ankuendigung und Diskussion. sac.announce Announcements especially for people around Sacremento. sac.csus No description. [Sacremento area.] sac.general General talk around Sacremento, California. sac.internet Internet issues in peculiar to Sacremento. sac.jobs Jobs wanted and offered around Sacremento, California. sac.motts Members of The Tsomething Sex in Sacremento. sac.music The local music scene of Sacremento, California. sac.politics Local politics of Sacremento, California. sac.singles Single people in the Sacremento, California, area. sac.sports Local sports of the Sacremento, California, area. sac.swap Things for sale and wanted in the Sacremento area. sac.test Testing news around Sacremento, California. sachsnet.chemnitz.land No description. sachsnet.chemnitz.stadt No description. sachsnet.dresden.oberlausitz No description. sachsnet.dresden.stadt No description. sachsnet.forum.diskussion No description. sachsnet.hobby.allgemeines No description. sachsnet.hobby.clubs No description. sachsnet.hobby.computer.amiga No description. sachsnet.hobby.computer.dfue No description. sachsnet.hobby.computer.ibm No description. sachsnet.hobby.computer.robotron No description. sachsnet.hobby.kino No description. sachsnet.hobby.sport No description. sachsnet.kleinanzeigen.biete No description. sachsnet.kleinanzeigen.suche No description. sachsnet.kleinanzeigen.werbung No description. sachsnet.kontakte No description. sachsnet.kultur No description. sachsnet.leipzig.land No description. sachsnet.leipzig.stadt No description. sachsnet.musik No description. sachsnet.sachsen No description. sachsnet.spass No description. sanet.adverts Adverts for just about anything. sanet.announce Announcements about sanet. (Moderated) sanet.config Discussion about the configuration of sanet. sanet.flame Sanet's version of alt.flame. sanet.fun General humour conference. sanet.ibmpc Anything concerning ISA machines. sanet.lang.c C Language conference. sanet.maps UUCP maps. (Moderated) sanet.modems Anything concerning modems and telecom hardware. sanet.monty-python Fun stuff. sanet.newsletters UniForum and other newsletters. (Moderated) sanet.newsletters.d Discussion about the newsletters in sanet.newsletters. sanet.radio.packet Gatewayed packet radio stuff. sanet.sources.d Discussion on sources that are posted on Sanet. sanet.talk.politics Talk about politics. sanet.talk.religion Talk about religion. sanet.tech Networking in South Africa. (Moderated) sanet.test For testing sanet. sanet.uniforum Discussion about UniForum-SA. sanet.unix.questions Questions related to the Unix operating system. sanet.unix.sources Unix source code posted here. (Moderated) sanet.unix.talk Talk about Unix. sat.announce San Antonio area announcements (Moderated) sat.eff Electronic Frontier Foundation in San Antonio, TX. (Moderated) sat.food Food, recipies, and culinary delights in San Antonio,TX sat.forsale For Sale group in San Antonio, TX area. sat.general General items of interest around San Antonio, TX. sat.jobs Job announcements and discussions in San Antonio, TX. sat.music Music around San Antonio, TX. sat.personals Personal Ads in San Antonio, TX. sat.test USENET test group for San Antonio, TX. sat.usenet.config USENET in San Antonio. sbay.education No description. sbay.forsale Items for sale (non-commercial) in the South Bay. sbay.general Miscellaneous topics specific to the South Bay. sbay.hams South Bay amateur radio related news and events. sbay.health No description. sbay.housing No description. sbay.linux Linux topics specific to the South Bay. sbay.networking No description. sbay.news.config South Bay connectivity and maps. sbay.news.group South Bay newsgroup meta-discussion. sbay.news.stats South Bay automated statistics and site info. sbay.politics No description. sbay.sports South Bay sports. sbay.test Testing area for South Bay sites. sbay.transportation No description. sbay.waffle Waffle BBS topics specific to the South Bay. schl.kids.kidcafe No description. schl.sig.k12admin No description. schl.sig.lmnet No description. schl.sig.tag No description. school.config Configuration in this Newsgroups. school.general General Information about Projects, News, etc. school.project.esp European School Project. school.project.pluto Project to Link Universities and Training Org. school.pupils Discussion & chat between pupils. school.subjects.humanities Politics, Religion, History, Geography etc. school.subjects.languages English, Deutsch, Francais etc. school.subjects.science Physics, cs, etc. school.teachers Discussion & chat between teachers. school.test Testing, Testing. schule.admin Verwaltung der Newshierarchie. schule.berufsbildung.innovationen No description. schule.informatik Informatik-Unterricht. schule.klassenfahrten Fuer Klassenfahrten. schule.schueler.forum No description. schule.schueler.schwatz Spassiges Geschwaetz. sci.aeronautics The science of aeronautics & related technology. (Moderated) sci.aeronautics.airliners Airliner technology. (Moderated) sci.aeronautics.simulation Aerospace simulation technology. (Moderated) sci.agriculture Farming, agriculture and related topics. sci.agriculture.beekeeping Beekeeping, bee-culture and hive products. sci.agriculture.fruit Agricultural techniques for fruit, berries & nuts. sci.agriculture.poultry Chickens, ducks, geese, and other poultry. sci.agriculture.ratites Ostrich, emu, rhea, or cassowary ranching. sci.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) sci.anthropology All aspects of studying humankind. sci.anthropology.paleo Evolution of man and other primates. sci.aquaria Only scientifically-oriented postings about aquaria. sci.archaeology Studying antiquities of the world. sci.archaeology.mesoamerican The field of mesoamerican archaeology. sci.archaeology.moderated All aspects of archaeology. (Moderated) sci.astro Astronomy discussions and information. sci.astro.amateur Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info, etc. sci.astro.ccd-imaging Astronomical digital image capture and processing. sci.astro.fits Issues related to the Flexible Image Transport System. sci.astro.hubble Processing Hubble Space Telescope data. (Moderated) sci.astro.planetarium Discussion of planetariums. sci.astro.research Forum in astronomy/astrophysics research. (Moderated) sci.astro.satellites.visual-observe Visually observing artificial satellite. sci.astro.seti The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. sci.bio.botany The scientific study of plants. sci.bio.ecology Ecological research. sci.bio.entomology.homoptera Research on homopteran (sap-sucking) insects. sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera Lepidoptera: butterflies & moths. sci.bio.entomology.misc General insect study and related issues. sci.bio.ethology Animal behavior and behavioral ecology. sci.bio.evolution Discussions of evolutionary biology. (Moderated) sci.bio.fisheries All aspects of fisheries science and fish biology. sci.bio.food-science Topics related to food science and technology. sci.bio.herp Biology of amphibians and reptiles. sci.bio.immunocytochem Immuno-labelling of biological material. sci.bio.microbiology Protists, fungi, algae, other microscopic organisms. sci.bio.misc Biology and related sciences. sci.bio.paleontology Life of the past (but no creation vs evolution!). sci.bio.phytopathology All aspects of plant diseases and pests. (Moderated) sci.bio.systematics Systematics, taxonomy, and the tree of life. sci.bio.technology Any topic relating to biotechnology. sci.chem Chemistry and related sciences. sci.chem.analytical Analytical chemistry. sci.chem.coatings Paints and Coatings practitioners. sci.chem.electrochem The field of electrochemistry. sci.chem.electrochem.battery Analyzing all aspects of all types of batteries. sci.chem.labware Chemical laboratory equipment. sci.chem.organic.synthesis Synthetic organic chemistry related topics. (Moderated) sci.chem.organomet Organometallic chemistry. sci.cognitive Perception, memory, judgement and reasoning. sci.comp-aided The use of computers as tools in scientific research. sci.cryonics Theory and practice of biostasis, suspended animation. sci.crypt Different methods of data en/decryption. sci.crypt.random-numbers Generating cryptographic strength randomness. sci.crypt.research Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and related issues. (Moderated) sci.data.formats Modelling, storage and retrieval of scientific data. sci.econ The science of economics. sci.econ.research Research in all fields of economics. (Moderated) sci.edu The science of education. sci.electronics.basics Elementary questions about electronics. sci.electronics.cad Schematic drafting, printed circuit layout, simulation. sci.electronics.components Integrated circuits, resistors, capacitors. sci.electronics.design Electronic circuit design. sci.electronics.equipment Test, lab, & industrial electronic products. sci.electronics.misc General discussions of the field of electronics. sci.electronics.repair Fixing electronic equipment. sci.energy Discussions about energy, science & technology. sci.energy.hydrogen All about hydrogen as an alternative fuel. sci.engr Technical discussions about engineering tasks. sci.engr.analysis All aspects of engineering analysis. sci.engr.biomed Discussing the field of biomedical engineering. sci.engr.chem All aspects of chemical engineering. sci.engr.civil Topics related to civil engineering. sci.engr.coastal Coastal and ocean engineering. sci.engr.color The art, science, and industry of coloring. sci.engr.control The engineering of control systems. sci.engr.electrical.compliance Laws, regulations and design for EMC, safety. sci.engr.electrical.sys-protection Power system protection. sci.engr.geomechanics Geomechanics issues and related topics. sci.engr.heat-vent-ac Heating, ventilating, air conditioning & refrigeration. sci.engr.joining.misc Joining of materials for manufacture & repair. sci.engr.joining.welding Welding of materials for manufacture & repair. sci.engr.lighting Light, vision & color in architecture, media, etc. sci.engr.manufacturing Manufacturing technology. sci.engr.marine.hydrodynamics Marine Hydrodynamics. sci.engr.mech The field of mechanical engineering. sci.engr.metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering. sci.engr.micromachining Devices enabled by micromachined structures. sci.engr.mining Mining engineering and mining technical topics. sci.engr.radar+sonar Radar & sonar systems. sci.engr.safety All aspects of the safety of engineered systems. sci.engr.semiconductors Semiconductor devices, processes, materials, physics. sci.engr.surveying Measurement and mapping of the earth surface. sci.engr.television.advanced HDTV/DATV standards, equipment, practices, etc. sci.engr.television.broadcast Broadcast facility equipment and practices. sci.environment Discussions about the environment and ecology. sci.environment.waste Impact of Wastes and Waste Management Methods. sci.finance.abstracts Abstracts of unpublished finance working papers. (Moderated) sci.fractals Objects of non-integral dimension and other chaos. sci.geo.earthquakes For discussion of earthquakes and related matters. sci.geo.eos NASA's Earth Observation System (EOS). sci.geo.fluids Discussion of geophysical fluid dynamics. sci.geo.geology Discussion of solid earth sciences. sci.geo.hydrology Surface and groundwater hydrology. sci.geo.meteorology Discussion of meteorology and related topics. sci.geo.mineralogy Mineralogy, rock hounding and related topics. sci.geo.oceanography Oceanography, oceanology and marine science. sci.geo.petroleum All aspects of petroleum and the petroleum industry. sci.geo.rivers+lakes Science of rivers and lakes. sci.geo.satellite-nav Satellite navigation systems, especially GPS. sci.image.processing Scientific image processing and analysis. sci.lang Natural languages, communication, etc. sci.lang.japan The Japanese language, both spoken and written. sci.lang.translation Problems and concerns of translators/interpreters. sci.lang.translation.marketplace Professional translators' marketplace. sci.life-extension Slowing, stopping or reversing the ageing process. sci.logic Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects. sci.materials All aspects of materials engineering. sci.materials.ceramics Ceramic science. sci.math Mathematical discussions and pursuits. sci.math.num-analysis Numerical Analysis. sci.math.research Discussion of current mathematical research. (Moderated) sci.math.symbolic Symbolic algebra discussion. sci.mech.fluids All aspects of fluid mechanics. sci.med Medicine and its related products and regulations. sci.med.aids AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated) sci.med.cannabis Discussion of medical cannabis. sci.med.cardiology All aspects of cardiovascular diseases. sci.med.dentistry Dentally related topics; all about teeth. sci.med.diseases.als Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis research and care. sci.med.diseases.cancer Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. sci.med.diseases.hepatitis Hepatitis diseases. sci.med.diseases.lyme Lyme Disease: patient support, research & information. sci.med.diseases.osteoporosis Osteoporosis information exhange. sci.med.immunology Medical/scientific aspects of immune illness. sci.med.informatics Computer applications in medical care. sci.med.laboratory All aspects of laboratory medicine and management. sci.med.midwifery The practice of obstetrics by midwives. (Moderated) sci.med.nursing Nursing questions and discussion. sci.med.nutrition Physiological impacts of diet. sci.med.obgyn Obstetrics & gynecology. (Moderated) sci.med.occupational Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) & job injury issues. sci.med.orthopedics Orthopedic Surgery, related issues and management. (Moderated) sci.med.pathology Pathology and laboratory medicine. sci.med.pharmacy The teaching and practice of pharmacy. sci.med.physics Issues of physics in medical testing/care. sci.med.prostate.bph Benign prostatic hypertrophy. sci.med.prostate.cancer Prostate cancer. sci.med.prostate.prostatitis Prostatitis. sci.med.psychobiology Dialog and news in psychiatry and psychobiology. sci.med.radiology All aspects of radiology. sci.med.radiology.interventional Vascular and interventional radiology. sci.med.telemedicine Hospital/physician networks. No diagnosis questions. sci.med.transcription Information for and about medical transcriptionists. sci.med.vision Human vision, visual correction, and visual science. sci.military.moderated Military technology. (Moderated) sci.military.naval Navies of the world, past, present and future. sci.misc Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences. sci.nanotech Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated) sci.nonlinear Chaotic systems and other nonlinear scientific study. sci.op-research Research, teaching & application of operations research. sci.optics Discussion relating to the science of optics. sci.optics.fiber Fiber optic components, systems, applications. sci.philosophy.meta Discussions within the scope of "MetaPhilosophy." sci.philosophy.tech Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. sci.physics Physical laws, properties, etc. sci.physics.accelerators Particle accelerators and the physics of beams. sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics Computational fluid dynamics. sci.physics.cond-matter Condensed matter physics, theory and experiment. sci.physics.electromag Electromagnetic theory and applications. sci.physics.fusion Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion. sci.physics.particle Particle physics discussions. sci.physics.plasma Plasma Science & Technology community exchange. (Moderated) sci.physics.relativity The theory of relativity. sci.physics.research Current physics research. (Moderated) sci.polymers All aspects of polymer science. sci.psychology.announce Psychology-related announcements. (Moderated) sci.psychology.consciousness On the nature of consciousness. (Moderated) sci.psychology.journals.psyche E-journal on consciousness. (Moderated) sci.psychology.journals.psycoloquy E-journal on psychology. (Moderated) sci.psychology.misc General discussion of psychology. sci.psychology.personality All personality systems & measurement. sci.psychology.psychotherapy Practice of psychotherapy. sci.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated Practice of psychotherapy. (Moderated) sci.psychology.research Research issues in psychology. (Moderated) sci.psychology.theory Theories of psychology & behavior. sci.research Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever. sci.research.careers Issues relevant to careers in scientific research. sci.research.postdoc Anything about postdoctoral studies, including offers. sci.skeptic Skeptics discussing pseudo-science. sci.space.history Historical manned and unmanned space flight programs. sci.space.news Announcements of space-related news items. (Moderated) sci.space.policy Discussions about space policy. sci.space.science Space and planetary science and related technical work. (Moderated) sci.space.shuttle The space shuttle and the STS program. sci.space.station Space stations and orbiting platforms. sci.space.tech Technical and general issues related to space flight. (Moderated) sci.stat.consult Statistical consulting. sci.stat.edu Statistics education. sci.stat.math Statistics from a strictly mathematical viewpoint. sci.systems The theory and application of systems science. sci.techniques.mag-resonance Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. sci.techniques.mass-spec All areas of mass spectrometry. (Moderated) sci.techniques.microscopy The field of microscopy. sci.techniques.spectroscopy Spectrum analysis. sci.techniques.testing.misc General testing techniques in science. sci.techniques.testing.nondestructive Nondestructive tests in science. sci.techniques.xtallography The field of crystallography. sci.virtual-worlds Virtual Reality - technology and culture. (Moderated) sco.forsale No description. sco.opendesktop SCO newsgroup. scot.announce Scotland/North England Wide: General Announcements. scot.bairns Discussions about Scottish children. scot.birds Birdwatching in Scotland. scot.business.internet Scottish business discussions regarding the Internet. scot.environment Scottish environmental issues. scot.followup Followups to scot.general articles. scot.general Scotland/North England Wide: General Articles. scot.jobs Jobs wanted and offered in Scotland. scot.legal Scottish legal issues. scot.newsgroups.announce Official scot.* announcements. (Moderated) scot.newsgroups.discuss Discussion of proposed new groups, rules etc. scot.politics Scottish politics discussions. scot.scots Scots language discussions. scot.sports.soccer For the discussion of Scottish football. scot.test Test postings in the scot.* hierarchy. scot.tld Discussion of and campaign for a Top Level Domain for Scotland. scruz.config For scruz.* configuration and policy discussion. scruz.events No description. scruz.general No description. scruz.market No description. scruz.poetry No description. scruz.politics No description. scruz.sysops No description. scruz.test No description. scruz.transportation Transportation of all kinds in Santa Cruz County, CA. sdnet.books Book reviews and discussion in the San Diego area. sdnet.computing San Diego discussions of computing issues. sdnet.config Discussions of news flow and groups around San Diego. sdnet.eats San Diego restaurant news and reviews. sdnet.events San Diego announcements about events around town. sdnet.forsale San Diego stuff for sale (see also sdnet.wanted). sdnet.freenet FreeNet in San Diego, California. sdnet.gardening Discussions Related to San Diego Gardening. sdnet.general San Diego items of general interest. sdnet.hemp San Diego hemp legalization discussions. sdnet.housing San Diego places to live wanted/available. sdnet.internet.high-speed San Diego discussions of high speed access sdnet.internet.providers Discussions Related San Diego Internet Providers. sdnet.jobs San Diego jobs wanted/offered in town only. sdnet.jobs.discuss Discussion related to jobs in Greater San Diego Area. sdnet.jobs.offered Jobs offered in the Greater San Diego Area. sdnet.jobs.services Job Placement Services for the Greater San Diego Area. sdnet.jobs.wanted Jobs wanted for the Greater San Diego Area. sdnet.linux Linux discussion for San Diego County users. sdnet.misc San Diego discussions that don't have their own group. sdnet.motss San Diego gay, bi, lesbians and friends. sdnet.movies San Diego movie reviews and comments. sdnet.music San Diego concert/performance reviews and comments. sdnet.personals San Diego Personals Ads. sdnet.pets No description. sdnet.politics San Diego City and County politics. sdnet.real-estate San Diego discussions of buying & selling real property. sdnet.real-estate.agents San Diego Real Estate Agents chatting. sdnet.resources.health Discussions related to San Diego Health Resources sdnet.seminars San Diego talks, lectures, seminars announcments. sdnet.singles San Diego singles scene. sdnet.sports San Diego teams and sporting events. sdnet.test San Diego news system testing. sdnet.theatre San Diego plays and performance reviews and comments. sdnet.tv San Diego local TV features and criticism. sdnet.wanted San Diego items wanted (see also sdnet.forsale). sdnet.wireless.pcs Wireless PCS services in San Diego. sdnet.writing Writers and Publishers in San Diego. sdsu.c++ No description. sdsu.cs520 No description. sdsu.cs560 No description. sdsu.cs596 No description. sdsu.cs662 No description. se.annonser.datorer.hardvara Annonsering av datorrelaterad hardvara. se.annonser.datorer.mjukvara Annonsering av datorrelaterad mjukvara. se.annonser.loppmarknad Diverse annonsering. se.dator.datorkrig Min dator är bättre än din se.dator.diverse Diverse om datorer se.dator.programmering.diverse Programmering, programmeringsspråk- och verktyg se.dator.sakerhet Allmänt om datasäkerhet se.dator.sys.amiga Allt om datorsystem med AmigaOS se.dator.sys.mac Allt om datorsystem med MacOS se.dator.sys.os2 Allt om datorsystem med OS/2 se.dator.sys.unix Alla sorters UNIX se.dator.sys.windows Allt om datorsystem med MS Windows se.dator.sys.windows-nt Allt om datorsystem med Windows NT se.folk.batliv Allt som rör fritidsbåtar, utrustning och båtliv. se.folk.utlandssvenskar Svenskar bosatta utomlands se.hem.mat Om mat, dryck och matlagning se.hobby.amatorradio För radioamatörer och övriga radiointresserade. se.hobby.genealogi Släktforskning med anknytning till Sverige se.humaniora.historia Svensk och internationell historia se.humaniora.svenska Användning, historia och annat om svenska språket se.internet.multicast Om multicast och multicastapplikationer på Internet se.internet.news.diskussion Allmän diskussion om se-hierarkin se.internet.news.meddelanden Officiellt om förändringar av se-hierarkin (Moderated) se.internet.www.diverse Allmänt och blandat om väven se.internet.www.publicera Att publicera på och skapa för väven se.kultur.cigarrer Erfarenhetsutbyte om cigarrkulturen. se.kultur.musik.diverse Diverse om musik se.kultur.musik.klassisk Allt om klassisk musik se.kultur.sf+fantasy Science fiction och fantasy på svenska se.organisation.scouting En mötesplats om och för svensk scouting se.politik.diverse Svensk politik och politik på svenska se.politik.droger Allt om drog- och narkotikapolitik se.politik.forsvar Alla slags försvarsdiskussioner. se.prat.diverse Diverse prat om allt mellan himmel och jord se.prat.humor Roliga historier och andra humoristiska inlägg se.region.skaneland Samhälle, kultur m m i Halland, Skåne, Blekinge, Bornh. se.resor.diverse Om resor, inom och utomlands. se.spel.konsol.playstation Erfarenhetsutbyte av Playstation på svenska se.spel.rollspel Allt om rollspel se.spel.schack Analyser, partier, turneringar etc. om Schack se.teknik.fordon.45-scooter Ägande, regelverk, tillbehör m m. se.test Nyhetsgrupp för testpostningar se.transport.jarnvag Järnväg i Sverige och annorstädes. se.transport.lokaltrafik Lokaltrafik i Sverige och annorstädes. se.transport.sjofart Sjöfart i Sverige och annorstädes. se.vetenskap.astronomi Astronomi och rymdfart se.vetenskap.diverse Allmänna vetenskapliga diskussioner se.vetenskap.psykologi Psykologi - för Akademiker och Lekmän. seattle.admin Network news administration in Seattle, Washington. seattle.business Business affairs in Seattle, WA seattle.eats No description. seattle.forrent.housing No description. seattle.forsale.computers Computer related items in Seattle seattle.forsale.housing Housing related items in Seattle seattle.forsale.misc Various forsale/wanted items in Seattle seattle.forsale.transportation Transportation related items in Seattle seattle.freenet.scn No description. seattle.gay.news News pertaining to lesbian and gay life. (Moderated) seattle.general Items of general interest in Seattle, Washington. seattle.internet No description. seattle.jobs.offered No description. seattle.jobs.wanted No description. seattle.politics Discussion of politics in Seattle, WA, USA. seattle.test USENET testing in Seattle, Washington seismic.general No description. sfnet.aloittelijat.kysymykset Aloittelevien sfnet-käyttäjien kysymyksiä sfnet.aloittelijat.testit Aloittelevien sfnet-käyttäjien kokeiluja sfnet.alueet.suur-helsinki Pääkaupungkiseudun keskusteluryhmä(t) sfnet.atk ATK-alan yleiskäyttöinen pääryhmä sfnet.atk.amiga Commodore Amiga sfnet.atk.atari Atari sfnet.atk.cad CAD-ohjelmistot sfnet.atk.cbm Commodoren väsäämät koneet sfnet.atk.grafiikka Ryhmä tietokonegrafiikasta kiinnostuneille sfnet.atk.kannettavat Kannettavat tietokonejärjestelmät sfnet.atk.kulttuuri Tietojenkäsittelyn kulttuuri ennen ja nyt sfnet.atk.laitteet Kovosta kiinnostuneiden rautaista keskustelua sfnet.atk.laitteet.pc Intel i86 -arkkitehtuurin mikrot ja oheislaitteet sfnet.atk.linux Linux, 80386 -arkkitehtuurilla toimiva vapaa *nix tyyppinen kj. sfnet.atk.linux.asennus Linux-käyttöjärjestelmän ja sen osien asentaminen sfnet.atk.linux.palvelimet Linux-käyttöjärjestelmän käyttö palvelimissa sfnet.atk.mac Apple Macintosh sfnet.atk.ms-dos MS-DOS sfnet.atk.ms-windows ms-windows sfnet.atk.ms-windows.palvelimet MS Windows -palvelinten ylläpitäminen sfnet.atk.ohjelmistot Yleinen ohjelmistoryhmä sfnet.atk.ohjelmointi Keskustelua tietokoneiden ohjelmoinnista sfnet.atk.ohjelmointi.alkeet Alkuunpääsyn ongelmiin sfnet.atk.os2 OS/2 sfnet.atk.sodat Erilaisten tietokoneiden/ohjelmien puolustamista ja mollaamista sfnet.atk.tex TeX-ladontajärjestelmän asiantuntijoiden foorumi sfnet.atk.turvallisuus Tietoturvakysymykset tietojenkäsittelyssä sfnet.atk.unix Unix sfnet.atk.viritys Tietokoneiden virittelystä sfnet.atk.vms DEC:n VMS sfnet.atk.x-ikkunointi Keskustelua X-ikkunoinnista sfnet.atk.yllapito Tietokoneiden ylläpidosta sfnet.harrastus Sekalaisia harrastuksia sfnet.harrastus.airsoft Airsoft-harrastajille sfnet.harrastus.aseet Ase- ja ampumaharrastajien foorumi sfnet.harrastus.askartelu Askartelu hupi- ja hyötymielessä sfnet.harrastus.astronomia Tähtitieteen harrastajille sfnet.harrastus.audio+video Audio- ja videolaitteistoista sfnet.harrastus.audio+video.autohifi Autossako hifi? sfnet.harrastus.audio+video.kotihifi Äänenlaatua kotiin sfnet.harrastus.audio+video.kotiteatteri Kotiteatterilaitteistoista sfnet.harrastus.autot Autoilijoiden keskustelukanava sfnet.harrastus.autot.tee-itse Tee-itse-autoilijoille sfnet.harrastus.autovanhukset Vanhojen autojen harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.biljardi Biljardin pelaajat sfnet.harrastus.elektroniikka Elektroniikan harrastajille sfnet.harrastus.elokuvat Elokuvien harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.etsi+pelasta Pelastus- ja etsintätoiminta sfnet.harrastus.filatelia "Filateliaryhmä" sfnet.harrastus.fillarit "Pyöräilijöiden puheita" sfnet.harrastus.ilmailu Ilmailun harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.itsepuolustus Keskustelua eri itsepuolustuslajeista sfnet.harrastus.kalastus Keskustelua kalastuksesta sfnet.harrastus.keraily Keräilijöille antiikista alkaen sfnet.harrastus.kiipeily Kiipeilyharrastus eri muodoissaan sfnet.harrastus.kirjoittaminen Pöytälaatikkokirjoittajien julkaisukanava sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri Kulttuurinharrastajien keskustelukanava sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri.dekkarit Ryhmä dekkareille kaikissa sen esiintymismuodoissa sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri.kirjallisuus Kirjallisuus, uusi ja vanha sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri.sarjakuvat Sarjakuvat, piirrokset ja animaatio sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri.sf Science Fiction -harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.lemmikit.akvaario Kala- ja muut säiliöt sfnet.harrastus.lemmikit.kissat Miau! sfnet.harrastus.lemmikit.koirat Hau! sfnet.harrastus.lemmikit.muut Muut lemmikkieläimet sfnet.harrastus.linnut Villien lintujen harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.luonto Luontoon! sfnet.harrastus.melonta Melonta eri muodoissaan sfnet.harrastus.metsastys Metsästäjille sfnet.harrastus.moottorikelkat Moottorikelkkailijoille sfnet.harrastus.mopot Mopoilijoille sfnet.harrastus.mp Moottoripyöräilyn harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.musiikki Musiikinharrastajat sfnet.harrastus.musiikki.klassinen Klassisen musiikin harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.musiikki.tekeminen Musiikin tekijät sfnet.harrastus.partio Partiointia Suomessa ja maailman turuilla sfnet.harrastus.pelit Pelit ja leikit sfnet.harrastus.pelit.go Strategiapeli go sfnet.harrastus.pelit.kerailykortit Keräilykorttipelit: keskustelua, kauppaa sfnet.harrastus.pelit.rooli Roolipelajien ryhmä sfnet.harrastus.pelit.shakki Shakinharrastajien foorumi sfnet.harrastus.pelit.strategia Strategiapelien harrastajat sfnet.harrastus.perhoset Perhosharrastajien tiedotuskanava sfnet.harrastus.pienoismallit Pienoismallien tekijöille sfnet.harrastus.puutarha Puutarhan ja kasvinkasvattelun ryhmä sfnet.harrastus.radio Radioon liittyvät harrastukset sfnet.harrastus.radio.dx-kuuntelu Dx-keskustelua sfnet.harrastus.radio.ham Radioamatööritoiminnasta keskustelua sfnet.harrastus.rahapelit Rahapelien riivaamille sfnet.harrastus.rautatiet Rautatieharrastajille sfnet.harrastus.retkeily Retkeily ja vaellus sfnet.harrastus.ruoka+juoma Kulinaristien kohtauspaikka sfnet.harrastus.sienet Sienistä kiinnostuneet sfnet.harrastus.sukellus Laitesukellusta ja snorklausta sfnet.harrastus.sukututkimus Suvustansa kiinnostuneille sfnet.harrastus.tanssi Tanssinharrastajien tiedotus- ja keskustelukanava sfnet.harrastus.valokuvaus Kamerankäyttäjien kerho sfnet.harrastus.veneet Veneilynharrastajien oma kanava sfnet.harrastus.visailu Kilpailuja ja tehtäviä muiden iloksi sfnet.huuhaa Vapaamuotoista kirjoittelua sfnet.keskustelu Sana on vapaa sfnet.keskustelu.asuminen Asunnon hankkiminen ja hoitaminen sfnet.keskustelu.avaruus Kotimainen avaruustoiminta sfnet.keskustelu.eu Kansalaiskeskustelua EU:n tiimoilta sfnet.keskustelu.evoluutio Keskustelua evoluutiosta sfnet.keskustelu.filosofia Filosofiasta kiinnostuneille sfnet.keskustelu.foreigners Forum for foreigners in Finland sfnet.keskustelu.huumeet Psykoaktiiviset aineet eli tajusteet sfnet.keskustelu.huumori Huumoria huuleen sfnet.keskustelu.ihmissuhteet Ihmisten väliset suhteet sfnet.keskustelu.kieli Kielet ja niiden käyttö sfnet.keskustelu.kieli.kaantaminen Keskustelua kääntämisestä sfnet.keskustelu.kielipolitiikka Kielten ja niiden käyttäjien asema sfnet.keskustelu.koulutus Opetus, opiskelu, oppilaitokset, koulutus sfnet.keskustelu.kuluttaja Kuluttajansuoja ja asema sfnet.keskustelu.laki Lakiasiat ja oikeuskäytäntö Suomessa ja muualla sfnet.keskustelu.lapset Keskustelua lapsista ja lastenkasvatuksesta sfnet.keskustelu.liikenne Liikenne ja liikennepolitiikka sfnet.keskustelu.liikenne.julkinen Julkisen (joukko)liikenteen kuluttajat sfnet.keskustelu.maanpuolustus Maanpuolustus ja siihen liittyvät asiat sfnet.keskustelu.maanpuolustus.taktiikka Sotilastekniset ja -taktiset asiat sfnet.keskustelu.maatalous Maatalous joka kantilta sfnet.keskustelu.mainonta Keskustelua mainonnasta sfnet.keskustelu.pk-yritykset Yrittämisen onni ja epäonni sfnet.keskustelu.politiikka Keskustelua politiikasta (Moderated) sfnet.keskustelu.psykologia Psykologiaa sfnet.keskustelu.rajatieteet Tiedon ja uskon rajamaat sfnet.keskustelu.rakentaminen Rakentamisen taito ja ilo sfnet.keskustelu.seksi Seksuaalisuudesta ja sen seurauksista sfnet.keskustelu.sivarit Siviilipalveluksesta sfnet.keskustelu.skeptismi Randin hengenheimolaiset sfnet.keskustelu.taide Keskustelua taiteesta sfnet.keskustelu.talous Kauppa ja talous sfnet.keskustelu.terveys Terveys ja sen hoito sfnet.keskustelu.tupakka Tupakkakeskustelua sfnet.keskustelu.ulkonako Ihmisten ulkonäkökysymykset: meikit, vaatteet, jne sfnet.keskustelu.uskonnottomuus Uskonnottomat elämänkatsomukset sfnet.keskustelu.uskonto Uskokaa tai älkää sfnet.keskustelu.uskonto.kristinusko Kristinusko ennen ja nyt sfnet.keskustelu.varaventtiili Liikojen höyryjen purkupaikka sfnet.keskustelu.vegetaristit Kasvisruokavalio elämäntapana sfnet.keskustelu.vitsit Kaskujen keräyskanava sfnet.keskustelu.yhteiskunta Yhteinen kanava yhteisille asioille sfnet.keskustelu.ymparisto Ympäriston tila ja tulevaisuus sfnet.matkustaminen Matkakertomuksia ja -vihjeitä sfnet.nocem Nocem-viestien lähettämistä varten sfnet.opiskelu Yleistä keskustelua opiskelusta sfnet.opiskelu.opintotuki Opintotuki - siitä puhe mistä puute sfnet.ryhmat+listat sfnet.tapahtumat Yleinen valtakunnallinen tapahtumakalenteri sfnet.tiede Tieteenharjoittajien poikkitieteellinen pääryhmä sfnet.tiede.bio Biotieteiden yleisryhmä sfnet.tiede.fysiikka Fyysikkojen keskustelukanava sfnet.tiede.historia Historioitsijoille sfnet.tiede.kemia Kemistien keskustelu- ja tiedotuskanava sfnet.tiede.matematiikka Matemaatikot keskustelemassa sfnet.tiede.tietotekniikka Tietotekniikan tieteenharjoittajat sfnet.tietoliikenne Keskustelufoorumi tietoliikenteelle sfnet.tietoliikenne.palvelimet Verkkojen julkiset palvelimet eli serverit sfnet.tietoliikenne.tekniikka Tekninen verkkogurujen kohtauspaikka sfnet.tietoliikenne.televerkot Televerkoista sfnet.tietoliikenne.viestinviejat Viestien jakelukanavien ylläpito sfnet.tietoliikenne.yhteydentarjoajat Keskustelua Internet-yhteydentarjoajista sfnet.tori.asunnot Asuntopalsta sfnet.tori.kyydit Matkaseuran etsijöille sfnet.tori.lastentarvikkeet Lastentarvikkeiden osto-, myynti- ja vaihtopaikka sfnet.tori.muut Myynti-, osto-, vaihto-, vuokraus- ja lahjoitusilmoituksia sfnet.tori.myydaan.atk.kokoonpanot Myydään kokonaisia ATK-laitteita sfnet.tori.myydaan.atk.komponentit Myydään ATK-komponetteja sfnet.tori.myydaan.atk.muut Myydään käytettyä ATK-roinaa sfnet.tori.myydaan.atk.ohjelmat Myydään ATK-ohjelmia sfnet.tori.myydaan.menopelit Kulkuvälineiden myynti-ilmoituksia sfnet.tori.myydaan.musiikki Musiikkia (äänitteet, nuotit, soittimet...) sfnet.tori.myydaan.muut Muut myynti-ilmoitukset sfnet.tori.ostetaan.atk Ostetaan ATK-kamaa sfnet.tori.ostetaan.menopelit Kulkuvälineiden osto-ilmoituksia sfnet.tori.ostetaan.musiikki Musiikkia (äänitteet, nuotit, soittimet...) sfnet.tori.ostetaan.muut Muut osto-ilmoitukset sfnet.tori.pelit Pelien osto-, myynti- ja vaihtoilmoitukset sfnet.tori.tyopaikat.halutaan Työpaikan etsijöille sfnet.tori.tyopaikat.tarjotaan Työpaikkatarjouksille sfnet.tori.uutuudet Uutuuksista tiedottamiseen sfnet.urheilu Urheilu-uutisia ja -keskustelua sfnet.urheilu.golf Golfin harrastajille sfnet.urheilu.jaakiekko Jääkiekkoilua, mitäpä muuta sfnet.urheilu.jalkapallo Jalkapalloa, mitä odotit? sfnet.urheilu.lumilajit Lunta vaativat urheilulajit sfnet.urheilu.moottoriurheilu Moottoriurheilusta keskusteluun ja raporointiin sfnet.urheilu.rullaluistelu Rullaluistelu sfnet.urheilu.salibandy Salibandy ja kaikki siihen liittyvä sfnet.urheilu.sulkapallo Sulkapalloilijoiden areena sfnet.urheilu.suunnistus Suunnistuksesta urheiluna ja kuntoiluna sfnet.urheilu.voimailu Keskustelua voimailusta sfnet.urheilu.yleisurheilu Keskustelua ja tiedotusta yleisurheilusta sfnet.viestinta Kaikenlainen viestinta sfnet.viestinta.irc IRC:n käyttäjien palsta sfnet.viestinta.journalismi Journalistien ja kansan kohtauspaikka sfnet.viestinta.matkapuhelimet Matkapuhelimet ja muut matkaviestimet sfnet.viestinta.meili Sähköpostiin eli meiliin liittyvä keskustelu sfnet.viestinta.nyyssit Keskustelua nyysseistä eli näistä uutisryhmistä sfnet.viestinta.radio Radion kuuntelijoille sfnet.viestinta.roskapostit Roskaviesteistä sfnet.viestinta.tv Kaikenlaista television tiimoilta sfnet.viestinta.www Seitistä ja sen käytöstä sfnet.viestinta.www.palaute Palautetta sivustoista sfnet.viestinta.www.uutuudet Uudet ja muuttuneet seittisivut sg.announce General Anouncements to the sg.* USENet Community sg.comp.mac MAC System 7 OS Disccussions and Help sg.comp.os2 OS/2 OS Discussions and Help sg.comp.win31 MS Windows 3.1 and 3.11 OS Discussions and Help sg.comp.win95 MS Windows 95 OS Discussions and Help sg.consumers Consumer forum for Singapore sg.general General discussion about life in Singapore sg.jobs.offer Posting of jobs offer sg.marketplace Pitch your ware here ONLY. sg.online-service Singapore's ISPs and Online Services sg.rec.tv Television in Singapore, past and present. sg.research.general Research in Singapore sg.research.software Software Research in Singapore sg.test Post your test articles here. sh.admin News administration in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. shout.general SHOUT.NET annoucements, comments, and complaints shout.help SHOUT.NET technical support questions and answers si.alt.filatelija Konferenca za filateliste si.alt.kozjak Konferenca udelezencev taborov na Kozjaku si.alt.navtika Pogovori o navtiki si.alt.philosophy Konfernca o filozofiji si.org.arnes.domene Dogovarjanje o novih pravilih za registracijo domen si.org.b2-ic Konferenca organizacije Zavod B2 izobrazevalni center si.org.b2-ic.borza Borzna podkonferenca organizacije b2-ic si.org.edus.mss.devetletka Pogovori o devetletki si.org.zrss.ro.anglescina racunalnik pri pouku anglescine si.org.zrss.ro.lesarstvo Konferenca uciteljev srednjih lesarskih sol si.org.zrss.ro.ravnatelj ravnatelj in racunalnik v soli si.org.zrss.struprastline Solska konfernca o strupenih rastlinah si.org.zveza.tabornikov Konferenca Zveze tabornikov si.org.zveza.tabornikov.tabor Konferenca o glasilu Zveze tabornikov si.rec.games.chess Vse o sahu si.rec.humor Humor in pogovori o humorju si.rec.sport Pogovori o sportnih temah sk.biz.dane Ekonomicke, danove a uctovne poradenstvo sk.comp.asm Assembler List - problemy a rady sk.comp.cecko Jazyk C List - problemy a rady sk.comp.pascal Pascal List - problemy a rady sk.comp.pc-prog PC-problemy pri pouzivani a hlavne programovani sk.comp.security General information about/on security sk.comp.software Diskusia o software, kde ho splasit, ktory co dokaze, atd atd... sk.comp.unix-prog Problemy pri programovani v UNIX-e sk.didaktika.informatika Problemy vyucovania informatiky na SS (pripadne ZS) sk.didaktika.kms Vymena skusenosti pri organizovani matematickych seminarov sk.misc.burza konferencia s inzeratmi kupa/predaj hocicoho na uzemi Slovenska sk.net.abuse Diskusny klub o net-abuse sk.net.gopher Diskusia o gopheri a vsetkom okolo. sk.net.news Diskusny klub o newsoch na slovensku, pripadne v cechach sk.net.www Diskusia o WWW a vsetkom okolo sk.org.sklug Slovak Linux Users Group (Moderated) (Moderated) sk.rec.hockey Diskusna skupina o hokeji nielen na Slovensku sk.rec.hudba konferencia o hudbe a vsetkeho co s nou suvisi sk.rec.sport Diskusia o sporte sk.rec.tatry Discussion list for the High Tatras Region sk.sanet.services Diskusia o sluzbach na slovensku sk.sci.astro Discussion list for Slovak and Czech Astronomers sk.sux.microsoft Diskusia o firme Microsoft jej programoch a preco su zle :) sk.talk.adnd Advanced Dungeons & Dragons sk.talk.drd Draci Doupe sk.talk.fltsk Foreign Language Teachers Slovakia sk.talk.irc IRC a #cs, aktuality etc... (Moderated) sk.talk.karmel Sucasne otazky krestanstva sk.talk.mst My sme tu... sk.talk.slovak-world Nadvazovanie kontaktov slovakov v zahranici a na Slovensku sk.talk.users Diskusia uzivatelov Internetu, UN*Xu, alebo vobec uzivatelov sk.talk.vtip :-))))))))))) (Moderated) slac.announce.scs Announcements about SLAC Computing Services. slac.comp.computefarm Discussion of SLAC Unix compute farm. slac.computing.changes Announcement of computing changes at SLAC. slac.computing.outages Announcement of computing outages at SLAC. slac.database.oracle Discussion of the use of Oracle at SLAC. slac.groups Announcement/description of SLAC news groups. slac.lang.c Discussion of the use of C at SLAC. slac.lang.c++ Discussion of the use of C++ at SLAC. slac.lang.fortran Discussion of the use of FORTRAN at SLAC. slac.lang.maple Discussion of the use of Maple at SLAC. slac.lang.rexx Discussion of the use of REXX at SLAC. slac.library.hepph No description. slac.library.hepths No description. slac.listserv.e144-l Discussion of topics related to the E144 experiment. slac.listserv.e150-l Experiment e150, the plasma lens experiment at the FFTB. slac.listserv.strongqed-l Discussions of the nonlinear QED experiment. slac.market SLAC for sale classifieds. slac.net.usenet Discussion of the use of netnews at SLAC. slac.networks To report items of interest about networking. slac.news.stats SLAC Usenet statistics. slac.physapps.cernlib Discussion of SLAC use of CERNLIB. slac.physapps.egs4 Discussion of EGS electron/photon transport. slac.sample Sample test newsgroup for SLAC. slac.scs.minutes Minutes of the SCS managers' meetings. slac.scs.trips SCS trip reports. slac.seminars.comp Announcements of computer seminars at SLAC. slac.seminars.physics Announcements of physics seminars at SLAC. slac.slc.polariz Discussion of SLC Polarized Beam Effort. slac.test Netnews testing group. slac.text.tex Discussion of the use of TeX at SLAC. slac.users.ecad Discussion of the use of ECAD at SLAC. slac.users.ibm-pc Discussion group for IBM PC users at SLAC. slac.users.mac Discussion group for Macintosh users at SLAC. slac.users.unix General discussion for UNIX users at SLAC. slac.users.windows.x Discussion of the use of MIT X Window system at SLAC. slac.www.general Discussion of the World Wide Web at SLAC. slo.biz.computers San Luis Obispo, CA, commercial traffic about computers. (Moderated) slo.biz.misc San Luis Obispo, CA, commercial traffic in general. (Moderated) slo.config Usenet Config for San Luis Obispo, CA (Moderated) slo.flame General bitching and complaints in San Luis Obispo, CA. (Moderated) slo.for-sale Stuff for sale, buy, or trade in San Luis Obispo, CA. (Moderated) slo.games About games and gaming in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.general General discussion in San Luis Obispo, CA. (Moderated) slo.housing Housing openings and searches in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.humor Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. :-) slo.ibm-pc Discussions of ibm-pc's in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.jobs Available jobs and jobs wanted in San Luis Obispo, CA. (Moderated) slo.mac Talks about Macs in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.music Discussion about music in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.net Discussion about slo's networks in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.personals Personals for San Luis Obispo, CA. (Moderated) slo.politics Lots of politcal babble in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.punks Informal chat in San Luis Obispo, CA. (Moderated) slo.rideshare Rides offer and requested in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.scifi Science fiction discussions in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.sex Sex - education, talk & politics in San Luis Obispo, CA. (Moderated) slo.stats News & other statistics about San Luis Obispo computers. slo.sun Group discussing Suns in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.test San Luis Obispo, CA, Usenet test group. slo.unix Unix in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.unix.linux A Unix-like OS for PCs in San Luis Obispo, CA. slo.www San Luis Obispo, CA, World-Wide Web. soc.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. (Moderated) soc.adoption.parenting Adoptive parenting by adoptive parents. soc.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) soc.atheism Living as an atheist and atheism in society. (Moderated) soc.bi Discussions of bisexuality. soc.college College, college activities, campus life, etc. soc.college.admissions The university admissions process. soc.college.financial-aid Financial aid issues, college and beyond. soc.college.grad General issues related to graduate schools. soc.college.gradinfo Information about graduate schools. soc.college.org.aiesec The Int'l Assoc. of Business and Commerce Students. soc.college.teaching-asst Issues affecting collegiate teaching assistants. soc.couples Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles). soc.couples.intercultural Inter-cultural and inter-racial relationships. soc.couples.wedding Wedding planning. soc.culture.afghanistan Discussion of the Afghan society. soc.culture.african Discussions about Africa & things African. soc.culture.african.american Discussions about Afro-American issues. soc.culture.african.american.moderated African-American perspectives. (Moderated) soc.culture.albanian Albania and Albanians around the world. soc.culture.algeria From A to Z about Algeria. soc.culture.arabic Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics. soc.culture.argentina All about life in Argentina. soc.culture.asean Countries of the Assoc. of SE Asian Nations. soc.culture.asian.american Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans. soc.culture.assyrian Assyrian culture, history, language, current diaspora. soc.culture.asturies Asturian culture. soc.culture.australian Australian culture and society. soc.culture.austria Austria and its people. soc.culture.baltics People of the Baltic states. soc.culture.bangladesh Issues & discussion about Bangladesh. soc.culture.basque Basque culture and related issues. (Moderated) soc.culture.belarus All things about Belarus. (Moderated) soc.culture.belgium Belgian society, culture(s) and people. soc.culture.bengali Sociocultural identity of worldwide Bengali population. soc.culture.berber The berber language, history, and culture. soc.culture.bolivia Bolivian people and culture. soc.culture.bosna-herzgvna The independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. soc.culture.brazil Talking about the people and country of Brazil. soc.culture.breton All about Breton culture and Brittany. soc.culture.british Issues about Britain & those of British descent. soc.culture.bulgaria Discussing Bulgarian society. soc.culture.burma Politics, culture, news, discussion about Burma. soc.culture.cambodia Cambodia and its people. soc.culture.canada Discussions of Canada and its people. soc.culture.caribbean Life in the Caribbean. soc.culture.catalan The Catalan language and the lands where it is spoken. soc.culture.celtic Irish, Scottish, Breton, Cornish, Manx & Welsh. soc.culture.chile All about Chile and its people. soc.culture.china About China and Chinese culture. soc.culture.colombia Colombian talk, social, politics, science. soc.culture.cornish All things Cornish and Cornwall, worldwide. soc.culture.costa-rica Topics about Costa Rica. soc.culture.croatia The lives of people of Croatia. soc.culture.cuba Cuban culture, society and politics. soc.culture.czecho-slovak Bohemian, Slovak, Moravian and Silesian life. soc.culture.dominican-rep The life and people of the Dominican Republic. soc.culture.ecuador The culture and people of Ecuador. soc.culture.egyptian Egypt, and its society, culture, heritage, etc. soc.culture.el-salvador Topics about El Salvador, Central America. soc.culture.esperanto The neutral international language Esperanto. soc.culture.estonia Estonian culture, language, news, politics. (Moderated) soc.culture.ethiopia.misc Unmoderated forum to discuss Ethiopian culture. soc.culture.europe Discussing all aspects of all-European society. soc.culture.filipino Group about the Filipino culture. soc.culture.french French culture, history, and related discussions. soc.culture.german Discussions about German culture and history. soc.culture.greek Group about Greeks. soc.culture.guinea-conakry Guinea (ne French Guinea, in West Africa). soc.culture.haiti Haiti specific development and cultural issues. soc.culture.hawaii Aloha kakou, E KOMO MAI! Eh, no forget hemo da shoes. (Moderated) soc.culture.hmong Discussion of Hmong people and its culture. soc.culture.honduras General topics regarding Honduras and Central-America. soc.culture.hongkong Discussions pertaining to Hong Kong. soc.culture.hongkong.entertainment Entertainment in Hong Kong. soc.culture.indian Group for discussion about India & things Indian. soc.culture.indian.delhi Information related to Delhi, capital of India. soc.culture.indian.gujarati Gujarati cultural group. soc.culture.indian.info Info group for soc.culture.indian, etc. (Moderated) soc.culture.indian.jammu-kashmir The culture of Jammu & Kashmir. soc.culture.indian.karnataka Karnataka's culture, history, and present. soc.culture.indian.kerala Culture of the people of Keralite origin. soc.culture.indian.marathi Discussion related to Marathi Culture. soc.culture.indian.telugu The culture of the Telugu people of India. (Moderated) soc.culture.indonesia All about the Indonesian nation. soc.culture.intercultural People of mixed "culture", "ethnicity", "race". soc.culture.iranian Discussions about Iran and things Iranian/Persian. soc.culture.iraq Iraq, its society, culture and heritage. soc.culture.irish Ireland and Irish culture. soc.culture.israel Israel and Israelis. soc.culture.italian The Italian people and their culture. soc.culture.japan Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language. soc.culture.japan.moderated Anything Japanese. (Moderated) soc.culture.jewish Jewish culture & religion (cf. talk.politics.mideast). soc.culture.jewish.holocaust The Shoah. (Moderated) soc.culture.jewish.moderated Discussion of Jewish culture and religion. (Moderated) soc.culture.jewish.parenting Issues about raising Jewish children. (Moderated) soc.culture.jordan All topics concerning The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. soc.culture.kenya Kenyan peoples, politics, culture, and affairs. soc.culture.korean Discussions about Korea & things Korean. soc.culture.kurdish People from Kurdistan and Kurds around the world. soc.culture.kuwait Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. soc.culture.kuwait.moderated Kuwaiti culture, society, and history. (Moderated) soc.culture.laos Cultural and Social Aspects of Laos. soc.culture.latin-america Topics about Latin-America. soc.culture.lebanon Discussion about things Lebanese. soc.culture.liberia The culture of Liberia. soc.culture.maghreb North African society and culture. soc.culture.magyar The Hungarian people & their culture. soc.culture.malagasy Madagascar and the Malagasy culture. soc.culture.malaysia All about Malaysian society. soc.culture.mexican Discussion of Mexico's society. soc.culture.mexican.american Mexican-American/Chicano culture and issues. soc.culture.misc Group for discussion about other cultures. soc.culture.mongolian Everything related to Mongols and Mongolia. soc.culture.native Aboriginal people around the world. soc.culture.nepal Discussion of people and things in & from Nepal. soc.culture.netherlands People from the Netherlands and Belgium. soc.culture.new-zealand Discussion of topics related to New Zealand. soc.culture.nicaragua Topics related to the country of Nicaragua in general. soc.culture.nigeria Nigerian affairs, society, cultures, and peoples. soc.culture.nordic Discussion about culture up north. soc.culture.occitan Speakers of Provencal/Occitan/Langue d'Oc. soc.culture.pacific-island Culture of the pacific islands (except Hawaii). soc.culture.pakistan Topics of discussion about Pakistan. soc.culture.pakistan.education Education in Pakistan. (Moderated) soc.culture.pakistan.history History of Pakistan. (Moderated) soc.culture.pakistan.moderated Discussions on Pakistan. (Moderated) soc.culture.pakistan.politics Political discussions on Pakistan. soc.culture.pakistan.religion Religious discussions related to Pakistan. soc.culture.pakistan.sports Sports in Pakistan. soc.culture.palestine Palestinian people, culture and politics. soc.culture.peru All about the people of Peru. soc.culture.polish Polish culture, Polish past, and Polish politics. soc.culture.portuguese Discussion of the people of Portugal. soc.culture.puerto-rico Puerto Rican culture, society and politics. soc.culture.punjab Punjab and Punjabi culture. soc.culture.quebec Quebec society and culture. soc.culture.rep-of-georgia The Caucasian Republic of Georgia and Georgians. soc.culture.romanian Discussion of Romanian and Moldavian people. soc.culture.russian All things Russian in the broadest sense. soc.culture.russian.moderated Moderated discussion of Russian culture. (Moderated) soc.culture.scientists Cultural issues about scientists & scientific projects. soc.culture.scottish Anything regarding Scotland or things Scots. soc.culture.sierra-leone The culture of Sierra Leone. soc.culture.singapore The past, present and future of Singapore. soc.culture.singapore.moderated Singapore & Singaporeans. (Moderated) soc.culture.slovenia Slovenia and Slovenian people. soc.culture.somalia Somalian affairs, society, and culture. soc.culture.south-africa South African society, culture, & politics. soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans The Afrikaans language and speakers. soc.culture.soviet Topics relating to Russian or Soviet culture. soc.culture.spain Spain and the Spanish. soc.culture.sri-lanka Things & people from Sri Lanka. soc.culture.swiss Swiss culture. soc.culture.syria Syrian cultural matters and affairs. soc.culture.taiwan Discussion about things Taiwanese. soc.culture.tamil Tamil language, history and culture. soc.culture.thai Thai people and their culture. soc.culture.turkish Discussion about things Turkish. soc.culture.turkish.moderated Issues related to Turks/Turkey. (Moderated) soc.culture.ukrainian The lives and times of the Ukrainian people. soc.culture.uruguay Discussions of Uruguay for those at home and abroad. soc.culture.usa The culture of the United States of America. soc.culture.venezuela Discussion of topics related to Venezuela. soc.culture.vietnamese Issues and discussions of Vietnamese culture. soc.culture.welsh The people, language and history of Wales. soc.culture.yugoslavia Discussions of Yugoslavia and its people. soc.culture.zimbabwe Culture and other issues pertaining to Zimbabwe. soc.feminism Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.african Genealogy of Africa and the African Diaspora. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.australia+nz Australia, New Zealand, and their territories. soc.genealogy.benelux Genealogy in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. soc.genealogy.britain Genealogy in Great Britain and the islands. soc.genealogy.computing Genealogical computing & net resources. soc.genealogy.french Francophone genealogy. soc.genealogy.german Family history including a German background. soc.genealogy.hispanic Genealogy relating to Hispanics. soc.genealogy.ireland Genealogy in Ireland (both North and South). soc.genealogy.italian Italian genealogy and family heraldry. soc.genealogy.jewish Jewish genealogy group. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.marketplace Genealogy services and products. soc.genealogy.medieval Genealogy in the period from roughly AD500 to AD1600. soc.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.misc General genealogical discussions. soc.genealogy.nordic Genealogy in the Scandinavian countries. soc.genealogy.slavic Genealogy of Slavic peoples. soc.genealogy.surnames.britain Surnames queries - Great Britain. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.surnames.canada Surnames queries - Canada. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.surnames.german Surnames queries - German speaking countries. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.surnames.global Surnames queries central database. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.surnames.ireland Surnames queries - Ireland & Northern Ireland. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.surnames.misc Surnames - regions not covered elsewhere. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.surnames.usa Surnames queries - USA. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.west-indies Genealogy of the West Indies. soc.history Discussions of things historical. soc.history.ancient Ancient history (up to AD 700). soc.history.early-modern Early modern history worldwide, to 1800. soc.history.living Living history and reenactment, issues and info. soc.history.medieval The historic period of the middle ages. soc.history.moderated All aspects of history. (Moderated) soc.history.science History of science and related areas. soc.history.war.misc History & events of wars in general. soc.history.war.us-civil-war Aspects of the U.S. Civil War. (Moderated) soc.history.war.us-revolution American Revolution/international perspectives. soc.history.war.vietnam The Vietnam War. (Moderated) soc.history.war.world-war-ii History & events of World War Two. (Moderated) soc.history.what-if Alternate history. soc.libraries.talk Discussing all aspects of libraries. soc.men Issues related to men, their problems & relationships. soc.misc Socially-oriented topics not in other groups. soc.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality. soc.net-people Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net. soc.org.freemasonry Discussion group for the Fraternity "Freemasonry". (Moderated) soc.org.nonprofit Nonprofit organizations. soc.org.service-clubs.misc General info on all service topics. soc.penpals In search of net.friendships. soc.personals Personal ads -- people in search of (ISO) others. (Moderated) soc.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated) soc.politics.anti-fascism The politics of fighting fascism. (Moderated) soc.politics.marxism Karl Marx and his legacy in theory and practice. (Moderated) soc.religion.bahai Discussion of the Baha'i Faith. (Moderated) soc.religion.christian Christianity and related topics. (Moderated) soc.religion.christian.bible-study Examining the Holy Bible. (Moderated) soc.religion.christian.promisekeepers The Christian group Promise Keepers. (Moderated) soc.religion.christian.youth-work Christians working with young people. (Moderated) soc.religion.eastern Discussions of Eastern religions. (Moderated) soc.religion.gnosis Gnosis, marifat, jnana & direct sacred experience. (Moderated) soc.religion.hindu Discussion about the Hindu dharma, philosophy, culture. (Moderated) soc.religion.islam Discussions of the Islamic faith. (Moderated) soc.religion.mormon The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Moderated) soc.religion.paganism Networking for Pagans. (Moderated) soc.religion.quaker The Religious Society of Friends. soc.religion.sikhism Sikh Religion and Sikhs all over the world. (Moderated) soc.religion.unitarian-univ Unitarian-Universalism & non-creedal religions. (Moderated) soc.religion.vaishnava All aspects of Vishnu and Vaishnavism. (Moderated) soc.retirement For seniors: retirement, aging, gerontology issues. soc.rights.human Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International). soc.senior.health+fitness Health, fitness, health-care for seniors. soc.senior.issues Issues relevant to seniors and aging. soc.sexuality.general Human sexuality in general. (Moderated) soc.sexuality.spanking Adult sexual spanking. (Moderated) soc.singles Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc. soc.singles.moderated Conversations among people who are or were single. (Moderated) soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm Bondage/Dominance/S&M discussion & support. soc.subculture.bondage-bdsm.femdom Sensual domination by females. soc.subculture.expatriate Issues of interest to expatriates. soc.support.aids-hiv+ Messages to and from people living with HIV. (Moderated) soc.support.depression.crisis Personal crisis situations. soc.support.depression.family Coping with depressed people. soc.support.depression.manic Bipolar/manic-depression. soc.support.depression.misc Depression and mood disorders. soc.support.depression.seasonal Seasonal affective disorder. soc.support.depression.treatment Treatments of depression. soc.support.fat-acceptance Self-acceptance for fat people. No diet talk. soc.support.fat-acceptance.moderated Self-acceptance for fat people. (Moderated) soc.support.loneliness Mutual help and chat for those of us who feel alone. (Moderated) soc.support.pregnancy.loss Issues and support related to pregnancy loss. (Moderated) soc.support.transgendered Transgendered and intersexed persons. soc.support.youth.gay-lesbian-bi Gay youths helping each other. (Moderated) soc.veterans Social issues relating to military veterans. soc.women Issues related to women, their problems & relationships. soc.women.lesbian-and-bi Lives of lesbian and bisexual women. (Moderated) sol.forsale Solaria users offering items for sale or trade sol.games.quake Discussions about Quake by ID Software sol.games.quake2 Discussions about Quake2 by ID Software sol.general Items of general interest to Solaria users sol.help Questions and answers for Solaria users sol.info Solaria information (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.advocacy FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-advocacy (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.afs FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-afs (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.afs.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-afs-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.aic7xxx FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: aic7xxx (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.alpha FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-alpha (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.alpha.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-alpha-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.announce FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-announce (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.announce.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-announce-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.arch FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-arch (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.atm FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-atm (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.bounces FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-bounces (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.bugs FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-bugs (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.chat FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-chat (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.chat.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-chat-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.commit FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-commit (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.config FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-config (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ctm.announce FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: ctm-announce (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ctm.cvs.cur FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: ctm-cvs-cur (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ctm.cvs.cur.fast FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: ctm-cvs-cur-fast (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ctm.gnats FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: ctm-gnats (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ctm.ports.cur FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: ctm-ports-cur (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ctm.src.cur FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: ctm-src-cur (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ctm.src.cur.fast FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: ctm-src-cur-fast (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.current FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-current (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.current.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-current-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.bin FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-bin (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.committers FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-committers (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.contrib FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-contrib (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.cvsroot FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-cvsroot (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.distrib FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-distrib (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.doc FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-doc (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.etc FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-etc (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.games FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-games (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.gnu FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-gnu (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.include FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-include (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.lib FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-lib (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.libexec FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-libexec (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.lkm FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-lkm (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.other FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-other (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.ports FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-ports (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.release FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-release (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.sbin FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-sbin (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.share FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-share (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.sys FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-sys (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.user FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-user (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.usrbin FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-usrbin (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.usrsbin FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-usrsbin (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.cvs.www FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: cvs-www (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.database FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-database (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.database.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-database-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.doc FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-doc (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.emulation FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-emulation (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.fs FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-fs (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.hackers FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-hackers (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.hackers.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-hackers-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.hardware FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-hardware (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.hubs FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-hubs (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.install FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-install (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.isdn FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-isdn (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.isdn.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-isdn-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.isp FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-isp (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.java FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-java (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.java.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-java-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.jobs FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-jobs (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.lite2 FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-lite2 (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.mobile FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-mobile (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.mozilla FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-mozilla (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.multimedia FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-multimedia (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.net FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-net (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.newbies FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-newbies (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.platforms FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-platforms (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.ports FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-ports (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.questions FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-questions (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.questions.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-questions-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.realtime FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-realtime (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.scsi FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-scsi (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.security FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-security (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.security.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-security-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.security.notifications FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-security-notifications (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.small FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-small (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.smp FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-smp (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.sparc FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-sparc (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.sparc.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-sparc-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.stable FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-stable (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.stable.digest FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-stable-digest (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.test FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-test (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.tokenring FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-tokenring (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.tz FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-tz (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.user.groups FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-user-groups (Moderated) sol.lists.freebsd.www FreeBSD Mailing List Gateway: freebsd-www (Moderated) sol.lists.netbsd.current-users NetBSD Mailing List Gateway: current-users (Moderated) sol.stats Solaria statistics (Moderated) sol.stats.dsrs DSRS statistics (Moderated) sol.stats.news News statistics (Moderated) sol.talk General chatter sol.test Test posts here, please spb.test St. Petersburg, Russia, local test group. sqnt-public.forsale No description. srg.drs1 Swiss Radio DRS1, program information srg.drs2 Swiss Radio DRS2, program information srg.drs3 Swiss Radio DRS3, program information srg.info Swiss Broadcasting Corp. (SRG) related info. srg.programme Swiss Radio DRS, combined program information srg.ticker Communication & science related info (ELSA/SRG) srg.tvdrs Swiss TV related info; sources: ELSA & SRG sri.market No description. sta.general Items of general interest in Starnberg. sta.test Tests in and around Starnberg. staroffice.admin Aministration of staroffice.* hierarchy (Moderated) staroffice.com.chat Chat with other StarOffice users. (english) staroffice.com.feature Discuss StarOffice features and suggestions for improvement. (english) staroffice.com.support.announce Announcements from StarOffice Customer Support. (english) (Moderated) staroffice.com.support.install.linux Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice on Linux. (english) staroffice.com.support.install.os2 Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice on OS/2. (english) staroffice.com.support.install.solaris Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice Solaris SPARC/x86. (english) staroffice.com.support.install.windows Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice on MS Windows 95/98/NT. (english) staroffice.com.support.misc Questions and answers regarding StarOffice not covered elsewhere. (english) staroffice.com.support.starbase Q&A regarding the data base management modul in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starbasic Q&A regarding the macro programming language in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starcalc Q&A regarding the spreadsheet in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starchart Q&A regarding the business charting modul in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.stardesktop Q&A regarding the Workplace in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.stardiscussion Q&A regarding the newsreader in StarOffice (english) staroffice.com.support.stardraw Q&A regarding the draw editor in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starimage Q&A regarding the image editor in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starimpress Q&A regarding the presentation modul in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starmail Q&A regarding the e-mail client in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starmath Q&A regarding the formular editor in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starschedule Q&A regarding the organizer in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starwriter Q&A regarding the wordprocessor in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.support.starwriter-web Q&A regarding browsing and editing of web pages with StarOffice. (english) staroffice.com.test Test newsgroup access and newsgroup functions in StarOffice. (english) staroffice.de.chat Chat with other StarOffice users. (german) staroffice.de.feature Discuss StarOffice features and suggestions for improvement. (german) staroffice.de.support.announce Announcements from StarOffice Customer Support. (german) (Moderated) staroffice.de.support.install.linux Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice on Linux. (german) staroffice.de.support.install.os2 Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice on OS/2. (german) staroffice.de.support.install.solaris Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice Solaris SPARC/x86. (german) staroffice.de.support.install.windows Q&A regarding installation of StarOffice on MS Windows 95/98/NT. (german) staroffice.de.support.misc Questions and answers regarding StarOffice not covered elsewhere. (german) staroffice.de.support.starbase Q&A regarding the data base management modul in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starbasic Q&A regarding the macro programming language in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starcalc Q&A regarding the spreadsheet in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starchart Q&A regarding the business charting modul in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.stardesktop Q&A regarding the Workplace in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.stardiscussion Q&A regarding the newsreader in StarOffice (german) staroffice.de.support.stardraw Q&A regarding the draw editor in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starimage Q&A regarding the image editor in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starimpress Q&A regarding the presentation modul in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starmail Q&A regarding the e-mail client in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starmath Q&A regarding the formular editor in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starschedule Q&A regarding the organizer in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starwriter Q&A regarding the wordprocessor in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.support.starwriter-web Q&A regarding browsing and editing of web pages with StarOffice. (german) staroffice.de.test Test newsgroup access and newsgroup functions in StarOffice. (german) staroffice.fr.support.misc Questions and answers regarding StarOffice not covered elsewhere. (french) stben.admin C.S.Saint-Benoit Habay: Annonces officielles + gestion stben.anciens C.S.Saint-Benoit Habay: Liens entres les anciens eleves stben.chat C.S.Saint-Benoit Habay: de tout stben.cours C.S.Saint-Benoit Habay: Questions/Reponses sur les cours stben.occases C.S.Saint-Benoit Habay: Seconde main stben.test C.S.Saint-Benoit Habay: Uniquement ici svp stgt.amiga Amiga users in Stuttgart. stgt.atari Atari users in Stuttgart. stgt.classified Angebote und Gesuche in Stuttgart. stgt.games Spiele in Stuttgart. stgt.general Topics of general interest in Stuttgart. stgt.ibm IBM users in Stuttgart. stgt.kleinanzeigen Angebote/Gesuche im Raum Stuttgart stgt.maps Map of Stuttgart. stgt.minix Minix users in Stuttgart. stgt.net Topics concerning the stgt.* hierarchy. stgt.next Gruppe des NeXT Klub Stuttgart (NeKSt). stgt.suecrates Topics concerning the SUECRATES, a local computer meeting. stgt.test Tests aller Art im Stuttgart-Netz. stgt.uni-s.aix Diskussionen zum Thema AIX (Gateway zu aix-admin@rus.uni-stuttgart.de) stgt.uni-s.archiv Wo gibt es welche neuen Dateien auf Archiven der U Stgt? stgt.uni-s.chemie.misc Allgemeines aus der Fakultaet Chemie stgt.uni-s.e-technik.pruefungen Diskussion um Pruefungen in der Fakultaet Elektrotechnik. stgt.uni-s.energietechnik Infos der Fak. Energietechnik der U Stuttgart. stgt.uni-s.faveve Infos der FaVeVe, der unabhaengigen Studi-Vertretung der Uni Stuttgart. stgt.uni-s.general Infos der Uni Stuttgart. stgt.uni-s.ims.general Allgemeine Informationen und Diskussionen des Instituts fuer maschinelle Spracherverarbeitung (IMS) der Universitaet Stuttgart. stgt.uni-s.ivs Informatik Verbund Stuttgart (Kontakt: ivs@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de). stgt.uni-s.markt Tauschboerse, An- und Verkauf von allerlei Gut in der Uni Stuttgart. stgt.uni-s.rus Infos vom RUS (Regionales Rechenzentrum der U Stuttgart). stgt.uni-s.rus.afs Das Andrew File System am RUS. stgt.uni-s.rus.paragon Die Intel Paragon am RUS/IPVR. stgt.uni-s.rus.paris Das PaRis Cluster am RUS. stgt.uni-s.sun Nutzung und Systemverwaltung von Sun Hardware und Software. stgt.unix Diskussion ueber Unix. stl.config Discussion of changes for the stl.* (St Louis) hierarchy. stl.dining Eating out around St Louis, Missouri. stl.forsale Stuff wanted and for sale in St Louis, Missouri. stl.general General interest items for St. Louis sites. stl.jobs St. Louis job information. stl.news St. Louis USENET information. stl.rec St. Louis recreational information. stl.test Testing in St. Louis. sudbury.misc News, politics, and current affairs in Sudbury, MA, USA. sunet.biomed.neurosci.motorctrl.clin Klinisk r|relsem{tning sunet.biomed.neurosci.neurophysiol.clin Klinisk neurofysiologi sunet.doktorand Forskarutbildningsfragor sunet.humfak.engelska.doktorander Forskarstuderande i engelska sura.announce SURAnet announcements. (Moderated) sura.config Discussion of sura hierarchy configuration. sura.noc.status SURAnet operational status messages. (Moderated) sura.security Discussions about security. (Moderated) sura.techs Discussions about SURAnet technical issues. swnet.diverse Discussions of various unrelated issues. swnet.filosofi Allt om filosofi swnet.finans Allt om ekonomi/finans swnet.fordon.bilar Allt om bilar swnet.fordon.motorcyklar Allt om motorcyklar swnet.foto Allt i foto swnet.fritid.friluftsliv Diskussioner kring friluftsliv i alla former swnet.fritid.jakt Om jakt och skytte swnet.fritid.segling Allt om segling i olika former swnet.fritid.sportdykning Om sportdykning. swnet.fritid.sportfiske Diskussioner om sportfiske swnet.general general swnet.husdjur.hundar Allt om hundar swnet.internet.irc About Internet Relay Chat in Sweden. Mostly in Swedish. swnet.internet.news No description. swnet.internet.policy Policy-fr}gor om internet och news. swnet.jobs help wanted :-) swnet.juridik Allt om juridik swnet.kultur.litteratur Om alla slags litteratur swnet.kultur.serier Diskussioner om serier swnet.media Om Journalistik, bevakning, etik och teknik i Svenska medier swnet.media.film Diskussion om film swnet.media.tv Diskussions about TV, TV programms etc swnet.moral Diskussion om etik och moral swnet.musik No description. swnet.org.abc-klubben Allm?nt om f?reningen ABC-klubben. swnet.org.snus No description. swnet.politik Bitching about taxes swnet.pryltorg (misc for sale) swnet.reklam Reklam och motsvarande information swnet.sci.astro Astronomy discussions and information. swnet.sci.genealogi Svensk sl{ktforskning. swnet.sci.medicin Om medicin och l{kekonst. swnet.sci.ufo Diskussioner om UFO-fenomenen swnet.sf Allm?nt om litteraturgenren science fiction. swnet.sis.samtalisalong Allm{nt om Samtal i Digitala Salongen swnet.sport Svenska idrottsm{ns och -kvinnors |den och {ventyr swnet.sport.boule Allt om Boule swnet.sport.cykel Allt om cyklar och cykelsport swnet.sport.hockey En grupp till for hockeyintresserade. swnet.svenska Discussions about the Swedish language. swnet.sys.amiga for those who have an amiga swnet.sys.ibm.pc or IBM PC swnet.sys.mac or Mackintosh swnet.sys.os2 Diskussioner och fragor om operativsystemet OS/2 swnet.sys.windows-nt Diskussioner om operativsystemet Microsoft Windows NT swnet.teknik.elektronik Allt om elektronik swnet.teknik.telefoni Allt om telefoni swnet.test test messages swnet.unix unix in general swnet.wanted wanted ads. sybase.server.bugnews.oahu No description. tacoma.events Happenings around Tacoma/Pierce County Washington. tacoma.general General discussions for Tacoma/Pierce County Washington. tacoma.politics Political discussions for Tacoma/Pierce County Washington. talk.abortion All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion. talk.answers Repository for periodic USENET articles. (Moderated) talk.atheism Debate about the validity and nature of atheism. talk.bizarre The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often interesting. talk.environment Discussion the state of the environment & what to do. talk.euthanasia All aspects of euthanasia. talk.origins Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). (Moderated) talk.philosophy.humanism Humanism in the modern world. talk.philosophy.misc Philosophical musings on all topics. talk.politics.animals The use and/or abuse of animals. talk.politics.china Discussion of political issues related to China. talk.politics.crypto The relation between cryptography and government. talk.politics.drugs The politics of drug issues. talk.politics.european-union The EU and political integration in Europe. talk.politics.guns The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use. talk.politics.libertarian Libertarian politics & political philosophy. talk.politics.medicine The politics and ethics involved with health care. talk.politics.mideast Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events. talk.politics.misc Political discussions and ravings of all kinds. talk.politics.soviet Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign. talk.politics.theory Theory of politics and political systems. talk.politics.tibet The politics of Tibet and the Tibetan people. talk.rape Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted. talk.religion.bahai Discussion of the Baha'i Faith. talk.religion.buddhism All aspects of Buddhism as religion and philosophy. talk.religion.course-miracle A Course in Miracles. talk.religion.misc Religious, ethical, & moral implications. talk.religion.newage Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies. talk.religion.pantheism Pantheism in general. talk.rumors For the posting of rumors. tamu.aasg Agnostic & Atheist Student Group at Texas A&M. tamu.amateur No description. tamu.cray No description. tamu.electronic.library.resources No description. tamu.flame No description. tamu.forsale No description. tamu.fuzzy Study of Fuzzy Control, Fuzzy Theory & Neural Networks. tamu.general No description. tamu.gopher No description. tamu.horticulture.rose-hybrid Rose Hybrids at TAMU tamu.jobs Job opportunities in and around Texas A&M University (Moderated) tamu.kanm.radio The Texas A&M student cable radio station, KANM. tamu.micro.mac No description. tamu.micro.msdos No description. tamu.micro.os2 No description. tamu.music No description. tamu.news No description. tamu.religion.christian Christian events and activities at Texas A&M. (Moderated) tamu.test No description. tamu.unix.general No description. tamu.unix.sgi No description. tamu.vm.general Questions, Answers, and General Info for/on VM. tamu.vms.general Question, Answers, and General Info for/on VMS. taos.config Discussion for group management in taos hierarchy. taos.dining Taos, New Meixco, area food and drink. taos.forsale Buy & $ell in Taos, New Mexico. taos.general General discussion relevant to Taos, New Mexico, USA. taos.jobs Job opportunities in Taos or Northern New Mexico. taos.reviews Discuss Taos, New Mexico, area products and services. taos.test Taos, New Mexico, test group. taos.wanted Taos, New Meixco, area wanted ads. taronga.misc No description. taronga.worldview No description. tdr.problems Reporting problems at Tansin A. Darcos & Company. (Moderated) tfcn.comm Toronto Free Community Network communications discussions. tfcn.finance Toronto Free Community Network financial discussions. tfcn.misc Toronto Free Community Network miscellaneous discussions. tfcn.org Toronto Free Community Network organizational discussions. tfcn.tech Toronto Free Community Network technical discussions. tfcn.tfn Toronto Free Community Network & the Toronto FreeNet. tfcn.vote Toronto Free Community Network votes. thelinq.admin Discussion for school administrators. (Moderated) thelinq.counselors Discussion for school counselors. (Moderated) thelinq.e-books All about electronic books. (Moderated) thelinq.elem.homework-help Help with elementary school homework. (Moderated) thelinq.elem.lesson-plans Share elementary school lesson plans. (Moderated) thelinq.elem.writing Discussion of elementary school writing. (Moderated) thelinq.geography Discuss teaching of Geography. (Moderated) thelinq.goals-2000 Discuss the goals 2000 initiative. (Moderated) thelinq.grants Where to find school grants. (Moderated) thelinq.health-workers Discussions for school health workers. (Moderated) thelinq.high.homework-help Help with high school homework. (Moderated) thelinq.high.lesson-plans Share high school lesson plans. (Moderated) thelinq.high.writing Discussion of high school writing. (Moderated) thelinq.home-schooling Home schooling discussions. (Moderated) thelinq.middle.homework-help Help with middle school homework. (Moderated) thelinq.middle.lesson-plans Share middle school lesson plans. (Moderated) thelinq.middle.writing Discussion of middle school writing. (Moderated) thelinq.parent.elem Discussions for parents of elementary school children. (Moderated) thelinq.parent.high Discussions for parents of high school children. (Moderated) thelinq.parent.middle Discussions for parents of middle school children. (Moderated) thelinq.poli-sci Political Science discussions. (Moderated) thelinq.pta-pto Discussions related to PTA/PTO groups. (Moderated) thelinq.school-council Discussions related to school councils. (Moderated) thelinq.soc-workers Discussions for school social workers. (Moderated) thelinq.student.career Discussions for students considering careers. (Moderated) thelinq.student.college-talk For students considering college. (Moderated) thelinq.student.health Health related topics for students. (Moderated) thelinq.student.motivation Motivation related topics for students. (Moderated) thelinq.student.peer-pressure Peer pressure related topics for students. (Moderated) thenet.downtime FCI's TheNet Downtimes (Moderated) thenet.support.bsd FCI's TheNet Support for BSD - FreeBSD NetBSD etc. thenet.support.cixgateway FCI's TheNet Support for Cix Gateway. thenet.support.dos FCI's TheNet Support for DOS. thenet.support.irix FCI's TheNet Support for IRIX. thenet.support.linux FCI's TheNet Support for Linux. thenet.support.os2 FCI's TheNet Support for OS2. thenet.support.windows FCI's TheNet Support for Windows v3.1. thenet.support.windows95 FCI's TheNet Support for Windows 95. thenet.support.windowsmail FCI's TheNet SUpport for Windows Mailers. thenet.support.windowsnt FCI's TheNet Support for Windows NT. thur.comm.dfue Probleme der Datenfernuebertragung thur.comp.hardware Diskussionen um Hardware thur.comp.linux Thueringer Linux-Forum thur.comp.software Diskussionen um Software thur.erfurt Alles rund um die Landeshauptstadt thur.gera.misc Alles ueber die Ostthueringer Metropole thur.gera.talk Geraer unter sich thur.gera.veranstaltungen Veranstaltungen in Gera thur.ilm Ilmkreis thur.jena Interessantes fuer Jenenser thur.markt Private Kleinanzeigen thur.misc Was sonst noch passierte ... thur.net.admin Probleme und Ausbau des Thueringen Netz thur.net.news.groups Diskussionen um neue Gruppen thur.test Zum Ausprobieren thur.uni-journal-jena FSU Jena Publikation thur.verein Informationen und Diskussionen zum Thueringen Netz e.V. thur.weimar Lokales von und fuer Weimarer tn.flame Flames in Tennessee. tn.general Items of general interest in Tennessee. tn.linux Discussion of the Linux operating system in Tennessee. tn.msdos Discussion of DOS related issues in Tennessee. tn.talk Talk in Tennessee. tn.test USENET Testing in Tennessee. tn.unix Discussion of issues related to unix in Tennessee. tnn.admin Information and announcements from tnn admin. tnn.announce Important announcements from IIJ. (Moderated) tnn.architect Discussions about archiect. tnn.archives Discussions and information about archives in Japan. tnn.archives.mirrors Arichive mirror information. tnn.arts Topics about arts, museums, etc. tnn.astro Discussions about astrology. tnn.benchmark Information and data of bechmark test of systems. tnn.bio Discussions about biology. tnn.bonsai Information of Bonsai. tnn.books Topics and information about books. tnn.books.magazine Topics and information about magazines. tnn.books.new Topics and information about newly released books. tnn.business General topics about business. tnn.business.computer Topics about computer business. tnn.business.network Topics about network business. tnn.cafe Cafe for beginners of newsgroup. tnn.chem Discussions in chemistry area. tnn.cm Commercial messages and advertisement. tnn.cm.new-product Commercial messages and advertisement of new product. tnn.comm.pager Disccusion about PAGER. tnn.config TNN configuration and administration. tnn.culture.asia Newsgroup for the whole culture of Asia. tnn.culture.kansai Discussion on Kansai culture. tnn.current-events Information of current events. tnn.databases Discussions about database systems and software. tnn.dcom Discussions about datacommunications. tnn.dcom.atm Discussions about ATM. tnn.dcom.carrier Discussions about carriers in Japan. tnn.dcom.giga-bit Discussions about gigabit technology. tnn.dcom.isdn Discussions about ISDN. tnn.dcom.modems Discussions about modems. tnn.dcom.routers Discussions about routers. tnn.dcom.satellite Discussions about communications via satellite. tnn.disasters.earthquake About earthquake disasters. tnn.diy Topics and discussions about Do-It-Yourself. tnn.events Information of events, showcases, semminars. tnn.examination Information of qualifying examinations and etc. tnn.faq-list Summary of tnn questions and answers. tnn.foods Topics and information about food, cooking, etc. tnn.foods.b-class Information about b-class gourmet foods, restaurants. tnn.foods.kansai Information about foods and restaurants in Kansai area. tnn.foods.liquor Topics and information about liquor. tnn.foods.recipes Special and intersting original recipies. tnn.foods.tokyo Information about foods and restaurants in Tokyo. tnn.forsale Short, tasteful postings about items for sale. tnn.forum Original newsgroups for user wanted. tnn.forum.asia-economy-p Asian Economy and Politics Information Exchange. tnn.forum.avs Japan AVS User Forum. tnn.forum.bridge User's group for Bridge-Engineers and lover's of bridge. tnn.forum.canna Newsgroup for Canna-ML. (Moderated) tnn.forum.dokokyo.cals JCECA CALSWG. tnn.forum.global-brain Information from Japan Computer Access(JCA). (Moderated) tnn.forum.hello-tokyo Tokyo Internet Forum "Hello! TOKYO". (Moderated) tnn.forum.high-school Meeting place for high-school students around the world. tnn.forum.ican Member's group of Intercommunication Center for Asia and Nippon. (Moderated) tnn.forum.info-city Network & city/architecture. tnn.forum.jus Information about Japan UNIX Society. tnn.forum.kansai-ri Technology Forum with Kansai-ri. tnn.forum.nature Newsgroup for wildlife and nature conservation. tnn.forum.nsug Newsgroup for Nihon Sun User Group. (Moderated) tnn.forum.soft-sys.tippler User's group for TIPPLER Users. tnn.forum.splus S-PLUS User's group. tnn.forum.tottori From Tottori Mailing List. (Moderated) tnn.forum.tron Discussion and information about the TRON Projects. tnn.forum.ventures Venture & New Business Newsgroup. (Moderated) tnn.forum.wnn User's group for Wnn. tnn.games Topics and discussions about games. tnn.games.pokemon User's group for Poket Monster. tnn.games.rpg Table Talk Role Playing Games. tnn.general General interest to readers in TNN. tnn.hardware Discussions about omputer hardware. tnn.horoscope Weekly fortune telling. (Moderated) tnn.internauts Announcement, requests, etc. about people on the internet. tnn.internet Discussions about the Internet. tnn.internet.address Discussions about Internet addresses. tnn.internet.broadcast Topics about broadcast application on the Internet. tnn.internet.firewall Discussions about Internet firewalls. tnn.internet.isode Discussions about ISODE. tnn.internet.itr Internet Talk Radio topics and programs. tnn.internet.library Discussions and information about the Internet library. tnn.internet.life Discussions about home computing, daily life on internet. tnn.internet.mobile Discussions about mobile-computing on the Internet. tnn.internet.routing Discussions about routing technology on the Internet. tnn.internet.www World Wide Web topics and programs. tnn.interv.saigai.access-guide access guide for disaster information. tnn.interv.saigai.hq disaster information by local government headquarters. (Moderated) tnn.interv.saigai.lifeinfo life-related information for disaster victims. tnn.interv.saigai.lifeline disater information by lifeline business organizations. (Moderated) tnn.interv.saigai.ngo-npo information-exchange for npo at the time of disaster. tnn.interv.saigai.official disaster information by central and local governments. (Moderated) tnn.interv.saigai.pcnet-info disaster information by pcnet. (Moderated) tnn.interv.saigai.press disater information by press. (Moderated) tnn.interv.saigai.volunteer.offers volunteer service offering at the time of disaster. tnn.interv.saigai.volunteer.wanted volunteers wanted at the time of disaster. tnn.interv.saigai.wanted information-exchange for disater victims. tnn.jobs Professional positions offered. tnn.kanji Discussions about systems, input, etc. of kanji. tnn.lang Discussions about languages. tnn.law General topics about law. tnn.law.copyright Discussions about copyright. tnn.law.patent Discussions about industrial property, e.g. patent. tnn.literature Discussions in literature. tnn.living Topics and discussions about various things in daily life. tnn.living.child-care Discussions about childcare for workers. tnn.living.health Discussions about healthy living for workers. tnn.living.insurance life insurance Q&A. tnn.mail Discussions about mail software, standards, etc. tnn.mail.uucp Discussion of UUCP network and its mail system. tnn.marketing.internet Discussion group for advertising and marketing on the Internet. (Moderated) tnn.math Discussions about mathematics. tnn.medical Discussions in medical. tnn.mpu Discussions about micro processer unit. tnn.mpu.i386 Discussions of Intel(80386). tnn.mpu.mips Discussions of MIPS chip. tnn.mpu.sparc Discussions of SPARC chip. tnn.multimedia Discussions about multimedia. tnn.multimedia.cdrom Discussions about CD-ROM. tnn.music Topics and discussions about music. tnn.music.early Music and instrument in early times. tnn.music.early.lute Topics and information about Lute. (Moderated) tnn.music.jazz-fusion Jazz and fusion music and instruments. tnn.music.players Music and instruments for music players. tnn.music.techno Topics and discussions about techno music. tnn.netnews Discussions about netnews software, systems, etc. tnn.netnews.cnews Discussions about Cnews. tnn.netnews.dream Discussions about fortune news system. tnn.netnews.inn Discussions about INN. tnn.netnews.stats News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated) tnn.netusers Posting site information. tnn.newsgroups Discussions and lists of newsgroups. tnn.newsite Posting new site announcements. tnn.os Discussions about operating systems. tnn.os.44bsd Discussions about 4.4BSD. tnn.os.aix Discussions about AIX. tnn.os.bsd-on-386 Discussions on BSD systems on 386 machines. tnn.os.bsd386.announce Important announcement about BSD386. (Moderated) tnn.os.bsd386.applications Applications on BSD386. tnn.os.bsd386.bugs BSD386 bug information. tnn.os.bsd386.development Software, tools for developers on BSD386. tnn.os.bsd386.japanese Japanese environment on BSD386. tnn.os.bsd386.x-window X-Window on BSD386. tnn.os.dosv Discussions about DOS/V. tnn.os.freebsd Discussions about FreeBSD. tnn.os.linux Discussions about Linux. tnn.os.mach Discussions about Mach. tnn.os.msdos Discussions about MS-DOS. tnn.os.netbsd Discussions about NetBSD. tnn.os.netware Discussions about NetWare. tnn.os.os2 Discussions about OS/2. tnn.os.research Discussions about research for operating systems. tnn.os.spring Discussions about Spring. tnn.os.unix Discussions about UNIX. tnn.os.windows-nt Discussions about Windows NT. tnn.os.windows95 Discussions about Windows95. tnn.physics Discussions in physics. tnn.protocols.edi Discussions about EDI. tnn.protocols.mhs Discussions about MHS. tnn.protocols.snmp Discussions about SNMP. tnn.protocols.x500 Discussions about X.500 directry service. tnn.questions Questions about miscellaneous subjects. tnn.radio.amateur Discussions about radio technologies for amateurs. tnn.radio.life Discussions about daily life with radio technology. tnn.real-estate Information of Real-estate in important area in Japan. tnn.rec.4wd User's group for 4wd-automobile enthusiast. tnn.rec.bloodtype Topics about bloodtype. tnn.rec.dance Topics related dances. tnn.rec.motorcycles User's group for motorcycles. tnn.rec.motorsport User's group for motorsport. tnn.rec.pre-idol The pre-idol newsgroup tnn.religion.buddhism.shinshu Exchange of ideas on Shin Buddhism. tnn.religion.catholic Discussion and information about catholic or Catholicism. tnn.rfc Information about RFCs. tnn.robot Discussions about robot technology. tnn.soccer Topics about soccer (Association Football). tnn.soccer.j-league Information and discussion about J-league. tnn.soccer.j-league.antlers Information and disccusion about Kashima-Antlers. tnn.soccer.j-league.grampus-eight Information and discussion about Grampus-eight. tnn.soccer.j-league.jubilo Information and discussion about YAMAHA FC jubilo IWATA. tnn.soccer.j-league.marinos Information and disccusion about Yokohama-Marinos. tnn.soccer.world-cup Topics about world-cup. tnn.software Discussions about computer software. tnn.software.studiomax User's group for 3DStudioMAX. tnn.sports Topics about sports. tnn.sports.surfing Information and discussion about surfing & BodyBoarding. tnn.sports.tennis Information and discussion about Tennis. tnn.sports.triathlon User's group for Triathletes and Duathletes. tnn.support General Q & A about specific product, makers, etc. tnn.support.hucom.fibrechannel Fibre Channel Products/Technical Information. tnn.support.hucom.modem Information for MICROCOM's Modem. tnn.sys Discussions about computer systems. tnn.sys.amiga Discussions about Amiga. tnn.sys.apple2 Discussions about Apple II. tnn.sys.arch Discussions about computer achitechture. tnn.sys.be Discussions about BeBox and Be OS. tnn.sys.ibm-pc Discussions about IBM Personal computers and clones. tnn.sys.mac Discussions about Machintosh. tnn.sys.news Discussion about SONY NEWS workstation. tnn.sys.next Discussions about NeXT workstations. tnn.sys.palmtops Discussions about computers in the palm. tnn.sys.realtime Discussions about real-time systems. tnn.sys.sgi Discussions about SIG workstations. tnn.sys.sun Discussions about Sun workstations and clones. tnn.sys.zaurus Discussions of SHARP ZAURUS. tnn.test Testing of trial distribution. tnn.text.postscript Discussions about PostScript. tnn.text.tex Discussions about TeX. tnn.travel Topics and discussions about traveling. tnn.travel.globe "Wanderes",student's travel information square. (Moderated) tnn.travel.report Report of your travel. tnn.wanted Requests for things that are needed. tnn.window.gui.motif Discussions about graphical interface of Motif. tnn.window.gui.open-look Topics on Sun Open-look GUI. tnn.window.windows Discussions about Miscosoft Windows. tnn.window.x Discussions about X-Windows. to Psuedogroup where news system for ihave/sendme messages. tor.arts No description. tor.bizarre Oddities in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. tor.config Arguments about expansion of tor.* hierarchy. tor.eats Where to eat and not to eat in the Toronto area. tor.events Events in and around Toronto, Canada. tor.forsale.computers Computers and software for sale or wanted in Toronto. tor.forsale.misc Non-computer articles for sale or wanted in Toronto. tor.general Items of general interest in Toronto, Canada. tor.housing Housing in and around Toronto, Canada. tor.ieee IEEE Toronto Connection. tor.jobs Jobs in Toronto, Canada. tor.journalism Toronto, Canada, area journalism. tor.news USENET in Toronto, Canada. tor.news.stats USENET Statistics in Toronto, Canada. tor.pagan for toronto-area pagans tor.test Testing in Toronto, Canada. tor.uucp No description. tor.www.commerce Commercial aspects of the WWW in Toronto, Canada. tor.www.misc About the World Wide Web in Toronto, Canada. tp.forum Diskussion in, um und ueber die Mailbox. tp.hilfe Toppoint Onkel Chrimek hilft den Usern. tp.isdn ISDN-Projekt und Anschluss der Toppoint. tp.pd-soft.algorithmen Toppoint Archiv fuer Algorithmen und Quelltexte. tp.pd-soft.amiga Neu in /home/pd/amiga auf tpki.toppoint.de. tp.pd-soft.atari Ankuendigung neuer PD auf dem Server fuer Atari. tp.pd-soft.cdrom Aktuelle CDs im Toppoint-PD-Archiv tp.pd-soft.ibm Neu in /home/pd/ibm auf tpki.toppoint.de. tp.pd-soft.next Neu in /home/pd/next auf tpki.toppoint.de. tp.pd-soft.os2 Ankuendigung neuer PD auf dem Server fuer OS/2. tp.pd-soft.unix Neu in /home/pd/unix auf tpki.toppoint.de. tp.pranger Beitrag schon bezahlt? tp.stellenmarkt Stellengesuche und -angebote von/fuer TPler tp.test Testnachrichten der Points. trentu.general Items of general interest at Trent University. trentu.seminar Seminar announcements at Trent University. triangle.arts Miscellaneous arts discussion triangle.bizarre Triangle off-the-wall/humorous banter triangle.config Planning the triangle.* group namespace. triangle.decus The Triangle DECUS newsletter and general DEC matters. triangle.dining Restaurants and dining in central NC. triangle.forsale NC Want ads triangle.freenet Starting a FreeNet in the Triangle area. triangle.gamers Gaming buffs in central North Carolina triangle.gardens Gardens and gardening. triangle.general general discussion in NC. triangle.graphics NC Chapter of Natl Computer Graphics Assn triangle.java Discussion of Java use and development in the Triangle area triangle.jobs Jobs offered and wanted in NC. triangle.libsci Notes of interest to libraries in NC. triangle.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality in the Triangle area. triangle.movies Movies discussions in North Carolina. triangle.neural-nets Triangle Area discussion of neural networks. triangle.online-access Online access providers and methods. triangle.personals Personal ads triangle.personals.bi Personal ads for the bisexual crowd. triangle.personals.friendship Friendship personals triangle.personals.m-seeking-m Personals for men seeking men triangle.personals.m-seeking-w Personals for men seeking women triangle.personals.motss Personal ads for the same-sex crowd. triangle.personals.variations Alternative and miscellaneous personals triangle.personals.w-seeking-m Personals for women seeking men triangle.personals.w-seeking-w Personals for women seeking women triangle.politics Politics affecting the Triangle area of North Carolina. triangle.radio Triangle Area Ham Radio Dialogue triangle.singles Meeting other single individuals in central NC triangle.singles.announce Events for singles in North Carolina. (Moderated) triangle.sports Discussion of sports in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel-Hill area. triangle.sun reposts of Sun-Spots digest and SLUG in NC triangle.systems NC system admin notices triangle.talks Seminars and conferences notices in NC triangle.test Triangle-area test posts. triangle.transport No description. triangle.vlsi No description. triangle.wanted Things you want to buy or trade for triangle.wizards local Cybermancers and friends in NC trumpet.announce Announcements of new releases of Trumpet programs. trumpet.bugs Reporting & discussion of bugs or "features". trumpet.feedback Feedback on Trumpet programs. trumpet.questions Questions & general discussion of Trumpet programs. trumpet.test Link testing. (not gatewayed to lists) tub.general No description. tub.wanted No description. tum.arch.archifant Gruppe zur Fachschaftszeitung der FS Architektur TUM. tum.e-technik.eikon EIKON Projekt. tum.e-technik.general Allgemeines an der Fakultaet fuer Elektritechnik. tum.e-technik.studium E-Technik Student(inn)en. tum.format.werkstoffe Diskussion werkstoffkundlicher Probleme. tum.general Allgemeines an der TU Muenchen. tum.info.atari ATARI's an der TU Muenchen. tum.info.aufbaustudium Aufbaustudium Informatik. tum.info.bioinfo Newsgroup fuer den Studiengang Bioinformatik. tum.info.didaktik Diskussionen zu den Themen Didaktik, Rhetorik, Soziale Kompetenz, Uebungsbetrieb, Tutorgruppen usw. tum.info.frauen Informationen der Frauenbeauftragten. tum.info.general Allgemeines am Institut fuer Informatik. tum.info.medizin Newsgruppe fuer Informatik-Student(inn)en mit Nebenfach Medizin. tum.info.progber Fragen, Antworten, Tips & Tricks. tum.info.questions Fragen und Probleme am Institut fuer Informatik. tum.info.sfb0342 Sonderforschungsbereich 0342. tum.info.soft Software am Institut fuer Informatik. tum.info.studium Vortrags-, FoPra-, Seminar- und Diplomarbeits-Ankuendigungen. tum.info.topsys Der Hypercube-Rechner am Institut fuer Informatik. tum.info.tsm Forum zum Unix Kurs der Techniker Schule Muenchen. tum.info.verwalter Mitteilungen an die Systemverwalter am Institut fuer Informatik. tum.iwb.general Instiut fuer Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften tum.physik.bl.general Beschleunigerlabor des Instituts fuer Physik. tum.physik.bl.mlle Beschleunigerlabor des Instituts fuer Physik. tum.physik.cip Institut fuer Physik der TU-Muenchen. tum.physik.festkoerper Fragen und Diskussion zur Festkoeperphysik-Vorlesung. tum.questions Fragen und Probleme an der TU Muenchen. tum.soft Software/-installationen an der TU Muenchen. tum.test Lokale Testgruppe. tum.wirtschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der TU Muenchen. tvontario.teleguide No description. tw.bbs.admin No description. tw.bbs.admin.installbbs Install BBS tw.bbs.aiesec ¸gÀÙ°ÓºÞ·| tw.bbs.alumni BBS Board of Alumni of Taiwanese Schools tw.bbs.alumni.ccshs ¤¤¥¿°ª¤¤ tw.bbs.alumni.chengkung ¦¨¥\¤¤¾Ç®Õ¤Í·| tw.bbs.alumni.chien-kuo-hs Alumni of Chien-kuo High School tw.bbs.alumni.chingmei ´º¬ü¤k¤¤®Õ¤Í·| tw.bbs.alumni.chungli ¤¤Ãc°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í·| tw.bbs.alumni.chushishs ºñ«°­·¶³--¬Ù¥ß¤¤¿³°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í·| tw.bbs.alumni.cy No description. tw.bbs.alumni.fengho »ñ©M¤¤¾Ç®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.fshs ´¹Ú¤Ñ°ó¡Ð»ñ¤s°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.fushing ¯º¶Æ¤s«°¢w´_¿³°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.hchs No description. tw.bbs.alumni.hgsh ·s¦Ë¤k¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.hsinchuang ·s²ø°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í·| tw.bbs.alumni.hsntnu No description. tw.bbs.alumni.hwachyau µØ¹´¤¤¾Ç®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.ilanhs ©yÄõ°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.jhs ¥¿¤ß¤¤¾Ç®Õ¶é°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.kavalan Äõ¤Í·|ªO tw.bbs.alumni.kcchs ¯ó¸Å¤H--«eÂí°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.keeshs »A±^·Ï«B -- °ò¤¤°ò¤kªº°Q½×¤Ñ¦a tw.bbs.alumni.kshs ªQÀÜ°a«È--°ª¶¯¤¤¾Ç®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.lanyanghs Äõ¶§¤k¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.lotunghs ùªF°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.skshs ¿³°ê¤¤¾Ç®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.stdm ¹D©ú¤¤¾Ç tw.bbs.alumni.sungshan ªQ¤s°ª¤¤ tw.bbs.alumni.taochung ®ç¶é°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.tcgshs ¥x¤¤¤k¤¤®Õ¤ÍÁp½Ë tw.bbs.alumni.tcsshs ÆN´­¤Ñ¤U - »O¤¤¤G¤¤®Õ¤Í·|ª© tw.bbs.alumni.tfg ¥_¤@¤k¤¤®Õ¤Í·| tw.bbs.alumni.tfhs ¦Ë¶é¹C¤l--¥x«n¤@¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.tfshs ¥x¤¤¤@¤¤®Õ¤Íª© tw.bbs.alumni.touchung ¤æ¤»°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.tshs ªF¤s°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.tssh-ccgsh ¥x«n¤G¤¤¤Î®a»ô¤k¤¤®Õ¤ÍªO tw.bbs.alumni.viator ¶Ç»¡¤¤ªº¥j³ù--½Ã¹D¤¤¾Ç tw.bbs.alumni.whshs ¤åµØ°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.alumni.wuling ªZ³®°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í·| tw.bbs.alumni.yangming ¬Ù¥ß¶§©ú°ª¤¤®Õ¤Í°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.announce BBS Board of Announcements from SYSOPs (Moderated) tw.bbs.answers BBS Board of Questions and Answers (Moderated) tw.bbs.campus BBS Board of School Life tw.bbs.campus.activity BBS Board of School Activities tw.bbs.campus.advancededu BBS Board of Advanced Study tw.bbs.campus.education No description. tw.bbs.campus.fju »²¤j®Õ¶é°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.campus.graduate graduate tw.bbs.campus.job No description. tw.bbs.campus.ltc No description. tw.bbs.campus.nccu ¬F¤j®Õ¶é°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.campus.nchu No description. tw.bbs.campus.ncku Discussion of NCKU tw.bbs.campus.nctu BBS Board of NCTU Campus Life tw.bbs.campus.ncu Discussion of NCU tw.bbs.campus.nthu BBS Board of NTHU Campus Life tw.bbs.campus.ntit ¥x¤¤§Þ³N¾Ç°| tw.bbs.campus.ntnu-mtc ®v¤j°ê»y±Ð¾Ç¤¤¤ß tw.bbs.campus.ntu BBS Board of NTU Campus Life tw.bbs.campus.pu ÀR©y¤j¾Ç®Õª© tw.bbs.campus.stjctc ¾ð¼w¤u°Ó±M®Õ®ÕªO tw.bbs.campus.tit tit tw.bbs.campus.ttit ¤j¦P¤u¾Ç°|®Õ¶é°Q½× tw.bbs.campus.wfit §d»ñ§Þ³N¾Ç°|®ÕªO tw.bbs.campus.yuntech ¶³§Þ®Õ¶é°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.comp.386bsd BBS Board of BSD UNIXs on INTEL 386/486 tw.bbs.comp.activex ActiveX §Þ³NÀ³¥Î°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.comp.book ¹q¸£¸ê°T¹Ï®Ñ tw.bbs.comp.cad CAD ¹q¸£»²§U³]­p tw.bbs.comp.chinese ¤¤¤å¸ê°T¼Ð·Ç¤Î§Þ³N tw.bbs.comp.database ¸ê®Æ®w³]­p»PÀ³¥Î tw.bbs.comp.dos BBS Board of Microsoft DOS for PC tw.bbs.comp.graphics ¹q¸£¹Ï¾Ç»PµêÀÀ¹ê¹Ò tw.bbs.comp.hacker BBS Board of Software Tricks tw.bbs.comp.hardware BBS Board of Computer Hardware tw.bbs.comp.hardware.cdrom ­pºâ¾÷µwÅé: CD-ROM tw.bbs.comp.hardware.comm ­pºâ¾÷µwÅé: ¹q¸£³q°TµwÅé°Q½× tw.bbs.comp.hardware.cpu ­pºâ¾÷µwÅé: CPU (& FPU) tw.bbs.comp.hardware.marketplace ¹q¸£¤Î©PÃä¦æ±¡³ø¾É tw.bbs.comp.hardware.misc ­pºâ¾÷µwÅé: ¨ä¥L¹q¸£µwÅé¸ÜÃD tw.bbs.comp.hardware.network ­pºâ¾÷µwÅé: ¹q¸£ºô¸ôµwÅé°Q½× tw.bbs.comp.hardware.soundcard ¹q¸£­µ®Ä¥d tw.bbs.comp.hardware.storage ­pºâ¾÷µwÅé: Àx¦s¸Ë¸m tw.bbs.comp.hardware.systems ­pºâ¾÷µwÅé: ¤@¯ë¹q¸£µwÅé°Q½× tw.bbs.comp.irc BBS Board of Internet Relay Chat tw.bbs.comp.lang.basic °ö°ò»y¨¥°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.comp.lang.fortran QUESTIONS & ANSWERS OF FORTRAN tw.bbs.comp.lang.java Java °Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.comp.lang.perl Perl »y¨¥°Q½× tw.bbs.comp.language BBS Board of Computer Languages tw.bbs.comp.linux BBS Board of Linux Operating System tw.bbs.comp.mac BBS Board of Macintosh tw.bbs.comp.midi BBS Board of Computer MIDI tw.bbs.comp.modem modem tw.bbs.comp.mswindows BBS Board of Microsoft Windows tw.bbs.comp.mswindows.nt MS Windows NT °Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.comp.mswindows.win95 Win95 °Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.comp.multimedia No description. tw.bbs.comp.network BBS Board of Computer Networks tw.bbs.comp.novell BBS Board of Novell System tw.bbs.comp.oop No description. tw.bbs.comp.os.nextstep No description. tw.bbs.comp.os2 BBS Board of IBM OS2 tw.bbs.comp.pda ­Ó¤H¼Æ¦ì§U²z/´x¤W«¬¹q¸£ tw.bbs.comp.security BBS Board of Computer Security tw.bbs.comp.semiconductor ¹q¸£¥b¾ÉÅé°Q½× tw.bbs.comp.shareware BBS Board of Shareware/Freeware/PD tw.bbs.comp.software BBS Board of Computer Software tw.bbs.comp.sources No description. tw.bbs.comp.tex No description. tw.bbs.comp.unix BBS Board of UNIX Operating System tw.bbs.comp.virii ¹q¸£¯f¬r³]­p tw.bbs.comp.virus BBS Board of Computer Virus tw.bbs.comp.winsock WinSock tw.bbs.comp.www No description. tw.bbs.comp.xwindow BBS Board of MIT X Windows tw.bbs.config BBS Board of Configuration tw.bbs.csbbs No description. tw.bbs.csbbs.pbbs PowerBBS °Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.edu.normal ®v½d±Ð¨|¸ê°T¥æ¬y¤Î°Q½× tw.bbs.forsale BBS Board of Second-Hand Sale Market tw.bbs.forsale.computer No description. tw.bbs.forsale.house No description. tw.bbs.general BBS Board of General Discussion tw.bbs.help BBS Board of Help from Newcomers tw.bbs.lang.chinese BBS Board of Chinese Language tw.bbs.lang.english BBS Board of English Language tw.bbs.lang.francais ªk¤å¼s³õ tw.bbs.lang.japanese BBS Board of Japanese Language tw.bbs.lang.spanish ¼ö±¡©Ô¤B±Ú tw.bbs.lists BBS Board of BBS Statistics (Moderated) tw.bbs.literal.article BBS Board of Short Prose tw.bbs.literal.asciiart BBS Board of ASCII Arts tw.bbs.literal.book BBS Board of Book Review tw.bbs.literal.chinese ¶Ç²Î¤¤°ê¤å¾Ç tw.bbs.literal.emprisenovel BBS Board of Emprise Novels tw.bbs.literal.lyrics BBS Board of Lyrics tw.bbs.literal.mystery ±À²z¤å¾Ç tw.bbs.literal.poem BBS Board of Poems tw.bbs.literal.redology ¾K¬õ¼Ó¹Ú tw.bbs.literal.romance ®öº©¤å¾Ç tw.bbs.literal.sfnovel ¬ì¤Û¤p»¡ tw.bbs.literal.story BBS Board of Short Stories tw.bbs.music.chinese Discussion for Chinese music tw.bbs.music.classical BBS Board of Classical Music tw.bbs.music.heavy_metal ­«ª÷ÄÝ ­Ñ¼Ö³¡ tw.bbs.music.japan ¤é¥»¬y¦æ­µ¼Ö tw.bbs.music.jazz Àï¤h­µ¼Ö°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.music.pop BBS Board of Popular Music tw.bbs.music.rocknroll rocknroll tw.bbs.netnews BBS Board of Network News tw.bbs.newgroups BBS Board of New Groups Discussion tw.bbs.org.cie ¤¤¤u·| tw.bbs.org.cycluga ±Ï°ê¹Î®ç¶é¿¤¹Î©e· tw.bbs.rec.aquarium ¤ô±Ú­Ñ¼Ö³¡ tw.bbs.rec.art BBS Board of Art tw.bbs.rec.audiophile BBS Board of Audiophile tw.bbs.rec.beautysalon ¬ü®e«O¾i°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.rec.bicycle bicycle tw.bbs.rec.bridge BBS Board of Bridge Fans tw.bbs.rec.car BBS Board of Car Fans tw.bbs.rec.chess BBS Board of Chess Fans tw.bbs.rec.cidol °ê¤º°¸¹³°Q½× tw.bbs.rec.coffee ­»¾J¿@­§ªº©@°Ø¥@¬É tw.bbs.rec.comic BBS Board of Comic Fans tw.bbs.rec.cuteness No description. tw.bbs.rec.dance BBS Board of Dance Fans tw.bbs.rec.disney ­}¤h¥§¥@¬É tw.bbs.rec.drama No description. tw.bbs.rec.entertainment BBS Board of Recreational Entertainment tw.bbs.rec.flight-sim ¼ÒÀÀ­¸¦æ¤Ñ¦a tw.bbs.rec.flower BBS Board of Flowers tw.bbs.rec.foodstuff BBS Board of Foods tw.bbs.rec.guitar BBS Board of Guitars tw.bbs.rec.harmonica ¤fµ^°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.rec.instrument BBS Board of Musical Instruments tw.bbs.rec.japan-idol idol tw.bbs.rec.japan-idol.uchida-yuki ¤é¥»°¸¹³¤º¥Ð¦³¬ö±MÄÝ°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.rec.marvel BBS Board of Marvels tw.bbs.rec.mj ¤¤°ê°êºé -- ³Â±N tw.bbs.rec.mobilecomm ¦æ°Ê³q°T²£«~°Q½×(¦æ°Ê¹q¸Ü,©I¥s¾¹..) tw.bbs.rec.model ¼Ò«¬ÃÀ³N tw.bbs.rec.motorcycle No description. tw.bbs.rec.movie BBS Board of Movies tw.bbs.rec.mud BBS Board of Internet Muds tw.bbs.rec.palmardrama ´x¤¤°®©[¡Ð¥¬³UÀ¸ tw.bbs.rec.pcgame BBS Board of PC Games tw.bbs.rec.pcgame.foreign °ê¥~¹q¸£¹CÀ¸ tw.bbs.rec.pet BBS Board of Pets tw.bbs.rec.photo BBS Board of Photography tw.bbs.rec.radio BBS Board of the Radio tw.bbs.rec.radio.amateur ·~¾lµL½u¹q¥æ¬y tw.bbs.rec.rail Discussion of Taiwan Railway and Train. tw.bbs.rec.scouting ¤@¤éµ£­x¡E¤@¥@µ£­x tw.bbs.rec.sport-cards ²y­û¥d¦¬Âä߱o¥æ´«°Ï tw.bbs.rec.stamp BBS Board of Stamp Collection tw.bbs.rec.startrek ¤HÃþªº²×·¥Ãäæ tw.bbs.rec.starwars ¬P»Ú¤j¾Ô -- Ä@­ì¤O»P§A¦P¦b tw.bbs.rec.tea BBS Board of Tea/Coffee tw.bbs.rec.travel BBS Board of Travelling tw.bbs.rec.tv BBS Board of TV Programs tw.bbs.rec.tv.x-files ¢æÀÉ®×°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.rec.video ¼v­µµøÅ¥ tw.bbs.rec.videogame BBS Board of Video Games tw.bbs.rec.weapon BBS Board of Modern Weapons tw.bbs.rec.wine BBS Board of Wine tw.bbs.sci.astrology BBS Board of Astrology tw.bbs.sci.astronomy BBS Board of Astronomy tw.bbs.sci.biology BBS Board of Biology tw.bbs.sci.chemistry BBS Board of Chemistry tw.bbs.sci.design ³]­p¤Ñ¦a tw.bbs.sci.e-commerce ¹q¤l°Ó°È°Q½×ª© tw.bbs.sci.economics BBS Board of Economics tw.bbs.sci.electronics BBS Board of Electronics tw.bbs.sci.entomology entomology tw.bbs.sci.finance No description. tw.bbs.sci.finance.funds ¦@¦P°òª÷ tw.bbs.sci.first_aid No description. tw.bbs.sci.history BBS Board of Historical Research tw.bbs.sci.history.sango ¤T°ê§Ó - ¸s¶¯¨Ã°_ tw.bbs.sci.insurance ¦UÃþ«OÀI¥DÃD°Q½× tw.bbs.sci.law BBS Board of Laws tw.bbs.sci.math BBS Board of Mathematics tw.bbs.sci.mba ¸g¶T¤j¶Õ¡@©ñ²´¤Ñ¤U tw.bbs.sci.mechanics Mechanics tw.bbs.sci.medicine BBS Board of Medicine tw.bbs.sci.mis ¸ê°TºÞ²z½×¾Â tw.bbs.sci.philosophy BBS Board of Philosophy tw.bbs.sci.physics BBS Board of Physics tw.bbs.sci.psychology BBS Board of Psychology tw.bbs.sci.sex BBS Board of Sex tw.bbs.soc.birds ­¸¦Ð»aªÆ tw.bbs.soc.canada ¥[®³¤j tw.bbs.soc.changhua ¥b½u¤§ÅÊ tw.bbs.soc.charity BBS Board of Charities tw.bbs.soc.chiayi ¤~¤l¹Å¤H°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.soc.consumers ®ø¶OªÌ¶é¦a tw.bbs.soc.emergency [°ê®aºò«æ¦MÃø±Ï§U] tw.bbs.soc.feminism ¤k©Ê¥D¸q°Q½×°Ï (Moderated) tw.bbs.soc.green-earth BBS Board of Envirmental Protection tw.bbs.soc.hakka BBS Board of Hakka Culture tw.bbs.soc.handicapped ´Ý¤Í¤ßÁn tw.bbs.soc.hsinchu BBS Board of Hsinchu Culture tw.bbs.soc.hualien ÏwÄi­·±¡ tw.bbs.soc.i-lan Discussion of I-Lan Sociality tw.bbs.soc.japan No description. tw.bbs.soc.kaohsiung No description. tw.bbs.soc.keelung «B³£±¡Ãh -- ÄÝ©ó°ò¶©ªº°Q½×¤Ñ¦a tw.bbs.soc.malaysia ¤j°¨¾Ç³N¨¥½×ªO tw.bbs.soc.media ´C¤¶, ¤å¤Æ»PªÀ·| tw.bbs.soc.motss No description. tw.bbs.soc.overseas No description. tw.bbs.soc.pingtung ·¦ªL­·±¡ tw.bbs.soc.politics BBS Board of Social Politics tw.bbs.soc.politics.dpp No description. tw.bbs.soc.politics.kmt °ê¥ÁÄÒ°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.soc.politics.np ·sÄÒ°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.soc.religion BBS Board of Religion tw.bbs.soc.religion.buddhism ¥Í¬¡¦ò±Ð tw.bbs.soc.sccid «n¤èªÀ°Ï¤å¤Æºô¸ô¹q¤l³ø tw.bbs.soc.socialwelfare ªÀ·|¤½¯q--ÃöÃh®z¶Õ¹ÎÅé tw.bbs.soc.society Society(Discussions on public issues) (Moderated) tw.bbs.soc.tai-tung ¬â«°°O¨Æ--¥xªF tw.bbs.soc.taichung No description. tw.bbs.soc.tainan ¨ª®r­·±¡ tw.bbs.soc.taipei No description. tw.bbs.soc.taiwanese BBS Board of Taiwanese Culture tw.bbs.soc.taoyuan entomology tw.bbs.soc.tayal BBS Board of Tayal Culture tw.bbs.soc.transport transport in Taiwan tw.bbs.soc.tzuchi ·OÀÙ¤j±M«C¦~Áp½Ë·| tw.bbs.sports BBS Board of Sports tw.bbs.sports.baseball BBS Board of Baseball tw.bbs.sports.baseball.bears No description. tw.bbs.sports.baseball.dragons No description. tw.bbs.sports.baseball.eagles No description. tw.bbs.sports.baseball.elephants No description. tw.bbs.sports.baseball.lions No description. tw.bbs.sports.baseball.mlb ¬ü°ê¾´Î¤jÁp·ù tw.bbs.sports.baseball.npb ¤é¥»Â¾´Î tw.bbs.sports.baseball.tigers No description. tw.bbs.sports.baseball.whales ¾´Î©M«HÄH­Ñ¼Ö³¡ tw.bbs.sports.basketball BBS Board of Basketball tw.bbs.sports.basketball.nba ¬ü°ê¾·~Äx²y tw.bbs.sports.fishing BBS Board of Fishing tw.bbs.sports.inlineskate ½ü¤M¥@¬É tw.bbs.sports.kongfu No description. tw.bbs.sports.mountain BBS Board of Maintain Climbing tw.bbs.sports.mountain.diversity ¥xÆW¦h¤¸µn¤s³¥½ì tw.bbs.sports.pro-wrestling ¾·~ºL¨¤ tw.bbs.sports.soccer ¨¬²y¤Ñ¦a tw.bbs.sports.swimming ®ö¸Ì¥ÕÀÜ¥ô§Ú¦æ tw.bbs.sports.table-tennis ºô²y°Q½×°Ï tw.bbs.sports.tennis BBS Board of Tennis tw.bbs.sports.volleyball ±Æ²y tw.bbs.talk BBS Board of Free Talks tw.bbs.talk.boy-girl No description. tw.bbs.talk.feeling BBS Board of Feelings tw.bbs.talk.francophone ªk¤å¥æ¬y¹D tw.bbs.talk.friends BBS Board of Making Friends tw.bbs.talk.joke BBS Board of Humorous Jokes tw.bbs.talk.ladytalk BBS Board of Women Talks tw.bbs.talk.love BBS Board of Love Stories tw.bbs.talk.mentalk BBS Board of Men Talks tw.bbs.talk.newscast No description. tw.bbs.talk.notepad BBS Board of Interesting Message Notepad tw.bbs.test BBS Board of Testing tw.bbs.udnie Áp¦X¸ê°T±Ð¨| tw.k-12.class No description. tw.k-12.education No description. tw.k-12.english No description. tw.k-12.guide No description. tw.k-12.health No description. tw.k-12.information No description. tw.k-12.junior No description. tw.k-12.junior.art No description. tw.k-12.junior.biology No description. tw.k-12.junior.chinese No description. tw.k-12.junior.english No description. tw.k-12.junior.history No description. tw.k-12.junior.math No description. tw.k-12.junior.music No description. tw.k-12.kindergarten No description. tw.k-12.life-tech No description. tw.k-12.physchemical No description. tw.k-12.policy No description. tw.k-12.primary No description. tw.k-12.primary.art No description. tw.k-12.primary.chinese No description. tw.k-12.primary.math No description. tw.k-12.primary.music No description. tw.k-12.primary.nature No description. tw.k-12.primary.society No description. tw.k-12.primary.sport No description. tw.k-12.senior No description. tw.k-12.special.education No description. tw.k-12.students No description. tw.k-12.teachers No description. tx-bcs.forsale Items for sale in Bryan/College Station. tx-bcs.general General interest topics in Bryan/College Station. tx-bcs.internet.providers Internet Access in Bryan/College Station. tx-bcs.internet.usersgroup Bryan/College Station Internet Users Group. tx-bcs.jobs Jobs available/wanted in Bryan/College Station. tx-bcs.usenet.config Bryan/College Station Usenet configuration. tx-bcs.usenet.test Testing Usenet postings in Bryan/College Station. tx-bcs.wanted Items wanted in Bryan/College Station. tx.evolution.vs.abortion No description. tx.flame Texas flames. tx.forsale Stuff for sale in Texas. tx.general Items of general interest in Texas. tx.guns No description. tx.jobs Jobs in Texas. tx.maps ? (Moderated) tx.motorcycles Biker Texans. tx.politics Politics in Texas. tx.politics.republic Concerning the reestablishment of the Republic of Texas tx.religion.pagan Discussion about Paganism in Texas. tx.telecom Telecommunication News in Texas. tx.test Testing in Texas. tx.usenet.config No description. tx.usenet.stats No description. tx.usenet.test Testing Usenet postings in the state of Texas. tx.wanted Texas want ads. u3b.config 3B Distribution configuration. u3b.misc 3B Miscellaneous Discussions. u3b.sources Sources for AT&T 3B systems. u3b.tech 3B Technical Discussions. u3b.test 3B Distribution Testing. ualberta.general No description. ualberta.phys.general No description. uark.asg Associated Student Government, Univ of Arkansas. uark.config Univ of Ark newsadmin stuff. uark.forsale Items for sale, services. Univ of Arkansas. uark.general The University of Arkansas, Home of the Razorbacks. uark.jobs Jobs wanted/available - Univ of Arkansas. uark.orgs Student Organizations, University of Arkansas. uark.sports National Champion Arkansas Razorbacks!!! ubc.courses.cpsc.537b Course newsgroup at U of British Columbia, Vancouver. uberlin.general No description. uc.general Items of general interest at the University of California. uc.grads.union Implications of union with regard to grad student TAs. uc.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality at Univ of California. uc.news University of California news. uc.test Testing for University of California. ucb.alt.uclink Unofficial forum for discussion of UCLink related issues ucb.alumni Discussion Group for UC Berkeley Alumni ucb.arts Discussion/announcement of art/music events. ucb.becmug The Berkeley Electronic and Computer Music Group's discussion group. ucb.boalt Announcements/Discussion regarding the Boalt Hall Law School. ucb.building-coord Announcements/Discussion for building coordinators. ucb.cchem Discussions/announcements regarding the College of Chemistry ucb.ce.grads Civil Engineering graduate students ucb.ce.undergrads Civil Engineering undergraduate students ucb.ced College of Environmental Design Discussion Group ucb.china.hk-roc Discussion about the Hong Kong turnover. ucb.class.ba100 Business Administration 100 ucb.class.ba120 Business Administration 120 ucb.class.ba202a Business Administration 202A ucb.class.ce131 CE 131: Advanced Mechanics of Materials ucb.class.chem1a Chemistry 1a Topcis ucb.class.complit60ac-3 Comparative Literature 60ac, Sec. 3 (American Cultures course) ucb.class.cs150 Computer Science 150 ucb.class.cs152 Computer Science 152 ucb.class.cs160 Computer Science 160 ucb.class.cs162 Computer Science 162 ucb.class.cs164 Computer Science 164 ucb.class.cs169 Computer Science 169 ucb.class.cs170 Computer Science 170 ucb.class.cs172 Computer Science 172 ucb.class.cs174 Computer Science 174 ucb.class.cs184 Computer Science 184 ucb.class.cs186 Computer Science 186 ucb.class.cs188 Computer Science 188 ucb.class.cs189 Computer Science 189 ucb.class.cs195 Computer Science 195 ucb.class.cs198 Computer Science 198 ucb.class.cs198-4 Computer Science 198-4 ucb.class.cs250 Computer Science 250 ucb.class.cs252 Computer Science 252 ucb.class.cs254 Computer Science 254 ucb.class.cs260 Computer Science 260 ucb.class.cs262 Computer Science 262 ucb.class.cs263 Computer Science 263 ucb.class.cs264 Computer Science 264 ucb.class.cs265 Computer Science 265 ucb.class.cs266 Computer Science 266 ucb.class.cs267 Computer Science 267 ucb.class.cs268 Computer Science 268 ucb.class.cs270 Computer Science 270 ucb.class.cs274 Computer Science 274 ucb.class.cs276 Computer Science 276 ucb.class.cs277 Computer Science 277 ucb.class.cs282 Computer Science 282 ucb.class.cs283 Computer Science 283 ucb.class.cs284 Computer Science 284 ucb.class.cs285 Computer Science 285 ucb.class.cs286 Computer Science 286 ucb.class.cs287 Computer Science 287 ucb.class.cs288 Computer Science 288 ucb.class.cs294-4 Computer Science 294-4 ucb.class.cs294-5 Computer Science 294-5 ucb.class.cs3 Computer Science 3 ucb.class.cs30s Computer Science 30s ucb.class.cs3s Computer Science 3s ucb.class.cs61a Computer Science 61a ucb.class.cs61b Computer Science 61b ucb.class.cs61c Computer Science 61c ucb.class.cs8 Computer Science 8 ucb.class.cs9a Computer Science 9a ucb.class.cs9b Computer Science 9b ucb.class.cs9c Computer Science 9c ucb.class.cs9d Computer Science 9d ucb.class.cs9e Computer Science 9e ucb.class.cs9f Computer Science 9f ucb.class.cs9g Computer Science 9g ucb.class.econ201a Economics 201a Topics ucb.class.ee1 Electrical Engineering 1 ucb.class.ee105 Electrical Engineering 105 ucb.class.ee117a Electrical Engineering 117a ucb.class.ee117b Electrical Engineering 117b ucb.class.ee118 Electrical Engineering 118 ucb.class.ee120 Electrical Engineering 120 Topics ucb.class.ee121 Electrical Engineering 121 ucb.class.ee122 Electrical Engineering 122 ucb.class.ee123 Electrical Engineering 123 ucb.class.ee125 Electrical Engineering 125 ucb.class.ee126 Electrical Engineering 126 ucb.class.ee128 Electrical Engineering 128 ucb.class.ee130 Electrical Engineering 130 ucb.class.ee136 Electrical Engineering 136 ucb.class.ee140 Electrical Engineering 140 ucb.class.ee141 Electrical Engineering 141 ucb.class.ee142 Electrical Engineering 142 ucb.class.ee143 Electrical Engineering 143 ucb.class.ee145a Electrical Engineering 145a ucb.class.ee145b Electrical Engineering 145b ucb.class.ee146 Electrical Engineering 146 ucb.class.ee192 Electrical Engineering 192 ucb.class.ee20 Electrical Engineering 20 ucb.class.ee219 Electrical Engineering 219 ucb.class.ee221a Electrical Engineering 221a ucb.class.ee224 Electrical Engineering 224 ucb.class.ee225a Electrical Engineering 225a ucb.class.ee225b Electrical Engineering 225b ucb.class.ee225c Electrical Engineering 225c ucb.class.ee225d Electrical Engineering 225d ucb.class.ee226 Electrical Engineering 226 ucb.class.ee227 Electrical Engineering 227 ucb.class.ee227a Electrical Engineering 227a ucb.class.ee227b Electrical Engineering 227b ucb.class.ee228a Electrical Engineering 228a ucb.class.ee228b Electrical Engineering 228b ucb.class.ee229 Electrical Engineering 229 ucb.class.ee231 Electrical Engineering 231 ucb.class.ee240 Electrical Engineering 240 ucb.class.ee241 Electrical Engineering 241 ucb.class.ee242 Electrical Engineering 242 ucb.class.ee243 Electrical Engineering 243 ucb.class.ee244 Electrical Engineering 244 ucb.class.ee246 Electrical Engineering 246 ucb.class.ee254 Electrical Engineering 254 ucb.class.ee290a Electrical Engineering 290a ucb.class.ee290b Electrical Engineering 290b ucb.class.ee290d Electrical Engineering 290d ucb.class.ee290h Electrical Engineering 290h ucb.class.ee290j Electrical Engineering 290j ucb.class.ee290l Electrical Engineering 290l ucb.class.ee290n Electrical Engineering 290n ucb.class.ee290t Electrical Engineering 290t ucb.class.ee290w Electrical Engineering 290w ucb.class.ee40 Electrical Engineering 40 ucb.class.ee40i Electrical Engineering 40i ucb.class.ee42 Electrical Engineering 42 ucb.class.ee43 Electrical Engineering 43 ucb.class.ee77s Electrical Engineering 77s ucb.class.eecsba1 EECS BA 1 Topics ucb.class.german5a German 5A Topics. ucb.class.hist163a History 163a Topics ucb.class.infosys206 information system and management 206 ucb.class.la237 Landscape Architecture 237 ucb.class.math1a Math 1A Topics ucb.class.n241 EE 241 NTU Topics ucb.class.physics7a Physics 7A Topics ucb.class.physics7b Physics 7B ucb.class.stat2 Statistics 2 ucb.cogsci Discussion and announcemnts to the UCB Cognitive Science community. ucb.computing.announce Announcements regarding computing at UCB. ucb.cs.alphas Discussion group for the CS DEC alphas. ucb.cs.grads Discussion group for Computer Science grads. ucb.cs.hpux.sysadmins CS HP/UX sys admins ucb.cs.hpux.users CS HP/UX Users ucb.cs.jobs Job listings for the Computer Science Department ucb.cs.msgs A gatewayed 'Msgs' list concerning CS. ucb.cs.sww.announce The CS "Software Warehouse" server announce group. ucb.cs.undergrads Discussion group for Computer Science undergrads. ucb.digital-video Discussion of hardware, software, and applications of digital video. ucb.discuss.japan Discussion about Japan. ucb.eats Discussion/Reviews of restaurants and food. ucb.econ.grads Discussion group for Economic grads. ucb.education.dte Developmental Teacher Education program. ucb.ee.grads Discussion group for Electrical Engineering grads. ucb.ee.msgs A gatewayed 'Msgs' list concerning EE. ucb.ee.undergrads Discussion group for Electrical Engineering undergrads. ucb.eecs.net.stats EECS network statistics. ucb.eecs.sww.announce The EECS "Software Warehouse" server announce group. ucb.english Discussion/announcements regarding the English department. ucb.ephemerata Now you see it, now you don't. ucb.erg Discussion group for the Energy Resources Group. ucb.erotica.sensual Sensually explicit erotic literature (Moderated) ucb.extension.general news of interest to UC Extension employees ucb.film-program Discussion group about for the UCB Film Program. ucb.flame Disgruntled comments of an inflammatory nature. ucb.games.magic Magic, The Gathering, Discussion Group ucb.general General announcements for the UCB community. ucb.geography.comp-facility Announcement/discussion group about the Geography Computing Facility ucb.geology The Geology Department Discussion Group. ucb.german Discussion Group for German Department, Students, Germanphiles. ucb.grads Announcements & discussion concerning all UCB grad students. ucb.hsb.announce Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.calendar Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.cbw The Haas "Cal Business Weekly." ucb.hsb.computers Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.gbc The Haas Graduate Business Conference ucb.hsb.general Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.haas-online.market The online market place for the Haas On-line E-zine ucb.hsb.ibc Haas Internet Business Club Discussion Group ucb.hsb.mba.announce Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.mba.general Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.mbaa Haas MBA Associates - The Businesses School's Student Government ucb.hsb.phd.announce Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.phd.general Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.undergrads.announce Haas School of Business. ucb.hsb.undergrads.general Haas School of Business. ucb.icsi Discussion/announcements concerning the International Computer Science Institute. ucb.icsi.computing Discussion/Announcements computing at ICSI. ucb.icsi.talks Announcements of talks and seminars concerning ICSI. ucb.ieor.grads Discussion group for Department of Industrial Engineering and Operation Research (IEOR) Grads ucb.ieor.undergrads Industrial Engineering undergraduate students ucb.itp Discussion Group for the Instructional Technology Program ucb.jobs Help wanted announcements. ucb.journalism Journalism Department Discussion Group ucb.linguistics A general forum for the UCB Linguistics Department. ucb.market.books For selling or requesting text books. ucb.market.housing Postings seeking or offering housing. ucb.market.misc Tasteful, short postings about items forsale or items wanted to purchase. ucb.market.vehicles Car for sale / wanted ads. ucb.math Discussion/announcements concerning the Mathematics Department. ucb.math.seminars Seminar announcements concerning the Mathematics Department. ucb.math.undergrads The Math Undergrad Discussion Group ucb.mcb.grad Molecular and Cellular Biology Grad Student Group ucb.me.grads Discussion group for Mechanical Engineering grads. ucb.me.grads.announce Announcements for Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students ucb.me.undergrads Mechanical Engineering undegraduate students ucb.net Announcements of network problems/fixes and general network interest. ucb.net.announce Announcements of network problems/fixes and general network interest. ucb.net.discussion Discussion of network problems/fixes and general network interest. ucb.net.home-ip.announce Announcements about the Home IP Service (Moderated) ucb.net.home-ip.discussion Discussion/Questions/Tips about Home IP issues, software, etc ucb.net.linkfail The linkfail bitnet list, concerning downed bitnet sites. ucb.net.mbone Announcements / Discussion regarding IP Multicast Services at UCB ucb.net.stats Network Statistics. ucb.net.www.providers UCB Campus WWW Providers Discussion Group ucb.news General info about Usenet News at Berkeley. ucb.news.stats Statistics on Usenet News transmission and NNTP useage. ucb.nuc.grads Nuclear Engineering graduate students ucb.nuc.undergrads Nuclear Engineering undergraduate students ucb.org.aclu The Berkeley Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union. ucb.org.agse Discussion group for the Association of Graduate Student Employees. ucb.org.aquaria The C-BAS Aquarium Organization ucb.org.asuc ASUC announcement group. ucb.org.aswg American Studies Working Group Discussion Group ucb.org.bcr Berkeley College Republicans. ucb.org.bicycal Discussion of cycling issues on campus ucb.org.bio-scholars The Biology Scholars Program ucb.org.bis Berkeley Internet Society Discussion Group ucb.org.bridge-club UCB Bridge Club. ucb.org.cal-animage Discussion within Cal-Animage Alpha about club activities ucb.org.cal-cycling Discussion group for the Cal Cycling Team ucb.org.calhev The Cal Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team ucb.org.callug Discussion of issues pertaining to the Cal Linux Users Group ucb.org.calsurfteam Discussion Group fro the Cal Surf Team ucb.org.clignet Discussion group for Comparative Literature Graduate Students ucb.org.csgsa Computer Science Grad Student Association. ucb.org.csu The Chinese Student Union Announcement / Discussion group. ucb.org.csua Discussion group for the CS Undergrad Association. ucb.org.ficb Discussion group for the Fellowship in Christ at Berkeley ucb.org.filmstuds Graduate Film Studies Working Group Discussion Group ucb.org.golden-key Discussion for the Golden Key Society. ucb.org.grad-assembly The Grad Assembly announcement group. ucb.org.hiking-club Hiking Club Discusion group. ucb.org.hillel Discussion group for the Berkeley Hillel ucb.org.indus Forum for the Student Organization INDUS ucb.org.iran-club Iranian Student Association Group. ucb.org.kbsu Korean Baptist Student Union Discussion Group ucb.org.lt-weight-crew The Cal Light Weight Crew Discussion group. ucb.org.lyceum UC Berkeley Lyceum club. ucb.org.mcbusa The Molecular and Cell Biology Undergraduate Student Association discussion group ucb.org.mystique Discussion group for Mystique Productions ucb.org.nihonjin-kai Discussion group for "Nihonjin-kai" for Japanese engineers at UCB ucb.org.ntug Discussion Group for Windows NT Users Group. ucb.org.ocf Discussion group for the Open Computing Facilily. ucb.org.pasae Pilipino Association of Scientists, Architects, and Engineers Discussion Group ucb.org.quiz-bowl Quiz Bowl Club Discussion Group ucb.org.rc-scholars the Regents and Chancellors Scholars Association ucb.org.scibugs Society of Cal Integrative Biology Undergraduate Students (SCIBUGS) ucb.org.ses Group for the Society of Engineering Science ucb.org.squelch An electronic open forum for comments and suggestions about The Heuristic Squelch. ucb.org.thai-club Discussion group the the UCB Thai Club. ucb.org.tsa Discussion about the Taiwanese Student Association ucb.org.ucsee UCB chapter of the IEEE. ucb.org.upe Upsilon Pi Epsilon - CS honor society ucb.org.upsa The Undergraduate Political Science Association ucb.org.xcf The EXperimental Computing Facility. ucb.org.yearbook The UC Berkeley Blue & Gold Yearbook ucb.os.freebsd Dicussion group for UCB FreeBSD users. ucb.os.linux The Linux discussion and support group. ucb.os.nt The Windows NT discussion and support group. ucb.os.os2 The OS/2 discussion and support group. ucb.parents Discussion group for parents who work, teach or go to school at UCB ucb.peoples-park Discussion about people's park. ucb.personals The UCB Personals Discussion Group ucb.physics.grads The physics grad student discussion group. ucb.politics Announcements/Discussions of a Political Nature ucb.politics.progressive Discussion of progressive politics in the scope of UCB. ucb.ppcs.facilities Discussion about the Campus' Physical Facilities ucb.reshall.ckc Clark Kerr Campus Discussion group ucb.reviews.class Student reviews of Classes and Professors. ucb.scholarship Posting of Scholarship information / tips discussion ucb.seminars Announcements of seminars and talks. ucb.socrates.announce Socrates Announcements. (Moderated) ucb.socrates.discuss Socrates Discussion. ucb.sports UCB sports and athletics. ucb.staff.healthcare Discussions about Staff health plans and health issues. ucb.students.cambodian Discussion Group for Camobdian Students ucb.students.chinese Discussions/Announcements regarding Chinese students. ucb.students.disabled Discussion group for UCB disabled students. ucb.students.filipino Discussions/Announcements regarding Filipino students. ucb.students.india Discussions/Announcements regarding students from India. ucb.students.internat Discussions/Announcements regarding international students. ucb.students.japanese Discussions/Announcements regarding students/visitors from Japan ucb.students.korean Discussions/Announcements regarding students from Korea. ucb.students.taiwan UCB students interested in the culture, history and events related to Taiwan ucb.students.uc-village Discussion group for the UC Village Grad Housing. ucb.study.abroad Discussion about studying abroad. ucb.study.abroad.japan Discussion about studying in Japan. ucb.sysadmin Items concerning System Administrators on campus. ucb.test Test group for UC Berkeley ucb.trash Testbed for Berkeley's News Administrator (Moderated) ucb.uclink.announce UClink announcements: (Moderated) ucd.ag.explore Providing Academic Information ucd.agecon Ag. Econ. Dept related news and discussion ucd.comp.instruction IT Instruction Services ucd.comp.questions General Davis computer questions ucd.cs.club Computer Science Club at UC Davis ucd.cs.grad CS dept grad student information ucd.cs.jobs Jobs and internships for CS students ucd.cs.programming Questions and answers to programming problems ucd.cs.ugrad CS dept undergrad student information ucd.ece.ieee IEEE, UC Davis Chapter ucd.general Items of general interest to UCD and Davis ucd.geology No description. ucd.gis Local GIS info (events,general,..) ucd.grad.lit-forum.theory Comparative Litature Graduate Discussion Forum ucd.grad.ptxgg PTXGG student information hotline ucd.gsa Graduate student issues ucd.housing Rentals available in Davis ucd.irc IRC related topics ucd.itcap IT-CAP announcements (Moderated) ucd.jobs Jobs offered and wanted ucd.life Davis Chatter ucd.listserv.ucdnet-admin Important announcements for UCD netadmins. (Moderated) ucd.org.aiche American Institute of Chem. Engineering ucd.org.anime-club Davis Anime Club Info Group ucd.org.apac Asian Pacific American Coalition ucd.org.artsworks Forum for discussion of artsworks activities ucd.org.asce American Society of Civil Engineers at UC Davis. ucd.org.asme Mechanical Engineering at UC Davis ucd.org.caless Chicano And Latino Engineers and Scientists Society ucd.org.cambodia Cambodia club annoucements ucd.org.collegedems Forum for UCD College Democrats ucd.org.exercise-sci events and announcements of the exercise science club ucd.org.filcro Filipino Cultural Research Organization ucd.org.fraternity.a-phi-o Alpha Phi Omega official announcements ucd.org.fraternity.a-phi-o.d Alpha Phi Omega discussion ucd.org.mga-kapatid Filipino American Students Association ucd.org.pcbtg No description. ucd.org.proj-recycle No description. ucd.org.pssa No description. ucd.org.seed Students for the Earth and Environment at Davis ucd.org.swe Society of Women Engineers at UCD ucd.org.transfers.srjc Santa Rosa Junior College Transfer Students ucd.q-news News from UCD LesGayBi Resource Center ucd.rec.dragon Role-Playing & Wargaming in Davis ucd.rec.poetry students interested in reading, posting, and commenting on poetry. ucd.rideshare Car-pools and rides offered and wanted ucd.snowboarding Snowboarding at U.C. Davis ucd.sports.volleyball.mens UC Davis Men's Volleyball ucd.swap selling-trading-looking for all items ucd.swap.books A convenient place to swap your used books ucd.talk.bugculture FRS001 Sec 2 student disussion ucd.talk.bugnews Ent111 student disussion ucd.talk.medical.entomology Ent153 student disussion ucd.test Post test messages here ucd.wef Whole Earth Festival uch.general No description. ucsb.compsci.cs160 No description. ucsb.compsci.cs170 No description. ucsb.compsci.cs180 No description. ucsb.compsci.cs270b No description. ucsb.compsci.faculty No description. ucsb.compsci.grad No description. ucsb.general No description. ucsb.humanities No description. ucsb.net.help For network experts to answer user net questions. ucsc.admin.grants No description. ucsc.baskin.general No description. ucsc.class.cmp101 No description. ucsc.class.cmp104a No description. ucsc.class.cmpe185 No description. ucsc.messages No description. ucsc.plan No description. ucsc.research No description. ucsc.research.morph No description. ufra.allgemein Allgemeine Fragen und Diskussionen. ufra.amiga Fragen & Diskussionen rund um den Amiga. ufra.dfue Fragen & Diskussionen rund um die DFUE. ufra.fido.net Fidotechnisches in Unterfranken. ufra.flame ... der taegliche User-Kleinkrieg :-) ufra.incubus.lists Listen fuer die Pollsites der Incubus. ufra.incubus.talk Infos & Smalltalk fuer die Incubus-Pollsites. ufra.kultur Diskussionen ueber Kultur und Kultuerereignisse. ufra.lists.php PHP/FI mailing list. ufra.markt.hard Biete/Suche Hardware - keine Diskussion. ufra.markt.kommerz Gewerbliche Angebote & Diskussionen NUR hier. ufra.markt.soft Biete/Suche Software - keine Diskussionen. ufra.markt.sonst Biete/Suche Sonstiges - keine Diskussionen. ufra.pc Fragen & Diskussionen rund um den PC. ufra.politik Politische Diskussionen. ufra.prog Fragen & Diskussionen fuer Programmierer. ufra.termine Oeffentliche und private (regionale) Veranstaltungen. ufra.test Unterfranken testet sein Netz... ufra.unix Fragen & Diskussionen rund um Unix-Systeme. ufra.users Hallo, ich bin neu! Kurzvorstellungen, Fragen. ug.general No description. uk.adverts.books Adverts for books uk.adverts.computer Adverts in the uk for computer related items uk.adverts.computer.mac Advertising relating to Apple's Macintosh computers uk.adverts.games.roleplay Adverts for roleplaying games in the UK uk.adverts.other Adverts in the uk for items not covered by other groups uk.adverts.personals for personal contact adverts with relevance to the UK uk.adverts.personals.gay-lesbian-bi personal adverts relevant to GLB readers uk.adverts.telecom.mobile Adverts for uk mobile comms uk.announce General announcements of UK interest (Moderated) uk.answers Repository for periodic UK specific USENET articles. (Moderated) uk.business.accountancy UK accounting, auditing and taxation uk.business.agriculture Agricultural industry in the U.K uk.business.payroll Payroll practice, procedure and legislation uk.business.telework Teleworkers and their employers (Moderated) uk.community.ambulance Issues affecting UK ambulance services uk.community.childcare Discussion about non-parental childcare uk.community.firefighting fire safety and UK fire and rescue services uk.community.policing Discussion of police and policing in the UK uk.community.social-housing social housing policy & practice in the UK uk.community.voluntary UK-based voluntary organisations and charities uk.comp.certification IT Vendor Professional Certification Programs uk.comp.graphics.flash Forum for UK based Macromedia Flash users uk.comp.homebuilt DIY computer construction and hardware upgrades uk.comp.misc Miscellaneous UK-related computing issues uk.comp.os.linux Discussion of the Linux operating system uk.comp.peripherals.misc Computer peripherals uk.comp.sys.laptops Laptop computers and their use in the UK uk.comp.sys.mac Discussion relating to Apple's Macintosh computers uk.comp.sys.palmtops The use of palmtops in the UK uk.comp.sys.sun Discussion of Sun computers uk.comp.training Creating and presenting computer training courses uk.comp.vendors Issues related to UK computer vendors uk.consultants Discussion from/by all types of consultants uk.culture.arts.storytelling storytelling activities within the UK uk.culture.arts.theatre The discussion of theatre in the UK uk.culture.arts.writing For discussion of writing and associated topics uk.culture.language.english English language use and abuse uk.culture.museums Discussion for those with an interest in UK Museums uk.current-events.foot-and-mouth The foot-and-mouth epidemic uk.current-events.general Discussion of UK-related news items uk.current-events.n-ireland The Northern Ireland settlement uk.d-i-y Do-It-Yourself uk.education.16plus Discussion about education for 16+ year olds uk.education.behavioural Emotional and behavioural difficulties uk.education.gcse+standard GCSEs, Standard Grades and related topics uk.education.governors Information and experiences for UK school governors uk.education.home-education Education of Children not enrolled at School uk.education.maths UK discussion on matters in maths education uk.education.misc Discussion relating to education issues uk.education.openuniversity Disscussion relating to the UK Open University uk.education.schools-it IT in UK education, Primary to 'A' level uk.education.staffroom Humorous discussion about teaching uk.education.teachers For discussion by/about teachers uk.education.teachers.trainee Help and advice for UK student teachers uk.environment United Kingdom environmental issues uk.environment.conservation UK conservation, heritage and wildlife matters uk.finance Discussion about Finance issues in the UK uk.finance.stockmarket Shares, securities and the stockmarket uk.food+drink.chocolate UK chocolate uk.food+drink.misc food & drink in all forms within the UK uk.food+drink.real-ale Cask-conditioned ales and related topics uk.food+drink.restaurants independent guide to UK restaurants uk.games.board Discussion, reviews, and advice relating to a wide range of board games uk.games.computer.counterstrike Counterstrike UK Multi-Player Gaming uk.games.computer.multiplayer Multiplayer computer games in the UK uk.games.computer.quake Discussion related to Quake in the UK uk.games.computer.quake2 Discussion of Quake2 uk.games.computer.quake3 Discussion of Quake III: Arena in the UK uk.games.fantasy.football Fantasy football (soccer) competitions uk.games.misc Discussion, reviews, and advice relating to a wide range of games uk.games.mornington-crescent Discussion and play of Mornington Crescent uk.games.roleplay A UK specific newsgroup for all aspects of roleplaying uk.games.trading-cards.marketplace Auction/sale: Collectable Trading Cards uk.games.trading-cards.misc Strategy/tournaments: Collectable Trading Cards uk.games.video.dreamcast UK based discussion about Sega's Dreamcast uk.games.video.gameboy UK based Discussion about Nintendo's GameBoy Range uk.games.video.misc UK-centric discussion of video games uk.games.video.playstation Sony playstation games and hardware uk.games.video.playstation.forsale Sony Playstation sales & wants uk.gay-lesbian-bi For bisexuals, lesbians and gays in the UK (Moderated) uk.gov.agency.csa Child Support Agency issues and topics uk.gov.local Local government in the United Kingdom uk.gov.social-security Benefits & tax credits from central & local government uk.gov.social-work Social Work policies and practice uk.jobs.contract Contract positions wanted/offered. No discussion uk.jobs.fortyplus Jobs for the over-forties uk.jobs.offered Situations vacant. No discussion uk.jobs.wanted Situations wanted. No discussion uk.legal Discussion of legal issues in the UK uk.local.ayrshire Ayrshire, Scotland uk.local.bath The City of Bath, England uk.local.bedfordshire Topics relevant to the people of Bedfordshire uk.local.birmingham The City of Birmingham, England uk.local.borders-region The Scottish Borders uk.local.bristol The city of Bristol, England uk.local.channel-isles Living in or visiting the Channel Islands uk.local.cornwall The county of Cornwall, England uk.local.county-durham Topics relevant to County Durham uk.local.cumbria The county of Cumbria, England uk.local.derbyshire Derbyshire issues, people, culture & events uk.local.devon To promote events and discussion in Devon uk.local.east-anglia Discussion about the region of East Anglia uk.local.essx The county of Essex, England uk.local.geordie The Culture and Civilisation centred on Newcastle upon Tyne uk.local.glasgow Local discussion for Glasgow, Scotland uk.local.hampshire Discussion about the county of Hampshire uk.local.herefordshire Herefordshire, England uk.local.hertfordshire The county of Hertfordshire, England uk.local.isle-of-wight The Isle of Wight uk.local.kent All aspects of visiting, living or working in Kent. uk.local.lincolnshire Topics relevant to Lincolnshire uk.local.london London, the capital city of the United Kingdom uk.local.london.info Information about living in, or visiting, London uk.local.lothians discussions about the Lothians, Scotland uk.local.midlands The Midlands of England uk.local.north-staffs Discussion relevant to North Staffordshire uk.local.north-wales Discussion about the North Wales area uk.local.nw-england Issues concerning the North-West of England uk.local.peterborough The City of Peterborough, England uk.local.scot-highlands Discussions relating to the Scottish Highlands+Islands uk.local.shropshire Topics relevant to Shropshire, England uk.local.somerset Events and discussion in Somerset uk.local.south-wales Welsh/English, discussions relating to South Wales uk.local.southwest Gloucs, Wilts, Bristol, Som, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall uk.local.southwest.adverts Adverts in the uk.local.southwest area uk.local.surrey Discussion about the county of Surrey uk.local.teesside Topics relevant to the Teesside area of England uk.local.thames-valley Living in or visiting the Thames Valley uk.local.warwickshire The County of Warwickshire uk.local.west-wales Welsh/English discusion involving West Wales uk.local.yorkshire Discussion regarding the Yorkshire region of the UK uk.local.yorkshire.noticeboard Announcements and Adverts of Yorkshire relevance uk.media Discussion of Media in the UK uk.media.animation.anime The UK Anime & Manga scene uk.media.books.sf Science Fiction literature relevant to the UK uk.media.broadcast.commercials Broadcast adverts in the UK uk.media.dvd The Digital Versatile Disc medium in the UK uk.media.films to discuss films amongst all inhabitants of the UK uk.media.films.carry-on Carry On Films and all those who worked on them uk.media.home-cinema A group to discuss all aspects of Home Cinema in the UK uk.media.newspapers Read all about it! Discussion of UK newspapers uk.media.postproduction All aspects of post-production in the UK uk.media.radio.archers Discussion of the BBC radio soap opera "The Archers" uk.media.radio.bbc-r1 People, Programmes and Related Topics on BBC Radio 1 uk.media.radio.bbc-r2 People and programmes on BBC Radio 2 uk.media.radio.bbc-r3 For discussion of the output of BBC Radio 3 uk.media.radio.bbc-r4 General issues and programmes on BBC Radio Four uk.media.radio.bbc-r5 Issues and programmes on BBC Radio 5 Live uk.media.radio.bbc-world-service Programmes of the BBC World Service uk.media.radio.hospital Hospital Radio in United Kingdom uk.media.radio.misc UK Radio issues and programming uk.media.radio.radcliffe discussion about Mark Radcliffe's radio show uk.media.tv.angel Fans of the TV show Angel uk.media.tv.brookside The Channel 4 TV programme 'Brookside' uk.media.tv.buffy-v-slayer Buffy the Vampire Slayer uk.media.tv.cable Discussion of cable television in the UK uk.media.tv.childrens discussion of UK children's TV by people of all ages uk.media.tv.dawsons-creek Dawsons Creek episodes already aired in the UK uk.media.tv.er Discussion of TV medical drama ER within the UK uk.media.tv.friends UK discussion regarding the US TV series Friends uk.media.tv.hollyoaks The TV programme 'Hollyoaks' uk.media.tv.misc Discussion of all aspects of TV in the UK uk.media.tv.robot-wars The TV show Robot Wars uk.media.tv.sf.babylon5 Discussion of Babylon-5 relevant to the UK uk.media.tv.sf.drwho Doctor Who discussion from a UK perspective uk.media.tv.sf.farscape Farscape sci-fi tv series as screened in the UK uk.media.tv.sf.misc Group for general discussions of Science Fiction on UK television uk.media.tv.sf.startrek For discussion of Star Trek relevant to the UK uk.media.tv.sf.x-files Discussion of the X-Files series shown on UK TV uk.media.tv.simpsons UK based discussion of US TV series The Simpsons uk.media.tv.sky Programmes on the British Sky Broadcasting network uk.media.tv.time-team Popular archaeology series on C4 uk.media.tv.us-sitcoms General discussion on UK airings of US sitcoms uk.media.tv.west-wing The TV show The West Wing as screened in the UK uk.media.tv.xena UK discussion of US TV series Xena: Warrior Princess uk.misc General interest to everyone on UKnet uk.music.alternative The UK "alternative" and "indie" music scene uk.music.breakbeat Discussion and reviews of UK breakbeat music uk.music.country UK discussion of all aspects of Country music uk.music.folk UK discussion for those interested in folk/roots/acoustic music uk.music.guitar Guitars and Guitar music in the UK uk.music.makers.dj The art and pursuit of DJing in the UK uk.music.misc General discussion of UK music uk.music.rave Discussion of UK rave music and the UK rave scene uk.music.rhythm-n-blues UK newsgroup for discussing rhythm and blues music uk.music.rock Rock music and rock musicians in a UK context. uk.net Used by UKnet maintainers uk.net.news.announce For RFDs, CFVs, FAQs, etc. within the UK Hierarchy. (Moderated) uk.net.news.config Discussions of RFDs posted in uk.net.news.announce uk.net.news.management management of the uk.* news hierarchy uk.net.web.authoring A forum for UK web developers uk.org.bcs.announce Announcements relating to the British Computer Society (Moderated) uk.org.bcs.misc Discussion relating to the British Computer Society uk.org.mensa Forum for items of interest to UK members of Mensa uk.org.starlink.announce Starlink Project announcements. (Moderated) uk.org.starlink.misc Open forum (discussion related to Astronomy) uk.org.student.compsoc Discussion and announcements re the Compsoc UK project uk.people.adoption.misc All aspects of adoption in the UK uk.people.adoption.searching All aspects of adoption searching in the UK uk.people.bdsm Discussion of bondage, discipline, s/m and D/s uk.people.bdsm.personals Personal ads for bondage, D/s & s/m in the UK (Moderated) uk.people.bodyart A UK-focused discussion forum on body modifications uk.people.consumers Discussion about products and services uk.people.crossdressing Support and info for UK based cross-dressers uk.people.dead UK obituaries and discussion of dead people uk.people.deaf Discussion about issues relating to deaf people uk.people.disability discussion of disability related topics in the UK uk.people.disability.bikers For disabled bikers to discover a new freedom uk.people.ex-forces ex-members of HM Forces uk.people.fathers Social issues affecting fathers and their children uk.people.gothic Discussion about issues relating to Gothic Culture uk.people.health Health-related issues relevant to the UK uk.people.parents Discussion about parental childcare uk.people.parents.pregnancy Pregnancy and childbirth uk.people.polyamorous Discussion and support for UK polyamorous people uk.people.rural People living in the countryside and their way of life uk.people.sf-fans Discussion area for UK SF fans uk.people.support.arthritis Arthritis and related issues uk.people.support.cfs-me chronic fatigue / myalgic encephalomyelitis uk.people.support.depression Advice, support and chat for depressed people. uk.people.support.epilepsy Epilepsy & treatment in the UK uk.people.support.mental-health Discussion of UK mental health issues uk.people.support.mult-sclerosis Multiple sclerosis & treatment in the UK uk.people.teens General disscussion by Teenagers in the UK uk.philosophy.atheism Atheist philosophy, UK atheism + atheists uk.philosophy.humanism UK issues in Humanism and in Secular thought uk.philosophy.misc General discussion of philosophy uk.politics.animals UK political discussion concerning animals uk.politics.announce UK political announcements (Moderated) uk.politics.censorship Discussion of censorship uk.politics.constitution Constitutional issues relating to the UK uk.politics.crime Criminal policy relating to the UK uk.politics.drugs Politics of legal and illegal drug use in the UK uk.politics.economics Economic policy relating to the UK uk.politics.electoral Discussion of elections & electoral systems in the UK uk.politics.environment Politics and the environment in the UK uk.politics.guns For discussion of guns and gun laws in the UK uk.politics.misc Miscellaneous UK political discussion uk.politics.parliament Discussion of the UK Parliament uk.politics.philosophy Philosophical basis for politics in the UK uk.radio.amateur Amateur radio and related matters uk.railway Trains uk.rec.aquaria.misc All aspects of aquaria uk.rec.audio Discussion and exchange of hi-fi audio equipment uk.rec.audio.car Car audio systems discussion in the UK uk.rec.aviation flying related interests/activities in the UK uk.rec.birdwatching Discussion of all aspects of United Kingdom Birdwatching uk.rec.boats.paddle For matters relating to boats that are paddled uk.rec.bodybuilding Aspects of bodybuilding in the UK uk.rec.caravanning recreational and technical aspects of caravanning uk.rec.cars.4x4 Discussions about 4 Wheel Drive & Off-Road Cars uk.rec.cars.classic Classic Cars in the UK uk.rec.cars.fuel.lpg Converting and running cars on LPG in the UK uk.rec.cars.imports Importing cars and post-import issues uk.rec.cars.kit-car Construction, use, and repair of Kit-Cars in the UK uk.rec.cars.maintenance General car maintenance uk.rec.cars.mg History, use and repair of MG cars in the UK uk.rec.cars.misc Other UK car topics uk.rec.cars.modifications aspects of car modifications (tuning, styling) uk.rec.cars.tvr TVR Manufactured sports cars and relevant events uk.rec.cars.vw.aircooled All Aircooled VW Vehicles uk.rec.cars.vw.watercooled Volkswagen water-cooled cars uk.rec.caving Caving, pot-holing etc. for sport/exploration/research uk.rec.climbing Rock climbing, ice climbing and mountaineering uk.rec.collecting.coins Coin and banknote collecting uk.rec.collecting.misc Antiques and collectibles of interest in the UK uk.rec.competitions Announcement/discussion of UK based competitions uk.rec.crafts Newsgroup for craft related topics in the UK uk.rec.crafts.sewing Discussion of sewing (by hand or machine) in the UK uk.rec.cycling Discussion of UK cycling issues uk.rec.dancing Recreational and competitive dancing within the UK uk.rec.engines.stationary For the preservation of stationary engines uk.rec.equestrian Discussion of general UK equestrian activities uk.rec.fishing.coarse for the discussion of coarse angling uk.rec.fishing.game for the discussion of game angling uk.rec.fishing.sea for the discussion of sea angling uk.rec.gambling.misc UK-related gambling discussion uk.rec.gardening To discuss gardening topics of interest in the UK uk.rec.interior-design Design and style aspects of home improvements uk.rec.metaldetecting Metaldetecting topics in the UK uk.rec.models.engineering All aspects of model engineering in the UK uk.rec.models.radio-control.air UK Radio Control Aero Modelling uk.rec.models.radio-control.land UK Radio Control Cars, Buggies, Trucks uk.rec.models.rail Railway model making uk.rec.motorcycles for discussion of motorcycle issues relevant to the UK uk.rec.motorcycles.trailriding For those interested in motorcycle trailriding uk.rec.motorsport.misc UK Motorsports, primarily from those involved uk.rec.motorsport.oval-racing Support and participation in oval track racing uk.rec.natural-history The study of UK wildlife uk.rec.naturist Discussion,chat, on naturism in uk, europe uk.rec.pets.misc Pet care and related issues in the UK uk.rec.photo.adverts Adverts for photographic equipment, services and jobs uk.rec.photo.misc Photography and Photographic issues in the UK uk.rec.psychic Psychic matters uk.rec.radio.cb General discussion of Citizens' Band Radio in the UK uk.rec.rights-of-way UK rights of way and associated issues uk.rec.sailing To discuss all aspects of sailing activity in the UK uk.rec.scouting Discussion of Scouting and Guiding in the UK uk.rec.scuba UK scuba diving uk.rec.sheds Sheds: culture, contents, usage uk.rec.shooting.clays Clay pigeon shooting and related disciplines uk.rec.shooting.game Game/pest control shooting and related disciplines uk.rec.shooting.target Target shooting and related disciplines uk.rec.skydiving UK related sport parachuting uk.rec.subterranea Tunnels and other man-made/used spaces underneath the UK uk.rec.ufo UFO phenomena, reports and related topics in the UK uk.rec.video.digital Digital Video, hardware, software & use uk.rec.walking To exchange information on walking, hiking or rambling in the uk uk.rec.waterways for discussing British waterways uk.rec.waterways.fens Discussion of the Fen waterways uk.rec.youth-hostel Discussion of youth hostels and hostelling uk.religion.buddhist Discussion of the buddhist faith uk.religion.christian Christianity in the UK (Moderated) uk.religion.hindu Discussion of the hindu faith uk.religion.interfaith Discussion of the interfaith issues uk.religion.islam Discussion of the islamic faith uk.religion.jewish Discussion of the jewish faith (Moderated) uk.religion.misc Discussion about religion in general uk.religion.other-faiths Discussion of the other faiths uk.religion.pagan Pagan orientated topics and experiences in the UK uk.sci.astronomy Astronomy in the UK uk.sci.med.nursing UK Nursing Issues uk.sci.med.pharmacy Relating to the practice of pharmacy in the UK uk.sci.misc Miscellaneous UK science uk.sci.weather for the discussion of weather events uk.singles Discussion for people about, or who are, single uk.sport.athletics Track & Field Athletics results, rankings & fixtures uk.sport.baseball For discussion of baseball in its widest context uk.sport.betting No description. uk.sport.cricket Discussion of UK cricket uk.sport.football Association Football in the UK uk.sport.football.american All aspects of UK American Football Leagues uk.sport.football.clubs.celtic Celtic Football Club discussion uk.sport.football.clubs.leeds-united Leeds United Football Club uk.sport.football.clubs.liverpool Liverpool Football Club uk.sport.football.clubs.man-city Manchester City Football Club uk.sport.football.clubs.newcastle-united Newcastle United Football Club uk.sport.football.clubs.rangers The Rangers Football Club, Glasgow uk.sport.football.clubs.southampton Southampton Football Club uk.sport.football.clubs.sunderland Sunderland Association Football Club uk.sport.football.clubs.west-ham West Ham United Football Club uk.sport.football.scottish Association Football in Scotland uk.sport.golf Discussion of Golf within the UK uk.sport.horseracing UK focussed group for the discussion of horseracing topics uk.sport.horseracing.point-to-point Point-to-point horseracing uk.sport.ice-hockey For discussion of ice hockey as played in and by GB uk.sport.misc Discussion of sport within the UK uk.sport.orienteering The sport of Orienteering in the UK uk.sport.speedway For all Speedway fans & Riders uk.sport.swimming Competitive Swimming in the UK uk.tech.broadcast Technology used in UK radio and TV broadcasting uk.tech.digital-tv Technical issues of domestic digital television uk.tech.electronic-security Technical issues of electronic security uk.tech.misc Miscellaneous UK technology uk.tech.rocketry All aspects of rocketry in the UK, excluding fireworks uk.tech.tv.sky Technical issues of Sky television uk.telecom Discussion of UK telecommunications uk.telecom.broadband ADSL/cable/other broadband services/products uk.telecom.mobile Mobile telephone equipment and networks uk.test UK wide tests uk.transport Transportation issues in the United Kingdom uk.transport.air discussion of commercial/military aviation in UK uk.transport.buses Issues facing the UK bus industry uk.transport.ferry UK ferry news and discussion uk.transport.london Discussion of all forms of transport in London ukr.archives ðÏ×iÄÏÍÌÅÎÎÑ ÐÒÏ ÎÏ×i ÎÁÄÈÏÄÖÅÎÎÑ ÎÁ ÆÁÊÌÏ×ÉÈ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁÈ *.ua ukr.bicycle No description. ukr.commerce.auto á×ÔÏÔÒÁÎÓÐÏÒÔ ukr.commerce.chemical è¦Í¦ÞΦ ÍÁÔÅÒ¦ÁÌÉ, ÐÒÅÐÁÒÁÔÙ... ukr.commerce.construction âÕĦ×ÅÌØΦ ÍÁÔÅÒ¦ÁÌÉ ukr.commerce.energy åÎÅÒÇÏÎÏÓ¦§ ( ÐÁÌÉ×Ï, ÍÁÓÌÁ ÔÁ ¦ÎÛÅ ) ukr.commerce.estate îÅÒÕÈÏͦÓÔØ ukr.commerce.food ðÒÏÄÕËÔÙ ÈÁÞÕ×ÁÎÎÑ, ÎÁÐϧ... ukr.commerce.household ôÏ×ÁÒÙ ÄÏÍÁÛÎØÏÇÏ ÇÏÓÐÏÄÁÒÀ×ÁÎÎÁ ukr.commerce.infoserv ôÅÈΦÞÎÅ ÏÂÌÁÄÎÁÎÎÑ ¦ÎÆÏÒÍÁæÊÎÉÈ ÓÅÒ×¦×¦× ukr.commerce.machinery óÔÁÎËÉ, ÏÂÌÁÄÎÁÎÎÑ, ÚÁÐÁÓΦ ÞÁÓÔÉ ukr.commerce.metals íÅÔÁÌÉ, ÍÅÔÁÌÏ×ÉÒÏÂÉÉ, ÔÒÕÂÙ, ÐÒÏËÁÔ... ukr.commerce.misc ëÏÍÅÒæÊΦ ÐÒÏÐÏÚÉæ§,ÄÌÑ ÑËÉÈ ÎÅÍÁ ÏËÒÅÍϧ ËÏÎÆÅÒÅæ§. ukr.commerce.money ëÏÎ×ÅÒÔÁæÑ, ËÒÅÄÉÔÉ, ×ÁÌÀÔΦ ÏÐÅÒÁæ§, æÎΦ ÐÁÐÅÒÉ. ukr.commerce.orgtech ëÏÍÐ'ÀÔÅÒÙ, ÍÏÄÅÍÙ, ÏÒÇÔÅÈÎiËÁ... ukr.commerce.price-lists ðÒÁÊÓ-ÌÉÓÔÙ. ukr.commerce.talk úÁÇÁÌØΦ ÐÉÔÁÎÎÑ ÕËÒÁ§ÎÓËÉÈ ËÏÍÅÒæÊÎÉÈ ËÏÎÆÅÒÅÎÃ¦Ê ukr.comp.binaries ðÒÏÇÒÁÍÉ ÔÁ ÄÅÍÏ-×ÅÒÓ¦§ Õ Â¦ÎÁÒÎ¦Ê ÆÏÒͦ ukr.comp.dbms.informix âÁÚÁ ÄÁÎÉÈ Informix ukr.comp.hardware ðÒÏÂÌÅÍÉ ÁÐÁÒÁÔÎϧ ÞÁÓÔÉÎÉ ÏÂÞÉÓÀ×ÁÌØÎϧ ÔÅÈΦËÉ ukr.comp.software ðÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÕ×ÁÎÎÑ ÄÌÑ ËÏÍÐ'ÀÔÅÒ¦× ukr.fido.os2 ðÉÔÁÎÎÑ ÏÐÅÒÁæÊÎϧ ÓÉÓÔÅÍÉ OS/2 ( ÇÅÊÔ Ú FIDO ) ukr.fido.os2.announce No description. ukr.fido.os2.prog No description. ukr.finance æÉÎÁÎÓÏצ ÐÉÔÁÎÎÑ ÓÕÞÁÓÎϧ õËÒÁ§ÎÉ ukr.gc.chronical èÒÏΦËÁ ĦÌÏ×ÏÇÏ ÖÉÔÔÑ õËÒÁ§ÎÙ ("çÁÌÉÃØ˦ ËÏÎÔÒÁËÔÙ") (Moderated) ukr.gc.normativ îÏÒÍÁÔÉ×ÎÁÑ ÂÁÚÁ ÐÒÅÄÐÒɤÍÎÉÃÔ×ÁÔ×Á × õËÒÁ§Î¦ ("çë") (Moderated) ukr.law õËÒÁ§ÎÓØËÅ ÚÁËÏÎÏÄÁ×ÓÔ×Ï ukr.musics âÅÓ¦ÄÉ ÐÒÏ ÕËÒÁ§ÎÓØËÕ ÍÕÚÉËÕ ÔÁ ÎÁ ÍÕÚÉÞΦ ÔÅÍÉ, ÐÏ×'ÑÚÁΦ Ú õËÒÁ§ÎÏÀ ukr.netnews úÁÇÁÌØΦ ÐÏצÄÏÍÌÅÎÎÑ ÔÁ ÏÂ'Ñ×É ÔÏÝÏ, ÝÏ ÓÔÏÓÕÀÔØÓÑ Ä¦ÑÌØÎÏÓÔ¦ íÅÒÅÖ¦ ukr.nodes äÌÑ ÐÏÓÔÍÁÊÔÒ¦× ÕËÒÁ§ÎÓËÉÈ ×ÕÚÌ¦× InterNet. ukr.politics âÅÓ¦ÄÉ ÐÒÏ ÐÏ̦ÔÉËÕ, ÝÏ ÓÔÏÓÕÀÔØÓÑ õËÒÁ§ÎÉ ukr.rules äÌÑ ÒÏÚÍiÝÅÎÎÑ ÓÔÁÔÕÔ¦× ËÏÎÆÅÒÅÎÃiÊ ÔÁ iÎÛÉÈ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ ÒÏÂÏÔÉ × ÍÅÒÅÖi (Moderated) ukr.science ðÒÏÂÌÅÍÉ ÎÁÕËÏ×Ãi× õËÁiÎÉ ukr.test äÌÑ ÔÅÓÔÏ×ÙÈ ÌÉÓÔ¦× um.chinese Newsgroup for students interest in chinese. um.comp-iss No description. um.forsale No description. um.general UoMD um.h19 UoMD um.housing UoMD um.music UoMD um.network UoMD um.org.mac-usergroup TerpMUG, and Macs on University of Maryland campus. um.test UoMD um.umcptalk No description. um.wam UoMD um.wam.bmgt301 UoMD WAM BMGT301 Discussions umiami.cs.announce Announcements of interest to Math. & C.S. (Moderated) umiami.general Articles of general interest to U.M. community. umich.academic.competitions Univ. of Michigan Academic Competitions Forum umich.announce.umnet UM-NET Network Outage Announcements umich.biking Univ. of Michigan Biking Announcements and Discussion umich.class.test No description. umich.class.testing.once.again.ignore No description. umich.confer Form for discussion of Confer Chat System umich.eecs.announce UofM Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Annoucements umich.eecs.ce.students UofM EECS Computer Engineering Discussions umich.eecs.dco.announce U of Michigan EECS DCO announcements (Moderated) umich.eecs.dco.stats U of Michigan EECS DCO service statistics (Moderated) umich.eecs.dco.test U of Michigan EECS DCO test group umich.geo University of Michigan Geology Dept. Forum umich.housing.ethernet UofM Campus Housing Ethernet Project Discussion umich.ifs.outages UofM Institutional File Server Outages umich.interesting.people General UofM talk and discussion umich.isr.ahead Institute for Social Research Ahead Program umich.itd.stats UofM Information Technology Service Stats. umich.kinesiology.gradvice Advice for kinesiology Graduate Students umich.linux Discussion group for the Linux operating system, University of Michigan umich.michigan.review UofM Campus Conservative Rag. umich.novell University Campus Novell Netware Forum umich.org.bsn The Black Student Network discussion group umich.org.continuum UofM Continuum Discussion umich.org.lsasg UofM LS&A Student Government umich.org.tbp Tau Beta Pi Newsgroup, University of Michigan umich.org.umec Newsgroup for the University of Michigan Engineering Council, Univ of Mich umich.org.umec.graduation UMEC Discussion of Graduation, University of Michigan umich.physics.general General Physics Department Discussion Forum umich.rha Univ. of Mich. Residence Hall Association umich.sports No description. umich.test.2mod Test Group (Moderated) umich.test.mod Test Group (Moderated) umich.test.mod3 Test Group (Moderated) umich.test.woof Test Group umich.umce.dialin Modem Dial-in Issues Forum umich.umce.dns Domain Name Service Support and Discussion umich.umce.ifs Institutionalo File Server (AFS) Support umich.umce.lars+mars Lan Based E-mail and Gateways umich.umce.usenet Univ of Michigan Usenet News Discussion umich.umd.general Univ of Michigan Dearborn Issues umn.aem.general Items pertaining to the Aerospace Dept. in general. umn.aem.gradst Aerospace GraduateStudents. umn.aem.net Information on building computer networks. umn.aem.seminars Seminar anouncements. umn.aem.ugrads Aerospace Undergrad students. umn.avian.turkey turkey research at the Avian Research Center umn.cbs.announce U of MN College of Biological Sciences Announcements. umn.cbs.general Items of general interest for UMN College of BioSci. umn.cbs.test Testing for the U of Minnesota College of BioSci. umn.cems.ugrads Chemical Engineering and Materials Science undergrads umn.cis.announce U of MN Computer & Information Services Announcements. umn.cis.general Items of general interest for UMN Computer & Info. Svcs. umn.cis.minnext No description. umn.cis.systems News about CIS systems such as scheduled downtimes. umn.cis.test Testing for the U of Minnesota Computer & Info. Svcs. umn.coled.alumni College of Education Alumni umn.comp.ftp-mirror U of MN CSci anonymous ftp mirroring archive data. umn.comp.os.unix Discussions about the UNIX operating system umn.comp.os.vms Discussions about the VMS operating system umn.comp.sys.ibm Discussions about IBM PC and compatible systems umn.comp.sys.mac Discussions about MacIntosh computers umn.comp.sys.sgi Discussions about SGI Iris computers umn.comp.sys.sun Discussions about Sun Workstations umn.config Configuration of the `umn' Usenet news hierarchy umn.cs.bldg Reports of needed building maintenance umn.cs.class.3317ext No description. umn.cs.class.3321ext No description. umn.cs.class.8011-scic No description. umn.cs.curriculum Discussion about the Csci curriculum umn.cs.dept Discussion about the Csci Dept umn.cs.faculty Discussion from/about the Csci Faculty umn.cs.general Items of general interest umn.cs.gradst Discussion from/about the Csci Grad Students umn.cs.gripes Gripes from/about/for U of Minnesota CSci Dept. umn.cs.jobs Announcements concerning jobs and internships umn.cs.labs.ai Discussion/Announcements concerning the AI lab umn.cs.labs.grad Discussion/Announcements concerning the Grad lab umn.cs.lang.c Discussion about the `C' lang umn.cs.lang.c++ Discussion about the C++ lang umn.cs.lang.misc Programming languages discussion within CSci @ UMN. umn.cs.net Discussion about the building's network umn.cs.seminars Announcements of Csci seminars and colloquia umn.cs.soc Social/Recreational talk umn.cs.test Testing umn.cs.text.framemaker Discussion about Framemaker umn.cs.text.tex Discussion about Tex umn.cs.ugrads Discussion from/about the Csci Undergrad Students umn.cs.windows.x Discussion about the X windowing environment umn.csom.class.oms8995 No description. umn.csom.general Items of general interest to UMN Carlson Sch. of Mgmt. umn.csom.ids5410 Information and Decision Sciences, 5410 umn.csom.ids8110 No description. umn.csom.ids8450 No description. umn.csom.test Testing for the U of MN Carlson School of Management. umn.daily.forum Minnesota Daily (newspaper) forum umn.ee.announce Announcements for the University of Minnesota EE dept. umn.ee.chatter Talk for/about the University of Minnesota EE dept. umn.ee.computer Information/Discussion about U of MN EE computers. umn.ee.dept Discussion about the U of Minnesota EE Dept. umn.ee.faculty Discussion from/about U of Minnesota EE Faculty. umn.ee.general Items of general interest to the U of MN EE community. umn.ee.grads Discussion from/about U of Minnesota EE Grad Students. umn.ee.seminar Announcements of EE seminars/colloquia @ the U of MN. umn.ee.test Testing for the U of Minnesota EE dept. umn.ee.undergrads Discussion from/about U of Minnesota EE Undergrads. umn.epsy.deaf.students No description. umn.epsy.deaf.teacher-parent No description. umn.fan.serge-rudaz No description. umn.fscn.general No description. umn.fscn.ift No description. umn.general.energy For discussion of energy conservation issues. umn.general.events Events pertinent to the University community umn.general.food Food and Restaurants around the U of MN community. umn.general.forsale For sale/want ads at the University level umn.general.housing Housing, Sub-contracting, dorm contracts, etc. at the U umn.general.jobs Jobs available on or around the University umn.general.lost+found No description. umn.general.misc Miscellaneous things pertinent to the Univ. community umn.general.movies Discussion/Reviews of movies for the U of MN community. umn.general.music Music events/reports/reviews for the Univ. community umn.general.sports Discussion/Announcements about sports @ the U of MN. umn.ioft.class.1001h Classroom newsgroup of ioft class. umn.itlab.bldg No description. umn.itlab.curriculum No description. umn.itlab.dept No description. umn.itlab.faculty No description. umn.itlab.general No description. umn.itlab.gradst No description. umn.itlab.gripes No description. umn.itlab.jobs No description. umn.itlab.lang.c No description. umn.itlab.lang.c++ No description. umn.itlab.lang.misc No description. umn.itlab.net No description. umn.itlab.soc No description. umn.itlab.systems.mac No description. umn.itlab.systems.misc No description. umn.itlab.systems.pc No description. umn.itlab.systems.status No description. umn.itlab.systems.sun No description. umn.itlab.systems.unix No description. umn.itlab.test No description. umn.itlab.text.framemaker No description. umn.itlab.text.tex No description. umn.itlab.ugrads No description. umn.itlab.windows.x No description. umn.local-lists.aci-4d No description. umn.local-lists.austrian-cultu Austrian Culture internet mailing list. umn.local-lists.cnug-dss No description. umn.local-lists.decstation-man No description. umn.local-lists.disc-env No description. umn.local-lists.disc-evidence No description. umn.local-lists.disc-nordic No description. umn.local-lists.disc-nordlib No description. umn.local-lists.disc-sar No description. umn.local-lists.disc-tacfanout No description. umn.local-lists.disc-vis-graph No description. umn.local-lists.epixinfo EP/IX internet mailing list gateway. umn.local-lists.ethnic-theater No description. umn.local-lists.infotech-disc No description. umn.local-lists.mac-consort No description. umn.local-lists.net-ops No description. umn.local-lists.net-people The University "Net-people" mailing list umn.local-lists.news Gateway of the news@news.cis mailing list umn.local-lists.news-stats News statistics at University of Minnesota. umn.local-lists.novell No description. umn.local-lists.security No description. umn.local-lists.sgi-admins No description. umn.local-lists.siren Notices of crime & security issues at St. Paul. umn.local-lists.sun-news No description. umn.local-lists.techc-admin No description. umn.local-lists.techc-all No description. umn.local-lists.techc-atm No description. umn.local-lists.techc-backup No description. umn.local-lists.techc-cal No description. umn.local-lists.techc-email No description. umn.local-lists.techc-general No description. umn.local-lists.techc-microlan No description. umn.local-lists.techc-modems No description. umn.local-lists.techc-public No description. umn.local-lists.techc-sgi No description. umn.local-lists.techc-site No description. umn.local-lists.techc-unix No description. umn.local-lists.techc-web No description. umn.local-lists.techc-workst No description. umn.local-lists.ubike-info No description. umn.local-lists.umn-email No description. umn.local-lists.umn-www No description. umn.local-lists.users-mlre No description. umn.local-lists.wg-cscc No description. umn.local-lists.writingc No description. umn.local-lists.x3j9-admin No description. umn.local-lists.x3j9-tech No description. umn.math.dept Items of interest to the U of MN Mathematics dept. umn.math.zoo Items of interest to "Zoo People" @ the Math dept. lab. umn.morris.general Items of general interest to the U of MN Morris campus. umn.morris.misc Miscellaneous items interesting to the U of MN @ Morris. umn.net-lists.explorer No description. umn.net-lists.info-appletalk The "Sun-managers" mailing list umn.net-lists.rfc931-users No description. umn.news-server.announce Announcements/info about the news server umn.news-server.questions Questions about the news server/Usenet news umn.news-server.test For testing news software, transports, etc. umn.news-server.traffic Daily traffic reports on the news server umn.ophth.isrk No description. umn.org.acm The Association For Computer Machinery, Student Chapter umn.org.china A Chinese organization at the University of Minnesota. umn.org.india Indo-American Students Association umn.org.sps Society of Physics Students, U of MN Chapter umn.ortta.general UMN Office of Research and Tech. Transfer general items. umn.rhet.general Items of general interest in the department of rhetoric. umn.rhet.gradst Rhet grad Students discussion. umn.soc.faculty Items of interest to UMN Dept. of Sociology faculty. umn.soc.general Items of general interest for UMN Dept. of Sociology. umn.soc.grad Items of interest to UMN Dept. of Sociology grads. umn.socsci.applications U of Minnesota Dept. of Social Sciences applications. umn.socsci.general Items of general interest to U of MN Social Sciences. umn.socsci.system Systems discussions for the U of MN Social Sciences. umn.socsci.test Testing for the University of Minnesota Social Sciences. umn.tc.systems systems announcements and discussion [twin cities] umontreal.cerca Centre de Recherche en Calcul Applique. umontreal.general General discussion at the University of Montreal. un.public.dha.reliefweb Humanitarian Relief Community Updates (Moderated) un.public.itu.announce International Telecommunication Union Announcements (Moderated) un.public.itu.telecom.cyberforum ITU TELECOM Interactive 97 Cyberforum (Moderated) unicef.test No description. uog.ccs.unix_support No description. us.arts General discussion of US fine and performing arts. us.arts.poetry US poetry; poets; original poems. us.arts.tv.soaps Keeping track of your favorite US soap operas. us.config Planning a USA national network news hierarchy. us.events.ok-explosion April 19, 1995 explosion in Oklahoma City,OK. us.issues National social, economic, environmental issues us.issues.abortion Abortion and birth control in the United States. us.issues.occupations.computer-programmers Work environment for programmers us.issues.statehood.upstate-ny Should Upstate NY become a separate state? us.legal Q & A about US law and legal issues. us.legal.self-represent Representing oneself in legal affairs. us.marketplace.computers.hardware Buy/Sell/Trade computer hardware items (Moderated) us.marketplace.computers.software Buy/Sell/Trade computer software items (Moderated) us.marketplace.games Buy/Sell/Trade games items (Moderated) us.marketplace.other Buy/Sell/Trade other items (Moderated) us.military.academies West Point, Annapolis, Air Force Academy, etc. us.military.army Life and work in the US Army. us.military.history History of military forces in the USA. us.military.national-guard National Guard issues, concerns, and information us.misc US topics not covered by other newsgroups. us.misc.family-radio Family Radio Service discussion. us.org.bicycle-greenways.nbg Building a national bicycle greenways system. us.politics General discussion of US politics. us.politics.elections No description. us.rec.scouting USA specific topics related to BSA, GSUSA, etc. us.sport General discussion of US sports. us.sport.baseball US baseball, pro and amateur. us.sport.basketball US basketball, pro and amateur. us.sport.football US football, pro and amateur. us.state.iowa Discussion of Iowa culture and events. us.taxes Pros and cons of the US tax system. us.test Test group for the us.* hierarchy. usf.alumni For graduates of the University of South Florida. ut.ai Artificial intelligence at UTexas. ut.bizarre Bizarre happenings at UTexas. ut.chinese University of Toronto Chinese community. ut.config No description. ut.dcs.db Database/Office Systems discussions and announcements. ut.dcs.gradnews Info for Graduates. ut.dcs.na Numerical Analysis. ut.ecf.announce Important announcements for all ECF users (moderated) (Moderated) ut.ecf.aps105 No description. ut.ecf.beam95 No description. ut.ecf.cdrom No description. ut.ecf.che221 No description. ut.ecf.comp9t5 Playpen for Computer Engineering graduating class ut.ecf.csc190 No description. ut.ecf.csc326 No description. ut.ecf.ece1753 No description. ut.ecf.ece1755 No description. ut.ecf.ece203 No description. ut.ecf.ece242 U Toronto class. ut.ecf.ece253 No description. ut.ecf.ece344 No description. ut.ecf.ece385 No description. ut.ecf.ece443 System Software course at Univ. of Toronto. ut.ecf.engsci No description. ut.ecf.general Announcements of general interest to all ECF users ut.ecf.mat186 No description. ut.ecf.pey Professional Experience Year activities. (Moderated) ut.ecf.student Discussion group for UofT engineering students ut.eng.gradnews No description. ut.engineering.general Faculty of Ap. Sci. & Engineering news & discussion ut.engineering.seminars Faculty of Ap. Sci. & Engineering seminar announcements ut.erin.csc354e CSC354 at Erindale ut.erin.eco206e Discussion for ECO206 ut.erin.eco220e Economics 220 discussion group ut.erin.mgt206e Discussion for MGT206. ut.flame Flames at UTexas. ut.followup Followups to ut.general. ut.general General messages. ut.gradnews Graduate student and GSU news ut.jobs Job offerings and jobs wanted at UTexas. ut.nets.reports Net connectivity reports. (Moderated) ut.org.seta ?!? ut.physics.general Physics general interest items at U Toronto. ut.physics.gradnews Physics Graduate Student News at U Toronto. ut.physics.seminars Physics Seminar Announcements at U Toronto. ut.scar.announce Announcements for Scarborough College, U Toronto ut.scar.cscb28 Course info for cscb28, Scarborough College, Uof Toronto ut.scar.ecoc11 Course info for ecoc11, Scarborough College, U Toronto. ut.scar.eesb03s No description. ut.scar.lina01 Course info for lina01, Scarborough College, UofToronto. ut.scar.linc06 Course info for linc06, Scarborough College, Uof Toronto ut.scar.opinion.bio Biology opinions at Scarborough College. ut.scar.vpaa99 Course info for vpaa99, Scarborough College, Uof Toronto ut.stardate Stardates from MacDonald Observatory. ut.test Test messages. ut.text Text processing at UTexas. ut.trin.general No description. uta.animaatio Tietokoneanimaatioista kiinnostuneille uta.kopula Suomen kielen opiskelijoiden uutisryhmä/ainejärjestö utah.forsale Short, tasteful postings about items for sale in Utah. utah.linux No description. utcs.general Items of general interest to UTexas CS Dept. utcs.grad Graduate student forum at UTexas CS Dept. utcs.graphics Computer graphics at UTexas CS Dept. utcs.jobs Job announcements at UTexas CS Dept. utcs.lispm Lisp users mail list at UTexas CS Dept. utcs.projects Research projects at UTexas CS Dept. utcs.talks Announcement of seminars and talks at UTexas CS Dept. utcs.techreports Technical reports maintained by UTexas CS Dept. utcs.under No description. utcs.upe UPE honor society at UTexas CS Dept. utece.general No description. utexas.cba.cba-board CBA Today bulletin board. utexas.cc.hpcf.sysmod System modification reports for HPCF machines. utexas.cc.hpcf.system System notifications for HPCF machines utexas.cc.math Mathematical Services consulting and support issues. utexas.cc.sysmod UT Academic Computing UNIX system modification reports. (Moderated) utexas.cc.sysmod.dvf System modification reports for Data Visualization Group. utexas.cc.sysmod.nt System modification reports for Comp Center NT systems group. utexas.cc.sysmod.vms System modification reports for Comp Center VMS systems utexas.cc.utxvm.notices Notices concerning the IBM VM system. utexas.class.acc380k2 Financial Accounting Standards and Analysis II utexas.class.acc382k Accounting Information Systems utexas.class.acc384 Tax Research utexas.class.acc456 Financial Accounting Concepts & Research utexas.class.ase201 Intro. to Computer Programming utexas.class.ase211 Engineering Computation utexas.class.ba358t Financial Management. utexas.class.ba385t Class newsgroup for BA 385T utexas.class.ba389t-3 Managing People and Organizations. utexas.class.ba389t-4 Managing People and Organizations. utexas.class.ch301-lagowski CH 301 General Chemistry class discussion utexas.class.ch301-lagowski.data Introduction to chemistry - datasets. utexas.class.cs105.c++ A class in C++. utexas.class.cs105.c++-dianelaw Cs105, C++ class with R. Diane Law utexas.class.cs105.lisp A class in lisp. utexas.class.cs304p Pascal Programming utexas.class.cs310 Assembly Language Programming utexas.class.cs315 Students in CS II utexas.class.cs328 CS328, Data Structures in Pascal utexas.class.cs336 CS336, Analysis of Programs. utexas.class.cs336a CS336, Analysis of Programs. utexas.class.cs345-richards CS345, Programming Languages taught by Ham Richards utexas.class.cs345.lin CS345, Programming Languages taught by Calvin Lin utexas.class.cs347-a CS347 section `a', Concepts of database design and implementation utexas.class.cs347-b CS347 section `b', Concepts of database design and implementation. utexas.class.cs352 CS352, Computer Systems Architecture. utexas.class.cs352j CS352, Computer Systems Architecture (with Roy Jenevein) utexas.class.cs354 Introduction to Computer Graphics utexas.class.cs356 CS356, Intro to Computer Networks. utexas.class.cs367 CS367, Numerical Methods utexas.class.cs372 CS372, Operating Systems utexas.class.cs372-brice Dr. Brice's CS372 Operating systems class utexas.class.cs373 CS373 Software Engineering utexas.class.cs378-ci Laurie Werth's CS378 Current Issues in Computer Science utexas.class.cs378-crypto CS378 Cryptography utexas.class.cs378-downing CS378, Object-oriented design and programming with Glenn Downing utexas.class.cs378-lavender CS378, Object-oriented design and programming with Greg Lavender utexas.class.cs378-net No description. utexas.class.cs378-richards CS378, Object-oriented design and programming with Ham Richards utexas.class.cs378.formal-methods CS378 Formal Methods utexas.class.cs380d No description. utexas.class.cs384g CS384g, a graduate course in computer graphics utexas.class.cs395t-novak A class in automatic programming. utexas.class.cs395t.multimedia CS395T Multimedia Systems utexas.class.csd367k Asmt & Intvn of Language Disorders utexas.class.e306-ca-prev Rhetoric and Composition. utexas.class.e309k-ca The Cultural History of Cyberspace utexas.class.e309m Computers and Writing utexas.class.e316k-american Masterworks of Literature: American utexas.class.e384k-biblio Introduction to Bibliography. utexas.class.edc385g Foreign Language Education utexas.class.edp363 Dynamics of Interpersonal Communication utexas.class.ee302 Intro. to Electrical and Computer Engineering. utexas.class.ee302h Intro to Electrical and Computer Engineering utexas.class.ee312 Electrical Engineering Computation utexas.class.ee360c Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ utexas.class.ee360r Discussion group for EE 360R utexas.class.ee371m Communications Theory utexas.class.ee371r Digital Image Processing utexas.class.ee381k EE381K Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing utexas.class.ee382c Verification and Validation of Software utexas.class.ee382c-ja Group for EE 382C utexas.class.ee382m Fault-Tolerant Computing I utexas.class.ee440 Integrated Circuit Fabrication Techniques utexas.class.fin357 Business Finance utexas.class.hisf315k History of the US (1492-1865). utexas.class.hmn350 The Book in American Society utexas.class.lin340 Linguistics 340 utexas.class.lis322t Children's Literature, Lukenbill section. utexas.class.lis341-ivins Intro to Internet Res and Serv utexas.class.lis341-moore LIS 341 "Internet Resources and Services" utexas.class.lis341-trybula Intro to Internet Res and Serv utexas.class.lis382l-9 Materials for Children. utexas.class.lis384k-7 Indexing in an Electronic Environment. utexas.class.lis384k9 Indexing and Abstracting utexas.class.lis386-1 Intro to library and info. studies. utexas.class.lis388k-12 Practicum in School Learning Resource Centers. utexas.class.m408d Sequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus utexas.class.me202 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering utexas.class.me326 Thermodynamics I utexas.class.me328sch Thermodynamics II utexas.class.me333t Technical Communication. utexas.class.mic128c Class newsgroup for MIC 128C. utexas.class.mic368 Techniques in Molecular Genetics utexas.class.mis333k Computer Utilization in Business. utexas.class.phl304-pennock Contemporary Moral Problems utexas.class.phl313k Logic, Sets and Functions utexas.class.phl325c Environmental Ethics. utexas.class.rtf305 Class newsgroup for RTF 305 utexas.class.rtf309 Communication Technology and Society. utexas.class.rtf365 The Information Society utexas.class.spe390r Rhetoric and Ideology utexas.class.spef390r SPE f390R "Rhetoric, the Public, and Community" utexas.class.spn378h The Avant-garde and the Postmodern in Spanish Literature. utexas.class.zoo370c Class newsgroup for ZOO 370, Convservation Biology utexas.comp.windows-nt UT discussions focusing on Windows NT. utexas.csr.aussie Discussion group for aussie project. utexas.dorms.general Issues pertaining to campus dorms. utexas.ece.announce Newsgroup for posting ECE-related announcements. (Moderated) utexas.ece.general General discussion group for Electr. & Comp. Eng. utexas.ecelrc.sysmod System modification reports for ECE LRC machines. utexas.general Items of general interest at the University of Texas. utexas.geo.discussion General discussion group for UT Geology dept. utexas.gslis.general General discussion forum for UT GSLIS. utexas.gslis.iplab GSLIS Information Processing Laboratory utexas.intoffice.news UT Austin International Office news and info. (Moderated) utexas.law Issues relating to first year law students. utexas.lib.online Announcements utexas.math.actuarial Math Dept. Actuarial Studies program. utexas.math.courses Discussion of Math Dept course curriculum. (Moderated) utexas.multimedia Collaboration on topics related to multimedia work. (Moderated) utexas.nat-sci.deans-scholars Discussion of Dean's Scholars issues. utexas.org.cons-bio UT Chapter Society for Convervation Biology. utexas.org.democrats University Democrats student organization group. (Moderated) utexas.org.fea utexas.org.gec Graduate Engineering Council. utexas.org.gradstudents Discussion group for Graduate Student Assembly. utexas.org.ksa Discussion group for the Korean Student Association. utexas.org.philosophy Open discussion of philosophical topics. utexas.org.plan2 Discussion of Plan II issues. utexas.org.sota SOTA - Students Older Than Average utexas.org.st-athanasius Discussion group for the St. Athanasius Society at UT (Moderated) utexas.org.tusa Turkish University Students Association utexas.org.uthabitat Discussion for the UT Habitat for Humanity group. utexas.religion.christian Christianity at University of Texas. utexas.sqi.soft General Discussions of Software issues utexas.sqi.soft.aseg Discussions of Software Business issues utexas.sqi.soft.ootech Discussions of Object Oriented Technology issues utexas.sqi.soft.projectmgt Discussions of Software Management issues utexas.sqi.soft.quality Discussions of Software Quality issues utexas.zoo.general General discussion for the Zoology department students/staff/faculty uunet.alternet AlterNet IP service issues. (Moderated) uunet.announce Important announcements from UUNET. (Moderated) uunet.forum UUNET subscribers discussion forum. uunet.products Info & pricing of products UUNET offers. (Moderated) uunet.status Status messages for UUNET & AlterNet. (Moderated) uunet.tech Technical advice and support from UUNET. (Moderated) uw.acct.acc121 No description. uw.acct.acc131 No description. uw.acct.acc228 No description. uw.acct.acc231 No description. uw.acct.acc232 No description. uw.acct.acc241 No description. uw.acct.acc251 No description. uw.acct.acc291 No description. uw.acct.acc371 No description. uw.acct.acc372 No description. uw.acct.acc381 No description. uw.acct.acc382 No description. uw.acct.acc392 No description. uw.acct.acc401 No description. uw.acct.acc401a No description. uw.acct.acc418y No description. uw.acct.acc431 No description. uw.acct.acc432 No description. uw.acct.acc442 No description. uw.acct.acc443 No description. uw.acct.acc451 No description. uw.acct.acc453 No description. uw.acct.acc454 No description. uw.acct.acc461 No description. uw.acct.acc462 No description. uw.acct.acc463a No description. uw.acct.acc480 No description. uw.acct.acc491 No description. uw.acct.acc601 No description. uw.acct.acc610 No description. uw.acct.acc611 No description. uw.acct.acc630 No description. uw.acct.acc650 No description. uw.acct.acc651 No description. uw.acct.acc660 No description. uw.acct.acc661 No description. uw.acct.acc663 No description. uw.acct.acc670 No description. uw.acct.acc680 No description. uw.acct.acc681 No description. uw.acct.acc692 No description. uw.acct.acc771 No description. uw.acct.acc782 No description. uw.acct.general No description. uw.acct.macc No description. uw.acct.research No description. uw.aco.system No description. uw.ahs.ahsum No description. uw.ahs.general ?? (Moderated) uw.ahs.system ?? (Moderated) uw.ai.learning AI stuff uw.aix.support No description. uw.alt.sex.beastiality No description. uw.alt.sex.bestiality No description. uw.alt.sex.bondage No description. uw.alt.sex.stories No description. uw.alt.sex.stories.d No description. uw.alt.tasteless No description. uw.anth.anth300 No description. uw.archive uw.arts.general No description. uw.arts.grad No description. uw.arts.ugrad No description. uw.asplos No description. uw.assignments for assignment coordination uw.biol.biol456 No description. uw.biol.biol461 No description. uw.business-club No description. uw.campus-news reports, announcements, and comment about UW affairs uw.casi No description. uw.ccng.general Computer Communications Network Group uw.ccng.system Computer Communications Network Group uw.cgl Computer Graphics Lab uw.cgl.software Computer Graphics Lab uw.che.che045 No description. uw.che.che4a No description. uw.che.che562 No description. uw.che.che572 No description. uw.chem116.ahs No description. uw.chinese No description. uw.cive.cive221 No description. uw.cive.cive222 No description. uw.cive.cive265 No description. uw.cive.cive306 No description. uw.cive.cive375 No description. uw.cive.cive381 No description. uw.cive.cive403 No description. uw.cive.cive404 No description. uw.cive.cive414 No description. uw.cive.cive422 No description. uw.cive.cive472 No description. uw.cive.cive473 No description. uw.cive.cive483 No description. uw.cive.cive486 No description. uw.cive.cive498 No description. uw.cive.cive640 No description. uw.cive.cive701 No description. uw.cive.general No description. uw.cive.tick No description. uw.club.badminton No description. uw.clubs.act-sci No description. uw.clubs.african No description. uw.clubs.badminton No description. uw.clubs.bridge No description. uw.clubs.ccf No description. uw.clubs.chemclub No description. uw.clubs.chinese No description. uw.clubs.econsociety No description. uw.clubs.invest No description. uw.clubs.konnichi-wa No description. uw.clubs.konnichi-wa.japan No description. uw.clubs.korean No description. uw.clubs.navs No description. uw.clubs.objectivism No description. uw.clubs.psa No description. uw.clubs.ssa No description. uw.clubs.triathlon No description. uw.clubs.twsa No description. uw.clubs.ultimate No description. uw.clubs.waveform.transmission No description. uw.co.co331 No description. uw.co.co342 No description. uw.co.co437 No description. uw.co.co666 No description. uw.combopt No description. uw.computing.support.staff Computing support at University of Waterloo. uw.cong.system No description. uw.coop.sac No description. uw.cray nobody uses Crays here, do they? uw.cs.cs100 No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab21back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab21front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab22back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab22front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab23back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab23front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab24back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab24front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab31back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab31front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab32back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab32front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab33back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab33front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab34back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab34front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab41back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab41front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab42back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab42front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab43back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab43front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab44back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab44front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab51back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab51front No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab52back No description. uw.cs.cs100.lab52front No description. uw.cs.cs120 No description. uw.cs.cs134 No description. uw.cs.cs200 No description. uw.cs.cs212 No description. uw.cs.cs230 No description. uw.cs.cs240 No description. uw.cs.cs241 No description. uw.cs.cs242 No description. uw.cs.cs242.c++ No description. uw.cs.cs246 No description. uw.cs.cs316 No description. uw.cs.cs330 No description. uw.cs.cs338 No description. uw.cs.cs342 No description. uw.cs.cs370 No description. uw.cs.cs436 No description. uw.cs.cs444 No description. uw.cs.cs445 No description. uw.cs.cs498p No description. uw.cs.cs746 No description. uw.cs.cs788 course group uw.cs.cs798d No description. uw.cs.dept Computer Science uw.cs.eee Computer Science / Electrical Engineering uw.cs.faculty Computer Science uw.cs.general Computer Science uw.cs.grad Computer Science uw.cs.grad.topics Computer Science uw.cs.ugrad Computer Science uw.csc Computer Science Club uw.csg No description. uw.dcs.changes Computing Services software notices uw.dcs.courses Computing Services uw.dcs.gripe No description. uw.dcs.news Computing Services uw.dcs.operations Computing services. uw.dcs.suggestions Computing Services uw.dcs.system Computing Services uw.dcs.watserv1 watserv1.uwaterloo.ca users uw.dcs.watshine watshine.uwaterloo.ca users uw.disspla No description. uw.dp.changes No description. uw.dp.staff No description. uw.dsgroup Data Structures uw.dsgroup.misc Data Structures uw.ece.com1a No description. uw.ece.com1b No description. uw.ece.ece150 No description. uw.ece.ece209 ECE 209 at the University of Waterloo. uw.ece.ece304 No description. uw.ece.ece405 No description. uw.ece.ece411 No description. uw.ece.ece443 No description. uw.ece.ece451 No description. uw.ece.ece453 No description. uw.ece.ece471 No description. uw.ece.ece482 No description. uw.ece.ece621 No description. uw.ece.ece647 No description. uw.ece.ece652 No description. uw.ece.ele1a No description. uw.ece.ele1b No description. uw.ece.jobs No description. uw.econ.eco101 No description. uw.econ.eco201 No description. uw.econ.eco221 No description. uw.econ.eco301 No description. uw.econ.econ102 No description. uw.ee.ee621 No description. uw.ee.grad Electrical Engineering uw.ee.opt No description. uw.engl.engl102a No description. uw.engl.engl210e No description. uw.engl.engl210f No description. uw.engl.engl794f No description. uw.engl.grad.research No description. uw.english-usage No description. uw.engsoc.athletics No description. uw.enve.enve320 No description. uw.enve.enve322 No description. uw.enve.enve330 No description. uw.envst.arch171 No description. uw.envst.arch171.discuss1 No description. uw.envst.arch171.discuss2 No description. uw.envst.envs200 No description. uw.envst.envs220 No description. uw.envst.ers285 No description. uw.envst.ers301 No description. uw.envst.ers305 No description. uw.envst.ers496 No description. uw.envst.general No description. uw.envst.geog165 No description. uw.envst.geog255 No description. uw.envst.geog303 No description. uw.envst.plan220 No description. uw.envst.plan355 No description. uw.envst.plan474p No description. uw.envst.system No description. uw.ers.ers241 No description. uw.fass FASS uw.feds No description. uw.forsale Items forsale. uw.gams uw.gene.gene16x No description. uw.gene.gene412 No description. uw.gene.gene452 No description. uw.gene121.compeng No description. uw.general Whatever. uw.geoeng No description. uw.gllow Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo uw.gnu FSF software For GNU at WATERLU uw.harmony Harmony OS uw.history.hist106 No description. uw.history.hist264a No description. uw.history.hist264b No description. uw.history.hist326 No description. uw.history.hist403 No description. uw.history.hist653 No description. uw.icr Institute for Computer Research uw.icr.forum Institute for Computer Research uw.icr.hardware Institute for Computer Research uw.ieee No description. uw.image-proc Image Processing uw.imprint Imprint, UW student newspaper uw.kin Kinesiology uw.kin.kin346 No description. uw.kin.kin401 No description. uw.kin.kin425 No description. uw.kin425 ? (Moderated) uw.lang languages uw.laurel Laurel OS uw.laurelcreek No description. uw.library Library uw.logic logic programming uw.lpaig Logic Programming & Artificial Intelligence Group uw.lpaig.changes Logic Programming & Artificial Intelligence Group uw.lpaig.system Logic Programming & Artificial Intelligence Group uw.mac-users No description. uw.mail-list.biomech No description. uw.mail-list.comp-chem No description. uw.mail-list.fractals No description. uw.mail-list.s No description. uw.mail-list.sun-managers No description. uw.maple Maple symbolic math software uw.math.faculty Math Faculty uw.math.faculty.planning No description. uw.math.grad Math Faculty uw.math.math136 No description. uw.math.math235 No description. uw.math.mathsoc No description. uw.math.tsa No description. uw.mathcad uw.matlab uw.me.me262 No description. uw.me.me269 No description. uw.me.me2a No description. uw.me.me2b No description. uw.me.me300 No description. uw.me.me3a No description. uw.me.me3b No description. uw.me.me423 No description. uw.me.me4a No description. uw.me.me4b No description. uw.mech.system Mechanical Engineering uw.mfcf.bugs Math Faculty Computing Facility uw.mfcf.gripe Math Faculty Computing Facility uw.mfcf.hardware Math Faculty Computing Facility (Moderated) uw.mfcf.hardware.mac No description. uw.mfcf.people Math Faculty Computing Facility uw.mfcf.questions No description. uw.mfcf.software Math Faculty Computing Facility uw.mfcf.software.mac No description. uw.mfcf.suggestions Math Faculty Computing Facility uw.mfcf.system Math Faculty Computing Facility uw.mfcf.updates No description. uw.minos MINOS project uw.msci.msci211 No description. uw.msci.msci261 No description. uw.msci.msci311 A class at the University of Waterloo, Canada. uw.msci.msci311ta A course at the University of Waterloo. uw.msci.msci33 No description. uw.msci.msci331 No description. uw.msci.msci431 No description. uw.msci.msci432 Class at University of Waterloo. uw.msci.msci441 No description. uw.msci.msci442 No description. uw.msci.msci442.reviews No description. uw.msci.msci442.thoughts No description. uw.msci.msci601 No description. uw.msci.msci604 Class at University of Waterloo. uw.msci.msci642 No description. uw.msci.msci646 No description. uw.msci.msci723 Class at University of Waterloo. uw.msci.mssa No description. uw.nag uw.network network status reports uw.network.external No description. uw.network.stats No description. uw.neural-nets Neural Networks uw.newsgroups Configuration discussions uw.opinion Political arguments uw.os.research OS research uw.os2-users No description. uw.outers No description. uw.pami Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence uw.pami.bsd Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence uw.pami.gripe Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence uw.pami.system Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence uw.phil.phil256 No description. uw.phil.phil322 No description. uw.phys.phys123 No description. uw.pmath.pmath336 No description. uw.pmath.pmath399c No description. uw.pmc Pure Math and C&O club. uw.progressive.conservatives.club No description. uw.psychology No description. uw.psychology.psyc101b No description. uw.psychology.psyc207 Psych 209 at the University of Waterloo. uw.psychology.psyc212 No description. uw.psychology.psyc261 No description. uw.psychology.psyc292 No description. uw.psychology.psyc304 No description. uw.psychology.psyc306 No description. uw.psychology.psyc311 No description. uw.psychology.psyc393 No description. uw.psychology.psyc463a No description. uw.psychology.psyc631 No description. uw.psychology.psyc647a No description. uw.psychology.ugrad No description. uw.psychology.ugrad.research No description. uw.recycling Recycled discussions uw.scicom Scientific Computing uw.sd.grad Systems Design uw.sgi.support No description. uw.shoshin Shoshin project uw.shoshin.changes Shoshin project uw.shoshin.system Shoshin project uw.staffassoc No description. uw.stats Statistics department uw.stats.s Discussion of S language uw.stats.stat204 No description. uw.stats.stat211 No description. uw.stats.stat231 No description. uw.stats.stat331 No description. uw.stv.stv204 No description. uw.sun-owners for people who have Suns uw.swen No description. uw.syde.syde114 No description. uw.syde.syde121 No description. uw.syde.syde182 No description. uw.syde.syde1b No description. uw.syde.syde311 No description. uw.syde.syde312 No description. uw.syde.syde321 No description. uw.syde.syde381 No description. uw.syde.syde3a No description. uw.syde.syde3b No description. uw.syde.syde422 No description. uw.syde.syde533 No description. uw.syde.syde536 No description. uw.syde.syde621 No description. uw.syde.syde632 No description. uw.sylvan Sylvan project uw.sylvan.os Sylvan project uw.sys.amiga for people with Amigas uw.sys.apollo for people with Apollos uw.sys.atari for people with Ataris uw.sytek Sytek local broadband network uw.talks upcoming seminars uw.test testing uw.tex TEX text formatting uw.ucc.fortrade University Computing Committee uw.ucc.review No description. uw.ugrad.cs Undergrads uw.unix arguments about Unix uw.unix.sysadmin shouting at sysadmins uw.usystem u-kernel and u-system uw.utility.shutdowns No description. uw.uwinfo UWinfo discussion, comments, feedback, etc. uw.virtual-worlds Exploring virtual reality at U Waterloo. uw.visualization No description. uw.vlsi VLSI group uw.vlsi.software VLSI group uw.vlsi.system VLSI group uw.vm-migration No description. uw.vms people who have to use VMS uw.watgreen No description. uw.watstar STAR group uw.weef No description. uw.win95-users No description. uw.wlu.bus No description. uw.wordperfect.users No description. uw.wpirg ??? (Moderated) uw.x-hints how to use X windows uw.x-windows how to use X windows uwcsa.general Computer Science & Engineering, U Washington, Seattle. (Moderated) uwisc.forsale No description. uwisc.forum No description. uwisc.general No description. uwisc.nsfdoc No description. uwm.general No description. uwo.astro.ast021 General Astronomy -- Course. uwo.biochem Biochemistry at the University of Western Ontario. uwo.biology.bio221a No description. uwo.biomed.engrg Biomedical Engineering Research. uwo.biomed.inroads Rehabilitation Engineering Research and Development. uwo.ccs.changes No description. uwo.clubs.wow-kayak No description. uwo.comp.general No description. uwo.comp.helpdesk No description. uwo.comp.ibm.announce No description. uwo.comp.micro No description. uwo.comp.net-status No description. uwo.comp.nupop No description. uwo.comp.packet No description. uwo.comp.pine No description. uwo.comp.progress No description. uwo.comp.security Computer security issues and policy. uwo.comp.sgi.announce No description. uwo.comp.sun.announce No description. uwo.comp.wais No description. uwo.comp.x500 No description. uwo.csd.acm No description. uwo.csd.cs175 No description. uwo.csd.cs201 Software Engineering, Algorithms & Data Struct Course. uwo.csd.cs304 No description. uwo.csd.cs305 No description. uwo.csd.cs319 No description. uwo.csd.cs331 Foundations of Theoretical Computer Science. uwo.csd.cs333 No description. uwo.csd.cs333y No description. uwo.csd.cs346 No description. uwo.csd.cs357a Computer Networks Course. uwo.csd.cs402 No description. uwo.csd.cs434 CS434 - Selected Topics in Computer Systems uwo.csd.cs619 No description. uwo.csd.cs650a No description. uwo.engrg.es391b No description. uwo.engrg.general No description. uwo.events No description. uwo.geog.308b No description. uwo.iaa.research No description. uwo.its.cmsteam No description. uwo.library No description. uwo.med No description. uwo.med.research No description. uwo.med.talk No description. uwo.physics.optics Applied Optics course, Phy 364a. uwo.pma No description. uwo.slis.c558 Data Base Management Systems & Programming Course. uwo.slis.c591 Information Sources & Services in Science & Tech Course. uwo.slis.c601 Online and Ondisc Information Systems & Services Course. uwo.slis.c640 Software Evaluation Course. uwo.slis.c705 Collection Development Course. uwo.slis.c706 Research Methods Course. uwo.slis.c707 No description. uwo.slis.c708 Systems and Information Technology Course. uwo.slis.review No description. uwo.sogs No description. uwo.ssc.network Social Sciences Centre Network. uwo.test No description. uwo.wbs.general Western Business School -- General discussions uwo.wbs.hba Western Business School - HBA program. uwo.wbs.mba Western Business School - MBA program. uwo.wbs.phd Western Business School - PHD program. uwo.wbs.techtalk Technical Q&A dealing with WBS computers. va.config Administrative discussions about the va hierarchy va.forsale Items for sale in Virginia. va.general For folks in Virginia. va.jobs Jobs offered in Virginia. va.politics Politics in Virginia. va.test Testing in Virginia. van.chatter Chatter in Vancouver, B.C. van.forsale Items forsale in Vancouver, B.C. van.general General discussion for Vancouver, B.C. van.jobs Jobs in Vancouver, B.C. van.test Test items in Vancouver, B.C. van.vpcus.announce VPCUS announcement van.vpcus.general Vancouver Personal Computers Users Society van.vpcus.sigs.internet VPCUS Internet Special Interest Group van.vpcus.sigs.os2 VPCUS IBM OS/2 SIG vegas.bi Talk for bisexually natured persons. vegas.config Configuration discussions for the higherarchy. vegas.food Anything about food in Las Vegas. vegas.for-sale For Sale/Want ads (no commercials, please!) vegas.general General discussion. vegas.jobs Jobs offered and wanted in Las Vegas. vegas.motss MOTSS community talk. vegas.personals Personal ads - any nature. vegas.personals.fsf Women Seeking Women in the Las Vegas area - SOUTHERN NV ONLY vegas.personals.fsm Women Seeking Men in the Las Vegas area - SOUTHERN NV ONLY vegas.personals.msf Men Seeking Women in the Las Vegas area - SOUTHERN NV ONLY vegas.personals.msm Men Seeking Men in the Las Vegas area - SOUTHERN NV ONLY vegas.personals.swingers Ads for Swingers in the Las Vegas area - SOUTHERN NV ONLY vegas.singles Talk for singles. vegas.test Group to test post to (don't do it in the others, OK?) vgc.announce Important announcement from Virtual Game Center Corp. vgc.archives Archives of Virtual Game Center Corp software. vgc.config Virtual Game Center Corp configuration and administration. vgc.jp.announce Announcements from Virtual Game Center Corp (in Japanese). vgc.jp.games.calssical Virtual Game Center Corp classical games. vgc.jp.games.kingofbattle Discussion about King of Battle. vgc.jp.games.quiz Virtual Game Center Corp Quiz game. vgc.jp.games.winbattle Virtual Game Center Corp Win Battle. vgc.jp.misc Miscellaneous discussion on Virtual Game Center Corp. vgc.jp.newgames Virtual Game Center Corp New game announcement. vgc.jp.test Test message news group of Virtual Game Center Corp in Japanese. vgc.jp.updateinfo Virtual Game Center Corp Game update infomation. vgc.jp.users.newusers Infomation for new users about Virtual Game Center Corp. vgc.jp.users.questions General Questions about Virtual Game Center Corp. vgc.jp.wanted Wanted items and information by Virtual Game Center Corp users. viwa.a.xep.bam Talks without censorship. viwa.annimals About annimals. viwa.anti_virus Viruses and antiviruses. viwa.any.humor Humor at ViwaNet. (Moderated) viwa.bbs.talk ViwaNet BBS News. viwa.books About books. viwa.cinema About cinema. (Moderated) viwa.cobet Life is life. viwa.commerce Commerce problems. viwa.crack.and.hack Crack's & hack's. viwa.elite Elite Talks. (Moderated) viwa.english.talks Talks on english. (Moderated) viwa.formula.one Everything about autosport. viwa.forward Forwards from another networks. (Moderated) viwa.forward.talk Talks about forwards in viwa.forward. viwa.gama About all types of games. viwa.gr.ob About punk-rock. viwa.grafoman I can make it!. viwa.guitar Lessons, accords and other. viwa.hardware About computers hardware. viwa.history About history of ViwaNet. viwa.inet About internet. viwa.ipex.flame Deep flames live here. viwa.local_talks Local newsgroup from /998. viwa.mailer About all types of mailers. viwa.make-a-fake Fakers place. viwa.metaphisic.rpg Fantasy, phylosophy, metaphisic, RPG. viwa.military.music Foma Fomich and his childs. viwa.military.sex Sex and War, sexual revolution in Russia. viwa.motherland About our motherland. viwa.music.lyrics Texts of different songs. viwa.music.talks Talks about music. viwa.music.talks.rap Talks about rap music. viwa.music.talks.rave Talks about techno music & rave culture. viwa.music.uue Songs in xm,mod,s3m,stm format. viwa.os2 About IBS OS/2 viwa.os2.soft About software for OS/2 viwa.photo.uue ViwaNet members Photos in gif, jpg format. viwa.point Requests of point addresses in ViwaNet. viwa.point.discuss Talks about points' problems. viwa.politics About politics. viwa.programming About programming. viwa.pvt.aqualangers.club Aqualangers club - deep inside!. viwa.pvt.newspaper News from Russian newspapers. viwa.ru.djatlov News from Russian TV. viwa.sex About sex. (Moderated) viwa.shells About dos&non-dos shells. viwa.sobutilnik Have a drink? %). viwa.sport Everything about sport. viwa.sysop.gad Sysop's garbage. viwa.talks.about.nothing Talks about nothing. viwa.tormoz --v-Come down-v--. viwa.tosser About FTN tossres. viwa.tracker.sampler About computer music. viwa.unix About UNIX-based OS. viwa.vampire Vampyres in computer networks. viwa.zze About zze-standart. vmsnet.alpha Alpha AXP architecture, systems, porting, etc. vmsnet.announce General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated) vmsnet.announce.newusers Orientation info for new users. (Moderated) vmsnet.decus.journal The DECUServe Journal. (Moderated) vmsnet.decus.lugs Discussion of DECUS Local User Groups & related issues. vmsnet.employment Jobs sought/offered, workplace and employment issues. (Moderated) vmsnet.epsilon-cd DEC's free, unsupported OpenVMS AXP CD. vmsnet.groups Administration of the VMSnet newsgroups. vmsnet.infosystems.gopher Gopher software for VMS, gateway w/VMSGopher-L. vmsnet.infosystems.misc Various infosystem software for VMS (WAIS, WWW, etc). vmsnet.internals VMS internals, MACRO-32, Bliss, &c; gateway w/MACRO32. vmsnet.mail.misc Other electronic mail software. vmsnet.mail.mx MX email system, gatewayed to MX mailing list. vmsnet.mail.pmdf PMDF email system, gatewayed to ipmdf mailing list. vmsnet.misc General VMS topics not covered elsewhere. vmsnet.networks.desktop.misc Other desktop integration software. vmsnet.networks.desktop.pathworks DEC Pathworks desktop integration. vmsnet.networks.management.decmcc DECmcc and related software. vmsnet.networks.management.misc Other network management solutions. vmsnet.networks.misc General networking topics not covered elsewhere. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.cmu-tek CMU-TEK TCP/IP package; gateway cmu-openvms-ip. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.misc Other TCP/IP solutions for VMS. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.multinet TGV's Multinet TCP/IP, gateway w/info-multinet. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.tcpware Process Software's TCPWARE TCP/IP software. vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.ucx DEC's VMS/Ultrix Connection (TCP/IP for VMS). vmsnet.networks.tcp-ip.wintcp The Wollongong Group's WIN-TCP TCP/IP software. vmsnet.pdp-11 PDP-11 hardware and software, gatewayed to info-pdp11. vmsnet.sdk.openvms.fieldtest No description. vmsnet.sources Source code postings ONLY. (Moderated) vmsnet.sources.d Discussion about or requests for sources. vmsnet.sources.games Recreational software postings. vmsnet.sysmgt VMS system management. vmsnet.test Test messages. vmsnet.tpu TPU language and applications, gatewayed to info-tpu. vmsnet.uucp DECUS uucp software, gatewayed to vmsnet mailing list. vmsnet.vms-posix Discussion about VMS POSIX. vnet.general No description. vu.org.mac101 Mac use group and MAC101 discussion at Vanderbilt U. vuw.general No description. wales.adverts.general Adverts with a Welsh flavour. wales.cymraeg For discussion in the Welsh language. wales.education.general Discussion on education in Wales. wales.genealogy.general Genealogy with a Welsh connection. wales.history.general For discussion of all aspects of Welsh history wales.music.general About all types of Welsh music. wales.politics.assembly About the National Assembly of Wales. wales.politics.general General Welsh politics. wales.sport.general Discussion on sport in Wales. wales.sport.rugby-union Discussion relating to Welsh rugby union. wales.talk General Welsh topics for discussion. wales.test Test postings in the wales.* hierarchy. wales.usenet.announce Announcements about wales.* newsgroups. (Moderated) wales.usenet.config Discussions about wales.* newsgroups. wash.assistive-tech Forum about AT issues, products, and services in WA. wash.everett.forsale No description. wash.everett.general No description. wash.general Discussion of general matters in Washington State, USA wash.politics No description. wash.test Test messages in Washington State, USA. well.general Local news for & about the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link. wesley.general Wesley College General newsgroup. west-virginia.config USENET configuration in West Virginia west-virginia.general Discussion of general interest in West Virginia. wi.forsale Items for sale or wanted in Wisconsin wi.general Miscellaneous topics related to Wisconsin wi.madison.forsale Items for sale or wanted in Madison, Wisconsin wi.madison.general Miscellaneous topics related to Madison, Wisconsin wi.northeastern.talk Topics related to Green Bay, Appleton, Oshkosh area wi.transit Open forum on transportation issues in Wisconsin witten.flohmarkt Der Wittener Flohmarkt. witten.kultur Diskussionen um Kultur in Witten. witten.politik Politische Diskussionen in Witten. witten.test Lokale Tests in Witten an der Ruhr. wiz.bmw No description. wiz.mopar No description. wiz.motorace No description. wiz.nren No description. wiz.roadsters No description. wny.events Events in Western New York. wny.general General stuff in Western New York. wny.motss Gay, lesbian, etc., issues in Western New York wny.news News items in Western New York. wny.rochester.freenet Free-Net in Rochester, NY. wny.rocslug Sun User's Group in Western New York. wny.seminar Seminars in in Western New York. wny.test Tests - not only in in Western New York. wny.unix-wizards Unix wizards in Western New York. wny.wanted Wanted ads in Western New York. wny.wbfo NPR Buffalo news. wny.yumyum Gourmet news in Western New York. wolfhh.admin Administrative Dinge der wolfhh. wolfhh.archive Neue Archive auf der wolfhh. (Moderated) wolfhh.config Control-Postings fuer wolfhh.all. wolfhh.general Allgemeines fuer wolfhh. wolfhh.sources Sourcen. (Moderated) wolfhh.test Tests. wpg.computers.help Winnipeg related computer issues wpg.forsale.computers Computer-related for sale & wanted in Winnipeg. wpg.forsale.misc Non-computer-related for sale & wanted in Winnipeg. wpg.general No description. wpg.politics Discussion of political matters in Winnipeg. wpi.ccc No description. wpi.ccc.training Something at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. wpi.clubs.hsa ?!? wpi.cs.cs3013 WPI Computer Science 3013 wpi.cs.cs4513 Group for discussions concerning course CS 4513 wpi.cs.cs502 Discussions in Computer Science course CS502 wpi.en.en1251 Discussions in course EN 1251 wpi.events No description. wpi.faculty WPI faculty discussions. wpi.flame No description. wpi.library A group for discussion of WPI Gordon Library issues. wpi.net.roadmap No description. wpi.philosophy discussion of topics abstract wpi.spanish Postings only in spanish for WPI spanish courses wpi.steercom WPI Strategic Plan Steering Committee. wpi.test No description. wtby.announce No description. wu.bus.fin5411 FIN 5411. wu.bus.mgt5050 MGT 5050. wu.bus.mgt513f MGT 513F. wu.cait.3-tier Center for the Application of Information Technology Tier 3. wu.cec.general Informational postings by the Center for Engineering Computing (Moderated) wu.cs.general No description. wyo.education Discussions concerning education in Wyoming wyo.energy Discussion of energy related topics in Wyoming wyo.general General issues related to Wyoming wyo.internet General discussions of the Internet in Wyoming wyo.jobs Group to advertise and discuss jobs and job related issues wyo.recreation Discussions of Wyomings recreational activities and issues xs4all.adsl Alles over ADSL bij XS4ALL xs4all.announce Aankondigingen door XS4ALL voor alle XS4ALL abonnees (Moderated) xs4all.be.adsl ADSL via XS4ALL in Belgie xs4all.be.announce Announcements for customers of XS4ALL Belgium (Moderated) xs4all.be.general General discussions, for XS4ALL Belgium customers xs4all.be.isdn For all discussions about ISDN for XS4ALL Belgium xs4all.be.test testing 1 2 3 xs4all.be.www For all discussions about the web for XS4ALL Belgium xs4all.freedom Discussion about the Zeroknowledge product Freedom xs4all.isdn Alles over ISDN op XS4ALL xs4all.kabel XS4ALL via de kabel xs4all.mediacul Mediacultuur, mediacults en mediakul; semi-gemodereerd. xs4all.mediacul.zandbak Ongemodereerde zandbak-groep van xs4all.mediacul. xs4all.test Test! Don't read unless you don't get any news! xs4all.uucp Alles over uucp onder XS4ALL xs4all.www Alles over WWW op xs4all, HTML editen, homepages, usw. xs4all.www.scripts Discussing scripts on websites yakima.general Items of general interest in Yakima, WA yolo.general General Discussion About Yolo County, CA. yolo.life Life in Yolo County, CA. yolo.news General Interest News about Yolo County, CA. yolo.news.admin News Administration for the Yolo County, CA, hierarchy. yolo.test Post Yolo County, CA, test messages here. york.announce Announcements at York University. york.ariel No description. york.arts.course.pols4110 Urban Policy and Politics course discussion group york.atk.course.nats1720 Exploration of the Universe Discussions york.atk.course.nats1900 AK/NATS1900 Extraterrestrial Life Discussion york.atkinson.huma1790 Newsgroup for HUMA1790. york.bethune.course.bc1800c Discussion of modern astronomy, and (pseudo)science. york.calumet No description. york.chry A forum for discussion of CHRY progamming. york.club.physclub York U. Physics Club Journal: Thoughts & Theories (Moderated) york.club.seds Students for Exploration & Development of Space york.doc Documentation? at York Univ. york.email No description. york.english.course.ak-eng3100z Literature and Medicine BBS and database york.english.course.ak-eng3780 Creative Prose-Writing Seminar york.english.course.ak3770 A creative writing forum. york.english.course.ak3780 A creative writing forum york.english.course.en2690 Contemporary literature and culture in the age of information. york.english.course.eng319006a Was shakespeare a woman & other questions. york.english.course.eng777 Discussion of issues concerning English instruction and classroom details. york.fes.undercurrents Discussion re: "Undercurrents: A Journal of Critical Environmental Studies". york.fes.writers-cafe The Writer's Cafe at the Faculty of Environmental Studies york.general Postings of general interest at York University. york.history.course.hist1000c Students in York University History 1000C york.history.course.hist3930a A discussion forum for students and instructors in HIST 3930A.06. york.history.discussion A forum for issues of interest to York historians. york.humanities.course.huma2810 Intro Bible discussion group. york.mathstat.course.math2221 Forum for discussion of concepts and ideas in linear algebra. york.mathstat.course.math4100 Forum for discussion of concepts and ideas in mathematics education. york.natsci.course.nats1770 Technology and the Environment Discussions york.philosophy.course.ak-phil2410 Discussion group for course Introduction to Philosophy york.philosophy.course.modr1714 Discussion Group for (Glendon) Modes of Reasoning 1714.06 york.philosophy.course.phil2050 Discussion Group for Philosophy 2050.03 york.philosophy.course.phil2080 Discussion Group for Philosophy 2080.03 york.philosophy.course.phil2170 Discussion Group for Philosophy 2170 york.philosophy.course.phil2240 Discussion Group for Philosophy 2240.03A york.philosophy.course.phil2250 Discussion Group for Philosophy 2250.03A york.philosophy.course.phil3220 Discussion Group for Philosophy 3220.03A york.philosophy.course.phil3990 Discussion Group for Philosophy 3990.06C york.philosophy.course.phil6100 Discussion group for course Metaphysics: Mind and Matter. york.pols.dept Political Science Department News and Discussion york.psychology.course.psyc3010 Research Methods in Psychology york.psychology.course.psyc3010c News for PSYC3030.03C(F)--Research in Psychology. (Moderated) york.psychology.course.psyc3030 Psychology 3030 NewsGroup york.science.course.phys5290 Graduate-level discussions of extragalactic astronomy. york.science.course.phys5390 Graduate-level discussions of extragalactic astronomy. york.science.maxwell Science's Maxwell Lab electronic discussion forum york.science.microlabs Science's Micro Labs electronic discussion forum york.socialscience.course.sosc3990h A discussion group about television and media culture in general. york.test.multimedia Test newsgroup for multimedia material. yuba.general Yuba City/County/College general discussion group. z-netz.alt.adventure Fuer Abenteuer und Abenteurer z-netz.alt.americansports Amerikanische Sportarten z-netz.alt.amiga-dos.helpline - z-netz.alt.apc+tcp.nocover - z-netz.alt.apc+tcp.support.databench - z-netz.alt.apc+tcp.usertreffen - z-netz.alt.astronomie.ereignisse Der Terminkalender des Universums z-netz.alt.astronomie.texte Texte zur Astronomie z-netz.alt.auto.schnell+tiefer Mantas usw. z-netz.alt.bayernanzeiger Magazin der Jungen Presse Bayern e.V z-netz.alt.bescheuert Das kleine Brett ohne Anspruch z-netz.alt.bier Fuer Freunde der obergaerigen Braukunst z-netz.alt.bikers-corner Zwei Raeder unterwegs z-netz.alt.binaer.hackreport Fuer Hacker und Haecksen z-netz.alt.blueboxing Rainbow Warrior und seine Folgen z-netz.alt.boerse Hoffentlich verspekuliert sich niemand z-netz.alt.btx-gate Hier findet sich BIM ... z-netz.alt.c64 Die kleine Brotkiste.... z-netz.alt.cadcam Konstruieren, planen und bauen z-netz.alt.chat.african-link Talking with Africa z-netz.alt.computerclub.auge Rund um den AUGE e.V. z-netz.alt.computerclub.ihc - z-netz.alt.draco.allgemein Diskussion ueber den DraCo Computer z-netz.alt.drogen Turnt - turnt nicht - turnt z-netz.alt.duemmlich Forwards von extrem duemmlicher eMail; no discussion z-netz.alt.ebm+electro Musikrichtung EBM und ELECTRO z-netz.alt.eigener_chef Das Brett fuer Selbstaendige z-netz.alt.eisenbahn Das Brett fuer (Hobby-) Eisenbahner z-netz.alt.eishockey Fuer Eishockey-Fans z-netz.alt.elektronik Hardware und Loettechnik z-netz.alt.erotik.geschichten Erotische Geschichten z-netz.alt.erotik.talk Diskussion ueber die Geschichten z-netz.alt.esoterik Magie, Mystik, Parapsychologie, New Age z-netz.alt.esoterik.reiki Mit den Haenden heilen z-netz.alt.essen Hauptsache, es schmeckt... z-netz.alt.familie Alles rund um die Familie z-netz.alt.fan.admin-4-stock Keine Ahnung, wer das ist z-netz.alt.fan.bifff - z-netz.alt.fan.helmut_goj Er unter sich. Lohnt nicht z-netz.alt.fan.holzmann - z-netz.alt.fan.kaeptnblaubaer Dito. z-netz.alt.fan.rudi-pohlen - z-netz.alt.fileserver In welcher Box liegen welche Daten z-netz.alt.firm-net.werbung - z-netz.alt.fractint Fractales und Geniales z-netz.alt.freizeit.battletech Forum fuer Battletech-Freaks z-netz.alt.gate-bau Gateprotokolle, -implementierungen z-netz.alt.geos.allgemein GEOS allgemein z-netz.alt.geos.binaer Ueber das System hinaus z-netz.alt.geruechte Unbewiesen, unmoeglich, undenkbar z-netz.alt.gesunde_schule - z-netz.alt.hamburg.techno Techno in Hamburg z-netz.alt.handicap.allgemein Nur die Gesellschaft ist behindert z-netz.alt.handicap.blind Nur die Gesellschaft ist behindert z-netz.alt.hilfe Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe! z-netz.alt.hoersturz Magazin fuer alternative Klangstrukturen z-netz.alt.ig-metall.aktuelles Siehe /SOLINET/* z-netz.alt.ingenieure Ingenieure unter sich z-netz.alt.ingenieure.vdi Der VDI z-netz.alt.jokes Alles, was Spass macht - NO QUOTE z-netz.alt.jonglieren Mit Baellen und Keulen z-netz.alt.knobel-ecke Raetsel und Kopfnuesse z-netz.alt.kochbuch Das elektronische Kochbuch! z-netz.alt.kommerzielles - z-netz.alt.koordination.user+sysops Die administrative Labergruppe z-netz.alt.kultur.vernetzt keine Ahnung z-netz.alt.kunst Kunstsinniges und kuenstlerisches z-netz.alt.liebesleben.diskussion Gespraeche ueber Gute-Nachtgeschichten z-netz.alt.liebesleben.geschichten Gute Nacht-Geschichten fuer Erwachsene z-netz.alt.lightwave - z-netz.alt.linux Das Public-Domain-Unix z-netz.alt.listen Listen aller Art z-netz.alt.magazine.pakt - z-netz.alt.mailbox.recht Rechtliches zum Mailboxbetrieb z-netz.alt.mailboxwerbung Boxenwerbung z-netz.alt.med.allgemein MEDIZIN: Pathologie z-netz.alt.med.mta MEDIZIN: Med.-Techn.Angestellte z-netz.alt.med.notfall MEDIZIN: Wenn es schnell gehen muss z-netz.alt.med.pflege MEDIZIN: Kranken-Gesundpflege z-netz.alt.med.studenten MEDIZIN: Handwerker ohne Seele? z-netz.alt.med.therapie MEDIZIN: Heilen und Gesundwerden z-netz.alt.miteinander.stammtisch Thekengespraeche per eMail z-netz.alt.modellbahn Modelleisenbahner unter sich z-netz.alt.modellbau Modellbauer unter sich z-netz.alt.modem.pep Telebit-Modem z-netz.alt.modem.usr US-Robotics-Modem z-netz.alt.modem.zyxel Das Modem mit den vielen Updates z-netz.alt.musik Musik im Z-Netz z-netz.alt.musik.pink-floyd The Wall z-netz.alt.musiker.allgemein Komponieren und Musizieren z-netz.alt.musiker.binaer musikalische Binaries z-netz.alt.musiker.midi Musik und Midi z-netz.alt.obskur - z-netz.alt.only.frauen Nur fuer Frauen z-netz.alt.only.maenner Nur fuer Maenner z-netz.alt.partnerwahl Nur ernstgemeinte Zuschriften z-netz.alt.pbem.allgemein.allgemein Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.allgemein.anleitungen Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.allgemein.spielersuche Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.allgemein.spielsuche Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.allgemein.tools Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.allgemein Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.anleitungen Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.intern.news Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.intern.updates Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.news Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.spielersuche Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.spielsuche Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.imperium.tools Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pbem.wichtig Play by E-Mail z-netz.alt.pgp.allgemein Public Key Verschluesselung z-netz.alt.pgp.schluessel Schluesseltausch fuer PGP z-netz.alt.pgp.tools.msdos Tools zu PGP fuer die Dose z-netz.alt.pgp.tools.sonstige Tools zu PGP z-netz.alt.portrait.software Bitte laecheln - c h e e s e z-netz.alt.presse.mitteilungen Neues aus Film/Funk/Fernsehen z-netz.alt.punk - z-netz.alt.pyrotechnik Alles, was explodiert und stinkt z-netz.alt.rave-bin Binaries fuer Raver z-netz.alt.raver Das Brett fuer die harte Technofreaks z-netz.alt.raver.strike Hau rein! z-netz.alt.raytracing - z-netz.alt.rechner.amiga.binaer Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.amiga.diskussion Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.amiga.quellen Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.apple.binaer Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.apple.diskussion Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.apple.quellen Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.atari.8bit Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.atari.binaer Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.atari.diskussion Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.atari.quellen Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.c64+c128.binaer Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.c64+c128.diskussion Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.c64+c128.quellen Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.dokumentation Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.hinweis Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.ibm.binaer Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.ibm.diskussion Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.ibm.quellen Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.pocket-pool Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.psion.allgemein Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.psion.binaer Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.sonstiges Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.unix.diskussion Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechner.unix.quellen Die BINAER-Struktur des Z-NETZ z-netz.alt.rechnerkrieg Meiner ist aber besser und schoener! z-netz.alt.rollenspiele.dsa Das Rollenspiel DSA z-netz.alt.rollenspiele.shadowrun Das Rollenspiel Shadowrun z-netz.alt.rollenspiele.tradecards - z-netz.alt.sat-tv Satellitenfernsehen z-netz.alt.sauger-info.allgemein Wo finde ich welche PD oder Shareware? z-netz.alt.sauger-info.amiga Wo gibts massenhaft PD fuer'n AMIGA? z-netz.alt.sauger-info.apple Wo gibts massenhaft PD fuer'n APPLE? z-netz.alt.sauger-info.atari PD fuer'n ATARI z-netz.alt.sauger-info.ibm Wo gibts massenhaft PD fuer'n IBM? z-netz.alt.sauger-info.sonstige PD fuer alle anderen z-netz.alt.schach Das Koenigsspiel! z-netz.alt.schule.waldorf rund um die Waldorf-Schulen z-netz.alt.scientology - z-netz.alt.spiele.infocom Textadventure von Infocom z-netz.alt.spiele.infocom-binaer neue Interpreter fuer Textadventure von Infocom z-netz.alt.support.dbox Das Unix-Mailboxprogramm DBOX z-netz.alt.support.dinoex Der univereselle Mailbox-Server von Dirk Meyer z-netz.alt.support.dpoint Noch'n Point und noch'n.. z-netz.alt.support.emfido Fido-Gate fuer alle Amigas z-netz.alt.support.fidozc Support Gateway Fido Zconnect z-netz.alt.support.fidozerb Das etwas andere Problem z-netz.alt.support.fserv Ein Fileserver z-netz.alt.support.isdn-master Fragen & Antworten zum Adapter z-netz.alt.support.maczpoint Point fuer den Mac z-netz.alt.support.mahdia Windows-Mail/News-Client z-netz.alt.support.microdot Der AMIGA-Point z-netz.alt.support.microdot-beta Der AMIGA-Point im Test z-netz.alt.support.mp2.allgemein Diskussionen zu MonoidsPoint/2 z-netz.alt.support.mp2.binaer Updates und Tools fuer MonoidsPoint/2 z-netz.alt.support.msgbase Das POINT-Programm von Holger Lembke z-netz.alt.support.mybox Mailboxprogramm z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.allgemein NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.batch+script NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.bin.bugfix NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.bin.delta-up NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.bin.exe-upda NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.bin.tools NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.bugfix NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.fidogate NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.tools NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.vorschlaege NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.wichtig NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.ncbmail.windows NCB-Mail z-netz.alt.support.pmzpoint Noch ein Point z-netz.alt.support.postmaster Ein Sysop-Tool z-netz.alt.support.speedpascal - z-netz.alt.support.the_dot Supportbrett The DOT, der Atari Punkt z-netz.alt.support.theanswer.allgemein ZConnect-Point fuer Amigas, Fragen/Antworten z-netz.alt.support.theanswer.binaer TheAnswer:Fuer kleine Binaers bis max. 64K z-netz.alt.support.theanswer.meldungen TheAnswer:Listen etc., NUR LESEN, schreibzugriff:wegar@amc.cube.net z-netz.alt.support.tm-software Kein Plan z-netz.alt.support.turbo Der Euromail-Verteiler z-netz.alt.support.turbomail.allgemein Noch ein Programm z-netz.alt.support.turbomail.binaer Noch ein Programm z-netz.alt.support.turbomail.frage+bugs Noch ein Programm z-netz.alt.support.uucpfz Gateway-Soft UUCP for Zerberus 5 z-netz.alt.support.uzercp Supportbrett UZERCP z-netz.alt.support.winpoint Support fuer das Programm Winpoint z-netz.alt.support.xpoint.allgemeines Die Diskussionen ohne Peter z-netz.alt.support.xpoint.fido Supportbrett CrossPoint Fido-Modul z-netz.alt.support.xpoint.meldungen Die Meldungen ohne Peter z-netz.alt.support.xpoint.tools Tools zu CrossPoint z-netz.alt.support.xpoint.updates Supportbrett CrossPoint Updates z-netz.alt.support.z-man Support-Brett Z-Manual z-netz.alt.support.zclick.bugreport Bugreport & Programmfehler z-netz.alt.support.zclick.fragen_antworten Fragen, Antworten, Vorschlaege z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.bugmeldunge Fehlermeldungen z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.charon Diskussionen zu Charon z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.charon.faq Fragen und Antworten zu Charon z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.diskussion Diskussionen hier, bitte z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.frage+antwo Ihre Fragen und Antworten z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.os2 spezielle Probleme mit OS/2 z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.tools div. Hilfsprogramme z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.vorschlaege Ideen und Anregungen z-netz.alt.support.zerberus.wichtig Wichtiges zum Thema Zerberus z-netz.alt.support.zeusbox Mailboxprogramm z-netz.alt.support.znews Das Gatewayprogramm z-netz.alt.support.zodiacs_point Pointsoftware fuer AMIGA z-netz.alt.support.zufsig Die Signature z-netz.alt.tagebuch Literaturprojekt der Literaturwoche Wien z-netz.alt.telefonkarten Nie gebrauchte Gebuehreneinheiten z-netz.alt.test one two ... one two ... test ... z-netz.alt.tiere Hunde, Schafe, Schlangen, ... z-netz.alt.turbo_pool Sourcen fuer Turbo-Pascal z-netz.alt.tv.babylon5 Die moderne Seifenoper oder doch SF? z-netz.alt.tv.lindenstrasse Wann stirbt mal wieder wer? z-netz.alt.vegetarier kein Fleisch z-netz.alt.verschwoerung Verschwoerer und Geschworene z-netz.alt.vfiz.diskurs Diskussionen zum Z-Netz-Verein z-netz.alt.vfiz.meldungen Meldungen des Z-Netz Vereins z-netz.alt.videoschnitt.vlabmotion Diskussion und Information zum Videoschnitt z-netz.alt.viren.intern - z-netz.alt.werbung Informationen von Gewerbetreibenden z-netz.alt.wichtig Wichtige Administrativa von /Z-NETZ/ALT/* (Moderated) z-netz.alt.windows.binaer Tools zum Fensterln z-netz.alt.windows.treiber Fenster auf und Fenster wieder zu z-netz.alt.wirtschaft.allgemein Allgemeine Wirtschaftsthemen z-netz.alt.wirtschaft.boersen Wirtschaft z-netz.alt.wirtschaft.service Wirtschaft z-netz.alt.wrestling Wrestling z-netz.alt.wrestling.wcw Irgendwas mit Muskeln z-netz.alt.wrestling.wwf hauen pruegeln kuebeln z-netz.alt.zconnect.diskussion Diskussionen ueber ZConnect z-netz.alt.zconnect.gremium.diskussion ZCONNECT-Kommissionsbrett z-netz.alt.zconnect.gremium.vorschlag ZCONNECT-Kommissionsbrett z-netz.alt.zconnect.gremium.wahlurne ZCONNECT-Kommissionsbrett z-netz.alt.zconnect.meldungen Die Newsline zu ZConnect z-netz.alt.zconnect.wahlurne Bitte waehlen! z-netz.alt.zivildienst Zivildienst z-netz.bildung.allgemein Allgemeines zur Bildung z-netz.bildung.schule Schule bis zum Abitur z-netz.bildung.uni Rund um die Universitaeten z-netz.datenschutz.allgemein WARUM DATENSCHUTZ? z-netz.datenschutz.spionage Spionage, spez. Datenspionage z-netz.forum.diskussion.aktuelles Aktuelles in der Diskussion z-netz.forum.diskussion.allgemein Allgemeines Diskussionsforum z-netz.forum.diskussion.beziehungen Zwischenmenschliches im Z-Netz z-netz.forum.diskussion.militaer+kdv Diskussion ueber Militaer und ZiviDi z-netz.forum.diskussion.philosophie Philosophische Diskussion z-netz.forum.diskussion.politik Ansichten zu politischen Themen z-netz.forum.frage+antwort Allgemeine Fragen und Antworten z-netz.forum.krisen Wo brennt es auf der Welt? z-netz.forum.netzwesen Netzkultur etc. verschiedener Netze z-netz.forum.news Neues aus aller Welt z-netz.forum.religion Infos und Streitfragen zum Thema Glauben z-netz.forum.soziales Diskussion um soziale Themen z-netz.forum.umweltschutz Diskussion um Umweltschutz und -Schmutz z-netz.forum.verbrauchertip Verbrauchertips von und fuer USER z-netz.forum.verkehr Bikes, Autos, Bahnen etc . z-netz.forum.versicherung Diskussion um Versicherungen z-netz.freizeit.allgemein Allgemeines zu Freizeitbeschaeftigungen z-netz.freizeit.brettspiele Ein Brett, Figuren und Wuerfel z-netz.freizeit.consolen Sega,Nintendo und Konsorten z-netz.freizeit.filme.allgemein Im Kino - ueberregional z-netz.freizeit.filme.faq Viele kluge Antworten z-netz.freizeit.foto Im Blitzlichtgewitter z-netz.freizeit.motorrad Biker unter sich z-netz.freizeit.musik.allgemein Musik kann schoen sein z-netz.freizeit.musik.elektro Musik kann schoen sein z-netz.freizeit.musik.on_stage Musik kann schoen sein z-netz.freizeit.musik.pop Musik kann schoen sein z-netz.freizeit.rollenspiele.ad+d Geister, Krieger und Daemonen z-netz.freizeit.rollenspiele.allgemein Geister, Krieger und Daemonen z-netz.freizeit.rollenspiele.dsa Geister, Krieger und Daemonen z-netz.freizeit.rollenspiele.shadowrun Geister, Krieger und Daemonen z-netz.freizeit.rollenspiele.tradecards Verkauft! z-netz.freizeit.sammler Briefmarken, Kronkorken... z-netz.freizeit.theater Theater z-netz.freizeit.tiere Da freut sich der Hund z-netz.freizeit.tv.allgemein Ich glotz' TV z-netz.freizeit.urlaub Dahin wo die Sonne scheint z-netz.freizeit.video Video kills the radio star z-netz.freizeit.zeitschriften Alles zu Zeitschriften aller Art z-netz.fundgrube.biete.allgemein Nicht kommerzielle Angebote z-netz.fundgrube.biete.elektronik Hier nur Elektronik-Angebote z-netz.fundgrube.diskussion Diskussionen ueber die Fundgrube z-netz.fundgrube.gratis kostenlos umsonst gratis z-netz.fundgrube.job-boerse Job-Gesuche und -Angebote z-netz.fundgrube.suche.allgemein Kleinanzeigen gesucht z-netz.fundgrube.suche.elektronik Hier nur Elektronik-Gesuche z-netz.fundgrube.wohnraum Wohnungsgesuche und -Angebote z-netz.gesundheit.aids Die Gemeinheit des Jahrhunderts z-netz.gesundheit.allgemein Neuigkeiten - Nachrichten - Ideen z-netz.gesundheit.diskussion Homoeopathie? 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Usern und Sysops z-netz.koordination.wahlurne Die oeffentliche Abstimmung z-netz.koordination.z-netz-alt Wer hat wo welches /Z-NETZ/ALT-BRETT? z-netz.literatur.allgemein Der Trend zum Zweitbuch.. z-netz.literatur.sf+fantasy Gibson, Adams und Perry z-netz.magazine.allgemein Verschiedene gemischte Artikel z-netz.magazine.cj-page cj's page z-netz.magazine.forum Das Forum-Magazin z-netz.magazine.mjm Magazin junger Medienmacher z-netz.miteinander.fahren Wer faehrt mit wem wohin? z-netz.miteinander.kontakte Kontakte suchen und halten z-netz.miteinander.wohnen Mitwohnzentrale fuer Datenreisen z-netz.netzwerke.allgemein vernetzt die Haengematten.. z-netz.netzwerke.lan LOCAL Area Network z-netz.netzwerke.peer-to-peer Von PC zu PC und retour z-netz.netzwerke.wan WIDE Area Network z-netz.rechner.acorn.allgemein Die RISC Kistchen z-netz.rechner.amiga.allgemein Forum fuer Amiga : Allgemein z-netz.rechner.amiga.hardware Forum fuer Amiga : Hardware z-netz.rechner.amiga.programmieren Forum fuer Amiga : Programmieren z-netz.rechner.amiga.software Forum fuer Amiga : Software z-netz.rechner.amiga.spiele Forum fuer Amiga : Spiele z-netz.rechner.amiga.viren Forum fuer Amiga : Viren z-netz.rechner.apple.allgemein Forum fuer Apple : Allgemein z-netz.rechner.apple.hardware Forum fuer Apple : Hardware z-netz.rechner.apple.programmieren Forum fuer Apple : Programmieren z-netz.rechner.apple.spiele Forum fuer Apple : Spiele z-netz.rechner.apple.viren Forum fuer Apple : Viren z-netz.rechner.atari.8-bit Forum fuer Atari: 8 Bit Kisten z-netz.rechner.atari.allgemein Forum fuer Atari : Allgemeines z-netz.rechner.atari.hardware Forum fuer Atari : Hardware z-netz.rechner.atari.programmieren Forum fuer Atari : Programmieren z-netz.rechner.atari.spiele Forum fuer Atari : Spiele z-netz.rechner.atari.viren Forum fuer Atari : Viren z-netz.rechner.c64+c128.allgemein Forum fuer C-64 : Allgemeines z-netz.rechner.c64+c128.hardware Forum fuer C-64 : Hardware z-netz.rechner.c64+c128.programmieren Forum fuer C-64 : Programmieren z-netz.rechner.c64+c128.spiele Forum fuer C-64 : Spiele z-netz.rechner.c64+c128.viren Forum fuer C-64 : Viren z-netz.rechner.cd-rom Diskussion um silberne Scheiben z-netz.rechner.graphik Diskussion um Grafik z-netz.rechner.hardware Hardware-Forum z-netz.rechner.ibm.allgemein Infos fuer MSDOS-kompatible z-netz.rechner.ibm.hardware Hardware - Probleme? z-netz.rechner.ibm.os2 OS/2 von Big Blue z-netz.rechner.ibm.programmieren Programmierertips f. 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(Moderated) de.alt.netdigest Aktueller und klassischer Humor aus allen Netzen und IRC. (Moderated) alt.music.zwan Ryan Mast's new band nihon.books Topics about books. nctu.club.debate ¥æ³q¤j¾ÇÅG½×ªÀ alt.codejunkies A group for developers of all backgrounds to talk alt.pl.tvn.biggrabie alt.pl.tvn.biggrabie no.samfunn.media.radio-tv.virkelighets-tv Diskusjoner rundt mediefenomenet Reality-TV. dk.binaer.film Indlaeg med film-filer af ikke-erotisk art. alt.games.seordcast Discussion of the web game seordcast.com nctu.club.archery ¥æ³q¤j¾Ç®g½bªÀ alt.nl.verdomhoekje.adri-verhoef Verdomd het staat je goed, a3. alt.pl.tvn.grabie.ogrodnicze alt.pl.tvn.grabie.ogrodnicze alt.pl.homoseksualizm.rybki-kontra-stereotypy Alterek i Bubu przeciwko szufladkowaniu alt.fan.rachel-stevens Newsgroup for the fans of Rachel Stevens alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.male.moderated The study of the (Moderated) nctu.club.hsinchu-alumni ¥æ³q¤j¾Ç¦Ë¤Í·| alt.fan.nattie Wibble from and about the renegade soubrette. alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.outlook alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.outlook alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.netscape alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.netscape alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.xnews alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.xnews alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.slrn alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.slrn alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.gravity alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.gravity alt.pl.niusy.serwery alt.pl.niusy.serwery alt.pl.niusy.serwery.hamster alt.pl.niusy.serwery.hamster alt.pl.niusy.serwery.ppsn alt.pl.niusy.serwery.ppsn alt.pl.niusy.filtry alt.pl.niusy.filtry alt.pl.niusy.filtry.ppfn alt.pl.niusy.filtry.ppfn alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.ppwen alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.ppwen alt.tv.oreilly-factor The television debate show The O'Reilly alt.idiot.mattvell Matt, the boring guy from Frontiernet no.alt.marked.seksualitet Kjøp/salg av sex og sexleketøy, blader, filmer m.m. alt.binaries.erotica.madscience.female Geek chicks and test tubes alt.nl.bordeel.hoerenkast Voor niet spammende hoeren. (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.madscience Geek Babes and Test Tubes alt.binaries.multimedia.scifi for videos of scifi movies alt.pl.niusy.serwery.ms alt.pl.niusy.serwery.ms alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.outlook.express alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.outlook.express alt.binaries.nospam.thick-butts Big women with big butts alt.binaries.pictures.photos.constructive-criticism photo critique alt.binaries.pictures.orchids For the Posting of Images Of Orchids. dk.marked.privat.dyr.hest Handel med varer og tjenesteydelser til hestesport. alt.punk.anarcho anarchist punk worldwide alt.orchidindex For use in correlation with www.orchidindex.com uk.rec.motorcaravans Recreational and technical aspects of motorcaravanning uk.tech.digital-tv.crypt encryption used by tv providers alt.binaries.pictures.female.fitness Fitness Binaries Only. alt.pl.popieram.adama-malysza alt.pl.popieram.adama-malysza alt.p45club.uk p45club.uk on a global scale. alt.pl.psychologia.akceptacja alt.pl.psychologia.akceptacja alt.pl.www.serwery alt.pl.www.serwery nl.defensie.marine Officieuze marinecontact- en -nieuwsgroep. alt.pl.tvn.fakty alt.pl.tvn.fakty alt.pl.tvn.supergliny alt.pl.tvn.supergliny alt.pl.tvn.brednie alt.pl.tvn.brednie alt.pl.tvn.cienkiebolki alt.pl.tvn.cienkiebolki alt.pl.popieram.leppera alt.pl.popieram.leppera alt.pl.ukraina Kultura, podroze, spoleczenstwo. alt.pl.popieram alt.pl.popieram alt.pl.fan.ekolog Dla tego jakze wspanialego Ekologa ;> alt.pl.psychologia.zaufanie alt.pl.psychologia.zaufanie alt.nl.support.daklozen Discussieplatform voor daklozen. alt.nl.flame.honden.geblaf Hou die jankmuil toch eens dicht. alt.nl.fetisjisme Alles over fetisjisme. alt.nl.support.goed-voornemen Om achter de vodden gezeten te worden. alt.nl.prikkeldraad-fetisjisme.recovery Bijkomen van een prikkelende ervaring. alt.nl.voyeurisme Trefpunt voor gluurders. de.rec.tv.serien Fortsetzung folgt. alt.binaries.pictures.zips-repost Repost of zipped sets of binaries free.idoctra.support idoctra Support alt.binaries.pictures.smartowners group description Smart Car Piccys free.aaroncity The official newsgroup for AaronCity.com alt.pl.nauka.ekologia Wszystko o ekologii alt.binaries.pictures.bromeliads For the posting of images of bromeliads. nctu.club.pop µJÂIPOP¼s§i¬ã²ßªÀ alt.binaries.pictures.zips.repost Repost of zipped sets of binaries. alt.fan.grrm Discussion on George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" uk.tech.robotics Robotics in the UK alt.travel.lighthouse Lighthouse related discussions no.alt.pludring.intens Pludring som er for intens for no.alt.pludring. alt.autos.ford.escort Ford Motor's ubiquitous economy car. alt.pl.comp.os.cracking.lamanie-programow Remove CD-check itp. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.anime.yaoi.hentai-san Hentai-san yaoi nl.internet.dsl Verbindingen met behulp van DSL. codewarrior.symbian Discussion of Codewarrior products for Symbian de.alt.soc.krieg Vom Kriege. no.alt.karlsen+spangelid Gruppe for krangling med Arild Karlsen. alt.fraud.scientology.scam The fraud cult Scientology alt.binaries.sounds.midi.french French midi binaries files exchange. alt.bills-bar Beautiful Losers' Cybaria. alt.music.richard-thompson British singer-songwriter. alt.pl.milosc Dla wszystkich zakochanych. alt.pl.milosc.kacik-zlamanych-serc Dla wszystkich nieszczesliwie zakochanych. alt.pl.strowger Strowger Power alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.tickling.moderated for images of (Moderated) alt.binaries.multimedia.pantyhose pantyhose movies alt.binaries.naturalboobies THE group for natural breast fans alt.binaries.pictures.blasphemous-sex nuns, crucifixes, churches, etc. alt.pl.fan.legia Legia, Legia, Legia! alt.swnet.politik.socialism Group that give priority to humanity alt.mgm.po.godzinach Na kazdy temat. For MGM UKT Members ONLY ;) alt.pl.jestem-w-pierdlu-prosze.pogadajmy.sobie Dla tych, ktorym sie nudzi w alt.pl.ogloszenia.kupie-sprzedam Ogloszenia kupna, sprzedazy i wymiany pl.soc.rodzina Jak zyc w rodzinie i przetrwac. free.uk.legal legal theory, discussion, advice free.uk.legal.family-law legal theory, discussion, advice free.uk.legal.criminal-law legal theory, discussion, advice free.uk.legal.public-law legal theory, discussion, advice free.uk.legal.family-law.divorce legal theory, discussion, advice free.uk.talk.cardigan Local discussion, adverts. alt.support.fart-acceptance Farting is fundamental. pl.misc.dieta Co, ile i kiedy jesc, zeby sie najesc a nie przejesc. pl.soc.genealogia Poszukiwanie przodkow, historia rodow. alt.pl.fan.madi Madi na Usenecie szaleje free.uk.happyhour Friendly, Silly but Harmless FUN! de.comm.software.gnus Der News- und Mailclient im Emacs. alt.music.stevie-wonder Motown singer songwriter. free.geofiction All about geofiction. uk.music.sixties Discussion of 60's music alt.tst.do.del Tests free.honda-crx All about the Honda CRX. de.comm.abuse Missbraeuchliche Nutzung von Fax, Telefon, SMS etc. free.sucht.hilfe Sucht-Hilfe alt.fan.televisionx.multimedia A group for the publication of alt.fan.unacanceller The original alt.politics.unacanceller The original alt.comp.apps.newsagent The original alt.comp.apps.sandblaster-cancel-engine The original alt.comp.apps.enlow-usenet-cancel-engine The original alt.comp.apps.pce6 The original alt.unacanceller The original alt.unacanceller.special-requests The original alt.politics.canada.party-of-the-unacanceller The original alt.politics.usa.party-of-the-unacanceller The original alt.religion.party-of-the-unacanceller The original alt.politics.europe.party-of-the-unacanceller The original alt.politics.middle-east.party-of-the-unacanceller The original alt.partial-fan.hizbullah The original alt.rec.cancelling The original alt.fan.cancelbots.newsagent The original alt.toys.cancelbots The original alt.fan.cancelbots.vulius The original alt.fan.cancelbots.sandblaster The original alt.fan.cancelbots.enlow The original alt.fan.cancelbots.polaris-6 The original alt.fan.cancelbots.coup-d-etat The original alt.fan.cancelbots.polaris-3 The original alt.comp.perl.cancelbots The original alt.comp.java.cancelbots The original alt.comp.vb.cancelbots The original alt.comp.c.cancelbots The original alt.comp.fortran.cancelbots The original alt.comp.intercal.cancelbots The original alt.pl.programy.telewizyjne alt.pl.programy.telewizyjne alt.consumers.uk-discounts.and.bargains UK Discounts and Bargains alt.consumers.uk-discounts-and-bargains UK Discounts and Bargains alt.politics.pacific-rim.party-of-the-unacanceller The original alt.comp.cobol.cancelbots The original alt.authors.raymond-carver Contemporary American writer. alt.comp.assembly.cancelbots The original free.games.anno1503 Sunflower's Anno 1503/1503 A.D. free.games.anno1602 Sunflower's Anno 1602/1602 A.D. alt.comp.bourne-shell.cancelbots The original alt.support.diabetes.uk Support for diabetics within the UK. alt.pl.milosc.kacik-zlepionych-serc alt.pl.milosc.kacik-zlepionych-serc alt.pl.zaciek.u.sufitu alt.pl.zaciek.u.sufitu alt.pl.test.mikrofonu alt.pl.test.mikrofonu pl.comp.lang.javascript Stosowanie JavaScript. pl.sci.ai Problematyka sztucznej inteligencji. alt.loser.m2t.sheep The M2T lovers of sheep group. alt.pl.homoseksualizm.alex-madi-yacek Hardcore'owcy z aph alt.pl.filmowcy-amatorzy Filmowcy-amatorzy w Polsce de.etc.bahn.eisenbahntechnik Fahrzeug-, Infrastruktur- und Bautechnik. de.etc.bahn.historisch Bahnen aus alten Zeiten. de.etc.bahn.bahnpolitik Bahnen zwischen Politik und Wirtschaft. alt.rec.geocaching For the discussion of geocaching. alt.pl.comp.os.cracking.lamanie-nog alt.pl.comp.os.cracking.lamanie-nog alt.pl.nauka.czytania alt.pl.nauka.czytania alt.pl.spoleczenstwo.informatyczne alt.pl.spoleczenstwo.informatyczne alt.pl.muzyka.bin.laden alt.pl.muzyka.bin.laden alt.pl.nauka.chodzenia alt.pl.nauka.chodzenia pl.comp.sys.x11 X Window System - system otwarty i rozproszony. free.it.nerchia talking about nerchia alt.pl.regionalne.olsztyn.ogloszenia Advertises in Olsztyn alt.pl.divx.napisy Napisy do divx alt.pl.nowe-grupy Propozycje nowych grup w hierarchii alt.pl alt.fan.quarion wirtualne rpg. alt.games.civ3 Discussion of Sid Meier's Civilisation 3 game. netscape.public.mozilla.jsdebugger JavaScript debugging in Mozilla. alt.pl.regionalne.plock.ogloszenia Wiesci z Plocka alt.pl.regionalne.plock Dyskusje ¿yciowych problemach mieszkañców alt.pl.quarion wirtualne rpg. alt.pl.graffiti Alternatywne polskie graffiti alt.fan.affinity Affinity; an artist, poet, creative writer, dk.binaer.historie Historisk kildemateriale i binaer form. dk.videnskab.historie.genealogi Emner af interesse for slaegtsforskere. dk.videnskab.historie.lokalhistorie Debat om lokalhistoriske emner. alt.pl.regionalne.lubin Dyskusje ¿yciowych problemach mieszkañców alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.male moderated Beautiful black (Moderated) comp.sys.amiga.morphos All about Amiga-compatible MorphOS. free.donkeys Newsgroup for donkeys alt.donkeys Newsgroup for donkeys alt.pl.rec.sport.golf Dyskusja na temat golfa alt.pl.rec.muzyka.hiphop Dyskusja na temat muzyki hiphop alt.pl.nauka.latania alt.pl.nauka.latania alt.pl.comp.os.cracking.programow alt.pl.comp.os.cracking.programow alt.pl.biznes.ubezpieczenia Insurance cz.comp.microsoft.vsnet Diskuse o Visual Studiu .NET alt.pl.gps Global Positioning System alt.pl.muzyka.katarynki alt.pl.muzyka.katarynki alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.transsexuals Erotic she-males cz.talk.sci-fi Diskuse o sci-fi a fandomu alt.pl.lotto Dyskusja na temat gier liczbowych alt.binaries.games.dogs For the posting of dog games alt.nymphomania For women with high sexual drive. free.marge-simpson The Start of The Simpsons TV show! free.it.sport.calcio.inter.totocuper Azzeriamo i posts su ISCI! alt.binaries.nospam.britbabes Glamour models from the UK. alt.binaries.katies-world Binaries of Katie from Katies World. alt.binaries.multimedia.queer-as-folk Multimedia from Queer As Folk alt.help.webspace-users Answers to html and publishing questions. alt.nl.democrates Over statistiek,xenofobie en politiek pl.rec.radio.amatorskie Krotkofalarstwo, packet radio, sport DX-owy. pl.rec.gry.komputerowe.moderowana Gry komputerowe - opinie i refleksje. (Moderated) alt.magdalen Advice from and about SubGenius Rev. Mary Magdalen free.it.citta.pescara discussioni su Pescara alt.pl.sluby Wszystko o slubach i weselach comp.distributed Distributed Resource Sharing and Applications. alt.pl.wirelesslan alt.pl.wirelesslan alt.pl.regionalne.radom alt.pl.regionalne.radom alt.emulators.winex Discussion of the Transgaming WineX project free.pl.rec.sport.golf Dyskusje o golfie uk.people.silversurfers Advice and chat for older internet users alt.pl.gry.emulacja Emulacja gier video. uk.culture.nostalgia.1980s Nostagic discussion about life in the 1980s alt.binaries.vcd.d Discussion for the alt.binaries.vcd hierarchy. alt.os.linux.gentoo The Gentoo Linux Distribution. alt.binaries.vcd.svcd Super Video CD compliant files. alt.binaries.vcd.svcd.repost Reposting of files from alt.binaries.vcd.svcd. alt.binaries.vcd.other Non-VCD/SVCD compliant files. alt.pl.rec.muzyka.reggae Pojecia nie mam... :P alt.binaries.vcd.other.repost Reposting of files from alt.binaries.vcd.other. free.it.jeff-buckley Ecco il mio ng su free codewarrior.wireless Discussion of Codewarrior products for wireless devices nl.support.overspannen Onderlinge hulp bij burnout en overspannenheid. sfnet.keskustelu.energia Keskustelua energian tuotannosta ja kulutuksesta codewarrior.embedded.hiware Discussion of Codewarrior Embedded products for Hiware codewarrior.java Discussion of Codewarrior products for Java codewarrior.java.embedded Discussion of Codewarrior products for embedded Java products free.pl.rec.sport.curling Dyskusje o curlingu alt.pl.makro A one-line description alt.cad.revit Revit parametric building modelling software. free.it.coglioni.antonio.larosa Parliamo di una povera testa di cazzo frustrata alt.games.comanche4 rotor driven mayhem on a global scale uk.games.video.xbox UK based discussion about Microsoft's XBox dk.marked.privat.telefon.mobil.unlock Privat handel med unlocking og udstyr hertil. free.opiate All about Opiate. free.pl.makro Makrokierunek. alt.pl.satanizm Satanizm jako religia, sztuka i sposob na zycie. free.pl.makrokierunek Makrokierunek. alt.fan.palpatine Fans of palpatine & shit alt.comp.programming.pro-goto real programmers use goto. alt.nl.nokiagame Nederlandse nokiagame-groep dk.marked.privat.camping Privat handel med campingvogne, camp-let, combicamp, autocampere, telte og udstyr hertil. sdnet.astronomy Astronomy discussion, information in San Diego. free.edward All about Edward. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.smoking Erotic smoking images free.it.religioni.cmas Chiesa Magica dell'Antica Saggezza de.comm.software.outlook-express Mail und News nach Microsoft-Art. uk.tech.tv.video.pvr Hard disk-based Personal Video Recorder(PVR) systems alt.digitiser.spork SPORK free.scumbo To infinity and beyond. nl.comp.os.linux.programmeren Programmeren onder Linux. alt.bah Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah alt.mr.baggins.to.you A newsgroup especially for Mr Baggins fans alt.religion.mcaw Magical Church of Ancient Wisdom. alt.perv Home group for the Empire of perv. alt.bluno Bluno does not exist dead but not alive longer yes. alt.alcohol.home-distillation Moonshine stills, ethanol and corn whiskey. alt.pl.berry-pickers.sweden Polish prostitutes i northern Sweden. swnet.sys.windows-xp Allt om datorsystem med MS Windows XP. swnet.comp.diverse Diverse om datorer. swnet.sci.matematik Vetenskapliga diskussioner om matematik. swnet.alt.flame Personangrepp, smutskastning och flejmkrig. swnet.alt.humor Roliga historier och andra humoristiska inlägg. swnet.binaries.diverse Bilder, ljud, video och applikationer. swnet.binaries.fotografi Allt om fotografering. swnet.binaries.media Bilder, ljud och video som handlar om svensk media. swnet.binaries.pryltorg Bilder på föremål i swnet pryltorg. swnet.binaries.husdjur Bilder, film och ljud som handlar om husdjur. swnet.binaries.pc Applikationer för PC. swnet.kultur.fredagsfylla Alkohol, snapsvisor, drinkar och party. swnet.husdjur.diverse Allt om husdjur. swnet.media.porrfilm Diskussioner av filmer med avklädda människor. swnet.sci.fysik Vetenskapliga diskussioner om fysik. swnet.husdjur.katter Allt om katter. swnet.sci.diverse Allmänna vetenskapliga diskussioner. swnet.sci.kemi Vetenskapliga diskussioner om kemi. swnet.sport.fotboll Allt om fotboll, både passiva som aktiva utövare. swnet.sys.windows Allt om Microsoft Windows 3.11, 95, 98 och ME. alt.uk.gay A much needed group. alt.pl.hum.sztuka Sztuka free.de.config Administratives zu Gruppen in free.de.* free.it.annunci.bari Annunci relativi alla zona di Bari free.idoctra.jobs Offers for and requests from idoctra translators. free.idoctra.lang.de Translation issues (German language). free.idoctra.lang.en Translation issues (English language). free.idoctra.lang.fr Translation issues (French language). free.idoctra.lang.es Translation issues (Spanisch language). free.idoctra.lang.other Translation issues (Other languages). swnet.comp.sakerhet.virus Datorsäkerhet med inrikting på datavirus. swnet.fritid.skytte Vapen och utrustning för gevär- och pistolskytte. swnet.alt.diverse Diskussioner om allt möjligt mellan himmel och jord. swnet.utbildning.diverse Allmänt om utbildning och skolor. swnet.internet.mail Elektronisk post, mailservrar och mailprogram. swnet.comp.natverk Allmänt om datanätverk. swnet.comp.lang Allmänt om programmering och programutveckling. swnet.internet.www Allmänt om webben, html och hemsidor. swnet.comp.hardware Allmänt om hårdvara och datortillbehör. swnet.comp.ai Allmänt om artificiell intelligens. swnet.comp.sakerhet Allmänt om datorsäkerhet. alt.talk.mort-davis.nope.nope.nope Mort Davis is a twat alt.music.boards-of-canada Boards of Canada. Hexagon Sun is a alt.d3multimedia A Group to allow programmers from the web alt.comp.lang.rebol Discussion about Rebol and Rebol/view alt.uk.gay-date Gay dating in the UK. free.uk.science.astronomy Discussion, theory, news. alt.pl.sztuka arsehingery on a global scale. sci.geo.cartography Maps, grids, coordinates, projections, datums. free.idoctra.lang.it Translation issues (Italian language). free.idoctra.lang.gr Translation issues (Greek language). uk.rec.motorcycles.classic Classic motorcycles, owning, riding, restoring de.soc.gleichberechtigung Maenner und Frauen, ihre Rechte und Pflichten. alt.personals.halifax discussion/personals for singles in Halifax, NS alt.astrology.metapsych.moderated Metaphysical Astrology (Moderated) free.uk.formula1.discussion F1 Chat alt.fan.hammer-films Discussions about Hammer Films and stars. free.sports.internet-curling-club Internet Curling Club free.sports.internet-golf-club Internet Golf Club alt.pl.mszczonow OffTopic o Mszczonowie :) swnet.comp.spel Allmänt om datorbaserade spel och kringutrustning. swnet.internet.diverse Allmänt om internet och internetteknologi swnet.prat.samlevnad Prat om parförhållanden, relationer och samlevnad. nctu.club.bridge ¥æ³q¤j¾Ç¾ôÃÀªÀ es.rec.coleccionismo Discusion e intercambio entre coleccionistas es.soc.familia.mellizos Todo sobre gemelos, mellizos, trillizos... es.ciencia.fisica Discusion de temas relacionados con Ciencias Fisicas alt.binaries.multimedia.vintage-film.post-1960 Recent film classics. alt.pl.lo4 IV LO we Wroclawiu alt.politics.international Diplomacy, cooperation, conflict. alt.pl.zarabianie Grupa dotyczaca zarabiania w internecie. alt.fan.general-blitz Fans of famous entertainer "General Blitz" alt.idoctra.announce Announcing new groups alt.idoctra.lang.it Translation issues about the Italian language. alt.idoctra.support Questions and answers relating to the software. alt.idoctra.lang.en Translation issues about the English language. alt.idoctra.lang.de Translation issues about the German language. alt.idoctra.test Testing the idoctra hierarchy. alt.idoctra.lang.fr Translation issues about the French language. alt.idoctra.lang.es Translation issues about the Spanish language. alt.idoctra.lang.config Discussings about creating new groups in lang. alt.idoctra.lang.general Discussions about any languages w/o own group. es.comp.os.linux.anuncios Anuncios en español para usuarios de Linux (Moderated) sci.space.moderated Discussions about space related topics. (Moderated) alt.talk.royalty.inbreeding Intermarriage in European royal families. alt.fan.jelena-dokic Beautiful and talented Yugoslav tennis player. uk.local.sunderland Issues and events affecting the Sunderland area swnet.prat.diverse Prat om allt möjligt. swnet.kultur.diverse Allmänt om kultur. swnet.fritid.diverse Allmänt om fritidssysselsättning och hobby. swnet.teknik.diverse Diverse diskussioner om teknik och hantverk. swnet.fordon.diverse Allmänt om fordon och fordonstrafik. swnet.alt.fan.eddie-meduza Prat om den provokative musikern Eddie Meduza. swnet.religion.diverse Existensiella frågor, religion och teologi. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.gay.d.moderated Moderated discussion uk.food+drink.chinese A group for discussion of Chinese cuisine alt.yahoogroups.sucks Lost email, slow response, non-existant support. free.conspiracy Conspiracy talk. alt.pl.rec.muzyka.perkusja O grze na perkusji alt.origins.superstition superstitions of our origin nihon.talk.hneta hentai stories. alt.music.mp3.kazaa Filez, binariez and Spam. alt.women.inferiority Discussion for those who think women are inferior alt.binaries.jolene-blalock Pictures, video and sound nl.luchtvaart.microlight Over microlight vliegen. alt.music.balasevic Popular composer-singer from Novi Sad. free.fr.misc.tauromachie La tauromachie. nl.stad.rotterdam Over Rotterdam en zijn inwoners. free.fr.rec.cuisine.ephemerides anniversaires, naissances, deces etc. free.fr.rec.cuisine.splonk splonkage et convivialite. free.fr.rec.cuisine.traditions cuisine traditionnelle. xs4all.offtopic ONLY for off-topic messages (Moderated) alt.binaries.multimedia.alias Spy drama with double agent . alt.nl.ftp.onzin For the regulars of alt.nl.ftp . alt.fan.porkins Worshipping X-Wing pilot Red Six, Jek Porkins. alt.idiotic.barry-manilow.kill.kill.kill Kill Barry Manilow ! free.it.unifi Discussion about University of Florence Italy - alt.pl.muzyka.rock-elektroniczny alt.pl.muzyka.rock-elektroniczny alt.pl.www.jezyki alt.pl.www.jezyki alt.pl.www.jezyki.html alt.pl.www.jezyki.html alt.pl.www.jezyki.xml alt.pl.www.jezyki.xml de.newusers.questions Hilfe zum Usenet. (Moderated) alt.binaries.multimedia.martial-arts mixed martial arts posting es.ciencia.electronica.misc Discusiones sobre electrónica y robótica es.comp.redes.misc Temas diversos sobre redes de comunicaciones es.rec.video.misc Temas diversos sobre equipos, formatos, etc. de vídeo sfnet.harrastus.ruoka+juoma.olut Oluen ystävien ja harrastajien keskusteluryhmä alt.lisa-pease.is.david-henschel David Henschel's new persona lives! alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.poland Muzyka polska alt.pl.muzyka.bin.repost Powtorki dla spoznialskich alt.private.multimedia Multimedia from Private Media Group free.it.unifi.architettura Discussion about University of Florence Italy - free.it.unifi.medicina Discussion about University of Florence Italy - alt.pl.regionalne.jaroslaw Jaroslaw(town) and region. free.it.unica.diee Newsgroup del Dipartimento di Ingegneria elettrica ed elettronica di Cagliari, non ufficiale alt.pl.trojka Program Trzeci Programem Calego Narodu free.it.politica.ds Discussioni sui Democratici di Sinistra alt.nl.verdomhoekje.roel-janssen Veel plezier ermee johannes wilhelmus. alt.fan.gonia Grupa przyjaciol Goni i Platformy Pieknych i Mlodych swnet.internet.missbruk Olika former av missbruk, abuse, av internet. swnet.finans.privatekonomi Ekonomi för privatpersoner och hushåll. swnet.kultur.mat+dryck Allt om mat- och matlagning, drycker och gastronomi. alt.pro-wrestling.wwf.raw Newsgroup for discussion of WWF Raw alt.pro-wrestling.wwf.smackdown Discussion of WWF Smackdown alt.pro-wrestling.wwfe.smackdown Discussion of WWFE Smackdown alt.pro-wrestling.wwfe.raw Discussion of WWFE Raw alt.pro-wrestling.wwfe Discussion of WWFE nl.erotiek.overig Voor alles op erotisch gebied. (Moderated) nl.erotiek.bdsm Bondage, Discipline en SadoMasochisme. (Moderated) alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.flonk.flonk When four flonks isn't enough alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.electronic IDM or non-dance electroacoustic music. alt.image.jpeg2000.text new JPEG2000 image format. alt.image.jpeg2000.binaries new JPEG2000 image format. free.hanry.test for testing your usenet account alt.tv.alias Discussion about ABC action-adventure series Alias alt.tv.robotwars Discussion about the TV series Robot Wars alt.nuke.se-hierarchy Crossfeeding and spamming anti-swnet bastards. alt.suopprt.dylsxeia Suopprt froup fro dylsxeitic pesons in teh wolrd. alt.binaries.vcd.xxx.private MPEGs from Private Media Group alt.binaries.erotica.vcd.private MPEGs from Private Media Group tum.info.wirtschaftsinf Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik (Bachelor). nl.support.mantelzorg Onderlinge hulp voor mantelzorgers. cz.rec.guns Diskuse o palnych zbranich, soucasnych i historickych cz.comp.text.docbook Konference o Docbook DTD a souvisejicich nastrojich alt.music.raging-speedhorn discussion of the band raging-speedhorn alt.cracks.nl.gammapooka Gammapooka the crack legend. alt.music.feederz A newsgroup for the discussion of all alt.sports.football.pro.houston-texans A member of the NFL family. nl.muziek.mp3 Alles over MP3, maar geen binary's. (Moderated) free.it.fanculo.opener Un intero NG per un rimbambito alt.binaries.white-power SKREWDRIVER PICHERS AND MIDYS. tum.info.ds12 Diskrete Strukturen I+II. nl.comp.software.mailclients Vragen en discussie over mailclients. cz.comp.linux.talk Diskuse o problemech souvisejicich s OS Linux alt.goatsex A group concerning the carrnal knowledge of goats. alt.little-toad This group is about little toad. alt.wanker-adie This group is about the Snetter King Adie's continual wanking. alt.music.snuh This group is about Snuh music. alt.recovery.auk This group is about people that need to recover from alt.usenet.kooks alt.spooge.mkay This group is so Spooge can pratice his M'kay?'s alt.obscene.boredom This group is about obscene boredom. alt.snert This group is about snerts. Those damn snerts. alt.fan.bill-cleere This group is about Bill Cleere. alt.i.think.this.thread.needs.to.die This group is about complaing alt.music.jeff-beck This group is about the incomparable guitarist, Jeff Beck alt.ozdebate.snuh This group is about ozdebate snuh. alt.snuh.jason-saslow This group is about Jason Saslow's brand of snuh. alt.ithinkthisthreadneedstodie This group is about dead threads. alt.sex.gortician This group is about Gortician sex. alt.music.gortician This group is about Gortician music. alt.rap.highc This group is about rapper High C. alt.pimpin This group is about mac daddy pimpin'. alt.dope-sellin This group is about mac daddy dope sellin'. alt.binaries.vcd.only Video CD compliant files. No SVCD, etc. no.teknologi.satellitt-tv Forum for satellittsendte TV-signaler og utstyr. alt.snuhing-bumchums.dean-and-jason We snuh and play with our butts. alt.fr.fan.neuneu.lheureux Philippe Lheureux, sa vie, son oeuvre. free.bosnia Za bosance. free.sarajevo Za sarajlije. uk.media.tv.smallville The TV programme Smallville alt.fan.knoxy for knoxy to hace fun alt.bloody.wanker-adie This group is devoted to the sore loser Snetter King Adie. free.uk.white.van.man Dedicated to men in white vans alt.binaries.nospam.knickers The group shall be a forum to discuss tum.info.psychologie Informationen zum Nebenfach Psychologie. alt.uk.law.intellectual-property IP/Media/Tech law in the UK. free.tom.grek The well-known brit. alt.fan.wavy-g This group is for discussion of UseNet Legend Wavy G. alt.fan.reggie GREETZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alt.kissmyass-andsayso it is a froup alt.satan-sucks-zekey it is a froup alt.zekey-sucks-satan it is a froup alt.config-new-war it is a froup alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d.zekey-satan-netcops it is a froup alt.trolls-itu it is a froup alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d.new-troll-order it is a froup sfnet.atk.ohjelmistot.emacs GNU Emacs, XEmacs ja muut emacsit alt.flame.checkmate-master-of A froup made cause Checkmate is one of the best flamers alt.the.snot.i-hate-women a froup fer ya alt.fuckhead.christina-eijkh This group is for discussion of of UseNet censor Christina Eeijkh alt.config.there-iz-no-config-org This group tells alt.config regs to count their days alt.config.regs-better-b-hiding This group also tells alt.config regs to count their days alt.config.watch-adam-find-this This group shows how fucking lame Adam is alt.config.hawk-pedo-tagger Group to talk about Hawk and his pedo tags alt.config.hawk-pedo-tagger.projection-onhis-part Hawk uses projection when he tags others as pedos alt.fan.backstreet.boys.stan-the-k00k-troll This is about that lamer k00k all know as Stan alt.froup-made-cause Just sending a message to alt.config alt.froup-made-cause.i-fucking-can Just sending a message to alt.config alt.checkmate-and-knoxy Checkmate and Knoxy will soon be kissing in a tree alt.checkmate-and-knoxy.sitting-in-a-tree.k-i-s-s-i-n-g Checkmate and Knoxy kissing in a tree alt.news.admin.net-abuse.checkmate Group used to let Checkmate solve net abuse problems uk.sport.motorsport Motorsport Fans uk.media.tv.twenty-four For discussion of "24" relevant to the UK alt.usenet.stalker.stan-rosenthal Wanted to warn everybody alt.usenet.stalker Wanted to warn everybody alt.usenet.kook.stan-de-sd Wanted to warn everybody alt.usenet.kook.stan-rosenthal Wanted to warn everybody alt.fan.stan-rosenthal This froup will be hardly ever used alt.fan.holly-valance Discussion of Holly Valance alt.fan.stephanie-mcmahon Discussion of Stephanie McMahon alt.comp.gba.dev Nintendo GBA Amateur Coding. alt.fan.doc More to come later alt.fan.doc-watson Cause Doc said so alt.fan.doc.watson Cause Doc said so alt.fan.onionbob This group is for discussion of musician Onion Bob alt.music.mercury-rev This group is for discussion of rock band Mercury Rev. alt.oy ya gotta say oy when the mood hits alt.oy.gevalt when ya has to have oy get your gevalt on es.comp.redes.adsl Discusión sobre líneas y servicios ADSL alt.drive-in-movies Drive-In Movies stories and swap sightings of ones still going alt.drive-in-food Not takeout but good old drive up and eat alt.drive-in-food.gals-with-big-tits We love the good food but those tits really get us alt.altopia.i-know-we-have We love the good food but those tits really get us alt.altopia.i-know-we-have.sucked-bigtime-and-there What CC said ya know alt.altopia.i-know-we-have.sucked-bigtime-and-there.is-no-legitimate-excuse What CC said ya know alt.clariborne-cty-tn Claiborne County Tennessee alt.claiborne-cty.tn Claiborne County Tennessee alt.fan.blujuju For fans of blujuju alt.drugs.2cb For the discussion of the research chemical 2C-B. alt.fan.romandirge comic artist Roman Dirge alt.religion.albertanism Albertanism --Natural Universal Wisdom Religion. alt.support.snails-on-red-tractors.who-are-chased-by-sinner Sinner needed this alt.asshole.liz-bateman Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.asshole.liz-bateman.bitch Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.asshole.liz-bateman.bitch.bitch.bitch.bitch Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.asshole.liz-bateman.bitch.bitch Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.asshole.liz-bateman.bitch.bitch.bitch Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.gary-louise-anderson Cause he is my cousin alt.asshole.liz-bateman.would-not-fuck-her.with-your-dick Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.asshole.liz-bateman.would-not-fuck-her.with-your-dick.and-paid-big-money Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.asshole.liz-bateman.cold-hearted-killer Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.asshole.liz-bateman.would-not-fuck-her Liz Bateman Bitches Too Much alt.binaries.knightshadow None needed alt.blosers Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen's words and music. alt.hawk Hawk alt.hawk.fuckhead Hawk is a fuckhead alt.chevy.trailblazer News group for trailblazer owners and enthusiasts alt.tm-oriental-only-posts Oriental posts by tm alt.fan.kirsty-gallacher Big breasted babe Kirsty Gallacher alt.swnet.region.vasterbotten Kultur och lokalnyheter i Västerbotten. alt.swnet.region.skane Kulturhändelser och lokala nyheter i Skåne. alt.swnet.region.malmo Kultur lokalnyheter i Malmöregionen. alt.swnet.sci.sprak.engelska Grammatik om engelska språket. alt.swnet.region.norrbotten Kulturhändelser i Norrbotten. alt.swnet.politik.liberalism Skattesänkningar och annat gnäll. alt.swnet.media.tv.big-brother Välkända dockusåpan Big Brother. alt.swnet.prat.samlevnad.sex Sex och sexulaitet i förhållanden. alt.swnet.media.tv.simpsons Animerad komediserie. alt.swnet.comp.lang.c Programmering och kompilering i språket c. alt.swnet.comp.spel.quake Våldsspelet quake från ID Software. alt.swnet.region.goteborg Kultur och nyheter i göteborgsregionen. alt.swnet.region.stockholm Kulturhändelser i Stockholmsregionen. alt.swnet.media.tv.robinson Dockusåpan Expedition Robinson. alt.swnet.comp.spel.age-of-empires Stategispel från Microsoft. alt.swnet.sci.medicin.hepatit-c Virus. Somliga har det, somliga inte. alt.swnet.politik.feminism Jämställdhet och annat gnäll. alt.swnet.comp.lang.basic Grundläggande programmeringsspråk. alt.swnet.comp.lang.javascript Programmering i html till webbsidor. alt.swnet.comp.spel.xbox Konsol eller TV-spel från Microsoft. alt.tv.csi Crime Scene Investigation, forensic drama series. alt.doc-watson-is-a-genius u r too dumb to understand alt.ass.lost-and-found Lost ass found here alt.ass.lost-and-found.i-did-not-find-it Lost ass failure line alt.ass.lost-and-found.i-did-not-find-it.am-very-un-happy-now Lost ass failure line alt.binaries.voodoo-teh-trol Voodoo teh Troll alt.genius.jim Jim is smart alt.genius.jim.gorman Jim Gorman is a genius alt.ass.lost-and-found.i-found-it Lost ass found here alt.rich-man-little-dick More Money no dick alt.rich-man-little-dick.poor-man-big-dick Broke but really hung alt.rich-man-little-dick.poor-man-big-dick.which-you-prefer.moderated-not for those who like moderated not alt.rich-man-little-dick.poor-man-big-dick.which-you-prefer Big dick vs $$$ alt.let-it-be-known.by-sending-a-rm.on-this-ng Proclamation alt.let-it-be-known.by-sending-a-rm.on-this-ng.i-swear-on-isc-records.that-i-eat-shit Proclamation alt.let-it-be-known.by-sending-a-rm.on-this-ng.i-swear-on-isc-records Proclamation alt.let-it-be-known.by-sending-a-rm.on-this-ng.i-swear-on-isc-records.that-i-eat-shit.and-fuck-dogs Archived rm'er swears this alt.any-new-2nd-level-group.discuss Discuss adding 2nd level alt ngs alt.ass.lost-and-found.i-found-it.am-very-happy-now Lost ass found here alt.zazlee Doc's Aussie Pal alt.let-it-be-known.by-sending-a-rm Proclamation alt.let-it-be-known Proclamation alt.pay-my-bills-please No money HELP alt.night-clubs.garlands For the discussion liverpool's best club - alt.adolf-shithead fer u alt.at8 fer u alt.revrend-jed88 fer u alt.dave-vh fer u alt.bumpy fer u alt.posi-kernel fer u alt.mr-riff-amw-p fer u alt.disi-lottened fer u alt.usenet.legends.liberalminded Liberalminded Legend Usenet alt.fat-smelly-hippie cause they stink alt.giganews.jonah-yokubaitis.usenet-nazi-liar-k00k Jonah Yokubaitis Giganews alt.games.half-life.counterstrike.one-point-four-sucks Counter-Strike 1.4 Sucks. alt.thank-god.that-child-of-mine.is-going-2-graduate ya better now alt.penis.erland-sommarskog.slapp Diskussioner av filmer med avklädda människor. alt.fan.osama-bin-laden Discussion about war against terror. alt.pl.comp.os.hacking.pomidor Pomidor :) free.cretin.marten-landstrom Netcop Mårten Landström is a cretin. (perv) alt.cretin.marten-landstrom Netcop Mårten Landström is a cretin. (perv) alt.pro-wrestling.wwe Discussion of WWE alt.pro-wrestling.wwe.smackdown Discussion of WWE Smackdown alt.pro-wrestling.wwe.raw Discussion of WWE Raw alt.ucp Discussion of UCP alt.theapostle For TheApostle fans alt.religion.sputnik.beep.beep.beep Sputnik burned for your sins. Discuss. alt.sex.dogs No poodles! alt.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv Empire of perv. alt.perv.perv How long can a newsgroup be? (perv) alt.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv Empire of perv. alt.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv Empire of perv. alt.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv.perv Empire of perv. alt.perv.perv.perv.perv Empire of perv. alt.perv.perv.perv Empire of perv. alt.binaries.sounds.monkeysaudio Blah, Blah, Blah alt.hej-boomer discussion of ways to say 'hej' to boomer misc.writing.moderated Art, craft, business and creative process of writing. (Moderated) alt.uk.gay.phonesex For all uk fans alt.nick-gordon-wanker-libeler.false-methodist-minister.and-73-for-3- years.consecutively alt.fan.jet.when-she-is FTP servers no ratio discussion alt.games.clans.soulreavers About network games clan Soulreaver. alt.games.clans About network games clans alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.jet-does-not-know FTP servers no ratio discussion alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.jet-does-not-know.what-upa.is FTP servers no ratio discussion alt.tv.osbournes Discussion of the MTV hit show, The Osbournes. alt.pl.net-squad ? alt.affinity This group is for Affinity discussion alt.execuchick This group is for discussion of execuchick alt.inf.uzion discussion = guitars + warez alt.support.petfree Discussions and rants of life free of pets free.lanzone for the lan-party alt.fr.politique.coaliser ? alt.blujuju A group for and about me and anything else anyone wants to talk about. free.it.farmacia Farmacia in Italia alt.serije.simpsonovi diskusija o Simpsonovima na srpsko-hrvatskom alt.buzzard.rules This group discusses buzzard rules alt.fitshaced.monkey No matter where you go, there you are! alt.binaries.erotica.vcd.repost A repost group for erotic vcds alt.pro-wrestling.wwe.sucks - Discussion of the shortcomings of World alt.binaries.tv.osbournes This group is for binary files of the television show, the Osbournes alt.binaries.monter-movies alt.binaries.monter-movies free.ucp Discussion of UCP alt.books.george-markstein Forum about George Markstein, UK writer. Creator of "The Prisoner" alt.fan.citys.sheldon Things concerning the city of Sheldon alt.binaries.vcd.xxx.european MPEGs from European XXX films alt.discuss.starwars to discuss the star wars books and movies alt.teh-i-hate-jet.ng Troll Owned and Operated alt.teh-everybody-lies-but-jet.ng Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.makes-lames-not-flames Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.stirs-shit-likes-teh-smell Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.crys-so-others-fight-4-her Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.supports-usenet-abusers Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.tries-to-netcop Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.has-destroyed-herself Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.have-fun-posting Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.have-fun-posting.not Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.is-owned-by Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.self-spnaks Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.is-owned-by.liberalminded Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.runs-and-hides Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.acts-like-she-rules-usenet Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.tries-to-control-flonk Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.killfiles-2-not-b-spnaked Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.projects-own-mental-illness Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.need-2-take-a-break Troll Owned and Operated alt.what-jet-does.is-owned-by.all-who-troll-her Troll Owned and Operated alt.binaries.multimedia.thai Thai Multimedia alt.gardening.muskoka.ontario for gardeners in Muskoka, Ontario alt.utter.fools A group for utter fools to gather and chat about their utter foolishness alt.bonehead.daniel-min Kewl new group alt.bonehead.daniel-joseph-min Bonehead min deserves his very own group alt.inbred.jed-88 Trailer talk for inbred southerners and other malcontents no.it.data.xml Dataformatet eller det generaliserte markupspråket XML. alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox CD images for the xbox games console. alt.microskomp the official microskomp newsgroup. alt.binaries.microskomp the official microskomp binaries newsgroup. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.black.d Talk only, no binaries please. alt.binaries.multimedia.olsen-twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. alt.gardening.muskoka Troll Owned and Operated alt.binaries.ahm the aforementioned candy of alt.hackers.malicious alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.lounge MP3 files of lounge music dk.binaer.film.repost Her kan repostes filer fra dk.binaer.film. alt.binaries.sounds.mpc Musepack audio, formerly MPEGplus alt.binaries.newzbin alt.binaries.newzbin alt.pl.regionalne.rzeszow.polibuda PRZ alt.music.the-cooper-temple-clause For fans of the cooper temple clause. dk.binaer.kultur Kulturelt relateret materiale i binaer form. dk.marked.privat.motorcykel.stumpemarked Koeb og salg af mindre reservedele for private MC-ister. alt.snuhwolf This group is for discussion of SnuhWolf free.it.irc.pizzairc il newsgroup per tutti gli utenti pizzairc alt.mojo for those with mojo alt.binaries.mojo for those with mojo binaries alt.binaries.adan binaries.adan.who.wants some.... alt.binaries.pictures.scantily Quality vs Quantity in scantily clad alt.binaries.pictures.ashvattha AshvAttha which is always changing, but is always bliss alt.recovery.liberalminded Troll Owned and Operated alt.recovery.liberalminded.in-12-easy-steps Troll Owned and Operated alt.recovery.jets-on-meth Troll Owned and Operated free.it.discussioni.bin-laden parliamone alt.riand An un-moderated, un-censored newsgroup about Riand alt.fan.starwars.charlie-maul Newsgroup to post my own views. free.it.citta.perugia Citt… di Perugia alt.colorado.grand-junction.macusers For MacOS fans. alt.colorado.grand-junction Discussion of the city and surrounding area. nl.stad.amsterdam Over de stad Amsterdam en zijn inwoners. alt.ozdebate.cj Debate of Australian CJ issues alt.music.flogging-molly Discussion of the progressive Celtic music band finet.harrastus.starwars May the Force be with you free.ftpfreak All about ftpfreaks alt.fan.jay-and-silentbob Comedy film duo nl.verkeer Voor alle verkeersdeelnemers. alt.binaries.nospam.teenfem.nonude.repost To be used for the alt.fan.disney.mighty-ducks Discussion about Disney's Mighty Ducks es.news.anuncios Información de news, nuevos grupos, etc. (Moderated) es.ciencia.medicina.lab-clinico Discusión sobre temas de laboratorios clínicos. es.humanidades.psicologia Discusiones y noticias sobre psicología. alt.binaries.howard-stern.repost Reposts of Howard Stern related binaries alt.flame.corky.dunkly Corky sux alt.support.recovery.thomas-nord Neo-nazi troll, racist net-kook recovery. alt.idiot.cory-dunkle 'cos he is one alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox.repost For reposts of CD images for alt.fan.men-in-black sci-fi, comedy, movie, aliens, Will Smith, cartoon alt.hainesy Discussion of Usenet user hAiNeSy alt.fan.hainesy For all the fans of hAiNeSy! alt.countrystuff Group discusses things to do with countrystuff free.cj.aka.karin Just a group to talk uk.media.radio.bbc-r6 People, Programs and Related Topics on BBC R6 alt.teens.visual.basic for younger coders to discuss visual basic. free.it.liceo.ulivi.parma Studenti Parma Liceo Ulivi alt.nl.kleine-luchtvaart General Aviation (kleine luchtvaart) alt.binaries.filmclub High Quality, High Compression films & movies. alt.binaries.multimedia.scifi-and-fantasy Sci-Fi and Fantasy multimedia material sfnet.keskustelu.maanpuolustus.tekniikka Sotilastekniset asiat free.radio.scanners.112-berichten Alles over scanners en 112 berichten free.opsporing.verzocht Vermiste personen en vragen over vermissingen alt.pl.kabaret.bin Popatrz, posluchaj, posmiej sie. free.nl.vermist Just a group to talk about missing people and things uk.rec.drugs.cannabis Cannabis use and abuse in the UK free.vermiste-personen To find people in Holland sfnet.atk.ms-windows.ohjelmistot MS Windows -ohjelmistot alt.cult-movies.hedwig For the cult-movie "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" alt.games.half-life.counterstrike.one-point-five-sucks Counter-Strike 1.5 Sucks. alt.hackers.malicious.binaries Binary support for alt.hackers.malicious alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.hustler for posting of binary files (pictures) related to Hustler magazine. finet.toiminta.effi Electronic Frontier Finland ry, http://www.effi.org/ alt.binaries.hackers.malicious Binary support for alt.hackers.malicious alt.fan.ksennin.pinkcup Fans of Ksennin and his pink cup. alt.dedrater alt.dedrater will be a group to discuss everything to do with ded, rats, etc. alt.spankards.petitmorte Group for petitmorte spankards alt.soapy discussion about all things Soapy alt.counterstrike.one-point-four-sucks Counter-Strike 1.4 Sucks. alt.counterstrike.one-point-five-sucks Counter-Strike 1.4 Sucks. free.binaries.vermiste-personen To find people in Holland with pictures sfnet.harrastus.koneet+laitteet Koneiden tekoa ja korjausta free.it.freeware Gruppo italiano di scambio, commenti su software alt.billiards a popular game alt.nl.ftp.flame lekkuh flamen alt.dawn.rules Group for discussions about dawn alt.cocksucker.leslie.paulin.aka.theapostle Flaming usenet's kook Leslie alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.nederlands Alleen muziek afkomstig uit Nederland en alt.pl.fan.futszak futszaK i przyjaciele cz.sci.management.project Teorie a praxe projektoveho a procesniho managementu cz.sci.management.knowledge Teorie a praxe znalostniho (knowledge) managementu alt.binaries.pro-wrestling.divas Wrestling divas alt.fan.testicles Discussion for testicle fans alt.binaries.movies.kidstuff Clean movies for kids to enjoy. alt.games.neverwinter-nights Neverwinter Nights, the Bioware RPG nl.radio.scanners.112-berichten Actuele gebeurtenissen, gehoord op de scanner. swnet.politik.invandring Flykting-, invandring- och integrationspolitik. uk.rec.camping Devoted to the discussion of camping in the uk alt.cellular.rogersatt Discussion for Rogers AT&T cellular users. alt.gia.is.a.idiot Group for discussions about how much of an IDIOT Gia is. free.it.clonyitaly NewsGroup su ClonyXXL by www.ClonyItaly.tk alt.binaries.multimedia.panties Panty fetish at its best. alt.books.ken-follett Forum about Ken Follett. UKthriller writer. alt.pl.programy.flash-5.ocen-prace Zglos prace we Flashu do oceny /E/ alt.aviation.paper-planes Paper plane construction and flight. alt.military.retired.recipes Recipes from the military community comp.lang.php PHP, server side scripting. alt.postalworkers Newsgroup For Postalworkers Worldwide alt.military.retired.politics Newsgroup Concerning Retired Military Personnel Politics alt.military.retired.flamewar Retired Military Personnel Bitching At Each Other alt.binaries.multimedia.leon-russell Leon Russel binaries. alt.fan.b9.expert-hacker fans of the imfamous exploits of B9. free.love-hate.laura-goodwin For arguing the pros and cons of alt.idiot.b9-forger is a group for fans of the imfamous forger named alt.fussball-politik-medien fussball, politik, medien alt.airports.uk.glasgow All aspects of traffic + travel at and through EGPF alt.pl.milosc.o alt.pl.milosc.o alt.pl.milosc.o.poranku alt.pl.milosc.o.poranku alt.pl.milosc.w alt.pl.milosc.w alt.pl.milosc.w.nocy alt.pl.milosc.w.nocy alt.pl.comp.os.hacking.filozofia alt.pl.comp.os.hacking.filozofia alt.forrest.gump.rules Group for discussions about everything to do with the movie "Forrest Gump". alt.discuss.here.kitty.kitty.kitty Group for discussions about everything good about kittens and cats. alt.discuss.forrest.gump Group for discussions everything and anything to do with Forrest Gump alt.50s Newsgroup About The 50's alt.40s Newsgroup About The 40s alt.60s Newsgroup About The 60s alt.70s Newsgroup About The 70s alt.80s Newsgroup About The 80s alt.90s Newsgroup About The 90s alt.cars.jeep Newsgroup About Jeeps alt.comp.periphs.dcameras.canon Discussions concerning Canon Digital Cameras alt.oldfarts Discussions About Old Farts be.rec.motorcycles About motorbiking and motorcycling alt.binaries.gimp GIMP Binary Posting. de.alt.rec.getraenke Prost! alt.military.politics.discussion Newsgroup for Military to Discuss Politics alt.fan.fatassed.woger.wiseman-dicksucker Fans of Roger Wiseman alt.luser the official luser newsgroup. alt.luser.greggie-gibson the g-poo luser newsgroup. alt.luser.greggie-gibson.flail a greggie-poo luser newsgroup. alt.luser.greggie-gibson.flail.flail a greggie-poo luser newsgroup. alt.luser.greggie-gibson.flail.flail.flail a greggie-poo luser newsgroup. pl.rec.gps Satelitarny drogowskaz w sieci. alt.binaries.music.shn.howie-day Lossless posting of Howie Day concerts pl.rec.wspinaczka Wspinaczka - przygoda, pasja, sport, sens zycia. alt.cocksucker.john-kimball newgroup alt.cocksucker.john-kimball pl.misc.meteorologia Meteorologia na co dzien. alt.troll.greggie-gibson where greggie trolls herself. pl.rec.uroda Pielegnacja urody - teoria i praktyka. uk.rec.running Running, jogging, racing and related issues alt.fuckhead.stagger.lee newgroup alt.fuckhead.stagger.lee alt.pedophile.geno-paris newgroup alt.pedophile.geno-paris alt.binaries.shn.music.dmb Fan recorded DMB shows in lossless format alt.bald discussion about bald stuff alt.bald.clams discussion about bald clams alt.bald.clams.mike-soja discussion about bald clam mike soja alt.bompanews Newsgroup for support of BomPaNews. alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.raws Japanese-language anime videos alt.fan.gigglesnort-hotel for gigglesnort hotel fanatics. alt.hirsute discussion of hairy people. alt.hirsute.ernest-borgnine a very hairy man indeed. alt.p-phenylenevinylene foldable televisions in the future? alt.smooth-move you make me feel like dancing alt.smooth-move.exlax smooth move, exlax alt.my-pussy here kitty kitty alt.my-pussy.hurts menopause clearinghouse alt.kneef and a fine kneef to you too alt.fnord and a fine fnord to you too alt.snuh.kwyjibo balding ape indeed alt.genius.the-beet-man paying tribute to a poker god alt.genius.optional-identity paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.jack-webb paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.sneelock paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.xr2701 paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.snuhwolf paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.little-toad paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.ms-poopie-pants paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.biff-mullins paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.knott-culver paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.jungleacid paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.nebulax paying tribute to a usenet god alt.discuss.mckiller.knockouts Group for discussions everything and anything to do with Ste McKiller alt.fan.harvey-l-daye-jr For fans of international entertainer Harvey alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.ursulamajor Ursula Major Photography (Moderated) alt.genius.dr-flonkenstein paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.houston-hair paying tribute to a usenet god alt.genius.jack-web paying tribute to a usenet god alt.troll.christina-eijkhout.rmgroup.rmgroup.rmgroup christinA eijkhout's pussy hurts alt.snuh.christina-eijkhout even christinA eijkhout gets her snuh on. alt.troll.christina-eijkhout.rmgroup.rmgroup christinA eijkhout's pussy hurts alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.christina-eijkhout eat 'em up yum! alt.my-pussy.hurts.says.christina-eijkhout christinA eijkhout's pussy hurts alt.troll.christina-eijkhout christinA eijkhout's pussy hurts alt.troll.christina-eijkhout.rmgroup christinA eijkhout's pussy hurts alt.my-pussy.hurts.says who says their pussy hurts? alt.plastic-surgery discussion regarding plastic surgery alt.plastic-surgery.disasters discussion of plastic surgery disasters alt.plastic-surgery.disasters.tova-borgnine discussion of tova borgnine's face. alt.genius.off-by paying tribute to a usenet god alt.idiot.steve-belling paying tribute to a usenet fool alt.pedophile.steve-belling a steve belling support group alt.bonehead.steve-belling stupid is as stupid does, sir. alt.luser.steve-belling burning down the trailer park. alt.troll.steve-belling saving up his foodstamps. alt.bitch.christina-eijkhout paying tribute to a usenet bitch alt.lamers.netcop.mike-soja a nice flaky crust. alt.luser.mike-soja soy un perdedor alt.troll.mike-soja soy un perdedor. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.mike-soja mike soja man candy. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.james-caldwell james caldwell man candy. alt.luser.james-caldwell soy un perdedor alt.binaries.photosuite MGI image app. alt.asshole.roger.frego Newsgroup for Assholes to Discuss Nothing of Importance alt.games.unreal.tournament2003 Unreal Tournament 2003 in all aspects alt.30s Newsgroup For Those Born In The 1930's alt.binaries.pictures.nonsportcards Posting nonsport cards. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.steve-badger steve badger man candy alt.troll.steve-badger steve badger trolls himself alt.luser.steve-badger steve badger trolls himself alt.recovery.sock-paranoia socks are stalking me alt.recovery.newfroup-anxiety new newsgroups are stalking me alt.genius.hatchetmama new newsgroups are stalking me alt.bad.clams.suck bad clams really suck alt.binaries.my-pussy the place to post your pussy alt.music.billy-sheehan discussion of music of Billy Sheehan alt.nl.support.mks Over het Mad Kees Syndroom (MKS) en WTT alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.ab8mq ab8mq's man candy nl.regio.groningen Groningen, Stad en Ommeland. alt.testing.testing.testing What color is the wind? alt.pl.fajka discussion for smoking pipe alt.flame.rednecks The disgustng spectacle of inbred hatred. alt.fishing.muskellunge For Musky Hunters. alt.arts.mailart Discussion of global mailart resources and activities. alt.fan.swatch swatch fan(atic) newsgroup alt.nl.fan.dieter.dhoker Dieter D'Hoker - Not As Good As He Used To Be Since 1982 dk.edb.hardware.stoej Reducering af stoejgener i forbindelse med EDB. dk.medier Generel mediedebat, aviser, blade, netmedier. free.nl.dieter.dhoker Dieter D'Hoker - Not As Good As He Used To Be alt.fan.strapon for fans of strapon sex alt.binaries.games.adult.repost alt.binaries.games.adult.repost alt.binaries.games.adult.reposts alt.binaries.games.adult.reposts alt.binaries.games.adult.d alt.binaries.games.adult.d de.alt.recovery.webauthor Will markup for food. alt.pride A group for Pride Fighting Championships fans, fighters, and promoters. nl.hobby.geocaching Over de buitenactiviteit geocaching. alt.fan.little-toad for little toad fans. alt.fan.the-beet-man for the beet man's fans. alt.hirsute.jamie-farr jamie is very hairy. alt.hirsute.celine-dion celine is ugly and hairy. alt.fan.the-queen-of-cans-and-jars we loev the queen! alt.fan.jim-skomp we'll never forget you jimmi. alt.fan.mulletheads.mike-soja gotta loev a good mullet. alt.fan.mulletheads gotta loev a good mullet. alt.luser.dennis-shuflin gotta loev a good mullet. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.dennis-shuflin denny's man candy. alt.golf.perfect-impact George Hibbard's Perfect Impact methodology alt.pl.www.edytory.ppedh alt.pl.www.edytory.ppedh be.absurd just abusrd alt.internet.p2p.hashing Hashing in P2P networks. alt.mad-newgrouper.biff-mullins go biff go! alt.binaries.punk.batattak Dedicated to the preservation of out of print and hard to find punk. alt.fan.low-genius Discussion of website and content at www.lowgenius.com alt.stealers.fastpitch Keystone State Stealers alt.paranormal.talkingboards Using talkingboards for channeling alt.writing.fiction.horror The writing process alt.bonehead.mike-soja mike soja is a bonehead alt.mad-newgrouper.hainsey Self explanatory sfnet.tori.myydaan.atk.kannettavat Myydään kannettavia ATK-laitteita sfnet.tori.ostetaan.atk.kannettavat Ostetaan kannettavia ATK-laitteita sfnet.tori.veneily Veneiden ja veneilytarvikkeiden kauppapaikka sfnet.tori.radio Radiolaitteiden ja -tarvikkeiden osto ja myynti alt.gambling.poker.kingpins discussing the kingpins of poker alt.gambling.poker.kingpins.gabe-kaplan gape kaplan is a kingpin alt.fan.gabe-kaplan the gabe kaplan fan group alt.idiot.hainsey RMFROUP TIS!!!11 free.childfree Childless by choice and happy to stay that way alt.troll.scout-lady scout lady is a troll alt.fan.bo-warming The Bo Warming fan group alt.family-names.beet-man all about the beet-mans alt.embezzlers discuss your favorite embezzler alt.embezzlers.ferdinand-marcos imelda is a shoe whore alt.edgar.binaries the alt.edgar binary group alt.edgar.binaries.porno the alt.edgar music group alt.wuzzle the wuzzle froup alt.wuzzle.means the wuzzle means froup alt.wuzzle.means.to tonga's wuzzle means froup alt.wuzzle.means.to.mix this is what wuzzle means alt.paidwebhosting unmoderated paid webhosting discussion alt.music.santana Group for discussions everything and anything to do with santana alt.music.drowning-pool Group for discussions everything and anything to do with drowning-pool alt.lavonna.gone.wild Group for discussions everything and anything to do with lavonna alt.nl.ftp.azijnzeikerds Voor Ed en aanverwanten alt.oh-pooh discover your inner pooh free.it.ircnapoli Ircnapoli Community www.ircnapoli.com alt.france.surrender An unmoderated newsgroup for discussion of French military conquests alt.divination.rune-magick runic divination, runic writing, rune magick alt.writing.fiction.erotica Writing Erotica alt.nl.publiek-toilet Openbaar publiek toilet free.tufke Over Tufke alt.writing.fiction.sci-fi Writing Science Fiction alt.writing.fiction.romance Writing Romance stories alt.writing.fiction.mysteries Writing Mysteries alt.idiot.hainsey.midget.racist.cocksucker RMFROUP TIS!!!11 alt.binaries.kooks An unmoderated newsgroup for binary images of noted Usenet Kooks alt.tesla Famous Inventor / Radio, Xray, Teslacoil. free.it.calamaio Calamaio, mondo inchiostrato alt.support.marco+joycie Usenet reality soap alt.flame.suv-drivers Flame group for idiots. alt.homeland.security.alerts A spam newsgroup alt.desktop.amber.alerts A useless newsgroup. tw.bbs.campus.kyit °ª­b§Þ³N¾Ç°|®Õ¶é½×¾Â alt.games.morrowind Bethesda Softworks' RPG/FPS for PC and XBOX alt.binaries.motorcycles Binaries dealing with motorcycles. alt.nl.raadsels Het is me een raadsel alt.i.stab.people KILL DEATH DIE alt.text-medium For and about Text Medium alt.outer.text-medium Discussion of techniques on stealth outing of real life info of UseNet posters alt.photography.schools.nyip New York Institute of Photography Students alt.photography.fine.art.nude.male Study of the male nude alt.idiot.bob-barnett Discussion of racist attorney & wrestling tape shill tum.math.linalg Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I+II. uk.rec.humour Humour with a UK perspective. uk.current-events.terrorism 11 September 2001 attack on US and follow up dk.edb.videoredigering For alle med interesse for redigering af film og video. alt.dimwit.richard-bullis A companion group to the alt.idiot group. free.music.mods A place for people to post MOD music files de.comp.hardware.kuehlung+laermdaemmung Waerme und Laerm bei Computern. free.christina-eijkhout.cunt.cunt.cunt rogue rmgrouper christina eijkhout alt.tv.odyssey5 Discussion group for the showtime show odyssey5. tw.bbs.soc.religion.amitabha ²b¤g©v«ä·Q°Q½×°Ï alt.bonehead.boaby-robbo58 A place to diss robbo58@ntlworld.com alt.nonya Newsgroup for PC security related posts tw.bbs.comp.xml XML¬ÛÃö§Þ³N°Q½×°Ï alt.binaries.languages.irish Sound files of words & phrases in alt.religion.rational Rationalities and Irrationalities of religion. free.it.radioantiche radio a valvole,cristallo etc alt.uk.university Discussion of Universities in the United Kingdom alt.shadow.rules Group for discussions everything and anything to do with Shadow. nl.reizen.openbaar-vervoer Over reizen met het openbaar vervoer. alt.pedophile.stephen-signorelli - Discussion & flaming of internet free.bird - What song do YOU want to hear? alt.kook.chuck-lysaght Discussion about the entertainment value or chuck lysaght posts alt.binaries.sounds.korean Korean MP3s, music videos, and discussion. alt.my-ass-iza-itchy Troll Owned and Operated alt.nl.not.forsale A discussion group about things you don't want to sell alt.college.sheridan.illustration For Sheridan College illustration nl.regio.limburg Over een staatsgrenzenoverschrijdende euregio Limburg. alt.nl.post.voor.pn-lovers kletshoekje voor vrienden dk.teknik.satellit.navigation Satellitnavigationssystemer, f.eks. GPS. alt.uk.arthritis This group is for the discussion of all forms of arthritis & related conditions. de.comp.office-pakete.staroffice.writer Textverarbeitung und Formeln. de.comp.office-pakete.staroffice.misc Sonstige StarOffice-Themen. free.pl.oriel_window for oriel-window and Enya fans alt.loser.edmond-wollmann Group to show Edmond Wollmann is a loser alt.culture.zionazi Zionazi discussion. alt.art.post-modern Discussion of Modern Art alt.fan.xanthus a place to gather for friends of xanthus alt.binaries.xanthus a 2nd place to gather for friends of xanthus alt.binaries.fuck.cloggie Gay escort meeting point alt.art.modern Discussion of Modern Art alt.binaries.sounds.ogg the ogg vorbis binary group alt.i-hate these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.fat-chicks these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.you these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.switchblade-sadie these are a few of my most-hated things alt.bonehead.steve-leyland the clueless wonder strikes again alt.i-hate.christians these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.jews these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.bad-clams these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.linux these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.faq-thumpers these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.catholics these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.new-york these are a few of my most-hated things alt.i-hate.the-riaa these are a few of my most-hated things alt.culture.inuit Inuit (Eskimo) culture, language, tradition. alt.fan.daniel-kolle Newsgroup for the fans of the futue ruler of two galaxies. free.it.montoyaitalia Il primo newsgroup italiano dedicato al pilota di Formula 1 Juan Pablo Montoya alt.i-love.alt-esada these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love.alt-edgar these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love.you-all these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love.the-beet-man these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love.you-all.so-much these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love.alt-config these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love.alt-config.not these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love these are a few of my favorite things alt.games.video.nintendo.animal-crossing animal crossing trading newsgroup alt.fan.michael.possingham A group of appreciation towards the god Micahel Possingham alt.communicomm-cable Users of Communicomm Cable alt.littlecobb For Littlecobb alt.communicomm-cable.newsgroups-support Users of Communicomm Cable alt.wwgap-users Users of WWGAP ISP alt.communicomm-cable.dial-up Users of Communicomm Cable alt.communicomm-cable.high-speed Users of Communicomm Cable alt.communicomm-cable.virus Users of Communicomm Cable alt.cumberland-gap-tn For people in Cumberland Gap,Tn alt.claiborne-county-high Claiborne Cty High School alt.communicomm-cable.email-support Users of Communicomm Cable alt.communicomm-cable.linux-users Users of Communicomm Cable alt.binaries.claiborne-county-high Binaries for Claiborne Cty High School alt.binaries.pictures.football-helmets.college Helmets of CollegeTeams alt.binaries.cumberland-gap-high Binaries for Cumberland Gap High School alt.binaries.pictures.football-helmets.pre-high-school Helmets of Pre High School Teams alt.communicomm-cable.television-services Users of Communicomm Cable alt.binaries.dvd2svcd Group for dvd2svcd related binaries. alt.binaries.dvd Group for dvd related binaries. alt.binaries.pictures.tv Pictures & Wallpapers from Tv programmes & alt.century-tel-users Users of Century Tel ISP alt.communicomm-cable.security Users of Communicomm Cable alt.binaries.cumberland-gap-tn Binaries of Cumberland Gap alt.communicomm-cable.whine-and-complain Users of Communicomm Cable alt.binaries.communicomm-cable Users of Communicomm Cable alt.cumberland-gap-high Cumberland Gap High School alt.toys.zoids for the discussion of the toyline and anime television series "Zoids" free.it.fan.bonvi Newsgropup dedicato al grande dufumettista bonvi alt.binaries.pictures.football-helmets.pro-teams Helmets of Pro Teams alt.i-love.paul-harvey-oswald these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-love.the-word these are a few of my favorite things alt.grady these are a few of my least favorite things alt.18-jan-2038 the end of unix time alt.1-18-2038 the end of unix time alt.i-think what do i think alt.i-think.therefore what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont what do i think alt.i-love.the-word.zzyzx these are a few of my favorite things alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.rush-limbaugh what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.opera what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.alt.config what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.casey-casem what do i think alt.i-hate.shn-snobs these are a few of my least favorite things alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.cnn what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.use what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.use.aol what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.use.mac what do i think alt.grady.good-goobly-goo-fred these are a few of my least favorite things alt.where-where-are-you-tonight what do i think alt.dead-puppies death to dogs alt.dead-puppies.arent-much-fun death to dogs alt.kill-all-the-white-people death to dogs alt.hello-brian-mcclellan death to dogs alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.the-voices-in-my-head what do i think alt.i-think.therefore.i-spam what do i think alt.where-where-are-you-tonight.how-could-you-leave-me what do i think alt.requests the place for all your requests alt.requests.new-alt-newsgroups the place for new group requests alt.requests.alt-newsgroups the place for new group requests alt.pl.games.interactive the place for new group requests alt.pl.games the place for new group requests alt.pl.games.interactive.fiction the place for new group requests alt.binaries.svcd.reposts svcd reposts go here alt.zzyzx zzyzx? uk.media.tv.six-feet-under Discussion of "Six Feet Under" in the UK alt.where-where-are-you-tonight.how-could-you-leave-me.here-all-alone what do i think alt.communicomm-cable.tricks-and-treats Users of Communicomm Cable alt.geek-tragedy oh my how geek tragic alt.i-love.ms-poopy-pants pooooopie oh pooooopie alt.no-quarter choose the path where no-one goes alt.i-hate.rednecks too many rednecks alt.binaries.music.shn.sucks nuff said alt.binaries.music.shn.assholes nuff said alt.i-hate.pro-sports pro sports suck alt.i-hate.faq-nazis too many faq nazis alt.daniel-kolle A newsgroup for the tall, coffee loving future ruler of the two universes. alt.config.bowling-shoe By request of Brian Mailman alt.i-kill i kill i kill i kill alt.i-kill.children kill yr kids alt.simpering-milktoast jesus is a non-existent non sequitur alt.queef a pussy fart is a pussy fart alt.there-is-no-god jesus is a non-existent non sequitur alt.i-hate.snail-tracks clean up after your menstrual cycle alt.i-hace i loev ms poopy pnats alt.i-hace.the-whirrled-on-a-string i loev ms poopy pnats alt.i-loev i loev ms poopy pnats alt.i-loev.ms-poopy-pnats i loev ms poopy pnats alt.alien.snuh i loev ms poopy pnats alt.alien.snuh.flonk i loev ms poopy pnats alt.alien.snuh.flonk.flonk i loev ms poopy pnats alt.alien.snuh.flonk.flonk.flonk i loev ms poopy pnats alt.your.mum to mock ppls mothers alt.pedophile.mike-horwath mike horwath is a pedo alt.pedophile.mike-horwath.punk-ass-bitch mike horwath is a pedo alt.fan.daniel.kolle A newsgroup for the tall, coffee loving future ruler of the two universes. alt.religion.saxon The Holy Religion Of Saxon. alt.i-love.the-word.xyzzy there is no such word alt.eat-shit-and-die Eat shit and die alt.support.crime.victim for those affected by crime dk.spil.computer.konsol.bootchip Loesninger til at afvikle backups m.m. til konsoller. alt.comp.hardware.powerleap PowerLeap CPU upgrade solutions. alt.news.bruderhof A one-line description (Moderated) alt.pl.mp3.piaskownica Jalowe dysputy o wyzszosci mpc nad mp3 alt.cellular.siemens For discussion of Siemens cellular phone products alt.binaries.old.games.d Discussion group for alt.binaries.old.games free.shqip Ky forum ashtë vetëm për shqiptarët alt.languages.tsalagi the tsalgi language is spoken here alt.pl.fan.cyberdude Grupa dla fanow Cyberdude alt.pl.fan.gophi Grupa dla znajomych gophiego alt.binaries.pictures.earlmiller A binary group dedicated to alt.binaries.multimedia.japanese.repost Reposted Japanese shows alt.pl.wege-czy-mieso Spory o wegetarianizm. alt.tv.firefly Anything related to the television show. alt.languages.noir the noir language is spoken here alt.binaries.multimedia.fastlane fastlane tv, svcd/vcd alt.binaries.multimedia.birds.of.prey birds of prey tv, vcd/svcd free.nl.dieter.dhoker.birthday.24-november about Dieter D'Hoker's bithday : 24 November alt.nl.markt.be.vlaams-brabant aankoop -en verkoop regio Vlaams-brabant alt.nl.markt.be.antwerpen aankoop -en verkoop regio Antwerpen alt.nl.markt.be.limburg aankoop -en verkoop regio Limburg alt.nl.vegetarisme Over de verschillende aspecten van vegetarisme alt.tv.that-70s-show - Discussion of Fox TV's "That 70's Show" alt.comp.software.erp Eat shit and die alt.comp.software.erp.movex a group alt.comp.software.erp.intentia a group nl.support.overgang Contact voor vrouwen in en rond de overgang. alt.pl.gry Bo nic co o grach nie jest nam obce alt.comp.sys.emulators for non specific emulators in general nl.comp.netwerken.draadloos Draadloze netwerken en draadloos netwerken. alt.nl.jimmymarnnico.trashcan Only Trash alt.boo-phatty for boo phatty alt.boo-phatty.mission-troll-k00k for boo phatty alt.binaries.pictures.youth photography (fashion, formal, informal and alt.duch o duchach alt.pl.warez Wszystko za free z sieci dk.edb.internet.software.apache Installation, konfiguration og drift af Apache servere. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.caribbean-girls Mostly porn but whatever else 2 alt.fan.reese-witherspoon About the actress Reese Witherspoon. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.beckys-dungeon Images associated with beckys-dungeon.com nl.internet.misbruik.spam-signalering Archief van spam van Nederlandse bodem. (Moderated) sfnet.harrastus.kulttuuri.anime+manga Keskustelua animesta ja mangasta sfnet.harrastus.autot.maahantuonti Keskustelua autojen maahantuonnista alt.spanked.clams Run to the hills, spnakards!! alt.binaries.uk.mp3pro UK specific mp3PRO newsgroup alt.spanked.clams.hiding-scared-in-private-froup Run to the hills, spnakards!! uk.media.radio.local Local BBC and commercial radio in the UK uk.politics.rural A rural-centric debate of government plans and policy no.it.sikkerhet.virus Virus, trojanere og andre skadeprogrammer. alt.binaries.whatever-you-want Dean Dardin teh Idiot alt.un-outed 2 be un-outed p0ast here alt.un-netcopped 2 be un-netcopped p0ast here alt.un-upa 2 be un-upa p0ast here alt.un-snuh 2 be un-snuhhed p0ast here alt.un-config 2 be un-configged p0ast here alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.un-flonk 2 be un-flonked p0ast here alt.un-rm-controls 2 be un-rm'ed p0ast here alt.un-flame 2 be un-flamed p0ast here alt.tv.twenty-four The counter terrorism drama on Fox. alt.pl.divx.binaries filmy binarnie alt.support.depression.writing Critiques of original writing. alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.spanish Anime videos and mp3s in Spanish. alt.un-spnaked 2 be un-spnaked p0ast here alt.un-netk00k 2 be un-netk00k p0ast here alt.binaries.emulators.fruitmachine This is a newsgroup for the alt.tv.boomtown Discussion of the TV series "Boomtown" alt.stephs.stalkers So Steph can keep track of her stalkers and then later kick their ass alt.drugs.methadone Maintenance and therapeutic usage. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lydia-wensink So DumbBlonde can post nekkid pics alt.landcruiser Discussions about toyota landcruisers nl.muziek.jazz Over alle vormen van jazz, vroeger en nu. alt.binaries.pictures.pictures.stephs-t-and-a So Steph and p0ast Tit and Ass pics alt.snuhperv A froup for Snuhperv's missionary task to convert teh infidels. de.comp.lang.php.misc Sonstige Fragen zu Anwendung und Programmierung. de.comp.lang.php.netzprotokolle Programmierung von und mit Netzprotokollen. de.comp.lang.php.datenbanken Verwendung von PHP mit Datenbanken. de.comp.lang.php.installation Installation und Konfiguration. alt.pl.psychologia.milosc.czaty Prywatne rozmowy na publicznej grupie alt.pl.comp.os.freeunices.test test group for apcof alt.what-jet-does.sucks-her-own-dick jet sucks her own dick alt.what-jet-does.whine-snivel-moan jet sucks her own dick alt.what-jet-does.presses-her-face-in-dough jet sucks her own dick alt.what-jet-does.presses-her-face-in-dough.makes-gorilla-cookies jet sucks her own dick alt.things-to-do-today.buy-a-pack-of-squares things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.arrive-at-the-apartment things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.confront-the-investor things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.explain-the-situation things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.have-him-sign-the-documents things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.bind-him-to-a-chair things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.handcuff-him things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.place-him-face-down-on-the-bed things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.shoot-him-once things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.remember-gloves things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.scan-apartment things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.kill-the-dog things to do today alt.music.audioslave Discussion of the rock group Audioslave alt.flaf Gnyf? Flaf! alt.nl.verdomhoekje.erik-hensema Thuisbasis voor doffe nl-admin-muis. nl.support.autisme Over leven met een stoornis in het autistisch spectrum. nctu.club.fortune ¥æ¤j©ö¾ÇªÀ nctu.club.hsnu ¥æ¤jªþ¤Í·| alt.activism.chronic-pain Political activism to make life better for chronic pain sufferers. alt.activism.government-mandated.paracetamol-poisoning Activism to end laws requiring paracetamol to be mixed with hydrocodone painkillers in the USA. alt.activism.groups.cartesian-front Cartesian Front (LCF) information and announcements. alt.activism.groups.national-caucus.ssfc National Caucus-SSFC information and announcements alt.activism.groups.nccl NCCL announcements and news. alt.at.politik.hundescheissesteuerung Säubern Sie oben nach Ihrem Hund! alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.35-plus.repost Reposts of erotic photos of mature women, corrected. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.brunettes-short-hair.reposts Reposts of erotic photos of brunettes with short hair (on their head!), corrected alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.casper-porntoast.repost Erotica produced or reprocessed by graphics expert Casper Porntoast and his organisation. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.croats.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Croatian ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.misc-producers.repost Miscellaneous reposts of erotic photographs. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.scully-sisters.repost Proposed repost group for mentioned producers. alt.comp.apps.cancelbots.misc Discussion of miscellaneous cancelbots, news and source code (plain text only) alt.comp.apps.integration.windows-unix Discussion of tools for Windows for emulation and/or integration with Unix/Linux systems and vice versa. alt.drugs.bromdiphenhydramine Discussion of bromdiphenhydramine. alt.drugs.carisoprodol Discussion of carisoprodol. alt.drugs.butorphanol Discussion of butorphanol. alt.drugs.buprenorphine Discussion of buprenorphine. alt.drugs.carbinoxamine Discussion of carbinoxamine. alt.drugs.chlordiphenhydramine Discussion of chlordiphenhydramine. alt.drugs.ciproflaxcin Discussion of ciproflaxcin. alt.fan.vilan News and views from and for fans of Vilan. alt.politics.usa.legalise-dihydromorphine Lobbying for FDA approval of this drug for medical use in the United States. alt.culture.illicit-cohabitation The pitfalls of shacking up and other submissions to male dominance. alt.drugs.antibiotics Discussion of antibiotics. alt.drugs.acetyldihydrocodeine Discussion of acetyldihydrocodeine. alt.flame.dogs Down with dogs; the counterpart to alt.flame.cats. alt.flame.husband Worthless, low down, troglodyte husband or Non-Married Presumed Obligatory Significant Other? Let out all the steam here. alt.music.bash-jam Music of Bash Jam. alt.flame.drugs Flaming about drugs, the War On Drugs, and other issues and policies. alt.flame.programming-languages Heated discussions, both technical and political, about programming languages. alt.i-hate-realplayer RealPlayer FUCKIN' SUCKS! alt.flame.unacanceller Flaming about the Unacanceller and whatever he/she/they have been up to lately. alt.music.colonia Music of Colonia. alt.music.nina-badric Music of Nina Badric. alt.comp.cshell.cancelbots Cancelbots written as C Shell scripts. alt.drugs.banana-peels Discussion of banana-peels. alt.culture.1998-nostalgia Nostalgia for 1998. alt.culture.1997-nostalgia Nostalgia for 1997. alt.comp.apps.ndcb Discussion and announcements about PŠG Software GmbH's Net.Democracy Control Bot alt.comp.apps.pce3 Discussion of Polaris Cancel Engine Version 3 to 5.4 (MS Excel-based) alt.comp.apps.psh-newgroup-kit Discussion and announcements about PŠG Software GmbH's various NNTP tools including the newgroup Perl script. alt.drugs.dicycloverine Discussion of dicycloverine. alt.fan.levo-dromoran News and views from and for fans of Levo-Dromoran. alt.drugs.propatheline Discussion of propatheline. alt.fan.ms-contin News and views from and for fans of MS-Contin. alt.comp.config New group discussion and announcements for the alt.comp.* sub-hierarchy. alt.drugs.sodium-bicarbonate Discussion of sodium bicarbonate. alt.comp.hacking.social-engineering.truth-serum Getting information with truth serum. alt.comp.hacking.social-engineering.sex Getting information with sex. alt.music.satan-and-the-waves Music of Satan & The Waves. alt.comp.hacking.social-engineering.misc Getting information by various means. alt.politics.us.christian-democrat United States Christian Democrats of all types. alt.comp.kornshell.cancelbots Cancelbots written as Korn Shell scripts. alt.comp.pascal.cancelbots Cancelbots written in Pascal and its variants. alt.politics.adultery The politics of colouring outside the lines, as it were. alt.comp.rexx.cancelbots Cancelbots written in Rexx. alt.drugs.dimenhydrinate Discussion of dimenhydrinate. alt.drugs.cyclobenzaprine Discussion of cyclobenzaprine. alt.drugs.door-n-fours Discussion of door-n-fours (glutethemide and codeine). alt.drugs.ether Discussion of ether. alt.drugs.glue Discussion of glue. alt.drugs.methaqualone Discussion of methaqualone. alt.drugs.meclozine Discussion of meclozine. alt.drugs.naproxen Discussion of naproxen. alt.drugs.milk-of-magnesia Discussion of milk of magnesia. alt.drugs.narcotic-potentiators Discussion of narcotic potentiators. alt.fan.casper-porntoast News and views from and for fans of Casper Porntoast and his organisation's work. alt.drugs.nasal-spray Discussion of nasal spray. alt.drugs.novacaine Discussion of novacaine. alt.fan.drocode News and views from and for fans of Drocode. alt.fan.franjo-tudjman In your heart, you know he was right. alt.fan.hans-gruber News and views from and for fans of the activism, works, and other aspects of programmer Hans Grüber. alt.fan.helmut-kohl In your heart you know he was right. alt.fan.ivo-sandor News and views from and for fans of the works of drugs journalist Ivo Šandor. alt.drugs.pheniramine Discussion of pheniramine. alt.drugs.pyrilamine Discussion of pyrilamine. alt.fan.paveral News and views from and for fans of Paveral. alt.drugs.trazadone Discussion of trazadone. alt.fan.rudy-giuliani Fans of former New York mayor Rudt Giuliani. alt.fan.arlen-specter News and views from and for fans of US Senator Arlen Specter. alt.music.ivana-banfic Music of Ivana Banfic. alt.music.lords-of-anticholinergics Music of The Lords of Anticholinergics. alt.politics.africa.party-of-the-unacanceller Unacanceller adherents in Africa. alt.politics.asia.party-of-the-unacanceller Unacanceller adherents in Asia. alt.politics.latin-america.party-of-the-unacanceller Unacanceller adherents in Latin America and Antarctica. alt.politics.us.legalise-dihydromorphine Lobbying for FDA approval of this drug for medical use in the United States. alt.politics.us.regionalism.midwest Midwestern US regionalist and local-control movements. alt.politics.usa.christian-democrat Christian Democratic and similar movements in the United States. alt.politics.usa.legalise-diamorphine Lobbying for FDA approval of this drug for medical use in the United States. alt.politics.usa.legalise-nicocodeine Lobbying for FDA approval of this drug for medical use in the United States. alt.politics.usa.codeine-otc-now Lobbying for giving codeine over the counter status in the United States. alt.politics.usa.legalise-nicomorphine Lobbying for FDA approval of this drug for medical use in the United States. alt.politics.usa.dihydrocodeine-otc-now Lobbying for giving dihydrocodeine over the counter status in the United States. alt.politics.usa.regionalism.midwest Midwestern US regionalist and local-control movements. alt.politics.usa.stop-paracetamol Activism to stop the government poisoning of pain patients with paracetamol (Acetaminophen,APAP) in the United States. alt.politics.win98 The politics of the Windows 95/98 (including MS-Dos) set of Microsoft operating systems. alt.religion.christian.greek-catholic Discussion of the Greek Catholic religion. alt.religion.christian.heresies Discussion of heresies within Christianity over the years. alt.propaganda.statistics How to propagandise with statistics. alt.religion.christian.monophysitism Discussion of Monophysite creed and Non-Chalcedonian Christian churches. alt.religion.christian.ruthenian-uniate Discussion of the Ruthenian Uniate religion. alt.religion.christian.ukrainian-orthodox Discussion of the Ukrainian Orthodox religion. alt.religion.christian.russian-orthodox Discussion of the Russian Orthodox religion. alt.romance.boink-your-boss-week Information about Boink Your Boss Week, the third full week in January. alt.romance.older-woman-younger-man Support, information, and discussion for those in progressive heterosexual relationships of this type. alt.support.chronic-pain.activism.radical Anything to ease the pain. alt.support.diarrhoea Support for those with diarrhoea. alt.uk.websites.announce-brand-new-website brand new uk websites . alt.uk.websites.announce-revamped-website revamped uk websites. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.bulgarians.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Bulgarian ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.french.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full French ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.czechs.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Czech ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.germans.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full German/Austrian/Swiss ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.hungarians.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Hungarian ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.italians.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Italian ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.quebecoises.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Québécois ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.russians.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Russian ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.slovaks.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Slovak ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.romanian.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Romanian ancestry or close enough. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.slovenes.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Slovenian ancestry or close enough. alt.comp.apps.pce-cancelmonster Discussionof the PCE-CancelMonster newsgroup de-spammer.. alt.comp.apps.piledriver Discussion and announcements about PŠG Software GmbH's PileDriver 9 Newgrouper and related NNTP batch tools. alt.comp.apps.psg-misc Technical support and announcements from PŠG Software GmbH. alt.comp.os.windows.registry-editing Working with the Registry on Windows, all versions. alt.politics.regionalism.basque Basque regional parties and issues. alt.politics.regionalism.galicia Galician regional parties and issues. alt.politics.regionalism.andalusia Andulsian regional parties and issues. alt.nasty-habits.intern-fucking It's OK so long as you don't kill anybody... alt.politics.regionalism.moravia Moravian regional parties and issues. alt.soc.config Configuration group for alt.soc.* sub-hierarchy. alt.soc.cockteasers The social impact of cockteasers. alt.retaliation Retaliation alt.robbin.jeffereys.is.a.hag.bitch A beached whale alt.things-to-do.today.kill-the-dog things to do today alt.i-hate.voice-of-webcasters things to do today alt.politics.regionalism.northern-italy Lega Nord and regional concerns of northern Italy. alt.politics.regionalism.walloon Walloon regional parties and issues. alt.politics.regionalism.northcentral-us.nccl Regional autonomy movements in the north-central US, specifically the North-Central Citizens' League. alt.politics.regionalism.silesia Silesian regional parties and issues. free.it.irc.discussioni.org Gruppo dedicato alla rete IRC alt.microsoft-sucks-ass microsoft sucks ass alt.nobody nobody was here alt.spammers.g-peet g. peet is a spammer alt.troll.g-peet g. peet's pussy hurts alt.spammers.g-peet.trolls-for-victims not a free host alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.oprah she's a fat nigger bitch alt.troll.christina-eijkhout.rmgroup.to-no-avail not a free host alt.bulldyke a place for masculine lesbians alt.bulldyke.christina-eijkhout a place for masculine lesbians alt.outer-polk.salad.annie Discussion of techniques on stealth outing of real life info of UseNet posters alt.outer-poke.salad.annie Discussion of techniques on stealth outing of real life info of UseNet posters alt.uk.sucks a place for masculine lesbians alt.third-world-countries.uk usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.asstrailia usa is THE superpower alt.uk.sucks.ass a place for masculine lesbians alt.third-world-countries usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.austrailia usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.mexico usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.canada usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.asia-et-al usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.everywhere-besides-america usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.israel usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.france usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.nl usa is THE superpower alt.usa.the-only-superpower usa is THE superpower alt.third-world-countries.can-uh-duh usa is THE superpower alt.uk.queen-is-a-bulldyke usa is THE superpower alt.usa-0wns-j00 usa is THE superpower alt.uk.rambo-pimps-prince-charles usa is THE superpower alt.uk.prince-charles-is-gay usa is THE superpower alt.uk.gwbush-pimps-tony-blair usa is THE superpower alt.games.ratbag So Mark and Voodoo have a ratbag ng alt.binaries.games.ratbag So Mark and Voodoo have a binary ratbag ng alt.soc.insane-old-crones.henrietta-k-thomas Henrietta K. Thomas, her sfnet.alueet Paikalliset asiat alt.trainsim NewsGroup for the large Trainsim community. alt.transportation.trains.driving.high-on-cocaine Drivin' that train alt.y10k The coming Year 10000 crisis. alt.current-events.net-abuse.christina-eijkhout Recent outrages of racist rmgrouper christinA eijkhout. alt.romance.aaron.kulkis.sucks.cock Current events group for alt.romance.* free.mister-c-of-9.sucks The cunt from WA. pl.comp.lang.python Programowanie w jezyku Python. pl.hum.pisarstwo Jak nie pisac do szuflady. pl.comp.lang.funkcyjne Programowanie w jezykach funkcyjnych. dk.marked.privat.elektronikloesdele+maalegrej Handel med elektronikloesdele/-komponenter/-maaleudstyr. alt.adsl.toulouse discussions alt.activism.groups.23october-conservative-labour-organisation Information about the union. alt.activism.groups.nmcdp NMCDP discussion and news. alt.activism.groups.save-croatia-letter-writing-club Save Croatia Letter Writing Club news and information. alt.activism.groups.ivo-sandor-organisation Information about the Ivo Šandor Organisation and the chronic pain movement in general. alt.activism.groups.national-codeine-otc-lobby National Codeine OTC Lobby (USA) information and announcements. alt.activism.groups.hdz Croatian Democratic Union discussion and news. alt.activism.groups.nccl-dwcmp NCCL-DWCMP discussion and news. alt.activism.groups.vmro-dpmne VMRO-DPMNE discussion and news. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.austrians.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Austrian ancestry or close enough. alt.comp.os.windows-nt3-and-prior Windows NT through version 3.51. alt.drugs.serax Discussion of Serax® alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.poles.female Erotic pictures of women of fractional or full Polish ancestry or close enough. alt.comp.os.sco-unix SCO Unix. alt.drugs.propanediols Discussion of propanediol sedatives. sfnet.tori.audio+video Audio- ja videolaitteiden kauppapaikka sfnet.tori.myydaan.elokuvat Myydään elokuvia ja tv-sarjoja sfnet.tori.ostetaan.elokuvat Ostetaan elokuvia ja tv-sarjoja alt.adsl.rouen discussions dk.edb.hardware.casemodding Ombygning af pc-kabinetter og andet edb-udstyr. alt.php.e-xoops E-Xoops, php content management system discussions. alt.fan.countries.polska Sernik, wodka i wenezuelskie dupy ott.rec.snowmobiling Snowmobiling in the National Capital Region of Canada alt.luser.theapostle soy un perdedor alt.jackass.leslie-paulin jackass discussion alt.kook.of.month.leslie-paulin kook discussion alt.kook.of.month.leslie-paulin.aka-thedisciple kook discussion alt.address address discussion alt.lamers.theapostle soy un perdedor alt.address.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin address discussion alt.spammers.theapostle soy un perdedor alt.address.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.696-bruham address discussion alt.kook.theapostle soy un perdedor alt.spammers.leslie-paulin soy un perdedor alt.spammers.leslie-paulin.aka-theapostle soy un perdedor alt.jackass general jackass discussion alt.phone-number.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.613-635-7958 phone number discussion alt.phone-number.theapostle.613-635-7958 phone number discussion alt.jackass.leslie-paulin.aka-thedisciple jackass discussion alt.address.theapostle address discussion alt.phone-number phone number discussion alt.address.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.696-bruham.pembroke-ontario address discussion alt.phone-number.theapostle phone number discussion alt.phone-number.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin phone number discussion alt.phone-number.leslie-paulin.613-635-7958 phone number discussion alt.narc narc discussion alt.narc.leslie-paulin narc discussion alt.phone-number.leslie-paulin phone number discussion alt.narc.leslie-paulin.aka-thedisciple narc discussion finet.shell.titanix Free Titanix Shell alt.phone-number.leslie-paulin.aka-theapostle phone number discussion alt.phone-number.leslie-paulin.aka-theapostle.613-635-7958 phone number discussion alt.jobs.leslie-paulin TheApisshole needs a job alt.jobs.leslie-paulin.aka-theapostle TheApisshole needs a job alt.jobs.leslie-paulin.aka-theapostle.needs-to-get-one TheApisshole needs a job alt.fuck.theapostle Fuck TheApostle alt.fuck.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin Fuck TheApostle alt.i-hate.theapostle I Hate TheApostle alt.i-hate.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin I Hate TheApostle alt.fuckwit.theapostle I Hate TheApostle alt.fuckwit.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin I Hate TheApostle alt.fuckwit.leslie-paulin I Hate TheApostle alt.fuckwit.leslie-paulin.aka-theapostle I Hate TheApostle alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham.pembroke-ontario TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario.k8a-5a4 TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario.k8a-5a4.613-635-7958 TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario.k8a-5a4.613-635-7958.hows-that TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.spanked.theapostle TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.spanked.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.spanked.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.spanked.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.spanked.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario.k8a-5a4 TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.spanked.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario.k8a-5a4.phone TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.spanked.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.698-bruham-ave.pembroke-ontario.k8a-5a4.phone.613-635-7958 TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.address.theapostle.aka-leslie-paulin.696-bruham.pembroke-ontario.k8a-5a4 TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.narc.leslie-paulin.aka-theapostle TheApostle is a simpering milktoast alt.fan.zibro Fans of Zibro rec.skiing.alpine.moderated Alpine (downhill) skiing. (Moderated) tw.bbs.campus.univnews ¬Fªv¤j¾Ç¡E¤j¾Ç³ø alt.binaries.champagnejam fans for the classic rock band the Atlanta Rhythm Section can post alt.sports.soccer.marseille The football club of Olympique de Marseille. alt.sports.soccer.paris-sg The French Paris Saint-Germain Football Club. alt.usenet-hopper.trashcan random Bins nl.hobby.spoorwegen Over (museum)spoorwegen voor hobbyisten en liefhebbers. nl.taal.klassiek Over Latijn, Grieks en andere klassieke talen. alt.binaries.sounds.wma Posting of audio files in .wma format. alt.binaries.sounds.vintage (Music) sounds created prior to 1960 alt.idiot.epeleg.spank.spank.spank - For the spanking of On Epeleg and nl.reizen.satellietnavigatie Over praktisch gebruik van satellietnavigatie. nl.sport.schaatsen Over de schaatssport. alt.binaries.multimedia.cartoons.video-games animation and art. alt.binaries.black-daddies Pictures and multimedia of black males 40+ dk.edb.programmering.dotnet Diskussion af programmering til .Net Framework. free.shqip.kulture Arti,kultura e politika shqiptare. (Moderated) alt.music.spocks-beard Progressive rock band Spock's Beard. free.uk.non-new.chit-chat Anything to declare. free.pebbels.be newsgroup of www.pebbels.be alt.eugenics eugenics related issues. alt.bio.ethics bioethics related issues. alt.tv.american-idol discussion about the television show American Idol alt.marianne.hier.zijn.je.mapjuhs De mapjes van Marianne. Zo raakt ze ze tenminste niet meer kwijt. :) alt.bananen.home Een groep die NIET over B.A.N.A.N.E.N. gaat :) alt.binaries.palmpilot Applications for Palm OS PDAs nz.soc.maori Discussion of Maori related topics and issues. alt.sports.soccer.equipe-de-france L'Equipe de France de football alt.fan.ian Discussion group for people named Ian. alt.fan.fredrik-roubert The Fredrik Roubert fan group uk.games.computer.misc UK-based discussion about computer gaming de.rec.musik.recherche Titel, Texte, Noten: Suche, Identifikation und Analyse. alt.binaries.photography.children Group for photography of children alt.hairloss.d Support for people suffering from hairloss alt.xbox.discussion Discussion related to the Microsoft XBOX alt.pl.komunikatory Rozmowy o sieciach i klientach IM nl.comp.netwerken Over computernetwerken. de.alt.troll Diese putzigen Wesen suchen ein zuhause! de.ALL de.comp.os.ms-windows.anwendungssoftware Start -> Programme. de.comp.os.ms-windows.treiber Systemsteuerung -> Hardware. de.comp.os.ms-windows.netzwerke Desktop -> Netzwerkumgebung. de.comp.software.misc Programme ohne eigene Gruppe. de.comp.software.shareware Shareware, Freeware und Public Domain. alt.edgar.0wnz alt.edgar 0wnz j00 alt.edgar.0wnz.brian-anthony alt.edgar 0wnz j00 alt.gambling.sports.coin-flippers heads or tails? alt.gambling.sports.coin-flippers.brian-anthony heads or tails? alt.troll.brian-anthony brian anthony is a troll alt.luser.brian-anthony brian anthony is a luser alt.binaries.fetish.facesitting Binary images for this fetish alt.binaries.fetish.trample Binary images for this fetish alt.binaries.games.wolfenstein ID's WWII Multiplayer game alt.culture.sudan alt.culture.sudan alt.pl.phpbb alt.pl.phpbb de.alt.soc.knigge Hoeflichkeit und gutes Benehmen im wirklichen Leben. nl.kunst.strips Alles wat op strips en cartoons betrekking heeft. alt.binaries.warez.0-day.games.rips 0-day game rips go here alt.bioethics bioethics related issues. alt.news.xenox www.xenoxnews.com alt.binaries.svcd.pl Wymiana filmow w formacie (S)VCD uk.people.support.diabetes Advice, support and chat about diabetes alt.binaries.e-book.pl E-books in polish language only alt.eriksetzer Erik Setzer Discussion alt.binaries.multimedia.charmed WB's Charmed free.nf.binaries Binaries relating to Newfoundland and uk.food+drink.sausages Discussion about sausages alt.pl.svcd Forum dyskusjne na temat (S)VCD alt.karoo.local Alternative karoo user group alt.irc.dev Discussion of futher development of the alt.binaries.elements adobe graphics app . free.nf.pet.rocks.dave Dave's pet rock. free.nf.pet.rocks Discussion of pet rocks in Newfoundland and Labrador. alt.binaries.multimedia.odyssey5 for distribution of Odyssey 5 dk.marked.privat.jernbaner Privat handel med jernbane- og modeljernbaneeffekter. alt.comp.os.mac All MacIntosh operating systems. alt.drugs.phenmetrazine Discussion of phenmetrazine. alt.comp.programming.scripting.general Theory and discussion of scripting languages and tools for all platforms. alt.toys.regedit RegEdit *is* a toy. alt.comp.windows.blue-screen-of-death Information about the Blue Screen of Death resulting from processor exceptions under Windows operating systems. alt.comp.windows.stop-errors Information about Stop errors under Windows NT and successors. alt.drugs.benzos Discussion of benzodiazepines. alt.comp.os.beos BeOS. alt.drugs.pethidine Discussion of pethidiine. alt.fan.dihydrocodeine News and views from and for fans of dihydrocodeine. alt.fan.nicocodeine News and views from and for fans of nicocodeine. alt.music.tatu Russian teen pop sensation Lena and Yulia aka Tatu. alt.comp.os.linux Linux no.lokal.drammen For temaer og folk med tilknytning til Drammen og omegn. alt.drugs.diazepam Discussion of diazepam (Valium®) alt.online-service.earthlink Discussion group relating to the ISP alt.ethnic-cleansing.christina-eijkhout Recent outrages of racist rmgrouper christinA eijkhout. alt.fan.jacques-chirac Fans of Jacques Chirac alt.comp.os.ti99 TI-99, 99/4a etc. de.comm.software.janaserver Jana Server, der Proxy-, HTTP- und Mailserver. alt.jack-me-off Yep alt.activism.groups.islamic-jihad.christina-eijkhout fuck u alt.activism.groups.al-qaida.christina-eijkhout fuck u alt.activism.groups.hamas.christina-eijkhout fuck u alt.activism.groups.pflp.christina-eijkhout fuck u alt.activism.groups.hizbollah.christina-eijkhout fuck u alt.activism.groups.plo.christina-eijkhout fuck u de.alt.fan.harry-potter Das Hogwarts-Universum. alt.anti-semite.christina-eijkhout Opposing this alt.criminal-records.christina-eijkhout Extortion and violence and blackmail oh my alt.pl.krasnystaw Dyskusje mieszkancow miasteczka Krasnystaw i jego okolic. alt.music.ogg All about and around the audio-format ogg vorbis alt.comp.os.windows-ce Windows CE operating system news and discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.os.palm Palm operating system news and discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.os.hp48 HP 48/49 Calculators operating system news and discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.os.windows3 Windows 3 and 3.11 discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.ms-dos MS-Dos discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.beos BeOS discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.marketplace Buying and selling of computer hardware, documentation, and software, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.fortran Fortran discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.c C discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.forth Forth discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.cobol Cobol discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.ada Ada discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.vb Visual Basic discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.macros.misc Discussion of other macro and control languages, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.java Java discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.lotuscript LotusScript discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.pascal Pascal discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.vba Visual Basic for Applications discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.jcl JCL discussion, multiliingual alt.comp.lang.vbscript VBScript discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.javascript JavaScript discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.perfectscipt PerfectScript discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.periphs.pcmcia-compactflash PCMCIA and CompactFlash cards discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.corelscript CorelScript discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.delphi Delphi discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.perl Perl discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.sed sed discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.assembler Assembler discussion, mulilingual alt.comp.lang.shell.batch.msdos Batch programming (command.com) discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.development-tools Miscellaneous programming and reverse-engineering tools, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.calculators.casio Programmable Casio calculators use and programming, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.email Email discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.devices.calculators Calculator discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.ethics Computer and technology ethics discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.net-abuse Net abuse discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.accounting Accounting applications news and discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.test General test group for alt.comp.* sub-hierarchy alt.comp.lang.shell.batch.winnt Batch programming (cmd.exe) discusison, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.rexx Rexx discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.telnet Telnet discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.shell.os2 Batch programming in the OS/2 environment, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.shell.batch.enhancements Batch progamming with enhancers e.g. 4Dos, 4NT, WinBatch alt.comp.lang.shell.unix.bourne-bash Bourne shell programming discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.shell.dcl DCL discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.shell.unix.csh-tcsh C shell programming discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.awk Awk discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.shell.unix.korn Korn shell programming discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.periphs.mice Mouse discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.periphs.modems Modem (all types) discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.nntp News server and reader discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.virus-worm Discussion of viruses and worms, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.ftp FTP discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.open-source Discussion of the Open Source Movement, mutli-lingual alt.comp.issues.intellectual-property Discussion of copyright and other issues, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.publishing Discussion of publishing packages, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.graphics Graphics programme discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.adobe Adobe products discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.sound Hardware and software for working with sound and music, multi-lingual alt.comp.periphs.printers Printer discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.devices.cellphones Cellular telephone discussion, mutli-lingual alt.comp.devices.digital-cameras Digital camera discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.devices.mobile-computers Discussion of laptops, handhelds and peripherals for them, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.spam Spam discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.browsers Browser discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.isues.net-abuse Net abuse discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.security Computer security discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.censorship Censorship discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.privacy Privacy discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.networking.connectivity Internet and other network connectivity issues, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.internationalisation Discussion of internationalisation of software, multi-lingual alt.comp.programming.interface-design Interface design discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.accessibility Software, OS, and hardware accesibility discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.safety Repetitive Motion Injury, eyestrain, radiation and other workplace safety issues, multi-lingual alt.comp.issues.education Discussion of computers and technology in education, multi-lingual free.uk.sport.wick-academy News and discussion on "The Scorries" nl.sport.darten Een nieuwsgroep voor liefhebbers van de dartsport. alt.comp.networking.firewalls Firewall discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.microsoft.embedded Microsoft embedded OS news, usage, and development, multi-lingual alt.comp.microsoft.certification Discussions of the Microsoft certification programmes, multi-lingual alt.comp.microsoft.new-products New products from Microsoft and partners, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.spreadsheets Spreadsheet discusison, multi-lingual alt.comp.networking.routers Router discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.microsoft.windows Microsoft Windows (all versions) discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.databases Database discusison, multi-lingual alt.comp.microsoft.office Microsoft Office discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.microsoft.development-tools Visual Studio, .Net, and other Microsoft development tools, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.word-processors Word processor discusison, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.translation Translator discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.lang.calculators.other Miscellaneous Programmable calculators use and programming, multi-lingual alt.comp.apps.rlogin-ssh SSH and RLogin discussion, multi-lingual alt.hairloss alt.hairloss alt.pl.regionalne.elblag Discussion about Elblag alt.fan.maarten-te-paske For fans of Maarten te Paske nl.huisdier.kat Voor liefhebbers en eigenaren van katten. alt.comp.newusers New user information for the alt.comp.* sub-hierarchy alt.comp.answers Answers group for the alt.comp.* sub-hierarchy alt.comp.programming.theory Theories of computer science, multi-lingual alt.comp.misc Miscellaneous topics, multi-lingual alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.d Japanese Animation binary discussion. alt.comp.acad-freedom.news Academic freedom issues related to computers. alt.comp.apps.editors Text editor discussion, multi-lingual alt.comp.os.windows-98se Windows 98 Second Edition. alt.drugs.sedatives.general General discussion about sedatives. alt.pl.mobile.nokia No description. alt.astrology.moderated.metapsych Expanded Astrological Community. (Moderated) alt.comp.os.windows-98 Windows 98. alt.pl.freesco Newsgroup about Freesco - a small Linux distribution. alt.pl.fan.r grupa przyjaciol r alt.pl.r grupa er alt.nl.storryteller.rommel Storytellers rotzooi hoekje. alt.comp.os.windows-nt4 Windows NT 4.0 alt.comp.os.windows-95 Windows 95. alt.comp.os.windows-me Windows Me. alt.comp.os.windows-xp Windows Xp. alt.comp.os.xenix Xenix. alt.drugs.benzodiazepines Discussion of benzodiazepines. alt.pl.comp.os.freeunices.moderationtest automoderation test for group apcof alt.pl.comp.os.hacking.w.sensie.dobra alt.pl.comp.os.hacking.w.sensie.dobra alt.pl.comp.os.hacking.the.planet.and.something No description. alt.pl.mobile.siemens No description. alt.pl.jak.wyslac.anonimowego.posta.na.grupe No description. alt.pl.kasa No description. alt.pl.szmal Szmal, szmalec, szmalcyk i skwareczki. free.binaries Posting of binaries for text groups in "free" hierarchy. alt.pl.och.jak.mi.dobrze.w.polsce No description. free.it.os.freebsd Eat them up, yum! nl.onderwijs.open-source Over werken met open source in het onderwijs. nz.tech Gadgets, electronics and technology in New Zealand. alt.comp.os.os2 OS/2. alt.drugs.psychedelics.moderated Tearing the fabric of reality. alt.drugs.librium Discussion of Librium® alt.fan.all-zoe-poems Cause the name is all so true and it had to be said alt.poetry.zoe-isa-best Cause the name is all so true and it had to be said alt.config.zoe-rulez Cause i said so alt.config.elpigo-k00ked-out Elpigo came to config and k00ked out alt.binaries.clubelysium Surf Safe & Stay in Gray! alt.pl.sci.astronautyka Discussion astronautic alt.binaries.newfoundlandlabrador Files for Newfoundland and Labrador people. alt.innerstation a meeting place for writers and computer alt.binaries.girls-and-guns airhead bimbos firing machine guns . alt.real-estate-appraisal Anything related to real estate appraisal alt.fan.jaap-de-jong fan-base for famous radio person alt.fan.marjan-van-den-berg fan-base for famous radio voice uk.sport.motorsport.formula1 Formula 1 motorsport and the UK ott.talk.high-tech Discussions of interest to high-tech workers in the National Capital Region alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.lipstick The art of decorating women’s alt.notary.moderated Issues regarding Notaries Public (Moderated) tw.bbs.comp.lang.php PHP»y¨¥ de.comm.software.mozilla.misc Sonstige Mozilla/Netscape-Themen. de.comm.software.mozilla.nightly-builds Tagesaktuelle, ungetestete Versionen. de.comm.software.mozilla.browser Browser mit der Netscape-Gecko-Engine. de.comm.software.mozilla.mailnews Mail und News auf Basis von Mozilla. alt.war.iraq War in the Gulf 1991 + 2003 no.alt.gullkorn.d Diskusjon omkring gullkorn. alt.cgc cgc discussion alt.pl.leczna Grupa dyskusyjna miasta Leczna. alt.pl.regionalne.opole Wiesci z Opola alt.fr.ta.gueule How to tell people to shut the fuck up. alt.nl.radio.piraat All about dutch Piraat Piratenzender. alt.pl.cybek taka sobie dyskusja alt.politics.howard-dean Howard Dean and his political views. alt.fr.cul Cul, cul, cul, cul, cul, cul, cul, cul, cul. alt.shit Misc shit and crap and stuff. alt.canada.sucks It sucks/C'est nul. alt.binaries.3d-game-maker for games made by the 3D Game Maker app . alt.spam.wonderful spam discussion alt.geektragedy geektragedy discussion alt.spam.wonderful.spam spam discussion alt.comp.apps.irc IRC client and server discussion, multi-lingual nl.dranken.thee Van huismerk tot theeceremonie. alt.current-events.war-on-terrorism the war against terrorism alt.current-events.iraq se bush. see bush annex iraq. alt.current-events.war-on-terrorism.iraq face it the usa owns you alt.current-events.war-on-terror about the war on terror alt.current-events.war-on-terror.iraq about the war against iraq alt.biff-mullins who the heck is biff mullins? alt.current-events.war-on-terror.hussein those wacky husseins nihon.talk.games Topics on games. free.nf.hockey Discussion of hockey and sports in Newfoundland and Labrador. dk.fritid.filateli Forum for frimaerkesamlere og posthistorikere. alt.music.drum-n-bass Electronic Underground Dance Sub-Genre. alt.binaries.pictures.christina-aguilera Pictures of the pop alt.japan.kichigai The group in which the Japanese to whom the head alt.suicide.holiday.moderated Dont Carry Me and Leave me unmodeRatED alt.binaries.aubergine Cause its needed alt.usenet.retards Discussion of Aol'er and webbie type usenetizens free.blah Blah. alt.binaries.svcd.repost Discussion of Aol'er and webbie type usenetizens alt.japan.cafe Let's talk in Japanese language. alt.config.adam-kerman Cause its needed alt.config.adam-kerman.his-old-sheltie Cause its needed alt.talk.blah Blah. alt.fr.comp.lang.gtk+ programmation avec les bibliothèques GTK+, GDK, GLIB. alt.karoo Cause its needed free.pl.ruch-autonomii-slaska Wolnosc dla Slaska! alt.binaries.pictures.bc-series.off-topic Images related to finet.harrastus.rajatieto Kohteliasta keskustelua rajatietoharrastuksesta sfnet.harrastus.sulautetut Sulautetut järjestelmät sfnet.tori.valokuvaus Valokuvaustavaran osto- ja myyntipaikka sfnet.harrastus.mp.maahantuonti Keskustelua moottoripyörien maahantuonnista sfnet.viestinta.tv.digi Digi-TV-keskustelufoorumi free.pl.gry.pirackie WSZYSTKO o grach pirackich alt.binaires.pictures.erotica.teen.female Ladies finet.viestinta.www.mainokset Kaikkein asiallisten www-sivujen mainokset. alt.binaries.picture.bc-series.off-topic Postings related to alt.radiohead.suck group of crap singers alt.msg.innerstation a meeting place for writers and computer alt.comp.innerstation a meeting place for writers and computer alt.fr.boitakons annonces et discussions sur le plonkage. finet.keskustelu.valokuva Ryhmässä keskustellaan valokuvista. alt.fr.fu2poster alternative au 'fu2 poster'. alt.binaries.formula1 F1 motorsport . de.alt.talk.dunkle-seite Dunkle Gedanken, unverbluemt. B-). alt.idiot.big-wooden-head An unmoderated newsgroup for discussion of noted Usenet idiot Big Wood/Storm alt.collecting.uk-die-cast NewsGroup for discussing collecting Die alt.fan.countries.poland Bocznica incarnate... free.pl.monarchizm Monarchia w Polsce - tak czy nie free.pl.politologia Nie ma jak politologia... free.pl.patryk-julianski Poeta i dramatopisarz alt.x-face NewsGroup for showing and sharing X-faces free.pl.unia-europejska Pro et contra free.pl.rywingate Co moze filmowiec free.pl.soc.nienawidze-usa I sie tego nie wstydze alt.karoo.binaries For posting of any binaries for karoo users alt.support.anxiety-panic.moderated Mutual assistance and help.. (Moderated) alt.fan.gunny-bob Fans of Gunny Bob rec.crafts.distilling Discussion of distilling alcohol and other substances. soc.culture.indian.goa About Goa, India's smallest state. (Moderated) de.comm.infosystems.suchmaschinen Finden und gefunden werden. free.pl.misc.autostrady Niedziurawe polskie drogi free.pl.soc.studia O meandrach zycia studentow. free.pl.rec.capoeira Capoeira dla kazdego free.pl.swiat.azja-australia-oceania orient i antypody free.pl.czwarta-rzeczpospolita Kiedy? Dlaczego? Jak? free.european-union EU... free.pl.soc.prawo-jazdy Przed i po egzaminie free.pl.swiat.ameryka-afryka Obie Ameryki i Afryka free.pl.swiat.europa Wady i zalety Starego Swiata alt.binaries.warez.symbian Warez for the Symbian platform. alt.fan.veronica-odonoghue Discussion of Veronica O'Donoghue. alt.binaries.underground Binary underground posts alt.adam-in-alt-config Best ng ever alt.adam-in-alt-config.k00ks-out-over Best ng ever alt.adam-in-alt-config.k00ks-out-over.liberalminded-using Best ng ever alt.adam-in-alt-config.k00ks-out-over.liberalminded-using.brian-reid-nym Best ng ever alt.adam-in-alt-config.k00ks-out-over.liberalminded-using.brian-reid-nym.when-all-know-it Best ng ever alt.adam-in-alt-config.k00ks-out-over.liberalminded-using.brian-reid-nym.when-all-know-it.is-me Best ng ever alt.pl.regionalne.skierniewice.mechanik Skierniewicki Mechanik w swiatowym usenecie alt.fastman-talks-fast Best ng ever alt.binaries.fastman Best ng ever alt.kook.sky-king Discussion of net.kook Sky King alt.binaries.bob-and-carol 4 Bob and Carol's binary pedo needs alt.binaries.bob-and-carol.pedo-posts-only 4 Bob and Carol's binary pedo needs alt.adam-in-alt-config.inflated-sense-of-self-worth.tries-to-b-teh-boss Cause he is full of himself alt.binaries.pl.mp3 Polish mp3 music exchange alt.binaries.pl.ape Polish ape music exchange alt.binaries.pl.divx Polish divx movies exchange alt.binaries.pl.svcd Polish svcd movies exchange alt.binaries.multimedia.hack CBS TV series Hack with David Morse. alt.binaries.innerstation a meeting place for writers and alt.binaries.cd.image.3do Cause a good friend asked for it alt.fan.vladimir-dmitriev Cause Vlad has to have one 2 alt.binaries.harry-potter A series of books and films by JK Rowling free.it.musica.ipod Apple iPod, il lettore mp3 DEFINITIVO! cz.comp.linux.mandrake Konference o Mandrake Linuxu alt.tv.john-doe FOX TV series John Doe with Dominic Purcell. alt.binaries.holiday For sharing files related to the holidays alt.flame.women For men who have never had a girlfriend de.comm.internet.infrastruktur Router, Topologie und Administrativa. alt.music.poison discussion of Poison alt.binaries.svcd.subtitled -- svcd subtitled alt.tv.monk USA TV series Monk with Tony Shalhoub. nl.stad.den-haag Over de stad Den Haag, de regio en de inwoners. alt.games.streetrod3 A usenet discussion of Street Rod 3 alt.binaries.games.thief Fan mission development and distribution. dk.edb.hardware.baerbar Emner vedr. baerbare computere. alt.binaries.pl.ebooks Polska grupa z ebook'ami alt.binaries.warez.your-mammy warez your mammy? alt.pedophile.keith-wigdor keith and his little boys alt.support.warez the warez helpdesk alt.pl.binaries.nfo Informacje o wrzutach na binarne grupy nl.dranken.koffie Van een bakkie leut tot eikeltjeskoffie. alt.binaries.pl.dts Polish dts music exchange de.alt.sci.geschichte-spekulativ Was waere gewesen, wenn ...? alt.binaries.red-dwarf alt.binaries.red-dwarf alt.usenet.kooks.keith-wigdor keithey is a kook alt.child-molester child molester discussion alt.child-molester.keith-wigdor child molester discussion alt.spammers.keith-wigdor spammer discussion alt.spank.keith-wigdor spanking discussion alt.usenet.legends.biff-mullins.rides-again usenet legend discussion alt.phone-numbers phone number discussion alt.phone-numbers.keith-wigdor phone number discussion alt.phone-numbers.keith-wigdor.212-570-6926 phone number discussion alt.pl.regionalne.szczecin.sp-mieszk.dab Spoldzielnia alt.genius.definitely-not definitely not a genius alt.genius.definitely-not.keith-wigdor he is definitely not a genius alt.society.has-no-place no place in society alt.society.has-no-place.for no place in society for... alt.society.has-no-place.for.keith-wigdor no place in society for him alt.i-hate.muslims just ask me why alt.beam-me-up get me outta here! alt.beam-me-up.scotty get me outta here! alt.beam-me-up.scotty.there-is-no get me outta here! alt.beam-me-up.scotty.there-is-no.intelligent-life get me outta here! alt.beam-me-up.scotty.there-is-no.intelligent-life.down-here nuff sed alt.fuckhead.spammer dedicated to all the spammers alt.fuckhead.spammer.keith-wigdor see keith. see keith spam. alt.goatsex.keith-wigdor see keith. see keith sodomize goats. alt.beam-me-up.scotty.there-is-no.intelligent-life.down-here.on ????? alt.spammers.keith-wigdor.president-of-nambla keith sodomizes boys alt.pedophiles.keith-wigdor.president-of-nambla keith sodomizes boys alt.pedophile.keith-wigdor.loves-little-boys keith loves boys alt.pedophile.keith-wigdor.president-of-nambla keith loves boys alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.keith-wigdor wigdor is gay alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.hermaphrodites.keith-wigdor fwaggot alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.interracial.keith-wigdor he's a fwag alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.interracial.keith-wigdor.sucks fwag alt.nambla.keith-wigdor keith loves little boys alt.nambla.keith-wigdor.loves-little-boys keith loves little boys alt.personals.bondage.gay.keith-wigdor keith loves bondage boys alt.spanking.keith-wigdor keith loves to be spnaked alt.spanking.keith-wigdor.come-here keith loves to be spnaked alt.spanking.keith-wigdor.come-here.little-boy keith luvs 2b spnaked alt.spanking.keith-wigdor.come-here.littlegirl keith luvs 2b spnaked alt.support.spammed-by keith wigdor is a spammer alt.support.spammed-by.keith-wigdor keith wigdor is a spammer alt.support.my-son keith wigdor belongs to nambla alt.support.my-son.was-sodomized keith wigdor belongs to nambla alt.support.my-son.was-sodomized.by keith wigdor belongs to nambla alt.support.my-son.was-sodomized.by.keith-wigdor he's with nambla alt.support.my-2-year-old keith wigdor belongs to nambla alt.support.my-2-year-old.was-sodomized keith wigdor - nambla alt.support.my-2-year-old.was-sodomized.by keith wigdor - nambla alt.when when is it alt.when.keith-wigdor when is it, keith alt.when.keith-wigdor.stops-spamming when is it, keith alt.when.keith-wigdor.stops-spamming.we-will-stop when is it, keith alt.whiny.ass.crybaby.bitches.keith-wigdor keith wigdor is a w.a.c.b alt.activism.groups.al-qaida.keith-wigdor keith wigdor is a w.a.c.b alt.activism.groups.islamic-jihad.keith-wigdor keith is a w.a.c.b alt.alien.vampire.snuh the world according to snuh alt.alien.vampire.snuh.snuh the world according to snuh alt.alien.vampire.snuh.snuh.snuh bet you didn't see that one coming alt.alien.vampire.snuh.snuh.flonk bet you didn't see that one coming alt.alien.vampire.clang bet you didn't see that one coming alt.alien.vampire.clang.honk bet you didn't see that one coming alt.alien.vampire.clang.honk.tweet did you see that one coming? alt.anti-america.keith-wigdor keith wigdor is a commie alt.asshole-factory.keith-wigdor keith wigdor is an asshole alt.child.molester.keith-wigdor keith wigdor is a dangerous pedo alt.clueless.keith-wigdor ready to quit spamming yet? alt.cretinous.reprobate.keith-wigdor ready to quit spamming yet? alt.crackhead.keith-wigdor keith wigdor smokes crack alt.crackpot crackpots unite! alt.crackpot.keith-wigdor he is a cracksmoking crackpot alt.pl.comp.os.advocacy Alternatywne pcoa dla potluczonych. alt.chris.norris chris norris alt.comp.periphs.scanners.vuescan dedicated group for Vuescan alt.airline.united United Airlines alt.fan.krelm A fan newsgroup dedicated to Krelm. alt.pl.matrix Polska grupa na temat filmu. alt.pl.poznan.lo9 Grupa LO9 w Poznaniu free.pl.islam is a group where people can talk about islam in polish no.alt.hundebitt Diskusjoner om hundebitt, hundelover og raseforbud. no.alt.jenteprat Gruppe der jenter kan prate om "jenteting". es.comp.lenguajes.php Programacion en lenguaje PHP alt.binaries.prince.lossless Prince music in lossless formats. tw.bbs.sci.agriculture ¥xÆW¹A·~½×¾Â alt.fan.glenn-holland Support for the art of photographer Glenn Holland. alt.binaries.sounds.monkeysaudio.soundtracks Upload lossless soundtracks alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.chillout nu jazz and chillout music alt.genius.paul-harvey-oswald kevin, doug & the crew de.alt.soc.zwangsurlaub de.admin.ALL ist uebervoll! dk.marked.privat.edb.pc Privat handel med samlede edb-systemer. dk.marked.privat.edb.intern Privat handel med edb-udstyr til indvendig montage i en computer. dk.marked.privat.edb.ekstern Privat handel med eksternt edb-udstyr. dk.marked.privat.edb.software Privat handel med software. alt.pl.sosna Przyjaciele i znajomi SosnY alt.binaries.multimedia.chinese For Chinese-related video alt.binaries.dr.biff pics and fun stuff. alt.games.enter-the-matrix Discussions abou 'Enter the Matrix'. alt.pl.skandynawia Dyskusje na temat Skandynawii. alt.binaries.pl.utils Polish utils exchange alt.flame.sharon.lemke A newsgroup to flame that dumass Sharon! news.admin.net-abuse.blocklisting Discussion of ip-based blocklisting. (Moderated) alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.german.charts Posting music from German charts in mp3 format alt.pl.regionalne.przemysl Grupa dyskusyjna o miescie Przemysl alt.dolfy.forever in navolging van de groep van dd alt.pl.car-audio Dyskusje na temat samochodowego sprzetu audio. alt.idiot-savant bad paulie alt.idiot-savant.without-the bad paulie alt.idiot-savant.without-the.savant-part bad paulie alt.idiot-savant.without-the.savant-part.paul-heslop bad paulie alt.pedophile.paul-heslop baaaad paulie alt.pedophile.paul-heslop.vice-president baaaad paulie alt.pedophile.paul-heslop.vice-president.of-nambla baaaad paulie alt.genius.definitely-not.paul-heslop baaaad paulie alt.genius.clamnebula i seez cliz-ams in muh sleeps alt.goatsex.paul-heslop paul smokes goat choad alt.dumb grits dummy alt.dumb.as-a-box grits dummy alt.dumb.as-a-box.of-rocks grits dummy alt.dumb.as-a-box.of-rocks.paul-heslop grits dummy alt.oops whoopsie daisy alt.oops.i-messed-with whoopsie daisy alt.oops.i-messed-with.the-wrong whoopsie daisy alt.oops.i-messed-with.the-wrong.usenet-legend whoopsie daisy alt.oops.i-messed-with.the-wrong.usenet-legend.now-i-am whoopsie alt.turd-burglar to all the turd burglars alt.turd-burglar.paul-heslop paul heslop is a turd burglar alt.i-are-a i are a... alt.i-are-a.teknishun i are a teknishun alt.i-hace.20-years i hace 20 years... alt.i-hace.20-years.of-education i hace 20 years of edu... alt.i-hace.20-years.of-education.i-graduated i hace... alt.fan.ralph-kramden.hominy hominy hominy hominy alt.fan.ralph-kramden.hominy.hominy.hominy hominy hominy hominy alt.fan.ralph-kramden hominy hominy hominy alt.fan.ralph-kramden.hominy.hominy hominy hominy hominy alt.pigfuckers pigfuckers are amongst us alt.grits hominy hominy hominy alt.barnyard pigfuckers are amongst us alt.pigfuckers.paul-heslop.pork.pork.pork pigfuckers are amongst us alt.barnyard.cassanova pigfuckers are amongst us alt.barnyard.cassanova.paul-heslop.oink pigfuckers are amongst us alt.grits.dummy hominy hominy hominy alt.pigfuckers.paul-heslop pigfuckers are amongst us alt.pigfuckers.paul-heslop.pork pigfuckers are amongst us alt.pigfuckers.paul-heslop.pork.pork pigfuckers are amongst us alt.barnyard.cassanova.paul-heslop pigfuckers are amongst us alt.barnyard.cassanova.paul-heslop.oink.baaaa paul fuxors pigs alt.tell-me.something tell me something good alt.tell-me.something.good tell me something good alt.fan.bill-cleere.train-tunnel all about billy's anus alt.fan.bill-cleere.train-tunnel.sized-anus all about billy's anus alt.fan.dead-frenchmen kick a frenchman for christ alt.dildo-huggers dildo huggers abound tonight alt.dildo-huggers.paul-heslop dildo huggers abound tonight alt.dildo-huggers.cythera dildo huggers abound tonight alt.dildo-huggers.cythera.forced-to-be dildo huggers abound alt.dildo-huggers.cythera.forced-to-be.a-bulldyke dildo huggers alt.usa-0wns-j00.france the usa own you alt.usa-0wns-j00.germany the usa own you alt.usa-0wns-j00.ass-trailia the usa own you alt.usa-0wns-j00.can-uh-duh the usa own you alt.can.i-get can i get a witness? alt.can.i-get.a-witness can i get a witness? alt.liquor booze et al alt.liquor.in-the-front booze in the front? alt.liquor.in-the-front.poker booze in the front? alt.liquor.in-the-front.poker.in-the-rear tee hee alt.snail-tracks yummy concept alt.snail-tracks.splat yummy concept alt.snail-tracks.splat.splort yummy concept alt.snail-tracks.splat.splort.queef yummy concept alt.fuckstick fuckstick discussion et al alt.fuckstain fuckstain discussion et al alt.fucktard fucktard discussion et al alt.fucktard.george-w-bush fucktard discussion et al alt.space.monkey.invasion Discussion of space monkey invasions alt.space.monkey.invaders Discussion of space monkey invaders alt.fr.paris.property-of-usa usa 0wns j00 alt.fr.paris.suburb-of-nyc usa 0wns j00 alt.fr.property-of-usa usa 0wns j00 alt.name.newsgroups.like.yoda.i.do.you-find-it go yoda go alt.name.newsgroups.like.yoda.i.do.you-find-it.repulsive go yoda go alt.nuke.russia nuke 'em good alt.nuke.japan nuke 'em good alt.nuke.japan.again nuke 'em good alt.nuke.alabama nuke 'em good alt.nuke.alabama.redneck-b-gon nuke 'em good alt.nuke.mississippi nuke 'em good alt.nuke.texas nuke 'em good alt.nuke.texas.redneck-b-gon nuke 'em good alt.nuke.mississippi.redneck-b-gon nuke 'em good tw.bbs.campus.ncnu º[«n°ê»Ú¤j¾Ç-®Õ¶éÂIÂIºwºw alt.binaries.pictures.luana-lani Internet model Luana Lani. alt.usenet.troll-fest troll-fest baby tonight alt.mad-newgrouper.biff-mullins.stab-your-ass go biff alt.mad-newgrouper.biff-mullins.stab-your-ass.quicker-than go biff alt.fan.prefuse73.7th-message prefuse 73 rocks alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.chill-out an all-new musical genre alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.nu-jazz an all-new musical genre alt.binaries.sounds.uk-2step-garage an all-new musical genre alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.uk-2step-garage an all-new musical genre alt.binaries.sounds.chill-out an all-new musical genre alt.eat-shit eat shit and die asshole alt.eat-shit.and-die eat shit and die asshole alt.eat-shit.and-die.asshole eat shit and die asshole alt.internet.guru.biff-mullins biff mullins invented the internet alt.ibm-pc ibm personal computer discussion alt.i-hate.niggers niggers are the stupidest people alt.binaries.dvd.repost Group for reposts of DVD related binaries alt.airports.uk.humberside news, travel info, flights, and related topics alt.musicians the newsgroup for musicians by musicians alt.musicians.florida the newsgroup for musicians in florida alt.musicians.wanted the newsgroup for musicians seeking musicians alt.musicians.wanted.florida fl musicians seeking fl musicians alt.tv.star-trek.tos.slash Kirk and Spock - gay lovers. alt.usenet.legends.bill-cleere bill cleere is a usenet legend alt.genius.bill-cleere bill cleere is a genius alt.propeller-head Discussion of propeller-heads alt.propeller-head.christina.eijkhout Discussion of propeller-heads alt.propeller-head.frogbut Discussion of propeller-heads alt.propeller-head.steve.leyland Discussion of propeller-heads alt.binaries.pictures.wallpaper.discussion Software and advice for creating alt.jks the official jks discussion group alt.jks.computing the jks computing discussion group alt.binaries.jks the jks computing discussion group alt.binaries.multimedia.smallville Multimedia files of the Smallville soap in German alt.games.starwarsgalaxies Short description comp.databases.berkeley-db The Berkeley DB libraries. dk.edb.internet.software.instant-messaging IM-software og protokoller (ICQ, MSN, Jabber o.lign.) alt.pl.espol Dyskusje uwiklanych w Espol. uk.people.consumers.ebay Doing business on Ebay in the UK alt.pl.nauka.hiszpanskiego Forum jezyka hiszpanskiego. alt.binaries.monkey-movies For movies postings/discussions es.rec.cine-en-casa Discusiones sobre cine en casa. alt.os.linux.libranet Libranet, a Linux distribution based on Debian alt.binaries.multimedia.firefly Sci-fi space TV show from Joss Whedon. alt.pl.wisznuizm Wielbiciele Wisznu w kraju nad Wisla. de.comp.lang.funktional Funktionales Programmieren. alt.luser.recovery.binaries Binaries group for alt.luser.recovery. alt.binaries.warez.pocketpc.movies for pocketpc movie files uk.net.providers UK Internet Service Provider discussion uk.comp.security Miscellaneous computer security discussion alt.kill.a-nigger kill for christ alt.kill.a-nigger.for-christ kill for christ alt.kill.a-muslim.for-christ kill for christ alt.kill.a-muslim kill for christ alt.kill.a-jew kill for christ alt.kill.a-mexican kill for christ alt.kill.a-mexican.for-christ kill for christ alt.kill.a-jew.for-christ kill for christ alt.kill.a-redneck.for-christ kill for christ alt.kill.a-redneck kill for christ alt.kill.mariah-carey.for-christ kill for christ alt.kill.eminem kill for christ alt.kill.eminem.for-christ kill for christ alt.kill.mariah-carey kill for christ alt.pho paul harvey oswald alt.pho.org paul harvey oswald alt.pho.is paul harvey oswald alt.pho.is.paul-harvey.oswald paul harvey oswald alt.pho.is.paul-harvey paul harvey oswald alt.die-yuppie-scum die yuppie scum alt.die-gangsta-die die gangsta die alt.os.linux.is-for-pedophiles linux is for pedos alt.pedophile.jbenway linux is for pedos alt.pedophile.jbenway.spam jbenway is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jbenway.spam.spam.spam jbenway is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jbenway.spam.spam jbenway is a pedophile alt.pedophile.jbenway.is-keith-wigdor jbenway is a pedophile alt.genius.hatchetmama.not hatchetmama is a stupid bitch alt.genius.hatchetmama.morbidly-obese hatchetmama is a stupid bitch alt.gerbil.stuck.in.ass.keith-wigdor kwiggy has a gerbil in his ass alt.gerbil.stuck.in.ass.jbenway kwiggy has a gerbil in his ass alt.gerbil.stuck.in.ass.paul-heslop heslop has a gerbil in his ass alt.i-hace.20-years.of-education.i-graduated.10th-grade biff rulez alt.i-hace.20-years.of-education.i-graduated.10th-grade.twice biff! alt.i-hate.mexicans kill a spic for christ alt.i.cant.get.laid.so.i.spam kwiggy is a spammer alt.i.cant.get.laid.so.i.spam.keith-wigdor kwiggy is a spammer alt.i.cant.get.laid.so.i.spam.jbenway kwiggy is a spammer alt.troll.paul-heslop poor lil' paulie alt.up-your-gi-gi-with.a-woo-woo-brush.paul-heslop poor lil' paulie alt.usa-sucks.but-0wnz-j00 the usa owns the world alt.usa-sucks.but-0wnz-j00.none-the-less the usa owns the world alt.usa.the-only the usa owns the world alt.usa.the-only.superpower the usa owns the world alt.usenet.legends.biff-mullins go biff go! alt.shameless go biff go! alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy go biff go! alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy.keith-wigdor go biff go! alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy.paul-heslop go biff go! alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy.jbenway go biff go! alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy.hatchetmama go biff go! alt.support.morbidly-obese for all you fat chicks alt.support.morbidly-obese.christina-eijkhout for all you fat chicks alt.support.morbidly-obese.hatchetmama for all you fat chicks alt.support.morbidly-obese.cast-iron-bitch for all you fat chicks alt.support.my-2-year-old.was-sodomized.by.jbenway bad kwiggy alt.fan.biff-mullins go biff go! alt.things-to-do-today.buy-a-pack things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.buy-a-pack.of-squares things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.arrive-at things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.arrive-at.the-apartment things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.have-him-sign things to do today alt.things-to-do-today.have-him-sign.the-documents things to do alt.things-to-do-today.place-him things to do alt.things-to-do-today.place-him.face-down things to do alt.things-to-do-today.place-him.face-down.on-the-bed things to do alt.things-to-do-today.kill-the-dog.kill-the-dog things to do alt.things-to-do-today.kill-the-dog.kill-the-dog.kill-the-dog thingz alt.blowitoutyourass.john-corliss nuff said alt.scaramouche will you do the fandango alt.scaramouche.scaramouche.will-you will you do the fandango alt.scaramouche.scaramouche will you do the fandango alt.scaramouche.scaramouche.will-you.do-the-fandango do the fandango alt.binaries.warez.bloaf where are ya bloaf alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.suicide-girls suicide grrlz go here alt.support.fugly the fugly support group alt.binaries.games.pong pong roxorz muh soxorz alt.support.pedophile the pedophile support group alt.jet.oink.squeal.mooooooooooo jet is a big fat bitch alt.support.suicide the suicide support group alt.support.suicide.please-kill-me the suicide support group alt.jet.is-morbidly-obese jet is a big fat bitch alt.legend.jet.is-morbidly-obese jet is a big fat bitch alt.jet.oink jet is a big fat bitch alt.verizon-sucks.ass discuss how much verizon sucks alt.jet.oink.squeal jet is a big fat bitch alt.internet.guru.biff-mullins.go-biff-go go biff go! alt.propeller-head.john.henry Discussion of propeller-heads alt.idiot-savant.without-the.savant-part.john-corliss fuck off jonny alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.john-corliss fuck off johnny alt.i-think.therefore.i-dont.listen-to.country-music c&w sucks alt.autos.ford.crown-victoria crown vic discussion alt.verizon-sucks discuss how much verizon sucks alt.verizon-sucks.dick discuss how much verizon sucks alt.usenet.legends.raoul-xemblonsky-iii go raoul go! alt.usenet.legends.david-ritz go david go! alt.binaries.nospam.simpsons-pr0n Erotic images, stories, discussion about The Simpsons alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.penetrated penetrated flonking alt.conspiracy.hatchetmama.is the hatchetmama conspiracy alt.conspiracy.hatchetmama.is.the-lindberg-baby go hatchetmama! alt.things-to-do-today.buy-a-pack.of-squares.for-hatchetmama go biff alt.stupid-is go biff alt.stupid-is.as-stupid go biff alt.stupid-is.as-stupid.does go biff alt.stupid-is.as-stupid.does.sir go biff alt.stupid-is.as-stupid.does.keith-wigdor go biff alt.stupid-is.as-stupid.does.paul-heslop go biff go alt.fan.peter-bonerz go biff go alt.fan.lillian-gish go biff go alt.fan.power-puff power puff girl worship alt.fan.power-puff.girls power puff girl worship alt.recovery.sock-paranoia.hatchetmama hm hates socks alt.religion.biff-mullins hace you hugged your biff today alt.religion.meow hace you hugged your god today alt.religion.flonk hace you hugged your flonk today alt.religion.flonk.flonk hace you hugged your flonk today alt.religion.flonk.flonk.flonk hace you hugged your flonk today alt.religion.snuh hace you hugged your snuh today free.it.arrosticini Il piatto tipico abruzzese famoso nel mondo! uk.rec.audio.vinyl Hi-fi involving vinyl as the source alt.when-the-moon.hits-your-eye.like-a-big go beet man go alt.when-the-moon.hits-your-eye.like-a-big.pizza-pie.its go beet man alt.when-the-moon have you hugged your beet today alt.when-the-moon.hits-your-eye have you hugged your beet today alt.when-the-moon.hits-your-eye.like-a-big.pizza-pie go beet man go alt.zach is zach the beet man alt.paging paging mister herman alt.paging.mr-herman paging mister herman alt.vomit was that vomit launch or vomit lunch alt.vomit.launch was that vomit launch or vomit lunch alt.wallace a great car tune alt.wallace.and a great car tune alt.wallace.and.vomit a great car tune alt.languages.interlingua Discussiones in Interlingua e super alt.you-give-pigs jbenway is a kiddieporn kingpin alt.you-give-pigs.a-bad-name jbenway is a kiddieporn kingpin alt.you-give-pigs.a-bad-name.jbenway jbenway is a kiddieporn kingpin alt.you-give-pigs.a-bad-name.keith-wigdor wigdor is a dunderhead alt.whiny.ass.crybaby.bitches.jbenway jbenway is keith wigdor alt.whiny.ass.crybaby.bitches.jbenway.aka jbenway is keith wigdor alt.whiny.ass.crybaby.bitches.jbenway.aka.keith-wigdor moooooo alt.up-your-gi-gi-with.a-woo-woo-brush.keith-wigdor moooooo alt.up-your-gi-gi-with.a-woo-woo-brush.keith-wigdor.aka moooooo alt.dazed dazed and confused for so long its not true alt.dazed.and-confused dazed and confused for so long its not true alt.pl.misc.skutery Skutery alt.dazed.and-confused.bill-cleere dazed and confused alt.dazed.and-confused.bill-cleere.for-so-long dazed and confused alt.dazed.and-confused.bill-cleere.for-so-long.its dazed ppl alt.dazed.and-confused.bill-cleere.for-so-long.its.not-true dazed alt.once once, twice, three times a... alt.once.twice once, twice, three times a... alt.once.twice.three-times once, twice, three times a... alt.once.twice.three-times.a once, twice, three times a... alt.once.twice.three-times.a.bill-cleere once, twice, three times alt.once.twice.three-times.a.beet-man once, twice, three times alt.once.twice.three-times.a.biff-mullins once, twice, three times alt.usenet.legends.the go beet man go! alt.usenet.legends.the.beet-man go beet man go! alt.snuh.rdrr get it? rdrr? har dee har har! free.it.musica.bjork Il NG per gli amanti dell'elfetta pl.misc.telefonia.wap Sluchawka on-line. pl.sci.inzynieria Rozwiazujemy wszelkie inzynierskie zadania. alt.binaries.sounds.flac For flac lossless audio enthusiasts. alt.binaries.sounds.flac.rock For flac rock lossless audio enthusiasts. alt.binaries.sounds.flac.jazz For flac jazz lossless audio enthusiasts. alt.give-me bill cleere r0x alt.give-me.the-beat bill cleere r0x alt.give-me.the-beat.boys bill cleere r0x alt.give-me.the-beat.boys.and-free bill cleere r0x alt.give-me.the-beat.boys.and-free.bill-cleeres bill cleere r0x alt.give-me.the-beat.boys.and-free.bill-cleeres.soul cleere r0x alt.binaries.sounds.flac.classical For flac classical lossless audio alt.arse-bandit arse bandit talk-a-plenty alt.arse-bandit.keith-wigdor wigway is an arse bandit alt.arse-bandit.keith-wigdor.aka wigway is an arse bandit alt.arse-bandit.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway wigway is an arse bandit alt.arse-bandit.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway.prefers go wigway! alt.rectum rectum? nearly killed-um! alt.rectum.nearly rectum? nearly killed-um! alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um rectum? nearly killed-um! alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um.keith-wigdor rectum? nearly killed-um! alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um.keith-wigdor.aka rectum? alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway rectum? alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway.aka rectum? alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um.paul-heslop poor lil' paulie alt.my-pussy.hurts.says.paul-heslop poor lil' paulie free.international-schools Discuss life in international schools. alt.hazmat hazmat response networking group alt.weblogs general weblog aka blog discussion alt.weblogs.live-journal live journal weblog discussion alt.weblogs.live-journal.codes live journal code exchange alt.pl.rec.muzyka.techno.niekomercyjne Komercja NIE! Techno TAK alt.pl.gry.konsole.underground Wykorzystywanie mozliwosci zmodowanych konsol. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.disco disco music mp3 files alt.config.cant-help poor little keithwigdor aka jbenway! alt.config.cant-help.keith-wigdor poor little keith! alt.config.cant-help.keith-wigdor.aka poor little keith! alt.config.cant-help.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway poor little keith! alt.config.cant-help.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway.stop poor keith! alt.config.cant-help.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway.stop.those poor keith! no.lokal.oslo Diskusjon av tema, hendelser og folk knyttet til Oslo. alt.conspiracy.meow-meow teh meow hace yer number! alt.conspiracy.snuh teh snuh hace yer number! alt.fan.irishleague.chat Discussion on Irish League football. alt.binaries.zygomorphic zygomorphic binary data alt.talk.dream-reserve dream-reserve chatter de.alt.technik.gps Navigation - Trabanten zeigen uns den Weg. alt.fan.rolly-the-pervert a group about me alt.fan.jet.is.a.cunt a group about me alt.support.goat-fuckers goat fucker support alt.flame.pkb Flaming hypocrites, momma ! alt.please.create.me An interesting newsgroup alt.binaries.tatu This newsgroup is about the 2 lesbians that make up the Russian music group TATU alt.sex.fetish.scally Scally lad images and stories alt.gay.out OUT discussion alt.simpleton dedicated to all the simps out there alt.simpleton.keith-wigdor wigway is a simp alt.simpleton.keith-wigdor.aka wigway is a simp alt.simpleton.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway wigway is a simp alt.simpleton.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway.gives wigway is a simp alt.simpleton.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway.gives.all-new go wigway go pl.misc.transport O transporcie i logistyce. alt.binaries.multimedia.gamescombos Binaries related to fighting games de.alt.etc.koerperpflege Von Aloe Vera bis Zahnseide. alt.support.marijuana-munchies marijuana users with munchies alt.sex.fetish.earthlink.news-admins For people who like being fucked up the ass by Earthlink news admins alt.binaries.mutimedia.erotica.lesbians woman-to-woman sappho. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.cum-swapping blech! alt.binaries.sounds.lossless Lossless audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.alternative Lossless alternative audio alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.blues Lossless blues audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.country Lossless country audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.dance Lossless dance audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.electronic Lossless electronic audio alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.folk Lossless folk audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.french Lossless French audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.jazz Lossless jazz audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.metal Lossless metal audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.rap-hiphop Lossless rap & hiphop audio alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.rock Lossless rock audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.soundtracks Lossless soundtrack audio alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.bootlegs Lossless bootleg audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.classical Lossless classical audio alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.new-age Lossless new-age audio files alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.acoustic Lossless acoustic audio alt.pl.rec.muzyka.trance Trance Energy alt.pl.rec.muzyka.techno Alternatywa pl.rec.muzyka.techno alt.pl.rec.muzyka.dance My kochamy tanczyc! alt.pl.rec.muzyka.techno.komercyjne Zabawa do bialego rana alt.pl.radio.radiomaryja ideologia Radia Maryja. alt.pl.radio.ma-ryja seksuologia Radia Ma-ryja. alt.pl.radio.sunshine-live Techno, dance itp. Wir Sind Unter Euch! alt.pl.mag Dyskusje o magazynach internetowych alt.pl.fan.kuba-wojewodzki Fani Kuby Wojewodzkiego! alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.dr-demento dr. demento sound files alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.dr_demento dr. demento sound files alt.fan.homestar-runner for all the homestar runner fans! alt.fan.canadian-idol - alt.fan.shaft - alt.music.robert-speirs - alt.fan.ladypilot - alt.usenet.legends.voodoo-highway - alt.usenet.legends.posi - alt.scally - alt.music.california-jam - alt.fr.decouverte.hollande - alt.test.newgroup.again.again - alt.video.jockey - alt.tv.court-tv - alt.fr.fan.jean-claude.convenant - alt.fr.decouverte.portugal - alt.support.marijuana - alt.bill-bennett - alt.sports.soccer.doping.juventus - alt.fr.la.confederation.paysanne - alt.fr.decouverte.timor-leste - alt.fr.decouverte.usa - alt.fr.decouverte.japon - alt.fr.test.essai - alt.fr.langages.struts - alt.fr.decouverte.sahara.occidental - alt.agriculture.goat-herding - alt.fr.sf.farscape - alt.test.please.create.me - alt.sport.snorkeling - alt.test.new.please.create.me - alt.fr.echanges.femmes - alt.fr.micro.vg5000 - alt.test.newtest.create - alt.fr.test.test.test - alt.usenet.legends.bumpy - alt.fr.sport.en.chambre - alt.morianis - alt.fr.outil.maple - alt.fr.decouverte.luxembourg - alt.test.newgroup - alt.support.marijuana.medical - alt.fr.decouverte.georgie - alt.sports.snorkeling - alt.usenet.legends.mike-soja - alt.test.newgroup.again - alt.pl.regionalne.zamosc All about town Zamosc. alt.tv.tech.vod - alt.is.a.toilet.extreme-one - alt.noos.discussions - alt.fr.freeks - alt.binaries.multimedia.reality-tv Sharing of reality tv binaries uk.music.notation Discussion of music notation and software alt.pt.rail - tum.math.general Allgemeines zur Mathematik an der TU. tum.info.mobile Mobile Geraete im (Funk)LAN der Informatik TUM. alt.pets.dogs.pug - alt.necrophilia.uni - alt.chris-caputo.aka.akula - de.comm.software.40tude-dialog News und Mails mit 40tude Dialog. alt.ph-usenet-log - alt.ph.usenet-log - alt.pl.comp.os.fucking By fuckers For fuckers alt.cracksmoking-crackpot for all the cracksmoking crackpots alt.cracksmoking-crackpot.keith-wigdor keithwigdorsurrealism.tk alt.cracksmoking-crackpot.keith-wigdor.aka keithwigdorsurrealism.tk alt.cracksmoking-crackpot.keith-wigdor.aka.jbenway go kiwggy! alt.fan.tool - finet.paskanjauhanta.3699khz virtuaalinen 3699kHz radioamatööreille alt.fr.decouverte.cote.d.ivoire - alt.fr.microsoft.securite - alt.fr.protocole.nntp - alt.fr.decouverte.liban - alt.mallorca - alt.fr.decouverte.rwanda - alt.fr.protocole.pop3 - alt.fr.decouverte.irlande - alt.fr.decouverte.ukraine - alt.fr.decouverte.danemark - alt.fr.decouverte.nigeria - alt.fr.unicef - alt.fr.oim - alt.sports.soccer.denunciamo.chino - alt.fr.decouverte.finlande - alt.fr.decouverte.pologne - alt.fr.decouverte.madagascar - alt.binaries.pl.bajki Któ¿ z nas nie lubi bajek nl.stad.utrecht Over de stad Utrecht en haar inwoners. alt.fan.manowar - alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.funk get your funk mp3 files here alt.fr.decouverte.lettonie - alt.fr.decouverte.malawi - alt.fr.decouverte.norvege - alt.fr.decouverte.soudan - alt.fr.decouverte.suriname - alt.fr.decouverte.bahamas - alt.fr.alf Chez Alf... (Moderated) alt.fr.misc.gratuit - alt.fr.abus.messages.annulations - alt.fr.calendrier.maya - alt.fr.usenet.abus.procurations - alt.music.spiraling - alt.fr.calendrier.gregorien - alt.fr.calendrier.egyptien - alt.fr.calendrier.juif.moderne - alt.fr.calendrier.chinois - alt.fr.lettres.langues.na-dene - alt.fr.abus.messages.republications - alt.binaries.pl.dvdr Polish DVD-R video exchange alt.test.newgroup2 - alt.fr.fan.dominique-de-villepin Le ministère des Affaires étrangères. alt.fan.konnie-huq.bouncy-tits Blue Peter fans post here. alt.support.snuh-acceptance Do nescription. no.alt.seksualitet.delfiner Njorweenies do scuba diving in Njorway. alt.politics.arnold-schwarzenegger Ja. I'm ze Terminator. I'll be back, ja. alt.pod25-wanker - alt.support.hemorrhoids - alt.terrorism.ariel-sharon - alt.test-gazwad - alt.fr.fan.alizee - alt.usenet.legend.eugene-a-calame go eugene! alt.usenet.mad-newgrouper - alt.usenet.mad-newgrouper.extraordinaire - alt.comp.antivirus.sophos - alt.tv.trading-spaces - alt.usenet.legend.eugene-calame - alt.irc.sid-kitty-land.org - alt.usenet.mad-newgrouper.extraordinaire.biff-mullins - alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.core-flonker Uprooted from their ancestral land, a new home for the legendary Core Flonkers. alt.binaries.pictures.alizee A news group dedicated to Alizee alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.core-flonker.bill-cleere go bill alt.comp.os.linux-faggot.advocacy - alt.religion.neo-christian - free.jochwen for jochem and wendy alt.binaries.pl.midlety Rozrywka i praca przy pomocy komorki nctu.club.badminton %f$j&P2y.U6$ alt.pl.comp.wirusy Sztuka tworzenia komputerowych zarazkow. alt.fr.piscines - alt.nl.schandpaal - alt.mythe - alt.binaries.mma for postings of mixed-martial arts binaries alt.pl.nokiagame Interactive multimedia game by Nokia. alt.pl.regionalne.skierniewice Skierniewice w Usenecie alt.test.wow2 - de.alt.sport.tischtennis Wehe es sagt einer Pingpong! alt.fr.decouverte.slovaquie - alt.fr.lettres.langue.lettonne - alt.fr.decouverte.tchequie - alt.fr.artisanat.eclairage - alt.fr.artisanat.peinture - alt.fr.evolution - alt.fr.lettres.langue.bielorusse - alt.fr.decouverte.boheme - alt.fr.decouverte.moravie - alt.dns.djb - alt.root.orsc - alt.music.the-mars-volta - de.etc.militaer Ausruestung, Taktik, Strategie und Anekdoten. alt.crossposts - alt.cyanyde.crossdressing - alt.crossdressing.cyrus-ravage.faggot - alt.cyanyde - alt.crossdressing.cyrus-ravage - alt.personals.bi.pennsylvania - alt.cyanyde.crossdressing.faggot - alt.crossdressing.hotlinekick - alt.binaries.jaguar Encrypted postings. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.dance.hypnotika MP3 files of hypnotika club music. alt.pl.comp.sterowniki Grupa dyskusyjna na temat sterowników. alt.fr.recensement.les.maques - alt.anime.dothack - alt.fr.musique.the.walker.brothers - alt.fr.test.test - alt.fr.sante - alt.shove.your.reply.up.your.arse - rec.arts.books.excerpts Online book excerpts. (Moderated) alt.fr.decouverte.libye - alt.fr.tribunes.libres - alt.fr.comparatifs.messageries.instantanees - alt.fr.outil.netcat - alt.pl.test Polski alternatywny test alt.alcatroll Discussion of the work of Alcatroll Labs Inc. alt.binaries.multimedia.gay Forum for "gay" media. Not porno. alt.pl.radio.internet Radio w Internecie alt.pl.radio.internet.shoutcast Winamp's radio format alt.pl.radio.internet.shoutcast.radio-bum www.radio.ceteko.com alt.pl.regionalne.gryfino Grupa dyskusyjna na temat miasta i gminy alt.binaries.sylvia-saint Pictures and movies of Sylvia alt.config.christina.eijkhout.needs.to.get.a.life - alt.fr.alternatives.aux.monopoles - alt.nl.verdomhoekje.arie-kers - alt.nl.fan.midas-dekkers - alt.fr.alternatives.aux.logiciels.microsoft - alt.fr.altenatives.a.la.tele - alt.fr.alternatives.au.p2p - alt.fr.alternatives - alt.fark - alt.fr.alternatives.a.francetelecom - alt.fr.alternatives.a.pagespersofree - alt.fr.alternatives.a.wanadoo - alt.fr.alternatives.a.caramail - alt.france.accueil - alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2170s Music produced during the 2170s. alt.france.alternatives.a.pagespersofree - alt.fr.decouverte.zambie - alt.fr.voyages.en.train - alt.fr.decouverte.suede - alt.france.altenatives.a.la.tele - alt.fr.voyages.en.car - alt.music.madonna - alt.france.alternatives.a.caramail - alt.france.alternatives.a.francetelecom - alt.france.alternatives.au.p2p - alt.fr.decouverte.jordanie - alt.food.lutefisk - alt.france.alternatives.aux.logiciels.microsoft - alt.support.asatru - alt.bald.dr-phil - alt.france.alternatives.a.wanadoo - alt.fr.merde - alt.france.alternatives - alt.fr.voyages.en.avion - alt.nl.fan.merc - alt.food.surstromming - alt.games.half-life2 - alt.france.alternatives.aux.monopoles - alt.fan.boar-semen.blobbi-sanchez.aka - alt.fan.boar-semen.blobbi-sanchez.aka.aka.lady-veteran - alt.fan.boar-semen.blobbi-sanchez - free.christians Discussions relate to God, Bible and Christians alt.pl.rec.muzyka.rave We love rave alt.pl.fan.mostek Mostek i jego ideologia alt.pl.studia Student to ma ciezkie zycie alt.pl.matura Dziwne maturzystow przypadki alt.pl.psychologia.sny Czy to jawa czy sen? alt.pl.regionalne.waw Warszawiacy laczcie sie alt.pl.blog Internetowe publiczne pamietniki alt.pl.regionalne.gryfino.ogloszenia Grupa dyskusyjna stworzona do alt.os.linux.for-morons - alt.pl.internet.radio Internet droga radiowa. alt.fr.actualites.sociales - alt.dk.torrents - alt.fr.decouverte.guinee-bissau - alt.fr.comparatifs.pare-feu - alt.fr.langages.asp.net - alt.fan.laura-goodwin - alt.pl.niusy.serwery.dnews DNews news server alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.dialog 40tude Dialog alt.fr.uit - alt.fr.decouverte.republique.centrafricaine - alt.fan.sharon-osbourne a place for sharon's fans alt.pl.regionalne.mszczonow Mszczonow, nasz maly swiat alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.nl nederlands mp3 alt.binaries.sounds.nl nederlands audio files alt.binaries.sounds.nl.hoorspel nederlands audio files alt.fr.president.yasser.arafat - alt.binaries.cd.image.oldmemphis It's Oldmemphis alt.fr.pam - alt.pl.fakty-i-mity Fakty i Mity - grupa czytelnikow alt.fan.pjr.is-a-simpering-fucking-milktoast peter j. ross is a simp alt.fan.pjr.is-a-simpering-milktoast peter j. ross is a simp alt.fan.jet.queen-of-the-trailerpark jet is a simp alt.fan.jet.is-a-stupid-bitch jet is a simp alt.fan.jet.is-a-stupid-fucking-bitch jet is a simp alt.legend.jet.only-in-her-own-warped-mind jet is a simp alt.bulldyke.jet.snailtracks.and-more-snailtracks jet. fugly bitch. alt.binaries.pictures.child.erotica.for here you go pete alt.binaries.pictures.child.erotica.for.peter-j-ross here u go pete alt.idiot.pedophile.peter-j-ross here u go pete alt.idiot.pedophile.peter-j-ross.loves-little-boys here u go pete alt.pedophile.peter-j-ross here u go pete alt.pedophile.peter-j-ross.loves-little-boys here u go pete alt.tosser.peter-j-ross.punk-assed-bitch ross rhymes with toss alt.fan.jet.oink.squeal.mooooooooooo.bleat - alt.support.morbidly-obese.jet.jet - alt.support.morbidly-obese.jet - alt.fan.jet.snailtracks.snailtracks.snailtracks - alt.support.fat-acceptance.morbidly-obese.jet.jet.jet - alt.bulldyke.jet - alt.support.morbidly-obese.jet.jet.jet - alt.fan.jet.snailtracks - alt.support.fat-acceptance.morbidly-obese - alt.fan.jet.oink.squeal - alt.support.fat-acceptance.morbidly-obese.jet.jet - alt.support.morbidly-obese.jet.jet.jet.jet - alt.bulldyke.jet.snailtracks - alt.fan.jet.oink - alt.fan.jet.oink.squeal.mooooooooooo - alt.fan.jet.oink.squeal.mooooooooooo.bleat.bleat.bleat - alt.support.fat-acceptance - alt.fan.jet.snailtracks.snailtracks - alt.fan.jet.oink.squeal.mooooooooooo.bleat.bleat - alt.support.morbidly-obese.jet.jet.jet.jet.jet - alt.support.fat-acceptance.morbidly-obese.jet - alt.tosser - alt.tosser.peter-j-ross - alt.dildo-huggers.jet - alt.fucking.test Fucking test your newsreader here, fuckhead. alt.usenet.legends.derek - alt.gay.hypnosis all about gay hypnosis alt.binaries.gay.hypnosis gay hypnosis binaries alt.asshole-factory.dowap a true punk. alt.child-molester.dowap request submitted via BM's NRW alt.child-molester.dowap.prefers-little-boys submitted via BM's NRW alt.nambla.dowap.loves-little-boys submitted via BM's NRW alt.stupid-is.as-stupid.does.dowap requested via BM's NRW alt.whiny.ass.crybaby.bitches.dowap via BM's NRW alt.religion.gay-les-bi-tran.dowap requested via BM's NRW alt.cydonia - alt.arse-bandit.dowap.loves-giving-rimjobs - alt.dildo-huggers.dowap - alt.turd-burglar.dowap.burgle.burgle.bur-rrr-rrrrrr-rrrrrrrrrrrr-gle - alt.usenet.legends.jason-christie - alt.turd-burglar.dowap.burgle - alt.simpleton.dowap.duh - alt.usenet.legends.soapy - alt.usenet.legends.dean-humphries - alt.support.my-2-year-old.was-sodomized.by.dowap - alt.beam-me-up.scotty.there-is-no.intelligent-life.down-here.on.planet.dowap - alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um.dowap - alt.arse-bandit.dowap.loves-giving-rimjobs.lick - alt.barnyard.cassanova.dowap.oink-baaaaaa-moooooooooooo-squeal - alt.pedolamer-dowap - alt.barnyard-cassanova - alt.cretinous.reprobate.dowap.dowap.dowap - alt.barnyard-cassanova.dowap - alt.simpleton.dowap.duh.duh.duh - alt.arse-bandit.dowap - alt.simpleton.dowap - alt.turd-burglar.dowap.burgle.burgle - alt.turd-burglar.dowap - alt.asshat.jet - alt.cretinous.reprobate.dowap - alt.asshat.starshine-moonbeam - alt.fr.nomic.fan.zelda-touque - alt.asshat.flaag - alt.pedo-dowap - alt.barnyard.cassanova.dowap - alt.how-to - alt.asshat.peter-j-ross - alt.fr.nomic.zelda-touque - alt.usenet.legends.lester-mosley - alt.usenet.legends.eugene-a-calame - alt.arse-bandit.dowap.loves-giving-rimjobs.lick.slurp.happy-happy.joy-joy - alt.asshat.trippy - alt.asshat.flaag.teh-faag - alt.arse-bandit.dowap.loves-giving-rimjobs.lick.slurp - alt.cretinous.reprobate.dowap.dowap - alt.up-your-gi-gi-with.a-woo-woo-brush.dowap - alt.simpleton.dowap.duh.duh - alt.asshat.dowap - alt.asshat - alt.asshat.peter-j-ross.the-black-doctor-guy-on-er - alt.rectum.nearly.killed-um.dowap.but-everyone-knew-her-as-nancy - alt.arse-bandit.dowap.loves-giving-rimjobs.lick.slurp.happy-happy - free.snuh fuh? buh? SNUH! alt.pl.comp.wyszukiwarki Jak szukac skutecznie alt.fan.nigella-lawson.big-tits Nigella's tits are big. alt.huh - alt.fr.opltech - free.comp.os operating system discussion free.comp.os.gem gem operating system discussion tw.bbs.comp.ipv6 ¦¸¥@¥Nºô»Úºô¸ô¨ó©w free.reverend-parson-peter-parsnip you down with RPPP? free.crack you down with dean-0? free.crack.for you down with dean-0? free.crack.for.dowap see dowap. see dowap smoke crack. free.breast-milk see dowap. see dowap smoke crack. free.breast-milk.for see dowap. see dowap smoke crack. free.breast-milk.for.dowap see dowap. see dowap smoke crack. alt.usenet.commoners - alt.usenet.legends.kemosabe - alt.fr.decouverte.burkina-faso - alt.uk.motorcycles.harley - alt.fr.decouverte.tchad - alt.fr.decouverte.sri.lanka - alt.fr.decouverte.venezuela - alt.usenet.commoners.rjacobs - alt.cracksmoking-crackpot.dowap - alt.crackhead.dowap - alt.usenet.legends.reverend-parson-peter-parsnip - alt.comp.os.gem - alt.fr.decouverte.nouvelle-zelande - alt.fan.kemosabe - alt.fr.consoles.gamecube - nctu.club.chuyo ¥æ¤j¦Ë¤Í·| free.blowjobs see dowap. see dowap suck on penises. free.blowjobs.from see dowap. see dowap suck on penises. free.blowjobs.from.dowap see dowap. see dowap suck on penises. alt.impotent-little-fuckhead all about punk j ross. alt.impotent-little-fuckhead.peter-j-ross all about punk j ross. alt.impotent-little-fuckhead.peter-j-ross.hth all about punk j ross. alt.impotent-little-fuckhead.dowap all about dowap alt.impotent-little-fuckhead.spooge all about spooge alt.impotent-little-fuckhead.spooge.aka all about spooge alt.impotent-little-fuckhead.spooge.aka.puddles all about spooge alt.tosser.peter-j-ross.punk-assed-bitch.hth ross rhymes with toss alt.tosser.peter-j-ross.punk-assed-bitch.hth.hth ross equals toss alt.tosser.peter-j-ross.punk-assed-bitch.hth.hth.hth toss ross toss! alt.usenet.anonymous-role - alt.dunderheaded-dolts.dowap.dowap - alt.test.test.test - alt.usenet.anonymous-role.snuhperv - alt.usenet.legends.hivemind-snuhboi - alt.dunderheaded-dolts.dowap - alt.dunderheaded-dolts - alt.binaries.erotica.nospam.bignipples Binary and non binary. alt.dumb.as-a-box.of-rocks.keith-wigdor - alt.dickless-wonder say hello to my little friend alt.dickless-wonder.pjr say hello to my little friend alt.dickless-wonder.peter-j-ross say hello to my little friend alt.fuck.my.tits say hello to my little friend alt.test.localgroup.1 A simple local test. alt.test.localgroup1 A simple local test. alt.test.localgroup2 A simple local test. alt.config.biff Newgroup control messages on request. alt.delphinic-zoophile peter j. ross s3x0rz dolphins alt.delphinic-zoophile.peter-j-ross peter j. ross s3x0rz dolphins alt.needs-teepee-for-the-bunghole-under-his-nose pjr is a big dummy alt.usenet.kook-of-the-century that peter j. ross critter is kotc!! alt.usenet.kook-of-the-century.peter-j-ross-a-roonie pjr is kotc! alt.typical-dickless-wonder pjr is kotc! alt.typical-dickless-wonder.peter-j-ross-a-roonie pjr is kotc! alt.usenet.legends.poetic-badgers pb is a usenet legend indeed alt.config.newgroup-requests biff's request line is now open! alt.pl.tvmania Komputerowe tunery TV. alt.hebetudinous read 'em and weep, cap'n! alt.hebetudinous.addlepated read 'em and weep, cap'n! alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.peter-j-ross read 'em and weep, cap'n! alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.peter-j-ross.hth read 'em and weep! alt.usenet.legends.jungleacid hank was right about the snow! alt.root.orsc.d Discussions about distribution of cryptographically signed DNS ORSC root zone alt.usenet.legends.hokey-wolf he needs more dancing grrls alt.the-original-poser all about allah alt.the-original-poser.peter-j-ross all about ross-a-roonie alt.queen-of-the-pedos dowap is the queen of the pedos alt.queen-of-the-pedos.dowap dowap is the queen of the pedos alt.queen-of-the-pedos.dowap.dowap dowap is the queen of the pedos alt.queen-of-the-pedos.dowap.dowap.duh-wap dowap is the queen alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.aus Anime postings by Australian users. alt.alcatroll.a-division-of-biff-mullins-corp mullins 0wnz pjr alt.alcatroll.a-division-of-biff-mullins-corp.hth mullins 0wnz pjr alt.usenet.kooks.2003-broken-urinal-award-winner mullins 0wnz pjr alt.finally-weened-off-mamas-teat-at-age-16 a little bit late maybe alt.finally-weened-off-mamas-teat-at-age-16.dowap a bit late maybe alt.finally-weened-off-mamas-teat-at-age-16.dowap.hth a bit late alt.finally-weened-off-mamas-teat-at-age-16.dowap.hth.hth a bit late alt.fuck-you-all just as the froup name sez alt.binaries.erotica.nospam.big-nipples Binary and non binary. alt.usenet.legends.big-red-helmut go helmut go! alt.coat-tail-rider spooge is a hebetudinous twit alt.coat-tail-rider.spooge spooge is a hebetudinous twit alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit spnaking miss spooge alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit.spooge spnaking miss spooge alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit.spooge.whine-simper-bleat sssspnak! alt.idiot-savant.without-the.savant-part.spooge sssspnak! alt.idiot-savant.without-the.savant-part.spooge.spooge sssspnak! alt.gerbil.stuck.in.ass.starshine-moonbeam teh king of teh queens alt.i-think.therefore.i-spnak sssssssssssssssssssspnak!!!! alt.i-think.therefore.i-spnak.starshine-moonbeam sssssssssspnak!!!! alt.mamas-little-clitlicker sssssssssspnak!!!! alt.mamas-little-clitlicker.spooge sssssssssspnak!!!! alt.mamas-little-clitlicker.spooge.spooge sssssssssspnak!!!! alt.mullethead.spooge.owned-by-cleerecorp ssssssspnak! alt.my-pussy.hurts.says.spooge ssssssspnak! alt.little-british-twit ssssssspnak! alt.little-british-twit.spooge ssssssspnak! alt.little-british-twit.spooge.0wn3d-by-cleerecorp ssssssspnak! alt.snuh.0wns ssssssspnak! alt.snuh.0wns.the-flonk ssssssspnak! alt.crybaby.spooge ssssssspnak! alt.crybaby.spooge.crushed-yet-again ssssssspnak! alt.mongoloided-fuckstain ssssssspnak! alt.mongoloided-fuckstain.dowap ssssssspnak! alt.mongoloided-fuckstain.dowap.cry-bleat-howl-duh ssssssspnak! alt.spooge.mkay.duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ssssssspnak! alt.fuckwad-toady just perma-spnaking spooge alt.fuckwad-toady.spooge just perma-spnaking spooge alt.fuckwad-toady.spooge.ribbit just perma-spnaking spooge alt.fuckwad-toady.spooge.ribbit.ribbit just perma-spnaking spooge alt.fuckwad-toady.spooge.ribbit.ribbit.unf perma-spnaking spooge alt.son-of-1000-fathers perma-spnaking some impotent wretches alt.son-of-1000-fathers.dowap perma-spnaking some impotent wretches alt.son-of-1000-fathers.peter-j-ross-a-roonie perma-spnaking alt.son-of-1000-fathers.starshine-moonbeam perma-spnaking alt.son-of-1000-fathers.spooge perma-spnaking free.fr.commentaires.en-tetes Commenter les en-tetes de messages alt.usenet.legend.anal-polyp paying tribute to a usenet legend alt.genius.anal-polyp paying tribute to a genius alt.poppies A forum for dried poppy arrangers and hobbyists. alt.religion.artbulla For discussion of Art Bulla alt.fan.pjr Discussion of Peter J Ross. free.circlejerk see spooge. see spooge suck on penises. alt.microphallus.spooge ssssssspnak! free.circlejerk.peter-j-ross see spooge. see spooge suck on penises. free.circlejerk.peter-j-ross.dowap see spooge. see spooge suck cock. pl.internet.pomoc Jestem tu nowy - pomozcie! free.fr.commentaires.nostalgiques C etait mieux avant. alt.support.acne.scars acne scar support alt.genius.definately-not-dowap duh... duhh... dowap! alt.alcatroll.a-subsidiary-of-mullinscorp-cleereco mullinscorp 0wnz alt.alcatroll.is-now-indignitas a subsidiary of mullinscorp/cleereco alt.indignitas a subsidiary of snuh technologies alt.indignitas.formerly-known-as-alcatroll a subsidiary of snuh tech alt.alcatroll.snuh alcatroll is now indignitas a division of snuh alt.alcatroll.snuh.snuh alcatroll - a division of snuh alt.alcatroll.snuh.snuh.snuh alcatroll - a division of snuh alt.alcatroll.now-known-as-indignitas a division of snuh alt.soapy-0wns-dowap see soapy. see soapy 0wn dowap. alt.dean-humphries-0wns-dowap see dean. see dean 0wn dowap. alt.usenet.kooks.dowap see dean. see dean 0wn dowap. alt.tossing-salad-yoda-freak see dean. see dean 0wn dowap. alt.tossing-salad-yoda-freak.dowap see dean. see dean 0wn dowap. alt.spooge.i.gotta.wee-wee see dean. see dean 0wn spooge. alt.fun.with.dowap-spank-spank-spank see dean. see dean 0wn spooge. alt.crumpet-licking-arse-bandit alcatroll is now indignitas alt.a-cumbucket-known-as-spooge see dean. see dean 0wn spooge. alt.some-chick-named-peter-j-ross-a-roonie see dean. see dean 0wn. alt.some-chick-named-peter-j-ross-a-roonie.0wn3d-by-snuh hi petey alt.troll.dance-spooge-dance spooge is teh queen of teh trolls alt.support.breast-implant.sisters A newsgroup specifically for the alt.binaries.coffee Binaries which are discussed in alt.coffee. alt.pl.regionalne.gorzkowice Rozmowy o Gorzkowicach /E/ alt.motivation have you the motivation? alt.uk.planespotters.military For UK military planespotters. alt.uk.planespotters.civil For UK civil planespotters. alt.binaries.erotica.amateur.tampabay Tampa Swingers Pix and Videos alt.pl.muzyka.dj.tranx DJ TRanx rulez! alt.pl.regionalne.waw.gim26 Gimnazjum nr 26 w Warszawie alt.nl.cultuur.frankrijk De Franse cultuur en de Fransen. alt.msdos.batch.win9x-me Batch programing for Win95/Win98/WinME. pl.comp.os.linux.debian System Operacyjny Debian GNU/*. alt.binaries.fuckfilms Reviews, previews and discussions on adult movies alt.clueless-newbie-of-the-month and teh winner is... alt.clueless-newbie-of-the-month.oct-03 and teh winner is... alt.morbidly-obese santa's fat ass needs jenny craig. alt.morbidly-obese.bohemian-bulldyke HM's fat ass needs jenny craig. alt.morbidly-obese.bohemian-bulldyke.incantatrix Good god she's FAT. alt.morbidly-obese.bohemian-bulldyke.hatchetmama Good god she's FAT. alt.morbidly-obese.bohemian-bulldyke.hatchetmama.moo Yikes. alt.morbidly-obese.bohemian-bulldyke.hatchetmama.moo.moo Yikes. alt.morbidly-obese.bohemian-bulldyke.hatchetmama.moo.moo.moo Yikes. alt.binaries.torrents For posting .torrent files. de.soc.recht.familie+erben Ehe-, Partnerschafts-, Familien- und Erbrecht. alt.ouija Discussion Group for ouija board users and newbies alt.pl.shemale Stac sie kobieta swoich marzen free.disney All about the mouse! alt.pl.multimedia Multimedia w komputerze alt.pl.multimedia.winamp Wszystko o Winampie free.test Test messages. alt.sports.football.pro.mn-vikings Minnesota Vikings fan discussion alt.binaries.cd.image.gamecube Binary images for the nintendo alt.music.home-studio Recording for musicians alt.fan.ana-voog where is ana these days? nctu.virus ¥æ³q¤j¾Ç¯f¬r¸ê°T alt.language.sasxsek SASXSEK language discussion. alt.pl.regionalne.ostroleka Dyskusje o miescie i okolicach. alt.binaries.pictures.stereoscopic3d Stereoscopic 3D Pictures. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.stereoscopic3d Adult Stereoscopic 3D Pictures. free.it.test.mynewsgate prova control message alt.abduckted.by.lezbian-vampires.flonk.flonk.flonk go rocky go! alt.pl.nauka.niemieckiego for poles leaning german. alt.comp.lang.linoleum all about linoleum. alt.usenet.kooks.peter-j-ross-a-roonie.farted-for-a-week wah wah wah alt.pl.sceptyczni Grupa dyskusyjna sceptykow alt.fan.pjr.sucks-dolphin-penis for petey-poo alt.binaries.multimedia.theotherguys High quality T.V. caps by alt.games.ffxi for ffxi fans alt.games.final-fantasy.xi for ffxi fans alt.pl.regionalne.wolin Grupa dyskusyjna miasta Wolin. alt.comp.blind-users.jfw jaws for windows alt.binaries.ghost-stories Companion to alt.folklore.ghost-stories. alt.music.clay-aiken Latest news, concerts, lyrics, activities. alt.pl.rec.film.rejs Grupa fanow kultowego filmy Rejs. alt.douche all douche all the time. alt.douche.vinegar-and-onion all douche all the time. alt.douche.vinegar-and-onion.incantatrix all douche all the time. alt.douche.vinegar-and-onion.incantatrix.incantatrix douchebag hag alt.pl.regionalne.waw.lo23 Liceum nr 23 w Warszawie sfnet.atk.turvallisuus.kotikoneet Kotikoneisiin liittyvät tietoturvakysymykset sfnet.keskustelu.paikannus GPS- ym. sateliittipaikannusjärjestelmät alt.tv.carnivale discussion about the carnivale tv show. alt.physical-world all about the physical world and its woes alt.physical-world.die die, physical world. DIE. alt.physical-world.die.die die, physical world. DIE. alt.physical-world.die.die.die die, physical world. DIE. alt.binaries.pictures.steam for steam lovers. alt.the-one.ying go ying go! alt.flame.fred-durst all your bizkit are belongs to us. alt.binaries.nospam.incest Moderated binareis incest group alt.fan.boar-semen bobbi sanchez loves boar semen alt.fan.boar-semen.bobbi-sanchez blobbi loevs her boar squeezins! alt.fan.boar-semen.bobbi-sanchez.the-lardy-veternarian Splort!!! alt.binaries.pouting-sandwich pouting sandwich binaries-a-poppin' alt.sex.phil-correll have sex with pjil for free! alt.alien.vampire.flonk.en flonkenstein flonkenfag fagenflonk. alt.alien.vampire.flonk.en.fag flonkenstein flonkenfag fagenflonk. alt.queen-of-cans.and-jars.phone-sex-slut the queen of phone sex. alt.wigger-molester hatchetmama molests little wigger boys. alt.wigger-molester.hatchetmama hatchetmama molests little wiggers. de.comm.software.mailreader.the-bat Mailen mit der Fledermaus. alt.religion.bartman Bartman bartman b a r t m a n. alt.punk-ass-bitch Phoenix is my bitch. alt.punk-ass-bitch.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.punk-ass-bitch.phoenix.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.punk-ass-bitch.phoenix.phoenix.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.usenet.kooks.phoenix.phoenix.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.usenet.kooks.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.usenet.kooks.phoenix.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.usenet.punk-ass-bitch.phoenix.phoenix.phoenix Phoenix bitch. alt.usenet.punk-ass-bitch Phoenix is my bitch. alt.usenet.punk-ass-bitch.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.usenet.punk-ass-bitch.phoenix.phoenix Phoenix is my bitch. alt.mongoloided-fuckstain.phoenix Phoenix is a fuckstain. alt.whiny.ass.crybaby.bitches.phoenix Phoenix is a fuckstain. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.gaymen.phoenix Phoenix is a fag. alt.fuckwad-toady.phoenix Phoenix is a fuckwad toady. alt.fuckwit.phoenix Phoenix is a fuckwit. alt.genius.definitely-not.phoenix Phoenix is a retard. alt.gerbil.stuck.in.ass.phoenix Phoenix has a gerbil in his ass. alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit.phoenix Phoenix is a twit. alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit.phoenix.phoenix Phoenix is a twit. alt.binaries.multimedia.twenty-four For episodes of TV show 24. alt.usenet.kooks.jet All about a kook going by the name of Jet. alt.usenet.kooks.sandra-maier All about a kooky cunt. alt.usenet.kooks.sandra-maier.aka All about a kooky cunt. alt.usenet.kooks.sandra-maier.aka.jet All about a kooky cunt. alt.my-pussy.hurts.says.sandra-maier All about a kooky cunt. alt.my-pussy.hurts.says.sandra-maier.aka-jet All about a kooky cunt. alt.pl.regionalne.waw.lo47 Liceum im. Stanislawa Wyspianskiego alt.politics.ken-cooper All about the political career of Ken Cooper alt.os.citrix Citrix Winframe & Metaframe thin client network operating alt.fr.canicules Information, entraide sur les canicules (1976, 1983, 2003...). alt.fr.lettres.langues.algonquines Entretien des langues algonquines. alt.fr.lettres.langue.cheyenne Entretien de la langue cheyenne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.sanscrite Entretien de la langue sanscrite. alt.fr.lettres.langues.indo-aryennes Entretien des langues indo-aryennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.semitiques Entretien des langues sémitiques. alt.fr.lettres.langues.bantoues Entretien des langues bantoues. alt.fr.lettres.langues.juives Entretien des langues juives. alt.fr.lettres.langue.persane Entretien de la langue persane. alt.fr.lettres.langue.otomi Entretien de la langue otomi. alt.fr.lettres.langues.maya Entretien des langues maya. alt.fr.lettres.langue.cherokee Entretien de la langue cherokee. alt.binaries.emulators.chd For CHD files for arcade machine emulation alt.music.govt-mule For all Gov't Mule fans! alt.religion.christian.hymns Discussion of christian hymns. alt.religion.christian.favorite-books favorite christian books. alt.xemblonsky Raoul's notion gone MAD! alt.fr.lettres.langues.iroquoises Entretien des langues iroquoises. alt.fr.lettres.langue.armenienne Entretien de la langue arménienne. alt.fr.lettres.langues.celtiques Entretien des langues celtiques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.nesite Entretien de la langue nésite (« hittite »). alt.fr.lettres.langues.italiques Entretien des langues italiques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.palaite Entretien de la langue palaïte. alt.fr.lettres.langues.anatoliennes Entretien des langues anatoliennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.germaniques Entretien des langues germaniques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.louvite Entretien de la langue louvite. alt.fr.lettres.langue.lycienne Entretien de la langue lycienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.huitieme Entretien de la « huitième » langue. alt.fr.lettres.langue.hourrite Entretien de la langue hourrite. alt.fr.collections.sacs.pharmaceutiques Aimez-vous les plantes ?.. alt.pl.muzyka.dj Dla DJ'ow i o DJ'ach free.christians.binaries Binary files that glorify God alt.binaries.sounds.nasa.audio has been created so that distribution alt.fan.hilary-duff Discussion about Hilary Duff by her fans alt.flame.mountain-bike Flame, flame, flame the bike. nctu.club.tennisclub ¥æ¤jºô²yªÀ pl.internet.polip Problemy Internetu polskiego i swiatowego. alt.kook.texas-max-king Maxnozzle King, the net.kook from Texas. alt.walter-cronkite.dr-robert-romano The bastard is dead. alt.walter-cronkite.dr-robert-romano.dead The bastard is dead. alt.walter-cronkite.dr-robert-romano.dead.dead The bastard is dead. alt.walter-cronkite.dr-robert-romano.dead.dead.dead Bastard is dead. alt.pl.regionalne.zabrze Grupa dla mieszkancow Zabrza alt.pl.misc.programator.willem wszystko o programatorze Willem Eprom alt.pl.kung-fu Grupa dsykusyjna na temat kung fu. de.alt.soc.aufmerksamkeitsdefizit ADS, ADHS und Verwandtes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.haida Entretien de la langue haïda. alt.fr.lettres.langues.tibeto-birmanes Entretien des langues tibéto-birmanes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.chinoise Entretien de la langue chinoise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.primmi Entretien de la langue primmi. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tibetaine Entretien de la langue tibétaine. alt.fr.lettres.langues.chinoises Entretien des langues chinoises. alt.fr.lettres.langue.birmane Entretien de la langue birmane. alt.fr.lettres.langue.lhopa Entretien de la langue lhopa. uk.net.providers.aaisp AAISP (Andrews & Arnold) discussion schule.cancelreport Meldungen von Fremdcancels in schule.*. (Moderated) alt.pl.magia-ezoteryka Ezoteryka i magia w szerokim znaczeniu alt.pl.binaries.grafiki-ocena Pochwal sie swoim dzielem alt.it.hackers L'Hacking in Italia alt.pl.niusy.czytniki.xananews XanaNews news reader alt.pl.internet Internet w kazdym calu alt.pl.radio Radio, programy radiowe, FM alt.fr.lettres.langue.azteque Entretien de la langue nahuatl. alt.fr.lettres.langue.francoprovencale Entretien de la langue francoprovençale. alt.fr.usenet-fr.emile.durkheim Se foutre de la claïque !.. alt.aus.parents Parenting Community with Australian content alt.pl.licznik-dial-up dla fanow Licznik Dial-Up Plus i LDU de.rec.tv.simpsons Matt Groenings Welt: Simpsons, Futurama ... misc.metric-system The International System of Units. alt.pets.raccoons Discussion of raccoons and other procyonids, as pets and in the wild schule.software Lehr- und Lernsoftware, Linux in der Schule etc. alt.binaries.centrifuge Yet another male erotica newsgroup de.comm.software.browser.misc WWW-Clients. de.comm.software.browser.internet-explorer Das WWW nach Microsoft-Art. finet.binaries.keskustelu Keskustelua liitetiedostoineen. alt.nl.maxima.amalia Voor het prinsesje. nl.financieel.belastingen Over belastingen, nut, problemen, bezwaren, enz. nl.financieel.verzekeringen Over alle aspecten verbonden aan verzekeringen. nl.financieel.beurs Over beurszaken in het algemeen. alt.religion.submission A newsgroup dedicated to discussion of the finet.binaries.ilmailu Ilmailuaiheista keskustelua kuvien pl.soc.uroczystosci Jak dobrze organizowac uroczystosci. alt.lang.development Alternatve (computer) language development uk.local.manchester News and views about Greater Manchester alt.binaries.dvdr-tv DVDr TV images alt.binaries.dvd.movies HQ movies in DVD format alt.fr.lettres.langue.basque Entretien de la langue basque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.francique Entretien de la langue francique. alt.fr.lettres.langue.flamande Entretien de la langue flamande. alt.fr.lettres.langue.picarde Entretien de la langue picarde. alt.fr.rec.photo.numerique.vpc Disc. sur la VPC en photo numérique. schule.lan+internet Vernetzung, Internetzugang, Internet im Unterricht. schule.naturwissenschaften Bio, Chemie, Physik etc. alt.fr.platines.de.salon.divx.kiss Les platines de Kiss-Technology alt.fr.platines.de.salon.divx.kiss.dp-500 La DP-500 de Kiss-Technology alt.fr.platines.de.salon.divx.jamo La modeles de Jamo alt.fr.platines.de.salon.divx.yamada Les modeles de Yamada alt.fr.platines.de.salon.divx.sigmatek Les modeles de Sigmatek alt.fr.platines.de.salon.divx.h&b Les modeles de H&B alt.fr.platines.de.salon.divx Les Platines divx en general alt.fr.lettres.langue.sarde Entretien de la langue sarde. pl.sci.historia Ludzie i zdarzenia na przestrzeni wiekow. (Moderated) tum.info.info12 Einfuehrung in die Informatik 1+2. tum.info.info34 Einfuehrung in die Informatik 3+4. alt.binaries.image.xbox xbox games alt.pl.muzyka alt.pl.muzyka alt.pl.neostrada.tpsa-to-huje Telekomunikacja to huje alt.fr.lettres.langue.galicienne Entretien de la langue galicienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.portugaise Entretien de la langue portugaise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.gallaico-portugaise Entretien de la langue gallaïco-portugaise. alt.fr.in-memoriam.jean-pierre.lacroux Mémoire de l'écrivain Jean-Pierre Lacroux, dit « LacrouX ». alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.genes-mom for erotic pictures of everybody's favourite cumslut alt.fan.jeanine-pirro Fans of Westchester County, NY State's Attorney Jeanine Pirro alt.dougs.an.idiot Imfamous troll of rec.radio newsgroups. alt.pl.niusy.serwery.xananewz XanaNewz alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.jambands.live.pre92.hometeam legal exchange of original music within the USA alt.snubis Snubis alt.fan.shark-bite A group for fans and detractors of Shark Bite. alt.fan.verne A group for fans and detractors of Verne. alt.music.streaming Discussion of streaming music sources on the internet. alt.music.streaming.dodgy-fm Discussion of Dodgy FM streaming internet music station. alt.pl.nauka.francuskiego Forum jezyka francuskiego. uk.music.charts Discussion about the UK music charts alt.fan.joe-curry Unadulterated praise for the Man from the East. alt.binaries.nl.tuinen Aanvulling op de nl.tuinen nieuwsgroepen. finet.harrastus.btvs+angel Suomenkielistä btvs+angel-keskustelua alt.fan.phoward-com Fan base of www.phoward.com alt.alien.vampire.biff biff is a mad newfrouper. alt.alien.vampire.biff.biff biff is a mad newfrouper. alt.alien.vampire.biff.biff.biff biff is a mad newfrouper. alt.hello Hello world! alt.hello.world Hello world! alt.hello.ms-poopy-pnats Biff mullins sez hello alt.lesbian.trainwreck No pr0n in here. alt.limpdick.dowap Let the frouping begin. alt.lisa-pease.is.dowap Ninety Eight more to go... alt.cigarette Get a pack of squares alt.cigarette.butt Get a pack of squares alt.cigarette.butt.sandwich Get a pack of squares alt.cascade.fuckhead.dowap Only 97 to go... alt.carrot.stuck.in.ass.dowap Only 96 to go... alt.carnie Carnival workers of the world unite! alt.carnie.dowap Carnival workers of the world unite! alt.delphinic-zoophile.dowap Another 95 to go... alt.destroy.dowap Another 94 to go... alt.merry.fuckhead.dowap Another 92 to go... alt.moron.dowap Another 91 to go... alt.mother.is.a.slut.dowap Another 90 to go... alt.motherfucker.dowap Another 89 to go... alt.movies.gay.dowap Another 88 to go... alt.mullethead.dowap Another 87 to go... alt.my-pussy.hurts.says.dowap Another 86 to go... alt.newbie.dowap Another 85 to go... alt.nuke.new-jersey Why not its already a wasteland alt.nuke.new-jersey.dowap Nuke NJ and Dowap in one fell swoop! alt.nuke.new-jersey.dowap.dowap Nuke NJ and Dowap in one fell swoop! alt.nuke.new-jersey.dowap.dowap.dowap Only 78 to go... alt.numbskull.dowap Only 76 to go... alt.paranoia.delusional.dowap Only 75 to go... alt.personals.gay.dowap Only 73 to go... alt.pets.dowap Only 72 to go... alt.pets.gerbils.dowap-has-one-in-his-ass Only 71 to go... alt.pets.gerbils.dowap-has-one-in-his-ass.right-now Only 70 to go... alt.pets.hedgehogs.dowap-has-one-in-his-ass Only 69 to go... alt.pets.hedgehogs.dowap-has-one-in-his-ass.right-now 68 remain... alt.pets.dogs.pitbull.dowap-has-one-in-his-ass Now 67 remain... alt.pets.dogs.pitbull.dowap-has-one-in-his-ass.right-now 66 left alt.pigfuckers.dowap Now there is only 65 to go alt.pizza.delivery.drivers.dowap Now there is only 64 to go alt.politics.homosexuality.dowap Now there is only 63 to go alt.poop.peanut.dowap Now there are only 61 to go alt.propeller-head.dowap Now there are only 59 to go alt.punk-ass-bitch.dowap Now there are only 57 to go alt.rapist.dowap Now there are only 56 to go alt.recovery.sock-paranoia.dowap Now there are only 55 to go alt.redneck.dowap Now there are only 54 to go alt.romance.mail-order-brides.dowap Now there are only 52 to go alt.sad.dowap Now there are only 51 to go alt.sex.boys.dowap Only 50 to go bobbie! alt.sex.children.dowap Only 49 to go bobbie! alt.sex.homosexual.dowap Only 48 to go bobbie! alt.sex.incest.dowap Only 46 to go bobbie! alt.sex.masturbation.dowap Only 45 to go bobbie! alt.sex.masturbation.dowap.dowap Only 44 to go bobbie! alt.sex.masturbation.dowap.dowap.dowap Only 43 to go bobbie! alt.sex.masturbation.dowap.dowap.dowap.dowap Only 43 to go bobbie! alt.sex.masturbation.dowap.dowap.dowap.dowap.dowap Only 40 left alt.sex.masturbation.dowap.dowap.dowap.dowap.dowap.dowap 39 left alt.sex.nasal-hair.dowap Only 38 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sex.sheep.dowap Only 37 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sex.sissy.slut.dowap Only 35 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sex.teddy-ruxpin.dowap Only 34 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sex.teddy-ruxpin.dowap.dowap Only 33 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sex.toupee.dowap Only 31 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sex.ugly.dowap Only 30 more to go bobby-boi! alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy.dowap Only 29 more to go bobby-boi! alt.shits.his.pants.dowap Only 28 more to go bobby-boi! alt.shut.the.hell.up.geek.dowap Only 26 more to go bobby-boi! alt.simpering-milktoast.dowap Only 25 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sleazy-weasel.dowap Only 24 more to go bobby-boi! alt.smack.dowap Only 23 more to go bobby-boi! alt.sniffs.glue.dowap Only 22 more to go bobby-boi! alt.snuh.0wns.dowap Only 21 more to go bobby-boi! alt.society.has-no-place.for.dowap Only 19 more to go bobby-boi! alt.spammers.dowap Only 18 more to go bobby-boi! alt.spanked.dowap Only 17 more to go bobby-boi! alt.spanked.dowap.dowap Only 16 more to go bobby-boi! alt.spanked.dowap.dowap.dowap Only 15 more to go bobby-boi! alt.spanked.dowap.over-and-over Only 14 more to go bobby-boi! alt.spanked.dowap.over-and-over.and Only 13 more to go bobby-boi! alt.spanked.dowap.over-and-over.and.over-and-over Only 12 left alt.spanked.dowap.over-and-over.and.over-and-over.again Only 11 left alt.douche.vinegar-and-onion.dowap-loves-it Only 10 left bobbie-boi! alt.dog.cock.in.mouth.dowap-loves-it Only 9 left bobbie-boi! alt.dickless-wonder.dowap Only 7 left bobbie-boi! alt.dance-for-me.dowap Only 6 left bobbie-boi! 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by moms. alt.binaries.dvd.asian Asian movies in DVD format. alt.fr.comp.normes.unicode La norme « UNICODE » (est mal partie). alt.bainaries.test test. alt.bainaries.pl.utils Polish utils exchange alt.bainaries.pl.divx Polish divx movies exchange alt.bainaries.pl.dts Polish dts music exchange alt.bainaries.pl.dvdr Polish DVD-R video exchange alt.bainaries.pl.midlety Rozrywka i praca przy pomocy komorki alt.bainaries.pl.mpc Polish mpc music exchange alt.bainaries.pl.mp3 Polish mp3 music exchange alt.bainaries.pl.ogg Polish OGG Vorbis binary group alt.bainaries.pl.svcd Polish svcd movies exchange alt.asm.pl.win32 assembler pod Windows'em. alt.misc.pl.programator.willem wszystko o programatorze Willem Eprom alt.misc.programator.willem all about programmator Willem finet.binaries.kuvat Tänne voi mailata kaikensortin kuvia finet.binaries.kuvat.luonto Kuvia Suomen luonnosta tänne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.romanche Entretien de la langue romanche. alt.fr.lettres.langue.bretonne Entretien de la 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alt.config.christina-eijkhout.fuck-you CXHUIWEHTUIWEHXUJOIEWGNJWRIUTHJWIUHWWETWT$%FEWHR alt.hung-like-a-bumble-bee Heeeere petey. alt.hung-like-a-bumble-bee.peter-j-ross Heeeere petey. alt.hung-like-a-bumble-bee.peter-j-ross.a-roonie Heeeere petey. alt.hung-like-a-bumble-bee.peter-j-ross.a-roonie.hth.hth Poor Pete alt.hung-like-a-bumble-bee.peter-j-ross.a-roonie.hth For Petey alt.biff The new mad newgrouper alt.fan.thepsyko Discussion of ThePsyko. alt.fan.r0ck Discussion of r0ck. finet.binaries.keskustelu.samurize Samurize-aiheista alt.pl.sunshine Grupa bez OT i NTG - Dla wszystkich i o wszystkim. alt.binaries.surround-sound for multichannel audio files alt.autos.citroen All Citroen makes and models. alt.fan.screamingwitch Discussion of Screamingwitch and her many minions. alt.tv.the-l-word Showtime's lesbian drama series alt.tv.curb-your-enthusiasm Larry David's HBO Comedy alt.fr.luttons.contre.la.pedomanie « Pédomanie » : véritable nom de la « pédophilie ». alt.fr.outil.sc.unipad SC UniPad, « The Unicode Text Editor » © Sharmahd Computing. alt.fr.transidentite La transidentité discutée sous toutes ses formes. nl.hobby.thuisbioscoop Over de thuisbioscoop en de gebruikers. alt.support.pouting Support for pouters alt.support.pouting.sandwich Support your pouting sandwich alt.support.chronic-masturbation Support your chronic masturbator alt.binaries.cbt Posting Of Personal CBTs alt.nl.verdomhoekje.transseksueel-lesbisch.ruby Over die alt.arse-bandit.harry-bloomfield Harry is a bum chum. alt.up-your-gi-gi-with.a-woo-woo-brush.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.usenet.punk-ass-bitch.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.there-is-no-god.harry-bloomfield-is-proof Hi Harry alt.typical-dickless-wonder.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.ub.y.oisk.l.expi.l.ivg.q.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.pets.rodents.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.rec.trolling Lets do some trolling alt.rec.trolling.harry-bloomfield Lets do some trolling alt.please.dont.molest.my-three-year-old Hi harry 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alt.bonehead.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.carrot.stuck.in.ass.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.conspiracy.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.bum-chum Hi Harry alt.bum-chum.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.cretinous.reprobate.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.crybaby.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.dildo-huggers.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.douche.vinegar-and-onion.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.drinks.urine Hi Harry alt.drinks.urine.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.drugs.drano.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.dumb.as-a-box.of-rocks.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.the-porch-light Hi Harry alt.the-porch-light.is-on-but Hi Harry alt.the-porch-light.is-on-but.nobody-is-home Hi Harry alt.dunderheaded-dolts.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.escaped.mental.patient.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.existence.is.futile.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.fresh.steamy.dog-turds.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.i.cant.get.laid.so.i.whine.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.i.cuss.you.bad.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.idiot-savant.without-the.savant-part.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.imbecile.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.impotent-little-fuckhead.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.in.love.with.a.goat.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.kook.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.legend.biff-mullins Biff is a legend alt.lets.give.harry-bloomfield hi Harry alt.lets.give.harry-bloomfield.a-cyber-wedgie hi Harry alt.little-british-twit.harry-bloomfield hi Harry alt.lives.in.a.dumpster.harry-bloomfield hi Harry alt.merry.fuckhead.harry-bloomfield hi Harry alt.mongoloided-fuckstain.harry-bloomfield hi Harry alt.motherfucker.harry-bloomfield hi Harry alt.mullethead.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.my-pussy.hurts.says.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.netkkkop.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.never.been.laid.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.nuke.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.pigfuckers.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy.harry-bloomfield Hi Harry 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syriaque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.arameenne Entretien de la langue araméenne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.pirinda Entretien de la langue pirinda. alt.fr.lettres.langue.lithuanienne Entretien de la langue lithuanienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.polonaise Entretien de la langue polonaise. alt.fr.out-memoriam.bruno.guiblet Oubli de l'écrivain Bruno Guiblet... alt.fr.lettres.langue.grecque Entretien de la langue grecque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.cachoube Entretien de la langue cachoube. alt.fr.lettres.langue.cahuilla Entretien de la langue cahuilla. alt.fr.lettres.langue.slovince Entretien de la langue slovince. alt.fr.lettres.langue.polabe Entretien de la langue polabe. alt.fr.lettres.langue.latine Entretien de la langue latine. alt.fr.lettres.langue.gauloise Entretien de la langue gauloise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.osque Entretien de la langue osque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.sumerienne Entretien de la langue sumérienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tlingit Entretien de la langue tlingit. alt.fr.lettres.langue.elamite Entretien de la langue élamite. alt.pl.gilmore.girls Serial Gilmore Girls alt.pl.uk Polish talks about the United Kingdom. alt.krazy4prez krazy wants to be prez alt.politics.kerry Just in case that fucker John Kerry gets elected alt.pl.bigbrother Grupa poswiecona programowi BigBrother. alt.pl.fundusze-inwestycyjne Investment Funds. alt.pl.fundusze-inwestycyjne.wgi Warszawska Grupa Inwestycyjna alt.fr.lettres.langues.kwa Entretien des langues kwa. alt.fr.lettres.langue.française Entretien de la langue française. alt.fr.lettres.langues.sémitiques Entretien des langues sémitiques. alt.fr.lettres.langues.mandé Entretien des langues mandé. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.française Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langue.araméenne Entretien de la langue araméenne. alt.fan.blondestranger Fans of a blondestranger alt.comp.hardware.amd.x86-64 X86_64 hardware. alt.binaries.fr.fan.neuneutes.jacquemin La pogne la plus célèbre d'« Usenet-fr ». 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l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.allemande Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.grecque Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.italienne Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langue.nicéenne Entretien du parler nissart. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.espagnole Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langue.créole.réunionnaise Entretien du créole réunionnais. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.chinoise Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langue.créole.martiniquaise Entretien du créole martiniquais. alt.fr.lettres.langues.léchitiques Entretien des langues léchitiques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.étrusque Entretien de la langue étrusque. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.américaine Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langues.amérindiennes Entretien des langues amérindiennes. alt.fr.lettres.littérature.arabe Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tchèque Entretien de la langue tchèque. alt.fr.lettres.littérature Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langue.élamite Entretien de la langue élamite. alt.fr.lettres.langue.éwé Entretien de la langue éwé. alt.fr.lettres.langue.créole.haïtienne Entretien du créole haïtien. alt.pl.banki.vwbd Polish free internet bank Volkswagen Bank sci.physics.discrete Discrete models of fundamental physical processes. 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Beyrand, figure archétypique. alt.fr.lettres.langue.hatti Entretien de la langue hatti. alt.fr.lettres.langue.hongroise Entretien de la langue hongroise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.nésite Entretien de la langue nésite (« hittite »). alt.fr.lettres.langue.lapone Entretien de la langue lapone. alt.fr.lettre.langues.celtiques Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langue.ibère Entretien de la langue ibère. alt.fr.lettres.langue.gaumaise Entretien du parler gaumais. alt.fr.lettres.langues.finno-ougriennes Entretien des langues finno-ougriennes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.alsacienne Entretien du parler alsacien. alt.fr.bibliographie.pierre Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langue.macédonienne Entretien de la langue macédonienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.marrolienne Entretien du parler marrolien. alt.fr.lettres.langue.gallaïco-portugaise Entretien de la langue gallaïco-portugaise. alt.fr.langue.arabe Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.litterature.arabe Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langue.biélorusse Entretien de la langue biélorusse. alt.fr.lettres.langues.samoyèdes Entretien des langues samoyèdes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.créole.guyanaise Entretien du créole guyanais. alt.fr.lettres.langue.finnoise Entretien de la langue finnoise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.berbère Entretien des langues berbères. alt.fr.lettres.langues.samoyedes Entretien des langues samoyèdes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.huitième Entretien de la « huitième » langue. alt.fr.lettres.langue.créole.guadeloupéenne Entretien du créole guadeloupéen. alt.fr.lettres.langues.scandinaves Entretien des langues scandinaves. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tahitienne Entretien de la langue tahitienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.corse Entretien du parler corse. alt.fr.lettres.litterature.grec Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettre.langues.iroquoises Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.compr.normes.unicode Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langue.letton Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langues.ouraliennes Entretien des langues ouraliennes. alt.fr.lettre.langues.sino-tibetaines Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettre.langues.chinoises Groupe de discussion à détruire. 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Its not. alt.is-it-true.biff Nope. Its not. alt.is-it-true.biff.cant-newgroup Nope. Its not. alt.is-it-true.biff.cant-newgroup.anymore Nope. Its not. alt.is-it-true.biff.cant-newgroup.anymore.nope Nope. Its not. alt.is-it-true.biff.cant-newgroup.anymore.nope.nope Nope. Its not. alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.is-0wned-by |3iff 0wns teh flonk alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk.is-0wned-by.biff-mullins |3iff alt.alien.flippant You flippant little thing, you. alt.alien.flippant.little You flippant little thing, you. alt.alien.flippant.little.fucknozzle You flippant little thing, you. alt.alien.flippant.little.fucknozzle.peter-j-ross PJR is flippant. alt.alien.flippant.little.fucknozzle.lady-di Diana was flippant. alt.alien.flippant.little.fucknozzle.ryan-seacrest Go Ryan. alt.cretin.mike-soja Netcop Mike Soja is a cretin. alt.cretin.jimi-hullegard Netcop Jimi Hullegård is a cretin. alt.dk.landsbytosse.bo-mogensen Bo Mogensen er en landsbytosse. alt.flashback.ron-tjocktarm Rons tjocktarm är fet och full med skit. alt.fr.presse.gala L'hebdomadaire français « Gala ». alt.fr.presse.paris.match L'hebdomadaire français « Paris Match ». alt.fr.presse.jukebox.magazine Le mensuel français « Jukebox magazine ». alt.fr.presse.ohla L'hebdomadaire français « Ohla! ». alt.fr.presse.entrevue Le mensuel français « Entrevue ». alt.fr.passions.philatelie Le rendez-vous des philatélistes. alt.fr.presse.marie-france Le mensuel français « Marie-France ». alt.fr.presse.rock.&.folk Le mensuel français « Rock & Folk ». alt.fr.presse.elle L'hebdomadaire français « Elle ». alt.fr.presse.marie-claire Le mensuel français « Marie-Claire ». alt.fr.presse.femme.actuelle L'hebdomadaire français « Femme Actuelle ». alt.ru.gburczyk.cycaty Cycaty gburczyk alt.deadbeat-dads By biff as a public service alt.deadbeat-dads.such-as By biff as a public service alt.deadbeat-dads.such-as.peter-j-ross By biff as a public service alt.jacek.pancita-and-gay Jacek is a pancita and gay! alt.slurps-man-gravy By biff as a public service alt.slurps-man-gravy.peter-j-ross By biff as a public service alt.slurps-man-gravy.peter-j-ross.a-roonie A mullins public service alt.slurps-man-gravy.peter-j-ross.o-phile A mullins public service alt.slurps-man-gravy.peter-j-ross.0-phile A mullins public service alt.guzzles-jimmy-wine A mullins public service alt.guzzles-jimmy-wine.peter-j-ross A mullins public service alt.guzzles-jimmy-wine.peter-j-ross.a-roonie Mullins public service alt.guzzles-jimmy-wine.peter-j-ross.o-phile Mullins public service alt.guzzles-jimmy-wine.peter-j-ross.0-phile Mullins public service alt.shameless.bags-of-atrophy.peter-j-ross Mullins public service alt.stupid-is.as-stupid.does.peter-j-ross Mullins public service alt.fr.luttons.contre.l.islam Lutte contre cette création rabbinique, l'« Islam ». alt.fr.affront.national.mascarade.d.outreau Un juge d'instruction intouchable et courtisé : Outreau, ou le racisme antifrançais. alt.fr.presse.playboy Le mensuel français « Playboy ». alt.fr.presse.point.de.vue L'hebdomadaire français « Point de vue ». alt.fr.presse.salut.les.copains Le mensuel français « Salut les copains ». alt.fr.presse.mademoiselle.age.tendre Le mensuel français « Mademoiselle Âge tendre ». alt.fr.presse.nous.deux L'hebdomadaire français « Nous deux ». alt.fr.passions.bibliophilie Le rendez-vous des bibliophiles. alt.fr.presse.rock.and.folk Le mensuel français « Rock & Folk ». alt.fr.presse.best Le mensuel français « Best ». alt.fr.presse.hara.kiri.hebdo L'hebdomadaire français « Hara Kiri Hebdo », devenu « Charlie Hebdo » première et authentique manière. alt.fr.passions.discophilie Le rendez-vous des discophiles. alt.fr.presse.hara.kiri Le mensuel français « Hara Kiri ». alt.fr.presse.photo Le mensuel français « Photo ». alt.fr.passions.numismatique Le rendez-vous des numismates. alt.fr.fan.neuneu.caffin Kaffin, sa vië, sës öëuvres, sön vit, sës öufs de douleur. alt.binaries.fr.fan.neuneu.nénettes.brina Les formes plantureuses de Brigitte Rina. alt.destroy.the.flonk A biff mullins public service alt.binaries.fan.robert-jordan Binaries related to Robert Jordan's "Wheel of T alt.binaries.fr.fan.neuneu.nenettes.brina Les formes plantureuses de Brigitte Rina. alt.fr.fan.neuneutes.bournez Carine Bourrepif, « L »'exégète d'Émile Durkheim ! alt.fr.fan.neuneute Forum consacré l'épouse du « Neuneu inconnu ». de.comm.software.webserver Webserver-Konfiguration und -Administration. alt.fan.pjr.has A biff mullins public service alt.fan.pjr.has.asparagus A biff mullins public service alt.fan.pjr.has.asparagus.tits A biff mullins public service alt.fan.pjr.aka A biff mullins public service alt.fan.pjr.aka.asparagus A biff mullins public service alt.fan.pjr.aka.asparagus.tits A biff mullins public service alt.fr.presse.voici L'hebdomadaire français « Voici ». alt.fan.michael-moore Michael Moore movies and books. alt.fan.sarah-brightman Fan discussion of the artist Sarah Brightman alt.binaries.cd.image.xbox.dvdrip xbox cdr binaries alt.pl.comp.os.linux.apps Linux applications alt.pl.comp.os.linux.apps.gnome GNU Network Object Model Environment alt.fr.in-memoriam.ivan.illich Mémoire du penseur Ivan Illich alt.fr.presse.lui Le mensuel français « Lui ». alt.fr.presse.penthouse Le mensuel français « Penthouse ». alt.fr.fan.neuneu.cuidet Le jeune Cuidet, ou « Mettez un casque à votre voisin, assurez-lui l'impunité, et... » alt.fr.fan.neuneu Forum consacré au « Neuneu inconnu ». alt.binaries.darkunicorn A group about the web magazine Dark Unicorn. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.1940s For mp3 audio files from that era. alt.satellite.expressvu Information on Expressvu alt.binaries.multimedia.3d-training 3D Graphics training material alt.fr.lettres.langue.bosniaque Entretien de la langue bosniaque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.serbe Entretien de la langue serbe. alt.fr.lettres.langue.croate Entretien de la langue croate. alt.fr.lettres.langue.montenegrine Entretien de la langue monténégrine. alt.binaries.luser For lusers with binaries... uk.people.disability.transport Transport issues for the disabled alt.binaries.pictures.wallpapers Wallpapers. alt.ru.mateusz-marcinkowski.kiss-my-ass mateusz marcinkowski kiss my ass alt.binaries.pictures.models Pictures of female models. alt.fan.steven-perkoff For Fans of Steven Perkoff. de.sci.alternativ Entgegen der herrschenden Lehrmeinung. de.comp.security.virus Viren, Wuermer, Trojanische Pferde usw. alt.tv.stargate-atlantis Science fiction sequel to Stargate SG1 alt.tvp.to.huje TVP to huje. alt.dziobanie.mileny Dziobanie mileny. es.soc.militar Sobre las Fuerzas Armadas y el mundo militar. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.arabe L'univers de l'écriture arabe. alt.fr.lettres.ecritures L'univers des écritures. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.chinoise L'univers de l'écriture chinoise. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.egyptienne.demotique L'univers de l'écriture démotique égyptienne. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.maya.hieroglyphique L'univers de l'écriture hiéroglyphique maya. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.egyptienne.hieroglyphique L'univers de l'écriture hiéroglyphique égyptienne. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.grecque L'astrologie grecque. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.histoire L'Histoire comme un tout. Et toc. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.egyptienne.hieratique L'univers de l'écriture hiératique égyptienne. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.chinoise L'astrologie chinoise. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.azteque L'astrologie aztèque. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.chaldeenne L'astrologie occidentale. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie « Sir, I have studied it, you have not. » Réponse de Newton aux reproches d'Halley. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.egyptienne L'astrologie égyptienne. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.maya L'astrologie maya. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.cuneiforme L'univers de l'écriture cunéiforme. alt.binaries.dvd.midnightmovies Horror, Cult and Sci-Fi DVDs. alt.fan.przemyslaw-maciuszko maciuszko twoja stara to kurwa alt.pl.binaries.nfo.geje.przemyslaw-maciuszko Przemek to gfgej qp se klej (Moderated). alt.unclefuckers.przemyslaw-maciuszko Przemyslaw Maciuszko - famous unclefucker. alt.binaries.multimedia.oded-fehr Graphics and multimedia featuring Oded Fehr. comp.society The impact of technology on society. alt.fr.lettres.langues.artificielles Entretien des langues artificielles. alt.fr.lettres.langue.esperanto Entretien de la langue espéranto. alt.binaries.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie Forum associé aux forÿ « alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie » et alt.fr.obsessions Entretenir nos obsessions. alt.binaries.fr.lettres.ecritures Forum associé aux forij « alt.fr.lettres.ecritures » et « alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.* ». alt.fr.lettres.langues.chamito-semitiques Entretien des langues chamito-sémitiques. alt.fr.lettres.langues.turques Entretien des langues turques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.turque Entretien de la langue turque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.azerie Entretien de la langue azérie. alt.fr.lettres.langue.turkmene Entretien de la langue turkmène. alt.fr.lettres.langues.chamito-sémitiques Entretien des langues chamito-sémitiques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.azérie Entretien de la langue azérie. alt.fr.lettres.langue.espéranto Entretien de la langue espéranto. alt.fr.lettres.langue.égyptienne Entretien de la langue égyptienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.egyptienne Entretien de la langue égyptienne. alt.emergency-services.moderated Emergency services. (Moderated) alt.binaries.dvd.pro-wrestling Pro Wrestling DVDs. alt.retail.grocery General grocery industry discussion alt.binaries.models.repost Repost group for alt.binaries.models alt.binaries.games.xbox xbox cdr binaries alt.binaries.online-service.webtv Webtvr's, past & present. Sigs ok. alt.tv.joan-of-arcadia Discussion the TV show Joan of Arcadia alt.binaries.pictures.tv.shaggable-babes Shaggable female babes on UK TV. alt.fan.mkarwan Grupa poswiecona mkarwanowi. alt.binaries.movie-maniacs Movie Maniacs in classic and modern horror nl.erotiek.contact Voor het leggen van erotische contacten. (Moderated) alt.fr.sport.airsoft Discussions sur airsoft alt.fr.tv.i.luv.emma « I luv Emma ! » alt.fr.lettres.langues.dalmates Entretien des langues dalmates. alt.fr.sciences-humaines.histoire.contemporaine Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.sciences.humaines.linguistique Entretien de la linguistique. alt.fr.lettres.langue.gotique Entretien de la langue gotique. alt.fr.tv.magazine.arret.sur.images Le magazine télévisé « Arrêt sur images ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.ragusaine Entretien de la langue ragusaine. alt.fr.sciences-humaines.linguistique Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.tv.magazine.arrêt.sur.images Le magazine télévisé « Arrêt sur images ». alt.fr.tv.tf1.13.heures « TF1 », le « 13 heures ». alt.fr.tv.magazine.strip-tease Le magazine télévisé « Strip-tease ». alt.fr.tv.tf1.20.heures « TF1 », le « 20 heures ». alt.fr.lettres.langues.berberes Entretien des langues berbères. alt.tv.navy-ncis For fans of the NAVY NCIS televsion show alt.binaries.hilary-duff Binary files about Hilary Duff by her alt.binaries.cd.image.winapps CD images for Windows applications alt.binaries.mpeg.video.hdv Hi def video clips in MPEG2 HDV format. dk.bolig Alle boligrelaterede emner. alt.fr.tv.série.avocats.&.associés La série télévisée « Avocats & Associés. ». alt.fr.tv.serie.avocats.&.associes La série télévisée « Avocats & Associés. ». alt.fr.tv.feuilleton.une.nounou.d.enfer Le feuilleton télévisé « Une nounou d'enfer. ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.vegliote Entretien de la langue végliote. alt.fr.tv.serie.columbo La série télévisée « Columbo. ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.végliote Entretien de la langue végliote. alt.fr.tv.série.columbo La série télévisée « Columbo. ». alt.fr.tv.arte.arte.info « Arte », « Arte Info. ». alt.fr.droit.constitutionnel Le droit constitutionnel, si ce terme a un sens dans un pays à constitution semestrielle. alt.fr.droit Le droit. tw.bbs.comp.lang.csharp C# »y¨¥°Q½× alt.fr.lettres.langues.romandes Entretien des langues romandes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.vaudoise Entretien de la langue vaudoise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.valencienne Entretien de la langue valencienne. alt.usenet.stalker.ericvgill some dopey Internet stalker wanted it newgrouped alt.kook.lionel-lauer the "owner of several troll domains" needs a group where he'll be on topic. alt.swordfighting It's not what you think alt.fan.kelly-brook A group for fans of Kelly Brook. alt.fr.lettres.langue.italienne Entretien de la langue italienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.roumaine Entretien de la langue roumaine. alt.fr.lettres.langue.aragonaise Entretien de la langue aragonaise. alt.fr.exegese.biblique Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langue.aranaise Entretien de la langue aranaise (« gascon »). alt.fr.exégèse.chrétienne Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langue.asturienne Entretien de la langue asturienne. alt.fr.lettres.exegese.biblique Les textes d'origine. alt.fr.exégèse.biblique Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.exégèse.chrétienne Les textes d'origine du christianisme. alt.fr.lettres.exégèse.biblique Les textes d'origine. free.uk.talk.sussex The County of Sussex, England. alt.pl.answers Odpowiedzi na czesto zadawane pytania na grupach alt.pl. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynésiennes Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynésiennes.centrales Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes centrales. alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynesiennes.occidentales Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes occidentales. alt.fr.lettres.langues.austronesiennes Entretien des langues austronésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.formosiennes Entretien des langues formosiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynésiennes.occidentales Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes occidentales. alt.fr.lettres.langues.austronésiennes Entretien des langues austronésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynesiennes.centrales Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes centrales. alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynesiennes Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynesiennes.orientales Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes orientales. alt.fr.lettres.langues.oceaniennes Entretien des langues océaniennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.océaniennes Entretien des langues océaniennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.polynesiennes Entretien des langues polynésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.micronesiennes Entretien des langues micronésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.micronésiennes Entretien des langues micronésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.mélanésiennes Entretien des langues mélanésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.polynésiennes Entretien des langues polynésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.melanesiennes Entretien des langues mélanésiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.malayo-polynésiennes.orientales Entretien des langues malayo-polynésiennes orientales. alt.binaries.pictures.trading For serious collectors of picture sets. finet.tiedostot Tiedostoja kansalle alt.fr.lettres.langues.grecques Entretien des langues grecques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tsakonienne Entretien de la langue tsakonienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.pontique Entretien de la langue pontique. alt.fr.lettres.langue.castillane Entretien de la langue castillane. alt.fr.presse.charlie Le mensuel français « Charlie ». alt.fr.presse.max Le mensuel français « Max ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.castillanne Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.presse.maximal Le mensuel français « Maximal ». alt.fr.presse.fhm Le mensuel français « FHM ». alt.fr.presse.newlook Le mensuel français « Newlook ». alt.fan.new Making a Pirate ng the hard way alt.fan.new.world Making a Pirate ng the hard way alt.fan.new.world.pirates Thar B Pirates here alt.really-do-hate Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.americans Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.the-united-nations Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.republicans Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.george-w-bush Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.democracy Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.to-die Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.the-world Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.people-who-hate Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.unconditional-love Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.newgroup-posters Made for things you really do hate alt.really-do-hate.hemorrhoids Made for things you really do hate alt.fr.lettres.langue.istro-venitienne Entretien de la langue istro-vénitienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.istriote Entretien de la langue istriote (« istro-romane »). alt.fr.lettres.langue.aroumaine Entretien de la langue aroumaine. alt.fr.lettres.langue.istro-vénitienne Entretien de la langue istro-vénitienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.mégléno-roumaine Entretien de la langue mégléno-roumaine. alt.fr.lettres.langue.istro-roumaine Entretien de la langue istro-roumaine. alt.fr.lettres.langue.megleno-roumaine Entretien de la langue mégléno-roumaine. tw.bbs.soc.yunlin ¥xÆW©@°Øªº¬G¶m-¶³ªL alt.fr.lettres.langue.carienne Entretien de la langue carienne. alt.fr.lettres.langues.tsiganes Entretien des langues tsiganes. alt.fr.lettres.litterature.espagnole Causeries littéraires au coin de l'alt. alt.fr.lettres.langue.catalane Entretien de la langue catalane. alt.fr.lettres.langue.occitane Entretien de la langue occitane. alt.fr.lettres.langues.d.oc Entretien des langues d'oc. es.comp.sistemas.pda Discusiones sobre PDAs: Palm, Pocket PC... alt.binaries.multimedia.sports.gymnastics Audio and video. free.jorijntjuh for Jorijntjuh free.aragog for Aragog alt.alien.moderated Extraterrestrial life pl.irc Dyskusje polskich uzytkownikow IRC. (Moderated) alt.binaries.sounds.jefferson-family Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson finet.henkisyys Höpötystä henkimaailmasta alt.cryptozoology yet-to-be discovered animals on planet earth alt.os.zeta Tab's Zeta operating system discussion alt.os.haiku Discussion of the Haiku OS alt.os.befree Linux/Gnu/BeOS variant BeFree discussion alt.os.blue-eyed-os Discussion of a BeOS-inspired Linux variant alt.os.cosmoe Discussion of a BeOS API with a Linux base alt.os.atheos Discussion of the Atheos operating system. alt.os.syllable Discussion of the Syllable operating system. alt.beunited Discussion of BeOS many variants. alt.alien.reptilian Alien reptilian discussion. alt.fr.lettres.langue.ojibwa.orientale Entretien de la langue ojibwa orientale [OJG]. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.azteque L'univers de l'écriture aztèque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.cri Entretien de la langue cri [CRx]. alt.fr.lettres.langue.unilingua Entretien de la langue « Unilingua ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.odawa Entretien de la langue odawa (« ottawa ») [OJG]. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.indienne.devanagari L'univers de l'écriture indienne « devanâgarî ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.novial Entretien de la langue « Novial ». alt.fr.neottia.discussions Comment détruire « Neottia » ?.. alt.fr.lettres.langue.ojibwa Entretien de la langue ojibwa [OJx]. alt.fr.lettres.langue.copte Entretien de la langue copte. alt.fr.lettres.langue.ido Entretien de la langue « Ido ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.chippewa Entretien de la langue chippewa [OJG]. alt.fr.lettres.langue.interlingua Entretien de la langue « Interlingua ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.interlingue Entretien de la langue « Occidental-Interlingue ». alt.fr.obsession.les.femmes.leurs.seins L'obsession absolue ! « Les appas des filles à papa »... alt.fr.lettres.langue.intersistemal Entretien de la langue « Intersistemal ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.mondial Entretien de la langue « Mondial ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.mundolingue Entretien de la langue « Mundolingue ». alt.fr.tv.feuilleton.les.feux.de.l.amour Le feuilleton télévisé « Les feux de l'amour ». alt.fr.tv.feuilletons Les feuilletons télévisés. alt.fr.tv.i.luv.tara « I luv Tara ! » alt.fr.tv.series Le monde des séries télévisées. alt.fr.tv.magazines Les magazines télévisés. alt.fr.tv.i.luv.purdey « I luv Purdey ! » alt.pl.comp.os.linux.advocacy !No pasaran! alt.pl.comp.os.linux.security A po co mi root? Jak sie wlamie, to bede rootem! alt.binaries.hdtv.repost Reposts of releases posted in the main HDTVgroup alt.nl.eeuwig.liefde voor alles en iedereen, als het maar lief is! alt.fr.lettres.écriture.aztèque L'univers de l'écriture aztèque. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.aztèque Groupe de discussions à détruire. (Moderated) alt.binaries.dvd.erotica.male Male erotic DVD content & discussions. alt.binaries.multimedia.erotica.jason-w-gibson Unmoderated binary newsgroup alt.pl.biznes.etyka-csr etyka i odpowiedzialnosc w polskim biznesie, alt.binaries.video.weho is a binary newsgroup dedicated to alt.nl.binaries.video.weho is a binary newsgroup dedicated to alt.politics.terrorism Discussion about terrorism as it relates to politics alt.fr.lynchage.estival Pour les bannissements quinquennaux. alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit.evan-josh Go Evan-Josh, GO! alt.hebetudinous.addlepated.twit.evan-josh.roose Go Evan-Josh, GO! alt.premeditated Premeditated fun for everyone alt.premeditated.fun Premeditated fun for everyone free.premeditated Premeditated fun for everyone free.premeditated.fun Premeditated fun for everyone free.pouting Another fine member of the aps family free.pouting.sandwich Another fine member of the aps family alt.kamikaze.watermelon Fooby, the Kamikaze Watermelon do do do doo do dooo! weeeee! *splat* alt.fan.states.hawaii.i-got-leid I got lei'd! alt.turd-burglar.john-corliss Ain't you dead yet, Johnnie? alt.pedophile.john-corliss Ain't you dead yet, Johnnie? alt.parenting.control Control your critters, fat momma. alt.parenting.control.your-critters Control your critters alt.os.linux.debian Questions, answers and discussions for Debian Linux. alt.music.idm Experimental IDM hip-hop artists discussion. alt.pl.regionalne.wroclaw.am Akademia Medyczna we Wroclawiu alt.culture.malta Discussion related to Malta and the Maltese. (Moderated) alt.politics.usa.democrat USA Democratic Political Discussion alt.dreams.pouting-sandwich Dream a little dream... alt.fr.suicide Discussions consacrées au suicide. alt.pl.rec.fantastyka.stargate Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis alt.fr.lettres.langue.sorani Entretien de la langue sorani. alt.fr.lettres.langue.pashto Entretien de la langue pashto. alt.fr.lettres.langue.georgienne Entretien de la langue géorgienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.baloutche Entretien de la langue baloutche. alt.fr.lettres.langues.caucasiques Entretien des langues caucasiques. alt.fr.lettres.langue.kurmandji Entretien de la langue kurmandji. alt.fr.lettres.langue.taleshi Entretien de la langue taleshi. alt.fr.lettres.langue.bakhtiari Entretien de la langue bakhtiari. alt.fr.lettres.langue.kannara Entretien de la langue kannara. alt.fr.lettres.langue.lori Entretien de la langue lori. alt.fr.lettres.langue.géorgienne Entretien de la langue géorgienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.shughni Entretien de la langue shughni. alt.fr.lettres.langue.malayalam Entretien de la langue malayalam. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tati Entretien de la langue tâti. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tadjique Entretien de la langue tadjique. alt.fr.lettres.langue.mazanderani Entretien de la langue mazanderani. alt.fr.lettres.langue.rushani Entretien de la langue rushani. alt.fr.lettres.langue.guilaki Entretien de la langue guilaki. alt.fr.lettres.langue.ossète Entretien de la langue ossète. alt.binaries.photos.portfolios Original photographs of models. comp.os.linux.xbox Linux on Xbox. alt.the.pimp.sin-x The exploits, and workings of Sin-x and those he keeps alt.fr.fan.neuneu.niel Le petit Gérald, ou Mr « Je m'indigne. » ! alt.fr.lettres.langues.dravidiennes Entretien des langues dravidiennes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.brahoui Entretien de la langue brahoui. alt.fr.lettres.langues.iraniennes Entretien des langues iraniennes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.pahari Entretien de la langue pahari. alt.fr.lettres.langue.rajasthani Entretien de la langue rajasthani. alt.fr.lettres.langue.singhalaise Entretien de la langue singhalaise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.sindhi Entretien de la langue sindhi. alt.fr.lettres.langue.hindi Entretien de la langue hindi. alt.fr.lettres.langue.assamaise Entretien de la langue assamaise. alt.fr.lettres.langue.pendjabi Entretien de la langue pendjabi. alt.fr.lettres.langue.santhali Entretien de la langue santhali. alt.fr.lettres.langue.gujrati Entretien de la langue gujrati. alt.fr.lettres.langue.konkani Entretien de la langue konkani. alt.fr.lettres.langue.gondi Entretien de la langue gondi. alt.fr.lettres.langue.kashmiri Entretien de la langue kashmiri. alt.fr.lettres.langue.nepali Entretien de la langue népali. alt.fr.lettres.langue.bengali Entretien de la langue bengali. alt.fr.lettres.langue.oriya Entretien de la langue oriya. alt.fr.lettres.langue.ourdou Entretien de la langue ourdou. alt.fr.lettres.langue.marwari Entretien de la langue marwari. alt.fr.lettres.langue.marathi Entretien de la langue marathi. alt.fr.lettres.langue.bihari Entretien de la langue bihari. no.alt.gratulerer Gratulasjonar med ting, dagen, livet og livssituasjonen. alt.binaries.games.the-sims-2 Cause teh Sims are now grown up and need binary posts alt.games.the-sims-2 Cause teh Sims are now grown up and need to post alt.binaries.conspiracy Conspiracy Documentaries and Alternative alt.binaries.multimedia.bondage.amateur.female Female bondage. alt.binaries.pictures.bondage.amateur.female Female bondage. alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.repost For lossless audio enthusiasts. alt.binaries.multimedia.kelly-brook Multimedia binaries of Kelly Brook, UK model and actress. de.rec.sport.laufen.trainingswoche Die abgelaufene Woche. de.rec.sport.laufen.veranstaltungen Laufend unterwegs. de.rec.sport.laufen.misc Joggen, Laufen, Rennen, Gehen und mehr. nctu.club.dcc ¥æ¤j¼Æ¦ì¶Ç¼½ªÀ alt.p0p Piss on politics alt.binaries.a51 Exchange of game demos. alt.music.prince.bootlegs Dedicated to trading Prince bootlegs. comp.os.os2.ecomstation Serenity Systems operating system eComStation. alt.support.ciggyfree.moderated Community of Smoke Free People alt.binaries.hdtv.tv-episodes Episodes of high-definition TV series. alt.pl La Galaxie « alt.pl ». alt.zh La Galaxie « alt.zh ». alt.zh.wikipedia « Wikipedia », ziyoude baike quanshu... alt.fr.lettres.écriture.maya.hiéroglyphique L'univers de l'écriture hiéroglyphique maya. alt.es La Galaxie « alt.es ». alt.fr.lettres.écriture.maya.hieroglyphique Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.ru.wikipedia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.es.wikipedia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.it.wikipedia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.jp.wikipedia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.wikipedia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.ru La Galaxie « alt.ru ». alt.jp La Galaxie « alt.jp ». alt.no.wikipedia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.zh.weijibaike « Weijibaike », ziyoude baike quanshu... alt.pl.stargate Grupa dyskusyjna na temat serialu StarGate. alt.war.world-war-one Discuss the great war ww1 1914-1918. alt.war.world-war-two Discuss ww2 1939-1945. alt.war.world-war-three Discuss future large wars. alt.war.napoleonic Discuss napoleonic era warfare. alt.war.war-of-1812 Discuss the war of 1812 (1812-1814). alt.war.terrorism Discuss the war on terrorism. alt.war.biological Discuss biological warfare. alt.war.chemical Discuss chemical warfare. alt.war.misc Discuss wars without a specific newsgroup. chile.rec.fotografia Discusion sobre fotografia y tecnica fotografica. chile.rec.mascotas Discusion sobre los animales domesticos. chile.comp.multimedia Medios y formatos analogo/digitales de multimedios. chile.comp.programacion Discusion sobre lenguajes de programacion. chile.comp.internet Discusion general sobre Internet en Chile. chile.rec.mecanica-popular Conversacion sobre mecanica para aficionados. chile.rec.vehiculos Discusion sobre vehiculos motorizados. alt.binaries.unoffical.global.chat Family friendly binaries. alt.oc La galaxie « alt.oc ». alt.jp.test Le forum de test de la galaxie « alt.jp ». alt.it.test Le forum de test de la galaxie « alt.it ». alt.fr.test Le forum de test de la galaxie « alt.fr ». alt.ru.test Le forum de test de la galaxie « alt.ru ». alt.es.test Le forum de test de la galaxie « alt.es ». alt.oc.test Le forum de test de la galaxie « alt.oc ». alt.oc.wikipedia « Wikipedia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.fr.tv.m6.6.minutes « M6 », le « Six' ». alt.zh.test Le forum de test de la galaxie « alt.zh ». alt.pl.wikipedia « Wikipedia », Wolna Encyklopedia... alt.france.humanities.ancient-greek Alf est éternel. alt.fr.lettres.écriture.égyptienne.hiératique L'univers de l'écriture hiératique égyptienne. alt.fr.lettres.écriture.égyptienne.démotique L'univers de l'écriture démotique égyptienne. alt.fr.m6.6.minutes Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.lettres.écriture.égyptienne.hiéroglyphique L'univers de l'écriture hiéroglyphique égyptienne. alt.fr.radio La radio. alt.fr.tv La télévision. alt.fr.presse.le.parisien Le quotidien français « Le Parisien ». alt.fr.lettres.écriture.indienne.brahmî L'univers de l'écriture indienne « brahmî ». alt.fr.lettres.langue.assyrienne Entretien de la langue assyrienne. alt.fr.lettres.écriture.chinoise L'univers de l'écriture chinoise. alt.fr.lettres.écriture.cunéiforme L'univers de l'écriture cunéiforme. alt.fr.lettres.ecriture.indienne.brahmi L'univers de l'écriture indienne « brahmî ». alt.fr.lettres.écriture.arabe L'univers de l'écriture arabe. alt.testes All about testes alt.testes.testes All about testes alt.testes.testes.one All about testes alt.testes.testes.one.two All about testes alt.testes.testes.one.two.three All about testes soc.religion.satanism Satanism and the Satanic way of life. alt.testes.testes.one.two.three.wtf All about testes alt.fr.lettres.langues.tibéto-birmanes Entretien des langues tibéto-birmanes. de.soc.weltanschauung.islam Islam als Religion und Kultur. uk.media.tv.reality.misc For the discussion of reality TV in the UK uk.net.news.moderation Discussion of the moderation of uk.* groups alt.pl.praca.oferowana Unmoderated job offers for Poland alt.fr.lettres.langue.tibétaine Entretien de la langue tibétaine. alt.fr.lettres.langues.tyrrheniennes Entretien des langues tyrrhéniennes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.crî Entretien de la langue crî [CRx]. alt.fr.lettres.langues.tyrrhéniennes Entretien des langues tyrrhéniennes. alt.fr.lettres.langue.tâti Entretien de la langue tâti. alt.fr.lettres.langues.mande Entretien des langues mandé. alt.fr.lettres.langues.indo-iraniennes Entretien des langues indo-iraniennes. alt.fr.outil.hamster.bis Le bon groupe est toujours hamster.fr.divers. alt.tv.desperate-housewives A newsgroup for the new hit TV show alt.fr.fai.aol Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.fai.wanadoo Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.fai.free Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.wanadoo.hors-sujet discussions hors-sujet ou hors-charte sur wanadoo.* alt.fr.la.peur.des.autres Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.la.peur.de.soi Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.la.peur Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.la.peur.de.la.mort Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.anticensure Encore un groupe à la con sous alt.fr. alt.fr.fai.cegetel Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.fai.tiscali Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.fai.neuf Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.fai.tele2 Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.binaries.gr Binaries of Greek interest. alt.binaries.robbie-williams For all Robbie Williams binaries. alt.pl.misc.kolej.wask Dyskusje poswiecone kolejom waskotorowym alt.binaries.acidrap Acidrap and Detroit Horrorcore alt.binaries.beavis-n-butthead Beavis n Butthead binaries alt.binaries.music.southsidejohnny Music of the New Jersey band alt.pl.regionalne.krasnik Miasto Krasnik alt.fr.lettres.langue.ougaritique Entretien de la langue ougaritique. alt.fr.lettres.langue.rhetique Entretien de la langue rhétique. alt.fr.lettres.langue.rhétique Entretien de la langue rhétique. alt.fr.presse.libération Le quotidien français « Libération ». alt.fr.warez Les « warez »... alt.fr.wikipedia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.fr.wikipédia « Wikipédia », l'encyclopédie libre... alt.fr.presse.mademoiselle.âge.tendre Le mensuel français « Mademoiselle Âge tendre ». alt.fr.presse.charlie.hebdo alt.fr.presse.charlie.hebdo Le torchon hebdomadaire « Charlie Hebdo », qui succède illégitimement à « alt.fr.presse.le.canard.enchaine L'hebdomadaire satirique français « Le Canard enchaîné. ». alt.fr.presse.le.canard.enchaîné L'hebdomadaire satirique français « Le Canard enchaîné. ». alt.fr.presse.présent Le quotidien français et national « Présent ». alt.fr.bibliographie.jacques.lacarrière Bibliographie du marcheur Jacques Lacarrière. alt.fr.presse.télérama L'hebdomadaire français « Télérama ». alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.aztèque L'astrologie aztèque. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.chaldéenne L'astrologie occidentale. alt.fr.sciences.humaines.astrologie.égyptienne L'astrologie égyptienne. alt.fr.tv.séries Le monde des séries télévisées. alt.radio.satellite Satellite delivered audio radio services. alt.pl.cisco Sprzet Cisco. alt.lifestyle.bachelor Celebrating the Bachelor Life! alt.asshole.lisa-horton Discussion of the female asshole alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.musicals Musicals and more Musicals! alt.woodworking General newsgroup for woodworking alt.woodworking.marketplace Marketplace for personal woodworking items alt.woodworking.plans Woodworking plans and projects rec.photo.digital.point+shoot Point-and-shoot digital cameras. rec.photo.digital.zlr Digital cameras w/ fixed zoom lenses & manual controls. rec.photo.digital.rangefinder Digital rangefinder camera systems. rec.photo.digital.slr-systems Digital SLR (single lens reflex) camera systems. alt.binaries.podcast Podcast binary distribution point chile.comp.pda Discusion sobre los distintos PDAs. alt.bowtie Newsgroups are self-governing communities of folks alt.guitar.martin Discussion regarding Martin Guitars alt.satellite.radio Discussion regarding Satellite Radio. alt.satellite.radio.usa Discussion regarding Satellite Radio. alt.binaries.aol Various AOL binaries get posted here. alt.binaries.aol.imperial Various AOL binaries get posted here. alt.binaries.warez.aol Various AOL binaries get posted here. alt.binaries.warez.aol.imperial AOL binaries get posted here. alt.aol.imperial The Usenet AOL Imperial Water Buffalo Lodge alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.peel For John Peel-related binaries alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.peel-sessions For Peel Session binaries alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.john-peel For John Peel-related binaries alt.binaries.multimedia.horror.crazymazeys Horror/cult Binaries alt.pl.studia.pk Studenci Politechniki Krakowskiej alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.fetish.plaid plaid tartan fetish alt.fr.outil.smoothwall Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.sport.football.psg Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.sport.football.lyon Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.fr.sport.football.lille Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. alt.photography.gordon-moat Photography by Gordon Moat alt.photography.mark-morgan Photography by Mark Morgan alt.photography.steve-kramer Photography by Steve Kramer alt.photography.skip-middleton Photography by Skip Middleton alt.photography.dallas-dahms Photography by Dallas Dahms alt.photography.bret-douglas Photography by Bret Douglas alt.photography.ansel-adams Photography by Ansel Adams alt.photography.tony-spadaro Photography by Tony Spadaro alt.comp.databases.postgresql PostgreSQL general discussion forum alt.binaries.hipclone Hipclone Binaries and plenty of them alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.soul Soul MP3 binaires alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.soul-rhythm-and-blues Soul R&B MP3 binaires alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.black.bbw Pictures of fat black chicks alt.tv.lost Discussion regarding the TV Show called Lost alt.sci.relativistic-proof-of-god Discussion regarding God. alt.binaries.multimedia.imp IMP Multimedia Binaries alt.binaries.imp IMP binaries alt.italia.paolo-pizzi L'esperienza socialista liberale di Paolo Pizzi alt.pl.origami Na poczatku byl papier... alt.fr.fan.bouture.spamhunter Encore un groupe inutile sous alt.fr. comp.soft-sys.business.sap Discussion forum on SAP software. alt.radio.talk.michael-savage radio personality michael savage alt.radio.michael-savage radio personality michael savage alt.fan.michael-savage radio personality michael savage tum.biologie Studienfakultaet Biowissenschaften WZW TUM. tum.biologie.studenten Infos zum Studium der Biowissenschaften am WZW. alt.binaries.emulators.music Emulated music files alt.pl.regionalne.krosno All about town Krosno alt.pl.irc.niemoderowana Niemoderowana grupa o IRC. alt.fuckwits.kadaitcha-man What an arsestar alt.fuckwit.kadaitcha-man What an arsestar alt.ensp.chat English and Spanish chat alt.fuckwit.suzie All about a fuckwit named Suzie alt.fuckwits.suzie All about a fuckwit named Suzie nl.actueel.terrorisme Over het terrorisme in Nederland. alt.pl.regionalne.grodzisk_maz News for the citizens of Grodzisk Maz alt.binaries.dvd.anime Related anime dvds repost alt.binaries.dvd.anime.repost Related anime dvds repost alt.fr.fan.francois-guillet Le fan-club de François Guillet. alt.binaries.dvd.french.nzb This group is a place to acces at nzb alt.comp.programming.64bit-windows Windows 64 bit programming. dk.edb.andre-emner Alle edb relaterede emner uden anden gruppe. de.alt.talk.linux Pinguingeschnatter. alt.fan.erissa Usenet personality Erissa alt.pl.irc IRC w Polsce. alt.fan.misleador The group for fans of the famous Misleador. alt.pl.allin Byli i obecni czlonkowie tej wspanialej organizacji alt.fan.air-america For fans of the left wing propaganda network alt.binaries.multimedia.racequeens Asian racequeen and campaign girl alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.psychedelica The homosexual sounds of psychedelica alt.websters Dutch language group for websters alt.binaries.websters Do not screw with the Dutch alt.animals.dog.puppy-wizard Dog retraining by The Puppy Wizard, Jerry Howe alt.culture.aryan Aryan newsgroup for true whites only alt.chainsaw-fuckers For people who like some action in their assholes ! alt.god.biff-mullins hail Biff hail! alt.legend.russ-allbery The strapping star of Usenet alt.binaries.mp3.arabic Music for Jew-hating Arabs (Mohammed was a pedophile) alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.arabic The Jihadic sounds of Camel-Jockeys vs Zionists alt.fuckhead.hijack.nan-team.no.no.no Steve Leyland's vengeance has no bounds alt.fan.sean-hannity Republican hawkish elitist Sean Hannity alt.radio.talk.sean-hannity Right-wing radio talking head Sean Hannity alt.tv.sean-hannity Bush propaganda-puppet Sean Hannity of Fox News Channel alt.pl.taoizm Dyskusje o taoizmie i tematach pokrewnych alt.games.everquest3 Penis suckmeister piss on my nose alt.games.everquest2 Piss-pot vanity group for a whore fetish artist alt.games.everquest5 Phish-baited fuckheads swallow jibber goo alt.games.everquest2.jerelyn-foxeye Queer eye on the Foxeye (piss pot) alt.games.everquest1 Cock-babbling hard pricks souping it up alt.webstars Astronomy discussion for special-ed children alt.games.everquest2a Corn-hucking fucktards spoo nedder vile piss-pots alt.games.everquest2.piss-pot christinA is a whore alt.games.everquest4 Toe-sucking limp dicks with HIV alt.sci.relativistic-proof-of-god.moderated King George the FUCKING KOOK alt.comp.databases.mysql MySQL database official newsgroup alt.binaries.amazon-women.admirers Pics & vids of amazon women. alt.binaries.music.makers.guitar.acoustic Penis sucking and cum swallowing alt.binaries.drawing-sketching Butt-fucking on sand paper with cum stains finet.harrastus.monkijat keskustelua monkijoista alt.pl.regionalne.czestochowa Czestochowa w Usenecie. alt.binaries.altfriends Binary group for alt.friends. alt.asshole.sean-ruttledge Newsgroup for Assholes to Discuss alt.pl.rosja Kultura, podroze, spoleczenstwo. alt.neo-nazi.kevin-cannon Kevin Cannon is a neo-nazi. alt.meat-plow.lonely-gay-druggy Meat plow is a lonely gay druggy. alt.fuckhead.peter-j-ross Peter J Ross, big-time fuckhead. alt.buzzard.rules.the-cock Buzzard is very very very very gay. alt.auk-spank dedicated to spanking "kookologists" alt.pl.comp.lang.u Nowy, rewolucyjny i w ogole jezyk U alt.binaries.nospam.prao Stuff exchange group for PRaO uk.games.video.handheld UK focused discussion of handheld video gaming alt.binaries.pl.realvideo Filmy w formacie RealVideo (RM/RMVB). alt.pl.anime.gravitation Gravitation de.soc.schule Fuer das Leben lernen wir. alt.flame.music.rap Music and lively discussion. alt.test.this Another fine Mullinsfroup alt.criminal-organization.aarp aarp never met an entitlement it didn't like alt.headkase.take-your-meds Are you sticking to your medication regime? dk.teknik.energi Diskussion af tekniske aspekter ved energiproduktion. alt.fan.art-bell.tin-foil-hat tin foil hats and art bell fans alt.friends Chat group for friendly discussion. alt.fan.barbaras-cat For a popular Usenet poster. alt.binaries.psychobilly As requested in alt.config. alt.squat As requested in alt.config alt.dbs.directv As requested in alt.config nl.folklore Van volksoverlevering tot streekgebruiken. de.etc.handel.auktionshaeuser Drei, zwei, eins - meins? de.etc.handel.misc Was kostet die Welt? de.etc.handel.versandhaeuser Wie aus dem Katalog. alt.urine As requested alt.urine.trouble You're in trouble! alt.pl.wiara Wiara. alt.pl.test.er Test. alt.pl.grupa-wsparcia.slaba-wola Grupa wsparcia dla osob misc.writing.screenplays.moderated Craft/business of screenwriting. (Moderated) alt.binaries.bloaf Discussions about German Movies. alt.binaries.dvd.german Discussions about German Movies. alt.binaries.area2000.soft.german Discussions about German Movies. alt.binaries.german.movies Discussions about German Movies. alt.binaries.witchblade Discussions about German Movies. alt.binaries.tv.deutsch Discussions about German Movies. no.it.programmering.dotnet Diskusjoner og spørsmål rundt .NET-programmering. alt.binaries.ftn Another fine mullinsfroup alt.tv.veronica-mars Talk about the TV show "Veronica Mars" alt.russian.z1 Russians abroad talk free.it.annunci.aste.ebay a one line description. Do not run over. finet.binaries.multimedia multimediabinaarien alue alt.binaries.mom As requested in alt.config alt.binaries.beos As requested in alt.config alt.fan.spamster Spamster is cool alt.fitness.bowflex As requested in alt.config alt.fitness.bowflex-users As requested in alt.config alt.fitness.bowflexusers As requested in alt.config alt.troll.dangerous.pjr Peter J Ross wants one hundred. alt.binaries.multimedia.amazon-women Video Movies of Amazon Women. alt.binaries.multimedia.fitness Video Movies of Fitness Women. alt.binaries.multimedia.suntan Video Movies of Suntan Women. alt.binaries.uzenet Discussions about German Movies. alt.binaries.mp3.audiobooks.highspeed Discussions about Audiobooks. alt.binaries.sound.mp3 Discussions about MP3s. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.audiobooks Discussions about Audiobooks. alt.binaries.sounds.audiobooks.repost Discussions about Audiobooks. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.repost Discussions about MP3s. alt.binaries.knickerthieving For lovers of ladies knickers. alt.comp.pricelessware As requested free.uk.bnp political debate alt.fr.outil.mesnews Le lecteur de news MesNews. alt.sports.baseball.wash-nationals All about Washington DC pro baseball alt.fan.veggietales Discussion of the Christian video series alt.online-service.comcast Comcast/attbi cable internet(HSI)/ISP users group. alt.binaries.amazon-women.erotica Erotic Media of Wild Women alt.binaries.fishing.videos Fishing Videos & Chat alt.pl.regionalne.gliwice.politechnika Silesian University of Techn. no.lokal.ringerike Diskusjon av tema, hendelser og folk i Ringeriksområdet. alt.binaries.mom.xxx German Adult Movies alt.binaries.movies.divx.french.vost Foreign movies subtitled in alt.auktards.spank-spank-spank A place for the k00kologists of alt.usenet.kooks to take their medicine. alt.whatthehack About the hacking event WTH (What The Hack) alt.binaries.movies.divx.french.vost.d Discussions about subtitled alt.binaries.nordic.dvdr DVD movies with scandinavian alt.test For testing news software, servers, etc. de.alt.rec.wissen Quizspiele und Trivia. alt.binaries.sounds.dts.discreet discreet 5.1 channel music binaries free.uk.lifestyle.gay Gay life in the UK alt.lt.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.et.vikipeedia Vikipeedia, vaba entsþklopeedia. alt.et En estonien. alt.et.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.et.test En estonien. de.alt.fan.ipod Musik fuer unterwegs nach Apfel-Art. alt.nah En nahuatl. alt.bel.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.el.test En grec. alt.nah.test En nahuatl. alt.sq.test En albanais. alt.wen.test En sorabe. alt.sq.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.sk.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.el.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.mk.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.hr En croate. alt.sh.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.sr En serbe. alt.el En grec. alt.bg.test En bulgare. alt.sl En slovène. alt.csb.test En cachoube. alt.mk.test 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libre... alt.da En danois. alt.hu.test En hongrois. alt.nl En flamand. alt.lb.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.mo En moldave. alt.cy.test En gallois. alt.mo.test En moldave. alt.da.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.cy.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.mo.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.gd En gaélique. alt.lb.test En luxembourgeois. alt.wa.test En wallon. alt.tr En turc. alt.nl.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.wa.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.lb En luxembourgeois. alt.da.test En danois. alt.ro En roumain. alt.wa En wallon. alt.nl.test En flamand. alt.sv.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.ro.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.cy En gallois. alt.ro.test En roumain. alt.tr.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.tr.test En turc. alt.sv.test En suédois. alt.sv En suédois. alt.hu.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.ga En irlandais. alt.is.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.fo.test En féroïen. alt.ga.test En irlandais. alt.gd.test En gaélique. alt.fo En féroïen. alt.ca.test En catalan. alt.gl.test En galicien. alt.gd.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.is.test En islandais. alt.br En breton. alt.is En islandais. alt.pt.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.br.test En breton. alt.pt En portugais. alt.ka.test En géorgien. alt.pt.test En portugais. alt.arc.test En araméen. alt.hsb En haut-sorabe. alt.mt.test En maltais. alt.eo En espéranto. alt.yo En yoruba. alt.mt En maltais. alt.arc En araméen. alt.ka.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.zu En zoulou. alt.dsb En bas-sorabe. alt.mt.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.sw En swahili. alt.ar En arabe. alt.qu.test En quechua. alt.eo.test En espéranto. alt.am.test En amharique. alt.ku.test En kurde. alt.xh.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.hy.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... 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alt.fa En persan. alt.dsb.test En bas-sorabe. alt.ia.test En Interlingua. alt.yi.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.xh En xhosa. alt.yi.test En yiddisch. alt.fa.test En persan. alt.ie En Interlingue. alt.wo.test En wolof. alt.ln.test En lingala. alt.ha.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre... alt.ha.test En haoussa. de.comm.internet.telefonie Voice over IP (VoIP). de.comp.lang.python Programmieren mit Python. alt.ms.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.ast.test En asturien. alt.ko.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.ast En asturien. alt.af En afrikaans. alt.ko En coréen. alt.tt.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.tl.test En tagalog. alt.io.test En ido. alt.af.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.tl.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.ks En kashmiri. alt.io.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.af.test En afrikaans. alt.nn En norvégien nynorsk. alt.su.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.ks.test En 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alt.an.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.jv En javanais. alt.kn.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.ur En ourdou. alt.nn.test En norvégien nynorsk. alt.tt En tatar. alt.mg En malgache. alt.mi.test En maori. alt.mr.test En marathe. alt.kn.test En kannada. alt.jv.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.nds.test En bas-allemand. alt.ur.test En ourdou. alt.lv En letton. alt.lt.test En lithuanien. alt.mr En marathe. alt.ur.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.scn.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.csb.wikipedijô Wikipedijô, wòlnô encyklopedijô... alt.lv.test En letton. alt.fy En frison. alt.bo.test En tibétain. alt.bn.test En bengali. alt.fr La galaxie. alt.te.test En télougou. alt.te En télougou. alt.kw.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.bo En tibétain. alt.bn En bengali. alt.lt En lithuanien. alt.kw.test En cornique. alt.mn En mongol. alt.hi.test En hindi. alt.mn.test En mongol. alt.ko.test En coréen. alt.mg.test En malgache. alt.vi.test En vietnamien. alt.vi.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.ast.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.hi.wikipedia Wikipedia, l'encyclopédie libre. alt.io En ido. alt.th En thaï. alt.su En soundanais. alt.idiot.jeff-small - Discussion related to Usenet kook & pathological alt.culture.alaska.sylvia-sullivan ALASKAN POLITICAL GENIUS alt.culture.alaska.chadwick-stone.is.god Chadwick Stone owns alt.culture.alaska alt.fan.cross-posting Discussion of the 'sport' of Usenet cross-posting alt.binaries.rar.pw-required CD based Password posts in rar format. alt.fr.lettres.langue.live Entretien de la langue live. free.kaatjeskeuken.nl Alles over Kaatjes Keuken (Moderated) alt.kaatjeskeuken.nl Alles over Kaatjes Keuken (Moderated) alt.evolution Évolution de la Galaxie... alt.nl.kaatjeskeuken Alles over Kaatjes Keuken (Moderated) alt.rc.savage.nl Alles over de SAVAGE hobby (Moderated) alt.mountain-bike.single-speed Cause I like to do speed and ride my bike alt.bedoper Sister newsgroup for Jason Christie's BeDoper.com site free.rc.savage.nl Alles over de SAVAGE hobby free.kaatjes-keuken.nl Alles over SNACKS alt.culture.alaska Discussion of PSYLVIA and the SHIFT KEY in Alaska alt.binaries.e-book.textbooks Textbook scans. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2020s mp3 binaries from the 2020 decade alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2030s mp3 binaries from the 2030 decade alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2038 mp3 binaries from the year 2038 alt.binaries.warez.series60 Binary posting of series 60 software for alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.2010s mp3 binaries from the 2020 decade alt.binaries.dvdrcore for dvdcore binaries alt.bloated.farting.give-me-gas Christina farts alot alt.bloated.farting.beans Christina farts alot alt.bloated.farting.beans.give-me-gas Christina farts alot alt.bloated Christina farts alot alt.bloated.farting Christina farts alot alt.bloated.farting.beans.give-me-gas.dont-light-a for Pisstina alt.bloated.farting.beans.give-me-gas.dont-light-a.match for Pisstina alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.soltek As requested in alt.config alt.tv.deadwood As requested in alt.config alt.binaries.multimedia.slack As requested in alt.config alt.tv.the-contender As requested in alt.config alt.binaries.reportages As requested in alt.config alt.binaries.reportages.documentaires As requested in alt.config alt.binaries.reportages.documentaires.french As requested alt.radio.george-noory Coast To Coast AM radio host George Noory uk.comp.os.ms-windows Use of Microsoft Windows in the UK. dk.teknik.telefoni.ip Diskussion om IP-telefoni. sfnet.keskustelu.tyoelama Keskustelua työelämästä alt.binaries.multimedia.24 24 the TV series. alt.music.streaming.booozzz-fm get pissed and tune in alt.fan.sweetness She is very sweet. pl.rec.zwierzaki.koty KOTY. KOTY SA MILE. pl.rec.gry.go Go, weiqi, baduk, czyli sztuka otaczania. alt.religion.dake-bonoism discussion of rev. finis dake and bono. alt.autos.toyota.sequoia For discussions about the Toyota Sequoia alt.autos.toyota.cressida For discussions about the Toyota Cressida alt.homosexual.vito-kuhn Homosexual religious activist Vito Kuhn alt.woodworking.vito-kuhn World-famous woodworker and carpenter, Vito Kuhn alt.binaries.pictures.veronika-zemanova pictures of model-actress Veronika Zemanova alt.test.this.for-me Another fine Mullinsfroup alt.usenet.god.terry-moore PikerUK is a usenet god! alt.culture.alaska.gerald-newton Tribute to Gerald Newton, Alaskan net.KKKop alt.kook.linda-gore Usenet psycho bitch Linda Gore alt.chuck.lysaght.death-tour Chuck Lysaght's international Death Tour alt.chucknozzle Usenet asshole Chuck Lysaght no.it.tjenester.www.css Diskusjon, spørsmål og svar om utvikling med CSS. alt.kook.kimberly-barnard Discussion of well-known kook Kimberly Barnard alt.usenet.news-server-comparison Comparison of Usenet providers. alt.binaries.gozer Yet another male erotica newsgroup alt.binaries.dvd.image DVD movies alt.pl.fan.jceel jceel i przyjaciele. alt.fr.sciences.naturelles Les sciences de la vie. pl.sci.matematyka Zagadnienia krolowej nauk. (Moderated) alt.pl.comp.os.linux.mandriva Polska grupa dyskusyjna o systemie Mandriva Linux. alt.binaries.dvdr.nzb nzb (and nfo) binary files for alt.binaries.dvdr alt.music.prayforthesoulofbetty NYC homegrown rock n roll. pl.comp.sys.palmtop Komputery kieszonkowe. pl.comp.sys.palmtop.palmos Komputery kieszonkowe - PalmOS. alt.fan.michael-jackson.nose Wacko-Jacko's nose, when will it fall off? pl.rec.muzyka.klasyczna Kameralnie i symfonicznie. de.soc.medien.rundfunkfinanzierung Schon GEZahlt? de.soc.medien.misc Medien, Publizistik, Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit. alt.fr.fsi.berlin Le fournisseur de services Internet « news.individual.net ». alt.fr.fsi.wplus Le fournisseur de services Internet « news.wplus.spb.ru ». alt.fr.fsi.aioe Le fournisseur de services Internet « news.aioe.org ». alt.fr.fan.jeuf Le neuneu de service jeuf. alt.fr.fai Les fournisseurs d'accès Internet. alt.fr.fsi Les fournisseurs de services Internet. alt.fr.comparatif.fai Comparatif des fournisseurs d'accès Internet. alt.fr.comparatif.fsi Comparatif des fournisseurs de services Internet. de.comm.funk.amateur Technik und Betriebstechnik des Amateurfunks. de.comm.funk.vereine Funkvereine und ihre Aktivitaeten. alt.private.twinsuns.general TwinSuns personnel finet.harrastus.elektroniikka Elektroniikkaharrastajien keskustelupalsta . Kuvien lahetys sallittu pl.news.nowe-grupy Zakladanie nowych grup w hierarchii pl.*. (Moderated) finet.binaries.elektroniikka Elektroniikan harrastajille ja ammattilaisille uk.rec.gps Global Positioning Systems and radio navigation systems alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.emo As requested alt.binaries.multimedia.family-guy for fans of Family Guy alt.flame.rspw - flames and other off-topic discussion related to uk.local.dorset Discussion about Dorset uk.telecom.voip Voice over IP technology and related matters alt.games.ea.battlefield Combat action PC videogame series by EA Games. alt.binaries.multimedia.korean Korean TV, Videos alt.internet.p2p.sharelive ShareLive P2P community on Usenet. nl.support.werkloosheid Onderlinge steun bij werkloosheid. alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.indie Lossless encoded indie rock music. free.fr.bisous-calins Un peu de ton amour. pl.comp.lang.tcl Jezyk Tcl/Tk i zwiazane z nim aplikacje. finet.harrastus.blogit Weblogeihin liittyvaa keskustelua alt.binaries.nzb NZB files for various binary groups alt.pl.rec.ksiazki.kawiarnia Dyskusje uczestnikow pl.rec.ksiazki alt.binaries.multimedia.anime.highspeed Anime series reposts. alt.binaries.sounds.ogg.indie Ogg Vorbis encoded indie rock music. alt.politics.panarchy For discussion of panarchy alt.binaries.bad-attitude Got attitude? then post here. alt.binaries.console.psp Binaries for Sony PSP. alt.binaries.assbite Got ass? want it bitten? post here! alt.binaries.tvseries Group for posting any new tv releases in either xvid or divx format. alt.binaries.cd.images.games Place to post the latest pirated pc software uk.politics.id-cards A national ID register and ID cards in the UK. alt.binaries.multimedia.vintage-film Classic film prior to 1960. alt.comp.freeware.corliss.controlled.taliban.hell John is a punk alt.pl.tp-internetdsl Dostep do Internetu DSL TP. alt.binaries.pbs Group for posting files and discussing classic forgotten alt.binaries.tvontario Group for posting files and discussing classic finet.sex vapaata keskustelua ryhmanimen kuvaamasta aiheesta tw.bbs.campus.isu ¸q¦u¤j¾Ç®Õ¶é°Q½×°Ï sfnet.tori.rakennustarvikkeet Rakennustarvikkeiden kauppapaikka sfnet.urheilu.pesapallo Suomalainen versio teemasta alt.binaries.sounds.radio.coasttocoast.am Coast to Coast AM file trading. alt.binaries.nintendo.ds Nintendo DS roms files alt.fr.bal.amphigourix C'est icitte qu'on écrit à mon bel AmphigouriX... alt.fr.lamite « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [LaMite ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 05 Dec 2004 10:51:02 MET] alt.fr.sylvie.jean « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Sylvie Jean ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 26 Aug 2004 22:11:27 MEST] alt.fr.didier.cuidet « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Didier Cuidet ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 06 Sep 2004 12:18:13 MEST] alt.binaries.nl.culinair Aanvulling op de nl.culinair nieuwsgroep. alt.binaries.nl.huisdier Aanvulling op de nl.huisdier.* alt.binaries.nl.eeuwig Aanvulling op de nl.eeuwig.* nieuwsgroepen. alt.fr.passions.tintinophilie Tout sur Tintin... alt.fr.éric.marillier « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Éric Marillier ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Feb 2005 18:53:25 MET] alt.fr.denis.liégeois « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Denis Légeois ; Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 19:35:28 +0200] alt.fr.ali « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Ali ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 01 May 2005 11:47:30 MEST] alt.fr.eric.marillier « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Éric Marillier ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Feb 2005 18:53:25 MET] alt.fr.goret.neuneu « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Goret Neuneu ; Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 21:22:39 +0200] alt.fr.professeur.rogue « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Professeur Rogue ; Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 19:35:28 +0200] alt.fr.zetla.plane « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Zetla Plane ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 13 Jan 2005 19:07:02 MET] alt.fr.gilles.robert « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Gilles Robert ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 25 May 2005 08:43:22 MEST] alt.fr.manitou « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Manitou ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 12 Feb 2005 18:53:25 MET] alt.fr.cirus.minor « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Cirus Minor ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 05 May 2005 20:56:38 MEST] alt.fr.jean.b « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [jean b. ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 04 Jun 2005 19:33:40 MEST] alt.fr.jean.bourgeois « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Jean Bourgeois ; NNTP-Posting-Date: 04 Jun 2005 19:33:40 MEST] alt.fr.passions.tintinophile Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.fr.fsi.google Le fournisseur de services Internet « Google ». alt.fr.fsi.sunsite Le fournisseur de services Internet « SunSITE ». alt.fr.stephane.de.becker « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Stéphane De Becker ; NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 alt.fr.denis.liegeois « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Denis Liégeois ; Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 19:35:28 +0200] alt.fr.michel.guillou Le grâcieux Überkapo versaillais. alt.fr.stéphane.de.becker « Voilà, ils pourront s'ébattre » © [Stéphane De Becker ; NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 alt.fr.lettres.langue.bulgare Entretien de la langue bulgare. alt.fr.lettres.langue.russe Entretien de la langue russe. alt.fr.lettres.langue.serbocroate Entretien de la langue serbocroate. alt.fr.lettres.langue.slovaque Entretien de la langue slovaque. alt.fr.lettres.langue.slave-commun Entretien de la langue slave-commun. alt.fr.lettres.langue.ukrainienne Entretien de la langue ukrainienne. alt.fr.lettres.langue.souahelie Entretien de la langue souahelie (kiSwahili). alt.fr.lettres.langue.vieux-slave Entretien de la langue vieux-slave. alt.fr.lettres.langues.indo-europeennes Entretien des langues indo-europeennes. alt.fr.lettres.langues.prakrites Entretien des langues prâkrites. alt.fr.calendrier.chaldeen Le calendrier chaldéen. alt.fr.affront.national.canicules Les canicules de 1976, 1983, 2003... alt.fr.affront.national.lois.gayssot Les scélérates lois liberticides Gayssot I et II. alt.fr.bal Ouvrez la BAL ! alt.fr.collections.kinder Les oeufs. alt.fr.autos.triumph Tout sur la marque « Triumph », lingerie comprise... alt.fr.collections.poupee.barbie Miss 95C... alt.fr.fan.fff Je suis fan ! alt.fr.bal.bin.l.arverne Bin l'Arverne, l'enfant de la BAL. alt.fr.l.activite.de.ses.groupes L'activité de la Galaxie. alt.fr.collections.les.maitres.de.l.univers Musclor & Co. alt.fr.irruunt.in.servitudinem Ils se précipitent dans l'esclavage. alt.fr.bal.monique C'est la BAL à Monique ! alt.fr.radio.radio-courtoisie 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Pierce alt.kookologist.barbaras-cat Discussion of the stAUKer Barbara's Cat alt.kookologist Discussion of all stAUKers alt.kookologist.trippy Discussion of the stAUKer "trippy" alt.magick.binaries Files relating to the occult alt.binaries.magick Files relating to the occult alt.religion.christian.oneness Moderated Satanism chat (Moderated) alt.binaries.multimedia.boxing Moderated poker discussion (Moderated) alt.fr.luttons.contre.le Groupe de discussion à détruire. (Moderated) alt.binaries.erotic.pictures.nylon.foot Test group (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.nylons.toe-cleavage Test group (Moderated) alt.binaries.erotica.pictures.nylon.foot Test group (Moderated) alt.binaries.pictures.nylon.foot Test group (Moderated) alt.binaries.fan-edits Chinese-language test group (Moderated) alt.thelema Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. alt.thelema.aa Argenteum Astrum magick theory and its modes. alt.binaries.thelema Thelemic-related multimedia, books & pictures. alt.thelema.oto Masonic and Tantric rectification or apolgetics. alt.thelema.gd Outer and Second Order rites. alt.prophecy.rfid RFID Technology and its Prophetic implications alt.usenet.kooks Home of Peter J Ross & Sean Monaghan alt.fan.savannah Aramaic-language test group (Moderated) alt.graphics.photoshop.elements Sumo-wrestler genitalia (Moderated) alt.binaries.japan.iroppoi Erotic Asian idols alt.usenet.goddess.christina Home of Dufus DVUS alt.kookologist.rasta-khan Discussion of the whiner Rasta Khan alt.aratzio Usenet asshole Aratzio alt.religion.rasta-khan Discussion of the whiner Rasta Khan alt.magick.moderated Finnish-language only test posts (Moderated) alt.rosicrucian.moderated Rosicrucian consortium. alt.fuckhead.steve-leyland Discuss alt.config fuckhead Steve Leyland alt.fuckhead.dvus Discuss alt.config Dufus dvus finet.fan.pasi.viheraho finet fan pasi viheraho alt.music.sultans-of-ping Sultans of ping (Moderated) alt.troll.cameron-vale Usenet's most excellent troll Cameron Vale alt.legend.cameron-vale Usenet's legendary troll Cameron Vale alt.fan.cameron-vale Usenet's superstar troll Cameron Vale alt.fan.art-bell.cameron-vale AFA-B star troll Cameron Vale alt.fuckhead.rasta-khan Usenet's biggest fuckhead Rasta Khan alt.fuckhead.cameron-vale Usenet's biggest fuckhead Rasta Khan alt.fuckhead.fred-hall Discussion of fuckhead Fred Hall alt.fuckhead.gary-burnore Discussion of fuckhead Gary L Burnore alt.fuckhead.sean-monaghan Discussion of fuckhead Sean Monaghan alt.fuckhead.meat-plow Discussion of fuckhead Meat Plow alt.fred-hall.sucks.sucks.sucks Fred Hall sucks alt.fred-hall.sucks.sucks Fred Hall sucks alt.fred-hall.sucks Fred Hall sucks alt.fred-hall Fred Hall sucks alt.impeach.sean-monaghan FNVW suxs do a Dick Nixon on the boi alt.irish.sean-monaghan FNVW suxs do a RFK on the boi alt.eunuch.kadaitcha-man KM lost his Johnson in the outback alt.binaries.hdtv.concert Low Definition audio files (Moderated) alt.binaries.hdtv.concerts Low Definition audio files (Moderated) alt.steve-leyland Leyland is the "fig" in alt.config (a prune) alt.troll.steve-leyland He'll pull your leg and jerk your chain alt.ilya-shambat.library-activities.tissues-please Cujo DeSockpuppet alt.binaries.hdtv.to.dvd Porn video trading (Moderated) alt.dave-hillstrom lowercase daev alt.dave-hillstrom.flonk lowercase daev flonk alt.dave-hillstrom.flonk.flonk lowercase daev flonk flonk alt.dave-hillstrom.flonk.flonk.flonk lowercase daev flonk flonk flonk alt.philosophy.rosicrucianism.moderated Consortium. (Moderated) alt.insurgent Rasta Khan is TEH MASTAH! alt.insurgent.org Cannon SUXXORZ! alt.insurgent.org.kevin-a-cannon Kevin Cannon ain' no insurgent! alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls Discuss AAPC and RAP trolls alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.peter-j-ross PJR the troll alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.dennis-hammes Dennis the troll alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.j-r-sherman J R the troll alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.fred-hall Gary's pal Fred alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.barbaras-cat Baba the troll alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.gary-gamble GG the troll alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.michael-cook MC is NOT God alt.arts.poetry.comments.trolls.veronica-odonoghue The Veronica troll alt.flame.psychiatry.peter-hood Peter Hood the kiddie cafeteria king alt.fuckwit.fred-hall Dumb ass bitch Freddy Hall alt.fluffy MEOW! cat is pissed at the new crop! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed MEOW! cat is ready to squirt! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on MEOW! pussy made a pee pee! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.fred-hall Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.gary-burnore Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.steve-leyland Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.aratzio Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.kevin-a-cannon Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.peter-hood Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.sean-monaghan Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.peter-j-ross Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.michael-d-phoenix Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fluffy.cat-pissed.on.dave-hillstrom Pussy made a pee pee! MEOW! alt.fuckwit.fred-hall.croak.croak.croak Ribbit! ;) alt.nazi.peter-voigt Oi! alt.nazi.starshine-moonbeam Oi! alt.nazi.fred-hall Oi! alt.nazi.peter-hood Oi! alt.us.bonehead.bob-officer The lowest of the low, Bob Officer alt.us.bonehead.fred-hall The lowest of the low, Fred Hall alt.00.fred-hall-is-a-piece-of-shit Fred Hall is a piece of shit alt.zzzz.fred-hall-is-a-piece-of-shit Fred Hall is a piece of shit alt.free.newsservers.fred-hall Cheapies seek bunniez here alt.free.newsservers.kadaitcha-man Cheapies seek bunniez here alt.free.newsservers.aratzio Cheapies seek bunniez here alt.free.newsservers.far-canal Cheapies seek bunniez here alt.scum.tyrone-m-pierce Nuke France before he moves! alt.scum.sean-monaghan Nuke Ireland before he moves! alt.scum.lionelfake What happened to Lionel? alt.scum.kevin-a-cannon Nuke Joisy! alt.scum.fred-hall Fred Hall! Nuff Said! alt.scum.meat-plow ...needs Dummies Guide To Fatherhood 101 alt.0a.fred-hall-is-a-bowl-of-piss Fred Hall is a bowl of piss alt.binaries.movies.greek Greek anal-sex discussion group (Moderated) alt.databasix DataBasix - the Usenet provider for stAUKers alt.databasix.fred-hall DataBasix - the Usenet provider for stAUKers alt.databasix.fred-hall.is Gary's boy is_______! (fill in) alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a Gary's boy is a_______! (fill in) alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total Gary's boy is a total_______! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.asshole Freddy is a total asshole! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.bone-head Freddy is a total bone-head! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.cuntflap Freddy is a total cuntflap! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.dipshit Freddy is a total dipshit! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.elephant-turd Fred is an elephant-turd! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.fuckwit Fred Hall is a total fuckwit! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.germ Fred Hall is a total germ! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.hobo Fred Hall is a total hobo! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.idiot Fred Hall is a total idiot! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.jerk-off Fred Hall is a total jerk-off! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.kiss-ass Fred Hall is a total kiss-ass! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.loser Fred Hall is a total loser! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.meat-head Fred Hall is a meat-head! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.nuisance Fred Hall is a total nusiance! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.outer Fred Hall is a total outer! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.prick Fred Hall is a total prick! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.quack Fred Hall is a total quack! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.retard Fred Hall is a total retard! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.shit-4-brains Fred has shit-4-brains! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.twat Fred is a total twat! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.ultra-moron Fred is an ultra-moron! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.vagina Fred Hall is a vagina! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.whackjob Fred Hall is a fucking whackjob! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.x-marks-the-twat Fred Hall sucks twat! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.yack-off Fred Hall yacks off! alt.databasix.fred-hall.is.a.total.zebra-scrotum Fred Hall bites the big 1! alt.answers.questions Answers to life's most important questions alt.answers.auk Answers to questions about alt.usenet.kooks alt.answers.auk.fred-hall Answers to questions about Fred Hall alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.gary-burnore Answers about Fred Hall's friend Gary alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.kevin-a-cannon Answers about Fred Hall's friend Kevin alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.cujo Answers about Fred Hall's friend Cujo alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.aratzio Answers about Fred Hall's friend Aratzio alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.art-deco Answers about Fred Hall's friend Deco alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.kadaitcha-man Fred Hall's friend Kabitchy alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.sean-monaghan Fred Hall's vote wrangler friend alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.peter-j-ross Fred Hall's retired FNVW friend alt.answers.auk.fred-hall.meat-plow Fred Hall's friend Meaty alt.fred-hall.stories Stories about Fred Hall alt.fred-hall.stories.dirty Dirty stories about Fred Hall alt.fred-hall.stories.fiction Fictional stories about Fred Hall alt.fred-hall.stories.non-fiction TRVTH!!!1! stories about Fred Hall alt.fred-hall.stories.children Fred Hall stories for children under 13 alt.fred-hall.stories.teen Fred Hall stories for teenagers alt.fred-hall.stories.collegiate Fred Hall stories for college students alt.fred-hall.stories.seniors Fred Hall stories for senior citizens alt.troll.fred-hall Fred Hall the Usenet troll from AUK alt.troll.kadaitcha-man Kadaitcha Man the troll from 24hoursupport.helpdesk alt.troll.kadaitcha-man.fred-tehbot Kabitchy's bot Fred (not Fred Hall) alt.troll.sean-monaghan Sean Monaghan the Irish troll and FNVW alt.troll.woodchuck-bill Woodchuck Bill the nasty news.groups troll alt.troll.aratzio Aratzio the fuckheaded fuckwitted fuckfaced troll alt.dink.alex-cain The lowest piece of filth on God's green Earth alt.drumcorps.pinku-sensei The second rate drum-schtick of Pinky Panties alt.astronomy.art-deco Art Deco the resident kook-hunter in alt.astronomy alt.astronomy.nightbat The *real* overseer of alt.astronomy alt.paranormal.cujo Cujo the resident kook-hunter of alt.paranormal alt.astrology.cujo Cujo the resident kook-hunter of alt.astrology alt.astrology.metapsych.cujo Cujo kook-hunter of alt.astrology.metapsych alt.fucknozzles.cujo Cujo the resident kook-hunter of alt.fucknozzles alt.fuckstain.fred-hall He shoulda been a stain on the rug insteada a fetus alt.vengeance.steve-leyland Steve Leyland has none left, the has-been!!! alt.sockpuppeteer Discussion of cowardly holey trolls alt.sockpuppeteer.archie-leach Archie Leach the holey sockpuppet artist alt.sockpuppeteer.peter-hood Peter Hood the holey sockpuppet artist alt.sockpuppeteer.aratzio Aratzio the holey sockpuppet artist alt.sockpuppeteer.fred-hall Fred Hall the holey sockpuppet artist alt.sockpuppeteer.kadaitcha-man Kadaitcha Man the holey sockpuppet artist alt.kadaitcha-man Kadaitcha Man the Kiwi pretending to be an Australian alt.kadaitcha-man.fred-hall Kabitchy's buddy Fred Hall alt.kadaitcha-man.fred-hall.gary-burnore Kabitchy's buddy Fred's friend Gary alt.kadaitcha-man.sean-monaghan Kabitchy and Sean, sittin in a tree, F______G alt.kadaitcha-man.sean-monaghan.pardon Sean gave Kabitchy a pardon in AUK alt.asshat.sean-monaghan Sean Monaghan is an asshat alt.asshat.sean-monaghan.fnvw Sean Monaghan the FNVW is an asshat alt.asshat.sean-monaghan.fnvw.recall Impeach Sean the FNVW alt.asshat.sean-monaghan.fnvw.impeach IMPEACH Sean the FNVW! alt.fred-hall.wank Fred Hall likes to wank alt.fred-hall.wank.wank Fred Hall likes to wank alt.fred-hall.wank.wank.wank Fred Hall likes to WANK WANK WANK! alt.fred-hall.databasix Fred Hall hangs out with Gary Burnore alt.0a.fred-hall Fred Hall the troll from alt.usenet.kooks alt.0a.fred-hall.animals AUK Fred Hall's favorite animals alt.0a.fred-hall.beer AUK Fred Hall's favorite beers alt.0a.fred-hall.cats AUK Fred Hall's favorite pussies alt.0a.fred-hall.dogs AUK Fred Hall's homies (where my dogs at?) alt.0a.fred-hall.e-cards AUK Fred Hall's mug on a digital postcard! alt.0a.fred-hall.froth AUK Fred Hall's is know to froth at the mouth! alt.0a.fred-hall.god AUK Fred Hall's views on God alt.0a.fred-hall.horses AUK Fred Hall likes to play the ponies alt.0a.fred-hall.igloo AUK Fred Hall spent 2 years of his life in an igloo alt.0a.fred-hall.jackass AUK Fred Hall is a jackass alt.0a.fred-hall.kingpin AUK Fred Hall is a kingpin alt.0a.fred-hall.liar AUK Fred Hall is lying sack of sheep turd alt.0a.fred-hall.mozzerella-stick AUK Fred Hall is a mozzerella stick alt.0a.fred-hall.nancy-boy AUK Fred Hall is a nancy-boy alt.0a.fred-hall.opera The opera according to AUK Fred Hall alt.0a.fred-hall.purple-nurple AUK Fred Hall is a nipple-twisting fool! alt.0a.fred-hall.quiff AUK Fred Hall loves them pussy farts! alt.0a.fred-hall.rolex AUK Fred Hall can not afford one! alt.0a.fred-hall.sour-puss AUK Fred Hall's usual disposition! alt.0a.fred-hall.tits AUK Fred Hall's favorite bra size! alt.0a.fred-hall.uma-thurman AUK Fred Hall can't fuck her! alt.0a.fred-hall.venus-flytrap AUK Fred Hall likes flies (zippers) in mouth! alt.0a.fred-hall.washed-up AUK Fred Hall is gettin' old as Bob Hope! alt.0a.fred-hall.xbox AUK Fred Hall favorite Xbox games reviewed! alt.0a.fred-hall.yes YES! AUK Fred Hall is leaving Usenet! alt.0a.fred-hall.zz-top YES! AUK Fred Hall loves fat bearded guys! alt.netcop.fred-hall Fred Hall the stAUKer netKKKop alt.netkkkop.fred-hall Fred Hall the stAUKer netKKKop alt.net-kkkop.fred-hall Fred Hall the stAUKer netKKKop alt.net-cop.fred-hall Fred Hall the stAUKer netKKKop alt.binaries.ijsklontje For posting erotic binaries. de.alt.soc.blogs Weblogs und Blogkultur. alt.binaries.multimedia.cartoons.vintage Multimedia files of vintage cartoons. alt.tv.greys-anatomy Dramedy on ABC centered around surgical interns. alt.rasta-khan Rasta Khan alt.fluff-girl.pinku-sensei Pinku-Sensei is Sean Monaghan's fluff girl alt.jerk-off.fred-hall Fred Hall is Usenet's greatest jerk-off alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.butthole Fred Hall is a butthole alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.asshole Fred Hall is an asshole alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.cracksmoker Fred Hall is a cracksmoker alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.dick-licker Fred Hall is a dick licker alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.elite-cabal-drone Fred Hall is a cabal drone alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.fuckface Fred Hall is a fuckface alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.guppy-fucker Fred Hall is a guppy fucker alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.hung-like-a-flea Fred Hall has a small dick alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.is-a-bitch Fred Hall is a bitch alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.jerker-offer Fred Hall is a jerker offer alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.mere-mortal Fred Hall is a mere mortal alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.lice-magnet Fred Hall is a lice magnet alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.nipple-cheese Fred Hall is nipple cheese alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.kookologist Fred Hall is a kookologist bum alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.official-asshole Fred Hall is an official asshole alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.rapist Fred Hall is a rapist alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.pussyboi Fred Hall is a pussy boy alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.quickie-fucker Fred Hall is a quickie fucker alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.underwear-collector Fred collects dirty man undies alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.tuna-sniffer Fred Hall is a tuna sniffer alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.vasectomy-recipient Fred Hall had a vasectomy alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.scumbag-twat Fred Hall is a scumbag twat alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.xtc-addict Fred Hall is addicted to XTC alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.worm-blowjobber Fred Hall blows worms alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.young-boy-fondler Fred Hall is a young boy fondler alt.jerk-off.fred-hall.zebra-fucker Fred Hall fucks zebras alt.vagina-fearer.aratzio Aratzio is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.art-deco Art Deco is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.bob-officer Bob Officer is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.archie-leach Archie Leach is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.chadwick-stone Chadwick Stone is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.cujo-desockpuppet Cujo is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.bookman Bookman is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.dave-hillstrom Dave Hillstrom is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.gary-burnore Gary Burnore is afraid of adult vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.peter-j-ross PJR is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.kevin-cannon Kevin Cannon is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.sean-monaghan Sean the FNVW is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.meat-plow Meat Plow is afraid of human vaginas alt.vagina-fearer.fred-hall Fred Hall is afraid of human vaginas alt.culture.irish.sean-monaghan Sean the Irish FNVW has no culture alt.texas-shorthorn.fred-hall Fred Hall has a rice dick alt.chadwick-stone Chadwick Stone the Usenet troll alt.binaries.sounds.hindi Sexual favors from christinA (Moderated) alt.psychology.personality.pinku-sensei The pink pantied pseudo-shrink alt.uncle-fucker.sean-monaghan Shut yo fuckin face, Uncle-Fucker Sean! alt.uncle-fucker.bob-officer Shut yo fuckin face, Uncle-Fucker Bob! alt.uncle-fucker.cujo Shut yo fuckin face, Uncle-Fucker Cujo! alt.uncle-fucker.art-deco Shut yo fuckin face, Uncle-Fucker Art! alt.uncle-fucker.archie-leach Shut yo fuckin face, Uncle-Fucker Archie! alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.jazz.vocals Moaning sex sounds (Moderated) alt.fucknozzles Cujo DeSockpuppet is a fucknozzle alt.backpeddler.art-deco Art Deco is a backpeddling two face alt.lesbian.cujo-desockpuppet Cujo has the same size dick as a lesbian alt.drama-queen.fred-hall Fred Hall listens to show tunes in drag alt.asshole.sean-monaghan Sean Monaghan is an asshole alt.asshole.fred-hall Fred Hall is an asshole alt.asshole.cujo-desockpuppet Cujo DeSockpuppet is an asshole alt.asshole.michael-d-phoenix Michael D. Phoenix is an asshole alt.asshole.kevin-a-cannon Kevin A. Cannon is an asshole alt.asshole.imperial-leader Imperial Leader is an asshole alt.asshole.art-deco Art Deco is an asshole alt.asshole.chadwick-stone Chadwick Stone is an asshole alt.asshole.smallfoot smallfoot is an asshole alt.dickweed.fred-hall Fred Hall is a dickweed alt.cellular.t-mobile Discussion about T-Mobile and related topics alt.lamer.fred-hall Fred Hall is a lamer alt.config Rasta Khan is the Supreme OverLord of alt.config! (Moderated) alt.fred-hall.likes-em-young-like-gary-does Paedoz!!!! alt.stupid-motherucker.fred-hall Fred Hall is a stupid motherfucker alt.stupid-motherfucker.fred-hall Fred Hall is a stupid motherfucker alt.stupid-motherfucker.art-deco Art Deco is a stupid motherfucker alt.stupid-motherfucker.sean-monaghan Sean is a stupid motherfucker alt.cad.terramodel Lesbian sex chat (Moderated) alt.fred-hall.got-no-bling-bling Fred Hall is a broke assed Texan alt.fred-hall.does-the-wango-tango-on-cisco Broke Texas shorthorn bum alt.fred-hall.cannot-get-it-up Freddie is the Mr. Softee of Usenet alt.de.rec.teich Anlage, Pflege, Beobachtung von Teichen aller Art. alt.fred-hall.should-foad Fred Hall should FOAD alt.sean-monaghan.should-foad Sean Monaghan should FOAD alt.cujo-desockpuppet.should-foad Cujo should FOAD alt.dennis-hammes.should-foad Dennis Hammes should FOAD alt.art-deco.should-foad Art Deco should FOAD alt.boring-usenet-poster.art-deco Art Deco who? alt.shitlicker.art-deco Art Deco with the brown nose alt.white-san-francisco-moustache.art-deco Art Deco the nancy boi alt.tard.art-deco Art Deco the tard alt.tard.sean-monaghan Sean Monaghan the tard alt.tard.cujo-desockpuppet Cujo the tard alt.tard.fred-hall Freddy boi the tard alt.tard.dennis-hammes Denny the tard alt.tard.bob-officer Bob the net-abusing tard alt.tard.dave-hillstrom DAEV the tard alt.uk.cardiff Cardiff South Wales alt.binaries.multimedia.sports.boxing Boxing fights from all eras. alt.fr.rec.audio.pro Techniques de sonorisation et d'enregistrement alt.fr.jeux.en.ligne.sudoku Discussions autour du jeu de sudoku. alt.swnet.kook.bjorn.westling Diskussioner om eller med Björn Westling finet.binaries.fan.mina finet binaries fan mina alt.binaries.sounds.cellphone.ringtones Multimedia files of cellphone ringtones. alt.binaries.seduction Self Improvement in the Pursuit of Companionship. finet.radiohear finet radiohear finet.allola.allo finet allola allo finet.allola.binaries.allo finet allola binaries allo finet.allola.keskustelu.alkoholi finet allola keskustelu alkoholi finet.allola.ryhmat finet allola ryhmat finet.allola.keskustelu.junkmail finet allola keskustelu junkmail finet.allola.binaries.kuvat finet allola binaries kuvat finet.allola.testi finet allola testi finet.allola.keskustelu.harrastukset finet allola keskustelu harrastukset finet.allon.kiusaajat finet allon kiusaajat alt.i-am-stoned As requested finet.fanskapet.allo finet fanskapet allo finet.allos.vennos finet allos vennos alt.games.video.sony-playstation3 Sony Playstation3 gaming console. finet.asiointia.syke.alkossa finet asiointia syke alkossa finet.allolan.allon.jauhanta finet allolan allon jauhanta alt.teamspeak Teamspeak soc.religion.asatru Following the Gods and Goddesses of Northern Europe. (Moderated) finet.binaries.bob finet binaries bob soc.culture.galiza Galicia, on the Iberian Peninsula. finet.binaries.keskustelu.pillu finet binaries keskustelu pillu alt.satellite.gps.garmin Discussion of Garmin's range of GPS receivers comp.soft-sys.octave GNU Octave, language for numerical computations. finet.keskustelu Keskustelua aiheesta ja sen vierestä. alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.german.radio Binary postings of radio broadcastings in german language. pl.comp.lang.ruby Programowanie w jezyku Ruby. alt.fan.lewis-black Newsgroup for fans of comedian Lewis Black. alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.latin For latin music lossless audio alt.fr.fan.neuneu.fff Discussion pour les fans du neuneu fff finet.paskanjaahanta skyt oychow yyowcptj mxsfjpsy uphbyzi finet.binaries.fan.pauli.kesti equujt rhzdseig bxmcs qpnu alt.binaries.efnet.freethoughts Newsgroup for#freethoughts on efnet. alt.fan.foetsie.die.die.die Ehh, "fans" van foetsie. finet.paskanjauhanta Jaskan pauhaamista alt.binaries.music.divx Music videos and performance footage in DivX format alt.test.my.new.group.no.really Just testing I hope I'm not breaking any alt.flame.raccoons Debate about raccoons. alt.hobbies.raccoon-feeding Feed the raccoons alt.politics.raccoons Raccoons & politics alt.fan.capslock CAPSLOCK CONVERSATION (WE ARE NOT SHOUTING) soc.support.vision-impaired Living with visual impairment or blindness. alt.binaries.sounds.classical A binary group for classical free.uk.tv.xfactor UK TV show The X Factor alt.pl.bittorrent.galeon.rulez The GOD of BiTTORRENT. alt.pl.regionalne.torun Grupa dyskusyjna miasta Torun. alt.pl.p2p dyskusja o sieciach p2p alt.binaries.backup To Post encrypted Backups, and use Usenet as Backup space alt.binaries.backup.space To Post encrypted Backups, and use Usenet as Backup space soc.men.moderated Men's interests, roles, rights, relationships, etc. (Moderated) alt.binaries.classic.tv.shows Multimedia files of classic TV shows. alt.binaries.asianusenet Asian fan material alt.asshole.alan-connor A correctional facility dedicated to Alan Connor alt.binaries.comics.dcp group description Digital comics preservation. alt.earthquake.predictions Post and discuss earthquake predictions. nl.internet.usenet Nieuwsgroep over heden, verleden en toekomst van usenet. alt.med.herbal.moderated Herb based alternative medicine (Moderated) de.comp.lang.assembler Programmierung in Assembler. finet.sodat.rane.osku finet sodat rane osku alt.binaries.hdtv.x264 binaries newsgroup for x264 encoded hdtv alt.binaries.models Pictures of teenage female models. alt.pl.regionalne.zawiercie Grupa dyskusyjna miasta Zawiercie alt.fr.jeux.cryptarithmes Jeu d'opérations arithmétiques sur les mots... alt.binaries.movies.x264 Movies encoded in x264 or its variants. alt.messagin.mobilephones.s60 fjomr gujxa ywtaf cdoc meom finet.binaries.allo.iposoiteet joyrbrnt sxjddwq cupnn harmceud alt.binaries.webstars Pictures of teenage female models. alt.games.video.nintendo.wii Nintendo Wii Video Games Console alt.tv.keith-olbermann Discussions about Keith Olbermann on TV. de.comm.provider.server Housing, Mietserver, Vserver, Rackspace. alt.binaries.tv.canadian For the posting of Canadian TV programmes. de.comp.lang.ruby Programmieren mit Ruby, Ruby on Rails usw. alt.sport.rps rock, paper, and scissors alt.fr.cyclotourisme les voyages en bicyclette de.alt.rec.google-earth Zeig mir die Welt. alt.cellular.nokia.s60 zxqz xxfn gmropopi taxfdidd alt.binaries.tv.irish For the posting of Irish TV programmes. alt.binaries.dvd.image.wii Binary images for the Nintendo Wii game console alt.binaries.echange-web Binary exchange for the French community Echange-Web alt.binaries.comics.british For digital archiving of British comics comp.lang.haskell Polymorphically-typed lazy purely-functional programming. alt.radio.gmrs Discussion about the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) alt.binaries.dvd.music.classical Classical music DVDs and videos. alt.tv.heroes Discussion of the hit tv show Heroes finet.fan.mayrat finet fan mayrat alt.binaries.3d.vue Group for e-onsoftware Vue users. alt.binaries.3d.carrara Group for Eovia Carrara users. alt.binaries.triaxer.encrypted Posters from The Inside Circle Forum And alt.binaries.multimedia.elton-john Chart topping, piano playing alt.swnet.kook.kw-persson Diskussioner om eller med kinesen Persson alt.binaries.tic Posters from The Inside Circle Forum And Friends. comp.sys.laptops.thinkpad IBM/Lenovo line of laptop computers. news.groups.proposals Development of Big 8 proposals. (Moderated) alt.tv.boston-legal Discussion of the US TV series Boston Legal rec.motorcycles.victory Polaris Victory motorcycle rides, tech, resources. alt.binaries.amy-ried newsgroup dedicated to Amy Ried soc.support.stroke Family and survivors recovering from strokes. alt.binaries.pictures.nylon.toe-cleavage There are PH, nylon, alt.binaries.christian is for the sharing of binaries which, alt.binaries.sounds.whitburn.reposts Reposts of historical pop music alt.visa.us.marriage-based questions and discussion on marriage-based US visas free.binaries.backup For Posting Backups alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.6yearolds.fucking Naughty 6 year olds. alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.stewardess.sucking Sucking alt.binaries.pictures.remodeling Home projects. de.alt.etc.messer Auf des Messers Schneide. alt.binaries.sony-psp.psx2psp First generation Playstation games alt.binaries.sony.psp.psx2psp First generation Playstation games alt.binaries.wmvhd Discussion of Hi-Definition WMV Movies alt.pl.banki.pkobp Wszystko o banku PKO BP alt.binaries.x264 Discussion of Hi-Definition X264 Movies alt.usenet.offline-reader.mesnews All about MesNews alt.pl.numizmatyka Pecunia non olet. alt.guitar.butcher.keith-adams Guitar wrecking advice by Keefy Adams free.virginmedia.fightclub Fight, fight, fight! alt.comp.lang.c++.misc Miscellaneous C++ discussion. As per the recent alt.comp.rec.misc.fuck.the.big8.you.have.ruined.usenet Happy birthday! free.tv.gladiators Discussion for Gladiators TV Programme! alt.music.oceansize Discussion of British band Oceansize alt.binaries.tv.south-african For South African TV programmes. alt.bonehead.evul everywon deserves a revenge froup. free.uk.bethere.talk For users of the ISP Be to get together and chat free.uk.bethere.users.self-help Self-help for users of ISP Be. free.eu For discussion of the EU alt.binaries.multimedia.vintage-film.pre-1960 Films made before 1960. alt.lesbian.joandarc She drinks from teh furry cup. alt.binaries.cinemageddon Avant garde, interesting films, old alt.2600.docjeff doctorin teh 2600. alt.alien.zyrix aliens are amongst us. free.uk.gordon-ramsay Scottish Chef Gordon Ramsay alt.binaries.multimedia.001 Videos. alt.jamie-baillie.likes.prostitutes Jamie Baillie like Hookers! alt.sex.prostitution.jamie-baillie Jamie Baillie's favorite Hookers! alt.spam.jamie-baillie Jamie Baillie is a spammer. alt.fuckhead.jamie-baillie Jamie Baillie is a fuckhead comp.lang.c++.misc Development in C++, libraries, cross and single targets alt.fan.docjeff doc hace much grateness alt.apews.jamie-is-a-spamtard Jamie Baillie is a spamtard. free.fr.excuses oups! alt.apews.blockspam Discussion and removal requests for Anonymous Postmasters Early Warning System alt.games.diablo3 Chat about the Diablo3 game. alt.games.diablo3.moderated Chat about the Diablo3 game (Moderated) free.uk.the-carl-waring-fan-club The Carl Waring Fan Club free.uk.isp.virginmedia.poor-service Complaints about poor Virgin Media free.uk.retail.poundland.staff.chat Poundland employee chatter. free.uk.bethere.referrals Referrals group for ISP Be. free.uk.poundland general chat and info free.uk.walsall general local chat and info free.uk.talk.walsall local chat and info free.uk.binaries.virginmedia.users.photos.original vm user photography free.binaries.3d.poser Support group for Poser users alt.fan.joss.whedon For discussion of all things Joss Whedon alt.tv.dollhouse Newsgroup dedicated to the TV show Dollhouse alt.rhode_island.sucks Because they're already big fans of redundant alt.rhode_island_underscore__underscore_____underscore More redundant alt.binaries.mp3.audiobooks Posting audiobooks in mp3 talk.us.rhode-island Issues related to the State of Rhode Island, USA. alt.pl.znaczki Wszytko do lizania. alt.talk.sevthe Sevthe Posthe discussions about many things. alt.binaries.cooking Binary files of stuff. xs4all.slip http://groups.google.nl/group/xs4all.slip/topics . xs4all.sjaalman Mentioned in linux.debian.bugs.closed #27754 (Moderated) alt.binaries.images.andmore for the posting of collectable alt.pl.sc wszystko o sluzbie cywilnej alt.console.pandora To discuss the Pandora handheld free.uk.virgin.net.discussion.broadband Virgin ADSL users discussion alt.usenet.stalker.panta-rhei Newsgroup for Stalkers to Discuss free.eacnudis eacnudis usenet archiving alt.spam.me Post here to RECEIVE spam. free.uk.the-welcome-bashing-club The poke fun at Welcome group free.uk.sky.talk For Sky users to get together and chat free.uk.sky.users.self-help Self-help for Sky users free.uk.sky.referrals Referrals group for Sky alt.binaries.sounds.music.amateur Amateur musicians sharing their music alt.tv.supernatural Discussion of the tv show Supernatural alt.politics.obama Discussions about President Barack Obama alt.binaries.migoibinz Binary group for media files alt.binaries.vietcine Binary group for online TV media files news.admin.peering Article flow, server peering requests, & offers. alt.nl.os.windows.7 Dutch newsgroup dedicated to Microsoft Windows 7 alt.bbs.totse & the Temple of the Screaming Electron free.uk.tv.britains-got-talent UK Reality TV Britain's Got Talent finet.homma Homma-liikkeen keskustelua alt.spam.sightings used for spam sightings and help combat spam. alt.fan.sandy-pocernich The original alt.binaries.vj.tester Testing virjin cosmopolitan binary output for EAASL [LOTE] Usenet newbies. alt.asshole.charles-novins.aka.atlas-bugged Discussion about Charles Novins de.alt.fan.tabak Die Tabakecke. (Moderated) alt.comp.cygwin Topics relating to the cygwin operating environment alt.binaries.pictures.erotica.older-women.nojoe mature women alt.comp.lang.gambas A development environment similar to visual basic. alt.bbs.enthral Support and discussion of the Enthral BBS package alt.binaries.atari Files for Atari compatible/TOS-based systems